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VAR 916
• • - December 3; 1.967 0. Riverside County kenning. C°misisaion 4080 Lemon . Street Riverside, California Subjects Variance Case 916 - Hadley'--Chorry, Inc. Off -site SubdivisionSign Indian Walls,District t LAND. USE DIVISION Gentlemen: A latter has been received fron Hadley -Cherry, Inc. stating that the off -site sign located on the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street has boon removed,- and requesting return of their 4100 cash bond, receipt 098058. It has'hoer verified by the Palm Desert Land Use office that the'sign-has boon re coved, and ' action is being taken to have th+o $100 cash bond returned, to Hadley -Chewy, Inc. It ie'recc>m ended. that this case be closed. st . Vary, trulyyours, • DEP. OF aUILOING AND SAFETY .l. 'R K,.Bir Land Use T 61in ician R'►attj - de Palm Desert:Land d Use Pala Desert,Punning Office Hadlor4herry,.Inc. } DATE • 41C o inct c f R 1T% r' i dtio TOs FROMs Es• V7 • GEN. FORM 4, 3/65 L:33916 August 8, 1967 AUG 22 1967 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT The Honorable Board of Supervisors Court House Riverside, California Gentlemen: CEO.. CT• •••• CD• ••• RWB••••° FILE...m .....m SUBTECT: Transmittal of July 26, 1967 Hearing Boar Case The Planning Commission respect4u14 reports approval 1. VARIANCE CASE NO. 918 Temecula Chamber of Commerce c/o Burt Hornsvald, President P. 0. Box 233 Tesmcu1a, California Two Public Service Signs Zone M3 Temecula Area First Supervisorial District 2. CONDITIONAL USE CASE NO. 953 Foster Sand and Gravel Company 915 South Harbor Fullerton, California Borrow Pit Zone M.-3 Glen Ivy Area First Superviaorial District 3. CONDITIONAL USE CASE NO. 954 International Pipe and Ceramics Corr. 2901 Los Felix Boulevard Los Angeles, California Clay Mining Pits a A stockpile Areas Zones M-3 and M-5 North Elsinore Area First Superviaoriral District of the following items: Located on the west side of Highway 395 approximately 3700 feet north of Rancho California Road and property located on the east side of Highway 395 approximately 3275 feet south of Highway 71 Located approximately 4200 feet south of Higbvay 71 end approximately one mile southeasterly of Glen Ivy Hot Springs Located northerly of Highway 71 on. either side or Highway 74 Board of Supervisors Hearing Board Caeca August 8, 1967 Page -2- 4. COi3DITI6 AL USE CASE NO. 937 'Caudell and Payne 10889 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90024 Off -Site Subdivision Sign (B-Bar-H Unit No. 3) Zone M-3 North Palau Springs Area Third Supervisorial District 5. VARIANCE CASE NO. 916'0°' Hadley -Cherry Inc. 335 North La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles, :California 90048 Off -Site Subdivision Sign Zone C-P Indian Wells District • Fourth Supervisoriel District Located at the northeast corner of Indian Avenue and Interstatellighway 10 Located at the southwest corner of Higkhway 111 and Washington Street and denial of: 6. CONDITIONAL USE CASE NO. 952 Donald B. Johns Located on the north side of Covell 5115 Mission Boulevard Street epproximately 900 feet east Riverside, California of Cole Street Automobile Wrecking Yard Zone M-3 Woadcrest Area Fifth Superviaorial District Pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, these matters were considered before the Planning Co lesion Hearing Board. Copies of the Hearing Board Minutes, including summaries of testimony, findings, recommendation, and conditions of approval, are attached hereto. No further action is required by your Board unless an appeal is filed by the appli- cant or lose property owner within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property under consideration within seven days of the date this report first appears on your Board Agenda, or the Board on its own motion orders the applica- tion transferred to it for further proceedings. Board of Supervisors Heartng Board ,Cases August 8, 1967 • Page -3 The above recommendations were by .unanimouis ection ' Of the*Planning Commission • at its adjourned regular meeting held on August 8, 190. -Raspecthu1ly submitted, +. ! c: COU Y: P TB.1h • ECls. . Minutes, YMps, Leak, C.oud itione • • cc: Supervisors (by' district). Lard Use Division (3). Road Department (3) • Palm Desert Office Clerk of the Board Air Pollution Control Board Health Department State Division of Elialways Applicants (.:Lied) ION er Director • • �(isitial) VAAIVECE V E NO. 916 = YG 8JVf1f'RIJ via 1TIS}i'JS Hadley -Cherry, Inc. July 12, 1967 (Continued to 7-26-67) Off -Site Subdivision Sign Zone C-P Indian Wells District Fourth Suoervisorial District 1. The location of the sign shall conform with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case No. 916 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Advertising on this sign shall be limited to a sign advertising Tract No. 2117. Any change of said copy shall render this permit null -end void end of no effect whatsoever. 3. The sign permitted herewith shall not exceed 200 square feet in size and may not be artificially lighted. Said sign shall be kept painted and maintained in a state of good repair and sound structural condition at all times es re- quired by State Law. 4. The existing $100 cash bond, shall be extended by the owner of the property and the applicant with the County assuring the removal of the sign prior to July 15, 1969. Said bond and agreement shall be filed with the Lend Use Division, River- side County Department of Building and Safety. 5. Prior to September 1, 1967, the applicant shall obtain a clearance from the State Division of Highways for the location of the sign. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to apse of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed con- firmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date Date Applicant's Signature _ Owner's Signature VAHIAECE CASE M. 916 Hadley -Cherry, Inc. Off -Site Subdivision Sign Zone C-P Indian Wells District Fourth Supervisorial District B4iu� Y r July 12, 1 y �`in026-67) AUG 2, i967 1. The location of the sign shall conform with that ioitd' o F p t lan marked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case Ho. 916 in Iliksio p,AA erside County Planning Commission, unless otherwise amended by the foil 6ontitions. 2. Advertising on this sign shall be limited to a sign advertising Tract No. 2117. Any change of said copy shall render this permit null and void and of no effect whatsoever. 3. The sign permitted herewith hall not exceed 200 square feet in size and may not be artificially lighted. Said sign shall be kept painted and maintained in • state of good repair and sound structural condition at all times as re- quired by State Law. 4. The existing $100 cash bond, shall be extended by the owner of the property and the applicant t' th the County assuring the removes of the sign prior to July 15, 1969. Said bond and agreement shall be filed with the Land Use Division, River- side County Department of Building and Safety. 5. Prior to September 1, 1967, the applicant shall obtain a clearance from the State Division of Highways for the location of the sign. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed con- firmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date%'//` 67 Applicant's Signatur Date itgle/ Owner's Signature CEC.. „, CT..,.., CD.. „, JR. RWB.... BP..., . FILE..,. VARIANCE CAW NO. 916 L.tiiLTt.t.NG BO!i RY AUDITIONS Hadley -Cherry, Inc. july 12, 1967 (Continued to 7-26-67) Off -Site Subdivision Sign Zone C-P Indian Wells District Fourth slervisorial District 1. The location of the sign shall conform with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "Be on file with Variance Case No. 916 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission, unless otherwise amended by the following contitions. 2. Advertising on this sign ©hall be limited to a sign advertising Tract No. 2117. Any change of said copy shall render this permit null and void.end of no effect whatsoever. 3. The sign permitted herewith shall not exceed 200 square feet in size and may not be artificially lighted. Said sign shall be kept painted and maintained in a state of good repair and sound structural condition at all times as re- quired by State Lau. 4. The existing $100 cash bond, Mull be extended by the owner of the property and the applicant t'ith the County assuring the removal of the sign prior to July 15, 1969. Said bond and agreement shall be filed with the Land Use Division, River- side County Department of Building and Safety. 5. Prior to September 1, 1967, the applicant shall obtain a clearance from the State Division of Highways for the location of the sign. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed con- firmation, In quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date def. // 67 Applicant's Signetur Date Owner's Signature (619 m 711) VARIANCE CAS NOL 916 Hadley -Cherry, •I c. (Centiaased Off -Site Subdi on Ign , Zone C-P Indian Wells •District Fourth Suparv>'isotc181 District • Property 1 ted at that southwest corner of _�hway 111 and Washington Street from 7-12-67) PRESENTATION: .Mrs. Schmitz again told the Board that the proposed sign was located .at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street. The purpose of con- tinuance was to determine whether the spacing of the signs would come under the • definition of Outdoor Advertising. PROPONENTS: y Cherry, 335 North Le Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles 48, (had been Worn at -the previous meeting) ' OPPONENTS : , on 8 Mr. Cherry, told the Board that his application was for a variance permitting an off - site sign within 300 feet of another sign. Re said he tried to get a permit from the Palm Deoert Office and was denied. Mr. CherryStated that he needed the sign .to help sell the remaining housed in hie'subdivision. The sign that is now existing expired after two years and Mr. Cherry Said he would merely like' an extension of time on the exiati:,:g Sign. There being -no further testimony, the Chairman declared the public hearing closed at 2:06 o'clock P.M. PINDINCS: i) The evidence submitted by the Staff is correct. 2) Unusual circum- stances do elat on the corn ,=r that the sign is located because this corner is being treated by the law differ'eaatly than than other three corners. 3) With th F conditions .ttached, the proposed Anna will not be detrimental to the community. MOTION: It was regularly moved by Mr. Livingstone, seconded by Comminaioner Kirk- patrick and unanimously carried, that the Hearing Board recommend that the Planning Commisaion approve Variance Case No. 916 subject to the conditions on file with the Case. - . (712 - 879) ;KOINDITIONAL USE ' 'B ffi0; 954 ' International Pipe and Ceramics Corporation Clay Mining Pita and Stockpile Areas Zones M-3 and i f-5 North Elsinore Area P;Sgst• Scraper leorial District • Continued from thid A.M. Property located northerly of•High- way 71 on either aide of Highway .74 ( l pe rsone, presenting testimony had previously been ¢morn. ) f Mrs. Alex told the Boarr'd' that the existing pit has water in' it and is very dangerous. ,Sbee.said that•trucking operations. worked all aright -and were very noisy.'..Hie. Alex .stated that the dust caused by then trucks was a hazard. ',4�Mrs. Mollie stated that they own 2-1/2 acres of•land directly behind the proposed site. She told'the Board the existing hole is haaardous because youngsters play in the piti:'` the trucks .' keep her awake _ all night, _ she said:. • . • Nrs. Goaselin feels that the proposed Site is a detriment to the area and is a hazard to all familiar who hive children: She maid that the pit would destroy the value of their property. I • Mrs.:Pellam stated that they owed 5 acres and have lived in the area four years. She said that the existing hole was a small one when they moved in the area. She e, .told the Board that she was th®roughly against the proposed operation. Mr.,,Blackburn.told the Rearing Board that the pit is about 170 feet wide and about 300leet longs tea aoid he could see no danger in the proposed operation with the . • conditions that would,be attached. He ia-very much in agreement'with fencing the property. It le not their intention to';down-grade the,property, he said. y. Hr. Blackburn said after the operation las finished the surface would be approxi- mately 6 inches lower than the adjoining land. There is a lot of overburden on the ' property, ao'"he believes there should be no problem. in leveling the land. Thaere being no further testimony, -the Chairman declared the public hearing closed - at• 2:51 o'clock P.M. • PINDINCS:. • 1) The evidence submitted by 'the Staff.is correct. 2) With •the condi- tiona 'attached, . the proposed use will not ,be adverse to the welfare of the community. • MOTION i It was regularly tweed by. Ht. Livingstone, seconded by Commissioner Kirkpatrick and unanimously carried, that the Hearing Board recommend that the Plsnni:,;g •Commission approve Variance Case No. 917, subject to the conditions 'on file With the Caae: . . (890 - 933) DISCUSSION: CONDITIONAL USE CASE NO. 925 ' Leonard Covington Mobilebcme Park Zone,M-3 Pine Cove Area - Fifth Supervieorial District Mr. Stokes . told' ' thee Board that this Caee was approved by the Nearing Board and • Planning Commission some 2-1/2 menthe ago. The Case is being brought before the Hearing Board because one of the conditions is that the applicant provide'ffor right- -of-way on the Banning-Idyllwild Highway, which the Staff now feels is impracticable.. The only way conditions of a use permit can be changed, is through public hearing. ' The Staff is risking whether the Board Hashes them to initiate proceedings for a new', hearing. ' The Cha`tirn felt that the Planning Commission should initiate these pro- ceedinge and mot the l Hoarisag.: Board and asked that the matter be placed on the - Planning Commineion's Agenda. • POTION: It was regularly moved by Commissioner Kirkpatrick, seconded by Mr. Livingstone and unanimously carried that the Hearing Board authorise the Staff to at this item as a discussion items on the Planning Commission's Agenda. It WAS regularly moved by Hu. Livingstone, seconded by Commissioner Kirkpatrick and unanimously carried, that the hearing Board adjourn to 10:00 o'clock A.H. on August 9, 1967. VARIANCE CASE NOG 918 Temecula Chamber of Cownerce Two Public Service Signs Zone M-3 Temecula Area First Supervisorial District HEARING B0U CONDITIONS July 26, 1967 1. The location of the signs shall conform with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibits "A" (southerly sign), "B" (illustration of billboard copy) and "C" (northerly sign) on file with Variance Case No. 918 in the office of the River- side County Planning Commission, unless otherwise amended by the following con- ditions. 2. Prior to the erection of the sign contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the State Division of Highways. Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agency shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety prior to the use contemplated herewith. 3. Advertising on these signs shall be limited to signs advertising the community of Temecula in substantial conformance with the illustration marked Exhibit "B" in the files of the Planning Commission and shall be limited to 2 signs each 8 feet x 20 feet in size. Any change of said copy shall render this permit null and void and of no effect uhatsoever. 4. The signs permitted herewith shall not be artifically lighted. Said signs shall be kept painted and maintained in a state of good repair and sound structural condition at all times as required by State Law. 5. This approval shall be used within 365 days, after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors, otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the erection of the signs. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed con- firmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date Date Applicant's Signature Owner's Signature CONDITIONAL Si."'.YLt'L USE CASE NO. 95 Foster Salad and Gravel Company Borrow Pit Zone M--3 Glen Ivy Area First Supervisorial Dietrict HEARING. CONDITIONS • July 26, 1967 1. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan serried Exhibits "A" and '►B►► on file with Conditional Use Case No. 933 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Prior to operation the access road running northerly to nlgnway /a saUxt bpa to a width of 20 feet and the last 1320 feet to the Highway shall be treated with 1/2 gallon per square yard of penetration coat and 1/4 gallon per square yard of seal coat. The alignment at the intersection with Highway 71 shall be designed by the applicant in conformance with the Road Department and/or State Division of Highways Standards and ;approved by Department's prior to the beginning of operations permitted hereby. 3. The rules and regulations of the Riverside County Air Pollution Control District shall be complied with. It will be necessary to secure a. permit to construct and operate or use any equipment, the use of which may cause the issuance of air cos- teminants, or the use of which sway eliminate or reduce or control the. issuance of air contaminants. This permit shall be obtained prior to the commencement of excavating operation as required by said District. 4. In the event any of the operations permitted hereby, by reason of atmospheric or other conditions, are found by the Riverside County Health Department to be a nuisance or detrimental to the welfare of the residents of the area, the operation causing such nuisance shall cease and shall not again be commenced until perwiieion is given by said Health Department. 5. At the termination of any operation permitted hereby, the land shall be left in a neat end orderly condition, the bottom of any pit or pits leveled with no slope remaining greater than shown on Exhibit "A", the entire premises left free of stock piles or other residual material. 6. At no time eh 11 there be any blasting or dynamiting of any kind whatsoever on the premises. ' 7. This approv:el shall be used within 360 days after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors; Otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "eve" is meant commencement of excavation operations. 8. The use permitted hereby shall terminate.on September 1, 1977. 9. Prior to operation, the applicant shall secure an encroachment permit from the Road .Department : nd the State Division of Highways and a grading permit from the Department of Building and Safety. Prior to operation, these permits.shall be made a matter of record with the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. . 10. The applicant shall, comply with the requirements of the Riverside County Ordinance No. 484, the Sand Blowing Control Ordinance. Cos ditiopal Usi Case No, 953' Page — 2 - AGREEMENT I accept and, agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply'vith all of the conditions act forth, and understand that the Office of Building and .Safety will mot issue a Building Permit, or"allov occupancy on.,the use permitted until this signed' con- fireaation, in quadruplicate, has been received. by the Planning Commisaiono Date .Applicant's Signature Date Owner's Signature • L • CONDITIONAL USE CASE N0. 954 HEARING Et , CONDITIONS International Pipe and Cerae,ee Corporation July 26. 1, _ � Clay Mining Pits and Stockpile Areas Zones M-3 and M-5 North Elsinore Area First Supervisoriai District 1. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on the plot plan marked Exhibits "A" and "li" on file with Conditional. Use Case No. 954 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. These conditions shall apply to the entire property owned by the applicant between Highway 74, Cambern and Dexter. 2. The.entire area shall be fenced and gated as shown on Exhibit "A" with an 8 foot high chain link fence within 60 days of final approval of this permit. 3. The rules and regulations of the Riverside County Air Pollution Control District shall be complied with. It will be necessary to secure a permit to construct and operate or use any equipment, the use of which may cause the issuance of air con- taminants, or the use of which' may eliminate or reduce or control the issuance of air contaminants. This permit shall be obtained prior to the commencement of excavating operation as required by said District. 4. In the event any of the operations permitted hereby, by reason of atmospheric or other conditions, are found by the Riverside County health Department to be a nuisance or detrimental to the welfare of the residents.of the area, the operation causing much nuisance shall cease and shall not again be commenced until permission is given by said Health Department. 5. Prior to any excavation, the operator shall prepare, submit to, and obtain approval of the Planning Director, a plan which will integrate the various mining operations with any proposed future land use, with the intent of restoring the land for recreation, urban, or agricultural uses. Said re- s.tQration plan shall conform to the following standards. (a) Grading. Slopes, overburden stockpiles, abandoned spoil piles, and the general premises shall be graded and smoothed so as to control erosion, prevent the creation of potentially dangerous areas and present a neat and orderly appearance. All spoil piles shall be leveled or removed. All hillsides shall be graded no steeper than one to one with a ten (10) foot terrace for each thirty (30) feet of vertical height. No pit excavation shall remain with a grade exceeding one to one. All grades shall be oriented to control drainage and to conform to the natural drainage for the area.. (b) Water -Filled Areas. Upon termination of operations, all excavations made to a level below the existing ground water table shall be filled with inert materials to a level above the existing ground water table. This requirement shall not apply however, to any water filled excavations scheduled to be an intergral part of the final rehabilitation plan. All such water filled areas remaining shall be continuously treated with affective mosquite.control measures. landscaping,. Upon completion of extraction operations, trees, shrubs, grasses, or other ground cover native to this area, shall be planted in order to prevent erosion and to restore the area to its natural appearance or to an appearance consistent with the objectives of the restoration plan. (c) Co, ditional Use Case No. 954 Page - 2 - (d) Removal of Buildings and Equipment. A11 buildings structures and equipment used in the excavating, if not necessary to the reuse of the area, shall be removed upon termination of operations. 6. No pits or areas of stockpiling shall be closer than 50 feet to any property line and the property shall be completely fenced as shown on Exhibit "A". 7. At no time shall there be any blasting or dynamiting of any kind whatsoever on the premises. 8. This approval shall be used within 360 days after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant commencement of excavation operations. 9. Prior to continued operation, the interior access roads running to'Highway 74 shall be graded tip a Gild k of 20 feat and treated with 1/2 gallon per square yard of penetration coat and 1/4 gallon per square yard 6f seal coat on 3-1/2 inches of compacted decomposed granite. 10. Trucking operation shall be limited to between the hours of sunrise and sunset of the eeme day. 11. Prior to operation, the applicant shall secure an encroachment permit from the Road Department and the State Division of Highways and a grading permit from the Department of Building and Safety. 12. The applicant shall, comply with the requirements of the Riverside County Ordinance No. 484, the Sand Blowing Control Ordinance. 13. The use permitted hereby shall terminate on September 1, 1977. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed con- firmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date Applicant's Signature Date Owner's Signature • j7Ai':.L! ME CASE der' . 91.6 IMAR.t E t✓:,I4EW k4'TIT'i0I S Hadley -Cherry, que. ju1y 12, 196T (Continued to 7-26-67) Off -Site Subdiv3 gn Zone C-P Indian Wells District 'o>arth Supervisori&. District 1. The location of the sign shall conform with that as shown • on plot plan marked // Exhibit "A" on file With Variance Case No. 916 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission, unless otherwise waded by the following contitions. 2. Advertising on this sign shall be limited to a sign advertising Tract No. 2117. / Any change of said copy shall render this permit null and void ' end of no effect whatsoever. 3. The sign permitted herewith shall not exceed 200 square feet in size end szo— not be artificially lighted. Said sign shall be kept painted send maintained `in a state of good repair and sound structural condition at al]. times as re- quired by State Law. 4. The existing $100 cash bond, shall be extended by the owner of the property and the applicaat with the County assuring the removal of the sign prior to July 15, 1969. - Said bond and agreement shall be filed with the Land Use Division, ve — s�.ae Uounty Department of Building and Safety. 5. Prior to September b, . 1967, the applicant shall obtain a clearance from the State/ Division of Highways for the location of the sign. AMBEHENT I.accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, And understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not iesue a Building Permit, or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed con- firmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Commission. Date Appliant'e Signature Date. . Owner's Signature • I • t . ! , lEi MAY 2.9 Ts RIVERSIDE C(JOIN 'PLANNING cpAilk4 upgsskr (OFF., brra...X.E1.41a. 11!: e;r1-.5.ee.- 5 5, De5erMrea delvers id- County /--• A'S zs 111110=11•M•14 ki - - •stt. ,b ,.... ,, Ole , : MS: • ' I . 1 i • r.,,...,;,=••..,,k..M.I.•L`It.••"'J..hrt•tMVI•M••:t•Zr.V.,ZV••.•N..r..agCh•'f•i•TXSttriCXOZNZsr:•.S•.a•a.c•AT•.irr•l.t•Va*..•$:,..alV•,.••=ZrAa•r.•X••Zrr•gl ....a . :JENNINGS ENGINEERING CO • I . . . i cTvitEw 43-52.t::`,2. , 0219 W. 12i-co BOULEVARD. IBRADSHAW .2•-1.S? 7.1 LOS ANGELSP 3$, CALIFORNIA. `4.• o • • • DATql JOD APPROVED DV • rf.2RAWN SY P_copo..5.e_d_f/Yo_zZoeati _ a_e*ki ORAVUNO MU 44 ;a art •1_1'kle7d/e2.-:-. !`C17-eri-V,...__11:_ ._.:___:. ___...._,________,.....:. , . .„.. ,1 tz--,tt,--,:.,..r..?.,,.:,-,..,t-,-ver,o.,t,-..-.,vr,..nt.,r..e,r-:...-,-i:',,.; -",:•;.0.7.''' 6 i .lo .. ',A, !.,.. as. •••.,—,n '-0-.4•4.1.1a,.. iuba.........1.....e.........,........1.1., . /L4t744.7(.4). /71.L,71./ • ... ,. i• • • • • t''''':...;'. - eta.. • Aliti./‘ t• 4 4 • • • ".•' CP: ..i'',',',.', /1,.-. • • • - Bit '''''' - t, • .. .., { • • • el) • '4'4.0.6. ! ii: • .• • • A.:,,,, ti... • RY/B . . ''' . .. . , • , Ir..... 13/3!'••••••• ... PILL • • • .12 • • • s safe. 1 • - , — ' • i • 3 '. t9 A•l'r) CASE NO. TECE[1 Lit MAY29 RIVERSIDE CV PIA) NI►YQ t4M • PALM 15E5E10 .5FIE ___.Por/ion-of ff.._%4_of r5.5.,2:7Ey 5;5.5 :Pa/rn .L7e5erf Area W 74 of :fec. -i9 _ M. 'i✓erside County • sts zs 35 ...a-w-.R.uVhc wf.VraXvdrearu' S1 P. .uaa,e.,.nu V..n«:.aacscast + 1 Cte.a-m..-.,+rr. a. .-. .JE.IININGS ENGINEERING C.O. Ct aa1,./irw 4-5:a 72 ?q.koss•S.Ow 2•51 ;<y A9'PP.OV,D ny ZeZALVt £219 W. Geco i3OVLavAi:D Los ANGs.t.Ss2 35. CALI}'e,RWA. DRAWN. ay tihVifJED - _ . .i _ i 45•_g,i)dor: s 4'«# SK /9 Ts -see 7e /od/ey. ,Cherry /ne. • k