VAR 1034APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE. As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance. ORDINANCE. NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA Case No Z one TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: I. NAME OF APPLICANT FLEE CORPORATIOON OR. ITS AGENT, JOHN W. DAYsSON A. Only the following. persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. ( ) 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. ) 2. The purchaserthereof under a contract in writing duly acknowledged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) • The lessee in possession of the property, with the written consent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorized thereto in • writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION ( ) 3. ()4) A. Street address of property rvenue 50 Situated on the North side of said street between La nuinta Country Club West and iia Qninta Country East B. Legal description of real property located. in the County of. Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records.' Being a 1•roposed • sub— division portion , of the 5^ e SW 1/4 of :section 31, .9 ,1 7 ' F' . and the 11V 1/4 of Lection 6, TES, 'R7E, S.3.n.&M. (If more space is needed for above description, attach supplementary sheet.) C. Date of acquisition of property ,Inn' 25, 1 g 67 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any permit granted pursuant to this petition shall not affect deed restrictions of record ) tia d d—r E. Land use of property. Condominium and lake development. III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording what you are requesting for the property in question.. Before this application is accepted, there must be attached a plot drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing improvements on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual construction work in accordance with said plans within six (6) months from date of filing this application. 'C0c:ue.stind approval of cnnc?,.�-w.i_fium and 1.3kceveloprrent fo_r the first ur:.it" .of_._a�1 ,�n cwcr.�ill dove oj'ment tncorlr.a��s_ing 52 units n ac_=,�roxir�at��l, 22 acre,-, of land. Private street:: i11 serve. development. ( ff " ✓tree t i.ar.} ing Yin I,c at the, ratio of fi:accs I.•cr FORM 133.3 B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions mere are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply generally to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. for t ?is unit s 1-:ar_t of an overall The planning conceit -, master plan with planni.nc: for residential us;agc %hich is more af.plica}:,le and desiri3::le than single c=••'ellings. !`ensity will be same as permitted in single family residence. C. State why the granting of this Variance as requested is necessary to do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical difficulty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. No provisions °for planned unit development in Riverside County ordinances at this time. D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detrimental to the public safety or • welfare. All of the }:proposed. i,roperty surrounding the subject parcel is essentially owned or controlled by the same or associated owners.of the adjoining land is presently developed for golf cQ lr8_e JwLp ahish,_,d_i 1 1 insure an adequate buffer to future residential development. NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the establishment of the use as applied for in this application. We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application • Signature - Address If more space is needed attach supplementary sheet. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA .) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) • W. 4 WS ✓ being duly sworn depose and say that I am an owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information submitted herewith are iP_all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: PHONE NO Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 I'!�.r .. �.r• ^?'. ...NIA Signed (address day of / / 19 iL l' (Nota. ''ublic) 4 REPORT TO: Riverside County Planning Commission. RE: Variance Case No. 1034 Elkee Corporation Planned Unit Development - La Quinta District RECOMMENDATION: TIME STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL. APPLICATION: The applicant, Elkee Corporation, is requesting a lot size and.set • back reduction for a planned' unit development, .in accordance'with ' Section 19.2.of Ordinance No. 348. ZONING HISTORY: The La .Quinta Zoning District was adopted by the.Board°'of Supervisors on March, 1956. The. property is zoned W-2 and R-1. Several variances. have been.granted'for similar uses, as -indicated below;..:: Variance 1026 Approved 5/69 780 Expired 1/66 888 Approved 3/67 779 Approved 1/66 Change of Zone Planned Unit Development 921 Approved 5/69 R-1 to R-D . 663 • Approved 1/67 W-2'.to R-1-1 617 Approved 9/66 W-2 to.R-1 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS: Avenue 50 is shown on the General Plan of Highways . as a Major Highway . (100 T right of way) . DESCRIPTION OF. PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING AREA: The site is located on the North side of Avenue 50 between -Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street in the community of La Quinta. There is an existing golf course to the North. Beyond tie golf course lies a similar planned unit development. A single family subdivision abuts REPORT Variance Case No. 1034 Elkee Corporation. La Quinta District Page - 2 (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY...Cont'd) the development on the East and to the South the land is vacant. PLOT PLAN: . 0 The site plan indicates 80 individual lots with two recreational areas. A large lake is shown in the center of the parcel. Tract No. 3941 has been submitted for approval with this variance applica- tion. 5, 1969: Legal. Description for Lake LaQuinta Condominium Site. Those Portions of Section 31, TSS, R7E, S.B.B.&N.,.Section 6, T.6S., R7E., .S.B.B.&il. and Section 36, T.53., R.6E., S.B.B.&M. DESCRIBED as follows: .Commencing at the South Quarter corner of Section 31, R.7E.; Thence westerly along the centerline of Avenue 50, said centerline being identical with the south line of the Southwest one -quarter, of said Section 31, S.89° 51'. West, 1230.00 feet; • Thence North 0° 09' West, 30.00 feet to.a point`in the north right of way line of Avenue 50, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence •Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence North North North North North North South South Thence South North right of way line of Avenue 50; Thence easterly along the North right of way lineof Avenue 50 to the TRUE POINT. OF BEGINNING. 00 09' West, 147.00 feet; West, 552.00 feet; 67° 40' 69° 50' 58° 00' 80° 50' 88° 10' West, West, West. 307.00 276.00 314.00 feet;. Feet;' 1° 10' East, 418.00 feet; 11° 48' West, 151.00 feet; 0° 30' East, 312.00 feet to.a point in the 1918 • FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE COAC[IELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE: 17141 398-2651 DIRECTORS LEON KENNEDY, PRESIDENT RA'%MOND R. RUMMONDS, VICE-PRESIDENT S. D. WITHCROW GEORGE H. LEACH C J. FROST October 20, 1969 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street, Room 101 Riverside, California 92501 Subject: Stormwater Conditions, Tract 3994 • OFFICERS LOWELL O. WEEKS, GENERAL MANAGER -ONES ENGINEER OLE J. NORDLAND, SECRETARY WALTER R. WRIGHT, AUDITOR REDWINE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS File: 0163.11 Gentlemen: Reference is made to Tentative Map of Tract 3994 proposing to subdivide a portion of the 5E4 of Section 36, T5S R6E and the NE4 of Section 1, T6S R6E, SBBEM. This proposed subdivision lies in the area that was formerlya..year-round fresh water lake according to early settlers. Debris washed from adjacent mountains has filled this lake and the process is continuing except at a somewhat "slower rate because some of the debris can now flow southeasterly. Previous subdivisions to the northeast have been approved by your commission with a reservation that the minimum floor elevation of the house be set at an elevation of ,+4 above sea level. This elevation is approximately 1.5 feet above the 1hwater. If this requirement is followed, this subdivision will be safe from stormwater flows except in rare or unusual instances; however, if subdivisions encroach upon the old lake and material is hauled in to fill to elevation +46.0, the lake storage will be reduced resulting in higher flood water elevation which would be hazardous to present developments in the low area. The District has made preliminary plans to protect the entire La Quinta area from stormwater flows; however, no method of financing the construction has been developed. HGB:jb cc: Mr. Kay 0lesen 83-095 Highway 99 Indio, Ca. 92201 Mr. Horace Miller P. 0. Box 38 Blythe, California 92225 Ver tru yours, William H. •ngenecker . Deputy ief Engineer • IEDEOWEU OCT 2 i969 RIVE' SIL'E CU' :1 Y PLANNING COMMISSION DESERT OFFICE C I, fiLO^I‘ Mr. Harry H. Schmitz County Planning Commission Courthouse Indio, California 92201 CE[q Tcp, planning Commission ngTios August 23, 1973 FROM: H.E. Stottla.y.r, lend Use Technician RIM: Variance No 1034 - Planned Development, La Quints This project has been completed substantially as shorn on Exhibit "A". Ws recommend this case be closed. H.E. Stottlemyer cc, Indio Land Use Indio planning Commission UREA AUG 2 4 1973 RIVEksIUE Cup•. PLANNING COMMISSION nr_c,coT OFGIC'r GEN. FORM 4, 3/65 TO: • Road Department SUBJECT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLANNINr1' 'C1.MH.1:8310fi 4c8o LE iou STREET RIV ':R63DE,, CAl:-I-POI :7A VARIANCE CASE NO. 1034 Elko Corporation by John W. Dawaob'° La Quinta Hotel IA f inta, California June a3, 1969 . .. Your comments and recommendations ure requested prior to June 30, 1969• The public hearing ing on this ;wtter will be held on you wish to be present. COMMENTS: : JUL. 1 1969 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ROAD DENT. DESERT (?f >1'! NC'U July 8, .969 should JULEGED rErn- 96 iJ RtVERSIVE (:Gin;; PLANNING COMMISSION DESERT OFFICE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PI.:,ANINING COMMISSION Date July 1j 1969, Signed Duane $. Brown.. 'aert'OffSrp Rngtnaer_ RB/ra (Return original and one copy to Planning (YOWW1a3ior:, 4689 1-emon' Stroet, Riverside, California 92501) 1 copy sent to desert office Fs' TOSIDR COUNTY 'I:ANUING COAMIRSIO;N 1O8O LEMON STREET RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO Land Use Division SUBJECT VARIANCE CASE NO. 1034 Elkee Corporation by John W. Dawson La Quinta hotel La Quinta, California June `23, 1969 Your comments and recomnemdstions are requested prior to a 30 1969• The public hearing on this matter will be held on Judy 8► 1969 should you wish to be present. COMMENTS: Footin9e for :some dwellings will be out in the water► therefore spec,Building.Uepartment requirements wanted, there tray be Date signed June 30, 1969 Land Use Adpi atrator (Return original and one copy to Planning Commission: 10d0 Lemon Street, Riverside, California 92501) Desert Office 'J ea ti 208 W Bruce 1 (i t1 y The Uorta remblea Board of Spa ire a= .rsooa OCuwt House -pECE[IVE[{T n, u -.L'JUL'_'2 19b9 RIVERSIDE COurvir PLANNING COMMISSION DESERT OFFICE 5UBMCV: ' ariancl . Case No. 1034 Ulkue+ ,Corporraatiou ( react 3941) Planned Development Zones . 1-lo and W-2 La Quints 01pari t Oantlemeg i Fourth SY.ape4:?`tN' astiebi .21 -isze me Pulanivg Oesmoie siou reope 0ts..:lly zepor't3 agora val of a variance to tth® Zo iu ' ord .nsa00 got 4`011u W. Daapta, kelet, '�+ !;,es Co rporatioato' &z Q4d1 to Hotel.'4 Qeai a. California, i+ , to .ee stmblis h rd plaal: ed :it�vts'AA: mcuttt' ist ZoAto R -14 (OOo !gaily Dwellings - 1200 square: forgot minimum dealing a,31_1-.6) e d W-2 (Controlled Development Area) .' on .property located o:t the nenharly side of Avenue 50 .apprenimately 1320 feet easterly of Washington Went in tto La Qu at0 Dietrict, eliubjett. to the attached coed i ti ons e Pursuant to Ordinance Mop 34 , a public hearing was h011d on this matter before the Planning Cote l.seiosa'ou July 8, 19: 9. A: owitiliwy of testimony pret er teitd'ia attached. AftesrC full andcooplote c ae:ale!?st ticea :af all the facts and circumstances involved, the CO24,255510a datersmi. tsed u hsrdsi:aip aane;a;r tia : provisions of Ordinauce No 34i8 had bee en. eenteblishe d, in.that there is qua pra8v� ;Ji:e� u in they Zoning Ordinance that provides for 4 plOwasd r de;avelep ent. The above:recommendation vas b7 aunt area+ nation of the Commiesiou at its regular p a ,ing hri14 on' Junky 80. 1969. • boavd of Supervisors Ca rags po. 1034 July 170 1969 So further matLioa is r:awatred iy yaws kcelrd unless an appe42. 10 tiled by Ole rip011• - cast or some property aautt,:3r wth.TA 300 twat of the o xtaaricie bay uderies of the property under cossidorAtiap 'ra ct4•1 os14en ds7a of th(kdetia this report first ap�atoarq a n your Board Agenda, as the 14MX:2 OS/ in V Ovation orders the application licatio trans.*, farraad to it forfurther pro Qi:L: el4.4e. a" .spa ctt `u ly oar c4ttc d0 !lslt aU+S1DE tuOM= PLAWS1NG COMNISSIOW 4:0-1?". kA. t. Div t sto e W lswing Director WaL3lb Ene11. Application Legal labels Property Owners List Map Summary Conditions Staff Osport cc: S• parvi or Seeley vtese rt Office Land Usa Divisive (3) Road Departrsaaat (3) P. Stout Surveyor's Office Department of public Be alth Coachella Valley Couuty Water District Clark of the Board' Board Agenda Copy 11k . Cor olc,.tioaa (5) . VARIAACE CASE ice, 103k PLUM= COMMIS: .9 GONCTTIOd S E1kee Corporation V. Dawson) (Tract 3941) July 8, 1969 Plea:fled Development Zerers R-•1-1200 (min, Bldg. Size Sa iaxe Feet c) & 'od� La Cleintaa District »ourth ;dttkery13oriel District 1. The developmeet or tdat property ehall cta83:'. re dula.taa ti lly with that as shown ova plot plan marked yachibit "A" Lila file with Var:i,aece ease No. 1034 in the office of that Riverside County Keening Ceanies ee , uri1ees othereiee amended by the following eonditic iss . 2. Fier to the isnuance of a buslda rg pen»tt, for any cund: mi r iussa structure a sub- divieion shall be recordetn.ntia11y with chid E T,ibit "A" except that bei ldteg permits for nut utive :t:::.aa `& otructeree may be issued for saondelta prior to much recordation :stied only aktee a tentative eubdivieion snap has been approved by the planning Csa s.dlir;s iefl:. 3. 1 ior• to the issuance of a bu =.1d1i_b j pereat for construction of any use contemplated by this approvai, the applicant r3hce.11 fleet- obtain points and/or clearance from the following public agencies: Departn nt of pctblic Health Road Department Coachella el.la Malley County Water District Writtee evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies obeli be presented to the Ind Use Division of the Department of Building �.g and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the used contemplated herewith. 4. Construction of the damsel ps ent pereitted hereby ley be donwprogreasively in stagee provided adequate vehicular aceees'1 is constructed for all dwelling Mite and further provided that such stage developmeut coeeorm oubetantially with the intent and purposes of thin apprqual for the provision of open arm, recreetional facilitiesa, and off- street autosebile parking. 5. irrior to recordation of axay fine]. aubdiva lion map, the applicant shell cubit to the Cons a ieo the following dog uwant e= which nhal l d :w n . trai;e to they satisfaction of the Commission that the total project will be developed and maintained in accordance with the inteet and purposes of this app:wal: (a) The docent to convey title. (b) The ca;venaata and restrictions to be recorded. (c) The management and ma3.nten^aace agreement to be entered into with the owners of tha units within the pr•o jee V . The approved do uaente shall be recorded et the nape time that the subdivision sap is recorded. 6. A management company with the exugssalifie}d rat to assess the oeuera of the individual unite for reasonable maintenance costa shall be established and continuously maintained. The dement company shell have the right to lien the units of the ownere do default in the- payment of their eseefeeeents. Such lien obeli eli not be s eherdinate to any enema - bras other than an encumbrance made in geod faith and for value, and is of record prior to' the reeordation of the lien of the asses ant cam. VABIANCE CASE NO 1034 . Planning Commission Coot+tians Page -2- 7. (a) No street paving sha.l,! 100 is;ui 't.9'1am '.�a fee vi.d . standard size 'No Parking" signs shall be p,'uitsl oa tkas E i all streets having meats than 32 feet of pa"'rir3g. sJo iCi °4"j.n fi siva small Le posted ou arm aide of • the street ea all iltaw3.t7 thiin 40 Tact of paving. Sigmas ahall be installed prior to c:iI:WIlt'.'j _v :1i1' :'l..1a1 1. d: peot:t.a:};a by Building Depa&1 ont. (b) Ainimum setback fr u c:u '':`i•r t ler all residantla1 units shall. be 10 feet. 8. This approval shall bt/ Lasso 1,1 y � .:i3 360 ews, fival preeeediage before the Board of Supervisors, othaveisc L. Ulan becws null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "tom" is meant .:cur-datien of a subdivision map and the beginning of construction of private atxn,,:4".s Wi hie the project. . AGREZMBNT I accept and agree, prior to use of thin permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and undsrstaaud that the Office of Building and Safety �ri11 not issue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this aigned'confirmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Co miaaion. Date Applicant's Signature Date Owner's Signature Aa.:1727.. Jq, eith CJ5. ' the Ct%; tit -060. lystfl : . 2, . j 3tvat.:!,..u....'‘i2 a B ubdivi 31 on 1..01 11:e.! 1144 "A. ext thaA, LiAlainz Ls gt.:,v nrie, 4 Bt 1:or mot3e1B prior to ouch rtcordatlw:, by tIm Cloyulioaton., n C.pr of ELTY"' .1:1.''1-= s.C1' en•plated • , arr,3:0-;:vai tri,11 1.1 • 7"fay• 11'4, :it.33. 4:!' Depv.-gaz1.1A ofaVit ()2,01e111.;1. Ccuaty Wa*.iff I-Art.34 Dena.r1-,thetat :s .34 its jj,,z 4-1 IV 14 tfiCisa •4.41i EvidNkee oald OT V ;1: 1.;hall be pr2nied tkid ULie Divizion tive Self:LIty E7t the ttaze of of a building Const,:oactic...n of thz! dolIQ pmgreoaively in atage 3 provided adequate all dvellipg unitu aad further provideaLka sach at.4.ze 1.j.e*-J•el 1..it ri the iateat mhd pulvpos.e& of tis app..-c.),:al for tte :Vacilitiz:;1), and r,11.17.ohido.j.ae to re,i,-.0riac4,,in t,rw cant. hail is-Lainit to thz,.. A.r,.:e.:3,:.Y*.t, to tk.gi • tct!Al 7 to accordcrice anA TL-n 1-01p, into with the o4ne.:1:a • :a ;L: . :,, • • ' k,14.3tx.:11. 6. 414...440z.aailsc :;.1,..1pLipimy 4 • Gqf; .nagewe the GUDAVCO 01 ala ..3.„.11-0j..-&hd wed itatinuouwly • ;•3 t•••• v4V06is thn. 11.21 tit0 .• . 4 7.;r; .v,1; iK:fox-a of SAltervIxor, n'11.1 :ay "Ag3e" ia 1,1,7:avt, 17;1e. th,e, iwTradAl.; GT .„!intuicii.-1. rstx.e074-i. MA Z A T-LAN 3 CZ'"76/ 2-C7 EL�EE Cofv7 APPLICANT RIVERSIDE Ta 34'4'c5 SEC. T, R•;"4- ASS RS BK.', P93/9 DRAWN BY: ,6`J4 DATE 6 -438- 9 SAN TIMOTEO �? ?. ?p ,, /8 ! 7 • ••••. ; •••. •• • • • • •• • I( •• . • • • i • • • • I • . ; •••t• I 1P.D/2 "780 /- GG -64.9 I Iv 1�/Z we.&& .?- 7 .Q,00- 1 doz iw d•-•00 aiov), c wr COUNTY PLANNING SAGEBRUSH . 'n V t. Ey, M ti ft- t--. •-. 2 *9 n h bv. BOTTLEBRUS h 'A ~ 4n b h TN h JP 91 � PN g 0\ 0. q 1 . AN, SAGUARO Ni, ".M * h e PADRE AVENIDA N - p o1 tb S AVENIDA �4!73 COMMISSION U 1 LA QUINTA,CALIFORNA John IN. Dawson DEVELOPER O gp too SCALE T heodore 1.G. Robinson LAND PLANNER GOLF COARSE ARCHITECT NOTE TOr��L UN I T5 80 MINIMUM SIDE Y R.t) 7.5. . P/--RKKG- — 21%z 5PiN.cE � P� utv i r 41. I. n t, 4,4 rt,Gr- xa-fit—•. 1,.udti 7