VAR 1020APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ..,. As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinonce ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: I. NAME OF APPLICANT NORRIS PODUS Zone A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. (X) 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow Nc:. .The purchaser thereof under o contract in writing duly ocknowledged • by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) The lessee in possession of the property, with the written consent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorized thereto in. s writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of property Bermudas and 52nd, La Qyinta,_' Calif, Situated on the side of said street between:.. SE corner of —Bermudas and _520 • Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records.' • RhRxilWx/ri The North half of Government Lot 2. of Section 7, Town- shipLSouth,VRange 7 East, San_Bstrnardino Base and Meridian,' (If more space is needed for above description, attach supplementary sheet.)' C. Date of acquisition of property. _—,lursa-26,_1555 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any permit granted pursuont to this petition shall not affect deed restrictions of record.) None E. Land use of property. III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST A. Outline in space below in cleor and concise wording what you are requesting.. for the property in question. Before this application is accepted, there must . be attached a plot drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensionsof the• property, width of boundary streets, all existing improvements on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the °dual construction work i.1 acc rdanc • with said plans within six '6) •,m dose 01 fi1inr1 t' s Lion State what exceptional or t )rdinary circumstances or conditions; e are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the prcr.,:y, and •': explain why these conditions do not apply generally to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. C. State why the granting of this Variance as requested is necessary to do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical difficulty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. • the proper authorities issued the permit to build this parking lot. It was built at considerable expense, and would entail hardship to ><R remove this tact 1 i ty. D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detrimental to the public safety or. welfare. To the contrary, this parking lot has resulted in materiel advantages. Cars are. no longer parked on the street; the black top has greatly reduced sand sifting onto the street. NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signoture of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estoblishment Of the. use as applied for in this application. We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application: 4 Signature Address La Ouinta Desert C1u By: ee mu_das & 52nd St_ Le 'Uinta, Calif. If more space is needed attach supplementary sheet. • OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. ) Morr_is_P_odus , being duly sworn depose and say that I am on owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signature s, statements and answers herein con, =in :d and thn information submitt -d herewith c rr in 1 resr cts true and correct to the st r lert P I t ir•f et'} Avg 5,2, NL:414a96 Arne% 1970 Ths Hanotable BOuTa of Supervisors Court Musa Riverside, Califs Gentlemen: ROUTE TO P CT--- y BH E CD H JR F L P ST FILE SU.eJ T : Transmittal of Iissr' r Ord C The Planninis Cre.� l ssi eai ctfully momts wgrcmal of the following ttwo : 1. VARMWM CASE NO. 108k Jobn MCA= of CCaLitornia 390 &oath tip: ►y Sunnyvale, CUiftazaia 96 Trailer 46 Sales Office for Subdivision Off-stract Parkirz a. Subdivimion Sign Zone M-3 Homeland Avea Fifth pe vioc,z a � s 2. p: UTIVAI. '� 3E ` ' G 1151 Fci 1 ?►FF rtth iY3E9r��l sly. Ff Dh il`��avl� v r�r iLi'i yj t,i'M'J3..t 'Ao-,,E3 t.bbi1.-.1th+a ?a& Zone RED Ie+t-Seat j aici4to Li i t Fifth Supurviscrxtal D: ctr1et 3 C: ;."I< _L TT= CASE 1 ,, 1152 Zeinv th 0lifitza212, Ga ista, California Mobi?ehemc Park Viurriota taw. a`ir N Supel vivotlai. Dietict 92 Located at tbs souttk i•st eox of inttrsuctiva of State Highway 74 and Lnott Avmo Located ted Ev'tn ti.E rly oE intersectioc of Soboim Road and Hein Street aortheast of City of Sat Jacinto Located o a Murriota RErt SpringE Road elist of Jackt i A enue o E f VE [fi) DESERT OMER JUN 12 1970 COUNT! OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Board of Supervisors Hearing Board Cries JUne 9, 1970 Page -2- 4 . CONDITIONAL USE CASE no. 1156 Kark 0. Bergheer 292 South La Cif - Suite 101 Beverly Hill, California Mobilele Park Zones W2 and C-P Cathedral City-Peli Desert District Fourth Supervica ial District 5. CORDI I0HAL USE CASE NO, 1157 Park Monroe Coach Club P. 0, Bone 1394 Palm Sprite, C= lifornia 92 Mobilehome Park Zone H-2 Inver Coachella Valley District Fourth Supervisorial District 6. MIA= CASE no. 1086 Rancho California 4320 Campus Drive Deport Beach, California Off -Site Sign Zone Mi-3 Rancho California Area First Supervis Trial District t 7. VARIANCE CASE N0. 1087 Rancho California 4320 CW4A33 Drive Newport Beach, California Off -Site Sign Zone i - -2-l/ Rancho California Area First Su_ ervi.sori ]. Distrf,ct 8. VARIANCE CASE U04 1088 Reach° Ce.1.r os r ..ia 4320 Con uo Drive Newport Beach Off -.Site Sign Zone M-3 Rancho California Area First Supervisorial Diatr: ct Located on the north side of State Highway 111 - east of Golf C].ub Drive Located at the uooL• '::rest corner of 52nd Avenue and '.1oeroe Street Located et the northeast corner f the intersection of State Highway 395 end State Highway 71 Located an the north side of State Hiehha 71 approziTat3],y 600 feet wet of Pala Road intersection Located AAd the north side of St£e-i Hi p 71, 5800 feint east of intersection of Mo javita Rated Board of Supervieors Hearing Raiz-a Cacea June 9, 1970 Page -3- 9 . VARIANCE CASE W . 1089 Rancho Califr nta 4320 Caws Drive Newport Reach, California Off -Bite Sign Zoe M-3 Rancho California Area First Superviaoria.1. District 10. CONDITIONAL USE CASE NO. 1154 Rancho California 4320 Carols is Drive Newport Beath, California Entry Treatment with Advert/zing Sign ''or Existiy;,g Roarestioral Trailer Park (Essanaicc of Ro 6:_ s a±' Existing BOtTeiriOUla Trailer Park Granted Under Candi-time U 3 Case No 1006) Zone M•-3 Rancho California Area Fifth Superviso& ia1 District 11. CONDITIOI AY, USE CASE NO, 1143 Robert 0. Hunter 7300 Pico Rivorzide, California a Mobile1 oms Park Zone R-T Podley District Secclati Supervisori.a1 District 12. VARIANCE CASE NO,, 1020 sof Morris Podtra 6102 Pinehtsret El Paso, Texas Parking Lot - Off -$its; Sig. Zone R-3 La Quiuta District Fourth Superrisoyial District and de t%1 of: 13. VARIANCE CASE NO. 1035 Rancho California 4320 Ceurus Drive Newport F3e*rla, Cali4ornt Illumination lruv inatic a c BOLT:: ''one Siza Zone M-3 Rancho Ca%.izo nia 1=vea First Supervisorisl District Located on the north aide of State Highway 71, 300 feet west of Anna Road intersection Located on both sides of Stare Highway 71 a4ppiiata1y 10 miles east of State liig 'gray 395 x zi e to I on the south side of Limonite east of El Camino Peal. Located ot both sld&s of Ave:at 52 east of Avenida Bermudas Located on the west side of State Highway 395 (Interstate 15), 3600 feat south of State Higaw ,a 71 i .atersection Board of Supervisors Bowies Cases J1me 9, MO Page -4- Pursmant to Ord/to Nio. 348, tease natters were considered before the Planning Commission Nearing Board. Copies of the Hearing Board Minutes, including sumnoriet of teeth t ; findings, resat&ass, and conditions of approval, are cttaeh d hereto. No fuetbee2 action is required by your Bo=4 unless an sproal is filed by the apple: curt or come .prufarty =sr within 300 feet of the exterior 4ter. '.dries of the pro- perty imder coladeration within Bean d ys cC the data this report first appears an your Base Wnda, or the Board an its own motion says the applicvtion tmis - texre4 to it for ftrear proceediLgo. The agave re curen:`_•ism_ were by unan3.mus action of the Planning Cc ii&Casa at its adjournyd meting held an Jura 9: I9o. Respectfully submitted, R VIiSA .ir:J MI=1L i i'IAIiif1ai'I ;,.VMIESIM Lzr1 Itnq Vi, Living the Diretr pls. Minutes, XIt;;.e, 1c:gelsa .Cnditions co: Su ore.o: (by aettrie0 Road D t t (3 Land Use D vi tc i3)wor Health Davit Picea Control P .strtkt Coachella Valley County F:'cstr Dietvict Indio PPl .rininBoard Office Clerk of the State Division of Iii&ugv2A Bletriot VSIX State WIter ?. -t}r Cgs r "1 Blar6 V* b 7 State Water C:u&1ity C„ tr&1 Domed No. 8 State Division of F©rz:s tx3r Applicants .._�.. �....,-�,..r....�r�ar3is.� i� •,. (lnitia?.) VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 Morrie Pole Parking Lot - 4ff•Site Sign Zone R-3 Quinta Dietriet BEARING BOW CONDITIONS April 9, 1969 (coat. to 5-14 ,. 12-10-690 2-26 7D, 1-1-70, k-29-70, 5-13®70) Final Actin 5-27-70 1. The development of the poser, shall eanform bstanti li r With that as shot= oza plot plan marked WI- lbit +I" on tile with Variant Case No. 1020 in the ice 0, the Riverside City Planning CollnieSiCel unless Othertdge amended by the followitz conditions. 2. An enaro scbnt pert shall obtained from the Read Department for :alb Work dare within right-of-ww. 3. This approval s uil l be used Within 180 days, after final proceedings before the Boar. of• Supervisors; ervise,- it shall become null ass? -void sad of no effect; hatr3oevet*. By "urge" is ITP-6t ccuTliance with above conditions. In the event tbe use permitted hereby ceases gyration for .a period of one year or mOres, this permitshall beck nuli mad void. I eoeept end agree prior to 'use of this 'permit or approval, to comply with sfl o` the conditionsset forth, and mtiaerstmd that the office of Building and Safety will not issue building permits. ca. allow occupancy of the use omitted %ten this ,sad confirmation, an quadavolicate,- has been received by the Plan- ning Co pion. Date Appli;tt Signature Date Ounces Signature (124-330) 10:15 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 Property located at the suutheaaterly Morris Podus corner of the intersection of Avenue Parking Lot - Off -site sign Bermudas and Avenue 52 Zone R-3 La Quints District Fourth Supervisorial District PRESENTATION: Mr. Schutt' presented the subject application together with all maps pertinent thereto. surrounding property owners having previously been notified according to the provisions of Ordinance No. 348. At the present time the property is vacant except for the existing parking lot and sign. The Zoning is R-3 and is surrounded by R-1 on three sides and R-3 on the north side. The parking lot serves the Desert Club and is separated from it by Avenue 52. The Club was remodeled and updated some years ago. At that time the parking lot was put in. not as a condition of approval. but as a convenience to the guests. The Club has some rooms for rent. It also has a bar, restaurant. swimming pool and tennis court. Land Use has issued sous citations. If the sign were on the other side of the street, it would be an on -site sign and legal. Avenue 52 is indicated on the General Plan of Highways as a major arterial highway running the length of the valley from Coachella to La Quints. It would intersect Eisenhower a short distance westerly of this site. Eisenhower is also a 110 foot major arterial highway. In this area Avenue 52 jobs and the Road Department would like it straightened out. There are plans underway whereby Avenue 52 would be extended without jogs to Avenida Sinaloa and Eisenhower Drive. The applicants are part owners of the property through which Avenue 52 would pass. Mr. Broils' commented he did not think it proper to require dedication on another piece of property which would not benefit by the dedication. The parking lot would not create any increased traffic. He also questioned the necessity of a variance for the parking lot. Mr. Schutt* stated the sign required a variance and that the parking lot was commercial and off -site. (Mr. Broiles ad►tinia+tered oath to all persons wishing to present testimony.) PROPONENTS: Robert Lee Ray, Jr., Desert Club, La Quints (representing applicant) Harry Rockwall, 8435 Wood/awn Street, San Gabriel OPPONENTS: Nome Mr. Ray stated the property on which the parking lot is located is owned by Morris Podus. The Club is owned by La Quints Estates, Ltd. which is primarily owned by his brother, Louis Podus. When the parking lot was put in a building permit was obtained. About a year later the question of a variance case up. Mr. Podus was not informed of the variance. Mr. Ray had been with the organization for 10 years and had just came back in November. There had been some previous poor management. When Mr. Ray came back he mat with the Land Use investigator for the area. lie also found in the files the application for the variance. He contacted the office in Los Angeles and found that although a bookkeeper in that office had discussed the variance with a previous manager, to Mr. Ray's knowledge Mr. Podus had never received the material personnally. Ms. Tifal stated the citations were issued because the parking lot is illegal in the 183 Zone. Mr. Ray informed the Board that there were three signs involved in all. Two of the signs were immediately removed. (Mr. Herman stated that the primary party was the Club and that the procedure was improper because notification of the variance did not include the piece of property on which the Club is located. He felt the parking lot is accessory to the Club.) (Mr. Brollies stated the two parcels are in separate ownerships even though the Club is primarily owned by Louie Padua.) Mr. Ray stated there was no lease agreement nor was rent paid. Mr. Rockwell vas at one time involved with La Quinta Estates but was appearing today only as a property owner. He stated La Quinta Estates was owned by three individuals and Louis Podus owns 39-1/3 percent. There is also a parking lot behind the Club. He did not know why people quit using it except possibly the lot across the street was more convenient. Prior to the parking lot club members had parked on the street creating a dangerous situation for children in the area. The lot was vacant and people began parking. Later the blacktopping had been done. He felt that since Avenue 52 is the main street leading into La Quinta and since there was a danger to children that the parking lot was necessary. He did not feel the sign was important since there vas a sign on the frout of the Club. Mr. Broiles believed the variance should be refiled as a commercial parking lot with the Desert Club La Quinta Estates, Ltd. on the application also. Mr. Ray stated he was the manager of the Club and was authorized to speak for La Quinta Estates. Ltd. MOTION: It was regularly moved by Mr. Herman, seconded by Commissioner Perry and unanimously carried that the Hearing Board continue and readvertise the subject hearing in order to receive an application from those parties that have an interest in the parking lot and off -site sign. (6-143) 10:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 Morris Podus (Continued from 4-9-69) Parking Lot - Off -Site Sign Zone. R 3 La Quints District Fourth Supervisoria1 District Property located at the south- easterly corner of the inter- section of Avenue Bermudas and Avenue 52 ir. Schmitz explained that the public hearing had been continued for the purpose of advertising the property north of Avenue 52. The parking lot and sign, serving the Desert Club, is located on the southerly side of Avenue 52; the club is located *Excepting first 3 hearings **First 3 hearings only on the northerly side of Avenue 52. An aerial photograph was shown depicting a better alignment for Avenue 52 north of the existing club house. A proposed condi- tion requiring dedication for such a northerly alignment of said Avenue 52 was read. It was felt that with such a northerly alignment, the parking lot could have an indefinite period of time rather than expire in 1971. He believed that the parties concerned were in favor of such an alignment. (Mr. Broiles was of the opinion that such an extensive dedication for the use applied for could not be sustained in the courts. he believed it beyond the scope of the Planning Commission to require such dedication. He reminded those present that the Desert Club property and the parking lot were under seperate ownerships.) William Tackaberry of the Road Department reported that Avenue 52 was not capable of being expanded at its present location.' A study was under way to amend the General Plan in respect to the street pattern in the area. Although he had not talked to the people involved, he. was under the impression that they would not be opposed to the northerly realignment. The Road Department was not in a position to require right-of-way without insuring that a road would be developed. (Commissioner Katzenstein was called to the telephone and Commissioner Rose assumed the Chair.) (Mr. Broiles observed that dedication along the proposed realignment would not front on the parking lot under consideration here.) (Mr. Merman was of the opinion that insofar as the subject application was concerned, it was in fact one piece of property in that the case had been advertised as including both sides of Avenue 52. It was his understanding that the people concerned were interested in dedicating for the realignment of Avenue 52. He contended that the Hearing Board should not proceed on the premise that the dedication requirement would not hold up in court but, rather, that it is a proper procedure in connection with the case at hand. He suggested the possibility of recommending that a Specific Plan be prepared.) (Mr. Schmitz did not believe that the applicant would object to a continuance.) (Commissioner Katzenstein reassumed the Chair.) Mr. Schmitg continued to report that preparation of a Specific Plan would take approximately four months. PROPONENTS: None OPPONENTS: None It was regularly moved by Commissioner Rose, seconded by Mr. iterman and unanimously carried that the subject public hearing be continued to 10:00 o'clock a.m. on September 11, 1969. It was further moved by Commissioner Rose, seconded by Mr. llermars and unanimously carried that the hearing board recommend that the Planning Commission request the Board of Supervisors to instruct the Road Department to prepare a Specific Plan for Avenue 52. (5-37) 10:00 A.M. PUUBLIC NEAR/NO VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 Morris Podus Parking Lot - Off -Fite Sign zone R-3 La Quinta Diatrict Fourth S uarvis or i a Y District Property located at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Avenue Bermudas and Avenue 52 (The Hearing was declared open at 10:13 o'clock a.m.) Mr. Livingstone noted that the case had been bard twice before; Commissioner Perry had sat once and Mr. xstsenatein had sat. once. It would be necessary, therefore, for Commissioner Perry and Mr. Kattenc+tein to each listen to a tape of the hearings. Mr. Perry explained that on September 10, 1969 the Planning Commission had heard the specific plan alignment for Avenue 32 which affected this case. The hearing an Avenue 32 had been continued and it was his understanding that the subject case would also be continued until a decision had been made on the precise alignment of Avenue 32. NOTION: It was regularly moved by Commissioner rataenstet , seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell and unanimously carried that the public hearing in connection with Variance Case No. 1020 be continued to December 10. 1969 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. (Commissioners: Perry, Katzenstein and 0°Donnell) (352 - 381) 10:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING (Cont. ffres: 4-9-69, 5-14-69 and 9-11-69) VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 Morris Padua Located on both sides of Parking Lot, Off -site Sign Avenue 52 eaat of Avenida Zone R-3 Bermudas La Quinta District Fourth Supervisorial District (Hearing opened at 10:45 a.m. - continued at 11:05 a.m. to Pebrua y 26, 1970.) Mr. Schmitz reviewed the proceedings thus far, and presented maps indicating existing land use, zoning and ownership. Plot plany_ was also pres ettaed. The contcontinuauces have resulted pending outcome of Avenur 52 8peci 'ic Plan, which is on Commission Agenda today. The Board of Supervisors wo id like additional study on this matter before deciding the Specific Plan for Avenue 52. Staff recommended further continuance on this parking lot th t the Commission first take its findings on Avenue 52 - and that the Bor rd then decide upon the exact route. The specific routing has a direct effect upon this property. Mr. Livingstone (373) advised there is another alignment that the Road Department has been considering for Avenue 52, and it depends upot how the Commission replies to the Board Referral. If the additional s Ligtsment is to be considered, then another hearing will have to be held. PROPONENTS: None OPPONENTS: None Upon motion of Commissioner Ratzenstein, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell and unanimously carried the hearing was continued to February 26, 1970 at 10:30 a.m. in the Basement, Room 13, Hall of Records, Riverside (See Reel 220 - Side 1 (352 - 381) Upon notion of Commissioner 0!Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Rate;en Lein and unanimously carried that the Hearing Board adjourn to Thursday. December 11, 1969 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 13, Basements Hall of Records, Riverside. 9 (6-36) 10:00 A.M. PUBLIC REARING (Cont. VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 Morris Podus Parking Lot, Off -site sign Zone R-3 La Quinta District Fourth Supprviaorial District from 4-9-69, 5-14-69, 9-11-69 and 12-10-69) Property located on both sides of Av€ ue 52 easterly of Avenida Bermudas Chairman Perry reviewed the case, briefly. Only yesterday the Planning Commission had reached a decision regarding the reali,ka: t of Avenue 52 which will be for- warded on to the Board of Supervisors. Because of the many continuances, he asked the staff's reaction to readvertieing the matter. Mr. Stokes in the absence of counsel and the Planning Director, beceuae of the many continuances, and because of the fact that no two commissioners had attended all of the previous hearings or listened to the tape recordings the'zeof, recom- mended that the matter be continued and that the staff be iaastructed to rcnotify surrounding property owners. PROP1NENTS : None OPPONENTS: None It was rees'?ir .y no eta by Commissioner Lillibridge, eecon3ed by Commissioner O'Donnell and unanimously y carried, that the i ub.;ect case be crntinuse to 10:00 o'clock Q. a. on April 1., 1970, and that the staff be instructed to re:adre ^tise the public hearing for that date. 9 VARIANCE CASE §07)020 - FINAL ACT! N Morris Podw #arki Lot - 9££-S ite Sign Zont R-3 La Quints District F U:coQ j o =1 ,t={Kt aef (9311) fl Property iceetmd on both Sides of Avenue 52 oaaterly of Avenida Bermudzis (121) VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 - FINAL ACTION NORRIS PODWS Perking Lot - Off -Site Sign Zone R--9 La Quints District Fourth SupervJ.surfsl District Defer. (122) The time being 4:00 o'clock p.m., It vas regularly moved by Commissioner Lillibridge, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell and unanionualy carried, that the Dearing Board adjourn to 10:00 o'clock a.m. on Nay 13, 1970. MAY 1 31970 (389) VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 - FINAL ACTION Morris Podue Parking Lot - Off -site sign Zone R-3 La Quints District Fourth SuEervieorial District Defer. Property located on both aides of Avenue: 52 easterly of Avenida Bermudas VARIANCE CASE 1O.. 102O Morrie. Pvdns Parking Lot - Of -Site Sign 7.4310 Ra-3 is Quinta District Fourth anervisorial District WALING G BOARD CO1VDrrio 'S April 9, 1969 (ont. to 5-14-69„ 12--1O-699, 2-26-70, i - 1 7 i, ? 29-70, 5-13 70) V nsa Actior.a 5.27 70 1. The development' of the premises shall eorkforra substautially with h that as Shown on plot plan masked Exhibit "A" on file with Varies Case No /020 in the'office Ice the Riverside- County Planning Man/micaMan/mica : less of ierrise amended by the follower vonditions. 2. An en ro hIr> .t 'Derail shall be obtained from the Road Department for all work done within the fight r .. 3, nais approval Shall be used within 180 days, , after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors; otherdice,. it shall become rn 11 &Mii mid 3 of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is moent compliance with above conditions. 4. S,n the event the use per fitted hereby cease3 operation fora period of one year or more., this pert shall become null and void. ASP.T' I accept m e prior to use of this. permit or approval,, to comply with all GC the acoo itions set forte, and xradorstand that the office a Building and Safety will not issue a building permit, or allow °ecugoner of the lase permitted = 41 l this signed c nfirkatio i,: in quadriplieate, has 'been received by the rang Commission. Date kil /7 Applicant's Signature gtuz D �'� 7 ° .�. Owner's Signature L IVE nrernr nrrTrF' JUN 2 9 1970 COUNT" OF RIVERSIDE EUILDii G DEPARTMENT POUT7, TO B �n V BH E CD H F� r,P p ST X HS FI.L E ger, 716; TY :il'�16IOIN Jf :�; �.rl.:�'Jii VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 • Todus Parking Lot - Off Site Sign Zone R--3 La Quints District • Fourth Supilrvisorial Distric'c 1. The development of the pnatoises f:thull conform on plot Plan msrked Exhibit "A" cm file office of the Riverside County Thinning by the following conditions. -1.1'.7:4;•triV,TPN • - . eAdim •" • , . V4101) 1497 HEARING BOARD COI(PROPOSED April 9, 190ATpn1tnue and 12-10-69) • substentiallywith '.t.hat as shown with Variance•CaseTNO, •1020'in the Commission pnless.otherwise amended* • 2. Prior to the issuance of a bnildy_permitL additional right of way along the Avenida -.Bermudas an Avenue 52 frontage of the propertyshall be offered by the owner for dedication for publicroad purposes toprOvide for 441 ,61. 50' respectively half streets,:without cost of any government agency. An encroachment permit shall be obtained. from the. Road Apartment for all work done x4441.4 the right of way. , • • , 4, :Prior to the issuance of a buildipe, permit for construction of any use poa- templated,hy this Approval, the applicant Shall. first obtain permits and/or clearancelroM the following public agencies: • Road Department ..• Coachella Valley OaUnty. Water District . , - Written evidence of said permit or clearance from the ahove-agenclesshall . . be presented ;:o the Land Use Division of the Department-PfBuilding -lkSAfetY . ,.. at the time: of the. Issuance 0 a building permit for theAmp.:eontemplated -,-:-.- herewith. , .,,• . t. :4.,,,,,q''. '• - - 5. The use permitted hereby shall terminate on Jonel.,.197.1.,. ' • • 6... This approval shall be pped within 180 days, after final.:1479caedingS.bafore— ' the Board of Supervipors, otherwise it shallbecome and of no, • . effect whatSoeyer. By "okse iSmeant compliance with aboveConditioc.s- • - 7.. In the event the use permitted.hereby Year or more this permit shall ht!come • cacses operation fora:period of one. null and void.' r • • • 4 ..3v>tlp1: ,:01.1i6.t rf: .14)\L ` 't a:`fi r.: .t ifYl}::. ..'a •:.t • .. ,r. ,..i 1 t�;. s. k, k.i)- -•1 fl<:'�S3 Ct ti'.: l�i�i'aV ~. 0 .:W.A..F;DA:i *L) 6. :t.i"'1 s G'.... •'xL•: i . r';:t,:i<.• '`.»ii. : + .! . 3Yu .'- : '.'. \ i': ' iS t;.s'..:;l;ai i's! 0tw's'l.atSzy.tt e 44744)1:: pr tt:. '� .31;,•, d�i>�.a Ci �. tda�.1`it , i`t?>S%..�. ?c .";l ty'..D. (',.i }. •�: ., .v tl: itt 0E:S 'i'se i'.��}: 'l'p-YI.ro -�I:�i Of .tpe'.) r q.6, 1965., .lBr•..1 lt? L.t k y`fldkf.h v. ;�St.. ai ..» Ae%" �.li,?.Vi.'Sr tiA i•51;���:�'%; i ;n.; �! .< Y ' ;L. v `.:: �t •$} 3 '',( ,.g+:1?:.'kt;Aw. i.4: (: ; i. P:: ut.ia G�i,a ti. t. 1.14 f.i:.i:!i. ..i:.. iiti.':.4 i,. i.l'p; 71•r<f1lj3, . �i5...••y.43 k•� CA. i.: wM.��� J:d.a.' d)gs iiri _..� ` ........_: 1,ay :,;y - A G?/fie % • t. Yr 1:r>f 4,10d t:!,:.'1:1�..�,. C`::'(s♦<b .1� ll,?:':!.<� iti:.. t.T,iy: �'.M.4 ,°<O 11:;) .R, i.ti,, eyf • .MT ;^ ' fir? :,.F;•..s:l)Ci'!3 Sit • • '.I ` ICE or - kilitPUBLIC .„REARING VARIANCE 4IANCE -CASE NO. 1020 1FCTIC!? IS HEREBY ,GIVE tntt a further publichearing :(continued it a torn x € 5 u z, ! 5-14-69, 12-10-69 and 2-26-70) Ala be held before the Riverside County Planning Comiscioa E x rg Board on the application of Morris Todu, made pursuant =to.Arl'i .ie Araic/e XXv. „ •; rd:Ine ce :43, ,Riverside County -Zoning .Ordinance ..for _a -var ace to said Ordnance per>i t.wting be estab1xshlent a a .pa Ping .`sot end off-,aite alga In Zone'R--3 ' O encrel FGa!rd nt al n p ,part: located .on 'both uidee of Avenue 52 easterly :J' d venies Bermudas fa the pL. 'Qu.tata and ` e `/,`p rt cu ar :y described a4, fc t l a• rtion of Section 7, Township ..So -South-, RenFo 7 moo? Said public p,, i° g . . . Qy yry b held 1 yip ? b.April p , + .fin 40 « 1 . 0�0 ' i ck &i M , G SCW �s4b � tE�g.r<� �� dL �� ._hYAt. !<"i� ��� r�.�"J Gismo .�. � a y .. ?: � � C`� � P Via,., G a-k: the Conference .Room, r ".13, -Basement, •:4080 Lemon Street, R .v raids, Caa fern..:; at d~'; .r\ t: . end place petit ne n teI tkmony will be heard. Neree 12, 1970: jb RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION • :'DESERT "OFFICE river .::z SZD -COUNTY `'PLANNING c _C:' ssION 4080'LEM Sb °ti 'a . ar:P0 ,RIVERSIDE, -,CALIMINI1 92531 114 ak.-LIVISaO GoPLANNING DIRECTOR.: S: -Ban:S.aFMEN SM LARFE. •_ RJS539563 September 16. 1969 Mr, Morrie Podua larmudaa mad 52ud *vane.' La Quite.• CaLiforaia 92253 Dear M>rc. Padua; SUBJECT: Variance Cue io..1020 Thia is to advise that the Hearth; boer4 eoatiuu4. tt#4 subject matter until December 10. 1969 at j0:00 ca:1� ca:, ar>Q Office Vesy . tru1P . youis. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Wm. R. Livingstone - Plamiims Director. Richard J. Stokes - faaocirte Flimsier EttE.UJ1E SEP 18,1969 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION DESERT • OFF ICE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 4080 LEMON ST. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA March I7, 1969 TO: ROAD DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: VARIANCE CASE NO. 1020 - Parking Lot - La Qulnta Area Morris Podus 6102 Pinehurst El Paso, Texas Your comments and recommendations The public hearing on this matter wish to be present. COMMENTS: and requested prior to March 31, i969, will be held on Apri 1 9, 19694 should -you Planning Engineer from Road Department will present comments from the Department. •Date arch 28, 1969 Slgned DRB/ra (Return RJS:Jb 3-17-69 APR z ' ?969 RIVERSIDE CO PLANNING COMMISSION • • Dunne R. Brown,• Desert Off i`cd -Engineer. original and one copy to Planning Dept., 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, Ca11f.) 10M444A.4 f.1,AL. Luco 3. rihe4 of tie 1)vt.! y with thet unwnr4. lot caae no- _MAL k.v MIANCE . orilec.: a thu IL;:ver3ide 13•0$:24 otberwiee•aosadca by thaw , follkxing e:/u(XiLiowt, • and Prior to anx use permitted hereby . ••.• . , Prior to in&:1 •ztiAlzue,,,, :if' a 1)Wdj 1..;111-,/fwAl-s;uvr,, el.711t-or way- aaong-themoompu_ . - - , ...„Pengidas and Ayenue_V,... f.,:1.c. of '6h.:.proy bhall be 6ffeid by tbcri -5.atae 114' wide • f04'.0.42dicalic,a ror pb' 1pvp;-.,:p:;1 to Maboetlid OrCe;; without it ElaY aLzY- Said realighnment of Avenue 52 shail be located on the northerly portion of the property as 'ahown by Case Map Ex ibit No.A. ' .41;4,4 4,• 6,6,10,4,4 0,11 4,0,1,4,11 4,4,4,0 Co t • 4,04,4 *At • t 4,6V. ! • •4.44 t• 1,440•1 *4044 444,4 44 •44 *44404 416441•40.444 ••••••4•4441•4,4,646 to.•004,40 • ••• * • t • \ or.o 4 • • 0, • • 4.4..1 • • • t• • • • • • • • • • t• 6 * • • • • • lo 0 • 0,-6 * G.1 • • 4 • • ot 4, • • # — 444, 4.4444 4440,64 4-.4..4044 ::•64•40•44414 6941•44•04 OGot>•rdo /644'4.6 s•'44 tot 4'4-146'6 ' *4'4, 464•4•40•••; .'4•4•4 04•44 fob. 4 6'0 444 04 4* 464 0.4 4040441606a • 4'*616, ix.:10000100cocxkx1101561606c .- kickozoccood00000600c ,. • • aLicroaehment perIgit hell 3Otail frog, Lepartif,ent for all worlr: done wUhit. tho.;! ;Arght of vay. 4 Prloy. to tbAt iw;annoig of o„, buildink; pmit et1T,:it..aiAion of eny uze contemieted by this approv415 the applimnt 11;hell firptobto,inperaita andbr clearanoe fro4, the folloeing public agerwi=!sr:. 44464+6 4 44• 6 • o cords,* 4 44**,4 4 4444s...6444 44.04011 4446046 4 0.44104 441041,60,40,0,4044611 644'4. • 06.*****0940400066-4014 Nbai 3maprtment )00000061)063000(10d000000t - Xi000dikobab000dobbdamot tioatocoitxmob000mecxxxxxxxwoocooasoca Evidenoe'or aid priiit oe ciciarauee frov,t. iV$ e4lAnae4 :,ball b preeented to th and (JLe Divielon of the &wwtment of Buildik; AAA ;3af04 at the tiv or the 1311"WJAC of a buildIng 1,;,,frilwIt for the uve eoatc,:molatrA 5. The rwe perodttadleniby tAKeainate .12 197.1 vhell be us,?. ,thli up viiIcle) Flockija, aft:a' final proco.E., , before the Boart'i of ,Siflertilnor4;, Aheruft.P it oitall !.,eaaae null and vnld and cf no aao° J-51 Compliance with above conditions. 00 REPORT TO: Riverside County Planning Commission RE: Variance Case No. 1020 Morrie Podus Parking Lot in R-3 Zone La Quints District APPLICATION: The applicent,'is requesting a permit in the R-3 ion, for a parking lot.on property not on the premises of the use it aervea. The appll, cant states that the parking lot is justified inasmuch ap the care' are not parked on the street. and it also reduce. th. :mount of sand thmt: drifts onto the. street. Section 19,2 of Ordinance No. •348 pertains to this application. ZONING HISTORY: The Le Quints Zoning District was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March, 1956, and placed this property in the.R-3 zone. There has been no change in zoning since then. In October., 1967,;the applicant applied. to the Riverside County Road Department for an encroachment Permit. No. D-8710-8, to install 3 driveways. On November 20, 1967, there was a regal notice (D-227-67) sent to the owner by the Land Use Department. advising hies of the fact that he had .illegally built. a ' parking lot in the R-3 zone. There were numerous other notices sent to the applicant through 1968. A DA-2 form was sent to the applicant " by the District Attorney!e office on May 28. 1968. , On 'February 10. . 1969, the Land Use Department issued a legal notice (D-43-69) to the applicant for an off -site sign that had been illega1lj'installed on they parking lot • ,. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING AREA: The parcel lies.on the Southeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52; it le vacant lend. The Desert Club ie just North ecroee Avenue 52, to the West is an area subdivided in 5,000 Lots. There are *Pattered dwelling*. The zoning is R-3, PLOT PLAN: The plot plan indicates a blacktop parking lot. 68' x 261'. with three aoceeea driveway. and a sign at the entrance driveway on Avenue .52. !'hexer is a 20' setback on Avenue 52 and a 35' setback on Avvoid, Bermudas, OTHER DATA: Soil classification is Mh-In-A, Mecca -Indio Association. 0 to 2 per cent slopes with moderately coarse to medium textured soil.. Wind erosion is alight. 1 lily. d4..t.valoLueut of the p16-11 martikA iiit ance of the RAveraide Couqty foiloiling conditions. viRIANc pri„, • 1020 ss Ovyn on plot Variance Caae-NO, X°20_ tve unh-..os otherwise aMeadtd. . Prior to t'it, 53.ivanc.?.. of u bni16J1r: • additiona.7, it of way ;along the Avant. • • Bermudas and Avenue 52 no.atzlv f2.rol.:,:712ty shtill be oteerild by th,z. ri 44' Respectively foL. dedication for public zoad pivepos wzvvido VW 450' ' foot half atrets, without coJt any zovellant agency. 439ixxi4.14.1WWW*4:94')?ixW4WWW*Afxa*MMEIWW0AM*2affWVAIMP.1 - xxxx*K5A-tatAMPPEEWMatatVixt499441199VAW99903439g9B995fir9r4.W.x4r..WWWVP4M9cIfftxx atxxxximpeemagsw499otworatxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx39996 .3999941WW44431pficat299.09WM xxxxx*WWW4ANWWWWWPWfAfx,WWW.xAMTIWWWW9iff04M"X" 7 , xxxxxeNg9WWWWW4WWWWWW9MEANAWWWWWIWPWAfxxx' ewxxxxxImicsNomp?" )99f3Loompotxxxxxx)91(xxx 9149txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*x 3. An tricroachithmt pemit iihal be obtain ZroA th:a 1.1ctld Departmoat for all done 1,6,thin the right of way. Prior to the isauance {. • • L'cr co4zt.:-.21ct*,01.1 ot any 142 • contcaplate6. by this approval, the appticoit shoal fl.rtt o'ot..11n p(?:),Iits and/or clearance frc the toilosing Rubli6 VIRWCWAOKx2444"14x WiRWRIVIMP444399P9PIPP,999t, X199999P(MWSW Cottchlia VA]fiount‘ vvte-t 3110 xi99999R9P99411Y9W4199P9IPM9(MliffN9( Ltirtei.e.n4) of aa:i.d pre:vwit or clourcuce . • , xxt4N99ffletfxReNTAW rcad L'IaW.treant xx6WPWOMMANWWW6ffxx xx*M9D9R444,61PCNIVAROPtli xxstgpmo99..w)9sowsmic490439$61txx tbwa cAgenfAes shall be presented to the Usa kly‘zi,At Qf t,,4.,!e.2ety'tt tta time ol.the isautmi of a banding p.02E-At the m:yit‘;:kkLIvt!:.0. • June 1. 1.971 Th(d UBC pkiratvtaa hhall or 6. Thi 2 &JAL!, 180 i61, vator Mal proc,AtdinL$ roard aull avci tIId If • r, ,;; compliance with above conditions' • Is pony cam that a public bauring-wiLl be held before, .thseRiverside COUnty lannind Comiseion Soaring Beard on the, app33stien of `R is Padua ' :ate pareuaat: t A t1e11233E and' Article Us,.. ;-Io: 3 SD,.Riverside y, for a- va.i4zace,to said Ordinance ttisg the- establishment of : a piecing lot n`'off=site; sib,;: is, 8-3. *NOM Res id ial) 03S property located at the:. eeaa eeeterly, Corner of the isetersection of:Avenue Beau-gt, a ktrunte, 52. is the la-412iita District i Laly. described as follows!. rth 1/2 of Goverment Lot 20 Section 7, Tip 6 , Range 7 Rom; Said public hearing.bet&. a .. Wed y, April 9, 1969s at- 10:15 e'cl, A.L., in the Ord of Smparrisorssince, CourtAinosovaiversidet ,• at vhicibtiareand place< partinemt testimony will se r.aard., Marc. 27, 1969:jb 1 14080 Mal SCREE20 ROM 101 92501 iim4 - PLANNING - BYE' ''. EA= Ia. 41, MWtR1S ruDUS Bermudas & 52nd Avenue 6102 tinehurst, E1 Paso, Texas Variance: Parking Lot in R-3 3-6-69 • i f:e %i•v1.. 'Sty.'.. :.•• ,... O« 174,1;' ... [.t :!._ i ,f,i)Ili'&l.'.1i • Peclu to Ic'"*.ft.p1..... • --. lc' • ":".% • . 4_,N.1 , . • •• . ';;(:••• • `71 P.. • •,y . ) • •••••:)..)., •"•-•'• ch•I` ':;t fL9e u.settAz ...„ _ 2- • ;AA. Or 1Veil 7.4.0;1 nay. •4•1„ • • • • ! .....• • tJ' 1--,••••••!•1‘ , ••... • • . • • ;: i• I1' Richard nxIcIE. March 23'Nionac. Barry Schmi t7 • 3i4161:2 4'�()I'Z 15 YUllUJ Please return xerox copy of the enclosed Application for Variance. GEN. FORM 4. 3/65 t/I�f7�. 17? „: =, d.(2. GENERAL PLAN OF HIGHWAYS : SEC. 7 T. s R, 76— :ter 11.:. /ea' A'Ati, ASS'RS BK. 7' 9 PG. 18 .""141.2-4,A00147 sae" 4/P.c. ,_f_rzea.6:Lr___o__a2(::zb.s DRAWN BY: ..64,,x,4 DATE 3-/3-(-9 : t • 1 t f /7 i i Il . iw t..._ . __T.•.. I ......-w_...r...... ... ..__i �_.......__... /42Fol >1.'/j].Q f ) ,•t , , • • 1. ____ _ _ _ i 1. . j. . - - 1 _ .A _ _._. r 1 1 -.} t r { c .v APPLICANT RIVERSIDE • tts 4 F COUNTY r USE 4. L,a Qe.././,e./7,7 EA PLANNING COMMISSION HIGHWAYS: SEC. 7 T. '5 R, 76— • • .e GENERAL PLAN OF 5' X" '' ": /ea } t .. • t • r el t'sit• a �.Yv/ta•<7 l 1 • b 1 )\-ij l 11) i 10.Ji • h at:_, i • 1 1 4 r • . _.1 .♦ 1 a 1.� _� :1L.,--�.� 1�,v/.,., r ti • • J .. i 4 4.L • 1 f t t _ r —4 i S l 1�' L.. l _ L. r ASS'RS BK. Z 9 PG. 18 DRAWN BY: DATE 3-43—G5' itramisommontir r tom-) r. .. CJ 1 # 1 /320 p:? • 1 4 i OE A2 ' -/'/- /OD 47/US APPLICANT 1 !it • } 0400. 0 •. • Lo72 / -7 "0.3 USE • • •• •. . -• • ', '1 • • ♦ • • • •. 1^ • • . .• 4, 4) ' lf `• A ' . t , r I ` ! i C . 'ter- r.,‘ 1.. / 1.-. •..I S 1 . . • • • • • EA - • 10 0 80,0 RIVERSIDE COUNTY a PLANNING COMMISSION GENERAL PLAN OF HIGHWAYS: $z 04 ie: /oo' /t/s. AP..4•6i 0/O.Q BG,r .o-95 8 #/(/A, SEC. 7 T, s R, 76- ASS'RS BK. 7G. 9 PG. /8 DRAWN BY: b.rti DATE 3-/3 -G� VAR 1020 lJ , ' L._� 9 . L L_ wIDAL., f��1 J F ' "' • 1 _� L-__ Av'i7 vilp.o , A { { ,, L.-;-. • N V 0 p SO'NORA EL. 4.:. D A �Q J A_LE E A..0 , 144 f.! G o ,4 • �...'�-.1 —J { .1._ ".1 pveo/o0se-v /zE.gt/a A/o I" ,cwirr: 52 N /320 t. A. S T R,A t":c 4LOO 800 /'7orri5- Po de/..5- APPLICANT RIVERSIDE Low i/7 .23 uSE COUNTY PLANNING Z 7 vT,4 AREA COMMISSION