CACMIN 06 09 2005 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES June 9, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon led the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary GUESTS: Ray Lopez Bob Leinder Bill Loudon II. PUBLIC COMMENT- None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of May 12, 2005 B. Department Report for April 2005 C. Financial Report for May 2005 Commissioner Loudon made a correction to the minutes. On page four, paragraph four, the minutes read “She stated that they cannot simply step into the shoes of a Community Services Commissioner”, but should have read “… into the shoes of a Cultural Arts Commissioner.” It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with the noted change. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING – None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 2. A. Point Happy and Solitude Art Piece Improvements – Director Horvitz provided the Commission with a brief background on the original architect that was contacted to make the improvements, Mr. Fraide. Unfortunately, Mr. Fraide ultimately decided that he could not complete the project, and Mr. Lopez stepped in. Commissioner Loudon welcomed guest Ray Lopez and invited him to speak. Mr. Lopez presented his plans, specifications and concepts for the Commission’s review along with some photographs of the art pieces. The first concept for the Solitude piece Mr. Lopez presented to the Commission was not included in the plans, but shared it with the Commission as an additional option. Mr. Lopez stated there two Mediterranean fan palm trees, one large and one small, in the corner of the planter as you approach the island. He stated these trees hide the art piece and block the view. Mr. Lopez said he would remove both trees which can then be relocated. He said the trees are beautiful specimens, especially the larger of the trees, and would be relocated under the direction of the City. Mr. Lopez said that he would utilize the existing landscape and irrigation. The next concept presented to the Commission is labeled “Senior Center Concept” on the plans. There are three boulders located in the vicinity of the statue. This concept calls for a stepping stone to be placed near the boulder that has the placard affixed to it. Mr. Lopez stated that when he decided which plants would be added, he did not want to place any plant material that would block the art. The plants labeled as number four on the plans are red yuccas. Mr. Lopez stated these are very durable plants and this concept will require planting four of them. He stated he would like to plant day lilies in the area surrounding the red yuccas. Although the area would be green most of the year, when the day lilies do bloom, they are beautiful. One highlight of this plan is that there would not be a need to change the current irrigation system. Additionally, Mr. Lopez stated he would add a light feature to highlight the art piece. Mr. Lopez presented a third concept to the Commission. This concept would also include red yuccas. Additionally, he would add an annual color to the area. He said that he could justify adding the color since the area is scarce, however, he stated that when an annual color is planted, it is considered high maintenance. By high maintenance, Mr. Lopez explained the plants will need to be removed and re-planted twice a year (in summer and in winter) and will require more irrigation. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3. The final concept for the Solitude improvement that Mr. Lopez presented to the Commission was the same as listed in the previous concept, but instead of using an annual color, he would plant clumping gazania’s. Mr. Lopez stated he would keep the red yuccas. He explained that the clumping gazania’s bloom most of the year, but do have their “down” time in the winter. Mr. Lopez said that he has used this plant in the past on other projects and it presents well and looks clean. Commissioner Gassman stated she has concerns about the use of the red yuccas and their height. Mr. Lopez stated the plants do not grow taller than three feet and are a clumping type of plant. These are not a solid mass, and the plants do fan out. Commissioner Gassman said with the Solitude piece, she would like to see the area remain sparse to accentuate the statue. She doesn’t want something that would detract from the “solitude” point of the art. Mr. Lopez stated he is open to suggestions. Commissioner Loudon suggested using the asylum plant which is a perennial. She explained that she has used it extensively in the past and that it is a hearty plant that grows low and is mass flowering. Mr. Lopez stated that he is not familiar with the plant and typically, when making designs, he usually works with what he is familiar with. Commissioner Gassman said she would like to see the day lilies as the tallest plant. Commissioner Reynolds stated she likes the idea of using black pebbles around the base of the statue. She asked Mr. Lopez if he had previously considered this idea to which he replied he had not. Commissioner Reynolds commented that she was very pleased to see Mr. Lopez is recommending removing the palm tree. Mr. Lopez said the idea of using cobble around the art piece is a creative idea. He would like to see the cobble match the color of the base of the statue. He warned the Commission that although he likes the look of stone, it is very high maintenance. Personal experience has proved that there is fugitive dust, leaves and trash to worry about. Mr. Leidner asked Mr. Lopez if he had to take bugs and pests into consideration of his design. Mr. Lopez said no. Commissioner Gassman asked Mr. Lopez to provide an estimate for the Commission when he comes back to a future meeting. Staff explained to the Commission that the City Council has only approved funds for the architect and not the implementation of the design yet. Typically, the estimate would come after the City Council approves the building funds. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 4. Mr. Lopez summarized the suggestions made by the Commission. The Commission would like to see cobble added around the statue as well as low growing asylum planted. Mr. Lopez would eliminate the red yuccas but keep the day lilies. The next project that Mr. Lopez presented to the Commission was improvements for the Point Happy piece. Mr. Lopez stated that his primary concern on this project is that currently, when viewing the area, you are not able to see the stream. In the first concept for this piece, annual color is proposed to be planted in all the planters, but Mr. Lopez said that annual color still can grow six to ten inches. Anything that grows more than six inches will once again, block the water, so this may pose a problem. Mr. Lopez suggested taking out the taller plant material and explained the existing plants are too big and need to be removed. He also said the irrigation needs to be adjusted. He would like to simply “clean it up” and add some decomposed granite. Mr. Lopez summed up concept number one by stating he would add some color or perhaps use the asylum, day lilies and red yuccas and take out all the tall plant material. For his next concept, Mr. Lopez would still like to see the tall material removed, but he would like to add fire barrels and red yuccas to reflect a desert theme. Again, Mr. Lopez said he would like to use decomposed granite and drip irrigation along with a couple of ocotillos and golden barrels. Mr. Lopez pointed out that the barrels are low growing. Commissioner Gassman commented that in this piece, she likes the use of the red yuccas, but is not sure about the use of the ocotillos. Commissioner Reynolds said trees tend to detract from the statue. Additionally, she feels the empty circle that currently exists serves no purpose and would like to see a bench placed there. Commissioner Reynolds said that the addition would bring a sense of balance to the area. Commissioner Loudon disagreed with Commissioner Reynolds and said she feels that trees add some character to the piece and the surrounding area. She asked about the existing trees. Director Horvitz mentioned that the trees have not yet reached their mature height, but once they do, the statue would rest under the tree. Both Commissioner Loudon and Commissioner Gassman said that having the art situated under a tree would be nice. Mr. Lopez said that when the tree does get taller the canopy can be lifted and commented that aside from the tree, he sees pretty much everything else being removed. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 5. Commissioner Loudon asked Mr. Lopez if he has considered the Mexican feather grass. Mr. Lopez said he has not heard of the plant. Staff asked if it was low growing and Commissioner Loudon said it is. She explained that the beauty is how it sways in the wind and that the movement is very graceful. Commissioner Loudon said that the five gallon containers sell anywhere between eighteen and twenty-four dollars. The two gallon containers sell for around seven dollars. Mr. Lopez said the Mexican feather grass is an entirely different concept from those provided in the current plans, so he would need to put something together if he were to implement that and return with a new plan. Commissioner Loudon requested that Mr. Lopez take photographs of different plants he would like the Commissioners to consider so they may visualize his ideas. Commissioner Reynolds reinforced her feeling that she would like to see a bench placed in the empty area. Mr. Leidner asked if traffic flows on both sides of the area. Commissioner Gassman said that in fact, the area is an island and traffic surrounds all sides. Mr. Leidner said his primary concern would be that with increased traffic, people will need to walk through the traffic to reach the benches. Commissioner Loudon suggested not adding a second bench, but rather, relocate the current bench. She also suggested looking to Mr. Lopez to see what his recommendation might be. Mr. Lopez said he will study this issue and try to find an area to connect to a sidewalk. Currently, there are no sidewalks that actually direct people to the island. Commissioner Reynolds said that should there be an additional bench installed, it should match the existing one, but again stated that something needs to be put into the empty circle. Staff explained that the original intention of the developer was that people would pass the island to get from one set of businesses to the other. Commissioner Loudon along with the rest of the Commission thanked Mr. Lopez for his time and thanked him for the photographs. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 6. A. Annual Work Plan – Commissioner Loudon said this will be discussed at the next meeting when the Commissions are consolidated. This item will be tabled until then. B. Monthly Calendar of Events – Commissioner Loudon thanked staff for the inclusion of the Calendar of Events. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Attendance at Community Functions – Commissioner Reynolds stated she was on vacation, so was unable to attend any Community functions. Commissioner Brodsky stated he attended the Concert Under the Stars event. Commissioner Gassman was also able to attend the Concert Under the Stars event in addition to the Soap Box Derby. In closing, Commissioner Brodsky thanked his fellow Commissioners for their service and the time they shared. He said it has truly been a pleasure and wished everyone luck. Commissioner Brodsky will resign and will not seek a seat on the newly consolidated Commission. Commissioner Loudon said that this will be her last meeting. Although she will still spend a lot of her time in the desert, she will not be here acting as a Commissioner. She said she has enjoyed being on the Commission very much and that she is thankful for having met so many wonderful people along the way. Commissioner Loudon said that she will be available to help whenever she can in the future. She thanked Mr. Leidner for his attendance at the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Commissioner Reynolds thanked everyone for their service. She said that she has been part of the Cultural Arts Commission and Art in Public Places Commission for a combined ten years. She said she will not be applying for a position on the new Commission. She wished everyone the best of luck and said she is also available for help if she is needed in the future. Commissioner Loudon said that every one of the Commissioners has contributed a lot to the community and their love for La Quinta is apparent. Their hearts have been in the right place. Commissioner Loudon thanked Directed Horvitz for all of her help and service and wished her success. Staff told Commissioner Loudon that she was very pleased that she has made herself available in the future for the Commission. Staff also said that Commissioner Loudon brings a lot of experience and contacts to the Commission and thanked her for her offer of assistance. Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Page 7. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:48M Submitted by: ___________________________________________________ Christy Kerry, Community Services Secretary