VAR 1990-014Applicant: Address: La Ouinta . (City) William & Leslie Puget CITY OF LA QUINT, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO OCT0 1990 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DENELO Case No. Uf1m®�y SS U = Date Received la/3/9b RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE 005182 10 7395 i0-03-90 i0 SO CASH i TOTAL i 550.00 C lifornia 92253 Phone No. (213) 613-1505 (State) (Zip) Property Owner: William & Leslie Puget La Quinta, (City) Description of Request: We wall from 6' to 9'. California 92253 Phone No. (State) (Zip) request a variance *in the height (213).613-1505 of a perimeter Purpose of Request: To enable us to construct a 9' wall on our property along Avenida Fernando and along -our westerly property line. ._ Project Location: 77-600 Avenida Fernando Assessor's Parcel No. 631-370-010-5 631-3/0-003-9 Existing Land Use: Single family residence Existing Zoning RaGi i Related Cases: None 631-3/0-011-6 Legal Description of Property: (May be attached) See Attached Justification: State the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances including shape, size, location and surroundings that apply to this property that do not apply to other property owners in the same zone. See Attached State why the ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The property is zoned for single family,- however, it is adjacent to a hotel parking lot; see attached summary of justification for related problems. • State why the granting of this variance does not.constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations__ upon other properties in the vicinity or zone in which such property is situated. Residential roperties ideall are not adjacent to parking lots however, our house has been here for over 40 years and the growth is now encrokhing.' Perhaps better planning on the hotel's expansion could have limited these problems. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Signature of Applicant l� . Date Signature of Property Own ( tten authors Date be attached) Date * IMPORTANT: Any false or misleading information shall be grounds for denying this permit or variance. 1* tiVA rl • da • , .• JUSTIFICATION RECEIVED OCT 031 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA PUNNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. We purchased our home in La Quinta over four years ago. At that time the property to the south of us was a large vacant field, to the west of us the developments of The Enclave, Los Estados and the last phases of Santa. Rosa Cove had not occurred. Our road, Avenida Fernando, now services all of these developments plus the new La Quinta Hotel 408'car parking lot as well as service trucks for the hotel. The dramatic increase in the traffic noise is magnified by our proximity to the mountains. The hotel's expansion program has caused us a considerable amount of grief. Listed below is a description of some of these problems; photographs are enclosed which further indicate some of the conditions. We often get large vehicles parking in 'front of our house. These are not only passenger vehicles, but moving vans, RV's, rental trucks, buses, etc. Our living room has views to the south, which mean we look at these vehicles., The hotel parks its vans such that they also can be viewed. from our south windows. The road has previously been used as the service entrance. Since the expansion, we seem to have twice as many vehicles, including Palm Desert Disposal and G&G Produce whohavedouble parked in front of our house leaving their vehicles while keeping the refrigeration units running. With almost any special event the parking lot becomes. overloaded. which results in guests, employees and visitors parking on Fernando. Fernando is a private road....there is an easement to. pass, but not to park. But 'as a private road the easement 'rights, as a practical matter, are difficult to enforce; The location of the easterly exit of the hotel parking lot onto Avenida Fernando results in headlights shining into our backyard as cars leave. In February the hotel installed lights.i.n'its.parking lot; these have ..been installed high enough to shine in all of our south windows. We constantly, have 'hotel guests on ourproperty despite clearly posted "No Trespassing" signs. We have repeatedly. called hotel security for assistance; however, a number of . instances have been confrontational. The massing of 'the back side of the two-story hotel conference facility has created an unattractive view from our living room.. Some employees are the proud owners of boom'boxes and they want to make sure we hear, them too! We are concerned., about protecting our property and minimizing any liability from trespassers. There are also residents' and hotel employees/guests straight away of Fernando' as a`racetrack. The , installation ' of 'a nine majority of -these problems - none of none of which we caused. 10611jus foot who use the wall, we are hoping, will mitigate a which ;existed four years ago and rn 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 December3, 1990 Mr. & Mrs. William Puget P. O. Box 975 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: VARIANCE.90-014 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Puget:. This is to inform you that no appeals have been initiated for the above subject subsequent to it's appearance on the City Council agenda of November 20, 1990. Therefore, as of November 28, 1990, the Variance approval is considered valid and you may commence work on complying with the Conditions of Approval in accordance with the site plan presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on November 13, 1990. Attached for your use,are the adopted conditions as adopted by the Planning Commission (Exhibit "B") . Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:bja cc: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director File: 77-600 Avenida Fernando 4File V r 9010111 Attachments: Conditions of Approval VAR 90-014 LTRWN.013 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 90-041 • CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED VARIANCE 90-014 NOVEMBER 13, 1990 EXHIBIT "B" 1. This Variance approval must be used within one year after the effective date of approval by the La Quinta Planning Commission, unless approved for an • extension as provided in the La Quinta Municipal Code. The term "use" shall mean the beginning of substantial construction towards compliance with these conditions, which construction must thereafter be diligently pursued to completion. This Variance approval applies only to those wall improvements shown on the Exhibit "A" site plan for Variance 90-014 which are along the south and west boundaries of the property. West wall may extend north as far as the north line of the adjacent tennis court. 2. All additional trees/landscaping as shown on Exhibit "A" shall be installed as shown, and shall be automatically irrigated. 3. All improvements required by these conditions shall be made within one year of the effective date of this approval, pursuant to Chapter 9.164 of the La Quints Municipal Code. A final inspection shall be arranged with both the Planning and Development Department and Building Division, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the requested time of inspection. CONAPRVL . 006 1 Taff Qaw FILE 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 November 15, 1990 Mr. & Mrs. William Puget 77-600 Avenida Fernando La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON VARIANCE 90-014 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Puget: This is to inform you that the La Quinta Planning Commission, at their regular meeting of November 13, 1990, did approve the above referenced subject by adoption of Planning Commission Resolution 90-041, in accordance with the conditions of approval as modified by the Planning Commission (adopted conditions attached). This action is final and no public hearing action by the La Quinta City Council is required, unless an appeal is filed by any interested party within seven days of the Notice of Planning Commission decision appearing on the City Council's Consent Calendar.. This subject will be on the City Council agenda for their meeting.of November 20, 1990, to be held at 7:00 p.m. If' you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:ccs Attachment cc: Tom Hartung; Building & Safety Director File: 77-600 Ave. Fernando F per: Variance 90=014 LTRWN.Ok)LdG ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • Frofri r t a 5 A, / .. RVAI. Pvv2. - A-4944 uc6 . „ sa r • Visio PL44N/WW7 .11 '4'.1/ZaP14/(11 CA�T �,rD��GT OEVOEPtieable. mock.> afiCI7Drodigie c4•nPrz is We- 90 Ybv.2 , IA)aik h4- i.3 -] l • 4. •• ,r • t.� - .,Fc2..er+ � 'Sr..::�.1 ..?:JS�?. 42..3,:. �:A �.N.•.n.V�fx' Kr //% e'r.' '\ ! L(s. L /I?ecraQ Ctrs A / ' ' ,1:1 /N. Pc,vR.- ,¢o✓. Nce .®: 40inall; 7 /9.4/Av- Gv�/!�.✓1" fag FrOH PZNN/ij F Df�L,PME,c/, • 743ro7'ET /fa/El& CASE �#': 1���#5-76-1 o_ �� .: 7leGglt. rt✓iekJ twe! forcdide Cm' y com61,en s oK ,h'1 n h�wc� Sri �`i,;e cr aa �i.e/ , �i..,;.,Y " ay d C�04t ,Q - S7,IA.1Fz . 47m44.• r SEE y E,c rF4'/,A )4.6 C'i2lO xS7 4II4s ?� 4/44<Ow iT • f 1 criv of LA QUINTA ER ,g /D RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ,,r At=t, /*Iv. P!/vil.- ADVA.E z4 / 114/IO 2 , (%/S /o r) .1a AssT.. ��.✓ �iQ FrOH: f/-4NA/h.,19 4iS1/Sapitiat 5/113L7E7: 791PD7EGl �EU�� P/eCASE G��. m✓iCc� anel 7Drodide ter► y Gamrnton s Out . bp, welt a 44:kid.,�1941, fib y ay h.�wP RECEIVED OCT 1 6 1990 ClTr ut- H QuINTA °CANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. r. >f `YI/Yln k'23^.r a. N`hi. RA/US, N //1f/G�Q Ctrs �i ! ; L., nz' Puma.- AoeiNce, AA, / LNR , - G4,44iN% ..EGC/`!//2), /z/ (%/S/o i 4 4'•vQ f ) ' F OH faN,t///4� � DEIiELDPME,(l: &7E 7 ACJE T iPEU/EGf� CASE #: �leaat. rr.o�e�i✓ aynJ • '��rodrde coirb+7i�emani`fo-a!✓d� ,7rmY h44'L' ,(,ce A-6 / !Vo/ks Cr,,-rey)e)--) 4 ecQ./ise cvi12na o a5 /201 c.�6 .s"ii�ee`t RECEIVED OCT 1.G 1990 .. --PM OF 1A-OU, LA & DEVELOPMENT DEPT 5 1),47E,' /00790 ITO /z,1/45/4" 2( R/6.. .0/acc4-c2-Q >1. Am"..Adva ASS R.4Aone From: PL'INAMV a•D4/ZaPHCAL dr•5/115•17E7 79ro7E7 ireV/ZW cAstpw: 90- 0/e P/ea5t. mock.) avid ?pro d'igie =0.7 Comm iloigot „Tay 17.1-1fre dp,t 'the a aa no' of 0 4::.c7,14.77e#2745 glW/4"-/e4 ibek'r-,67g0 /z)/1240•:-., A 2 /.74e_oCiti E oirat DESCRIPTION 547262-1 DESCRIPTION sAFEco TITLE INSURANCE That portion of the Northwest quarter of the'Southeast quarter of -Fractional Section'36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of California, according to the official plat thereof,described as follows: • Beginning_ at a point on the West line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section, which bear's North 00° 01' 00' West, 1771..38 feet from the South quarter section corner of said section; Thence North 89° 59' 00" East, 506.05 feet to'the Southwest corner of the land .conveyed to Carl M. Loeb, Jr., a married:man,�by deed recorded April 7, 1964. as Instrument No. 42287 of Official Records. of Riverside County, California; Thence North 89° 59' 00" East,.along the Southerly line of said land conveyed to Carl M. Loeb, Jr., 11.90 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence North 00 ° 09' 09" East,' 282.89 'feet; 'Thence South 89° 13' 33" East, 123.29 feet; . Thence.South 37° 04' 59" East, 16.39 feet; 4 Thence South 00 ° 03' 47" East, 271.19 feet to ,a point on a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 178:37 feet, said point being. on the Southerly line of said land conveyed to Carl M. Loeb, Jr.; Thence Westerly, along said curve,: being along the Southerly line of said land conveyed to Carl M. Loeb, Jr., through a central angle of 10° 40' 08", an -arc length of 33.21 feet; .Thence South 89° 59' 00" West, and continuing along the Southerly line of said land conveyed to Carl M. Loeb, Jr., 101.10.f eet, to the true point of beginning. Said land.is also situated in the unincorporated area of Riverside,County. Policy No. 8908855 — 01 Page 1 DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1:. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION WHICH BEARS NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' WEST 1771.38 FEET FROM THE SOUTH QUARTER SECTION CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59' EAST 506.05 FEET,'THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 469.19 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 78 DEGREES 01' EAST, 15.34 FEET;. THENCE SOUTH 37 DEGREES 47' EAST 225.07 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29 DEGREES 46' EAST 112 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 14' 30" EAST, 68.91 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 59' WEST 163 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF. 178.37 FEET, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 38 DEGREES 20', 119.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59' WEST 113 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO GEORGE H. MATTHEW, ET UX, BY DEED RECORDED JULY 7, 1975, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 77981, OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, WHICH BEARS NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' WEST, 1771.38 FEET FROM THE SOUTH QUARTER SECTION CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59' EAST, 506.05 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO CARL M. LOEB, JR., A MARRIED MAN, BY DEED RECORDED APRIL 7, 1964 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 42287 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59' EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO CARL M. LOEB, JR., 11.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 09' 09" EAST 282.89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 13' 33" EAST, 123.20; THENCE SOUTH 37 DEGREES 04' 59" EAST'16.39 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 03' 47" EAST, 271.19 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 178.37 FEET, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO CARL M. LOEB, JR.; THENCE WESTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, BEING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO CARL M. LOEB, JR., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 DEGREES 40' 08" AN ARC LENGTH OF 33.21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59' WEST, AND CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO CAROL M. LOEB, JR., 101.10 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES OVER THE WESTERLY 15 FEET AND THE SOUTHERLY 25 FEET THEREOF. SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORDS OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 6, PAGE 25 AND IN BOOK 7, PAGE 2, RESPECTIVELY, OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE -QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER OF SECTION 36, Policy No. 8908855 — O1 Page 2 DESCRIPTION TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36, WHICH BEARS NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1771.38 FEET FROM THE SOUTH ONE -QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 36, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO LYMAN C. HISEY BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 19, 1931, IN BOOK 10 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 360 THEREOF, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 619.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 178.37 FEET, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 38 DEGREES 20', AN ARC LENGTH OF 119.34 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO GEORGE E. ALLEN, A MARRIED MAN, BY DEED FILED FOR RECORD FEBRUARY 8, 1951 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 5780, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 59' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 163.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 15 DEGREES 14' 30" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 68.73 FEET (FORMERLY RECORDED 68.91 FEET); THENCE NORTH 29 DEGREES 46' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 112.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 37 DEGREES 47' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 225.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78 DEGREES 01' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 15.34 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO GEORGE E. ALLEN; THE PRECEDING FIVE COURSES ARE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO GEORGE E. ALLEN; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 372.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 69 DEGREES 18' 30" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 126.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 56 DEGREES 41' 45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 136.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26 DEGREES 21' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 260.02 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 17 DEGREES 44' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 130.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 11 DEGREES 54' 45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 212.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 41 DEGREES 41' 15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 195.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57 DEGREES 05' 15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 91.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE NORTHERLY 30 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36, WHICH BEARS NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1771.38 FEET FROM THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 36; THE SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO LYMAN C. HISEY, BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 19, 1931 IN BOOK 10, PAGE 360 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 619.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 178.37 FEET, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 38 DEGREES 20', AN ARC LENGTH OF 119.34 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE; THENCE EASTERLY ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 161.99 FEET, Policy No. 8908855 —01 Page 3 DESCRIPTION THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 61 DEGREES 23' AN ARC LENGTH OF 173.55 FEET, THE INITIAL RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 38 DEGREES 19' EAST; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 56' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 182.41 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 23 DEGREES 00', AN ARC LENGTH OF 120.43 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 56' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 02' WEST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36, A DISTANCE OF 484.88 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 54' WEST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36, A DISTANCE OF 1329.10 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 01' WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36, A DISTANCE OF 451.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY PORTION OF EISENHOWER DRIVE (FORMERLY KNOWN AS AVENIDA SERRA) AS NOW EXISTS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WESTERLY 506.50 FEET. SAID EASEMENT WAS CREATED BY DEED RECORDED MAY 28, 1975, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 61669, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF LA QUINTA PPANNIfVGCOMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 13, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: APPLICANT: PROJECT LOCATION: REQUEST: VARIANCE 90-014 WILLIAM & LESLIE PUGET 77-600 AVENIDA FERNANDO VARIANCE TO 6-FEET MAXIMUM WALL HEIGHT REQUIREMENT FOR A BLOCK WALL, TO ALLOW 9-FEET IN HEIGHT The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the proposed Variance. Based on this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission.will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Variance at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the recommendation for the Negative Declaration and/or the proposed Variance at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of the -Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Map application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8 : 00 A.M. until 5 : 00 P.M. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California . DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 2, 1990 1�_ ~ � � = Glenn N..Anderson 11918 S. Ha�,ithnrne 8lv(1, Hawthorne,, Cal -if ornie�41U25O Hotel Assoc of Ralm Sppinge C/O Controller La Quinta Hotel P.O. Box 658 � La Quinta, California 93253 Lucille H. Loeb P.O. Box 558 La Quinta, California 82263 'Glenn M. Anderson 1'1918 S.'HawthoroeE}lYd. Hawthorne"~ California 410250 Hotel Assoc of Palm Springs. .C/O Controller La Quihta Hotel P.O. Box 059 ' La Quinta, California'02253 Luc ille*H, Loeb � P.O. Box 658 ` La,Quinte, Calffornia.82253 .Glenn M. Anderson _ 11918 S. Hawthorne 8lvd, Hawthorne,, California 90260 Hotel Assoc of Palm Springs C/O Controller La,Qulnta Hotel P.O, Box 659 La Quinta~California92253 Lucille H. Loeb P.O. Bnx858 La Qu n af t, e �rn C l�f f 'a 82253' Glenn M. Anderson 11918'S~- Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne', California 90250 Glenn M. Anderson , � 11918 S. Hawthorne Blvd.. � Hawthorne, Califzzz�ia 9625O � Glenn M.-Anderson ' ll9l8 S. Hawthorne Blvd. Baxvtbozzae^ California 90250 � � � � � 25- /0- / 63/-37 Sheet / of 2 3G DATE 'OLD NO NEw NO 2/86 /3 23 - 25 1 390-17 26 7/89 23 27 27 6/7-- 68- 370 - 28 S 62'09'93L. /ao.59 506.50 s.68.28V✓ 4SL 8 2•'E N 1q8., /6./2 T. C. A. 020 - 002 020- 0/3 020- 007 020- 008 020- 0/6 020- 017 q A ) S 7f'69'w. 64.87 85.00 /5/. 00 -2 8 E .9• 4s- /�s •0, s. s4 9 O O.9/ AC. f 123.20" • . 0.854C N - N-J 0 A\' 33•L, / 101JP' 2 7 DATE I OLD .ve. j .' W No. (1 I COS 7/75 I 4 : /O.// z/7-f7F± 7 /:., /S_1 5/80 :8,36o-7' /4 ; M.B. 37/96-98-La 0u/n10 Golf Estates 101 ! •0/5 13-9�1351 0l� ,6 MB./27/76-78 Tract No. /8,786 L. /61 i • (Amended C.M. 40//68-/80) 88 3 /2 . Z O //9 0 /783 Ac. N ri /7/.77 /V. //2 of SE //4 of SEC 36, T5S., R6E. ' 99"s�5 /f 68.7S i% .O 0 .p\. o r, O S . 7-C21 /5 /1/831 /6 :371-/-2/ ! II/841 /4 /9,P6.391 . - ' PC. 59 l 2 0 /9.20 1 2/ ti• 17• 1 Do/o.- G. L.O. ; M.B. 37/98, 38/27, 56/72; R/S 47/46, 50/43 1.0 0 5 ' 741. S. 57'05'/s1, 9/. 7 �3:ST 3_ 101039 /8 /./4Ac- 9.3A0_ SEE A VEN /DA 4 ll.40 2.88 COO Off- 'Oo : O' . Io O so N C)G.7, Ct JD H- 86 I 50- iPil V o IW k r. ; • s Lii�30.6 to. A '8 40 50 N O O NI � • Q •--L- Lo1 8 .••Lo1 C m AP FERNAND°: 7?5 /O 4.38 c• 1'37. OZ r. ,6786 a' ^ TRA 020-0/3 . ,,,,as•_ Lot / n :✓w.7z CM 3: 83 Ac N/ 37/ Tr /6786 Z/3.9 0.03 AC..t lot 3h /3..46Ac! THIS MAP /S ASSESSMENT "PURPOSEa�` 77.09 Al tif+� I a-. o Y, 4' N. 6 D02AC.f /3/L 33 .z,. E. //4 cor. 6/7 68 RS 6 6 / 2 4 - 27, M. B. /23/98-99 ASSESSOR'S MAP BK. 63/ Pe9.37 R/VERS/DE COUNTY, ^1L/1:47-0 - 25-/0-2 63/-30 u/721 ' i 6_9' 'FF. Z - 8 2 : /0 - I2 • ;13,I4, • . ; 360,491 7�2, /4 l /5 ' I � I T.R. A. C20-003. 020 -00 6 26 35 25 n 3 17 CITY 5 por of N. //2 of SEC 36, T. 5S, , R. 6E. 5 89. 39'25 u/ 97. 79 LAC 3ZO. So- es- , L,Za9G- 3 2.2.e.25' L/41/T.5 Z440.99' 0784�3 rq /3 ZO. 49 h offl cc . 5. 89'19 43 E. 59'59'.557'E. 165:91 HEIST ' ::... ESURANCE & TRUST COMPANY lot /Ot 2 Dow: G.L.0.; M/B 37/98,56/36 M.B. /40/66 - 67 Tract No. /4496 ASSESSOR'S MAP . BK. 63/ PG. 30 PIPAL- JC/ L- i /t'Mr7 V P'AI Ic William L. Puget Senior Vice President October 18, 1990 Mr. Jerry Herman Planning & Development Director City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 RE: 77-600 Avenida Fernando La Quinta, California Dear Jerry: tSg" OCT 2 2 1990 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. fit 7. 711 Yesterday evening Leslie and I attended a hearing of the Architectural Review. Board which included a preliminary review of our plans for the wall which we, discussed with you..: previously. Our formal hearing before the Architectural Review Board is not until November 7th, but the Board took the time to thoroughly consider the purpose of the wall as well as the reasoning behind all aspects of its design. While no'decision was made by the Board last night, I believe it is. fair to say that its members understood our concerns and were supportive of the plan as proposed. Because it seemed very helpful to have had the opportunity to explain the basis for nearly all the decisions which led to the plan, it prompted me tothink that it might be similarly helpful to have a meeting with you or your staff if there are any concerns about what we have proposed. If so, Leslie and I would be happy to meet at your convenience; if not, we appreciate your cooperation with this project, which even though is small, is very important :to us. WLP:sh CUSHMAN REALTY CORPORATION 333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4000 • Los Angeles, California 90071-1544 • 213/613-1505 • • • aria • . • • . • an • • . • is MUM" • • . • • . . • • • 1Iu11111 • • 1 '8" - 1 ' 0" 1 /8' _ 1-0" • • • • . 11111111 • • Mil • • • . • • .)(HIBIT A VACASE €V0. ?`9-d`"( a new privacy wail for: 77—SOD A vim. [IL--eT-n nd JQB 53— 650 Job No. • Ave. 901 5 . • GIT C'o"n, r70,-A4L APPROVED LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION BY N.V. C DATE 7(/(-f( 9� oc 09 L.i Qunn�h, Cie (213)613--15O5 9UN] Ream irez, P.O. Box (Date: Oct. 1 ,1 990 . • . . A 1575, La Quinta, Location: "— 6OO 1.1I • • • N • • C 0 ` J C Ca. 92253 (619)564-3363 Ave. Fernando, La Quinta, Ca. • FILE LC)1't y J a_ a L. area. ti LiJa New gate with automatic operator. 12' rta �— 2'- 1, Existing driveway to remain. Snite Radius walls at entries shall be 6x8x18 block placed in header postion. Fill all cells. Plaster finish to match existing residence. an New 3' x 6'-6" man gate. Plaster finish to match existing residence. 18' Existing concrete block fencing to be removed. 6" wide x 4" thick concrete mowing curb. Existing curb an Existing centerline of street and property line. i 7 1/8" 1 1/2" R3 3/4" `�— 2 1/4" c 1 /4" 2 3/8" - 1 1/2" •-•' Wall Copng (capD 1 1 /2" = 1' 2x wood planking over metal frame. 1 /2" x 12" wide black metal band w/2-1 /2" dia. lag bolts into ea. boar uth TIPS evacn n Plaster cap modeling. Ands 4 4;04400, 1 /8" = 1'-0" __..From this point . the wall is a curved surface or not shown in a true view. ce fence. Existing trees and turf to remain and extended as required along frontage rea. • ;averc.j.: v `9 A a new privacy wall for: LI] m and �1 l'up;e1 77-600 Awe. Fcc r na.n l®, _.a k.J10Pn.la, Ca. (213 613-1505 JO LN R®BFR`-r BLIND A f C G fl[1' UL C T 53-650 Ave. Ramirez, P.O. Box 1575, La Job No. 9015 Date: Oct. 1,1990 Location: 713 Addtional trees to match existing and to match existing. 4tgittSila AS* cot Quinta, Ca. 92253 (619)564-3363 77- 600 Ave. Fernando, La Quinta, Ca. This gate to be manually operated. 14' N Vertical lines indicate a curved surface. GQ 1770.-/Irc,Ly APPROVED LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION BY�^- DATE /l//3/°Io -6" 7 PPL> Site verify where new fence terminc into the existing rocks. FILE COPY �• C `51, D EXHIBIT /' CASE N0.1L 1=��y OCT 17 199J CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. J a. I! area. New gate with automatic operator. 12' 2'- 1 0'— 3" 2'- ,, Existing driveway to remain. Sle Radius walls at entries shall be 6x8x18 block placed in header postion. Fill all cells. Plaster finish to match existing residence. an New 3' x 6'-6" man -1 gate. II Plaster finish to match existing residence. 18' Existing concrete block fencing to be removed. 6" wide x 4" thick concrete mowing curb. Existing curb an Existing centerline of street and property line. H 1 1/2" 7 1 /8" R3 3/4" -'• 2 1 /4" 1/4" 2 3/8" -1 1 1 /2" -" MP - Wall Copng (ca / PD 1 1 /2" = 1' 2x wood planking over metal frame. 1 /2" x 12" wide black metal band w/2-1/2" dia. lag bolts into ea. boor uth ova n 1 /8" = 1'-0" Plaster cap modeling. ds 1 /8" = 1'-0" ._4From this point the wall is a curved surface or not shown in a true view. qt,ce fence. Existing trees and turf to remain and extended as required along frontage rea. ¶ 735. a new privacy wall for: m and es Lie )Ugr:ecft 77-600 Avc. Fcerrnaindp, �� Qa�o��� Cs.. Q213D613-1505 JOHN RQB I [E33UND ARON II`U 53-650 Ave.. Ramirez, P.O. Box 1575, La Job No. 9015 Date: Oct. 11990 Location: Addtional trees to match existing and to match existing. -2,591et'ajW `me caegt4""cs T Quinta, Ca. 92253 (619)564-3363 77r 600 Ave. Fernando, La Quinta, Ca. This gate to be manually operated. 14' —Vertical lines indicate a curved surface. V i, OVED LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION 8Y !s N °ATE / 1 / 3 U 2'— 6" Site verify where new fence terminc into the existing rocks. �PPL> FILE COPY EXHIBIT CASE NO.U..41% OCT 171990 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT.