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VAR 899
;, J— r ` dt,, C..*:./ I )4..,- 1 r" a Case No. g99 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: I. NAME OF APPLICANT Ad QU /$1,14 D 3 ete T c L uB A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he•is filing by placing (x) in block provided. 1. The record/owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. A Q64-g e -i) � e i 1,, • ) 2. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly acknow- ledged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.)" 3. The lessee in possession of the property, with the written con- sent of the record owner.' (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.), ' •. 4. The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorised thereto in writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of rowprty U/- s / i k 7/ t crir c •1 `' Situated-jp�n the ?a5aide of said street between rrfenny-it r and . 7.".I. { c 4 • B. Legal description of real property located in'the+County of Riverside must be ac ateiy described as pe -Riverside County -cords. B4' ' i 3 T S., • / terlyy oc 43 �{. J (If core -space is'needaed for above description, please attach'supple- mentary•sheet.) , C.. Date of acquisition of property. /4r.ty sr sY T. — rac; laY�� D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application, (Any permit granted pursuant ,too this petition siia1. not affect ,deed restrictions. of record.) e,r, v s s ►d 4 , e.1 e' / (e v► u co) E. Land use of Property. 1// c r ee V III. APPLICANTS REQUEST A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording'what you are re- questing for the property in gneetion. Before this application is ac- cepted, there must be attached' a plot plan drawn'to'acale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing improvements on property, and plans and, elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual con- struction work in accordance with said plans within six (6) months from date of filing this application. " r 7-Wu (.� �, Fr - s, TE -- �Xr sfi,C4 r -1- FORM 133-3 B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply general- ly to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. ill 1‘.•1 freez.: 1..,-ew Atos e •-[ti t .......4., r f " #4 7 --10,,,, r 41' Jr I -A- a —la ih.pti4. (Jv J st,,, 4 f."-- " 1:4 1,5 ty.-/--- c (.., 6. C id . .. ... A4.° • • r U I --/-4,,, • E.,,e._ .4...6 cr/Z9 r 54‘.4-.1 .5.-1.11,0 / -0. C.C. 0 r 4-6. 411e/ -... C. State ift the granting of this Variance as reqUe9t16 it necessary to do • . substantial justice to the applicant and tO avoid practical diffi • Culty, UhneCeibity.hardship and results ihdonsittent with the general purpose Orthe Zoning Ordinance. le... . _ 411' i-4eit 1 le r2VC.r..8•1131 a .••• dote...4 'r`le' I „, c (it--43 I e e • (4 ?Id /„ . /141 • e. ecrafr , -f ter'S ?ae, sir atr . )140i. • • • ' iki-,... • - • • - - • , . - - -• 1,-- D. State why the granting of this Variance es rogue/lied will not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detri mental to,the public safety or welfare. ' • ...P.3;:i ii/ci /.1 lee ti;r. i,,,,14 tai ti ,:; dr. __ ;.' ,:: tt;,. ,,,, 19 .. e ; -I-- r-cL ii; _le aiJS- - • - , d 41-kr • , 14:.'. ti.T . i.. / d ' >OP P'e 44/7 Zy: it Yei II. ,y47/,—.t/41 6 I. - ?), C. -'cl.,L.:,4 104 •:•,.; (../../. t ,:i.:4 44 0 / .,- Mc,.. ty r e #24, CAI -I es cr., b 14.1.,..-. /.. ,;:„,;(z. -,, , -,, • •,, 0 j i i ?•ve6s • =:,,,,, Ivo h I '"f . AP.,-- 5."‘frnple eaxelle 4 14 d d 7-0.$ fc ...„ • s • ' r ' • J f fuY , 1* Wc ; • -Z - 76re NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estab-. lishment of the use as applied for in this application.', We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property. legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application. Signature Address • STATE OF CA COUNTY OF I �� c • i . I am oproperty signatures, -statements and herewith are in all respec belief. rwYfee PHONE NO. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT ;. o ae e-r- l , 1, Ta- ,`/ , being duly sworn depose and say that ? in is application and ' the f . r = : • : were herein contained and rf6.4 true and correct to the b= �' /, .:. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` 41.1 1:`,!r.,.; .,.;t•:1t'.i •C..l1i.:11`,A I: 11 ' Z.. t'nlivr.', •..,L 01-1riCl; ii-1 1 f?IV1.1.`Ii.`t C:DJill' I ESTELI.ECAh;,'I1LO, Nriiry Public in an•! (ar 5.. F `„;IiP;;rnia My Go •.,;,:::a; 5, 1969 -3- LA QUINTA DESERT CLUB P, 0, Box 17., La Quinta, California 92253 SIGN 3/6/67 Yea La Quints .. $50.00 �I.., Yes a !'4 25 .`1;.y:;.l j�, w'.:. r:14 �: 3G •.kc 5 a' t, r ;stY.7akc:.e 1f r' P; 01 ! :ti Yiia ;.'• .. 't` 4.< R .1* (1200 sq.ft. minimum lot size) 19-2 Yea LI ,;• Yes 14. t, r.r • C` y • 1L:33507 b6y 23, 197 The Honorable Board of Supervisors rvis©rs Coat House Riverside, California Gentlemen; SUBJECT: The Planning Ca tcsion • r9i pe'sctfully reports 1.PUBLIC USE alp HO.' 176 Rowan Catholic Biahap of Bon 3iego )10.Box998 Penn Desert, • School Church Z R-1-80-9000 Cathedral City-Pe1 Desert District Fourth ®urpeieoria1 District 2. MIMIC USE CASS NO. 178 Reverend R. V. Haggerty Rotate` 2, Box 162 Brawley, California Church • . Zone R-1 Bermuda Dunes District jourth Supervisorial District. VARIANCE CAS N'0. 903: Joset.Dtrsn, P. 00 Box`° 2 •Coachellh Estimation of Lot Size Requirements Zone A-2-10 Lower Coachella Valley District Fourth Supervisorial District IE E V TC:UT\ MAY 29) 1957- RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE iienrii Ord CCsee 7 y 10, 1967 eppvo ai of the following tteMa a Located et the northwest aornor of Deep,Canyon papa and 44th Avenue Located at the northeast corner of 43rd Avenue end C'erter Street Located` on the •south aide, of 62asd 'Avenue approzimateiy 41200, :Feet **et of Pierce Stree ,.y Bofwl of Superv*o.n. bity 23, 1967 Page -2- 4. CONDITIMAL USS CASS NO. 922 Howari &Warne 4629 Wet 118th Street HOwthorne, California Mobilehose Park Zone M-3 Desert Hot Springs District Third Sypervisorial District 5, VA.RIANCB CASE NO. 904 J. Ehrl Salter 610 South Broadway Los Angelo; 14, California Trailer on Lot. Zone R-3 Cathedral city -Palm Desert District Fourth SuPerVia9riel District 6. CONDITIONAL USX CAB X NO. 923 Westward Ho Ratites .P. O. Boa WWW Indio, Califaraia $ign (Tract No. 2190) Zone R-3-200-50,000 Indien Wells District Fourth Supprvisorial District T. COMITIONAL b gag NO. 927 Martin Sousa 68-759 Broadway Cathe4ro1 City, California Oar Wash Zone C-1 Cathedral City District Fourth Supervisorial District end denial of: 8. VARIAN= CASS NO, 899 La Quints Desert Club P. 0. Box 17 La Quinta, California Two Signs Zona R-1 (1200 cq. ft. min. dwelling size) La Quinta District Fourth Supervisorial District Located on the vest side of Pala Drive, aPP;aximately TOO fact northerly or Camino Adventure • Located ot 34111 Corregidor Drive (caveat • a Located on the south side of Highway ill approximately midway between Oillea 4venue and Club Drive Located at the loutheaat corner of Vaa Fleet Street and Broadway (Highway ' , Located oa the east side of ' Waphingtoa Street near the inter- section of Eleephover Drive • y 23, 1967 Page -3- Pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, these matters were cons dered .befaxe the planning,: C,esion Nearing Board. Copies of the Bering Board Minutes, iaai,Aog ,ntr1es of testimony, findings, recoammmdations, end conditions of approrsl, afire atteciced hereto. No further action is required by your Board un1seds an appeal is filed by tbs' appli- ant or rase property wiser vithin 300 feet oS .the exterior boundaries oR the fro- pert• under consideration within seven days of the date _ this report first appears.: on your Board Agenda, or the Boar on its oun notion orders tiro- application :erred to it for t zrther proceedings. The above recoaa mdstions were by unanimous action of the planning Commission 4 t. its adjourned regular meeting held on Nay 23, 196T. 31y eutted COURT TSanl Ennis. Minutes Napa. Legal Condition cc: Supervisors (by district) Road Department (3) Land use Division (3) Pala Desert Planning Office' Department or Public health State Water Quality Control Boar. No. T Clerk of the Board Appi.iaante (maned) (initlel) • • (760-838) 2:15 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE CASE NO. 899 Property located on the east side of La Quints' Desert Club (Continued from 4-12-67) • Washington Street near the intersection Two Signs of Eisenhower Drive Zone R-1* (One Family Dwellings - 1200 eq. ft. minimum dwelling sista La Quint & District . • Fourth Supervieorial Distrke PRESENTATION: The subject matter having been continued from a Previous meeting. )fr. Schnits presented the subject application together with all maps pertinent thereto. surrounding property owners having been notified according to the provisions of Ordinauce No. 348. The property in question is located just easterly of the intersection of Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive in the La Quints Area. Thor* are two existing signs ou the property. The La Quinte Colf Couree is just to the southwest. The plot plan indicates two six-foot by ten -foot existing gigue approximately 80 feet easterly from the centerline of Washington Street and 290 feet apart. The signs are directional in nature and advertise the "Desert Club", same distance to theceouth. No letters have bepu received either in favor of the application or in opposition to it. He did pot know how long the signs had been on• the property. The "Desert Club" is a motel ceith a swiemming pool and bar. It was believed to be operated as a private social club. (Mr. Geerliugs administered oath to all persons wishing to Present testolly') PROPONENT; Robert T. Dietz, P. O. Box 17, Le Quinta (representing applicant) OPPONENTS: None ••• Mr. Dietz assured the Hearing Board that the La Quinta Desert Club was a private meeberehip club and wee located in the same general area as the Le Quinta Hotel and the La Quinta Country Club. The three fecilitims were completely eeparate but due to the similarity of names considerable confusion exist, among patron.. He maintained that the signs in question were not advertising signs but 44V,c00u04 , . signs. Only thragea night* ..ao one of the signs had been uprooted, dtaggad aCxoaa the desert for 4 distance. loaded oato pow kind of re lace it. hops to be allowedCo vehicle, end carted off. I�: wata his Acated is the crucial directional point. i Aeaiga at any other poet you have been la- purpose.point ould serve no There being no further teutimony the Chairman declared the public hearing cloned at 2:45 o'clock p.m. 1?INDINGS: 1) The evideuce preaaented by the Staff im correct. war emtabliehed in keeping with• the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.rdship MOTION: It gees regularly moved by Commissioner Olessn, °amended by Mr. Livingstone and unanimously carried, that the Nearing Board recommend that the Planning Commission sea Variance Case No. 899. (119-153) 10:30 A.M. PUBLIC HUItMia3O VARIANCE CASE NO. 899 La Quints Desert Club - ?iw Signs Zone E--1 (On€a Family Dwellings m 1200 Sc+uure Foot Minimum Dwelling Sissy La Quiata District Fourth Superviearial District '“ apetPty 1locmtq d ae the mast aide of Washington Street cneer th.i. intersection of Eisenhower Drive Hr. Schmitz reposted that a latter had been received from the applicsasnt requesting that the subject public: hearing be coeat cued to Hay 10, 1967, MOliIOTN: It wau regularly moved by Nr. Livingstone, seconded by Ccm.:ssuiomex c:3rkp��tricts, and unaniMauuly carried, that the subject public hearing be Continued to 2:15 o!clock p m. on May 10, 1967. NOTICE IS. GIVEN ttst' a: publichearing,will be; held before the Rive ide: c mty Plen ning • ion :: Roc, cnr. the, c p ie :tica : 'La: QuintsDesert.-,Club,::d�e puma, - to Artic3 e . �tiX, and, 2 Article Mra, .O �. 3C, Riverside CGI m *sing 'Ordisanoe tox - a vaSia = to: Bail Ordia ;= permitting' ermitti the estabii two sib t: Zoe: R-1-320W (One. raptly. 34n08; - 1200 . mini= awl -UM gi:ZeY o 1 ate , an -tile eost' .: of Wasbingtmr:Sty • near the.- i asecti of Eisentewar Drive in the. La *Quints 'District- DSs rict sad more particularly de cribe dccfollotiat. tr°ester1j 2O0 :set- of the 03estMliat)04 of. the S :rest. 11 : offthe Northeast.1/4. at fiction 31g.Township 5 SaUtho Range 7 East Said p9b1ic hearing :ill be be34 on,Nedneadzys April 32 s 1967s at. 10 :30 o.c3 ` A.I1. F in the- . Board of' Wpervieors Rocco it Cant atnee3 Riversides, California* at With time and place peewit; to etieow will be hoard. - PEE -'� HZ: Hazel 1. Evens°: Secretary March 23* 1967 jb. 1-2)EGUIVV5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. PALM DESERT OFFICE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAITING COMNISNXONHi. COURT HOUSE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA Marsh 17. ] 7 TO: ROAD DEPARTMENT ' SUBJECT: VARIANCE CASE NO. 899 Signs - La Quinta District La Quanta Desert Club P. O. Box 17 La Quinta, California Your comments and recommondations are requested prior to MArd4 31s 1967. COMMENTS:• No Comment, i - 41 W\R 00 ff RIVERSIDE COijN I PLANNING COMMISSION, PALM DESERT' OFFICE DATE Novak Boy 1967 Drb/rv. Duane R. Brown. Dsssrt Offics Engineer (Return original and Pus copy to Planning Department. ° Count House, RiyWaidt, Calif.) RJS:jb 3-17-67' SIB • RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING CCMAISSION HEARING BOARD TO: Riverside County Planninz Cori:mission port on InURIANCE Case No. WS Applicant LA QUINT A DESERT CLUB , . . 1 .' 1. i• ' filed ••••••••... Add:cess . P. 0. Box 17 La Quinta, California 92253 Applicants Proposal • SIGNS FACTUAL DATA • • . , • , • - Notices of this hearing nailed to those persons whose namps and addx.esses appeared on the latest available assessment roll of the County Assessor as property owners of record within a 300 foot 'radius of the boundaries ,of the property under consideration. In addition notices were mailed to other interested persons and organizations and to other government agencies. ;' ' - °„,:'," • '• ' ; , . ., I • De4cription of PLOT PLW:i • . • ' :- ,. ::: _..i,-. -..' . • , .j - - Indicates two 0 ', x. 10 ' existing signs approxillately.'89'. from Center ...° '. '.. Line of Washington Street and 299'. aPart.':''1:..'' . . . . , sum' REPORT concernt4g location, access, terrain, land use, and other.dsta'affecting • ' this case: • T Property is located just Easterly of the imter,reeetioe of, Washington . Streetand'Eisenhower Driie in the'La'Quinta,Area.:There,are two existing siva on the property. The La Qu*Ota Gp/VgourpeO, fiouth-Neetertylning is ..; SUIVARY: ••• • - J. , !A; 4., • , . • FrkiDIV:GS: • REWMENDATION6: tom') \ 4 COAKTIOM VARIANILA CASE • , Thclocation of the sign 6amil conform Irlth tha-'o as sholm o.i plot plan marked Eal-rhi'..At v t w 011 file w,t-th_yAumcgrfo,Atpn i the office0 • side County Ylanning CoMmission, unless otherwise ul.(mded by the following conditions. a. Prior to the erection of the sign conteikOted by this approval; the applicant'shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following public agencies:, Road Department (other agency) State Division of Highways: --(other agency):. . _ Evidence of said permit or elearanoe from the above ogencies shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at, the time of the issuance or a building permit for the use contemplated berewith.- . • it,2.A.Ore:ttistag on this Sign shall be linated to a sign advertising ' La Quinta _Deaerisautt_:...... Any change of said copy shall render this permit null and void and of no effect whatsoever. 4 • isms t. 3. The fx,2rn permittedherewith shalt not exceed_ ' 60 square feet in size and may - signs • . not be 04.tifioally lighted. Saidip6alxs1all be kept painted 'and maintained'in • state of good repair and sound structural condition at all'times as required 'by ' State Law. i. Ark agreement, secured by a 400 cash bond, shall be properiy ana the applicant with the County assuring executed by the saner of the • T.1; the removal of 'the sign Prior ;, • to May 1,, 1969 "'" . Said bond and agreement shall be-filed:with the Laid • , • , , • ' Use Division, Riverside County Deprtwent of Bailding and Safety, and shall be filed prior to 90 days after final proceedings before the Board of 44perv449r4., (k. approval .0411 be d ¼rlthln 90 days 44434900).(4424404 after final • preeedings before the noard of Supervir;oro, otherwise it 4411 becOrvie null and void and of no erect whatsoever. 13y "use" is meant the erection:of.the sign • strncture., and compliance with the above conditions.- • , v ' . . • • • : I 4 LIM OF PROFiT'X(MEW - D: fie.,;.. /4. jc 7 POR: •"Witt 08WARM •;! 1�,, J9 Z_._...... yLr,Q17_r4 Cfr5e 89 9 _ , .... ......,..: 1 x.. . 7S'- 041- .:'- / 9 - 0.20 -6 8 iiti, c..z s/ gargorg 7" - ti; T_gZ.evg • - At;.:. L. ..' • ..._...�s... ..._ .L.- iPr ,9- a ...-c _;- ...,..—zg - 414S--0I,�.�''1LYy1 .4 ,//'. .... cKr• 11/ 7;* �e "is co 43oC'o...•/y` ,5g�`��'�'r,_ _ �0(,./.. )1'• £'.g .:.. ' 'ev 0 / a o LL 3 - -93!- C2 .,.._...,... . 3' �'`'r/�-'/9-Q�a -G 3 6. • - -o3 7. 'i✓'2/-o1 8. 9. 75=01:25-/9-,220-65 Ale7-o 144 /r L71stc1ct 10, C•'oaci.t - 20 C s" r � sl o !/ <, n I�/�� - FQea.t GA.sB (24 -17 u' C4,4 'f'� ^ X �% Cal _4 . 9125 j 12. 13. 1.1). 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2L 23, 24. 25. 26. 21'. 28. 29- 30. anew I hereby certif., ender penalty of perjury that notices 'were nailed, postage prepaid, to tt.oee o t rr:• ittdioated by on the attached lit on the day of I 1967. (EOM: A Cf2VC NARK 70 1$ PLACED EACH MOW OW OWNER'S LEST AS 11C)?ICU W S pulla:0. J (94 rrnntftr".0.1 .. ,--...1211133111.y----.110,1•1119....1110.r,....M.... v P 01.1:X; (.i1i c-prA7ras-471-,7N kj MAR 7 1967 RIVERSIDE COUNTY P, 0. Box._17, La ,Quinta California 92253 „Q PLANNING M I N ;1FI ft;{:i'...SIGN �f,_'._..__...........,..,._................e ..._........ _... ...Yes )AVE: 3/6/67 ,., t.,,.; , r .... ;)h La Quinta 2..s.s�.;.''L 1.1.�.;:,.,;':�:9 - $50.00 v,;l R =1* (1200 sq.ft. minimum lot size) _.:.. 1. cc3c,:•0 Yes 25 19-2 .iJ�.�.. • ,. ,,,-;;' J. F: f;, t 0(1 ,_,::c:;.;> i_Q! 5,:b: ;��;( cafe •?:t''i; Yes • ;a'.;,A 1.41..1 I.. r,i II.._ Yes.,..._.._.MAR 101967`. a-4--3./..... .............._ `:,'t9 :,) i 1 . it'°'t:i l;:Jt. :1...U,4e.y than ;; 1.ti;.:.1 ;. . DATE f:lit !? y I:�U' {.%: o ir.G..)d (7;41.I..1 o). r.'. •.;t.{. C'1'.•il 4 ;',.,'.I. :,I.l+. \...': l:. l'... .., ......., ........,...w... _....w J.,( C. Zb..: tV :.8' r, i, .. t, ,..., .. ..�.....................,.... ., .., ..... ...-..� .... .'•L�l.J:•Ay(�.I1`l,'l�i •. ..'�. .. .�. f�°.. t f.•5. .. r. is ... J}�•'� t.. . l: I' . .'i.i �.. 'U' t .-..CAI-ay..).. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE 1 .+ 3-9-9 e- , j t`' 1 t v'%7-./ o ,-r (el t ri p F of fife= s'-4,4-/s i• .. Ir..'Y_._ 'Y •x 4. . • w - -+..•.... . 4., . ... { . .. . t Z ..,. o.h ,.,, 4:' --.,K..47$4-......1-- — • .�' Jb, . i,♦,, . '. ` klil t: ►lii.s .is your rari$c47tn Zo l _ ttZe' tW4 d xl' e tt ns tq' Till es©rt :Club e4 4� • pit o e ' 4 � ribed'•f ' .� a;, bait in ' ' �" . " Y �», - �. ' ` • ' t 4.$ i" of Ole; of ;iec;0iba 31. ! l $e4ti.on 31 8' - .:-,,s.b. r . )... ,4F w ',i ,''t .� � ; ' '• fig" t" I ' J S Yr r� -% . C�K, 11-2- L • . j7t=n.� 43 ''H. 1•- DRIVE LJ I Jl��l t-rA \.2.5\47 TIMOTEO 4/5/./7/8" • 22\ 2/ 2 ST. 9 /O // /? /! •• ••• •••• •. . 1 • • • • ••• ••• FJI i -r cL SCALE: 1 I •.•• . • .. • N • ••. • . • • • • CC 1�— Q, V 1.. .% ; V ' . '1 �. ' • ` 3 4 ' i N. r' 'N,.4.)b. `rt 1') ^ 1") ,' N L1 P. �y tt r ''� h h1 n ..4't\ h f, '. C n o, N p !, Z 3 Z M C . 1Q t 11 I I ( I -- -----I �--- .1 - - - - -- - - - - - -1 r- - 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 I 1 I I I 4 SAGEBRUSH I • I 1 I ( I I 1 1 1 ••••: 1 I .•. ; .• •• • •••. • •••• •. i I ••► . • . • •. : •••� I • • 1 ••.• ••.. • 1 I I I I , i I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 f l I 1 /2 9.3 `F .. n D . •‘\r ti ff ti P. ti k 9 b^ h M a. q t. h 01 V N 0 0, b N v c ^ 4 BOrTLEBRUSH AVE. Yf ''', ti ,� h d v \. ` 'V '4 V V V, t` n N,n 12 Is. '' P, 01 e. `. . 4N i ? d e. e % % et „o . DRIVE a O h h . • N. •• N. ro M DRIVE ; . ti " V e a t. S t'? 17 ti '' J co -� _ •a r�QPPy W IY J a DRIVE . •fit ••. 5 VARIANCE CASE NO.899 -r1) Fscz.-r Ctic!) G: - D►ttGc.'cf Grap.�.... APPLICANT. USE t 1•1'S L- A g V 1 N -y A. AREA OR DISTRICT THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Form PL•Eng-1