CACMIN 12 09 2004
December 9, 2004
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in
the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon led the
meeting. Commissioner Gassman led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Andrea Gassman
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Charlene Lane (excused)
STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Therese Vella-Finorio – Community Services Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of November 11, 2004
B. Department Report October 2004
C. Financial Report for November 2004
Commissioner Loudon had grammatical corrections to the minutes of the
November 11, 2004 meeting. It was moved by Commissioners
Brodsky/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with corrections as stated to
the Minutes of November 11, 2004. Unanimous.
A. Future Events and Entertainment:
Director Horvitz reported on the City Council’s comments from their meeting.
They considered the Cultural Arts Commission request for four concerts as
discussed in the last meeting. The City Council approved two concerts – one in
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April and one in May 2005. They would like to see the Mariachi’s and the Jazz
Band perform. They asked that refreshments be kept to cookies and water, and
believe that for an hour and a half concert, the city shouldn’t be providing much
more than that. Director Horvitz didn’t contact Mr. Lipson because the City
Council had not approved his performance as of December 9th, so that was why
the information wasn’t forwarded on to the Commissioners. If the Council had
authorized Mr. Lipson, he does perform in many different venues in January and
February and it would have provided ample opportunity for the Commissioners to
hear him. Commissioner Loudon asked Director Horvitz if the concerts would
now be in April and May to which Director Horvitz replied in the affirmative.
Commissioner Loudon asked if the suggestion Commissioner Gassman made
regarding not serving cookies or punch at the concerts could be approved.
Director Horvitz stated the Commission could decide not to serve refreshments if
they so wish. Commissioner Gassman stated although the refreshments are
nice for the kids, she felt it almost detracts from the quality of performance to
have cookies. She thought people should be able to bring a sack/box dinner
which makes it a little more upscale. Commissioner Reynolds agreed and stated
that in Palm Desert the people bring their own food. She felt she would like to
see along with the concert is to work in letting the young people put on some kind
of a presentation before the concert starts, it would bring in the crowd and be
very enjoyable. She indicated that the Tree Lighting Ceremony had the young
people perform and it was wonderful. Commissioner Gassman said we could still
have trash receptacles available for people. The dates would be April 16th for the
Las Adelitas Mariachi, and May 15 for the Jazz bands.
Commissioner Gassman asked Director Horvitz if there was a rationale for why
only two concerts rather than four? Director Horvitz stated it was due to the
unpredictable weather. Commissioner Gassman asked if we are still within our
guidelines of what we said we were going to do if we are just having the two
concerts? Commissioner Loudon said the other event the Commissioners will be
helping with is the City’s Annual Picnic. Commissioner Loudon reported that if
the Commission had gone forward with four concerts, the expenses would have
totaled $14,918 so she thought that was one of the considerations the City
Council had. Commissioner Reynolds asked what the City Council’s comments
were regarding the puppets? Director Horvitz stated there was a comment from
the Council that Things on Strings is in Old Town, the community has an outlet
for puppet shows.
Commissioner Brodsky wanted to state for the record that the Commission was
only doing what the Council requested of them from the meeting they had, which
was the Council wanted a series of concerts, a consistency of the same date.
Councilman Sniff was very specific about that. Commissioner Brodsky felt that
was what the Commission offered, and if the Council chose not to do it, that is
fine, but the Commission was acting on what he perceived was requested of the
Commissioner Loudon said Mayor Adolph was very nice in asking her to explain
it, and she did in length, the reason for setting the date on the same Saturday, as
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well as everything the Commission had discussed. She did mention the reason
the Commissioners wanted the four events, but the Council felt very strongly that
it would be a lot of extra work for staff, and the time of the year could possibly be
very cold. She also mentioned that they had considered utilizing the talent
through the schools instead of paying performers, and mentioned to the Council
members how wonderful the Tree Lighting Ceremony was.
Commissioner Gassman stated that Commission had decided against chairs, so
the budget for the two events would now be $7,409
Commissioner Loudon asked Director Horvitz to confirm the date of the City
Picnic, to which she replied April 30th. Commissioner Loudon said that would
give the Commissioners two weeks in between the concert and the City Picnic.
Commissioner Reynolds asked if there was a date set for the opening of
SilverRock. Director Horvitz replied they are working on having it open on
January 17th, 2005. Further she stated our marketing firm is planning that entire
event, so we are not involved in it at all.
Commissioner Gassman asked if we have sufficient time to get the publicity into
the brochure for the two upcoming events. Director Horvitz stated we will put the
information into the brochure, we will send out another postcard in March which
will have specifics on it. We will do our normal public relations programs to
advertise the events.
A Attendance at Community Functions – Commissioner Reynolds worked the
Art Under the Umbrella show for two days in December; she also attended the
Holiday Tree Lighting, Veteran’s Day Memorial, and the City open house.
Commissioner Brodsky attended the Art Under the Umbrellas show, Veteran’s
Day Memorial, and Holiday Tree Lighting.
Commissioner Loudon attended the Veteran’s Day Memorial, the Holiday Tree
Lighting, and the City’s open house.
Commissioner Gassman attended the La Quinta High School football game, the
Jacqueline Cochrane Air Show, the Veteran’s Day Memorial, and the Holiday
Tree Lighting.
Commissioner Reynolds asked that next month’s agenda include the
landscaping of John Kennedy’s art piece as well as the art piece at Point Happy.
She also would like to recommend the architect or landscape person who did the
Embassy Suites, which she felt was beautifully done. She hoped everyone had
the opportunity to see the art work with the lighting at night.
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It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Submitted by:
Therese Vella-Finorio, Community Services Secretary