APP 2010 005City ofw Quinta Planning Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 RFICE USE ONLY e \o .-(Ob Date Recvd. Fee: $175.00 Related Apps.: • . Logged in by. Application for Appeal of Findings And/Or Conti Appellant's Name O'Sullivan Golf Cars / Dennis O'Sullivan Dat Mailing Address AKA - FleetGolfCars.Com, 74-741 Joni Drive, Suite "B" Palm Desert, CA 92260 Itmb Phone: (760 ) 333-8971 Resolution # and Condition(s) of Approval being appealed Not Applicable Any development review action may be appealed pursuant to Section 9.220.120:of t : e Zo • i g-Code. Please identify the type of application: Type of Appeal:. Change of Zone Specific Plan Conditional Use Pei -nit Variance Minor Use Permit NOV j City of La Quints Planning Department Tentative Tract Map Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Permit Temporary Use Permit X Other Directors Determination Please provide sufficient information so as to make clear the substance of each of the grounds for appeal. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. . Please see attached! Use additional sheets if necessary. Signature of Ap ' eilant PA A..n,Iirofinnc\ A n„ool Finrlinac_rnn.l rinr P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 29, 2011 Mr; Cho Park 55442 Southern Hills La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL DECISION REGARDING COMMERCIAL USES IN THE GOLF COURSE DISTRICT . . Dear Mr. Park: At their meeting of. March 1 2011, the City of La Quinta City Council considered the Planning Commission's recommendation to allow golf car sales as a conditional use in the Golf Course District. The amendment however, was denied from lack of action. by the City Council. Consequently, a golf car sales facility is not a permitted use on your property located at 46-080 Jefferson Street. 0 • The City of La Quinta will be* working on updating the City's General Plan in the coming months. The'update will allow the City to reconsiderand/or designate uses to properties within the City. Because of the historyand existing circumstances regarding your property, staff will be exploring the potential for a different land use designation and zoning tobe assigned to the subject property. As a resident and property owner you are encouraged to take part in the General Plan update process and your input is welcomed. If you have further .questions on the City Council's action or zoning restrictions on your property, please 'do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, es Jo son (760) 777-7071 C: Dennis O'Sullivan P.O. •Box .1504 LA QUINTA,CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495.•CALLE TAMPICO' LA QUINTA, .CALIFORNIA92253. January 3, 2011 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Mr. Dennis O'Sullivan 74-741 Joni Drive, Suite. B La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION OF APPEAL OF DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION (APP 10-005) Dear Mr. O'Sullivan: This .letter is to notify you that on December 14, 2010, the City .of La Quinta Planning Commission approved the subject appeal and determined that the proposed use of a golf car showroom/sales facility may be allowed with a Conditional Use Permit '(CUP). " ' • Conditional Use Permits require review . and approval by the Planning Commission. We'd like to meet with you before an application is submitted to review the list of items that will be necessary. to` completely review the application and schedule it for a public hearing.. This Planning Commission's action is final unless appealed to the City Council within 15 days of the action. Please .contact our departmentshould • you wish to appeal. Should you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact meat (760) 777-7131 or yfranco@la-quinta.org.. Sincerfely,. Y,'/ONNE FRANCO Assistant Planner CL. P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 April. 19, 2010 Mr. Dennis O'Sullivan Fleet Golf Cars 74-741 'Joni Drive, Unit B Palm Desert, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: LAND USE DETERMINATION FOR THE SEC OF WESTWARD HO DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET Dear Mr. O'Sullivan: In review of your proposal of a golf car showroom, it has been determined that it is commercial in nature and does not fall under the permitted uses allowed in the Golf Course (GC) District. However, it is permitted in the Regional Commercial (CR) District subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) if you decide to have outdoor display. You can appeal this determination to the Planning Commission for a $175 application fee. Please note, that if it is determined that your proposal can be established at the subject location, the property willneed to be brought up to code and designed to the City of La Quinta's current standards. For further information on the required applications, please contact the Planning Department. Sincerely, Les J i on (760) 777-7071 November 9th, 2010 :F1eetGolfCat*Corn 74-74:1 Joni Drive, :Suite: B Palni Desert, CA 92260 To La Quinta Planning Commission City Of La Quinta / P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 Hello La Quinta PlanningCommission: . . FleetGolfCars.Com (soon to. be O'Sullivan Golf Cars) is currently based in Palm Desert and would like to submit to the city.: of La' Quinta a "change of use" for the project location at 46- 080. Jefferson Street. ;Change of use would befor a golf car showroom: Use: of .the property: would be to fully: refurbish the existing dilapidated building that has been :abandoned: for many years. ::We would like :to bring .the property backup to code and: design to the current standardSi for the city of La Quinta. We would :also: like to revitalize :all landscape on the: property as to complement the landscape of Indian Springs County Club golf course The purpose: of this letter is .to appeal the findings and/or conditions of Les Johnson, Plan- ning Department Director; as tothe land use determination for the southeast section of West ward :Ho and Jefferson: Street in the city: of. La Quinta. We. feel that many accessories in the golf industry (golf clubs, clothing, etc:::), including the game • of golf itself, are commercial in nature and are currently allowedin every golf course and. Pro Shop throughout :,the city of La : Quinta arid throughout the Coachella . Valley: Golf: cars : are an integral coinponent to the game of golf and are: primarily sold nationally in private and public country club pro shops. In :the city of La Quinta; portions of golf car fleets are sold every year to members in many of La Quinta's golf clubs. Therefore we strongly feel that our Conditional Use Permit . (CUP) does fall under the permitted uses allowed: in the Golf Course: District (GC). We feel approval of this • appeal will be a win/win .:situation • for all: those involved:• In :good faith • Mrs. • Park, the current owner of the property, will continue to invest: thousands of dollars to:meet the requests:of code enforcement •and the building department, but. we -feel with our involvement the property will be revitalized to its fullest potential.and "produce.a high yield in, sales•tax dollars for. the city of La Quinta We also feel that.this building, originally :the clubhouse 'for • Westward Ho: Country Club in the early: 1960's,- and then:Indian Springs Country Club, has played an important role in : our. Coachella Valley's golf history •and:deserves some attention soon before -We lose. it forever: We've also :gained support for this project with the endorsement of Neil Finch,. Proprietor/ General :Manager of Indian Springs Country Club., as well as Joyce:Sivley, President :of the Home Owners Association that surrounds the property, and also signed endorsements (available upon .request). of :many .of the residents adjacent to the property. We also have Electric:Car Distributors partnering up with us in this venture. In closiiig' :I would like : you to: view the following pros and cons when considering .your decision: Cons Abandoned:':' Not Maintained No Landscape Unpainted 'Eyesore Graffiti / Fire Hazard Decrepid Parking Lot Not To Code.. No Sales Tax Revenue Please consider our any changes: ;necessary showroom possible: Thanks for your time, Pros Occupied Maintained Landscape by Neil Finch Painted Inside & Out No Graffiti / Fire Hazard Slurried Parking Lot Up to Code Sales Tax Revenue request and advise as to to make :our. golf car Dennis O'Sullivan General Manager, .FleetGolfCars.Com (760) 333-8971 INDIAN SPRINGS GOLF CLUB June 16, 2010 Mr. Les Johnson 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 To Mr. Les Johnson and The La Quinta Planning Commission:. It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse the plan of O'Sullivan Golf Cars (A.K.A. FleetGolfCars.Com) to open up a golf car dealership at the southeast corner of Westward Ho and Jefferson Street in the city of 'La Quinta. As General Manager / Proprietor of Indian Springs Golf Club, I am excited at ' the possibility of having a high -end golf car dealership across the street from our Clubhouse and adjacent to our Club. I was recently introduced to Mr. Dennis O'Sullivan through J.R. Thomas of Electric Car Distributors, with whom we currently have an outstanding business relationship. J.R. has worked with Dennis for many years and tells me that he, Bobby Thomas Sr. and Electric Car Distributors not only support Dennis 100% in his endeavor, but will also be supplying O'Sullivan Golf Cars with all of their high -end product. I believe O'Sullivan Golf Cars will be a positive, classy addition to the city of La Quinta, supply our golf community with quality product and let's not forget, accrue much needed sales tax dollars for the city's coffer. . Please consider Indian Spring's position in this matter when making yourdecision. Sincerely, Neil Finch General Manager / Proprietor Indian Springs Golf Club 760.200.8988 79.940 Westward Ho Drive • P. O. Box 6239 . La Quinta. CA 92248 . www.indianSpringsGC.com (760) 200-8988 • Fax (760) 200-2434 Eeeau, eaz Velt/tigutoia, Vac. SERVICING THE COACHELLA VALLEY SINCE 1961 YOUR GOLF CAR SUPERSTORES! • e o%ice?iV? g 7 4-/- S7Le 8 es 04 . 922-6o -76053 - e9 `71 fieoJt--c _. Ca.. �% S i 5 laoll 0 - s` pft;v L4J 46 A I etot, (,L2ed; �- e 61/2 atel--d& e_aAi 1-lne 6e'"'" q._ eaA ,Dea_i_e_A;s4'p 60,e1W aA-Let tra-A alLeelf.-7 h/sica-- -e- taask- gas 55 .. etL" c pD o-.. -e - 0 61-1 ?-4-0-21 .. ,tom -v ,L0i(/ Ai 12 os5'/Pe. Rancho Mirage 71-441 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, Ca. 92270 Phone (760) 346-5661 Fax (760) 346-7006 4N Palm Desert 77-750 Country Club Drive Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 Phone (760) 360-9898 Fax (760) 360-9229 To the city of La Quinta Planning Commission: I / We endorse the proposed plan of O'Sullivan Golf Cars (A.K.A. FleetGolfCars.Com) to refurbish the building and lot at the southeast corner of Jefferson and Westward Ho for the purpose of operating a golf car dealership. I / We are happy to add our name to this public announcement of support for O'Sullivan Golf Cars. .1 / We believe our support for O'Sullivan Golf Cars will assist with their goal in getting approval from the La Quinta. Planning Commission to open up a golf car dealership at the southeast corner of Jefferson & Westward Ho for the purpose of operating a golf car dealership. Sincerely, E-Mail &/or Phone Number: 7Cd -11 7 Address: 7q- ry -.5 GvFc7711/ /, . # City: /tQJi /N rk State: Country: Zip Code: 941 (O'Sullivan Golf Cars, A.K.A. FleetGolfCars.Com and all associates respect your privacy. Your e-mail and/or phone number may be used only to confirm your signature and all contact information will never be sold or displayed publicly.) O'Sullivan Golf Cars Sales Tax Revenue For The City Of La Quinta 1 io '1 20 30 U 40 Dollar Price Of Golf Cars 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 $350 $525 $3,500 $7,000 $5,250 $10,500 $700 $875. $1,050 _ $1,225 $1,400 $7,000 $14,000 $8,750 $17,500 $10,500 $15,750 $21,000 $26,250 $10,500 $12,250 $21,000 $24,500 $31,500 $14,000 $28,000 $38,75.0 $42,000 $1,575 $15,750 $31,500 $47,250 $14,000 $21,000 $28,000 $35,000 $42,000 $49,000 $56,000 $63,000 O'Sullivan Golf Cars 46-080 Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA 92253 Southeast er Of Jefferso estward ..e Golf Car Storage / Accessories No Customer Access E w fA ea as Golf Car Showroom Total:1104.5 sq. ft. Storage Only No Customer Access O'Sullivan Golf Cars To Be Sold At The Corner Of Westward Ho & Jefferson In The City Of La Quinta , 41464,, . %At el-fswarz:(. ?avk o eFZ— G:3 (iti C: 1.n —((o7 3131 (ow l• - 5 ri►l s 6.c.) HYEOK-PA Phone Number: Vesting Codes: Location Information:. Legal Description: 1.30 ACRES M/L IN POR W 1/2 OF SEC 28 T5S DESCRIPTION SEE ASSESSORS MAPS . RIVERSIDE, CA APN: 452.04 / 1 ' Alternate APN: 5S-7E-28 Subdivision: • Map Reference: Tract #: School. District: Munic/Township: • County: Census Tract / Block: Township -Range -Sect: Legal Book/Page: Legal Lot'. Legal Block: Market Area: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer Information: . Recording/Sale Date: 08/21/2009 / 08/21/2009 • Sale Price: Document #: . . 437637 Last Market.Sale Information: Page 1 of 1 1C�reLogIc RealQuest• Profe sional , CA.92201 ERN HLS, LA QUINTA CA 92253-5656 CO22 CIO HANNAH Recording/Sale Date: Sale Price: Sale Type: Document #: Deed Type: Transfer Document#: New Construction: Title Company: Lender: PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL Seller Name: INDIAN SPRINGS LAND CO LLC Prior Sale Information: Prior Rec/Sale Date: 05/24/2000 / Prior Sale Price: • $400,000 Prior Doc Number: 198208 • Prior Deed Type: GRANT DEED Property Characteristics: /-/ CO R7E FOR TOTAL Deed Type: 1st Mtg Document #: Year Built / Eff: Gross Area: Building Area: Tot Adj Area: Above Grade: # of Stories: Other Improvements: 03/06/2009 /:10/10/2008 $728,500 FULL 108922 GRANT DEED 1st Mtg Amount/Type: 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: 1st Mtg Document #: 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: 2nd Mtg Int.-Rate/Type: Price Per SqFt: Multi/Split Sale: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE CO Site Information: Zoning: Flood Zone: Flood Panel: Flood Panel Date: • Land Use: COMMERCIAL (NEC) Tax Information: Total Value: . $804,036 Land Value: • $617,100 Improvement Value: $125,460 Total Taxable Value: $804,036 Total Rooms/Offices: Total Restrooms: Roof Type: Roof Material: Construction Foundation: Exterior wall: Basement Area: Prior Lender: Prior 1st Mtg Amt/Type: Prior 1st Mtg Rate/Type: Acres: Lot Area: Lot Width/Depth: Commercial Units: Building: Class: 1.30 56,628 x Assessed Year: 2010 Improved %: 16% Tax Year: 2010 600-070-012 600-070-012 • / 5470-A2 DESERT SANDS INDIO GRANT DEED $100,000 / PRIVATE PARTY 108923 Garage Area: Garage Capacity:. ` Parking Spaces: Heat Type: Air Cond: Pool: • Quality: Condition: County Use: State Use: Site Influence: Sewer Type: Water Type: COMMERCIAL (C1) C27000 Property Tax: $10,184.30 Tax Area: 20011 Tax Exemption: http://pro.realquest.com/jsp/reportjsp?&client=&action=confirm&type=getreport&recordn... 1/13/2011 Monarch Management Group .A DIVISION OF THE MANAGEMENT TRUST WESTWARD ISLE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION December 9, 2010 Les Johnson City Of La Quinta La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Commercial property rezoning Dear Mr. Johnson: ��� ►� C ([I V E rill L2 DEC 13 2010 p CITYpOF LA ()UI ETA PL.A! N!NG 1",'Er.MITVENT On behalf of the Westward Isle Homeowners Association, I am writing to you requesting that you do not allow the commercial zoning of the property on the southeast corner of Jefferson Street and Westward Ho in La Quinta. The Board of Directors does not believe that allowing such zoning at this location would benefit their community in any way, nor would it be appealing to any perspective homebuyers in their community. They believe this would significantly impact the value of their property in a negative fashion. T' . nking you or your consideration in this matter. Sincerely k Rapp, CCAM jAssociation Manager At the Direction of the Westward Isle Homeowners Association Board of Directors Cc: File CONNECTING PEOPLE TO THE PROMISE 39755 Berkey Drive, Suite A, Palm Desert, California 92211 PH: 760.776.5100 FAX: 760.776.5111 www.monarchmanagement.com