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VAR 0780
• 1 atioo4i44 comor t —t oaths cousoratis . 041101Noma ' i• sttrosofy $* 044.04 row Lae fikeitatime Atot 40 4406 44004, gm tn. 1th MC ft‘raidlo 141,001 00101 101mmoilt '114,140110 OW* 100 oorook tho tortoutaispot It * *mad 0004aglik *IX .0.001104(.0 * at sower. Lop*** ailjeatati *am *oist 000tufs. ******sew OptLs *00 10 40401.0* .001111 1!!S. 001 ****0-. **Moo tfii1 ot t 0aise *Utah ThLa vow* *1404 Wist4 iottui* tio" *Ole otost prologoOlapo **tom 4** 1emr0 al aripowv‘eavo. 0.14****,&t 40‘04 tom. OA 04 *SO mat boo oso 4004 thotemolowo 411041040$400 "op. *A the tost*** tot matogirWstriOS ett orts." .t'� *OW 100 tiC00004. 03* - • (01.14440 104100014* QS tkirn PrikPOrtt MO CtlivAn***4* 001004 41111:1*0400,0410 .• thivi 44. moter•wttt 'e kantoto SC OO* AMIAi, M*0404 040.010.f 4i00, 0041410 MO bp bolo FoserOgio 104/0 W. 4$ 11* -,imt thel* WA it .4* voil 06003r* 040,1414, 10.40 pr_*, * kV* 400 “ vat u. • 0010.0.7 IWO* I* IM004 1106 100 'wow ottooks Gosjiostop, • VW" OOP Ow* ••'•-• • , " • . ""• RUMS %dame Gue* IMO 41* listweitie tiontsy Planting 91**40040, Swot Wisit” Vas 1111.34t • asatith *Om Aska tweet Witt *so Palo Dasee, itionbe WOOF vain Pow* allet4 PIO* 41.10 • Palm Desert Planning The Monorable Board of ®t>i Court Roes ' i iverlside, Califfisrae P Actuary 18a,a966 A k ' IfGEEO'Js JAN 19.1966 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE . RJR:30559 Real 11 -Side 1-6390 Reel 116-Rim 1458-860 noel 135-aide 1-6 4-637. • SOIRCT: Variance Case No e MO. La Quint& Skevelopment Company ', (Tract no0 345) • ' , Condominium r. (Planned Darlaipment) • Reduction of Last ®ice Zones R-1 end R-3 with 1000 slime toet District ng {• . tie 2 : Fourth Superv'iaon'ia�l Dirr►trict, r 'ice ?laming C fission of �t es to• the Zonin6 ' Ordznance for la pinta Development Company, 4023 Rir Street, Newport Beach/ California, to wit the establishment of a planned developmeet (condominium) ilth reduction of lot reqpirements in Zones® R-1-1000 Bone yhmily Dwellings , 1000 newsFoot Mete= Alin; ®illy, • amid R-3.1000 (General Residential - 1000 root fling Sloe) on property located adjacent to tb0 mot olds of Washiegtoe Street southerly of. Dot Drive in the La ant+$ Dtstriotr, subject to th atteohed conditions. Pursumnt to Ordinance No. '30, a public hearing vas held on . thla meter before the Planning Conmiselon on December 14, 1965 and alt tlnuedi to Itiniaaber 20, 1965. and January 11, 1960. Summaries of testimony'presentedoio rat . d Atter full and ate coneideretion of all the'focts and olvonoitel000 jowl od, the comeir,,ion deterainedebardship under the provimdons. of Ordinanoe Roe 34 het bra estmbllohed, in that there le no provisicns in too nin$ _ ®•!0* fgs for par' d v nt. ; ;. xr frila above moosectehdailon fQus by unaelmous ao8lou of the Commission at its riguler tiseting held on Vasedsky, uary 11, 1966. ard a Oupervisons Naga Cass No. TOO r':' -2 A'c)'satins is required by your des en apical le filed by the •ctialoant or mos property car wig 3O fest of the boundaries or . - vla Nvipaz ty tuleger onosidaration within seven dew of the date this reptxrt first. agisgars on your Board its;r.r., or the Bowed on its ma motion o t do t' :a erred to lit for 8 proceedings. AppLleation Legal labels Property Owners t Mips ' Ounyzarles Conditions out She or Co* / OracleV. Le Quint& IaV Lend V=(3);• Perartment of Public Iu1t Road Department (2) ' P. Sty - il►rveyore® *Moe Clark at the Bo • Naupectfully submitted, PLIWMpla CCIORBOI t • • CLBE' NO. 730 PLANNING'COMMISSION CONDITIONP— Lc' gainta Development Company (Tract NO. 3455) -January 11, 1966 Condominium (Planned Development) Reeection of lot sizes ?ayees R-1-1000 and R-3-1000 Lt. Quanta District Fourth Supervisorial District I. The developaent of the property shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "a" on file with Variance Case No. 780 in the office of the Riverside County Plenning Comaissiona unless otherwise amended by the folloulng conditions. 2. . Prior to the issuance of a building:LperMita for any condominium structure a subdiviSion shall be recorded.conforming substantially'erith said Exhibit "A" except that building pprMita for not more than 4 units may beeissued for • models prior to such recordation and only after a tentative subdivision map has beeneappaoved by the Planning Commiasion. ,7 • Prior to the isspance of a building permit for construction of any,nse,contemplated. by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permitaand/pr clearance from the following public agencies: Department of Public Health - Road Department-, Evidence of said permit or clearance from above agencies shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the• time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 4. •Prior to recordation of any final subdivision map, the applicant shall submit . to the Commission the following documents which shall demonstrate to the . satisfaction of the Commission that the total project gill be developed'and maintained in accordance with the intent and purposes of this approval; (a) The document to convey title! (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded!. _ (c) The management and maintenance agreement to be entered -into with the owners of the units Within the project. • . „ The approved documentp shall be recorded at the same time that. the subdivision map is recorded. a e • e- 5. h management company with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be eptabliphed and continuouslymaintained. The management company shall have the right to lien the units of the owners sho default in the payment of their assessment0.. Such lien shall not besubordinate to any encumbrance other than -a first deed of trust provided such deed of truat,is ode in good faith and for value; • - 6 This proyal shall be used within 360 days, after final prOceedings before the Board of Supervisors, otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whateoever. By "use" is meanterecordation of A subdivision map, and the beginning of construction of private streets within the project! • • AGREEKENT e . I accept and agree, prior to upe of this. permit -Or approval, to comply with all of the -conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building-aod Safety . uellnot issue sBuilding Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed confirmation„ in quadruplicatee has been received by the Planning Comaienion, Pat,c ppi:Lax:tt a 6 3...611ELtUre eeeee's bigoature Palm Desert Planning Site S Court Nouse Riverside* Calitbrnia .i LE(EW JAN ` 19,1966 . RIVERSIDE COUNTY . PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE ��(� :�30557 '- 11�"f lds 1 - o5�44 SSIONCIP: Chasse of tons c e No. 670 •, ,� 14-1 to 114• I % NowI , { F•1 YANT'Qua,bellli !Way District •length . "':'1 -• .i District • 'T 1 Planang Conlission respeetfully reoesinnde thcA your honorable a plate hearing purersaat to the California State Planning Y and .' an a to No. 3S ® of f (fit . to Zonax (meted ) ea property located at Muth - west �r '' of th/�A�{� nne cia arr - hereto. Street i th_ I Coachella �P r . District, �V shown en 1z a t Vd here o. '• J t• Parerant to the said Planning Iwo a public hearing was held leilors tide Iliverelds Count/ .-.Mantua Cassission meat y► 11, 1966. * eatsrery of ,testirsow presented• ` is attached . attashed tied recites the Courission*e findings in the reAtor, sad tkat Lt le the eensensus of the Cassissics that the propelled change ot ssone . in keeping with the intent' emus of Ordinenes No. VS. P4marside County,. the above oas was by action of the C iS :Il i. 4186e0240 )18 on ].a►, plopragalp Labels, arileh:; List, g Smeary and cc13 &went= Cools Pala art lamingOffice.. Ind On (3) • 0"r:,U'T:LUA OF .THE .1aTy It c COUNTY Fr. MM comIspI0 Upon motion of COIL111ii-4;;f i.oner '0lesc::n nded by 'Commissioner Miller and • duly carried, the following resolution vas adopted, to -grit: W ` . , purse nt to the pr vi.a;ions of the Riverside County ;Zoninw Ord- ` inance the Planning Commission upon pe titioEa of W. Douglass W. Kopp, 4513 East 14th Street, Long Beach, California has considered an amendment to Ord- inance No. 31 3, change of zone from Zane M••1' (Light t ;nuf cturine) to Zone { N7 4 (Limited .£ndu° trial) located at the southwest corner of ?+3th Avenue and :-rison Street known as CHANGE qF ZONE Cry , N'O a 0.70 in the: Lotaer Coachella Valley 1)1.str1et in the unincorporated territory of Riverside.County„ and as shown` on mag) attached hereto ,and 0- WHEREAS, parrsuan : to the California State Pl ,raning,Law,,4a legally ad-7 t .. vertised public hearing on the proposed change of zone va 'held before the Planning Commission on January 11, 1966, . in the Board' of Supervisors Room, Court Hou»e, : Riverside, California, at which time all inter. Bated persons were. given an opportunity to be heard on the'proposed oposed change o± zone; and WHEREASi.the Counission finds that the area under considerationin this case is best suited to the proposed change of zone. ry - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Panning Copulae/on of .the County of Riverside .in Meeting assembled this filth tAY of January, 1 , transmit the map indicating proposed change of zone in• theYLower Coachella Valley District in the unincorporated territory of Riverside . County to the Board of Supervisors for public henning in accordance with the provisions of the California Snate Planning Lay; and BE IT FURTHER EE OLV D, that the Planning Co ►ission does; hereby recommend and resp ctful.1y urge the honorable Board of Supervisors to finally adopt the amendment to Vrai, -"..ease No. 340, fOr ehs.ru s of zone recommended above. ROLL CALL VOTE REZUL'1 r2) AS FOLLOWS: E : Commispion-ere: Katen tela, Myor, Kj.ri,:patrink, Perry„Tfiil1er➢ 01e3en, Rope 14Oi S: None .: M EN1.': None HEREBY Y el .fe.Li' 1 THAT THE FOREGOING IS A FULL, t, TRUE Mm CORRECT COPY OiARESOLUTION ADOPTED. BY THE RIVERSIDE COURT FAyN CC CySSION IN REGULAR SESSION HELD D) ON THE DA't OF JA (J RY 0 1966 AND ERTE / D IN MINUTE BOOK IT, AT PAGE THERMF, RECORDS OF TTHERXVERSI1E ' . GCIUNTY Fi aTNING C(t `.a'%L'tSSION• 114,..A.. 1. Evemen SecY:eLary RIVERSILE CO'N1Y PLANNING COWISSiO ‘• ' ..... - ••••• •COAC..cLLA VALLEY COUNTY Vi(hg LR DISTRICT DIRECTORS KCNNEDY Vicf-Si0C1.4 1 RAYMOND R. RUMMONDS -PRE;IDENT A HAROLD BROMLEY GEORGE H. LEACH . JACK FROST ' • OFFICERS LOWELL O. WEEKS GENERAL MANAGER CHIEF ENG iNEER IRIS KRAMER SECRETARY WALTER R. WRIGHT AUDITOR ArtoRrigY5 REDWINE AND SHERRILL POST OFFica 80x I 0513 • TELEPHONE EXPRESS 0-201 Riverside County Planning Commission Riverside County Courthouse Riverside, California Gentlemen: COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA: December 1, 1965 File: 641 DEC 9,-1965 RIVERSIDE COUN1 Y PLANNING COMMISSION P,SUO DESERT OFFICE Reference is made to Variance Case No. 780 proposing to change the zoning on Lots 2 through 17 inclusive, Lot "A" of. Tract No. 2302 as shown by map on file in Book 43, Page 8, Records of Riverside County. This District has no objection to the change of zoning, however, there is an irrigation line along the West side of Washington Street through the entire length of the area to be rezoned. It wi 1 1 be necessary to protect this irrigation line from damage. HGE3; j Yours yery ,„. Lollell Q. Weeks General Manager -Chief 4nginoor . , . . - . .. DESERT OFFICE VAR CE' CASE NO.. 780 ROrICB` IS HEREBY GIVEN,that-a, public hearing: willbe heldbefore the Riverside. County Planning CoOIIDissioaan theapplication of -la Quint& Development: Cc ipn ; Agent for Elkee,-Corporation,:•made pursuant_to: Article YIX;{ Ordinance, No:. 348i Riverside; County Zoning Ordinance for a. variance to: said .Crdinane -permitting- a. planned, development .„ (ccnd min with. reduction of lot requir+eaients- in Zones R-1-1000% (One Family. Dwellings„- 1000 Square Foot Minimum Dwelling Size) and R-3-1000 (General' -Residential 1000 Square, Foot Minimum - Dwelling Size) on property located adjacent, to the west side, of Washington Street southerly of Eisenhower Drive Gn the Ia Guinn. District and'. more: particularly described. as follows: . Lots 2 through 17 inclusive, Lot "A" of Tract No. 2302 as' shown by map on file in Book. 43,- Page 8, .Records; of. Riverside County Said public hearing: will be: held on Tuesday, . December 14, 1965, at 1:45 o' clock P.M., in the Board of Supervisors Roan, Court Houses` Riverside, California: at which' tilts and place pertinent testimony will be heard. - November 22, 1965 : nh RIVERSIDE COUNTY.PIANNING CO CSSIOR: TYLER SUES. - PLANNING . DIRECTOR BY: Hazel I. Evensen - Secretary ECEPial E u NOV. 2 9 1965. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION.' PALM DESERT OFFICE '• ctet1:: Ike", k ht, ...- ''.- ..! • r ,er . :; ......!. , . . , . .. ;t,:)4 , . . . 1,1 ,1 , , wv..tuJrr4ww...„cctoallov - .. ... _ f..i, s tc, , 6 • , ,, :: 46, si, ,o f.-reet , , brt -4.1.bkt,117,-, '''‘,4i,;1,:.1..1 torSie ., .-...,,o. y 't -.1 1:':.''''' • ';' IA ;4,41.$'''''''. ..,,I,Z., P:1 '1' '''' i 'Ii'' " 1r' i (Ii;j1;' ' ... ri;11;Puf:37.:?4,F,$71:E...:rhiox. zz:-.7-...,.,“,;...c.,,1:4.kgagt,„?„r.1,4,.*,,4,11,-ri..-4.,„ Lot! cc4lifiirar.,-f. ii.og cott.glmx!:,sz./ 'FA ,,„ I, 4101. Yi:Z t,tr pt.); 41C/Alfi ,;:xt .tttti Lt4t V41.e... t 1144 4i ttesett ? it :3r;t:j. r 4110 ^I" 4. 40, UM. Yr .1. AL3e ^14, • W.11: r I 17/th "•7:.:1" ,11StrAl r 15 I:4; 1 't i ‘Atliza10. ;?,r;ri 1.4; 4 4 .4ti Lit tit • V " , L. r • 11.t.,M, 48 - STANDARD CONDOnINIUM CONDITIONS 4..„4.4 • . 11. '- i. 14.C. ••'7 ; VAnaaiNCE CASF, NO 780 1. The development of the property shall conformsubstantially with that as shown on plot plan marked ExhibieVninile qE1p6,. Variance 780 Case No. in the office of the. RiversideCounty Planning Commissi on, unIesa otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, for any condomium structure a sub- , division shall be recorded conforming substantially with said Exhibit "A" units except that building permits for not more than. L %%WM may be issued for models prior to such recordation and only after a tentative subdivision map has been approved by the Planning Comassion. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building pefffilt for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following public agencies: 12999PPWEEPA Department of Pdbli Iv 11-t IL 4. *... • C•70.0.• •.•.•.• • • 64...0.. • 0 * • • •.• • • ,4 eel See • • - Health • ..4 4.4, 4 • 4 4 4 . •,4fr 4 •.„4, 0%,4.1'.4“.44t4t4.44,4C,C4t4.t..0.110.041 Evidence of said permit or clearance from above agencies shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. nstruction of the development permitted hereby may be done progressively stage- •rovided adequate vehicular access is provided for all dwellin and furthe rovided-that,sub.h stage development conform subst ally with the intent and p oses of this approval for the provisio • open areas, re- creational facilities, nd off-street automobile par This project shall be devel d according to t First Unit: Second Unit: Third t: following schedule: sc on oi area o developed) aescrip ion 0 area ve oped) -Tdescription of area to be dewilopea .:4 to recordation of any final :Atbdivision map, the applicant shall subutt Cwmtission. the i:ollolii6 6oeunys lild.ch shall demonstrate to the sag,- t.33:action of the Oc)a,nisi J:at the total project will be developed and main- t_lined il accodance 72,..h L.I) ifliAnAL aiii.1 purpw!;es of this approval S .a i:lard l.,oliCiOirli nju;m Condi II.S'i Page _ 2 (a) The document to convey title.. The g7�: Mk:i .r (b) Tcovenants and restrictions to be recorded. (c) The management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the owners of the units t 1thiri the project,. 'The approved documents shall be recorded at •the same time that the .subdivision nmalp is recorded. mix() management company with the unqualified right to assess the osiers of the inclivictlal uld.ts for reasonable maintenance costs shall be, established and.. continuously maintained. The management company shall have the right to lien the units of. the owners who default in the payment of their assessments. .Such • lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust provided such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value. . XXXX -ia1. 'Conditions: ( ) (b) (0) XXXICCIThis approval,shall be used within 360 days, after final proceedings before the, Board of Supervisors, -otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect ltnatsoever. By nusell is meant recordation of a subdivision reap, or substantial development of the project contemplated by this perndt and not merely the con - unite struction of the four model) 0009011iNe perndtteci above. 7 (. • • • ' • • • . . • • I, • • .. ..., .-.. ‘ , \ .. ' r• , • .--,- • • • , I. \ \ ... .1‘.. . . / • \ . • „• , . • • ' *. ••••• •••• • • ; ; . - • . '"‘/ • 1 "."‘s••• C. , • , • • • • , • . . . • • ....--. - ' • 3 4 ;;`,, • s. • -,."• - • 44., ' - 7 (>. 7. • 2 / • 1-J -"' a 72- 3.? /I•D • •••••••• LLKE 21. lc) SEc 2, 0 • 1' . • . • - • • • • ' • ' \ • ,„•"‘ ; '/. 7.— L J • • • S ..• . • . • • • • •• • . • 7 7 • tOwe •o.) L--- • . S r< 7 E. r T. 6 S R. '7 E. / •:•" ////, -./ / /1/ t":' .1/ ,•"1 .) • ...)••=. .e2; LE6LiiViklU NOV 1 7 1965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT oFFIrff. ) • 76( (-) L. • ( 4 .1 . 7 7. • • • • 1/ II •• • •• • • •••• ••• .••••• ••••••••••• •• • • . . . • - •• • .. • • . •- • - •-•. c Z . C•L7.4% ---. ( .--> re--; L. —2- -1,„La • EIEN1 CEO\ NOV 1 7 1965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFIrF. -3( --I .4 7o. cr/ j .4 • < , S E C 3 T 5SR7E /00' G ki E r r:* r 6 " • • -- ---1--"-k0 3- I fl . .- • \ \ \ ••• /7, ,KAOTE0 vor -77_, • . • .., L.1 ff..... 1 -i. ,,- - t...... • .. -F7-jr.0 J • . . • • / • • I , R. 7 r—b , I. E_ • T. e S. R. 17 E. EGEIrE •NOV 17 1965 • RIVERSIDE C011m1 Y PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT oprir-F .. . !-• I.- • r• r71 4- ' S SAGEBRUH •/-\ V F , 1 : t . , 4 , . - '-i- • ' -7 V...,..._1-c,...:...1.) ' re, f--. •-,....- : '.' I. ''' • 7'41. rt'Z'rt7;' -r•-pi.7. ....-..,1,-1i1.•-•,TN. 4, . •:. ., ",f,71•-•,!,b1-!, •s, -.• •••,•-• -,.-,•:,,,,,i--1-,,-,1 BOTTLEBR Ayi-- .,1,...,,••-•0. ,,„..., ' . 4•1;:11-... . tr. twk-1,:,%',40. SAGUARO O,7- I r-) PADRE '1,; 1 - ''7) 11---.---,--. :: I--- • — — • Li • i • , : ...., - I ,--o-=----,i ... •,_.: •-: I ;• 1 •-, ' ‘ 1 -,-. i -.1 ,• : .•,: 1 .., 1 L., , • , - 1 , ' _1 [.../ - 'T;Tilf!il. 1 77-(-; • - f-d.i...., -1-41Lvt-ii '-'1 ..) I i—.-T - sr 1 l' I EL • HI JO Dr j4. ;:i il• ii,';:•Z • . . ----1*-- - iVi-N1 -?) 1 1 ../--;,':11 .4T; _L__:___.__ • �., 1 , 1 i. L: 2,J , Z 1 `. . . 4 ; -..L. /*I a q ,--.)—cn...:2.-:-.-;._.... . __,_......c.-tc.___ .,__/-4:."L_ :-.'.2._..4. • t17 7 L('-.. (--:?-ti-42, ii( (I 1 .L....c ( 2. ce ..:::v.L.. 0771. k..) --t4- .C1-1--ki)......,„ ,-.. C„D. D _ 5 , :. i • EIIVIE NOV 171965 RIVERSIDE COUNT. PUNNING COMMISSION •PALM DESERT OFFIrF Case No. TV) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 3148 III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST.` COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA nYltitIEL lits NOV 51965^, RIVERSIDE COU:vTY TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE I. NAME OF APPLICANT LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. AGENT FQR ELKEE CORPORATION A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant suet indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. • 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. .) 2. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly,acknow- ledged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) 3. • The lessee in possession of the property, with the written con- sent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHQRIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) , f 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorised thereto in writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED;) - SEE ATTACHED AUTHORIZATION, II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. 'Street address of property Situated on the side of said street 'between and B. Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records. SFF ATTACHED S1IPPLEMfNTARY SNEFT ttl:rp,j DESCRIPTION) (If more space is needed for above description, pleas!,attach supple- mentary sheet.) C. Date of acquisition of property. BY MUFF OnRPfRATInNj M Y' 6. i960 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application (Any permit granted pursuant to this petition shall not affect deed restrictions of record.) NONF OF RFcnRn 0 E. Land use of property. PRESENTLY R-3 AND R-1; PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT j A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording *at you are re- questing for the property in question. Before this application is ac- cepted, there must be attached a plot plan drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing impmvc=ants on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant muut file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual con- struction work in accordance with said plans within six (6) months from date of filing this application. VARIANCE TO ALLOW LESS THAN MINIMUM LOT SIZES AND SFTRACKs FOR THIS ZONE AND TO PROVIDE FOR A PLANNED 11N1T nF IFI f]PMFMT -1- FORM 133-3 B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are applicable to the property involved, or .to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply general- ly to other property adjacent to your property, and in the •netghpodiood.• THE PLANNING CONCEPT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON THIS PBQPFRTY IS PART OF THE AVER -ALL MASTER LAND. USE PLAN FOR THE LA QU INTA PROPERTIES, WHICH PLAN PROVIDES FQR A VARIETY • OF RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN THE PROPERTIES_ APP1ICANT'. RESEARCH 1 ND I CATES THAL THE ADVANTAGES OF 4' PLANNED 'UPI T DEVELOPMENT WILL BF MORE ATTRACTIVE TO THE PURCHASER THAN SINGLE FAMILY RES I DEN C ES ;ON TH I S. PART ICULAR PARCEL. C. State why the granting of this Variance.. as requested 1.4 necessary:to-do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical diffi=... culty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. SINCE TtiE J'ROPOS ED PLANKED UNIT DEV ELOPME IT l $ HE Ai GMT AND BEST USE FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, AN 'U,�1I ECE$SARY HARD- .. - ., ...,.. .. ,1•'a,�' SNIP EXISTS BEC USE THERE IS NO PRoYIS100N THE 8 VFRS1nF COUNTY ORDINANCE FOQ A PLANNED UNIT. ©EVELOPKINT..., D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will. not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, -nor be'detri- mental to, the public safety or welfare. , ALL OF THE PROPERTY SURROUNDING THE SSIBJ ECT PARCEL IS OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY SUBSTANTIALLY.THE SAME OWNERSHIP AS THE SUBJECT PARCEL. THE COMMON. OWNERS FEES, !HAT THERE WILL BE NO MATERIAL DAMAGE TO OTHER PROPERTY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE PROPOSED USE FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL IS CONSISTENT WITH EXISTING AND PLANNED USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY. THE PROPOSED USE OF THE SUBJECT. PROPERTY. INCLUDING LANDSCAPING AND PRIVATE ROADS, WILL BE ADVANTAGEOUS TO PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE. SEE ATTACHED "MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN" FOR LA QUINTA PROPERTIES; -2- NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estab- lishment of the use as applied for in this application. We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application. Signature Address SEE ABQy.E STATE OF CAL�FORNIA } S.S c©UNTY°.OF OI ANG ..v.�.. , .r.,...� .,...1 d, ... . ,.,..._ ..,../..._+i, 1 "`AU5TIN , D.' STURTEVANT'. BEING ..DULY (SWORN DEPOSEAAND SAY THAT I AM THE PRESIDENT OF THE STURTEVANT CORPORATION A'C.ORPORATION WHICH IS ONE OF THE PARTNERS OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY..A PARTNERSH$P, AND THAT LA:i QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY I5. THE AGENT — OF ELKEE • ... CORPORATION =SHE' OWNER OF PROPERTY ,INVOLVED IN ,TH I $ APPLICATION, DULY AUTHORIZED THERETO IN WRITING AND THAT THE; FOREGOING SIGNATURES,. STATEMENTS _.AND ANSWERS HERE 1 N CONTAINED' ANDI THEJL) NFORt4A fON' URM I TTED HEREWITH ARE I'N t ALL RESPECTS TRUE •AND :CORREC T TQ YTF �'`� °�, 4}P�"'MY j 1 KNOWLEDGEy.AND''BE ;lEFz i�`.'"y'. '-•�'aI.,:;. ,c:t°,a.�tai3�3 , . t.. L is'.r,'l 's ' �•e:s L„ :r:E ', ; a�.4i.• .. , �;: .iz. t$" . , ... :. �; , }; , r:, s . LA' QUINT. DEVELOPM IttOMPANY A PAR, ERSH 'r B ..4 �T BY E �" ,. PR ES 0ENT: PHONE NO. tZ1.4Z 44.4491 4023 BIRCH STREET NEWPORT B EACtI CAL I FORN I A SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS r `" _,_ H' :,,u .. 1965.QAY Qi: tOyff �sER ESTHER R. STANTON My Commission Expires April 3,1901 • i Riverside County Planning Commission County of Riverside Riverside, California Gentlemen: November 2, 1965 LaQuinta Development Company is hereby authorized to act as agent for ELKEE CORPORATION and/or - PT 492*,in matters before the Riverside County Planning Commission relating to the properties in and near LaQuinta, owned by Elkee Corporation and/or PT 492. Very truly yours, ELKEE C•;''.RATION NIL LNGINEERS 4 SURVEYORS 3426 TENTH STREET OVERLAND 6-0844 RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA • P. O. Box 493 J. F. DAVIDSON RES. OV 3-3399 November 3, 1965 BOUNDARIES OF TRACT:3455 Lots 2 through 17 inclusive, and Lot "A" of Tract 2302 as recorded in.Map.Book 43, at Page 8 thereof, Records of Riverside County,'California. JAMES F. DAVIDSON JR. RES. OV 6-5688