Dudek ProposalStormwater Trash Order Fina Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis PREPARED FOR City of La Quinta Design and Development Department July 2, 2018 A. Cover Letter July 2, 2018 Bryan McKinney, City Engineer City of La Quinta Design and Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Stormwater Trash Order Final Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis Dear Mr. McKinney, The City of La Quinta can count on Dudek to provide multifaceted municipal stormwater engineering services to support development of Trash Order -required regulatory deliverables. Our team of engineers and scientists blend experienced regional staff and resources with a Project Manager/ local presence and knowledge of the City. Dudek is currently providing Trash Order consulting services to the City of Carlsbad, the San Diego Unified Port Selection Process District, and has completed a Trash Order feasibility analysis for the City of Contact Information Imperial Beach. We can rapidly apply our experience and methods to the City's Bryn Evans, CPSWQ planning process to provide efficient, cost-effective service that both meets 605 Third Street regulatory requirements and provides useful operations and asset cost -planning. Encinitas, CA 92024 Our local presence in La Quinta and successful work experience in the region 760.479.4143 demonstrates Dudek's capabilities to deliver high quality work to the City on time and within budget. havens@dudek.com Dudek is currently working with the City on various stormwater improvements. Principal in Charge/ The Calle Tampico Drainage Improvements Project is part of the largest improvements identified in the City's Focused Area Drainage Study and the Local Contact design has been tailored to conform to the current La Quinta Village Complete Charles Greely, PE Streets project goals. Dudek's careful consideration of the existing utilities within 78-075 Main Street the project area and flat slope has led to a design option that both avoids La Quinta, CA 92253 potential conflicts and achieves the desired increase in drainage capacity. 760.601.3411 Specific to the Trash Order and this Request for Proposal, Dudek has prepared a cgreely@dudek.com potential compliance pathway approach for the City. Our proposed method will combine all pertinent data into a single deliverable for the Regional Water Board that will comply with the Trash Order and prepare the City for the 10-year implementation process. It is understood that the Trash Order is a significant financial undertaking for municipal agencies and thus a comprehensive and accurate economic impact analysis will ensure successful compliance. Dudek's past experience collecting and analyzing trash capture device specific economic data will focus on the costs for purchase, installation, and maintenance of individual devices through their lifecycle. A progressive task approach to achieve full compliance in presented in the attached scope of work. Prioritizing full capture system installation where collaborative efficiency with Capitol Improvement Projects (CIPs) exists and consideration of existing treatment controls ensures a cost-effective Implementation Plan. The Regional Board Stormwater Trash Order Page i DUDEK submittal will highlight proposed device installation phases through the 10-year compliance timeframe, however a built-in adaptive management process will allows the City to review and revise as needed throughout the implementation schedule. Led by Project Manager Bryn Evans, CPSWQ, and Principal in Charge Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD, Dudek has assembled a team of experienced, highly qualified engineers and environmental experts who provide the following advantages: • In-depth knowledge of City infrastructure through both stormwater, drainage, master planning of the collection system and completion of infrastructure design projects • Integrated trash compliance approach that leverages Dudek's engineering, environmental, and asset resource professionals and expertise to design projects that minimize impacts and facilitate approvals • Successful experience working with City staff and understanding of the City's processes Ability to tap any of Dudek's 450-person resources from our firm headquarters in Encinitas Dudek will meet the City's insurance requirements and is prepared to execute the Professional Service Agreement as written. We look forward to the opportunity to provide Trash Order -related engineering support services to the City through this Professional Services contract and to continuing our successful relationship with the City of La Quinta. Should you have any questions or wish to further discuss our proposal, please contact me at 760.479.4143 or bevans@dudek.com. Sincerely, Bryn Evans, CPSWQ Charles Greely, PE, L AP, QSD Senior Project Manager Principal in Charge Stormwater Trash Order Page ii Table of Contents SECTIONS A. Cover Letter................................................................................................................................................................................... i Tableof Contents........................................................................................................................................................................ iii B. Project Understanding and Approach.......................................................................................................................................1 ProjectUnderstanding................................................................................................................................................................1 ProjectManagement Approach.................................................................................................................................................2 ProjectTechnical Approach.............................•---.----........................---.--............................. ....... ............................. ..........2 C. Scope of Work..............................................................................................................................................................................5 ProjectTechnical Management.................................................................................................................................................6 Comprehensive Drainage Area Analysis...................................................................................................................................5 FullCapture System Analysis.....................................................................................................................................................6 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................................................................................6 D. Statement of Qualifications........................................................................................................................................................6 FirmBackground.........................................................................................................................................................................7 NoConstraints to Perform Work................................................................................................................................................8 ExperienceWorking with the City..............................................................................................................................................8 ProjectOrganization....................................................................................................................................................................9 Linesof Communication..........................................................................................................................................................10 ProposedKey Personnel and Experience.............................................................................................................................10 Project Experience and References.......................................................................................................................................11 TABLES Table 1. Project Team Qualifications...........................................................................................................................................10 FIGURES Figure 1. Task Oriented Planning Effort to Trash Order Compliance... ........................................................................................ 3 Figure 2. Dudek Projects in the Coachella Valley Region..............................................................................................................8 Figure3. Project Organization Chart ................................................................................................................................................9 APPENDICES A Resumes Stormwater Trash Order Page iii B. Project Understanding and Approach Project Understanding The City intends to comply with the Trash Orderl by implementing a Track 1 compliance program. The Track 1 compliance program requires submittal of a jurisdictional map detailing the City's municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), identification of priority land uses as defined by the Trash Order, and proposed locations for the installation of full capture system (FCS) devices2. Additionally, the City is required to submit its 10-year compliance schedule to the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) detailing interim milestones to full completion. Dudek's involvement assisting similar -sized cities with Trash Order requirements, staff experience in trash capture -related best management practice (BMP) engineering and planning, and understanding of municipal operations and maintenance procedures and capacities, will be advantageous to the City to meet the stringent planning and schedule requirements of the Trash Order. The City's geographic location at the foot of the Santa Rosa Mountains and clustered land use present both Trash Order planning opportunities and constraints. Limited average annual rainfall but the potential for large, episodic rain events require careful consideration of flooding issues in capital project planning. Large storm events in recent years have turned City streets into effective yet turbulent conveyance channels, overloading the storm drain system and causing flooding. For Trash Order compliance activities to be effective in the City, experienced planning for the placement, size and type of trash collection devices is necessary in order to meet the regulatory requirements without hindering the MS4 system capacity. Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California (Ocean Plan) and the Part 1 Trash Provisions of the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California (ISWEBE Plan) (together "Trash Ordeo The State Board has developed an approved list of full capture system device types. The list of certified full capture systems can be found on the State Board's Trash Implementation Program webpage at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programslstormwater/docs/trash_implementation/a1_certified fcd rev_30May18.pdf. DUDEK Dudek's project manager Mr. Evans has direct Trash Order project management experience supporting the Port of San Diego in developing a Track 1 compliance submittal and the City of Carlsbad in developing a Track 2 implementation and monitoring plan. Combined, Mr. Greely's local experience and Bryn's leadership of Dudek's Trash Order technical professionals provide the City access to a capable, nimble and cost-effective consulting services project team. Project Technical Approach The Dudek approach to Trash Order compliance includes a progressive task oriented planning effort (Figure 1). The initial task includes compilation of data sources. The second task includes collaborative planning to identify BMP implementation opportunities and constraints, evaluation of operation and maintenance (0&M) capabilities and capacity and cost information. The final task is comprised of implementation plan development and compliance submittals. Dudek's approach initiates with collection and review of available data related to current field conditions, City MS4 infrastructure, priority land use (PLU), potential equivalent alternative land use (EALU), trash loading information, and potential project implementation constraints. During this process, Dudek will coordinate with City staff, Caltrans, and regional stakeholders as necessary to compile appropriate and accurate local data. Our team is comprised of experts in the fields of Geographic Information System (GIS) data management and analysis, trash capture device design and effectiveness, stormwater modeling, and municipal operations and maintenance practices. Our experience implementing various design and stormwater management projects in the local environment and collaborating with the City will be beneficial in this coordinated data compilation and review effort. Collaborative planning defines the second task in Dudek's technical approach to Trash Order compliance. The Dudek team's specific experience performing pilot studies with FCS devices in the field, previous collaborative efforts with municipal 0&M staff, and knowledge of infrastructure implementation opportunities and constraints in the local environment support scenario -based site -specific planning based on City geographical, infrastructure, flood risk, 0&M capacity, and cost criteria. Dudek will work with City staff to review iterative mapping products, evaluate various FCS installation options and develop short-, medium-, and long-term implementation plans. The evaluation process will include review of PLU areas and potential EALU options for substitution where FCS implementation constraints may require alternative approaches. The final task in the Dudek technical approach is development of the Trash Order -required final jurisdictional map to comply with the Track 1 requirements per Water Code Section 13383 Order. The final jurisdictional map will include the MS4 network, PLU areas discharging to the MS4, proposed FCS locations and a phased implementation plan for meeting Trash Order requirements. The Dudek approach includes an adaptive management process to allow for inclusion of site -specific planning information and, where appropriate, additional description of planning -level implementation information for areas where FCS installation may require additional planning or be conducted as part of other City projects in later phases of the ten-year compliance timeframe. Included in the final jurisdictional map will be proposals for EALU implementation alternatives where appropriate based on City analysis or field constraints. Stormwater Trash Order Page 2 DUDEK Figure 1. Task Oriented Planning Effort to Trash Order Compliance Full Capture System Analysis Plan Full capture system BMP planning is developed through a comprehensive selection process focused on device feasibility and sizing, 0&M, cost and effectiveness. Dudekwill assist the City to evaluate various implementation option scenarios that consider catch basin, in -line, and end of pipe FCS BMPs. Scenario - based planning will allow City staff to evaluate multiple criteria including Trash Order compliance, operational capacity, flood risk and cost. Example Catch Basin BMP Design Operation mmollip. 8)wss Flow Path . ..... ................. Treshnent Flow Path Overview Effective Trash Order planning relies on diligent data compilation and evaluation. Data sources include land use and MS4 GIS layers, inputfrom City staff on trash related 'hot -spots', and any existing trash management strategies, both physical and institutional. Key to City geography is accounting for periodic high -flow storm events. Iterative map development allows for feedback between City staff and the Trash Order planning team. Scenario Name Inlets End -of -Pipe/ Inline 1 End of Pipe Focus 2 In -line Focus 4100 3 Combination dlillip i 4 Catch Basin Focus Scenario Example Capital Cost Annual .: End of Pipe Focus $250k - $1.5M $50k-$500k In-IlneFocus $325k-$4.75M $60k-$1M End of pipe and In -line $250k-$2M $40k-$775k Com6lnatlon Catch Basin Focus $325k - $2.25M $75k-$1.3M Population -based $250k $350k Emnomie Anal ■ Implementation The Dudek approach to Trash Order compliance prepares for a phased FCS implementation plan. Initial phased activities focus on installation of a group or type of FCS devices that maximizes efficiency and minimizes costs. Early phases also include planning steps for later -phase implementation of FCS in complex infrastructure locations or areas requiring detailed site -specific planning effort. The Dudek team - produced Implementation Plan will provide a tool for planned redevelopment of MS4 infrastructure, effective use of capital funds, and operations and maintenance efficiency. Stormwater Trash Order Page 3 DUDEK Project Management Approach The Dudek team is highly accustomed to providing exceptional services to a wide range of municipal customers with an equally wide range of project sizes. In serving as Dudek's project manager Bryn Evans, CPSWQ, is committed to providing responsive, efficient, and high quality water resource management and engineering services to the City. Mr. Evans has 18 years' experience working in the Southern California water quality and regulatory environment. For the past 8 years, Mr. Evans has focused on municipal NPDES permit compliance efforts in the urban environment including compliance with the Trash Order. He is experienced in collaborating with multi -disciplinary teams conducting regulatory compliance, special studies and investigations, water quality monitoring, design, and implementation of non-structural and structural stormwater BMP programs. Mr. Evans has managed similar contracts with municipal agencies and has the skills and experience to coordinate and produce project deliverables involving multiple technical disciplines. Mr. Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD, complements Mr. Evans as Principal in Charge and Quality Control Manager. A Coachella Valley resident for over 12 years, he is familiar with the Valley's unique environmental setting, various agencies, municipal personnel and requirements, NGO's, and other stakeholder groups that may be involved in certain project aspects and approvals. Mr. Greely has more than 19 years' experience working with public and private entities on infrastructure improvement projects throughout California. He provides a diverse skill set, having provided project management and design services on storm drain improvements, street improvements and pavement management, pedestrian accessibility, storm water management and quality control, water and wastewater infrastructure design projects and large grading projects. The following are several project management advantages the Dudek team provides to achieve the project goals and objectives. Define Critical Success Factors and Project Management. Dudek excels at managing multiple -task projects through effective communication, planning, responsiveness and flexibility. Above all, Dudek strives to define, and refine, the project or task -order critical success factors at inception of the work. The critical success factors are unique to every project and every client, and represent Dudek's barometer of how we are performing towards meeting the expectations of the District. Meeting your critical success factors requires effective project management. The Project Management sections below provide further detail in the specific project management tools, planning, communication, procedures and process Dudek uses for managing the workflow, quality control and completion of projects. Communication. Beginning at the Kickoff Meeting, Dudek will clearly outline the project work plan, schedule, budget and communication process with the project team so that all parties have a uniform understanding of roles, responsibilities, requirements, stakeholders, deliverables, objectives and goals. During the project, Dudek will communicate regularly with the District providing monthly written progress reports, email documentation of verbal direction, and either weekly or bi-weekly conference calls with the District PM. Monitoring/Controlling. Project schedule, budget, and progress are monitored by earned -value schedules and budget tracking. Critical to this project is schedule management to meet deliverable timelines. The Dudek team is adept at working with tight schedules and has the project experience to deliver quality services to the City. QA/QC Program Overview. Dudek project managers monitor project quality assurance frequently. We check proper quality control reviews are conducted and documented at appropriate stages of the project development. The Dudek project management approach will be applied to cost-effectively meet this project's short time -frame. Stormwater Trash Order Page 4 L. Scope of Work Dudek has direct experience planning for Track 1 compliance. Our suite of experienced engineers, policy experts, and GIS analysts are prepared to provide the City with the expertise necessary to produce an accurate jurisdictional map for the Regional Board deliverable, and a comprehensive full capture system analysis to help the City achieve Trash Order compliance during the 10-year implementation schedule. This section presents a scope of work and schedule to conduct technical analysis supporting drainage area and infrastructure planning efforts and to meet requirements identified in the Trash Order regulatory framework. Task L Data Compilation and Review Dudek will review and evaluate available City -specific planning documents, general geographic and field conditions, infrastructure and 0&M opportunities and constraints, and budgetary information. Relevant MS4, land use, hydrology, and trash generation GIS data will be requested. During this process, Dudek will coordinate with City technical staff to identify and prioritize PLU areas, current and planned FCS implementation locations, and areas where other multi -benefit projects/treatment controls/institutional controls may be located. Pertinent to this process is the evaluation of PLU and EALU, verification and/or performance of existing City-BMPs, and coordination with planned CIPs. This phase of the work will support, at the City's option, a brief technical memorandum to describe the data sources and available metadata used in the Trash Order planning process and regulatory submittal. Task 2: Prioritized Full Capture System Analysis The Dudek team shall complete prioritized planning and drainage area analysis to select FCS implementation locations. The prioritized planning will focus on delineation of appropriate PLU areas and FCS-device sizing information specific to meet Trash Order compliance submittal requirements. Prioritized drainage area delineations will be performed where needed. Dudek will utilize a collaborative, iterative review process to identify data gaps and provide solutions to City staff for further review. Potential PLU to EALU substitutions will be identified under this task. Certain PLU may present logistical challenges to the City if the majority or entirety of a catchment area's storm drain infrastructure is on private property or has other access constraints. EALU will be selected based on areas with representative trash generation rates and MS4 infrastructure. To develop a final jurisdictional map, the Dudek team will identify potential certified FCS devices and propose locations for installation within the MS4. The FCS devices will be selected for capacity to handle a one-year/one- hour storm flow rate within each respective catchment area. The final jurisdictional map will clearly identify PLU, any EALU substitutions, the MS4 network, and potential FCS device installation locations. Stormwater Trash Order Page 5 DUDEK Task 3: Compliance Implementation Plan The Dudek team will prepare a Compliance Implementation Plan structured to meet Trash Order Track 1 requirements for submittal to the Regional Board. The Track 1 Compliance Implementation Plan will detail the installation, operation and maintenance of State Water Resources Control Board -approved FCS trash capture devices for all storm drains that capture runoff from City PLUs through the development of a jurisdictional map and installation schedule. The Compliance Implementation Plan will be based on the full capture system analysis and will provide details on proposed FCS devices. The analysis will help the City determine which combination of inlet, in -line, and end -of -pipe solutions are most appropriate to effectively and efficiently comply with the full capture requirements of the Trash Order. This task will include a comprehensive economic analysis for the purchase of trash capture devices and the operations and maintenance requirements. The analysis will include capital costs for device combination options, installation costs, and lifecycle operations and maintenance costs. This task will utilize manufacture research presented in the most recent State Water Board Fact Sheets and statewide economic analysis that provides estimates for the cost for Track 1 implementation based on areas that are already in compliance with trash and debris Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). Task 4: Project Technical Management R0 Connector pipe screen devices are certified as FCS and are typically installed in box culverts immediately in front of the connector pipes. The Dudek team will provide project management for each task under this Scope of Work, including monthly meeting attendance, meeting minutes, task coordination, periodic progress report preparation, schedule control, quality assurance and quality control, and project administration. The follow proposed schedule details a progressive task timeline for the Regional Board submittal. Stormwater Trash Order Page 6 D. Statement of Qualifications Firm Background During our 38 years, Dudek's range of services has expanded to support Dudek Snapshot the life cycle of a project, from planning, design and environmental compliance, to construction management and facility operation. Our • Multi -disciplinary engineering, project managers understand the importance of adhering to tight environmental and construction regulations, aggressive schedules and narrow budgets, while navigating management/inspection services and complying with conditions of approval to planning and design • 450+ employees projects that are technically practical, economically viable, and realistic 0 A proud California corporation given the regulatory environment. • Local La Quinta office • Founded in 1980; employee -owned Our goal is to deliver a finished project that exceeds client expectations. Dudek is a medium-sized firm. We are small enough for project managers Dudek Services to make nimble decisions, quickly draw from our pool of technical . Water, Recycled Water and resources, and stay engaged with you from project start to finish. We are Wastewater Infrastructure large enough that our diverse staff can tackle a spectrum of engineering Planning, Design & Rehabilitation and environmental challenges. a Groundwater, Stormwater and Natural Resources Monitoring, We have over 450 employees working in eleven offices throughout Planning & Design California, including a Coachella Valley office located in La Quinta, just . Hydrology & Hydraulics Modeling & minutes away from the City's offices. The depth of our in-house expertise Analysis and support staff allows us to offer a wide range of services on a . Monitoring, and Inspection moment's notice. Through our understanding of local and California . Water Conservation Planning regulations and depth of project experience, Dudek's professionals • CEQA/NEPA Compliance and all provide creative and successful solutions for projects by balancing supporting environmental services regulatory mandates and technical requirements within financial and Regulatory Agency Permitting scheduling constraints. These capabilities result in lower overall project costs, on -schedule delivery of work products, and enhanced project control. Dudek's team of professionals includes: • Licensed professional engineers • Certified Stormwater Quality Specialists - QISP, QSD/QSP, CPESC, CPSWQ • ASFM-certified Floodplain Managers • Certified GIS professionals • Certified hydrogeologists LEED professionals Licensed geologists California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)- and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)-certified biologists AICP-certified CEQA/NEPA environmental planners • Compliance monitoring specialists • Registered professional archaeologists Licensed landscape architects • Licensed contractors (Class A, C-27) Stormwater Trash Order Page 7 DUDEK No Constraints to Perform Work Dudek has no conditions (e.g., bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, mergers) or organizational conflicts of interest that may affect the ability of the proposer to perform the required duties. Dudek is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state, or local public agency. Experience Working with the City Dudek will provide the City of La Quinta with the experience, efficiency, and capacity to meet the City's Trash Order compliance needs. We are proud of our record of service helping the City complete numerous engineering projects in the past, ranging from City roadway and sidewalk infrastructure improvements, drainage improvement studies and design engineering services. Figure 2 illustrates Dudek's many Coachella Valley projects. Recently, Dudek's engineering team has completed the following projects with the City: • Calle Tampico Drainage Improvements Washington Street Drainage Improvements Local La Quinta office, less than 1 mile from the Civic Center, making site visits and meetings exceptionally convenient. Jefferson Street Drainage and Landscape Improvements Park Avenue Drainage Improvements Figure 2. Dudek Projects in the Coachella Valley Region SA.N 36ri'.Ai�crNo MOVP.TAINS _ esert,HSl '' T. Ir / .Inrio Fk�f 7r'� • •,. Ppa &Ait 4 a PSrrin9; - SIBSa Idyiw, Cti.�NEL©.Yt�tLEr + rC % 4W_ xI R I"V �$JnC� t �� J�cnq wbunlanm N sanaiAbnuman l' J ' -SA<; A.Flf��O�r0unj;4iH - Y Dudek Project Locations Biology ■ CEQA CAI Compliance O Cultural ® GIS ■ District Management A Urban Forestry • Hydrology V Restoration • Engineering O R o C o,p III �I Stormwater Trash Order Page 8 DUDEK Project Organization Dudek has organized the team in the manner illustrated in Figure 3, Project Organization Chart. Mr. Bryn Evans, CPSWQ, will serve as the Project Manager, overseeing the development and execution of the projects, tracking budgets and schedules, and serving as the main point of contact for the City's project manager. He understands the importance of good communication, being solution -oriented, and efficient multi -tasking. He will facilitate the flow of information amongst the team and with the City's project manager. Supporting Mr. Evans will be Mr. Charles Greely serving as Principal in Charge. Mr. Evans will work closely with Mr. Greely to ensure access to all necessary Dudek personnel and materials. The expertise shown in Figure 1 represents a fraction of the total extent of services available from Dudek. Should additional task needs arise, Dudek will supplement the team with in-house expertise. As Quality Control Manager, Mr. Greely, will assure the review of all deliverables by an independent technical expert. Table 1 presents a brief overview of team member qualifications and experience, with complete resumes located in Appendix A. We understand that the City is considering the Dudek team in its entirety, therefore we will not make changes in team composition without prior consultation and written approval of the City. Figure 3. Project Organization Chan: Bryn Evans, CPSWQ I I Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD DATA COMPILATION AND REVIEW Heather Lamberson, PE, QISP Shannon Brown, EIT PRIORITIZED FULL CAPTURE SYSTEM ANALYSIS Heatherson Lamberson, PE, QISP Shannon Brown, EIT Elizabeth Geisler IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD Bryn Evans, CPSWQ Shannon Brown, EIT Stormwater Trash Order Page 9 DUDEK Lines of Communication The most effective project manager is one who facilitates the continuous flow of information, data, instructions, and guidance between the City and Dudek team members. When maintaining this flow, we utilize resources efficiently and minimize wasteful rework. We achieve constant communication through: • Regularly calling or emailing the City's key contact staff person to discuss project milestones, activities, and potential issues; • Holding regular project management meetings with key project staff to coordinate work efforts, monitor task completion, and review budget conformance; • Updating, as necessary, the project description, schedule, work progress reports, and inventories of available data so that all team members are aware of information that may affect their work products and schedules; • Meeting with City staff at design milestones and other strategic junctures; and • Diligent documentation of issues, action items, and decisions Proposed Key Personnel and Qualifications Table I Project Team Qualifications Team Member, •. . Location Relevant Experience • Project Manager for Trash Order Feasibility Studies to evaluate compliance track Bryn Evans, CPSWQ Project Manager and implementation strategies for the City of Carlsbad. Project Manager for similar 18 years' experience studies supporting the San Diego Unified Port District. • Project Lead for development and implementation of the Tijuana River watershed Water Quality Improvement Plan. Project includes evaluation of innovative and quantifiable jurisdictional storm water program enhancements to manage anthropogenic -derived sediment and satisfy regulatory requirements. • Project Manager for Engineering and Water Quality studies to support City of San Diego channel maintenance program. Program includes cross -discipline engineering and biological resource management strategies to support regulatory approval of integrated flood risk reduction and water quality improvement projects. Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, • Licensed CA Professional Civil Engineer, LEED AP qualified, and a Qualified SWPPP QSD Developer (QSD). Principal in Charge O Office manager for the Dudek La Quinta office and project manager for multiple City 19 years' experience projects of the past decade. ■ Specializes in Federal, State, and regional permits and requirements for design and construction work within sensitive environmental settings Shannon Brown, EIT ■ Project engineer for Trash Order Feasibility Stud(ies) (begin date June 2016) to Trash/Regulatory Compliance evaluate compliance tracks forthe City of Carlsbad. and Monitoring • Project engineer for San Diego Unified Port District Trash Order study. 9 years' experience • Project engineer for Engineering and Water Quality studies to support City of San Diego channel maintenance program. Heather Lamberson, PE, QISP • Project engineer for Trash Order Feasibility Stud(ies) (begin date June 2016) to Trash/Regulatory Compliance evaluate compliance tracks for the City of Carlsbad. 16 years' experience • Project engineerto support City of San Diego channel maintenance program. Specific role included channel/BMP water quality improvement equivalency evaluations. . Stormwater Trash Order Page 10 DUDEK Team Member, Role, Experience • Task Lead for Tijuana River watershed Water Quality Improvement Plan special study evaluating a nth ropogen ic- derived sediment sources. Nicole Rieger, PE, QISP • Project Manager for Park Drive Drainage Project for City of Carlsbad Trash/Regulatory Complaince • Lead Engineerfor City of San Diego Waterways Maintenance Plan Support which 15 years' experience included the preparation of the hydrologic and hydraulic assessments and associated report, the waterways maintenance plan, and other CEQA and EIR related documentation related to hydraulics. 0 Lead Engineer for stormwater compliance and technical studies required for the vector remediation project at Foss Lake in Oceanside, CA Hanna Dodd, PE • Project Assistant City of Redondo Beach transit facility applicability assessment for Monitoring/Field Staff NPDES Industrial Permit coverage. 3 years' experience • Project Assistant for Leucadia Wastewater District (LWD) development of sanitary sewer overflow remediation protocol. Andrew Coulter, EIT • Monitoring staff for Industrial General Permit compliance monitoring at numerous Monitoring/Field Staff southern California private client locations (subcontract: FROG environmental). 3 year's experience • Inspector for City of Vista Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) program. Project Experience and References The Dudek team has direct experience working with local municipality, special district, permitting entities, and private clients to meet challenging storm water engineering and environmental service needs. Dudek engineers and environmental professionals are experts at collaborating with client stakeholders and regulatory agency staff to identify and cost-effectively address key engineering needs, natural resource management and environmental permitting attributes that may impact capital improvement projects and storm water management strategies. Our firm is proud of our multidisciplinary team approach to engineering and effective communication approach that our project managers and engineers have used to collaborate with clients, and the relationships our team has developed with local regulators in navigating complicated project challenges. Specific to the Trash Order, Dudek has direct experience planning for Track 1 compliance. Our suite of experienced engineers, policy experts, and GIS analysts are prepared to provide the City with the expertise necessary to produce an Storm Water Services • Storm Water Management • Hydrology and hydraulics • Drainage Infrastructure ■ Low Impact Development Design • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) • SWPPP preparation and monitoring • NPDES Compliance • Plan Review • BMP Installation and maintenance • Water Quality reports and testing • FEMA-CLOMR/LOMR • Post Fire Watershed Assessment accurate jurisdictional map for the Regional Board deliverable, and a comprehensive full capture system analysis to help the City achieve full compliance during the 10-year implementation schedule. Our current efforts working towards Trash Order products for similar Southern California MS4 permittees aligns up to provide the City with relevant, scientifically defensible, and cost effective solutions. We are confident that our demonstration of project experience below will provide you with adequate information about our technical capabilities and the integrated engineering and environmental approach we apply to our projects in the local environment. Please contact our references listed with each project to learn more about our key staff members and their performance. Stormwater Trash Order Page 11 DUDEK Dudek: Trash Order Compliance Client Name/Contact: San Diego Unified Port District Client Reference: Stephanie Bauer, 619.400.4719 Project Dates: 2017- Present Dudek is providing Trash Order compliance services to the San Diego Unified Port District (District). The District has contracted Dudek to assist in development of a Trash Order compliance plan. The District has elected to follow a Track 1 compliance pathway, which requires the development of MS4 maps showing the location of where full capture system devices will be installed and a schedule detailing implementation progress over the mandated 10-year compliance timeframe. The District's complex network of overlapping city jurisdictions, federal facilities, and leased parcels presents a formidable challenge when it comes to Trash Order compliance. Additionally, MS4 easements bisect District parcels and outfall into the San Diego Bay. Dudek is currently organizing and classifying all MS4 within district jurisdiction to identify where full capture system device could be installed per the Trash Order, and where collaboration with adjacent jurisdictions may be mutually beneficial. Data sources used in the Track 1 compliance plan include MS4 GIS data, street sweeping collection weights, District Staff interviews of trash "hot -spots", LiDAR elevation data for tidal inundation mapping, hydrology and hydraulics analysis, and real estate leasehold information. These data are used to categorize MS4 into "bins" which define classes of MS4 relative to their ability to collect trash off District priority land use. Bins will be used to determine when and where full capture system devices will be installed in the implementation schedule required for Track 1. To facilitate a comprehensive and economically feasible implementation schedule, Dudek is preparing a Roll -out Action Plan for the Distinct. The Plan will expand upon the implementation schedule by determining not only where and when full capture system devices will be installed, but which devices to use, associated capital costs, identification of auxiliary projects that may present installation efficiency, and lifetime operations and maintenance considerations. The District is dedicated to compliance with State and Regional Regulation and to maintaining a clean and beautiful San Diego Bay through a detailed and thoughtful Trash Order compliance program. Stormwater Trash Order Page 12 DUDEK Dudek: Trash Order Compliance Client Name/Contact: City of Carlsbad Client Reference: Tim Murphy, 760.602.1587 Project Dates: 2016- Present Carlsbad contracted Dudek to provided feasibility studies for Track 1 and Track 2 compliance, and development of the regulatory -compliant Track 2 Implementation Plan for presentation to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board). Carlsbad selected a Track 2 compliance pathway in coordination with their existing institutional trash controls (e.g. street sweeping and Urban Corps litter -removal contracts) and an understanding of Carlsbad residents' environmental awareness. Work performed includes desktop planning and analysis, limited field studies and/or verification/evaluation, and reporting. Dudek is currently fulfilling Carlsbad's third stage of Trash Order compliance by preparing an Implementation Plan that will be submitted to the Regional Board in December 2018. The Implementation Plan utilizes specialized experience of the Dudek team to develop the Track 2 compliance approach which requires a detailed Monitoring Plan for how Carlsbad will demonstrate full capture system equivalency within the 10-year compliance timeframe. Dudek is coordinating with Carlsbad staff to develop a robust Implementation and Monitoring Plan that will be scientifically defensible, cost effective, and stays true to the goal of eliminating trash greater than 5mm from entering the MS4. Dudek: Trash Order Compliance Client Name: City of Imperial Beach Client Reference: Chris Helmer, 619.628.1370 Project Date: 2017 The City of Imperial Beach (Imperial Beach) contracted Dudek to provide a comprehensive evaluation of their MS4 infrastructure and land use in anticipation of the Trash Order regulation. Dudek utilized previous hydrology and hydraulics studies included in Imperial Beach's Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan (JRMP) to determine which full capture system devices and institutional controls would be appropriate for use under Track 1 and 2 compliance. Further Feasibility analysis included priority land use and MS4 GIS desktop integration, spatial distribution analysis, and Track 1 and 2 compliance cost estimation. Imperial Beach is situated on a coastal plain between the southern tip f th S n Di B Ti n R' Est d P 'f' 0 t th o e a ego ay, qua a aver uary, an aci is cean o e west. The general lack of topography and specific MS4 conditions lead Imperial Beach to prefer in -line full capture systems to minimize flooding potential and reduce operations and maintenance (0&M) requirements. To facilitate a focused and tailored 0&M cost assessment, four different implementation areas were designated based on hydrologic boundaries, priority land use, and potential full capture system device use. Additionally, for a Track 2 compliance assessment, institutional controls were proposed for certain priority land uses that may potentially achieve full capture system equivalency. Using the latest available capital and 0&M cost estimation data from similar studies and statewide economic analysis, Dudek was successful at determining a minimum and maximum cost for Imperial Beach to implement a Stormwater Trash Order Page 13 DUDEK Track 1 or Track 2 compliance program. The total values include estimates for inlet level and in -line full capture systems, estimates for institutional controls, and monitoring and reporting costs. Dudek collected detailed estimations for labor hours and costs associated with initial installation of full capture system devices and the 0&M costs through the lifetime of each device. The projections provided through this analysis will help Imperial Beach choose the most effective compliance pathway and provide and present a thorough evaluation for city level budgeting. Dudek: Washington Street Drainage Improvements Client Name: City of La Quinta Client Reference: Edward J. Wimmer, PE, Principal Engineer, 760.777.7088 Project Date: 2017-ongoing In response to the Focused Drainage Study, prepared in 2016, the City acquired the services of Dudek to provide engineering services for refining the drainage analysis and preparation of construction documents for two of the five major flooded areas identified. The two locations were Washington Street near the main entrance of Lake La Quinta, and Washington Street and Avenue 50. Dudek prepared a refined XPSWMM 1D/2D analysis of the 250 year/1-hour storm event for both sites. Using a finer 2D grid, previous drainage solutions were modified to identify more feasible drainage solutions. In addition to refining the storm drain sizes and alignments, Dudek identified custom water quality treatment devices, hybrid outlet structures, and dual "clog resistant" catch basin inlets. Dudek: Calle Tampico Drainage Improvements, Project No. 2015-12C Client Name: City of La Quinta Client Reference: Edward J. Wimmer, PE, Principal Engineer, 760.777.7088 Project Date: 2017-ongoing The City of La Quinta has incurred two extreme storm events in the last four years. A storm in August of 2013 was recorded as nearly a 250-year event. The very next year, in September of 2014, a one -hour thunderstorm produced an approximate 500-year storm event. Calle Tampico experienced several feet of flooding during these extreme events, especially at the north end of the Cove, west of Eisenhower Drive, and between Avenida Bermudas and Washington Street. The existing Calle Tampico drainage system drains a major portion of the Cove in addition to the developed area north of Calle Sinaloa/Avenue 52. Flows are routed east along Avenue 52 where they are discharged into the Silver Rock development. Dudek is preparing a Phase 1(Final Design) and a Phase 2 (Construction Document) approach for this project, part of the largest of the proposed improvements identified in the Focused Area Drainage Study. Key issues identified include: XPSWMM 1D/2D Modeling Experience -The City of La Quinta is one of the only cities in Southern California to use a linked 1D/2D advanced modeling approach to evaluate their storm drain facilities. This approach, while state-of-the-art, requires expertise to run. • Close coordination with the City's La Quinta Village Complete Streets Project team to achieve schedule and appropriate integration. • Utility Conflicts - Multiple utilities, including a 60-inch CVWD storm drain line have limited the options that can be proposed, without major utility relocations. • Coordination with CVWD Stormwater Trash Order Page 14 Appendix A Resumes Bryn Evans, CPSWQ Project Manager Mr. Evans is a Certified Professional of Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ) with 19 years of experience working in the San Diego water quality and regulatory environment. As a trained marine ecologist and field terrestrial runoff research scientist, Mr. Evans brings a unique and qualified perspective to stormwater and water quality projects at the land/water interface. For the past seven years, Mr. Evans has focused on municipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance efforts in the urban environment. Mr. Evans is experienced in collaborating with, and leading, multidisciplinary teams conducting water quality monitoring, design and implementation of non-structural and structural stormwater best management practice (BMP) programs, special studies and water quality related research. Mr. Evans has developed strong working relationships with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) leadership and staff and a host of federal, state, and local municipal and agency representatives engaged in watershed -based water quality improvement efforts. Projects include management, coordination and completion of sampling, analysis and reporting of multi -media sampling and monitoring programs, watershed assessments, source identification and evaluation of mitigation/reduction of impacts due to urban runoff, and environmental restoration projects. Project Experience Education University of California, Los Angeles MA, Biology, 2000 University of California, Santa Barbara BS, Aquatic Biology, 1995 Certifications Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ) # 875 Trash Amendment Assessment, Carlsbad, California. Mr. Evans is leading a phased evaluation of Trash Amendment compliance tracks to guide the City of Carlsbad's management decision process for compliance alternatives. The project entails the evaluation of Track 1 and Track 2 compliance options, based on the specific conditions and characteristics found within Carlsbad's jurisdiction. The project includes a GIS-based data -driven feasibility assessment, BMP implementation evaluation and analysis, hydrology engineering and field verification assessments, operational capacity planning and assessment and reporting to summarize compliance options in a management review -level format. Mr. Evans will apply experience in jurisdictional runoff management programs, BMP pilot studies, municipal operations and knowledge of the Carlsbad watershed geography and MS4 configuration to identify a cost- and operationally -efficient compliance approach to the Trash Amendments. (Cost: $75k) Trash Amendment Compliance, San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego, California. Mr. Evans is leading trash amendment compliance services to the San Diego Unified Port District (District). The District has contracted Dudek to assist in development of a Trash Amendments compliance plan. The District has elected to follow a Track 1 compliance pathway, which requires the development of MS4 maps showing the location of where full capture system devices will be installed and a schedule detailing implementation progress over the mandated 10-year compliance timeframe. Page 1 DUDEK Tijuana River Water Quality Improvement Plan, City of Imperial Beach, City of San Diego and County of San Diego, San Diego, California. Participating as a core team member leading development of the NPDES-required Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) for the Tijuana River watershed. Responsible for agency efforts to develop innovative and quantifiable jurisdictional stormwater program enhancements to satisfy regulatory requirements within available municipal agency operational capacity parameters. Also responsible for the development of NPDES permit -required special study to address issues with the watershed highest priority water quality conditions. (Cost $250k). As -Needed Stormwater Engineering and Consulting Services, City of San Diego, San Diego, California. Deputy Project Manager for a five-year as -needed storm water services contract with broad scope of work including: Best Management Practice (BMP) development and engineering, storm water infrastructure asset management services, environmental assessment and permitting, storm water monitoring, strategic planning, and program management. Mr. Evans has served as the main point of contact for client interaction and project coordination activities under the contract. Project work Mr. Evans has led under this contract includes: storm water pilot study experimental design and implementation, storm water monitoring and asset technical report preparation and interpretation, grant funding proposal preparation, regulatory agency coordination and negotiation, and support of TMDL development and compliance efforts (Cost: >$10M). Tijuana River Channel Maintenance Operations and Regulatory Review, City of San Diego, San Diego, California. Mr. Evans served as the project manager for an integrated assessment of City policy, management decision history and evaluation of regulatory and legal options related to channel maintenance activities in the Tijuana River Valley. The project reviewed City options related to flood area management and was used to inform management decisions to engage federal, state and local partners. (Cost: $50k). As -Needed Monitoring and Investigations Services, Caltrans District 11 Caltrans 43A0211/43A0293, San Diego, California. Monitoring manager for separate multi -year TMDL compliance and special study monitoring projects. Mr. Evans lead field data collection teams to monitor sites representative of freeway runoff discharges to coastal waters; site -specific pollutant loads for TMDLs, Coastal Development Permit compliance and baseline characterization and pre-BMP implementation monitoring. Mr. Evans has also lead teams preparing the Annual and Final monitoring reports, which summarize sample collection efforts, laboratory data, and provide comparisons of water quality monitoring results to various regulatory objectives. (Cost: $1.5M). Master Storm Water Maintenance Program (MMP) Support, San Diego, California. As Project Manager, Mr. Evans led a team of engineers and scientists supporting the planning, design, environmental permitting, compliance and mitigation requirements for flood control channel maintenance activities under the MMP. Maintenance activities under the MMP require approvals from US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the California Coastal Commission. Mr. Evans developed a holistic, solution -based perspective in order to integrate water quality BMP approach to allow Coastal Commission approval of water quality mitigation measures and obtain the MMPs first Coastal Development Permit for three priority channels. Other work included: biological, cultural, and noise monitoring, hydrology and hydraulic engineering design and modeling, habitat mitigation planning, design and implementation and programmatic support/strategic planning. (Cost $2M). Page 2 Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD Principal Engineer Charles Greely has more than 19 years' experience working with public and private entities on infrastructure improvement projects throughout California. 3j Mr. Greely provides a diverse skill set, having provided project management and design services on water resource, wastewater treatment, environmental mitigation and restoration, storm water management and quality control, transportation, and site development projects. As a LEED AP (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional), Mr. Greely specializes in the application of low -impact development techniques for infrastructure improvement projects. Mr. Greely is experienced in Federal, QSD State, and regional permits and requirements for construction work within Education sensitive environmental settings, and can therefore successfully bridge the gap between environmental concerns and cost-efficient, field-tested University Washington ineering, 1998 BS, Civil Engineering, construction solutions. Licenses and Certifications Project Pro Experience Professional Civil Engineer J P CA No. 69056 South Palm Canyon Flood Damage Assessment and Mitigation, Agua South Coast Air Quality Management Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, California. Mr. Greely - Fugitive Dust Control Certification No. 05-08-3112 served as the project manager for the technical and forensic analysis and LEED Accredited Professional primary designer for mitigation and repair of the South Palm Canyon area Certification from USGBC of Indian Canyons following flooding in September 2013. Located in the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) San Jacinto Mountain ranges, Palm Canyon is one of the largest No. 69056 watersheds (83.4 sq. mi.) in the Coachella Valley, home to a rich and Professional Af/iations diverse set of flora and fauna including the world's largest California Fan California Water Environment Palm oasis. Greely was already the project manager for a team providing Association - State Board of restoration and rehabilitation design of the natural features and Directors 2013-2019 infrastructure surrounding the canyon area. The scope of work included hydrologic analysis of the watershed and hydraulic modeling (Flo-21) and Hec-Ras) of Palm Canyon creek and its tributary drainages of West Fork creek, Murray Canyon, and Andreas Canyon. On July 15th, 2013, the Mountain Fire started in the area of Idyllwild. Burning for 15 days (the fire was 100% contained on July 30th), it caused intense burning in the San Jacinto mountains covering an areas of approximately 27,531 acres. The West Fork creek watershed tributary of Palm Canyon was particularly affected by the fire, with 98% of the watershed experiencing intense burning. West Fork Creek is a 9.3 sq. mi. tributary with significant gradient (over 55% in the burn areas) and highly erodible soils (average clay content of 12.1 %.) Page 1 DUDEK Following the Mountain Fire of July 15th through July 30th, 2013 and the subsequent major storm event (intensity of 5 in/hr at peak) of September 3, 2013, Greely led the team (and worked closely with the Federal Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER) team in the damage assessment (debris flow paths and volume, infrastructure loss and structural failure), forensic review (hydrology and hydraulic modeling, storm event research and data evaluation, Flo-2D modeling, and predicted debris flow analysis), and repair plan preparation and resource agency permitting for rehabilitation of the canyon area. Dinah Shore and Portola Improvements, City of Palm Desert, California. Provided project management and design services for improvements along Dinah Shore and Portola in Palm Desert, California. The improvements include median island, curb and gutter, storm drains, water and sewer improvements, as well as utility relocations. The improvements also included a traffic signal, signing and striping improvements, and super elevated street cross sections. The project also included coordination with RCTC staff and consultants as the design will ultimately be integrated into a future freeway interchange. Dudek staff has also assisted the City with property acquisition and prepared legal plats and descriptions for acquisitions and easements required for the final improvements. Calle Tampico Street Improvement and Pavement Rehabilitation, City of La Quinta, California. Design of improvements to reduce nuisance water in Calle Tampico. The design includes a new curb and gutter, spandrels, and cross gutters; new access ramps; and a Maxwell Plus© dry well. The design also included a new sidewalk and access ramp on Eisenhower Drive from Avenida Martinez to Calle Tampico, and design of a new dry well for nuisance water at Avenue 50 and Park Street. Essential Transportation Infrastructure Phase II, City of Desert Hot Springs, California. Provided civil engineering services for the repair and rehabilitation of several roadways. This fast -track design job depended on partial federal funding by Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA LU) funds, requiring the completion and submittal to Caltrans of 95% complete construction plans within 3 months of notice to proceed. Key design issues included careful incorporation of existing driveways, mailboxes, water meters, sewer clean -outs, and power poles, as well as compatibility of existing curb and gutters into the new design improvements. Provided the control survey for the photogrammetry work, coordinated the associated geotechnical work for basis of design and repair, and conducted the detailed existing utilities research. The city was provided 30% design concepts for initial review, and 90%, 100% and final construction drawings according to the city's scheduling. Assisted the city during the bidding process. Confidential HOA, Flood Damage Assessment, La Quinta, California. Project Management and engineering technical analysis for investigations of residential flooding following a late season monsoon storm event. The investigation indicated possible contributing factors to the flooding, including encroachment of private landscaping improvements into the flood channel, failure of berms located in a nearby golf course, and original design deficiencies in the drainage channel system located within the residential properties. To further investigate the problem, Dudek's engineers broad work tasks: • Site Review, Reconnaissance and Research • Topographic Survey • Flood Event Research • Flood Event Hydrology Analysis • Design Conditions Hydraulic Analysis • Existing Conditions Hydraulic Analysis Flood Damage Assessment & Mitigation Final Report preparation for use in litigation Page 2 DUDEK Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, South Palm Canyon Improvements - Phase III, Palm Springs, California. Project Manager and technical lead for engineer and environmental services for the South Palm Canyon - Phase 3 projects, consisting of: roadway reconstruction (mix of full structural rehabilitation and cold -in -place recycling); demolition of existing culverts and low water crossings and replacement with new bridge structures (with post tensioned concrete decks); embankment stabilization to eliminate ongoing road reconstruction due to wash outs (utilizing micro piles to reduce excavation costs and permitting impacts); parking lot improvements (using a mix of AC, permeable pavers, and stabilized DG); building structures (including new restrooms with incinerating toilet technology); and water pipeline infrastructure upgrades. The project included preliminary design and assessment utilizing hydrology and hydraulic modeling (HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, Flo-2D), hydraulic system evaluation for the water pipeline upgrades; technical studies including geotechnical investigations and survey work. Environmental services included jurisdictional delineations; cultural resource investigations; biological investigations; NEPA document preparation; and permit applications. Five Peaks at Rancho Mirage, City of Rancho Mirage, California. Provided project management, LEED Certification coordination, permitting assistance, hydraulic analysis, and engineering design services for the on -site paving, grading, utilities, and stormwater facilities of the 60-acre commercial and retail center. The project required substantial coordination with the Coachella Valley Water District, Riverside County Flood Control, and City of Rancho Mirage for relocating existing flood -control facilities on the project site, and for analysis of pre- versus post -developmental hydrology conditions and their impact of the West Magnesia Storm Channel and the White Water River. Key design considerations included the installation of rooftop and parking structure solar panels, water -efficient landscaping that reduced potable water consumption in excess of 50%, installation of an underground detention system, an open channel Portland cement concrete ditch structure and energy dissipation structures to capture stormwater from surrounding mountainous terrain, and the installation of pervious hardscape materials to reduce surface runoff volumes. Tortoise Rock Casino, 29 Palms Band of Mission Indians, 29 Palms, California. Project Manager for the preparation of environmental compliance document and permit acquisition for the construction of a new Tribal Casino development located in Twenty-nine Palms. Permit documents included a Fugitive Dust Control Plan in compliance with the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District requirements, a project specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) compliant with federal EPA requirements, and a Water Quality Management Plan per County of San Bernardino standards. Each document was processed through the applicable agencies for approval, including submittal of the Notice of Intent and SWPPP through the Federal EPA online application process. Super Target Center, City of Indio, California. Provided project management, permitting assistance, and quality assurance/quality control review of the design of on- and off -site stormwater facilities for the 30-acre commercial center. On -site stormwater systems consisted of a series of localized depressions, with standard Riverside County catch -basin structures, and high -density polyethylene pipelines for transmission of the stormwater to an off -site detention basin. Off -site improvements consisted of a detention basin and associated inlet and outlet structures for full developmental flow of the commercial center, as well as duel 96-inch-diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), city -maintained regional storm drains. Vision Agua Caliente Project, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, California. Served as the Project Manager and lead civil engineer for the Vision Agua Caliente project in downtown Palm Springs. The project was completed in phases, the first phase included demolition of an existing multi -story hotel and spa building on a 10-acre site, installation of a pump and bypass pipeline system for the natural hot spring water on the site (a historic and culturally sensitive resource for the Tribe), coordination of multiple utility disconnects while Page 3 ❑UDEK planning for future redevelopment of the site, traffic control and environmental compliance (SWPPP, dust control, etc.) The second phase of the project included a new 400 stall parking lot designed to utilize recycled material (concrete, asphalt) from the previous demolition phase, ADA facility (sidewalk, curb ramps) for the perimeter of the site and the adjacent Casino building, and traffic pattern modifications including new curb signage and striping to accommodate street closures and a relocated valet pick up and drop off location. The third phase of the project included demolition of the Casino surface parking lot and construction of a new 3 story parking garage structure. Pioneer Park Parking Lot and Dog Park Improvements, City of La Quinta, California. Project manager and lead designer for civil engineering services to prepare construction plans and specifications. Initiated a pre -design meeting with city staff to formalize the design approach. Arranged for the preparation of a geotechnical report for the project, exploring subsurface conditions with borings in three areas and including recommendations for pavement structural sections, earthwork, allowable bearing stresses, and foundations. Arranged for topographical mapping of the project area, and conducted a search of utilities serving the project area. The design plans and specifications displayed existing topography, utilities and property lines, details of proposed landscaping, parking lot improvements (including hardscape elements), and site construction elements (e.g., fences, railings, benches, and shade structures). Also included was a planting plan and associated irrigation system design. Low -impact development features included permeable asphalt -concrete paving systems, bioswale retention systems, and drought -tolerant plantings. Also designed a Water Quality Management Plan for the project. Big Bear Alpine Zoo, Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District, Big Bear, California. Mr. Greely served as the Project Manager and lead engineer for the design of the new Big Bear Alpine Zoo site in Big Bear, California. The zoo was relocated to the site to provide an enhanced experience not only for visitors and guests, but also for the animals in the zoo collection and rehabilitation center. The new zoo is being constructed at the southeast of the intersection of Moonridge Road and Clubview Drive and is located adjacent to Rathbun Creek. The location of the site relative to Rathbu Creek was a key design constraint for the project. As a FEMA designated floodway and floodplain, grading activities and building placement in the regulatory limits would require costly and time consuming analysis and permitting. Mr. Greely evaluated the site plan and worked closely with the project architect to ensure that the improvements within the regulatory boundary would not impede flow and that building structures were excluded to avoid the need for C/LOMR processing and reduce risk to the zoo facilities. A precise grading plan was prepared with ADA complaint pathways and an onsite drainage system consisting of three interconnected bio-retention basins. Emergency overflow will drain to Rathbun Creek after being filtered for quality control in the bio-retention basins. An onsite water and sewer plan was designed. Page 4 Shannon Brown Project Engineer Shannon Brown is engineer with 9 years' experience, specializing in geospatial analysis, remote sensing, hydrologic modeling, air quality modeling, land use planning, field data collection, CEQA/NEPA document preparation, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting, Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting, and Army National Guard environmental compliance auditing. Mr. Brown has experience with Global Navigation Satellite System mapping, wetland delineation, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service protocol surveys, and has prepared environmental documentation including environmental assessments and environmental impact statements. He has experience leading and collaborating with teams, as well as writing proposals. Mr. Brown also has extensive knowledge of southwest Marine Corps and Naval installations. Project Experience Trash Amendment Assessment, Carlsbad, California. Mr. Brown is a Education California State University, Fullerton MS, Environmental Engineering, 2017 University of California, Davis BS, Environmental and Resource Science (GIS and Remote Sensing), 2009 Certifications USFWS Section 10(a)(1)(A) Recovery Permit, Large Branchiopod Species ACOE Wetland Delineation Training OSHA 30-hour Construction Safety Range Safety Officer for MCB Camp Pendleton First Aid/CPR/AED Certified project engineer for a phased evaluation of Trash Amendment compliance tracks to guide the City of Carlsbad's management decision process for compliance alternatives. The project entails the evaluation of Track 1 and Track 2 compliance options, based on the specific conditions and characteristics found within Carlsbad's jurisdiction. The project includes a GIS-based data -driven feasibility assessment, BMP implementation evaluation and analysis, hydrology engineering and field verification assessments, operational capacity planning and assessment and reporting to summarize compliance options in a management review -level format. (Cost: $75k) Trash Amendment Compliance, San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego, California. Mr. Brown is serving as a project engineer for trash amendment compliance services to the San Diego Unified Port District (District). The District has contracted Dudek to assist in development of a Trash Amendments compliance plan. The District has elected to follow a Track 1 compliance pathway, which requires the development of MS4 maps showing the location of where full capture system devices will be installed and a schedule detailing implementation progress over the mandated 10-year compliance timeframe. Master Storm Water Maintenance Program (MMP) Support, San Diego, California. Project engineer supporting the planning, design, environmental permitting, compliance and mitigation requirements for flood control channel maintenance activities under the MMP. Maintenance activities under the MMP require approvals from US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the California Coastal Commission. Other work included: biological, cultural, and noise monitoring, hydrology and hydraulic engineering design and modeling, habitat mitigation planning, design and implementation and programmatic support,/strategic planning. (Cost $2M). Page 1 DUDEK Stormwater Management, City of Bellevue, Washington. Performed GPS delineation of existing stormwater infrastructure for system capacity evaluation and consultation on Best Management Practices. Responsibilities included field data collection, creation of topologically correct stormwater networks, and geospatial identification of basins and low -flow velocity areas. (2017) Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California, Davis. Collaborated with research professors and graduate student researchers to develop topologically correct hydroelectric geographic information system (GIS) networks for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing. Parameters for the model included the timing of spring snowmelt under projected climactic conditions, reservoir holding capacity, and energy demand. Performed network modeling for the State Water Project and California Water Project. Determination and mapping of critical fish habitat and wetlands. Incorporation of cartographic products into a Public Policy Institute of California book on the myths of water in California. (2009-2010) Military Training Range Relocation and Construction, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest, Riverside and Imperial Counties, California. Consulted to construct new small arms and mortar ranges in the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range. Responsibilities included flow direction and accumulation modeling, watershed delineation using high -resolution LiDAR, down -range unexploded ordnance (UXO) transport models based on theoretical high flows, and Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting. Client realigned training ranges to minimize erosion, down -range transport of sediments and UXO, and impacts to Waters of the U.S. (2017) Skills • Esri ArcGIS Suite 10.5 including ArcPro; Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment; Microsoft Office Suite (2016); Trimble TeraSync; WINCASS; FSVeg • AutoCAD; Adobe Creative Suite; HEC-HMS; EPA SWMM; Python scripting Page 2 Heather Lamberson, PE, QISP Trash and Regulatory Compliance Ms. Lamberson is a Professional Engineer with 17 years of diverse water quality experience including NPDES regulatory compliance and permitting, development and implementation of stormwater pollution prevention and management plans, pilot Best Management Practices (BMP) effectiveness studies, water quality monitoring and watershed management. Ms. Lamberson has a strong background managing projects that incorporate complex technical and regulatory issues including Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development and implementation, development of site -specific water quality criteria and watershed management plans. Through these efforts Ms. Lamberson has gained extensive experience working collaboratively with stakeholder groups, regulatory agencies, consultant teams and operations and technical staff. Ms. Lamberson has served as assistant project manager and key technical contributor on projects for clients such as Caltrans and the City of San Diego. Ms. Lamberson has previous public sector experience working for the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts. Project Experience Trash Amendment Assessment, Carlsbad, California. Senior engineer Education MS, Civil Engineering, Loyola Marymount University BA, Biology and Marine Science, University of San Diego Licenses and Certifications Professional Engineer, CA #72499 Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner Professional Societies Project Oversight Committee Member, Collaborative Water Quality Solutions: Exploring Use Attainability Analyses, National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), 2005 Project Subcommittee Member, Evaluating Waterbody Assessment and Listing Processes: Integration of Monitoring and Evaluative Techniques, WERF, 2007 for phased evaluation of Trash Amendment compliance tracks to guide the City of Carlsbad's management decision process for compliance alternatives. The project entails the evaluation of Track 1 and Track 2 compliance options, based on the specific conditions and characteristics found within Carlsbad's jurisdiction. The project includes a GIS-based data -driven feasibility assessment, BMP implementation evaluation and analysis, hydrology engineering and field verification assessments, operational capacity planning and assessment and reporting to summarize compliance options in a management review -level format. Trash Amendment Compliance, San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego, California. Senior engineer leading trash amendment compliance services to the San Diego Unified Port District (District). The District has contracted Dudek to assist in development of a Trash Amendments compliance plan. The District has elected to follow a Track 1 compliance pathway, which requires the development of MS4 maps showing the location of where full capture system devices will be installed and a schedule detailing implementation progress over the mandated 10- year compliance timeframe. Tijuana River Water Quality Improvement Plan, City of Imperial Beach, City of San Diego and County of San Diego, San Diego, California. Participating as a core team member leading development of the NPDES-required Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) for the Tijuana River watershed. Responsible for agency efforts to develop innovative and quantifiable jurisdictional stormwater program enhancements to satisfy regulatory requirements Page 1 DUDEK within available municipal agency operational capacity parameters. Also responsible for the development of NPDES permit -required special study to address issues with the watershed highest priority water quality conditions. (Cost $250k). Industrial General Permit Compliance Support, Stone Brewing Company, Escondido, California. As a key technical contributor, Ms. Lamberson provided the Stone Brewing Company with NPDES storm water permit compliance support for all aspects of IGP compliance, including site inspections, evaluation of monitoring data, preparation of the industrial SWPPP, Monitoring Implementation Plans (MIPs), annual comprehensive facility evaluation and annual report, and training materials for the brewery and associated WRF and distribution center facilities. The project team worked collaboratively with brewery staff to modify existing operational procedures to improve non- structural BMP implementation effectiveness, and identified additional structural BMPs to improve surface drainage and treatment of storm water from industrial areas at the facility. As -Needed Monitoring and Investigations Services, Caltrans District 11 Caltrans 43A0211/43A0293, San Diego, California. Monitoring manager for separate multi -year TMDL compliance and special study monitoring projects. Mr. Evans lead field data collection teams to monitor sites representative of freeway runoff discharges to coastal waters; site -specific pollutant loads for TMDLs, Coastal Development Permit compliance and baseline characterization and pre-BMP implementation monitoring. Mr. Evans has also lead teams preparing the Annual and Final monitoring reports, which summarize sample collection efforts, laboratory data, and provide comparisons of water quality monitoring results to various regulatory objectives. (Cost: $1.5M). Master Storm Water Maintenance Program (MMP) Support, San Diego, California. As Project Manager, Mr. Evans led a team of engineers and scientists supporting the planning, design, environmental permitting, compliance and mitigation requirements for flood control channel maintenance activities under the MMP. Maintenance activities under the MMP require approvals from US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the California Coastal Commission. Mr. Evans developed a holistic, solution -based perspective in order to integrate water quality BMP approach to allow Coastal Commission approval of water quality mitigation measures and obtain the MMPs first Coastal Development Permit for three priority channels. Other work included: biological, cultural, and noise monitoring, hydrology and hydraulic engineering design and modeling, habitat mitigation planning, design and implementation and programmatic support/strategic planning. (Cost $2M). Waterways Maintenance Plan (WMP) Development and Approval, City of San Diego, California. As a key technical contributor, Ms. Lamberson is responsible for providing water quality technical support for development of the WMP as a replacement program for the City's Master Storm Water Maintenance Program (MMP) for flood control channel maintenance activities. Development of the WMP incorporated a comprehensive evaluation of the City's Operations and Maintenance Section (0&M) activities to determine the potential scope of the WMP. The project includes extensive GIS analysis, stakeholder outreach, and strategic planning to shape a program that successfully balances the need for key flood control maintenance activities to occur in a streamlined manner, while providing the level of resource protection required by regulators and environmental improvement expected by stakeholders. Specific tasks include water quality technical support related to development of Facility Maintenance Plans and Water Pollution Control Plans for each covered facility consistent with City Storm Water Standards and ordinances and resource agency requirements, water quality impacts analysis and development of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) section for Hydrology and Water Quality in consideration of applicable local, state and federal regulations, development of water quality assessments utilizing City and regional monitoring data, and development of water quality mitigation approach to address potential cumulative program impacts to water quality resources. (Cost $1.4M). Page 2 Elizabeth Geisler IDDE Investigations Ms. Geisler is a trained watershed scientist and biologist with over 9 years of experience in the Monterey Bay and San Diego regions. Specifically, Ms. Geisler has experience in stormwater, water quality, hydrology and hydraulics, stream restoration, field biology, environmental compliance, and quality control. Ms. Geisler has a diverse work history ranging from the public sector, to construction, and environmental consulting. As a result, she brings a unique perspective and skill set that supports effective collaboration with regulatory representatives, stakeholders, and clients in both public and private sectors. Project Experience Waterways Maintenance Plan (WMP), City of San Diego, California. Ms. Geisler provides technical support in the development of the Waterways Maintenance Plan for the City of San Diego's flood control channel maintenance activities. Ms. Geisler is responsible for developing Facility Maintenance Plans for stream channels included in the WMP that Education California State University, Monterey Bay MS, Coastal and Watershed Science and Policy 2014 University of California, Santa Cruz BS, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 2008 describe methodology, identify resources and impacts, implement Best Management Practices (BMPs), and satisfy regulatory requirements and the needs of City Operations and Maintenance staff. Industrial General Permit Stormwater Monitoring Support, Frog Environmental, Southern California Coastal Region. Ms. Geisler provides technical support and coordinates stormwater sampling efforts at industrial facilities in the southern California coastal region. Master Storm Water Maintenance Program (MMP) Support, San Diego, California. Ms. Geisler provides technical support for compliance with the Master Stormwater Maintenance Program for the City of San Diego's flood control channel maintenance activities. Specific tasks include review of Tijuana River Valley channel maintenance activities and preparation of Substantial Conformance Review documents to confirm compliance with project permits. Maintenance activities under the MMP require approvals from US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the California Coastal Commission. Trash Amendment Assessment, Carlsbad, California. Project support for the evaluation of Track 1 and Track 2 compliance options, based on the specific conditions and characteristics found within Carlsbad's jurisdiction. The project includes a GIS-based data -driven feasibility assessment, BMP implementation evaluation and analysis, hydrology engineering and field verification assessments, operational capacity planning and assessment and reporting to summarize compliance options in a management review -level format. Tijuana River Water Quality Improvement Plan, City of Imperial Beach, City of San Diego and County of San Diego, San Diego, California. Participating as a core team member leading development of the NPDES-required Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) for the Tijuana River watershed. Responsible for agency efforts to develop Page 1 DUDEK innovative and quantifiable jurisdictional stormwater program enhancements to satisfy regulatory requirements within available municipal agency operational capacity parameters. Also responsible for the development of NPDES permit -required special study to address issues with the watershed highest priority water quality conditions. San Clemente Dam Removal and Carmel River Reroute Project, Carmel Valley, California. Ms. Geisler worked for three years on this design/build project, first as Environmental Coordinator and then Quality Control Lead. The San Clemente dam removal is the largest to date in the state of California, and included excavation of approximately 2.5 million cubic yards of sediment, re-routing the Carmel River, and reconstruction of a half mile of stream channel. As Environmental Coordinator, Ms. Geisler was part of a team that ensured compliance with project permits, monitored water quality, stream flow, wildlife, BMPs, and hazardous materials, and produced environmental compliance reports. As Quality Control Lead, Ms. Geisler was responsible for insuring implementation of the river construction plans and specifications. Ms. Geisler conducted daily inspections of river restoration activities, including the construction of 53 step pools and installation of large woody debris, and produced technical reports. In both positions, Ms. Geisler played an integral role coordinating with construction crews, project designers, and the project oversight team, which included California American Water (Owner), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and California Coastal Conservancy. Industrial General Permit Compliance and Stormwater Monitoring, Granite Construction, Northern California Coastal Region. Ms. Geisler provided stormwater monitoring training for Granite Construction staff working at quarries and asphalt plants, and coordinated associated sampling and reporting. Ms. Geisler assisted in the development of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for Granite's facilities. Frog Pond Wetland Preserve Enhancement Study, Monterey, California. Ms. Geisler conducted water quality sampling, stream gaging, sediment transport sampling, elevation surveys, and erosion assessment to provide a snapshot of the current condition of the wetland preserve, and developed three potential restoration designs using hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, and Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS). The restoration designs included re-routing an urban stream from a manmade earthen channel into a meandering stream channel that would traverse the wetland preserve. Ms. Geisler compiled the results into a wetland enhancement plan for the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District. Work was completed in collaboration with Balance Hydrologics. San Clemente Dam Removal Sediment Transport Study, Carmel Valley, California. Ms. Geisler conducted streambed particle size assessments, and elevation surveys using a Total Station and RTK GPS at several locations on the Carmel River. Work was completed in collaboration with NOAA and USGS to document pre -dam removal channel morphology and substrate characteristics. Data collected will serve as a baseline for future studies documenting downstream effects of dam removal. Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) Monitoring and Mitigation Program, Monterey, California. Ms. Geisler provided technical support as a Field Biologist for MPWMD's mitigation program for over four years. Field tasks included monitoring riparian vegetation, soil moisture, groundwater levels, and water quality. In addition, Ms. Geisler led work crews from the California Conservation Corps in yearly vegetation management activities, conducted habitat assessments for steelhead trout and California red -legged frog, and participated in steelhead trout rescues. Ms. Geisler contributed to riparian monitoring reports, and used ArcGIS to quantify success of habitat restoration projects, and quantify estimated water loss due to evapotranspiration in the Carmel River watershed. Page 2 lk SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Encinitas (Main) La Quinta Pasadena Riverside San Juan Capistrano 800.450.1818 1 DUDLK.COM I HELLO@DUDLK.COM CENTRAL COAST Santa Barbara Santa Cruz NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Auburn Oakland Sacramento HAWAI'I Kailua OREGON Portland HABITAT RESTORATION SCIENCES A Dudek Subsidiary