Michael Baker International Proposall
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Michael Baker,
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City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Table of Contents
Section A Cover Letter
Section B Project Understanding and Approach...............................................................................................1
Section C Scope of Work............................................................. ........................................................... ........... 3
............. .
Section D Statement of Qualifications...— . .............................................................................................. ........ 8
KeyPersonnel Resumes.................................................................................................................13
Non -Collusion Affidavit Form........................................................................................................... 22
Cost Proposal (Provided in separate sealed envelope.)
r Letter
We Make a Difference
July 2, 2018
Bryan McKinney, City Engineer
City of La Quinta
Design & Development Department
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
RE: Proposal for Storm water Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture System Analysis
Dear Mr. McKinney:
Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker) is pleased to provide the City of La Quinta with this proposal for a Trash
Capture Implementation Plan. Michael Baker is providing similar services to Caltrans, the City of Escondido, and the County
and City of San Diego through as needed contracts. The work effort is being used to develop the appropriate strategy to
comply with the Statewide Trash Amendments.
Michael Baker has been providing professional consulting services in southern California since 1944. Today Michael Baker's
National and International recognition, award -winning projects and highly successful profile can be attributed to the
exceptional people, outstanding clients, and valuable opportunities that have been part of the firm's history. Michael Baker has
over 500 professionals in southern California offices to serve the City of La Quinta. Our local office in Palm Desert, California
will provide the field -based staffing for this project.
Our work effort on behalf of other clients has included literature review, development of preliminary baseline trash rates, as
well as creation of a monitoring workplan and QAPP. Our team has also provided full service implementation support,
including monitoring site identification, design and installation of full capture BMPs, and associated permitting. In addition,
Michael Baker worked with the City of Salinas to develop a trash reduction tracking methodology, set a baseline for the load
study, and develop a Trash Reduction Plan for each subwatershed.
Michael Baker's team excels in storm water quality management and municipal stormwater programs. Our Project Manager
and primary contact for the City, Todd Pitner, PE, QSD/QSP, has 22 years of experience including NPDES permit
compliance, hydrology/hydraulics, and BMP research, design and implementation. Technical expertise will be provided by,
Patrick Kuga, Zach Morgan and Charisse Garrido, who have experience conducting water quality studies and preparing
reports in support of Trash Amendment compliance projects. Kendell Hillis, the GIS Specialist, obtained a degree in this field
from UC Riverside and is currently enrolled in an advanced degree program at Penn State University. Providing technical
support is Laura Larsen, PE, QSD/QSP, with 18 years of experience in stormwater management and the Michael Baker lead
for our Caltrans Trash -related task orders, and with extensive experience in transportation and municipal NPDES stormwater
permit compliance assistance.
All elements of the RFP have been reviewed and understood, and we are in receipt of Addendum 1. Michael Baker can meet
the City's insurance requirements and is prepared to execute the Professional Service Agreement as written. We look forward
to working with the City of La Quinta on this project.
Respectfully submitted,
contact PerSon:
�� Todd Pitnel-I PC, QSD/QSP
Johns oyn r, CEP, CIF Todd.Pitner@mbokerintl.com
We Presiddnt-Water Resou� ces Practice Executive
75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 1001 Palm Desert, CA 92211
Office: 760-346-74811 Fax:760-346-8315
now 0
and Approach
City of La Quinta
Storm water Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Section B Project Understanding and Approach
Project Understanding
On June 1, 2017, the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board (Board) issued a Water Code
Section 13383 Order requiring Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) co-permittees with regulatory
authority over Priority Land Uses to select a method of compliance with the trash prohibition: Track 1 or Track 2. La
Quinta notified the Board it will comply with the Order by implementing Track 1, which requires co-permittees to
install, operate, and maintain a combination of full capture systems that remove trash from stormwater runoff from
Priority Land Uses.
The Project Manager, Todd Pitner, PE, will be the primary point of contact and will handle the day-to-day activities for
compliance with the Water Code Section 13383 Order. Mr. Pitner understands that this is partnership with the City of
La Quinta with the mutual goal of compliance in the most efficient, cost effective manner while taking into
consideration the capital costs and long-term maintenance costs of the proposed treatment devices. Equally as
important is the technical evaluation of each proposed treatment device to ensure, upon installation, the device
functions as intended and does not cause adverse conditions (i.e., flooding, vector concerns, compromise water
quality objectives or public safety.)
Technical Approach
Michael Baker takes a comprehensive approach to compliance with this Order to improve efficiency, accuracy and
control costs. The comprehensive approach, as discussed in detail in Section C, begins with a kick-off meeting
introduce the Michael Baker Team to City staff and to fully understand and document the City's goals, objectives and
preferences. Michael Baker's intention is to form a partnership with the City of La Quinta and expand upon the efforts
performed to date. Michael Baker believes in open and on -going communication with the City staff throughout the
project execution process.
Experience has proven that implementing adequate due -diligence is the key element to a successful project. The
detailed review of available records, files and documents is crucial, as all future analysis will build on this foundation.
Michael Baker offers a robust group of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) professionals to lead the data
management and mapping efforts, which are critical components of compliance reporting and progress tracking. Our
team will work with the City to obtain land use information and staff knowledge and work with City identified Priority
Land Use (PLU) areas (i.e., those land uses that studies have shown generate significant sources of trash). Our
water quality experts will work with the City to gather information about existing Institutional Controls (Street
sweeping, signage, etc.) and the City storm drain system.
Michael Baker understands that the City of La Quinta may request or Michael Baker may request that the Regional
Board approve an equivalent alternative land use to replace an MS4 that is difficult to treat. An equivalent land use is
an area that generates trash at rates that are equivalent to or greater than one or more of the priority land uses listed.
This alternative option would help the City of La Quinta and the Regional Board focus on controlling trash in areas
with the highest trash generating areas; thus, allocating trash -control resources to the developed areas that generate
the highest sources of trash.
Michael Baker realizes the fiscal burden placed on the City of La Quinta to achieve compliance. Costs may include,
but not be limited to, consultant fees, cost to purchase, install and maintain each proposed treatment device. Michael
4U1 'f
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Baker has extensive experience with a majority of manufacturers and products on the Water Board's certified full
capture system list. Michael Baker is confident that our evaluation of each system and site -specific recommendations
will provide value to the City of La Quinta from a cost and technical feasibility perspective. Michael Baker will prepare
a detailed cost analysis to serve as the basis for budgeting of capital and on -going maintenance costs.
Michael Baker is excited to implement our strategic comprehensive evaluation to ensure compliance with the Water
Code Section 13383 Order. As stated above, Michael Baker and the City of La Quinta will form a partnership to
ensure full compliance in the most cost-effective manner. Michael Baker's Project Team has extensive experience
and is committed to exceeding the expectations of the City of La Quinta and providing the highest quality of service.
Page 2
Scope of Work
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Section C Scope of Work
Comprehensive Approach to Conducting Full Capture Systems Analysis and Preparation of Final
Jurisdictional Map
A Full Capture Systems Analysis will be conducted within the limits of the City of La Quinta to establish the level of
effort, locations of full capture systems (currently in place and proposed), types (alternatives) of proposed full capture
systems, and associated capital costs and long-term maintenance costs for compliance with the trash prohibition,
Track 1. Equivalent Alternative Land Use Areas will be identified, particularly for catch basins on private property
where it may not be feasible to install full capture systems. Michael Baker's comprehensive approach to include the
following tasks:
1) As required under the Trash Order, Michael Baker will identify and focus the analysis on all Priority Land
Uses within the City of La Quinta. Michael Baker will conduct a thorough review of all provided records and
information, including GIS files for zoning, storm drain pipes, bus stop locations, catch basins, etc. A list of
questions and comments and/or request for additional information (e.g., as -built drawings) will be provided
to the City, as necessary.
2) Michael Baker will conduct a thorough review of storm drain alignments and catch basin locations tributary
and down -gradient of each Priority Land Use. The intent of this review is to determine flow patterns for the
purpose of identifying locations and types of full capture systems.
Google Earth with street view is a valuable tool that will be used to better understand the City of La Quinta's
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System without the need for field visit. When necessary, field visits will be
conducted when information is not available from performing a comprehensive review of City -provided
records, information and utilization of on-line resources.
3) Michael Baker will evaluate whether the designation of equivalent alternative land uses will benefit the City's
compliance effort. This measure is applicable when Priority Land Uses or portion thereof, have limitations
and/or constraints for implementation of Full Capture Systems. The intent of this prioritization of land uses
also allows MS4s to allocate trash -control resources to the developed areas that generate the highest
sources of trash. Michael Baker will complete a thorough review of the City's land use and preliminary
jurisdictional maps to assess the need for equivalent alternative land uses.
If equivalent alternative land uses are deemed necessary, Michael Baker shall use the equivalent alternative
land use delineation methodology presented in CASQA's On -Land Visual Trash Assessment trainings,
which were held in Spring 2018 and attended by Michael Baker staff. The State Water Resources Control
Board has also made the CASQA methodology and related training materials available on its Trash
Implementation Program webpage. Using the CASQA methodology will ensure the City's equivalent
alternative land use calculations are mathematically defensible, and help to streamline their approval by the
Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board). Any proposed equivalent
alternative land uses shall be submitted to the Regional Water Board for approval in a timely manner to
receive approval prior to the submittal of the final jurisdictional map.
At this stage, the Michael Baker Team will have an accurate assessment of the level of effort for
compliance. Concerns from the Permittees were discussed during the review period regarding the ability to
switch Track designations throughout the course of implementation due to feasibility concerns, budget
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City of La Quinta
Storm water Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
constraints or economic considerations. The Water Board is appreciative of this concern. The ability to
change Tracks would be possible at the discretion of the permitting authority after the effective date of the
first implementing permit. If a permittee changes Tracks, then permitting authority would likely need to
modify the permit requirements to follow the implementation provisions in the Trash Amendments.
4) Upon completion of the comprehensive analysis and field investigations, Michael Baker will incorporate all
pertinent information into a Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS files shall include, but not limited to,
boundary limits of all Priority Land Uses, type of Priority Land Use (i.e. high density residential, industrial,
commercial, mixed urban, public transportation, etc.), MS4 network including all catch basins, type and
width of catch basins installed, tributary areas up -gradient of catch basins, and proposed locations of all Full
Capture Systems for compliance with Trash Amendment Order, Track 1. (See below, titled, "Base Map Data
Gathering and Generation".)
The task of inputting GIS data will likely begin at an earlier stage, as the information becomes available. A
meeting with the City will be scheduled prior to beginning this work to discuss the needs and wants in
regards to layers and information management to support the compliance program.
5) Once each tributary drainage area is delineated and characterized, Michael Baker will determine which Full
Capture System is most appropriate for each location. To assist with this process, Michael Baker will create
a City -specific certified and approved Full Capture System selection flowchart that considers costs,
feasibility of installation, effectiveness, and long-term maintenance requirements. In some cases, based on
the outcome of these analyses, it may be more cost effective to install a regional Full Capture System as
opposed to retrofitting numerous catch basins upstream.
Recommendations for Full Capture System installations, including a cost analysis to install, operate, and
maintain each system, will be provided to the City staff for review. Upon concurrence from the City staff, the
type of Full Capture System selected for each location will be entered GIS. (See below, titled,
"Analysis/Evaluation of Trash Treatment Control Devices".)
6) Michael Baker shall prepare the Final Jurisdictional Map to comply with Track 1 requirements per the Water
Code Section 13383 Order. The Final Jurisdictional Map shall identify:
• Priority Land Use areas discharging to the storm drain network;
• The corresponding storm drain network and associated drainage areas;
• Proposed locations for certified Full Capture Systems, and;
• Proposed equivalent alternative land uses, documentation demonstrating that the substitution of
equivalent alternative land uses has been approved by the appropriate Regional Water Board
Executive Officer, and corresponding storm drainage network, if applicable.
It is important to note that Michael Baker will establish a partnership with the City of La Quinta during this entire
process. All evaluations, considerations and recommendations will be shared and discussed with City staff at each
stage to ensure the proposed compliance efforts are in agreement with the City's objective and long-term
maintenance plan.
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+ City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Base Map Data Gathering and Generation
The first activities for this task will be focused around obtaining and mapping base information. This is a crucial step
as all future analysis will build on this foundation. Michael Baker offers a robust group of Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) professionals to lead these efforts. Our team will work with the City to obtain land use information and
staff knowledge and work with City identified Priority Land Use (PLU) areas. Our water quality experts will work with
the City to gather information about the City storm drain system.
In our experience, trash amendment compliance is best demonstrated through GIS. Using GIS software, we can
effectively store, display, query, and analyze geographic data which can be used as the foundation for streamlining
compliance reporting and measuring progress. Data related to land use, jurisdictional boundaries, and transportation
can be accessed through county, state, and federal agencies. Other data and map layers can also be created as the
need arises. Attributes specific to features within Full Capture Systems can be edited, added, and deleted, and can
be created in a way that shows current and previous conditions. These features can be also exported and shared in
GIS or CAD formats.
GIS also provides cost saving and compliance benefits with field applications. GIS features are compatible with
ArcGIS Online which allows the user to edit and view in real-time while in the field. Monitoring and documentation of
field practices will allow the user to modify the inspection frequency, as necessary, and allocate resources to the
locations with the greatest benefits. Proper documentation of field conditions is beneficial in monitoring
"effectiveness" of various full capture systems and allows the user to adjust accordingly for future installations.
Analysis/Evaluation of Trash Treatment Control Devices
Certified Trash Full Capture Systems
In accordance with the Trash Amendments, all trash treatment control devices installed after December 2, 2015 shall
meet the Full Capture System definition and be certified by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water
Board) Executive Director, or designee, prior to installation. Upon installation, trash treatment control devices shall:
be appropriately sized to treat not less than the peak flow rate resulting from a 1-year, 1-hour storm event
(design storm) or at least the same peak flows from the corresponding storm drain;
2. not bypass trash below the design storm under maximum operational loading conditions;
3. trap all particles that are 5 mm or greater up to the design flow or at least the same peak flows from the
corresponding storm drain; and
4. not have a diversion structure present upstream such that a portion of the peak flow is not treated to trap all
particles 5 mm or greater.
The State Water Board Executive Director, in accordance with the Trash Amendments, maintains a list of State
Water Board's Certified Trash Full Capture Systems. Each device undergoes a strict review process which requires
the manufacturer to submit an application with detailed description, drawings, diagrams, etc. with supporting
hydraulic calculations to confirm compliance.
Michael Baker will assess the trash capture devices already accepted by State and Regional Boards in California
(e.g. Los Angeles and San Francisco). This will include factors such as capital cost, ease of maintenance, life span,
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City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
avoidance of confined space entry, accessibility during storm events, flood risk, etc. It is worth noting that there are
many types of structures that have met Board certification as "full capture", however other concerns such as vector
breeding need to be factored. To efficiently evaluate a full range of options, Michael Baker staff will categorize and
develop a preliminary short list of approved structures based upon shared physical characteristics and/or collectively
similar functionality (i.e. evaluate catch basin inserts collectively and compare against curb inlet screens, high flow
capacity devices.) Based upon this initial screening, a final list of recommended specific proprietary structure(s) will
be identified for subsequent cost estimating.
Various types of State Water Board's Certified Trash Full Capture Systems (Devices) are available. However, not all
Devices are equally effective for all applications. Devices can also vary significantly in capital and maintenance
costs. When selecting a Device, one must take into consideration the characteristics of the tributary area, estimated
trash volume, and configuration of the existing catch basin to be retrofitted, if applicable. Although the device has
been certified, it is the Permittees responsibility to ensure proper installation, and full compliance. A site -specific
evaluation of each location must be performed to ensure the Device will function as intended. In addition, the ability
to allow bypass flow must be evaluated with the assumption that 100 percent of the screens are clogged. This quality
control/quality assurance is critical to ensure the newly installed Device does not contribute to additional flooding.
Cost Analysis — Installation. Maintenance and Operation
To adequately fund the trash amendment compliance efforts, cost analysis will be conducted on all State Water
Board's Certified Trash Full Capture Systems which are considered feasible for installation. This analysis will be
provided to the City staff to help make an informed decision of the full capture device best suited at each location.
The analysis will include:
• Cost of product (Bulk discounts will be discussed/negotiated with manufacturer)
• Installation cost (Bulk discounts will be discussed/negotiated with manufacturer)
• Inspection procedures and estimated time to conduct an inspection
• Recommended frequency of maintenance (To be adjusted based on actual field conditions)
• Maintenance procedures, including a description of necessary equipment and materials and an estimated
time to perform the maintenance
Project Schedule to Achieve Full Compliance
Upon award of this contract, Michael Baker will begin the Full Capture System Analysis. The analysis must be
complete with the final jurisdictional map uploaded to SMARTS by December 1, 2018. Permittees requesting to
substitute "Equivalent Alternate Land Uses" for Priority Land Uses must obtain Regional Board approval prior to
SMARTS submittal.
Upon reissuance or amendment of the State and Regional Water Board MS4 Permits, trash control implementation
requirements and compliance milestones will be included to demonstrate progress towards 100 percent compliance
with the Trash Amendments. It is anticipated that Permittees shall meet full compliance ten years after the effective
date of the first implementing permit, but in no case, later than December 2, 2030.
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City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Estimated Dates of Comprehensive Approach
Completion Date
Task Description
August 1, 2018 (Assumed start date)
Kick off Meeting with City of La Quinta and MBI Team
August 15, 2018
Task 1 and 2 — Review of available records
Begin Task 4 — GIS desktop review to confirm preliminary map
Task 3 — Evaluate if equivalent land uses are deemed necessary.
August 31, 2018
Identify areas of equivalent land.
Meeting #2 with City staff to discuss findings.
Task 4 — Continue entering GIS data as it becomes available.
September 15, 2018
Task 3 — Conduct visual trash assessment, as necessary.
Submit alternative land use package, if necessary, to Regional
Water Board for approval.
Task 4 — Continue entering GIS data as it becomes available.
October 5, 2018
Task 5 — Analysis/evaluation of trash treatment control devices
including cost analysis. Identify proposed type and location of all
devices (recommendations for City review).
Meeting #3 with City staff to discuss findings and
recommendations of proposed trash treatment control devices.
Upon concurrence from the City, proceed to Step 6.
Task 4 — Continue entering GIS data as it becomes available
October 20, 2018
Task 6 — Complete Draft version of Final Jurisdictional Map
Provide to City for review
November 5, 2018
Task 6 — Address comments from City and resubmit to City
December 1, 2018
Submit Final Jurisdictional Map to Regional Water Board
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City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Section D Statement of Qualifications
Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker) is a leading global provider of engineering and consulting services
which include planning, architectural, environmental, construction, program management, and full life -cycle support
services as well as information technology and communications services and solutions. Michael Baker provides a
comprehensive range of services and solutions in support of municipal, state, and federal government and a wide
range of commercial clients. With more than $1.3 billion in annual revenue, Michael Baker has more than 6,000
employees in over 90 offices throughout the United States and internationally. Locally, Michael Baker has not had
any claims or disciplinary action taken against company or personnel within the last five years.
Michael Baker has a broad base of experience providing services to meet challenges associated with storm water
quality. Our current projects give Michael Baker a unique and clear understanding of the requirements that the
regulated community faces in fulfilling NPDES Permit obligations, providing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) and Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) development and review, and representing clients to the
Regional Water Quality Control Boards and State Water Resources Control Board. In addition to this experience,
several members of the team are active participants in the California Storm Water Quality Association.
Michael Baker provides NPDES compliance services for municipal storm water permits in all program areas. Our
relevant experience includes permit negotiation assistance, permit interpretation and implementation, Regional Board
coordination, training, construction and industrial site inspection, TMDL assistance, watershed planning, retrofit
studies, response to notices from regulators, SWPPP preparation and review, Storm Water Management Plan
preparation, Illegal Discharges/Illicit Connections, monitoring and analysis, program effectiveness assessment, trash
and debris studies, and annual reporting.
Storm Water Quality Capabilities:
• Storm Water Management Plans (SWMP)
• BMP Siting, Design, Construction, Retrofit, Construction Management and Operation
• Municipal NPDES Program Development and Implementation
• Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program Development and Implementation
Water Quality Sampling and Laboratory Analysis
• Trash Assessment Studies
• Quality Assurance Program Plans (QAPP)
• GIS Mapping, Database Development, and On-line Tools
• Specialized Training for Proper Implementation
• Public and Community Outreach and Education
Key Personnel
Michael Baker has selected a team with experience working together on similar, relevant projects. This hand-picked
team of professionals will work seamlessly to bring the City to a cost-effective solution. Michael Baker has the depth
of staff to provide services outlined in the RFP. An organization chart identifying the staff roles is provided below.
Located in the Appendix are brief resumes for our key staff outline their capabilities and responsibilities.
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'+ City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Organization Chart
Over 3,000 Technical & Support Personnel
City of La Quinta
Storm water Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Similar Projects
Trash Amendments Phase 1 Baseline Study Work Plan, Watershed Protection
Program, Contract No. 534079, Task Order 52
Project Description: The objective of this project was to provide a work plan
for a Baseline Study of trash generation rates for the Priority Land Uses within
the County of San Diego. The results of this study were used to develop an
implementation Ian to comply with the Statewide Trash Amendments using a
p p p Y g
targeted mix of full capture and institutional BMPs.
The work efforts included completion of a Monitoring Work Plan and a Quality
Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) for conducting the work. The Monitoring
Work Plan identified 13 monitoring locations for this phase of the study and
additional alternate sites, and a statistical justification for the number of sites
PHONE: (858) 495-5285
monitored. The Work Plan addressed a 10-square-mile subset of County areas
already developed, and matched the land use characterization (i.e. "priority
land use") within the Trash Amendments. Michael Baker's approach
emphasized visual monitoring and quantitative measurement of trash in full
capture devices using defensible methods. The work plan also described the
FEE: $60,000
approach to be used in the baseline study to assess full capture equivalency
using a mix of targeted full capture devices and institutional practices.
Using previous GIS screening prepared by the County, Michael Baker identified the location, extent, and land use
makeup of the "priority land use" areas. A literature review was conducted focused on trash generation rates
documented in Los Angeles County (2004 Study for Ballona Creek watershed), the Bay Area (BASMAA Baseline
Trash Generation Rate Project), Caltrans and other relevant studies from within California, as well as nationally. The
results of the GIS analysis previously conducted by County staff were used to identify priority land use areas within
the County. A determination was made that the trash generation rate was well represented with values obtained from
the literature, but that a supplemental monitoring study would better identify trash generation rates in County -specific
land uses that were not well represented in the existing studies. As a result, the County pursued a monitoring
program to more accurately determine trash generation rates based on physical data.
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- - City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Trash Amendments Phase 1 Baseline Study Continuation, Watershed Protection
Program, Contract No. 534079, Task Order 53
Project Description: The objective of this project was to implement a
compliance strategy for the assessment of the effectiveness of trash
management measures (organized cleanups, public education, etc.) on trash
capture rates within each of the priority land use areas from within Count
p p y
spheres. The baseline study addresses a requirement of the recently adopted
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Trash Amendments which
require the County to reduce the amount of trash generated from priority land
uses and discharged to the MS4.
Michael Baker prepared the initial component of the baseline study of trash
PHONE: (858) 495-5285
generation rates from priority land uses in unincorporated San Diego County.
For this task order, Michael Baker's work effort included completion of
additional work identified during the compliance strategy phase. A revised
Monitoring Work Plan and a Quality Assurance Project Plan were prepared,
along with cost estimates. Michael Baker summarized the following for each
FEE: $70,000
trash capture site: 1) purchase and installation costs, 2) schedule of
installation, and 3) relevant operations and maintenance information specific to
that location. A GIS layer showing the locations of the full capture devices
including the priority land use and drainage area that each individual device was also prepared.
Trash Amendments Phase 1 Implementation, Watershed Protection Program,
Contract No. 534079, Task Order 6
Project Description: The objective of this project was to provide continued
implementation of the baseline study of trash generation rates from priority land
uses in unincorporated San Diego County. This baseline study addressed a
requirement of the recently adopted State Water Resources Control Board
(SWRCB) Trash Amendments for municipalities that will pursue the Track II
compliance pathway. The Trash Amendments require the County to reduce the
amount of trash generated from priority land uses and discharged to the MS4.
Michael Baker completed the Trash Amendments Compliance Strategy and
Tasks 1 and 2 of the Trash Amendments Phase 1 Baseline Study
Implementation phases of this project under Task Orders 52 and 53,
respectively. This phase of the project work effort included the purchase,
permitting, and installation of full capture systems used to quantify trash
generation rates from priority land uses at 13 sites located throughout
unincorporated San Diego County. These 13 locations will be monitored for
one year to quantify the trash generation rate of the tributary land uses.
PHONE: (858) 495-5513
FEE: $57,732
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Salinas Trash Reduction Plan
Project Description: Michael Baker developed a preliminary_ baseline trash
load in a June 2013 report for the City (Year 1 Requirements for Trash Load
Reduction), and subsequently developed the City's Trash Reduction Plan in
2016. As part of our work, Michael Baker reviewed and revised the initial
baseline trash load study, and broke down the trash load (quantification) by
subwatershed. Michael Baker developed a trash reduction tracking
methodology which provided the City with a way to evaluate how effective the
City's Trash Reduction Plan was at reducing trash to provide quantifiable
evidence of the City's compliance with NPDES Permit. Using the tracking
methodology developed, and the baseline Trash Generation Rates from the
City's NPDES permit, Michael Baker quantified the reduction of trash within
each subwatershed in the City within the last year to comply with the City's
NPDES Permit. The results then determined the effectiveness of the City's
Trash Reduction Plan. The results of the study allow the City to focus trash
reduction efforts on the activities and geographic areas where the most benefit
can be achieved.
PHONE: (831) 758-7485
FEE: $23,630
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Key Personnel Resumes
ion -Collusion Affidavit Form
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Appendix — Key Personnel Resumes
Organization Chart
John Moynier, CEP, CFM
Todd Pitner, PE, QSD/QSP
Laura Larsen, PE, QSD/QSP
Patrick Kuga. PE, CGP ToR, QSD/QSP
Zach Morgan
Charisse Garrido, PE
Kendell Hillis - GIS Specialist
Over 3,000 Technical & Support Personnel
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Todd Pitner, PE, QSD/QSP I Project Manager
Mr. Pitner has been actively involved in the management of over 30
SWPPPs in the past several years for compliance with the CA
Construction General Permit (CGP). His management duties include
pre -construction site evaluations, SWPPP development,
training/guidance to field personnel and BMP inspectors, quality
control/assurance of monitoring and reporting records,
recommendations to achieve final stabilization and the preparation/filing
of Notice of Termination with the Regional Board. Mr. Pitner has taken
an active approach for the consideration of the latest technological
products available on the market for use on relevant projects in an effort
to provide the highest and most cost-effective level of protection. Mr.
Pitner has worked directly with contractors, construction managers, and
project owners during all phases of construction to collaborate and
strategize, as a team, towards the most efficient and effective BMP
alternatives for compliance with the CGP. Mr. Pitner has over 20 years
of land development experience with a specialization in hydrology,
hydraulics and flood control design. This extensive technical
background provides a unique and invaluable foundation to ensure
each project remains in full compliance with the CGP requirements from
start to finish.
Years with Michael Baker: 3
Years with Other Firms: 20
B.S.,1995, Civil Engineering, San Diego State
Professional Engineer -Civil, California,
1998, 586o6
Real Estate License, California, 2010,
Qualified SWPPP Developer(QSD),
California, 2015, 00550
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner(QSP),
California, 2015, 00550
Erosion &Sediment Control, California,
2o16, 8510
Permit and TSO Compliance Support for Metal Discharges, Shaver Lake, California. Southern California Edison
Company. Environmental Specialist. Responsible for preparing, reviewing, and amending the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for project compliance with the Construction General Permit, adopted Order No. 2009-
0009-DWQ, conducts site -specific training and routine inspections for compliance with the permit requirements.
SWPPP development activities include site -specific risk assessments, preparation of permit registration documents,
BMP design and evaluation, and implementation of the monitoring and reporting program. Michael Baker provided
client support in the development of a work plan to address non -compliant metal (Zn, As, Pb, and Cu) concentrations
contained in three discharge waste streams at the Eastwood Hydroelectric Power Plan, a unique facility located more
than 1.5 miles inside a mountain. Michael Baker developed a plan to simultaneously address the time schedule order
(TSO) requirements of conducting a water effects ratio (WER) study, mixing zone study (MZS), and implementation
strategy to reduce loading being discharged, while simultaneously supporting a change to the permit structure during
the issuance of the facility NPDES permit.
MWD Skinner Task Order 419. Metropolitan Water District. Project Manager. Responsible for conducting a site visit
to the MWD Skinner Plant in Winchester with MWD staff to identify storm water Best Management Practices
(BMPs) that can be implemented to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff that may leave the site. Provided written
recommendations, specific BMP suggestions for each drainage area at the facility that may be impacted by heavy
rains (predicted El Nino events), and photographs.
MWD Diemer Task Order 4C. Metropolitan Water District. Project Manager. Responsible for conducting a site visit
to the MWD Diemer Plant in Yorba Linda with MWD staff to identify storm water Best Management Practices
(BMPs) that can be implemented to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff that may leave the site. Provided written
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
recommendations, specific BMP suggestions for each drainage area at the facility that may be impacted by heavy
rains (predicted El Nino events), and photographs.
MWD Mills Task Order 4A. Metropolitan Water District. Project Manager. Responsible for conducting a site visit to
the MWD Mills Plant in Riverside with MWD staff to identify storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can
be implemented to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff that may leave the site. Provided written
recommendations, specific BMP suggestions for each drainage area at the facility that may be impacted by heavy
rains (predicted El Nino events), and photographs.
Pacific/Laurel Storm Drain Reconstruction, Elm Avenue Reconstruction, and Bell Avenue Detention Basin,
Manhattan Beach, California. Responsible for providing civil engineering, topography survey, and construction
staking for the street and storm drain rehabilitation project. The scope of services included street pavement
reconstruction, replacement of deteriorated storm drain pipes, and the design of a retention basin within a park site to
reduce flooding in a residential neighborhood. Prepared final street plans, specifications, and estimates for this street
rehabilitation project to improve Elm Avenue, Pine Avenue, Walnut Avenue, and 19th Street. The scope of work for
the detention basin consisted of a hydraulic analysis of the existing storm drain system and a hydrology analysis of
the watershed to determine the level of protection currently provided. It was determined that additional storm water
storage was necessary due to the inadequacy of the existing storm drain system to convey flow in excess of the 10
year storm. To eliminate flooding of residential units during greater intensity storm events, additional volume was
provided with the use of an underground detention system, which provides flood protection of the residential units for
storm events up to the 50 year storm.
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John Moynier, CEP, CFM I Principal In Charge
John has over 35 years of experience in the environmental planning, floodplain
management, and water resource fields. He has a strong background in local
agency operations and management, and has split his career between the public
and private sectors. Specifically, John is a recognized expert in integrated water
resource planning and flood risk assessments, as well as the preparation of
analyses conducted under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). He is also considered a subject
matter expert with regards to compliance with the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP), the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and SB
92 inundation mapping. John serves on the Board of Directors for the Floodplain
Management Association (FMA) and the National Association of Environmental
Professionals (NAEP), and is a Certified Environmental Professional (CEP) and a
Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM). John is a Vice President with Michael Baker
International (MBI), and serves as water resources practice executive for the
region where he oversees the firm's water/wastewater, surface water, and water
quality departments.
Years with Michael Baker i
Years with Other Firms: 36
B.A.,1981, Geography- Ecosystems,
University of California at Los Angeles
M.A.1983, Computer Assisted Cartography
University of California at Los Angeles
Certified Environmental Professional
(CEP), USA, 2014, #14041431
Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), USA,
OCSPIA Water Management Plan, County of Orange, Orange County, California. Project Principal. John is
serving as principal for an on -call contract to provide consulting services to the County with regards to development
of their water management plan.
Source Water Protection Plan, City of Sacramento Department of Public Utilities, Sacramento, California.
Project Director. John was Project Director for the City's Source Water Protection Plan, which dealt with both surface
water and groundwater supplies.
Veeh Lake Inundation Mapping and Dam EAP, Crossline Church, Laguna Hills, California. Project Principal.
John is serving as principal for an inundation map and dam emergency action plan (EAP) to comply with the
requirements of SB 92 for a private lake in the San Diego Creek watershed.
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP), Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California. Project
Director. John served as Project Director for development of the LA County Integrated Regional Water Management
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) PEIR, San Timoteo Watershed Management Authority,
Banning, California. Project Manager. John served as Project Manager for development of Program EIR to support
the STWMA Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.
Technical Assistance to the Office of Environmental and Historic Preservation (OEHP), FEMA Headquarters,
Washington D.C. John served as a technical advisor to FEMA's Office of Environmental and Historic Preservation
(OEHP) with regards to proposed modifications to the NFIP. John also served as Technical Lead for the development
of a Nationwide Programmatic EIS to support the proposed actions.
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Laura Larsen, PE, QSD/QSP I Technical Advisor
Ms. Larsen is experienced in stormwater management projects
including Best Management Practice (BMP) design, National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit implementation, and
water quality analysis. She has extensive experience in transportation
and municipal NPDES stormwater permit compliance assistance, BMP
research, design and implementation including Low Impact
Development (LID), construction oversight, water quality monitoring,
erosion and sediment control, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
development and implementation, BMP design and implementation,
BMP operation and maintenance, and BMP performance data analysis.
She has worked with the State of California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) for many years, performing data analysis,
monitoring, site inspections, permit implementation assistance, BMP
design and developed BMP operation and maintenance guidance.
Years with Michael Baker:18
M.S., 2000, Environmental Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles
B.S.,1998, Civil Engineering, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona
Professional Engineer- Civil, California,
Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD),
California, 2012, 23529
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner(QSP),
California, 2012, 23529
Professional Engineer -Civil, Nevada, 2008,
Trash Load Reduction Workplan, San Francisco Bay Region,
California. CALTRANS. Project Manager. Responsible for overseeing
the data collection of the on -land visual assessments. Over 935 centerline miles of freeway and 684 on/off ramps
were visually observed to determine the level of trash present on the shoulders, on- and off -ramps, median,
shoulders and other areas that could potentially contribute trash to the receiving waters. Performed data analysis on
the assessments to determine the extent of impairment and prepared the work plan for submittal to the Regional
Board documenting the trash generation rates throughout the San Francisco Bay Region and actions needed to
address the impairments. A partnership project with the City of Oakland Countywide Clean Water Program (ACCWP)
and Caltrans proposed to construct a stormwater treatment system near the Ettie Street Pump Station (ESPS)
watershed in the City of Oakland to address Polychlorinated Biphenyls, potential Mercury, and trash. The task order
was developed with the goal of investigating the feasibility of stormwater treatment within the ESPS watershed,
including determining suitable location(s), stormwater treatment technologies, and associated costs. In particular, the
study examined treatment options that treat portions of the watershed or sub -watersheds. Michael Baker prepared a
workplan to identify current and proposed efforts made by the client to comply with NPDES Permit Attachment V,
Part 2, which states it shall comply with the prohibition of the discharge of trash through implementation of control
measures in high trash generating areas in the San Francisco Bay Region. Michael Baker conducted an on -land
visual assessment within the region. Over 900 miles of highway were visited to visually observe the level of trash
present on shoulders, on- and off -ramps, medians, and other areas that could potentially contribute trash to the
municipal separate storm sewer system or MS4.
Storm Drain Master Plan, South San Francisco, California. City of South San Francisco. Engineer. Responsible
for preparation of the conceptual BMP layout to address trash concerns within the watershed. Michael Baker
assisted the city in completing a comprehensive storm drain master plan to upgrade deficient systems and meet the
requirements of the Municipal Regional Permit. Michael Baker worked in close coordination with city staff to refine
and prioritize objectives, analyze available information supplemented by carefully planned field work, develop a
comprehensive hydraulic/hydrologic model, and combine data with criteria and constraints to provide the foundation
for a capital improvement program.
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Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Patrick Kuga, PE, CGP ToR, QSD/QSP I Field / Reporting
Caltrans Phase II Storm Drain System Inventory (SDSI) (Contract
No. 43A0176), Various, California. Caltrans. Civil Associate. Worked
with geographic information system (GIS) based systems to perform
QA/QC of the Phase II inventory of Caltrans storm drain system.
Michael Baker provided professional and technical services to the
department of transportation to identify stormwater discharge points
from all urban areas that are subject to National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Phase II stormwater regulation.
On -Call NPDES Sppt Services Year 1, Anaheim, California. City of
Anaheim. Civil Associate. Contributed to the identification and
documentation of construction sites in the city of Anaheim to assess
their compliance with the Construction General Permit. Responsibilities
included site documentation of erosion control and other preventative
measures that prohibit the discharge of sediment. Also used GIS based
systems to create aerial reference exhibits of construction sites and
vacant lots in the Interstate 5 corridor.
Years with Michael Baker. 7
Years with Other Firms: 0
B.S., 20o8, Materials Engineering California
State Polytechnic University, San Luis
Professional Engineer -Civil, California,
2015, 84191
Qualified SWPPP Developer(QSD),
California, 2011, 25530
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP),
California, 2011, 25530
Construction General Permit Trainer of
Record, California, 2017
TO 30 Municipal Coord & Cooperative (C), Various, California. Caltrans. Civil Associate. Provided support in the
development of technical memoranda to identify potential coordination opportunities between Caltrans and various
municipalities to address water quality issues through collaborative efforts.
TO 40 TMDL Assistance - Dist 4 (C), Statewide, California. Caltrans. Civil Associate. Supported the development
of implementation plans for the Districts so that the appropriate treatment controls are selected to effectively control
the pollutant of concern. The focus of his contribution pertains to municipal coordination opportunities with regional
stakeholders and mutually beneficial water quality mitigation efforts. Provided assistance with TMDLs to address
metals and trash. Michael Baker is contracted to provide assistance to the Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Districts 4 and 7 to address issues pertaining to Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).
TO 26 Enforcement Action Track'g (C), Various, California. Caltrans. Civil Associate. Supports the development
of enforcement action tracking tools and the identification of enforcement trends for the districts so that the
appropriate actions can be taken to reduce the number of issued enforcement actions. Michael Baker is contracted to
provide assistance to the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to track enforcement actions issued by the State
Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
San Diego Creek Watershed Monitoring, Irvine, California. Fivepoint Communities (formerly Heritage Fields El
Toro, LLC). Civil Associate. Supported Lennar's involvement in stakeholder processes like the Nitrogen and
Selenium Management Program. Also provided an initial review of the Central Orange County Phase II Integrated
Regional and Coastal Watershed Management Plan.
City of La Quinta
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Zach Morgan I Field / Reporting
Since graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 2015 with a B.S in
Environmental Engineering, Mr. Morgan has had a diverse professional
background. Mr. Morgan worked at J. Lohr Winery as a wastewater
technician during the harvest season, Wallace Group in San Luis
Obispo as a Water Resource Design Technician, and is currently a
Surface Water Civil Associate at Michael Baker in Ontario, California.
Mr. Morgan's well-rounded employment opportunities have allowed him
to gain experience in water quality testing, AutoCAD Civil 3D drafting,
and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program preparation and
Years with Michael Baker:1
Years with Other Firms: 1
B.S., 2015, Environmental Engineering,
California State Polytechnic University, San
Luis Obispo
Falcon Ridge Substat. Southern California Edison Company. Civil Associate. Responsible for conducting weekly
SWPPP inspections of the construction project and drafted weekly inspection reports. Helped in the drafting of the
Stormwater Pollutions Prevention Program for the project. Also, responsible for drafting the Notice of Termination
package delivered to the Waterboard in order to remove the site from permit coverage.
CWA C0034 Mira Loma Per Wall. Southern California Edison Company. Civil Associate. Responsible for
conducting weekly SWPPP inspections of the construction project and drafting weekly inspection reports.
Responsible for assisting in the drafting of the Stormwater Pollutions Prevention Program for the project.
On -Call Consulting for CG.Irvine Ranch Water District. Civil Associate. Responsible for on -call services to Irvine
Water District.
Serrano Business Park, Jurupa Valley, California. Caprock Partners. Civil Associate. Responsible for drafting
and creating the SWPPP for the construction project.
Big Bear Blvd Pipe Replacement Project - Southwest Gas Stormwater Services. Southwest Gas Corporation.
Civil Associate. Responsible for conducting weekly SWPPP inspections of the construction project and drafted
weekly inspection reports. Helped with the drafting of the Stormwater Pollutions Prevention Program for the project.
Drafted the Notice of Termination package which was delivered to the Waterboard in order to remove the site from
permit coverage.
CWA C0033 Eldorado -Mohave. Southern California Edison Company. Civil Associate. Responsible for conducting
weekly SWPPP inspections of the construction project and drafting weekly inspection reports. Responsible for
assisting in the drafting of the Stormwater Pollutions Prevention Program for the project.
CWA C0005 Mira Loma Mat. Yard. Southern California Edison Company. Civil Associate. Responsible for aiding in
the Notice of Termination Package delivered to the Santa Ana Region Waterboard in order to remove the project site
from the California General Permit for Stromwater. Also, responsible for carrying out weekly inspections and writing
weekly SWPPP reports of the construction site while it was still under permit coverage.
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Charisse Garrido, PE I Field / Reporting
Ms. Charisse Garrido is a recent graduate from Cal Poly Pomona and is Years with Michael Baker- .4
beginning her civil engineering career with Michael Baker in the land Years with Other Firms: o
development field. She brings her previous experience of field work and Degrees
plan preparation from working for the County of Riverside
Transportation and Land Management Agency. State
Civil Engineering, California
State Polytechnic University, Pomona
During her time at Michael Baker, she has provided support on various Licenses/Certifications
land development projects, primarily involving the grading (rough and Professional Engineer, California,2017,
precise), utility (domestic/reclaimed water and sewer), and street design 87545
of large-scale residential communities in Beaumont, California. She has
also created a wide range of exhibits, ranging from land use to plotting
and phasing for projects including Sundance and Tournament Hills in
Beaumont, California, and Haciendas II in Indio, California. She is recognized for her attention to detail and her ability
to not only apply prior knowledge to current projects, but also to learn quickly and produce effective solutions.
Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvement Project, Indio, California. City of Indio. Civil Associate. Created
a topographic survey exhibit for Jefferson Street and Varner Road intersection. Michael Baker prepared roadway
designs to widen Jefferson Street and realign Varner Road to accommodate anticipated future traffic volume due to
the 1-10 interchange. The proposed project will improve Varner Road, east and west of Jefferson Street north, and
Jefferson Street north to the required roadway sections per the Interchange traffic analysis report. Varner Road will
be widened to four through lanes with dual left turn lanes in the eastbound to northbound direction, dual right turn
lanes in the eastbound to future southbound direction, and triple left turn lanes in the westbound to future southbound
direction. Jefferson Street will be widened to six through lanes within the project limits, dual left turn lanes in the
southbound to eastbound direction and a free right turn lane in the future northbound to eastbound direction.
Transportation Project Prioritization Study and Regional Arterial Cost Estimate Update, Coachella Valley,
California. Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). Civil Associate. Assessed road surface
conditions for numerous streets in the Coachella Valley through field work and review. Road surface conditions
including: road characteristics (cracking, potholes, roughness) and category of severity. Michael Baker provided
services for the Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) and Regional Arterial Cost Estimates (RACE)
2010 updates, Active Transportation Plan (ATP), and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Nexus Study.
The project includes a ranking system for evaluating the need for improvements and is useful as a monitoring
program that will allow the client to address changing conditions of their arterial road system over time. Michael
Baker's team identified all of the potential projects through the entire study area, determined if they were considered
regionally significant, and are positioned to include them in the TUMF calculations to act as a new potential funding
source for these projects.
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Kendell Hillis I GIS Specialist
Mr. Hillis has professional experience using Geographic Information
Years with Michael Baker. 2
Systems (GIS) and related technologies to support Michael Baker's
Years with Other Firms: 0
Natural Resources team members as well as associated departments
throughout the company. As a GIT associate, he is responsible for
creating maps and exhibits that accurately represent natural resource
retyofSouthn and
findings and data that are used in environmental reports and mitigation
Managemen13, t,
Management, University of South Carolina
plans. Data and information included in maps and exhibits often include
Certificate, 2015,GIS, University of
parcel information, critical habitat boundaries, soil composition, and
California, Riverside
vegetation cover.
Interstate 10/Avenue 50 Interchange, Coachella, California. City of Coachella. GIT Associate. Assisted in
identifying impacted and non -impacted jurisdictional drainage areas within study area and created exhibits displaying
associated drainage features and infrastructure. Michael Baker, as the prime consultant, prepared a project study
report and provided state and federal environmental documentation for the 1-10/Avenue 50 Interchange Project. The
purpose of the project is to relieve forecasted congestion on 1-10 and S.R. 86, including the Dillon Road
interchanges. The interchange improvements will provide a new gateway into the city and improve access to 1-10 for
vehicles traveling in and out of the city. Michael Baker prepared the project report; new connection report;
environmental documentation; geometric approval drawings; design exceptions fact sheets; and plans, specifications,
and estimates (PS&E).
Lytle Creek Levee Repair. CEMEX. GIT Associate. Created exhibits to support biological assessment including
San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat habitat suitability analysis and impacts to jurisdictional waters. Michael Baker is
providing biological and regulatory support for repairing a levee in Lytle Creek that was damaged by flood
water. Specific efforts include conducting a habitat assessment, focused surveys for SBKR and sensitive plants, a
jurisdictional delineation, and the preparation and processing of Wetland Permits and endangered species Individual
Take Permits.
Canyon Country Community Center, Santa Clarita, California. City of Santa Clarita. GIT Associate. Assisted in
producing supporting documents and exhibits using GIS and graphics editing software indicating areas of potential
effects related to construction. Michael Baker is in the process of preparing the required documents necessary to
obtain CEQA approval for a new community center and outdoor recreational facilities proposed for the Canyon
Country community on an approximately 16-acre site. Michael Baker is providing civil design services for plans,
specifications, and estimates and is preparing the required applications and support documentation to obtain permits
and approvals from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California
Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Jeffrey/1-5 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge and Jeffrey Open Space Trail (JOST) Project, Irvine, California. City
of Irvine. GIT Associate. Produced regional and local vicinity exhibits, including soils and vegetation, and county and
regional maps reflecting habitat conservation plans. Michael Baker prepared a preliminary design report and
environmental document for the proposed extension of the Jeffrey Open Space Trail (JOST) from Barranca Parkway
to Walnut Avenue. The proposed JOST extension includes a lighted Class I bicycle trail, drainage elements, and a
rest area along Jeffrey Road to close a gap in the existing trail system. Concurrently,
City of La Quinta
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
I, John
I am Vice President -Water Resources Practice Executive of
(name) hereby declare as follows:
Michael Baker International
(Title) (Company)
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or
on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or
corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not
directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal,
and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or
anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the
proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication,
or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or
to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other
proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of
anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal
are true. and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her
proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or
data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership,
company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof
to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the lows of the State of California that the foregoing
is true and correct_
Proposer Signature:
Proposer Name:
Proposer Title:
Company Name:
John oynier
Vice President
Michael Baker International
75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100
Palm Desert, CA 92211
We Make A Difference 3.
75410 Gerald Ford Drive, SIUte- ] b
Palm Desert, CA 92211
wivw. mbakerinti.cam
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