VAR 0779III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST Case No. 11C1 1\ APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE is Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: err 6tiN r,• NOV 51965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE I. NAME OF APPLICANT LA QU I NTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, AGENT FOR ELKEE CORPORATION A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. `' 1, The record owner of the land. (If in escrow,' give Escrow No. .) 2. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly acknow- ledged by both the buyer and the seller.' (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST .BE ATTACHED.) 3. The lessee in possession of the property, with the written con- aent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorised thereto in. writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) SEE ATTACHED AUTHORIZATION II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of property Situated op the aide of said street between and B. Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records. SEE ATTACHED SUPPLD4 NIANY SHEET 0 EC" ;ffSGRJPT100) (If more apace is needed for above description, pleese attach euppje- mentary sheet,) C. Date of acquisition of property. BY ELKEE CORPORATION MAY G.. 1960 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any permit granted pursuant to this petition shall not aTTect deed restrictions of record.) NONE OF WARD AND R-11; E. Land use of property. (PRESENTLY W u 24 PapPOSEQ PLAWItf 1i I T DEVELOPMENT A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording what you are're- questing for the property in question. Before this application is ac- cepted, there mat be attached a plot plan drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, 'width or boundary streets, all existing imprGwgtents on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements, Applicant mutt file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual con- struction work in accordance with said plans within sic (6) months from date of filing this application. VARIANCE TO ALLOW LESS THAN MINIMUM ROT S J Z eS At fl S t~ TF;MckS FOR THIS ZONE AHD TO PROVICF FAR A PtMNFfl uNtY fInia PMEIT -1- FORM 133-3 B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply general- ly to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. THE PLANNING CONCEPT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON THIS PROPERTY IS PART OF THE OVERALL MASTER LAND USE PLAN FOR THE LA QUINTA PROPERTIES, WHICH PLAN PROVIDES FOR A VARIETY OF RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN THE PROPERTIS: APPLICANTS MENI IL I It I I OR SATTARAC 1 if EE O 'iHEG U(L:E MTS 1 I£DEVELOP� FAM I LY RESIDENCES ON THIS PARTICULAR !AWL. C. State why the granting of this Variance ae requested is:necessary to do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid. practical diffi- culty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. SINCE THE PROPOSED PLANNED AIT DE1(ELAPMENT AID BEST USE FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY* AN IRONECESSARX HARDSHIP EXISTS BECAUSE:Wag 15 NO PROVjsIW IN THE RIVEPIDg COUNTY ORDINANCI FOR A PLANNED UNIT QEVJLOPMENT, D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detri- mental to,. the public safety or,welfare. ALL OF THE PROPERTY SURROUNDING THE SUBJECT PARCEL IS OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME OWNERSHIP AS THE SUBJECT PARCEL. THE COMMON OWNERS FEEL THAT THERE WILL BE NO KATERIA4 DAMABEV TO OTHER PROPERTY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, THE PROPOSED USE FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL 1 CONSISTENT WITH. EXISTING AND PLANNED USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY. THE PROMISED USE FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL. 15 CONS.L.STENT WITH. EXISTING AND PLANNED USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY. THE PROPOSED USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, INCLUDING LANDSCAPING AND PRIVATE ROADS WILL BE ADVANTAGEOUS To PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE. SEE ATTACHED "MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN" FOR LA QUINTA PROPERTIES. -2- NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estab- lishment of the use as applied for in this application. sux x S 1 mpX x u6V$X We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application. Signature Address SEE III-D. ABOVE 44, STATE OF CALIFORNIA-1 $.S COUNTY OF ORANGE jj I , A►UST I N D. STURTEVANT, BEING DULY SWORN, DENSE. AND SAY THAT I AM THE PRES I DENT OF THE STURTEVANT ' CORPORATI ON, A CORPORAT I ON WHICH I S ONE .OF...THE PARTNERS; OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A PARTNERSHIP, AND THAT LA .:QU I NTA 'DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 15 THE AGENT OF ELKEE CORPORATION, THE OWNER OF PROPERTY INVOLVED IN *THIS APPLICATION DULY AUTHORIZED THERETO IN WRITING AND, THAT, TRH FO tEGO I N4 ►.IQNATURES, STATEMENTS AND ANSWERS HEREIN. CQNTA 1 NEQ ,AND' ,T�1E :1 tl;O; MAflO . �IUAN TTED HEREWITH ARE IN".AU. R_ SP1CT_S ,T ,U ,.AND CQRRECT ;.1.#4:U S� 1 � KMQIat.LEDGE AND BELIEF � QF: t ; ,.. ,Y„ , +.. .. .:.� LA' QUINTA DEVELOPME 1 COMPANY A,PAR : RSH I PBY BY.,:YM A, PHONE NO. (7I1 50-401J PRESIDENT E'VA ter 4023 BIRCH STREET NEWP9RT BEA p, : CAL I TORN I A SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS '= i965. �..�. PAY OF�1QV �#�p gR ( or AY L ESTHER R. SSANTW My Commis; nn Eypires April 3, 1967 -3- Await t.b. 1967 Riverniae County Mannino CamsIneice 4aeo Leman &treat Itiversids, California Conticcens L Subjects Variance Caw 779 C43nkeminin2 (Plannod I a Quint°. Area PUG 9 1967 An on -site inspootiell Node of *seisms Case 779 azia OPPeorod that atIVIMEIMMital id** Lull dime hew !yam con.. t• rutacle WM of these are multiple tivailY units• A bulldizkr3 perr:dt vas Jawed NM. 1966, far WNW" units arid clew - =we uns alltainail Trim the Health Divartalla end the Row Department. It in net iolown it' a final madliVisian moo has bum obtained or it tho Cialltimenta to 00007 titles eaverisnee and rookrictions and the nsinbensnoe-managenent 00rocuunt havo bean Mad vith the Plarsilna C411231, ESELt013. The ioyi it furnished as a ratter of Intareetion. Verg truly 3vagray C. a. =AIM IANDI laiiMPAIVII a• W. NigA-ilk UM Vas Ilasitelai • tj eo Health Dipartzsent Road 111sporftlint, niat Palm Dommeri Rasa Pale asourt Lead =rma Pella Desert Pad Ottlee tile , --- RS IDE January 25, 1967 R wrsido County Plarrano Comitision Cosity Court Hausa Riverside, California SubJeott Variance Casa779 Corpkwinitic t �1 Quinta District Gopettaimmno Aft an.alto lospootical woo 1aado ©f th.La moo &ismIf We! 19671 arkl $_ Mawr taro under ausobtestioa, Elie Ls fUswishod Y9 a matter of cao A follow up of this awn will M Norio in saviracclostskY mix oanths. Vary truly ya ce, WO UM Alla Lie .ic`,7 7 rj E U Land Use T+aahician tistij 779 OD Swath Dwartmacat ittourotils Comity Magda; Comiasiora flood artnt, Lao Flint n=t Palm ptRoad aacxrt Pala D000rt. Lund Uso Palm Doom* Monism Office Lilo „:fittveriziA) Casa” Kauai, Comatesias County Cowl% Mum I rithonsa40.Oroikk Jauusa. Etit 1$61 Vbrilmoo Caw Coximotakto davotommk) 04041 0404144 oxa.atto ingsottes too gado et this mos AWN, ail Itlitth Immo sore NNW emottomasties. This As Ausiishall es osWir toftilsw up at WS OW IOW to glisb 41171,044010 tit* MOW Viol 'mar Pomo* Co iiro• Coln= We IPS 440144=0244 ilro Bleseigs lartO PIO fostatOlon sti c—* 770 LW, abaft 04031Ptingt ittlorattft cm*? Atemidna 44104416614$1 Ova Ibprortuta* * MUM Raba Doom* Wad Domptcsaut • Pata Paw% WA Om • / PAP w, •Kagaima 9400 41* Land Use ROUTE TO CEC V..... CT N..... BH E..... CD H .....JR 0• • . RWB F BP P PTL M W Me Honorable Board of Supervisors Court Soars Riverside, California 'MSZ30476 Reel n 6-Si x 1-824-851 Reel 115-Sida 1-525-536 January 5, 1966 sue; i Variance Case No. 779 La Quintet Development (Treat la. 0) Condoeinlme dP1suned Dcemelopftent ) Reduction of Lot Riess Zones d-3 and W-2 with 1000 Square Foot Mini =u taling Size La Uinta District Fe th aaria1 Dietriet The P15»ning Cocci elon reepTatfullyreporte approval of a vaa rf nce to the Zonizk3 0Alnenee for La 0einte DlIvelopment Cc 4023 a�roh Sty, lion iaech, , Cz, i.fo .a to pelt a pled (ecademin.t ) v th reduction of lot rcoiremzets in Zon.se R-1 1000 (One Pselly D 7- n * - 1000 Square /Cot Ltalling asso) end W-2-.c 0 (Ce tro11mi Davao/mut - 1000 Square Rant zdalumi Nel &Ica) in tae Le Q tata District„ subject to the conditions. ruwatent to Ordinence Poo, 3480 a pabUc hearing wes bald on tbio satter tamer the Plmnning Comaiection an Decor 14, 1965 and continued to Dacenilyr 2n, 1965. Si5wmtries of testis:testis:my prated are attached, d f: tar fn1l aud eomplete consideration o2 4.l the facto sld e'irame images involved, t::a Cormieelon detsm1— ed a hardahi + uader tte provision-3 og 0Ain!mce 00. 3i8 hod. been established, in that there is no provisions in the zoning ordinance to provide for a planned development project as contopplat21 by this fie. The above rec ion ens by unanimous action of the Conmission at its rr.gulea, meeting hald on ceder, December 28, 1965. Penni of Supervisors 7erlanoto Case No. 779 ..'itnuez7 5, 1966 -2- lio ftwther motion is required by your Beard unless Olt appeal is filed by the t.ppliesnt or sone property owner within 300 feet of the enter boundaries of the property under oonsideratIon etthin semen days of the date this report Uret wears on your Board Agenda, or tbe ibeird on its our orders the cgpliestlan transferred to it far further pr000retinge. (43 Supervisor Cook Pala Desert Planning Office Deperieznit of Public Health Mai Departainkt (2) Ind Use (3) / P. Stout - Surveyor's Office La %data Devolopment Company Clezt of the Board BeepootiPully irataitteds, PIM= Dirattor 3dgr VARIANCE aE CASE NO 779 HAWING =MISSION CONDITIONS • Quints Bevelopeent Company (Tract No. 3240) 1 December 28, 1965 Condoniiniam (P1 Ortrumd Development Reduction of Lot Sizes Zones R-1-1000 and. W-2-1000 La 0 i nta District Pourth Sq rviasoria 1 District 1. The dsvelopsent of the property ,shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan eked Exhibit "A" , on file with Variance Cave ' No . 779 in the office of the Riverside County Planning CoEM12831on, unless otheriiee emended by the following conditions. • 2; Prior to the issuance of building permit, for any condom el um structure a subdivision stint t be recorded confortsi ng substantially with said Exhibit "A" �: except that building permits for not more than units May be issued for models • prior to . such recordation . and only after a tentative subdivision map has been approved by the Wining Commission. 3�..!Pxior to the issuance of a building pert for construction of any. pee contem- ..k?plated by this approval., the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or !; 'clearance from the following public agencies: `Dent of Public Health Road Department dance of said permit or clearance from above =_. envies shell be presented -to • to Lend Use Divieion of the went of "Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building pert for the use contemplated herewith. tea , Construction of the development permitted hereby may be 'done progressively in et es, stages as delineated. on Revised Exhibit."A", without regard to the order in which the are lettered, provided adequate vehicular encess is provided for all eon 'Anima type dwelling aanits end further provided that such stage. develop- ment confort substantially with the intent and parposee of this variance • for •'the preevision of open areas, recreational facilities and :off-street automobile making. More than one stage may be developed at one time. In no o - e shall less than a full interior street be :constructed with any one stage. 5. • Prior to recordation of 812ir final subdivision maps the' applicant shell suit to the Commission the following documents which shell deonstiate to the sat- isfaction ction of ,.the Co anion that the tots •project be developed.and main - *fled. in accordance with the intent and •purpoSes of this approval. •(a) ,The docent to convey .title. (b) Ole covenants and restrictions to be recorded. (c) The G,:• ;.:mint and maintenance agreement to be. entered into teith the owners of the units .leithin the project. The apprcvede docents sal be recorded at the same tireMixt that' the subdivision mv is recorded,. A management t company with the unqu .ified right to assess the owners of the : individual unfits for reasonable inaleatenance costs shy be estebliehed and continuously Maintained. The management company shall have the right to lien the Units of the owners. who default in the payment of their esseseaa tints. Such lien shams not : bee subordinate ` to • any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust . . provided such deed. of trust is Made in good faith aaad for value. • This approval shall be used. within 360 dam, after fins. -proceedings. before the Board of SupE:x isors, othezerise it shall become, null end void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use". is meant recordation of a subdivision m p E encl jo neer ent'- of construction. 1 " , 1,� d G1i �;t i• C NA AGREENET Yaccept and a.gree ,C- '"r.,,; ,prior to use of this pert ®r approvals to�e1Y with a2Pof the. conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Builtai end Safety ri)1, not ism a Building Pert, or allow occupancy on the use permittiadeuntil ' h2s . trig tied confirMation, in lice ft Et: • hE R°p i RtH 9 P B�tea ( i G 6 BY Tti TURTE. VA T ORPORAT ION, GENERAL• *PARTNER 't Date o _ i . 4 • ,14 EGENE dr FEB 3 -1356 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT LAND USE DIVISION-- 381-26- IDC DEPAR..-:ENT OF BUILDING AND _AMY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE INTER DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TO SUBJECT r1 .. _.�/• 1 Vd%e 7>, re— 2-1 -al FROM j DATE REF. PP RMIT�NgO • 2CoC COAL1itLLA VALLEY COUNTY Waif ER DISTRICT TELEPHONE EXPRESS 8-265 u:RECTORS LFOrl KENNEDY :i SIOc NT RAYMOND R. RUMMONDS VICE-PRESIDENT A; HAROLD BROMLEY GEORGE H. LEACH JACK FROST OFFICERS LOWELL O. WEEKS GENERAL MANAGER CH1EP ENGINEER IRIS KRAMER SECRETARY WALTER R. WRIGHT AUDITOR ATTORNEYS f 1'DWIA AND SH€RRIIa• • Riverside County Planning Commission Riverside County Courthouse Riverside, California Gentlemen COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA December 1, 1965 File: • 641 IEGE[ICEL DEC 91965 RIVERSIDE COUN I PLANNING COMMISSION , PALM DESERT OFFICE Reference is made to Variance Case No. 779 proposing to change the zoning on a portion of Government Lots 1 and 2 of the SW4 of Section 31, T-5-S, R-7-E and a portion of Govern- ment Lots 3 and 4 of Section 36, T-5-S, R-6-E. This District has no objection to the change of zoning, however, there is an irrigation line along the East side of the West line of Section 31, T-5-S, R-7-E, extending from the Southwest corner northward one quarter mile, then crosses the section line westerly to deliver water to the NE4 and SE4 of the SE4 of Section 36, T-5-S, R-6-E. Iit will bg•necessary to protect this irrigation from damage.' HGB:jj1 Yours very truly, Low11 0. Weeks General Manager -Chief Enginee r. iL DEC 9 1965 RIVERSIDE COI). •; PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE DESERT OFFICE NcYrICE O PUBLIC REARING • VARIANCE CAM NO.: 779. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that;, a public hearing "will be held before the: Riverside County Planning Commission' on the, application of is . Quints: Development ent Company, agent for Elkee Corporation,- made pursuant. to Article XIX, Ordinance., No. 314 Riverside.. County. Zo ;ing Ordinance for a .nar. c € to said Ordinance 1.er i :tinnga planned . development, (condo n ziun) .. with reduction of lot- requirements in. Zones R-1-1000 (One: Family Dwellings 1000.- square: • • S. Minima Duelling :size) and 1W-2-1000 (Controlled Development Areas 1000 Square Foot Minimum Nelsizng Size) on property. located ated ge er lly between Avenida Fernando and Washington Street' anpromi ately midway between $an-Timoteo Drive and. 50th- Aver in the -paint District an.d more particularly described' as follows: Portion of Goverment Lots 1 and` 2 of the southwest one -quarter of Section 31, T are lip .5 South, Range 7 East, and portion `of Goverment Lots 3 avd 4 of Section 36, Township 5 South, Fang 6 East,- and c staining 21.18 -acres,more, or , less Said public nearingwill ba held osa. Tuesday; December 14, 1965,,,. at 1:30. o'clock P.M.,. in the• . . d. t Board of Superviso:se R amp CourtHouse,- Riverside; California, 'at whichtine and .lace: pertinent ';st many will be hearth • RIVERSIDE COUNTY `a PLANNING C0 I SSION T.YLEf SUMS' -?L AiaitlD-Pi DIRECTOR : : Hazel I; Evensen 'Secretary :ovemh r•22, 1963:nh .`�'. x.. ... i.: FY ld ).,+t' C•ii.61..� in:.f �..,.(�L,.. "' 1: w .., . .Y �A1•#A iRMVELO MEVT .: �! x! �r Stf7 �: ..... ............ ...._ .. r. Birch _.Street.. deWPQ. _B.ea...Califot�nia ,..._al.:. J,..,4.._... _.. REDUCE' 1'<, TJ LT.�.?-±D]f�".?'r�:s -SI MLA, ...0 .M'.r.uJ:.o.:J. .......aa...cL..1:: ... (PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE FACTUAL DATA Noti •ma ol this he trine ma$Iad to thoEs pe.4'>se£es a• _,!i ..y ) Y:i;,sred oh the a.;.v i- .ri%4i� ei�•.}: �k>�j+'�+L kat3stuffsessa,rlan,wLtrce+tcI.trrE'T4 of e' C9rtty Lt:;:aw i{t of�McoAdwikhl�a ,, foo4'6Xius ti6 Y1AdilL u I:It4i:.under consider:Alan. la addit1VOtXL.tiaPTJ.t'i'�O✓•Ctt:::SZGID1:..6YT I.:r..+.•:,•.^.ti'1::Y ex: w ,' ,:;isy na:':'1.lad to othefe intnegited perco as: o'yaniL 'a .ogtu and i c.ith,ra;' i,, i:.T:. ..1)tion of PLOT PLA -t Indicates 119 condominium units, averaging six (6) dwelling' unite per acre. One third of.the'project ie proposed for two (2) bedroom units and the balance is shownas three (3) bedroom units. °: The two (2) bedroom units have approximately 1600 square feet shown and the three (3) bedroom units will have approximately 1900 square feet. There are, on the average, 24 dwelling units proposed per recreational area, ex- elusive [ t of the xgolfgolf course. a tin o lend uses, iu£`a2I 6D':l'1ee. t!ut1, sa Tott .tarj this t;.ss n Property is located in the center of the La Quinta golf course, lying' between Washington Street, Eisenhower. Drive, and 50th Avenue is to Quinta. Zoning ie A-1 and W-2, Access into the site is proposed from Coachella Drive. . ` Ii'rsOAfryR ? • ,.' STANDARD CONDOMINIUM CONDITIONS VARIANCE CASE NO, 779 1. The development of the propertyshall conforM.dubstantially with that as Shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance ' Case No. 779 in. the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Prior .to the issuance of a building permit, for any cOndomium structure a sub- division shall be recorded conforming substantially with said Exhibit "It" units except that building permits for not more than.4 VOMPOWOCKmpy be issued for models prior to Suchrepordation and only after a tentative subdivision map has been. approved by the Planning Commission. 3. Prior tci the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following public agencies: )00000000:1000obax :Department of Public Health Road Department ZOODCW0000011:0000000a0a60000000A . ' • Ognabobbotx)doecitoodooptigooddiattijeck 3meactroopecoaocerxxxxxx i • Evidence of said permit or clearance from above agenciPP. 44E04 be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. )MCC nstruction of the development permitted hereby .may be 40re progressively X>( stage prOvided adequate vehicular access is provided for all'dwellin t and furthe rovided that eudh stage development conform substan ly with the intent and •oses of this approval for the Provision o open areas, creational facilities,• nd off-street automobile park This project shall be deve Fir3t Unit: 0••••••••1..e I." ......••••••••...•••••••••*•••••,..m. Second Unit: Thted Unit: d according to the SC lowing schedule: i area to e develope4) aescriptiUri-O area eve ope (description of area aeve open t o recordation of any fins 1 i1:ftLd.d.on map the app )icant Shall submit i,h:..(,-;0..:mi3L3-1.0n. V-1(1! follovir..1L-;.- CIL) nmen whi. ..31.,:ari demonstrate to the sa- c of the Co (zoi. s icin that,. -We tot. (IL p:coje c -01,11:L be developed and mai n- i:r.1 ric r.; th thc: :14-ttr,int and uurpoo::: s 01: this approval Standard Condominium Condi as Page - 2 • 4 (a) The document to conveptitle. (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded. • (c) The faanagement and maintenance agreerrent to be entered into with the owners of the units uithin the project. Tho approved documents shall be recorded at the same time that the subdivision map is recorded. A management companyuith the unqualified right to Assess the owners 0. the individual Units for reasonable maintenance posts Shall. 1.*ost0Iishad and continuously maintained. The management company Shall have the right to lien" the units 4 the ownersuho default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shallnot be Subordinate to any encumbrance other than a deed. of • trust provided such deed of trust is made ingood £aith and ,for value. • N. :? • MPPC ial Conditions: • . , • (a) (b) (c) • •, XX45,This approval ahall be used within 360,days, after final proceedings before the ward of SupervisOrs, otherwise it shall become null and void and of np effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant recordation of a subdivision map, or substantial deveippruNn of the project contemplated by this permit and not merely the con-, units struction of the four model UMWMperthitted above. . • ;,• RJS:Th 1-4-65 floym-t;c:0 VX'tLC,';unt.y. Ln.lanta :,$(..vc!.:)pont Company Is 'hereby al,.ttarLz.cd. to act as agent CORPORATTON and/Or JT 02, in ma;Aers be ore Eiven.;ide County Planning Commisson relatiro, to tb,,! prDpertis in and near .5,,L),Luta, owned by ElX,ee G:A.Toition and/or PT 492. Viry 1;v.,!1:). yours, CO1WAATION • / • • -.'• PT )),?. • • • 7rorrCc ; -14 /Vole/ • • / S S R QK 25-10-1,2 I9-I, 2,3 2/ /\ 3 T. 5 S. R. 7 E. 6 S.. R. 7 C. lab N [iii4T6TIJ • '78 . �L LA QUINTA DEV. CO. APPLICANT l Q 3 Q •yr ' II-8—G5 4 0 0 I u 1 Z�, 3 + �)arr .. Z..a��� Q ` -� _,� Q ----+- - --1 i' i \ 5AN TIMOTEO // eC If) /I/ • • • ♦ •• •• • • • • 12Q 151 32u• 34 \ — ibcriJ 1SS -T. 5 S R 7 E. 50TH. AVE SEC 31 T 5S[?7E /0 0 ' 1 1 1 1 • 1 • t. v• : • ♦ ' I • • • • T. C S. R. 7 E. i XHIBiT A/os/P Plot; ,,io co/ea 410 $%rn97e0rn 57 /AO' 2/1d eiserIAoezier dr //D '/2/4J CASE NO:. 1 ®olommiggeffnermreigragrMaffiglIMEPorar • SAGEBRUSH AV F • • • *) N. ',) '. r. Jr, P``: \ nl '� b d .4'1 l• '1-...7 � ti) ir h+ h' ? � l• e4 "N, IN eel `,3 pl h •� ' 6-0 BOrTLEBRUSH s- J� ..b ', r L. 41..„ h 'n r.1\ 4 - V. - t .timV.'414N t t. J V V le, V V '7\ \, 5,' / 471 *J 44 VC 0 /on SAGUARO D iC/ 1..,� ' �� ►. . s j (r } e qion {,„ . . fc-.., m a - `I It 1 e\ .1 EL t•I I J O Or l'. ") .... b; 4) C1J r\I k i ,-.. rt2 ki \`0, i .. r PADRE tip 4 r.; 41 - -•' • , 'r- 4 `� r ,6 NN so ` 0 3 i� N r) .d 'r, 41, n C o'. r n c n k VARIANCE CASE NO..779 _REDUCE LOT ._SIZ E4 SETTI'ACKS USE • LA QUI N1TA-.a AR[A, OR �DIST�RtCT_~ THE R IVERS1 DE COUNTY: PLANNING COMMISSION -.'t .y8•.• t4sW .x.. .r:.r.�.s=.: w,t�t'i�t i�- qa�t-s}!� Y� Y{ ..... • r • OWNNV6,h'5HIP CER77FIC.4T Yts 1e.61y c�r+5r• ✓ +f'..- a.•i ..-+.r e a a- .f,o..s -,a r. _. T. f/s r ,.,f.i•gef fr.e /e--, a ...ew m ear /v.sn.r;-Mee ..c a' •r ...+v.er c_• •r.A..•F a .r.n^ca.cr A.....r a e. c, r ••nE rr ae•d +.fir ...c ....a ..rb.e.•y err- --7 of an,:a »ps ��•e-xd a-: •�rlr .L.+c vr� rye .ve rr•• • r a a +'b c• .a.. e..▪ .�4..�.'S., v.s•y: reCS o.-•v' /►% r,.,y.f.+f .v.*&4.a. art.f t++vcf bv; LA OU/NTA iL�v ji.ecrr r+ rx -.LGtT17tNr CZYI9P4A/Y A A-4,PT.ve-PSN/v cause-T.0W ar MpLKF.r I LBn, /.VC` 4 C4�u/Ane44g Cco-xic1PAT.t.'7V .I6 eFEA/ A . AAfteI Me aY ,�RLNT rL'Jr1r ONO ' AC6614,6,yr 3r..( r<<irWyT gtp•Vereg Are., AGau.Raivuv /4 9077VeAr k_ IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERS/DE L1E/IvG LSUBO'VI6,ON O� rrOYEQNMEN7- LOr 2 OA- /7./E 9 /e' /'I o, cECT'UN 3 r 5 S, Fe 7E, .,vO A POQT,0A1 OFGO✓E,e,vrE 'r Lc,-'6 3.oND 4 OF SEC r,ON 3Co, r-S5 es -i , ,an,D .4 RSeT.eoM O' 4 -• I ae Le cil✓//•rT+7 W Sr .At �, M •P er.1 ' 37R 44 F. T,x f 77 RL-CCa r S Q>< ,r` �c` t"' -.- C.4tic[3P 'F4 - AP,Q/L, /'OGc. ^.aI.OLEGSU' J. F DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES OW,V5/ W/i C5. IF/C.4 rE (ca r) . .� Vr,i 44.5. RI , f N.4WL•G/AL F517�r7R INS. L ewan�� cGt.�•.e, rra , e. /...sir p� tna�iM o;, S.d ,?d! +a i,-G rP•e , ,C. a 4 C- w>derdb.,a./t. eft ec� r s..7 srsa rY ey .AC 7-- iP�7A.Cy srAme OF G4L/A04r/v/A J d.d. Ct.h9.7 CV. omArr:v6i LCt' #7 e r rj�y d4-,lft° .,.. E 'MLR 4 .S r ITT C •i a w:-c•'. ' - o+d b. Are., w.v B,rc me Tp.rur r r• r- a t• o+... • _ .v sift r»a r-+ ae c,-. .er.a-d -�L w••.- i�t•ice',{�M..M re .�•e /c fin a FTCa-L}iYa r.-r- r--aa�+�>',�cr. r ..,�,y_.r�d ..•.�r� ..+i..ra •.z.,. rT -t -.*e. '7. efts r..d ierete.� ..,•rc ag s,' ' rsc - ▪ . r.., ..,�rs�.-,rs.� �„1n.: .1 m.d c,. er„d sae err. ■ • re ...i-t::�... of La �w..r,= �4•er PEA,VY'd+.rh�• f•AA�• ,�;: •. r:. ..mac... -ate. rti. a -n o. ss•r1r , '.-.'.-,aft ...y' ►.'wof eX 4rr,�. t42l.,.'c r`r ..,wr .rp•rGs4g••••L• ,4a7 r.,-d ...fy e.+d.9i .� ST.�TE QG CAL ncel4 'V/-# _ 6 O. COLA/ /ne OF C.A.",�/GF r C ., • •n., C rP. -. -' a 7,.h[_r Allis Y.4 re _-r.0 F 7 r a. L i[ rS S t'"rr' , ....ek . i'_.h.;y - , a aft• icb' .'�+...-.+r u•-tT Sh-.fC �YaL •xS� oP ,yam $..d.±.. _1Y.rre,■.4 .c-,,-„, .-, K be .-- �.ms.de.,fi �yr.4 WA-S7.e±c.9e7R ...-., ,. rip . - .',• eel r.4,e wee-.+�eefcYs.+� vI r.+ec ` ' -'- ,-,•.. ,•, _-, r.-.-r: • w.-, ... ear a.. a Are ,.She eft."4..... -T - - - - rr Yne ae•.n,•one w,e of • - . - �••+.-i eft .�•r,� ce.�ev.x�r.�.� , .o' "...ram. F- .- -,ri rf dr..or rr*1.Y •W Y'-. Cyr- Q a} R. �..r„n.ss,. r, _f•- �`� 3 , 9L7 so.d r�. e,-.../.T.S,hi ST.4TE oG geinie,3 -t C,GiC/.VTY O� C ee K j Lee/de h7.rch STATE Lim / i4'p/S ceafivrY t coAe o. Nofor .3..d4c ,rr r •Se_ n/ proms Fl- • ••4..•• •v Oct mei f p e ,ro r n..S.saG /--•G a iF..bA-,-- Err G 4-e,•5 gpi?d ♦L .t: i,4cf d/IC a+Gf �..� Ana pq1.1.+r+. yV/7W .5 S/. CAL/Fo,a,v,,• CV .VVTY Q£ .4 / ✓E Q 5 /st..E R / ) 5.3. 0-, 4,hro- // - day a C13 LZ1. q I '-•ix.r mG /9.If ✓i4 i146tery .4•11r:iC N-7 .-:� r - s+d - s-Ad 5+ / P.r�ss/� w: ram_,•_.-. - '_"F L-..5/'•.e - krra,,n •.b „7e SHEET / OF 2 Efts �r:x-. • �.rc..-.-- • _ _ �,v�s�c-.f ' .fir 'S• 4s ro rx r . . e . r c tt -/r`r wa44,4"7 B.CtOGiJ rrJT"r./^•�l• v-.-+,t. ry .sr�bn +47rfatrr7 r.�/rarc r ,-a...r�� -b '73s .rrnc�ap- dx'/sws a-...-e=c ,- cF+3 At �d ,ar•acslvY. /77V4 5 -7'X ' '-' sr� .; .• 4e/ s eft . tonomf..4W/e rr .1►d s f 4f00-7-4 .Ilf, Seer rt /170 ''s '"' y S TCM 04.gO aF 6 ERV/5 ' cERTIF•C/gr. ATTEST Do&A.G D eua.L41.ee/ £r.rr�y C•• •-.E s r-off s ailf+-f COUVY.ZRV YOR CERTIFICATE ▪ .4•0GD. nn.-e. t•S.a 2• e'•r- ' �.t'e'4, � r,... ram.--e es • • f, 'So _ _ „b .r- ne r0•'--,e. r0 c O' anaa Pro.�d a •, -• _ `-r.?• .9 Ca ,,en ,aslM . war are, pr19r•a •p rs 4. r .r � ,ei. ...(, S a �:..vs.ecrr .E'�v rvf-v s >!•.�..a ae�- - - -• -• - - ..,. �-,a +...• I - e. st -.a . --r7 Doted Oci-ooer 2S• /966.. aG k6'/7-i-/ County Surveyor Lay [; c x.1 COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE or, r+se• c••q:-- o' se+rb.rwes _7rA, „_ - Ss t :' 32sC7,�r-btQcas� r 1 aw .r+G ❑'L'L L ---z G 7r...t{ _7 a+G Y rb r:hd. �r.�v,s.�+>s �f .5C ..e�••� 5 •6 - .,. r- -Lr . • Sys.,.-. r a n y y,-,rr,n.•fi ej::2.GNr . • /rc .r^f+N re. i:es.d �`�i��,/ •tl G�n,rraric:s ¢Fr' of NhC. 4mw.•r/�r of A.rer�.C�- tj£IV.IY *iyE?!Na/.ff._ ...• .-o‘t. ry+ a~c r'ti6 .Pn..� �+CC G�'oj�'_�//,Yi�.0 igT>•y .w ..:4r - .. _. -w+ram r.---t .,..r- •�r_-�•.� c_- A+a� r,�Lvx.vfr..x/n�s -• . - -' ',I.•.-r.••74.4. a - .r •r_.• 4:'•-.A.vn a�.� .�x.ur.r� / T4•, .-.-r+.ri- c, • 60,d C L: «,.ea' err y the renrative map of TRACT '. 2,€ wag piavroved by ttAg R,verc,de Cduty PlOrinu70 Cornrr.,rc+an ,'i aecardance+ w. th rho requirements oer low en c duly authorized meet-ong held theZEday e r; ev . rr..rf1 f4:s� Cwrsr>M. eft+ EASEMF_NT R/C,HT$ ..•e/•a. i e:E7-,1.7 /3c- ,.n...o... 4:nGi„•a �.f r./.+/b, ...�tis m.+-s," 0 /. .r.^ Me Zf.394 .Y.>, y 21 /959 TAX GOLI.ECTOR CERTIFICATE Fee S sty 070i34 FiIGdby 0",0,fy cJ a 2- S SUS. G TEE dt':.5 r Co. 1 hereby certify MOT' OCCOe init) the s reco-o co"itree oforioe as of d0''a , is re ere no Aerie ofizia,nst *or property ehown a, the wHhin neap fv cvipo,d SAate, Canty, Municipal •ctr Local tares a-rapeC'ol od6esa - /Ve,71's' Cohert'ed as trues Doted((/.-64,r 2.4/ , /966. O.M.'A 'P4N4-O 4 a.rry exCo/lector e5y F.---'. %`i.r_-&-- Pe-Mut y BONO CERTIFICATE 1 hereby C /?vt o lord in the sum of $ jne been e+ecu,'ed or,d f;/he of Se4;erv,Gors of the Cav7ty of Riverside , COI/forn,rr, Ca7ditianed upon thr sc y "e 7/ of a/1 /pxe3 , :-tote , Coonfy , ti&x1.C,pn1 or Lams; ono' o// speria/ 'r. - --s. roirea/C 1a raves Wh.Ch .: r '•••e t,rr,e of f,lrr14 of rr„= 7 7P n•ter7 the Ce my •7r.eNVex err o .;en ago • net ao•c : l AAryy but not Ye, P0Yabie a'o'sua•d Gra•7c rxas d n opprc: le/ ' - gore/ Serve/ o{ Supervosors • Lbted ' ✓dN County Ch►r& ore/ ex -off c o Cien4 r the Coo 5y CIVIL_ ENO /NEER CERTIFICATE I hereby Certify that I am d 4bq.6 tz.- e ' C'/v.. E/7arneo • of the ‘'rare of DaInrorner and PPa]t this mop cons,strne : %' a s...rvey.rrAaoe under my soperWsrerl d(rI' _. - -• 7e. ,•'tea rry„- r o,,,,,✓+To7is *nowt, 'error? act{.p//y e.rSt and `-'•ed- 03•,C•',o'X• Or C17r•xc/✓y r • • 7, • win !a.! , p/,7ee w.thin are {I) y of r4-_04-dot,et ' .: Jh -- rrn. -he rrt>'A • x hyd/ be 6:/ff crest tea-vv.-8 t-hee,rvey fa be retrace° The s:., xy ,a }- p•.d a7177pte1e op 9Fbwn . superv.'sots 4 �y ts� r6. r str Rego; rend Cis*.►r• - ee r /co. +r.4S • i.t.�,ti� A.46 .fit, �.r.• C:-_.tr tfGT.Oh 79f9 i C'• ' own+ e- 20' T-N 60 L • L4,..2,fi17:4 r f M d-GKrA so r- ,A B7' L• FO E/' 1 CURVE D4T4 / t' r-e, It +1.•,' its,' 5 ■1 ,. , U,- /lrr 1,7,0-J' i s,• • ' j rs try,' ■rN' ! 18 -.,sr /rry ran' W e4C.4. .r- ,Ray' 1: # r O 70- Yt i.'.• 2931 p .R.ry r-'i+ U.- Jr hpair 2m yes' r' i 6' r 4 _ , • z wT 2.7.49' !! 9n :WA' • r u - /Of AG, ofri 1/ - r i • ..,�..rr;� e ,716 P ety a t •r:a�+%~ i �4l . • .f i6 se' r� Li 00.9.0 A2•z.ra 2c — 6e 6.4tr 6v. 51 fie. - l 1 1 r - — LOT70 •rw . Tilw%y` ,ed /N rNECUUNrY• op. Q/✓EF4'd #-/ TRACT 3485 Semi* A 60F 5/1` sway, G+L'Sl: 5 r /4j.,+F 4W:j, fG�f.•.f. A'1W�-Y'` -'N Ka.F, SINAI it , .111: , +C'�[N .4 r7".7.-l- i .x c7r .4'74 ,.' ESTATES AS ACV' 411 • • •. X u I _ •.+ •2. x[;•ta CGtK'71, C-/L/Fra, N4. APR&,4C4,4E ;-bO. c34 vw0Sc.w.45soc/AYES NOTES SEVQ/N65 d,G1EB.05F0 CV,/ riVF CFNrE.PL r,L! Ga�C0.4•WE[14 LW/ ✓EO6 BE/N6 BP/'I.r'Lb 46 64C,w.,/O.v c & 2 AF SUR ✓E ✓ IY/+�, PEx[Ae06 OF.P/✓E,P'i/OELLX/NJY 1.0L/F O / ' 4FE6 h /e/w/ENr A-06 D 45 hVTEF o /NO/td, E6 /4 /P r/s,:Ea QC4' ' 6ET- BU/LO/NG 6ETB.4rr L /NE6 5F/4 LL c FG~ 17� E.,'/5 T/N6 ZON/N6. ALL A.10MJUMENr5 4.PE 5ErdLLOQO///G ra 2/✓E026,0F CO l"/? -✓ O5D NO. 4m l/ STO NO 42 .,efeaitisv / TA s,..eu ,+rG•r. 1r x, .set AT .a.-[...r.•r .+arvE.es, �w L_ c-x:yr. v12,o777:i-; 2-. 2- ..�.- s. • •4