VAR 1992-0214 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Applicant:- Ja tAJ g1jp,A TZ- ER Address: G3235 Owe. . f>aryvl14S Las . Phone No�( (City) (State) (Zip) Case No. \hif' b. Oa-1 Date Received 3(1,01ga Property Owner j_j Jv CuEVTif-F... (City) (State) (Zip) 005182 CASH 31 TOTAL 1 92 550.00 Phone No. (*V Q577 Description of Request: it;RA c'W)ef APE /J /,triMaY//,?u/YJ ®t= 7 11=6j"• to aL(o]•.) ram►hoi&t . A.-b Annrox.tmar 1 1$1 40 1d1 311 �sr oy% Gasp 0 Purpose of Request: St Fm sf-/ /-I-0f)2f Lti/ThnuT /.3Ea2//VL. & JL L& FiiveAucia.1„ s Project Location: 45-73/fi5 Def..At0 Bf,e, ,,e, 5 Assessor's Parcel No. Existing Land Use: uoier Gooeof7roch Existing Zoning S R Related Cases: /!tail Legal Description of Property: (May be attached) (o, u%i -'2'24', 1.444 k Adem -i? 4 -Ofo 5 — Os Justification: State the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances including shape, size, location and surroundings that apply to this property that do not apply to other property owners in the same zone. t 5 F a1' p''f) /Y1f,/?20 State why the ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. r F p r *ct/FI) 197P112lD • n. State why the granting of this variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity or zone in which such property is situated. ,5EE pv7r f 6 172E1fl7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *•* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Signature of Applicant Signature of Property Date AU/9Z ir�04,r Date --i%c f93- ten authority may be attached) Date IMPORTANT: Any false or misleading information shall be grounds for denying this permit or varianc -44 SF Q _ _'NC E. or EVENTS a 'D f wJv /919 19 90 /99/ (re, 'me ,Ofsr or My aeeC4,e7 o.v) Sow ovCl/T "!I"rN/NG > EXM/$/T A _ G•r N,xr Pco.e. To porter it of IJr2 '.Ts /2te(s5/ow /tcr!Lco!^'com( orators An. /07o T. ex f T T* L N/P grez reEift_ f_ wr o C_T /?9at /- NEtO soeft7'N.•ve T• Do 4,4, a /lre•oosa✓NG _.._. __... Z _-. rout D es £ ..ADD/T/ow L /Wed..4. - _ . (,.srE(�tCG�E' <ZNc E/tllo/ 3 - F /N E .Tdse PAA.vs OP o v '- `/..nE ///.. s A #1 eev . , .n.s o,.AN r• Bvic� /ATE s1 ?%r our L°o-'Fi pENT eowsreloi 3E fP.moterta..13 eov0 of Pat atom. 7, 000 - /N Fees To ciTy vP /c to,wr No G i•i.t t vrrIes' I, 11 /Ne lvA/NG_ A _. PL�ra . eweeK 3 i�. 4 X /i on.) N. GvwiirtN...*ems op /t f•-r/t..p ALL JEE••c s. oK "T/L faA *e.e,' /s . ?SIP ?� ticssIs . ► Fsr._T3 E_.fies aryl: r/I/S 400s .#e/Giir To.. To/A of #'c. f f.",6ie. CST 1 sit* '`Pl.47t `.+..,.. T • p g ' Tb " ., Pirovs4 .... j.TA. vio /M • Pbe/e Ti a•✓. Cl/ T.r .. / /' J" , 11126 //2rh z- /1/5freT/a.v evAnb s/GNfO p,► .dPe,4- 47, FEB 2714 AvoireT,u v e »o Si6 'W A//ilov'NG Roe, . C. (e.t '='✓:)_ SOH /Nserter7..v c A tQ J/ 6 Nep al? To w/eA P_ S Aht ADV/Sea OVA ROOF Ar 010e,C- /Ver 4..we #J14 Z •e,oices .„._._ . -__ _.17.._ P iL ; ...A _.VA./t.IA�Vc&_._. _. Cr"AKFS _ tf 6 ems. t ROW Of Tti^A/ Down) ,TAB 7 D 4144 e'.v .peg 2- 't l!'" ../. `. !g'/TN/iv._ n,.Pe: L!'"+ .Cyt /rr r. y.!7e,7d-o!..rM9r.. Qvn/N1 � Wh!..U10 20.1 C(7 /!'SSG'• opt.%2/z7 i Nov/ /7 /S% N' ek.. 2�_..._ il 'TEnI.... D[revssio w w/TH The /NSP,Fe'Tow, f+lA,k N.... 7 s .Tn 1-o N ... it r ',Ago i:0. A L'ft AM c6, ... wo v e:o 04 /o re^e v.t0 iyre.it,se or/ye" ebws'I P.P f.4 ►TL y 44,0 AP/!i.o..FP,.._ /! .44'av Co. .4 l Cow vl 7:4+ _47oivT/y4,E To Doi' 9 AT or.. ow.ev /2/SK S/Nc2 T/.": td►w$ 4 4At4r.►py A fr,A/." rieera" 4 emit:" Cr//.lce 4.0,49 e''osr ,Gijon/ ,Nl s,*,e Dote -tit 7&E afeds/d4 To F,Ce f . 4 l/A* ANe€ 4t-eir oei4ovs (77(.4,� "u/,-) NGxT eo:Jt eT/••v %z HA ve tee eo'60 e;'eNTiNvF AT 434n. ok.y fl/SK PI" T#/s /NPo /'(4gli a /?v3Ty Fit,_ �/=T /t400 40 TMG /3 _..,rTy!4-.• rife was T• The A Icel../.v c /HSfr T 47 in off! .. G. S wAs TO 40 No _ owe P N•., _ fo. F _ _ Tit.__J'V r• _re f i 1- ._ %hr F. ".t ov,. A N f.+. A A,,7t y go T b e zCie .t. . v, _ r'9't itAmr a.voe .07.46 .mot ,tr.!q_ THE wt,, 1490 w/TK w�. T . 6<r��vG r�v/TIt net _ Ml.4t yo/-- _. Aer4"s.rrly. SO'.'i C.o J r &#4f .S A r ow,S' P40660sS - Qdvtto,iso, ANO.= F 'NO_ our _.S!!T. 44.6,.. e44°.1. N.T' PK oc eE,o ,Pi 4•1..e •pit, ATTCionPrfo r. CA ILI '!)- ' e 9►''rr �'^- t,�''r pv/•. ,4_ T/N 4uy_ 4,4c#fQ - 6" •.,. S ' N ' T Ae4s fir- y isp4!► . a'_ RE.•41N000 Ali••• of His "!/E'4AL OK if An vs T• f icdcrow Gr,hte //v 7ryWe VAS /A •vtAte aE gE Oewe.,.49_ ,i Wet. O/" ' o u n, ew.r7"?' 4'G T� 9viciO AT our. o.t•N /1(.rilltaitRu" C �Ait& T!/!� EX/�LoorD A�tW 34/O 7' Aid' : A-(ivore 9 , owl- / `r,4 RAT; ASS 48euT yo vet y. •.'s A7• tt: /r 00)".4f400roriea.." (ifeaL0/1--i'• / o) rHE,f S con- foil Te/mer c_0 T; . N/e- .�`;' C"eve19.G(vE !0 - 4 ^713 Ass ADo y T d st//ouSty f o/c/l /yAS A MA404. pfrve 434srfrt /jvT tT c q.v'T at TN/S `o,vs? t/oO • Gpo - _/'ws7PF,Ti +►.' yo v 64./4L F,.#O A !v!c G 3'ssr_ZX6 �� l� l'ow'sr 4 Lm•)" 2uoo SQ. AT 2.w.es7!!!.__ f 4.0 /e_•e.•,.. 3 OATM 0'/7' Got.Ir4T /16064,.. & /yait NY Bel/ LT./N l• ti► t /03 _3,Te /5 L'XTKtdesLy cte.A.v ev"ny N/GNT, 7y/s 441/44 Cr A -fie) �C . N• t w%litlie tc•/ee; P/r•Ba$!y_,aC 4tovtNr day A /liT/nvp'dyne ., / 7S ••• — f - He ei0.s •r rApe sew.. ii 4,-A//ecru/Pio:yr, '4v 41/GiYPrt rnxis T. Ci7y TMsw Ao$r 5/N6cQ L.rr tt 6, .A prey 4rT'c tr/,j' ,4/)O/774T• TNr c-/?y IMP s °...:_Wh^T:./s.. %An/e; 4oi4,/3G1.t►+. . F N/s xi.?er, 0, To .k y sv , Phu .,SAC t°.t l SIT f//*.-1 0 iF ZikE /T' Di; . Y/ N & .. 0,0 v c p /L.►r/ft.s HAO 7. ,F 3.. S_�..Q.J...� TNS'/.c. C•rtE tv,s 1, 0 w *ow C'C/l F/i' To /1 T f/l ".... /r -'f. 7' /W V' %fit o .% N/NG . Sty' fir OBJtcr a ro A r /my G•-reA, dev ? II He 14640412 M A v t $$f'0 ,4 4,. C'E0/7Ht.2 21.. Pr % oti,/t O N SGN, vc SOT 0,0 .IN /lleid0 /w rMONT /. . hr o.voq y. . . HNo w ,4 n n k /5 TE t ( v5 Avyo Ni Gv/ t I /we T • L/r ,r. TNAT CHEw6d 0 £4v4,6,v ,-t- C°,c ttE,O H/m. /Be /ld°sa v, 648. 0"/7N D•v G •i#' Co», es.v.v/c.Tov 3 Tyn v /l vsTy, w/T,v 7HC /olA'o,t ,oi- %'y vAI0"rlii►,v,04v0 TWAT THE oNly Qic.•j3Cjow WAS `NAN/rC ,^Div 'r C•T7EN 7NG t4' o.ti, Feu/ lA►/»! /Jor1 / s z 64..0 w. r, LC Cie ... e fet .y yt ,/i a G n •i /M?- �► K. C/� TIv/1 14-44t a Rn •/3tE in.- D.'' to.. /Ky j ,4..var d n. 4 ,S 4411 /jIN.iiv o m Zr -i'L CAPtie r-,tK 2 (/, ;Vier:s m. res r 4 l e Ne k, /T an ,o, 4. Hari./ y/J 17,4,6 /1 %� o ✓ T 1 - ,,y /°l,„e e•A.ct z- we rA., c.srr' ,r. # /•w ear ovi! cio 8 C'o,v r,Hu,:-, _re Nor 7`ge-C,4-6 T'IyE. 7-/tv7N, j TivEiv . // e t'u7 THE 7bP aFF THE A.D.,. THrws, deaf/Ley /s .f pn.• 0ca•.i-, ,+y 8s * r G vsss c•,,o"* lee, Thie uN6Qa.tG LtvEG •`' 0.1.. .vs•fr-/.vey) /emsP —•,vs, ;Soh'iSohre /3v,co`/rs cer 440y w/r/f V/•G•tT/. vj.� Dfsto,ENem-4 o,v •Thie OadT 6)4»11. •fl TH/S :./lt/evr OCe20^11 4 1'/!ny vent' Mvrj.iesrC°/9 /Ohq/�E.eTy. oa..v/Ac. RGt,Twe 7-• " /o.K,MC pie °rte.% iVAy if ,C..�. So «, t•-v rT. Awn "ST,Cit/Iee IT Tel° r'e ytvs Tyis 8freAy.1i4+44, 7. A. Plu• 4 r /N TH's C°v..t M!v N' rY 3$0(. C/% • e XS (A-J, et J3v, (.7 4s TN/S aNe. Ali . lti,4 A/T E X,C e r . f't e ems,. f N F /si .s K /ts /S Tit 5A.1.•‘,4reteATi.trAor o rsen.. %3v• 1 p, t s 60r. z IA -ANT Tb /lAy /3y.rftl /Lvte1 At .hy CPer = A eKNo wt;o,pese! dt A cc e er Fv t C /1 ds/low.,410,4 irXfi**0. TN/j P/-63e:001.•. X"./s•ft sirr/N6 wherotd 14'9 eve( 5Ttes. Awt CAN° e:vts M.k;, aGo)W/6Gme6 re CYT TM/ l20•F Drew Poo Tb /7 "7.7 To vdP y THE elm r T • Do fiH /s '-„ FA me e eJ r' a eofr OAC,e 4r SAy /i#M' e//eek 7 ' *tf DevlovsV A `,T. of s/trto•ts • 4-erte ./4-1,A.OE 11,1 wovtO his r.ves A/or 7-0 4 en AN ,C„, r#6/$1. 7,414.F fl/to l tg . . No T //vrCN7-/0 /YAZ .14,/Nr re eo-vr//vve re) %/p ,' 8' 1iy L4 a'v,A,rA. T° EG, /An/iiwvt THE G°o•w me vivi ry. T!Yeaoear GL M5 Qa 1 iG . tow '7" TN/•vH Z e7/1 w✓yo•v E' irt'sE' abS.14. vif 7~0 13,E AD/naw,rye;-j by A C/Ty eNrr'wyF(, ifArem-le/ 4-hew Y" 4vtoes/Ofot. 7'7/I %y a or, &of air CE.7 "-1 or: FEI'S . PC. (70 7-6 ,o,iy a°4-0~ t/A•1 `h,,s,'. GUIU iris oN' 7 i evArm• O u 7- ye v ". as) .Z (A, Fovkity ee•vcLv or rNi1 �ir�.oK�,✓oivn�.;..... S GAS Vettyvwy4PPy ov,T/l 7H'1 $s'Qvd.�rer.OFfv� Tr. 1771.l ,e� /i, , 174 w evf/t ,P,CTlre ht eA n.,#c , 4 v r Tye L r7rt s Z y/ . 0t0 COCO WA,* %'hev^ND /fr TNT' 017)/ 2 atyf 46di • �Y Pi?o 3CF.3 /!l5 vE/ty /NS/cm/F/WANT H La 1982 - 1992 Ten Carat Decade May 27, 1992 Mr. John Guenther 53-235 Avenida Bermudas La Quinta, CA .92253 SUBJECT: ` VARIANCE 92-021 Dear Mr. Guenther: .This is to inform you that. the City Council at their meeting of May 19, 1992, held a public hearing on your requested variance. By virtue of a 2-2 vote, the City Council denied your request for a varianceto the building height limit in the SR Zone. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B . SAWA' Principal Planner SBS:bja cc: Building & Safety Department LTRSS.178 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619), 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design 8 Production:. Mark Palmer Design. 819.346.0772 H E C. I T Y 0 • +�:®.♦ ■6■ La 1982 - 1992Ten Cara[ Decade April 23, 1992 Mr. John Guenther 53-235 Avenida Bermudas La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: VARIANCE 92-021 Dear Mr. Guenther: FILE CE;PY This is to inform you that the City Council at their meeting of April 21, 1992, took jurisdiction over the Planning Commission action on your variance request and set the item for public hearing on May 19, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. By doing this, the City Council may approve the variance request or uphold the denial of the variance request by the Planning Commission. We will need five additional copies of sheet #1 of your working drawings which you previously submitted for Planning Commission consideration. These copies will be used for the City Council meeting. Please submit these by May lst. Should you wish not to pursue approval of this variance further, please submit a letter to that affect. Should you have any other comments or questions regarding the action of the City Council, please contact this office. Very truly yours,, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR troti.. aeatuzi.. STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bja cc: Building & Safety Department LTRSS.162 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619.346.0772 1982 - I992 Ten Carat Decade April 15, 1992 Mr. John Guenther 53-235 Avenida Bermudas La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: VARIANCE 92-021 Dear Mr. Guenther: This is:to inform you that the Planning Commission at their meeting of April 14, 1992, denied your request fora variance to the building( height restriction in the SR Zone for your house under construction at 53-185 Avenida Bermudas. The report of the Planning Commission's action on this application has been scheduled for the City Council meeting of April 21, 1992, at 3:00 P.M. The City Council can accept the action of the Planning Commission or if they wish, the City Council cari schedule the matter for a public hearing before themselves to reconsider the action of the Planning Commission. Additionally, you have seven days after the April 21, 1992, meeting to appeal the action .of the Planning Commission. If you file the appeal it will then be scheduled for a public hearing at the next available, City Council meeting. I would remindyou that the variance does have to be advertised as a public hearing for 21 days before any City Council consideration. Should you have any questions concerning the above information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B . SAWA Principal Planner SBS: bja r cc: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director LTRSS..156 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design 8 Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619.346-0772 • • ?j S • 1 J U 4 April 13, 1992 To Whom It May Concern; Regarding the Gunther Residence on Bermudas, the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. • From the onset ofthe job the height of the building was a concern to all parties. As a result the trusses were analiaed several times to make sure that they did not exceed the. height limitations in place in. La Quinta. Even up to a week before the trusses were to be delivered Mr. Rhodes was in communication with me to see if maybe reducing the pitch of the trusses might give added leeway to stay within the height restrictions.However by reducing the pitch',the trusses would have had to be changed significantly and I advised Mr. Rhodes that the.existing.pitch would be the best way to go. It should be noted that when•the truss calculations were run that the height of the trusses;:.as determined from the finished floor, fell well within the height limitation guidelines.. Sincerely Tom White Truss Plant Manager' THE A.C. HOUSTON LUMBER C. "Lumbermen Slnce 1884" 83.490 Indio Blvd./P.O. Box GG/Indio, California 92201/(619) 347-3692 mez,b1121 ekd. 4 t7 AP!L 2w0- /97Z, oio Am. t". . - 1910NN/N6 D/Mvar - C� « 9-2. z 5* 3 _ • Y/. fin. A It /7rd A dY •CITYAOFIA-QUINTA_` PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ r r. _ w_: .4. a yr .air _ _ — _ _ —M.w . wY+ • • —T __ - /N_Re_e0" • of � L61.TLrrt. _ vie a Ty Aho m.l a d/c ___. _04.4.A0 !., y ./10:041 <dair Fo ti A /= it_ fi4rid•vd . ouf•• _m y 'S55-0• 0° !!;en1/10yc4 fre'cietr'sr FEE -.1;4145 feeap idesr__h+.Ape °- may._k!'± U 4_ ro4 An. i'.46tTv•#L Go $C _ 7''_-/2ac...,.d...0 j•.-T'�'l1� ptot 0..v,s•4 `,•«,�..,:, rf/nr Atyw 4 wi,r / e /W - _ _ rwrs G�rrra►•� _�f r A.Ro111r �Ya'� wif•*y Asa i?_'fT_ Ao`. fiE#C0010• /S ' 14,17Nprc.gt..w SIneCe /1 /0.7s /teocvrec2 Hot 13gg.v. '%w:N9d . DewN - _ S /ci4w": A_ivy- _!Heea vtrvre TN/s eAfieet. • D w Nl/1.(SO i L DOA. S3 i i r •A ve�rio4 a, u01 s. i Awd I T 1982 - 1992Ten Carat Decade March.27, 1992 Mr. John Guenther 53-235 Bermudas La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: 53-185 Bermudas La Quinta, CA Dear Mr. Guenther: MAR 3 0 199' CIt 4� pp, AA ol�rn T Gt�" q,S9,� 3�t,eA PLANNING Oa 01V T V NT Mayor Pefia referred your request to me to respond to, due ;to the fact he will be out of the Country for the next ten days. 'I understand you would like a full .refund of your Variance. Application fee; or, a full refund, less out of pocket expenses, due to the circumstances regarding your project. Mr.. Guenther, neither I, nor the Mayor has the authority to grant this request. Application fees are established by the City Council,'and governed by the City Code. I hope you can understand our position in this circumstance. Sincerely, onald L/ Kiedrowski City. Manager RLK:kb cc: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Jerry Berman, Planning. Director City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design 8 Production: Mark Palmer Design, 819•346.0772 `tb» C vvvr-H'ri 5 3 t3 f /4v . ..EA pe,eo, max s tA-®vtnro'. 'AL. v.2r3 % : f'lArn',✓4 poor. e'ry el IA RosA AT S 3 /bs A vtN/OA ,9Enb,oDAs r �l MAR 2 7 1992 CO/ TEtA.Atilf ; (fN AAA* /e T" /99/ A e#ee,1 /0 Tore oK " 0 xY IA.A 3 PA tO To yu n. DeP97 re i!. I/AH/I N c , firs was A ov/se.0 oft ateGvA rE PAy-vt-tr woc,LO S A vC �S ?'/ »+4� it. f% u T vs 00 7A4d AiJd EN pA 1 • /4 /Ee T/NG 1070 Ty t PL,a w N/iva C • �• H,. . oML h'towTht 0.4A l/tit. 2/✓ AesT"-►L pAcT tvf tvtit,! /i L/tgA/,y T•cr /Are To Ate A.A. Tkt 1..4teeN 2 4.0 T» /der/A✓G, �T $y.vtO ,gtso %3c /14rta THar THf- Du/IV/ewe d SAPS f%E/7.' /1Civy/to TT /►,,E T,/M7 a.O ,ritC /�-�- �D VA K/ A^' C i /2Ce ,,N rt y ff..,,v /i o ✓ r Tie w r %/r. HA A. T vaG Go 7b /2L (* a "'-i nr tJ' To "4. ivN/A/4 r#Ar Aye �//�IT/Aarett -0!T � � g8 lv/TJ ,St[ THAT 110s is (let)"eo /iv TH/S %r,AT,ero S FEgI (•MriSLte, To Sv'TH D/t.diw loty .orit/E.tt7,o# r.,. frAdvotNee, 4N0 .4fr . 'Wiry /N THE p.toeEss Or e&rnivt flow-N THE l o• F. t THEEo-►C fie 4'vEsT A ,CvLL. /teAto•vo PCO rifaEF FO c TS /At 1y v/ E w 14•A/t KAsr T/9 es orSieC/t. A r/ o•v, f s#'erputLy S4'0 /TT'tO pt,..Ndic vi eye,: • 1982 - 1992 Ten Carat Decade ,March 23, 1992 Mr. John Guenther 53-235 Bermudas. La Quinta, . CA 92253 RE: 53-185 Bermudas La Quinta, CA Dear Mr. Guenther: I-n my letter to you of March 19, 1992, I inadvertently noted the date of March 24, 1992 as the scheduled date- for the Planning Commission Meeting to decide on your variance application. Actually, the Public Notice will appear in the newspaper March 25, .1992, and you are on the Planning Commission Agenda for the meeting of April 14, 1992. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, ,77/K/4 Ronald L. Kiedrowski City 'Manager RLK:kb cc: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director .Jrry Herman, Planning Director City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design, 619-346-0772 _f t3 .gyp 4 „,.r63 � 4 MAR 2 0 1992 �_—PIANP:iiNG paPA THE 4T March 19, 1992 1. (3rd Error) - Comments toward Guenther memo states "no written notice of 18'. height. problem". See plan check correction list - 1st submittal truss @ 5 in 12, second submittal @ 4 in 12, note at bottom of last.page clearly poses concern for finish height. 2. (4th Error) - Who ever told framer trusses to be 5/12 instead of 4/12. Also note, studs were then cut from 9'.to 81'. Why were 9' studs ordered when plans show 8'1" plate. line. 3. Lonnie Day approves roof nailing inspection and does not find height discrepancy'at that time.. 4. I am called to perform ok to wrap inspection in Lonnie Day's' absence. Upon arrival at site I ask foreman what the height of house is, "we'll make it, it's .real close" or a statement to that effect, please do not hold me to this as a verbatim quote. I performed the ok to wrap inspection with framer and foreman measured house and came to measurement of 17' 51" .finish floor to. underside of .sheathing.' The foreman stated he had already spoke with the mayor about this house. At that .time,. I did sign the.ok to wrap inspection on the card, went to the office and asked Tom Hartung if he had okayed the height change. He informed me that he had spoken with the mayorand was. advised by Mr. Pena that the situation should:be handled through the usual methods, i.e., either correct condition or receive variance. I take my job seriously and appreciate my job with, the City as it offers a learning experience each day. After leaving the site,. the fact that 'I had not addressed the height situation continued to. bother me -- I felt that all I'had been for 3 years was, consistent' with each contractor, therefore, I had to address the height situation. Upon returning to the site after completing my .inspections I returned to let the foreman know that I could not approve the exceeded height limit.. The job site was unattended and I was unaware at that time Mr. Guenther lived next door. I did see the framing contractor at. another site and let him know of the situation, he informed me he would be seeing the foreman and would let him know. I added I would be at the site personally the next morning. 5. Upon a.discussion regarding. the possibility -of filing for a variance, I stated` tol Mr. • Guenther that I believed a variance would be granted for the following reasons; 1)'no houses across .the street 'whose view would_ be negatively affected and 2) the granted variance at the Sobleman 'residence on Martinez. I also stated` that m (pinion was a variance would be granted. The work I would allow to continue was dry in of the roof to. protect sheathing and wrap the house to`.prevent damage to studs. Again, the only work offered to continue was as stated above during a site visit with Mr. Guenther and Richard Kirkland. 7. How • does • foreman's relationship '_with Mayor supersede Building and Planning Department? '8. _Phone call at home - Upon receiving phone call, Mr. Guenther first apologized for calling:me at home. He explained how he perceived the no - Continue misunderstanding - I told him that 'foremost I was no longer in a position to let him proceed.' .He continued to tell what I'had told him, at this time I stated to him "John, at 4:20 on a Sunday afternoon I don't give. a rats ass about your house or problems." This blunt statement rewarded in with the objective intended -- Mr. Guenther .went ballistic and hung up the phone. I consider the phone call at home an invasion of my privacy, I have an unlisted number and have no idea how Mr. -Guenther, obtained it. 'There is clearly.a problem, the house is'too high. 1) ' It was ,pointed out in 'plan check. 2) .'it was . asked ' "It looks high, do you make it?",.during second. plan check. 3) The show 8'1"'plate line (wall •height) if #2 above was ever considered, why would foreman and%.or owner. order 9' studs; 4) If framer pointed out during construction the potential height problem, why .were studs only cut to 98z" instead of-astandard 92i" to at least minimize the condition. 5) • Mark is giving this house the same treatment the others receive -- he noticed the house exceeded the height,'he ;s4 required the owner. to deal with planning, just like the. Sobleman `house, .when found. at the same point of construction,Mr. Sobleman was also required to obtain a. variance .Mr. Sobleman was not allowed to continue construction. 10) Why. was an alternate roof planor material not substituted when problem was pointed out at plan. check?' 11) I am.a private citizen on Sunday and defend my right to privacy in my own home. There. have been a number of error.s,in communication during:this procedure, I feel :.the most notable was, the lack of_ communication between Mr Guenther and his:for.eman (an unlicensed contractor)' during the. plan check procedure. I also believe that.a conscious decision was'made to ignore the height limit by either the foreman,, the owner, or both as, evidenced by #'s 2, 4, and especially 9 'and .10. Respectfully, BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Mark Harold Building Inspector II MH/lc `S `` amJ\ E) r/n ,{ ) f 0eS . ' PR 0 '. 7 E 6- a 2-7 o (2 uJ G'2oL/L/o d /- _(( /c�uee j_/ 2 \l C�-i,.J ('O tu`7H& aQ[.ZSS110 7t1 7 �7"<?£ _`iP'S/OEA;.i : r • ~t' , id Q'o' ,5-7i0 •63^2 go !L7 /-' c-stki / ` laivri,► .,25 ''''Q - - .. te��Gk )6 07 ADo ( d - -E 0� 0 yi7-i `. . / 7-. � - L / TY7 [7 cJ/ V • - /7-n • l J fPV. / • Si -.Zn/WG! Co/)it ED .`f • : 'J /(Ct C.7 / - a ,, Pic G mR 16r4.12ac ee_ .) _ -7 G-E- f R :Pr' ; g Lam.h' -£LPL-01&t 'To -r/7_ L 1,c11.0 .of lose.. To 7H • J ti 7 H 03/J7 �fL` E. (410 04t6 - OK CEEyO - "tf e 'f m (I • . - ' 1.,. LE_2 3 `L.v PkE._Pd2E0 -- o 'Salt,6 D olf - 1 c2.oLRE4 '/0.f.. (" 67v/s ;•A 02 I 4v2i4, l ktu7-1-1-ES E • Lv © (2 44/-/av7c Ci.L7 Pau)09 GuE - / • 2•,5Q&z,13 Div ci}r7i/WJ7/..-©4.0e _ LdF�?.J2 ,7-1.-i-c=7 - 1.4.9o_e_7 i-1 / C=3e72 E.k PEA) 'Warr t fit -if . /i N L-_____QO111 /1; a7/ 0 .) , Qr )4 E'i 6 % • ,G(3.._: 01aDi 00C c LC)_ /c sF.D ,_%3p<.)De,Dj_at.45(.146 • /1 E 25 - . ( �/ -.L (�oiv.`if ac- L2r S L Co ��S7,e04:.7 00 ' T b � ?, 7-1-1��. /-tt c.,LSj' i`") I--�c�-(��r�,0 �' �ocds /T�;L.�k ,-;.zV -•(a;iuGR "OF /-=-5.Q : - fli 6Z i E_t -S c-Wevz07,0g - .L 0� • ,(? e. a 17c T Gt....)1/- 1-/gi,H7' 6O4-E-i) - - • , i' 64 C .f A ` ,, / ~ / tiS_7aP LX...�.7 /` 0 / 112 [ cHS , -i • ..? 6 6 eat-, E L /: C(,7_! tf_wa/1s - -Tog (. � _f 7e.. cep? . .. ,; _ _ ram' LL) E R6_ P2Y))f0 y . ieu3s kof/f-A ifs L-E/ tcjz_._ G4� 1. • car 17 ' 5 , t. ; - - .. . f f K` . . t • r _ • J . {' 1'� : 40 -r6 • ,5_7= - uctu, WC..�VS / / s_E, 27 o"� 41L7o `fl - �7 L.caAJ -cfr/ C ®' % o ki—e5 -k ��5epe 07 1 .a in 2f In e i QOlE F S aF-�Q oa 1_:F4 ,D ..iJ° cote/ I as 22 7-de H-7 cn eft ' e (e,€i oc & 7 — - _ 'a_E eernE �J L Q QL (E$ zo_/')'J Q 43f ( J /ttr �m-cc r' i Owivt % am cm Q J d/&t l /7a7 / -7oKow 0v�2q •s7 ' _ i G"), a/6 F 6.E.i. 76 /i1 z `fib fJE'?z ' Le, / 7/-1_7 /1 P/2O•glE & . 1WC5P. ,' ?' 5. i?KEAJ Q . . - / sP�'E_GUI7e 7o_m-a7 /USzo v (2/22,6_s 72u45; - i Pa27/)' ELy /2t : l zelfa affT or ri-if S72G87[' °gyp cisra.v ll 6UwL7 01._6!ZUSSES' Jy h, 1,0 ©F ter 7Ro SS- - c Lc it3`7/o,us, 1OPJ vFa2rr1�,0 the' 7-friar �.it7 6'/, GitJal`,s� ��z_ v 4 /1 <7�L�v `.Lg4�4. � l?CJLD�,Le� —f�._c.J_G� . 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Ev /. c ucie s ^ •a x AP o .5 0 2 E' /u07' aDILeio av&IL h Lf ; 5 l a .. /iu Q viei&S Or -r"if LocaL - L col ®f ya2Z15 d / ev S _ 'a// ' - /,u Fo2mEL /may r L ocaz_L.uy>2/ t2 S �� t.x:/4/' t-a2f 6PeQa1_ ,DekaH- �2ILl..5—,00 i 47 eu7_?"o -PI/<S : SIZi Avo2ma/15/� -71y �`y1� 5 7o /3—u7 / 3 - r _ oF E'N7r a stito/v 7ci • e/LD -a. x Ji19) - EL2gf C,QE • 7 f c 7 ®r 42x111 Bo e ci,c® . /3 F PRO i//3/J7 //e_ . + , ' /'7C9i057QQcZ7oN 57&e7L_(c.6=Lrc)_‹1S s7/LL CO tucFi211-)& oaf/2 ZAlt 174E/6_1-t7 b o- 7/1£ 572oc70.e ' . , • _S0 'Ds / 6D rrrn y 72uss£s • ` ..s, Jor7 a7 - _oeo • - �goc) S7on> 7 (o / U? K?1 - 3 e / ja 7 /2vss '/ 7 .. - 7t P26U<ocisL .10Is cu ssf 3 /472_() E.s o tom - _ - "l /u ni2/3'l &0 ' E71.-67 6 �'�H 7 i-/f'i �v,O ` G & EAu _TG 7 ex / $7E 1D C56 rgc7) 7 EN6 /ti EeRPJ( 6"u i P / a -lie 0 Ssfs- : (,GIs %3fE7 ;1' Gc) E 410,07 t WaU7 7o 6oit_ o 3 rn 26a1D) C.alekEL7 1 ers 66 / ©2/J E.,o 1 j, 5 7a/ 7/f£ q,/L ems' ,:. _ I 4/ 6arcE_7,I - T 2 uaSgs G .3aa_D E_L / 0'th e iuS7 fr,O FT 8C__('1E 4e)pa 7' 7 77--/E Z2/3LE £xuO • 7-u s S e'S £e£ ' /u 27 -57,Q16 or Ho - 7t/ E/,e ,C)06e.)/(i D . • SL®PEe c s 7 Gv i2 &)OO L tt2 L - - ;wE I1 13 cif/ Psy.: 'Poo LE.5 J& oOl �oQ Li IL) (Dti 7 • . Oeel/v SL off, eX, ' . Co€2` Pth'1,k Ct .V7) &JOR)e(,o C.L) c7H %/72 a7 " 7(Diu 7o -EL(.7/ S P,PO6/...�/7),_ ,/( 6'N4 a ' SCE UP T/ LOe_J UEQ7fCC1 60PP©k-TS ``' ,THE, -72ussf s . 7b WELZ. Qc vd, T7 ,Q " Li i/E , ' " . t - Es E ri:2O/31 4,a 7/0,c s)':. cotft et) A. s irvF, - ex-9 /71-f '6 N G /iv£FJ J A) G © 0/2 / Ir1 /m PO,e.7c it.) 0 1 L/ - 69_:Qj ,. L. • E i Psy /G•/ 9c? dI Pe20 z3Lerr r . 4/L/ • 7/A a p o i ? c OA)� 7 i$J 06.4ei) ��f sod: c17/ 9 / `c -/J O&i ` 3e)&2_ Mo�eE-1Nc &S • i Ex«z/ G - -reoSS E /(i-/ -/ • . , . • • •� I-) PE 40Y AJ Cu 7 2/) 7AJ7&QES7 O .Pc 27t 7et_2Li -Z£ -7707 7� E l(,tt i P/ oeLf72 ext s7 itio7 6gcause• eF 6i21,07-'`;Q/5te a , Fc)/2 Pc)/FS /upp Coes IT' .•EXl ST ` Sec.aosOF / oa L'7 •tt6T-- • ' " �-/3 c ausE• ®r•• - se/e S oP CjRcc y i s7a/ucc- s• 7 _7 Co Av clo1Je / - taGa/ Ipoc?44 GI F 70 ,; N/-" 07 ttal `TEE. ocr�_� I./3EC (O 'J 1) a 5 70 ei. // /6tt7 Was YY)a0� a . a0R. 4ICebsE.0 _j/vscQF.Oe ...,16)/(pgfo* i:-/?_, fi9 / Ai & .6).bi Pit3t/ .- G4.)___D/11._q_c_rh27- XDO ' '1S 1-1-/6d f a'� S ' T� c�N CIF T/f _TOi3 t 3 - ceep -.. Pol27!OA OF 7J/t , 4t a 7' E - F0 , /1 - -n .8Ee?e l• ' i tria * .6das 1(47 T 7 007 P/ � ti EO a..7 QAv. • i f/F6 E EV F/075, cu � 7�j�- r��t��' 15 72z) zo Zt/g 8 gs7 Y uo c kL• / ,' • _ . _ , r,......m.„.L„,..,.,t.t,..,.,...., .,LEI..^. D ,. tal o�r-o f-- .50/65 .afRiou L ... MAR-01-1992 VAFBI f Ja Lamr reef...3 -10- qa _ . CI V O, A PLANNING DEPARTMENT , I� C.� v/V � - � a _ -LC 71-F :Sl.)6.7-E'L QT 13_LQ c 7Ef/s 7_1cOV& oNl F TH •W S7 _ fDE .OF - Dve /D S � v40� f PPi2eXJ/ a7EGC/ - /oO ,`E� 007hi OF1 ea// 9oA)7FEey / P/E °eIeXy_ _. ' CON' _5s57 ®Fti a /x i .,=, ‘ // L ppz/ r f'S /AJ /?.— ` ' P /QOc£5S OF • j_ avf Get E,___2 iy /---Pa2?eD • 2 T " % %Y)E.� DOPMk - u f u P& 7 6A �h -,4 U«:,Q/NFG //i4S,0f77 ' (o .-wO - `7friar - 7 tit: k g ibEA h n� 1-M- nax/fnif/n _ 17 r00_7- i-/i 6I-1 J (Y) i •T 1=QI2 76$__zewg., _ • 8 2 sE,D c 4 7't C0N672acTlo/'/ % T /1-As ©c-u E,0 . - -rd-L1063 QiLO/eve H-16 ct/T w oow ,C3r • / 7 ' to" Flom, 5z.....8 _ / _-70 7/-1_3/19QO)JZ ®r coius 7 2OOc7/ON 217T3 •�17 70.1\i PLac, r,1 PL/c.:aktT Fe _Tf'ac7/•r ' • . Lc O /J '4 _A aiticially uN f05/,01 E Jb a i- _ - nQtl1S7ROGZ/Qi ` /AJ ®,W Q _'TO CO/Way Ji7/-- ToTA- • • - e 1 '7 F0 7 Wit(/- • / 9 a)(.1MuckE, 7H-EaPPLiC ' kia_Lr'i 7Hl,5 Vat/°A.ic gErpv sT -..,; , . . !mom . , ,- 1 1. . c - �. ; _ .-, f 53/8-5 B23P/77C IJ9.S r _ /urn .'(v/t) z.�/_SLS ' /-/-U 62&,DE %Q_i)PP/ OL Z - a ?/ feJcNCE i7' /l2 T 6E =o A,4 7i_tar - 2Ef % i /V OjA)C9S e� jv Q � \T06:71 F? E 0 % 1-t i= i iv oi'LC qi 7t1-i PP2/ CaA.ri,5 ,e SPoL22 ems. Fo/roc s i -')ec-e_P 1, (5 TH•E /mil mteCxzoaDO__20/ _cu2ccJ - • 1 STANCES - /4 c1:.U�JN6 5/11PE Sit pc 7/ 1 ; gS(J.P�.0�v,0 /�v�is - .7 �PPLq 7 is PoP 27_ " =F o_AJO7 �c?P_P o _ . o 7 g_2U1)e.k7 'o w/L / 5 6N� f_" LY?L z e. /VEL ' ' ' . 7 /I PPL/ca J7S R 5Poii ks�i 5'a _l'c./ p ,ti6 0 000 ' . . - ,5_9 ca✓2t_r coo_ c3eL t)O( F tU/ 7ia L AJ 46--S%s7/47 • t . _ccom / /i L LC /1Jf w //o/'YJE`'/%;Z ' 7v2ES' /VQT7 fQUkkLO //V 7' TL P,2� i e(�_4v/L,D/ A/6 7H/5 HOmE �t2&L7L1/ ti 7 ,00c " . . ro mCv,Q_L1QL7 • r- F fi / £UE '22. /NscL&,u6 'D) - 226:t/Croi2 L Clo iv 7/NU i-«J • .227 /3 ' / 6J iu q Ca n.ts72o<7 ` • '/v 0- iu'c 5 A.),76H/.3' oD. ., i. •; - , L - a • 67 /' y v Dkao/4Auc ,Qi-PRives Tlr ,io, e ' r - Ot:, PR/ I/L. eC & Eitio-oyED c 7HeR Pgo> zj/ /kJ .z L 1 _By. V/C/n/L 62/Li,0&Q-IDgNT/ Cap. zO_A)i 6 c /a S / 7r.� r ©//� - 14 Q1D/ CD__'S k '© if i r/E o� irlVaJT of T-/$ Ctt P'/L l coop /NVVi_vLAe z/raL ,C IF-AlCUG7L&S '': . �(L c26 E� Ue. �€D JiP C�/U/I% , .-5. ), - Y '% ' - /440ieE - 1. Y, • w,a ' S3/�� ; •2/ wi 5 i } i `VOR aA/f_• cs5A/04y&so -7/A.re �1> • 3 S' i fj eV / y Th �i i2aAl7 G (�)� % �S VaRia N'C ADO S Vc`F A COIL s, T / Tv r caR� • F SPEeta,LPR IL/Z166.5 • • • LNG i -aAv/ an / 'T��t-/-t • 4l rr)1 i d--1/oAc5 W-'QN -Crel • P2OP€Q 'rt 5 - /Iv TtTei- oQ -zZN ' //v c}�.5.cfcH —i/'JnLI . OoPQ � �5frua i ` -, . /fiP• 'DPP/tca/J 5 teg_6,6d//5F,S � ' K &' 25' /` -�i <S 1a i 0 V A) 7c.hQE_to .QC27/o/L, W L� QLk0te.o�liv6 CON 'f DQ E,e FR 1A.J6 F of r /- E Cove , . o " / 45r2UC7o2Llly Q0ES7LQAJED /' - BoIC.D E%C-W : � y my y , /-/o USE„ r c 77-1 E so 2rH i -ac 1c.A.) iu 6 ..65/ a n2R i • • elisacK -/ cZT / No/2 64. %YVe±G.2c�CK--'4las !/(D/C-7E,© I _ Mar 1-4E /$ ,OE L/GP7V2 • b/? 7 0 lioc25f.LOI•sock/ '3o`T-- S aiuDtiUU 0_60La /S /;'E/iv , c)/C.l- /1)•IC7 r000, `r.' :.5/D r -:of'J </-f. R,6o ' /')2t/u7A0A.,W PP0PERZizS�1f/ €. 0. c tfEe P' PE27 �/�EC"2. g f 1--FCliED wou f. ..%tJ EV P _ 407 10/.PEG <cV. ,6EL i/A)p T S'UB/&c:_T PeoPEAT t..: T l/s PoP2i2 /S o 7"' /s0E :7' _ -F / - 7 s7EE y f• tU /L - .e c2/2E 3 -3 6 `/ o� :=/-;.. l r. , • z f l(2 • EF©P. - / l CaAi i e I-i 1.✓ /L-1 U , / I' / i-Ri r o. teE.: .. 5()c,4 7-! E Eder 71-6'LOT / S'' 80/L/ G J THE1 SL ` • •t• Hcalr i wooer-0, /V`� lY//�3 T /. a6C'V /' // ✓ 5Lae ' - 'Or � •E SUB/ eoC set y. - , •- EA/0- March 9, 1992 .ra.J. MAR 1 6.1992A c�T�r of �A outioA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Guenther House 53-185 Bermudas Original plans submitted with Truss Calc'depicting 5 in 12 pitch. Advised -builder it would be way too high. Brought back 4 in 12 pitch truss- 50' span is a rise of 8''for run of roof added to plate line with roof cap and 6: for, grade - I -told_builder 4 in 12 may be. cutting it close or exceeding 17'0" requirement. Standard wall -height studs are 92$". The builder used 98i" studs, compounding the height problem. (9' studs were ordered.) Rusty Rhodes, supervisor of the job, is an employee. of John Guenther, not a general contractor. 'He has,built,:to completion, one SFD in La Quinta in my 3 years here. His current project '51-660 Obregon as -owner builder has still not been completed and will not be -given any fu`rther.,inspections until he provides us with engineering on a'. block wall (asked for over 8 weeks ago).• - Mark Harold Building -Inspector II MH/ic 1 BIN' N0: •V/3 • /r:�� «r, • 78-105 CALLE 'ESTADO• — LA °UINTA. -CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 . FAX (619) 564-5617 . Z/A=1,1 /7.?!2 e PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT •RESIDENTIAL• CORRECTION.LIST DATE PLAN REVIEWED BY OWNER. PROJECT ADDRESS • BUILDING DIVISION NOTE: Items circled or'commentsare required. x.(1988 UBC, UNEC),., MP, UPC & 1987 N 1. Footings 1story frame, depth 12" into undisturbed •soil`,6�'+ thick, width 12" :foundation walls minimum 6" width.... Table 29-A UBC. ' v.• • Footings 2-story frame 'depth18" ' • width 15'!. Foundation walls minimum "8"width.disturbed soil, 7" th`ick, Table 29-A UBC: ci- 3. - Concrete floors. require:minimum 3-1/2" thick. _Section 2623 UBC. 4. Provide 1/2" x 10" sill' `'4 bolts embedded -in .concrete at least" -7" . y . Minimum ..2•" . bolts required' per plate. section ,12" from each end., 6 feet' maximum spacing. Section UBC _ ..,, 5.. Provide udsills and sill plates K of foundation grade redwood approved. essure treated wood. Section 251'6c` 3 UBC. for 6.. Anchor` posts to _ , t k concrete`'in a manner to conform with Section 4 ABC. i . 7; Provide metal T ,... L strap at post to beart4,,'Section 2510. UBC. , t . - 8. Veneer shall be su - pported on concrete foundation. Section 3006 b_'UBC. Minimum' pier* size �is 12"•�.x 12" x 12" below finished grade and 6" above finish grade if supporting untreated wood.. Section 2516c 4'&-2907e. .` UBC. , • T1� ;10.•_ : Provide cross section 'details . of .'stepped fong forsloti Section 2907c UBC. oped�..lots. 11. Provvide cross ;` section detail of ,all footing conditions. • l' CvYG.Yuv MAR 1 7 1992- CITY Of LA °UINTArmEta .: CS/FORMTH.001 FRAMING: (1988 UBC) 12. Provide continuous supports directly under all bearing. partitions. Section 2517d.5 UBC. Supports may not be.offset more than joist depth. 13. •Solid block joists at each end' and provide double rim, -joist at .perimeter floor framing. Section 2506h & 2517d 3 UBC. 14. Provide 18" clearance under floor joist 12" under girders.' Section 2516c 2 UBC. , 15. Provide screened foundation access hold 18" x 24" within. 20 feet of clean out. .Section 2516c 2'UBC & 406f UPC... 1.6. .Foundations vents required. Minimum 1 sq. :ft. for every 150 sq."ft.- of-under floor area. Section 2516c 6 UBC. 17. Stud spacing and height must be as required by Table 25 R-3 UBC or provide engineers calculations for design as a column. Indicate header size at all openings. Section 2517g 5 UBC. 19. Tile roof rafter:sizing requires L/240 deflection. Tables 25 T-R-15 & 16 UBC. 20. Design ridge, hips and valley members as .beams for pitch less than 3:12. . Section 2517h-1 UBC.' ' 21. Indicate ceiling joist size, spacing and direction table 25-U-J-6 UBC. 22. 'Indicate floor joist size and spacing. 'Table 25-U-J-1 UBC. Provide brace at corners and every.25 feet of wall or less. "Section 2517 g.3. See Table 25V UBC for one, two and three story locations. 24..Rafters must be nailed to•ceiling joists. If rafters are -opposing ceiling joists provide ties maximum 4.feet o.c. Also if ceiling is open type show method of ties. Section 2517 h 4 UBC. 25. Ridge, hips and valley members not less in depth than rafter supported. Section 2517h 3 UBC. • cut end 26. Rafter purlin braces not less than 45 degree angle. Purlin to be no smaller than rafter supported. Section 2517h 5 UBC. 27. Show diagonal braces in top. plate at garage corners unless ceiling of garages is covered with drywall. Section 2312a UBC. Plywoodshear wall shall conform, to Table •25-I and K-1-UBC for nailing. Width to height ratio minimum 3 1/2:1. 29. Attic access opening min. 22" x 30". With attic forced air unit min opening 30" x 30": Access requires min. 30" headroom . Section 3205a UBC ..& 708 UMC. CS/FORMTH.001 - 2 - 3 A weep screed shall be'provided at the foundation line on all exterior stud walls. Section 4706e UBC. 31. Provide double trimmers`in the 'following locations:. ,32. Indicate roof slope. Roof slope must be as -required by. Section 2511 6 • UBC or provide engineering calculations for ponding:• .33. Show roof and floor nailing as required by. Table 25-J,UBC. 34. Provide truss company roof layout and detailed truss drawings.,— One complete set. for eachirequired plan. Show truss manufacture's.name and ICBO approval number of the quality control agency doing' the inplant inspection on truss detail,.package cover sheet. .Identify locations of various truss types on layout. Section 2510h UBC. . 35. Show Structural support of roof and/or attic mounted equipment. 36. Provide minimum (1) 3-foot x 6-foot 8" exit -door. Section 3304 UBC. • 37. ..Provide'draft stops or tire stops in the following locations:. Section 2516f & 3205b UBC. • E LIGHTING AND -VENTILATION: •.38: Provide 1/10 of floor area in natural light; minimum 10 square:feet. Provide 1/20 of floor area in natural ventilation.• Baths req. min 1-1/2 sq. ft.•openable window or exhaust fan. Section 1205 UBC. ' 39. One window in sleeping room to be maximum 44". above floor'5.7'sq. ft. minimum net clear opening with minimum width 20" and .height 24". Section 1204.UBC.• . • 40.. Provide net free .attic cross- ventilation 1/150 or 1/300 as applicable. Show method and amount on plans. Section 3205c UBC. • 41. Provide safety glass in the following locations as required by Section 5406 UBC:. 42. Firewall. .from floor to roof and/or ceilings must be as required for one hr construction on the garage side. Duct penetrations must be minimum 26 gauge,. Section 503-4 UBC. 43. Self -closing 1-3/8" solid door required from garage to dwelling. NOTE:Door may• not openinto a room used forsleeping purposes. Section 503d and 1104 UBC. 44. Garage , . floor • surfaces must • . be constructed of non-combustible materials. Section 1105 UBC. cs/FORMTH.001. -.3 FIREPLACE: 45. Fireplace footing .to be 6" larger each .side of fireplace. Section 3707b UBC. Hearth to project minimum 16" from fireplace opening and 8" beyond .side opening. Where opening is 6 sq. ft. or more hearth shall be- 20" and, minimum 12" beyond each side. Section 3701 1 UBC.', 47. Four. #4 vertical bars tied horizontally at 18" O.C. required on 40" wide chimneys 2 additional bars. for each additional 40" width or traction thereof. Section 3704c UBC. 48. Firebox shall be not less than 20"-in depth. Section 3707c UBC 49. Chimney to project minimum 2-feet above any portion of roof within a 10-foot radius measured horizontally. Table 3.7-B UBC. _50. Provide a cross section detail of the fireplace construction. • • Provide(interior doors at all fireplaces and outside combustion air for fireplaces located on exterior walls. Section.2-5352 CAC. PLUMBING: (1988 UPC) 52. Indicate type of fuel gas: natural or LPG. Show location of supply tank. Tank up to 500 gallons req. 10-feet from building & property lines. 53. Water heater and furnace platforms shall be min. of 18" above the floor. Section 1310 UPC. Min. width of space for.water:closet 30". Clear space in front 24". Section 511 UBC. 6114/ , 42' ntq- 55. Showers require a uminimum area of 1024 sq. inches with an interior clear diameter of 30" minimum. Section 909 d UPC. 56. Tile lined tubs and showers` must conform with IAPMO Stnd. 2-82 & 4-82. MECHANICAL: (1988 UMC) 57. -Install protective barrier for appliances in line of travel. • 58. Show 'location and BTU rating of heating unit. 59. Provide manufactures specs. for HVAC equipment and water heaters. 60. Show. source & sizes of minimum 'required combustion air. Ch. 6 UMC : 61...Attic HVAC equipment must be installed as required. by Section 708 UMC. 62. Provide ducting layout. Also ICBO report if underground. CS/FORMTH.001 - 4 ELECTRICAL: ••(1987 NEC) piping gas Piping. Also •63• Show convenience outlets a max. of Wall 2-feet 6-feet o • . t Wall space aoutlet. or more and "kitchen C n t and 12- aparr; counterfit.'. requ Also at end of kitchenspace 12" or moree long. Section 210-52 NEC. counters over 6-feet 64. Show ground fault Show g sink, circuit-interru ter ?�, in.. basements P for outlets. within 6- outlets. Section 210-8a NEC. bathrooms garages andfeet of at exterior. 65. Show grounding' bond to cold..wateofmain • waterndpipit g. Section 250-80 81 NEC. Panels to sub -panels &. service to: 20-feet LIFER or bonds driven ground with Show location •'• 230-70a UBc. & size of main service and all s - � panels. Section 67• Show location & tonnage of air conditioning compresso Provide light & & Provide & light oswif tchrats. ext. doors, Section 210-70a NEC. MISCELLANEOUS: MISCELLANEOUS: "(1988 UBC) 69. Provide IAPMO listing and manufa cturing specs 9" run for wall. Section 3306a;Unc & m ". be lined with 5/8" or more UBC.rated dry 38" above tread nosing on stairways. • - • .Section. 3306j � 3 . Guardrails. than 30" minimum 36" high are r • handrail above grade. Vertical supports on balconies sand .porches more "• may not be more than 6!' a supports in guardrail and open 74. Submit Part: Section 1711 ener UBC., ener energy calculations._ to' comply 9Y conservation r P Y :with .the State of'�energy cons ins the requirements. Show all California Plan Title 20 & 24. rirements from desi ' 75 . Incorporate•- � , corrections NOTE: Corrections m into the tracings and re r' not be in pencil: Pint.. 76• Provide two sets of ,' • all. calculations & supplementary information. -77. Return original. plans with corrected + tee Plans. stairways maximum 8" rise, 72. Handrail 34" t NOTE: Under stair cise, 'minimum UBC. • r. walk-in :closets Show location of 110 must have battery back-up.volt smoke detectors., Section 1210a UBC. Detectors Private CS/FORMTii.001 • •- • 4. 1 90. 78. Return correction lists"& providecorrection response by the person responsible for`the plans•and/or calculations showing location of all revisions to the plans. & calculations. 79. California. Registered Engineer. or Architect signature% required on plans & .calculations.'*. Signature, must be original. . Civil and Structural Engineers must stamp & show expiration date of license. .80. Provide the.. following on the' plans:. owners name, project;.address, scale of all drawings &, title page with index. 81. Provide the following Department clearances:'' 82. Delete all,items'which'-are not applicable to proposed structure., 83. Provide cross-section details of the following: l 84. Show contract elevation of remodel to existing. 85. Provide spot elevations.in the following locations: t 86. Provide soil investigation reports. '87.: Provide engineering calculations for' combination bearing retaining . walls.. , 88.. ,Provide engineering calculations forthe. following: 89. Provide Engineering calculations for lateral stability as. .required by Chapter 23 UBC: Provide ICBO number and/or reports for 'the following: 91. Provide spark arrestor and class rated roof in high fire areas. 92. Show.edition of each applicable code on plans'. 93. Show setbacks from -all -property lines and buildings' on plot plan. 94. Specialinspection is required for the following': • 95. Owner, Designer and documentation author must sign CF-1R Forms. 96. Glazing areas on plans do not. coincidewith those in the .energy' calculations. CS/FORMTH.001 6 - • Verify- that natural gas is available. at the site. Revise energy Calculations to reflect all electric or show location of propane tank. 98..Show thermal mass on floor plans. (02 /oS �/. .. • 4i, //•� i�riL„ .'41.// /I.%1 /, i • // im»d , 'z "ffrv.`al -16 ti4/2 in€L Z /4 1cAij' . CS/FORMTH.001 7-_ /14(07144 444./4 - - i1i,t% ♦' a u� r I PLANNING DIVISION f Provide school mitigation impact letter. Pro'ide copy of Grant Deed. Shaw color of roof tile, stucco & trim on plans. Show height dimension of structure. Show'(3) outside hose bibs. - 15 gallon trees required on corner lots.' 15 gallon trees required on interior lots. /� • Show location. type and height of all fences. line.Rain gutters & down spouts required of eaves within 5-feet of ro P perty. • • Provide. grading plan. Air conditioning equi nt cannot be located in setback 'area:' 1/- Fireplace or similar parts of _structure may 1-foot into side not extend' iinore*: than setbacks. yard setback or 2-feet into front ,or rear yard .12 Minimum garage depth is 24-feet when equiprnent is 20-foot minimum otherwise. •. located in garage. Minimum net clear bedroom`di.mensions are 10-feet x 10-feet. CS/FORMTH.001 • ? /�� / / /1M 718 TRANSMITFAL MEMO Date : 3-13- qa To : Mb MO MID CITY ENGINEER --- FIRE MARSHAL CatttlITY SAFETY OM OP MID CITY MAi LAGER Prom : .PLA I1NG & i. T •• Subject : PACT VIEW Case :. rcaoce, pia -opt Sohn G�L1,en-Eh r- : Varialnct:4o exczd rnnx 1-7 S$ 50111, bl5 bit jn-6 "fro p& -b F14v- ct-b' 181 -k is ' 'da.peA tat oYti Cap, c61431qs GtVV2 re--'1"a3-�PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDEOUNY COMMTS Y J . MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY Vrnardn' COMMENTS cut ,•: .# '.tt^, .b.0 lb . • •- . • • sc. JLYJ MAR •16 1992 flu CITY Cyr LA QUiidTA .2u"'"6Qi2U°�Y[tiv3dreac.us 789-18 O W m I { T 1 ' N 2 SEC 7 T. 6 S- R. 7 E. nos INIP IS FON assesSas£!v7 Ir o-1[t avv rIi oto-O's TPA 020-000 TI. 020-''ar SN• 020 -015 0 2?- 29 PER /967 •-i.681 0 r 4/. 020-000 020-0d T. G A. 020-0/s 020-0/7 020-020 681 / / / / o �. 0 / 0.•r: ,R! 67/7111 Se NO. pos. last 19902 4/59 0 rR• 020-020 °F- y a ASSESSOR S IMP at ldhFRsalf !6 /S. 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Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: VARIANCE 92-021 JOHN GUENTHER 53-185 AVENIDA BERMUDAS APPROVAL TO EXCEED 17 FOOT HEIGHT MAXIMUM IN SR (SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL) ZONE AND ALLOW MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF APPROXIMATELY 18-FEET 3-INCHES FOR RESIDENCE UNDER CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION: LOT 10, BLOCK 204, UNIT #20 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA So 3o So 24. CH/HUAHUA 2 22 ® 2/ 20 ®S AS 7i ® 4 ,f1 /7 8 e /6 ® ® 9 ti /4 /0 uo — f "° AIONTFFEY 4 N (MT5 ITO La Quinta Planning and Development Department has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Therefore,no further environmental assessment is deemed necessary. Any person may. submit written comments on the Variance to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Variance at the time of the Hearing.. If you challenge the decision of this Variance in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Variance may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON MARCH 25, 1992 Of / Pii `NpK?P AJ • 6 ?`7j2 )1 t AJ'ADAJ � is �'�r._, Ai V gc?/o3 C'a QL. 6U/75c 63086 //FPO/4a V 4L-1-9 1195 BoaQCkt, . 57E Lt ' zs&Q.7, 90Q 60 Po leox3b f OU)7e) O L F q ka777[E5AJ 3-7/ . l(4J /f thI 8( Sally IA- iLock/ 6Q7 '2(. 0IE CQST IU') HeA) 645 woL® 30g 6 CROWN t My y 7E5P4 /cH / v eics jRom 9 C mas. "na-'teg P 0 & 578 5a,e,D# 5 9/L L Z 5T 55 .3tii /l i uiti , 9 �o Ely b g 7; E':: �i�FF -,esoA.J 9/ 7‘)7 Quitu; iR imuE 9'?7,fif / iuivou /a@cry&2c�uP' l 055/Y C 5 i/O 9.a.9 eat° Li,u 7 67 "Die -its 6LVa ,s OAva4 Oacw / 57 g 2c,o/ , /Lt atiivys, 3c -iu £ l/Ee ' /co 2L.oA w 9�3 L- �? y - ,e a tvv,Cscil1 5ij3 - t 7U k)e Le NCO %%l `bk/E 6 3 o %ID'E.0041) el c7936 I I2 a/tiE P& wok 06g &ion c36 AJ. sTE I i 41/5 c3.. 6E/ 6oL, IUv: F w_ eoir 90/ '914056,K Z oWayr4a _ (AAJ7 93 Mr 1 6/vow //34/3 1020Aja 1/ 77. L N/ r r 5 l fur .th Sri )b oiv Cat& fc 5S4:4q tJ`'//-$o' l «7a/, pf Lx4, t'osI --` Putt iza LEFT 1DE F0770iV t%.& LINK. Al AUC S A Uri hCZ.!..1 i,1 t) ACC nhad.L%- 10 Par_LI,r�. J1 5 BED A.-c2 AT' rots , Setvt6. Ttc�.Su.t��ec. • C 5t2D • • #2 "Ti L€ 72.00F ,C,3M 10P.tk"It k oAr i .lf 4- — —____ _...».. ,: * a, k C#ti 2 tom_` 5 -4 kz. — -r/C( _________ LZ;`,72.-•-• - t 0: i 7RP via, 4_,£ K[TN al Glattttit Wn Y 12 0010 thmunric EL v /1-s `t Disc, GP/ He FleLw61L Sly'' rt Pe x M.1106.11. SL To fa P 'l D l .11 `1{ _,���, ..-. L (� 1 '+hpp - 1.' ' \ 7 1 1 c,� StictL A 5°xei• PA71 Oek11.. 1,..�s ;r4 4•. 1 3q1 LN 4ab FT, G 2 __ a-=�.. ..� ....w,................ oP At IS list cIto ,-/ r, 2- 4'gm, fit 12.7 EXHIBIT y411- CASE NO. 0 I 21o[Li)02_ ThJS T Ir' NOD .S PSI, /49- 34.a- Sol / 5JtitKti : if7- /Of