Larry Walker Associates ProposalJULY 2, 2018 CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSALFOR Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis RFP CLQ06122018 SUBMITTED BY L A R R Y WALKER iAll ASSOCIATES 785 Grand Ave., Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 June 29, 2018 760.730.9446 1 www.lwa.com L A R R Y WALKER Mr. Bryan McKinney, City Engineer City of La Quinta - Design & Development Department ASSOCIATES 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Larry Walker Associates Proposal for the City of La Quinta Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Dear Mr. McKinney: Larry Walker Associates, Inc. (LWA) is pleased to submit this Proposal to the City of La Quinta (City) to support the development of a Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture System (FCS) Analysis. By selecting LWA, the City will be assured that an experienced team of professionals with proven project management, relevant regulatory and technical experience and expertise, and statewide and regional knowledge will successfully lead and deliver high -quality work products on time and within budget. The LWA project team includes individuals who have provided regulatory and technical assistance in support of numerous municipal stormwater permittees' compliance efforts with the Statewide Trash Amendments in Southern California and throughout the State, Trash Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) in the Los Angeles area, and the San Francisco Bay Area Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit Trash Load Reduction provisions. As such, LWA is uniquely qualified and committed to assist the City on this important project. LWA's qualifications include the following advantages: to LWA has supported Phase I and Phase II cities and counties in their efforts to address stormwater- related permitting and programmatic issues (such as the development and implementation of trash compliance programs) for almost 30 years and operates at the forefront of the interface between robust science, engineering, and emerging policy. ■ LWA has direct experience assisting stormwater management agencies with planning efforts using spatial analyses to identify program needs and priorities to address water quality issues (e.g., Enhanced Watershed Management Plans and Water Quality Improvement Plans). ■ LWA's Project Manager (Paul Hartman) has been involved in the development of programs to comply with the Trash Amendments since their inception. He has worked with municipalities across Southern California to review programs, strategically develop and assess compliance approaches, and to develop Implementation Plans for compliance with the Trash Amendments. ■ LWA leadership has actively participated on the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Trash Amendment Technical Advisory Committee as a California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) representative to assist with, amongst other things, the identification of Low Impact Development (LID) based public domain best management practices (BMPs) to be included in the list of approved full capture systems. ■ LWA can leverage the work we have conducted statewide by building on our previous experience developing approaches to priority land use mapping strategies, alternative land use options, plan Larry Walker Associates City of La Quinta — Storm water Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis Page 2 development, and cost estimating as well as effective discussions with State Water Board and Regional Water Board staff to gain acceptance of the approaches. ■ LWA has successful experience working with Colorado River Basin, San Diego, and Santa Ana Regional Water Board staff to address permitting and programmatic issues. Since the Trash Amendments for Phase I municipalities will be managed at the local level, these relationships may be beneficial if it becomes necessary to engage Regional Water Board staff. Per the RFP, a description of our firm, information for the contact person for the proposal, identification of key personnel, and other required information is provided below. 1) Company Information LWA is a privately -owned California corporation headquartered in the City of Davis. LWA has regional offices throughout California, including Carlsbad, Santa Monica, Ventura, Berkeley, and San Jose as well as an office in Seattle, Washington. LWA has a proven record of leading successful, collaborative work efforts to meet project objectives and goals. Hallmarks of our approach include bringing flexibility to the project approach while managing it to meet the stated end goals; integrating multidisciplinary experts into a cohesive working team; and providing an adaptive atmosphere that encourages UNMATCHED VALUE With almost 40 years of experience in California and a proven record of i� success on similar trash assessment and compliance projects, LWA's thorough understanding of the issues and technical and regulatory i. expertise consistently expedites project schedules, resolves regulatory issues, and delivers interaction and communication among the team, client, innovative and viable solutions that and other stakeholders. For almost 40 years, LWA has achieve approval by the State and leveraged our expertise to assist public works Regional Water Boards. departments and municipal clients throughout California in developing solutions that meet their needs and comply with requirements of the USEPA, State Water Board, and Regional Water Boards. LWA provides a wide range of consulting services, from traditional water and wastewater engineering to highly specialized water quality, stormwater, and watershed management. Our understanding and involvement during the development of the Trash Amendments, as well as our current involvement in the trash compliance and monitoring strategies being employed throughout California, make LWA uniquely qualified to assist the City with this work. Statewide Trash Amendments. LWA has in-depth knowledge of the Trash Amendments and has completed or is currently performing a variety of related analyses and field assessments for Phase I and Phase II municipalities throughout California, including, but not limited, to the cities of San Diego, Riverside, Irvine, Redondo Beach, Chula Vista, Roseville, Sacramento, San Mateo, and Stockton; the counties of San Diego, Sacramento, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, and Ventura; and the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District. LWA understands the breadth of issues the City is facing, how those issues are interrelated, and the tasks that must be completed in developing a Jurisdictional Map and FCS System that meets the requirements of the Trash Amendments. 2) Contact Person for Remainder of Selection Process Name: Paul Hartman, LWA Project Manager Email: PaulH@Iwa.com Address: 785 Grand Avenue, Ste 200, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 730-9446 Larry Walker Associates City of La Quinta—Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis Page 3 3) Qualifying Statements or Comments LWA has no qualifying statements or comments pertaining to the Professional Services Agreement, the information in the RFP, or our proposal. 4) Key Personnel and Their Responsibilities The LWA team includes engineering and stormwater professionals who have experience in the management, development, and implementation of similar projects involving complex technical tasks, including spatial analyses, Priority Land Use (PLU) analysis, FCS and certified treatment control devices, BMP siting, and cost estimating. Below is a summary of the key personnel proposed for this project and their responsibilities. Additional details on the key personnel's experience and qualifications, as well as additional support staff and resumes, are provided in our proposal under Section 3. Statement of Qualifications. To deliver enhanced control of the budget and schedule to the City, LWA will perform all tasks described in the RFP "Proposed Scope of Services" with our own staff, without subcontractors. ■ PAUL HARTMAN, Project Manager. Mr. Hartman will be responsible for overall project performance and execution and will ensure regulatory and contract compliance. As the primary day-to-day point of contact to the City, he will maintain communication and coordination with the City. He will coordinate resources, develop and manage the work plan and schedule. ■ ELIZABETH YIN, Task 1 Lead. Ms. Yin will lead Task 1 focusing on completion of the City's Jurisdictional Maps for submittal to the Regional Water Board. Her experience with the Trash Amendments, associated implementation planning, and in-depth GIS knowledge position her well to lead this task. She will coordinate task needs, and participate in meetings, as needed. She will support Mr. Hartman in coordinating support staff and overseeing activities performed by them. ■ KRISTINE CORNEILLIE, Task 2 Lead. Ms. Corneillie will lead Task 2 focusing on the placement of FCS, cost estimates, and compliance schedules. Her recent experience in each of these areas will help her provide excellent support to the City on this task. She will coordinate task needs, and participate in meetings, as needed. She will support Mr. Hartman in coordinating support staff and overseeing activities performed by them. 5) Consultant's Statement LWA is prepared to execute the Professional Services Agreement "Attachment 1" as written and can meet the City's insurance requirements. We acknowledge Addendum Number 1, dated June 21, 2018. LWA's strength lies in our ability to craft innovative and pragmatic solutions for our clients. The LWA Project Manager and Task Leads are readily accessible and are committed to working collaboratively with the City. Because LWA is a small firm, we are keenly cost -sensitive and have refined our work processes to perform tasks in an efficient manner while remaining focused on quality and compliance. I appreciate your review of our proposal and our team looks forward to working with the City on this important project. For any questions, feel free to contact the proposed Project Manager, Paul Hartman, (760) 730-9446 or PaulH@Iwa.com. Sinc rely, Chris Minton Vice President I, Chris Minton ta Qw�tra GEM ofnce DESERT — NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal (name) hereby declare as follows: I am a Vice President of Larry Walker Associates, Inc. , (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury der the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Chris Minton Proposer Title: Vice President Company Name: Address: Larry Walker Associates, Inc. 720 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 204, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta -' Table of Contents Tab/Section Page Cover Letter (excluded from page count) Non -Collusion Affidavit Form (excluded from page count) Table of Contents (excluded from page count).............................................................................. i 1 Project Understanding and Approach...................................................................................... 1-4 1.1 Understanding of the Project......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Technical and Management Approach............................................................................ 2 2 Scope of Work.......................................................................................................................5-10 2.1 Scope of Work Program................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Project Schedule............................................................................................................ 9 3 Statement of Qualifications..................................................................................................11-26 3.1 Key Personnel...............................................................................................................11 Personnel Resumes (excluded from page count)..............................................................13 3.2 Experience with Similar Work........................................................................................22 SEPARATE ENVELOPE CostProposal.......................................................................................................................... 1-2 wA KEN Page I i Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & ,,� ,, Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No CLQ06122018 Section 1. Project Understanding and Approach Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta 1.0 Project Understanding and Approach In response to the Request for Proposals (RFP), LWA has assembled a project team that has experience completing similar types of projects. To deliver enhanced control of the budget and schedule to the City, LWA will perform the work with our own staff, without subconsultants. As further demonstrated in our proposal, LWA offers considerable experience, proven capabilities, and an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the Statewide Trash Amendments and how to develop a pragmatic and prioritized Track 1 approach. Of significant value is our staff's understanding of the Statewide Trash Amendments, our experience working as and with public agency staff, and our working and respected relationships with regulatory staff. LWA has the regulatory background, technical skills, and direct experience necessary to successfully complete the tasks requested by the City. This experience was developed over the years through various projects in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California and, more recently, with Phase I and Phase II municipalities across the state complying with the Statewide Trash Amendments. 1.1. Understanding of the Project The Statewide Trash Amendments' were approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on December 2, 2015, the official effective date for the Amendments. As UNMATCHED VALUE LWA has the technical, engineering, and regulatory expertise and experience to develop the City's Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis in compliance with the requirements of the Water Code Section 13383 Order and the Statewide Trash Amendments. Our expertise includes: • Assisting stormwater programs/public works departments with master planning for over 30 years. • Providing supportfor more than 30 Phase 1 and Phase 11 municipal stormwater programs. • Assisting Phase l and Phase ll stormwater programs in complying with the Statewide Trash Amendments including Track 1/Track 2 feasibility assessments, geospatial analysis and mapping, modeling, implementation plans, cost estimates, training, and monitoring. ■ LWA staff have strong working relationships with the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Board and State the City is aware, on June 1, 2017, the Colorado River Water Board staff. Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) issued a California Water Code Section 13383 letter requiring the City to select either Track 1 or Track 2 by September 1, 2017. Based on the initial analysis, the City selected Track 1 and submitted the required information to the Regional Water Board. After the Track 1 selection, by December 1, 2018, the City needs to submit to the Regional Water Board updated jurisdictional maps identifying: • The storm drain network; • Priority land use (PLU) areas discharging to the storm drain network; • Proposed locations of the certified Full Capture Systems (FCS); and a Proposed equivalent alternative land uses (if any). 1 Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California to Control Trash (Ocean Plan) and Part 1 Trash Provisions of the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, And Estuaries of California (ISWEBE Plan) adopted by the State Water Board. http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/trash_control/documentation.shtml z Water Code Section 13383 Order to Submit Method to Comply with Statewide Trash Provisions; Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittees. June 1, 2017. LARRV Page 1 1 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: f; City of La Quinta It should be noted that, based on conversations that LWA has had with State Water Board staff as well as statements made by State Water Board staff at California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) meetings, the City may, in fact, switch to Track 2 in the future if additional analyses demonstrate that it would be infeasible to meet the Track 1 requirements. In order to switch Tracks, the City would need to develop the required information for Track 2 and work with Regional Water Board staff to ensure approval. LWA has evaluated the project and understands the special concerns, such as the importance of cost effective implementation and leveraging existing control measures, and the sensitivity in discussing various approaches with staff at the Regional Water Board. Our proposed approach incorporates proven strategies and sound recommendations to ensure successful completion of all tasks outlined in the RFP Proposed Scope of Services. See Section 2. Scope of Work for a detailed discussion of the project's tasks, sub -tasks, and deliverables, as well as the project schedule. 1.2. Technical and Management Approach LWA partners with our clients and stakeholders to collaboratively develop and implement pragmatic, science -based compliance programs that improve water quality and protect water resources. In this capacity, LWA will provide the City with specialized and complementary capabilities to develop the Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis. As demonstrated in Section 3. Statement of Qualifications, LWA has served in similar capacities in support of Track 1 and Track 2 trash compliance efforts for stormwater permittees throughout California. Hallmarks of our approach include bringing flexibility to the project elements while managing the project to meet the stated end goals, integrating multi -disciplinary experts into a cohesive working team, and providing an adaptive atmosphere that encourages productive communication among the project team, client, and stakeholders. To manage and complete the technical tasks required to successfully develop a Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis, LWA will implement our project management approach which has been proven effective on stormwater program projects for more than 300 municipal clients. The team includes a Project Manager and technical staff with significant regulatory and technical expertise in stormwater programs and the Statewide Trash Amendments. Figure 1 on the following page illustrates the composition of the project team, as well as task assignments, to ensure that we provide quality service and all deliverables within the project's cost and time constraints. The LWA project team will be led by Mr. Paul Hartman as the LWA Project Manager (PM). Mr. Hartman has proven organizational and project management skills, as well as strong interpersonal and communication skills. He has a track record in leading teams to accomplish specific technical tasks and address complex regulatory issues to develop pragmatic programs. As the primary and day-to-day point of contact (POC) to the City for this project, Mr. Hartman will oversee the work performed for each task, manage the contract, and ensure that we provide high quality deliverables and that work is completed on time and within budget. The Task Leads will be responsible for on -time completion of their assigned tasks and for coordinating all work products with the Project Manager. At the start of the project, we will clearly define roles and lines of authority to ensure the most efficient performance possible. Page 1 2 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 01 Proposal Provided to:;�, City of La Quinta Figure 1. Project Team Organizational Chart Task 1. Develop Jurisdictional Map Task lead Elizabeth Yin Support Staff Reni Keane-Dengel Task 2. Full Capture System Analysis Task Lead Kristine Corneillie Support Staff Elizabeth Yin Alina Constantinescu,P.E. Reni Keane-Dengel LWA staff will conduct assigned tasks and participate in required meetings as needed for the duration of the project. The staff will be available upon contract award and will not be removed or replaced without consent of the City. The staff members have worked together for many years, including on the projects provided to demonstrate experience in Section 3. Statement of Qualifications, thereby offering a seamless and efficient team with complementary skills. To achieve program performance standards and outcomes, Mr. Hartman will use the performance management process outlined below throughout the duration of the project. ■ Project Management - The LWA PM will provide overall project management and oversight for all task assignments and will be the day-to-day contact for the project. The LWA PM will oversee tasks in progress and work closely with the Task Leads to ensure that the work meets overall project needs and is completed on schedule and within budget. ■ Project Meetings - The LWA PM will serve as the primary POC for the team, providing clear, consistent, frequent, and honest communication with the City. The LWA PM will conduct meetings with the City to ensure project goals and requirements are understood and integrated into task work plans. LWA will prepare and distribute meeting agendas and summaries that outline key action items and decisions. ■ Coordination & Communication - The LWA PM will respond to requests in a concise and timely manner. o Email - All email communication between the LWA Team members and the City will be copied to the LWA PM. Communication on administrative and general technical aspects of the projects can be provided to the LWA PM for review and distribution. Any questions on the work (scope, schedule, budget) will be communicated to the LWA PM. o Status Update Calls -The LWA PM will have check -in calls with the City PM as necessary to keep the project on schedule and avoid inefficiencies that can arise. The LWA PM will conduct task -level conference calls and communicate with Task Leads as needed to ensure that work products are completed on schedule and budget. Page 1 3 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: �� ) City of La Quinta t 1 Schedule & Budget Management - The LWA PM will maintain a master schedule with the due dates and budget for each task. Quality Assurance (QA) - The LWA PM leads the implementation of the QA approach to ensure that the work products are of high -quality and the project processes used to manage and develop the work products are effective. LWA's QA approach involves participation by all project staff, subcontractors, the City, and any other applicable stakeholders. Task Leads will review task deliverables before submittal to the LWA PM for review. • Administrative - The LWA PM will be responsible for administrative tasks associated with this project. I Ak Page 1 4 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: rr, City of La Quinta 2.0 Scope of Work LWA partners with our clients and stakeholders to collaboratively develop and implement pragmatic, science -based, compliance programs that improve water quality and protect water resources. In this capacity, LWA will provide the City with specialized and complementary capabilities to support the City on the Stormwater Trash Order Final Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis. As demonstrated in Section 3, the LWA project team has served in similar capacities in support of Track 1 and Track 2 trash compliance efforts for storm water permittees throughout California. Hallmarks of our approach include bringing flexibility to the project plan while managing the project to meet the stated end goals, integrating multi -disciplinary experts into a cohesive working team, and providing an adaptive atmosphere that encourages productive communication among the project team, client, and stakeholders. As further described in this section, tasks outlined in the RFP require development of the following: Final Jurisdictional map, including alternative land use rationale, as needed FCS Analysis, including recommendation of approved FCS trash treatment control devices, estimated cost for installation, operation, and maintenance of the FCS devices, and a schedule to accomplish installation of all FCS devices to achieve full compliance LWA recognizes that the Water Code Section 13383 requirements are resource -intensive. Given the required investment to comply with the Statewide Trash Amendments, LWA is prepared to work with the City to develop the most efficient and cost-effective approach moving forward. 2.1. Scope of Work Program Consistent with the scope of services outlined in the RFP, the strategy for the tasks below are based on the City's selection of Track 1 and leverages LWA's extensive statewide experience and tools developed for trash management efforts. Although the City has selected Track 1, the City does maintain the right to switch to a Track 2 approach. If the City decides to switch tracks, LWA has direct experience developing Track 2 Implementation Plans and can provide a scope of work to assist with that effort, if necessary. The project will begin with a kickoff meeting to introduce the project team, the proposed approach to the project, and to refine the schedule if necessary. Task 1. Develop Jurisdictional Map Sub -Task 1.1. Review and Revise Preliminary Jurisdictional Map Given the inherent challenges of classifying land uses as PLUS as defined by the Statewide Trash Amendments, and the importance of PLUS for the placement of FCS, LWA will leverage its experience in PLU determinations by first performing an evaluation and review of the preliminary jurisdictional map(s) developed by the City as a part of the initial Track selection in September 2017. A review of the preliminary jurisdictional map will capture any updates to land uses since the City's September 2017 submittal, and ensure that all required priority land use areas that need to be included are shown within the map. Accurate identification and quantification of PLUS provides the foundation for compliance. The Statewide Trash Amendments defines the PLUs as: • High density residential; • Commercial; • Industrial; • Mixed urban; and • Public transportation. Page 1 5 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: ;�;1 City of La Quintal While this mapping exercise may seem simple, some key issues that typically arise include: Determination of which existing categories of land uses should be characterized as PLUS; If industrial facilities with coverage under the Industrial General Permit should be included; and The buffer size that should be used for transportation facilities. LWA will work with the City to collect and analyze City -provided and other data by first issuing a call for data via email. Following the timely receipt of relevant data, LWA will review the existing land uses and PLU determinations submitted by the City in September 2017. LWA will identify land use areas that may be challenging to classify so that informed, City -specific decisions can be made. If there are any PLUs that are missing or that were misinterpreted, the jurisdictional map(s) will be updated accordingly. In addition, LWA will work with the City to leverage the local knowledge of City Staff to update the preliminary jurisdictional map as needed and to identify the potential for equivalent alternate land use substitutions. As noted in the RFP, the City may identify and substitute equivalent alternate land uses as PLUS with appropriate justification. Equivalent alternate land uses are areas that generate rates of trash that are equivalent to or greater than the PLUS being substituted, and may include areas of trash accumulation that may not qualify as a PLU. If the City is interested in identifying alternative land uses, LWA recommends that this discussion occur during Sub -Task 1.1, with further refinement during Sub -Task 1.2, so that the updated preliminary jurisdictional map can incorporate any appropriate equivalent alternate land uses up front. If alternative land uses are identified and substituted for the PLUS, LWA (upon approval) can assist the City with the development of a brief, one -page rationale for submittal to the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board Executive Officer for approval. This approval would need to be submitted by the City with the December 1, 2018 submittal package. Deliverables (as needed based on the review): Email/short document summarizing the results of the review and recommended changes or approaches Discussion with the City to review the results and discuss/agree upon the mapping approach Updated draft preliminary jurisdictional map for review/comment by the City Sub -Task 1.2. Update Jurisdictional Map with Proposed Certified Full Capture Systems Using the updated preliminary jurisdictional map developed in Sub -Task 1, and the results of Task 2 FCS Analysis, LWA will work with the City to ensure that the final jurisdictional map also includes: The corresponding storm drain network and associated drainage areas; and The proposed locations for the certified FCS (as defined within the Statewide Trash Amendments), including existing and potential FCS. The intent of this task is to develop the key deliverables that are required for the December 1, 2018 submittal to the State Water Board. LWA will provide a draft final jurisdictional map incorporating all the required elements and results from Sub -Task 1.1 and Sub -Task 2.1 to the City for review and comment, LWA will then incorporate any comments into a final jurisdictional map for submittal to the Regional Water Board by the City. LWA will also provide the City with an ArcGIS map package containing shapefiles associated with the final jurisdictional map, including any updated shapefiles from Sub Task 1.1. Page 1 6 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta -' Deliverables: Updated draft final jurisdictional map for review/comment by the City Updated final jurisdictional map ArcGIS map package containing shapefiles associated with the final jurisdictional map Task 2. Full Capture System Analysis Sub -Task 2.1. Analyze and Identify Certified Full Capture Systems LWA has worked with Phase I and Phase II municipalities to identify regional and/or distributed locations within a storm drain system for device installation by prioritizing preferences for device type, cost, installation feasibility, and O&M considerations. Similarly, LWA will work with the City to identify the Track 1 compliance priorities and provide the City with a strategic approach for the installation of the FCS. As a first step, LWA will work with the City to identify the types of FCS that are already in place or that will be installed, as well as the potential locations for installation. The State Water Board has identified a range of multi -benefit treatment systems' as well as treatment control devices' that are deemed FCS devices pursuant to the Statewide Trash Amendments. As a result, the City will want to identify any multi -benefit treatment systems that may currently be implemented within the City in order to get credit for those areas instead of installing another device. Following the identification of existing multi -benefit treatment systems, LWA will conduct an analysis of FCS to identify device type and potential installation locations throughout the City. The configuration of the storm drain system allows for the strategic installation of the FCS. For example, a municipality could install catch basin inserts distributed throughout the storm drain system draining PLU areas, or it could install larger, regional types of systems, such as continuous deflection system (CDS) units, at strategic points identified to address an entire PLU catchment area. Identifying the number and types of FCS and their installation locations is critical in order to minimize the number of devices required and reduce the costs of compliance and future maintenance. To facilitate the analysis of FCS, LWA will have a call with the City to discuss areas of concern, as well as areas where the City may want to prioritize FCS installation. It is important to keep the 10-year timeframe in mind when evaluating locations for FCS to ensure installations can be accomplished within the regulatory timeframe. In addition to timeframe considerations, LWA will work with the City, including Public Works staff, to provide an understanding of the costs of different devices, including both capital and O&M considerations, and any City's preferences. LWA will work with City staff to evaluate factors that can substantially increase the overall implementation costs and installation feasibility, such as: Known or unknown characteristics of the storm drain system; * Areas that lack the infrastructure to support FCS, and • Areas subject to flooding. Understanding the design and installation requirements for the range of available FCS and how they may perform, given the characteristics of the storm drain system and right-of-way/easements, is imperative prior to finalizing the type(s) of FCS that will be purchased, installed, and maintained. LWA has experience working with municipalities throughout the state to identify potential FCS and assessing their storm drain 'https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/docs/trash_implementation/mbtscoversheet_revised_09mar 18b.pdf 2https://www.waterboa rds.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/docs/trash_i m pl ementation/aIce rtified_fcd_rev_30M ay18. pdf IAAPage 1 7 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 I Proposal Provided to: Y City of La Quinta .y systems and right-of-way/easements for installation and 0&M feasibility. It may be necessary for the City to field verify desktop assessment results in key locations in order to confirm the type(s) of FCS to install. LWA has prepared field forms and guidance for evaluating locations that can be shared with the City to assist City staff with these field verifications. Deliverables: • Conference call to identify the existing FCS and City priorities for new FCS • Table of Certified Full Capture System Options • Draft Map of Potential Locations for FCS • ArcGIS shapefile of Final Potential Locations for FCS Sub -Task 2.2. Cost Analysis and Time Schedule for the Installation of Proposed Certified Full Capture Systems Based on the results of Sub -Task 2.1, LWA will develop an estimated cost for the installation of FCS following a Track 1 approach. The cost assessment will include O&M considerations and anticipated FCS replacement costs. Given the 10-year compliance timeframe, the costs and resources needed will increase each year up to the 10-year mark, as additional devices will be installed each year and subject to the stormwater O&M program. Under a Track 1 approach, the majority of costs are expected to be incurred by the City's storm drain maintenance division. Costs will be based on LWA's experience with O&M for existing trash programs throughout California, as well as discussions with vendors regarding the appropriate care of specific devices. In addition to the costs of the individual devices, LWA will solicit maintenance costs and other information from City staff in order to develop a cost estimate specific to the City's program. LWA will use the information gathered in Sub -Task 2.1 to develop a time schedule for FCS installation. LWA's approach for developing the time schedule will include the division of the City's jurisdiction into 10 subsections (i.e., one subsection for each year), each of which will identify PLUS and locations of FCS to be installed for compliance within the 10-year timeframe. LWA will consider the City's priorities for where to begin device installation, design and engineering costs, O&M needs of devices, and if right-of-way or easements are required for the installation of devices. These considerations will allow for prioritization of device installation timing and even distribution of costs over the 10-year installation and compliance period. While the time schedule developed by LWA will cover the entire 10-year compliance period, it is our belief that the first few years of implementation will serve as a pilot study for device installation. Information gathered during the initial installations, as well as the introduction and approval of new devices by vendors, may alter the initial costs and decisions presented in the schedule. As such, the schedule will include a narrative allowing for modifications to the 10-year plan, should changes be desired in subsequent years based on experience and knowledge gained from the initial installations. Deliverables: • Draft and Final table of estimated costs for FCS installation and O&M • Draft and Final time schedule for installation of proposed FCS Page 1 8 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Section 2. Scope of Work Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta 2.2. Project Schedule LWA will work closely with the City to complete the required tasks by November 26, 2018 based on an anticipated Notice to Proceed (NTP) of August 1, 2018. Given the complexity of the work effort and the need to communicate with the City, our approach for successfully developing the jurisdictional map and FCS analysis is based on: 1) maintaining clear lines of communication, 2) informing and receiving input from City staff on an ongoing basis, 3) controls to complete tasks on schedule, and 4) controls to complete the project within budget. The LWA Project Manager will maintain a master schedule with the due dates and budget for each task. The schedule may be developed and shown with Microsoft Project, or other scheduling software preferred by the City, and the budget will be presented in spreadsheets. The LWA Project Manager will oversee tasks in progress and work closely with the Task Leads to ensure that the work meets overall project needs and is completed on schedule and within budget. This approach has been used successfully on other projects to ensure completion of high quality work on time and within budget. The general project schedule presented in Figure 2 pertains to the activities and deliverables described above and is based upon our understanding of the tasks to be completed as required within the RFP. The schedule identifies the deliverables, dates of completion, and designated review times with the City and stakeholders in order to finalize the documents. Should the NTP be provided prior to or after August 1, 2018, all dates in the schedule will shift accordingly. Based on the results of the kickoff meeting with the City, start and completion dates may be modified to meet the needs of the project. Parameters used to frame this schedule included the following: ■ The Agreement will be approved and executed in July, 2018; • The NTP will be issued by August 1, 2018; ■ The Final Jurisdictional Map will be completed by November 26, 2018; ■ All reviews and approvals of work products will be completed within the timeframe identified within the final schedule. Adherence to the proposed schedule requires meeting work product development and review timelines. Should certain steps require additional time (which may occur for a variety of reasons), LWA will take all reasonable measures to accommodate the changes while minimizing disruption to other schedule elements. However, in some cases, delayed completion of schedule elements could cause delays in completion of other related work. LWA will, in all instances, promptly identify the best possible manner to rectify the schedule and communicate a revised schedule to the City Project Manager so that the best course of action can be selected. �L•l Page 1 9 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 I Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta Figure 2. Detailed Project Schedule for the Development of the City of La Quinta Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and FCS Analysis City of La Quinta Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Anal sis Task/ Subtask Description Estimated Time to Complete 2018 July August September October November 21 91 16 23 301 61 13 20 271 31 101 171 241 11 81 151 221 291 5J 121 191 26 rocurement Proposal Submittal N/A • Contract Execution/Notice to Proceed 1 month • 1 Develop Jurisdictional Map 16 weeks 1.1 Review and Revise Preliminary Jurisdictional Map 8 weeks Data Call Recommended Changes City Review and Conference Call 11 Updated Draft Preliminary Jurisdictional Map City Review 1.2 Update Jurisdictional Map with Proposed Certified FCS 9 weeks Draft Final Jurisdictional Map City Review and Conference Call = Final Jurisdictional Map and GIS Shapefiles 4 2 Full Capture System Analysis 14 weeks 2,1 Analyze and Identify Certified FCS 8 weeks Table of Certified FCS Options Conference Call to Identify Existing FCS and City Preferences If Identify Additional FCS Needs, Types, and Locations 2 2 Cost Analysis and Time Schedule for Installation of Proposed Certified FCS 9 weeks Call to Discuss Cost Assumptions and City Specific Information Draft Table of Estimated Costs for FCS Installation and O&M City Review • Final Table of Estimated Costs for FCS Installation and O&M 10 Draft Schedule for Installation of Proposed FCS City Review Final Schedule for Installation of Proposed FCS 8 . = Contracting ♦ = Interim Deliverable ■ = Conference Call p= Final Deliverable LWA F'iess City Renew Peried Page 1 10 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & F„u rapture-gimtPms Arnh-,iQ, RFP nrn r,LQOFiggn18 PI Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta 1 5 3.0 Statement of Qualifications LWA and the proposed project team have experience working with the regulatory, policy, legal, and technical aspects of the stormwater program and related requirements. We were intimately involved in the development of and commenting on the Statewide Trash Amendments; participation in the Statewide Trash Amendment Technical Advisory Committee; and subsequent development and implementation of the municipal Track 1 and Track 2 feasibility analyses and compliance pathways. The proposed engineering and stormwater professionals have experience in the management, development, and implementation of similar projects involving complex technical tasks related to the development of the jurisdictional map and FCS analysis, as well as the full range of services required by the Statewide Trash Amendments. 3.1. Key Personnel Below are highlights of the credentials and personal experience for the proposed LWA PM, Task Leads, and the Project Advisor along with their assigned responsibilities. The staff members have worked together for many years, including on the projects provided in Section 3.2 to demonstrate experience, thereby offering a seamless and efficient team with complementary skills. More information on the personnel, including education, licenses, certifications, and relevant experience, is provided in the individual resumes starting on Page 13. PAUL HARTMAN Project Manager Responsibilities: ■ Overall project performance and execution ■ Ensure regulatory and contract compliance R Primary day-to-day POC, communication and coordination with the City ■ Resource coordination work Mr. Hartman is an Associate and will serve as the Project Manager. He brings a wealth of experience in water quality, development and implementation of California municipal stormwater programs, and TMDLs. He has a B.S. in Biology and is a Laboratory Analyst, Grade II, certified by the California Water Environment Association. Over the past eight years, Mr. Hartman has led or participated in trash compliance efforts throughout California, including the development of FCS approaches (Track 1), non-structural and programmatic approaches (Track 2), trash monitoring programs, and cost estimates. Mr. Hartman has closely supported municipal clients plan and schedule, regulatory with stormwater and trash monitoring efforts for more than 15 support, and other technical years and is intimately familiar with the Statewide Trash support as needed Amendments, as well as the Phase I municipal stormwater - — - - program and how the Trash Order jurisdictional map and FCS analysis should be leveraged with existing efforts. Ms. Yin is a Project Scientist II and will perform as the Task 1 Lead. She has a B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and a Master of Environmental Management with a concentration in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health and an emphasis on water resources management. Her unique qualifications, combined with her understanding of policy and public health, have provided significant value on LWA projects involving water quality service areas, including data analysis, reporting, and pollution prevention; stormwater regulatory assistance and regulatory compliance; and watershed management. Ms. Yin has led or participated in trash p y pp compliance efforts throughout California, including the development of full capture system approaches (Track 1), non-structural and programmatic approaches (Track 2), trash monitoring programs, and cost estimates. Most recently, she leveraged her extensive experience in ELIZABETH YIN Task 1 Lead Responsibilities: ■ Coordinate needs for Task 1 and lead related meetings ■ Lead and coordinate support staff ■ Oversee all Task 1 activities erformed b su ort staff Page 1 11 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: r. City of La Quinta geospatial analysis and data visualization to support the team with the assessment of trash control options for Napa County and led the development of a Statewide Trash Amendments compliance strategy for the City of San Diego, the County of San Joaquin, and other municipalities throughout California. KRISTINE CORNEILLIE Task 2 Lead Responsibilities: ■ Coordinate needs for Task 2 and lead related meetings ■ Lead and coordinate support staff • Oversee all Task 2 activities performed by support staff Ms. Corneillie is a Senior Engineer and will perform as the Task 2 Lead. With 17 years of experience in the environmental engineering field, Ms. Corneillie has conducted trash assessments and prepared trash management plans for multiple municipal clients. Her Phase I experience includes development of jurisdictional maps of PLU areas, Track 1 and Track 2 trash analysis, cost and feasibility analysis, evaluation of long-term operations and maintenance of devices, and prioritization of installation of devices in high priority PLU areas for a 10-year phased implementation for clients across California, including the City of Napa, City of West Sacramento, Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, and Napa County Stormwater Pollution Program. Ms. Corneillie has also identified trash management areas and controls for the City of San Mateo's Trash Reduction Program, developed a cost assessment tool to plan for meeting Statewide Trash Amendments requirements for Contra Costa County, and prepared multiple comment letters on the Statewide Trash Amendments. Page 1 12 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Zection 3. Statement of Proposal Provided to: Cualifications City of La Quinta L A R R Y WALKER Paul Hartman IAe Associate ASSOCIATES EDUCATION Mr. Hartman is an Associate serving as a Project Manager for LWA's work in B.S., Biology, 1995, James storm water and watershed management and as the Regional Office Manager for Madison University, LWA's Carlsbad Office. His experience in water quality has focused on the Harrisonburg, VA development and implementation of municipal storm water programs across California. Mr. Hartman's experience spans jurisdictional, watershed, and regional scales focusing on developing reasonable policies and cost-effective REGISTRATIONS, LICENSING programs. He also co-chairs LWA's internal trash working group, providing & CERTIFICATIONS consistency in policy and implementation approaches for LWA's trash related Laboratory Analyst, Grade II, work across California. Representative project experience is provided below. California Water WATERSHED MANAGEMENT TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS TMDLS TRASH Environment Association Municipal and Regulatory Support, City of San Diego, CA. 2013-Present YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Project Manager providing on -call regulatory and programmatic support for the City of San Diego Transportation and Stormwater Program. Recent work related With LWA: 5 to the Statewide Trash Amendments includes: With Public Agencies: 14 Project Manager for the City's efforts to comply with the Statewide Trash Amendments. Currently leading the development of the Implementation Plan for PROFESSIONAL their Track 2 compliance approach. AFFILIATIONS Member, California Previous efforts include development of a Compliance Strategy Approach Stormwater Quality Technical Memorandum and Work Plan to prepare for implementation; Association (CASQA) development of options and a preferred approach for Full Capture System Equivalency; assessment of Track 1 feasibility, and evaluation of Track 2 Member, California Water implementation options, including extensive cost estimates. Environment Association Municipal and Regulatory Support, County of San Diego, CA. 2013-Present Member, Water Project Manager providing on -call regulatory and programmatic support for the Environment Federation County of San Diego Watershed Protection Program. Recent work related to the Statewide Trash Amendments includes several key projects described below: Reviewed, provided comments, and proposed redlines on the Tentative Trash Investigative Order No. R9-2016-0205 issued by the San Diego Regional Water Board, resulting in key changes to the Investigative Order. Developed a Regional Trash Generation Rate Pilot Study. The monitoring project was designed to produce region and land use specific data to develop full capture system equivalency values for agencies across the San Diego Region. Project Manager for an evaluation of potential Track 2 implementation costs, monitoring costs, and an assessment of Regional (Southern California) and local (San Diego County) trash generation rates. Trash Assessment Baseline Study and Structural BMP Feasibility Report, City of Chula Vista, 2016-Present Project Manager for LWA supporting the City of Chula Vista in planning for implementation of the Statewide Trash Amendments. Recent efforts have been focused on implementation scenarios under a Track 2 compliance approach, 1A1Page 1 13 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 I Proposal Provided to: 4 City of La Quinta including structural and non-structural BMP recommendations, locations, and feasibility. Earlier efforts included evaluation of priority land uses, potential approaches to Track 1 and Track 2 compliance, options for estimating trash generation rates and full capture system equivalency values, and cost estimates for Track 1 and Track 2 options. Current efforts include development of a Track 2 compliance and monitoring plan for the City. Trash Capture Implementation Plan, City of Riverside, 2018 — Present Project Manager supporting the City of Riverside developing a Track 2 Implementation Plan to comply with the Statewide Trash Amendments. Current efforts include evaluation of priority land uses, effectiveness of existing practices, . potential additional non-structural BMPs, and focal points for structural implementation efforts. Trash Amendment Planning and Implementation, City of Irvine, 2016-2017 Project Manager supporting the City of Irvine in planning for implementation of the Statewide Trash Amendments. Current efforts include evaluation of priority land uses, effectiveness of existing practices, and focal points for structural implementation efforts. Future efforts will include development of a Track 2 compliance and monitoring plan for the City. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE PRIOR TO LARRY WALKER ASSOCIATES Stormwater Program Management, Cities of Vista (2008-2012), Carlsbad (2006- 2008), and Encinitas (2001-2006) Program Manager for the City of Vista responsible for development and implementation of all jurisdictional and watershed programs and reports under the City's MS4 Permit (Order R9-2007-0001) including development and implementation of a trash monitoring program, sponsorship and implementation of routine trash cleanup events at beaches and creeks, and periodic evaluation and removal of homeless encampments in the area in coordination with local lav enforcement; management of the Channel Maintenance and FOG programs; development and administration of annual budgets for the division. Other tasks included legislative, technical, and financial review of environmental policies sucl as 303(d) listings and TMDLs. Previously served as Senior Environmental Specialise for Carlsbad and Encinitas responsible for the supervision and coordination of all aspects of the Stormwater Programs. RELEVANT PRESENTATIONS CASQA Annual Conference. Sacramento, CA. September 2017. Working together for a Healthy Watershed (workshop moderator) CASQA Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. September 2016. Trash Workshop, How do 1 Make the Decision to go Track 1 or Track 2? SWRCB, Phase II MS4 Permit Training, Diamond Bar, CA. May 2016. Preparing for the Statewide Trash Amendments CASQA Quarterly Meeting. Oakland, CA. March 2016. Trash Amendments, City of San Diego Perspective CASQA Annual Conference. Monterrey, CA. October 2015. A Multi -Tiered Strategy to Address Trash [within the City of San Diego] IAt Page 1 14 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta L A R R WALKERR Elizabeth Yin, M.E.M. 1AProject Scientist II ASSOCIATES EDUCATION Ms. Yin is a Project Scientist II with Larry Walker Associates. Ms. Yin's unique M.E.M., Ecotoxicology & combination of skills allows her to address water quality issues and solutions at Environmental Health, 2014, the intersection of policy and public health. In her time with LWA, she has Duke University, Durham, NC participated in projects involving several water quality service areas, including; storm water regulatory assistance and compliance; wastewater regulatory B.S. Ecology & Evolutionary compliance; pollution prevention; and watershed management. Ms. Yin also has Biology, B.A., Environmental extensive experience and training in geospatial analysis, data visualization and Science, 2010, Rice management, and has been using these skills extensively to address the Statewide University, Houston, TX Trash Amendments. Representative project experience is provided below. STORM WATER REGULATORY ASSISTANCE REGISTRATIONS, LICENSING Trash Compliance Strategy and Implementation, Multiple Clients, CA. & CERTIFICATIONS 2016-Present Certificate of Geospatial Ms. Yin leads and assists multiple California clients in the development of a Trash Analysis, Duke University, NC Implementation Plan for Track 1 and Track 2 compliance pathways. Her work 2014 includes the development of a Track 2 Trash Implementation Plan for several clients, as well as the analysis of strategic implementation of Track 1. She uses YEARS OF EXPERIENCE geospatial techniques to prioritize areas for catch basin implementation, With LWA: 4 identifying and prioritizing non-structural and programmatic efforts for trash With other Firms: 1 reduction, and developing implementation plans as defined by the Statewide Trash Amendments. Clients include: Cities of Riverside, San Diego, Chico, Chula Vista, Irvine, and Stockton, the County of San Joaquin, and others. SPECIALIZED TOOLS Trash Amendments Compliance Strategy and Assessment, Multiple Clients, CA. ArcGIS v. 10.x 2015-Present QGIS Ms. Yin has led and assisted multiple clients throughout California in an assessment of the Statewide Trash Amendments compliance pathways. She ENVI developed a comprehensive geospatial methodology for identifying and isolating R / RStudio Priority Land Use areas and developed a pioneering method for assessing Full Capture System Equivalency as defined by the Trash Amendments. She has developed cost -benefit analyses, cost estimates and comparisons of compliance PROFESSIONAL pathways, evaluated trash BMP implementation feasibility and performance, as AFFILIATIONS well as developed strategies for prioritizing Client efforts and resources. Ms. Yin Member, Society of identified relevant data sources, obtained and managed geospatial data, provided Environmental Toxicology spatial analysis, produced professional figures, reports, and memoranda, provided and Chemistry (SETAC), staff training, and developed strategies to support the development of a Northern California Chapter compliance approach to the Trash Amendments. Clients include: Cities of Lincoln, Member, California Stockton, Napa, Fresno, Roseville, Chula Vista, San Diego, Irvine, Camarillo, and Temecula, the Counties of San Diego and San Joaquin, and others. Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Phase II Permit Implementation, Multiple Clients, CA. 2014-Present Ms. Yin assisted in implementing several provisions of the Phase II Stormwater Permit for Small MS4 clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Region and the Central Valley. She developed and implemented Public Education and Outreach Strategies, Stormwater Employee Training Modules, and Construction Manual for the Cities of Yuba City, West Sacramento, and Benicia, and the Counties of Napa IL•, Page 1 15 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: f City of La Quinta and Sutter. She also leveraged her GIS skills to assist several clients in the development of Facilities and Outfalls maps as required by Provisions E.9.a and E. 11.b. City of Burbank EWMP Compliance, Burbank, CA. 2015-2016 Ms. Yin utilized geospatial techniques to identify and prioritize parcels within the City that are ideal for developing Regional and Distributed Stormwater BMPs to retain stormwater. She completed a desktop analysis, which required the identification of publicly owned land parcels located at the nexus of ideal geologic and spatial conditions. She developed a prioritization schematic for isolating the most suitable parcels for BMP implementation. She conducted the spatial analysi and produced professional graphics and appendices detailing the findings. Calleguas Creek Watershed Implementation Plan, Ventura, CA. 2014 Ms. Yin utilized geospatial techniques to identify parcels and areas within Calleguas Creek Watershed ideal for implementing Low Impact Devices (LIDS) to retain stormwater. Her analysis required the identification of relevant geospatial databases and the identification of publicly owned land parcels located at the nexus of ideal geologic and spatial conditions. Ms. Yin conducted the spatial analysis and produced professional graphics detailing the findings. WATERSHED MANAGEMENTITOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS Calleguas Creek Pesticides Attenuation Evaluation, Ventura, CA. 2016 Ms. Yin analyzed relevant monitoring data for evidence of pesticides compounds attenuation in watersheds and subwatersheds of Calleguas Creek. She was responsible for significant data management, including the identification and synthesis of sources of impairments, determination and synthesis of the availability of water quality monitoring data, and the development of a methodology for conducting the large-scale data analysis of pesticides attenuation. San Dieguito Watershed Management Area (WMA) — Bacteria Special Study, San Diego, CA. 2015-2016 Ms. Yin assisted several Permittees in the San Dieguito WMA in developing and implementing a Bacteria Source Identification Special Study Plan. She was responsible for collecting and evaluating spatial data throughout the region, and for identifying and prioritizing sources of bacteria impairment. She developed novel techniques for identifying and prioritizing focus areas for each Permittee, identified and synthesized sources of impairments, and provided significant data management. GIS ANALYSIS AND SUPPORT Ms. Yin has extensive professional experience involving many aspects of geospatial analysis. She has expertise in the ArcGIS software suite and the analysis of spatial imagery using ENV]. She contributed to a variety of storm water projects, including Trash Amendment Analysis, BMP Implementation, and reporting, that feature her skills in cartography, spatial analysis, and statistics. y` * Page 1 16 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 ection 3. Statement of Proposal Provided to: �.ualifications City of La Quinta L A R R Y WALKER Kristine Corneillie 1A, Senior Engineer ASSOCIATES EDUCATION Ms. Corneillie is a Senior Engineer with LWA and has 17 years of experience in the M.S., Civil & Environmental environmental engineering field. Ms. Corneillie has been the project manager for Engineering, 2000, University TMDL implementation plans, sampling and analysis plans and data analysis for of California, Davis site -specific objectives, water -effect ratio, and metal translator studies B.S., Physics, 1998, Alma throughout California. She has also put on regulatory and sampling training College, Alma Michigan seminars for LWA and client staff and prepared trash management plans for multiple agencies. Ms. Corneillie has also presented to regional groups to describe the Statewide Trash Amendments and compliance pathway options. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Representative projects are presented below. With LWA: 17 With other Firm: 0 City of Chico Trash Master Plan, Chico, CA. 2018-present Preparing Track 1 Implementation Plan for installation of full capture systems as well as an Operations & Maintenance Plan for maintaining these devices. PROFESSIONAL City of Riverside Track 2 Trash Analysis, Riverside, CA. 2018-present AFFILIATIONS Compiled table of institutional controls and subsequent reductions expected for Member, BACWA Permits planning Track 2 implementation plan. Soon to begin drafting Implementation Committee, 2004 - present Plan and Monitoring Program. Member, BACWA Collection Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association Receiving Water Trash Systems Committee, Monitoring Program, Bay Area, CA. 2016-2017. 2010 - present Working with BASMAA member agencies to establish cost-effective and simple to use monitoring methods and protocols, per the MRP, that are applicable to the various discharge and receiving water scenarios that accounts for the various receiving waters and watershed, community, and drainage characteristics within Permittees' jurisdictions that affect the discharge of trash and its fate and effect in receiving water(s). Efforts include managing a Stakeholder and peer review process to develop and testing phase monitoring plan. City of Napa Track 1 Trash Analysis, Napa, CA. 2016. Conducted site visits to City's priority trash area catch basins to prepare feasibility analysis for complying with Track 1 conditions of the Trash Amendments. Developed field forms to assess each site for device sizing, type, and feasibility. Suggested the most appropriate full -capture devices for the City to install. Recommendations included areas where one larger or multiple smaller devices could be installed, and potential vendors. Recommendations considered design and engineering costs and long-term maintenance of recommended devices. The results were used to prioritize trash capture devices within basins and designated high priority land use areas for a ten year phased approach. City of West Sacramento Trash Analysis, West Sacramento, CA. 2016. Assisted the City evaluate trash control options by developing a map of the City highlighting the priority land use areas and location of storm drain inlets and pump station. Using this information, provided basic cost information of retrofitting drains/pump stations with small full trash capture devices to comply with Track 1 or to be used as a conceptual planning level cost that could be used Page 1 17 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta to assess other options as planning moves forward (larger devices; Track 2). Trained City to perform site visits for evaluating feasibility of installation of full capture devices. Trash Reduction Program, San Mateo, CA. 2012-2015. Represented City of San Mateo at Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association and San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program trash reduction workgroup meetings. Delineated high, medium, and low trash generating areas based on City knowledge and visual on -land inspections. Identified Trash Management Areas and worked with City to determine appropriate controls for each Area. Guided City through CEQA process for plastic bag ban and polystyrene food container ban ordinances. Prepared trash section of City's MRP Annual Report. Prepared Long -Term Trash Load Reduction Plan, including performing on -land visual assessments and analysis of existing and potential control measures. Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, San Rafael, CA. 2014- 2015. Developed a cost and feasibility analysis for installation of trash full -capture system devices in Marin County based on known rainfall and leaf -litter issues. Used GIS mapping tools to estimate the appropriate types and numbers of full - capture system devices in each priority land use area, per the Statewide Trash Amendments. Napa County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Phase II Regulatory Support, Napa County, CA, 2015 Developed a cost analysis for installation of catch basin inserts in every storm drain located in the priority trash areas of Napa County's jurisdictions, for compliance with the Statewide Trash Amendments, Track 1. Included a brief assessment of alternative devices. Contra Costa County Trash Reduction Program, Martinez, CA. 2013-2014. Developed a cost assessment tool to plan for meeting trash reduction requirements. Control measures considered include: full trash capture devices, partial trash capture devices, enhanced storm drain maintenance, street sweeping, bin management, uncovered load enforcement, anti -littering and illegal dumping enforcement, community outreach and education, creek/channel/ shoreline cleanup, on -land cleanup, code enforcement and product bans. Spreadsheets of costs estimates were developed that can be used as a calculator, based on curb miles cleaned, number of capture devices installed pounds of trash removed, crew hours allocated, number of bins, annual program costs, etc. Managed LWA staff performing on -land visual trash assessments. Relevant Presentations CASQA Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. September 2014. The Cost of MS4 Trosh Reduction Statewide Phase I and Phase II Permittee Webinars. June 2017. Responding to the Trash Amendments 13383 Order 1APage 1 18 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & ^^ Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 �ection 3. Statement of�I Proposal Provided to: , Lualifications City of La Quinta L A R R Y WALKER Alina Constantinescu, P.E., QSD Project Engineer ASSOCIATES EDUCATION Ms. Constantinescu is a Project Engineer with 15 years of experience in the M.S., Environmental environmental engineering field. Through her projects, she has provided Engineering, 2007, and assistance to various agencies with regulatory compliance for stormwater and pretreatment programs, NPDES permit renewals, and watershed management. B.S., Environmental Alina is actively involved in the CWEA Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention, and Engineering, 2002, University Stormwater (P3S) Committee and has assisted in organizing several state-wide of Southern California, conferences and training events. Los Angeles STORMWATER Long Term Trash Management Plan — Visual Assessments, Contra Costa County, REGISTRATIONS CA, 2016 — 2018 Civil Engineer, State of Conducted visual trash assessments of target sites across unincorporated Contra Costa County. Onsite data entry into mobile ArcGIS application. California, No. C-72181 Municipal Corp Yard SWPPP and SMARTS Reporting Assistance, Elk Grove, CA. Qualified SWPPP Developer 2016-2017 (QSD) Conducted a site evaluation and developed the Monitoring Implementation Plan for the municipal corporation yard. Updated the SWPPP and also assisted with submittal of monitoring and annual reports in the online system SMARTS. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Program Reviews for the Napa Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention With LWA: 11 Program, Napa, CA. 2016 With other Firms: 4 Conducted program reviews (mock audits) for NCSPPP agencies under the 2013 Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. Reviewed program documents PROFESSIONAL (ordinance, enforcement plans, permits, reports, etc.), developed questionnaire, AFFILIATIONS conducted staff interviews, and presented review findings (in progress) to assist permittees in implementing successful programs. Member, California Water Environment Association Post -Construction Stormwater Design Manual, Port of Oakland, CA. 2015 Developed the Port's Post -Construction Stormwater Design Manual per requirements in the Phase II Small MS4 General Permit. The Manual provides guidance for planning, implementing, and maintaining effective stormwater control measures at Port developments. Trash Amendment Comment Letter, California Stormwater Quality Association, Sacramento, CA. 2014 Drafted CASQA's comment letter on the 2014 proposed Trash Amendments proposed by the State Water Board to the California Ocean Plan and the Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Construction SWPPPs, Calleguas Municipal Water District, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2014 — 2018 Reviewed contractor -prepared Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and reports for several completed and on -going District construction projects. Proposed SWPPP corrections for compliance with the California Construction General Permit and provided regulatory assistance throughout the projects' construction. Corp Yard Stormwater Management, Lincoln, CA. 2016 Conducted a site evaluation and developed recommendations for updated the SWPPP and the Monitoring Implementation Plan for the City's Corporation Yard. Page 1 19 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 11 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta Page 1 20 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Section 3. Statement of Qualifications Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta L A R R Y WALKER I A � I ASSOCIATES EDUCATION M.S., Environmental Science & Management, 2008, University of California, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Santa Barbara, CA B.A., Environmental Studies, 2003, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Reni Keane-Dengel Project Scientist II Mr. Keane-Dengel demonstrates thoroughness and skill in data analysis, report writing, client interaction, GIS analysis/map production, and water quality sampling activities. LWA work experience includes watershed management, TMDL development and compliance activities, NPDES program overview and management, and water quality sampling. Prior work experience includes TMDL compliance activities and NPDES program overview and management. Statewide Trash Amendments Regulatory Assistance. 2013-2014 Monitored and reviewed the Statewide Trash Amendments during development by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Reviewed and provided comments on the Staff Report and Statewide Trash Amendments for multiple agencies including the City of Burbank, the stakeholders implementing TMDLs in the Calleguas Creek Watershed, the County of San Diego, and the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). With LWA: 7 County of San Diego Trash Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan. 2016 With other Firms:3 Developed a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for monitoring to determine regional trash generation rates for priority land uses in San Diego County. City of San Diego Statewide Trash Amendments Compliance Report. 2015 Assisted with the development of a report that outlined compliance options for the City of San Diego to meet the requirements of the Statewide Trash Amendments. Duties included GIS analyses to identify applicable land uses and associated storm drain system components suitable for BMP implementation. Marin County Statewide Trash Amendments Technical Memorandum. 2015 Assisted with the development of a Technical Memorandum detailing the possible trash full capture systems the County would have to install to meet the requirements Statewide Trash Amendments. Duties included GIS analyses to identify applicable land uses and associated storm drain system components suitable for BMP implementation. City of Redondo Beach Santa Monica Bay Marine Debris TMDL Compliance. 2015-Present Coordinate with the City of Redondo Beach to implement their non -point source compliance monitoring program, develop point source compliance reports, and provide TMDL compliance recommendations and oversight. Ventura River Estuary and Revolon Slough/Beardsley Wash Trash TMDLs. 2010- Present Coordinate with the responsible parties for each watershed to ensure compliance with TMDL provisions. Responsibilities include managing trash monitoring efforts, analyzing trash data, writing various reports including the Annual Monitoring Reports for both watersheds, and developing a trash -specific structural BMP implementation report for the RS/BW watershed. IAA Page 1 21 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta ;r 3.2. Experience with Similar Work With a demonstrated history of success in assisting municipalities with stormwater quality and trash management and compliance, LWA is recognized as a leader within California for water quality -related planning efforts. Highlights of our unique expertise and include: • Municipal Stormwater Policy and Permitting. LWA's stormwater policy and permitting assistance is comprehensive and includes preparation of Reports of Waste Discharge, evaluation of data sets required for permit renewal, development of draft permit language, permit negotiations with Regional Water Board and USEPA staff, assistance with permit compliance issues, and preparation of required technical studies and reports. LWA has been involved in all phases of stormwater management for municipal and State clients, with extensive experience in planning and implementation of stormwater management plans and monitoring programs. • Forty Years of Professional Engineering in California. Since 1979, LWA has provided a wide range of professional engineering consulting services in California, ranging from traditional water and wastewater engineering to highly specialized water quality, regulatory, and technical stormwater and watershed management -related services. • Master Planning for Public Works Departments. LWA assists municipalities with master planning and identifying key projects for incorporation in capital improvements program. LWA has assisted municipal stormwater programs in identifying and evaluating opportunities to divert dry weather urban runoff from the storm drain system to the sanitary sewer and potential treatment BMPs to mitigate or eliminate pollutant loadings to the receiving waters. For diversions to the sanitary sewer, we conduct hydraulic modeling to verify that there is capacity to manage the dry weather urban runoff. The resulting information and data are used to prioritize potential projects. LWA has also led and contributed to other master planning efforts, such as the SWRP development (e.g., for the City of Yuba City and Counties of San Mateo, Sacramento, Marin, and Contra Costa), watershed plan development (e.g., WQIPs and Enhanced Watershed Management Plans), RAA planning efforts to identify facilities and program implementation plans to meet TMDL requirements, and water reuse and strategic planning. These efforts require system modeling and development of engineering solutions to meet regulatory requirements. LWA specializes in the interpretation and implementation of water quality policy to minimize unnecessary capital and ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) expenditures. ■ Use of Spatial Data Analyses: LWA assembles databases as needed and conducts a variety of spatial analyses to identify program needs and priorities. In addition to the geospatial analyses conducted to date for the Statewide Trash Amendments to identify PLU areas and trash capture device locations, LWA assisted Los Angeles County municipalities to meet their Monitoring and Reporting Program requirements. For this work, databases were assembled on a Watershed -scale and allowed LWA to review and summarize stormwater system data, identify data deficiencies errors and gaps, and propose potential steps and a schedule to rectify the deficiencies. The resulting data and analyses were used to develop a robust and comprehensive monitoring program. LWA's reputation is a direct result of the dedication of our professional staff and our commitment to fostering long-term relationships built on trust with our clients. We have worked closely with various public agencies to evaluate and develop trash compliance approaches, analyze spatial data, develop trash control implementation plans and O&M programs with corresponding cost estimates, and conduct trash assessments, either through modeling or direct measurement. Our extensive, relevant experience is summarized in Table 1 followed by narrative summaries for three project examples with references. LWA can readily provide additional references who can attest to our expertise, professional commitment, and proven processes that deliver projects on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of our clients. Page 1 22 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & !! Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Section 3. Statement of Qualifications I Table 1. Experience with Similar Work Project 1. San Diego Compliance Strategy Proposal Provided to: •r; City of La Quinta y' N -0 .. N . . N E C N r F (0 cU N N o E 0 a a N U > W E O C Y n Q C N rn (") O O U FU co (U o) O U a coc6 C 0 m U aEi N N a O C U -O (U m a)C � 6 Q U) U H C .- C (U N W C U O N C O_ W a)U cU O C � E U N N O EO j (U � W c U N O C N N N N C O_ .> a)N 7 t N D_ '@ Ol O (0 O U T D O U W N C O .O C d m U _Y C U L fn (U J a 0— E F- E E U cyU U ~ N J N 7 S (U m cU Q In N N VJ Q 'O L D_ N N U N O .�.` N E O N E — L 3 N - — C m N .0 U O E N-1 >� Q 'O N d J CU 3 c6 F > ) fn O N '0 Q d E N C .Ol N E C O C �' C O W N IL co 7 O N N d N Q E (] N .O N N U L C O C N U C 0 [U (U D_ O .z` a0 (U (U O N O_ O W 3 � 2 C O N Y c0 CL I L d L O N O (0 C > N N IU (U (U 7 N C C c i L c0i W> W> 0 �'5 W> Li 0 Q 0 W' i5 F=- in d Y w Q OT Approach, Workplan, and • • • • • • • • . . • • • ■ Implementation Plan for Statewide Trash Project 2. Napa Track 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Analysis* Project 3. Irvine Trash Compliance Program • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Development* City of Stockton/San Joaquin County Phase I Trash • • • • • • • a • ■ Amendment Analysis San Joaquin County Phase II Trash Amendment Analysis • • • ■ ■ • Contra Costa County Trash Support • • • • • • State Water Board Trash Amendment Technical • • • Advisory Committee Roseville Phase II Trash Amendment Compliance Evaluation and Track Selection OWN* Regional Trash Generation Rate Study - San Diego • • . • • • • County Copermittees��. Chula Vista Trash Assessment Baseline Study and Structural • • . • • • • BMP Feasibility Report Revolon Slough and Beardsley Wash Trash TMDL •�Y • •. Compliance Monitoring 4N ii Santa Monica Bay rs a Debris TMDL Compliance • Support Santa Monica Bay Marine Debris TMDL Trash Monitoring and Reporting ■ Plan *Project Description Provided k,.. • �!■1� Page 1 23 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: F City of La Quinta Project 1. City of San Diego Development of Compliance Strategy Approach, Workplan, and Implementation Plan for Statewide Trash Amendments Owner/Customer City of San Diego _ Project Timeline: 2015-Ongoing- On schedule and within budget Performed By: Lamy Walker Associates, Inc. _ Key Personnel: [Paul Hartman (Project Manager), Elizabeth Yin (Task Lead) Project Reference: Jes Harry, Program Manager, City of San Diego Transportation and Stormwater Department, (858) 541-4353 1 JHarry@sandiego.gov Description of Services. In 2015, LWA developed a report entitled Compliance Strategy Approach for the Statewide Trash Policies for the RELEVANCE TO RFP City of San Diego. The report included several tasks ✓ Evaluate/Develop Trash Compliance developed to assist the City in making an informed decision Tracks/Programs between the two Statewide Trash Amendments' ✓Evaluate GIS Data Layers compliance Tracks (Track 1 requires trash full capture ✓ Deveiop Priority Land Use Maps Identify and Assess Potential Trash device installation and Track 2 requires a combination of Capture Methods and locations BMPs). Specific tasks included: ✓ Evaluate/Identify Full Capture System ■ GIS-based approach to determine the extent of the Devices and FCSE priority land uses within the City, including the ✓ Develop/Implement Trash monitoring development of key assumptions and a process to and Assessment Programs ✓Develop Implementation Plans and verify the priority land use estimates using USGS data Cost Estimates and local trash monitoring data collected by the City. ✓ Evaluate Operation and Maintenance • Developed a preliminary method to estimate FCSE Program Codes using existing trash monitoring data collected under ✓ Statewide Trash Amendment the City's MS4 Permit. • Used the preliminary priority land use and FCSE information to develop options to formulate a compliance strategy, including cost estimates, for each Track utilizing City -specific information from previous trash management programs. ■ Developed key considerations (other than cost) for selecting a track. These included implementation feasibility, compliance assurance, and long-range planning and implementation. It Developed initial recommendations for an Implementation Plan, including a monitoring plan for Track 2. = Developed recommendations for incorporating the trash amendments into the MS4 Permit. This work was followed by a finalized analyses and additional work to support the City in making an informed Track 1/Track 2 decision. The scope of work included updates and finalization of priority land use analysis, development of options and preferred approach to determine FCSE, updates to funding needs, assessment of Track 1 feasibility, and development of Track 2 implementation options based on recent watershed planning efforts. Most recently, LWA developed an Implementation Plan for a Track 2 approach for the City. This includes the development of methods to achieve FCSE, how the City will demonstrate attainment of FCSE, and a schedule for implementation. ni Page 1 24 Storm water Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No CLQ06122018 I Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta Project 2. City of Napa Track 1 Feasibility Analysis Owner/Customer City of Napa Project Timeline: 2016 — Completed on time and within budget Performed By: Larry Walker Associates, Inc. Key Personnel Kristine Corneillie (Task Lead), Elizabeth Yin (Support Staff), Alina Constantinescu (Support Staff), Reni Keane-Dengel (Support Staff) Project Reference:. Stephanie Proft, Senior Engineering Aide (707) 258-7840, SProft@cityofnapa.org Description of Services: The Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Ocean Waters of California to Control Trash and Part 1 Trash Provisions of the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California (Statewide Trash Amendments) was adopted on April 7, 2015. The Statewide Trash Amendments require that the City of Napa (City) choose either "Track 1" or "Track 2" to comply with the narrative water quality objective for trash. Under Track 1, the City would install an FCS network for all storm drains located in its PLU areas (defined by the Statewide Trash Amendments). Under Track 2, the City could use a combination of controls (multi -benefit, structural and/or institutional), if it demonstrates that the combination of controls performs as well as Track 1. The City wanted to know if Track 1 were feasible for all priority areas in the City of Napa. Even if Track 1 were not feasible, the State Water Board encourages the installation of FCS where feasible. Therefore, this analysis was necessary for assessing the installation of any FCS. Work included: ✓ Evaluate/Develop Trash Compliance Tracks/Programs ✓ Evaluate GIS Data Layers to Create Visual Tools ✓ Develop Priority Land Use Maps ✓ Identify and Assess Potential Trash Capture Methods and Locations ✓ Evaluate/Identify Full Capture System Devices and Full Capture System Equivalency ✓ Develop Implementation Plans and Cost Estimation ✓ Evaluate Operation and Maintenance Plan Costs ✓ Statewide Trash Amendment ■ Prepared a list of criteria (drainage area, size of pipe [upstream and downstream], pipe material, inverts, soil types and sub -sheds) for the installation of full capture devices. ■ Reviewed City's Master Drainage Study, topographical maps, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flooding maps to create detailed maps of City's jurisdiction. ■ Performed site visits to evaluate locations for full capture device installation, starting from the outfall end of the system in priority areas and work upstream to assess the feasibility of using larger capture devices, e.g., hydrodynamic separators (HDS), to address runoff from the drainage area or subsheds. ■ Examined design, drainage, engineering feasibility and project cost. ■ Developed a field form to use during these visits to provide the City with necessary information to move forward with ordering and installation of devices. ■ Evaluated existing devices obtained through the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) grant. * Recommended the most appropriate full -capture devices for the City to install in inlet or outlet structures and the drainage basins located within high PLU areas. Recommendations included areas where one larger or multiple smaller devices could be installed. ■ Considered design and engineering costs and long-term maintenance of recommended devices. ■ Prioritized trash capture devices within basins and designated high PLU areas as described in Statewide Trash Amendments and determine feasibility and constraints. ■ Divided the priority areas into ten subsections to present a plan for installing full -capture devices in 100% of the priority areas within the 10-year timeframe. Page 1 25 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018 Proposal Provided to: City of La Quinta Project 3. City of Irvine Trash Compliance Program Development Owner/Customer City of Irvine Project Timeline: j 2016-2017 —Completed on time and within budget Performed By: Larry Walker Associates, Inc. Key Personnel: Paul Hartman (Project Manager), Elizabeth Yin (Task Lead) Project Reference: Thomas Lo, Water Quality Administrator, City of Irvine (949)724-6315 ! TLo@ci.irvine.ca.us Description of Services: LWA has assisted the City of Irvine with the development of a Track 2 Trash Compliance Program and Monitoring RELEVANCE TORFP SCOPE Program to comply with the Statewide Trash Amendments. ✓ Evaluate/Develop Trash Compliance Tracks/Programs Services include: ✓ Evaluate GIS Data Layers ■ Document and quantify current City -specific trash ✓ Develop Priority Land Use Maps generation rates and potential impacts, including ✓ Identify and Assess Potential Trash identification of PLUS, determination of City -specific Capture Methods and Locations ific ✓ Evaluate/identify Full Capture System trash generation rates, and determination of potential Devices and FCSE impacts to the municipal separate storm sewer system ✓ Develop Implementation Plans and (MS4) and receiving waters. Cost Estimates • Evaluate effectiveness of current city trash control ✓ Evaluate Operation and Maintenance efforts to include institutional controls and ordinances, Program Codes landscaping and operations and maintenance activities Statewide Trash Amendment and contracts, homeowners' associations and commercial center lease requirements, and multi -benefit projects. • Evaluate high trash generating areas to develop a list of primary locations for installation of full capture devices under a grant from the Orange County Transportation Authority. • Develop Compliance Program, including defining an approach and determining FCSE, developing implementation program, and conducting a cost analysis to evaluate the cost of implementation for all aspects of the Compliance Program and the potential annual impact. ■ Develop Monitoring Program designed to determine the effectiveness of the selected combination of controls (full capture systems, multi -benefit projects, institutional controls, and/or other treatment controls) as well as compliance with FCSE. The annual monitoring report includes GIS-mapping to depict the locations and drainage area served by each control/project. • Prepare Final Track 2 Trash Compliance and Monitoring Program Package for submittal to the Regional Board for approval. Project Management, to include coordinating, communicating and meeting with City staff and Regional Board Staff to discuss proposed approach. Page 1 26 Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map & Full Capture Systems Analysis, RFP No. CLQ06122018