VAR 886• JL:32912 February 21, 1967 The Honorable Board of Supervisors Ca%Lvt House Riverside, California Oentl.z: SUBJECT: V ROUTE TO CPC. CT BE CD 0.. F.. 21se Planning Commission respectfully rap rta 1. VARIANCE CASS N0. 886 . William N. Rsvu.:{n P. O. Boot 25 Coachella, Cali forWa Automobile Wrecking Yard Bane 6�1 Lower Coached Valley District Fourth Superrisorial District and denial of: 2. VABIAMCI CEO B0. 887 Charlie and. Ierendar Broom c/o Vera Butler 5265 Den Ave Riverside, California Dalargement of Dermot Resteman- Zone R-2 Rubido a c District Second daperri,eox i.1 District el r ted crud, the north side of 49th A im approximate 1100 feet ater3y of State Highway 111 and aypro rimately 850 feet westerly of the northwesterly wester]y city limits of Coachella Located been Dell Avenue end ?alma Road and at the intersection of said mats Pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, theme matters were considered before the Planner Commission Hearin& Board. Copies of the Hearing Board Minutes, including summaries of testimony, findings, recommenAutions, Conditions of approval, are attached hereto. Board of Supervisors Hearing Board Cazzio February 21, 196T Page -2- Bo der action is relpi+a6 by your Beard emboss an appeal is flied by the applicant or sost2 property owner within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property der consideration within seven. days of the date this rapes first appears on your Board Agenda, or the Board on its own notion orders the application trans- ferred to it for text -her proceadingo. The above reeounomdatioms were by unanitackiz action of the Mulling Commission et its adjourned regubar see*tiz held an Veb ry 21, 196T. cct ally cubiAt COMCBSICI,V ' eJklam T-.-' Y "' :it �irectoz° TS:n1 incla.. / Minutes, Rings, Levis, Cmditions cc: BuTerviscre (by dint ict) Bead Dmpsrtsent (3) land Use Division (3) v Pala Desert Planing Office Department of Motor Vehicles Clerk of the Board Applicants .fl ::a '- ,g Lit)� x wi niam E. Raven Automobile Wrnrkiag Yard Zeae N4-1 Latter veils. Valley District Furtharrrisvrta1 Dic rict n IiiMZ.►-fie: BOARD I :0'::i:: . February 8, 1967 1. MC develepanent of the premises dual ctercrorra subeteutia3 i f with that as ahem ma plat plan marked Exhibit "A" OD file with Variance Case . 886 in e office of the Riverside County Plate Ceere.vLa/en, r+.n?.eesetlearviee n ed by the fang conditions. 2. At no time shall erg wrecked care, junkjunk7 or lazed material be stored or wrw-king operations be conducted ucted on the preedaez except within said fenced euCic8 3. No bundles of any description shall be permitted at any t e, e . k o The metes of di po a1 of ate embariel or materiait in eon►junetion with the operations permitted hereby shell be approved by the Riverside C eetter Health Departetent and further such method of vaail•e dispena.l. shall be of such a enteZ e as to preclude motion of underground eater. 5. The use permitted hereby, shall terminate on mow la 1973. 6. In the everxt the use permitted hereby ceases operation for a period of one year or MOM thin' permit ;hall become 'tun mei void. JERRE I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or $ rrap G Leen illy' with ell of the motions set fps end us erataud tht the Office of Blaidiing and SarettY will not i. sne a Building Permit, or allele occupengi en the use pore i tte'd nAtiZ. this sipped confizonetion, 3n caadmlic te, bas been received by the Planning Ds Applicant's Signature Date (*nerve Signatecre (2 -2.10) t1:45 P.e a�rtg le t4 e Y� CASs No. 8% William B. Pavan Autaeaavbi3s y}reekn Yard Zone Teal Lower Coachella Valuer Dietric:t rcvith Propeatr meted on the north aide of 49th Avenue approximate/7 MO feet westerly of HighwayUi. end Wproximeely 850 feet westerly of tbe ly City Limits of Coaehella PBESBOTATIOli s le r. Stokes presented the subject application together with all ems pertirent thereto' Eat peeepy reeetere eaving bean s itt d accorling to the provisions of Ordinenw Po. . The c'1ie tii bullowe the Beard is actually an extension of Yee ease lee. 01 AiQ;s a evirati and levier vd icda aright ins acquired by the County. The propel ie loreateel emrotelanately one-fourth toile westerly of Fite Bightmer 1L1 mod jure wralwatany of the Coachella Cite L3aalte. Zwere is a mixture of Ism wen in the pies. With the martian of m truck storage operation immediately adjacent to the west' the pe° y to the s wet, and south is in agriculture. ram acres e/. uing?a eserAly duelling* aaod a church located a the north side of 49th Averree between the existing auteembi.le wrecking yard and the Begiewey. i moans is 14'1. The plot plan is the sane as perviouely eubamitted. It woe the undereteading of the Stuff neat there are mein use e e ono care to this area read thet the tree la e. needed ore. (Ceendesioncr Glaser said that tbm gate in question eculel aoen. be a to either the City of Indio or the City e; Cosolacila. ker* ereetree kWilartaii MplieUtt was a coed apezetor.) (Air. Coleritese admin3stered oath to all p ar eoz to preeest tea ter * ) PROPOSEeires James Withers, 73-833 El Lee Bead, Fain Deeert (ate', repeeaentiag eipplfe.renu) OPPONENTS: None SWUM OF kr. Withers impeoered t se= the Board the fact that the existing use performed & amraeesaicy function is the general area's only talky s the City of Coachella had Balled end *aka that tbe vplicant rmow. e, elaniktned miles from within tbli City Limits. Teo uteeta *'Y3 t t d 'Me &a",one Sri, U imatameent warted in c ropes. ation with the Riverside Cow e, a : 'r (Vices the State fligbreey Patrol, and the warty cities. The yard in queen n was s titer es,,aly instrument for the rertoral of wreaked cars bean the laigatmgrs ; tts Csag -D1 ? a V y d To est vp such es operation to process many havoirees or Una of ecrep metal n, in itself' a hexdsh#.p. The euraounding eta was adapted to Ow use. The ;,pp1? aant had eeo1osed the operation with s six-foot wooden few. Alt'aa eeete eleelt to the leigholv, the facility is cot located close encash to produce sin agyeaarca to pa"zaeat r. Be said he had talked with the City Per of Coachella cad was € nde the impression that the City vac definitely ceanteoplattng the annexation or this arm within the ant few months. r area bee not ahanged, in the psi ire yam. There being no further teetimory, the Mare= c'k e1 red the public hsari cloved at 2:15 o'clock p.m. liUDINCil x 1) The e. _ 9reecarte,1 iv the %o2) Au edepato hardishi]p has previously beau erstablieberl in keeping with tie requirements of the Zeseiug Off. 3) The me 1111.1 rot bedetriusztal to the surrounding ccandunity. a . vas wanes a filtration 3n. with the wit°e beautification preartml o bap keep the hiebwaya olearal cz,: i-; wrecked and abandoned ems. I unanimously usts fly no 4 by er cri: ��} Di em, r ��o�yby li r, Li�q = ani W.'Q✓eumse4�F ly �, that the �- .�} {.i7 ree2.mm- -v3 th t ht Naming �lrla ion vpreve Variance Ca r866 subjeet to the corditione ilia with CaSCA ■ ik,"J L'LLta, ria?-17.1. IL•4111:1.0 Wraetin 1..o• -,1*111-1 ir...rer Ow:ache:Lie Val District PG-Jrt h ftertrLsori al District •••••dy. IMM.••••••• =1.16112MO. '39 1, ins eAmelmpTent of he 1-rem1ren shall conform snhatExtiali.y. Tlth. 41ct okm,rn cr ple4 Ilan muted Elhihii "A" on file with Varisuce f742;46 Ea5 „.1 ta? ctU Rini -side County Flawing Cesseassions unless other -Iry AL.,. t1k fancying conditions. 2, tt ta time shs11 may, urf.eked eat e :=1.4 cr -axed mmterial ta sWe.zrwa:e.,,ialc- epemualens 'be conduatcbi on the premivA vultpt vithim sail fcnco0 encl:4;ur. Mrehmking of env description &an be permitted mt ro3 tAme. 4 The tarthQe4 of diakonal of 'mote material er materislE in centtme opermaons permitted hereby shall be Avprefed iffw the R.treleitleUrIt DeNtrovaxi,; sna Purther 6-uch metied elf* ,fivm14 qlepolO. shAlK be of nue'l u2.;cire Se to preclud* contamiutian or midensouni mter,. L, /he mae permitted harebyillowil terminl ca Jennely L 1973. 6 En the veat the use permitted temby perration ror ,xli-tied of ors yell& or more this permit shall become null ana voidt. pratEurn sa2e-gt ana riame,sprfLor te use of thin wrmit or appvals to cir 'wb ll r?)! the conditions set '!orthit and uniteratend thmt .tL3 Wfica Bra:J.0n rAva Safety rill not 15one a Dai.brung Permit. or &lieu occupancy on 'On Vie ..5.zavdttld rntil this siosed coatimations in qualruplicata!) hes been rucelva4;. by the naming Cmumissie-, Applicant's Sliortltrs ratcgd.a.af,42, ()wave/iv Siernioim..., ROUTE TO B CEC V CT Hiaiie 0 • • 1, • P.I.rf. • P.,644 kilt: .‘4 X6 b i b • Mieedo • 17°/111E/ ;.' 24-1 Lamm C o l`9.e. Vo11sQr District 1Paarth Itrervl iorii�. D1 triC$ 1„ thi &V 1c r of •rho rreutinen rtr'33, nriora eubst3.xrtis.1'z• iii i that 3' orn plot Ilan maximal EtrAibit "A" on file wi..A Veritmee Cale No. 865 , xi teas (ffiit ,: of the Ri•r trstde Goiu i' Taming Ceram .sr ionp unlesi ertbnralfI AM. nal 10. the f sliming conditions. o Um, sd t.i v> urreckmi esr3,, 3unk1 or -:W�e , r r,tt:ri3.. = 41tril a20►ti.egem be , .' cted ma tiaa prmises except vit in tai . ameicotw=3z 3,. 'ram i .uL of any &?scr ptian steall be pegaiz",,;e4, at aay time. 4 . maimed of disposal of masts material ez talotrialo la c :a:t ion i':1: . s operations permitted harstry steal. be 41.0.lrevoe. y thr: Riverside (t.1231ty 33.ei, sr+alort sot& further numb method of urait,disposal sue, b wx4 suta r z:)rze n:s tat prechode CCrttsisin,,1 tan at ur.d.orpreeuni 5, The Wit permitted heretr,5 shall terminate co jsegosa js 9973. 6. in the event the w ei permitted hereby MEM car nti. u fey.' a gr riO4 QaS° ate year or mote this remit sheJ1 become null and -mid.. xcimt ,a.nd a:Lav vfi prior to use of tic pen i t cT W r Cv ii, to cotTly trf th i. c.rE iLte conditims set Zarth, and er d that to Mica err B-r&Hiking nad. Safety 1,1.l3. rat issue a Building posit, or allow ocs:.,arerz€rr c: Yns perriitt.:d arnt�ii. ai tad eoe ttema•; ion, gpli:.ate o has bcza col & ley the Plumaing C :7.ssie n. at- .ZApplicant ° ago DryssiW• 1967 vi rstdb County1ct pti xg -cocitiazii .t3tAei,;-Cfitt 9' ecta ,Voriorica exam 886 C000bo' la Din ric't • Vino "Itt oa 'n vireditiatt lord WI 11 y of 1U'111213- idowoir coachmlo Yts .OyDistrict-ma covicavd touter Cam,1386, is now tho inoorporato4 City of Coachx>ll t Cirionox2tian MO)* . Xtt :14cv of this, it is r 'that th , ha c3 c * d.• 11. min um; Drnsum July 3,, 1967 RiVaratae County Planning Comasliton ruo�oLINISM stet Z3versi do, Cat ifdrnia Subject, Variance' Crurn 886 Wreaking Yard Cowbells District Gieglimant Mr. Rav a'a rawads:slp yard loanted AVIIIPIN wart of Hi gh%l ay 1 Lt iu Loom CasobalLt Valley ear District taxi covared under Ca.cia MG, la now in the iawrrpc.cated City of Coachella (atarnition i1io). In view of this, 1t is raccarlanood that this dace be closed. Vary truly yours, a. a. COMM LANv1111 ADHOIZIONASCIR wmutj Oa iftlirLftis Office Pada Dasart naming Office Pan Desert iancl Dsa silo .?„05,1So68 so.0.5.7•zr 2 8 4t,5-o* 24.2.2 4' f st t., Gs e -c " b . sk 4 N c_ SP 3S' tv N_.. ha I,' IN2 Kt j Tv .0/ • So 081/0" W 284..FD. ...-- 0 3.37 no. SO '‘ /39. 0' Us 0 N **k 1 C.) *lb CD N 11 0 kJ 44 : ••••• :•••• k 0 itt, i3 4 It eN I (e) PI) Y) la ki) 'lb 11 NI NI 0, 1 ". II 4, ?..., s ^) t r1 iio.Sa• N. • s O•o870"pv r,3 :i. x t., -. N IN ka t '.•-• :•. et N 0 o 4e. 4. 443 to 4,1 1414 00T c?`! to 41\ 5 0°07.E 2 84. SW • .4:1;,4 l' 2 49. SO' N ku co N X X C. EN N nt . '.; 0 r1 re n . kw -.) e to 4.1 e SO0O7'E 284.370* • A) 1 AZI I+ rts s"; • -44 O 0 N r11 k `4, k (,, eh (It 1/44, b. `k• i - G\ r).--: • A• -4-'4 N. )3 • rb \ N 1) N • 4 •:4- 0, 0 ', .., eN ‘1 ko t 0 ''; N N 4` ....\.) 14 k fk ?0 cb •1-• ' 4- et l'N 4 0 Li . \••1 ) I.3O: . .(1) * .0 4 ? el 0 ,, .1 7 '1 i