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VAR 888
Case No. necc) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Ls Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: I. NAME OF APPLICANT WASH I NGTON STREET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant suet indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (� in block provided. X II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of property Situated on the side of said street between 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. .) .- 2. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly acknow- lodged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) The lessee in possession of the property,. Mith,the written con-, sent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authoriaed thereto in writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED:)• and { Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside must be'aecurately described as per Riverside County records. LOTS 2 THROUGH 17 INCLUSIVE. AND LOT "A° OF TRACT 230Z At RECORDED fM MAP BOOK 43. AT PAGE 8 TiERgOr. RECORDS OF -RIVERSIDE COUNTY CALIFORNIA ('lf more space is needed' for above desoriiption, please. attach supple- mentary sheet.) C. Date of acquisition of property. JUNE 2j. 1966 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any permit granted pursuant to this petition shall not affect deed restrictiona of record.) NONE OF RECORQ E. 'anima of property. PRESENTLY 12-3 AND R-1 s PROPDSFD PIANNF11 - III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST MT T DEVELOPMENT A. Outline in apace below in clear and concise wording what you are re- questing for the property in question. Before this application is ac- cepted, there must be attached a plot plan drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing impn.arents on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual con- struction work in accordance with said plans within six (6) months from date of filing this application. VARIANCE TO ALLOW LE" T'' t11A'1M11M IOT Sl7ES ANI1 SETRArKc FOR THIS ZONE AND TO PRO 1 DE FOR A PLAWNED UNIT fEVR1 OPM4Fty, -1- FORM 133-3 B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply general- ly to Other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. THE PLANNING CONCEPT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON THIS PROPERTY IS PART OF THE OVER-ALL MASTER LAUD USE PLAN -FOR THE LA_QUINTA PROPERTIES. WHICH PLAN PROVIDES FOR A VARIETY OF RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN THE PROPERTIES. APPLj CAUT' S ' RESEARCH INDICATES THAT THE ADVANTAGES' OF A PLANNED UNIT GP SINLEFAMIATTRACTIVE TIPURCHSER ILYRESIDENCCES ONTHISPARTIICULARPARCETHAN L. C..'State why the granting of this Variance as requested is necessary to do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical diffi- culty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 'SINCE, THE; -PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. IS THE HIGHEST AND BEST USE FOR THE SUBJECT' PROPERTY AN UNNECESSARY HAJDSH I P EXISTS BFCAUst THEM IS NO PROVISION IN THE' RI VERSI LSE COUNTY ORDINANCE FOR A PLANNED f!N I T O fVFipOMENr D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detri- mental to the public safety or welfare. ALL O THE PROPERTY SURROUNDING THE SUBJECT PARCEL IS OWNED OR CONTROLLED ay THE FORMER OWNERS OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL WHO SOLD THIS PARCEL TO THE.PRESENT OWNERS WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE THAT THE PRESENT..OWNERS INTEND TO ESTABLISH THE Litt AS APPLIED FOR IN APPLICATIOPL AND Da NOT. OHM 20 THE GRANTING OF THIS APPLICATION. jH9RESENT AND FORMER OWNERS FEEL THAT THERE WELL BE No MATERIAL DAMAGE TO OTHER PROPERTY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE PROPOSED USE FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL IS CONSISTENT WITH EXISTING AND PLANNED USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY. THE PROPOSED USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, INCLUDING LANDSCAPING AND PRIVATE ROADS, WILL BE ADVANTAGEOUS TO PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE. -2- We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the propertyi legall,y described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify' that we 4 , .:1,„ . •:: : ' ',''..'f. not object to the granting of this application. , , t , . 4 • c ' ; Signature Address SEE i I I ABOVE • • • -r •• • • • ' . • • • ' • . • • • , ' e 4 4 • i„ . • - •, . • •t; t't. • : 4,' 1 ,"i„ 0.t• • . ; • ; kt. • • .4 • t . •••• ; • • „ • t CI: •1 • ; • tt , ...odkirt! .11 • t • ' • WASH I NOTON STREWDEVOMSN,T. cpplpmiyi '' • A I. I M I TED PARTNERSHIP.1., ''' ' •••::: BY LA QU I NTA DEVELOPMENT: COMPANY- A PARTNERSHIP 0.' ASs.GENERAt!PART,Ny4' ''`: , • . • V ;%7 '''' ''' ' '' BY THE STURT EVANVCORPORATON, -• "• ,-- A CArRNIA CO/F(POR4TfON'AS GENERWPARTNER /-4' //(71/2ifi) ' 1 • : ' .,‘ 0 Y • /*•,._ ,/,,,,„-L•z• / a . , AU Ti N D. 'SrtntirVANTi RESIDENT PHONE NO. (7;4) 546-40II 4023 BIRCH STREET ' NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF JANUARY, 1967t NOTARY PI,J8 I. I C Bide 1-626-61i4 February 28, 1967 The Honorable Board of Bmpervisore Court House 8ivsr&tds, California Oentlemens ROUTE TO CRC y CT BH E CD H 0.. RWB BP P FILE.... M w 055 DO AA' C7 SUBJECT: Variance Cese Jo. 888 Washington Street Development Co. Zones 8-1 and 8-3 with 1000 square foot minimum dwelling sins. Planned Development and Reduction of Lot Requirement La mints District rutrth Su!rviaori®1 District The Massing Coaeeission respectfulky reports approval of s variance to the Fontana Ordinance for Washington Street De-velopment Company, 4O23 Birch Street, Newport Beech, California, to establish s planned development with the ration of lot requirements on property located on the meet aide of Washington Street end sack. Sag southerly from 8isenhoser Drt c mapreziamately 1660 feat in the Ls Quints District, subject to the attached condition'. Pursuant to Ordinance 3b8, s public firing Inc held on this natter before the Planning Commission on February 21, 1967. A spy of testimony presented is attached. After full and mate consideration of all the facts and circumstances involved, the Cammtasion determined a hardship under the provisions of Ordinance Ho. Vi88 had been established, in that bans is no provision in Ordinance ao. 3%8 that contemplates planned developments with reduction of lot requirements. The above recomeandetion vs by unanimous action of the Commission at its regular meeting held on. Tuesday, February 21, 1967. a• {.: r .. I Aviator dates isEft " is filed by th i or Sae prOprej owner within fewt of the eriterior Se..the property tm ;.: ties with seven days of this report . • o . y or the Board covits verirsotion cram the . application tricaitirred to it •Zer. flasrthar proceedings.' iYii F 4- a Labi op �y�1�,, Property - LLE to moo; Sumer, of Hearingo Coiditicos aaa .. trachiegten Stet Develoznent *tow tend Sea (3) Scud - t•(2) Malta t Clerk of the Board Board donde v Pao .Desert Office 14. • r. x 7. VARIANCE CASE NO. 888 Tec ;S�o COMMONS Washington Street DCVe Core dehruary 2iy 1967 Planned Development Bele and Be.3* amass La eta District Fourth S ®rim District • The development of the' property shall 'conform substantially with thet € s. •'shown on ply plan narked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case No, 888 in the.office of the Riverside sty. Pla C - i. �ien, unless ot/tnrwise amended by the` followingeconditions. • lion , to the ism of a bidi � f condominium s��tt�e � . subdivision 11 be recorded conforeireg substantially with said Exhibit "Au except that building , pan is for not more than units be issued for -models • prior to mach recordation`and only aft a tentative subdivision ise.p has been aperceal by the Planning C issior10 Prior to the issuance of . h building permit for eonstructicet of ezer we contemplated d by : this approvals, the applicant s?hall first obtain, pets- :/or clearance from " the folloreieg public agencies: . . Departmeet of Pablic' Health' ptct Written evidence of said peat or. ' .ole ace froze above agencies Slum be pretested to the ;Land: Use Division `of the DepArtspint of Building and Safety et the time of the issuatee of a building permit for, the use eontemplated herewith. Priele to recordation of -any flew, eubc ivision the applicant ahe11 ei it to the Le on the following doemients ehich jail demonstrate to tin satisfaction of the'Ceammi,sgion that the total project will he developed. and maintained in accordance with. the intent -and poses of this app al o (a) The"document to convey title. (b) • The covenants and restrictions to be recozsied. (e)• The eeeetgement aud maintenance agreement to be entered into with the biers of the its within the project. The aped dominants oho be recordeeat tile sane time that the subd.ivisieLn rim is recorded. A t ccseveey with the un ue ified right 4to assess the Hers .of the individual units for,reasonable maintenalke costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The neueagesmat ;ems shell have the right to lip .the units; of the =ars who default in the payment •- of their assesets o Such lien shy" not be atibordinate to encumbrance other than a first deed, of trustprovidede such deed ofe trust is ode in good faith and for, value end is of record prior to the lien -of the memagement compen,y. This . appraval stall be, eased within 360 dnye, after final proceedings before `Y the Board of &ugerVinore e otherwise it 'shy became will envoid dand of no ebb whets is meantr. By "use"; recordation' of, a subdivision - map9 end the beinaing ..of construction of private: streams wig the project. AA I accept:. and egree, 'prior to use of this permit or 'apArova1 to comply with al..1 of the' conditions set forth:, an :understand' that the Office of Building end .Safety ,will not issue a .Building • Pet or allow occupancy on the use *permitted until - ,this sided -confirmations in quadruplicate has been received by. the Plamning Co .ssjono Date Date App1 iea�at s i gns'tia Owner.'fs Signature VARIANCE CASE e 0. Washington Street Planned Development - �=A ti.3* Runes La eta District Feurth Supervisoriaal DC U 1. 0 n RODTE TO �1 = .SION COM e-- Februaty 21, 1967 N ... . E .H OF RIVERSIDE G DEPARTMENT CEO CT BR CD JR BP....:• FILL.::.. The development of the property shall confare substantially Iitte that on plot plan narked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case N .e8 8 in the office of the Riverside brunt y Flaming min, 'unless other amended by the . following candities . Prior to the iss a ace of a traildin is for s y condmainian structure a subdivision a all be recorded conforming substantially with said Exhibit "A" except that building permits for not more than 4 units may be issued for models prig 'to such recordation and only after a tentative subdivision, map has be a appramal by the PSanning Commission. Prior the issuance of a building pert for caest 'action of any a contemplate by this approval, fihe i5 asit as 0 1 first obtain permit ' and/or elearance from the following public agencies: Dept of Public Health d \ r V Written evidence of said permit or clearance fro n above aggencie11ssshall be presented to the .Land Use Division of the Department of B'=i1e4'g and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 4. Prior,to recordation of any final aubdiveion map, the applicant t r11 submit to the Co salon the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the total project will be developed and maintained in act with the intent and purposes of this approval. (a) The doo m ant to convey y title. (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded. (e) The nemagenent and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the owners of the units within, the project. . The approved documents shall be recorded at the same tins that the subdivision map is retarded. 5. A management car with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maieemance costs shall - be estabi i ehed and - continuously maintained. The nnnagement company shall have the right to lien the unite of the owners who default in the payment of their assessments. ,Sueh lien ahall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust pravldedysuch deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the management company. 6. This approval shell be•used within 360 days, after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors, otherwise it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is nut recordation of a subdivision map, and. the beimaing of construction of private streets within the project. AGREE e I accept' and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to coeply with ' al]. , --of the. conditions set. forth, :and understand that the Cfficeof . Building and Safety -will - not issue a Building Permit or m_Ilow occupancy on the use permitted until this sued confirmation, in c edrupli.eave, has been received by the Planning Commission. _ , .,,,,vim . — _ -- _ a . - 1 ' - Date -- ey . eeeee en1rJ' } Dates —."' . ..Applicant ' s v- 8ignatua e. 3e e-.e �-, "�... w �,�.--.,...o ner's'sig tore x, , ,,t ,�� ...` . �� � "°-i. i"7�. � r'�'1`_� j ..'�C�' +i„�y .�1e� �'�''' •F�y i 3A4- • t 72 /144 c ezv WASHINGTON STREET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A PARTNERSHIP AS GENERAL PARTNER BY THE URTEVANT GENE PARTN.� BY ®' BY ORATION f VICE-PRESI DENT DATE +4'2.16.'7 BY WALKER & LEE, INC. GENERAL PARTNER BY T47 BYA J PR�Sr V I CE..PRES I DENT ' DATE '4)21i, HAKE CASE NO. 888 Washington Street Development Cc sjaey Planned Development MelD end Pe3e. ewes La Quinta District Firth Surer.sorial District PLANN L COMMISSION CONDITIONS IONS February 21, 1967 1. The development of the property shall ccn ore substantially with that as shown on plot plan screed Behibit "A" on fiie'with Variance Case No. 888 in the office .of the Riverside Co ty. Pl&i nir g Commission, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. . 2. Prior to the issuance of' a bU3.lsiing Wit, for any cordoninium structure a subdivision a LL1. be recorded conf'ommi g substantially with said Exhibit "A" except that building permits for riot more that, 4 units met be issued for models prior to such recordation and only after a tentative subdivision nap has bean approval by the Planning Coie,sion© 3. Prior to the issuance of a building 'it fbr construction of any use contemplated by this approvals the app cant shall first obtain permits €axed f ci clearanee free the following public agencies: Department of Public filth Road Department Written evidence'of said permit or clearance few above agencies :the,' be presented to the "Land Use Division of the 3 epartment of Building and Se. tety 'at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. ' 4. prier to recordation of any final stib ivision tea, the applicant shall submit to theCommission the Yellowing docue;eutss which abeil demonstrate to the satisfaction of.the Commission that the total project will be developed and zraintained in accordance with the intent and purposes of this approval. (a) The dormant to convey title, (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded. (c) The renegement and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the owners of the units within the project. The approved documents shall be recorded at the saw time that the subdivision nap is reeorded. 5. s. A management company with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual vats for reasonable mairtenance costs shall be esstabliahed and continuously maintained. The management company shall have the right to lien the units of the owners who default in the payment of their essessments . Such lien shall not he subordinate to arm cumbrance other than a ,first dead of trust provided such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the management company. This approval shall be used within 360 drays, after final proceedings before is the Board of Supervisors, otherwise it t shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is neant recordation of a sub1viaion sap, and the beinning of construction of private streets within the project. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the -conditions set forth, •and understand that the Office - of- Building and Safety not issue a Building Per's.t or allow occupancy on the -use permitted until this signed confirmations in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. 1• t , - a i . \ , •.. _ Applicat s griatua-e ;\ ..:.._ .-f _ 1 N ,d j ' - lilt .,, ..r. - .-.- - rti�?4_ . .. -...: ,> Mvri" � — = ,. ..,., ...� F • Ogmer_s3 Si �.~aare ti l i 4. a..d..ray 7e .....41;0.....lice7:^` ' ..." -.7.1i 4:\ \i'-' ells-ti ' -• 7� `t`.i,, ti '_s*" -... .:, ham. r. ,�, > ``C?. ?"`1 d' f • K� — • • WASHINGTON STREET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY LA QUINT► DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. A PAi .TwEi.t,f IP AS GENERAL PARTNER EY THE GENE BY BY DATE URTEVANT s RPORATION PART ER if , I ANEW' VI -PRESI 'ENT BY WALKER & LEE. INC. GENERAL PARTNER BY ( , ),tPRUtNTi VICE-PRESIDENT DATE r LJ pr.twee‘y Fte!ie fp7 ,F if Mare C.O.T3a ,nrit...a. 01'1;4%1 BlItaZe a';10 107 L5tatil EZt:;.;:Vmtz,.:9 • • Ltti 1:40.41,210,230ULrj..x.12 gtil P X M ROUTE TO BCEC..... N CT...... BH E CD H JR o.. RWB pV BP FILE • • • • • • „ • r-r3. 5455, B.t.',Lie, a i',ots 2 it,.,1w.f.:10.1 17/ 'e.441.* 2t,/ azd trA' vcabs.b,--,t-rn 'Stoat. 2,Saf2g• ete,, '013,`+' M1,7 LtibLA nolio 4•1`)/ az-i-ov 7 es 31, Parznio off ia,Evarsals Cotz.,tzfifp Cz1LiFor,-.31,414, talt.1,0P, thatt t,:et tic:* t ii=t1Crsail • - 1.4. a•ar• cloc---,zeftow ti,,v4.,,11, you? rf:.1,,,T,F.xt.tva '4_Z1 Jas.ltit.nry Irst 7.9610 tot, vki-z,?.411 tli..,447zrkik„ er2o.ttlz,z, vs,Er/ itiAxvi.‘;41.44„I Ottilty ;27zmilt. eftlx..I.:-.741 in st4r,.1" envq,"...41.?,meohead. Itylx.L.42,4i.ttrz tzegi•›.1 'Mgt tzths vie), Tr.414'1. ;60 ra. h 1LN-a topt.,,tc, etz-L;. 2,o($ fto 'p7,A•;, Wks* . izatf,L, tlfa. ty.U.',11:r3441=4.1.:toz 4 tit.o: ta„,.*4-Ao tuft !i1.4.a tate e•A'F. tta.:cz0,,Cf.nar-t. (.31.ex."flt titt Vyzi, cE eac;;I 1.1:4o TirgEvi T4.-fmktzti....1.41.,area oft lot 0,1,x1re. r- x 1 : 2danto 1gs, •$,),:!:4=04'...,a ViVA .V.74 ..nuavinc; tte„ atr.4. atio-m-tztmtLrfr..4 TL twzakp 0".4431,71'414 t7,,.am 1.41.-Lat=1 tib115",:;',ZWV34 teottln V1.7.caltt, env zazit,:tv. qat-/-.,1,1 famt. c-,“2 wrio Ematd.c.4.4-ds d.a-4,11 ctnz*z--,yltat tbtt, CeLl.m.ty rt.5.st-f..,'-'_-,2M Of. LA:02.it 1304ga> 4443 ttle matt ce. rt.M1 :Ztatty txrali-''-'75,1441,11b tv,/ th.Eg cteleita Qta.v . A EVMSIT Ai j Dizaet-e:tr: v?„ 1,-0-1141 au2.1'441 .4.17.Z:311 Ccno Elez. r4:-,'gt. (2) ttitc? sae=1.1tv TiUt (A) COUNTY OF R1vERSIDE Eict, L;•:33 Att. at,Bki,AttalliavD E PA RIM EN T 1.W•rize:x.r6ziattzt 1 • r. .4 BRIM IS Mint GIVE1 that, a public_ % . be ire. Rigid . y - Planning Commission' on the egplication yeshington Street DeVelopaseu' t Company aerie pOratIEMt tO Article ;. No. 33, Riverside Canty Zoning Ordinance for a , t said Ordinance pernittiss t3 'estehlishmeut . of- Pir.rined. develogisent:swith,thfiriadttet40327 oY lat riquiremmatilv i :• Zones . r 1 (One PsoAtly , 1� si6ot }.,olds ;73.. (c4nrurai Residential,. 1000'foot minium dwelling size) on property -ont ide r Ve ry .a tl'• Southerly $roz. a- Drive tely 1660 tint. in that't District, gam" more icaa 1y described a follotnir Ilioto 2 through 17 i clusivea : sad' Lot "A' of fact 2302. Book 43, Page 89 records' of Riverside county. recorded.in slid Public beezteS v531 be held oaa Weeder,. P 21, 1967, at 2t0 o'010 k P.L in the Board of Swerviaore Rocco, Court Rom, Bride, California* at ads ties Ind pleas pertinent testid. zany will be 2-6-67:1h :Muma t. Eveusen SMwst4my IEGEHEni t) FEB- 14 1967 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE 0 U cH H id O , Q--1 r4 H PAP 0 wa;PA • r RIVERS • DE COUNTY PLANNING IND MISSION Vow HousE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA rvE TO:ROADDom, SUBJECT: VARIANCE CASE NO. 888 - Planned Development - LA Quints Dis Vat Waahington Street Development Company IOe3 Bird Street RIVERSIDE COUNTY ROAD DEPT. Newport Bosch, California DESERT BRANCH Phone No. (714) 5) 6-4011 Your comments and recomandations ere regnested prior to February 10, 1967. COMMENTS; Tentative Tract No. 3455 conforms substantially to oriainel Tract i2300.per Subdivision File 8775-8, except centsrlins radius of Washington should be 2,000 feet to e8r.e with original survey. Alen, distance iron late i to 020 00144 . ,. be 678.00.feet. • Date February 7 _ 1967 Signed y...,, B nrip.ga LIMO/rv. mart Office nggineer /8 (moue return original and one carbon to P Co'ani.saiom, Cou [Iv F['<0-i9€: RIVERSIDE COUN Y PLANNING COMMISSION PALM, DESERT OFFICE • ,,.d -FEB 8 1967_'. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION • RJS mj Distribution: Brown 1-31-67 J. Ruth O'Beil Riv., THE STURTAVANT CORPORATION / GENERAL CONTRACTORS 4023 BIRCH STREET\ • NEWPOR ACH CALIFORNIA.92660 • (714) B46-4011 ,! THE STURTEVANT CORPORATION JANUARY 17, .1967 THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION.. RIVERSIDE COUNTY COURT HOUSE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN: WE ENCLOSE HEREWITH AN'APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE•=IN PARCEL. OF LAND IN LA QUINTA WHICH IS DESCRIBE() AS: LOTS 2 THROUGH 17 INCLUSIVE, . AND LOT "A" OF TRACT 2302 AS RECORDED IN MAP' BOOK 43,.AT PAGE 8 THEREOF, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY CALIFORNIA. THE ENCLOSED APPLICATION IS THE SAME AS THE APPLICATION,,. IN VARIANCE CASE #780 AND COVERS EXACTLY THE"SAME PROPERTY, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BEING THAT ON JUNE 23, 1966 TITLE PASSED FROM THE FORMER OWNER, ELKEE CORPORATION,`': TO THE PRESENT OWNER, WASHINGTON STREET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY.. WE REQUEST THAT YOU REFER TO YOUR FILES'IN . VARIANCE CASE #780 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. THE APPLICATION IN VARIANCE CASE #780 WAS GRANTED ON JANUARY I9TH, 1966. SINCE THAT TIME THE OWNERS HAVE HAD ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT PLANS AND A FINAL TRACT MAP PREPARED BY J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES. .THESE IMPROVEMENT .PLANS AND THE MAP HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY.ALL DEPARTMENTS- OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. THE TRACT MAP IS READY TO RECORD: EXCEPT. FOR DIFFICULTIES IN FINANCING THE PROJECT UNDER THE SO-CALLED "TIGHT MONEY" CONDITION OF THE PAST FEW MONTHS, THE APPLICANTS WOULD HAVE HAD THIS VARIANCE IN USE WITHIN THE 360 DAY LIMIT IMPOSED IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. JANUARY I7, 1967. PAGE 2 THE APPLICANTS NOW REQUEST THAT A NEW VARIANCE' UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS AS THOSE IN VARIANCE CASE #780, BE GRANTED. YOURS VERY TRULY, WASHINGTON STREET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY • A.PARTNERSHIP, AS GENERAL PARTNER BY THE STURTEVANT RPORATION A cALftp A RP RATION B (4. (tali4 ESI ENT .ADS/E NCL.. VARIANCE CASE NO. 888 IMPJANXEG COMMILSION CONDITIONS Washington Street 1)evelo9ment Company Fkab'xnAvy 21, 1967 Devo1oypte4 IAA gull It-3o Ztiataus • La guinea District Yourth Snpervisorial District 1. The development of the property shall ecy.f'orst substant3ally with that as shown ,. on plat plan lorked f„:1,..14.:6tt.".A." on Vile withVarienee Case No. 888 in the office, Of the Riversid4 COunty.Planning Coillwicsion„ unless otherwise amended by th,i following conditions,, . . . 2..'; Prior to the issuanc.1,..-- or a builanx-peraU, Apr &gy corild.oninites structure a except that building permitsfor mot more than 14. units say be issued for modals subdiVisl.on sisal be ree.oiaLd confamininut6tantially with said Eghibit "A". prior to aw,h recordation and only aVter a tentative snIlditasion hap has been . . . . , , , :.,„ • . - . ' a/n4ova1, by tlw,V44411g Comission. . 3. Prior to the issuance of a bu.ildinunTmlt fOr Ccmstruction of any use contamplated by this approval; th-! aPPlicallA 0411 first 014einim41401 and/Pecleasanee frc tho following pUblicagenCieg::-',:: Depairtment of Pub14. • ' • • ,* , lictr rzt t r Witten evidence of said pernuit oxelearanee from above agencies'aball be presented to the Land use DlieiB1ar1 of the Department pt Baildisif, and Safety at the timeot the issuance of buildinOxTmit for the use Centempl4ted herewith., . _ • , 4. Priihr to recordation of any.flnal suhdivisien Imp, the applicantiball suhMit to the Cm:mission the following docutants which than -demonstrate to the :satisfaction of the Commission that the total project will be developed -and mint4laaa ta eqcOrdanCe with the intent and purposes of this appr9val. ".• , • • • (a) .The document:to convey tit. (b) The covenants and reatrletions to be recovded. . '..-. . . . . .- (a) The woagement aid maiutenmnce agreement to be entered inteAciththe ....owners of the unitsitinthe Proieati. •;- .. ,... , • ..,-., , ,-• '. ..,. •;:.,; -. • ..The approved documents st-,41.be recorded at the aame time that the 04h4v1,404' gap is resoTded..'s 5 A mumgement comParLY with the unqualified right to assess the Owners of individual Unite for reasonable mainteneace costa shall be establiahed end"' continumply maintained,- Tie Alanaavaani; colpy shall:have the 14,0lt to lieu the units of the owners who default in the Psyment.of their assessments.,.i .“ Such lien shall not bf..,1 subordinate to any 4:,,n,:naSorance other than 0, first of trust provided suth deA or trust i ade in good faith and:fo.,i! value and is of record prior to the lien of the mansgementeompany. 6. This approyal Shall be used withla 360 days, after nntosproceedings before the Board or Supervisors, otherwise it Anil become nall ad void and or np effect whatsoever. By %BO" is meant reaordation of la subdivision map wad the beinuing of•construCtion of private streets within the prOJOI.e. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior -40 use o2 this permit or apprOval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Wading and Safety will not issue a Building Permit or allor occupancy on the use permitted until .040 signecl. confirmation, in stadraplicate, hau been rcceilted by the Planning Date Date Applicantt- 0 Signature Uc.N:7r 8 binature - .•. • f•: ;, . •r 4936 .L gs. w'fni .�, I.C\ ✓ �I i.�!. i.a..a.�.µ:.�`4. H:�:L... „l..,A :rW T .. rs 174, • .,I, F?uc ....1.:_11Sv..,.., Is411- .41.3Z' .tdiTt+.R.fja3"{ ,a, 110,1 l'.4.r�.`•l.,a,�, :,;.r,,�t;l.. :<W -v� 1i3y,M (}'.Pi <y '4 7. ,,. <`I+} i •.P,k+tC ^r .� LwwX S.tR, }E sL"iA1 Lib..(' ;:1t7?»C.S,f33�!bv.l'^ S'iTo 1.cm1. t C itty (3L*,;.."k',tft or tL. t r'(t it4�:.1 �. ie �'s'> rj rT•1ii�•A. 'v�i. .J.�;.La; Jf �.� c r,�l iyl [q'Xv�.n`A ��•L C4 t� t 44 1 c, 14 Fl5$1 t,,i0C . + Y1Cp ':,t L' s r Ulf i' '.dl t¢: >rt?....!w 5p+u3:hr0.1.1 ; 4'4' i 1'1_;fh:.i •e,ICi!.+.� J Aar R4�ri. ,p Li �.i�iifrr' 3`• 4,-19 p i C `A: - E N c tvu NI v r°.T U N t ty fT" t•t '.: A2 K s tJ 4- --�;).1.1::=, � �Ue\VAyj'` }?.�' di.C. L. 'rc .sera.u1 z ..1" NiN tFGc tr C ores; ;' E",4 h. U frq i i /4,a, s '' $ . o o {1 17, , } c':nrWzl, CO:M4.. .;ilif, 16o.'6C4.1; i5v Lea° 1,)1iay is y • • .. f. `5 T. T N .dT i e L :4,/.1 NG t, l�cao;s*4 ' L� v i1.k e'L:: ... is Lac�TC�;o )t/ES%F)2Ly's'�C"•f JvST U7-+r•e .� t.J ,TN G •E15E•N}-/ac,WEZ, ?vZ-t-LLc A .ck #-1 'To •ri4:e. T44., 1 /../r r2s�C'1`..rc _ ;a: roc..Fa co sF': Gomogruipm,coopiwNs \44-- N•ce- GABE •),,it.1, I.• Tka.,,, development of the property shall conform substantially with that as sbovn an plot -.H.'..; . ' . . . , . .. -olayt, marked Exhibit "A" on file with Yfet4a/.3CE .Case No in'the. a • " . --.:ji; office of the Riverside County Planning Commissio% unless otherwise amendedV the': _ . , .. _ . . , . following conditions, 2,, pior to the issugme of a building permit„ for any condomnium structure v sabdiVtaiO14., ah0i be recorded conforming substantimlly with said exhibit "A" except that 1041-0* permits for not more than 4 structures may be issusd for Models prior to such recordation -' , . . and only after a tentative subdivision nap ha been aPProved bY,the Planning Commission. 3. Prior to the.j.ALu.L_nce,.2_fI•2gjattabuild:rmi for construction of ,any use contemplated by this approvalthe applicant sball first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following', . , • public agencies: • 4drpOrt-Commrimrsi-eft- . ,Thivers-_14Wedutrtrioteed-temarkifLatbialet Department of Public Health .: , .._ Road Department .., - .. -„,..:; 4 =StOleP7tVIDnroftittewwa. A , .. .. ' , '• ,, 4 Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presentedtothe • . .„ 4 . v i 1 , Land UeeDivision of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issm*ce„, of a building permit'for the use contemplated herewith. :..,.:,,i, 4 . . ruction the devel permitted h pro 44quate vehic ar acce -s is co atructed , • pro ded. at tag devel ment co orm snbs • • of pproval for t prOvi ion of open areas aut le parki MAF be done p grik!film414!t.‘ies or all 'dw ling.uni s and rth r • 4 t4 the in ent d cu4ose3. rec ional'facilities,'and off -Street, •• . x. Prior to'recordatiOn of any final sadivision mapa the ePPlicant:Shall F44Mlt to the. OGMMJ,58101a the following documents which shallldeMonstrate to the -satisfaction oftha commisiion that the total proJeCt will be developed and maintained'in accordance with the intent and purposes of this approval: (--) The document to convey title. • (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded. •• (c) The management and maintenance agreement to be entered into:with the owner s c4 the • units within the project, The 6,pproved documents shall be recorded.at the same time that the.pubdtirisiOn IrtE.p•:1•5 •-,, .reco-tded. A manogew.tat •• • • comany with the unquallaed right to assess the emnera of the indtviduta vnit3 for mason6b1e muthtenunce Ohill be estdblisned and continuously The TAIney.wait compnay ahall have the Iplht t lien the unito of the omera ),iPo ia p4 of their ensi.x. SucL Ilea yhUl riot be subordinate to go:y ffacubbxamu tht-41 a firat cle0 of tue.:6, providi clAch dezet of trust is made in goad faith and Standard Condominiuu Conditions Page - ,11.1.11••••••••1112•0•1• This appvoval shall be used within 360 dgys, after of Supervisors, otherwise it shall become null and By "use" is meant recordation of a subdivision reap of.private streets within the.project, , • • , ,iJld • Y... e•earam,0••••••••• final proceedings before.the BOard , 6 • . ", Iroitand-of no effect whatsoeveri. - . and the beginning of contraction , • • • ;v.' • • • . • • • ;‘ ' „ . • • • • • .. • LISP' OF PROPERTY OWPUIRS v DATE: 1--24-a7 FOR: DATE 01P HEARING: /. 4-/ sa 8J9I L.6 404//ivr41 se zmi:scRipzioN 6. 8. 9. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ETAS /. DDRESS • S.401' 0F.C'ilr.4¢A/ryo .ys. G-vLrsea'...,.1..a._.��l�!g7 "T - r 4 e ** ` 7C s 2 V ezawvr ..o ✓.P L.#6Cyr) 8 ale 14/r'Ar✓ -?Z iL�ICf CtIL�,'. / iy. le �•4�L sr_ .e.y c ", .../_a_. /4C. .4 -0 2 /S3i1/�ilidJ -03 -04 -07 - a 9 /Go 4/ c✓ -4 -43 -4� -4 G -.4 Bdlss ALaw.r 2/ - 337 'df'CN.4L• 'oe, =0AL - 4 9 3,7224# ''4,zz_r ,, 1w.Lca/L vomit cosy . .S/L A-F CQ.6P_ MI '7 .,„ "St)) I h r :by certify under pznulty o; perjury that notices were thoce owners indicated by on the attached list on the day of RIVERSIDE COut-i I Y PLANNING COMMISSION PAD -DESEIZI U-FILE postage prepaid, to 1967. (ROTE: A CHECK I4.t/ C TO BE PUCE) BESIDE =INANE ON OWNER'S S LIST AS NOTICES WERE HAILED. ••••• • ...9.114.1•A Piling Fee P3,t 0., Pf 1211.,•!1-TIY,G Mk( 2.2.1.• J. ye . • ,IrAl.,13.•••••41.0114, -OA, Miro. • • D.f1TE (bc,/ Ca-gacte Attack,ek_6:62. ZOITE necked —6 Asr,;esos l':.;ook No. ••• PAGE —/ despintion complete and checked _ • ••,!-!!'r.V detcription checked against plot 'clan .2212 AY • r • Sy... LZ • !J. [yds.*1.21dargi ibehreiwion Oka. worn., • • 6. r".•••:,.• • • • • t Tentative hearing aate • 21 4.2 41111......klotalnaltsua.Mi•••41.7....,....11......../.4".WW.1.12.2......../.......o..r0,, /474,„-- .— 7 PfTency deadline date / • • • NewspeDer Assign Case No. 41.110.123•01..1. AILN.C.IZAWM,,041•Taaal.,444.7.W.er.....,1:1•••••,.. ReceiptCTILbtt.DASON.d, t .,,S• • for check • Assign place on agenda (date and hour) • • •••=0../.14.0.1•"...auall.C.M14111,8•...WANIN.J344.11:1•1Y/f.,48.6tio.f..0.4An.“,..a.4•••••10•16.4*/A.C.W.rtaa••.,,. t • • . rr To be yt;blithed not,later than • ,. marieyway.u*aa emaiti.,....**Mani•i•••••••0•..00*••••••••.*4.01.6..•(.211•••••••4.21rntlY12.1,,101.4•020,04,11.,1.01t, • Wotice .to applicant mailed- • 1. • •• PLANNING COMMISSION • RI:y .<.3113E couroy • • Notices Mailed • • • .• - • • • -- --PATkr15rgt1tt"-dyPicE 1.6 „ Notice posted on property by • " •• Dace-•• • • • I L.. ,) 't1) ;.P AT-iculti%L'e,Deicartment • Riv. Co. Flood Control . • A ....c.r.w.,.....q.,......,...tr .....gro.c.......row.r.aaru-n•Awt..tos..........• t4s.,:,.....,t ....." ...1 • - tr,,,,D ass arogrmtora....•••• ...Nu. c.a..... ... ..•-..e...-... ..:.1..i'e E'Cil-at,i0..1 Coatrol Dietrlet .............swo.......uur....o...,...crio.,,... 41.o.••• Health De:pa*,,:tont_ ' A ,10) ,.........0,0"...e.fla te.,...”. '-'........"."....-. ....j...:.00.7:7.;; Dirl.jetOr T '"1-d UT"' T):1-",r7 ,'i .-1 - 4A ••14../A.S.LALIFY......1..C.PY.512.6r4.4.4..0.31/1.1•1•••••••fAl....11AAVIA sur....4.-a.”..o•................ ,1•Road • --......... ...CY Air..,..1.,1.140.-.....1. ........1.11.••01.1.1..A...,...A,rt..,av,.... L., •14,114...../*A...1.1....../.....omatl.•••/,141....”.6,1C•la ......4von,......,ms.s...,rrel.........A...........r. A Uity cy::' State Divis-ion of Highways C:::f.i..i..,.:-. Se= tatDivision of Forestl'y .1,•alwa., • ,...4 cr.,::..chel..,.. 1.7:aley Flood Control 'ater Pollution Control :.::,.-7..1•7.:1),, ' n 196/ Z7.-ur of c:oi-e!:?, of cafe MEAD recUirod • L.1.120.1.V. ...02 i . ^ 14. . . . e ...................e.........0.1. re 00 mi.•16....+.21......110/0•1•10,11.....,.............•001../..... ••/14/....aril AM .., Dortn.110,......., • ....A.P.•••.....9.Sa../7, arslArK.M.,.1.1•,1,.N. t• > •1,.. hil • Amex s 4,•••••••••••••••••,..........Con L.43..ou • Oth-persons or organiEations. concerned: 1::-••••••••••• • /ck" /. ••• • (7\ *ft er, •1 's er 0,1 La // /e/ 44, 1 A SS R BFk 2 5- 10 -I, 2 - (' • .-c L 1 ,. 3 4 19-1,2,3 T 5 S. R. 7 E. T. 6 S. R._7 E. , _ C A L t 1,=. o 0 l �? / tD to ASH IN G TON __ST._,DE�V. CO..• APPL tC~ANT �• 4 1-23-67 -4 o Z QA.l;3,Q 3c 'la 1! 1' // f TIMOTE0 SEC 3 ECL/,2'/7Y 7/7"4 a co. MS. c) u j_\ • • HT:7J- r , Via r `" 7 79 2 { 1' . • •. • ,• ▪ .. •• • • ••i• • • • 31 • 1 ; T 5SR7E cerotrA / /77 / T. 5 S R. 7 E. T. 6 S. R. Alas7Cr ,I'c co4r 4Jo a/>ir791on 5r4 /AC .Pfrc! Ei5e/7hawer Dr. //o ',4'/A) 7 E. EDUCE LOT 81zE; ,..SETr?ACKS USE THE -RIVERSIDE G.O U N 'i' Y `::P L..A NN i N G 1 0 — — w — — a. — — ar — OM. r •r w 414 C /NTl3.TH 3 • • • • I_ ! • I • • STONE ( 11 41.06, 4 SAGEBRUSH+ AV F r4,ati • •,. • • 6") •, l 3 1'1°'S •:''' 1). BOrT L. E BRUSH d'__� « . ' Jf i ) 1 1 -t--t ,10krs ♦. 1 r •. 1,'•) t- �ir ¢. v, ' -. -'aa�4%%o1 t t, _-----4-._.._...-• C a :'b�* . O •y ••- « 1 1.-n t- (V Jr 'Q i d ...--i,. r\ !r V �e 'f''‘r t in1,1%.a, SAGUARO D X +. EL HIJO PADRE Ds ..•' .... 444. 44-4444. fr'Vew»}fit...4.04"a'.PY.lr7.44r44!!y! d.. ... '''J. .-R,EV3pE,`COUNTY PLANNIPP'G ,COMMISS0O�I P, -PALM'•'GESERT, CFFIC4 1.0 n C 3 TYP/C*4G SEC7'70/V GlickV/NG LOG: 770N Off" I4'47-' " L/NE 4ND F/,eE axo.edNT.5: No S6.n'. 8E/N6 4 PE9U8D/V/5/ON of Lor9 8 TA/RCN/O / /7, LOT :4-(CO4Cl/ELL4 De/s/E), 4ND.4 PaeT/ON o, 14/d6///NGTON 5T,e4 r49 S',UUfr rAil ON /1 4P ,C/L ED /A/ 4,1.. a 43 - 7:15 8 ,ebCO47,0 of= e/ vE,E? 5,/OE cOUN T'Y C4L / 0e/V/4. LOCZ rEo /N r,UE `YESr �`2 0,c' 770N 3 / T55. -,7- .- 5.,B. 5.4 /tom/. M447C/i, /966 C.4L.E. %'- 60' vio5 ow 4 5soc/,eire-'- •. P/AE"de6E67d°SG/a5 ,' -y lv'GOTE `DL !/E //Vvflit/r . 4 SSE #'/GEL /NE ',r. . -6,E 1%/6e S/N6GE /" q�..�,j-;...�,C•.n.:{ C. o fjl.i f� L ! �l �,' t n Fi 1 .j .t �'. 2 9L-iN ter. /E4. ;t: ,483,70d ,GlNJ�7'` rG//ViC`lr • • ;.G• .;" ." • : • ' , • &46' ' • • • • • ,• • • . , AS*, 1)t9 • N-, 6,01 oe ,ol, 0 ,II -4 e il., 'N 4 • e 24.Ni i_r4 Ayr 4° W 61--///V670A/ ,711 me' 0e )1r P 4eTEZ. Re)L 2414i/./09, Tri...400,..E.W210,6,.‘O. et' v e 41115 oz- 2' 46 4a s • ' 1 e • 1 Ity Ass IT/ it\ ,tk .6S,st,Ci 041 4.4 (717 kk° 4 a _ 017 6042,03490-AV ,0)t F*.eoti 7-44 6-E '0‘1,04 cvg,9 /7" 0•Po• .4t .14 0.04 4 .40 ," E.-- 05 4. IFoc 55C-7, .4e)44L4 • - 65- o_p_e_•_j_j_v_ze.,o • 4 0'1 5 k 2. ill - EI — „ 400P iee7- 401,0/, 1- - 0 • 40 -,0 L a C17 4040' 4&70-0/ • 1 (\) Pacl 5 — Vcik 1 1 40 01 ' ••• ey / _, /___-_-- -,,op•--, _.,„ - ?ge-------- 0,-70 -,- ---- • °P V -----N fq77 - 4- 0 ee o 0 ei. ) + \ .(arro ee 040 +ea- t• tr) A/4 51 -/ / 7-0 /./ et 011) ii (n` 0\- —1-505'03',CtY kA1 / I • 6107- °' 4- — • 4i9 •• 49'1 (1\ „ ,A)11) +4 +0-41 irpeaPos Ea tong-Sae/17W e"..(01;r.4,0 21.4td/4/, 44,1•-• ,071 6 0&-.05 r 0 46- c-At5ER \‘• 2‘..)4ier Alto 4 \ -4. (n ' 6rade d;4eSum itio.51' '12/11 ' 7-0 •' • ' o _- - , + e— 4.'' 4.014 +4.600•1 t?,o ••• ,444 - - • _ 4574, _1(1 ProPaseP e-arg:1; aurr-Ef - ir 4(44' - --.- ;4f- , „Lk _ 0) • (.1 7/04. voz..E•v•e-9.407-.0-141r4.. ' 40 d10 • I 1 4000- 1 . - 047 40 01' \ _.-- i It, 4-011 +019--- / ' N\ \\ „ / +0e CI' 0'12— fl vi - trr; 4)\ 6‘70 • \. roe, ie‘\74.0-0-.90-16 . I - 1/1-1V • ; apo_ee14. 'Pr - :14\r'Ll 00 1-4 o4 B 10 ---0 1.1 13 .40. or A1 4/2120' /4 72 1 41e,' / 5 icf°00; 40 07i!\\ o - +° +16' • , \ of, +or ot 0 + -r" 4 ,,• --, ! 1.- 5. 4- • • --- 9, ", r - A -- - - - - - - . q - - _‘- - I -0 - - 5. e - n-0 ,...._-__•_-_..-...-- ----+--i-"),.-„-0;- - -o- 1- - - 1\ • ____ _ .. - - , •• -• t i - * - 0-- _„•o--- - -4 A, - : • • •.2•N••75 \ 147 • \01 •• • • g R I N0 , 10 40 f A( I7, . ' A \ 4 t: 4 ' -'- ' • -1 2 4 • ‘ , - 41 \Ii\A /\,44 i .,; • • ni A TOT C.. A4'' 4 40 \ (f° 11 SCAtE 4 , • ; - -• (71 -44V 1:21cort2 -16 44\C)%4 ' 14." 4-4A-ril. 444. 4 ee' .04 • 43 4". r<4. 54-4 ) • 7,0 • , -: 4•-• •-• z•-,..454 41 -Grade dr-weft:154e st„,,ak. it4 64.444e. — 0,90 -r• • A.' ", • • „,"..,,41/ , • ' n•-• . 4- 01/ • " „ • • • ••*11'.*-- • :)•• • r• • ••''" A/tdiDE 6Afocc-e 060prA,L170,* ATT: 1.6 • •.• • .tA .• " '-. • • ".• • - ; ' • • • • , • -, , • . • • • • • " 4„.;,, • " ......-- ,.. - 4fil' ' r11 e,t • -Ah- h//i1I ,L0;,0:;' c.'/1, _r;.,t, ,‘:,. -;' „..1"•;:',r4.,;:".(7,,,-„..."-.,,.,\.,:,-,;.,,-:,,.. ...,,,.;f..,,.„ . - .:,,-;......4....,-, , 4 .• .,": •414Afti,./ '• '-';'7,i72•••$." ,,, • ‘,. i 4,(12.' .c-,. 1 .,_:- .:- ;,,,-;. ., t1-7,:: : 4 Oc!•/ • 1. • . - 1•11 v ft-) ,,o; , ‘,1tV ,t. \.., 1„15 '• •".--,...„4'••„#! • , , ,4,1Aproveel • ed-a7 , • • .4,20 ,.„ 7i:i:7Ma, 14 e 55 • , .'" A•s- "i • • . 100' cr C cr W 0 W 0 W I I I I 0 10 20 40 60 60 SCALE: IN, 60' 12-7-1965 B. L.- E.P. DEVELOPMENT DATA GROSS AREA DWELLING UNITS A -UNITS 1400 SQ. FT. 16 B-UNITS 1500 SQ. FT. 24 DENSITY PARKING COVERED PARKING GUEST PARKING BUILDING COVERAGE OPEN SPACE Exisf/r, ' Z017/icy 5.4 AC ± 40 D.U'S 7.5 D.U./AC. 3.0/D.0 2.0/D.U. 1.0/ D.U. 462 649, .2-3 , R-/ GENE24L /V/OTES •1 WASHINGTON STREET lV MEDIAN PROPERTY LINE t� -- tot �LANTING DEL/ELOPE/2 : zo Quiirfa Oet ./oPrr-7er.774 Co '7p 'rry 4023 Birch 574ree7' ▪ /Uew,�or/ Beach y1/.4%Ea Qtiir��a At/ai>a/- Co , SEWAGE' Se/of,c Tan �s Ors G,QS : //a/w49E2 CF LOTS : 4/ /. A// rows are ,or:va/- /y/ze' in n, ti ilk/h /7os7e47/ a� ei� i arse 2..4// s>lr fvr es fo 4 a 177i/-7, o7 S' s 6acP 3. A// v�i/ides �o �ir9rovi-i� LOT DEPTH VARIES 5 m N 40' PRIVATE ROAD (COMMON AREA) BACK A -UNIT 35'x 40. 1400 SQ.' B-VNIT 37.511140' 150!\ S0: B-UNIT REV. 37.5'1140' 1500 SO - - B-UNIT r 37.5'i 40' 1500 SO! "- \> A -UNIT REV. 35' x 40' 1400 60.' ` 1 AI Pl.'1 I a 40' 40' 40' /Alf / 40' 40' 0 N x o \ \ 0 J \ TYPICAL 5 LOT SECTORS WITH —DWELLING UNITS & PATIOS NO SCALE J ' PB /4" /4' S' 3 TYP/C4L ST.PEE'T SECT/Di(/ /Vo SCALE ✓, F. D4 V/D5 A/ /1550C/A TES C/ I //L ENG//VEE/2S — SU21/E>'O,2S — ,.°L,4N/(/E/25 3426 7a,hM Sf fivers/de, Ca/� �e2O—too' 289 N 00.48' W 148.00' ��wgy Eas 0.38'E 19 LOCATION TRACT NO. 3455 PROJECT LOCATION MAP If 35 • 40' 40' 3T , l9 40' 1 1 1 1 \ 1 ` 1 I. 1 \ ". 31 " 32 ; V(3 H 34 •.. 5 :i 36 \; 37 A B B 9 A A \I B 1 ' rep so' 42.9s' 43 1oR7R' N 10' 59' W \38 000. 66/9 �Ct rIn111M11Mn1111IIINIInIl11U1nnpp111pplpNllppnll� . s unlnlnnuuunlulnnnrn,nlMnnw Mry11111ry111�1111N1ry TENTATIVE MAP, FOR TRACT NO. 455 OF PORTION OF THE W. 1/2 OF SECTION 31, T. 5 S. R.7 E., S.B.B. AND M. NOTE: THIS MAP IS A REVISED PORTION OF TENTATIVE MAP 2000 APPROVED MARCH 8, 1960 N 11.00' W 100.00' —j EXII1J31T NO. A MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LA QUINTA -RIVERSIDE COUNTY CALIFORNIA FORMERLY TRACT NO. 2302 MULTI -FAMILY PARCEL "C" LAND PLANNING- KENNETH F. MITCHELL & ASSOCIATES INC. LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - 8844 WEST OLYMPIC BLVD. BEVERLY HILLS , CALIFORNIA-- TEL. BRADSHAW 2-3441