CACMIN 01 13 2005 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES January 13, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon led the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Charlene Lane STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Therese Vella-Finorio – Community Services Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT- None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of December 9, 2004 B. Department Report November 2004 C. Financial Report for December 2004 Commissioner Brodsky had major issues regarding the minutes. He stated he believed Commissioner Gassman had asked staff if the City Council took action on their suggestions of the December 7th in plenty of time to be included in the City calendar. The minutes read the information was included in the recreation brochure but not the calendar, which they felt was incorrect. (Page 4, paragraph 6, line 2). Director Horvitz stated the calendar had already gone to print prior to the December 7th meeting. She said she would listen to the tape to hear what was said. If she represented it was going to be in the calendar, she apologized, but the information could not have gotten into the calendar. The Community Service recreation brochure went to print on December 15th. Commissioner Reynolds asked for clarification regarding the financial report on page 12, Less Commitments – Louis De Martino-Movie Theater Art Work and Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 2. Civic Center Campus – LQ Mountain Range by B. Ware. Director Horvitz stated that those two projects will not be taking place so she will go back to the City Council to have them removed from the report. Commissioner Reynolds also asked for clarification regarding the CIP Admin costs of Civic Center Campus CIP Administration $12,514 which was in that same section of the report. Director Horvitz stated Administration was part of that budget and should remain in the report. On page 13 of the financial report, Commissioner Reynolds questioned $268.81 for the Art Wall Certificates. Director Horvitz stated that was allocated out of the Cultural Arts Commission budget. Commissioner Reynolds also asked for clarification regarding the APP Supplies $55.50 to which Director Horvitz replied it was reclassified as a separate expenditure. Commissioner Gassman stated she would abstain from voting for approval of the minutes because she did not receive them in time to review them. Commissioner Brodsky also stated he would abstain from voting. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to approve the Consent Calendar. Two abstained Gassman/Brodsky. V. PUBLIC HEARING – None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Improvements to Art Pieces: Commissioner Loudon introduced architect Gil Fraide to discuss his recommendations to art piece improvement. Mr. Fraide explained the drawings and his recommendations for “Solitude” at the Senior Center. His recommendations included adding shrubs, river rocks, color bedding plants, stepping stones, curbing and reworking of the irrigation and adding low level lighting. The Commissioners discussed these suggestions with Mr. Fraide in detail. Commissioner Loudon recommended the Commissioners take a look at the site prior to making a decision on the proposed improvements. She asked Mr. Fraide to return next month to the Cultural Arts Commission meeting so they may make a decision on how to proceed. Mr. Fraide then discussed the art piece “Cahuilla Family” at Point Happy. His initial comment was the art piece was not visible because of the height of the existing planting. His recommendations included providing a body of water to create a water fall; modify edge of pedestal; add step stones; add water spouts; ad plant color bedding plants and textured shrubs; remove tree and grass shrubs for visibility; add fiber optic lighting; and increase pump size. There was open discussion on the drawings and recommendations made by Mr. Fraide. There was also discussion on the possible relocation of the two swans that were added to the site, but were not a part of the art piece. Commissioner Gassman Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3. discussed the fiber optic lighting recommendations with Mr. Fraide, and the pros and cons of different types of lighting. Commissioner Loudon recommended the Commissioners visit the site to view the art piece with the new drawings. She asked Mr. Fraide to return to the Cultural Arts Commission meeting next month so they may discuss their findings with him along with the art piece “Solitude”. Mr. Fraide agreed to attend next month’s meeting. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - none VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Attendance at Community Functions – Commissioner Loudon said the art show that was planned at the River was postponed because of the weather. She doesn’t know when the next art show will take place. Commissioner Reynolds said she will be at the art show on Saturday, January 15th and Saturday, January 16th. She also attended the open house the City held. Commissioner Loudon said she also attended the City’s open house. Commissioner Gassman attended the grand opening of the La Quinta Skate Park. Commissioner Loudon asked Director Horvitz about the grand opening for SilverRock Golf Course. Director Horvitz said due to the recent storm, the grand opening was delayed from January 17th to March 1st . She added there are no event coming up in the near future. The Chamber of Commerce lunch will be held in March. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. Submitted by: ___________________________________________________ Therese Vella-Finorio, Community Services Secretary