VAR 0552re
Case No.
As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance
A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant suet indicate under
what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided,
1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No.
2. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly acknow-
ledged by both the buyer and the'seller. .(COPY Of -CONTRACT -MST
','The lessee in possession of the property, with the written•con
sent of the.record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE :.
. t t v ..`'r
%The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorised .hereto in'.'
A., • Street, address of property
Situated on the J W nOrneiThigagergalMIMMUMMPIIIK0
id15sor Drl va and Aveltda e i en4
B. Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside
must be accurately described as per Riverside Counter recprda.
(If more space is needed for above description, please �attacl supple-
mentarr sheet.)
Date of acquisition of property.
p. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any'permit
granted pursuant to this petition shall not affect deed restrictions
of record.). urifratural rastimIc a dud 044
E. Land use of property. ,prue+a+ l y amp 4.4,4
A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording what you are re-
questing for the property in question. Before this application is ac-
cepted, there must be attached'a plot plan drawn to scale showing
boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary etreets,
all existing imprc:a==nts on property, and plane and'elevations of all
proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application
evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual con-
struction work in accordance with said plans !JAW six (6) month,
from date of filing this application.
- RMquenting rw 1Iir_ti pn rli' l nt si rmw
rut -banes
FORM 133-3
8nn aii4s ynaccl
B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
there are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use
ofoSthe property, and explain why these conditions do not apply generaal-
coae a �.a e3 e t #' ac ' aroirr �yi aR ' .s
possibility of f:toodi a by sks lat flow of that area aud that It will be *$
essa ry to etur is&1 pad or TOOm ,fit to 4 fact In laatexii4 before uhey vita great.
clearance for buildings tt the applicant should be forced to build Nye
family res r..e ace a wou o req / 4 a a
individual lot and would feud to concentrate tba "`.low of need waterAmto
channels r.6 ak the ,f;3 4+,w.i :c3 ro"+»al« 1 0 a riot' Mareateristics,
by constructihg a clu3tar developlaaht a d raieirra; the %ht .re area the Mt/
may be ee,::a"'r c€ Uj u1;4 4. ' ,, k# k area to ilww ttoutn 43ue t TIy. L
.quilitta Wel. The area to the roJrth rises sharply to a mountain Nog. The
property to tha east" is a zolf no r: s e drapedto ott; ptinifip
property to t ' rest is a rieultaU'aX xn .
C. State why the granting of this Variance as requested is do
substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical diffi
culty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent frith the general
purpose of the Zoning Ordinance.
As stated &b ve,. t ae '. oo4 ControlDistrict's rulihS makes .thiSANhe of the
few aerithgtipractice/ ttTes + ni%k Clits Pr:M*31 y eee34 be pu* end
would correct the hardship fog Ned Ui4OA tbls ierca by the possibility of sheet
water flooding. " ►sotoo* as this le ad ja eht to ;As hetst. te, t* *stub.
llshed cottages aad recreational areas and rwi.4.1 have services troe the
hotels the granting of t, s t►arlaa sa would: t rsst t lstev ias
witZi the general kurpc se o$ i.414 4ohihg ordinance.
D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result
in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor bedetri-
mental to the public safety or welfare.
This use le cousisteut with the preseat rocroatiohel
developuont sa •ro i1 thaproperty and by correcting
sad shay .at;; c.; ItoposSibility of chase431 flow it cow
not be detrimental to u l thor public surety nod welfare
but would 440 of b4it to eth.
NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of
adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estab.
lishment of the use as applied for in this application,
We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property
legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do
not object to the granting of this application.
Signature Address
mil , being duly sworn depose and say that
I anfan owner/W property involved in this application and that the foregoing
signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information submitted
herewith are in all respects true and correct to the q t o-pay ledgej,ind
4 5-4Qa. Oasis Street. I ndto
PHONE NO. DI 7-43594
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Thirteenth day of sePtesbvr 19 .63
a. C. SHIM
:aawoormeChester Tiiel
:January 7, 1965
Sandpiper builders Inc.
c/o Mr. Lloyd L. Loveland
P. D. Box 428
Indio, Califor-rri.a
Ver'.ance Case No. 352
Sandpiper Jinildera Inc.
Reduction of Let Six* sad
Building Set racks
La Quints District
On October 24, 1963, the Riverside County Planning Commisaion
granted a variance peril t a tn3 the reduction of lot size and
building setbacks in zone J-2, on property located at the
gouda -west corner of aiseuhaur give and Avenida Fernando to
the i.e [meta District.
In accordance with section 19.12 of Riverside County zoning
Ordinance No. 348, each variance granted under the provisions
of chin article shall. become null and .Told tin1ees3; construction,
occupancy of land or buildings authorized by the variance has
taken place within 180 days.
An inspection of the property described above indicate; [hat
the permit has not been exercised. Therefore, the County of
Riverside declares this i'lrience permit automatically null
and void.
If you plan to develop this property at a later Sete, it will
be necessary to file a new request with the Riverside County
Planning Commission.
cc: Road Department
Palm Desert, Planning,
Rued Departsmnt and
Laud nee Office ✓
Yours very truly,
R. C. San
Land Technician
October cue, 1965. 1L:22650
The Honorable Board of Siupervisore
f hurt Bohr
Uvereida, California
Pluming Commission respectfully repo c+p rove the sttaci4 application
f Caliper Buildsrs , Inc . , c/o Lloyd L. 1 . O. Sox , Indio, California,
or a variance permitting the reduction 4ion of lot size End building eetbacas in Zone
W-2 (Controlled Development Areas - 1,000 sonars foot minimum building size) on
property located at the southwest corner of Almembower Drive and Avenida Fernando
in the Lea quints District.
SUBJECT: Variance Cese No. 552
Sandpiper Builders, ders, Inc.
udu ctiom If Lot Site and
Banding Setbacks
Zone W-2
La Quints District
Fourth Supervisorial District
meat to Ordinance 318, a ;Olio hearing was held an this natter before the
laming Cammdasion }i aring Board on October 9, 1963. A summery of evidence resented
v the Mange and recommendation of the Hearing Board are attached hereto. The
Commission, et its regular meeting on October 22, 1963, approved and adopted the
findings and recommendation at the Storing Board.
NO ltr her action is required 17 your We rd unless an appeal is tiled by the
cent or sone property owner 'within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries et the era*.
F erty under eonoideration within seven data et the "late this retort first appears
on your Board Adends, or the Board on its own motion orders the application trans-
ferrt.4 to it for further proceedings.
Respectfully submitted,
A p1., Mars, Legal, Labels
Property Owners List
Hearing Swag art Tyler Suess - Planning Director
cet Supervisor Cook
Land is Division (2)
J. Kravitz - ii ed Dept.
Road Dept. - ham Desert
Pala Dessert Planning Office
Clark of the Daard
Applicant (mailed) (initial)
MI`'' IO4
DATE: OC TOBCR 9, 1963
SUBJECT: VARIANCE CASE N0. 552 Located at the southwest
Sandpiper Builder, Inc. corner of Eisenhower Drive
Reduction of Lot 81ze and Building 8etbac:ke and Avenida Fernando -
Zone W-2 Approx. 12.4 acres
La Quintal District
Fourth 6u,erviaorial Dietrict
FACTUAL DATA: Eight (8) notices of this hearing were Failed to those persona whose
names and aaddreaaaaeaa appeared on the latest available assessment roll of the County
Assessor as property avnere of record within a 300-foot radius of the boundaries of
the property under consideration. In addition, fifteen (15) notices were nailed
to other interested parties and government agencies.
PLOT PAN: The plan indicates three units consisting of eight duplexes each together
with parking end "common green" areas. The lots average 35 feet by 65 feet in seize.
STAFF REPORT: The property is located at the southwest corner of Eisenhower Drive
end Avenida Fernando in La Quinta. The La Quints Hotel is just southwesterly and
the La Quints Country Club lies to the eaa>it. The property is presently zoned W-2
(Controlled Development Areas). Each building will have en area of 1000 square
PROPONENT: Mr. Lloyd L. Loveland, Po 0. Box 428, Indio (representing applicant)
Mr. Loveland, representing the applicant, stated that the plot plan design may have
to be changed, moving the development from the south portion westerly. It was
determined by the counael that legal notice was sufficient to cover this request
and since Mr. Loveland swore to the fact that the party to the west eve under the
same ownership, it would be poaa;<sible to approve en amended plot plan at a later date.
Mr. Loveland showed that a hardship exi& ted because of topographical problems which
create special circumatancea not common to adjoining properties and since there are
no provisions in the Ordinance to take care of condominiums, he felt that the vari-
ance eve justified.
FINDINGS: 1) That the evidence eubnsitted by the staff is correct. 2) The appli-
cant denaoneatraated legal hardship to justify this variance.
That the variance be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. The development of the premixes conform esubaataantiaally with that as shown on
plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case No. 552 in the office
of the Rivera:aide County Planning Colaamieasion.
2. prior to the iaseuaance of a building permit, additional right of way along the
Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando frontages of the property shall be offered
by the owner for dedication for public road purpose to provide for a 55-foot
and a 33-foot half street respectively, without coat to any government agency.
3. P • to the i ass uaaaJc>ee of a building permit, an encroachment permit shawl
obtain to m the Road kepartment for all work done within the of way on
both Eia enhoaw= ive and Avenida Fernando and curb er pavement and
tie-in paving shalrler4Litalled a a at a graded--t4 gn at as established by the
Riverside County Road Crs s :a ab.rsr tiaaf story bond be posted with that
agency guaranteeing the re e !#2ivixwennnt. With the exception of the survey,
be dons at no cogs any government agency. Inatallaa-
aa3ndt gutter ie further sub je:ct to bt paariment study on the feaasi-
y of grade and aaai igni nt ka-o t thi. sae particular locai (SEE REVISED CONDITION
PAGE -2-)
4. Prior to the isaua4.nk!:xr of :a butb'airsg .r,rclault, s6ub iivision map, substantially
conforming to that wi qhovn GO is. hlbllt "A," : iL T.l. be filed for recordation
with the Bounty or It vwrJ$4 .
ea;aid improvement
tion of "•
&- it
Report a n:i R'.-coaiat ndett1Ofl
Variance e+;albe No. 552
Pa ;t -2-
5 . Exhibit "A" may be ravi6ed t';.,; n:s t. Itandardb of development are corn --
plied with. The x•zvi ion of this ylc . plan :L eubj c;•, to approval by the
[3oLx'. and without pu rv. a
6. mat the uainte ntnnnce or the ccatol'.til',4 .c .cre&Ztion and service areas shall be
assured by proviation ' itt the dee&s, .uch ad coven rrtn running with the land,
providing fur 1articipe,t1c,n by tha :,.i,l ivi'.duai lot or,3� rt in the responsibility
and cost thereof and 1•,rol, d i,y the Tip ^ u' i e County .Henning Commission.
7. This vas i.ar4;°e shall be aged (6) ^ioutho, otherwise it shall become
nu1.1 und void and or no effect; u'''x'sst4oC:;lr or
HEARING BOARD NEWE 3 CONUURf& Gb CottgEts iner6 Kat enstein and Kirkpatrick, and
Mr. Livingstone.
N The Planning Commission, at its meeting held on October 22, 1963, changed
Condition No. of the above Report and Recommendation to read as follows:
3. Prior to the issuance of as building permit, an encroachment permit
shall be obtained from the Road Department for all work done within
the right of way on both Risenhover Drive and Avenida Fernando and curb
and gutter, pavement, and tie-in paving shall be installed at a grade
and alignment as established by the Riverside County Road Commissioner
or a satisfactory bond be posted with the agency guaranteeing the re-
quired improvement. Any or all of the said improvements may be subject
to deletion by the Planning Coammieslon at the time of approval of the
tentative map upon receipt of the County Road Department study and
feasibility of grade and alignment at this particular location. With
the exception of the survey, said improvements shall be done at no cost
to any government agency. Installation of curb and gutter is further
subject to Road Department study on the feasibility of grade and align-
ment at this particular location."
Mr. hicholas 1r. aohlottor.
536 8th Avenue
Riverside, 9311nots
October h, 1943
81111,1IGT• Vartanos Cos, Si' 552
is in reply to paw Utter dated Septosber 30, /963 th relter4 110 Viriano
Como No. 552 in tho 14 Quints Zoning District.
ars ow:Using ons of our case maps which *now the location of the aPPlioentla
1 of land smasidared tn the ~Janos. US ars roforrLog your Utter to oa,
Gating Sarvloos for tars =Lag mip ot tho la QUIAtialtrict• iouvill boar
from then shortly as to *so charges involmod.
Very truly yours,
DOM= MGM RAVEN 0011110110N
Wier Sow ileuelas larecto'
00* Dup11aating Services Dipartmoot
Pau Desert Moans Office
ale& 1.• rattarick.itaants; foolpicies
OCT 9 1963
Desert Office
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the
Riverside County Planning Commission Hearing Board on the application of
Sandpiper Builders, Inc. made pursuant to Article XIX and Article XXa, Ordinance
No. 348, Riverside County Zoning Ordinance for a variance to said Ordinance
permitting the reduction of lot size and building setbacks in Zone W.2 (Controlled
Development Areas a. 10000 Square Foot Minimum mum Building Size) on property located
at the southwest corner of Eisenhower Drive and Avoni.da Fernando in the La Quinta
District and more particularly described as follows:
por°. of the W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 36, T. 5 S., R. 6 E.
Said public hear will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 1963, at 2:15,
og'cloak P.M., in the Board of Supervisors Room, Court House, Riverside, Californias
at which time and place pertinent testinorry wal be heard.
September 27, 1963:lw
By: Hazel 1. Eveusen .- Sec tart'
SEP 27 1963
reduction VARIANCE
1. Application Complete yes
2. Filing fee attached, ..__
3. Plot plans checked yew
Sandpiper Builders. Inc ADDRFSS�
Lot sine setback d: B1da. rap DATE 9-13-63 INTERVIEWED
DISTRICT 6 & Quint -. :,...
ZONE W-2e (1000 Sa. k . Min. Bldg. Siz1)
4. Supporting informations to be determined at time of counter interview:
a. Type of operation condomninium
b. Sise (present
c. Proposed expana
d. Other incidental uses ee ad ra
ee flood protection ie rieeeeee ry
f. Number of employees 73?
5. Legal description complete and checked
6. Legal description checked againot plot p
7. Ass
8. Receipt for Check
9. Assign place on agenda (date and hour)
10. Newspaper
To be published not later than
11. Notice to applicant nailed
12. Notices nailed
13. Notice posted on property by Date
Agriculture Department
Air Pollution Control District
Airport Commission
Chamber of Commerce
City of
Desert Office
Coachella Value Flood Control Water Pollution Control. No.
Riv. Co. Flood Control
Health Department
Land Use Division
Road Department
State Division of Forestry
State Division of Highways
Other interests pereobs or E sa ions concerne :
14. Entries made on "STATUS CONTROL SHEET"
°a e3`3oa`�on F
RJ5: 6- 142
:fy.• , , 5- 5 2„.., • •
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1.; t•E) i ter,. au "4, t tql1-:.?.;;LA 'ca.. z,.14
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7;4 r+ii
w— 2_ +
• .' •
, • •
' 4 ,
•J.4(..i.t. :4,4.17 •
•,• :
' . II • o lot
f.• WOOED tAtib Wilmot
120 gait +Para Canyon
Pak; Norio as, Coll!onsia
• ; • 4.1ic".Y..1:' ••1,
1P4 QUiRta PrOPOrtlY
• 0
*11 that portion of the W of tips 15.443/4 8110t4i S. 108.•40' 104,
deenribed as follcmet • • • • ' . 4"
, •
1,1*0116 it the cantor line intervection Ckf Eisenhower
''' • 4.4„ 4 ' '
Sera) wit 43 the center lino of Avenida Ferhel)00 1113,0r1Worf, Lc 41
Golf Eistates NO. 1, 1.* .1300)( .37, Pages 96 to 98, iti4uef1ve, 417914de
. Records; thenewk,arr. 3y* V. 50.00 feet to It pc4nt n -are 1St 344.1!)i
said. EUiezitiorterJr1ve, sai.41 point being um) 1I1 Karr OF **AMINO' at
description; thence oontiwing N. 89'59' 1101 W. 11001.1.1 giaiti* the helgtoars
, or CutVe coneave solitoberly and having a masa of 299149 feet; theoce .
westerly along said curve thru. A central angle of 2301" X:* a distance of
.120.35 feet; theuce 8. 60559! 1.6n V. 182.16 feet to the begipang of a curve
concave rxortharly and having a radius of 162.22 fast; 44.14:1**11100404-1.7 aa/oha
thru a central angle nt 6.1± 21' 36* it 0.f.A4p;• 010 •
• •
to the tpegiruang sif a compound cum, concave eout.40717 iyuf MAN a.radtus ,
3.74.37 feet; thence Westerly along said curve, Urn I 'teratria, optvg4 of •
381204 .00. a di. taric:a of 119.34 feet; thence North 89`59, 08* West 270010',
feet; thence South 016.P .58w West 452,23 feet; the Fea Saatt9,110 1*-Iriast
3.?3,56 Feet; thence dotath 3t-.251 06/ East 151.O fest; theretailorth 891' 121 last
202.39 feet thence South Ci'121211. iieet 45.12 feeti UAW* Soutoh 89%9$"1 at
.5913.20 feet tO a. point in the West line of Eisenhower Itrtve C•fors044 mt?rgAin Rood)
as desoribs4 by Deed 921 in book 2651 page 521, Riverside 0olurt7.ltscor4s.1 thin:Kt?•
N. 0001 1400 W. along &ALI West live a distance of 533.24 feet;
• rlson. a20-2914
o. ec. :AMaOIN
T 20 Ego Palm Canyon DrIr.
Pc-lm Spring'. CQJiiarnia
Lagsl Description Continuing
thence North 19 581 3CP lost 0.6Q feet to the 8aut},,swt
A,. &ds Serra ) no Eie snhavar Ilri■e . or said La Qgt#.ntrn
thence North Q'O1' 3CP Wsat along th! Wait line of, sod
X50.C3-taet to the TRO]$ POINT 4F
Containing 12.85 Nat Aso
• •,r
v tI!I of kit T
Golf $at.stoa Ito. I'
Lot h d dtit no*