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VAR 0751
Case No. 1 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PIANNING COMMISSION: I. NAME OF APPLICANT Frances L. Ha.ck A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. Frances L. Hack .) 2. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly acknow- ledged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) 3. The lessee in possession of the property, with the written con- sent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorised thereto in writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of property Situated on the 78-120 Tampico Street -La Quinta side of said street between Bermudas St and Desert Club Drive B. Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records.Fr om SW Cor. of Ext. of Bermudas eastward 340' along �T.ln of TAmu1Oo tc East boundry,thence N 250' to cor.thence Wstly 101' j p cnr_nt 'Mt+ of Berm a.r , thnc:P S _ to Pt_ of AF i n»1 nr T liWz of 9C _ 6 T 62 B. 7E. (If more space is needed for above ove description,cplease attach supple- mentary sheet.) C. Date of acquisition of property. February 1947 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any permit granted pursuant to this petition shall not affect deed restrictions of record.) E. Land use of property. for one trailer III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording what you are re- questing for the property in question. Before this application is ac- cepted, there must be attached a plot plan drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing imprc;c= nts on property, and plans and elevations of all B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply general- ly to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood, /I Cr:79-J / • / 7(71 / C. State why the granting of this Variance as requested 18 necessary to do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical diffi- culty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistf44 with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detri- mental to the public safety or welfare. B. A cafe -tavern is the only existing building on this and the adjoining 47 acres of land. The Lessees are living in a trailer pending completion of an apartment which was to be added to the existing building and on which a permit was issued. This addition was not made as an overall develop- ment is now under study for the entire tract and the develop- ers feel it is best not to make any additions until a master plan is completed. This work is now in progress and an effort being made to include adjacent properties. C. The cafe is in an isolated area and has been the object of several robberies and considerable vandalism. The police. cannot patrol the area sufficiently and my insurance company has threatened to cancel or double the insurance unless the protection of having someone live on the propertycontinues. D. There are no homes or buildings within 300 ft. of this property, in fact the closest is over 1000 ft. away and they have no objection. The trailer is connected to a septic tank; is attractive and believe could not be objectionable in any way. NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estab- lishment of the use as applied for in this application. We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application. Signature Address OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) I Frances L. Hack , being duly sworn depose and say that I am an owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information submitted herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed . _1/ rr.r�.. (address) PHONE NO. DI 74161 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of July 19.65 Ra 114 LAND USE DIVISION Noveuber 8, 1967 1.Ys. Frances L. Hack Dox 191 La Quintal, California Subjects Variance Case 751 Trailer as Residence Zone C-PP4,000 La t u nta District Dear tire. hacks On Oct.. 23, 1965, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors ap- proved Variance Case 7g1 for a trailer as a residences as pro- perty located on the north side of Caa11e Tampico, arbprolimately nddway betweben Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club is the La Quints District, sUbjac t to certain conditions. Condition 3 of Variance Cause 751 states that tho trailer would be authorized until Nev. 1, 1967. On a recant on-s.ttt ins3pDction of this cnsot it was noted that the trailer is still being used as a dwelling. I1 you. desire to ;coop the trailer at t:'t.is location, it will be necessary to apply for a rtew Varianc.i tIirtxtk-ii: th 1 nalr !i , 't Planning Office, otherwise it will be nocesIu+ry to remove or store the trailer. This office is charged with the o afarca mo it of County Ora.1 n nee No. 34a, the County Zoning Ordinance. This letter is being sont as 0, 1: .L notico to c .ty with the above conditions on or before Dec. 7 1967, otherwise it will be necessary to take local action. Tour cooperation is this mattor ti1)1.11d be apixoclatoe.. Very truly yours, C. E. GRAMME LAND USW i A. W. Eit ook Land Use Technician minstj cc Riversic3o County Planning Cceriissien Palm Desert Land UoW Palm Desert Planning Office file 7 3 - izo p/c 4 qu Ai t/9- /t/6 1“1/v (2/C 1Ct 'Mu P,9-5 "t- • • 44, k • • r• I /V 4,155 /99 9/ 0 • iv • FA RKIRG va,u...-4' 7 51- _, --_.- _ 17ff f e : 4, - .4 AL . - ,- _ _ p -t C s t, .5- .... ,,, ...1. . --,..,- 44 5f• __•,...7',_: ", :, -.5. 7 t.--4 in::4:A2 / X 2 ti 7.4r. I • - HY. R ----,57eit4 ,'Vett•*c,1 i---, Z.' 9 75 1- - 41"? 7€77e.t? ?„.7.• c•- , rer f 7 P 17' i -77 0 ii17 -7 ir 'E. 0- •'‘), • 0-/, ) V' 7 45 TO: CCIO uInk of RiiireIra if Ni.XWMIK 1 '))1 RE¢ V// ' ` / 5f. DATE • -/-44?-eA • 6112/tel f-ged le -A/ C/&,471 y6e-Af �Ga.GL C.ca�. Aix% GEN. FORM 4, 3/65 TOs C:ot��zty Ross Donley, Land Use Technician, Palm Desert FROMs REs• DATE s R. W. Birbeck, Land Use Technician, Land Use Division February 17, 1966 Variance Case #751, Trailer as Residence, Frances L. Hack, La Quinta District Could you please advise if Condition #2 of Variance Case #751 has been complied with. . Condition #2 requires prior to the issuance of a building permit applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the Department of Public Health. . On .a recent on site inspection in the La Quinta area it was noted that the trailer is hooked up and being used. Could you please advise if a building permit has been issued and if clearance has been obtained from the Department of Public Health? REGEHED FEB 2B i9e6 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT C. E. CRABTREE LAND , SE/D STRATOR R eirbeck Land Use Technician GEN..FORM 4, 3/65 February 2i 1968 veratde County Plan a 4E A 'I si' Street R rsid 4 Cali vefornia ubjoct s Variance Case 75i. .Trailer as Residence Zone C-F-I 0€3 Quinta District A, scent on -site inspection was made of this case* and the:-tra,ilor has been caio be closed* raved from the property. it iB rrecommended that- Rilit j` -cc-' Palm Desert Land U Pala Desert Planning �Ofi'tcc file March 24, 1966 iiversideoiinty _'P3ai►ring County CourezHouse ` Riverside; -'"California. Subject Variance`Case #751;. Frances L. Haek Trailer"=aaAe8ide lce Zone C4-t000 La :Quints District' Gentlemen: cmuui e s ion .: WAR 2 81966 COUNTYOF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT A recent 'on ;cite i'nspeet,len, Was 'made,,of this case °and: 4. .the trailer was ynoted.•hooke'eup beside bar and cafe as shown ,on :Exhibit toA": ;f - Information ihas 'been received''that Building' Permit #138847, issued for;.a trailer .hook up;and approval was `obtained from the' County. •Health Department. In view` of`t4e above. iC isr believed'"'that, the cotaditions of this•icase have' been .satisfied at ,the 'present timer." A follow up; of this'=case wii.l be .made prior, to its expiration date s6f November 1, '-1967 Very` trulyyoura C. .�E.. C4ABTR' g LAND `UZMMINISTRAT0R VII. Vi:ec RWB:vp �tand Use Technician cc;,°,Pala' Desert.;Laind- Use -Palm Plennin$ Office October 19, 1965 The Honorable Ord of Supervisors Court House Riverside, California Gentlemen: SUBJECT: ROTE "TO V..... E..... 0.. F. g..... W..... HL:30022 Transmittal of Hearing Board Chess The Planning Commission respectfully reports approval of the following items: 1. CONDITIONAL USE CASE NO. 806 John Henry Coleman 637 Ehst Alosta Glendora, California Subdivision Directional Sign (Tract No. 2540) Zone N-3 Prado Area First Supervisorial District 2. CONDITIONAL USX CASH ZO. 804 Leslie F. Bleanaster 11957 Patton Road Downer, California Trailer Park Zone W-2 Bermuda Danes District Fourth Supervisorial District 3. FUBLIC USX CASX NO. 153 Gladys Woods BOettger ead First Baptist Church of Highgrove 614 West Center Street Highgrove, California Church and Allied Facilities Zona R-1 University District Third Supervisorial District Located on the south side of High- way 91, approximately one-half mile east of Prado Road Located on property extending westerly of the extension of 42nd Avenue, approximately 1280 feet and extending southerly approxi- teately 503 feet from said street extension Located at the southwest corner of Bain Street and Michigan Avenue Board of Bupervioors Hearing Bard Cases October 19, 1965 Page -2- 4. VARIAN= CASE NO. 761 Stanley Graben 39379 Seventh Street San Jacinto, California Reduction of Lott Size Zane A-1-5 Est -Saw Jacinto District Fifth Superviaorial District 5. VARIAWCB CASK NO. 7511 Frances L. Rack Box 191 Ia Quints, California Trailer as a Residence Zone C-P-1000 Square Feet Minima Dwelling Size La Quints District Fourth 8upervisorial District 6. CC DITICRAL usz CASK B0. 805 Dick and June Puta w 1736 Pacific Avenue Norco, California Dog Kennel Zane it-3 Nuevo Area Fifth Superviaorial District and denial of: 7. VARIANCB CABS O. 758 Colyn F. Reynolds 39821 Vineland Place Beaumont, California Three or Four Outs as 4-H Project Zone R-1 Cherry Valley District Third Superviaorial District 8. PUBLIC USN CASS O. 151 Church of the Nazarene of Hemet (c/o Orville Damon, Chairman of Trustees) 41040 Sunset Lane Reset, California Church, Sunday and Day Schools Zone R-1 Ramona District Fifth 8upervisorial District Looted at the ooutbeest corner of Seventh and Green Streets Located on the north side of Palle apico, approximately may between Avenida Bermudas and Docert Club Drive Located on a triangular parcel situated at the northerly corner of Pico Rand and Porter Street Locted 165 feet to 330 feet east of Noble Street and extending south from the easterly extension of Vineland Street 330 feet Located an the south wide of Whittier Avenue approximately 330 feet east of Cornell Street Board of Supervisors Tearing Board Caseati October 19, 1965 Page -3- Pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, these matters were considered before the Planning Comeiasion Hearing Board. Copies of the Hearing Board Minutes, including summaries of testimony, findings, recommendations, and conditions of approval, are attached hereto. Bo farther action is required by your Board unless an appeal ig filed by the appli- cant or some property owner within 300 feet of the exterior dries of the pro- perty under consideration within seven days of the date this report first appears on your Board Agenda, or -the Board on its own notion orders the application trans- ferred to it for further proceedings. The above recommendations were by unanimous action of the Planning Commission at it© adjourned regular tweeting held on October 19, 1965. TB:n1 Zhao . mutes, Maps, Lewis, Conditions cc: Supervisors (by district) Road Department (2) Land Use Division (3)" Department of Public Health State Division of Highways - District VIII Water Pollution Control Ord No. 7 Palm Desert Planning Office Clerk of the Board Applicants (mailed) (initial) VARIANCE CASE N0. 751 HEARING BOARD CONDITIONS Frances L. Hack September 29, 1965 Trailer as Residence Zone C-P-1000 La Quinta District Fourth Supervisorial District 1. The development of the premises sh'11 conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case No. 751 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the Department of Public Health. Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agency shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith, 3. The use permitted hereby, shall be subject to review before the Riverside County Planning Commission Hearing Board without public hearing before its expiration date, November 1, 1967, for consideration of extension of time or revocation of said permit. At least 60 days, but not more than 90 days, prior•to said expiration.date„ the applicant shall request a review of the case from the Land Use Division.. Failure to request said review at the proper time shall constitute a waiver of the right of extension of the permit. Upon receipt of the applicants request, the Land Use Division shR-i1 inspect the property and report its findings to the Plating Commission at least 30 days prior to said expiration date. 4. This approval shall be used within 180 days, after final proceedings before the'Board.of Supervisors, otherwise it shan become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. 5. In the event the use permitted hereby ceases operation for a period of one year or more this permit shall become null and void. ANT i accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the 0ffice of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed confirmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date: Applicant's Signature Date: owner°s Signature (697-755) 1:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE CASE NO. 751 (Continued from 9-1-65) Frances L. Hack Trailer as a Residence Zone C-P-1000 Square Feet Minimum Dwelling Size La Quinta District Fourth S•upervrisorial District Property located on the north side of Calle Tampico, approximately midway between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive PRESENTATIOU: Mr. Schmitz reminded the Board that a public hearing had been held within the past few weeks (September 1, 1965) and that it had been continued upon the request of the applicant. At the last hearing there was one person appearing in opposition, a Mr. A. C. Zoulis, owner of approximately 22 acres across the street. Mr. Zoulis was assured at that time that the objection would be brought again to the attention of the Board at the continued hearing and that he would not have to be pre- sent to receive ful]. consideration. By way of review, Mr. Schmitz told the Board that the property is located on the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Tampico in La Quinta. A date garden abutts the property in question on the west and to the north and east is vacant ground. A few small businesses exist within one-fourth mile to the south. The trailer is in existence on the site, immediately east of the cafe. The plot plan indicates a 10 foot by 50 foot trailer, approximately 150 feet from the road. He submitted two photographs of the development which had been taken by the -staff within the past two months. (Mr. Geerlings_administered oath to all persons wishing to present testimony.) PROPONENTS: Frances L. Hack, Box 191, La Quint, (applicant) sirs. Laurie Scott, 6768 Clifford Street, Riverside OPPONENTS: None SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY Mrs. Hack told the Board that she owned a 50 acre piece of land which is divided by three zones: C-P, R-3 and R-1. The only thing on the property at present is the cafe and trailer. Her insurance company has threatened to cancel the insurance on the property unless someone lives there. The restaurant has been broken into numerous times and other acts of vandalism have occured when the business was left unattended. It had been her intent to build on to the restaurant to provide living quarters for the couple operating the cafe. A bui1Ming permit had been acquired and also a temporary (six months) permit allowing a trailer to be occupied on the property during the con- struction period. Several property owners in the area had asked her not to build any thing of a permanent nature that might interfere with the over-all master plan which is in the process of being developed. She said her plans for the property would be finalized long before the 1967 time 'imitation imposed by the conditions. Mrs. Scott said she owned property in La Quanta adjoining that of the applicant. She felt that it would be an advantage to have someone living on the property in question in that it is quite isolated. FINDINGS: 1) The evidence presented by the staff is coa-rect. 2) There is a need to have a full-time occupant on the property. 3) With the conditions attached, the ;1 use ota trailer as,a-resi _e for a limited time on the p 3rty under consideration mill not be detrirae:ntal to one melfaare of the areao P.YOTIOII o It. eras regulaily moved by COMmissioner Miller9 seconded by I+Ir. Livingstone n and. Uneni isly carried that the Hearing Board reeonend that the Planning Commission approve Variance Cage Noo,751'subject to the conditions on file with Case. . 1 (217-a35) 1s30 Pone FTh W WARM VARIANCE CMS Ii0o .751 Frances Lo Rick Trailer gas a Beet -"ice Zone Gap-,1O00 alcpanret' iir -t Minima Dvefling EliseLa Quints District Fourth rvisorial District • Sp) 15 1965 Pro;:;._rty located on the north sills of Calle Tampico, approximately mid- . %S� £v d and Desert t ClubDrive P ){` s Piro Selsits presented the subject vplication together with all naps pertinent theretos $s ound 3 ia erty 01028r6 having been notified accordingto the provisions ons of Ordinance Doc. A date garden Qitto the property in Asti on to the west end to the north! to the. eat is vacant ground. There a a few businessses within 1/4 silo to the south The try is existing on the site and is ' located lastediately easterly of, the care° The plot plea indicated _.. 10 foot by 50 foot trailer Rpproximately 150 feet frau the road, The %d Von Division reports that, neon investigations they found the $rider in question mewled by a Mre and Mrs, Fred Rin ,'a operators of the tin on this property, The occupants stated that they were not cognisant of County lens prohibiting the installation of a trailer without . . • benefit of a building pit or of it being laleafft1 to mem a trailer. in the C-P Zoneo Btro Schmitz read a letter from the uqoplicant stating t dA„t it was ,. necessary for her to be absent from the area on the date of the hearing and re- questing that the ,r,--tAir be continued to 13eptaaber 29, 1965,, (a ceerliage ,..,stered o th to all persons wishing to present testimory.) A Co Zsnalie, 2250 Marco Drive, Los *Angeles &so Zoulis appeared to register his objectien to the Variance under consideration.. Bs believed the area to be properV and sew no reason wily there should be say deviation iron the vises permitted in the sene. Re said he owned wproximately 22 acres across the street, that the gavnting of, suah'a VGReintiae would establish a precedent end the Weald," 120 doubto be other similar requests end the value of property 'woad A deiven some distance to attend the meeting and did not feel he should be required to swear again. • W. Suess mewed Ife. Zoulis that his objection would b� brought to the attention of the Rearing Board, at the continued meeting. It vas regularly vaned by W. Suesst seconded by Ccemisaioner Xielqatricho end unanimously carried that the .public hearing in connection with sutbjeet- ease be continued,to 1230 oesloch Pale on 6epte1&be1* 29., 1965 7) r''.'•' c., I, u!).,_ '...... ! , 1/ ' • I • October 19, 1965 The Honorable Board of Supervisors • , Court House , Riverside, California • . . I • I OCT 2 2 1965:: RIVERSIDE COUNTY ' PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE 14:30002 • • • ' • ;' • ' • • • „ • • • 1. • Gentlemen: • • SUBJECT:. Transmittal of Hurt% Board Cases The l'iamming Commission reepectfUlly reports'appreval OF taif0;4904,6 items: 1.. CDIUAL U8 C&8 0. 806 John Henry Coles 637 lent Aloste Glendora, California' ' Subdivision Directional Sign .. (Tract No. 250) ; Jona : • . ; .._rrado Area. - rirat Onpervisorisi Dlatr1014 2. '-cosiampAL U CASS O. 804 Leslie F leamaeter 1195T Pottfoo Hood ' poupoy,00.1401144:-* Tr411or Poi:4*Y. Zone Beramde Dunes DiStrict 1'0400 Superviaorial 01041.0-- 3. :PUBLIC UBS CASA BO. 153 . . Gladys Hoods Boattger and . First.wptiat Church of Bigharawe ',61.4 Vest Center Street Bighgrove, California .• - Church and'Allied papilities lowe University District • Third Supervisorial District • ,rt-Located'on the south sid at 11154-', e way 91, approximately one-half Prado Road,. ,- • k • . • .. e, " •-• • • • . • 'fi ' r ••` • • • ••• • .'; . ' • • ; 'Located on properwamtandime .westerly of the extension of 42id ',AYOnna,"approninately 1200Ieet, •;, and extendingSoUtherly ',matali 503 1'6104;1;0! aatqh 11!reet extension.l.'2. •.• • e , : ' ; • • • ' „ ••• , • ••` • •••••'.'”;•.,-.• •Z•,•••'!1:'•. • • r' r . • • -• 0' •• '..4" 4 , • • • 71., • Located at the pouthwest corner of Mein Ptreet andlAlebiaan Avenue • •• '• • 1 •. • • • • ; n' • ' ..• • 1.. • '• • • :•• • Bw,Avd of Ounervitore 11,6=1.44. Board Cases Oatobax 190 1905 Pata4 -2- 4. VARIANCE CASE $0. 761. Stanley Mahan' 39379 Seventh Street San Onto; California Reduction of Lot Oise foss Rmaat-San Jacinto District Ylfth Supervisor/al District 5. VARIANCE cam no. 751/ .BI:ances L.-Esch Boa 191 La Quints, California Wailer as a Residence ,2cce C-P-1000 Square Feet MaiDuelling Size , • Is Quints District - ?Fourth Supervieorial District 6. priprrxoim. uss CASE o. 805 Jack and June putpan- 1736 Pacific Avenue • Norco, California Dog Kennel Zo4-3 Nuevo Area • s Wt114 OuPerriP0001, 140210 mn4 1220111 T. VARIANCE CABE.NO. 758 0ulD4o4u DRYPolds .• •39821 Ingsland Placa, "Besumoat, 'California ' three or row its as 441 Prat Zama 4-1 . , • . . • Cherry Valley District- • rd Supervisorial District 8. PUBLIC USE CASE ao. 151 Churl* of the Nesarene of Hemet (c/o -Orville Doman Chairman of Trustees 41040 Sunset Lan:• • . Hemet, California Caurch„ Sunday and Day Schools Zane-R-1 Rumana District • Pifth Superviserial District . . " 7'" • • Located at the cOutheeet clamor of Seventh and 0reen Streets' Located on•the north sido at 11.O. _Tampico, approximately mdEmay 'Sett:gen Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive - . , • , •••• , :Located on a tri408eler parcel situated at the northerly corner ct Pico ROO cud PortOr fiktrodot • r Located 165 feet -to 330 feet oast of Noble Street gg4 extending • south from the easterli extension of. Vineland Street 330 fsst • • e • ‘1, 4.1 Loagted ag the south side.ng Whittier Avow* oPProximately- - 339 014 et of corp41 @txeqi • . • lop at • 3 r: Ibt r 19, 196 PaZit -3 - Pu.vevant. to Ordinance No. 349, tbssc stittdrrs very considered before the PlisiaE ... Cdcsda pion Hearing Ord. Copies of the Dearing Board Minutes, , includipg'surimpries, of testimony, 4M:dines, gec do ,and conditioas of (approval, are attached Mretd). jlltur4her fiction is required by your Board unless oit appeal is filed bitbithe 1L- a i nit og. sow property tri arr uithha 300 feet o' the exterior boundaries of the pro — petty under consideration vithim seven days of the deate this report first appears ;yea' 4,;, rd Azandal or the Ord. on its os apti©n orders the application troop- . fermi by i to it for further proceedings. • The above reortwandstions were by unanimous action of the Planning Cow► i s adjourned regular eeeting bald ova October 19, 196 .. su edt,ted, COUNTY y am¶ /R/$10- puerse -o 'Z i t n/ - M;?.r vnkes, Hags, Lmals, Condition cc: Huperviaaors (by district) Hoed De p,autesnt (2) limed Use Division(3) &vestment of P b1ic Health Otete Division of Htg ys District VIYI "later Pollution Control Doaak o. T - Pa1a Desert Planning Officer Clerk of the Boa:rrd Api'licr is , (mailed) lotTla TO i7 VARIANCE CASE N0. 751 Frances L. Hack. Trailer as Residence H Zone C'Pm1000 0...) La Quinta District t..Je: Fourth Supervisorial E car BH.•••HHEARING BOARD CONDITIONS $D....September 29, 1965 B$ 1. The development of the ¥rem$ses shall conform substantially h that as shown on plot plan marked ExhWbit.VA" on file with -Variance Case No. 751 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the Depaatment of Public Health. Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agency shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 3. The use permitted hereby, shall be subject to review before the Riverside County Planning Commission Hearing Board witholit public hearing before its expiration date, November 19 1967, for consideration of extension of time or revocation of said permit. At least 60 days, but not more than 90 days, prior to said expiration date, the applicant shall request a review of the case from the Land Use Division.. Failure to request said review at the proper time shall constitute a waiver of the right of extension of the permit. Upon receipt of the applicants request, the Land Use Division shall inspect the property and report its findings to the Planning Commission at least 30 days prior to said expiration date. 4. This approval shall be used within 180 days, after flnal proceedings before the Board of Supervisors, otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. 5. In the event the use permitted hereby ceases operation for a period of one year or more this permit shall become null and void. A SM= 7CEVE OCT 2 1965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ?LANNING COMM SSION I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed confirmation, in quadraxplicate, has been received by the P1 vuii g Commission. Date: d ei/160`4- �/ AS Applicant ° s Signature (69 i --Yrl5 ) PUBLIC HEARING �f L:30 P.D. .6 BLIC HEARING VARIANCE CASE N0. 751 (Continued from 9..1-65) Prances L. Hack Trailer as a Residence Zos e C-P-10OO Sepexe Feet Minimum Dwelling Size La Quinta District ' rour�h :; aIyi.sorial District Prep rty located on the north side of Calle Tampico„ approximately midfr say between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive FR1 ;Rl1TA 'TOIL : Dr. Schmitz reminded the Board that a public hearing had been held within the peat few weeka (September; 1, 19t 5) and that it had been continued upon the request Of the applicant. At the laebt hearing there was one person appearing in opposition, a. !.ir. A. C. Zoulis, owner of approximately 22 acres: acrose the street. Dr. ZoulZs was assured at that time that the objection 'would be brought again to the attention of the Board at the continued hearing and that he would not have to be pre- sent to receive full consideration. By way of reviews Dr. Schmitz told. the Board that the property is located on the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Tampico in Du Quinta. A date garden abutts the Property in question on the went and to the north and east is vacant Ground.' A few small businesses exist within 'one-fourth mile to the south. -The trailer is in existence on the site, immediately east of the cafe. The plot plan indicates a 10 foot by 50 foot trailer, approximately 150 feet from the road. 'He submitted two photographs of the development which had been taken by the staff within the past two month. (Mr. Geerlinjs administered oath to all persons wishing to present testimony: ) PROPONENTS: OPPO E1 TS : Frances L. Hack, Box 191, La Quints, (applicant) Mrs. Laurie Scott, 6768 Clifford street, Riverside None • S'iJIVPRY OF TESTILIONY Drs . Hack told the Board that she owned a 50 acre piece of land which is divided . by three zones: C-P, A-3 and R-1. The only thing on the property at present is the cafe a and 'trfail er. Iler insurance company has threatened to cancel the insurance on the property unless someone lives there. The restaurant has been broken into numerous times and other acts of vandalism have occured when the business was left unattended. It had been her intent to build on to the restaurant to .,provide living quarters for . the couple operating .the cafe. A building permit had been acquired and also as temporary (ei x months) permit allowing a trailer to be occupied on the pro erty , during the con- struction period, Several property owners in the area hd asked her not to build raxay thing of a permanent nature that might interfere with the over-aall master plan which is in the process of being developed. She said her plane for. the properrty would be finalized long before the 1967 time limitation imposed by the. conditions. fr a . Scott said she owned property in La Quinta adjoining that of tine Applicant. She felt that it would be an aadvantege to have someone living on the property in question in that it is quit: isolated. Tinoirms: 1) The evidence presented by the staff is correct. 2) There is a need to have a full-time occupant on the property. 3) With the cond.'itionse attached, the use of u its a a d a e o:s .e llrtrited time on the ID rrty under consideration ri L1 ra: at be- cis. is Lvt.ent :l treleurC or the ta.rea Timis: it 0113 1.,:.: .d.a:Eiy moved by Conr.d8eion :: ° 11ulier» seconded by ,Mr. Y�ivir ,rato[ae and unr.,:_a: rruoaae +y c;€ta.rt.. that, teae' llet rin ; Tioar:rdrre+.oa;rrrerid that the Pinning Cckmmission Ia.g.vova V xia ce Case No. 751 I3ui33j3c.'t_to the *coaclit,iolrt, on file with Case. ra • (217415),. 1830 PbP„bfie lod1=C ffi IYARSALVECASEl1Oo 751 FraliceuL0Rack rtreliar as a Residence Zeno C.4?-1QOO Square root Minium Walling Size t (ito District K• • °9oz. th 6 upzLl visorisi District 1• • PropertY located on the north tide of Ca11e Tespicooiopproxiyaately mid- way between Avenida Bersaslas and Dairen Cli0 Primo ' 'Lh '.,;'}.tT051: eo SC tffi presented the subject application toother vith , 24Vn • pertinent ttesto a sumo= prwerty ogre having been notified. according to the provisions of Ordinal= Roo 3 • A data garden &butte the proparty An question to that w t& and to tel northj to the east is .vacant gyp,' .Them are a few small businennes va ithin 1/4 rale to the south. The trailer is eeivtir4 on the site and located `°.i easterly of the cafe. plot p1 n Indicated.a 10 foot by` 50 foot tE`, .'`�'. is"�d' `�t�3'peox l4r 150 feet from the road, is Laud yap Division reports that, upon investigation.0 they found the trailer ti question occupied. by a Mr. end Hrs. • Fred Riney, a Aerators of tha tavern on this property. The ompanta stated that they v r :tcoanizant . of County laws prohibiting the installation of a trailerr vrithout benefit fit of sn building mat or of it being unlawful to occupy a trailer in the C-P Zone. Mr. Mains read letter tram tha applicant stating that it wei naase y ror her to ba &soot from the areaon the date of the haartng and ro- queswting that the Witter be continual to Septenhar 29,E 1965 Weo (004,:linaa adoiniatered oy th to all version.% 't3 YJhii g to present : 'Pd atia v„ ): PAWOUCiaSs Eon* OP_. _ E2;$$ Ur. A. co 20-au, O Ban fignrco D 9.vts Loa Angelee Ur. Zaulis eopeaved to register his objection to tho variance undeconaidaratioa,r, ' b:€9.UUevOL t e (Lavabo to be properly ticaal and norm rasa= swhy there re 3ho' itt be Ei y deviation from the ages perwitted in the so , Ea said ha od criTrouikaately lea et,TIoes the street§ that the granting of such a variance wo..c li a' precedent and them'would, no d u to be other shshii requests send the yews of rawertquouid suffer, life had driven soma distance to attend the meeting and did,: not feel he Should be required to ;; %peer again. Kr, guess asenromilgro Zou1,izo that his objection Wald be brought to the a ttention = of t rinag Boat riu at the c ntiting0 '• Itregularly moved by Nre manse sect by issi r l trrich unarm carried that the public hearing in oon noction with . Object case be continued to 100 o' pam. on ScYtcoher 29, 15650 : . • l i TO: Land Use Division • RIVERSIDE maim- F.CANNING CCAISSION • Court House • Riverside, California SUBJECT: V. RtANCE CASE N0. 751 = Trailer As Frances L. Hack B Dx 191 14 Quinta, California none: DX-714161 Hearing Date: September 1, 1965 Legal notice of hearing and location rap attached. Your cojn'enta and recommendations requested prior to hearing. r August 13, 1965 • C VPS : Residence Conducted an investigation and found a house trailer, approximately'65' on property and being occupied by a Mr. and Mrs, Fred Riney, who are operating the Tavern on thia'property. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Riney•occupy '`;' tra1.1er,,and stated that they didn't know'that they needed'a building permit or that they were not authorized to have a trailer on property'as mentioned above. Mrs: Riney was well informed of the violation of the Uniform Building Code No. 457 for installing trailer:. and occupying same without obtaining a building permit. - Also, were well informed of violation of the Riverside County Ordinance No. 348, for occupying a trailer in a C-P Zone. • Mrs.- Riney was issued a "legal notice" to correct 'this violation not later than February 11, 1965., r Informant was notified of the action this office'has tnlrn. this date. • { -625`965 C c.o0 �,VE�S�� 0004 COMMWSIC a. E. C LAND USE ADMINISTRATOR D` DATETE August 25, 1965 11�JL� ��V'`�,SIGNED lifu (Return original to Planning Department prior to hearing date.) App. 3 4 1965 RJS:jb 8-13-65 CEC:vp RIVERSIDE COuril r PLANNING COMMISSION. PALM DESERT OFFICE VARIANCE CASE. O. 751 NOTICE: IS Y Grim that a public, hearing.-, will- be held:= before the • Rivera i de .Co my Planning .. Commission Hearing Board on the application ot Fraxxe: L. Back' ®de pursuant to Article. an and Article EEa,. Ordinance No. 348, Riverside Countir: Zoning: 0rdiffinces for a- variance -to, -said- Ordfannce'.per ittini. the, use:„ of a trailer as a residence in. Zone C-P-1000-- (Restricted Coamerciel 1000? square.•. feet`- saiiianna dwelling;: size) on property located:on the north; side of.: Ales Tampico approximately midway;- between: Avenede:, Berdas and Desert Club Drive in the II• Quints District and -more particularly' described as follows:. Portion of the southwest 1%4..of the northwest 1/4-.of Section 6,.:Township:6 South, Range 7 East Said public hearing will be held on Wednesday,; September • 1, 1965, at: 1:30 o'clock P.M., in the, Board of Supervisors Room,. Court HouserRiverside,, California,. at which, time -and: place pertinent testimony vi11 be heard. August 13, 1965:jb RIVERSIDE cowry PLANNING, =MISSION TYLER SUESS - PLANNING: DIRECTOR BY:. Hazel ID Evensen _ Secretary EGEOW C AUG 191965 RrvERSIDE CO0,i;'r. PLANNING COMMISSION. PALM DESERT OFFr! RIVEP,SILt COUNTY PLAMIMG COMPAYSi.ON HEAR1WG WARD DATE OF figARimp TOt 13ivklasidts County Planning POIIIMit,610111' , Case No,. „AIL_ filod on ' • .. .,. Report on 1811MQF,,,,. „,,„„,,t,,,_ , : •,;, Applicant — ___ "1"- ; e • Addr4iSes ograz21%..--.11.....4:1±Atitrigailarc...A.nouz,dsr.r.--,.*.w......werveacamarrawurraattral....sa...... .0.......,,............m.....,-.' • , ' t APPlici•tas ProPosal FACTUAL DATA Notices of this heaving Dialled to those persons no names end adjrasses appeared on the latest availabie assessment roil of the County Assessor as pToperty owners of record within a .„.31Ltafoot radius of the,boundarie3 of the,proparty undor consideration. In addition notices is mailed to other interested persons and organizations and to tithe government agencies! Description of PLO1 PLANg Indicutee 100, x 50!-4ailer, opproxPlutoly • 150' from the road. , . . """ • " , STAFf REPORT concerning locationp access: terrain, landvsov. and. other.data . affecting this case; - Property is located on the NE corner of Avenida Bermuda and Calle Tqmpica in Le quintal. A datR garden abutte it on the West end to'the North and, ; Ea0'is yecant ground. A few small businesses exist peutharly,' IA mile. The,tral4er 0 existing an the attap Phd'ia IMM10$0,W091140111: 014 cop, . r • . SUNIMMIY: • FIHt4n6Ss • 1,he rith that as shown. ort „ r,? ;n .._1:1't::od i::xlr bxt ":.!t on ii1;2 lath Variance .._. Case No. 751 XX l ric`1ttL'� ol.)!.:(fr 1.C!r Ora .;' 012 this. }(t NL:r' .::i !..'. ,20i1Sttw CU s 3:I.Otl unlr) ss otherwise a'71C:11((. u • ai• ;.,'. ...ssuar:CCt oi' a otd.Lci.i.Cb per!cit, additional right of *ray aloe t ro:': La.j;e of the .property shall_ be offered b' the mac::� ccifa. on, for "Ai:Laic road purposes to provide for a ,j i.. r•.. �u :i w tnoll't. cost to any 1,ovl.'.d'ni!:f'nt a;,!=rlcy. XXX }• •`i.F." 1..0 '$t1t3 7.:iswall_ of a Ulf:! lCtlri6 permit 03" use- CO1"tti:rfl1' oar'b <rc:c? cutter and tie— pau-in ; shall. l::'e installed L.: 3 :c°e(vi:vc d by the(River a.de nounty R.oad Co:i i W. ,1 L1•,'ray s) or a sati r fac:to y lbons '111 lie saj.d. :1.:,1; :_'o'dt'! aL1ts on the f o1..Iowirig str' is-s: foot half ted l ' this pc_ r sni t, 'grade mid aligl:uiert loner) (State ::ivision of ted with that ak.ency cuararlteeirt i&., 4.)Y.c,eption of 'tilt.'. 51. 'cy the improvernellts (nar!Ie - ' c ou7l ,y s'iree'.t �italibe done at no cost ,O arty go1n. i ,lent •ency. . r77i}i c).t no 7 'r .irtj)roviE:'i;l:'r:'. Ls and any y sLre.et) st to any ;;ovo.rrrntei'lt ace31?G'yo 'quiri. d survey shall (State s : " fig mprovem nts ) of curb 3 gutter is subject to (Road Uepa.rtrrier:t State?) study or t:tte re;:isi.)," _:ity o. gr.'ac : and alig (1.1.;f7 IA at, this 'parti.cul.ar location, An encroach-: r13:3, bap, obta:l,;ac:(i from the (;Wad Jepartrrlent) • (State) for all o'Ck the i' ,,: ,...'Csl:..r2 ;_lt :right 0.. r.cif•> t e i®e a1' w. ,t eyr'm fern_ YY� XXO':.'�i...:�1W:'�'oi..9, a 1� ' cXXXAd►.. w: A!►�ffl xlKi�X 1ex ii t any use. contemplated XX L.I1i..8 approval., th.'ii! }o1i.uaai i; ...Cie it ,i't.111d$.4.4.1Q9PCX agency: XXXX? XXXXXXX,X�99P XxxXx4994x1P99!cx xx xx c XXX4190t99X999X x.XX XXXXuxP OPCM P09. 0cR9±x_X94 4XX9999CXx).999 90 XX X Xx + n`i. .. ,:%w':'ia.1. t.`.:ti' obtain. permits and/or .clearance from rw.u''"t.uirant of Public Hepl.th 4.X?9Ci!4?A XX, xxx?X4 419P9049f4P9099% • agency cit7(:1dc X.' ,F!. tia1..i :3: 'prsse/1fC4 tO th.i'. imt)cig(XXXXX t.:.?t: : i ....... t,1i 34: 0.. , ti. r:iis/ t; .:i!;ti riai.'ety at tlic time 01: r.,h':'. ZS;5'..1;:0 i!.t. J. _, .. + , t:r"'1":• 1 1. L v.. tiles '.'.i.;C ,: '.c(it" .:',t: i c 1967 • •. •f x`t Lhe Ae7. "'1'2i7_i.;C )lral"t.y t,l.,. ... ''sii.es, September 15, ,F• t .iC r 7.1.Ea.i15" 4Ci leo `(.lfaly ) yyy X$ } .. a 1 of otherl./i,b7e •41 " =! XXX aXXxxXXX QC pa rid t.tc;d i.+e.ceLy CO &SOS Ope .t'at.di.01) for a per°iad of: one e 1:L.: :1. r{;� i t,:. �3 perrn . t, l .! 1.1 k v co .111,e .na.1.1 and voi d r Mr. Richard Stokes Riverside Co. Planning Commission. Court House. Riverside, California Dear Mr, Stokes: I am the applicant in variance oase No. 75]. which la paresentlY scheduled to be heard on Sept, ` 1, 19654 As it` to necessary for me to be absent .Prom the area at that time, T her® by request that Variance # ?,�1, continued until September 29, 1965, I would anpreotate the ()courtesy of this cent,inuence and thank you, F LIVek COPY to. Deeert•Ottioe Palm Desert,Cal, Sincerely a ncei L. Na - ck.. 101,E E AUG 1.61965, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE C. . 1 1/4 tikeil FRANCES L. HACK ,:;. �;:} Box 191, La a n11i-aura — `"`-REQUEST-.FUR- RIANCE...tO"`iyE' AIT'.- wili l : • TRAILER IN CP ZONE ':I.'r .. 7-30-35 1KURVIEWED it1 2. Applies-0 ! ' i ;3i (3"'T' X (2 caapiers) ,atti10_E 4.;41 X 3„ Piot plans che,:se-.9 X i.146.)114 110 supporting iaifo aatiorai to be : 'varnaned at ;:tot or co&ter interviews ao Type of operation b. Sitse (waait) ...� ,..,. �.,>r.�....-�..��.�.�..�... co Ptt'a►t;aa each' CAPOnginrrn Other incintal uses Flood pootecti.on_ ilDwea do eo Rio Nu w,;r Eat en toyeee 5. Legal description complete sod checked X 6 Legal descrlption Chocnvd against plot plan )i _ ---............M..........-. iaisomosowpwir 70 A.`fa1 j.1 U4s4la ttiio a. Receipt for cbeek 90 Aaaign place txn agenda (ate mud hour) :10. Newspaper_..__., To be published not later town al. Notice to ayplicant agile! 12. Notices mailed 13. Notice posited on property by SENT TO s 14.xiculture Depyrtwnt ftty. Co. Flood Control Date Aix Pollution Contra z i.s i�:t Health Department Airport Co oettion Lend Ube Divi.ssion Chamber of Commerce Masi Departmeat City of ; State Division o . Drab ry State Division of Highways Oeaert 15.ff icr Coachella Valie7Mod-Conteci water Pollution Control No. Commiaa inrt- e ros Other interet.t :t persona or-Orgaaat.t68tfUS conce.ruc't • 5,, 4 ...:274.4.61 • ./i7. ///2fg.,.(4.1 / A/ • YIi jP, :57 /6;iA74-7". ,6","•gai, ,•-./ F e9 •-•1 :2 3.2. • - 7;4/4"X: ". .::;e5. /--.4 mideu penalty o-Z pE,,:ejo,ry 7d0:1"'C Kmaca, th:.);.7:n (7).ne:).;a izedcatoa ()' the attachei lifit on .0a7.of ..' (YOB3: A CT7TCK NAM TO DE PLACrD, UACH NiE ON 0ER'S 1.0 :60T13FS 7-1-65:jb • - r a� / / /- ./ /o, /6-RNVz4s 51 Li) AUG 10 1965 RIVERSIDE CO:» r r PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE • i r, ASS P BK. 2 29, 2D-1 ; 29—I i 8 —5 —C.--)5 SEC; G i�i� MA Z A T LAN 1 9 10r.Lrl �7 ii' 1•.1, 7 i 111,i1 •S f \ 1 1 1 3 4 5 7 4 5 7 / 7.c i ! /9 f 4 /F 3 • /3 I 4 4 • 3 S ON N — 7 N. 7 r T. 5 S. R. 7 E. 9 9 .: (I. } // • • MONTEZUMA.` '4 ` / ! i 2 ••e i S 4 /4 /1• 7 /7 , 8 /4 ! // /! r / t /-/ ! .i 4 4 9 /0 1/' // // / P /? l:1 T. 6 S. R. C. 1 J 7 4 fir 7 4 6 3 • L r 2f • /41, `1. 7 T rJ S. R. 7 E. 50TH. T. 6 S. R. r • • • • : • 1-1ACK • •• • • • • •. • ••••. .••• • • ▪ ..• • • • • . • •� • • • • ••• • • • • • • ,•; • • • • t• • • • • • 7 E. •••. •.•• • l•. • 1 1 1 1 1 `I _ i r1 l i► 1 II 1 It1 1 - t .— = = ./ F 1 73 I 22 A /7 1• /6 • /5 /c /4 // /3 , /2 /� tor�i.I•f. I1( '1 I...It, l i I a ti CALLE ES T A DO tit' • is 4- 3 P5217 / 2 004/S //o/J/•44 22 I/ IC 4 /e 7 4 /f 7 /7 A /` 9 .s /c /4 // AVE NI DA VA IA CE CASE NO.75.1 3 t2 3 2/ 4 • T ,n R T R \ ILL: [Lilt Lea QUINTA ___ I~ i�•__1,J� ET_ _ E--{,_ �_ _I �__. �a ——USE _ _-- — --• AREA OR DISTRICT APPLICAI�1'1" THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION f f •••� • • • •• • 2 3 4 7 8 u L 1 0 2 1 Form PL•Cng•1 ASS IR BK 25-29, 29-1 , 29-1 1 0/0 8-5 -65 SEC .G TGsRrE MA ZA TLAN 4.0 by1!.314441??9j yiw. ;� � �t� f �� (► f�1�ti {l i � T �ti•ii t•� ? r i'Ct !i'� 4 4 S 6 7 8 /O 22 /1 2/ 2 20 J /9 4 /B S /7 6 /6. 7 /s 8 /4 9 /3 /O / 19 2 3 4 4 6 e 8 9 /D /0 T. 5 S. R. 7 E. T. 6 S. R. 6 E. 01/4 W // /P // // // �MONTEZUMA> 4 $ 6 • 7 •B r6 yr 24 23 2 jZ .3 2/ 4 rO $ /9 /d 6 7 /7 8 /6 9 /5 /0 /4 // /3 /r lb V 2 .7 .3 4 4 6 s oh 6 7 4 7 8 8 9 9 /O /O // // /r /2 Z W w W /-3 /2 // 9 P f 7 6 SCALE: 1' 4OO/ N,L,ALLL /0 9 � 8 sok r .3 7 4 6. 1 3 /o / 9 d 7 6 .7 3 4 $ o' /3 /0 J /i 4 /0 S 5 6 4 7 0 Q 50 H 7. 5 S R. 7 E. T. 6 S. R. 7 E. - ;101 ••••_ • •••• • • • • •• • .• ••. • • • • • • • • •••• • ••• •• : • •••• • :•. :• : • • • .� 1 • .•••• • •••• • .. • .. •• •• •: • ;Ac • t,ytiti..•�•..,. I „r.o��e^.',1,N�Io .� mw,5� a ..s,. • •••• • •� • • •• • • •. • • • • •• • • •• • • ••.• •••• •. . • • t • • • • r 1 MPICO GO• o SU A AVEN1��. (J n• aao.tia�hsre o� .,I�h• Filar =j o AVE$ pA AldD ¶'!Ui S f FORT(/ 4h., opal" ti 0 I¢ / 23 22 4P` I/ 9ro 4 J 6 /5 /0 /4 // rye CALLE ~ESTADO V ti 19 ti FRIFIE litos // /0 ,P%4/7 ..S/ • ,/ie/2/6 7 %9C/"/%%-, d 75 /eG ' A/// t ri,/77/2/co /ea//E7 i CO 69 65 — kr) L --- =- OM. - 1 I G c I �� II 1 I I<I I I i c7 _11 lW 1, —I<I • 1,1 1 IWI I IZI I W 2 Z4 I3 22 I/ 4 20 /9 tq) /8 7 /7 e /6 9 /o /4 /3 /2 24 2? 2Z 2/ to W J -J V /a /7 /b /S /4 /3 AVENIDA 2 3 4 6 7 9 /o // ULM UZI rifl ® /O ® /Z VARIANCE GASE NO.751 24 Z3 22 2/ 20 /9 /6 /5 /4 2 3 4 s N6 7 8 9 /O • # • •• • •• • [I. I 2 J W J V 2 3 4 S-- 6 7 8 9 f- (?ANC ES __ HACK______ TEMP. TRAILER IN_ C_�----- LA_ -- QUINTA------ APPLICANT USE AREA OR DISTRICT THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION -J V) cr Form PL•Eng-1