CACMIN 02 10 2005 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES February 10, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon led the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Charlene Lane STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT- None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2005 B. Department Report for December 2004 C. Financial Report for January 2004 D. Excuse Commissioner Lane from January Meeting Minor grammatical corrections were noted in the minutes. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Brodsky did not vote. V. PUBLIC HEARING – None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Improvements to Art Pieces: Staff gave an update on the progress by Mr. Fraide on the Point Happy Art Piece: Mr. Fraide got a late start on the changes suggested by the Commission at the last meeting and then became ill therefore he was unable to attend this meeting. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 2. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she would like to see the tall trees removed along with the large pampas grass that has grown too big for the sculpture area. She also asked about the purpose of the circular pad at the end of the walkway and would like to see another stone bench placed in that area. Commissioner Gassman thinks that white lights would enhance the art piece and would make it more visible. Commissioner Brodsky asked if water is supposed to bubble from the pots on the sculpture. Commissioner Loudon thinks bubbling water from the pots would enhance the art feature. The Commission stated that Mr. Fraide had quoted $18,000-20,000 for improvements to the art piece. If the only modification is to reduce the size of the landscaping, the price should be reduced accordingly. Commissioner Gassman asked that this item be tabled until next meeting when Mr. Fraide can attend the meeting. Commissioner Gassman also suggested “Solitude” needs lighting. B. Concert Under the Stars: Commissioner Brodsky visited the Cathedral City Senior Center to hear the Marty Lipson band rehearse. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he did not stay as Mr. Lipson was not at rehearsal. He reported that the band is comprised of professional musicians from the Coachella Valley however, he did not stay for the rehearsal as Mr. Lipson was not there. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he will not support having Mr. Lipson’s band perform for the City because Mr. Lipson was not at the Cathedral City Senior Center on February 10, 2005 when Commissioner Brodsky attended. Commissioner Loudon asked about the availability of the Marine Corp. Band in which staff stated that the Marine Corp. Band is available on April 16 and staff has tentatively held that date with the group based upon the Commission’s direction. Staff stated that the fees associated with the group include travel and meals but is well within the budget for this event. Commissioner Gassman asked if the Commission would consider one concert this year, due to the conflict with Indian Wells on April 16, 2005 and have the Marine Corp. Band perform on May 14, as that is close to Memorial Day. Commissioner Reynolds stated that there will always be conflicting events and ours is free to the public. She suggested that the Marine Corp. Band perform on April 16. Staff asked for clarification from the Commission as to having the La Quinta High School Jazz Band perform on April 16 as well, in which the Commission stated they would like that to be arranged. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3. The Commission then discussed the May concert. Commissioner Gassman stated that there are two people that work at Best, Best and Krieger that perform show tunes that she thinks would complement a concert very well. Commissioner Loudon asked if their performance would work well at the amphitheater. Commissioner Gassman replied that it would. Commissioner Loudon asked if the Mariachi bands would be available on May 14. Commissioner Reynolds suggested the Marty Lipson band would be a good second choice if the Mariachi bands are not available. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to direct staff to finalize the April 16 concert date with the Marine Corp. Band and La Quinta High School Jazz Band and to contact the Mariachi groups (adult and youth) for the May 14 concert. If the Mariachi are not available, contact Mr. Lipson, the singing duo and a High School band to perform. Commissioners Loudon, Reynolds and Gassman voted yes. Commissioner Brodsky did not vote. Commissioner Gassman provided staff the names of the singing duo: Julie Rosser and Paul Mac-Key. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Eisenhower Bridge Railings-Commissioners Reynolds and Gassman agreed that the bridge railings on Eisenhower Street are very nice and unify the City’s bridges in design. B. Civic Center Art Purchase Committee-Commissioner Loudon reminded the Commission that the City Council did not participate in the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee last year due to the lack of space for new artwork. C. Statement of Economic Interests-Commissioner Loudon reminded everyone to complete their forms and submit them to the City Clerk. D. Monthly Calendar of Events-Commissioner Loudon said that this was a good tool to use to attend events. Commissioner Gassman agreed. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Attendance at Community Functions –Commissioner Gassman attended the “Art Under the Umbrellas”, the Southwest Arts Festival and the Bob Hope Classic. Commissioner Reynolds said she was at the art show on Saturday, January 15th and Saturday, January 16th. B. Commission Representation-Commissioner Loudon reminded the Commission that everyone has the right to address the City Council as an individual but must be very careful in representing the Commission to Council. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 4. This was in reference to Commissioner Brodsky’s comments to the City Council on February 1 in which it was reported the Commission was in complete support of the “La Quinta Playhouse”. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he was very upset that staff contacted the Chair of the Commission instead of him to discuss this issue. Staff reported the reason this came to light was at a City staff meeting, it was questioned as to why staff had not reported the Commission’s support of the “La Quinta Playhouse” project. Staff reported that the Commission had not taken formal action on support for the program and that either the Commission discussed this outside of the Commission venue or Commissioner Brodsky was representing his own opinion at the Council meeting. It is staff’s role to contact the Chair of the Commission when an issue arises and the Chair is responsible for discussing the issue with the Commissioners. Commissioner Loudon brought this issue forward to remind the Commission of the roles of the Commissioners. Commissioner Brodsky questioned the policy regarding the Brown Act. Staff stated that the Commission cannot meet to discuss either in a group or in serial for the purpose of making a decision outside of the public arena. Staff can contact the Chair or all Commissioners to provide information without violating the Brown Act. If staff were to ask the Commissioners for a decision on an issue without having it posted, that would be a violation of the Brown Act. Commissioner Brodsky expressed his anger towards staff regarding this issue and refused to discuss the issue any further. Commissioner Gassman stated that she is happy to see the performing arts being supported in addition to public art and is thrilled that there are people offering performing arts. Commissioner Brodsky asked that the Commission pass a resolution supporting the “La Quinta Playhouse.” Staff stated that this item will be placed on the March agenda so that it can be advertised as required by the Brown Act. Commissioner Loudon asked if Ms. Joanne Reeves can be invited to attend the March meeting. Staff will arrange that. C. Commissioner Lane’s Attendance-Commissioner Gassman expressed her concern that Commissioner Lane has missed several meetings since her appointment to the Commission. Commissioner Brodsky stated that in a conversation he had with Ms. Lane in the market, Ms. Lane stated that she had no intention of attending any functions sponsored by the City. Commissioner Brodsky feels it is unfair to the Commission to have a Commissioner that does not participate when the Commission seat could be filled with an active participant. Commissioners Gassman and Reynolds agreed. Staff stated that the policy is that when a Commissioner misses three consecutive meetings, excused or not, they may be removed from the Commission. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 5. D. Art Show-Commissioner Reynolds passed out invitations to the art show in Old Town hosted by the La Quinta Arts Foundation and invited everyone to the art show to be held in May right before Mother’s Day. Commissioner Loudon stated that the tentative date for the Arts Alliance Art Show at the River is planned for April 9. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Commissioners Loudon, Gassman and Reynolds voted yes. Commissioner Brodsky did not vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Submitted by: ___________________________________________________ Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary