PLCR 2014 0002CaliforniaWest COM..1\/IUN1`G11 S September 8, 2014 Wallace H. Nesbit, Principal Planner Community Development Department CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico. La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Request for Substantial Conformance Review Eden Rock Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment #6 Dear Mr. Nesbit, SEP,10, 2014 CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ::FINED SEP102014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This is to request a Substantial Conformance Review of a revised setback under the Eden Rock Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment#6. We propose a side yard setback modification to accommodate a non - habitable pedestrian portico on the Haciendas residences of the Signature project in Tentative Map 36537, Site Development Permit 2013-924. The Haciendas product, with its front doors located on the side of the structureabout half way back. from the front of the house, was planned with an access and use easement over one lot to the neighboring lot, similar to a Z-lot use but on a standard lot. The original architecture anticipated this unique access with an entry portico, designed with fire resistive construction assemblies and materials. No changes are proposed, to the approved architecture or street scene. The Specific. Plan allows 4` side yard setbacks and the Signature approvals established 5' side yard setbacks, which Haciendas meets with the exception of the open porticos. We propose to reduce the side yard setback to 0' for the portico only. No changes to the text of the Specific Plan are proposed. The proposed modification to Exhibit 11a is enclosed. The revised Exhibit 11a: would be inserted at Page 29 under Section 3.1:1.E. Planning Area III -Eden. Rock, Development Standard of the Specific Plan. An exhibit typical: showing: the most extreme setback reduction is also enclosed: 5927 Priestly Drive, Suite 110, Carlsbad,. CA 92008 (760) 918-6768 This request meets the circumstances under General Plan Program LU-2.2.c as follows: Circumstance Proposed Change - When changes to the land use allocation are less than 5%; No changes to land use'allocation are proposed; When offsite circulation patterns and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; Circulation patterns and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; When the change is minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; or The proposed change is minor and maintains the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; and When no new land use is proposed. No new land use is proposed. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request administrative approval by the Planning Director of the setback modification as proposed. Should you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me. enclosures PLAN 1 .7 HOMES TOTAL: 2.184 SF:. 1ST FLOOR: 1,618'SF GARAGE 566 SF COU.RTYW HOMES SETBACKS .COURTYARD HOMES.(CLUSTERS I -III) FROP(T: (TO LOT UNE) 6LDG.: 20' 141N:,. .kA'fl& 15':.1;4IN. :GARAGE IS' MIN, S7E (TO. LbT LINE) INTERIOR. 4' MIN.: s :IXTER;0R: 10':41IM,. 91:0G:.. TO; DWG: . 8' MIN. REA41 '(f0. LOT'.LINE) BLDGr 10' MII& . PA10 5' MIN GARAGE: GARAGE. to C�AitAGE • 30' MIN,:- DRNEWAYS..20'•' AIIN. ; UR 5' OR LESS' NOTE ;PROPOSED iOURTYF,RRD,HOLI3 Lox IS. :SUBJECT TO CHANGE. BY T'HF. APPLICANT/ DB/EELOPER ;PRIOR TO FINAL APPROyAL,: * OR 0' FROM THE SIDE LOT LINE TO NON -HABITABLE, NON -ENCLOSED, ROOFED PEDESTRIAN ENTRY ELEMENT • TYPICAL . PLOTTING COURTYARD .HOMES. (CLUB 1 tH I) PLAN 2: 7 HOMES TOTAL: 2,665 SF ,. 1ST FLOOR::' 1,535 SF 2ND • FLOOR': 566 SF GAME: 574 • SF PLAN 3. 7.HOMES TOTALi' 2,955 SF 1ST FLOOR: 1,411 SF . . 2ND FLOM 937SF GARAGE 607 SF' PLAN 4• 7 HOMES TOTAL 3,069. SF 15T ;FLOOR:• 1,516 SF 2NO'FLOOR:.946.SF GAVLE: 607' Sr Exhibit lia 2S January 6, 2015 Ms. Mary Nettles California West Construction Inc. 5927 Priestly Drive, Suite 110 Carlsbad, CA 92008 FILE COI SUBJECT: PLANNING COMPLIANCE REVIEW 2014-0002 SIGNATURE REVISIONS; HACIENDAS SETBACK CONDITION Dear. Ms. Nettles: This letter is to inform you that the Community Development Director has reviewed and approved your request fora finding of substantial compliance to allow up to a zero side yard setback condition for the Haciendas product, associated with approved building plans for The Signature at PGA West project. Details of the Director's determination are contained in the enclosed memorandum. of approval, along with the analysis and determination conducted as outlined in General Plan Policy LU-2.2, Program LU 2.2.c. This determination applies to the Hacienda product, and the applicable setback provisions of SP 83-002, Amendment #6, allowing the minimum 4-foot side yard setback to be reduced to less than four feet, up to zero, for the entry portico in front of the unit. All remaining plans submitted for review and approval shall conform to the exhibits on file under Tentative Tract 36537, Site Development Permit 2013-924 and Modification by Applicant 2014-1010, to include revised precise grading, final landscaping, , and building permit plans. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7069. Sincerely, Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner c: Building and Safety Division 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta 1 California 92253 I 760.777.7000 www.La-Quinta.org 'Edit ot 4Qimra 78495 CALLE TAMPICO . -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 DETERMINATION OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE. A determination that a proposed development project complies with the purpose and intent of a property's approved specific plan. Per La Quinta General Programs LU-2.2b and c, the Community Development Director has the authority to waive the need for a Specific Plan Amendment under certain circumstances as noted in the Determination and Findings section included below. Proposed Development Applicant: California West Communities . • Owner: California West Communities Proposed Development Application: Substantial Compliance Review PLCR.14-0002 Subject Property's Approved Specific Plan: Specific Plan SP 83-002; Amendment #6 Description of Approved Specific Plan: Specific Plan (Amendment 6 to PA III only) to allow the development of up to 264 units, and associated•arnenities, on a 42 acre parcel. Proposed Development: Substantial Compliance is being sought to include a zero side setback allowance as a development standard for a non -habitable portico entry for the Hacienda single. family product only. Determination and Findings Determination In accordance with La. Quinta General Plan 2035 Land Use Programs LU-2.2.b and c, the Community. Development Director hereby determines that, based on the following finding(s), the development project submitted and on file with the Community Development. Department as PLCR14-0002 substantially complies with SP 834:102, as originally adopted in 1985 and most recently amended in April of 2008 (Amendment #6). Substantial Compliance Review Determination (Planning Division) City of La Quinta • Community Development Department • 760.777.7125 \\Clgadmfsl\planning\FILES\PLCR\2014\PLCR2014-0002\14-10-14 Substantial Compliance Review Determination 14-0001.docx Page 1 of 2 10.09.14 Findings • No new land use is proposed as a result of the proposed change. The proposed project does not include any land use that is not currently identified as a permitted use in the current specific plan. • There is no change in land use allocation that is equal to or' greater than five percent (5%) of that identified in the property's approved specific plan. There is no change in any of the existing land use allocation(s). No off -site circulation pattern and/or turning movements as;analyzed and subsequently identified in the property's approved specific plan will be altered by the proposed change. The proposed project does not include nor necessitate any changes to any off -site improvements. • The proposed change is considered minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the property's approved specific plan. The proposedproject does not include any adjustment that is in conflict with.the overall intent and purpose of the current specific plan as presented to, discussed and approved by the original approving body. Les Jo on ommunity Development Director Date Attachments: Substantial Compliance Review Application and relevant exhibits Substantial Compliance Review Determination (Planning Division) City of La Quinta • Community Development Department • 760.777.7125 \\Clgadmfsl\planning\FILES\PLCR\2014\PLCR2014-0002\14-10-14 Substantial Compliance Review Determination 14-0001.docx Page 2 of 2 10.09.14 784,95 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 31, 2014 TO: Les Johnson, Director FROM: Wally Nesbit, Principal Planner RE: PLCR 14-0002, Specific. Plan Conformance Review, SP 83-002, Amendment #6 Background California West Construction has submitted a Conformance Review request for the PGA West Specific Plan, SP 83-002, related to Amendment#6 as approved in April 2008 for the Eden Rock ' project. The applicant requests that the City consider modification of the 4-foot sideyard setback requirement applicable to the Hacienda product, to allow up to a zero side setback. This would allow for a portico feature, which consists of a partially enclosed entry feature leading to the Hacienda unit's main entry at the side of the house (shown on attached precise grading plan example). The City must consider whether the request conforms to the General Plan's policies regarding Specific Plan Amendments, and whether the request is consistent with the requirements of Specific Plan'83-002, as amended. Analysis The following analysis is provided to address the proposed change in the Specific Plan. General Plan Consistency 'General Plan Policy LU-2.2 and Program LU-2.2.c address Specific Plan changes as follows: "The Planning Director has the authority to waive the need for a Specific Plan amendment under the following circumstances: • When changes to the land use allocation are less than 5%; The applicant proposes no changein land use allocation. This change is being made to'adjust a setback requirement for a land use already anticipated and approved in the PGA West Specific Plan., • When the off -site circulation pattern and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; The proposed setback modification to Table 3, Exhibit 11 of the Specific Plan will have no impact on circulation patterns or turning movements.. The proposed change will not change the number of units permitted in Planning Area. III. • When the change is considered minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan. The proposed incorporation of a zero setback to Table 3 of the development standards for Planning Area III will simply allow implementation of the Hacienda product type which was. reviewed and approved as being consistent with the existing specific plan, as it was configured for Eden Rock. The development standards as applied to the Signature project product line required interpretation as the Signature product varies from the units approved for Eden Rock (i.e. courtyard/townhouse to single family detached). This demanded a certain amount of interpretive flexibility in application of the development standards to the Hacienda, Estate and Villas product. In that context, the proposed zero setback for what is essentially a covered entryway that represents a small area of encroachment, is considered a minor variation from the existing development requirements of the Specific Plan. When no new land use is proposed. The setback reduction has no impact on land use in the Specific Plan. The Hacienda units are unchanged from the originally approved units with exception of the small entry portico. Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment #6 The Specific Plan (Section 3.3.1) addresses how amendments to the Specific Plan are to be undertaken, and when a Specific Plan Amendment is not required (Section 3.3.1.A). A Specific Plan Amendment is required: "If it has been determined that a proposed change is not in conformance with the intent of the current Specific Plan approval, the Specific Plan may be amended in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 9.240 of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. The proposed setback reduction for the Hacienda units is in conformance with the intent of the Specific Plan. The Hacienda units were determined to be consistent in design and with the intent of the Specific Plan as part of their approval, along with the Estates and Villas products. This setback allowance will not affect the intent or purpose of the Hacienda unit design as a single family detached floor plan, only to allow flexibility in its siting on each lot. A Specific Plan Amendment is not required when: • The addition of new information to the Specific Plan maps or text that do not change the effect of any regulation... The proposed setback reduction does not change the effect of the sideyard setback regulation, in that the zero setback applies only to non -habitable space under the provision to maintain a 3.5' minimum clearance between buildings and/or walls. As the intent of the sideyard setback regulation is being maintained, the reduction in the standards in this case is considered consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan, as approved. Conclusion On the basis of the analysis provided above, the requested Substantial Conformance Review can be supported. CaliforniaWest CON1Nil HHNIII1tS September 8, 2014 Wallace H. Nesbit, Principal Planner Community Development Department CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Request for Substantial Conformance Review' Eden Rock Specific'Plan 83-002, Amendment #6 Dear Mr. Nesbit, SEP10.20,14 CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CEIVE SEP.10 2014. CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This is to request a Substantial Conformance Review of a revised setback under the Eden Rock Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment #6. We propose a side yard setback modification to accommodate a non habitable pedestrian portico on the Haciendas residences of the Signature project in Tentative Map 36537, Site Development Permit 2013-924. The Haciendas product, with its front doors located on the side of the structure about half way back from the front of the house, was planned with an access and use easement over one lot to the neighboring lot, similar to a Z-lot use but on a standard lot. The original architecture anticipated this .unique access with an entry portico, designed with fire resistive construction assemblies and materials. No changes are proposed to the approved architecture or street scene. The Specific Plan allows 4' side yard setbacks and the Signature approvals established 5' side yard setbacks, which Haciendas meets withthe exception of the open porticos. We propose to reduce the side yard setback to 0' for the portico only. No changes to the text of the Specific Plan are proposed. The proposed modification to Exhibit 11a is enclosed. The revised Exhibit 11a would be inserted at Page 29 under Section 3.1.1.E. Planning Area III -Eden Rock, Development Standard of the Specific Plan. An exhibit typical showing the most extreme setback reduction is also enclosed. 5927 Priestly Drive, Suite 110, Carlsbad, CA 92008. (760) 918-6768 This request meets the circumstances under General Plan Program LU-2.2.c as follows: • Circumstance Proposed Change When changes to the land use allocation are less than 5%, No changes to land use allocation are proposed,' When offsite circulation patterns and turning movements will not be.altered by the proposed . change; Circulation patterns and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; When the change is minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; or The proposed change is minor and maintains the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; and When no new land use is proposed. No new land use is proposed: Based on the foregoing, we respectfullyrequest administrative approval by -the Planning. Director of the setback modificationas proposed. Should you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me. • t =487.77 =488.17 39 FF=489.27 PAD AR .s GF=488.07 F=488.47 rr=-w .v/ PAD=489.0 4BR GF=488.77 PAD=489.71 2BR o1 sIOF s .a..(rYP) FF=489.97 PAD=489.3 3CR. GF=489.07 GF=489.17 = GF=489.57 F 3` FF=49 PAD=4 3A GF=49( GF=48 • PLAN 1: 7 HOMES TOTAL: 2.184 SF 1ST FLOOR: 1,616 SF C-ARAG 566 SF 11 :-05-07 COURTYARD HOMES SETBACKS COURTYARD- HOMES (CLUSTERS H11) FRONT: (TO OAT UNE) BLDG. PATIO: GARAGE SIDE (TO LENS) INTERIOR: FXTER OR: BLOG, TO BLDG: REX% (TO LOT LINE) BUM PATIO: 'WAGE: GARAGE TO GARAGE: JO'.MIN. DRIVEWAYS 20` MIN. OR 5' OR LESS NOTE: PROPO5D COURTYARD HOMES MIX IS SUBOECT TO CHANGE BY 111E APPLICANT/ O1 V 1,OPER PRIOR TO FINALAPPROVAL, .20' MIN: 0'6 MIN. 15' AIIN, 4' MIN..* 10' MIN, 8'MIN, • 10' MIN, 5' MIN. * OR 0' FROM THE SIDE LOT LINE TO NON -HABITABLE, NON -ENCLOSED, ROOFED PEDESTRIAN ENTRY ELEMENT TYPICAL PLOTTING COUFI YARD HOMES (CLUSTER I) • PLAN 2 7 HOMES TOTAL 2,665 5F + 1ST FL00R:.1,535: SF 2ND FLOOR: 566 SF WAGE: • 574 SF 4' . GRAANGE EAAMENT PLAN 3 •7 HOMES TOTAL:` 2,955 SF 1ST FLOOR: 1,411 SF 2ND r1.00Ri.937 SF GARAGE 607 SF 'PLAN 4 7 HOMES TOTAL; 3.069 SF 1ST FLOOR: 1,516 SF 2ND FL00R.946 SF 'GAME: 607 5F 174- • Program LU-1.4.b: The Master Plan for Vista Santa Rosa can be initiated by the City, or by property owners or developers who are willing to fund the project. •:� Policy LU-1.4 All annexation applications by land owners shall include a fiscal analysis that fully addresses ...the fiscal impact of the proposed annexation: Subsequently, all annexation applications shall also include a Development Agreement application or other mechanism that demonstrates how the annexation will be revenue neutral or revenue positive for the City. GOAL LU-z High quality design that complements and enhances the City. ❖ Policy LU-2.1- Changes and variations from the Zoning Ordinance in a Specific Plan will be offset by high quality design, amenities and mix of land uses. ❖ Policy LU-2.2 Specific Plans shall be required for projects proposing the integration of recreation, tourist commercial and residential uses; and for all projects proposing flexible development standards that differ from the Zoning Ordinance. • Program LU-2.2.a: Maintain detailed requirements for the preparation of Specific Plans in the Zoning Ordinance. • Program LU-2.2.b: The Planning Director will determine substantial conformance in approved Specific Plans. Program LU-2.2.c: The Planning Director has the authority to waivethe need for a Specific Plan amendment :. under the following circumstances: ■ When changes to the.land use allocation are less than 5%; ■ When the off -site ' circulation pattern and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; • When the change is considered minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; or ■ When no new land use is proposed. LAND USE 11-22 3.3 SP.ECiFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS 3.3.1 Specific Plan Amendment Procedures. Minor modifications to the approved. Specific Plan are allowed at the discretion of the Plannin�tt Director or designee. Modifications to the Specific Plan .must be consistent with the purpose and intent of the (then) current approved Specific Plan. ' A. Change. That Do 1\10t Require a Specific Plan Amendment. It may be that certain detail changes are appropriate its rcl-Inemcnt of the Specific Plan, therefore it is intended that the .Specific Plan 'Document provide; flexibility with respect to the interpretation of the details of project development as well as those items discussed in general terms in the Specific Plan. If and when :it is .determined that changes or adjustments are necessary or appropriate, these • changes or adjustments may be .made as an administrative approval by the Planning Director or desigg,nee. After such administrative change has been approved, it shall be attached.to the Specific. Plan as an addendum and 'may be further amended from time to time as necessary. Any such administrative changes do.not require a Specific Plan Amendment. The following changes to the Specific Plan may be made without any formal amendment to the Specific Plan: The addition of new information to the Specific Plan maps -or text that do not change the effect of any regulation. The new information may include more detailed, site specific information. If this information demonstrates that Planning. Area boundaries are inaccurately designated,.: based uphn the Goals of'the Specifie :Plan, said boundaries may be adjusted or redesikrriated'to reflect a more accurate depiction of onsite conditions, without requiring a Speci fie Plan Amendment. Changes to the community infrastructure such as drainage systems,. roads, water and sewer systems, etc., which do not have the effect. of increasing or decreasing capacity in the project area beyond the specified density range nor increase the backbone infrastrueture construction or maintenance costs. B. Change<s That Require a .Specific Plan All,enthneut. 1 f it has been determined that a proposed change is not in conformance with the intent of the current: Specific Plan approval, the Specific Plan may be amended in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 9.240 of the. City of La Quinta Zoning Code. • 11-05.07 .. 47 C. Conflicts. Where there is a potential conflict between the Specific Plan and Zoning Code, the Planning Director shall review pertinent information and make a determination as to which code or standard applies. All such determinations shall be incorporated within the specific plan as part of the document. D. Appeals. Appeals of Planning Director decisions and determinations shall be to the Planning Commission and shall be handled in accordance with. Section 9.200.120 LQMC. 3.3.2 Specific Plan Enforcement The enforcement of the provisions of this specific plan shall be by the following: The City of. La Quinta Planning Department shall enforce the site development standards and guidelines set forth herein. • The Planning Commission may review the appeal of any administrative interpretation of this Specific Plan. Likewise, any decision by the. Planning Commission is subject to appeal to the City Council per 9.200.120 LQMC provisions. • The City of La Quinta shall -administerthe provisions of this Specific Plan in accordance with the State of California Government Code, Subdivision Map Act, the City of La Quinta General Plan, and the City's Municipal Code. • The Specific Plan development procedures, regulations, standards, and specifications shall supersede the relevant provisions of the City's Municipal Code, as they currently exist or may be amended in the future. • All regulations, conditions, and programs contained herein shall be deemed separate. distinct, and independent provisions of this Specific Plan. In the event that any such provisions is held invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of all the remaining provisions of this specific plan shall be affected. ti Any development regulation and building requirement not addressed in the Specific Plan shall be subject to all relevant City of La Quinta ordinances,.' codes 11-05-07 48 PLAN 1 7 HOMES TOTAL: 2.184 SF 1ST FLOOR: 1,618 SF GARAGE: 566 . SF COURTYARD HOMES SETBACKS COURTYARD HOMES (CLU51 hRS 11I) FRONT: (10 LOT 1.1 E) OG, 20' MIN, PATIO: 15' MIN, GARAGE 15' MIN. SIDE: (TO LOT LINE) • INTERIOR: 4' MIN,'K EXTER 0R: 10' MIN. BLDG. TO 13LDG: REAR: (TO TOT UNE) BLDG: 10' MIN. PAT10:. 5' MIN, GARAGE: GARAGE TO GARAGE: 30' MIN. DRIVEWAYS 20' EIIN. OR $' OR LESS NOTE: PROP05�D COURTYARD HOMES MIX IS SUBJECT It. CHANGE BY THE APPLICANT/ DEVELOPER PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL 24¢0 (T S/O6 Y42o SE`I?Ac f To Pg,Rr' Gj#I J' 1.04. NON- HO/744 5Mc.6 . P/2evi0ED ,v .3.S' MTV/N 11/1 CGFme Ahlc.s V !/47i4Jb6N 8vrc0/NdS MAID%R. 64/4tLJ �S TY'ICAL PLOTTING COURTYARD HOMES (CLUSTER I) PLAN 2 PLAN 3 7 HOMES TOTAL 2,665 SF 1S7 FLOOR 1,535 SF 2ND FLOOR: 566 SF GARAGE: 574 S1' 7 HOMES TOTAL: 2,955 SF 1ST BOOR: 1,411. SF 2ND FLOOR: 917 SF GARAGE: 607 SF PLAN 4 7 HOMES TOTAL 3,069 SF 1ST FLOOR: 1,516 SF 2N0 FLOOR: 946 SF GARAGE: 607 SF Exhibit 11a 11-05-O7 29 Wally Nesbit From: Wally Nesbit Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 11:26 AM To: 'Chris Bergh' Cc: 'Mike Lake'; 'Liz Belloso' Subject: RE: The Signature - Building setbacks Chris — see below notations THX Wallace H. Nesbit, Principal Planner Community Development Department City of La Quinta 78495 Callc Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Direct: 760-777-7069 Fax: 760-777-7011 ernail: w'n/esbit@la-quinta.org From: Chris Bergh[mailto:cbergh@mdsconsulting.net] Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 4:24 PM To: Wally Nesbit Cc: 'Mike Lake'; 'Liz Belloso' Subject: RE: The Signature - Building setbacks Wally, thank you for reminding me of that fact that we did not a new specific plan amendment. Would you please consider the following and let me know if we are consistent with the Existing Eden Rock SPA. Estates: Front to side loaded golf cart garage — 10' SP overall min. SB is 10' - Front to building or garage — 20' SP overall min. SB is 8' to bldg.; 10' to garage Side 5' SP overall min. SB is 4' Rear 10' SP overall min. SB is 10' Haciendas: Front to side loaded golf cart garage — 10' SP overall min. SB is 10' . Front to building or garage —20' SP overall min. SB is 8' to bldg.; 10' to garage Side 5' SP overall min. SB is 4' Rear 20' (interior lots) SP overall min. SB is 10' Rear 45' (PGA Perimeter lots) SP overall min. SB is 10' but the 45' min. was agreed to with master HOA and we would not allow reduction here I don't think we have any issues with the Villas. Thank you again, Chris. 1 APPROVED FOR PERMITTING: PLANNING AND ZONING COMPLIANCE: BLDG. 23 FF=492.10 PAD=491.4 2 PLEX FUTURE PHASE 41 FF=488.47 PAD=487.8 FUTURE PHASE 27 FF=487.97 PAD=487.3 23+00 40 FF=488.87 PAD=488.2 2CR GF=488.37 GF=487.97 29 FF=488..67 PAD=4818.0 3BR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES REPORTED BY THE OWNER OR OTHERS AND THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDS EXAMINED ARE INDICATED WITH THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND EXTENT. THE OWNER, BY ACCEPTING THESE PLANS OR PROCEEDING WITH IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT THERETO, AGREES TO ASSUME LIABILITY AND TO HOLD UNDERSIGNED HARMLESS FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM EXISTENCE OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT REPORTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED, NOT INDICATED OR SHOWN ON THE RECORDS EXAMINED. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES FOUND AT THE SITE. IT SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE OWNERS OF THE UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES CONCERNED BEFORE STARTING WORK. _ BLDG. 22 FF=492.90 PAD=492.2 3 PLEX -MIN 39 FF=489.27 PAD=488.6 1AR GF=488.77i GF=488.27 3.5'MIN. 38 FF=489.67 PAD=489.0 4BR GF=489.17= GF=488.77 37 FF=489.97 PAD=489.3 3CR GF=489.47 35 FF=490.67 PAD=490.0 3AR GF=490.17 GF=489.77 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- PGA BOULEVARD PRIVATE ENGINEERING NOTE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURZING THE COURSE OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. INCLUDING SAFETIY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LUABILITY, REAL. OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE 0)F WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE: NEGLIGENCE OF DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. MARK REVISIONS APPR. DATE DESIGNED BY: BJB DRAWN BY: BJB CHECKED BY: SCM ESS `l C. ce. No. 20596 r'' do Exp. 9-30-15 \ CIVIL 9TFOF CpIA HACIENDAS RESIDENTIAL LOT NO. PER PLAN Bo w II En PAD PER PLAN 1' MIN. - PL 5' • SECTION A -A LOOKING WEST SCALE: 1"=5' PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: DATE: STANLEY C. MORSE EXP. DATE 9/30/15 R.C.E. 20596 APPROVED BY: DATE: TIMOTHY R. JONASSON EXP. DATE 12/31/14 PW DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 45843 CONSU� NOW VILLAS RESIDENTIAL LOT NO. PER PLAN PAD PER PLAN RW=2' 1' MIN. FIN. FLOOR TOM HARTUNG INTERIM BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE LES JOHNSON DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 43' EXISTING OR PROPOSED CURB & CUTER 5' MIN. 55', PGA BOULEVARD VARIES 2%-10% FOOTING R/W SECTION B-B 5' MIN. LOOKING WEST NTS 1.5' 1.5' 4' WAL 2.0% MAX. SECTION C-C LOOKING NORTH NTS R/W DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER CITY STD. DWG. 221. VARIES 1" BELOW STRAIGHT GRADE 4" STEP AT FRONT DOOR PORCH 2.0% MAX. STEP OR STEPS AS REQUIRED 2% MIN. 20% MAX. FIN. FLOOR GARAGE FLOOR @ 2.0% (ELEV. PER PLAN) 1 1/2" ABOVE STRAIGHT GRADE DRIVEWAY TRANSITION FOR DRIVEWAY EXCEEDING 10% SLOPE NOTES CONSTRUCTION NOTES 20 MORSE SCHULTZ 41865 Boardwalk Suite 218 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Voice: 760-674-5776 mdslaquinta®mdsconsulting.net PLANNE RS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS APPROVED E3Y KAMM DE, PA PENT DATE EXME3:1' �a j Tj,,tGslS CASE NO. PLc 2 zoiY_000-Z GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 80 (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft. IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SCALE: SEE ABOVE DATE: JUNE, 2014 BEENCH MARK: Cf1YY B.M.'430 - FD. 1.50' COPPERWELD STAMPED 'LS--98', FLUSH, CL INT. AVE. 54 do JEFFERSON ST. ELEV. 505.467. CONTOUR DATUM IS SEA LEVEL PLUS 500 FEET TO AVOID NEGATNE NUMBERS. PRECISE GRADING PLAN THE SIGNATURE - TRACT NO. 36537-1 HACIENDAS - PHASE 1 LOTS 28 through 40 POR. OF THE S1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE SE1/4 OF SEC. 21, T.6S., R.7E, S.B.B.&M. SHT. 2 FOR: CALIFORNIA WEST COMMUNITIES W.0 NO: 1 mcc I V;000\PG\HAC PH 1-02.dwg 7/29/14 Project Reviews Page l of l Enter Project Number iRCCR2014-0002 14 .Q {1 . ! of 1 •1> 4 41 r100% Find I Next Project Reviews City of La Quinta Project Number: PLCR2014-0002 APN: 775220021 Applied: 9/10/2014 Approved: Closed: Expired: Status: SUBMITTED Parent Project: Details: RE: REQUEST FOR SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE REVIEW EDEN ROCK SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMENDMENT 6 Description: SUB CONF PGA WEST SP Site Address: • City, State Zip Code: , CA Applicant: CALIFORNIA WEST CONSTRUCTION 1 Owner: CALIFORNIA WEST CONSTRUCTION Contractor: <NONE> View Report s LIST OF REVIEWS SENT DATE RETURNED DATE DUE DATE TYPE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS Review Group: AUTO 9/10/2014 9/11/2014 9/12/2014 PL FILE CREATION ' BEATRICE ACOSTA COMPLETE Notes: 9/11/2014. 9/12/2014 PL ASSIGNMENT PLANNING BUCKET Notes: Printed: Thursday, 11 September, 2014 1'of 1 SY57£`M.S http://laquinta.crw.com/trakit9/DocumentViewer.aspx?&report=/Documents/PROJECTS/... 9/11/2014 1.• GRAPHIC SCALE 5 10 20 27 FF“I37.07 0000087.3 1CR K 40 .(6,10.EET) 11s.. 55 - • 28 FT.A80.27 PAP•407,0 4AR s 38 1=4S9.07 Pa:D.989.0 1,1 4BR ; 40 Fr 0068.67 PAD.8E42 2CR ' 39 77-489.27 1AR ri stl • PLATINUM WAY (PRIVATE STREET) 29 750088,67 PA9=4.98.0 38R 30 Fr..1.88.07 003.4813.3 2AR 31 77.453,77 F00.468,6 18R 37 57.48087 PAD..400.3 3CR k TRACT NO. 38537 THE SIGNATURE TYPICAL PLOTTING - HACIENDA UNITS M D S CONSUIAIN•G. • MOM 4.11.••••••••11 Pd. DM. 0141711 .1t.no•mart • IZIE=DICI1213:11111011=111 FF=487.97 PAD=487.3 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 - 10 20 FF=488.27 PAD=487.6 FF=489.67 PAD=489.0 39 40 FF=44888.87 - I I FF=489.27 PAD=488.2 3.5' I PAD=488.6 FF=488.67 PAD=488.0 FF=488.97 PAD=488.3 FF=489.27 PAD=488.6 FF=489.97 PAD=489.3 TRACT NO. 36537 THE SIGNATURE TYPICAL PLOTTING - HACIENDA UNITS •M D S CONSULTING 4II65 le=G-e6 SW%. ale Palm D.W. CA MI I vae.: 700.6744776 mlatmodatorndaaMMInpocl PLANNERS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS