SDCo Escrow Disbursement Request 15 (2017-10-23)THE ROBERT GREEN C O M P A N Y October 23, 2017 Steve Howlett CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 via email SUBJECT: SILVERROCK GOLF COURSE REALIGNMENT PROJECT— Request #15 for Escrow Disbursement Dear Mr. Howlett, As required by PSDA Amendment #2 and the attendant "Golf Course Realignment Funds Disbursement Agreement" executed on May 10, 2017, SilverRock Development Company, LLC respectfully requests a disbursement from escrowed proceeds in the amount of $18315.00. This request is to directly compensate Casa Verde Golf for work performed through October 20,2017, per the attached documentation. I have reviewed the application and concur that the work for which this application is made is complete. Please contact me with any questions, and thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, SilverRock Development Company, LLC A Delaware Limited Liability company By: RGC La Quinta LLC A Delaware Limited Liability company Its Managing member By: The Robert Green Company A California Corporation Its Managing member By: a OQ,- -0 Name: John am n Its: Project Executive, on behalf of Robert S. Green, President CC Robert S. Green Ed Boyd Sonya Murillo Attachments; SilverRock Development Company Escrow Disbursement Request #15 October 23, 2017 The undersigned, on behalf of SilverRock Development Company, LLC hereby requests a disbursement in the amount, and on the date, set forth, pursuant to Golf Course Realignment Funds Disbursement Agreement ("Agreement") dated May 18, 2017 between City of La Quinta ("City") and SilverRock Development Company, LLC ("Developer"). Total balance of available funds for disbursement: $435,672.46 Total amount requested for this disbursement: $18,315.00 Balance after this disbursement: $417,357.46 Disbursement instructions as follows: • Form of payment: Check ■ Amount: $18,315.00 Payable to: Casa Verde Golf and Landscaping LLC Mail to: 7025 E Greenway Pkwy #550, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Developer hereby represents and warrants to City that: 1. The requested disbursement shall be applied to pay costs in accordance with the itemized payment request attached. 2. All costs shown in prior Disbursement Requests are authorized in the Agreement, Developer has received valid conditional or unconditional lien releases or waivers from all contractors, subcontractors and materialmen with respect to all payments made for work and materials if the work or materials could give rise to a mechanic's or a materialmen's lien against the Property, and Developer has no knowledge of any mechanic's lien claims against the property. 3. The attached payment request is an accurate and complete statement of all amounts previously paid or now due and all amounts expected to be incurred in connection with the completion of the work. 4. All representations and warranties in the Agreement and the other agreements and/ or documents executed by Developer with respect to the Project are true and correct as of the date of this request as if made on as of the date of this request. No default by Developer remains uncured, and no event has occurred which, with the giving of notice or the passage of time or both, would constitute a default by Developer. Date: 10/23/ 17 Developer Designated Representative PAYMENT APPROVED: Steve Howlett, Facilities Director, City of La Quinta APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT DOCUMENT032015 PAGECM OF .P:CSEB TO OWNER: SilverRock Development Company, LLC PROJECT: SilverRock Resort APPLICATION NO: 8 Dislrlbuli(In tw.. c/o The Robert Green Company 79179 Ahmanson Ln APPLICATION DATE 10/05/17 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road La Quinta, CA 92253 PERIOD TO: 10/06/17 Pxq=N,, 17cT Encinitas, CA 92024 PAYMENT DUE: 10/16/17 CONTRACTOR Contact: Mn John Gamlin FROM CONSULTANT: Casa Verde Cmlrand Landscaping LLC VIA ARCHITECT: 7025 E Greenway Pkwy #550 Scottsdale. AZ 85254 PROJECT NOS: CONTRACTFOR: Colf Course Realignment - Consultant(MONTHLY EXTENSION OF SCRYECFS - MONTH 2) CONTRACT DATE: Auguc1 J7. 2017 CONSULTANT'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Consultanl certifies that tothe bear of the Consultant's knowledge, Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been Continualion Sheet. Document G703, is aueched completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Consultant for Work for which previous Cerrificates fur Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due I. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 18,31500 2. Net change by Change Orders E CONSULTANT: Casa Verde Golf and Landscaping LLC 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line 1 x 2) E 1y.3 (.5. 4 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO E 5.315. BY: Dale: October 5, 2017 DATE (Column G on G703) 5. RETAINAGE: a. 0% of Cnmpkted Work $ 0 o umn D + E on G703) b 0%of Stored Material S 0 o umn F on G703) Total Rewhurge (Lines 5a+51b or Total in Column I of 0703) $ 000 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $ 18,315.00 (Line 4 Less Line 5 Total) 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT (Line 6 from prior Certificate) , E 9.157,50 8 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ 9,110 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAWAGE $ ((11��77 (Line 3 less Line 6) (:n&%e VOLK%30hlmArf.a nkh .00" uas16Lr AAt Nora) approved Chmge Orders-m presiouaPayment Applications: $0.00 aw Tons ottpomhl Cluopc 014cn fw this Pa lad 79.100 S0.0 TOTALS $000 $000 NET CHANGFS by Chanee, Order $0 nn .M no CONTINUATION SHEET SilvwRock Development Company, LLC APPLICATION NO. S PROJECT NO: l A I3 c L) WORK ITEM SCHEDULED FROM NO. WORK VALUE PREVIOUS APPLICATION (I) + E) q 2 �o struction MeeA4hnt S 5,00.0a S k500.00 a Iseeture S Finish Consultation S 8.625.00 $ 4,312.50 SUS -TOTAL 5 18,315.00 5 9.157-50 S APPLICATION DATE: taJa5J17 PE RIOD TO ! 101Ufi11 Y F Ci H I �y �E 1106NK MATERIALS VOTAL COMPLI37ED PRESENTLY COMPLETED % BALANCE THIS PERIOD STORED AND STORED TO FINISH TO DATE (Not In D or E) (D+E+F) (C-0) 5 5 a.G80.0D TOD.l10% S s !. s } a.22s.� IDD.ww/I APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT DOCUMENTO32015 PAGE ONE OF 1 PAGES TO OWNER: SOverRock Development Company, LLC PROJECT: SilverRock Resod APPLICATION NO: 9 ntitlibohon W: do The Robert Green Company 79179 Ahmanson Ln APPLICATION DATE 10'19' 17ffRICKI[TECT WNER 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road La Quinta CA 92253 PERIOD TO: 1020! 17 Encinitas, CA 92024 PAYMENT DUE: 10/3W17OKTBACTOR Contact Mr, John Carrillo FROM CONSULTANT: Casa Verde Golrand f—dsraping LLC VIA ARCHITECT: 7025 E Greenway Pkwy N550 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 PROJECT NOS: CONTRACT FOR: Golf Course Realignment - Consultant [MONTHLY EXTENSION OF SERVICES - MONTH 3] CONTRACT DATE: August 17, 2017 CONSULTANT'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Consultant certifies that to the best of the Consultant's knowledge, Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been Continuation Sheet, Document G703, is attached, completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Consultant I'or Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments reserved from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM S 18,31500 2. Net change by Change Orden a dw CONSULTANT: Casa Verde Golf and landscaping LLC 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line l t 2) IN$�jIS.QQtIii �� 4, TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO a 4;137.50 By; Dale: October 19. 2017 DATE (Column G on G703) 5, RETAINAGE: a. 0% of Completed Work f o umn D + E on G703) b. 0 k of Stored Material S i7 umn Pon G703) Total Reminage (Lines 5a+5b or Total in Column 1 of G703) 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE (Line 4 Less Line 5 Tom]) 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT (Line 6 from prior Certificate) S. CURRENT PAYMENT DOE 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE (Line 3 less Line 6) I,laANlie IJRIIER NUMMAN I' I Tnmt appinvVI Ch Pius in Pre iu Fit " u Applications anal apprmd Clu p Dld— let thn petitrd' TOTALS NET CHANGES by Change Order 9 0 5 0,00 9,157.50 $ yy 0,00 3 AUDI I'IUMa UCIILIL'f7UT5 SAo6 WWI f60R 79AR sn oa ao.00 ao-oo.. sotto I;0tJ7IRilAT10N SHEET Page t Of1 Silva, Flar. k Development Company, LLC APPLICATION NO. 9 APPLICATION DATE: 10MOM7 PROJECT NO; PERIOD TO: 10/20/17 A g U y r (3 H WORK WJRK MATERIALS TOTAL ITEM SCHEDULED FROM COMPLETED PRESENTLY COMPLETED %. BALANCE NO. WORK VALUE PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD STORED AND STORED TO FINISH APPLICATION TO DATE (D + E1 (Not In D or E) (D+E+h (C-0) Mobilization & L.odrlina 5 4,M.00 $ 5 - ffi 3 .00 50.00%j S 2.345.00 .' Cn ns truc I i on Mn n aq c PY��tnS :i Fe1lurn & finish Work Connullaagrt `y 9,000.W $ 625.00 `bil{i Liu 4.J1 5 ti 5 5 L.;6—uxyu A.318.50 u1.UU`Ye 3 50.G0% $ 2,i O w 4,312,50 OTAL SUB-TS 1V15.00 5 S d.110.5(1 5 5 9,157.50 50.00%13 9.157.501