MSA Consulting, Inc. ProposalMSA Consulting, Inc. K
34200 Bob Hope Drive -
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Work Proposal for Professional Services
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional
Full Capture Systems Analysis
Prepared for:
City of La Quinta
Design & Development Department
Attention: Bryan McKinney, City Engineer
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
July 2, 2018
Map and
Section A Cover Letter ii
Section B Project Understanding/Approach
Project Understanding........................................................................................... 1
Suggestions/Concerns............................................................................................. 2
Technical/Management Approach...................................................................... 3
Section C Scope of Work
Scopeof Services........................................................................................................ 6
Scope Assumptions/Exclusions........................................................................... 6
Schedule......................................................................................................................... 7
Section D Statement of Qualifications
FirmProfile.................................................................................................................. 8
Project Manager/Key Contact............................................................................... 9
Similar Work Experience/References.............................................................11
Non -Collusion Affidavit
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Section A: Cover Letter
July 2, 2018
Mr. Bryan McKinney, City Engineer
City of La Quinta
Design & Development Department
78-495 Calle Tampico
Subject: Response to Request for Proposals for Professional Services
Stormwater Trash Order Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture Systems Analysis
Dear Mr. McKinney:
In response to your Request for Consultant Proposals, MSA Consulting, Inc. (MSA) is pleased
to submit, for your review and consideration, our work and cost proposals to provide
professional services to prepare a Trash Order Final Jurisdictional Map and Full Capture
Systems Analysis in compliance with the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality
Control Board Water Code Section 13383 Order, specifically in compliance with Track 1
requirements to install, operate, and maintain full capture systems for all storm drains that
capture runoff from the Priority Land Uses in the City.
MSA has a thorough understanding of the environmental challenges and solutions unique to
the Coachella Valley and Southern California in general and the regulatory framework
associated with the legislative efforts to control pollution. The Environmental Services team
would provide innovative, proactive and cost-effective solutions to ensure compliance with
the State requirements.
In particular, MSA brings the following unique benefits to this project:
♦ Local Knowledge - MSA is a professional services company with 42-years of local
experience in the Coachella Valley, having an intimate knowledge of the City of La
Quinta's growth, past and present development history, current development
proposals, political landscape, and unique community character. We have a
longstanding working relationship with City Staff, built on mutual respect and
(ODMSA Consulting, Inc.
Mr. Bryan McKinney
July 2, 2018
Page Two
♦ Proven Experience - MSA's non-exclusive list of environmental services includes
preparation of PM-10 Fugitive Dust Control Plans, National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination Service (NPDES) compliant Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and
Water Quality Management Plans. The Department also works with clients to ensure
compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) with the preparation
of Initial Studies and Environmental Impact Reports. Additionally, the Department
obtains compliance for projects with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
Clean Water Act (CWA) nexus. MSA handles all agency approval processes relative to
these regulations including coordination with Regional Water Quality Control Board
(RWQCB), US Army Corps of Engineers and California Fish and Game.
♦ Full Service Team - MSA is the Coachella Valley's largest locally owned, full -service
environmental, planning, engineering and surveying company. MSA's local presence
in the Coachella Valley affords a solid and unique team with extensive knowledge
relative to regional and local issues and the regulatory evolution that is unique to the
firm. The team has a vested interest in maintaining and enhancing the existing
environment while at the same time developing creative solutions for the ever -
changing technical backdrop of the Coachella Valley.
♦ Convenient Location - MSA's corporate and only office is located in Rancho Mirage
in a positive physical proximity to the City of La Quinta easing coordination of the
project and facilitating efficient data collection and site investigation within the
mapping and analysis boundaries. The firm's workloads have varied over the past
decades, but MSA teams, at all times, have been committed to performing on schedule;
timely response is key to the firm's success and stability.
♦ Web -Based Mapping - MSA's Geographical Information Services (GIS) Group offers
dynamic state of the art spatial technology to manage, visualize, and interpret data to
better understand the physical environment and manage environmental compliance
and conservation, municipal land use, and urban infrastructure systems. A
comprehensive database of field verified environmental information throughout the
Coachella Valley has been developed.
♦ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - MSA assists
individuals or companies in non-compliance situations, primarily due to their (or
their consultant's) lack of experience with the requirements of the system and the
local agencies. MSA has coordinated with both the State and Regional Water Boards
to extricate projects from the complex paperwork that accumulates with non-
compliance. An important component of the GIS NPDES Compliance Assistance
program is remote data collection. MSA's services include training of site personnel
and training sessions are crafted in consideration of the project, individual and
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. i i
Mr. Bryan McKinney
July 2, 2018
Page Three
The Environmental Division of MSA is directed by Michelle Witherspoon. She joined the
Planning Department in June of 2000 after earning her Master's Degree in Urban and
Regional Planning from California State Polytechnic University Pomona. She currently
directs the preparation of CEQA/NEPA/TEPA documentation, QSD/QSP Services and Water
Quality Management Plans. As MSA's Director of Environmental Services, Michelle would
lead our team to successfully complete the mapping and system analysis tasks and would
serve as the City's primary contact during the consultant selection process. Her contact
information follows:
Michelle D. Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services
MSA Consulting, Inc.
34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
760-320-9811 (office)
909-720-0315 (cell)
MSA shall carry and maintain, at their expense, at all times during the term of an Agreement
with the City, not less than the coverage and limits of insurance stipulated in the request for
Proposals (RFP) and sample Agreement for Services. The insurance shall be maintained with
insurers and under forms of policies satisfactory to the City.
I hereby certify that I have the authority to offer this proposal/qualification package to the
City on behalf of MSA and to bind MSA in a contract should we be successful in our proposal
Mr. Julian A. De La Torre, President
MSA Consulting, Inc.
34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
j del ato rre g m sacon sti l tingi n m
760-320-9811 (office)
760-578-2495 (cell)
We are excited about the opportunity to work alongside you and your staff to achieve the
City's project goals. We welcome the chance to further discuss the services the MSA Team
can bring to the City.
Very truly yours,
Qi A
Julian A. De La Torre, P.E.
President/Principal Engineer
MSA Consulting, Inc.
`CIS MSA Consulting, Inc. i i
Section B: Project Understanding and Approach
Project Understanding
The California State Water Resources Control Board, comprised of nine (9) Regional Water
Quality Control Boards, is tasked with protecting and allocating the state's waters for
beneficial uses. The City of La Quinta in Riverside County is governed by the semi-
autonomous Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 7.
Each Regional Board is tasked with making critical water quality decisions for its region,
including setting standards, issuing permits (waste discharge requirements), determining
compliance with those requirements, and taking appropriate enforcement actions. The
Water Board is actively involved in many programs and initiatives to improve the
management of our treasured resource; Storm Water Program being one. When storm water
flows over land or impervious surfaces without percolating into the ground it often times
mobilizes pollutants such as motor oil and trash which are transported to surface water. In
efforts to fulfill the State's overall Mission to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of
California's water resources, the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board
issued Water Code Section 13383 Order requiring Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
(MS4) co-permittees with regulatory authority over Priority Land Uses to select a method of
compliance with trash prohibition. The City of La Quinta will implement Tract 1 requiring
installation, operation, and maintenance of a combination of full capture systems for all
storm drains that capture runoff.
On April 7, 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) adopted
statewide Trash Provisions to address the pervasive impacts trash has on the beneficial uses
of our surface waters. These provisions are referred to as Trash Amendments, with the
objective to address the impacts of trash to the surface waters in California through
development of a statewide plan to control trash. A central element of the final Trash
Amendments is a land -use based compliance approach to focus trash controls to the areas
with high trash generation rates (priority land uses), including high density residential (10
developed dwelling units per acre), industrial, commercial, mixed urban, and public
transportation stations. Being a Permittee of the Whitewater River Region MS4, the City of
La Quinta was required to select one of the two compliance tracks. The City of La Quinta
elected Track 1, which involves installing, operating, and maintaining state -certified full -
capture devices that capture storm water runoff from priority land uses. The final Trash
Amendments provide ten years from the first implementing permit for certain permittees to
achieve full compliance. Cost estimates for compliance assume a 10% per year expenditure
of capital cost in order to achieve full implementation in ten years.
`CIS MSA Consulting, Inc. Page 11
•Private development constructed prior to the current MS4 permit may be contributing to
existing impacts. There are difficulties involved in identifying problems at these facilities
based on the year constructed.
•Many existing BMP's may no longer be functioning, identifiable or repairable.
Recommendations for private property improvements are difficult to enforce retroactively
without a mandate.
MSA Consulting, Inc.
Page 12
Technical/Management Approach
The most effective tool for developing and maintaining the Final Jurisdictional Map is
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a technology that allows us to incorporate existing
sources of data to serve as a base map for task -specific data collection. MSA has over 10 years
of experience in applying ESRI's GIS technology to support every one of our departments and
developing stand-alone products for a wide range of uses. MSA has the most current software
licenses from ESRI, including ArcGIS Pro 2.2, ArcMap 10.6, ArcCatalog 10.6, Collector for
ArcGIS, Survey 123 for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Online among others.
The technical approach to producing the Final Jurisdictional Map and analysis is summarized
as follows:
1. Collection of Public GIS Data: Establish a City of La Quinta GIS base map using the
most current data made available by authoritative public sources, such as the
Riverside County Geographic Information Services Department. This base map will
include the most current City boundary, street centerlines, parcel boundaries,
address points, landmarks and relevant watershed features.
2. Import and Conversion of City Data: Import and convert the files obtained from the
City of La Quinta for zoning, storm drain lines, bus stops, catch basins, etc. Where
necessary, digitize the relevant features from non-GIS formats. The City's priority
land uses will be identified, quantified and assessed during this step.
3. Configuration of Data Structure and Field Collection: Establish a geodatabase
schema with integrity rules to organize existing data and to facilitate data collection.
The geodatabase format will ensure quality control and data consistency during the
entire project. Implement a data collection protocol to identify and map the locations
of full capture systems. Where necessary, use Collector for ArcGIS to map the facilities
in the field and update the geodatabase in real-time.
4. Preparation of Final Jurisdictional Map: Using the completed geodatabase,
prepare a cartographic map layout that displays the City of La Quinta study area,
priority land uses, storm drain facilities, receiving waters, and full capture system
locations. The map size and scale shall make all features clearly distinguishable at its
original size. Where necessary, incorporate inset maps to show detailed areas and
tables to summarize the full capture system quantities. MSA will make map
modifications based on input from the City.
S. Transferring of Final Map and GIS Files: Once finalized, compile and transfer all GIS
maps and source files to the City of La Quinta.
6. Configuration of Web Mapping Application: Using the final collected data, develop
a prototype interactive web map of the Jurisdictional map to display all relevant
elements. The dynamic map will allow users to interact with the data from desktop
computers, tablets and smart phones. The web mapping application is an ideal
platform of monitoring Track 1 progress and supporting the Annual Report
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. P age 13
requirements. The prototype map will be deemed final upon City approval of the Final
Jurisdictional Map and Analysis of Full Capture Systems. For a period of six months,
the Final Jurisdictional Map will be hosted under MSA's web mapping account. At six
months, MSA will provide a check-up of the web map to address any necessary
changes. For subsequent use of the map, it is recommended that the City establish a
separate ArcGIS online account with ESRI to continue hosting of the live map. MSA
can assist with this coordination.
7. Analysis of Full Capture Systems: Assess the tabulation of existing storm drain
facilities in priority land uses to identify the best certified full capture system option.
Coordinate with vendors and maintenance staff to assess the product, installation and
maintenance costs. Create/maintain a time schedule to achieve full compliance with
the installation of all full capture systems. If necessary, assume an implementation
rate of 10% per year to achieve full implementation in 10 years.
The set of techniques and methodologies used by MSA to manage projects are governed by
the high level of complexity and low error tolerance on representative projects. To make sure
that the scope for the project is completed in a timely and professional manner, MSA's project
management will include the following processes:
Contract Administration. Each individual agreement is reviewed in detail to ensure
compliance with specific requirements. Special attention is given to project milestones,
confidentiality clauses, financial reporting, insurance, and other requirements.
Project Initiation. In-house project team kick-off meetings are held to include, at a
minimum, communication protocol including frequency and location of project progress
meetings; chain of command within both the client and design teams; preliminary project
schedule; clarification of scope items and expectations; known public concerns to be
addressed; data collection from client; and identification of all permits required.
Project Timeline. A timeline is prepared to identify project milestones and setting a date for
each. Scheduling software is used at project initiation and is updated as needed throughout
the project. Tasks, resources, project interdependencies of events and tasks, and constraints
are identified and updated as the project progresses.
Resources. All resources are made available to get each job done, on time, and on budget.
Coordination. Coordination with client, consultants, and subconsultants necessary to
properly design the project elements and create a successful project.
Mitigation. Address special project concerns and implement mitigation measures, if
applicable, to ensure incorporation into project design.
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. Page 14
Quality Assurance/Quality Control. MSA has an established QA/QC program to ensure
deliverables are complete, accurate and withstand internal peer review. This Program
provides a strategy and framework for continuously improving performance across the full
spectrum of services. MSA personnel consider it his/her responsibility to follow the
procedures set forth in MSA's Program, as well as using common sense and good judgment
during all facets of work.
Documentation. MSA understands the reliance on written documentation for complete,
accurate project history. Attention to detail of every aspect of the project will be given to
schedules, budgets, contract documents, permit requirements, project specifications,
inspections, daily logs, reports, journals, photo documentation, payroll verification, change
orders, and every other aspect of the scope of work.
Financial. The Chief Financial Officer effectively works with project support staff to monitor
and control managed projects to achieve financial targets. Team members will have the
ability to effectively monitor the budget of each project using accounting software that will
track the budget at a detailed task level. Project reports can be generated at any time to
measure project performance against each individual project budget.
Relationships. MSA maintains good relationships with client, agency contacts, consultants,
subconsultants, and project team members through continual communication and
m9 MSA Consulting, Inc. 1' a g e 15
Section C: Scope of Work
Scope of Services
Final Jurisdictional Map
1. Collect and analyze City -provided and other data.
2. Determine if Equivalent Alternate Land Use request is needed, particularly for the
catch basins on private properties.
3. Prepare an updated final jurisdictional map identifying the following:
a. All Priority Land use areas discharging to the MS4 system(s);
b. The corresponding MS4 network
c. Proposed locations of all certified Full Capture Systems; and
d. Proposed equivalent alternate land uses, if needed.
4. Proposals, if any, to substitute Priority Land Uses with other locations or land uses,
provided that the total trash generated in other locations or land uses are equivalent
to, or greater than, the total trash generated in the Priority Land Uses being
Full Capture System Analysis
1. Analyze and make recommendations of appropriate trash treatment control devices
from the certified full capture system list for each proposed location.
2. Prepare a cost analysis to install, operate, and maintain all the certified trash
treatment control devices.
3. Create/maintain a time schedule to achieve full compliance with the installation of all
full capture systems.
Scope Assumptions / Exclusions
The following assumptions were made in developing the scope herein:
•Client to provide full access to City facilities
•Access to private property secured by City if necessary.
The following tasks are specifically excluded from the scope herein:
•Line Tracing
• Private property facilities surveying/mapping
• Other special studies
•Condition analysis of existing BMPs
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. P a g e 16
The MSA team has an outstanding history of past performance on contracts with government
agencies and private industry. Completing projects on time and within budget is a top
priority for the MSA team. With the extensive experience and flexibility of our personnel,
MSA has the ability to meet ambitious schedule milestones within the time frame provided
by the City. To ensure all projects are effectively tracked and managed appropriately, MSA
developed and successfully implemented an automated and integrated cost and schedule
control system that provides an efficient management tool for the Project Manager.
Start Date Notice to Proceed
■ Phase 1: Jurisdictional Map
Collection of Public GIS Data
2 weeks
Import and Conversion of City Data
2 weeks
Data Structure/Field Collection Configuration
2 weeks
Final Jurisdictional Map Preparation
1 week
Final Jurisdictional Map Review/Revisions
1 week
Transfer Final Map and GIS Files
1 week then meeting
Configuration of Draft Web Mapping Application
1 week
Draft Web Mapping Application Meeting/City Review
1 week
■ Phase
1: Jurisdictional Map
12 weeks/3 months
■ Phase 2: Full Capture System Analysis (ongoing with process)
a. Trash Treatment Control Devices Analysis/
1 week
b. Cost Analysis for Certified Trash Treatment
1 week
Control Devices
c. Time Schedule
1 week
■ Phase 2: Full Capture System Analysis
3 weeks
Estimated Completion Date
November 26, 2018
V MSA Consulting, Inc.
Page 17
Section D: Statement of Qualifications
Firm Profile
• Firm's Complete Name: MSA CONSULTING, INC.
• Type of Firm: California Corporation
• Date of Incorporation: December 21, 1976
$ Address of Corporate and only office:
34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
• Telephone; Facsimile; Website; E-mail
in foOmsaconsul
• Number of Employees: 55
• Services: Environmental; Planning; Engineering; Surveying;
Landscape Architecture; Utility Coordination; Construction Management
• Projects: 2,400
• Firm's Principals:
Robert S. Smith, Chair of the Board
Julian A. De La Torre, President
Michael Oehlbaum, CFO
Marco T. Celedon, Vice President - Public Works
Paul DePalatis - Vice President - Planning
Mike Rowe - Vice President - Business Development
• Registered Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors: 10
• Affiliated Organizations:
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Desert Valley Builders Association (DVBA)
American Planning Association (APA)
Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP)
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
American Public Works Association (APWA)
Desert Roundtable
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
• Hours of Operation:
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; Monday through Friday
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. Page 18
Project Manager/Key Contact
The MSA Environmental Team is led by Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental
Services, who serves as the Administrator/Project Manager and the City's primary contact.
She joined the Planning Department of MSA Consulting in June of 2000. With a Master's
Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from CA State Polytechnic University, Pomona and a
Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology from the University of Oklahoma, she enhances MSA's
ability to help Lead Agencies as well as private development clients in identification of
Environmental challenges and solutions that work. She was instrumental in the formation
and management of Environmental Services 2001 and GIS Services in 2005. She is
responsible for all aspects of the firm's environmental planning, including proposals, staffing
and the technical integrity of completed documents. In addition, Ms. Witherspoon brings an
understanding of the convergence of natural systems, technical research and planning. She
is a LEED Accredited Professional, Registered Environmental Property Assessor, Certified
Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner and
holds a certification in Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control from South Coast Air Quality
Management District. As Director of Environmental Services and a project manager for
the firm, she oversees the preparation of the firm's environmental documents/plans
including CEQA Initial Studies and Environmental Impact Reports, NEPA Environmental
Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, PM-10 Fugitive Dust Control Plans,
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Water Quality Management Plans, Water Supply
Assessments, Designated Waters Permitting and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments.
In addition, she provides consultation for various projects which have particularly
challenging site assessment issues or environmental constraints. Ms. Witherspoon is an
active member in the American Planning Association, the American Public Works
Association, and the US Green Building Council. Her contact information follows:
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
Director of Environmental Services
MSA Consulting, Inc.
34200 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
760.323.7893 (facsimile)
Ms. Witherspoon will work closely with the City to ensure that project requirements are
satisfied and share in the day-to-day responsibilities in her respective fields of expertise. As
a key leader at MSA, Michelle sets, observes, and re-evaluates project priorities frequently,
conveying pertinent project information effectively and in a timely manner to the Client.
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. Page 19
Key Personnel
The MSA Team, comprised of Environmental Planners and Engineers would collaborate to
ensure incorporation of the various components of the professional services required to
comply with the State Order and the Request for Proposal provided, including:
Policy Issues
• Ordinance Review
• City processes and procedures
■ Integrated construction, commercial, industrial and residential site inspection
services (ensure BMPs implementation)
• Problem identification and solving consultation for both immediate and
potentially future issues.
r GIS Mapping of project, storm drain, outfall and/or BMP locations linked to
associated required record keeping
• Representation of City at topical meetings
• Training of field and office personnel to utilize system
e Site inspections
• Notifications to City Staff for possible violations or illicit discharges
• Notifications to Facility management individuals for possible BMP issues
• Documentation of compliance response, repairs or issues in MS4 database
■ Contribution to fee studies
Key team members are listed in the summary table that follows:
Julian A. De LaTorre, P.E
C 4388o
Michelle Witherspoon
Jesus Herrera-Cortes
President/Principal Engineer
Director of Environmental Services
Environmental Planner/GIS Specialist
Principal/Senior Advisor
Senior Project Manager; Environmeni
Documents/Compliance; Program
Documentation/MS4 Database
Civil Engineering Services
Marco T. Celedon, P.E. Vice President/Public Works Wastewater Expertise
C 75478 Project Engineer
Scott Wieborg, P.E. Project Engineer QSD/QSP
C 80375
(IID MSA Consulting, Inc. Page 110
Similar Work Experience/References
The following list of similar projects performed by our team serve as a sample of the
expertise and success the MSA team can translate to your project. We encourage the City to
contact our client references to confirm our Team's performance.
Desert Palisades I Palm Springs, CA
Ed Freeman Ken Lyon, Associate Planner
Pinnacle View, LLC City of Palm Springs
503-850-4043 760-323-8245
Desert Palisades, located at the southeast corner of Tram Way and the westerly extension of Racquet
Club Road in the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, California, is a gated single family
residential community consisting of
a maximum of 110 custom home
sites in the Chino Cone area of Palm
Springs. The MSA project team was
responsible for the overall Master
Plan, Specific Plan and preparation
and processing of the Environmental
Impact Report for the
environmentally sensitive area
known as the Chino Cone. Included
in the EIR was the analysis of two
Desert Water Agency (DWA) Water..
Reservoirs which required that
agency's separate review and
approval. This area is culturally and
biologically sensitive and the project
analysis included prohibition of {� C.._
onsite rock crushing and grading of
residential pads. Additionally, MSA
prepared the Preliminary Water
Quality Master Plan (WQMP) to
provide guidance for future onsite
Final WQMPs. The site also falls
within the boundary of the
reservation of the Agua Caliente
Band of Cahuilla Indians and
consultation with the Tribal•
planning staff was critical. MSA is
currently providing On -Site and Off -
Site Final Design Engineering
services for the project and is monitoring the implementation of the myriad of mitigation measures
adopted as part of the EIR. Relevant Project requirements included identification of mitigation
measures to reduce any identified impacts to a level of less than significant for this single-family
` D MSA Consulting, Inc. Page ill
Coral Mountain Apartments I La Quinta, CA
John Durso Tim Jonasson, Director of Public Works
Shovlin Companies City of La Quinta
760-771-3345 760-777-7042
MSA Consulting, Inc. provided Civil Engineering services for the 22-acre, affordable housing
community located directly south of Highway 111 just east of Dune Palms Road in the City of La
Quinta. Comprised of residential units and a commercial component, the Coral Mountain community
serves both the housing needs of low income residents, as well as providing commercial
opportunities to facilitate the needs of La Quinta shoppers.
Preliminary services for the entire project included utility research and coordination, pre -design
survey, utility research, hydrology and grading along with a drainage review of the residential site
plan and a preliminary WQMP based on the NPDES-MS4-Whitewater Region Storm Water
Management Plan. Final design engineering and environmental services were provided for the Multi -
Family Residential portion to include preparation and processing of all channel permitting, final
Water Quality Management Plan, Storm Water Prevention Pollution Plan, and Fugitive Dust Control
Plan. MSA also provided onsite and offsite Construction Staking, SWPPP Monitoring services, and
utility coordination for the storm drain line through the adjacent Desert Sands Unified School District
In addition to 200 residential units of varying sizes in eleven buildings, the complex includes a
community clubhouse and a swimming pool. The project will include a shaded tot lot and shaded play
areas with a multi -level play structure and soft surface pad, water fountain spray pad, basketball
court, multiple BBQ areas, swimming pools, pedestrian pathways and commons areas. The new
residents will be able to enjoy high quality, independent, affordable housing in the City of La Quinta.
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Page 112
Villa Hermosa Apartments I Indio, CA
Mike Walsh, Land Acquisition Project Manager
Coachella Valley Housing Coalition
The Coachella Valley Housing Coalition assumed control of the originally developed 1930s migrant
farmworkers housing from the Indio Housing Development Company in the 1980's. Located on Dr.
Carreon Blvd., in the City of Indio, the Villa Hermosa Apartments serves low and very low-income
farmworkers and their families. A master plan was developed in 2011 for the renovation of the 59.8-
acre Fred Young site, which includes new construction to replace the existing 253 rental units with
new housing, as well as some single-family housing and extensive renovation of the grounds and
community facilities. The first phase of 83 new units was completed in April 2014 which included a
community center, amenity areas and an open space park. CVHC completed the replacement of all
remaining units in 2016. CVHC also plans to develop senior housing, more rental units, single family
homes, and open park space on the remaining 45 acres that will be left. The project will also feature
a community center.
MSA Consulting, Inc. is responsible for planning, civil engineering, land surveying, utility
coordination, environmental services and construction staking for the project. Environmental
services included preparation and processing of an Initial Study, SWPPP/PM-10 Plan for both on -site
and off -site improvements, and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, SWPPP Monitoring
services and preparation of a NEPA Environmental Assessment.
Key Issues/Challenges: Site had soils with very low percolation rates and offsite flows were draining
into site. Contractor requested to unseal the onsite drywell (and other measures) to relieve the onsite
basin. Additionally, the job had several grading contractors and communication between the Site
superintendent and the individual trades was a challenge.
Trash and debris were a problem as the site went vertical.
Solutions: MSA met with each of the contractors to explain the importance of maintaining the
integrity of the storm drain system. MSA met with City inspectors on the site to explain the activities
that were ongoing and the notifications to the various contractors and responsiveness of individual
contractors. The City provided support to MSA's notifications and site was upgraded to compliance.
O MSA Consulting, Inc.
Page 113
Adams Street Bridge I La Quinta, CA
Joseph Smith, P.E., Construction Services Manager
T.Y. Lin
MSA provided construction management and inspection services of the Adams Street Bridge
improvement project over the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (Whitewater River) in the City
of La Quinta. The improvements replaced the existing Low Water Crossing spanning the Whitewater
River at Adams Street with an "All Weather Crossing" providing a safe path of travel for Coachella
Valley motorists and pedestrians across the Whitewater River regardless of adverse weather. The
environmental services provided by MSA included SWPPP and PM10 Dust Control Plan review and
monitoring, inspection of SWPPP BMPs, yearly reporting for permit purposes, and recommendation
for plan approval upon satisfaction of requirements, and permit documentation for project close out.
One of the key challenges of this construction occurred when the primary contractor abandoned the
project. During the temporary lapse in construction activities, MSA continued working with the City
and the construction services manager to maintain an adequate level of site monitoring and prevent
adverse impacts to the channel. When the new contractor was retained, MSA provided additional
guidance to the new team until project completion.
Bermuda Dunes Country Club GIS Mapping I Bermuda Dunes, CA
John Walters -Clark, Community Association Manager, Southern California
Associa Desert Resort Management
MSA provided GIS Mapping Services related to the Bermuda Dunes Country Club located in the
unincorporated Community of Bermuda Dunes on behalf of Desert Resort Management. The services
included a compilation of GIS data to serve as a community base map for various applications. The
project was broken into three tasks in order to incrementally add to the level of detail in the base
map. The first task involved compilation and organizing of the most current GIS data made available
from Local public agencies, including parcel boundaries, assessor's parcel numbers, street names,
street centerlines, property addresses, and aerial imagery. These data layers were organized and
symbolized into one deliverable community base map (Geodatabase and MXD format). The second
task involved data collection and mapping, digitizing a series of client -provided raster maps to extract
the requested data features to be imported into the community GIS map as an updated deliverable.
The third task involved converting the community base map into an interactive web map to display
all utility resources within the study area. The dynamic map allows users to interact with the data
from desktop computers, tablets and smart phones.
IS MSA Consulting, Inc. Page 114
Julian A. De La Torre, P.E., President/Senior Advisor
Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services/Project Manager
Jesus Herrera-Cortes, Environmental Planner/GIS Specialist
Marco T. Celedon, P.E., Vice President, Public Works/Project Engineer
Scott Wieborg, P.E., Project Engineer
( MSA Consulting, Inc.
A strong, qualified MSA team offers the City of La Quinta the expertise of the following highly
experienced professionals who will be key to the success of the projects:
Julian was the Principal -in -Charge for
the Dream Home Awards" winning
218-unit LEED Certified apartment
complex of Wolff Waters Place in La
Civil Engineer
CA #43880
Bachelor of Science
University of California at Los Angeles
23 years
National Action Council for Minorities
in Engineering
• National Society of Professional
. American Public Works Association
■ Desert Valley Builders Assn
Julian A. De La Torre, P.E.
Julian De La Torre, Vice President of MSA Consulting, Inc., has
over 32 years of experience as a design engineer, project
manager and principal engineer. He is typically responsible for
directing the design of street improvement plans, water,
sewer and storm drain systems, grading plans, and the
preparation of hydrology reports.
Annenberg Center at Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage
Avenue 52 Grade Separation, Coachella
Palm Springs Unified School District Operations Center
Talavera, Indio
Trilogy at La Quinta, La Quinta
Escena, Palm Springs
Jefferson Street Phase I Improvements, La Quinta
Fred Waring Drive Improvements, Indio
Section 29 Palm Desert Assessment District, Palm Desert
Community Water & Sewer Facilities, Riverside Co Service Areas
Ramon Road Phase 1 PA & ED Roadway Drainage Study
CVWD Vista Chino Phase 1A PA & ED Roadway Alternatives Study
CVWD Dillon Road Domestic Water Transmission Main
Carlos Ortega Villas, Palm Desert
Community Education Support Complex, Thermal
Indio Water Authority; Ave 40 and Monroe Water Line Extension
College of the Desert Storm Drain Design, Palm Desert
College of the Desert East Valley Campus Sewer Study
Date Palm Widening 1-10 to Varner, Cathedral City
Riverside County Transportation Highway Ops Center, Riverside
Trilogy at the Polo Club, Indio
`�� MSA Consulting, Inc.
Ms. Witherspoon brings an
understanding of the convergence of
natural systems, technical research
and planning.
• Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control
Certification CV1502-001721-1803
• Registered Environmental Property
Assessor #897425
• Certified Professional in Erosion and
Sediment Control #5971
• Qualified SWPPP
Developer/Practioner #20152
• LEED AP BD+C #10187135-AP-BD+C
M.A. Urban and Regional Planning, Cal
Poly Pomona
B.S., Zoology, University of Oklahoma
18 years
• American Planning Assn
• US Green Building Council
Michelle Witherspoon
Ms. Witherspoon joined the Planning Department of MSA
Consulting in June of 2000. She enhances MSA's ability to help
Lead Agencies as well as clients in identification of
Environmental challenges and solutions that work. She was
instrumental in the formation and management of
Environmental Services in 2000 and GIS Services in 2005. She
is responsible for all aspects of the firm's environmental
planning, including proposals, staffing and the technical
integrity of completed documents. As Director of
Environmental Services and a project manager for the firm,
she oversees the preparation of the firm's environmental
documents/plans including CEQA Initial Studies and
Environmental Impact Reports, NEPA Environmental
Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, PM-10
Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plans, Water Quality Management Plans, Water
Supply Assessments, Designated Waters Permitting and
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. In addition, she
provides consultation for various Planning projects which
have particularly challenging site assessment issues or
environmental constraints.
North City Extended SP; CEQA EIR, WSA, Annexation; Cathedral
Cabazon Band of Mission Indians; GPA, CEQA MND;
Desert Palisades; CEQA EIR, WQMP, QSD/QSP; Palm Springs
Fred Young Farmworker Housing; CEQA MND, WQMP, QSD/QSP;
Section 13; CEQA MND, Annexation; Rancho Mirage
On -Call Environmental Consultant; Palm Springs
On -Call Environmental Consultant; Desert Hot Springs
Section 19; CEQA EIR Peer Review; Rancho Mirage
I5 MSA Consulting, Inc.
Jesus has contributed expertise for a
wide range of GIS mapping projects
that include farmland management,
risk assessment, environmental
resources visualization, private land
management and site suitability
Bachelor of Science Urban and Regional
Planning; Minor in GIS; California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona
10 years
• Bilingual: English; Spanish
• Advanced Analysis: ArcGIS 9.2;
ArcView; ArcMap; ArcGIS 3D Analyst;
ArcGIS Network Analyst
• Advanced spatial and statistical
analysis using U.S. Census Bureau Data
■ Advanced quantitative analysis on
Microsoft Excel
e Exceptional writing skills
Member Association of Environmental
■ 2007-2008 Vice -President of the
American Planning Student
Association, Cal Poly Pomona Chapter
Member of the Inland Empire Section
of the American Planning Association
Q Member of the Golden Key Honor
Jesus H. Cortes
Mr. Herrera-Cortes joined the Planning Department in April
of 2008 as an Assistant Environmental Planner. He provides
our firm and our clients with his methodical expertise in
Environmental Regulation Compliance, Land Use and
Transportation Planning, Urban Development, Research
Methodology, and Advanced GIS Applications.
Annenberg Center at Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage
County of Riverside; Seminole Street Extension
Section 13 Annexation; City of Rancho Mirage
Indio Water Authority; Ave 40 and Monroe Water Line Extension
Vista Chino Bridge; CNS Engineering; Palm Springs
Valley Sanitary District Requa Interceptor; Indio
Van Horn Youth Treatment and Education Center; Riverside
Fred Young Farmworker Apartments; Indio
CVWD Dillon Domestic Water Transmission Main Replacement
Westin Desert Willow Villas; Palm Desert
Desert Palisades; Palm Springs
Riverside Convention Center Expansion; Riverside
Travertine Point; County of Riverside
Escena; Palm Springs
Trilogy at the Polo Club; Indio
Griffin Ranch; La Quinta
Coral Mountain Apartments; La Quinta
Villa Portofino; Palm Desert
The Palms at La Quinta Retirement Community; La Quinta
CVUSD Community Education Support Complex; Thermal
We Care Spa; Desert Hot Springs
� MSA Consulting, Inc.
Marco was originally appointed by
Riverside County Supervisor Roy
Wilson and restated bySupervisorJohn
Benoit to the Thermal Community
Registered Civil Engineer
CA #75478
American Water Works Association CA -NV
Section Backflow Preventer Tester
Certification #05706
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering
University of Southern California
Bachelor of Arts Engineering with a minor
in Spanish; Saint Mary's College of
California 1993
20 years
• Coachella Valley ACE Mentoring
Program Team Leader, Coachella
Valley High School, Thermal
• Chair, Thermal Community Council
• Alpha Mu Gamma Language Honor
Society Member 1993
Marco T. Celedon, P.E.
Mr. Celedon, born in Indio and raised in Coachella and
Thermal, joined MSA Consulting, Inc. in 1999 with a Bachelor
of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of
Southern California. He served as Project Manager with
expertise in water and sewer applications for a wide variety
of projects including the Valley Sanitary District Requa
Interceptor Sewer Alignment project, multiple CVWD water
and sewer design and construction projects and Borrego
Water District Lift Station. His proven track record of
effectively overseeing improvement projects in both the
private and public sectors warranted his elevated position of
Vice President and Director of Public Works in 2018. Mr.
Celedon works collaboratively with MSA staff and clientele,
dedicated to achieving strategic plan objectives to improve
the overall performance and effectiveness of the firm. In
addition to the excellence achieved in his engineering
profession, he exemplifies civic mindedness by serving on
the Thermal -Oasis Community Council in Riverside County.
Valley Sanitary District Requa Interceptor, Indio
Borrego Water District Lift Station, Borrego Springs
CVWD Lift Station 55-11 Capacity Upgrade, Mecca
Villa Hermosa (Fred Young Farmworker Housing), CVHC, Indio
The Palms at La Quinta, Retirement Residence, La Quinta
The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage
Griffin Ranch, La Quinta
Trilogy at the Polo Club, Shea Homes, Indio
CVWD Water Reclamation Plant No. 7
CVWD Monroe Street Irrigation Replacement, City of Indio
Riverside Co Transportation —Transportation Highway Ops Center
Community Education Support Complex, CVUSD, Thermal
Coral Mountain Apartments, La Quinta
We Care Spa, Desert Hot Springs
Agua Caliente Elementary School, Palm Springs
Signature at PGA West, La Quinta
Escena, Palm Springs
Coachella Valley High School Water System, Coachella
CVWD Jefferson Street Bridge Sewer Pipeline, La Quinta
Van Horn Youth Treatment and Education Center, Riverside
CVWD Dillon Rd Domestic Water Transmission Main Replacement
Desert Palisades, Palm Springs
IS MSA Consulting, Inc.
V._ _
Scott took the lead in the development
of the Design Guidance Manual for the
Quivira Los Cabos Specific Plan area in
Cabo San Lucas.
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering;
University of California at Davis
23 years
e Professional Engineer in Civil
Engineering No C 80375
• Certified Professional in Erosion and
Sediment Control No. 5903
LEED AP BD+C No 10320898
• QSD/QSP Certificate No 24755
• REPA No 886962
• Industrial General Permit —California
Board for Professional Engineers, Land
Surveyors, and Geologists
Scott Wieborg, P.E., LEED AP BD+C, CPESC,
Scott Wieborg joined MSA in 1995 after graduating from the
University of California at Davis with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Civil Engineering. As a Project Engineer, he is
experienced in various aspects of civil design, but primarily
focuses on street design, grading and hydrology. In addition,
he lends his expertise in the preparation of Water Quality
Management Plans and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
Declarations. He has worked on a variety of commercial,
industrial, and residential civil engineering projects. He has
been involved in such complex projects as the PSUSD District
Operations Center, La Quinta Corporate Yard and Fire
Station, Mountain Gate, the Palm Springs Convention
Center, College of the Desert West Valley Campus and Carlos
Ortega Villas. Mr. Wieborg is a Licensed Civil Engineer in the
State of California, LEED AP BD+C, CPESC, and REPA.
District Operations Center, Palm Springs Unified School District
The Living Desert —Visitor Entry Complex, Palm Desert, CA
Griffin Ranch, La Quinta, CA
Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, CA
Hyatt Grand Champions Hotel, Indian Wells, CA
The Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
Castilla, La Quinta, CA
Carlos Ortega Villas, Palm Desert, CA
Riverside Convention Center, Riverside, CA
Van Horn Youth Treatment and Education Center, Riverside, CA
Villa Hermosa Apartments, Indio
,CIS MSA Consulting, Inc.
ta Qw�(r(jj
(iEmgJ"r[*SF. r --
Must be executed by proposer ondsubmittedw�ih the proposol
I, Julian A. De La Torre
(name) hereby declare as follows:
I am President of MSA Consulting, Inc. ,
(Title) (Company)
the panty making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or
on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or
corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not
directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal,
and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or
anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the
proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication,
or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or
to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other
proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of
anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal
are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her
proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or
data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership,
company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof
to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
Is true and correct.
Proposer Signature:
Proposer Name:
Proposer Title:
Company Name:
Julian A. De La Torre
President/Principal Engineer
MSA Consulting, Inc.
34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
I5 MSA Consulting, Inc.
"We are proud of our past, but MSA is not about history - it's about tomorrow and the
positive impacts our committed team can continue to have on our community."
- Bob Smith
Chair of the Board & Founder
IS MSA Consulting, Inc.