CACMIN 03 24 2005 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES March 24, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon led the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Charlene Lane STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary GUESTS: JoAnn Reeves Cheryl Nova Diane Adolph II. PUBLIC COMMENT- None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of February 10, 2005 B. Department Report for January 2005 C. Financial Report for February 2005 A minor grammatical correction was noted in the minutes. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING – None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. La Quinta Playhouse Project - Joann Reeves introduced herself as the Artistic Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 2. Director for the La Quinta Playhouse. Ms. Reeves provided the Commission with her background as pertains to the artistic community. Ms. Reeves stated she moved to the desert with the express purpose of opening the La Quinta Playhouse. Ms. Reeves informed the Commission that she has done independent polling and research within the community and has found there is a resounding interest and strong support from the community for such an equity theatre project. Ms. Reeves informed the Commission that a successful production of “A Christmas Carol” was completed in conjunction with R&R Broadcasting at the La Quinta Resort in December of 2004. The next project on the books for the La Quinta Playhouse is a production of “Art”. The La Quinta Playhouse production of “Art” will be under a tent in Old Town La Quinta. The show will run each weekend in the month of May and will open May 5, 2005. A special weekend is planned for the opening and will include appetizers and wine. The last weekend the show will be running, Ms. Reeves stated there will be a short training session for children followed by a performance while they are still under the tent. “Art” will be a fully professional production featuring three equity actors. The goal of the La Quinta Playhouse is to be a professional production company and Ms. Reeves stressed that although this will in no way be a community theatre, there are numerous ways the community can support the productions. Local actors may be utilized in future productions, but there needs to be at least one equity actor. Commissioner Loudon stated there is a lot of local talent in the community and would like to see that utilized. There are enough people residing the desert on a full time basis to get involved and make this project a success according to Commissioner Loudon. Commissioner Reynolds asked Ms. Reeves how the Commission can help. Ms. Reeves said influence will be the objective at the moment. She informed the Commission that she opened a file with Mark Weiss for consideration at SilverRock. Commissioner Brodsky said the Commission would have some positive influence with the City Council. Ms. Reeves stated the Playhouse is looking for the land but will fund the construction of the “Playhouse” themselves. Ms. Reeves suggested that they could build a strong endowment fund for the Playhouse in the future. Commissioner Reynolds said perhaps the Commission can get the word out into the community about the upcoming production of “Art” by handing out flyers. Ms. Reeves stated that the Playhouse does not have a lot of funding for advertising, so this would be a great help. At the moment, Ms. Reeves stated Old Towne La Quinta is working with The La Quinta Playhouse to put together packages for the event. Commissioner Gassman asked Ms. Reeves how much the price of tickets will be for the upcoming production of “Art” to which she replied either twenty-three or Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3. twenty-four dollars. Commissioner Loudon asked Ms. Reeves if she has contacted any of the local radio stations like KWXY OR KPSI for radio support. Ms. Reeves stated she is working with Mr. and Mrs. Supple of K&R Broadcasting. Commissioner Gassman suggested Ms. Reeves check with Morris Communications. Ultimately, Ms. Reeves stated that proceeding with this project will require taking it one step at a time and really establishing themselves within the community. Ms. Nova stated this production of “Art” is on the caliber of a major urban play and that they are really hoping that all the buzz generated will provide them with donors for future projects. Ms. Reeves said that if they do not have a building by the fall, they may even be back under the tent again for another performance. Ms. Adolph said the Commission was part of bringing the Coachella Valley On Stage to fruition back in 1996. Ms. Adolph gave her full support and backing to Ms. Reeves and informed the Commission that she put together “A Christmas Carol” in under a month and is very capable at what she does. Director Horvitz brought an article that was run in The Desert Sun on March 21, 2005 to the Commission’s attention. In the article, the California Desert Arts Foundation is proposing a four hundred seat black box theatre. Ms. Adolph explained that this two hundred and fifty million dollar project will actually house three different types of theatres including a movie theatre and that there is room enough in this city for more than one black box theatre. Ms. Adolph felt this article had no bearing on the task at hand, which is to bring the La Quinta Playhouse into realization. Commissioner Loudon thanked each of the guests for appearing before the Commission. The Commission discussed making a recommendation to City Council. Commissioner Brodsky stated that just because the article ran in the paper doesn’t mean the theatre will ever be built and if it actually does get pushed through, this may take years to realize. The La Quinta Playhouse is imminent right now with an actual performance in the works. Commissioner Brodsky suggested the Commission support the La Quinta Playhouse. Commissioner Reynolds expressed her approval that the Playhouse is starting small so they can prove themselves to the Community as a reputable and professional company. Commissioner Gassman stated she really liked the fact that the La Quinta Playhouse came before the Commission to speak. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to support the La Quinta Playhouse. Unanimous. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 4. B. Improvements to Art Pieces – Commissioner Gassman expressed her disappointment that Mr. Fraide was not in attendance. Director Horvitz told the Commission that although Mr. Fraide was not present, she has a report. Mr. Fraide requested a copy of the Art Purchase Agreement which staff provided for his review. After reviewing the agreement, Mr. Fraide informed staff that he simply does not have any time to dedicate to another project. Commissioner Gassman stated the artwork seems to be showing much better and inquired if the city is responsible for upkeep on the artwork. Staff informed the Commission that the City has an agreement with the developer to maintain the art pieces. Commissioner Brodsky said he spoke with Felicia and she stated that water should bubble out of the pots. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff if a landscape architect is needed. Director Horvitz stated that would be advisable. Commissioner Loudon suggested that professional advice is needed by the Commission. Staff offered that the Commission might bring this to the City Council to see if they want to pursue this. If they do decide to pursue the improvements to the art pieces, a formal RFP will be issued. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to ask the City Council’s consideration of improvements to the art pieces. Unanimous C. Commissioner Attendance – Commissioner Gassman stated she did receive an e-mail from Commissioner Lane asking when the next Commission meeting date will be. Commissioner Gassman also stated her concerns because the date has been provided to her numerous times. Commissioner Loudon said she has been in contact with Commissioner Lane as well, and relayed Commissioner Lane’s desire to remain a part of the Cultural Arts Commission. Although she would like to remain on the Commission, she stated she will understand if action would have to be taken. Commissioner Loudon stated that although Commissioner Lane provided legitimate excuses for many of her absences, it places undue burden on the rest of the Commission. Furthermore, each of the Commissioners does make a concerted effort to attend the Commission meetings and the Commission functions into each of their busy schedules. Commissioners Brodsky/Gassman moved that City Council be asked to review the situation surrounding Commissioner Lane’s nonattendance and at their discretion, remove Commissioner Lane from the Commission. Unanimous. D. Concert Under the Stars Event – Commissioner Loudon said the Commission Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 5. has both the dates and funds secured for the event. Commissioner Gassman asked if the musical performances have been locked in. Commissioner Reynolds said they have. Commissioner Loudon said that in the past, the Commission has acted as host for the event and asked the Commission if they would distribute flyers advertising the event as they have done for the prior years. Commissioner Reynolds said she will distribute flyers to Valley Independent Bank as well as the Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Gassman stated the local grocery stores have been very good about letting flyers be distributed there as well. Staff stated that by the next meeting on April 14, 2005, the programs will have been finalized. Commissioner Brodsky stated he will be unable to attend the Concert Under the Stars Event. E. Community Picnic – Commissioner Loudon asked for suggestions on a booth idea for the Community Picnic. Commissioner Brodsky expressed his satisfaction at the booth the Commission provided last year. The booth had rolls of butcher paper with markers and crayons for the kids to draw on. They also passed out lollipops. After the event, the butcher paper was torn off and hung at City Hall for public viewing. Commissioner Reynolds said she will be out of town and will be unable to attend the Community Picnic. Commissioner Loudon also stated she will be unable to attend the Community Picnic that day because she will be moving. Commissioner Gassman and Commissioner Brodsky stated they will both be in attendance and will man the booth on behalf of the Commission. Commissioner Loudon asked if staff could take charge of the information cards to be filled out at the booth. Staff stated that would be arranged. Commissioner Loudon volunteered her time to do the follow up phone calls for those people who do fill out the information cards which ask the community what they would like to see in the future. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Monthly Calendar of Events – The Commission was pleased to see the Community Picnic on the Calendar of Events, but stated they still would like to see the Concert Under the Stars on the calendar as well. Staff stated the request has been submitted to have it added. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Attendance at Community Functions – Commissioner Gassman stated she attended the La Quinta Arts Festival twice over the weekend. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 6. Commissioner Brodsky stated he attended both the SilverRock Opening Ceremonies as well as the La Quinta Arts Festival. Commissioner Loudon Commissioner Loudon reminded the Commission that the deadline to turn in the Statements of Economic Interest is April 1, 2005. Commissioner Reynolds stated she attended the SilverRock Opening Ceremonies as well as the La Quinta Arts Festival. She stated she was a jewelry judge on March 17 for the Arts Festival and attended the Thursday night preview event as well as attending as a patron on March 19, 2005. Commissioner Reynolds said she attended the Pillars of the Community Ceremony on February 15, 2005. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Gassman to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM Submitted by: ___________________________________________________ Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary