VAR 1149fiDEGEBI DESERT OfcI SEP 17 197i ,couNry of RIVERSIDE ,BUILDING DEPAR-UMW R S:45536 Reel 2TC o Side 2 (243-539) September TO 1971 • he MMmerab4e Beard of Super vieore CoLnt House Riveraide, California Gentlemen: Aolarr to ttr------ 1 r= 1;Yi. : : '727 ---- iiT SUBJECT: Varier= Case No M. J. }rock &j 8 Reduction of Parking Requirements Zone R-D FA:oude Dines District £eueth Su srviracrJ.al D .a-;:rict The g1.ivMteg Commission respectfully report dental k f variance to the Zoning Oodioaace, Ordinance 1o. 348, to f?. J . Brook , 289.. Raven a Avenue, Los Angeles, California, for the reduction of parking requirements in connection with the planed unit development propomed under Conditional Use Casa Bo. /322 On property located on the Etat side of Washington Street adjacent to the Borth side of Avenue 48 in the Mereeda Dunes District. A public :raring was held an this wetter before the Planning Ceeceiesion on August 259 1971. A Burry of testimcny preeented is attached hereto. After full and wDeple• a consideration of a/1 the facts and cl~cutances Lavoiecd the Connie determined the applicant failed to establish, a hardehip for the reaction of parkieg req irementa and further, that a development Of this type .s not waited to the cos pity, and eauid be detrimntal to the welfare of theF co._:_v.au ty. It wrogulrerly moved and emardnously carried at the regular meeting of the C emlerion held on. Ateeext R3: 19T1 that the: report of the i sion's actiyn be teanemitted to your hceemblo Board. Lbo further actiozi is regu rel. by your Board unless are appeal is filed by the ppliecit or 80 property c MOYS within 300 feet of the exterior bou d rie$ of the property under consideration within T days of the receipt of this report by yew Beard, d, or the Board on its motion by majority vote ord• re the application trenefer.ed to it for final action. 1 0 7 Mara of Cuperviocro Vcrisno Csn 1149 Page w2 To complete your files enclosed is a copy of conditions considered by the Planning Ccmdosion at the time of their bearing. Respectfully subnitted, �. r C•ZIMNY MOM ecteamoz WRIA:gb c : Supervisor KoCtsdleos M. J. Brock t Elnsa Inc, a :ewe Dieioion (3) Clerk of tha amsid LAND USE DIVISION 4080 LION STREET RIVERSIDE, CALIFoRNIA-9250f • fl �ke'/1( NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ON AN APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE IN THE BERMUDA DUNES DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing at which all interested persons will be heard, will be held before the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County, California, in Room 114 of the Court House at 4050 Main Street, Riverside, California on Tuesday, October 5, 1971 at 1:30 p.m. on appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission, on denying a Variance on the application of M. J. Brock & Sons, Inc , in Case No. 1149 for a permit to establish a planned unit development in Zone R-D (Regulated Development) on property located on the East side of Washington Street adjacent to the North side of Avenue 48 in the Bermuda Dunes District, and more particularly described as follows: A portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATED: September 14, 1971 R0UTZ TO 73 CT___(/ E D IECENE P_ ST S E P 2 7 1 x 'As 971 FILE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Y UILDING DEPARTMENT eND USE DIVISION i DONALD D. SULLIVAN, CLERK BY: R. HAWORTH, DEPUTY IG 11�� vesgpT opt' GoUN t,� 0 pJ1E c : �r L50..DING COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT