CACMIN 04 14 2005 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES April 14, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon led the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Charlene Lane STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary GUESTS: Jan Blakely II. PUBLIC COMMENT- None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of March 24, 2005 B. Department Report for February 2005 C. Financial Report for March 2005 It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING – None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Concert Under the Stars – Commissioner Loudon began by reviewing with the Commission the date and time of the event. The Concert Under the Stars will take place on Saturday, April 16, 2005 at 6:30 PM. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 2. Commissioner Loudon asked for two volunteers to arrive at the event at 5:30 PM to meet the bands. Commissioner Gassman volunteered. Commissioner Loudon, Commissioner Brodsky and Commissioner Reynolds stated they would not be available to attend this event. Commissioner Gassman asked the Commission if her husband, Alan Gassman, could fill in for the second Commissioner. The Commission agreed and thanked Commissioner Gassman for her time. A request was made for any Commissioner who is available to arrive at 6:15 PM to serve water to the concert-goers. Commission guest, Jan Blakely stated she will try to arrive early to help facilitate this, but as of the Commission meeting time, she is unsure and will have to check her schedule. It was agreed that Ms. Blakely would contact Commissioner Loudon later in the evening to confirm these plans. B. Community Picnic – The Commission collectively agreed they were pleased with the comment cards produced by staff. The Commission asked Director Horvitz if they will be able to distribute the comment cards through the staff booth at the picnic instead of the Cultural Arts Commission booth. The general feeling is that since the Commission booth is aimed at children who will be drawing and painting, not only will space be limited, but it will be too messy to have the cards there. Director Horvitz said she will inform staff the cards will be placed on the staff table to distribute during the event. Commissioner Reynolds suggested that some cards be kept at the Commission booth. Although soliciting comments will not be a primary concern at the booth, there may be a need on an individual basis for someone to fill one out while visiting the Cultural Arts Commission booth. Commissioner Loudon expressed her regret that she will be unable to attend this annual event, but stated she will volunteer her time to follow-up via phone call or e-mail to each person who fills out a comment card for the Commission. Commissioner Loudon also stated she will put together a report for the Commission describing names, contact information and what was requested so there is something to compare against next year. The Commission requested from staff that pens or pencils be supplied at the booth the day of the event. Additionally, the Commission requested that upon the end of the day, the comment cards be kept with staff until such a time that Commissioner Loudon can collect them to handle her follow-up communication. Staff stated writing instruments will be provided and the comment cards will remain with the Community Services staff until collected by Commissioner Loudon. C. Annual Work Plan – Commissioner Loudon stated she did not have the opportunity to review the Work Plan prior to the evening’s meeting due to a technical problem with her computer. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3. Director Horvitz informed the Commission there was a change to the format of the Work Plan this year and that the City Council has requested to see clearly defined goals. Such goals need to be measurable and achievable over the course of the next year. Staff stated that the goals listed on page two are only suggested goals and the Commission may revise them if they so choose. Commissioner Gassman stated that on page two of the Annual Work Plan, staff has listed a goal of the Commission to “Work in conjunction with the La Quinta Arts Foundation in the Art Under the Umbrellas show to highlight La Quinta Artists by posting a sign at La Quinta artists booths.” The Commission was informed by Commissioner Gassman that while distributing flyers over the course of the past month to promote the upcoming Concert Under the Stars event, she attempted to leave flyers for distribution at the La Quinta Arts Foundation table in Old Towne La Quinta. The people manning the table refused to put the flyers out for distribution. Commissioner Loudon asked staff if there is a reason known why this might have happened. Staff replied she knew of no such reason. Staff suggested developing a working relationship with La Quinta Arts Foundation might be a goal for the Commission. Commissioner Gassman felt that inviting a representative of the La Quinta Arts Foundation to a meeting would be conducive in beginning such a relationship. While at a meeting, the Commission would have the opportunity to share upcoming events, ideas for events and vice versa. Open communication will be stressed and Commissioner Gassman stated that lack of communication is currently a key problem. Commissioner Loudon requested staff contact the La Quinta Arts Foundation to arrange for a representative to come to a Commission meeting. An open discussion may stop any more problems before they begin. Commissioner Gassman requested clarification from staff on page five of the work plan, second bullet mark. Commissioner Gassman interpreted this to state the Commission needs to take a more proactive approach in the inclusion of information for the GEM. Staff told Commissioner Gassman that is not the case but that she has included in the budget, funds for an Art In Public Places brochure which is a task that can be accomplished with the Commissions help. Commissioner Brodsky asked staff if there will be a map and photos included in the brochure, to which staff said there will be. Commissioner Loudon stated that currently she sits on the board, and is Vice President of the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance. Commissioner Loudon stated her forte has always been fundraising, and feels that since there have not been any fundraising activities this past year, her skills are not being utilized. Because of this, she said her skills will be better suited elsewhere and informed the Commission she will resign her post in June of this year. Commissioner Loudon said she feels the wording on page six, under the third Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 4. bullet might be changed so they are not obligated to the Coachella Valley Art Alliance. Staff recited the text in the Work Plan as “… as deemed appropriate by the City Council” and stated that it does not, in fact, obligate the Commission. Commissioner Loudon said the text is fine as listed. Commissioner Gassman stated she felt the goals listed by staff were appropriate and readily achievable. She also stated she thought the format was wonderful. Each Commissioner shared Commissioner Gassman’s feeling about the Work Plan and thought it was very well laid out by staff. It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Gassman to accept the proposed W ork Plan with the few minor changes by the Commission for staff to present to City Council. Unanimous. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Monthly Calendar of Events – Commissioner Loudon thanked staff for the inclusion of the calendar in the Commission packet. She stated it is a very useful tool for the Commissioners. B. Commissioner Vacancy – Commissioner Loudon stated she was very troubled by the events surrounding the vacancy. Specifically, she is upset that Commissioner Lane only listed half truths in her correspondence to staff and the rest of the Commission. Commissioner Loudon stated that she encouraged Commissioner Lane to attend the upcoming meeting, which would have been the current night’s meeting. Although Commissioner Loudon said she felt the right decision was made by the Commission and City Council to relieve Commissioner Lane of her position, she felt sad for Commissioner Lane because the minutes did not show what Commissioner Lane asked her. Commissioner Brodsky said he clearly heard Commissioner Lane tell him that she would not be willing to attend any Commission functions in the future which is a direct contradiction of what she stated in her e-mail correspondence. Commissioner Gassman told the Commission that in her opinion, there is nothing more that needs to be done on this issue, and no further communication should be had. Commissioner Gassman asked staff if there will be a posting for the new Commission position. Staff said this issue will be discussed by the City Council at the next meeting. C. Point Happy and Solitude Improvements – Staff gave a verbal update on the art improvements. The City Council will consider the Commissions update to determine if they want to spend money to improve the two art pieces. The City Council Meeting will be held on April 19, 2005. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 5. D. Correspondence from Ellie Berliner - Commissioner Reynolds expressed her dissatisfaction that the correspondence from Ms. Berliner arrived so late. Commissioner Gassman commented on the mailing date of March 25, 2005 and stated there wasn’t near enough time to plan on attending the show as requested in the correspondence. Commissioner Brodsky stated his wife attended the Opera in the Park which took place in Palm Springs on April 10, 2005. There was an estimated two to three thousand people in attendance. Commissioner Brodsky said the event was very successful and suggested using it as a model for our City. Commissioner Reynolds stated she felt that advertising is the key to any successful event. The Opera in the Park was advertised on television, over the radio and in print. Commissioner Loudon said they had big name supporters such as KMIR TV which made a big difference in their advertising. Commissioner Gassman noted the time of day and the time of year the events are held directly correlate with attendance. Commissioner Brodsky commented on the timing of the Opera In The Park that took place in Palm Springs which was on a Sunday and in the early afternoon. Commissioner Brodsky also stated this time of day/week will find many people together after church and is a time when families are looking for something they might enjoy together as a family. Commissioner Loudon requested that staff make a note of month and time of day for future events as it appears conducive to community participation. Commissioner Gassman said that while some areas of the Cultural Arts are still in their infancy, time is always a factor and that it always takes time for people to start coming to events on a regular basis. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff if there has been any advertising for the upcoming Concert Under the Stars in the local paper. Staff stated that all advertising is turned over to Kiner Communications to handle. Commissioner Reynolds said that it is very important to advertise in the Weekender for residents and out-of-towners alike. Commissioner Gassman asked staff to find out how much advertising will be for the Weekender so that future events may be advertised there. Commissioner Gassman suggested that if events are not making it to the newspaper, perhaps a new advertising agency should be sought after. Ms. Jan Blakely informed the Commission that KWXY is a local radio station that offers free advertising and service announcements. Commission Loudon and Commissioner Brodsky both stated they listen to the station regularly and believe advertising here would be beneficial for future events. Director Horvitz told the Commission again that the advertising is always turned over to the advertising agency to handle. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 6. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Attendance at Community Functions – Commissioner Reynolds told the Commission that she attended the Art Show which took place at the Tennis Gardens in Indian Wells. She brought with her a fan that was passed out to the patrons of the event which advertised City information. The fan included the City’s website address and telephone number and was distributed out of the City booth. While at the City booth, people were able to discuss living in the City of Indian Wells to potential residents. Commissioner Reynolds gave the fan to staff with a request that our City might use this idea in the future. Commissioner Reynolds suggested the cost should be minimal and is an ideal way to advertise for the City of La Quinta. Commissioner Reynolds said she was also able to attend the Umbrella show put on by the La Quinta Arts Foundation. Commissioner Reynolds said she spoke with Kathleen Hughes from the La Quinta Arts Foundation while there, and found out local concierges were approached and given event information to pass out to visitors and that this proved to be very helpful for attendance. Commissioner Reynolds suggested to the Commission using this approach to advertise for upcoming events in the future. The Commission agreed this is a good idea that should be utilized to its fullest. Commissioner Reynolds stated she left Concert Under the Stars flyers at a local bank for distribution. Commissioner Brodsky said that like Commissioner Reynolds, he also attended the Umbrella Show and the Art Show at the Tennis Gardens. Commissioner Brodsky questioned attending events outside the city and Commissioner Loudon said that indeed it helps if Commissioners are able to attend outside events then they will be able to bring ideas back to our City. Commissioner Gassman attended the Art Show in Indian Wells. She presented to the Commission a list of twenty-one places where flyers were distributed to advertise for the upcoming Concert Under the Stars event. Commissioner Gassman stated that in addition to the locations listed, she neglected to include the library, Post Office, Ace Hardware, Great Clips, Stater Bros, Video Depot and the Beachside Café. At each establishment, Commissioner Gassman requested that a flyer be placed in the window and the employee lounge. Ace Hardware refused to post a flyer but Great Clips posted one in both the window and the employee lounge. Commissioner Gassman commented that of all the business visited, far and away, the owner of the Beachside Café was the friendliest and the most eager to help in any way necessary. Commissioner Brodsky stated the Beachside Café is under new ownership. Commissioner Brodsky stated he brought flyers with him to the Coffee Klatsch which takes place every Thursday at Jensen’s. Commissioner Brodsky stated this is an informal coffee break where anyone can come and talk about whatever they wish to discuss and is open for more than just City business. The Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 7. Commission was informed the Mayor makes a point of attending this event every week along with about twenty other people. Commissioner Reynolds said the Mayor has been attending this Coffee Clash for about ten years and has moved locations through the years. Commissioner Loudon thanked Director Horvitz for all the hard work she has done for the City and for the Commission over the past month. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM Submitted by: ___________________________________________________ Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary