3314NO f€: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit— Class III DATE: 9129/00 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Temporary instkal.l, AiPn And dirAC ti.anal. pip fc�r Ok+nr�herf - t 2000 (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Informational signs Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Install temporary sisanaae for the event DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 10/10/0tl APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 10/17/00 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) See Attached Conditions In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend, and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent CVR&PD 45-871 Clinton St.. Indio. CA 92201 775-1945 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. CAPRI Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 �� Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs PAID 06 Private improvements: 3%of estimated construction costs .1 Minor. Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule 4 ANT Inspection Fee $ 100 II PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. 100 $ 1.00 Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT NO. 3314 DATE APPROVED 9/29/00 EXPIRATION DATE 10/31/00 / DATE ISSUE6 O �L By Administrative Authority Telephone: (760) 777-7075 r 7 ?k ID-759 777 7101 17-18-60` 16:2ty City of Le Quinta 0�T 14 4 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM � I,,.. 0 Pi TO; jERRY aRMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOi TOM HARTUNG, BL ILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR \ r FROM: DODIE HORVITZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIR6CTO , _ - DATE: Jay is, 2000 SU'JJECT: ' CVRPD OKTOBBRFEST FEES The Community Services Department budget has funds allocated for the Coachella Vallee Recreation and Park District's Oktoberfrst event. 101 •?� l -6G Please code any fees the District may be charged for permits to Account. � . Should you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact me. ec. Matt Lohr, Special Events Coordinator 41 kl" (e L9) '-8L3a4d9lal AR PaPMOU ----also Aa Pwsssu A3IJoljlny eAI11J131Y!WPV AB 0311SS1 31v0 .00 —/9 ,O 31v0 N011vllldx3 Q� 2 03AOMddd 31v0 'ON 11Wtd3d NOI1v011vA 11111163d fiLLZ .ON AdIs" =1vi01 pmf" N P 9 AMXPkIMMC vo Atlslaey Q M j 311u+ed 9 aed ueysAwl alnpe�lpl Pwgn3e pS CAI Oe� — 31Wad �Ia+lAa�l Aulw Um uol39nJuum palewl3ls j0>Kf :sIlummo Ift" 8WAIJd WOO uop-ABLI y PONWI1M jo %C :oue111 -A&Ml at" III a10 — uWwd UJO mu"W1 UTAIP" 1$131 JsaWn" Aollod AuOUWJ soulurmul 9.lu qWW INCIVO 'ON wwall "nu!eng A310 'ON •eweO!l e�o3a�avlle0 'oN euoalAelal awpow aeeulang U-6-:0 QW put rlo wam 3o &AMN 'oN euoydslsi9'7 6 T — S L L (09 L) nuPPV eeu!mg (iu!Jd OM"d) tM"WW jo eWeN ozpul *IS uOluTTO TLS-9* 43111si(I NJUJ puE uOTIVPaOag A9TTEA ETTauOE00 3uelft JO 3us311adv go un3eull!S lP 3o M� elp • AJeMISM lllRMS111elael P"11OP AAW 1013 MO a Pr "VQ n p me=j9p. MfW eloalllOee lee OW 4WJea %a la MO130XC PAIS 111I10 va ">aMIWO!A&M opgpI0211 IP lopm AeSIMp, •pgJep aV I"& WM 4040 W* SIO p eaW"W al &Waled IfCI JIeapAMlwl Leel to AIpoW+W NMWMP AWr So A3Piell 'ugaee oss, $IW ee IJJeAIYM p%w" %p"md IAp "Cup aewea/pun e"o+ AM p WON elrineoed eel 6 Wmn JO allmmae m Auaeawe JO aaoMee Ol dVJAD JO W" 'uJapl39e Aue p &AO 4Wp AM pW WDIXM Lori= .O eagep UNDO evlalASW 0101 JO ael W"i '"JISMIld Ili pus Aus 1 gSft poe WOµ gelw"e4 'aMAOIO" pye aYlW^MWdW V"Mo 'aalleee pelpolone all 'A►n elp e+ PA PNOPO''AAPAMMa1 :a% sa@As AQuey 3uso!l6Ae rA 'lluued yyl go b ill -A wp to uopsypliuoo ul (nusuleAGAW! supeldw Jo/pue eupe)JneeJ 3uMOWA@d supep Plae uopmd -oo'a lllIjIPeq'slgW Put *14111 eeeW 'uol3alu3Jp0 lit 10 pAou+u OUIW4*ul) i I= N011.MUMN00 031VWIISS NOii3ldw0� d0 3MIl 3lvw1x011ddv NW3B 111A4 xtlOM N3W3�3N71311/WIX�Istddv 03039111d1'NOI1vAVU3 d0 3Z19 1vAOPBU VO NO1lvlivIMI 40 NOISN3w10 no I I ►41r►o9 &0__1 i�'V 3y Lp TT T .,.._ YAl19AM ICeYM1 .n YAl1IlY�7A (eleladoiddl 11 Hold uolianJaluoo tpaue) unsil§ a EU ZS TEuoz�EULiOIUI Nou ivaN00 d0 3SOdund (eal3oa'l is aepgraso o.upoe ma8l 'OOOZ jsa37ag31)j0 403 SU ZS TEUOZjzJazZQ puE Su iS TTE�suI �iz>?.10amai N0110f1l1LSNOodON011vD01 At sep 31WJed wwuA04WI Joullh 00/ ',31Lv0 III up4i — 3lumd juma1MOJAW l uolsIAlpgnS v . iI� SNOISIAIOgf1S 03AONddv Pus S1N31M3ADW141 WONIW IP!" uolvauuo3 ul nuawaAadw! 841om 3Ilpnd e3l!1 JeJ13o pua eulew Astem 4weloom 'Rol 6LgW@d 's)jImmapls 'nueluaAed 'aAMaaA!JP 'SaJro aleAIJd Jo 2!lgnd jo uopaluumca a43 JOd (LN31RNOVOa0143) Noaonll1SN00 nvdm OI1911d 19 11wU3d Mod N011Y31111dtl � lluNoo weulpaew v1Ninal vl d0 A110 us eannyl3lvos uJJoj qy3 u013eplltA nooAl 4m =Uom )4.5pf TO 39VJ ViNInc d1 30 AM SSILLLL09L 09:60 OOOZ%60/80 2000 OKTOBERFEST IN LA QUINTA COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION & PARK DISTRICT October 12, 13, 14 & 15, 2000 DUMPST MAIN TENT 80' X 80' / SPONSO BOOTH: L I.D. CHECK POINT 50 VENDOR SPACES ENTRY 1 FIRST AID :tEN'S AREA CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR PARK AND RECREATION INSURANCE 6341 AUBURN BOULEVARD, SUITE: A, CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 9562L The California Association for Park and Recreation Insurance (CAPRI)is a joint powers authority comprised of California special districts. CAPRI was formed pursuant to Government Code sections 6500 and 990.8 and is governed by the joint powers agreement, bylaws and policies and "procedures established by the Board'of Directors. CERTIFICATE OF.COVERAGE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR PARK AND RECREATION INSURANCE (CAPRI) This Certificate of Coverage is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not alter, amend, or extend the coverage provided by the Memorandum of Coverage. Coverage is provided by the California Association for Park and Recreation Insurance in accordance with its Memorandum of Coverage. This is to certify that the Member District listed below'is being provided coverage by and through the Memorandum of Coverage for the period of April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000. MEMBER DISTRICT: Coachella Valley. Recreation and Park District 45-871Clinton Street Indio, CA 92201 COVERAGE PROVIDED: General Liability (Occurrence Form) CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Coverage Limits $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATION/VEHICLES/SPECIAL TERMS for which this certificate of coverage is being issued: For the use of real property, located at La Quinta Community Park, for district programs/events: Octoberfest October 8=10, 1999 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: Should the coverage provided to the Member. District named above be canceled before the term of coverage as stated herein the California Association for Park and Recreation Insurance (CAPRI) will mail 15. days written notice to the .certificate holder named, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the California Association for Park and Recreation Insurance. California Association for Park and Recreation Insurance Authorized Representative: Date Issued:. 31 1 S l g 5 12' ........................ ............ ..................... .................................................................. . .................. ..................................................... .................... / White coated vinyl, 0K00BIRFSIT IN IAQVINTA�hemmed top and bottom, reinforced and grommeted OCTOBER 13, 141,1512000 every 3 feet. ................... ...................................................................................................... ............................ . . . .................................................... 6' STEEL POST Banner tied to posts, through holes drilled 2" SCHEDULE 40 in PVC, pipe. PVC PIPE PVC pipe slips over steel posts after they are driven into ground Ni n 25' Coachella Valley Rec. & Park Dist. OIKTOBERFIIT W LA QUD4T44 THIS WEEKEND! Banner to hangover Bermudas Street DIRECTIONAL SIGNS FOR LA QUINTA Obs 0 M CV r- 12" Navy Blue Lettering White Background - E-----Aluminum Sign Blank ® VS, (white finish both sides) 4+ ,bolted E---1" x 1" Angle Iron �-II1 .11 I I . loilm4lil I I CITY OF" LA QUINTA 70 De, Fred Wannq AAvenue 44) hwa st ki ta. y Z SR I 11) % m cl*, all 0 La Quinta Cove PGA West, ..CASE 'M-AP - CAM No. LL V"Whity map. 124333843 Aismona B,Ivd. I' NOR H' SCALF7nts- qt DIRECTIONAL SIGN LOCATIONS: Washington & 1✓red wring (S) Washington & Miles Avenue (S) Washington &Hwy 111 NE comer (L) Washington & Hwy 1.11 SUN comer (R) Washington & Hwy 111 NW comer (S) Washington & Hwy 111 SE corner (S) Washington & Eisenhower (S) Washington & Avenue 50 (S) (L) Washington & Avenue 52 (L) (R) Washington & Cabe Tampico (R) (L) Calle Tampico & Bermudan (L) Bermudas & Montezuma (R) Jefferson & Hwy 111 (L) Jefferson & Avenue 50 (S) (L) Jefferson & Avenue 52 (S) (L) Jefferson & Avenue 54 (S) SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO.3314 --- Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District --- This permit authorizes work to be accomplished within City of La Quinta right-of-way ONLY. Whenever encroachment extends within private property, it is.the responsibility of the Permittee to secure permission from affected property owners. Such authorization must be obtained prior to Permittee's encroachment. In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: All approved signs shall be placed no closer than 12 feet from the curb of arterial and collector streets leading to the Festival. Signs shall be removed within 24 hours after the end of the Festival. Permittee shall be responsible for coordinating dust control activities as required by the TUP 2000- 568. Appropriate stabilizer/hydroseeding shall be applied to all parking areas at the end of the Festival. Streets shall be kept clean and clear to traffic. Public streets, surrounding the Festival shall remain open to through traffic during the Festival. 14�_ Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of activities associated with the /. Festival. �S Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). It shall be the permittee's responsibility to provide traffic control and directional signs for the valet drop-off/pick- up area along Calle Montezuma. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced to its original condition. r7! Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. �! Permittee shall be responsible for making arrangements to rope off and posting of "No Parking/Private Property" signs along all vacant private property. The permittee shall also be responsible for monitoring public parking on private property which has not been authorized for use by Permittee. 9. Permittee may use City property for vehicular parking generated from the Festival, provided City property is returned to original condition. Broken irrigation lines or sprinklers shall be replaced by the Permittee to the satisfaction of the City -Engineer. Special Conditions - Permit No. 3314 Page 1 of 1 I 4TO THE=-. F , Y OFSI A'YQUINTA _- f �� Y _ _ s; t"`! .,.3 - - ` 1 000.00 f7 !;-....� - �„rz ,_,.me„µ �. } ;..� „ -fY - �..: " ' "... r.• `. .: , - .�- �n -f *,p„ '.';*+-� ",T„"'^` :"" '1-�..^.; - -..-E' - .+. +w•.r v r+ - - _,_ r �,no/.100 _ .r . ***************************** .r .. yr - _ w. i - '�7�. _ DOLLARS 7********ONE`THOUSAND_DOLLARS �0. Enchroachment Bond., 112022059ur 1:L2L00024811: 4L59 2846LLill