SDCo Escrow Disbursement Request 11 (2017-08-29)TIIE ROBERT GREEN C 0 M P A N Y August 29, 2017 Steve Howlett CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 via email SUBJECT: SILVERROCK GOLF COURSE REALIGNMENT PROJECT — Request #11 for Escrow Disbursement Dear Mr. Howlett, As required by PSDA Amendment #2 and the attendant "Golf Course Realignment Funds Disbursement Agreement" executed on May 10, 2017, SilverRock Development Company, LLC respectfully requests a disbursement from escrowed proceeds in the amount of $563,612.59. This request is to directly compensate Urban Habitat Environmental Landscape for work performed during the period of July 1-30, 2017, per the attached documentation. I have reviewed the application and concur that the work for which this application is made is complete. Please contact me with any questions, and thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, SilverRock Development Company, LLC A Delaware Limited Liability company By: RGC La Quinta LLC A Delaware Limited Liability company Its Managing member By: The Robert Green Company A California Corporation Its Managing member By: Name: Joh Iin Its: Project Executive, on behalf of Robert S. Green, President CC' Robert S. Green Ed Boyd Sonya Murillo Attachments; SilverRock Development Company Escrow Disbursement Request # 11 August 29, 2017 The undersigned, on behalf of SilverRock Development Company, LLC hereby requests a disbursement in the amount, and on the date, set forth, pursuant to Golf Course Realignment Funds Disbursement Agreement ("Agreement") dated May 18, 2017 between City of La Quinta ("City") and SilverRock Development Company, LLC ("Developer"). Total balance of available funds for disbursement: $1,459,006.87 Total amount requested for this disbursement: $563,612.59 Balance after this disbursement: $895,394.28 Disbursement instructions as follows: Form of payment: Wire (instructions attached) Amount: $563,612.59 Payable to: Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes PO Box 1177, La Quinta, CA 92247 Developer hereby represents and warrants to City that: 1. The requested disbursement shall be applied to pay costs in accordance with the itemized payment request attached. All costs shown in prior Disbursement Requests are authorized in the Agreement, Developer has received valid conditional or unconditional lien releases or waivers from all contractors, subcontractors and materialmen with respect to all payments made for work and materials if the work or materials could give rise to a mechanic's or a materialmen's lien against the Property, and Developer has no knowledge of any mechanic's lien claims against the property. 3. The attached payment request is an accurate and complete statement of all amounts previously paid or now due and all amounts expected to be incurred in connection with the completion of the work. 4. All representations and warranties in the Agreement and the other agreements and/ or documents executed by Developer with respect to the Project are true and correct as of the date of this request as if made on as of the date of this request. No default by Developer remains uncured, and no event has occurred which, with the giving of notice or the passage of time or both, would constitute a default by Developer. Date: August 29, 2017 f Developer Designated Representative PAYMENT APPROVED: oo Steve Howlett, Facilities Director, City of La Quinta WIRE INSTRUCTIONS In Reference To: SR/Golf Realignment Project/Escrow# 2500656A Entity: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPE Bank Name: US Bank Routing Number: 122235821 Account Number: 153497609260 PAYMENT APPLICATION PROGRESS I RETENTION WILLING FROM: Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes Date; iiofaox ifn- - -- - - A"Itcation Number: La Quinta, CA 92253 Invoke Number: PHONE: 760-345-1101 Project Name: FAX: 8554694224 Contract Number: Fed Tax ID: TO: SilverRock Development Company C/O The Robed Green Company 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, CA 92024 Type of Work: Demolition. Grading, Landscape, Concrete and Irrigation _ This payment request covers the time period from 1-Jul-17 3, total Revised Subcontract Amount (Line I + Line 2) ?by ant Apallca%im SummaOL A "4-:' ":",! 7 j I '. i:"olti'l Mrvw':i , 6 Total Completed and Stored to Date (Una 4 + Line 5): 8- Total Gross Earned This Mown (Line 6 - Line 7): 11. Amount of This Payment Application (Una 8 - Line 9 + Line 10)-- $ 1,799,049.00 $ - 11, 16.4.54 $ 1,810,213.54 62.66% $ $1.127,229.49 $ $1,127,229.49 <$ $503,130.39 > 10% <$ Revised 3r 3080 45-2405501 31-Jul-17 $624,099.10 60,486.51 > 563,612.59 PROIFC I ,, . COMPANY Ciban Ilabtiat Fmimamenial I andscapes APPLIC.A I ION NO UPI WAFION DATF ReLised IIFRIOD 10 ► H r n 1 s i I ci ., II1-41. DFN( RIPIION OF WORK %Al ( F: 5( HI DI 11D fOFAt FACH IOFAI IIV Al 'R!•L:11!'.i 111I'. .9'kli Rl COMPI ETFD VAILC N1'I'111 . I.P. rO DAJL I Irrigation Maienal S 127,812 00 S 127,812 1N1 S 47,273 75 S 35,878 36 $ 83.152, 11 - 1 rrigation 1.abor S 228.560 00 S 228,560 00 $ 42,175 70 S 151,000 40 S 193,176 10 3 I •aldscapc Material S 186,1201N) S 186,120 00 S S 46,214 00 S 46,214 00 4 1 iiia6cape Labw S 227,320.00 S 227,320 00 S 74,028 00 5 95.928 00 S 159,956 00 s Hgmpntcnl & Mobilization S 106,243 00 S I06,243 00 5 83,312 60 5 13.087 W S 96 400 20 6 Remove Can Valli & Sa%v Cut S 29,250.00 S 29,250 00 S 29,250 00 S S 29 250 00 7 Clear &6rubShmhs 5 8,32000 S 8,32000 $ 8,32000 $ S 8,32000 8 Site F%cevali(m&Fill S 95,39600 S 9539600 S 95,39600 S S 95.39600 9 Rough Shaping S 57.768 00 S 57 768 00 S 57.768 00 S - S 57.76800 10 fife Cirude S 83.771 W S 83,771 00 S S 29.456 50 S 28.456 50 11 Suhgrade -C•,m Pwh S 55,757 00 S 55,757 00 S 9330 54 S 52 24056 S 55,571 10 12 Shaping S 1.15.00000 S 145,00000 S 145,00000 $ - S 145,00000 13 Grassing S 252.410 00 S 252,410 (W S S 18,375 40 S 18.375 41) 14 Create NeA Can Valli S 170,231 00 S 170.231 M S 23.160,00 S 1.32,381 03 S 155,541 0.3 15 Monolithic Curb S 2,217 00 S 2,212 00 S - $ 1 198010 S 1.19800 16 Instill New Dr, Wcll S 6-569IN) S 6,56900 S S S - 17 signage S 12.222 00 S 12,222 (W S S 12,222 00 S 12 222 00 I8 Maintenance S 4,08800 S 4.088 00 S S - S - IrR►Is1) 101 ►l.S S l,TMjiW11.g41 51,7".049.00 S MR.01.4.59 S P6991.85 S 1,185,91444 1 H [' D 1, 1 1 .. CIIANGI: DFN('RIPTION DI WORK V %I I F FACII SC IIPDL 1 F) WORE( CMPI LIED IOTAI I iRDI R VAI LF I RON( PREVIOI N MIN P11iWD ('I INIPI I II:1) Nt k1BER 1PPI I('A AMIN rf. DA I F IF_ Renmw addilional Cart Path S 6-702 30 S 6,702 30 S 5,883 00 S 819 1(1 S 6.702 30 _ Relocate 20 Palms S I i3A10 00 S I I ja81(it) S 14,000 00 S S 14 00000 3 Rcaioec Shuper from Scope of Work S 1145 000 001 S 1145 000 001 $ 11.15 000_Nl) S S 1145. 000 00) .l Shapel I qulpmew Allowance S I8, 466 78 S 3946678 S 1y232 80 S 19 -` i i 98 S 18 466 78 5 Sod :lmendmcia% S 13,511 (9) S 13,511 00 S $ - S - n Della I C oweic C hwlecs S 19,285 97 $ 19,281 97 S S i9 295 97 $ 19 28; 97 7 Irrlgamnl Seale ( lunges S lh 420 49 S 16 420 49 S S 8 Remo,c Slgnoue Scope nl Work S f 1' "' INII $ f 12 . 23 00) L S 111 '12 001 3 11 � 222 00) { II•►\lr1- ORI7F R tiC 8 UJI I Al. 1 t,164 S 11.164-M iS1US�11.f111 3. 47.1 P.M; S (.01,'.66.')51 �(ackmI to I'-►I.G j NJ,► I 8I.Blilslj.5.11 55113,1.lI1,j11j FQ4.0",181 St,127,2211) IIJI tl f I w HAI ANC RI TAI.NAOF EI TOFINISII I(w-. I F.H) 65% S 44,659 89 $ 8.315 21 85% S 35.383 90 S 19.317 61 25% S 139,90600 S 4,62140 701/1 $ 67,364 00 S 15,995 60 91 % $ 9.84280 9,64002 100°/a S - S 2,92500 100% S S 83200 100% S S 9 539 60 1(011. S S 5,776 80 34% S 55.31.150 S 2,84565 100% S 18590 S 5 557 It 1001/1 S - $ 14,500110 7 % S 234,034 60 S 1.93754 91% S 14,68997 S 15,55410 54% $ 1,01400 S 11980 01/ S 6,569 (KI S 1001/1 S - S 1.222 20 00/1 S 4.08800 5 - ffS.q:% i 613,IIF2.5fr S II8S99,64 N F 1 o ti11 IN(F RI.I AIN WF_ (r, ki, FOFINISII W. IL-0. 100% S S 588 30 I0W'. S S 1 400 00 100% S - S i 141 5001H)) 100% S 0% S 33-511 110 $ - 100% $ - f 1')2860 011. $ 36 421) 19 4 10(r'. S 1 I 1 322 20) $ 100% 5 69,1131.49 S 14.110JOI 62:27.%1. 5682,111H.0}I sva.lw1. PRO)I:( I SilverRocl, Rosort Holy II COMPANY Urban Ilahital L.nvimmuental I andscalxs w 2 1 4 5 6 7 H 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 r IIA'`ol r dr! 1FK 0 APPI ICA I ION NO APPI ICA I ION DA IT, Revised PERIOD 10: 13 L, U 1 1 DI: S('RIPI 104()F.0K1, CAI 1;1 nAI.AN('F R111VAIt IMH IOTAL FWmtjDLvRx"1 D13lRn OV PLI1l-11 f•n rlrl"IN15ll II- v.SI.t'f A-11 KA l K)N In t7AII .1-lit Irrigation Material S 16.814.00 S 16,814.(K) y - S-5.929.10 5 5,929.10 35% S 10.884,90 S 592.91 Irrigation tabor S 41,48700 S 41.487.00 S - S 41,487.(8) $ 41,48700 1MIX S S 4.148.70 Landscape Muterial S 34,806 00 S 34.806.00 S $ 2.94000 S 2.940.00 8 o S 11;866.00 S 29400 I undscape l abor S 37,003,00 S 37,003,00 S 1529,00 S 35.197 00 S 39,726,00 105% S ( I.723,00) S .3.872.60 Lyuipment&Mobiliiation S 18.29200 S 18,292.00 S 10.975.20 S 3,658.40 S 14,633.60 RO% S 3,658.40 S 1.46336 Remove Cart Path & Sa1c Cut S S I S . S - S . aDl VJO! S S - Clew & Grub Shrubs S 3.996.00 S 3.996,01) S 3,996 AM S - S 3'996.00 10014 S - S 39960 Site L.Cca,alion & Fill S S S - S - S 4DIV10! S - S Rough Shaping S 3,852,00 S 3,852.18) S 3,852 00 S S 1.85200 1001/ S - S 385 20 Fine Gradc S 5,386 00 S 5,586.00 S - S 2,793 00 $ 2.793 04) 501,o S 2-793 00 $ 27930 Subgmdc - ('art Path S .3,718-00 S 3,718.0) S S 3.532.10 1 3,532. 10 95% S 18590 S 353.21 Shaping S 9,66800 S 9,668.00 S S Or% S 9,66800 S Grassing S 16,830-00 S 16,830-00 S S 5,994,89 $ ±,99489 36% $ 10,83511 S 599,•19 Create Net, Cart Path S - S S - S - S #DIVIO! S S - MunolilhicC'urh S - S S - S S 6DIVIO! S S Install Ne" Dowell S - S S S S - ;DI v,V S S Slgnage S S S - S - i - nDIV0 $ S Maintenance S S S S S 4DIVI0! S 5 S GRAND TU181 S S 6UR52." 7 192,RSI,Rp _ $ 22.552.20 S 101 ]I.d9 S 121.1 U169 154,51 ! S M16831 S 12.R"7 Ill-S('RIPI In\UI W'I IRK t'1L111'1111 S( It[ DGLFD ~u ORK( nn1Pt. L T TD Tb LU %514]ln. RI TM•. tr•( 4111:L II ROM t'RF\fOL% IHIS PFRI(1n ( (AM Fll-11 Ili 11 I(111%9411 1W. 11PI 1L.11 IOti r(1,)\If •1 (4 _ 0 ... ( II ANC. f 01111FR tii B 1-O FAL VA S6.141 SGAR. S0100 SO-M %oll 1 ISMI �r;RSrin IMAI % I tit.A l 5192,1142_u111 SZLIA2.2111 LItIISSI.4A SlxsAU61164-511 ] 568,14S,J11 S12-tw') PROIFC'I SilverRor'r, Itt Hole A2 APPLICATION NO • COMPANY Urban I labitat Environmental Landscapes APPLICATION DA FE: Revised PERIOD FO: A B c D I r� r It 1 _ HFM 0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK V %I UE SCHFDULED IOIAL % BAI ANCE. RETAINAGE " FACH TOTAL rfCt151PRI3PR1L,� i THISPERIOD 1 COMPLETED (G - Er 10FINISH 10% Y.1t t+ 11 N IVA [IpY F0 nA Rf 1F-14 I Irrigation Material $ 28.830-00 $ 28,830 00 S $ 13,617 50 S 13,617 50 47 % S 15,212.50 S 1,361 75 2 Irrigation L abor $ 64,946 00 S 64.946.00 $ S 32,473 00 S 32,473 00 50% S 32,473 00 S 3,247-30 3 Landscupe Material S 32,340 00 S 32,340 00 S 5 S 0% S 32.340 00 $ 4 Landscape Labor S 32,93100 $ 32.93100 S 26,21900 S S 26,219.00 80% S 6,71200 $ 2,62190 5 Hquipment & Mobilization S 22,810 00 S 22.810 00 S 13,68600 S 4,56200 S 18,248 00 80% i 4.56200 S 1,92480 6 Remove Can Path & Saw Cut S 12,479 00 $ 12,479 00 Y 12.479 00 S - S 12,479 00 100% S S 1,24790 7 Clenr & Grub Shrubs S 3,311 00 $ 3,311 00 $ 3,311 00 S - S 3,311 00 100% S - S 331 10 8 :Site Excavation&Fill S 12,28000 $ 12,28000 $ 12,28000 S - S 12,280.00 100% S S 1,22800 9 Rough Shaping S 19,170 00 $ 19,170 00 S 19,170 00 S S 19,170 00 100% S - $ 1,91700 10 Fine Grade $ 27,79900 $ 27,79900 S S 13,899.50 $ 13,89950 50% S 13,89950 $ 1,38995 11 'Subgrade - Cart Path S 18,503.00 $ 18,503 00 S 3,330 54 i 15,172:46 S 18,503 00 100% S - $ 1,85030 12 ;Shaping S 48,1 17 00 $ 48,1 17 00 S - S 0% S 48.117 00 S 13 (Grassing S 83.76100 $ 83,76100 S $ 0% S 83,76100 S - 14 (Create New Cart Path S S 5 S $ 4DIV/O! S S 13 Monolithic Curb S $ S $ S N/A S S 16 Install New Drywell S $ 3 $ $ N/A S S 17 'Signage S $ S - S $ N/A S $ 18 -Maintenance $ $ S $ S N/A S $ - G mil.NO'COTAI ti S 407.277.01) S 407,E7'Wil S 911,47.,54 S 79,724,46 S T70,I00.110 41.79% S 237,077,00 S 17,t1mlo ;1 11 t- rl i t. I f f, It C'IIANGF DFSCRIIII(ON OF WORK VAII FFACII SCHFDCI ED Sk IIRL f'(Am. I. IY:f) ro1AL ° BALANCE RE TAINAGE CORDER 5'ALOE (kr1511'kt:5'i[}l;} 1111I.Mmtm COMPI TIED IG E, r"I""ik IU°° V L'A1BLF %i Pl IC• 5110, TO DA rE 0' -(:1 it 65 t 4 i a L {{.►1S�1:I7HIif:R SI II1 U I AI. 1111.011 500) 50,110 0.011 SO,Wt N/A f0.011 �[at,►�17'f[1rALti I N/A I 5407.277.00 5>`L724.4e1 S1741200.001 41,19%1 5257,11nouj .YI7,nuilit 0 PROJPCI' SilverRo,' 1, 1 11 I. 1 1 COMPANY, Urban Hahltat Environmental L andscapes APPLICATION NO AI'PLICAUONDAIE Revised PERIOD 10 A aJ -- _ U I f F H L 1 I Er, f DFSCRIPTI(1!,'OF WORk I V;\I HE S(HCUUI L•D FOIAI .o R,V AN('F RL:1'.11.'JA(iF: EACH T(TI.41. FROMPAnkkW rHISPFRIOD coCOMPLFIFD kG U TG FINISH 1(ro %Ault Avet.R; i 10DAiL IF-141 I Irrigation Material , 19,565 00 S 19.565 00 S S 12.717 25 S 12,717 25 65 % S 6,847 75 S 1.271 73 2 Irrigation labor 24,169 00 $ 24,169 00 S - S 22,960.55 S 22,960.55 95% S 1,208 45 S 2,296.06 3 Landscape Material 31,85000 $ 11,85000 $ S 18,65200 $ 19.65200 59% S 13,19800 $ 1,86520 4 Landscape L abor , 45,446 00 S 45,446 00 S 8,916.00 S 16.942 00 S 25,958.00 57% S 19,588 00 $ 2,58580 5 Equipment & Mobilvallon 16.22400 S 16,22400 S 9.73440 S 4,86710 S 14.60160 90% S 1,62240 S 1,46016 (, Remove C art Path & Saw Cut S 569900 S 5,69900 S 5,69900 S S 5.69900 100°14 S S 56990 7 Clear & Grub Shrubs S 45700 S 45700 S 457,00 S S 45700 100% $ $ 4570 8 Site Fxcavaliun&Fill S 23,55600 $ 23.55600 S 23,55600 $ - S 23,55600 100% $ S 2,35560 o Rough Shaping S 9,193 00 S 9,193.00 S 9.193,00 $ S 9.193 00 100% S $ 91930 10 Fine Urade S 13.331 00 S 13,331 00 S - S - % 00/. S 13.331 00 S I Subgrade - Cart Path S 8.87300 S 8,87300 $ S 8,87300 S 8,873 00 100% S $ 88730 12 Shaping S 23,075 00 S 23,075 00 $ - f - 01. S 23,075 011 $ - 13 Grassing S 40,16800 S 40.168 00 S - S - f - 0% S 40,168 00 S 14 C•reale Now Cart Valli f $ - $ - $ - f - NiA S - $ 15 Monolithic Curb S S - S - $ - S N,A S - S - 16 Install Nc%v Drvwell S S S S - S - N(A S $ 17 Slgnagc S S S S S NIA $ S 18 Maintenance S S S S - S NIA S S - IiR1ND TOTALS S 261.606.00 S 261,61M.110 S 57,555.411 } 85,p1I.1[143 S 142,567,40 j4S11'S}. $ 11%0M.60 S 14,2%&74 A It O ! I 1 14 It t 1 r C HANGF DFSC'RIP I ION( IFWORK IAt(E EACH SCHFDI.LED WORN COMPLETED rOTAI 4 HAI ANCL RE rAINA(iF OROFR VAI PF "ROSIPRFFVIOU. IIIRI•F1HO1k (OVIPIF rF.D •(i I. TOFIN1W Wk. NI,MHI::R IL'IT1ON to UA 11: tF.-GI IF r„ 2 4 6 7 4 I1.►N(;k, 0K1)Flt tit 11f'QT',►1 VA $0.60 MIAO S111.00 50.L11J 5R.00 i11.00 L; vs1) 11)F.►1S I NIA I 5261,606,1811 iC7,SS ACII tili5,R12.00) 514; %'IA0l 41.4i.1 $119.038.601 S14,2904 PROJECT SilverRor r , , SI"1- 1, COMPANY Urban I labital Fnvironmental I andscapes APPLICATION NO APPLICA rlON DA IT: Revised PFRIOD FO: A B C D I F F c I VEVI- DESCRIPTION OF WORK VALUE SCHEDULED TO] AL EACH rOTAI rMsfw.91011 COMPI LIED VAIXF. AVPt WA PION 10 DA rE I Irrigation Material S 16,969.00 S 16,96800 $ 8,48400 S 3,614.51 S 12,098.51 Irrigation Labor S 34,009 00 S 34,009 00 $ 10,202 70 i 22,105 85 $ 32,308.55 I Landscape Material S 46,950 00 S 46,950 00 $ S 3,931 00 S 3,931 00 e Landscape Labor $ 56,716 01) $ 56,716 00 $ 8.91600 S S 8,91600 + Equipment & Mobilization $ 21,144 00 $ 21.144 00 S 21,144 00 L S 21,144 00 t, Remove Cart Path & Saw Cut S S S i $ T Clear & Grub Shrubs $ S $ S S 8 Site Excavation & Fill S 29,480.00 S 28,480 00 $ 29,480 00 S S 28,480 00 0 Rough Shaping S 9,32900 i 9.32800 S 9,32900 S S 9.32800 11% Fine Grade S 13.527 00 S 13,527 00 $ 1 $ I I Subgrade - Can Path $ 9,003 00 S 9,003 00 $ S 9,00300 $ 9,00300 I: Shaping $ 23,414 00 $ 23,414 00 $ - $ I.) Grassing S 40,758 00 S 40,758.00 S - S S 1•5 Create New Cart Path S $ - S - S - $ I% Monolithic Curb $ S S - S S , 1� Install New Drywell S 7 - $ - S - $ I Signage $ i S S $ - 1A Maintenance S - S - S- 12 GRAND fWAi.K S 30,297,191 S M0,297,011 Si $6 S$4,70 SS 18.65J,36 S 145.209.06 1 It CHANGE DESCRIPTIONOF WORK VALL'FEACIT irHl IW.k I, WORK COAIPI El ED TOTAL ORDER 1 11 I i FROM PREVIOLP 1 HIS PFRIOD ( O.SIPI L V1-1) NUMBER APPLI(',)T10N rODAFL- 1 fi 7 C)1AXG1.i1H111•:kSI k101'►I jGA5,VI1 Y m m-'i 11 H I - 1 o BALANCE RFIAINAGE. IG IFO FINISH 10°0 (F-H) 71% $ 4,86949 S 1,20985 95% 5 1,70045 S 3,23086 8% S 43,019 00 $ 393 10 16% $ 47,80000 $ 89160 100% 5 $ 2,114 40 NIA $ $ N/A S $ 100% S - S 2,84800 100% $ - $ 9.32 80 0% $ 13,52700 $ - 100% S S 900 30 0% S 23,414 00 $ 0% S 40,75800 $ N/A S $ NfA S $ N/A S S N/A S $ N/A S $ S JI.71EYa S 17E,gFi7.94 S 12,520.91 It f BAI ANCE RFr.,)IIAGF IG L fO FINISH IW� it:. (ll CIA 50,1114 SO,IRI NI010 Stl,IH1 , 10.I11 1W.Ik1 j VA j tiilnl.21+7, 0I Sah St1.1111 53SAM J6I S125,209.06j 41.707.1 5175,@R7.941 su.5211.911 PROJECT R, t Rolf= t_a APPI ICATION NO COMPANY I rban Habitat Environmental Landscapes APPI ICAI ION DAl F. Revised PERIOD TO: A H C D I E I L (i H I 1 ITE11� DE.SCRIMON OF WORK VALUE SCHEDULED rOTAI o BALANCE REF I1NAGE EACH TOTAL tR(ThF rr'1101'� THISPERIOD ('OMPLF fFT) ((i E) IO FINISH 10% 'VAL[A. V71at •A iltry' H70❑FT IF-H) I Irrigation Material S 45.635.00 S 45,635 00 S 38,78935 S 38,78975 85 % S 6.845 25 S 3,87998 2 Irrigation Labor S 63,948 00 S 63.948 00 S 31,974 00 S 31,974.00 S 63,948 00 100% S $ 6,39480 3 1 tuldscope Material S 40,174 00 S 40,174 00 S - $ S 0 % S 40,174.00 S - 4 Landscape Labor S 55,22300 S 55.22300 11 26,448,00 S 33,78900 5 60,23700 109% S (5,014.00) S 6,023-70 5 Equipment &MObiheutiun S 27,77300 S 27,77300 $ 27,773,00 $ 20,69100 $ 49,46400 175% S (20,69100) S 4,84640 6 Remove Can Path &Saw Cut i' 11,07200 S 11,07200 S 11,072.00 5 - S 11,07200 100% S $ 1,107.20 7 Clear & Grub Shrubs S 556.00 $ 55600 $ 55600 S - S 55600 100% S S 5560 8 Site Fxcavulion & Fill S 31,08000 S 31,080.00 S 31,080.00 S - S 31,080.00 100% S - S 3.10800 9 Rough Shaping S 16,225 00 $ 16,225 00 S 16.225 00 S - S 16:225 00 100% S - 5 1,62250 10 Fine Grade $ 23,528 00 S 23,528A0 S - S 11,764 00 5 11.76400 50% S 11.76400 S 1.176.40 r 11 Subgrade - Carl Path S 15.660 00 S 15,660 00 $ - S 1566000 S 15.660 00 100% S 1, 566 00 12 Shaping 5 40.725 00 • S 40,725 00 $ - S - 0% S 40,725.00 $ - 13 Grassing S 70 893 00 $ 70,893 00 S S 12,380 51 S 12.380 51 17% $ 58,512 49 S 1,23805 14 Create New Can Path i S S S S N/A $ S - I5 Monolithic Curb S S - S S 5 NIA S $ - 16 Install New 17rvwell S S $ S $ - N.iA S $ - 17 Signuge S S - S $ S N/A S - S Is Maintenance S S - $ S $ N/A S c 14 � [:ILS�II rrrr,lE ti S 442.492AW S 442.492.00 S IA3.917.75 Is 126,20,-111 3 3111,I7f i6 70JDIY S 132315.74 S 71.017,63 it V D L IF CHAN(IF HFSCR It'] ION OF WORK VAI I'F.MACH S(-I IE1)(1 FD WORK CORIPL.I:`TED rot AI , BALANCE RE] AINAOE ORDF'K VAI II FROM r4([:VIO(! FHISPLRIOD COMPIFIHD W F) [OHNISH 10% NI MPFR APPLICAIION lDiL)1F IF-OI ,t c I a A t•IL$5t;}_ON11ERSt B'1.O1A1. NIA 511.I1(I 0.110 e00) S0l16 $0,110 U1.00 t: Oct %I)•f01 AI s NIA SIZ6,258511 5310•176.261 70;ltl%l 5I32,315.741 [31.1117.631 I PROJECr 1,I ,RWr, R, ni. I •nn --m,�'/--h, COMPANY Urban Habitat Fnvimnmenial Landscapes — H DESCRIPTION OF WORK Irrigation Material Irrigation I ahor Landscape Material I. andscape I ahor Equipment & Mobilization Remove Can Path & Saw Cut Clear & Grub Shrubs Site Fccavation & Fill Rough Shaping Fine Grade Subgradc - Cart Path Shaping Grassing Create New Can Path Monolithic Curb Install New Drywell Slgnage Maintenance GRAXI) 1'(I'MI K 3 _ o CHANGE In SCRIPLION OF WORK t)RDFR Klr\1nFR 4 111"I,V. 0RM,H ti; 1LRAND 101 uN APPLIC•Al'IUN NO .APPLIC'AHON UA I E Revised PERIOD 10 VALI T: S('HFOI'1Fu 101 At aALAN(E RF 131NAG1 EACH TOTAL IRn%IPRtllr— HITS PP.RICIO COMF[E rFD r(I L'1 rO FINISH 10% %AI t l 43'19 if lLIE rIri G.IO IF -HI S s S $ $ - N,A S $ $ S S S $ N/A S S S S• S $ S NA S S S S S S S NA $ $ $ S $ S S MA S $ S S S $ S NIA S $ s s s $ $ NIA s $ S $ N/A NIA S S S S S S $ N/A S I S S S S S $ N/A S $ i - S - S S $ NIA S $ S S S S S - N/A $ S S 170,231 00 S 170,231 00 5 23,160 00 S 147,071 00 S 170,231 (10 10(A. S S 17,023 10 S 2,21200 S 2,21200 5 S 1,19800 $ 1,19800 541/, S 1,01400 S 11980 S 6,569.00 S 6,56900 S S . $ - 0% S 6,56900 S - S 12,222 00 S 12 222 00 S S 12,222 00 S 12,222 00 1001% 1P S 1.222 20 S 4.088 00 S 4.08800 S S S 051 S 4,088 00 S - E S 19iJ22.110 S IMJ22.40 5 I.I160.04 S 1611,491.114 S 1$3%90 94,Ot•/. S II,IS7[AIO S 18,36A.111 _ A 11 t F' L r1 i 1 V'4LIIF FALH S(HEDUI ED WOR K CO.N PL C- rF O IOIAI 13AI ANlE RI-1AINAGE V'AI I1F IFROAI PRF.VIOIJ THIS PERIOD (O11PI Frni I(i FI TOFINISII In^o Al'Pl.lr AH(" rO nA rF IF -GI \'IA 5O.M SN.04 Moll I 0A t N;.► I f19S322.uni ►:s.lan.slul tism-1'11.44j S1R3as.ta� ■ URBAN Accounts Payable ■■ HABITAT Environmental Landscapes PO Box 1177 La Quinta, CA 92247 SilverRock Development Company, LLC c/o The Robert Green Company 3551 Fortuna Ranch Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Silver Rock Golf Realignment Description Silver Rock Golf Realignment Billing Period to: July 7/31/2017 Invoice Date: 7/29/2017 Invoice # 3080 ff CSDC0517 i - Net 30 I Irrigation Material 35,878.36 Irrigation Labor 151,000.40 Landscape Material 46,214.00 Landscape Labor 85,928.00 Equipment & Mobilization 13,087,60 Find Grade 28,456.50 Subgrade - Cart Path 52,240.56 18 18,375.40 Create New Cart Path 132,381.03 Monolithic Curb 1,198.00 Signage 12,222.00 Subtotal 576,981.85 Change Order #1 Remove additional Cart Path 819.30 Shaper Equipment Allowance 19,233.98 Delta 3 Concrete Changes 39,285.97 Remove signage Scope of Work -12,222.00 Subtotal 47,117.25 Less 10% Retention -60,486.51 There will be a $35 charge for all returned checks. A 1.5% Total $563,612.59 finance charge on past due balances. A 35% collections fee _ will be applied to those invoices that go to collections. For billing inquires, please call or fax 885.4MyHabitat Balance Due $563612.59 i UR NNHADITAT Environmental Landscapes "Nature's Work Force" CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT (CA CIVIL CODE §8132) (1) NOTICE. THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. Identifying Information: Name of Claimant: Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes Name of Customer: SilverRock Development Company, LLC fob Location: SilverRock Resort, 79179 Ahmanson Ln., La Quints, CA 92253 Owner: SilverRock Development Company, LLC Through Date: July 31, 2017 Conditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been hilly executed by the parties prior to the date that this document Is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of Check: SilverRock Development Company, LLC Amount of Check: Check Payable to: $S63,612.59 Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes This document does not affect any of the following: (1) Retentions. (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date(s) of waiver and release: Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s): (h) Contract rights, including: (A) a right based on rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (6) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment. SIGNATURE 1 Claimant's Signatc . 1 I) �� t'i r)) •r r Claimant's Title:_" Date of .Signature. CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT 140 IICE: 1 HIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN. STOP PAYhiE1d1 NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT, Name of Claimant: GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Name of Customer: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPES Job Location IMPROVEMENTS TO ARNOLD PALMER GOLF COURSE, SILVERROCK GOLF (ADDRESS) COURSE 79-179 AHMANSON LANE LA QUINTA CA 92253 (CITY) (STATE) (Zip) Owner: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC c/o THE ROBERT GREEN COMPANY Through Date 07131/17 Conditional Waiver and Release_ This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notioe, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor and seNce provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of Check URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPES Amount of Check $66,653,79 Check Payable to GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Exceptions: This document does not affect any of the following- (1) Retentions (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a condilional waiver and release but has not received Payment: Date(s) of waiver and release. �A_____ Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s): ! O 00___ (41) Contract rights, including: (A) a right based on recession, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (F3) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Signature. Gla)rnant's Signau:s r- 7 tle A(,CO N IS RECEIVABLE ADMINISTRATOR U.it,, of Slgnatuf,,: Rf•w—1 w"PP 2012 Jr, - __owe, i,5 _;t„r. -- W CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT In accordance with California Civil Code Title 1 Chapter 3 § 8132 NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Name of Claimant: HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS Name of Customer: GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO Job Location: AVE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92247 Owner: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CO, LLC. c/o Robert Green Co Through Date: 07.26,2017 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through ❑ate of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from a financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of check: GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO. Amount of Check: $24,100.59 Check payable to: HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD EXCEPTIONS: This document does not affect any of the following: #1 Retentions. #2 Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. #3 the following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date(S) of waiver and release: Amount S of unpaid progress payment(s): #4 Contract rights including: (a) A right of rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (b) The right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Claimant Claimant's Signature Claimant's Title: Date of Signature: Hd Supply Waterworks, Ltd Michelle Boschert Credit Manager 0112 712017 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. Identifying Information Name of Claimant: Universal Concrete Name of Customer: Job I_ocatlom <i t►1eiz lCvc+�- t�ESv1e<� OwnerSr(vE,� 4>7-e Through Date: 7 _ 29 ra - 00I Z Conditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of CheckT I l 14i Amount of Check: $ ( Z 3, Check Payable to: Universal Concrete Exceptions This document does not affect any of the following: (1) Retentions. (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date(s) of waiver and release: ,_ _ __ Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s): S. _ _ (4) Contract rights, including (A) a right based on rescission, abandonment, ur breach of contract, and (9) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment. Signature I --If- — Claimanl's Claimant's Title: Owner c — Date of Signature: -7— ZQ_ 901-7 7r 02 Siteone- LANOSiCAPE SUPPIV CALIFORNIA CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT (CA CML CODE 18132) URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPE PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA CA 92247 NOTICE. THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. Identifying Information: Name of Claimant: SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Name of Customer URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL Job Location: "SILVER ROCK" 54TH 3 JEFFERSON LA r7UINTA CA JOB 03020 Owner Through Date: 07/3112017 Conditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the dale that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following cheek is drawn Maker of Check URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL Amount of Check: $26,540.31 Check Payable to: SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Exceptions This document does not affect any of the following, (1) Retentions (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment. Dales) of waiver and release' N/A Amount(s) of unpaid progress paymenl(s): 0.00 (4) Contract rghts, Including: (A) a right based on recession, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (B) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Signature Claimant's Signature Claimant's Title KAYLEN AITCHISON CREDIT ANALYST Name of Claimant SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Date of Signature 08)02/2017 Farms by t'aprenos inc - . - - --■ UNCCK400TIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON y,.., -Fc`Si PAYMENT (" W3q NCMa TO CLAINIANTf THIS DOCURIIENT WArM AND KUTASES LIEN, STOP PAYMENT W"CE, AND PAVMOIT BOND RIGHTS UN(-.pry L)MONM i Y AND STATES THAT YOU HAVE SEEN PAID FOR 6IVtN6 UP THOSE RIGHTS, TINS DOCUMENT 15 ENr WH aims AGAINST YOU IF YOU SM rT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAN)_ IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PROD, USE A ODND(nONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE FORM. MNT M"@ INFORMATION ft4%W GIP [UUMA 7 iWltV WIOMAH)"S ASO GRAOMG, ING K"An aF WSTOFAW LftBM W16rTAT EWARGYNAENT& LN[D6CW3 JOR COCATMN: SLYERROCK RESORT U ODUJTA CA OWYQ: TIMOUG" OATU 7W.W I r UNCONDITIONAL WAfM AND RELEASE iHIS o=mmNT WANES AND RiUMB USN, STOP PAYMLNT NCrTIQ, AND PAYMP IT jOND WGKn THE CLAIMANT WAS FOR LABOR AM SIBYL[! PROVIDED, AND UWPWNT AND MAiMAL DELIVERED, TO TM CUSTOMLJI ON THfi JOB THRMW THE TIIROL" DATE OF TTNS OOCIAMNT, RIGHTS BAW UPON LABOR OR LeNICE i'IIOYfULU, Oft BDUIPMEMf OR MAnRUK DEUVIRID. PMIS UANT TO A 1LIWrM CWAM ORDER THAT HAS WMN RALY GMVJTID BY THE PARTAS PR10N TD TFIE DATE THAT m DOWMBRr CI SNiMEO BY TTE QAWA W, AM WANED AND BLIIAiW BY n O DOWMIFT, UP W LIIM AS AN EXQPTIDN BLEOW, THE CLAIMANT WAS REMWO nE POLLOMMG PROGNM PAVVINW; S EXCLPTLONS IMtS DOCUMLN I DOES NOT AFFECT ANY Of INS FOLLOWING: (1) RI.TENfIUNS (I) EXTRAS FOR WMICW TWk LLAIMA I MAS NOT RECEPM PAYMENT I3I WTRACT XKMfrS, OKLUDIPM I A LIt mi DL FSKWION, ARMDOMMENT, OR BREACH OF CONTRACT, AND (B)114t. MGMT TO RCCOVE Cm ;lcN r WjPj g WORK NOT COMPENSATED RY THE PAYMENT. SIGNATURE SJr CLAkMANTSGNATLM CLAIMANTS TITLE; PRESIDENT DATE OF SIGNATURE: c I - Johnson Rentals Services P.O.Box 351 Riverside, CA 92502 Tel: 951-686-4560 Fax: 951-276-2572 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN. STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT Identifying Information Name of Claimant Johnson Rentals Services Name of Customer URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL Job Location SILVER ROCK RESORT 14022582 - 79179 AHMANSON LN, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Owner SILVER ROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY T hrough Date 7/31/2017 Conditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this lob through the Through Date of this document Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following check is drawn Maker of Check URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL Amount of Check $35,281.80 Check Payable to Johnson Rentals Services Exceptions This document does not affect any of the following t Retentions 2 Extras for which the claimant has not received payment 3 T he following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waver and release but has not received payment a Date(s) of waiver and release b Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s) 4 Contract rights, including a a right based on rescission abandonment or breach of contract, and b the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Dated 8/212017 Barbara ()rtii, Finance %%socialc Johnson Rcnla is Scn ices CRI-'Stt 1171520 UNCONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT (CIVIL CODE § 8134) NOTICE TO CLAIMANT: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES AND RELEASES LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS UNCONDITIONALLY AND STATES THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAID FOR GIVING UP THOSE RIGHTS. THIS DOCUMENT IS ENFORCEABLE AGAINST YOU IF YOU SIGN IT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID, IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID, USE A CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE FORM. Identifying Information Name of Claimant: Power Plus Name of Customer: Urban Habitat Environmeniai Landscaoes Job Location: SilverRock Resort Owner: Silverrock Development Companv. LLC CIO Robert Green Company Through Date: 07/31/17 Unconditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. The claimant has received the following progress payment: $ U Exceptions This document does not affect any of the following: (1) Retentions. (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. (3) Contract rights, including (A) a right based on rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (B) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment. Signature Claimant's 5ignatur , Claimant's Title: A/ _ e-ry Date of Signature: 3230670.1 Imperxa� SPRINKLER SUPPLY •1 4FW-i N MranaRfnaro S7L. • Anaheim, CA 9P?H(-17 • Pho nci (71 4) F nx (7 1 4) 73P-L?,q2 6 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT In accordance with California Civil Code Title 1 Chapter 3 4 8132 NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Name of Claimant: IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY, INC. Name of Customer: URBAN HABITAT ENVIR.L_ANDSCAPES Job Location: _SILVER ROCK GOLF COURSE - 79179 AHMANSON LN LA OUINTA, CA 92253 Owner: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Through Date: 07/31/17 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Data of this document, Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from a financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of check: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LA__ Amount of check: $61,341.62 _ Check payable to: IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY, INC. and URBAN HABITAT ENVIR.LANDSCAPES EXCEPTIONS: This document does not affect any of the following: #1 - Retentions. #2 - Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. #3 . the following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date Amount Through Release# #4 - Contract rights including: (a) A right of rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (b) The right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Claimant Marla Jose Zunlga•Lo put Claimant's Signature. Claimant's Title; _Cradit M.w-. r Date of Signature: 08102/17 IIIII!IIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIVIIIillllllllllll�lllll�llllllllllllillllllll!IIIIIIIIIII Tracktn9H;6468100601cw118:5708 111111111611111illllllllllllllllllllllllllll jlj �,-J A SATURDAY Delivery Available Locally Owned and Operated CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT CC §8132 (former CC §3262(d)(1) NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Name of Claimant: CORONET CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. dba DESERT REDI-MIX Name of Customer: UNIVERSAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Job Location: SILVER ROCK CC - 79179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA CA 92253 Owner: SILVER ROCK DEV. CO. C10 THE ROBERT GREEN CO. Through Date: 7/31/2017 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below, This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following check Is drawn: Maker of Check: UNIVERSAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, INC/OR URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL Amount of Check. $45,572.28 Check Payable to. CORONET CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. dba DESERT REDI-MIX EXCEPTIONS This document does not affect any of the following (1) Retentions (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date(s) of waiver and release: Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s) (4) Contract rights, including ++' - a right based on rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (B) the right t.. ,.::;,on for work not compensated by the payment r SIGNATURE Claimant's Signacf Claimant's Title Controller Date of Signature August 2, 2017 Dispatch: 50-305 HighN�ay I I t • Coachella. CA 92236 ♦ (760) 398-7717 ♦ (7O0) 398-7747 Fax 11u5_ Of icc: 83-801 Arc. 45 ♦ Indio, CA 92201 ♦ (760) 1,4?-2006 t i 700) 3421-544=4 Fax A Divirinrr of('oroilel Concl-c tc P'-oducfc InImperial SPRINKLER SUPPLY 1 40175 N. rV1E3r1i338E31'l'J 1�6. • nri�jhei n, t_-,A 9-c'807 • (_I hone (71 4) 79P-292f5 • f .-)x (7 )4] 7�15�-2FJr?ii CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT In accordance with California Civil Code Title 1 Chapter 3 § 8132 NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY -ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Name of Claimant: IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY. INC. _ Name of CustomerURBAN HABITAT ENVIR. LANDSCAPES _ Job Location: SILVER ROCK GOLF COURSE - 79179 AHMANSON LN LA OUINTA, CA 92253 Owner: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Through Date: 07/31/17 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and material delivered, to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from a financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of check: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LA Amount of check: $61,341.62 Check payable to: IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY, INC. and URBAN HABITAT ENVIR. LANDSCAPES EXCEPTIONS: This document does not affect any of the following: N1 Retentions. !#2 - Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. ##3 - the following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date ' Amount Through Release## 1#4 - Contract rights including: (a) A right of rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (b) The right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Claimant Maria Jose Zunia-Louuz Claimant's Signature: Claimant's Title: Credit Mnivs�rer _ Date of Signature: 08/02/17 Trackir19#i6458/0068/cw 1 /85708 WEST COAST TURF PO BOX 4563 llv PALM DESERT CA 92211 Phone: (760)340-7355 / Email: kelly.berry@westcoastturf.com CALIFORNIA CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT California Civil Code Section 8132 NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANTS LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT, A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISIFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. Idenfting Information Name of Claimant: WEST COAST TURF Name of Customer., URBAN HABIT"AT ENVIRONMENTAL LAND Job Location: SILVERROCK RESORT 79179 AHMANSON AVE LA QUINTA CA 92 253 City of LA QUINTA in RIVERSIDE COUNTY" County, State of California Job #: Owner: FILVLRfZ0CK DLVLL0PNItN i COMPANY LLC Through Date: July 3I, 2017 Conditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the Claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the Cu,,:{,r„er on this job through the THROUGH DATE of this Document. Rights based upon labor or service provided. or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document Is signed by the Claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the Claimant's receipt of payment from the financial Institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker Of Check: UREAN HARiT,AT ENVIRONMMFNTAL I ANi7 Amount Of Check: c 13 82t),00 Check Payable To: 4,V"'SIF CO A°.I` TUPI- Exceptions This document does not affect any of the following: 1. Retention 2. Extras for which Claimant has not received payment. 3 fn_ fr>',Itwmll< Proi,ro" f(y whiCh the Claifrirfrit 1<4 ..-o Corr ail„nnl1?f,iivcr �lAr1 !?,�l�ns2 but ha; nn, of 1Af;11wjrAn(1 Anli�w11("0 of unpoiii )Niyn?ss h,fy�Yir�ntl�1 4 Contract rights, Including (a) a right based on rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (b) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment, Signature Claimant's Signature. y Claimant's Name: Ki ' !_.1 Claimant's Title: Date of Sigf;alure ;"Go s;. Note dI1111111111111111 IN I 11111 -. 11 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANTS LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. Identifying Information Name of Claimant: Sunrise Golf Construction, Inc Name of Customer: Urban Habitat Enviromental Landscapes Job Location: Silver Rock Resort 79-179 Ahmanson Ln, La Quinta, CA 92253 Owner: Urban Habitat Enviromental Landscapes Through Date: 07/31/2017 Conditional Waiver and Release This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered, to the customer on this Job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only on the claimant's receipt of payment from the financial institution on which the following check is drawn: Maker of Check: Urban Habitat Enviromental Landscapes Amount of Check: $ 63,274.82 Check Payable to: Sunrise Golf Construction, Inc Exceptions This document does not affect any of the following, (1) Retentions. (2) Extras for which the claimant has not received payment. (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date(s) of waiver and release: 07/31/2017 Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s): $ 63,274.82 (4) Contract nghts, including (A) a right based on rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (B) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment Signature Date of Signature: 07/31/2017 7/1/12 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 8132 TO:UNIVERSAL CONC CONSTR INC 81957 VILLA REALE DRIVE INDIO,CA 92203 PROJECT:SILVERROCK RESORT 79-179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA,CA 92253 I NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES THE CLAIMANT'S LIEN, STOP PAYMENT NOTICE, AND PAYMENT BOND RIGHTS EFFECTIVE ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. A PERSON SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SATISFIED THAT THE CLAIMANT HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT. Name of flAiMAti: Ht +R rnfvcTQI Ir'TtnN cpFCtar TrKS rur Name of Customer: UNIVERSAL CONC CONSTR INC Job Location: 79-179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Owner: THE ROBERT GREEN COMPANY Through Date: ` 7-31-17 - This document waives and releases lien, stop payment notice, and payment bond rights the claimant has for labor and service provided, and equipment and material delivered to the customer on this job through the Through Date of this document. Rights based upon labor or service provided, or equipment or material delivered, pursuant to a written change order that has been fully executed by the parties prior to the date that this document is signed by the claimant, are waived and released by this document, unless listed as an Exception below. This document is effective only oil the claimant s receipt of payment from, the financial institution on which the following check is drawn. Maker of Check: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENT I Amount of Check: 2,675,44- Check Payable to: UNIVERSAL CONC CONS"rR & HUB CONSTRUCTION Exceptions: This document does not affect any of the following: (1) Retentions (2) Extras for which the claimant has has not received payment (3) The following progress payments for which the claimant has previously given a conditional waiver and release but has not received payment: Date(s) of waiver and release. Amount(s) of unpaid progress payment(s):5 (4) Contract rights, including (A) a right based on rescission, abandonment, or breach of contract, and (B) the right to recover compensation for work not compensated by the payment, Clannant's Signature Claimant's Title Customer Service Date of Signature: A•C f)110. 1(11i101 NIf W (A1 Will COM)RU(MONSPECIAf.l76_S. INC P9.S'OUIli ! 577tE�f.1' P (i IIUX ):69 SANOERNAIUJINO, (:i �2402-I:67 PfLY 1909) J79-2100 Pua (WA 885-)v/_J 11:42 AM Urban Habitat 08/17117 Accrual Basis Job Costs by Vendor and Job Detail April through 11e wriber 7Qt'id Memo West Coast Turf Silver Rock Development Company, LLC:Sllver Rock Golf Realignment 07/2612017 711656 Tifway 419 Installed 07128/2017 712212 Tifway 419 Installed 07/28/2017 712212 Old Line Tifdwarf Stolons Hand Planted Total Silver Rock Development Company, LLC:Silver Rork Golf Realignment Marked -up Invoice $5.000,00 $5,000.00 $3,825.00 $13,825.00 $16.896.92 Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED AUG 04 7017 WEST COAR REMIT S 1"IfflIvice WEST COAST TURF W--)TU P.O. Box 4563 Palm Desert, CA 92261 California Contractor License #688087 (800) 447-1840 Nevada Contractor License #48299 www.westcoastturf.com Arizona Contractor License #ROC110478 SOLD To: URBA020 URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPES PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA CA 92247 PHONE: (760) 296-3603 Ext. 0000 DIRECTIONS: SHIP TO: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCA JIM 79179 AHMANSON AVE SILVERROCK RESORT LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE: (760) 408-7667 Ext. 0000 INVOICE NO. INV712212 Authorization Code: Amount Received: $0.00 DRIVEH JOB If PO# TERMS DELIVERY DATE INVOICE DATE TW11 SILVERROCK RESOF Net 30 7/28/2017 7/28/2017 T14 3040 10,000.00 S❑ TIFWAY 419 INSTALLED $0.500 $5,000.00 CE2 2560 102.00 BU OLD LINE TIFDWARF STOLONS HAND PLANTE $37.500 $3,825.00 CALIFORNIA NUR$FIRY STOCK CERTIFICATE FOR INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE SHIPMENTS No. 09279 -'his to ant malterial or nursety or prernises front which tltfs ,hiprnent vvsa tn�Ade hos b on inspectou and found fret4 froo. especially injurious plant pw, is and disease symptouts. rhll SrjiPlV"I� i'f hICE!) i!U'r BE HELD FGR INSPECTION IN CAI_,IFOFLNIA Issued f9y: i�iversul County A�jrlculture Conlnussiotier al ICI.. California Dep:arUnrnt 0 Ayriculture, Sarrarnento 95!04 Nevada Bond Lit -lit $1`60,000 888-893-TURF (8873) WES r COAST TURF ("WCT") is not responsible for installation, labor, standby time pending delivery, or damage to the product after delivery. This sale is made on an "as is basis' without warranties, express or implied, Purchaser is solely responsible for all Installation and maintenance regwremants. WCT will attempt to place sod where designated at job site, but It will have no responsibility for damage of any nature to property Inside the curb or property line, or to product after delivery. wc,r,s ability with respect to claims of any kind foi all losses or damages arising out of, and/or related to goods sold or services provided under this order, or any amendment thereto: shall In no case exceed the price paid to WCT for the goods or services giving rise to such claims. IN no event shall WGT be liable for special, incidental, consequential, of exemplary damages, and Purchaser will indemnify WCT against any such claims. This transaction and any disputes arising out of relating to it will be governed by the laws of the Stale of California, In the event any dispute arises out of and/or relatos to the goods or services provided under this order. venue shall be the Superior Court of Riverside County, State of California, Indio Branch. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: SALE AMOUNT $8,825,00 SALFS TAX $0.00 DELIVERED BY: YELLOW CUSTOMER PINK ACCOUNTINC3 BLUE BILLING TOTAL $8 826.00 WEST COAT REMIT TO: WEST COAST TURF Invoice ' P.O. Box 4563 Palm Desert, CA 92261 California Contractor License #688087 (800) 447-1840 Nevada Contractor License #48299 www.westcoastturf.com Arizona Contractor License #ROC110478 URBA020 URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCA SOLO To: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPES SHIP To: JIM PO BOX 1177 79179 AHMANSON AVE LA QUINTA CA 92247 SILVERROCK )RESORT LA QUINTA CA 92253 PHONE: (760) 296-3603 Ext. 0000 PHONE: (760) 408-7667 Ext. 0000 (uuu) i] o-I -6W tzc VU1111 DIRECTIONS: INVOICE NO. 1 INV711656 Authorization Code: Arnnl r_nf QarPiyPH' DRIVER JOB # PO# TERMS DELIVERY UATE INVOICE DATE TW07 SILVERROCK RESOF Net 30 7/26/2017 7/26/2017 T14 3040 10,000.00 SC TIFWAY 419 INSTALLED $0 500 $5,000.00 CAL IFORNIA NORSFRY STOCK CERTIFICATE FOR INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE SHIPMENTS No. D9279 Tnis plant material or nursery or prernises front which this sitiipment was made has peen inspected and found free rroir ,,specially injurious plant pests and disease syrnptolns. THIS SHIPMENT NEED NOT BE HELD FOR Ii43PECTION IN GALIFORNIA Issued by: Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner and California Department of Agriculture, Sacramento 95814 Nevada Contractor 1148299 Bond Limit $750.000 888-893-TURF (8873) WEST COAST TURF ("WCT") Is not responsible for Installation, labor, standby time pending delivery, or damage to the product after delivery. This sale Is made on an 'as Is basis" without warranties, express or Implied Purchaser is solely responsible for all Installation and maintenance requirements. WCT will attempt to place sod where designated at job site, but it will have no responsibility for damage of any nature to property Inside the curb or property line, or to product after delivery. WCT's liability with respocl to claims of any kind for all Tosses or damages ansing out of, and/or related to goods sold or services provided under this order, or any amendment thereto, shall in no case exceed the price paid to WCT for the goods or services giving rise to such claims. IN no event shall WCT be liable for special, Incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, and Purchaser will ndemmfy WCT against any such claims. This transaction and any disputes arising out of relating to it will be governed by the laws of the State of California. in the event any dispute arises out of and/or relates to tho goods or services provided under this oroel, vonue shall be the Superior Court of Riverside County, State of California, Indio Branch ACKNOWLEDGED BY: DELIVERED BY: YELLOW CUSTOMER PINK ACCOUNTING BLUE BILLING \I,- . SALE AMOUNT SALES TAX TOTAL $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 10006 Rose Hills Road PLEASE MAKE REMITTANCE TO: I E 1 City of Industry, CA 90601 Rental QUINN COMPANY i 0 E (662) 4634000 P O Box 849665, Los Angeles, CA 90084-9605 JUL 2 8 wggww.E.quinncompany.com 201' Invoice No. 02222702 — SALES/RENTAL INVOIGEDEIVED I Invoice Date _ � 07/21/2017 Payment Due Date 08/20/2017 _ l Make: CATERPILLAR INC. Amount Due $2,430.76 Model: Payment Terms Net 30 Days Serial No OWMR00983 WM Credit Memo Amount Equipment No Customer Account No 0051490 Machine ID No. DZD6K-503 Meter Reading : 680 8 Contract No 022227 BILL To : URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL Customer PO Number BRETT PO BOX 1177 Please use Remittance Advice on last page of this invoice LA QUINTA, CA 92247 SHIP TO: 79179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA CA 92253 Customer Contact: BRETTBRENNAN Quinn Sales Representab've: MICHAEL WDAVIDSON Quinn Store Location: INDIO, 83-817 INDIO BLVD. INDIO, CA 92201 Ph, 760-342-1597 INVOICE DETAIL Contract Number, 022227 Contract Date 07102/2017 Invoice Date 07121/2017 OTY DESCRIPTION DAY WEEK 4WEEK PRICE 1-� ID NO' DZD6K-503 SERIAL NO: OWMR00983 $468 $1,870 $5,610 1,870.00 DOZER D6K XL CAB - D6K2 HRS OUT. 612,0 CURRENT SMU: 680.6 Total: 68.8 Rental Subtotal: 1,870.00 Miscellaneous Items 1 ENV REC FEE (T) 18.70 1 PICKUP 115.00 1 FIRE,THEFT& VANDALISM 261,80 STATE 7 25% COUNTY 0.5% CITY 1 % TOTAL TAX: 8.75% 16526 Invoice Total: 2,430.76 Date Out: 06/12/2017 Mon 07:00 AM Date In: 07/14/2017 Fri 01:45 PM Billed From: 07/10/2017 Mon 07:00 AM GoPapeiless. To receive your invoices and -statements electronically, please visit our websiteatquinneompany.cam. GARB REGULATIONS Any on -road heavy-duty diesel, alternative -diesel, or -off -road diesel vehicle, operated in California, may be subject to the California Air Resources Board In -Use On -Road (Truck and Bus) or In -Use Off -Road Diesel Vehicle Regulations. It therefore could be subject to exhaust retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board websites at http://vNNv.arb-ca.gov/dieseltnlck for the Truck and Bus Regulation or http://svww.arb.ca gov/msprog/ordiesellordiesel.htm for the Off -Road Regulation Portable engines operated in California may require State or local air district permitting. Customer is responsible for any required air quality permits necessary to operate this equipment. _ _ _ ___ _ TITLE It is understood and agreed that title to and right of possession of any rentaf item(s) above shall remain vested in the seller until any indebtedness and all sums due or to become due from the customer, whether evidenced by note, book account, judgment cr otherwise, shall have been fully paid, at which time ownership shall passto the customer, A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% PER MONTH (18% PER ANNUM) will be charged on the past due balance- The past due balance represents all charges remaining unpaid on the closing date of the month following the invoice date. In the event of default in the payment of any amount due, and if the account is placed in the hands of any agency or attorney for collection or legal action, the purchaser agrees to pay finance charges equal to the cost of collection (as permitted by laws governing these transactions). When necessary, Quinn will invoke its repairman's lien pursuant to Sections 3051 and 3051 a of the California Civil Code Acceptance by the customer of the parts, service or equipment listed above is the customer's agreement to be bound by the credit and collection terms set forth above. - Bakersfield • City of industry • Corcoran • Firebaugh • Foothill Ranch Fresno Lancaster Oxnard • Paso Robles • Pomona • Salinas • Santa Maria • Sylmar Tulare Yuma. AZ •nrPd o"1 22'1 7 � 08 32 ov. cy Au recvcLE Invoice No ROK322227020 02222702 Page 1 of 3 ' Rental LI RIVERSIDE TEMECULA VICTORVILLE MOM B00 E Le Cadvnv Dr 41106 Raintrae Ct 11930 Mariposa Rd 83.817 Indio Blvd P O La 3S1 Murriete. CA 92562 HOWit. CA 92346 Indio. CA 92201 Rivaniide. CA 92607 951 696 10e3 TN 760 947 0967 Tvl 760 342 1597 Tell 961 686.4160 Tel 951 696.9163 Fall 760 947 0978 Fax 760 863 5749 Fa+ 951 774 3273 Fes '. U, /I.i'.7''1 'i= li_rl'i.n,[! REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 748168, LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-8168r Please send all billing inquiries to FINANCEHELP@JOHNSON-MACHINERY.COM W W W.johnson-rentalservice.com SOLD TO 8413 URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA. CA 92247 RECEIVED JUL 10 2W INVOICE 4 WEEK BILL SH18 TO SILVER ROCK 79179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA, CA 92253 J#: 760-296.3603 Document Number Purchase Order Storia l zrtian SImn- Kayo r 14022725-0001 BRETT 14-INDIO 00026 i L _ Invoice Date Job Numbrrr _Ordered by f1nplDW+e b/30/17 1- SILVER ROCK BRETT BRENNAN C.. Y C, t 1 fill I Date/Time, Out Billed T_hru Job Location 6/12/17 7:00 AM 7110117 79179 AHMANSON LN, LA QUINT_ RATES BASED UPON: 8 HRS PER DAY f 40 HOURS PER WEEK + 160 HOURS PER 4 WEEKS 4ty Equipment # Min Day Week 4 Week Amount t TRACK TYPE D02ER 0 6 K 468 00 468.00 1870 00 5610.00 5610 00 D I D 6 K 503 Make CAC Model D 6 K 2 Ser #: 0 W M R 0 0 9 8 3 HR 0 U T 1 612 00 HR I N 1 TOTAL: 612 00 SALES ;TENS 0 t y Item number Unit Price 1 ENV EA 56 100 56 10 ENVIR0NMENTALC1iARGE 11S 00 DELIVERY CHARGE E P P 785 40 (SALES TAX 8 75X1 Tdx 495.18 Totdl 7062 28 BILLED FOR TOUR WEEKS 6 / 1 2 1 1 7 T H R U 1l10/11 01.00 A - I * * * _ * * * *NO Credits after 28 ddyS * * * * * * * + WE ARE CARB COMPLIANT When operated in Cafifarnia. any off -road dinsol vehicle may be subject to the California Au Aq,;ardrres Baitrll IrAABI in Usd Otf •Road Oiesel VVhlrfn Re tiu1 H therefore could be subject to retrofit or accelerated Iurnov4r roquiremenls to reduce emissions of d1r palluii ea rg0aa rnt0firwV00. please visit the 4a Klnrnia Air Resnuh:e* Board uehsite at hup+/www.arb.ca.govlmsprog/ordiesel/ordiesel MITI Portable engines operated iu Crtli7arnre nine raquHn State or local air district DemWiting. Cu.rOmm is responsible for any required air quality permits necessary to operate this equipment Off mad diesel mobile vehicles 25 horsepower and greater may not idle more than 5 minutes In n;co(dnnce with Title 13 Section 24491 d1131 Idling of a rental vehicle of this type is the responsibility at the rental or lessee CAREFULLY READ 7FRMS AND CONDIIJON5' %d lWVVV IOHNSON-RENFA+SERV+CF COM C0NCFRNING THIS AGREEMENT ` ,I PRO47110 COPY'.V/l+ REMADE AVARAHIF UPON aEOUFSr TOTAL 7,062.28 °:1 ACCEv",G i"LNER, 0c vE`DEb h,S .ESSE lu "It 1�1: IE1"0i a'.0 i:CAdlt C1NS r4C S, Q ..' ,hr - '_r• ,, ._a -'. ..; . ,. _r�.,r _.,i ..e,._ _ .l .. I -iv+. _. ,., .I , - s,__, n, , � _ ..,�r, .•,; ,I,:nrrr, nhr,.>:v r,{r, ,..-e rr, iI._ _ r,..r5 , _ .,,: ,�! ,.. r. _.lF,-i . • ..J, r ,. r tll •: .. .i . . 5. _,_i ., i_r ..- ., i, „i. ... ... �]l w.. _, ,..., r. r.' t..- .,...r4(, _i_, .�_ ! _,rl .. r'.[:, rl.',.. '.`N T:,L ,., i.'/'.. .� r na, a... r ir,,r 1rr lit .a ♦ �. ,rr r.:r e•i. thx. r e , n_ rr. ,ri•. ,. .. !1`, r _ .. aEll rrf S: U: . c,_.� .}, w�n.Wr.. s.. ; r � -,. ..•.rr ,. z,., ., ., t.Pn;�; ..�r a�,I IJ ., i Sr r,. lit CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FUEL 1 II E Rental 13108E 10006 Rose Hills Road City of Industry, CA 90601 (562) 463-4000 www.quinncompany.com SALES/RENTAL INVOICE Make, CATERPILLAR INC. Model: D5K LGP Serial No: OKY202703 Equipment No. Machine ID No : DZD5K-701 Meter Reading : 245.9 BILL TO: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 f PLEASE MAKE REMITTANCE TO: QUINN COMPANY P O Box 849689, Los Angeles, CA 90084-9665 Invoice No. 02222901 Invoice Date 07/27/2017 Payment Due Date 08/26/2017' Amount Due Payment Terms Credit Memo Amount Customer Account No Contract No $5,904.58 Net 30 Days 0051490 022229 Customer PO Nunrl BRETT Please use Rem ittance Advice on fast page of this Invoice. SHIP TO: 79-179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA CA 92253 Customer Contact: BRETT BRENNAN Quinn Sales Ropresentafive.- MICHAEL W DAVIDSON Quinn Store Location: INDIO, 83-817INDIO BLVD. INDIO, CA 92201 Ph. 760-342-1597 INVOICE DETAIL contract Number 022229 ConlractDate: 07/02I2017 Invoice Date: 07127/2017 QTY DESCRIPTION DAY WEEK 4WEEK PRICE 1. _ ID NO: DZD5K-701 SERIAL NO: OKY202703 $398 - $1,589 $4,768 4,768.00 DOZER D5G/K LGP CAB - D5K LGP HRS OUT: 245.9 Rental Subtotal: 4,768.00 Miscellaneous Items 1 ENV REC FEE (T) 47.68 1 FIRE,THEFT& VANDALISM 667,52 STATE 7 25% COUNTY 0.5% CITY 1 % TOTAL TAX: 8.75% 421.38 Invoice Total: 5,904.58 Date Out: 06/30/2017 Fri 06:00 AM Billed for 4 weeks from 6/30/2017 6:00 AM thru 7/28/2017 6:00 AM 4, Go paperless. To receive your invoices and statenietits electronically, please visit our website at quiuncompany.com. CARB REGULATIONS Any on -road heavy-duty die -set. alternative -diesel, or off -road diesel vehicle, operated in California, may be subject to the California Air Resources Board In -Use On -Road (Truolt and Bus) or In -Use Off -Road Diesel Vehicle Regulations. It therefore could be subject to exhaust retrofit or ancetarated turnovef requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For morns information, please visit the California Air Resources Board vrebsites at ttltp:/ www.arb.ca.govldieseltruck for the Truck and Sus Regulation or httpJR-Am.ar5.ca_govinisproglordiesellordiesel.htm for the Off -Road Regulation. Portable engines operated in California may require State or local air district permitting. Customer is responsible for any required air quality permits necessary to operate this_ equipment. TITLE It is understood and agreed that title to and right of possession of any rental item(s) above shall remain vested in the seller until any indebtedness and all sums due or to become due from the customer, whether evidenced by note, book account, judgment or otherwise, shall have been fully paid, at which time ownership shall pass to the customer, A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% PER MONTH (19% PER ANNUM) will be charged on the past due balance. The past due balance represents all charges remaining unpaid on the'closing date of the month following the invoice date In the event of default in the payment of any amount due, and if the account is placed in the hands of any agency or attorney for collection or legal action, the purchaser agrees to pay finance charges equal to the cost of collection (as permitted by laws governing these transactions). When necessary. Quinn will invoke its repairman's lien pursuant to Sections 3051 and 3051a of the California Civil Code. Acceptance by the customer of the parts, service or equipment listed above is the customer's agreement to be bound by the credit and collection terms set forth above. Bakersfield • City of Industry • Corcoran • Firebaugh Foothill Ranch Fresno Lancaster Oxnard • Paso Robles • Pomona • Salinas • Santa Maria • Sylmar Tulare Yuma AZ Pnnteo on Tiwrsday July 71 2017 a 17 23 PM by AUTOCYCLE Invoice No, ROK322229010 02222901 Page 1 of 3 W I RIVERSIDE TEMECULA I! 1 ' Rental 800 E. La Cadena Dr Munie Rai A 9 Ct PO Bex 351 Murrieta, CA 92562 sS n T I Riverside, CA 92507 951.696.1063 ref ■r V— l 951.666. 3273 Fax 951.696.9463 Fax 951 774 3273 Fax VIC rORVILLE INDIO 11930 Mariposa Rd 83 8 11 Indio Blvd Hespe, ia, CA 92345 Indio, CA 92201 160.947,0967 Tel 760.342.1597 ref 760.947 0978 Fax 760.863.5749 Fax A DIVISION OF IOHNSON' MACHINERY CC) A C.ALIFOHMA C04PORAr10N FED ID 4 95 015 i 706 REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 748168, LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-8168 I RECEIVED JUL 0 5 209 Please send all billing inquiries to FINANCEHELP@JOHNSON-MACHINERY.COM www.johnson-rentalservice.com SOLD TO SHIP TO 8413 SILVER ROCK URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL 79179 AHMANSON LN PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 INVOICE 4 WEEK BILL J#: 760-296-3603 Dowment Number �Putchsse-Order Store/Location-Slmn#. T page 14022651-0002 BRETT — 14-INDIO _ -- — 00026 1 �1nvn" Data — Jab ieumber — T_ Ordered by 6/26117 _ - 1 - SILVER RACK — — — — _ BRETT BRENNAN — — CYCLE BILL VatmTirrte Ottt Willed Thtu T Job f.oe�ttir3n _ 6/02/17 6:00 AM _ _ 6/30/1.7_ 791.79 AHMANSO_N LN, LA QUINT T RATES 8ASED LPUN! 8 1-IRS PER DAY J 40 HOURS PER WEEK r 160 HOt1RS PER 4 WEEKS f Q t y Equipment # Min Day Week 4 Week Amount I TRACK TYPE DOZER D 5 K L G P 398.00 398.00 1589.00 4768.00 4768.00 0 Z D 5 K - 7 0 1 Make: CAT Model; D 5 K L G P S e r #: K Y 2 0 2 7 0 3 HR 0 U T 1 245.90 HR IN1 TOTAL: 245.90 SALES I I E M S : Q t y Item number Unit Price 1 ENV EA 47.680 F N V I R 0 N M F N T A L CHARGE DELIVERY CHARGE 47.68 115.00 E P P 667.52 (SALES TAX 8.7591 fax 421.38 Total: 6019.58 BILLED FOR FOUR WEEKS 6 / 0 2 / I I F H R 0 6 / 3 0 / I / 06 00 AM * * * * * k * * * * 'k N D Credits after 28 days 'k * * * * * * * * * * * WE ARE CARB COMPLIANT When operated in California, any off -road diesel vehicle may be subject to the California Air Resources Sumd {GARB) In Use Off -Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation. It therefore could be subject to retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For more Information, please visit the California Air Resources Boar(I website at http'I!www.arb,ca.gov/nisprogJordiesDlior(liesel.htni. Portable engines operated in Cal;forni., uwy require Stare or local air district permitting, Customer is responsible, for any required air quality permits necessary to operate this equipment - Ott -road diesel mobile Vehicles 25 horsepower and greater may not idle more than 5 minutes in accordance with Title 1:3, Section 2449(d)(3) Idling of a rental vehicle of this type is the responsibility of the renter or lessee. Ff:.r1 f7sp UIZV FFAD Fil- rS AND CONJATJON: @ %V PW../01hVSON REN TA SERVICE COM CONCERNING IWS AGRFEMFIUT AWM FfOCOPY Wittif.Bf MADEAVAILARLFWON WWES! TOTAL ► 6.019.58 31 ACCEPTING. OELIVFn1 Or RENTED ITFNIi LESSEE AGREES TO ALL THE TERMS IND GON01VONS Irbc Si o-1 it., ^,luipnrenr .,s,rrr is ,r eVlancr• nl r11 rLC s I essi a.,[)r� s ,I,,rl '.he .nnnnnenl h,s rrrl ,rn Ilia I.lre u1 Chi. r ,n l,scl ,•. a, inc rivtd ni iJnnrl .inrl,iin.rJ r:l rvnr king •,rderr rnssn NY swr.UNG Nlf ow l,i(;n[1 io rRE JF!U.71 ,i,VD COIJDmowO POSTED ra assrl�n,•s IIIII r,: ;Iron sib�hly to relnrn ,.:;uipnn•nI �n ,)one �nld pn l.ryrd wor kin r) �ill¢r ail ll nre.s rnspn nsibillty Inl any loss ,Iama,le nr rcpa�ls r,r�•ded tr+ relIn )aenrhe JOHNSD` -/RM/() I(r(FS !: AN OF OF rAINF0 UPON r RENTAI SERVICFS nrak,•. na IThe,.- n rr nlllnl .v, .� •clnez�nd nr Inrpliee by r(Ee711(Sf IIlry arllnninenl �l lier,rtul •..rre reyur•ril tP reu,l ,rll Inhnly r�nrir,n<). nnrl nr slr-lo— i11 regarll� lu thn..Vl uperN Iron n1ra11,rented Cupie> „1 nc�Sn'in.Irurti i15 ar.• lraenlrl.• open •rnuntl Je io! nnelal is dnnu'P'n t ane nr ,rut, chrnrnl. it !an nr i+n...rnihPr ur Ih,. %UST O1,iFR SIGNATURE DATE 1.illncl,lnerrls r 'rl :aid nrlu in nn+il unrl r dl.i [h.n¢n I'. nr Ih� rtlnlnnrenL .rail r a11�iC It nrt rr I-i P nnl loot nnninq PrnP ell/ 1.0,n to r , ply F the sal• r X 4p¢rapnn JI ♦.ud eVp VInnot and igdllnm:n 1. • ru mvdt :n injury m (Iedlh m the OP..... nr anA oth eP I e ee dcsnlnna Al u•lp o , -Ir Ior I'll a k' lours Sl6NlN ell{ <1ATF l of IIn 5puipr,vin u: la' holy nilh III, gale.1., a Con of laid e4uipnn•IU and ntlarh nq•n 14 c ,:ell.. ........ or do rth Io Ilse ePCre uu X arnUnn ne .,The - Le .sec. a�snin,.� nil re�lrnn :ihilily I. , Ih. ' 11- "unlnu•nr EPrnt,' I—, Plnn IEPP� QI I f ,. it,, rrri l.il rilit' vra — . or. lia ell In . . ,s rrn[ iuI Ir ,: rd r ,.rUlital,. ,1 nsr �nt<- en Ill. u.rn,irrrl In inso� Mnkbin r r irinif� i Ilnn (nl ,1' iv i �. +i rddrlyrl in;.rrrvil 11'.•clnrl A, CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FUEL PiIrrr 1c, ha[, er[a�,IIP d Crprh. ,�.:rs ,r , ETrrlen, .,I 1,�,,n Ih lnllnlw��I r, be n�r0-d- A le,. n115=. �, �n ,nnn�I lP,p I I�-2 rv:�1) c .•ri ill !ra;l ,lu• r, noun I �J WES N RENTA369 Ship To: LA QUINTA - SILVER ROACK SILVER ROACK RESORT AVE E WASHINGTON AVE _ LA QUINTA 12345 14635 Valley Blvd • Fontana, CA 92335 RECEIVED JUL 0 5 2017 909-822-8008 9 Fax:909-822-4878 www,wester n4rentaIs.com Invoice To: URBAN HABITAT ENV. LANDSCAPES 37505 GOODMAN RD. INDIO•CA 92203 Branch 01 Western Rentals Date Time Page 06/30/2017 9:37:00 (0) 1 Account No Phone No 1 Inv No URBAN001 7603451101 1 R40878 Ship Via Purchase Order BRETT LA QUINTA I Tax ID No RENTAL INVOICE - Description INVOICE #: R40878 For Contract #: 039175 Billing t#: 1 Covering From 05/26/2017 to 06/22/2017 Amount Ins Requirements: GL in the amount of $1,000,000 naming Western Rentals as add'! insured & EQUIP FLOATER covering rental equipment with minimum $1001000 coverage naming Western Rentals as loss payee. **COMPANIES RENTING EQUIP FROM WESTERN RENTALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO "CARE" IDLING LAWS** 'iTREQ WATER 2500 250091 H2O Truck Charge for usage of 1 MONTH 2O00.00 Stock 0: W0021SS Serial ii: 1HTMMAAM9BH283485 Date Out: 05/26/2017 07:00 Date Returned: 06/22/2017 17:00 Machine hours out: 5141 in: 5141 used: 0 WATER TRUCKS MUST USE CLEAR DIESEL FUEL. IF TRUCK RETURNED WITH RED DYE DIESEL A $350.00 DRAIN FEE WILL BE CHARGED Miscellaneous Charges/Credits DELIVERY Qty: 1 Price: 65.00 65,00 P fl.,K ;p 1 65 .00 65.00 Surcharge NPI: 300.00 Subtotal: 2130.00 RV01-RIVERSIDE CO: 155.00 Total Charge: 2585.00 Salesperson 1 BRA / BRA ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All diarges on open account are due a.id payable u%dhin t1trty'30) days from mvaice date the Buyer agrees to pay a service charge of 1 5`o per ilonHt. 18% annually. wdrged on all mast due lidlances asung as ;;ell as any and all costs incurred for collecliun and altumey lees, iI sudr>s required to enect colluLlion of this account. Merchandise cut to length orspeaal ordergoods are 10f RD UNDABL'L Delivery is subject to sblke• an act of God and availability of the inercllandise, Seller is not responsible fordelays or nondelivery because of these reasons. the Huyer must notify lho Sellerin stinting of any •:'jniNdlilts, .si,ethei If is for damages orinsufticieucies or the number of toins delivered, atlhin a ten I101 day period !rain date of delivery H t3uy11 does not make such a notification, any detect or defidencies ,ire to be considered to UP, ttawed Uy the Buyer Signature of Buycr acknusolodgos that he has inspected die merchandise and / or aulhonted Ule ropairwoik and has accepted the merchandise and / or repairwode in satisfactory _:udiuon ;iUe to the merdi,aiolise cuvored by Ih-s invoice reinams vested in the Seller until lull pmdlase pric-is paid. Signature of the Huyer acknowludgos that Ise has road aid accepted die terins and conditions of Ibis ,nh-s 10nV3cl WESTERN RENTALS 14635 Valley Blvd Fontana, CA 92335 909-822-8008 Fax: 909-822-4878 www.western4rentaIs,com Ship To: SILVER ROCK RESORT SILVER ROCK RESORT AVE E WASHINGTON AVE LA QUINTA Job Site: SILVER ROCK - LA QUINTA Invoice To: URBAN HABITAT ENV. LANDSCAPES 37505 GOODMAN RD. INDIO CA 92203 Branch Ij 01 - Western Rentals Date Time Page 07/11 2017 17:47:32 1 Account No Phone No Inv No URBAN001 7603451101 R41083 Ship Via Purchase Order BRETT LA QUINTA Tax ID No R Salesperson I+ BRA RENTAL INVOICE Description INVOICE #: R41083 For Contract #: 039612 Amount Billing #: 1 Covering From 06/23/2017 to 07/20/2017 Ins Requirements: GL in the amount of $1,000,000 naming Western Rentals as addrl insured & EQUIP FLOATER covering rental equipment with minimum $100,000 coverage naming Western Rentals as loss payee. **COMPANIES RENTING EQUIP FROM WESTERN RENTALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO "CARB" IDLING LAWS** WTREQ WATER 2500 INTL 2000 GAL WTR TR Charge for usage of 1 MONTH 2O00.00 Stock #: W001839 Serial #: 1HTMMAAL15H102505 Date Out: 06/23/2017 07:00 Machine hours out: 12742 WATER TRUCKS MUST USE CLEAR DIESEL FUEL. IF TRUCK RETURNED WITH RED DYE DIESEL A $350.00 DRAIN FEE WILL BE CHARGED Surcharge NPI: 300.00 Subtotal: 2000.00 RV01 RIVERSIDE CO: 155.00 3 Total Charge: 2455.00 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All charges oil open account are due and payable within thirty (30) days from invoice date. flip, Buyer agrees to pay a service charge of 1.5% per month, 18 o annually, charged on all past due balances owing, as well as any and all costs incurred for collection and attorney fees, if such Is required to effect collection of this account. Merchandise cut to length or special order goods are NOT REFUNDABLE. Delivery is subject to strike, an act of God and availability of the merchandise. Seller is not responsible for delays or non -delivery because of these reasons. The Buyer must nol ly the Seller In whiling of any complaints, whether it is for damages orinsuticrences or the number of items delivered, witlun a ten (10) day pedod from date of delivery. If Buyer does not make such a notification, any detect or deficiencias are to be considered to be hvaived by the Buyer Signature of Buyer ae-knohrledges that he has Inspected the merchandise and / or authorized the repalrvvork and has accepted the merchandise and / or repair work In satisfactory condition. Title to the merchandise covered by this invoice remains vested in the Seller until full purchase price Is paid. Signature of the Buyer acknowledges that he. has read and accepted the terms and conditions of this sales contract. NO VMS-rjMRN 14635 Valley Blvd • Fontana, CA 92335 RECEIVED AUG 14 2017 909-822-8008 • Fax: 909-822-4878 www.western4rentaIs.com Ship To: SILVER ROCK RESORT SILVER ROCK RESORT AVE E WASHINGTON AVE LA QUINTA Job Site: SILVER ROCK - LA QUINTA Invoice To: URBAN HABITAT ENV. LANDSCAPES 37505 GOODMAN RD. INDIO CA 92203 Description Billing # Branch 01 - Western Rentals Date Time Page 08/08/2017 14:37:48 (B) 1 1 Account No Phone No Inv No URBAN001 7603451101 �R41550 Ship Via Purchase Order BRETT LA QUINTA Tax ID No Salesperson BRA / BRA RENTAL INVOICE INVOICE #: R41550 For Contract #: 039612 2 Covering From 07/21/2017 to 08/17/2017 Amount Ins Requirements: GL in the amount of $1,000,000 naming Western Rentals as add'1 insured & EQUIP FLOATER covering rental equipment with minimum $100,000 coverage naming Western Rentals as loss payee. **COMPANIES RENTING EQUIP FROM WESTERN RENTALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO "GARB" IDLING LAWS** WTREQ WATER 2500 INTL 2000 GAL WTR TR Charge for usage of 1 MONTH 2O00.00 Stock #: W001939 Serial #: 1HTMMAAL15II102S05 Date Out: 06/23/2017 07:00 Machine hours out: 12742 WATER TRUCKS MUST USE CLEAR DIESEL FUEL. IF TRUCK RETURNED WITH RED DYE DIESEL A $350.00 DRAIN FEE WILL BE CHARGED Surcharge NPI: 300.00 Subtotal: 2000.00 RV01-RIVERSIDE CO- 7.75%: 155.00 Total Charge: 2455.00 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All diarges on open account are due and payable within thirty (30) days from invoice date. The Buyer agrees to pay a service charge of 1.5% per month, 18% annually, charged on all past due balances owing, as well as any and all costs incurred forcollecton and attorney fees, if such Is required to effect collection of this account. ftchandise cut to length orspedal ordergoods are NOT REFUNDABLE. Delivery is subject to strike, an act of God and availability of hie merchandise. Seller is not responsible fordelays or non -delivery because of these reasons. The Buyennust notify die Seller In writing of any complalt 'Uhathar 111% for(19nIA413 0011VAIdendes orlhonwslberof items d0yere. witdn a tan(tO) day pertad liontdato of dellwoty. II ihryerdoes'lot inako such a naulleatton. anydefoct xdofldenctut aru taUe coluliWiul to ba w'Mved by ft BUyitt. StIpOre of Buyer darI"Odges that Itiat hit! imppcAc d tho i1vardlandise but / orwWod Zed Uria m"irvowlit etld has accepted the Ipdn'lhonas* altl / ormpalrwVrk in "Usfactoly copdt8oli. n9it Ip dip. niurdhatidtsa ulvtradhy this invoi06 ro[nehts mhTd In tie Soll er usidl full purchase price Is peld. Siggnaluln of dia glryE4' ndalotviadgos Inpt he has read and accepted uw lens and ot'mditpns oS 09 sales contract. WESTERN RENTALS 14635 Valley Blvd • Fontana, CA 92335 RECEIVED AUG 14 20V 909-822-8008 • Fax: 909-822-4878 www. western4rentaIs. co Ship To: SILVER ROCK RESORT SILVER ROCK RESORT AVE E WASHINGTON AVE LA QUINTA Job Site: SILVER ROCK - LA QUINTA Invoice To: URBAN HABITAT ENV. LANDSCAPES 37505 GOODMAN RD. INDIO CA 92203 Description Branch 01 - Western Rentals Date Time Page 08/08/2017 14:37:48 (B) 1 Account No Phone No Inv No URBAN001 7603451101 1 R4_1550 Ship Via Purchase Order BRETT LA QUINTA Tax ID No ! Salesperson I! BRA / BRA RENTAL INVOICE INVOICE #: R41550 For Contract #: 039612 Amount Billing #: 2 Covering From 07/21/2017 to 08/17/2017 Ins Requirements: GL in the amount of $1,000,000 naming Western Rentals as add'1 insured & EQUIP FLOATER covering rental equipment with minimum $100,000 coverage naming Western Rentals as loss payee. **COMPANIES RENTING EQUIP FROM WESTERN RENTALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO "GARB" IDLING LAWS** WTREQ WATER 2500 INTL 2000 GAL WTR TR Charge for usage of 1 MONTH 2O00.00 Stock #: W001839 Serial #: 1HTMMAAL15H102505 Date Out: 06/23/2017 07:00 Machine hours out: 12742 WATER TRUCKS MUST USE CLEAR DIESEL FUEL. IF TRUCK RETURNED WITH RED DYE DIESEL A $350.00 DRAIN FEE WILL BE CHARGED Surcharge NPI: 300.00 Subtotal: 2000.00 RV01-RIVERSIDE CO- 7.75%: 155.00 Total Charge: 2455.00 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All charges an open account are due and payable within thirty (30) days from invoice date. fha Buyer agrees to pay a serioce charge el 1.5% per month, 18% annually, charged on all past due balances owing, as well as any and all costs incurred for collection and attorney fees, it such Is required to eltect collection of this account Merchandise cut to length or sped al order goods are NGT REFUNDABLE, Delivery Is subject to strike. an act of God and availability of the merchandise. Seller is not responsible for delays ornon•dellvery because of these reasons. Bhe Buyer nhust notify We Seller In writing of any complaints. whedher It is for damages or insufficiencies or the number of items delivered wiltilin a ten (10) day period Irom date of delivery. II Buyer does not make such a noBllcalion, any defector deficiencies are to be considered to be waived by the Buyer. Signature of Buyer acknowledges that the has; nspected tiho merchandise and / or authorized die repair work and has accepted the merchandise and / or repair work in satisfactory condition. Tice to the mordhandiso covered by this invoice remains vested In die Seller unW full purchase price Is paid. Signature of the Buyeracknowl edges that the has read and accepted the terms and conditions of this ;ales contract j II C 10006 Rose Hills Road Rental[ City of Industry, CA 90601 i 0 L (562) 463-4000 II www.quinncompany.com SALES/RENTAL INVOMELEIVED 1UL 2 8 2017 Make : FREIGHTLINER Model M2 Serial No : 3ALACXDT0FDFY3539 Equipment No. Machine ID NO: TK200-521 Meter Reading : 7735.1 BILL, TO: URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 PLEASE MAKE REMITTANCE TO: QUINN COMPANY P O Box 849665, Los Angeles, CA 90084-9665 I Invoice No. 02223901 Invoice Date 07/23/2017 Payment Due Date 08/22/2017 I Amount Due $2,674.90 Payment Terms Net 30 Days Credit Memo Amount Customer Account No 0051490 Contract No 022239 Fustomer PO Number] Please use Remittance Advice on last page of this invoice. SHIP TO: 79-179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA CA 92253 S i I v I Inc, C_ 1C, Customer Contact: BRETT BRENNAN Quinn Sales Representative. MICHAEL W DAVIDSON Quinn Store Location: INDIO, 83-817 INDIO BLVD. INDIO, CA 92201 Ph. 760-342-1597 INVOICE DETAIL Contract Number 022239 Contract Date. 07102/2017 invoice Date: 07/23/2017 QTY DESCRIPTION DAY WEEK 4WEEK PRICE 1. ID NO: TK200-521 SERIAL NO: 3ALACXDTOFDFY3539 $225 $900 $2,160 2,160.00 2000 GAL WATER TRUCK - M2 HRS OUT; 7735.1 1 ID NO: 5804400 SERIAL NO: 5804400 $0 $0 $0 FIRE HOSE SPANNER WRENCH - 1 ID NO: 5804500 SERIAL NO: 5804500 $0 $0 $0 FIRE HOSE NOZZLE - 1 ID NO: 5807075 SERIAL NO: 5807075 $0 $0 $0 2-1/2" X 25' FILL HOSE (WATER TRUCK) - Rental Subtotal: 2,160.00 Miscellaneous Items 1 ENV REC FEE (T) 21,60 1 FIRE,THEFT & VANDALISM 302.40 STATE 7 25% COUNTY 0 5% CITY 1 % TOTAL TAX: 8.75% 190.90 �io Go Paperless. To receive your invoices and statenieuts electronically, please visit our website at quinncoinpany.com, CARE REt3ULATIONS Any on -mad heavy duty diesel, alternative d#esel, or off•road diesel vehicle, operated in Gallfarrtla, may be subject to the California Air Resources Board In -Use On -Road (Truck and Bus) or In -Use Off -Road Diesel Vehicle Regulations. It therefore could be subject to exhaust retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board websites at http:l/www.arb ca.gov/dieseltruck for the Truck and Bus Regulation or http;//www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/ordieseUordiesel.htm for the Off -Road Regulation Portable engines operated in California may require State or local air district permitting. Customer is responsible for any required air quality permits necessary to operate this equipment. TITLE It is understood and agreed that title to and right of possession of any rental item(s) above shall remain vested In the seller until any indebtedness and all sums due or to become due from the customer, whether evidenced by note, book account, judgment or otherwise, shall have been fully paid, at which time ownership shall pass to the customer. _ A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1,5% PER MONTH (18% PER ANNUM) will be charged on the past due balance. The past due balance represents all charges remaining unpaid on the closing date of the month following the invoice date In the event of default in the payment of any arnount due, and if the account is placed in the hands of any agency or attorney for collection or legal action, the purchaser agrees to pay finance charges equal to the cost of collection (as permitted by laws governing these transactions). When necessary, Quinn will invoke its repairman's lien pursuant to Sections 3051 and 3051a of the California Civil Code. Acceptance by the customer of the parts, service or equipment listed above is the customer's agreement to be bound by the credit and collection terms set forth above. Bakersfield • City of Industry • Corcoran • Firebaugh • Foothill Ranch Fresno • Lancaster Oxnard • Paso Robles • Pomona • Salinas • Santa Maria • Sylmar Tulare • Yuma, AZ Dnnted on Sunday July 23, Q017 803.39 P Vi oy auraCYCk E Invoice No. ROK322239010 02223901 Page 1 of 3 10006 Rose Hills Road Make: FREIGHTLINER Rental City of Industry, CA 90601 Model: M2 (562) 4634000 www,qufnncompany.com Serial No 3ALACXDTOFDFY3539 Equipment No Machine ID No. TK200-521 Meter Reading : 7735 1 SALES/RENTAL INVOICE _ T - AILLTo : URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL SHIP TO: 79-179 AHMANSON LN PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Customer Contact: BRETT BRENNAN Quinn Sales Representative: MICHAEL W DAVIDSON Quinn Store Location: INDIO, 83-817 INDIO BLVD. INDIO, CA 92201 Ph. 760-342-1597 INVOICE DETAIL Contract Number 022239 Contract Date: 07/02/2017 Invoice Date: 07/23/2017 QTY DESCRIPTION f DAY WEEK 4WEEK Date Out: 06/26/2017 Mon 09:00 AM Billed for 4 weeks from 6/26/2017 9:00 AM thru 7/24/2017 9:00 AM CUT HERE AND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE URBAN HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Account Number: Purchase Order No Please send your Payment Terms: Payment to: Contract Number QUINN COMPANY PO Box 849665 Los Angeles, CA 90084-9665 invoice No.: 02223901 Invoice Date? 07/23/2017 Due Date : 08/22/2017 0051490 Amount Due: $2,674.90 Net 30 Days 022239 Amount Paid . Place this coupon in the roturn envelope with the mailing addresses clearly visible. PRICE -r rated on Sunday July 23, 2017a 03 39 wr by AU70CYCI = Invoice No, ROK322239010 02223901 Page 2 of 3 r BECK OZL, ZN�. INVOICE PFIROLBUMPRODUCr3 - CARDLOCKS Vlctorville Sales (760) 245-4191 / (800) 788-7582 16640 D Street, Vlctorville, CA I BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES PO BOX 1177 LAQUINTA, CA 92247 Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED MAY 3 0 2017 REMIT TO: 16640 D Str+)et, Vlctorville, CA 92395 Coachella (760) 398-2051/ (800) 634-7332 86-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT/AVE 541A QUINTA AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LAQUINTA, CA 92253 Credit Terms: 15 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG. Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG 1NVOICE E CUSTOMER P o A # I INVOICE DRIVER 05 25/20A7none 1 600642 294830 MIKE BATTLES 2017 , PETERBUILT 579 I OTY GROSS NET GAL./LBJEA I ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION CITY DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNI 509 BULK 121101 DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 509.0000 509.0000 2 28720 S 1.164.18 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 1 311-N10I15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1.0000 1.0000 6.59000 $6.59 Invoice Note(s) "`IMPORTANT NOTICE-* PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH-.00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - .001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.0021 CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL .002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After Y/N Certificate Number Quantity Amount Due Exemot I { I i RECEIPT CASH CHECK I OTHER I I (71 AL 510.00 $70.35 No 509.00 $0.00 No 510.00 $2.93 No 510.00 $11.73 No 510.00 $5.86 No 509.00 $0.51 No 509.00 $1.09 No 509.00 $1.38 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUB TOTAL $1,170.77 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL DRUM CHARGE EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXESIFEES $93.85 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE. DRUM FREIGHT $O.OD IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE DATE HEREON AND WILL BE CREDITED to THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $1 ,264.62 DUE DATE 06/09/2017 Interest of 1 %% of the balance due (18% per annum) shall be added to invoices for any amounts not paid by due dates or pursuant to the terms and conditlflns as set forth In the contract or purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract is incorporated herein by this reference If any action Is brought to enforce the tefms of this invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, Beck Oil Inc. shall be entitled to recovery and collection of reasonable attorney Fees and costs associated therewith. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY: PRINT NAME: DATE/TIME BECK OZL 11%TC. INVOICE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS • CARDLOCKS Vlctorvllle Sales (760) 246-4191 / (800) 788-7682 16640 D Street, Vlctorvllle, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED JUN 15 2017 REMIT TO: 16640 D Street, Vlctorvllle, CA 92396 Coachella (760) 398-2051/ (800) 634-7332 85-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORTAVE 54/LA QUINTA AVM 54_/ NI] JEFFEftSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Credit Terms: 15 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)-.2.2lbs Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG- Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG INVOICE CUSTnoneR P.O CCOUNTNVOICE II A600842 # SAESMAN 1296466# LBATTLES TRUCKS DRIVER 06//14/2D17E I I 1 MIKELI 2017 PETERBUILT 579 I III OTY GROSS NET GAL/LB/EA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION OTY DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 465 BULK 121/01 DYED CARB ULS DIESEL 465,0000 465.0000 208000 S967,20 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARB ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL. NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 1 311-N10115 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1 0000 1 0000 6.59000 $6.59 Invoice Note(s) —IMPORTANT NOTICE"' PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH- 00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - 001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO--002143 CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL 002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN I I I RECEIPT j CASH r CHECK J OTHER TOTAL Certificate : �u,::: ,; Quantity Amount Due Exempt 466.00 $58.52 No 46500 S0.00 No 466.00 $2 44 No 46600 S9.76 No 466.00 S4 87 No 465.00 $0.47 No ' 465.00 $1.00 No 465.00 $126 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT j DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUBTOTAL $973.79 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL DRUM CHARGE EACH CRUM CHARGE HERFIN'WHEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXESJFEES $76.32 DEPOSIT. WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OV N FUNDS TO SECURE R RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONOIT!ON WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE FREIGHT $0,00 DATE HEREON AND WILL 9E CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM !S RETURNED TOTAL. $1.052,11 DUE DATE 0612912011 Interest of 1 '1 % of the balance due (18 % per annum) shall be added to mvo ces for any amounts not paid by due dates or pursuant to the terms aria conditions as set Forth in the contract or purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract Is Incorporated nerem by this reference. If an/ action Is brought to enforce the terms of this Invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, BeckOil Inc, shall 'De entitled to recovery and collection of reasonable attorney fees add costs associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-8130-633-8253 RECEIVED BY PRINT NAME DATE/TIME _1 ����� gECKl7IL�_IWC. °vl PETROLEtTNI PRODIf(7S - CARDLOCKS Victorville Sales (760) 246-4191 1(800) 788-7682 16640 D Street, Vlctorville, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 INVOICE Page 1 of 1 � REMIT TO: 166a0 D Street, Vlctorville, CA 92396 Coachella (760) 398-2061/ (800) 634-7332 85-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT/AVE 541LA QUINTA AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Credit Terms: 15 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.21bs. Pails was 36 lips now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER P.O. ACCOUNT# INVOICE SALESMAN TRUCK# DRIVER J 0612212017 ! + none I 600642 I 297186 I MIKE BATTLES 1 2017 PETERBUILT 179 QTY GROSS NET GAL /LB IEA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION QTY. DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 391 BULK 121/01 DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 391.0000 391.0000 2.05750 $804.48 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 1 311-N10/15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1 0000 1.0000 6.59000 $6.59 Invoice Note(s) —IMPORTANT NOTICE"" PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH- 00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX _ LOCAL CALIRSALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX -.001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.002143 CA AS 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL .002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN I j I I RECEIPT I CqH C ECK OTHER I TOTAL Certificate Number Qltantity Amount Due Exemot 392.00 S48 74 No 391 00 $0 00 No 39200 $2 03 No 392.00 $813 No 392.00 $4 06 No 391.00 $0 39 No 391.00 $0.84 No 391.00 $106 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUMS DRUMS DRUM $811,07 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL iSUBTOTAL Iii I DRUM CHARGE 5 EACH DRUM DHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID WILLSE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXESIFEES $65.25 OEPOSIT'PlHICH SELLER MAY.MINGLE INITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE FREIGHT SO-00 DATE HEREON AND W,LL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $676.32 DUE DATE 0710712017 Interest of 1 '/ % of the balance due (16% per annum) shall be added to Invoices'cr any amounts nol paid by duo sates or pursuant to the terms and conditions as set Io1111 �n the Contract or purchase agreement with Customer which agreement or contract is incorporated herein by this reference, It any action I5 Drought to enforap the terms of this invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, Beck Oil Inc shall be entitled to recovery and colection of reasonable attorney fees and costs associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY PRINT NAME DATEITIME BECK OIL, INC. INVOICE L PETROI.EU\IPR0D1T("rS • CARDLOCKS Vlctorvllle Sales (760) 246-4191 I (800) 788-7582 16640 D Street, Victorvllle, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES PO BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Page 1 of 1 REMIT TO: 16640 D Street. Victorville. CA 92395 Coachella (760) 398.20611(800) 634-7332 86-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT/AVE 54/LA QUINTA AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Credit Terms: 15 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams) = 2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39 B Ibs/18 KG Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG INVOICE DTOMERCOUNTNVOICE I CUSTnone P O I A # 1297686e DRIVER 06129/2017E Il 600642 I I M KELBATTLES iii 1 2017 PETERBUILT 57e J QTY GIROSS NET GAL ILB IEA ORO SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION QTY DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 201 BULK 121/01 DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 201 0000 201 0000 2 12110 S426 34 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 1 311-N1D/15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1 0000 1 0000 6-59000 S6 59 Invoice Note(s) —IMPORTANT NOTICE— PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee Certificate ... Quantity Amount Due Exempt CALIF STATE SALES TAX 20200 S21 No CALIF OIL SPILL-OSL GAS & ETH- 00 201.00 SD 00 No CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY 202.00 51 09 No CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL 202.00 S4.34 No CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE 20200 S2 16 No FEDERAL LUST TAX - 001 201 00 $0 20 No FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.002143 201,00 $0.43 No CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL 002714 201.00 S0 55 No Wcnes Inches Water PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT PRODUCT Before Alter Y/N r I DTOTAL f TOTAL RUMS DRUM 3432931 — -- DELIVERED R ORUMS _SUB TURNED I � :DRUM CHARGE I RECEIr'T EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN 0,1HEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLERASA 'TAXESIFEES $34 79 CEPOSIT- 1 HICH 5=LLER MAY ihNGLE WITH HIS OV J I TO SECURE CASH I RETURN OF THE DRUM AND -W I.- BE'FORFEITED TO SELLER -F THE RUI,I CHECKI 15 NOT RE T LRNED IN UNDAMAG.=D CCNDIT:O'7 INITHiN 90 DAYSAPTER THE FREIGHT SO 00 OTHER I DATE :HFREDN AND'ML L BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DIFI 15 ) TOTAL I RETURNED TOTAL $467 72I DUE DATE 07/14/2017 -te; as[ of 1 IZ,. or !ha Odlaf Ce oU@ (1 a / Per 2!'r.0 r'11 sraIl oe c`Crled 'o'n1 cnces ,Or li�v :i nc,&ts nor paid Oy ,jue Gates or pursuant to ih0 ter. is and co' dn,ons as Set fCr1h in the contract o' P'-:rcha$a agrdeme]t wtlh custoTer mr,ch agreameni or Contract is incomnraled he/e.n Dy this reference If any action Is oreught io enforce the terms of tn,S 111'MCe Or to Co,ioGt a. lc-nts dL u and ornng, Bear DII knc snarl be entitled to recovery and covectlon of raasonao!e attorney tees and costs associated ;Herewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL E,b1ERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633.8253 RECEIVED BY PRINT NAME DATE/TIME Page 1 of 1 c� ozL, >txc. INVOICE RECEIVED JUL 2 6 Z017 eL PEtROLKUN PRODUCIS-CARDLOCKS Victorvllle Sales (760) 246-4191 / (800) 788-7682 16640 D Street, Vlctorville, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES P. O. BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Credit Terms: 30 DAYS REMIT TO: 16640 D Street, Victorvllle, CA 92395 Coachella (760) 398-2051/ (800) 834-7332 85-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA 12, V- # �� � 1 SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG. Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG INVOICE 07/20/2017E i CUSTOMER P.O. I A 600642 1 INVOICE441662 l MIKE BATTLES 2017 PETERBUILT 579 DRIVER OTY GROSS NET GAL.ILB./EA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION CITY. DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 340 BULK 121/01 DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 340.0000 340.0000 2,24590 $763.61 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE Invoice Note(s) "*IMPORTANT NOTICE*" PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH-.00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - .001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.0021 CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL 002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN RECEIPT I CASH I CHECK I OTHER { TOTAL Certificate i urnbEx Ouantity Amount Due Exempt 340.00 $45.88 No 340.00 $0.00 No 340.00 $1.91 No 340.00 $7.65 No 340,00 $3.82 No 340.00 $0.34 No 340.00 $0 73 No 340.00 $0.92 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUM5 UKUMS f DRUM SUB TOTAL $763.61 DFLIVERED RETURNED I TOTAL 1 DRUM CHARGE EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXES/FEES 561.25 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM FREIGHT IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE $0.00 DATE HEREON AND WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $824.86 DUE DATE 0811912017 uilerest of I */,% of the balance due (1 i3% par annum) shall be added to involce5 for any amounts nol paid by due dates or Pursuant 10 the terms and conditions as set forth in the C.dntfac: or purchase agreement with Cusiomu which agreement or oontract is Incorporated herein by this reference. if any aclion is brovght tD enforce the terms of this invoice or to ro:ler.1 amounts due and cmng. 8eci Oil Inc shall be ertitled to recovery and r•,ogRdOri a+ rBasnnadle attorney fees and Costs assoaated therenillt HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633.8253 RECEIVED BY: PRINT NAME: DATEITIME: ii113TC1� QIL� INC. INVOICE �^ �r7'itcrl,ltul+t reoD>V;cls - �•nitnl.orl;.y Victorville Sales (760) 245-4191 / (800) 788-7582 16640 D Street, Vlctorville, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES P. O. BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 RECEIVED JUL 2 6 2017 Page oft REMIT TO: 16640 D Street, Victorville, CA 92395 Coachella (760) 398-20511(800) 634-7332 85-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO GOODMAN AVE 37505 GOODMAN AVENUE INDIO, CA 92201 Credit Terms: 30 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG. Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG INVOICE DATE I CUSTOMER P.O. ACCOUNT # INVOICE # SALESMAN TRUCK # DRIVER 07/21/2017 none 600642 299449 MIKE BATTLES 14-2003 KENWORTH CITY ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION 2 12/1 QT CASE t 7600112 QUAKER UNIVERSAL 2 CYCLE AIR COOL 2 10/1 TUBES CASE 50390/10 SHELL GADUS S3 V220C 2 (RETINAX L)(2) CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: IF PURCHASED IN DRUM, NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN UPC 57493 2 12/1 QT CASE 50020/12 SHELL FORMULASHELL MO 1 OW-30 2 12/1 QT CASE 50005/12 SHELL ROTELLA T4 TRIPLE PROTECTION 15-40 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UPC between () 4 2/2.5 GAL JUGS 850/2/2.5 BLUE SKY DEF 1 311 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE Invoice Note(s) —IMPORTANT NOTICE" PAYMI Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL RECYCLING FEE PER GAL-.24 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE CALIF MOTOR OIL FEE- 04 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN f I I RECEIPT I CASH CHECK OTHER i VOIAL GROSS QTY. DELIVERED 6.0000 2.0000 6.0000 6.0000 20.0000 1.0000 NET GAL/LBJEA DELIVERED UNIT PRICE 6.0000 20,09000 2,0000 41.40000 aJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. AMOUN $120.54 $82.80 6.0000 13.90000 $83.40 6.0000 16.94000 $101.64 20.0000 3.48000 $69.60 1.0000 6.59000 $6.59 Certificate Number Quantity Amount Due Exempt 41.00 $28.08 No 12.00 $2.88 No 41.00 $1.17 No 41.00 $4,69 No 41.00 $2.34 No 12.00 $0.48 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUB TOTAL $464.67 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL_ DRUM CHARGE EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLERAS A TAXESIFEES $39.64 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE _ I RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE (FREIGHT $0.00 DATE HEREON AND WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $504 21 DUE DATE 08120/2017 Interest of 1 '/. of the balance due (18% per annum) shall be added to invoices for any amounts not paid by due dates or pursuant to the terms:and conditions as set (Orth in the contract or purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract is incorporated herein by this reference. If any action is brought to enforce the terms of this invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, Beck Oil Inc shall be entitled to recovery and collection of reasonable attorney fees and costs associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY PRINT NAME: DATE/TIME RECEIVED AUG 04 20V Page 1 of 1 �g BECK OIL, ZNC. INVOICE PfiTROI.Rll1! PRUD(IGTS CaRDLCJCE;.S REMIT TO: 16640 D Stt'eet, V}ctorville, CA 92395 Victorvllle Sales (760) 245-4191 / (800) 788-7582 Coachella (760) 398-2051/ (800) 634-7332 16640 D Street, Victorville, CA 85-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA BILLING ADDRESS SHIPPED TO URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES SILVERROCK RESORT P. O. BOX 1177 AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92247 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Credit Terms: 30 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG. Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER P.O. A # INVOICE# SALESMAN TRUCK# DRIVER 07/27120 1 600642 MIKE BATTLES 2017 PE ERBUILT 240A none 299976 OTY GROSS NET GALILB.IEA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION CITY. DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 190 BU[ n i 2 W)'I DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 19000011, i90.0000 2.45000 b465-S'.l CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARS, ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 311-N10/15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1.0000 1.0000 6.59000 $6 59 Invoice Note(s) 'IMPORTANT NOTICE' PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH-.00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX, COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - .001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.0021 CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL .002714 PRODUCT nches Inches Water 80farc After YIN RECEIPT CASH I CHECK j OTHER I TOTAL Certificate Number Quantitv Amount Due Exemot 191.00 $28.37 No 190.00 $0.00 No 191.00 $1.19 No 191.00 $4.73 No 191.00 $2.36 No 190.00 $0.19 No 190,00 $0.41 No 190.00 $0.52 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUB TOTAL $472.09 DELIVERED RETURNED i TOTAL I I(DRUM CHARGE EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID W ILL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXES/FEES $37.77 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM ;:REIGHT $0.00 IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN go DAYS AFTER THE I DATE HEREON AND WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $509.86 DUE DATE 08/2612017 Interest of 1 %% of the balance due (18°% per annum) shall be added to invoices Far any amounts not paid by due dates or pursuant to the terms and conditions as set forth In the contract or purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract is incorporated herein by this reference. If any action Is brought to enforce the terms of this invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, Beck Oil Inc. shall be entitled to recovery and collection of reasonable attorney fees and costs associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY: PRINT NAME: DATE/TIME eI 3sEGaK oz=., =rrc. PEPROLKU61 PRODUCTS - CARDLOCKS Victorville Sales (760) 245-4191 / (800) 788-7582 16640 D Street, Victorville, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES P. O. BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Credit Terms: 30 DAYS INVOICE-- RECEIVED AUG 0 9 2017 Page 1 of 1 REMIT TO: 16640 D Street, Victorville. CA 92395 Coachella (760) 398-20511(800) 634.7332 86-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG. Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/160 KG INVOICE A7E CUSTOMER P.O.P 0 A # INVOICE DRIVER 08//03 20 none00642 300482 I MIKE BATTLES 2017 PETERBUILT 179 I QTY GROSS NET GAL.ILB./EA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION CITY. DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNI 200 BULK 121101 DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 200.0000 200.0000 2,37000 $474.00 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 1 311-N10/15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1.0000 1.0000 6.59000 $6.59 Invoice Note(s) —IMPORTANT NOTICE— PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH-.00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - .001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.0021 CA AB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL .002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN RECEIPT �H.CK OTKER J IOTAL Certificate Number Quantity Amount Due Exempt 201.00 $28,88 No 200.00 $0.00 No 201.00 $1.21 No 201.00 $4.82 No 201,00 $2,40 No 200.00 $0.20 No 200.00 $0.43 No 200.00 $0,54 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUB TOTAL $480.59 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL DRUM CHARGE EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXES/FEES $38 48 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE FREIGHT $0,00 DATE HEREON AND WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS — RETURNED TOTAL $519.07 DUE: DATE 0910212017 Interest of 1 %2% of the balance due (18% per annum) shall be added to invoices for any amounts not paid by due dates or pursuant to the terms alld condlllons as set fOAh In the contract or purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract is incorporated herein by this reference If any action is brought to enforce the terms of this invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, Beck Oil Inc shall be entitled to recovery and collection of reasonable attorney fees and casts associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY: • PRINT NAME: DATE/TIME: � Page 1 of 1 4C ni>�. irr�. INVOICE RECEIVED AUG 17 7017 �- PF:TiIOT,li01,111RODUCIS - CARDLOCKS Victorville Sales (760) 246-4191 / (800) 788-7582 16640 D Street, Victorville, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES P. O. BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 REMIT TO: 16640 D Street, Victorville, CA 92395 Coachella (760) 398-2051/ (800) 634-7332 85-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Credit Terms: 30 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 lips now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs/50 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG 1NVOICE CUSTOMER P.O. A 1NVOICE 0 DRIVER 08110 2pATE I I 600642 3011117 I MIKE BATTLES I 2017 PERUCK TERBUILT 579 QTY GROSS NET GALJLBJEA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION CITY. DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 194 BULK 121mi DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 193.8000 193.8000 2.51000 S486.44 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARE ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE 1 311-N10/15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1.0000 1.0000 6.59000 $6.59 1 303-N10/15 UNDER 200 GAL FEE 1.0000 1.0000 50.00000 $50.00 Invoice Note(s) -IMPORTANT NOTICE- PAYMENTS OTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3% CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL, GAS & ETH-.00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - 001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO-.0021 CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL .002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN r Certificate Number Quantitv Amount Due Exempt 195.80 $32.62 No 193.80 $0.00 No 195.80 $1.37 No 195,80 $5.44 No 195.80 $2.72 No 193.80 $0,19 No 193.80 $0.42 No 193.80 $0.53 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUB TOTAL $543.03 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL DRUM CHARGE RECEIPT EACH DRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID WILL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXESIFEES $43 29 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE CASH _ _ _ _ RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELL ER IF THE DRUM CHECK IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE (FREIGHT $0 00 OTHER DATE HEREON AND WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $586,32 DUE DATE 09/09/2017 Interest of 1 %% of the balance due (18% per annum) shall be added to Invoices for any amounts not paid by due dates or pursuant to the terms and 00n6111011s as Setforth in the contract or purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract Is incorporated herein by this reference. If any action is brought to enforce the terms of this invoice or to collect amounts due and owing, Beck Oil Inc shall be entitled to recovery and collection of reasonable attorney fees and costs associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY, PRINT NAME: DATE/TIME BECK QIL,_IWC. INVOICE c•r'iL PETROLEUMPRODti[TS - CARDLOCKS I Vlctorville Sales (760) 246-4191 1(800) 788-7682 16640 D Street, Victorville, CA BILLING ADDRESS URBAN HABITAT ENV LANDSCAPES P. 0. BOX 1177 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Pagel of 1 REMIT TO: 19640 D Street, Victorvllle, CA 92396 Coachella (760) 398-20511 (800) 634-7332 65-119 Leoco Lane, Coachella, CA SHIPPED TO SILVERROCK RESORT AVE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 . Credit Terms: 30 DAYS Shell Greases are converting to Metric. One Kilo (KG or 1000 grams)=.2.2lbs. Pails was 35 Ibs now 39.6 Ibs/18 KG Kegs was 120 Ibs now 110 Ibs150 KG. Drum was 400 Ibs now 396 Ibs/180 KG I 11 1 CUSTOMER R P.O.P O A p INVOICE4 L ]I DRIVER DR 817 2D017E 0811712 I 600642 01662 f MIKE BATTLES I 136.2000 FRHT 470OG GROSS NET GAL ILRIEA ORD SIZE KIND CODE DESCRIPTION CITY DELIVERED DELIVERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 135 BULK 121/01 DYED CARS ULS DIESEL 135.0000 135.0000 0.00000 $0.00 CRITICAL DESCRIPTION: UN1993 DIESEL FUEL, 3, PG III DYED CARE ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL, MAX 15 PPM SULFUR DYED ULS DIESEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE I 311-N10/15 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FEE 1.0000 1-0000 6-59000 $6,59 1 303-N10/15 UNDER 200 GAL FEE 1 0000 1 0000 5000000 $50 00 Invoice Note(s) —IMPORTANT NOTICE... PAYMENTS QTHER THAN BY CASH OR CHECK IS SUBJECT TO A 3 % CHARGE. Invoice Taxes/Fee CALIF STATE SALES TAX CALIF OIL SPILL-DSL. GAS & ETH-.00 CALIF STATE SALES TAX - COUNTY CALIF STATE SALES TAX - LOCAL CALIF SALES TAX RIVERSIDE FEDERAL LUST TAX - 001 FEDERAL OIL SPILL FEE DSL & KERO- 002143 CAAB 32 ADMIN FEE - DIESEL.002714 PRODUCT Inches Inches Water Before After YIN I RECEIPT I[CIIIISH CHECK OTHER TOTAL Certificate Number Quantity Amount Due Exempt 137.00 $3.43 No 135,00 $0.00 No 137,00 $015 No 13700 $0.57 No 137.00 $0,28 No 135,00 3014 No 135.00 SO-29 No 135.00 $0.37 No PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE - NO OTHER STATEMENT WILL BE SENT I DRUMS DRUMS DRUM SUBTOTAL $5659 DELIVERED RETURNED TOTAL - DRUM CHARGE EACH CRUM CHARGE HEREIN WHEN PAID `MLL BE HELD BY SELLER AS A TAXESIFEES $5.23 DEPOSIT, WHICH SELLER MAY MINGLE'WITH HIS OWN FUNDS TO SECURE RETURN OF THE DRUM AND WILL BE FORFEITED TO SELLER IF THE DRUM IS NOT RETURNED IN UNDAMAGED CONDITION WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE 17REIGHT $0.00 DATE HEREONAND WILL BE CREDITED TO THE BUYER IF THE DRUM IS RETURNED TOTAL $61 82 DUE DATE 09/1612017 Interest of 1 '/.% of the balance due (18% per annum) shall be added to invoices for any amounts no' paid by due dales or pursuant to the terms and conditions as set forth in the contractor purchase agreement with customer which agreement or contract is ,rCorporated I^erem by this reference If any action is brought to enforce the terms of this invoice or tit cal ect amounts due and owing. Beck Oil I-.c snail oe entitled to recovery and co0ecllon of reasonable attorney fees and costs associated therewith HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1-800-633-8253 RECEIVED BY PRINT NAME. DATE/TIME