SNC 1983-001RESOLUTION NO. 83-6 9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGING -THE NAME OF ORESTE. DRIVE, TO SIMON DRIVE. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does resolve as follows;,. Section 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the public. interest. is served by changing the name of Oreste Drive, to Simon Drive, and the said Street name change hereby is ordered. Section 2. The change of name. of Oreste Drive shall be effective when appropriate street signs are erected containing the changed name. Section 3. The City Clerk shall notify the postmaster of the City of La Quinta, the County Road Commissioner, the :County Clerk,and the U.S. Bureau of Census of the change of street name made by this resolution. Copies of this resolution shall .also be sent- to the Board of Supervisors of ' the . County of Riverside. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 1st day of November, 1983. ATTEST: C� TY CiK APPROVED AS TO FORM:. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MINUTES CITY couNCII, - CITY OF LA QLTINTA A regular meeting held at. City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, ;California. November. 1, 1983 .7:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER A. The Flag Salute was led by Mayor Barer B. The Invocation was led by Council Member Judith Cox. 2 ROLL CALL Present: Council Manbers Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baer., Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Ott. 3. PUBLIC OOMMENT The Mayor indicated that this time was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three (3) minute time limit on comments would be enforced Canneit was heard Fran the following persons.: 1. Patricia Spicer, Executive Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation,*addressed the Council on behalf of the Foundation, and asked the Council to consider a funding grant to implement their program and efforts, in the amount of..$10,000. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. A eanminication from Patricia Spicer, Executive Director. of the La Quints Arts Foundati.on was received, requesting a funding grant fran the City of $10,000. The City Manager explained that if the Council wished to proceed with the request, it would be necessary to adopt a resolution appropriating the necessary funds, and adopt a motion approving the City entering into an agreement with the Arts Foundation for the expenditure of these funds. After discussion, it was moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council. Member Alien, to adopt Resolution No. 83-63, and approving entering into an agree ent.with the La Quinta Arts Foundation for the performance of-ttie.Arts Festival, 1984. Motion adopted by a majority of the Council, with Council Member Henderson voting No. . B. A communication from Fred initiate a change of name RESOLUTION NO. 83-64. THE NAME OF ORESTE DRIVE, J. Simon was received, requesting that the City fran Oreste Drive to Simon Drive.. A RESOLUTION OF THE Crry CIOUNCiL OF .THE CITY OF LA QUINrA, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING 'PO SIMN DRIVE. M ved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Allen, to adopt Resolution No. 83-64.. .Unanimously adopted. 5. CONNENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. HEARINGS MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: FRANK REYNOLDS, CITY ENGINEER FROM: BOB WEDDLE, PROJECT MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1987 SUBJECT: STREET DEDICATION FOR SIMON DRIVE (FORMERLY ORESTE DRIVE) In reviewing our new final map mylars, I noted that we apparently have only accepted one half of Simon Drive, between Washington and Highway 111, as a public road. (The attached assessor's parcel map also backs up this item.) As the street has been constructed on both sides of centerline I believe it is appropriate`to accept the south and easterly portions as a public road. (I have no improvement plans showing how the street improvements correlate to proposed right of way.) In prior dealings with City Attorney's at other agencies, and with Jim Longtin at La Quinta, if a final map in its ownership certificate has offered a street dedication, even if the County or City•Clerk's certificate does not properly state the agencies position (i.e., • accept, reject at this time etc.), it is considered an irrevocable offer of dedication. The agency could by a unilateral action, record a resolution of acceptance as we have done on Tract No. 19903 and Parcel Map No. 20862. Please advise as to how you would'like to proceed. cc: Jerry Herman, Principal Planner aP-rod ect Ei-le:: PMml"8 41-'8 memorww.124 September 28, 1983 Mr. Frank Usher City Manager of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta,CA 92253 Dear Mr. Usher; SO ea 9 \*3. Attached you will find a legal binding agree- ment made between Mr. George Marzicola of 73-743 Highway 111, Palm Desert, California and Mr. Fred J. Simon of Simon Motors, 78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta, California, in which the parties agreed to and affixed their signatures to the document tochange the name of Oreste Drive to Simon Boul- evard within a period of one (1) year from the date of November 12, 1983. Mr. Marzicola came to me and asked if I would delay, for a period of time in asking this change be acted upon, which I.understand he also approached you for the same purpose. In discussing this matter with you on a per- sonal line, I indicated this was no crisis on my part to change immediately as long as done within the specified .time in our agreement. I'so informed Mr. Marzicola of my willingness to delay the .effec- tive date within the period specified in ply letter of November 12, 1983. We have reviewed this matter with our legal councel and find that our position has obligated Mr. Marzicola to comply with the letter as stated. I now request that the City of La Quinta initiate the change of name from Oreste Drive to Simon Ave- nue, as it was suggested that Boulevard would •be inappropiate and that the City would accept the change as Avenue. PAGE MONTHLY UPDATE. (AUGUST 1983) , cont. �Ir , Frank.. Usher September. :28, 1983 Page 2 I feel that. my efforts in behalf of the community have been such that my willingness to act on .this mat- ter at your pleasure has been put forth and that my participation in many areas of Community activity have shown my willingness to cooperate to make the* City of La Quinta a financially sound and viable community withinthe valley. Very truly yours, SIMON MOTORS, INC. Fred J ,Simon Presiddnt FJS:mer. .Enclosures • cc: PaulT. Selzer, .Attorney at Law John'Sanborn, Civil Engineer George Marzicola City of La Quinta.Council Members. :PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE (AUGUST 19'83) , ,cont. November 26, 1982 Frank Usher. City Manager, City of La Quinta P 0 Box 1504 La Quinta, California. 92253 RECEIVED NOV 2 9 1982 Re: PROPOSED NAME CHANGE - ORESTE DRIVE TO SIMON BOULEVARD BY FRED SIMON' Dear Mr. Usher, This is a revision of my letter to you dated November 23, 1982. This is to memorialize my statement to you relative to the proposed name change and to clarify my understanding with Fred Simon. .On Friday, November 12, 1982, Fred and I signed an agreement (see enclosed "A"). As you now know it is my intention to submit bothpartnership properties (Washington Square, Ltd.. and Adams Corner, Ltd.) generally known as Washington Square through the planning process prescribedby the City of La Quinta. During that process it is my intention to petition the City. of La Quinta to name the main entry boulevard into the Washington Square project as Oreste Boulevard .(note that• the mainentry street is a dividedboulevard with a landscape median strip down the center). I feel certain there was a possible misunderstanding between. Mr. Simon and myself communicating with your office, hence thi-s letter of .clarification.. If you understand anything to the contrary, (that by November 12, 1983, we will try and make an. orderly transition of street name changes.), please advise mews soon as possible. Sincerely E. George Marzi EGM:bj enclosures cc: Scott Zundel Maurice Kurtz Fred. Simon EGM REAL ESTATE CENTER, INC.• •EGM DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. • LARKSPUR ENTERPRISES E. GEORGE MARZICOLA GROUP • 73-743 HIGHWAY 111, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 • PHONE (714) 346'-1173 Novembers 23, 1982 . Fnanfz Ups hen City Maunag en, City a s La Qu.inta • P O .Box 1504 La. Qu.i:nta, Ca.L.i S ann.ia 9 2 2 5 3 Re: PROPOSED NAME CHANGE ORESTE DRIVE TO SIMON DRIVE BV FREV SIMON, De.O. Mn. Ushen, • This .is to memon:iatLze my statement .to you ne.La.<ive to the pnopo ed name: change and to e.Lan.isy my undenata:n.d.iwg . w.ith Fned.S.imon. About Fn.iday, Navemben 12, 1982, Fned and I. agreed that I wou.Ld have..a. yeah' :in which.to submit the • a.pec.is.ic p.Lan .Son appnava.L '.to the new .CLty Coune.it o6 La Qu.inta .hnough the necea.bany p.2ann.iwg:pnoce44 ass pne4ck.i4d. by the new •C.i.y. PLannLvig V.ineeton. Fon one. •(1) years (about Novembers 1 2 , 1983)Snom -that :daze, I wau.Ld. exene.i4e my .be4 esion.ta t0 • move the name Onedte Vn.Lve down to. .he ma:i'n evi ny..SZneet in Washington S�{uane (out pnopo4ed plan as deve.2opment) and upon doing 40 would coopena.e with 'Fred .in changing ex:iat.ing One4te Vn-Lve to Simon Vn.Lve. I See.2,cenxa.ir< .there .id a: m.i4undena.and.ing between Mn. Simon • • and my.de.Ls ..in communicating' with your oss.ice., hence this Le..ten Son c.Lan.is.icat.ian. :I.S you and.en4zand any.h.ing • o the con.nany, p,eea4e..adv. Ue me as doan•.ad po4.4.i6.Le. le have been. at this a .Long tLme besone. the• City os La Qa.in.a was .in-conponated 'and many pub.L.ic,• and . • pn.ivate ent.it.iea have gone to. cons.idenab.Le expense in identifying the ex.idt.ing zzneet ass Ono.te V'.ive.. Si ce e' y, E. George Mangy o.La EGM:bj €GM REAL ESTATE CENTER, INC. a EGM DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. a LARKSPUR ENTERPRISES E.GEORGE MARZICOLA-GROUP . 73-743 HIGHWAY 111, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260. PHONE (714) 346-1173 lU O SANBORN /WEBB, INC. •Civil Engineers • Land Surveyors •November .16, 1982 • Mr•. Frank Usher City Manager City of La Quinta 78-105 Cal 1e.Estrado La Quinta, Ca, 92260 Re: 0reste Drive Dear Frank: Mr: Fred Simon and Mr. George Marzicola, owners of the property adjacent to 0reste Drive, have requested that,on their behalf, I request the street known as 0resteDrive be changed to. Simon Boulevard. We would appreciate this item be reviewed by. the City Staff and Council.. If we can be of any. assistance, please feel free_. to call on us. Best• Regards, N/WE.B o)Sn L. Sanborn P .es.ident JLS; j.1 . cc: Fred Simon • 600'E. Tahquitz-McCallum Way 'Palm Springs, CA 92262 Telephone: (619) 325-2245 November L Mr. George Marzicola 73-74.3.Highway 111 Palm Desert, Ca. • 92260 , 1982 IPONTIAC 1 For and in consideration of the reduction of price of the amount of thirty-three hundred. dollars ($3.,300.00) towards thepurchase ofa 1982 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz. The undersign agrees to offer his_ best effort in support of application of Simon Motors, Inc. to change the. name of Oreste Drive to Simon Boulevard withina period of one year from the date hereof. The above change shall occur within the one year period from November 12, 1982. TRUCKS "The Home of Personal Service" • P.O. Box 1461, 78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta, California 92253 714-346-2345