342704 NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, dri✓eways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS I. Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: 4/27/01 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION see traffic plan (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Accomodate vehicle; traffic to Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) Empire Polo Club DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Directional sign placement DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL %type ILL barricades SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED n a APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN b:uu a.m. Saturday APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 12:UU p.m. — 4 Zd/U ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the appl cant hereby agrees to: (see a T_"." D 2001CITY OF LA UITA FINANCE �DEPT Indemnify, defend• and save the City, its authorized agent;, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four Q4) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. ., „/.LLB lr V.U. of Applicant or Agent Lynda S. Habash 1728 Greenwood Ave: Torrance, CA 90503 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. START TO FINISH (310) 782-7586 (310) 780-3637 (call#) Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 0697201 Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Insurance Certificate on file Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor. Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee 115.00 Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: $ 1f5.OQ Y Receipt No. Received by Date Recorded by 3427 PERMIT VALIDATION 3427 - PERMIT NO. DATE APPROVED 1 4/25/01 EXPIRATION DATE 4/30/01 DATE ISSUED 4 27/01 By Administrative Authority Telephone: (760) 777-7075 --------------------- NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA <<,' encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) c�'MoF7Ra��S� For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS 1 Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I DATE:—-0� Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION .dZ— 424::x2 (Street address or Description of Location) PURP SE OF CONSTRUCTION '% U� Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTI NOFCONSTRUFTION SEE ATrA0_H'F.t7 66A/p1T0;J-4 AAd=" o DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVA _ SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF fyEEDED Q/ :00A `t-2�—O/ S PPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION : DO ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend. and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result this work. / 60 / .4 A 'Tignatio of Applicant or Agent nt (please print) F,a I>�� Business Address (3/D) 7,P2 - No. 3,-0 ) 7,P47 - 3 6 .3 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone O 697 za I Contractor's License No. . City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. Received by Recorded by $ I15 - Date PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 11-4-7 DATE APPROVED 1 EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSUED 25 a By Telephone: (760) 777-7075 Administrative Authority yDsa,� - fir♦ • \ .! S r �. SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 3427 --- START. TO FINISH/LYNDA S. HABASH--- This permit authorizes work to be performed within the City of La Quinta Right -of -Way only. Whenever activities extend into private property, it is the permittees responsibility ( LQ Arts Foundation ) to secure permission from the affected property owners. Such authorization must be secured prior to beginnng the event. The City of La Quinta's streets that are utilized as routes to access the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival Event shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned and all signs removed at the end of the event. 2. Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any damage to public or private streets and for damage to any other City owned facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. 3. Concert guide signs shall be placed no closer than one hundred feet (100') for the intersections and not closer than two feet (2) from the back of curb. They shall no be allowed to block sidewalks. In areas where there is no curb and gutter, the signs shall not be placed closer than ten feet (10') form the edge of pavement. 4. The City Street Routes used to access the parking lots for the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival shall be as specified in the Operation Plan submitted to the City. The Permittee shall make the necessary arrangements with Law Enforcement Personnel to provide Traffic Control Officers at the following intersections: 1. Indio Blvd and Jefferson Street 2. Jefferson Street and Avenue 50 3. Avenue 52 and Madison 6. The permittee shall monitor the event to ensure its compliance with the traffic sign plan submitted. 7. The permittee shall notify the City immediately of any change in emergency phone numbers. Special Conditions - Permit No. 3427 Page 1 of 1 -.27 PAX 769 •-.342 -8556 CITY OF .41 U U ii 1 0)7 INDIO r n w 44. Y WDEBT: UEBT FOR APPROVAL OF01.001. COACH11ILLACONCERT11, TO 131� HELD AP IL 27-96,'2061; AT THE EMPIRE, POLO -OLUS, A8110QUESTED BY'ALEX on the drtod this is-:A-:requ68t' to. 60gln.to work Harold 0chilling, City:: Manogor, mp Goscojls Coheart, 2601. ThIs was s very..succoi.if6l ewOntln,:Octobor, the City's TOT recelpts were up forty! two P n The prorriotbIrs wsjnf-t6 begin. plans fo? a 'Spring c vt.. noil - agrees - fdr.. App'r6val,' it would bid -t to the logistics In the onpe If &' Cou' . iubjec fei"' 1* * t was approved l'*r9vI6u'ily: thills: Is not the 0 Ale> 1. aegen-,:;assUr6d,the City ppurtoll and:the pu. AVE concert. He staters each tjrre.tha�,:do a conoert,';they'h6Ve be * tt6rlogj*0tIbd. They �re.l.qqklhg forward to h mtIn1g a more ti n1b. Lisg stated tated 1 0 . h)o is woMod.011out the and h4s some obnperns with the type goat �6, coin tlhg In order to be f Ud tnun ty n)ed 0 P. 0 9 this, conoigri:will attract: She suo a of., what will J�o going on and o allow' put.: Shealso suggested they® Info njo t PU611� in' b�jpu 14 hearing field forthe public's benefit: sigen 6*plaIhid':ih@y:dId mi''061:41th som6:nG1­hb Mr.' A 19- ars: in, donj4nctl6h with, the Pol Ice n concert, he It Wllllng'to do that Depsirtrhe't and City,'.8taffito disduss the oonc :He: stated again:. He added hak4ill report bdi* to the Council.-;:. Ron Hqre, stiited.hp::enoouraq99-'th9 City. Coun4 :to support thle 4vent and..glve Its: Jim'. (',*olllna, consultafit. to' Alex Haagen, stated..th6 oftlel: title: of4he conbert Is th6 Coadhella Valley Moelp and Arts Festival, His ata'WdIhOro were ho:*r 'Ojor conoems end: or eb a Ynol' Inti'of the; P llov.IoUs 0'16ndett.'1161d; 1 After. jiscusilon, it,; was'. moved by MOYO:; Pro -Torn; G6dfr6y,. seconded by, Councilmembor B66*41. and. unanimously carried A1100OW: tKe 2001 ::Coachella o. t to ail the. 6 pertinent t Co r cart, t6 be hold April 27,-28,,.20011 at'the"Emoil4PO Cub ; suoj6 1091 01c.0n 91 d orbcodujil details tiylew:ad and' apprd4ed 'bli the CIty:K4anager. : 91 t OLUTION AMNON(% THO EMPL6Y# OONTAO UTI.`6N_UNDER THE I. Lit MPWY0156MEDICAL ANUMOSPITAL 1::ARE ACT. JoKa .French, Adinljtlatrative Ssivicep, comme nted lfhe Count1irecently* approved ehhlahcjno: ciffetefia! tjoinefito fdr. represented and' hon,ir6pr�sent6d! employ6as of the. " City'.f�k- change l!l'P'actN' 44*9416 of -tho city, - There r*e sate :curreh, tly, 68 retirees -of the:, - month fot 01x Lnbhihe ai. of. JWly 1,� 2000 and! City.: Tie adjustments will: be $842 par $1 07'per month oNctive Jul' ,I., " ' Money h b appi0orlotid in the budget .y . -200.1, Mqney� has bisoh: th'M6 costs-, Sta�;�econ�hisnds 4pprqval - ado i�ia' 6f. th0isi6lu'tion.; for of the. n I Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival Traffic Plan April 28, 2001 Draft 1. Asof3/17/01 Traffic & Parking Plan The purpose of this plan is to outline the best scenario to accommodate the vehicular traffic that will be coming to the '01 Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. To create the maximum number of vehicles using the pre -assigned parking lots at the best possible pace, Goldenvoice has secured lots to accommodate the vehicles anticipated to attend this event at no cost to event attendees. We anticipate approximately 85% of the traffic to come via the 10 Freeway eastbound. This plan will define the off -ramps, streets, signs, and procedures that will be put in place to move vehicular traffic at the optimum pace. We estimate the majority of the vehicular traffic arriving between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. This scenario is based upon dividing up the vehicular traffic into using three off -ramps from the 10 Freeway: Indio; Monroe and Jackson. Phone operators at Ticketmaster, as well as the Ticketmaster website and the event website, will describe in detail the three off -ramps and street routes to get to the venue. Freeway Procedures Two electronic message signs will be placed on the shoulder of the eastbound 10 Freeway. Both signs will be placed prior to the Indio off -ramp. The signs will display the following information. Free Concert Parking Next three off -ramps. A Caltrans encroachment permit is necessary for placement of CMS and other fixed signs on the shoulder of the freeway. Indio Blvd eastbound off -ramp to Jefferson southbound (CONSTRUCTION!) The Indio off -ramp is one lane, which splits into two: one going straight, and the other is a left turn pocket for access to Jefferson northbound and the CHP Headquarters. There is a stop sign for the Jefferson northbound lane, but none for Indio. West of this junction we will place a barricade with a sign attached that says "Free Concert Parking" with an arrow pointing ahead. Two more barricades will be placed prior to the right- hand turn pocket to southbound Jefferson. These signs will duplicate the earlier signs, but with right hand arrows. Discussion: Is it necessary to post a CHP vehicle at the off -ramp where the road splits to Jefferson north to control and assist vehicular traffic? Monroe eastbound off -ramp to Monroe southbound On the freeway shoulder and prior to the off -ramp we should have an extra large sign, "Free Concert Parking - Exit Here". Monroe is a one lane exit that we should consider coring to two lanes. At the top of the ramp the road splits: one for northbound Monroe traffic and one for southbound. We should station a CHP or traffic officer to increase exiting speed onto southbound Monroe, Vehicular traffic already on southbound Monroe coming over the overpass would need to be controlled. One barricade with a "Free Concert Parking - right hand arrow" sign attached would be placed prior to the stop sign on the ramp. We would need to cone to a double lane approximately 500 feet on Monroe, or until the double lanes on Monroe begin. Jackson eastbound off -ramp to Jackson southbound On the freeway shoulder and prior to the off -ramp we should have an extra large sign, "Free Concert Parking - Exit Here". Jackson is also a one lane exit that we should consider coning to two lanes. At the top of the ramp the road splits: one for northbound Jackson traffic and one for southbound. We should station a CHP or traffic officer to increase exiting speed onto southbound Jackson. Vehicular traffic already on southbound Jackson coming over the over- pass would need to be controlled. One barricade with a "Free Concert Parking - right hand arrow" sign attached would be placed prior to the stop sign on the ramp. We would need to cone to a double lane approximately 500 feet on Jackson, or until the double lanes on Jackson begin. Discussion: We should consider having Indio police stationed adjacent to all three on -ramps between 9:00 p.m. and midnight to assist vehicular traffic exiting Indio and returning to the freeways. 2. City Streets Procedures Listed below are the three City street routes used to access the parking lots for the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. Consideration should be given to utilizing Police Reservists or similar staff to control and monitor all controlled intersections. -3- Each controlled intersection is listed. Indio Blvd eastbound off -ramp to Jefferson southbound Indio to Jefferson southbound to eastbound 501h Avenue to Madison southbound to Eldorado parking. Approximately 5.8 miles from the Freeway to venue parking. Indio to Jefferson southbound is a one lane right hand turn pocket. Two "Free Concert Parking with right hand arrow" signs on barricades will be placed on the shoulder prior to the turn pocket. A traffic officer should be placed at this intersection to control the intersection and help traffic move at an optimum pace. Listed below are all the intersections where either traffic is controlled by traffic lights or Stop signs. (# of lanes) Indio & Jefferson Light traffic officer Jefferson & Country Club Jefferson & Fred Waring Dr. Jefferson & miles Jefferson & Westward Ho Jefferson & Vista Grande Jefferson & Hwy 111 Jefferson & 48 Avenue Jefferson & 50 Avenue /left turn 50 Avenue & Madison /right tur n Consider using the Eldorado Polo field as a parking lot at 51 Avenue and Madison. Entrance to the field would be north of Madison & 51 Avenue. If traffic backs up, consider sending overflow around traffic entering here and direct overflow to entrance at Madison & 51. Notes: Madison is narrow and does not have traffic lanes in the road. 51 Avenue is paved from Madison to the beginning the Empire Polo lot. 51 Avenue should be coned for two lanes from Madison to Monroe. "Free Concert Parking" signs with accurate arrows will be placed prior to each Stop sign or traffic light. Monroe eastbound off -ramp to southbound Monroe Monroe south bound to 51 Avenue to Empire Polo Field parking. Approximately 4 miles from the Freeway to venue parking. As mentioned in the Freeway Procedures, the off -ramp should be coned to two lanes and continued onto south bound Monroe until lane lines begin (approx. 500 feet). -4- A traffic officer should be placed at the intersection of Monroe and the freeway off -ramp to control the intersection and help traffic move at an optimum pace. Listed below are all the intersections where either traffic is controlled by traffic lights or Stop signs. (Staff) Monroe & 44 Avenue Monroe & Indio Blvd. Monroe & Crown Way Monroe & Miles Monroe & Shadow Palm Monroe & Hwy. 111 Monroe & Dr. Carreon Monroe & 48 Avenue Light two lanes Light " Light " Light " Light " Two lights " Light " Stop sign one Monroe & 50 Avenue Stop sign one lane Monroe & 51 Avenue /right turn onto 51 - cone to two lanes / Security Notes: 51 is a dirt road. Consider using water trucks to minimize dust. "Free Concert Parking" signs with accurate arrows will be placed prior to each Stop sign or traffic light. Jackson eastbound off -ramp to Jackson southbound Jackson south bound to west bound 52 Avenue, continue to Eldorado Polo Field parking off Monroe. Approximately 5.5 miles from the Freeway to venue parking. As mentioned in the Freeway Procedures, the off -ramp should be coned to two lanes and continued onto southbound Jackson until lane lines begin (approx. 500 feet). A traffic officer should be placed at the intersection of Jackson and the freeway off - ramp to control the intersection and help traffic move at an optimum pace. Listed below are all the intersections where either traffic is controlled by traffic lights or Stop signs. Jackson & 44 Avenue Light two lanes Jackson & Market Stop sign " Jackson & Requa Avenue Light " Jackson & Hwy 111 Light " Jackson & Dr. Carreon Light " Indio Police and Fire Departments on east side of Jackson Jackson & 48 Avenue Stop sign One lane Jackson & 52 Avenue, right Stop sign One lane traffic officer 52 Avenue & Monroe - right Stop sign traffic officer -5- Left turn onto dirt road separating Mobile Homes from Empire Polo Field. Notes:Consider using water truck to minimize dust on 51 Avenue & in case of vehicle fire, water truck can respond. "Free Concert Parking" signs with accurate arrows will be placed prior to each Stop sign or traffic light. Parking Plan Based on the success of the parking plan for Nocturnal Wonderland this past Fall, we will use the same Polo Fields that we're used at that event. Additionally, extra light towers are needed in the 2nd Parking lot, and better presence by private security and event staff after each lot has been parked. Eldorado Polo Field - MAIN LOT (entrance on Monroe to 51 Avenue). Located on the north side of 51 Avenue between Monroe and Madison. Monroe off -ramp. This is a Polo Field. Eldorado Polo Field - LOT # 2 Located at Madison & 51 Avenue (entrance on Madison) Indio off -ramp. This is a Polo Field. Each parking lot will be staffed at the entrance by private security trained to move the vehicles onto the lot as fast as safely possible. Additional security staff will direct vehicles to double park in rows and ensuring 20 foot fire lanes between rows. Each lot will be equipped with the following equipment. Equipment Light towers to assist in vehicular egress and clean up after the event. Clean up crew and trash containers to police the area during and after the event. Security staff throughout the event to monitor the lot during the event. Water trucks to minimize dust on 51 Avenue. IRI IL Apr 19 01 12:52p Start To Finish (310) 782-7868 P.1 Fax �Ytt11 odAtaAucm CIYI � �!� & U RV' E � �rsK • tYPiDA S. FASTER - HASASH To: Fax: �O 777 — %/SS Phone 760 77 7— '74 7 Re: From: S/zIle- i Date: V Pages: CC: ❑ Urgent lJ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle -Comments: ,�- X 1728 GREENWOOD AVE (310) 782-7586 TORRANCE, CA. 90503-7216 FAX (310) 782-7868 APR-19-2001 THU 12:29 TEL:760-777-7155 NAME:PUBLIC WORKS P. 1 Apr 19 01 12:52p Start To Finish _ *M EVeNtRUMMEMEW a minces (310) 782-78GO p.2 City of LaQuinta Attn: Hector Guzman P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 r CYNDA S. EASTER - HABASH Re: City of La Quinta, Application Permit # 3418 Subject: Coachella Music & Arts Festival, dated Saturday, April 28, 2001 Comments: Enclosed is the application for purposes to accommodate the vehicular traffic anticipated to arrive at the concert scheduled for Saturday, 4/28/01 on the grounds of the Empire Polo Field in Indio, California. The event will be promoted and produced by Goldenvoice, a leader in Southern California concerts promotions. Start To Finish, Event Management & Services will implement the traffic plan by using "2" changeable message boards and extensive signage along the arterial leading to the event site, we will divide vehicular traffic to use one of the two exits off the Interstate 10 freeway: Indio Blvd./Jackson St and Monroe. The event tickets will also have the off -ramps printed on the actual tickets. Additionally, event parking will be free, which will reduce, if not eliminate, parking in unauthorized areas. City of LaQuinta the following signs are to be added to the Traffic Sign Plan as follows: Location/Description (Sign size 3x4 on Type III Barricades) 48 Avenue/ before Washington St/ Interstate 10 Freeway Right Turn 52 Avenue/ before Washington St/ Interstate 10 Freeway Right Turn 50 Avenue/ before Washington St/ Interstate 10 Freeway Right Turn The following items are submitted in compliance with the permit application: *Application Fee: Check # 2838 $115.00 *Certificate of Insurance: $5,000,000.00 mailed to City of LaQuinta *City of Indio City Council Approval dated, 2/07/01 *Traffic Plan, dated 3/17/01— Draft I On behalf of Goldenvoice and Start To Finish, we thank you in advance for your consideration regarding our request. Should you need further information, please contact me at (310) 782-7586 or cell # (310) 780-3637. Respectfully, L}Uda S. Habash 1729 GREENWOOD AVE TORRANCE, CA. 90503-7216 (310) 782.75W FAX (310) 782-7868 APR-19-2001 THU 12:30 TEL:760-777-7155 NAME:PUBLIC WORKS P. 2