CACMIN 05 12 2005
May 12, 2005
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in
the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Vice Chairperson Brodsky led
the meeting. Commissioner Gassman led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Andrea Gassman
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Commissioner Else Loudon
STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2005
B. Department Report for March 2005
C. Financial Report for April 2005
Commissioner Brodsky noted a minor grammatical error in the minutes. It was
moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Gassman to approve the Consent Calendar.
A. Concert Under the Stars – Commissioner Brodsky began by remarking that
staff did a wonderful job of providing flyers to distribute for the first Concert Under
the Stars event that was held on April 16, 2005. Due to this fact, Commissioner
Brodsky asked staff why the Commission was not provided with flyers for the
second Concert Under the Stars event taking place on May 14, 2005. Staff
stated the flyers were recently received from the printer.
Cultural Arts Commission Meeting
Minutes Page 2.
In relation to the concert, Commissioner Reynolds questioned the attendance
numbers as listed on page eighteen of the Commission packet. She said the
estimated attendance was three hundred and fifty people. Commissioner
Gassman commented that while she was at the concert, she personally counted
around five hundred people and they were still coming. Commissioner Gassman
said her estimate for attendance at the event is around seven hundred people.
Commissioner Brodsky asked staff what the cost was for the first Concert Under
the Stars event. Staff replied that the total cost was approximately one thousand
Commissioner Brodsky asked staff what the cost was for the upcoming Concert
Under the Stars event. Staff replied the mariachi band, Fiesta Mexicana has
requested one thousand five hundred dollars for payment. Additionally, staff
stated there will be a five hundred dollar donation made to the Mariachi
Foundation. After these funds are paid out, and after any applicable expenses
are factored in, the cost for the event is estimated to be around two thousand,
five-hundred dollars.
Commissioner Brodsky stated he will arrive at the event at around five thirty.
Commissioners Reynolds and Gassman said they will arrive as close to five thirty
as possible.
A. Annual Work Plan – Commissioner Brodsky asked staff where the idea to
combine the Cultural Arts Commission and the Community Services Commission
came from. Director Horvitz stated that when the annual work plans were
submitted to City Council and they had a chance to review them side-by-side, a
general duplication of efforts was noticed. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff
to point out what efforts are duplicated because she was not able to find any in
the work plans. Director Horvitz said that cultural events fall under the
Community Services umbrella. Both the concerts and the Artist Partnership fall
under the Community Services umbrella as well. She stated she will finish her
report tomorrow which will provide more detail.
Commissioner Gassman stated the City of La Quinta has long touted itself to be
an arts community. She said she is fearful that if there is not an established
Commission titled “Cultural Arts”, residents will lose sight of this.
Commissioner Reynolds asked staff about funding. Staff said that funding for art
pieces and the art wall both come from Art in Public Places funds. Funding for all
other events/items come out of the general fund. Regardless of whether the
Commissions are combined, staff stated the Art in Public Places fund will
continue. Staff referred to the suggestion listed on page twenty one in the
Commission packet which offers that if the Commissions are combined, the
Cultural Arts Commission may evolve into an Ad Hoc Art in Public Places
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Commissioner Brodsky made note that the Cultural Arts Commission was
involved with the Bill Ware art piece at the Embassy Suites. That makes four
public art pieces the Commission was involved with opposed to three as listed on
page twenty-one in the Commission packet during the fiscal year 2004-2005 (the
Embassy Suites piece was reviewed in fiscal year 2003-2004).
Commissioner Reynolds stated she felt that having a good, strong Commission is
very beneficial to the City. Commissioner Brodsky said he feels it would be a
loss to the City if the Cultural Arts Commission was absorbed.
Commissioner Gassman suggested that it be taken into consideration that none
of the Community Service Commissioners have applied for a seat on the Cultural
Arts Commission. She stated that they cannot simply step into the shoes of a
Cultural Arts Commissioner. Commissioner Gassman also questioned whether
any of the Community Service Commissioners have an interest in art at all.
A noted concern made by the Commissioners was that in the future, when vacant
Commission seats are advertised, the title of “Community Service Commissioner”
will not draw the type of applicants that a “Cultural Arts Commissioner” title might.
Commissioner Reynolds mentioned that part of the reason the City decided to
put the Commission together in the first place was to help the community.
In response to Commissioner Reynolds comments, Director Horvitz stated that it
is not unusual to combine commissions. The City Council has in fact done this
several times in the past.
Commissioner Gassman said she feels that by her attending functions put on by
the Community Services Commission, she has been penalized because it gives
the appearance of duplicated efforts.
Commissioner Gassman asked if any of the Cultural Arts Commissioners have
attended a Community Services Commission meeting. Each Commissioner
present stated they had not. Commissioner Gassman suggested that it should
be a prerequisite to attend a meeting for potential Commissioners.
A comment was made by Commissioner Brodsky that he was all for the skate
park, but that he did not consider that art.
Commissioner Reynolds suggested that perhaps the Commissions are being
combined so the City Council has more control over the selection of art pieces.
Collectively, the Cultural Arts Commission stated they are not in favor of
dissolving the Commission that is presently in existence and they feel that to do
so would be a disservice to the community.
B. Point Happy and Solitude Improvements– Commissioner Brodsky told the
Commission that he was very pleased to see that someone has taken an interest
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in completing these improvements. Commissioner Brodsky also stated he looks
forward to viewing the concepts that will be provided by Mr. Ray Lopez.
A. Commissioner Attendance at Community Functions – Commissioner
Reynolds commented she was sad to hear Mr. Ed Hill passed away at the age of
sixty-two. She said that he will be missed and is thankful for the many
contributions he has made to our community.
Commissioner Reynolds told the Commission she is hoping to see the production
of “Art” that’s being held in Old Town La Quinta and stated she is planning on
attending the Concert Under the Stars Event on May 14, 2005. She mentioned
that the Historical Society is having a farewell party the same day and is hoping it
will not impact the attendance to the City’s event.
Commissioner Gassman said she attended the Concert Under the Stars event
and was incredibly pleased and satisfied with both the event itself and the turnout
for the event. She said she felt it was very successful.
Commissioner Gassman mentioned she was able to see “Art” this past month
and expressed her great appreciation for the production. She said it was
Commissioner Gassman said she attended the Community Picnic and Birthday
Bash. She felt this was a great success and residents enjoyed themselves
Commissioner Brodsky thanked staff for the creativeness showed during the
Community Picnic and Birthday Bash. He felt the sea creatures provided in the
Cultural Arts Commission booth for the children to personalize was a great idea.
He said that while in attendance of the Community Picnic and Birthday Bash, he
observed a general feeling of satisfaction. He asked staff what the attendance
number was to which staff replied one thousand four-hundred people.
Commissioner Brodsky said he will be able to attend the Concert Under the Stars
event which will be held this Saturday, May 14, 2005.
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM
Submitted by:
Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary
Cultural Arts Commission Meeting
Minutes Page 5.