PLCR 2014 000178495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 .('wQul«ra COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-70.11 DETERMINATION OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE A determination that a proposed development project complies with the purpose and intent of a property's approved specific plan. Per La Quinta General Programs LU-2.2b and c, the Community Development Director has the authority to waive the need for a Specific Plan Amendment under certain circumstances as noted in the Determination and Findings section included below. Proposed Development Applicant: TD Desert Development LP Owner: TD Desert Development LP Proposed Development Application: Substantial Compliance Review PLCR 14-0001 Subject Property's Approved Specific Plan: Specific Plan SP 2003-067 Description of Approved Specific Plan: Specific Plan to allow, the development of up to 1400 units, golf course facilities and similar uses on 934 acres of land. Proposed Development: Substantial Compliance is being sought to rectify an omission in the Residential Standards Table to clarify lot width at 50 feet. Determination and Findings Determination: In accordance with La Quinta General Plan 2035 Land Use Programs LU=2.2.b and c, the Community Development Director hereby determines that, based on the following finding(s), the development project submitted and on file with the Community Development Department as PLCR14-0001 substantially complies with SP 2003-067 as originally adopted in 2004 and most "recently amended in April of 2013 (Amendment #3). Substantial Compliance Review Determination (Planning Division) City of La Quinta • Community Development Department • 760.777.7125 C:\Users\mradeva\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\FPGTR1CL\14-10-14 Substantial Compliance Review Determination 14-0001.docx Page 1 of 2 10.14.14 Findings: • No new land use is proposed as a result of the proposed change. The proposed project does not include any land use that is not currently identified as a permitted use in the current specific plan. • There is no change in land use allocation that is equal to or greater than five percent (5%) of that identified in the property's approved specific plan. There is no change in the allocation of any existing land use allocation. • No off -site circulation pattern and/or turning movements as analyzed and subsequently identified in the property's approved specific plan will be altered by the proposed change. The -proposed project does not include nor necessitate any changes to any off- site improvements. • The proposed change is considered minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the property's approved specific plan. The proposed project does not include any adjustment that is in conflict with the overall intent and purpose of the current specific plan as presented to, discussed and approvedby the original approving body. Les John ro/2O! ,L/ mmunity Development Director - Date Attachment: Substantial Compliance Review Application and relevant exhibits Substantial Compliance Review Determination (Planning Division) Page 2 of 2 City of La Quinta • Community Development Department • 760.777.7125 10.14.14 C:\Users\mradeva\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\FPGTR1CL\14-10-14 Substantial Compliance Review Determination 14-0001.docx D. Desert Development, P 81-570 Carboneras • La Quinta, CA 92253 760-777-1001 August 20, 2014 Les Johnson • City of La Quinta PO Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Andalusia Village, SDP 2013-928 Dear Les: Consistent with General Plan Use Policy LU-2.2 and Program LU 2.2.c, we respectfully request that the City undertake a Substantial Conformance Review for the attached minor modification to Specific Plan 03-067, adding a Minimum Lot Width to our Residential Standards Table. Yours truly, 1 Nolan Sparks In cc: Nicole Criste, City of La Quinta } RECEIVE AUG 21 2014 CITY,OF LA QU'INTA • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F. Development Standards The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are established for Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP) buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area IL Residential Detached and Attached Development Standards These standards apply to all land within Planning Area II as described within the text and graph- ics of this Specific Plan. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS s Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Livable Floor Area Per Unit Min. Front Yard Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max Parking Required Min. Lot Frontage on Street 28 11.9' 2 1500 sq/ft. 10 ft. 5 ft. 5ft. 10 ft.**� 5 ft 8 ft.*** Per Current Co 50 ft. t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison &. Avenue 58. *Not. including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. ** AC Units, trellis elements, pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. cc 2' of the 8' ht. may be retaining with 6' freestanding The following uses are permitted in Planning Area.Il. 1. Recreation Uses Outdoor lawn and recreation uses. Pool/spa and water recreation uses. Live entertainment as an accessory use to a "one-time" event. 2. Semi -Public User Parks, play fields, botanical garden uses, and passive and active open space area. Bicycle, cart, and pedestrian trails. Swimming pools and spas. 3. Lodging Uses Residential use as delineated within this 3.1.2 herein. Specific Pau 03-067 3.7 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 16, 2014 TO: Les Johnson, Director FROM: Nicole Criste, Consulting Planner RE: PLCR 14-0001, Specific Plan Conformance Review, SP 03-067 Background TD Desert Development LP has submitted a Conformance Review request for the Andalusia Specific Plan, SP 2003-067. The applicant requests that the City consider the addition of residential lot width to the Planning Area II Building Development Standards table. Planning Area II consists of 23 acres, and allows up to 80 residential units in a clustered, side -loaded configuration. The Planning Area is located immediately east of the tennis complex, clubhouse and other community -wide facilities. The City must consider whether the request conforms to the General Plan's policies regarding Specific Plan Amendments, and whether the request is consistent with the requirements of Specific Plan 2003- 067. Analysis The following analysis is provided to address the proposed change in the Specific Plan. General Plan Consistency General Plan Policy LU-2.2 and Program LU-2.2.c address Specific Plan changes as follows: "The Planning Director has the authority to waive the need for a Specific Plan amendment under the following circumstances: • When changes to the land use allocation are less than 5%; The applicant proposes no change._in land use allocation. This change is being made to clarify requirements for a land use already anticipated and approved in the Andalusia Specific Plan. • When the off -site circulation pattern and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; The proposed addition of lot widths to the Building Standards Table will have no impact on circulation patterns or turning movements. The proposed change will not change the number of units permitted in Planning Area II. • When the change is considered minor in nature and does not conflictwiththe purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; or The proposed addition of lot widths to the Building Standards Table for Planning Area II will clarify a requirement that was unintentionally omitted from the original Specific Plan. The product type proposed within this Planning Area has always been clustered development. The schematics and descriptions provided in the Specific Plan call for narrower lot widths, and have always been so described. The change represents a minor deviation from City standards. • When no new land use is proposed. The addition of lot widths to the Building Standards Table for Planning Area II will have no impact on land use in Planning Area II. The clustered housing proposed in that Planning Area will be implemented through this clarification to development standards. Specific Plan 2003-067 The Specific Plan (Section 3.2.1) addresses how amendment to the Specific Plan is to be undertaken, and when a Specific Plan Amendment is not required. A Specific Plan Amendmentis required if: "it has been determined that the proposed change is not in conformancewith the intent of the current Specific Plan approval, the Specific Plan may be amended in accordance with the procedures set forth in • Chapter 9.240 of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. The proposed addition of lot widths to the Building Standards Table in Planning Area II is in conformance ,with the intent of the Specific Plan. The clustered units proposed in this Planning Area are demonstrated to be on narrower lots than the single family homes within the project in both graphic and textual materials within the Specific Plan. This addition will only serve to clarify the anticipated level of modification. A Specific Plan Amendment is not required when: • The transfer of dwelling units from one planning area to another within a single planning area whilemaintaining the maximum overall Specific Plan dwelling unit number of units. The proposed addition of lot widths to the Building Standards Table for Planning Area II will not transfer units from one planning area to another, nor will it change the number of units permitted under the Specific Plan. • The addition of new information to the Specific Plan maps or text that do not change the effect of any regulation... The proposed addition of lot widths clarifies regulations already contained in the Specific Plan, and is supported by the existing graphics and text, which describe a clustered housing type in this Planning Area. The deviation from City standards in this case is consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan, as approved. • Changes to the community infrastructure such as drainage systems, roads, water and sewer systems, etc. which do have the effect of increasing or decreasing capacity in'the project area beyond the specified density range nor increase the backbone infrastructure construction or maintenance costs. The•proposed addition of lot widths will have no impact on infrastructure. Backbone infrastructure is already in place within the Specific Plan area, and will not be altered by this proposed. change. Conclusion On the basis of the analysis, provided above, the requested Substantial Conformance Review can be supported. L 1 Project Reviews Page 1 of 1 Enter Project Number PLCR2014-0001 v 4K ekticeit 04 4 1i. T of 100% Project Number: PLCR2014-0001 APN: Applied: 9/3/2014 Approved: Closed: Expired: Status: SUBMITTED Parent Project: Details: # Find 1 Next • Project Reviews City of La Quinta Description: ANDALUSIA VILLAGE; SDP 13-928; SP 03-067 Site Address: City, State Zip Code: , Applicant: <NONE> Owner: T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT, L.P. Contractor: <NONE> LIST OF REVIEWS • SENT DATE RETURNED DATE DUE DATE TYPE • CONTACT STATUS REMARKS Review Group: AUTO • 9/3/2014 9/4/2014 PL ASSIGNMENT PLANNING BUCKET Notes: 9/3/2014 9/3/2014 9/5/2014 PL FILE CREATION BEATRICE ACOSTA COMPLETE ASSIGNED TO NICOLE Notes: Printed: Wednesday, 03 September, 2014 1 of 1 CR } SYSTEMS http: //laquinta. crw. com/trakit9/DocumentV fewer: aspx?&report=/Do curnents/PROJECTS/Pr... 9/3/2014 Sparks, Nolan • From: Nicole Criste <Ncriste@la-quinta.org> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 12:57 PM Tot Sparks, Nolan Subject: FW: The Village, SDP 2013-928 Nolan: We are in receipt of your letter request Su ntial Conformance Review. However, as highlighted in my previous lease provide that at your earliest convenience. email below, we require an applicati Thank you for your continued assistance. Nicole Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7125 • 6c4v '101(o0 111i°� 24,0 144rcitt. (q), fr2,04 From: Nicole Criste Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:38 PM To: 'Sparks, Nolan' Subject: The Village, SDP 2013-928 Nolan, e• 0 ( SOACD Thank you for the resubmitted materials. Everything has been sent out to departments for review. As regards the minor change you are requesting for the Specific Plan table, please submit a letter, with the table attached, requesting Substantial Conformance Review of the proposed addition of a Minimum Lot Width standard to your Residential Development Standards. The letter` and table must b'e accompaniedby check in the amount of $286.00. Once submitted, we will process the substantial conformance request ahead of the Site Development Permit and Tract Map, so that those permits are consistent with the Specific Plan. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Nicole Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico 1