CC Resolution 2018-049 HEAP Homelessness Crisis RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 049 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING A SHELTER CRISIS PURSUANT TO SENATE BILL 850 (CHAPTER 48, STATUTES OF 2018 AND GOVERNMENT CODE § 8698.2) WHEREAS, California’s Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. and the members of the California Legislature have recognized the urgent and immediate need for funding at the local level to combat homelessness; and WHEREAS, The Governor and Legislature have provided funding to local governments under the Homeless Emergency Aid Program as part of SB 850 and the 2018-19 Budget Act (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2018); and WHEREAS, The Governor and Legislature require jurisdictions seeking an allocation through the Homeless Emergency Aid Program to declare a Shelter Crisis pursuant to Government Code §8698.2; and WHEREAS, The City of La Quinta has undertaken multiple efforts at the local and regional level to combat homelessness; and WHEREAS The City of La Quinta is additionally a part of regional efforts to combat homelessness through the Coachella Valley Association of Governments which include the cities of Blythe, Coachella, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Indian Wells, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, and Rancho Mirage, the County of Riverside, and two tribal nations, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and Cabazon Band of Mission Indians; and WHEREAS, The City of La Quinta finds that 526 persons within the Coachella Valley region are homeless and living without shelter in the 2017 Point in Time Count; and WHEREAS, The City of La Quinta finds that 2 persons within the City of La Quinta are homeless and living without shelter; and WHEREAS, The City of La Quinta finds that the number of homeless in the region is significant, and these persons are without the ability to obtain shelter; and