2 Riv Cnty Board Conditions of Approval re: SP 218 (1988)PART 2 BOARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Specific Plan No. 218 (Rancho La Quinta) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Specific Plan No. 218 shall consist of the following: a. Exhibit "A": Specific Plan Text b. Exhibit "B": Specific Plan Conditions of Approval 2. If any of the following conditions of approval differ from the specific plan text or exhibits, the conditions enumerated herein shall take prece- dence. 3. The development of the property shall be in accordance with the mandatory requirements of all Riverside County ordinances including Ordinances Nos. 348 and 450 and state laws; and shall conform substantially with adopted Specific Plan No. 218 as filed in the office of the Riverside County Planning Department, unless otherwise amended. 4. No portion of the specific plan which purports or proposes.to change, waive or modify any ordinance or other legal requirement for the develop- ment shall be considered to be part of the adopted specific plan. B. The project shall comply with the conditions set forth in the following agency letters and/or the requirements set forth by these agencies at the development stage: a. Road Department: February 249 1988 and July 12, 1988 b. Water Agency: January 28, 1988 c. Fire Department: February 25, 1988 d. Health Department: f. County Administrative Office: July 11, 1988 6. Impacts to the Coachella Valley Unified School District shall be mitigated at the development application stage in accordance with the District policies in effect at the time of tract submittal. 7. Common areas identified in the specific plan shall be owned and maintained as follows: a. A permanent master maintenance. organization shall be established for the specific plan area, to assume ownership and maintenance responsi- bility for all common recreation, open space, circulation systems and landscaped areas. The organization may be public or private. Merger with an area -wide or regional organization shall satisfy this condition provided that such organization is legally and financially capable of assuming the responsibilities for ownership and maintenance. If the organization is a private association then neighborhood associations shall be established for each residential Conditions of Approval Specific Plan No. 218 Page 2 develo�enanceere responsibility forsuch neighborhood conmonmay areasu� ownership and aaa b. Unless otherwise provided for in these conditions of approval, common areas shall be conveyed to the maintenance organization as imple- menting development is approved or any subdivision is recorded. c. The maintenance organization shall be established prior to -or concur- rent with the recordation of the first land division, or issuance of any building permits for any approved development permit (use permit, plot plan, etc.). B. Development applications which incorporate common areas shall be accompa- nied by design plans for the common area. Such plans shall specify the location and extent of landscaping, irrigation systems, structures, and circulation (vehicular, pedestrian and/or equestrian). S. The following special studies/reports shall accompany -implementing development applications in the planning areas listed below: Stud /Re ort Planning Areas Acoustical Study 1-5 Biological Study 1-5 Geological Study 1-5 Archaeological Study 1-5 10. Prior to the recordation of any final map within the project, the land divider shall submit a flood control facilities design to the Coachella valley Water District (hereinafter referred to as "District") for review, which design shall be subject to the approval of that District. The land divider shall also establish that the District will operate and maintain the flood control facilities described in the design by submitting to the County an agree emnt to that effect executed by the District. Should the Hoard of Supervisors instead authorize a County agency or department to operate and maintain the flood control facilities described in the design, the land divider shall submit a flood control facilities design to the authorized agency or department for review prior to the recordation of a final map, which design shall be subject to the approval of that agency or department. In the event that the authorized agency or department is a County Service Area (CSA) , all of the following Shall apply: a. b t etoconveyed to the County e s intended for public use or benefit shall b. As a condition precedent to the County accepting title to such parcels, the land divider shall submit the following documents to the Conditions of Approval Specific Plan No. 218 Page 3 Planning Department for review which. if approved, shall be recorded at the same time that the subdivision map is recorded: 1. A Declaration of Convenants. Conditions and Restrictions containing: i. A provision creating a dormant homeowners association which shall be activated and unconditionally accept title to all or any common parcels at the request of the County; ii. A provision indicating that after accepting title to all or any common parcels, the homeowners association shall be continuously maintained and have the right to assess individual unit owners for the reasonable cost of maintaining the flood control facilities, as -well as the right to lien the property of those owners who default on the payment of their assessments; iii. A provision indicating that an assessment lien -shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a deed of trust made in good faith and for value and of record prior to the assessment lien, and; iv. A provision indicating that the Declaration of Convenants, Conditions and Restrictions may not be terminated or substantially amended absent the prior written consent for the Planning Director or the County's successor-in-interst. and; 2. A sample document to convey title incorporating the Declaration of Convnnants, Conditions and Restrictions by reference. 11. Prior to the recordation of any final subdivision map or issuance of building permits in the case of use permits and plot plans. the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County that individual appropriate owners associations will be established and will operate in accordance with the intent and purpose of the specific plan. a. The document to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions to be recorded; e. Management and maintenance agreements to be entered into with the unit/lot owner of the project. Conditions of Approval Specific Plan No. 218 Page 4 The master property owners association, commercial property owners association, and the business park owners association shall be charged with the l unitsieortgreasonablessmaintenanceiandYmanagement coswtssowhic individual u shall be established and continually maintained. The not ideaany owner ers association shall have the right to lien theproperty shall not be defaults in payment of their assessment fees& subordinate to any encumbnfaithhander than for good value andtrust, isroofderecord deed of trust is made in good Prior to the lien of the individual owners association. 12. A land division filed for the develoe5of ent application or financing providedshall that not if be considered an implementation Pm the legal the maintenance necessary toion is a establish heerty associat asers sociation - be recorded documentation nec y concurrently with the recordation concurrently with the final map. 13. The applicant or its successor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents. officers, and employees- - from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees Rive�ide�it5 advisory agencies, appealid or nul an boards approval of the County v of Z18 The County or legislative body concerning Specific Plan No. • Riverside will promptly notify the applicant or its successor of any such ountof will claim. action. or proceeding f against tlhe cooperate fully to he de County fails itorside dpromptly the applicant of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. JM :mp OFFICE OF THE ROAD COMMISSIONER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE LeRoy D. Smoot County Administrative Center Road Commissioner and 4060 Lemon Street, Sth Floor County Surveyor P.O. Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 (714) 787-6554 July 12, 1988 Roger Streeter, Planning Director County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attention: Ron Goldman, Supervising Planner RE: Specific Plan La Quinta, Westside (An Dear Mr. Goldman: No. 218 - Rancho Reassessment Of Aside Issue) The Road Department has reassessed the Comprehensive General Plan Alignment of Westside per the Planning Commission's direction given in their regular meeting on July 6, 1988, and has the following comments. The Department recommends maintaining the alignment for Westside as currently shown on the General Plan Circulation Study Area Map 8. (See Attachment) This alignment was selected based on anticipated future traffic demand and the viability of producing and maintaining a beneficial regional circulation system within the Coachella Valley. One critical concern considered was the feasibility of constructing this facility at its ultimate width ([]rban Arterial 134' R/W) within the affected Cities. Staff within the City ❑f Coachella and the County both agreed that Westside should be linked, in the future, with Madison Street; terminating northerly at 52nd Avenue. Madison Street is programed to become an Arterial Highway (110' R/W) between 52nd Avenue and 50th Avenue. If you desire additional information, contact me at (714) 787-1445. Very trul yours, John Johnson Associate Planner JJ:lg rrrrrJ�Of 1 • cITT ! 4q s 1 DID 1 l 1 ! aaw Avg r' rrrrr a.M rrrr—-- a ! ii � ' 6 �--=fir 1 • 7 oil IN, ----M ---1 r— ! 1 1 1 Avg w 1 se■ CITY OF r LA OUINTA ■ �r•.•rf 1 as �+ s �I r NORTH O 3A00 IDAOD LEGEND Ix.a+x►*�+ MWT dr. s.r•IIL SoONoARY �---. MAJOR IDO ARTERIAL I ND! dIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIll �a s MOUNTAIN ARTERIAL I IO'�� URYN ARTERIAL 154, E=FRESSwAT rAsmBLE , ■��� FREEWAY YMA" SPECIFIC PLAN ROAD 'AR1►RLE V vMDK SPHERE OF INFLUENCE 4kA s SlATE A FEDERAL LANDS • IN s �M r 1 1 s•� � avC. TM[RNaL ! YMO■T S • i rii Y • w r� rrrrrrrr■�-- r:rrrrrrrr r—r z TrJR r— Gelb y-' 'irri�fYi`� r—rrr -- 'rii" ar[, n 3x•- gib} is 1 MAN �! 1 4* f � 1 �*i 1 f 1 1 r ' 1 f 1 � lew. mcm JJ�---�rrrt 'a6- } I`:5 'C-bC rY LeRoy D. Smoot aoao commu*H14 a cous" SURVIT" OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER 6 COUNTY SURVEYOR ROAD PLANNING DIVISION TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SECTION COYMTT ♦OA"1121 4ATIVC CawTCII NIA LING •OOII«�t'.O. OOR logo 011v[I1 IOC. CALIIO.IwIA 92901 TtL['MOw[ I1101 969.0 February 24, 1999 lFebruary 1. 19B8 Rescinded TO: Roger Streeter, Planning Director ATTN: Ron Goldman, Supervising Planner -specific Plans RE: Specific Plan No. 218 - Rancho La Ouinta The Road Department has reviewed the above referenced proposal. we generally concur with the analysis relative.to traffic and circulation, however, we are concerned about the projected impacts of this project when analyzed cumulatively w ith other development proposed in the area. The plan indicates substantial ir}p.povement of the area circulation system is needed. The traffic study clear!y snows that even with the proposed improvement, traffic impacts may not be acceptably mitigated. Assuming that adequate mitigation can be provided, the Road Department recommends the following=onditions of approval in addition to any measures which may be needed to address cumulative impacts. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. All road improvements within the project boundaries shall be constructed to ultimate County Standards in accordance with Ordinance No. 460 and 461 as a requirement of the implementing subdivisions for the Specific Plan. subject to approval by the Road Commissioner. 2, The project proponent shall participate in the Traffic Signal Mitigation Program as approved by the Board of Supervisors. 3. Any landscaping within public road rights of way will require approval by the Road Commissioner and Assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. 4. The Comprehensive General Plan specificize a network of bike trails. This project shall include bike trails. All bike Planning Director Rancho La Quinta SP 218 February 249 1988 (February 1, 1988-Rescinded? Page 2 lanes or paths proposed within publicly be approved by the Road Commissioner. (outside R/W) are preferred. 5. All proposed the issuance the project. road improvements of permits for the 6. The number of access County Standard and Access points shall be abutting properties. maintained P./W shall Class I Bike Trails shall be completed prior construction of Phase iI to OF points shall be in accordance with approved by the Road Commissioner. provided for future connectivity to 7. CalTrans has expressed conce`ns. relative to cumulative impacts and the need to implement den�nof management strategies or provide for the development _ our understanding that Caltrans is highway corridors. it is requesting a study of new highway ca+-riaddress articcipip increasing demand. This project shall patee in said study in a manner as prescribed by CalTrans. C�e�� John Johnson Associate Planner JJ: * ATEq ESTAIUSHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY °1sTR►CI COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT PosT OFFICE Box Lose • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (e19) 396MI OFFICERS LIIRECrORS THOMAS E. LiVY. GENERAL uµAGEA-CHIEF ENGINEER MiTTM K a/HM. ASSLSTAM GE*IER4L MA+HA['ER JOHN P. VOVW-LL RE:OWINE AND S HERfUU, ATTORNEY$ DDA0TMY M. NKifOLS T KEODORE J. FISH January 28, 1988 I ! �il6 t: } 10421. 2 I VQ6 5.3 rVili W FEB 1 1988 Ron Goldman, Supervising Planner OUNTY Riverside County Planning Department RIVERSIDE 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor PLANNING DEPARTMENT Riverside, California 92501 Dear Mr. Goldman: Subject: Draft EIR No. 232, Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan No. 218 We have reviewed subject plan and offer the following comments: 1. Page 7-4: The plan does not address the impacts that the project will have on local groundwater supplies. Water demand is discussed and the Coachella Valley Water District's (District) physical facilities, however, prior to serving water, the impacts upon groundwater sources must be considered. The project should recognize the District's Water Conservation plans and water supply recharge activities that are being developed to provide source supplies to the project. A. Specifically, the project shall utilize the existing Coachella Canal for golf course and common area irrigation in order to mitigate impacts to groundwater. B. Landscape and irrigation plans for both the golf course and common area shall be submitted to the District for a eater conservation analyses and review. C. The draft should mention that preconstruction conferences shall be coordinated with the District's Water Management Specialist in order to maximize water conservation efforts. TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY Ron Goldman, Supervising Planner -2- January 28, 1988 1 l ' D. Additionally, the draft should mention that a continuing effort toward emphasizing water conservation and irrigation efficiency shall include using the District's Water Management Specialist. If you have any questions please contact Warren Norried, Water Resources Engineer. Yours very truly, f • Tom Levy General Manager -Chief Engineer WAN: lmf Pbn ping & En§mffinS Office 46-209 Oasis Street, Suite 405 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 3424=6 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOI AND FIRE PROTECTION RAY IffBRARD FIRE CHU September 9, 1988 Mr. Ron Goldman, Supervising Planner Riverside County Planning Department , 4080 Lemon Street, Ninth Floor Riverside, CA 92501 (� Re: Specific Plan 218 Rancho La Quinta Dear Mr. Goldman: 9/12/88 Note: FAX sent 9/12/88 2:00 p.m. With respect to the review and/or approval of the above referenced document, the proposed project will have a cumulative adverse impact on the Department's ability to provide an acceptable level of service. These impacts are due to the increased number of emergency or public service calls generated by additional buildings and human population. A portion of the impacts associated with capitol improvements or one-time costs such as land, buildings and equipment can be mitigated by developer participation in the fire protection impact mitigation program. However, the annual costs necessary for an increased level of service may only be partially off -set by the additional county structure tax and could require an increase in the Fire Department's annual operating budget. Fire protection impacts can be mitigated by use of the impact mitigation program and an increase in the Fire Department's budget. Therefore, the Fire Department recommends the approval of the Specific Plan subject to the following conditions and/or mitigations: 1. All water mains and fire hydrants providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate sections of Riverside County Ordinance No. 460 and/or No. 546, subject to the approval by the Riverside County Fire Department. 2. The project proponents shall participate in the fire protection impact mitigation program as adopted by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. 3. All buildings shall be constructed with fire retardant roofing material as described in Section 3203 of the Uniform Building Code. Any wood shingles or shakes shall have a Class "B" rating and shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. 4. Flag access strips shall not be allowed in residential areas. Mr. Ron Goldman, Sup. Planner 9/9/88 Riverside, CA Page 2. 5. Highways constructed with raised medians shall provide median cuts designed for use by emergency vehicles spaced at intervals of 660 feet. 6. Preliminary studies of fire station response times indicate a fire station site will be required either in or adjacent to the southeast portion of this project. To allow an option until the study is complete, the Fire Department requests the identification of a minimum 1.25 acre site with not less than 225 foot street frontage for use as a fire station. Once the study is completed the Fire Department will either enter into negotiations to purchase the site or will notify the owner it is not needed. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff. Sincerely, RAY REGIS f Fire De rtment Planner R By.s px. Dennis D. Dawson Deputy Fire Marshal to — RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT " rt IN C*OPERATION WITH THE y �i} CAUFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY RIVERSIDE r_;r . � RAY HEBRARD FIRE CHIEF l� February 25, 1968 TO: PLANNING DEPARTN= ATTN: SPECIFIC PLAN TEAM RE: SPECIFIC PLAN 218 RANCHO LA QUINTA Planning & Engineering Office 4060 Lemon Screed Suite 11 Rlvenide" CA 92501 (714) 767.6606 The Fire Department staff has reviewed the specific plan document, however, is unable to prepare a response due to insufficient tent material. --We recommend additional information be provided for the following items: 1. Road circulation and access to the site. 2. Existing public facilities (fire stations) and distance to project. 3. Fiscal analysis of county costs for services. 4. Revenue generation to off -set cost of providing fire protection. 5. Additional information about tract configuration and internal circulation. Ali questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. � f ::DENNIS DAWSON, Planning fficer CountyAdministratiue Office July 11, 1988 Mr. Ron Goldman Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, California, 92501 Subject: Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan - No. 218, Revised Dear Mr. Goldman; The following summarizes our findings regarding the -fiscal impact analysis for the project identified above. The appendix attached summarizes the basic assumptions used in analysis. Please note that these results reflect the current levels of service provided by the County based on Fiscal Year 86-87 actual costs (per capita factors) and Departmental and Auditor -Controller review of operations and facility costs for services reviewed using case study analysis. Staff to the Growth Fiscal Impact Task Force and Departments are currently reviewing service levels provided and the need to Increase the levels of service. Current findings are that existing levels of service are not adequate in most cases. Should the desired level of service be incorporated to the fiscal analysis performed, it would significantly increase the costs associated with this development. COUNTY FUND (Operations and Maintenance) Co. General Structural Fire Free Library SUBTOTAL COUNTY Road Fund FISCAL IMPACT AFTER BUILDOUT ($1,675,163) ($ 475,881) ($ 102,131) ($2,253,175) ($ 42,398) CUMULATIVE FISCAL IMPACT AT BUILDOUT ($17,046,404) ($ 5,126,931) ($ 1,084,017) ($23,257,352) ($ 550,239) j GRAND TOTAL ($2,295,573) ($23,807,592) Robert T. Andersen Administrative Center 4080 LEMON STREET * 12TH FLOOR • RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 • (714) 787-2544 Mr. Ron Goldman Page 2 July 11, 1988 The following CAPITAL FACILITY needs were identified: FACILITY FUNDING SOURCE 1. Library (See Note Two) 2. Fire (See Note Two) 3. Flood Control (See Note Four) 4. Parks (See Note Five) The following special circumstances apply to this project: 1. This project is within County Redevelopment Project Area no. 4. As a result, property taxes normally accruing to the County General Fund, Structural Fire Fund and Free Library Fund for annual costs will be generated to the operations and maintenance Redevelopment Agency instead. Therefore, this project is Projected to result in a significant negative impact to those funds, as summarized on page one. 2. Library Staff has identified a significant impact on their ability to provide service as a result of this project. Impacts and suggested mitigation measures are identified in the attached letter dated December 23, 1987. The Redevelopment Plan for this area includes funding for County Library facility needs from a portion of the tax increment received. If the project proponent's estimates of property value increases from this project are correct, the project should provide an approximate total of $1,434,000 (cumulative at buildout) for library construction projects within the Redevelopment Project Area. Fire facility construction projects will also receive a portion of the tax increment financing from the project, estimated to be approximately $3,074,000 cumulative at buildout. In both cases noted, these funds cannot be used for annual operations and aaintenance of facilities. 3. Using.,the project proponent's increases from this project, it result in the following revenues at buildout: Annual Revenues at Buildout: estimates of the property value is estimated that the project would to the County Redevelopment Agency $ 3,683,000 Cumulative Revenues at Buildout: $40,978,000 These revenues include the amounts identified as accruing to Fire and Library facility construction within the Redevelopment Project Area in item 2, above. These revenues are not available for County annual operations end maintenance costs to provide services which will be needed for this project. 4. This project is within the Coachella Valley Water District, which will be responsible for flood control facilities needed for the project. A pass through arrangement was made with the District C Mr. Ron Goldman Page 3 July 11, 1988 whereby 6.85% of the tax revenue generated will accrue to the District. This pass -through arrangement provides the District with 100% of the tax revenue they would receive if the area were not a redevelopment project. Using the estimates of value provided by the project proponent, this should equate to approximately $350,000 per year at project buildout. Information was not provided, indicating the cost of facility construction or annual maintenance costs, therefore it is not possible to comment on the fiscal effects of this project on the flood control function. 5. This project is within the Coachella Valley Parks and Recreation District. The Parks District also has a 100% negotiated pass - through of 1.9% of the tax increment generated. This should provide approximately $98,000 per year to the District at project buildout. With the information provided, it is not apparent whether this will be adequate to fund the District's needs to serve -this project. Review By ; (- LJ o G= OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO zg JU DJ QD 0 - I i WV1 InbiYdW TPY1..M1tM1..bidNM1NM1W zW dm.tOPONnOOdO •nnONM1rd r►Ji NWNN rnM100p1M1M1M1fndmtPO.tQWU N JZ .'I.tM.t.MM.I .tNN 07 R J M M r N UJ LA nWPNNdndddM1rinnnd'J1nn71 W d •Na+wo NN�INr1NNNNNfWWf J.Ji f~.a0AT0000.t.tw.t.+.tO0OO I ZW h C� Z J ►. a W.Jt mOmOammamOmammmmmmem C Mr J CJ p Jac Zi • 2 C U2 Ot 1 OOOOlOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r 21t. W QN 0! 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Ox 14A 9n Nn on Nn .td ON In .. .. N T .rM N� .tM N. fA D no n n.. 1Jt. H� rQ• V~ H VV VV VT w x bin bin bin bin n M1 On NNNO%ntm P OMN"W tNa OY n n% ..n N-. fP -'N ON to P no WON AOm n r1tiNa VN r!1N ..x P NO fN - 0•n An M1N .t. P V Pn M1PO non M1 Y.+CTNrti'•LN dx P T•1 %a m�• VN 9- dLT• ..K .1 :1 nT Non 0.4H Na.ONft,y.t• Mx .. a ♦ ♦ • • • , f f.t ♦nm IM d Ovonnovn" fx ma mbi M1m nP 4.ai of Nc n .t A .t:i Nr Ox VV OH f nA n NO Nil .t nm �n .. � H r v � x r,n bin bin nr W n On M1NmONAfO N ttiNaOW.+DI1 Q* W On vv M1H WL1 fd Na OC A dN ONO, tide n 40hlj"%N.00 nx A .tn ..m Wt AJI nO r1f *0 C• :1 -t:l HNS own M1 ^Pe `Jnti0Y11. h!t Q. W21 HN Om ckn an nW VC .t NT•'1 Va.t :I .RJ:I.t r1:Z+1C- n+� H 1 *No fna N ONWVW..HN nx Pn dd M1n NY1 Nn bin h^ N .t M N Nw Ox HA AO H O.D 1J Nn of x At vv ~ vv vv V� ■ w � r} H O On N" tO+PTO P nndamn..a+ mR H no no M1.t V.t V%% ON rt A M1N OWN A•DW n M1Oe.nM1rl..nn nx P fO AM1 HH pN• bin O.r n% P Y bin M1n'A .ton O ttiOndO*1mn mx P On n.t On on OO p0• W, .t N VV NON n..4 N ..rr�OHP Rh P* .d ♦ ♦ ♦ a a ♦ ♦ ♦ • • a O 0.4 i.id nAQ6 m NocnnN,00.+ Q* N.. me No- WN WA 4.. Nc N N N .t V 1F M1N V n 0 min.. .tn v. x Nn NT v.. vv n• VV v v, * bin 0 N On M1ApOoQvG QP NA..O17P..tt1.+ .ir O ON .tn N.+ �� ra1 pN f• p ON OVT now 0. conwwo." No P and 0.t .t.t aM1 ne• nn .41 0 bi�f1n NAM **bin N 6.4"N@�p 00 a* A ad Td Od no at Vp M1( .t M1f NW.t IRNH t mdNOnN wv A* .t • • • • • 11 .. .1 a A P" ♦..W Nnp ♦ VAU""04" N•} nA N.t &A •On NN •W p- .t 6j .4.4 d vv vv ..44 vv V• w p n 0.4 FO!•Otb/10O M .itnrnrs V•D P On r� No All Wd bin p• 0 PN OWN, 94M. M anoloo-ttDTt m WA bin .40 Om nr PP 01 Q..t Ml N dN Nn m vNnv0MNnr O a M1O .r.r ON dd On NN .r, ., P and Ndm .rN n Om.tOdYlnmN n* w a d r W r N .rn .t N.OHH nN Oti vn pp NO am NO ff N1 L) .t N ON .OV N .+ vv Q,(OWL .4.4 VV vv V. r u L .... x o m W oo x Cx •=tA s u ccZ 1-O0 cc%. c SOW 0 J C 7 C Q .r 0 00 r C P Ur.. ►. O 1. A O H W vv rL+l rW-^ 6• x .. .. .t a r C xtn K WC Ok-Tw U r r w W w e • I C i UW C3 u Wee V17O�J J- 0 M W CC CM.= "o J 6 G.Zv O U JM 01 O O L 7 0} 7 D. U L O Q= 4>rOL1 CL Q ` 7J CC LO[} Cx C � « 1 W r ] r M O O 0- CJ I^r T'SUWL '_-yJ rr W DI. w J 0. ++ C• .t w Z G 11 X% O:i1a 4+1+L O .tL'r\`. F. C' Ox 1�77 tJ+• C77 V- 77 d« L CC JWWJU'1W2 6- OJJ;VIUUWY= r* LC UA (I:Va CJ Ct UO p� J J rr Zp6="=WC3wM m 1.X1�JZM-:'-kIWUW- Or r J 0 0 L.. O04I C.. . YY C.t U LU! Cox` q r5i :: jigx .cif tl = r OW `L a W x C WLW =7 Mau=V J"V 43 MU YI W U *. 5sE `v--aN:J AA /.n AA N m M nti hMwsM1tm@ m mhaNMMmna w W nh nT hW Mw to Mi4 fit• o �+! mV! .6wW n mnhwlltiv WT l+x o t@ do .+c, m'1 LIm nM ht @ a @Y M1ts tine 0 nMnNh 100wM A* @ nN MT @m mr sM Ms M• tJ Mn .On NwM NNti t@T Finn N m VOJIMn9w0wv* in WNM ai@T @x Tx tJ WA no M1N nV NT Nt M1* w T Mn w Y M nyMMwWTM rx Nn M1r s tiN a so n1 14 .Y M n� MW VO T T� .1 v@ N: _.+1J .th rl M WI x ■ Vy V VAA V VI -' N N Vh N OaoeJWWo P• M1no..joW`1 N w* -• dt W-ni No .Aim tm nO O PT owe nvo in wnwns NP•Os t-x s NO A! y0• sil n.6 ws AI o M NT N0.4 M1N! m Oa%Wj*m-&M vw O NrI neJ 9W W9 WV -to W. a :l t%m NOW N.4% v M1OwhONMwC N* N mP • • • • ` ` ` • • ` O in YAn Wnn V NCP04.4V.•.Mol nY Ww N. -r- NM t\M N� w ! n w t M nOMwwWrw hx V% M'- N %IA @ Pm m! M M M nx MM1 �0.1 T TV M Va -Vx V * MN Mil - N, M Vy V W. V .0 h .Oh M1W17,00006 m '40".WM10M1n n nn n• WM C� O ti-e Ow-e ojew on z.%n.10wOt%6 nx O r. fiV N .+C. W.3 n0 rN - n O N M1t M1Nr v.v in ONamnooWO Mx @ YN WV as OM OW Nr v tJ V N Nn nn NV�I N9ti TO•N 00A N in O•N.6NtiC•ymm MVM1V@nVaK1 .O V N • n.9 • NN • • hw . • T•9 • • . NO VN on w ! n M ! M nsMMMsr NM !s .0 In .O 00 P 0.0 M A M Mrz L�M1 T �.4 Wo .4 t MN MM1 t N x V V V In N .0% .0* n Vol A! NO -1., to Mil M O WV •w1m s!s n POVTSTP+1r n4 s We nn wP ss on ON t O a .+01 Llwr N Vx O MN 60 ON NO 9.4 @ti Y N N Vn N!l! Fr- on @nNo-er,"N 6,; N tC hm ilti NV to Y t Oi NJl ! tG.M htn n w ! n wi MnhnSMnaM1 nGwwMWT C- Vrc1 tin N a 0140 •1'k MV nm !n �M1 O >) ♦ . . V x Vy V V x V * A nn nn n t V O•M1 M1tL+@C�MW@ ti YPVmyTWWv Wi Y tN On hm y0 tm to T s M1r Wtin M1TW N ONWTwhO•Vw w* O Vn On wP WO nV M! m O N VT N" nT7 N O .t.r Or, @t Tm a tV e NwY1 W%% 4% w7'.TMTTMIV n N ` M .tin t" Mtn .t @@VU1@mckri a @@ aN M1a Nm Nil MM r s Y n M Y M nsMMMhr ON, MV -ton no a 4141. R ./ M .t n .tn tV t �N . MN v v.4 v ^^ n M AN Nr-eaNNW@ V mminnoNMN tj n NN Pd M1a nn tM M1A s sM1 ONN nNm s trnwn"tAnOP n O PO s.6 Mn nN no tN 0 @ M NN Mu nip yy�� �0 r��1Np�+OVWSO^tAS* A.bNL+gMOt;t V� W nM NN of,-Nn a A m nw Ot Nmh M1PN tWO• VRN a aC...atar..A►t W ON M1N AO nV we ms 6 a t N M n P NOMM h+ P am an w 071 P m0 t N Pt tN t tW VV 0 v. V s 7� A/. nn An a N In sN hArionAWs M nnrnNO= M1 N ht ON M1N n@ tw AN s O N W!O w%o M 01wnweLmoo O s 00 CA wn nC. no C%o v O n VN M1n@ "0 .t TMlvnnmV@ t* @ O•.t .t@ •V Vn @V nT / N m aw Nat mow n anratinv@.1 A ax n N na •• •• M1a • NN • % . N@ mM r h nt *Nt tNN n a OvVAM00 Nwy" .6n d■ Ns nn on d .6n p h.4 N* %% N; Ml 01.0 V N `I z x vv # nn nn nA w a nN N *MWtoa•ONNA a M C-"1 M1N ;1V 'An O PM1 on% N!!ms Wns hOW M1 nynn.6•anOd nx O no n0 !:'1 wn !lll n0 TW 1 no @ a WN M1+G� ..-W t •.09y.+.1lJJ1,1y yx o vw -:', 911 fl� @n Tm - a N n WOO @11N N CD N .. .. . .. • . .6 MT tan nha y tJnN..:-C•NC-Q nM WM N0• No MP N@ COW t N n N M n W N><MM nn in on Nv N NO h .Or1 N* W0• 011 v V M .tV N V 6 VV WVI 6�OtJOmOCJ99®t:®Oimom@06 @ T na hnO@nPm@ T tPNrflgC�1J+•LW • a* @ @W r,r, C.T hN nr, t1M nr. to PM1 . O !ti Whd nNo N .QmptiYL•75 Ji J9 wx O "/0 PO w.n nN i131 Pn '40 O Y NU hM1n Tod) in tl00- nP Y•'Smay' ^x m Ty VN OT r C♦M1 on ..P aAr1 no. VN NN M1n fON nN� PtA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •i Nn ON WN dne oWx M1f an A•OM1 WN* NM1= v�, NM1 P.t V ..h w NYs ■ nn nn •DO tY .pt ..IM1�O .iM1 hnNW W one .0mm9N.. ..a ne nfA awX - \!,6 0ti%# W emtio w hdN T ..a0oan an -'1 ONW W WM1n..�l O~ ®009e .. ..n ..NM1 "NW J mnAn Y .16 r. a da ..fd NY• W60.. n.. �a An M1ti 041 'f U J ka MN v v. v .. WON W � LW1 nn nn * Y6 vb NC OPfo Nd; W � N 6: WL - Z OOG 10N n0 nN Nine .+n W rL O Vt CO O O OW Z .. Ou No NO Nd WIN no, Wv.. ♦ ♦ ♦ .. W - rxu f- O M w \ CO\L•. nn Aa "AnVA MO Nd n..n NN• N W «- Y • L ••.� mn n.. n�0 #A$_nw0 m"U0 .4 .do O WO U • WCVI ZW:1OJ v .�* W OV O rG\ •0070 0: OC .si - CDOW W. "Ojr Pw PP y04y r/ C�J N� hiJ nt Ono ht N.4 as dA eM1n nN } OCN Ot -.�• i =o¢ \r acZ\ h�0 nM1 den Ow■ • • ¢ }71MC p VI O t-n•.0� N ruN Mn10 ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . Nt to to 0%0.+ A.+ a 0 C4ZUw GLOW OW O Nn en eon 100 w K L 7 O .t OJ UMJJJU v.y hh n.. 4.4� J Wbn.rU * JOCO) t�CCC v V % . • • a� 0 * W t2 L 7D= \'Zz"x v J�]+• C I 0 C 00¢ w0ZZZZ ¢ O r ¢ xCt ILOCCCC nn nn •OW Nn 1'o tOn OM1: as NM1 ON N"O' Od f Z ON ne we Mhn NN NNM1 ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ Nt to O�W OtA t.. OP4`C1 Nn nt def ..n � �+w hP N.. t�0 U v v. . ..X n .. ..Ax at v X O � L nn nn a M1N dr1 An t.�0 NPx oneYn fa nM Aa fMn MM1* 7 Oe..eW e:1 V:^ hdY Ol*t �0f,11.U•t lily 00 Nt nC. no OOM1 "W J G NO C♦0 ..Oe naX .4 v.4 dN a.. nw 7 V V ♦ ♦X � v f V AA nA * 0, NN 0" no pti: W ►.. NO.0n - W tin On MN ♦0en fVA35 0 n%NN O J Of td M1N NM1+ d. W W. apne. We VIA..n t10A .nCD M1�DY� t - -aw NW n.. dwf •v r nef a Y¢rJW vv on a A%* C ~ ~tK Doz.= \ v H wouw• X O OLtiO nn nn ! No P.4 nn •000 tOx U J \ rC:J A ju de ..n NOO\ ..N wtil NY A00 vInz - O 000-D ..n .ON O.4 anA t..* J J M \}00 -IV Oa ..On nn! w J}au- vv 10 m ..nx U W 0• r -C c U- on ?ama a ~n# L6 me UO v \ O V A.400 cz ixu n" ON we fN.4 dt* i v1 a (4 - .40 vh on .4r1N V%: -..a tl Vo e.� AN ..M1e N.4 o r "W V4 ..n NOW ON# } WOLUN we NM1 Ndn 1V..+� OL W L.2 O .� vv If1a a ae V a4'410 A Z�407 7 N! UJzw v H C J O 1- C nn nn Av dY .aN W-nn WWX Y1h ..d nN AM1N eOX ONO on,vvw .tA= NY .+N NM O., nnn NW; vv no ..4 hf* vv w .... do nn+ stv Os: *non *NvnN WO es 09 OY .th H.1N .�N■ P6 O d •t.10• h0 VFW WV owe .4N •07 • • • n.4 �M es 10 01016001 N Oa OaAOO •Od 4 n .t N .... d vv St 'K1h ■ - vv #3 NN nn dM1 +�* to M1M1 dd .ass� W O� nM1 ft nnA 10v'f* CJ .. WO 00 Coe OOX rJ vv OS Cowgo: C..t vv a NNE N Z OL W O r7 IF r V1 t- ZCW LW Z O V * ■C LJ H Oru =00 C r a c X -W a c -W r-U= r IA= ■ O OC & W*Z .� 3 C r 0. WIAO rC OZLC ZW' ox C 0 C O!W Wo J{Jr M OW UJW t OWL• W�L =W. W0000 J 7 4 iW Wum OL>rZ xmx ouzo JLZ JOC .• ] Z OMM m ■ Y CC= C LCC COW WC" Or +1 .. W'_J WL' ! W Yr19r rJ UJ= OW 0 79 �r JJ� to O :!KZ W wCU :U owo O"" MCC VA ¢¢ 00 W..YO ajuo Lkf--r JON r-'A zY® C.4 rJ Orr "P-:0 CCi Wu CWJJJu WW W L] L 4 7 OD O C. UU^Jl0 UxfLx:A1% WOO W- *N coy, ON *.on no IF PA on h0• n0n M1NX 0!N nW nr M1M1V 0-{• Mp1m Nm nr. wNW nC!* Tn PO WNW ON vv Nq NNw V4•* Nn n nmx %'N T a v ■ AA nA a 9-r *P M1*t ONY Tr 'Ow O.nm nn TO tt�0 05i \_ AN !O W.4 OdN O•A# �41 No NN-4 own v .. .w N-+ n nM1x vN n■ v r t0 A 9.4 .i+ mwn nOY nw f�N Tf1 •On(� WY� m1• • .. •.• •.� AN 6•0 *M1 we If1+0* *+0 nm MON w0: wN +IT wOJ.+ ChO NP n nn■ Vr n x V K nA AA TP nP vl' * Pno Nf1* wq N-D ww 0.00 w0: v?n 4•T *.I BNP I" nM1 Pn *n 0•*0• n0• nu On nnw nm0 ONw Tart uM1 n Wins Vw ins v nn An *w 16* wq PM1N M1w . ON +OP 1110• son *A CDC wT O " .. •0 A..e con n 'IN Pn MO naM1 mN nm w* m*w n*. Vn BO PNa nti� v .. un u n.p ■ AA AA +Ow nN ON ova TT NO ON O.T ONN M1r NV Pn O+0 On" Inn: nM1 40 NO *nw d MI1 min ON" .Wny�y�� V Wrk W alfl* 1 N■ v w nA nn 0 •0 M1N +Ow nee no: O•N nn n.+T 00 +o* on now ma• r .� *P w�0 hNm •*� wn N0 nuq WN• v .. .x ww N Nm* Vv N* nn nn wA inn P�0 PODN PN M1.0 0•N w.y 00.0• 0.0 ■ CA *M1 Pn ONN ": ma N* *N OPP •0?* nm a+* Now nT■ WN *N N.•i Y+n= V In •� .stir