5 Riv Cnty Board Staff Report 06-20-2000 re: SP 218, Amend 1 & ZC 6454 (1988)PINKS SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS all '►�� COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA a Py 4 FROM: TLMA/Planning Department SUBMITTAL DATE: June 20, 2000 4+r; ►`s SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN NO.218, AMENDMENT NO. 1/CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 6454 - E. A. No. 37465 - Coral Mountain, LLC - Fourth Supervisorial District - Lower Coachella Valley Zoning District - 1,280 acres - SP Zone - Northerly of 62"6 Street, southerly of 58" Street, easterly of Jefferson Street, and westerly of v Jackson Street - PROJECT: Specific Plan No. 218, Amendment No.1 � proposes to change the name of the Specific Plan from "Rancho La Quinta" to W "Coral Mountain" and to redesign the Specific Plan so as to: increase the total acreage within site boundaries from 1,251 acres to 1,279 acres pursuant to a u new property survey; reduce the total number of dwelling units from 4,262 to I= 0 2,740; increase the number of dwelling units in the medium -high density QCL ❑ category from 1,535 to 1,749; decrease the number of units in the medium 4 density category from 2,727 to 991; increase the number of golf courses from 2 to 3 and acreage in golf course use from 380 to 541; decrease commercial acreage from 35 acres to 27 acres; delete 40 acres of parrs; and provide for 86 acres of rights -of -way and easements. Change of Zone Case No. 6454 proposes to redefine allowable uses and development standards in Planning Areas 1 through 13 and add Planning Areas 14 through 53 to the 5peci#ic Plan zoning ordinance. The property would continue to be zoned SP..'ry 1dti c•L �..-: CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: The main issues which arose during consideration of this project were means of protecting prime agricultural land, the establishment of an appropriate buffer between residential and agricultural land. disclosure to residents of proximity to agricultural land, and means of providing for participation by local tribes in the archaeological mitigation process. RECOMMENDED MOTION: The Planning Department recommended Approval; and, THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS BY UNANIMOUS VOT Ale�JLence, AICP, Planning Director AJL:JJJG (Continued on attached pages) a as C.E.O. RECOMMENDATION: O County LXeCUtiVe officer Signature O 8 E E IS E c m 0 AM11A Prev. Agn. ref. Dist. 4th AGENDA K10 THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SP218A 1/CZ06454 Page -2- CERTIFICATION OF THE ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO.232, which has been cam feted in compliance with the State of California EIR Guidelines and the Riverside County Rues to Implement CEQA; and, APPROVAL of SPECIFIC PLAN NO.218, AMENDMENT NO. 1, subject to the attached conditions of approval, and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the attached Planning Commission resolution adopted on dune 21, 2000; and, APPROVAL of CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO.6454 amending the text of the SP Zone ordinance for Specific Plan No. 218 through the addition of Planning Areas and the revision in permitted uses and development standards of previously identified Planning Areas, based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report dated May 24, 2000. 2 MINUTE ORDER: MAY 24, 2000 I. AGENDA ITEM 3.2: SPECIFIC PLAN No. 218, AMENDMENT NO. 1, CHANGE OF ZONE NO.6454, and ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO.37465. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 proposes to modify the planned land uses within Specific Plan 218. The primary land use changes consist of a decrease in the maximum number of residential units allowed within the specific plan from 4,262 to 2,740 with the following densities: 1,749 dwelling units on 336.5 acres of Medium High Density Residential (5-8 dulac); 991 dwelling on 287.3 acres of Medium Density Residential (2-5 dulac). Additionally, Specific Plan 218, Amendment No.1 would designate eight planning areas for golf courses and appurtenant uses on 541.2 acres, 1.1 acres of community facilities, and 26.9 acres of commercial uses. A table showing how this project differs from the original specific plan is incorporated in this staff report. Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 would also change the name of the specific plan from "Rancho La Quinta" to "Coral Mountain". Change of Zone No. 6454 is a proposed textual change in the Specific Plan zoning ordinance that would add Planning Areas 14 through 53 to the Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance, and would.redefine Planning Areas 1 through 13. This project is generally located north of 62nd Street, easterly of Jefferson Street, and westerly of Jackson Street. III. MEETING SUMMARY: The following staff presented the subject proposal: Keith Gardner. Planning Department Sian Roman, Transportation Department The following spoke in favor to the subject proposal: John Gamlin, Coral Mountain Development. LLC, 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 111, Palm Desert, 92211 The following spoke in a neutral position to the subject proposal: Bob Hargreaves. Best, Best, & Krieger, 74-760 Highway 111, Indian Wells Howard Keck, Brighton Distribution Company. 1.6210 Daily Drive, Van Nuys, 91406 John Criste, 400 S. Farrell Drive, B-205, Palm Springs, 92262 Fred Baker, City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, 92253 IV. CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: MINUTE ORDER: MAY 24, 2000 AGENDA ITEM 3.2: Page 2 Protection of prime agricultural land; Buffers between agriculture and residential; Disclosure statements to residents; Agreement with Indian tribe was not achieved - Resolved through conditions of approval. V. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The Planning Commission, by a vote of 5-0, recommend to the Board of Supervisors: CERTIFICATION of the Addendum to Environmental Impact ReportNo. 232, TENTATIVE APPROVAL of Specific Plan No. 218, Amendment No, 1 (Coral Mountain, formerly Rancho La Quinta), subject to the attached conditions of approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 'TENTATIVE APPROVAL of Change of Zone No. 6454, as a textual change in the existing SP zoning ordinance. VI. TAPES: The entire discussion of this agenda item can be found on Tape Nos. IA and 113. For a copy of thMapes, please contact Carole Myers, Planning Commission Secretary, at (909) 955- 3251. l A. MINUTE ORDER: APRIL 12, 2000 I. AGENDA ITEM 4.1: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218, AMENDMENT NO. 1, CHANGE OF ZONE NO.6454, and ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 37465. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 proposes to modify the planned land uses within Specific Plan 218. The primary land use changes consist of a decrease in the maximum number of residential units allowed within the specific plan from 4,262 to 3,500 with the following densities: 397 dwelling units on 17 acres of Very High Density Residential (12+ du/ac); 167 dwelling units on 19 acres of High Density Residential (8-12 du/ac); 2,154 dwelling units on 428 acres of Medium High Density Residential (5-8 du/ac; 782 dwelling units on 274 acres of Medium Density Residential (2-5 du/ac). Additionally, Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 would designate two golf course planning areas on 371 acres, 42 acres of parks and trails, 2 acres of community facilities, 9 acres of commercial uses, and a school site on 10 acres. A table showing how this project differs from the original specific plan is incorporated in this staff report. Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. I would also change the name of the specific plan from "Rancho La Quinta" to "Coral Mountain." Change of Zone No. 6454 is a proposed textual change in the Specific Plan zoning ordinance that would add Planning Areas 14 to 46 to the Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance and would redefine Planning Areas 1 through 13. „ III. MEETING SUMMARY: The following staff presented the subject proposal: Keith Gardner. Planning Department David Avila, Fire Department Ed Studor, Transportation Department Sian Roman. Transportation Department The following appeared in favor to the subject proposal: John Ganilin, Coral Mountain Development, LLC, 41865 Boardwalk, Suite lll. Palm Desert. 92211 Richard Meyer. 79-310 Port Royal, Bermuda Dunes Mary E. Cornell. 80821 Vista Lazo, La Quinta The following appeared in a neutral position to the subject proposal: Robert Hargredves, representing Howard Keck, 39700 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage Howard Keck. Brighton Dist. Co.. c/o 39700 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage IV. CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: MINUTE ORDER: APRIL 12, 2000 AGENDA ITEM 4.1: Page 2 Location of school site; Preservation of area; Density; Smell/odor from surrounding agricultural properties - Unresolved. V. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The Planning Commission, by a vote of 4-0 (Commissioner Griffin was absent), CONTINUED Specific Plan No, 218, Amendment No. 1, Change of Zone No. 6454; and. Environmental Assessment No. 374155. to May 24, 2000, at 9:00 a-m. VI. TAPES: The entire discussion of this agenda item can be found on Tape Nos. 2A and 2B. For a copy of the tapes, please contact Carole Myers, Planning Commission Secretary, at (909) 955- 3251. MW Zoning District: Lower Coachella Supervisorial District: Fourth E.A. Number: 37465 Regional Team No.: Riverside Project Planner: Keith Gardner Valley SPECIFIC PLAN NO.218A1 CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6454 Planning Commission: May 24, 2000 Continued from: April 12, 2000 Agenda Item No.: 3.2 Applicant: Coral Mountain Development, LLC RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPART STAFF REPORT ANT PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION: Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 proposes to modify the planned land uses within Specific Plan 218. The primary land use changes consist of a decrease in the maximum number of residential units allowed within the specific plan from 4,262 to 2,740 with the following densities: 1,749 dwelling units on .336.5ed acres of Medium High Density Residential (5-8 du/ac); 991 dwelling units on 287.3 acres of Medium Density Residential (2-5 du/ac). Additionally, Specific Plan 218, Amendment No 1 would designate eight planning areas for golf courses and appurtenant uses on 541.2 acres, 1.1 acres of coorimmunity facilities, and 26.9 acres of corxlmercial uses. A table showing ,and incorporated in this staff report. Specific Plan 218, Amendment Noproject f le would alrs from so cha"ng I specific plan is specific plan from "Rancho La Quinta" to "Coral Mountain." so change the name of the Change of Zone No. 6454 is a proposed textual change in the Specific Plan zoning ordinance that would add Planning Areas 14 through 53 to the Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance, and would redefine Plannl Areas 1 through 13. g This project is generally located north of 62"d Street, easterly of Jefferson Street and westerlyof Jacks Street. on FURTHER PLANNI�IC CONSIDER-.ATIONS: This project was originally heard by the Planning Commission on April 12, 2000. At that hearing,the Planning Commission raised several issues that it wanted addressed by the time of the Ma 24 2000 Planning Commission date. Those issues that were raised include: Y ' 1) Compatibility of high density residential uses in close proximity to existing agricultural uses. 2) The location of the school site. 3) Mitigation for archaeological and historical resources. 4) The amount of commercial area within this Specific Plan. Since the last planning Commission hearing, the project has been redesigned to incorporate the following hanges: the Very High Density Residential planning area has been eliminated; the school site and park site have been eliminated; the amount of golf course acreage has increased from 36 holes ❑fgolf on 371 acres to 45 holes of golf on 541 acres; the amount of commercial acreage has increased from 9 acres to 27 acres, PC STAFF REPORT: MAY 24, 2000 SPECIFIC PLAN NO.218AI CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6454 PAGE 2 OF 6 and the amount of community facilities acreage has decreased from 2 acres to 1. Staff feels that the issues raised at the last Planning Commission hearing have been mitigated in the ' following ways: 1) The elimination of the Very High Density Residential designation mitigates the concern of high density residential uses in close proximity to agricultural uses. 2) The proposed number of dwelling units has decreased by almost 800 and the school site has been eliminated. 3) The archaeological concern is proposed to be mitigated by the addition of two conditions of approval to the project (30.PLANNING.30 and 30.PLANNING.31) stating that the applicant is to provide to the Planning Department a pre -grading mitigation/monitoring proposal and a post -grading mitigation report. The intent of these conditions would be that no grading permits or building permits would be issued by the County of Riverside unless the mitigation measures as proposed by the archaeological report associated with this Specific Plan are substantially complied with. 4) The amount of commercial acreage within this Specific PIan has increased, thereby satisfying the need for more commercial uses in the area. SUMNIARY OF FINDINGS: 5. Existing Land Use (Exh. #1): Vacant land 6. Surrounding Land Use (Exh. #1): Single-family residences, golf course, groves, vacant land 7. Existing Zoning (Exh. #2): Sp 8. Surrounding Zoning (Exh. #2): A-1-20, A-1-10, W-2, R-A-2, City of La Quinta 9. Comprehensive General Plan (Exh. #5): Open Space and Conservatipu Map: Adopted Specific Plan Community Plan: Eastern Coachella Valley Plan (ECVP) ECVP Land Use: SP 218 (2A, C, Park) 6. Land Data: Total Acreage: 1,280 Total Residential Acreage: 623.8 Total Commercial Acreage: 26.9 Total Golf Course Uses Acreage: 541.2 Total "Other" Acreage: 1.1 )7. Environmental Concerns: See attached environmental assessment and the Addendum to EIR No. 232. PC STAFF REPORT: MAY 24, 2000 SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218A1 CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6454 PAGE 3 OF 6 RECOMMENDATIONS: CERTIFICATION of THE ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO.232, which has been completed in compliance with the EIR Guidelines and the Riverside County Rules to Implement CEQA; and, TENTATIVE APPROVAL of SPECIFIC PLAN 218, AMENDMENT NO. I (CORAL MOUNTAIN, formerly RANCHO LA QUINTA), subject to the attached conditions of approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, TENTATIVE APPROVAL of CHANGE OF ZONE NO.6454, as a textual change in the existing SP zoning ordinance. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed project is in conformance with the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. 2. The project as proposed is consistent with the applicable zoning classification of Ordinance No. 348, and all other applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 348. 3. As proposed, the project is designed to protect public health, safety and general welfare. 4. Since this project is a revision of a previously approved specific plan, it is compatible with the present and future logical development of the area. 5. The proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment. However, mitigation. measures introduced in the Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 232 have been deemed as adequate by Riverside County Planning Staff to minimize the -potential environmental impacts. FINDINGS: The following findings are in addition to those incorporated in the summary of findings and the attached environmental assessment, which is incorporated herein by reference. The project site is designated SP 218 (Specific Plan No. 218) on the Eastern Coachella Valley Plan (ECVP) Land Use Allocation Map. 2. The zoning for the subject site is SP. 3. The project site is surrounded by property which is zoned A-1-20 (Light Agriculture 20-acre minimum) to the north and northeast, A-1-10 (Light Agriculture 10-acre minimum) to the east and south, and W-2 (Controlled Development Areas) and R-A-2'/z (Residential -Agricultural 2'/z acre minimum) to the southwest. PC STAFF REPORT: MAY 24, 2000 SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218A1 CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6454 PAGE 4OF6 4. Single-family residences, golf course, groves, and vacant land are located in the project vicinity. 5. On October 6, 1988, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors certified the adequacy and completeness of Final EIR No. 232 in connection with its approval of Specific Plan No. 218. 6. The Riverside County Planning Staff has determined that an Addendum Environmental Impact report is required and appropriate under Public Resources Code § 21166, and that an Addendum to Final EIR No. 232 is sufficient to make that EIR apply to Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218. 7. The -Riverside County Transportation Department has reviewed Comprehensive General Plan Amendment 493 which proposes that the General Plan designation for Madison Street between 58`h and W4 Streets be downgraded from an Urban Arterial Highway to an Arterial Highway and is recommending approval of that application. INFOILNIATIONAL ITEMS: 1. As of this writing, the following letters have been received by the Planning Department in support of the project, and have been incorporated into the staff report: a. Desert Contractor's Association dated March 17, 2000 b. Kleine Building and Development, Inc. dated March 22, 2000 c.. Arthur M. Kazarian dated March 27, 2000 d. Mohamad Reza Ghods dated March 24, 2000 e. James Franco Construction dated March 31, 2000 f. Mark A. Couch, Sr. dated March 31, 2000 g- Tidwell Concrete Construction dated April 3, 2000 h. Eileen M. Sheehy dated April 4, 2000 i. Archuleta Concrete Construction Co. dated April 4, 2000`' - j. Marty Vistica dated April 5, 2000 k. Al Bankus dated April 7, 2000 1. Venus Ranches, Inc. dated April 10, 2000 2. The project site is not located within: a. an Alquist-Priolo earthquake fault hazard study zone. b. a General Plan high fire hazard area. C. a General Plan blowsand area. d. a 100 year flood plain. 3. The project site is partially located within: a. the City of La Quinta sphere of influence. 4. The project is wholly located within: a. Coachella Valley Unified School District. PC STAFF REPORT: MAY 24, 2000 SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218A1 CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6454 PAGE 5OF6 b. Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District. 5. The following documents have been sent to County Counsel for review and approval and are incorporated in this staff report, but as of this writing, they have not been approved: a. Specific Plan Amendment resolution. b. Proposed Specific Plan zoning ordinance text. 6. Staff has received letters from the following governmental agencies that have raised issues with this project. These concerns are proposed to be mitigated through the conditions of approval: a. Riverside County Waste Management Dept. December 31, 1998 b. City of La Quinta January 19, 1999 C. Coachella Valley Unified School District January 19, 1999 d. Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District February 9, 1999 e. Coachella Valley Water District June 14, 1999 f. Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District November 2, 1999 INTEGRATED LANNING PROJECT RELATIONSHIP: Riverside County is currently preparing a new General Plan for the entire County. This plan is being jointly developed and coordinated as the Integrated Planning Project. This project was begun in Spring 1999, and is expected to take three years to complete, including all necessary environmental documentation and regulatory approvals at the local, state, and federal levels. During the first year, the County and RCTC sought broad public input to establish an overall vision for the County's future, and gathered .much of the data needed to prepare the plans. During the second year, which we are now entering, the draft plans are being prepared, public feedback will be sought, and environmental reports will be prepared and circulated for public and agency reviews. The third and final year will be earmarked for'public hearings and the final_, steps in the approval process. During the remaining two -year period that the new plans are under preparation, the potential effectiveness and benefits of the concepts that are being developed through them could be reduced by ongoing, piecemeal approvals of individual land development applications, which are not at this time required to be compatible, with the emerging Integrated Planning Project concepts. The County has determined that the development ' review process would be well smed by ensuring that all parties involved in it - developers, citizens, PIanning Commissioners. etc. - are aware of the Integrated PIannina Project proposals now, so that they can identify and discuss, as appropriate, any opportunities that are available to improve the overall quality of land use planning in the County. Accordingly, on April 18. 2000, the Board of Supervisors approved an Interim (K--hile the Integrated Planning Project is under preparation) Project Information Distribution policy which, among other actions, requires that County staff provide the Planning Commission with an analysis of how proposed General Plan Amendments and Specific Plans and amendments to them relate to currently ,roposed Integrated Planning Project products. The discussion below is provided in accordance with the intent of this policy. PC STAFF REPORT: MAY 24, 2000 SPECIFIC PLAN NO.218AI CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6454 PAGE 6 OF 6 The existing land use types and mixture approved for Specific Plan No. 218 have been recognized by the proposed mapped Vision associated with the new General PIan. Since proposed Amendment No. 1 would improve the balance of land uses within SP No. 218 and improve SP 218's compatibility with adjacent uses, it is compatible with the new General Plan at this early stage of its development. Y:\TM2\Keith\SPs\spOO218alpc2.wpd SF iC oil" Im N" �" Do -An 5530 E-7 04/04/00 CC Bros P4. Dn.n B% RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Coral Mountain Land Use Summary Table II-2 ,Land Use Plennln Area Aerns rarpt Density Max DL/'e Medium Dansq 2 13.2 3.0 40 Residential (2-5 DUTAQ 3 4.4 3.0 14 8.050 sf Lob 4 16.2 3.0 41 5 27.9 3.0 70 6 21.3 3.0 52 6 9.2 3.0 28 9 7.6 3.0 23 10 12.7 3.0 32 12 ".6 5.0 227 14 1.$ 5.0 12 is 11.7 5.0 so 16 2.1 Ca 11 17 5.6 S.0 30 Is 8.2 5.0 41 22 3.8 5.0 20, 51 97.0 3.0 291 3u1no1al 287.3 Sol Medium Mph Density 23 21.2 5.0 106 Residential (" DU/AQ 24 17.6 5.0 104 6.00 sf Lou 25 21.7 5.0 106 26 23 5.0 13 27 8.8 5.0 44 28 4.2 5.0 21 29 10.5 5.0 52: 31 15.9 5.0 so 32 s.5 5.0 32 34 S.s 6.0 35 35 3.3 5.0 17 36 4.4 5.0 22 37 5.2 5.0 41 36 7.5 6.0 45 39 7.1 5.0 35 40 8.1 S.0 41 41 7.3 5.0 36 42 SA 5.0 27 43 12.5 so 62 44 7.7 5.0 39 45 30.5 6.5, 168 46 5.4 6.0 32 47 5.6 S.a = _ 28 49 34.0 S.5 187 53 74.9 6.0 374 Subtotal 336.6 1749 GoM Coupe / Ciuh 1 2.0 House / IMaintenarce 7 5.111 11 194.3 13 10.0 19 123.3 30 6.2 46 4.3 s0 195.7 5 u mote I "1.2 Commendal 21 3.1 33 13.8 52 10.0 Subtotal 29.2 commuwy Facilities 20 1.1 R O.W. /Easements n� 86.3 ���_• •��•• 7412.4 1 2740 Specific Plan No. 218, Amendment No. 1 II-5 Coral Mountain u Summary Of Changes Original SP Rancho La Quinta LAND USE DUs AC Commercial 35 Very High Residential 12+ High Residential 8-12 Medium High Res. 5-8 1,535 183 Medium Res. 2-5 2,727 612 Golf Courses (2) 380 Parks 40 Community Facilities 1 TOTAL 1 4,2621 1.251 Previous Draft 'An accurate survey of the propem• shoes the actual acreage to be 29 acres larger than the area identified by Assessor's Parcels. The new survey corrects a measurement error ofapproximately 2%. Current Draft LPALM r 7F4fA1 iMr tt �. �1g{TR DUN CLVOJ 11[1L7a_.I�ll��. �.;; .:,.y-,�y=r "• �� Regional Man }. := t�•, ��• : r;,oA- i figure 1 - `^{ •'.- • ' - ,!',; j iv -tom• - r..- _ Y —4- n y�rt: : ii"•� 7rlER'5r !. r �" `' •�.;•i' •;'� E� }. "'' : ti.:�• . _ CLUD 10, LA .':� .-r• ! ��� ..1 ... ��� � del. Y'Y• ! nip t+ • 3r`ti' ar isJ • f toJ+��''�� �t !� :7C• •Ir� .�dlxtr f. �'i� �1Y VL�. ,`� ..� _ .C.� _ �. ! f •• �s}�. �* = � . �.: �,tiP TvRr • •t; �r , i �_: �. ;;:..... _ � �,� • •+ caecl+i��:b TM CA RtV LA RUIMA To M3 54TEAV S4 'i �A �C a�i.i.r4� ti~: �T,. �t`:-.YsC �C� CfJdC31ECL� :t' ��lt�y '.ir:y,}r•�;i•�#L'�..'•.�t.' � � � I • - R+vF.�,•SIAC I �, _' •� • . AM THE Q%qpkgfAT LA RUM ML AV% Mr se L'•'s + LA QQV A f Op wwti&kit 41 Cry W� CAHLALiI>'' 'Pro' ra t ,1 KOHL NN. RAMCH t l Specific Plan No. 218, Amendment No. 1 3A�'- Vicinity Map Figure 2 140 vE�vuE ap wa®. r } m TORRES IMART INE r — ................. _ _. -- J 2 Specific Plan No. 218, Amendment No. 1 1 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 1 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPECIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS EVERY DEPARTMENT 10. EVERY. 1 SP - HOLD HARMLESS Parcel: 761-230-009 The applicant or any successor -in -interest shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside (COUNTY), its agents, officers, or employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the COUNTY, its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul an approval of the COUNTY, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning the SPECIFIC PLAN. The COUNTY will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the COUNTY and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the COUNTY fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the COUNTY. 10. EVERY. 2 SP - SP PROJECT DESCRIPTION Specific Plan No. 218A1 shall consist of the following: a. Exhibit "A": Specific Plan Text. b. Exhibit "B": Specific Plan Conditions of Approval. c. Exhibit "C": Mitigation Reporting/Monitoring Program. If any specific plan conditions of approval differ from the specific plan text or exhibits, the specific plan conditions of approval shall take precedence. 10. EVERY. 3 SP - DEFINITIONS The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Specific Plan No. 218A1 shall be henceforth defined as follows: SPECIFIC PLAN = Specific Plan No. 218, Amendment No. 1. CHANGE OF ZONE = Change of Zone No. 6454. 10. EVERY. 4 SP - ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS The development of the property shall be in accordance with the mandatory requirements of all Riverside County INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 2 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SrECIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 Parcel: 761-230-009 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS 10. EVERY. 4 SP - ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS (cont.) INEFFECT ordinances including Ordinance Nos. 348 and 460 and state laws; and shall conform substantially with the adopted SPECIFIC PLAN as filed in the office of the Riverside County Planning Department, unless otherwise amended. 10. EVERY. 5 SP - LIMITS OF SP DOCUMENT INEFFECT No portion of the SPECIFIC PLAN which purports or proposes to change, waive or modify any ordinance or other legal requirement for the development shall be considered to be part of the adopted specific plan. FIRE DEPARTMENT 10.FIRE. 1 SP-#56-IMPACT MITIGATION INEFFECT The project proponents shall participate in the fire protection impact mitigation program as adopted by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. 10.FIRE. 2 SP-#87-OFF-SET FUNDING INEFFECT The fiscal analysis for this project should identify a funding source to off -set the shortage between the existing county structure fire tax and the needed annual operation and maintenance budget equal to approximately $400.00 per dwelling unit and 25c per square foot for retail, commercial and industrial. 10.FIRE. 4 SP-#71-ADVERSE IMPACTS INEFFECT The proposed project will have a cumulative adverse impact on the Fire Department's ability to provide an acceptable level of service. These impacts include an increased number of emergency and public service calls due to the increased presence of structures and population. A portion of these impacts can be mitigated by developer participation in the fire mitigation program in the fire mitigation program which would provide funding for one-time capitol improvements such as land and equipment purchases and building construction. Costs necessary to maintain the increased level of service can be paartially off -set by the additional county structure tax accured and would require an increase in the Fire Department's annual operating budget. t 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 3 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL S_-CIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS Parcel: 761-230-009 10.FIRE. 4 SP-#71-ADVERSE IMPACTS (cont.) Therefore the Riverside County Fire Department recommends approval of the specific plan subject to the following conditions and/or mitigations: 10.FIRE. 5 SP-#86-WATER MAINS All water mains and fire hydrants providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate sections of Riverside County Ordinance 460 and/or No.787, subject to the approval by the Riverside County Fire Department. 10.FIRE. 6 SP-#96-ROOFING MATERIAL All buildings shall be constructed with fire retardant roofing material as described in section 1503 of the Uniform Building Code. Any wood shingles or shakes shall have a Class B rating and shall be approved by the.Fire Department prior to installation. 10.FIRE. 7 SP-#97-OPEN SPACE The Homeowner's Association or appropriate community service district shall be responsible for the maintenance of the open space areas. Prior to approval of any development plan for lands adjacent to open space areas, a fire protection/vegetation management plan shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. 10.FIRE. 8 SP-#85-FINAL FIRE REQUIRE Final fire protection requirements and impact mitigation measures will be determined when specific project plans are submitted. 10.FIRE. 9 SP*-#100-FIRE STATION Based on national fire standards, one new fire station and/or engine company could be required for every 2,000 new dwelling units, or 3.5 million square feet of commercial/industrial occupancy. Given the project's proposed development plan, 1 fire station may be needed to meet anticipated service demands, given project densities. INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT a 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Sr,;XIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 Parcel: 761-230-009 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10.PLANNING. 1 SP - REQUIRED FOR AMENDMENTS Any amendment to the SPECIFIC PLAN, even though it may affect only one portion of the specific plan, shall be accompanied by a complete specific plan document, in both paper and electronic formats, which includes the entire specific plan, including both changed and unchanged parts. 10.PLANNING. 2 SP - MAINTAIN AREAS & PHASES All planning area and phase numbers shall be maintained throughout the life of the SPECIFIC PLAN, unless changed through the approval of a specific plan amendment accompanied by a revision to the complete specific plan document. 10.PLANNING. 3 SP - NON -IMPLEMENTING MAPS A land division filed for the purposes of phasing or financing shall not be considered an implementing development application for the purposes of the Planning Department's conditions of approval. 10.PLANNING. 5 SP - 90 DAYS TO PROTEST The project applicant has 90 days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of the approval or conditional approval of this project. 10.PLANNING. 6 SP - RECYCLING PROGRAM All implementing development proposals shall be reviewed by the Riverside County Waste Management Department for compliance with Riverside County recycling requirements. 10.PLANNING. 7 SP - NO P.A. DENSITY TRANSFERS Density transfers between Planning Areas within the SPECIFIC PLAN shall not be permitted, except through the Specific Plan Amendment process. Page: 4 INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 5 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Sl-,:sCIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS TRANS DEPARTMENT 10.TRANS. 1 SP - SP/TS CONDITIONS Parcel: 761-230-009 The Transportation Department has reviewed the traffic study submitted by Endo Engineering for the referenced project. The study has been prepared in accordance with accepted traffic engineering standards and practices, utilizing County -approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic impacts. The study indicates that it is possible to achieve a Level of Service "C" for the following intersections (some of which will require additional construction for mitigation at the time of development): Jefferson Street (NS)/Avenue 50 (EW) Jefferson Street (NS)/Avenue 52 (EW) Jefferson Street (NS)/Avenue 54 (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Avenue 50 (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Avenue 52 (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Avenue 54 (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Airport Boulevard (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Avenue 58 (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Resort Village Access (EW) Madison Street (NS)/Avenue 60 (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Avenue 50 (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Avenue 52 (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Avenue 54 (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Airport Boulevard (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Avenue 58 (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Avenue 60 (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/North Primary Housing Access (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/South Primary Housing Access (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Active Adult Village Access (EW) Monroe Street (NS)/Avenue 62 (EW) Active Adult Village Access (NS)/Avenue 60 (EW) The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies require a minimum of Level of Service "C". As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The associated conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service. INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 6 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Src;CIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 Parcel: 761-230-009 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS 10.TRANS. 2 SP - SP/TUMF INEFFECT The proposed project is within the boundaries of the Coachella Valley Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee District. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the project proponent shall pay the mitigation fees in effect at the time building permits are issued. 10.TRANS. 3 SP - SP/WARRANTED T SIGNLS INEFFECT The project is responsible for the following traffic signals when warranted through subsequent traffic studies done for development applicants within the boundaries of the Specific Plan: Madison Street/Avenue 58 Madison Street/Country Club Village Access Madison Street/Avenue 60 Active Adult Village/Avenue 60 Monroe Street/ Avenue 58 Monroe Street/ Avenue 60 Monroe Street/North Primary Housing Village Access 10.TRANS. 5 SP - TRAFFIC SIGNAL MIT FEE INEFFECT In accordance with Riverside County Ordinance No. 748, this project shall be responsible for Traffic Signal Mitigation Program fees in effect at the time of final inspection. 20. PRIOR TO A CERTAIN DATE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 20.PLANNING. 1 SP - SUBMIT FINAL SP DOCUMENT INEFFECT Within sixty (60) days of the adoption of the final Board of Supervisors resolution, or prior to the submittal of any applications or the issuance of any permits, whichever comes first, twelve (12) copies of the final specific plan document shall be submitted to the Planning Department for distribution. The documents shall include the final Board of Supervisors resolution, the final specific plan conditions of approval and zoning ordinance, all changes required by these conditions of approval or made during the public hearings on the project, if any, and the Final EIR including the Addendum to EIR 232 and the Mitigation Monitoring Program. A detailed list of required items and their order can be obtained from the Planning Department. 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 7 15t32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPECIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 20. PRIOR TO A CERTAIN DATE Parcel: 761-230-009 20.PLANNING. 2 SP - DURATION OF SP VALIDITY The SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT shall remain valid for twenty (20) years from date of approval of the amendment. Should the entire project not be substantially built out in that period of time, the project proponent shall file an application for a specific plan amendment to extend the maximum life of the specific plan. For the purpose of this condition of approval, substantial buildout shall be defined as the issuance of the 2,200th building permit. The specific plan amendment will update the entire specific plan document to reflect current development requirements. Should this time period lapse without substantial build out or without the approval of an amendment extending this time period, the SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT shall become null and void twenty years from the date of the adoption of the Board of Supervisors resolution for this amendment. 0. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL W PARKS DEPARTMENT 30.PARKS. 1 SP - REGIONAL TRAILS In conjunction with the development of each individual planning area, the implementing projects must include the requirement for the dedication of trail easements and the construction of regional trails. These easements shall be located outside the road right-of-way. The following regional trail segments must be dedicated and constructed: Along the northern boundry of the project, which is also 58th Avenue, from Madison Street west to the project boundry. Along the east side of Madison Avenue from 58th Avenue, south to the point south of 60th Avenue where the property boundry turns east from Madison Avenue and then along this northwest/southeast diagonal to the corner where the property boundry turns due east. Along the south side of 60th Avenue from Madison Street to the southeastern corner of Planning Area 44, Park. If the applicant chooses, in lieu of constructing any or INEFFECT INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 8 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SrLCIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 Parcel: 761-230-009 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL 30.PARKS. 1 SP - REGIONAL TRAILS (cont.) INEFFECT all the required regional trails, the applicant may deposit with the District a sum which will allow the District to contruct the trail. Please consult with the District as to the current cost of trail construction. The District will not accept a bond in lieu of fees. Whether the applicant pays fees or builds trails, the dedication of the trail easement is still required. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 30.PLANNING. 1 SP - COMPLETE CASE APPROVALS INEFFECT Prior to approval of any tentative subdivision or parcel map or approval of any plot plan or use permit, the SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, the COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, and the CHANGE OF ZONE shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors and shall be effective. 30.PLANNING. 2 SP - STANDARDS FOR MAPS INEFFECT Prior to the approval of any subdivision, all lots created by land divisions within the SPECIFIC PLAN and the following Planning Areas, shall be designed and conditioned to have minimum lot sizes as follows: a. All lots within Planning Areas 2-6, 8-10, 12, 14-18, 22, and 51 shall have a minimum lot size of 6,050 square feet. b. All lots within Planning Areas 23-29, 31, 32, 34-47, 49, and 53 shall have a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. 30.PLANNING. 9 SP - RIGHT -TO -FARM NOTICE INEFFECT In addition required by Ordinance no. 625 (Riverside County Right -to -Farm Ordinance), the following text shall be incorporated into a "Local Option, Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement", pursuant to Civil Code 1102.6a to all prospective buyers of residential property within the Active Adult Village portion (Planning Areas 32, 33, 34, 35, or 36) of Specific Plan 218: "Buyers of homes within this subdivision acknowledge and agree that the property they are buying is located in proximity to land zoned and currently used for agricultural 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 9 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SL.CIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL Parcel: 761-230-009 30.PLANNING. 9 SP - RIGHT -TO -FARM NOTICE (cont.) operations (the "Agricultural Operations"). It is the policy of the State of California and the County of Riverside that no agricultural activity, operation, or facility, or apputenances thereof, conducted or maintained for commercial purposes, and in a lawful manner consistent with proper and accepted customs and standards, as established by similar agricultural operations in the same locality, shall be or become a nuisance, private or public, due to any changed condition in or about the locality, after it has been in operation for more than three years if it was not a nuisance at the time it began. The phrase 'agricultural activity, operation, or facility,. or appurtenance thereof' includes, but is not limited to the cultivation and tillage of soil, the production, cultivation; -growing, and harvesting of any agricultural commodity, including timber, viticulture, apiculture, horticulture,'the raising of livestock, fur bearing animals, fish or poultry, and any practices performed by a.. farmer or on a farm as incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market, or to carriers for transportation to market." "The Agricultural Operations which typically occur during the day, but which may occur at night include the use of heavy machinery which may generate noise and dust. Applicaitons of agricultural chemicals that are applied within state and local permi requirements may have noticeable odors associated with their application. Organic fertilizers may be employed that generate their own objectionable odors. When and if frost and/or freezing conditions occur, helicoptors may be employed at low altitudes to stir up the air and prevent freezing. Workers traveling to and from agricultural property to engage in work may generate additional traffic and noise on public streets in the vicinity." "Seller has no control over the Agricultural Operations, including its hours of operation or any potential changes in those hours of operation. Buyer is purchasing the Property with knowlede of the existance of the Agricultural Operations. Buyer is also aware that this Notification and consent may limit Buyer's rights to object int he future to the continuance of the Agricultural Operations and/or the manner of such operations as conducted in a lawful manner consistent with proper and accepted customs and standards." INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 10 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL S�-r;CIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL 30.PLANNING. 10 SP - EA REQUIRED Parcel: 761-230-009 An environmental assessment shall be conducted to determine potential environmental impacts resulting from each tract, change of zone, plot plan, specific plan amendment, or any other discretionary permit required to implement the SPECIFIC PLAN, unless said proposal is determined to be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The environmental assessments shall be prepared as part of the review process for these implementing projects. At a minimum, the environmental assessment shall utilize the evaluation of impacts addressed in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the SPECIFIC PLAN. 30.PLANNING. 11 SP - SPECIAL STUDIES REQUIRED The following special studies/reports shall accompany implementing development applications in the planning areas. listed below: Study / Report a. Hazardous Waste Investigation Study b. Detailed Preliminary Grading c. Slope Stability Plan d. Liquefaction e. Archaeological Survey f. Biological Survey Planning Area none All planning Areas 23 All All None g. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan h. Wetlands Study i. Acoustical Study None none 2, 9, 12, 22, 23-25, 45, 49, 51, and 53 j. Other (as determined by subsequent All Planning Areas environmental assessments) INEFFECT INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 11 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SLLCIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 Parcel: 761-230-009 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL 30.PLANNING. 12 SP - MITIGATION MONITORING EXHIBIT C MITIGATION MONITORING An amendment to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), codified as Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, required the preparation of a program to ensure that all mitigation measures are fully and completely implemented. The Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the SPECIFIC PLAN imposes certain mitigation measures on the project. Certain conditions of approval for the SPECIFIC PLAN constitute self contained reporting / monitoring programs for certain mitigation measures. At the time of approval of subsequent development applications, further environmental reporting / monitoring programs will be established to ensure that all mitigation measures are appropriately implemented. 30.PLANNING. 16 SP - MEET PHASE CONDITIONS Prior to the approval of any implementing land division or development application, a condition shall be placed on that project requiring that, prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain clearance from the Riverside County Planning Department that all pertinent conditions of approval have been satisfied for the specific plan for the phase of development in question. 30.PLANNING. 17 SP - PLANNING AREA LEGAL Prior to the approval of any land division or development permit (use permit, plot plan, etc.) within the SPECIFIC PLAN, a condition of approval shall be applied requiring that, prior to the recordation of any final map or issuance of any building permit within a Planning Area of said specific plan, the first applicant, or their successor -in -interest, for a final map or building permit within each Planning Area shall submit to the Planning Department correct legal descriptions for the Planning Area(s) within which the proposed project is located. 30.PLANNING. 18 SP - SCHOOL MITIGATION Prior to the approval of any implementing land division or development permit (use permit, plot plan, etc.), a INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 12 15:32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SrECIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL Parcel: 761-230-009 30.PLAN'NING. 18 SP - SCHOOL MITIGATION (cont.) condition of approval shall be applied to said implementing development requiring that impacts to the Coachella Valley Unified School District will be mitigated in accordance with California State law. 30.PLANNING. 29 SP - QUARTERLY SP ACTIVITY RPT Prior to the approval of any land division or development permit (use permit, plot plan, etc.) within the SPECIFIC PLAN, the following condition shall be applied to the land division or development permit to read as follows: The master developer, and any subsequent developer, shall submit quarterly activity reports to the Planning Department beginning with the ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT. The report shall list all issued grading permits, building permits, and final inspections and occupancy permits, and tract and lot numbers; and shall include monthly subtotals and cumulative Specific Plan project totals. ALL PERMIT ISSUANCE SHALL CEASE IF REPORTS ARE NOT SUBMITTED ON THE FIRST OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, AND DECEMBER OF EVERY YEAR UNTIL THE ENTIRE SPECIFIC PLAN IS COMPLETELY BUILT OUT. 30.PLANNING. 30 SP - Archeological Monitoring Prior to the approval of any and each land division or development permit (use permit, plot plan, etc.), a condition shall be applied to the implementing project stating that: "Monitoring of mitigation measures related to excavation and possible preservation of archeological resources shall occur prior to site grading activities through an agreement with a qualified archeologist. The project proponent shall provide to the Planning Department a copy of the agreement. The agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the mitigation and monitoring procedures to be implemented during the course of grading. The mitigation measures shall include, but not be limited to: surface collection, recordation of petroglyphs, cataloguing of artifacts, recordation of features, and Torres -Martinez tribe consultation. The Planning Department shall not issue grading permits unless the proposed mitigation and monitoring procedures conform substantially to those procedures described in Addendum INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT k 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS Page: 13 15--32 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPECIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 Parcel: 761-230-009 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL 30.PLANNING. 30 SP - Archeological Monitoring (cont.) No. 1 to Environmental Impact Report No. 232." 30.PLANNING. 31 SP - Archeological Report Prior to the approval of any and each land division or development permit (use permit, plot plan, etc.), a condition shall be applied to the implementing project stating that: "Prior to the issuance of building permits, a post excavation report shall be provided to the Planning Department. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the mitigation and monitoring procedures that were implemented in the process of grading for this project. Building permits shall not be issued unless the mitigation and monitoring procedures that were implemented substantially conform to the procedures recommended by the pre -grading agreement described in condition 30.PLANNING.30." 30.PLANNING. 32 SP - Avenue 62 buffering Prior to the approval of any implementing land division project within the SPECIFIC PLAN (i.e. tract map or parcel map), the following condition shall be placed on the implementing project PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMITS: "Any residential development adjacent to Avenue 62 shall be buffered by the width of a regulation golf fairway of three hundred feet (3001) for the length of the frontage of the project along Avenue 62." This condition shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the project unless a change of use occurs on the property immediately to the south, whereupon the above condition may be considered as NOT APPLICABLE. TRANS DEPARTMENT 30.TRANS. 1 SP - AMEND GENERAL PLAN The project proponent shall submit an application to amend the following General Plan Roads to the following classifications: a. Downgrade Madison Avenue south of 58th Avenue from an INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT INEFFECT 09/26/00 Riverside County LMS 1�_: 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Sr,r,CIFIC PLAN Case #: SP00218A1 30. PRIOR TO ANY PROJECT APPROVAL 30.TRANS. 1 Parcel: 761-230-009 SP - AMEND GENERAL PLAN (cont.) Urban Arterial Highway (1341ROW) to an Arterial Highway (110'ROW). b. Downgrade -Avenue 60 from an Arterial Highway (1101ROW) to a Secondary Highway (88' ROW) east of Monroe Street to the project boundary. Il��:ia����a SP - TS/TS REQUIRED Site specific traffic studies will be required for all subsequent development proposals within the boundaries of Specific Plan No. 218 in accordance with Traffic Study Guidelines, Page: 14: INEFFECT 100. PRIOR TO ISSUE GIVEN BLDG PRMT PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100.PLANNING. 3 SP - COUNT RES,BUILD PERMITS ;'' INEFFECT This condition is applied to assist the Planning Department with tracking the build -out of the SPECIFIC PLAN by automatically counting all the issuance of all new residential building.permits on the County'a Land Management System which are electronically associated with.: the Specific Plan. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: INITIAL STUDY Environmental Assessment (E.A.) Number: 37465 Project Case Type (s) and Number(s): Specific Plan No. 218, Amended No. 1, Change of Zone No. 6454 Lead Agency Name: County of Riverside Planning Department Address: County Administrative Center, 4080 Lemon Street,9th Floor, P.O. Box 1409, Riverside, Ca. 92502-1409 Contact Person: Keith Gardner, Planner III Telephone Number: (909) 955-9076 Applicant's Name: Coral Mountain Development, Inc. Applicant's Address: 41-865 Boardwalk, Ste 1, Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 I. PROJECT INFORMATION A. Project Description: Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 proposes to modifu the planned land uses within Specific Plan 218. The primary land use changes consist of a decrease in the maximum number of residential units allowed within the specific plan from 4,262 to 2,740 with the following densities: 1,749 dwelling units on 336.5 acres of Medium High Density Residential (5-8 dulac); 991 dwelling units on 287.3 acres of Medium Density tesidential (2-5 dufac). Additionally, Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. 1 would designate eight planning areas for golf courses and appurtenant uses on 541.2 acres, 1.1 acres ofcommunity facilities; and 26.9 acres of commercial uses. A table showing how this project differs from the original specific plan is incorporated in this staff report. Specific Plan 218, Amendment No. I would also change the name of the specific plan from "Rancho La Quinta" to "Coral Mountain." Change of Zone No. 6454 is a proposed textual change in the Specific Plan zoning ordinance that would add Planning Areas 14 through 53 to the Specific Plan Zoning -Ordinance, and would redefine Planning Areas 1 through 13. B. Type of Project: Site Specific ®; Countywide ❑; Community ❑; Policy ❑. C. Total Project Area: 1279.3 Acres Residential: Acres 731 ; Lots Units 2,740 ; Projected No. of Residents 7,340 Commercial: acres 26.9 : Lots ; Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area Est. No. of Employees Industrial: Acres . Lots Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area Est. No. of Employees Other: 541.2 acres of Golf Course D. Assessor's Parcel No(s): 761-100-003, 005, 006, 761-110-001 through -004, 761-200-007, 761-210-002, 003, 007, 761-220-002 through 009, 761-220-018, through 021, 761-230-008 through 013, 761-230-015, 761-330-003 through 005,761-330-013, 761-340-001, 002 Street References: South of 58`h Street, north of 62n1 Street, west of Jackson Street EA37465 F. Section, Township & Range Description or reference/attach a Legal Description: Section 26, 27, 28, 34, and 35 of Township 6 south, Range 7 east, S.B.B. & M. G. Brief description of the existing environmental setting of the project site and its surroundings: Vacant land lies in the north and northwest portions of the site. Agricultural uses are to the north, south, and east of the site, vacant land lies to the west. II. APPLICABLE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE POLICIES AND ZONING A. Open Space and Conservation Map Designation(s): Adopted Specific Plans B. Land Use Planning Area (L.U.P.A.) Information 1. L. U. P. A. Name(s): Lower Coachella Valley Land use Planning Area 2. Subarea, if any: None 3. Community Policy Area, if any: None C. Community Plan Land Use Allocation Map Information I. Community Plan, if any: Eastern Coachella Valley Community Plan 2. Community Plan Land Use Designation, if any: Specific Plan No. 218 D. Adopted Specific Plan Information 1. Name and Number of Specific Plan, if any: Specific Plan No. 218 - Rancho La Quinta (Proposed to be re -named Coral Mountain) 2. Specific Plan Planning Area, and Policies, if any: Planning Areas 2-6, 8-10, 12, 14-18.22, and 51 are proposed to be medium density residential areas Planning Areas 1, 7, 11, 13, 19, 30, 48, and 50 are proposed to be golf courses and appurtenant uses Planning Areas 23-29, 31, 32, 34-47, 49, and 53 are proposed to be medium -high density residential areas Planning Areas 21, 33, and 52 are proposed to be commercial areas Planning Area 20 is proposed to be a community facility area E. Existing Zoning: SP (Specific Plan) F. Proposed Zoning, if any: SP G. Adjacent and Surrounding Zoning: The City of La Quinta is to the west and north, A-1-10 (light agriculture 20-acre minimum lots) is to the north and northwest, A-1-10 (light agricultural 10-acre minimum lots) is to the east and south, W-2 (controlled development) is to the southwest, R-A-2 (residential - agricultural 2 acre minimum lots) is to the southwest EA37465 I1I. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below ( ® ) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one ;---pact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated" as indicated _ she checklist on the following pages. 0 Aesthetics ® Agriculture Resources ® Air Quality Biological Resources ® Cultural Resources ® Geology/Soils IV. DETERMINATION: Hazards & Hazardous Materials �l] Hydrology/Water Quality Land Use/Planning Mineral Resources Noise ® Population/Housing On the basis of this initial evaluation: Public Seraices ❑ Recreation ® Transportation/Traffic Utilities/Service systems Other El Mandatory Findings of Significance A PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREPARED 1] I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment NOTHING FURTHER IS REQUIRED because all potentially significant effects (a) have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable legal standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. ® I find that although all potentially significant effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable legal standards, some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in California Code of Regulations, Section 15162 exist. An ADDENDUM to a previously -certified EIR or Negative Declaration has been prepared and will be considered by the approving body or bodies. I find that at least one of the conditions described in California Code of Regulations, Section 15162 exist, but I further find that only minor additions or changes are necessary to make the previous EIR adequately apply to the project in the changed situation; therefore a SUPPLEMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ORT is required that need only contain the information necessary to make the previous EIR adequate for n�c project as revised. 3 EA37465 ❑ I find that at least one of the following conditions described in California Code of Regulations, Section 15162, exist and a SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required: (1) Substantial `,angel are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration ..4e to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2) Substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity ofpreviously identified significant effects; or (3) New information o fsubstanti al importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any the following: (A) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (B) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (C) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternatives; or, (D) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR or negative declaration would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project on the environment, but the project proponents decline to ado t the mitigation measures or alternatives. ZCAF't=� March 13 0QQ Signatury 9,Date k,.,(h Gardner. PlannerJ11 For Ate J. Laurence A .C.P. Pl nnin Director Printed Name V. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ASSESSMENT In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQa) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 - 21 I78.1). this Initial5tudv has been prepared to analyze the proposed project to determine any potential significant impacts upon the environment that would result from construction and implementation ofthe project. In accordance with California Code of Regulations. Section 15063. this initial Study is a preliminary analysis prepared by the Lead Agency. the County of Riverside, in consultation WTTWother jurisdictional agencies, to determine whether a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration. or an Environmental Impact Report is required for the proposed project. The purpose of this Initial Study is to inform the decision -makers, affected agencies, and the public of potential environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the proposed project. Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant %eith Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated AESTHETICS Would the project 1. Scenic Resources a) Have a substantial effect upon a scenic highway corridor within which it is ❑ Cl Cl 1^^ated? 4 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No . Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings and unique or landmark features; obstruct any prominent scenic vista or view open to the public; or result in the creation of an aesthetically ❑ ❑ 0 offensive site open to public view? Source: Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan (CGP) Fig. VI.45, Environmental Impact Report No. 232 (EIR 232) Findings of Fact: The California Desert is a recreational resort area attracting substantial numbers of tourist and travelers. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The aesthetic impacts of the adopted Specific Plan were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1998. The propose Specific plan amendment evaluated in this EA would modify the configuration of residential and open uses, and decrease the number of residential units. No significant new changes in circumstances have occurred nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in new significant visual impacts not previously disclosed. Thus, no fi --her study of this topic is warranted. Miti_gation: None required Mon itoring:.None required 2. htt. Palomar Observatory Interfere with the night time use of the Mt. Palomar Observatory, as protected ❑ ❑ ❑ through Riverside County Ordinance No. 655? Source: GIS data base, Ord. No. 655, CGP Fig. II.27, EIR 329 Findings of Fact: This project will not impact the Mount Palomar Oberservatory. Mitigation: None required. Monitoring None required. 3. Other Lighting Issues a) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely ❑ ❑ ❑ affect day or nighttime views in the area? fib) Expose residential property to unacceptable light levels? ❑ ❑ ❑ Source: EIR 232 EA3 7465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Findings ofFact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific plan No. 218. The light and glare impacts of the the adopted Specific Plan were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the county of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The proposed amended to the Specific Plan will decrease the intensity of development. No significant change in circumstances have occurred nor will the proposed modifications to Specific PIan No. 218 result in a significant impact with respect to light and glare, because fewer sources of light would be introduced as a result of these modifications. Mitigation_: None required. M nitorin : None rquired. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES Would the project 4. Agriculture a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland) as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland ❑ ❑ ❑ Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? u) uttittct wtrntexisting agricultural use, or a Williamson Act (agricultural serve) contract (Riv. Co. Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Maps)? ❑ ❑ c) Cause development ofnon-agricultural uses within 300 feet of agriculturally zoned property (Ordinance No. 625 Right -to -Farm)? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location ornature, could result in conversion ofFarmland, to non-agricultural use? ❑ ❑ ❑ Source: EIR 232 Findings Of Fact. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon agricultural resources were adequately evaluated in the EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supmisors-ii�October 1988. The project evaluated in this EA involves a proposal to change the configuration of land uses and associated infrastructure elements within the boundaries of the previously approved Specific PIan area. There have been no changes in circumstances since the time EIR 232 was certified the would result in new significant impacts, and the proposed Specific Plan amendment will not result anew significant impact upon agricultural resources. Mitl�ation: one required Moni�todM None required AIR QUALITY Would the project 5. Air Quality Impacts 1) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air qualityelan? ❑ ❑ EA3'465 Less than Potentially Significant Less 1%, Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or ❑ ❑ ❑ projected air quality violation. c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors which are located within I mile of the project ❑ ❑ ❑ site to project substantial point source emissions? e) Involve the construction of a sensitive receptor located within one mile of ❑ ❑ ® ❑ an existing substantial point source emitter? f) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? ❑ ❑ ❑ Source: EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The applicant is requesting an amendment to the approved Specific Plan that would, among other things, alter the arrangement of uses within the Specific Plan. The project contains; commercial and residential uses that are considered typical of such a development and no unique sources of odors or emissions are associated with the modifications to the Specific Plan. Similarly, no ificant stationary source emissions would be introduced to the project area as a result of the planned modifications to the Specific Plan. EIR No. 232 presented analysis and mitigation measures which make the. project consistent with the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan policies related to air quality. Any incidental emission sources will be strictly regulated by local, State and Federal requirements. Mitigation: Potential significant adverse impacts to air quality shall be evaluated by Addendum Environmental Impact report (AEIR232) to EIR 232 required for this project, and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. Nionitorinw Monitoring shall be determined after the mitigation measures for this project have been established (i.e., upon completion of AEIR232. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Would the project 6. Wildlife & Vegetation a) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, ❑ 0 ❑ Natural Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state conservation plan? b) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any endangered, or threatened species, as listed in Title 14 of the ❑ ❑ ❑ California Code of Regulations (Sections 670.2 or 670.5) or in Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (Sections 17.11 or 17.12)? 7 EA3 7 465 Less than Potentially signi[ie"t Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated c) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through hal7itat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California ❑ ❑ ❑ Department of Fish and Game or U. S. Wildlife Service? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident migratory ❑ ❑ ❑ wildlife corridors, or impede: the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by ❑ ❑ ❑ the California Department of Fish and Game or U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service? f) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, ❑ ❑ ❑ or other means? g) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological ❑ ❑ ❑ resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? ource: EIR 232 F' ' in s of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 2 t ,,. Numerous biological site surveys were conducted during preparation of EIR 232, certified in 1988. The surveys indicate that past grading activities and development on portions of adjacent lands has resulted in the removal of typical desert habitat and an increase in impervious surfaces which will prevent normal replenishment of existing species. The site does not contain streams, or other water bodies that wouId be under the jurisdiction of either the California Department of Fish & Game or Army Corps of Engineers. There is no habitat of importance on the site. The majority of the site is vacant. The proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 will only affect land located within the boundaries of the Specific Plan area. The impact of developing this area has been previously evaluated. -Therefore, no new significant impact upon biological resources not previously identified will result. Some changes in circumstances may have occurred since the time the EIR was certified in 1988. Accordingly, same updating of relevant information is required and will be provided in AEIR 232. Mitigation: Potential significant adverse impacts to biological resources shall be evaluated by the addendum Environmental impact report (AEIR232) to EIR 232 required for this project and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. Monitorins: Monitoring shall be determined after the mitigation measures for this project have been established (i.e.. upon completion of AEIR 232). 'LTURAL RESOURCES Would the project 7. rlistoric Resources a) Alter or destroy an historic site? 8 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical ❑ resource as defined in California Code of Regulations, Section 15064.5? Source: Specific Plan No. 218, EIR 232, Cultural Resources Report dated September 1, 1998 by Bruce Love Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impact of the adopted Specific PIan upon cultural resources were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, and decrease the number of residential units. The cultural resources report conducted for the Addendum Environmental Impact Report indicated that approximately 40 different archeological sites are located within the project boundaries. The cultural resources report suggested mitigation measures to insure the impacts to the cultural and historic resources are mitigated to a level below significance. Accordingly, this project is conditioned to comply with the mitigation measures prescribed by the cultural resources report. Mitigation: Impacts to cultural and historic resources will be mitigated through the measures prescribed by the cultural resources report, and by the conditions of approval written by the Planning Department. L iton� The Planning Department will monitor impacts to cultural and historic resources prior to grading permits and building permits. 8. Archaeological Resources a) Alter or destroy an archaeological site. ❑ ® ❑ 0 b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological ❑ ® ❑ ❑ resource pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Section 15064.5? c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ d) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? ❑ ® 0 Source: Specific Plan No. 218, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon cultural resources were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase open space within specific planning areas. The cultural resources report conducted for the Addendum Environmental Impact Report indicated that approximately 40 different archeological sites are located within the project boundaries. The cultural resources r I suggested mitigation measures to insure the impacts to the cultural and historic resources are mitigated to a level below significance. Accordingly, this project is conditioned to comply with the mitigation measures 9 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated prescribed by the cultural resources report. Mitigation: Impacts to archeological resources will be mitigated through the measures prescribed by the cultural resources report, and by the conditions of approval written by the Planning Department. Monitoring: The Planning Department will monitor impacts to archeological resources prior to grading permits and building permits. 9. Paleontological Resources Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or ❑ ❑ ❑ unique geologic feature? Source: Specific Plan No. 218, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon Paleontological resources were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, and decrease the number; of residential units. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in a new significant impact .n cultural resources not previously identified. No further study is warranted. Mitigation: Impacts to archeological resources ,vill be mitigated through the measures prescribed by the cultural resources report, and by the conditions of approval written by the Planning Department. Monitorine. The Planning Department will monitor impacts to paleontological resources prior to grading permits and building permits. GEOLOGY AND SOILS Definitions for Land Use Suitability Ratings Where indicated below, the appropriate Land Use Suitability Rating(s) has been checked. NA - Not Applicable S - Generally Suitable PS - Provisionally Suitable U - Generally Unsuitable R - Restricted a. Would the project expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: 10. Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone or County Fault Hazard Zones Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? ❑ ❑ ❑ A-P Zones NA ® PS ❑ U ❑ R ❑ 1H Zones NA ® PS ❑ U ❑ R. ❑ Source: CGP fig. VI.1 - VI.3 EIR 232 10 EA37a65 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Findings of Fact: The site is located within an area subject to ground shaking as a result of an earthquake. However, according to the County Comprehensive General Plan, the proposed project site is not within a Alquist - Priolo Zone, County Fault Hazard Zone or Liquefaction potential Zone. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan with respect to earthquake hazards was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase open space within the previously approved Specific Plan area. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts upon cultural resources not previously identified. No further study is, warranted.: , Mitigation: Mitigation will be through each subsequent development application and compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Ordinance No. 457. Monitoring: Monitoring to be provided by Building and Safety Department and through Ordinance No. 457. 11. Liquefaction Potential Zone Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction? r, ❑ so PS SUurce: CGP Fig. VIA EIR 232 U❑ , R❑ Findings of Fact: The site located within a possible liquefaction area. 1 04 ■ ■ The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to liquefaction hazards were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 198.8. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase open space within the approved Specific Plan area. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 21S result in a new impact upon cultural resources not previously identified. Further study is warranted at the implementing project stage of development. Mitigation: Compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Ordinance no. 457. Additionally, this project will be conditional further when development projects are proposed (tract maps, parcel maps, etc). Monitoring: Monitoring to be provided by Building and Safety Department and through Ordinance No. 457, and through the building permit review process. 12. Ground shaking Zone `ng seismic ground shaking? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ NA❑ S® PS❑ U❑ R❑ i I I EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Source: CGP Fig. VI.5 EIR 232 Findings of Fact: This project is within a IIB Groung shaking Zone. The Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan identifies the proposed project as rated as suitable. According to the General Plan, this means that expected levels of ground shaking are generally less than or equal to design levels as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Potential impacts from ground shaking can be mitigated to a level of insignificance through compliance with the UBC and the building permit review process. Such Compliance shall be required. Mitigation: Potential impacts from ground shaking can be mitigated to a level of insignificance through compliance with UBC and building permit process. Monitorinc: This mitigation measure shall be monitored by the Department of Building and Safety 13. Landslide Risk Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide, ❑ ❑ lateral spreading, collapse, or rockfall hazards? NA® S❑ PS El U0 R❑ F -rce: Riv. Co. 800 Scale Seismic Maps or On -site Inspection, CGP Fig. VI.6 Findings of Fact: The specific plan area contains moderate -to -gently sloping terrain. People or property will not be exposed to possible slope failure or rockfall hazards. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to landslide hazards was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. ,No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in a new significant impact upon cultural resources noLpreviously identified. No further study is warranted. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required 14. Ground Subsidence Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become ❑ ❑ ❑ unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in ground subsidence? Source: Resolution No. 94-125 F dings of Fact; The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to geotechnical hazards was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. 12 EA3"4165 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase open space entirely within Specific Plan No. 218. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in a new significant impact upon cultural resources not previously identified. No further study is warranted. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required 15. Other Geologic Hazards Such as seiche, mudflow or volcanic hazard? Source: EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The project site is not known to be susceptible to other geologic hazards. Mitigation: None required '%nitorine: None required b. Would the project: 16. Slopes ® 0 0 a) Change topography or ground surface relief features? b) Create cut or fill slopes greater than 2:1 or higher than 10 feet? c) Result in grading that affects or negates subsurface sewage disposal systems? Source: Riv. Co. 800 Scale Slope Maps, Specific Plan No. 218, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The project site contains moderate -to -gently sloping surfaces with little topographic relief. No extensive cut of fill slopes are required to develop the site. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to geotechnical issues was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase open space within Specific Planning Areas. The configuration of the planned residential and open space -golf course uses will change, possibly affecting the drainage and other infrastructure systems. The amendment includes changes to the project drainage plan. Accordingly, some updating of the previous analysis is required. N1iti,aation: Potential significant adverse impacts to slopes shall be evaluated by the Addendum Evironmental )act Report (AEIR 232) to EIR 232 required for this project and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. 13 EA3;i65 Lessthan Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact, Incarparated Monitoring Monitoring shall be determined after the mitigation measures for this project have been established (i.e., upon completion of AEIR 232). 17. Soils a) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creatin- substantial risks to life or property? ❑ ❑ ❑ Source: U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys, EIR 232 FindingEofFact• The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No'. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to geotechnical issues was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase open space within Specific Planning Areas. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in new significant impact not previously identified. No further study is warranted: Mitigation: Compliance with the measures set forth in the Addendum to EIR 232. -iitodnlr: Monitoring to be provided by the Building and Safety Department and through Ordinance No, 457. 18. Erosion a) Change deposition, siltation or erosion which may modify the channel of ❑ Q ❑ a river or stream or the bed of a lake? b) Result in any increase in water erosion either on or off site? Source: U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys, EIR 232 Finding—s of Fact. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modification`s-ta adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to water and wind driven erosion of Soils was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, increase open space within the Specific Planning Area. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in a new significant impact not previously identified. No further study is warranted Mitl Compliance with the measures set forth in the Addendum to EIR 232 Monitoring: Monitoring to be provided by the Building and Safety Department and through Ordinance No. 457. 14 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated 19. Wind Erosion and Blowsand from project either on or off site Be impacted by or result in an increase in wind erosion and blowsand, either ❑ ❑ ❑ on or off site? Source: CGP Fig. VI. 1-VI.2, Ord. 460, Sec. 14.2 & Ord. 484, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to water and wind driven erosion of soils was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, increase open space within the Specific Planning Area. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No. 218 result in anew significant impact not previously identified. No further study, is warranted. Mitigation: This project will be mitigated through the measures recommended in the Addendum to EIR 232. Monitoring: Subsequent development applications will be monitored through the Department of,Building and Safety. +ZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS -Would the project 20. Hazards and Hazardous Materials a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the ❑ ❑ ❑ routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of ❑ ❑ ❑ hazardous materials into the environment? c) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutelv hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed ❑ ❑ ❑ school? e) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and. as a result, would ❑ ❑ ❑ it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? Source: EIR 232 Findings -of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to blowsand hazards and wind erosion in general were adequately evaluated in EIR 232, ,.t•hich was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors i- `lcober of 1988. Commercial uses on the site may utilize. store or transport hazardous materials and wastes i.__.Lding but not limited to petroleum products, pesticides. cleaning agents, etc. Limited quantities of hazardous materials and wastes may also be used and generated by maintenance facilities associated with commercial uses. 15 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Such materials and wastes must handled and disposed of according to regulatory guidelines and industry standards enforced at that time, resulting in less than significant impacts. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the numberof residential units, and increase open space within the previously approved Specific Plan Area. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No 218 result in anew significant impact not previously identified. No further study is warranted. Mitigation: Compliance with the measures set forth in EIR No 232. Monitoring: Monitoring to be provided by the Building and Safety Department and by compliance with applicable County ordinances. 21. Airports a) Result in an inconsistency with an Airport Master Plan? El❑ b) Require review by the Airport Land Use Commission? ❑ 0 ❑ c) For a project'located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan ' ,not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the ❑ ❑ 0 project area? d) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, or heliport, would the ro'ect result in a safety hazard for eo le residing or working in the project area? 0 Source: COP Fig. II.18.2-I1.18.4, II.18.8-I1.18.10 & IV. 27-IV.36, EIR 232 Findings of Fact_ The Specific Plan area is not part of an Airport Master Plan, and is not within the Influence Area Boundary any airport. The Desert Resorts Regional Airport(formerly Thermal Airport) lies approximately 3 miles to the east of the project site. -Z I - The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respdcts to hazards was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October 1988. As part of the EIR process, the original Specific Plan was reviewed by the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) and determined that this project will not be impacted by the Desert Resorts Regional Airport. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, and decrease the number of residential units. No changes in circumstances have occurred that xvill result in new significant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No 218 result in a new significant impact not previously identified. No furthers study is warranted. N1 . L. gation: Compliance with the measures set forth in EIR 232 16 EA374fi5 Lw than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Monti No further monitoring required 22. Hazardous Fire Area Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas ❑ ❑ ❑ or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? Source: CGP Fig. VI.30 - VI.31 Findings of Fact: The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, and decrease the number of residential units within the Specific Plan area. The applicant is also proposing related changes to the Specific Plan drainage and circulation plans. While the reduction in residential dwelling units would result in fewer calls for service. Additionally, this project is not located within a. hazardous fire area. Mitigation: Potential significant adverse impacts resulting from exposure of people or structures to fire hazard areas shall be evaluated by the Addendum Environmental Impacts Reports (AEIR) to EIR 232 required for this project and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. Additionally, this project will be mitigated by the conditons of approval written by the Fire Department. litoring: The Fire Department will monitor this project through the development process. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Would the project 23. Water Quality Impacts a) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in ® ❑ ❑ ❑ substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? b) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ c) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with ' � - groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre- ❑ ❑ ® ❑ existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? d) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional ❑ ❑ ® ❑ sources of polluted runoff? e) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area, as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard ❑ ❑ ❑ delineation map? f) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede :direct flood flows? ❑ ❑ 17 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated g) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? Source: SP 218, EIR 232 Findin s of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to Hydrology and Water Quality was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. As indicated in EIR 232, no structures are located or planned within a 100 - year flood plan. In addition, development occurring the Specific Plan area is subject to NPDES regulations, including provision for best management practices (BMPs), both during and after construction activities. Changes in the circumstances of the project, such as recent change to the mapping of the 100-year flood plain and the proposed changes to the project drainage system warrant additional study to determine if any new significant impacts will results. Mitigation: Potential significant adverse impacts to hydrology and water quality shall be evaluated by the Addendum Environmental Impact Report (AEIR 232) to EIR 232 required for this project and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. Additionally, implementing development proposals will be`mitigated through conditions of approval written by the Coachella Valley Water District (CV WD). f..,;ni orin : Monitoring shall be through the CVWD through the development review process and the building permit review process. 24. Floodplains Degree of Suitability in 100-Year Floodplains. As indicated below, the appropriate Degree of Suitability has been checked. NA - Not Applicable ® U - Generally Unsuitable ❑ R - Restricted ❑ a) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off- ❑ ❑ ® ❑ site? b) Changes in absorption rates or the rate and amount of surface runofP. ❑ ❑ ® ❑ c) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam ❑ ❑ ❑ (Dam Inundation Area)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Source: CGP Fig. VI.7 & CGP Fig. VI.8, EIR 232 F­dinas of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No The impact of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to Hydrology and Water Quality was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October Is EA3 465 Lcss than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated of 1988. As indicated in EIR 232, the Specific Plan area is influenced by flooding and drainage issues as identified in the Comprehensive General Plan. The site is not subject to the effects of dam inundation, as no dams are located upstream of the site. Further, no structures are located or planned within the 100-year flood plain. Changes in the circumstances of the project, such as recent change to the mapping of the 100-year flood plain and the proposed changes to the project drainage system warrant updating of the information in EIR 232. Mitigation: Potential significant adverse impacts to floodplains shall be evaluated by the Addendum Environmental Impact Report (AEIR 232) to EIR 232 required for this project, and by the conditions of approval written by the Coachella Valley Water District. Monitoring: The Coachella Valley Water District will monitor this project through the development process. "` LAND USE/PLANNING Would the project 25. Land Use a) Result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an ❑ ❑ ❑ area? b) Affect land use within a city sphere of influence and/or within adjacent city �r county boundaries? :ce: CGP, GIS, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: Rancho La Quinta (Specific Plan No 218, EIR 232) is a master planned community which was approved on.more than 1,280 acres of land located south of Interstate 10. The Specific Plan area is within the Sphere of Influence of the City of La Quinta. The proposed changes in this project consist primarily of the change in the name of the project to Coral Mountain, a decrease in the amount of residential development and an increase in the amount of golf course area. These modifications require further environmental review to determine the significance of the changes on existing and planned surrounding land uses. Mitigation: No mitigation required. Monitoring: No additional monitoring necessary. 26. Planning a) Be consistent with the site's existing or proposed zoning? ❑ ❑ b) Be compatible with existing surrounding zoning? ❑ ❑ c) Be compatible with existing and planned surrounding land uses? ❑ ❑ d) Be consistent with the land use designations and policies of the ® ❑ ❑ Comprehensive General Plan (including those of any applicable Specific Plan). e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community k Juding a low-income or minority community)? Source: CGP, EIR 232 19 EA37165 Less than Potentially Signilcant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218, Amended No. 1. The impacts of the adopted specific plan with respect to Land Use & Planning was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The proposed amendment would decrease the amount of residential development and increase the amount of golf course area in the Specific Plan No 218 area. Related changes to the Specific Plan drainage and circulation plans are also proposed. The proposed revisions to the Specific Plan would not revise any of the existing general plan or zoning designations on the property. None of these modifications would introduce a new land use type or increase the intensity -of development beyond that which is presently allowed by the adopted Specific Plan. Given this, no significant impacts under this impact category, are expected to occur. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required MINERAL RESOURCES Would the project 27. Mineral Resources a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource in an area 'Sifted or designated by the State that would be of value to the region or the residents of the State? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally -important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use ❑ Cl ❑ plan? c) Be an incompatible land use located adjacent to a State classified or designated area or existing surface mine? d) Expose people or property to hazards from proposed, existing or abandoned quarries or mines? ❑ ❑ ❑ ' Source: CGP Fig. VI.41-VI.42, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted specific plan with respect to mineral resources was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. According to the County Comprehensive General Plan, Figure VIA1, "Mineral Resources," the project site is not included in, or in close proximity to, a State classified or designated MRZ-2 mineral resource zone. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, and decrease the number of residential units and increase golf course area within specific Planning Areas. No changes in circumstances have occurred that will result in new signif cant impacts nor will the proposed modifications to Specific Plan No 218 result in a new significant impact not previously identified. No further study is warranted. 1\ : ation: None required 20 EA3'165 Less than Potentially Significant Less 'Tian Significant with Significant No lmpact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Monitoring: None required NOISE Would the project result in Definitions for Noise Acceptability Ratings Where indicated below, the appropriate Noise Acceptability Rating(s) has been checked. NA - Not Applicable A - Generally Acceptable B - Conditionally Acceptable C - Generally Unacceptable D - Land Use Discouraged 28. Airport Noise a) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport would the project expose people residing or working in the project area ❑ ❑ ❑ to excessive noise levels? NA A® B❑ C❑ D❑ b) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? ❑ ❑ ❑ NA❑ AS B❑ CO D❑ Source: CGP Fig. I .J.8.5, II.18.11 & VI.12;1984 AICUZ Report, M.A.F.B., EIR 232 I _ Jngs of Fact. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted specific plan with respect to noise was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. According to the analysis contained in EIR 232, the property is far removed from most noise generators, including airports, with the exception of the freeway traffic. The proposed amendment to Specific Plan No. 218 would decrease the amount of residential development and. increase the amount of open space. None of these changes would alter the conclusion in EIR 232, nor has any new change in circumstances occurred that would require further examination of this issue. No further study is warranted. - - Mitigation; None required Monitoring: None required 29. Railroad Noise NA❑ A® B❑ C❑ D❑ Source: CGP Fig. VI.11, VI.13 - VI.16, EIR 232 Findin s ofFact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 2 )The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to noise was adequately evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. According to the 21 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated analysis contained in EIR 232, the property is far removed from most noise generators, including rail lines, with the exception of local traffic. The proposed amendment to Specific Plan #218 would decrease the amount ofresidential development and increase the amount of open space. None of these changes would alter the conclusion in EIR 232, nor has any new change in circumstances occurred that would require further examination of this issue. No further study is warranted. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required 30. Highway Noise NA❑ AS B❑ CO D❑ ❑ ❑ N ❑ Source: CGP Fig. VI.11, VI.17 - VI.29, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218, the majority of which is developed. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to noise was evaluated in EIR 232; which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of q88. The nearest highway to this project is Interstate 10. which is located approximately 9 miles to the north. Mitigation: No mitigation required. Monitoriniz: No monitoring required. 31. Other Noise NA® A❑ B❑ CO D❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Source: CGP Fig. Vl.l 1, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required 32. Noise Effects on or by the Project a) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project ❑ ❑ ® ❑ vicinity above levels existing without the project? b) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the ❑ ❑ ® ❑ project vicinity above levels existing without the project? 22 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated c) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of ❑ ❑ ® p other agencies? d) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration ' or groundborne noise levels? ❑ 0 ® ❑ Source: CGP Fig. VI.11, EIR 232 Findin s ofFact. The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218, the majority of which is developed. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to noise was evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. Mitigation: No additional mitigation is required. Monitoring: No additional monitoring required. POPULATION AND HOUSING Would the project 33. Housing a) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the ❑ ❑ ❑ istruction of replacement housing elsewhere? b} Create a demand for additional housing, particularly housing affordable to ❑ ❑ ❑ households earning 80% or less of the County's median income? c) Disp.lace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of ❑ ❑ ❑ replacement housing elsewhere? d) Affect a County Redevelopment Project Area? ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, - _ - by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through ❑ ❑ ❑ extension of roads or other infrastructure)? Source: CGP, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218, which is already substantially developed. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to population and housing was evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The modifications to the Specific Plan proposed by the applicant would reduce the number of residential units allowed at build out of the Specific Plan. Thus, impacts have been analyzed and mitigated for in EIR 232. Since the r- -*)osed project with reduce housing impacts beyond those considered, no impacts to housing are expected to occur i. .n this proposed revisions to the Specific Plan and no further study is warranted. 23 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Mitigation: None required Monitorine: None required PUBLIC SERVICES Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered government facilities or the need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction ofwhich could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: 34. Fire Services Source: CGP Fig. IV. 16-IV.18, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modifications to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to fire service was evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. As indicated in that document, the Specific Plan is subject to fire service programs, land use programs and land use standards of the Comprehensive General Plan. Uses within the Specific Plan are also subject to mitigation measures listed in EIR 232 pertaining to fire services. r TL -.,project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land.use arrangements, L_ _cease the number of.residential units, and increase golf course area within the Specific Plan area. The applicant is also proposing related changes to the Specific Plan drainage and circulation plans. While the reduction in residential dwelling units would result in fewer calls for service, the proposed changes to the circulation plan may affect emergency access and response times for the Fire Department. Thus, further study is warranted. Mitigation: This project will be mitigated by the conditions of approval written by the Fire Department. M nitorin : Monitoring for this project will be through the Fire Department. 35. Sheriff Services Source: CGP Fig. IV. 17-IV.18, EIR 232 Fitdings of Fact: The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan with respect to Sheriff service was evaluated in EIR' 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. As indicated in that document, uses within the Specific Plan are subject to Sheriff services programs and land use standards of the Comprehensive General Plan. They are also subject to measures listed in EIR 232 pertaining to Sheriff services. The Sheriff maintains Neighborhood Watch programs and encourages the principles of crime prevention to be incorporated into development projects. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, -ase the number of residential units, and increase golf course area within the Specific Plan area. The applicant is also proposing related changes to the Specific Plan drainage and circulation plans. While the reduction in 24 EA3 465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated residential dwelling units would result in fewer calls for service, the proposed changes to the circulation plan may affect the response time of the Fire Department. Thus, further study is warranted. Mitigation, Potential significant adverse impacts to crime prevention and protection services slopes shall be evaluated by the Addendum Environmental Impact Report (AEIR232) to EIR 232 required for this project, and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. Nlonitorinlx: Monitoring shall be determined after the mitigation measures for this project have been established (i.e., upon completion of AEIR232) 36. Schools ® 0 ri Source: CGP Fig. IV. 17-IV.18, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The revision to the previously adopted Specific Plan present new impacts to the local.school district. Approximately one-third of the proposed dwelling units within the Specific Plan are not restricted, whereas the other two-thirds of the proposed dwelling units are to be active -adult and country -club communities The proposed modificati6o's to, the Specific Plan would, among other things, reduce the number of units developed w=`llin the Specific Plan area. Mitigation: Impacts to the Coachella Valley Unified School District will be mitigated through state law. Monitoring: This project will be monitored through the planning process, and through the building permit review process. 37. Libraries ❑ ❑ ❑ Source: CGP Fig. IV.17-IV.18, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon library service was evaluated in EIR 232, which which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in.October of 1988. No significant impact on library services were identified. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase golf course area within specific Planning areas. Due to the reduction of residential units within the Specific Plan area, impacts identified in EIR 232 would be incrementally reduced from that previously evaluated. Since the proposed revisions will reduce impacts beyond those considered, no new impacts to library services are expected to occur from the proposed revision and no further study is warranted. ,ration: None required 25 EA? is65 Monitoring: None required 38. Health Services Source: CGP Fig. IV. I74V.18, EIR 232 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than SigniflUnt with Signiacant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated ❑ ❑ ❑ Findings of Fact: The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon health services were evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. No significant impact on library services were identified. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase recreation space within specific Planning areas. Due to the reduction of residential units within the Specific Plan area, impacts identified in EIR 232 would be incrementally reduced from that previously evaluated. Since the proposed revisions will reduce impacts from those previously considered, no new impacts to health services are expected to occur from the proposed revisions and no further study is warranted. Mitigation: None required Mnnittoring: None required RECREATION 39. Parks and Recreation a) Would the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect ❑ ❑ ❑ on the environment? b) Would the project include the use of existing neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of ❑ ❑ ❑ the facility would occur or be accelerated? c) Is the project located within a C.S.A. or recreation and park district with a Community Parks and Recreation Plan (Quimby fees)? ❑ ❑ ❑ 19 Source: CGP Fig. IV. 19-IV.20, Ord. No. 460, Section 10.35, Ord. No. 659, EIR 232 Findin s of Fact: The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon parks and recreation were evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase golf course area within specific Planning areas. Due to the reduction of residential units %vithin the Specific Plan area, impacts identified in EIR 232 would be incrementally reduced from that previously evaluated. Further, these modifications would increase the amount of recreation and c n space land within the Specific Plan area. Since the proposed revisions will reduce impacts from those p._-�iously considered, no new impacts to parks and recreation are expected to occur from the proposed revisions 26 EA3 465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation impact Impact Incorporated and no further study is warranted. Mitigation: Compliance with the measures set forth in EIR 232, and through the conditions of approval on this project. Monitoring: Monitoring shall be provided by the Coachella Valley Park and Recreation District. 40. Recreational Trails. Source: CGP Fig. IV.19-IV.24, Riv. Co. 800 Scale Equestrian Trail Maps, Open Space and Conservation Map for Western County trail alignments, EIR 232, Eastern Coachella Valley Community Plan (ECVP). Findings of Fact: The impacts of the adopted Specific Plan upon recreation and trails were evaluated in EIR #232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase golf course area within specific Planning areas. Since none of these, actions would increase the demand for trails, or modify an existing trail, no new impacts are expected to occur from the proposed revisions. P --prding to the ECVP, there are community trails and bike trails shown along Madison Street, 60`h Avenue, l,_ _Aroe Street, and along the eastern boundary of the project site. Mitigation: The developer is conditioned by the Regional Parks and Open Space Department to provide the trails as shown on the ECVP during each implementing proposal (tract map, parcel map, etc.). Monitorinsx: This project to be monitored though the building permit review process by the Regional Parks and Open Space Department. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Would the project = _ 41. Circulation a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase ❑ ® ❑ ❑ in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? b) Result in inadequate parking capacity? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ c) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated road or ❑ ® ❑ ❑ highways? d) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in ❑ ❑ ❑ t*-ffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? e) Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? ❑ ❑ 27 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorponted f) Substantially increase hazards to a design feature (e.g. , sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? g) Cause an effect upon, or a need for new or altered maintenance of roads? p13 h) Cause an effect upon circulation during the project's construction? p p ® ❑ i) Result in inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? j) Conflict with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? Source: CGP Fig. IV. 1-IV.11, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The traffic and circulation impacts of the adopted Specific Plan were evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. An updated traffic study was prepared for this proposal. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase golf course area within specific Plan area. The reduction in residential units will create fewer vehicle trips at build out of the specific Plan than originally evaluated. The applicant is also proposing amendments to the planned circulation system. Further study of potential traffic and c;-,ulation impacts is required. With regard to parking, Specific Plan No. 218 contains development standards which include parking guidelines for individual uses allowed within the Specific Plan. The impact of the Specific Plan on this issue was evaluated in EIR 232, which concluded that no significant impact to parking facilities would occur. The development standards contained in the Specific Plan will not be altered by the amendments currently proposed, so no additional impacts to parking facilities beyond that previously evaluated are expected to occur. Therefore, no further analysis of this issue is warranted. Mitigation: This project will be mitigated through the conditions of approval written by the Transportation Department. Monitoring: Monitoring for this project will be through the Transportation Department. 42. Bike Trails Source: CGP Fig. IV.12-IV.3, EIR 232, Eastern Coachella Valley Community Plan (ECVP) Findings of Fact: According to the ECVP, bike trails are to be constructed along Madison Street, 60`h Avenue, and Monroe Street south of 60`h. Mitigation: The developer is conditioned to construct the bike trails in accordance with the ECVP during the i Jementation proposals (tract maps, parcel maps, etc.). 28 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Monitoring: This project will be monitored through the building permit review process. UTILITY AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Would the project 43. Water a) Require or result in the construction of new water treatment facilities or ❑ ❑ ❑ expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which would cause significant environmental effects? b) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing ❑ ❑ ❑ entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? Source: CGP Fig. IV.14 - IV.15, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed project evaluated in this EA represents modification to adopted Specific Plan No. 218. Project impacts on water utilities were evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. Approval of Specific Plan No. 218 and certification of EIR 232 required that the project applicant show that adequate water facilities, including water treatment availability, existed to meet the demands of development. As a result, potential impacts to water facilities for the proposed project have already been considered and mitigated. Reservoir sites, water sources, pumping plants, and distribution facilities will be constructed to meet criteria provided by the Coachella Valley Water District. project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential units, and increase golf course area within specific Plan No. 218. The proposed amendment to the Specific Plan would result in fewer residential units at build out, which would decrease the amount of potable water required to supply domestic uses when compared against that evaluated in EIR 232. Therefore, the demand for potable water generated by build out of the Specific Plan as currently proposed is less than that previously evaluated. The expansion of the planned golf course will increase the demand for canal water. Miti :ration: Potential significant adverse impacts to water treatment and supply systems evaluated by Environmental Impact Report No. 232 and the Addendum. Monitoring: Monitoring will be through the building permit review process by the Coachella Valley Water District. 44. Sewer a) Require or result in the construction of new wastewater treatment facilities, ❑ ® ❑ ❑ including septic systems, or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which would cause significant environmental effects? b) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may service the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's ❑ ❑ ❑ projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? Source: CGP Fig. IV.14, EIR 232 intis o f Fact: The proposed amendment involves the re -arrangement of allowed residential and open space uses within the development area. While the number of residential units allowed will decrease, the change in the 29 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant wish Significant No lrnpacl Mitigalion Impact Impact Incorporated configuration of planned land uses, the related changes to the circulation system may affect existing and planned sewer service systems. An update of the information in EIR 232 is required. Mitigation_ Potential significant adverse impacts to wastewater treatment systems shall be evaluated by the Addendum Environmental Impact Report (AEIR232) to EIR 232 required for this project, and appropriate mitigation measures shall be identified. Monitorin : Monitoring will be through the building permit review process by the Coachella Valley Water District. 45. Solid Waste a) Is the project served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to ❑ ❑ ❑ accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? b) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid wastes (including the CIWMP (County Inte ated Waste Management Plan)? ❑ ❑ Source: CGP Fig. IV. 17-IV.18, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: Project impacts on solid waste facilities were evaluated in EIR 232, which was certified and adopted by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors in October of 1988. The project evaluated in this EA proposes to amend the Specific Plan in order to modify land use arrangements, decrease the number of residential -s, and increase golf course area within specific Plan areas. The proposed amendment to the Specific Plan would result in fewer residential units at build out, which would decrease the amount of solid waste generated at build out. Moreover, uses within the Specific Plan are affected by solid waste programs and land use standards of the Comprehensive General Plan. The County Integrated Waste Management Program governs collection, disposal and recycling 0fSol id waste generated by this project. Solid waste impacts were analyzed and mitigated in El 232, and will be incrementally reduced to the reduction of units within the Specific Plan area. Thus, no further study is required. Mitt ation: Compliance with the measures set forth in EIR 232 and the Addendum:' Monitoring: Monitoring to be provided by the Building and Safety Department. 46. Utilities Would the project impact the following facilities requiring or resulting in the construction of new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities; the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? a) Electricity? b) Natural gas? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ c) Communications systems? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ d) Storm water drainage? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ 30 EA37465 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated e) Street lighting? O ® ❑ O f) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? ❑ ® O O g) Other governmental services? ® ❑ ❑ h) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Source: CGP Fig. IV.25-IV.26, EIR 232 Findings of Fact: The proposed amendment involves the re -arrangement of allowed residential and open space uses within the specific plan area. While the number of residential units allowed will decrease, the change in the:' configuration of planned land uses, the related changes to the circulation system may affect existing and planned utility service systems. In addition, changes to the planned drainage system are proposed. An update of the information in EIR 232 is required. Mitigation: Mitigation for this project will be through the requirements of the relevant utility companies.. Monitoring: This project shall be monitored through the relevant utility companies OTHER Other: ❑ Source: N/A [■E Findings of Fact_ N/A Mitigation: N/A Monitoring: N/A 48. Other: ❑ ❑ Source: N/A Findings of Fact: N/A Mitigation: N/A Monitoring: - N/A 49. Other: ❑ ❑ ❑ rce: N/A I EA37i65 Less than Potentially Significant Less Then Significant with significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Findings of Fact: N/A Mitigation: N/A Monitoring: N/A MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE 50. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to 0 0 eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare, or endangered plant or animal to eliminate important examples ofthe major periods of California history or prehistory? Source: EIR 232 and "Findings of Fact" listed above Findings of Fact; No sensitive, rare or endangered wildlife and/or vegetation species were identified on the project site. Those portions remaining in a natural condition are at this time an isolated block of habitat. In addition, no. cultural resources arg,Jocated on the project site. Thus, the proposed project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment in this regard. 51. Does the proj ect have the potential to achieve short-term environmental goals, to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals? (A short-term impact on 0 0 the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) Source: EIR 232 and "Findings of Fact" listed above Findings of Fact: The project involves modifications to an existing approved Specific Plan. The decrease in the amount of allowed residential uses will reduce the long -terns impacts of the project. 52. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in 0 0 0 connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects as defined in California Code of Regulations, Section 15130)? Source: EIR 232 and "Findings of Fact" listed above Findings of Facts The proposed changes to the project circulation system will require a corresponding amendment to the General Plan Circulation Element Map. This change may affect existing and planned surrounding land uses. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial 0 O adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 13 32 EAJ'»65 Less than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant with Significant No Impact Mitigation Impact Impact Incorporated Source: "Findings of Fact" listed above Findings of Fact: The proposed changes to the circulation system may create traffic, noise, and emergency service impacts to existing and planned surrounding land uses. VI. EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. California Code of Regulations, Section 15063 (c) (3) (D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: Earlier Analyses Used, if any: Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan Eastern Coachella Valley Plan Specific Plan No. 218 and related EIR No. 232 Location Where Earlier Analyses, if used, are available for review: Riverside County Planning Department, 4080 Lemon Street, $' Floor, Riverside, California, 92502-1409 Y:\Ttvl2\Keith\Eas\ea37465pt3.wpd 33 EA37465 Riversiden Cou ty Waste Management department Robert A. Nelson. Genera! .blanager-Chiej£ngineer December 31, 1998 Mirtha Purkhart Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 91 Floor P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 RE: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218 (Coral Mountain Development) Dear Ms. Purkhart: The Riverside County Waste Management Department (Department) has reviewed the above - mentioned project, located southerly of 58' Avenue and just east of the Coral Reef Mountain in the Coachella Valley. The Department has the following comments at this time: The original Specific Plan and the associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR) were:,_,_.; approVad in 1988, prior to the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939). Therefore, the specific plan project was never evaluated in the context of AB 939, which addresses the over -reliance on landfills for solid waste disposal by requiring each city and,: county to divert 50 percent of solid waste from landfills by the year 2000. Waste generation from new growth could affect the County's capability of meeting the AB 939 mandate. Moreover, the added waste could impact the County's landfill system by accelerating the depletion of available landfill space. 2. The project would result in a substantial population growth in the La Quinta area; therefore, it would generate a significant quantity of solid waste, both during project construction and after project built -out. In order to reduce the project's impacts on the -County solid waste management system, the project proponent shall be required to mitigate the project's solid' waste impacts with the following measures: a. Demolition and construction waste should be recycled through the use of on -site grinders or wood recycling facilities. b. Green waste generated from project landscape areas and the two golf courses should be either composted on -site or sent to a composting facility in the area for recycling. C. The use of hazardous materials, such as herbicides, insecticides, and/or chemical fertilizers, for vegetation in the golf courses and landscape areas within the project may generate hazardous waste from the unused portions of these materials. Please be advised that County landfills do not accept hazardous materials. The project should comply with all applicable 1995.11.rrket Street - Rlrerside. CA 92501-1719 - i909t 95 5-13.'0 - Fav (909) 953-1374 - Far (909) 955-1334 r" law and regulations on hazardous waste storage and disposal. d. The California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Act of 1991 requires that adequate areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials be provided in commercial projects, business areas, multi -family residential projects with five or more units, and detached, single family residential projects where solid waste is collected and loaded in a location which serves five or more units. Prior to building permit issuance, the project proponent shall submit three copies of a site plan for each development phase to the Waste Management Department for review and approval. The site plan should show the locations and designs for the recyclable materials storage areas. Design standards for the storage area are as follows: i. The design, construction and location of recycling areas shall not conflict with any applicable federal, state or local laws relating to fire, building, access, transportation, circulation or safety and shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with affected structures and existing topography; ii. The recycling storage areas shall be conveniently located at or near solid waste collection areas, where feasible, but maintain adequate separation, fencing and landscaping to ensure that adjacent areas are not impacted by any associated noise, odor, vectors or glare from the storage areas: The recycling storage areas, bins and containers, shall be adequate in capacity -, ,; number and distribution to achieve fifty per cent recycling of the total waste generated by the project; iv. The recycling storage areas shall be sufficiently protected from rain which might render the collected materials unmarketable and shall be secure from theft; V. Collection vehicles and personnel shall have unobstructed access to the storage area; vi. All recycling bins shall be labeled with the universal recycling symbol and with signage indicating to the users the type of material to be deposited in each bin. e. Items to be collected for recycling from a residential, commercial or industrial establishment depend on the types of materials available for recycling and the haulers's collection system. The project proponent should work with his permitted refuse hauler to identify which materials may be collected for recycling and on what schedule. If you have any questions, please contact me at (909) 955-4386. fAdata\ping\landuse\devrev\ 1998\dr98-302 Sincerely, S g ey Ma anner III 4- 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 TOD (760) 777-1227 January 19, 1999 Ms. Mirtha Purkhart, Project Planner Riverside County Planning Department 9th Floor, CAC - P. O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 FAX AND VIA MAIL SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN NO.218, AMENDED NO. 1 - EA 37465 - CORAL MOUNTAIN Dear Ms. Purkhart: The City of La Quinta has reviewed the above applications and has the following comments: L As indicated the City of La Quinta's Sphere of Influence includes the property west of Monroe Street and north of Avenue 60. 2. The City of La Quinta has common boundaries with the proposed project along Avenue 58; Avenue 60 and Madison Street, and the westerly'project boundary between Avenue 60 and Avenue 58. 3. The City of La Quinta has designated as Primary Arterials the following streets: Monroe Street between Avenue 52 and Avenue 64; Madison Street between Avenue 60 and Avenue 54; Avenue 62 between Monroe Street and Jefferson Street extended; Avenue 60 between Monroe Street and the centerline of Section 28. As Primary Arterials the cross section calls for 100 to 110 foot right of way. 4. The City of La Quinta approved a project south and west of the intersection of Avenue 60 and Madison Street called "Travertine". This project is a major development within the City and as such, adequate access to the project must be maintained. Madison Street is a major access to the project and should be design as an Arterial street with a width of 110 feet. 5. The proposed layout of Madison Street and Avenue 60 does not take into consideration adequate access to the Travertine project in that, part of Madison Street does not appear on the plan and it also appears that the redesigned Madison Street, south of the course, does not have the right of way width for an Arterial Street r � MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92253 6. The City of La Quinta's General Plan identifies an Equestrian Trail on Avenue 58 west of Madison Street. This project should take this into consideration. 7. Please provide a copy of the Addendum to the EIR and Specific Plan. In summary, the City of La Quinta is opposed to the reconfiguration of Madison Street and Avenue 60 as depicted in the Land Use Plan for Coral Mountain unless: 1) The new alignment includes all of Madison Street to Avenue 62 and is developed as an Arterial street (110-feet) per City standards; and 2) the redesign of Madison Street where it "T's" into the curved realignment of Madison Street into Avenue 60 needs to be modified to provide a 1,200 foot radius curve, or more. We would request the applicant redesign to conform with La Quinta's Circulation Element. Very truly yours, i RRY HERMAN Community Development Director JH:bjs _�.�E� UNIRIEO 8„ re3ACFiELLA VALLEY UNIFIED Z%-H%0%AL DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 847 / THERMAL, CA 92274 / (619) 399-5137 Hou HVE January 19. 1999 JAN 251999 OD RIVERSIDE COUNTY Riverside County Planning Department PLANNING DEPARTMENT Land Development Committee Ms. Mirtha Purkhart, Project Planner 9th Floor, CAC - P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 Re: Amendment 1 to Specific Plan No. 218 for Coral Mountain Project Dear Ms. Purkhart: This later is submitted to the Riverside County Planning Department ("RCPD") on behalf of the Coachella Valley Unified School District ("District") relative to the above - referenced project. We have reviewed the draft of Amendment 1 to Specific Plan No. 21,8 ("Amendment") for the Coral Mountain Project ("Project") and submit these comments to identify the significant adverse impacts of the Amendment on the District's school facilities ("School Facilities"). 1. Request for Notice Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21092.2, we hereby request that you send copies of all notices and other documents regarding the Project that are mailed or distributed by the RCPD to the District at its office, located at 87-225 Church Street, -Thermal, CA 92274, attention Dr. Colleen Gaynes, Superintendent. We also request that you send a copy of those notices or other documents to Mr. Alex Bowie, Bowie, Arneson, Wiles & Giannone, at 4920 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. If any fee or charge is required for the provision of such notices or documents, please provide them office with an invoice for such costs. This Request for Notice specifically includes, but is not limited to: (i) notices of all hearings; (ii) notices of all proposed actions to be taken with regard to the developmental process; Ms. Mirtha Purkhart, Project Planner January 19, 1999 Page 2 (iii) all requests for information; (iv) draft and final environmental documents for the Project that are prepared, furnished, or filed pursuant to CEQA (including the Draft EIR, any updates to the Draft EIR, responses to the Draft EIR updates and staff reports and commentaries related thereto, and any Final EIR); and (v) copies of all Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, or other agenda that calendar any matter related to the Project. 2. Project InkrMation The proposed development of the Project includes the construction of 3,500 residential dwelling units ("DU") on a total of approximately 1,280 acres of property within the jurisdictional boundaries of the County of Riverside ("County") and within the Lower Coachella Valley Land Use Planning Area. The DU are planned to consist of the following densities: (i) 796 of medium density; (ii) 1,377 of medium high density, (iii) 721 of high density; and 486 of very high density. The Project is located within the District's boundaries and is within its respective attendance areas. As wE understand the proposal, of the total 1,280 acres encompassed within the Project, 395 acres are planned to be used for two golf courses, 30 acres are planned to be used for parks, 7 acres are planned to be used for community facilities and 10 acres are planned to be used for an elementary school. The elementary school is projected to be located within the very high density residential portion of the Project. Comments as to the acceptability of this location for a school site will be submitted at a later date. 3. Impact on the District's School Facilities Construction of 3,500 residential DU pursuant to the Amendment will have a significant adverse impact on the District's School Facilities. Based on the District's present estimated average student generation rate ("SGR") of 1.24 pursuant to the previous Mitigation Study Appraisal by the County prepared by School Planning Services, entitled "Development Fee Justification Analyses for Residential Development, CommerciaVIndustrial Development and Senior Housing" ("SPS Report"), development of the Project will result in a total of 4,340 students [3,500 x 1.24]. The District currently does not have sufficient permanent school facilities to house these 4,340 students generated from the development of the Project. Based on the District's School Facilities construction costs of $13,187 per student, the adverse impact resulting from development of the Project amounts to approximately $57,231,580 [4,340 students x $13,187]. Further assuming that the average square footage of a proposed residential DU for this Project is 1,135 square feet, school fees presently required to be paid pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Section 65995 will offset the foregoing amount by approximately $7,666,925 [3,500 DU x 1,135 square feet x $1.93 per square foot]. Ms. Mirtha Purkhart, Project Planner January 19, 1999 Page 3 Although these numbers are estimates, the potential adverse impact on the District's School Facilities as a result of the development of the Project approximates $49,564,655. 4. Proposed Mitigation of the District's School Facilities Im acts Because the development of the Project as proposed by the Amendment will have significant adverse impacts on the District's School Facilities, further analysis in the form of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("Supplemental EIR") will be required absent an agreement between the District and the developer of the Project that will mitigate those impacts to a level of insignificance ("Mitigation Agreement"). The Mitigation Agreement would be based on payments ("Mitigation Payments"), to be paid prior to the issuance of building permits, of $3.84 per square foot of assessable space ("Assessable Space") as defined in Government Code Section 65995, for each DU, up to a maximum per DU ("DU Maximum Payment") of $7,983. This amount is estimated to be $15,254,400 [3500 DU x 1,135 square feet x $3.84 per square foot], or, approximately 27% of the impact of $57,231,580. The Mitigation Payments and DU Maximum Payments would be adjusted by the District annually, beginning January 1, 2000 by the change in the Marshall & Swift Class D Wood Frame Construction Cost Index ("Index") since January 1, 1999. The Mitigation Agreement would also provide credits from State Funding and any subsequent authorized general obligation bond funding. In the event that the Mitigation Agreement is not executed, the developer of the Project will be required to pay the District, under present requirements, statutory school fees of at least $7,666,925 pursuant to Section 17620 of the Education Code and Section 65995 of the Government Code. However, the Project most likely will be subject to Alternative School fees pursuant to Section 17620 of the Education Code and Sections 65995.5 and 65995.7 of the Government Code. The amount of these Alternative School Fees has not yet been determined, but is estimated to be 50% of the School Facilities cost pursuant to Section 65995.5 and 100% of School Facilities costs pursuant to Section 65996.7. In relation to this Projec-t,-50% of the estimated School Facilities costs amounts to $28,615,790 and the 100% amount is estimated to be $57,231,580. However, execution of a Mitigation Agreement with the District would appear to be in the best interests of the owner of the Property. 5. Conclusion Due to the potential significant impacts on the District's School Facilities resulting from the development of the Project, the District respectfully requests that the RCPD require the preparation of a Supplemental EIR as part of the approval process for this Amendment. However, we believe that the preparation of a Supplemental EIR would not be required should the District and the developer of the Project mutually agree to enter into a Mitigation Agreement to reduce the significant impacts to a level of insignificance. Ms. Mirtha Purkhart, Project Planner January 19, 1999 Page 4 We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this Project, and, because the Project is in, its early stages, we reserve the right to comment at a future date. Very truly yours, Ken Miller Director of Facilities I PLANNING DEPARTMENT RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9THFLOOR, CAC - P.O. BOX 1409 RIVERSIDE, CA 92502 -1409 DATE: January 5, 1999 TO: Transportation - Russ Garrett Transportation - George Sterriker Environmental Health - Don Park Environmental Health - John Silva Fire Department - Nick Cadena Building & Safety - Grading Section Regional Parks & Open Space - Mark Brewer County Geologist Waste Management - R. Nelson Supervisor Wilson (2) Commissioner Porras EDA - Brad Hudson CSA #152 - Mel Bohlken City of La Quinta - Planning City of Coachella - Planning and Development City of Indio - Planning and Development FROM: Keith Gardner. Planner RE: • Specific Plan #218A1 Coachella Valley Water District Southern California Edison Southern California Gas General Telephone Coachella Valley Unified School District Desert Sands Unified School District California Department of Fish & Game CALTRANS all Coachella Valley Assoc. of Governments Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District Southern Coachella Valley Community Serv. Dist. Planning, Indio - Paul Clark SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218, AMMENDED NO. 1 - EA37465 - Coral Mountain Development, LLC - Lower Coachella Valley Zoning District - Fourth Supervisorial District - Southerly of 58" Ave, Westerly of Jackson St. 1,280 Acres - SP Zone - REQUEST: Amendment to SP 218 - APN: 761-110-001 Since the last transmittal, we have received this Screen Check # l . Please keep this for your records, and send back any comments deemed necessary. Should you have any questions, please call Keith Gardner at (909) 933-M2 or Richard MacHott at (909) 955-3299. COMMENTS: Per the Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District Master Plan, Ordinance # 460 allows agencies that provide park and recreation services to mitigate the impact of land subdivisions by accepting developed parks, payment of fees in lieu thereof, or a combination of both for park and recreation purposes. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the land divider shall submit to the Planning Director an agreement with the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District which demonstrates to the satisfactio- DATE: February 9, 1999 SIGNATURE: PLEASE PRINT NAME AND TITLE: Don Martin, General Manager TELEPHONE: 760-34 7-3484 &,t, 0#/M*00, If you do not use this letter for you response, please indicate the project planner's name. Thank you. of the County that the land divider has provided for the payment of $660.45 per dwelling unit in accordance with Section 10.35 of Ordinance # 460. • w ATFR ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY �ISTRIC1 GOACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (760) 398.2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS TELLIS CODEKAS, PRESIDENT THOMAS E. LEVY, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER ;NEW Mc AHARA, VICE PRESIDENT June 14, 1999 OWEN MLCOOK. ABERSSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER JOHN P. POWELL, Jr. AEDWINE AND SHERRILL. ATTORNEYS DOROTHY M. NICHOLS Richard Machott County of Riverside Planning Department Post Office Box 1409 Riverside, California 92502 Dear Mr. Machott: ii Subject: Coral Mountain Specific Plan 218 Amendedreen -Check No. 2 File: 0126.1 0163.1 We have reviewed screen check No. 2 for Specific Plan 218. We appreciate the opportunity to review this important document. Our comments regarding the first draft (Screen Check No. 1) have been addressed to our satisfaction and have been incorporated into the current document. We do however have one comment on the current document. This comment can be found in the enclosed Attachment A. If you have any questions please call Joe Cook, planning engineer, extension 292. Yours very truly, J&111_10,,.r.C51 Tom Levy General Manager -Chief Engineer Enclosure/l/as JEC:rmc\eng\sw\jun\machoa TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY Attachment A Page IV-14, under the heading Water and Sewer Plan to address the following: The third and fourth sentence reads,"The CVWD provides three types of water service within the Coachella Valley - domestic water, reclaimed water and agricultural or irrigation water. Both types of water service are supplied by wells." This sentence is incorrect. The district provides domestic water from wells. Agricultural water used for irrigation is a surface water source. 0 JEC:rmc\eng\sw\j un\machott March 31, 2000 Kim Jarrell Johnson RIVERSIDE COUNTY Regional Park And Open Space District P.O. Box 3507 Riverside, CA 92519-3507 RE: Coral Mountain at La Quinta/Park District Condition Dear Ms. Johnson: Thank you for meeting with Susan Stoltenberg and me on March 22 concerning your department's conditions of approval for the referenced project. As I stated in our meeting, Coral Mountain supports the concept of regional trails. Regional trails are of benefit to existing and future generations and meet a need for recreation as urbanization occurs. That said, however, we do have some concern with the wording of your condition. It is proposed that Coral Mountain provide easements outside of the public right-of-way along three major streets (including acquisition of off -site area), construct trails to county standards and maintain there in perpetuity (with associated legal liability issues). These are, as the name implies, regional trails. In other words. they are a regional improvement of area -wide benefit, not solely to the Coral Mountain project. Therefore, a nexus issue is raised. While we acknowledge a responsibility to participate in the regional trail obligation at a level commensurate with our project's impact, we must express our reservations at being burdened with land, financial and maintenance responsibilities arguably beyond our fair share. To add to our concern, it was our impression from our meeting that Coral Mountain would not receive any credits toward its park acreage requirements or in -lieu fees in exchange for granting easements or constructing and maintaining regional trails. We will still be required, however, to mitigate the park requirements of the Coachella Valley Park and Recreation District by either providing land per the standards, paying in -lieu fees of $660 per dwelling unit, or a combination of both. We feel this puts us in a disadvantaged situation compared to other projects. Accordingly, we would like to propose alternative language for a condition that we feel accomplishes the County's goal but also recognizes the nexus between Coral Mountain and the obligation to participate in the regional trails program. This condition is attached for your consideration. Sincerely, CORAL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT, LLC John P. Gamlin S.V.P.. Planning & Development [Proposed Condition Language] Regional trails, as depicted in the County of Riverside Comprehensive General Plan in effect at the time of approval of the Specific Plan Amendment, shall be constructed concurrent with the construction of rights -of -way abutting the property as required by the Transportation Department: • Along the east side of Madison Street abutting the subject property. • Along the south side of 601h Avenue from the Madison Street intersection to the southeastern corner of the subject property east of Monroe Street. The width of the regional trails shall be per county standards. The project shall dedicate the area required for the regional trails parallel to the adjacent public rights -of way. A reduction in the amount of dedication required shall be allowed for any efficiencies inherent in combining the regional trails with similar use areas within the public right-of- way, such as the sidewalk and a Class I bike trail, if required. An encroachment permit shall be granted for the construction of regional trails within the rights -of -way. In consideration of the dedication of land and construction of regional trails, the project shall receive credit against the Regional Parkland Fee portion of the Public Facilities and Services Mitigation Fee. In the event a County Maintenance District (or other similar public district) is formed or adopted to maintain regional trails, the Coral Mountain regional trails will be eligible for annexation into the County's Maintenance District. Maintenance for all regional trails shall be the responsibility of a County Open Space/Trails Maintenance District, if formed. In the event no district is formed, then these responsibilities shall be assumed by the appropriate Coral Mountain homeowner's association. MR zy-08-00 09:39A County Park District gog-955-4305 P-01 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 6* Regional Park And Open -Space District s Phone► � - 4600 Creatmore Road a Riverside, CA 925004J8r58 • (909) Fnx (900) 955.4505 PAUL FRANDSEN General Manager April 6, 2000 Jahn P. Gamlin Coral Mountain Development 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite I I I Palm Desert, CA 92211 Dear Mr. Gamlin, This is in response to your letter or March 21, 2000 concerning trail~ in the Coral Mountain Specific Plain. In the following discussion, the language in italics are direct quotes from your letter. .., they are a regional improvement of area -wide benefit, not solely to the Coral Mountain projeC4. The trails that this project has been conditioned to provide are called regional trails. r Iiowever, realistically, these trails will be most frequently utilized by residents of your project. While we acknowledge a responsihility to participcaie in the regional trail obligation at a level commensurate with our projects impact, we trust express our reservations dt being burdened with land financial, and maintenance re,crnazTibilities arguably beyond tour fair share. According to the project summery included in the vec;ific plan this project includes 129.0 acres stretching across five differcmt sections of land, approximately 3500 housing units, multiple golf courses, a commercial component, a park and a school. It N obvious that this is a large development" which will have not just local but also regional irnpuuts. It seems reasonable that a prtsject or this si7c provide some rc:cn-ational amenities That would he of regional bencfft. The cost ortrail maintenance should be born by whatever entity will he maintaining this project's roadside landscaping, This could be a homeowner's association or a landscape maintenance district and we will condition as such. .,.it was our impression... that (" oral ll-loa.lniuin would not receive any credits toti-,ard its Park acreage requirements or In -lieu fc}es in exchange for gran ing easements or constructing and muintuining lrcait . We will still he required... to mitigate the park reguirementx ref the Coachella Valley Park and Recreation District by either providing land. - - paving fee.y ... or a combination of both. wnt •,.quire pIVICLI, devr1W, tnanalc and tnrervrr[ for the :nsD:rntion. ore enJ of all people a-ell•LalanceJ system of area of ouutandsaii, scenic, recreation. +nd hialnr,r tmpurtaiku, May,708-00 09:39A County Park District gog-955-4306 P,v2 The .fees or land provided to the Coachella Park and Recreation District under the Quimby act are to mitigate the impacts of the project on local parks. The Coachella Park and Recreation District provides for the local or community recreation needs of its citimns. It is the County Park District that is empowered to provide for the regional park needs 1'or Riverside County. No part of any fee that is paid to Coachella Valley is given to the County. No further fee for park needs is required of this project outside of the Quimby fee paid to the Coachella District. Sine cly, rr i r 'mm Ja rell oltnson Assistant Park Planner c: Marc Brewer rr LAND DEVELOPMENT CONIMTTEE (*INITIAL CASE ACCEPTANCE) MEETING AGENDA RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9TH FLOOR, CAC - P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 )ATE: December 18, 1998 'O: Transportation - Russ Garrett LT.*ansportation - George Sterriker LEdVironmental Health - Don Park Environmental Health - John Silver Fire Department - Nick Cadena Building & Safety - Grading Section Regional Parks & Open Space - Mark Brewer County Geologist Waste Management - R. Nelson Supervisor Wilson (2) Commissioner Porras EDA - Brad Hudson CSA #152 - Mel Bohlken City of La Quinta - Planning City of Coachella - Planning and Dev. City of Indio - Planning and Dev. Coachella Valley Water District Southern California Edison Southern California Gas General Telephone Coachella Valley Unified School District Desert Sands Unified School District California Department of Fish and Game CALTRANS # 11 Coachella Valley Assoc. Of Governments Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District Southern Coachella Valley Community Serv. Dist. Planning, Indio - Paul Clark SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218, AMENDED NO. 1 - EA 37465 - Coral Mountain Development, LLC - Lower Coachella Valley Zoning District - Fourth Supervisorial District - Southerly of 58th Ave, westerly of Jackson St 1,280 Acres - SP Zone - REQUEST:'Amendment to SP 218 - APN: 761-110-001 Please review the case described above, along with the attached tentative map/exhibit. This item will be discussed c JANUARY 6,1999, by the Land Development Committee in Indio. All County LDC Agencies and Departments, plea: have draft conditions in the Sierra System by the LDC date. If you cannot clear the exhibit, please have LDC correctioi in the system and DENY the routing. Once the route is complete, and the approval screen is approved with or witho -orrections, the case can be scheduled for a public hearing. All other agencies, please have your comments/conditions the Planning Department as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after --the LDC date. Your comment recommendations/conditions are requested so that it may be included in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this item, please do not hesitate to contact MIRTHA PURKHART, Proje Planner, at (909) 955-1852. COMMENTS: DA'r:.: SIGNATURE: PL. _-5E PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE: If you do not use this letter for your response, please indicate the project planner's name. Thank you. DESERT CONTRACTORS'. ASSOCIATION March 17, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission c/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside CA 92501 Attn: Keith Gardner RE: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218/ "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is considering the referenced application at its hearing on April 12, 2000. As local residents of the Coachella Valley and an a strong representative of the business community and construction industry, We wish to express our support for Coral Mountain. As a project that has been on the drawing boards for the last l l years, we are confident that Coral Mountain will be a well -conceived and welcomed addition to the area. _ - We strongly urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, CA Boar Jennifer Schmitt DCA Executive Director P 1< IN BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT INC. March 22, 2000 Honorable Chairman and Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission c/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Sticet. 91h Flour Riverside, CA 92501 Attn: Keith Gardner Re: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218 / "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: .• It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is considering the referenced application at its hearing on April 12.2000. We are the principals in "Lions Gate". a subdivision of estate homes and lots bordering the proposed Coral Mountain to the north on Avenue 58. We also own undeveloped acreage bordering the proposed Coral Mountain to the northwest also on Avenue 58. Having substantial holdings in this area and a good knowledge of the proposed project We strongly urge the Commission to approve this Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. We see Coral Mountain as a development well suited and matched for this area and it should be a benefit to all residents and interests in its vicinity. N[uch effort and thought has gone into planning Coral Mountain and we look forward to it beeoitTing reality. Sincerely, , dohn J. Gogian, Jr. Neil W. Kleine 41910 Boardwalk. Suite A-10 • Palm Desert California 92211 • (760) 776-4840 • Fax. (760) 776-4842 • CA. # 390365 • AZ # 141156 MitCH Z4, 2M lfUh URADLE CHAIRXIN & PLANN LNG tb:NM1yUANFRS RIvT.Rxmir. COUNTY ?LAANjN(;CU,%(MW0N VO RrURSME C'O C'XTy Pf AA?V ihr DFTa RI1MTr sues LL 4Q,'4 STREET. fT$ FLOOR A r "MIDE. CA 9Lw4 'krr: JaIT)f C.UWNM RT: AMEKDW LN'r Nu.1 Y'U S PECMC PL. N XO. 211u C0RAL M0LWTAIN DEAR rRA I"IA1N PK7W AN MxXXMG COMMLSSN)NERS IT IS alit tf"LRSTANnrNf-r TfUT THE e[a-iN-WC CC0-_7MZS1UN CONSIDERING THE RU'EMNR:XP-krMCATION AT M MAR MG ON APRTI.1i_ ZWO. A9 OWYT. ; OF THE LA, QUWTA AND CI 116H OILS TK THE rlkWE -j A3tLA WE WISH TO F-XPRESS DIIR 9UlP03tT MR COILa M ou.,NTa.IN. 'S'L INI DERSIAM) TITAT TRf. PROJECT WAS ORYc4Nj LL-, .%VVXL0 k ll 11 YEARS .ILW A N.I) IN RE.'LDY TO BEGLN. TILERS ARE hL$"NY BE', ERTS TO TIE COMMILWr Y OV I'I.At17iTTff'r k rW)r MT1• QF IIi1.1 N LIC. WE STk0NCr.y UxtGE raS CoprH SSZON rU RkILUrI.Al1 ND APPROVAL Or TM AMENDMENT TO THE BOARD OF 5"Mlv'L,nR.S. TR,ti Ky" roe VOUR KL.ND CONSIDERATION. NNICYnny MUMAIMAD REL1 CRODS GiLUAR IIEDAYATI OWNERS OT 80505. WM 9TRFFT. LA QT.'INTA. RrwER.SIDIE March 27, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission c/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9 th Floor Riverside, Ca. 92501 Attention: Keith Gardner RE: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218/ "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: It has come to our attention that the Planning Commission is considering the refferenced application at the Hearing on April 12, 2000. We as land holding neighbors in the area (So.East corner Madison and 58th Ave.) wish to give our support for Coral Mountain Project. It would be a great benefit for this area. It;- is our hope and strong support that the Amendment, be alo" ed by the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, l -- 'r—E Arthur M. Kazarian LAUREI`IC,4 March 31, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission C/O Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street 9" Floor Riverside, Ca 92501 Att: Keith Gardner It a XTJ ' 7, b APR 12 20pp +°� ! CWM �MEPV"f RE: Amendment Nio .1 to specific Plan No. 218/ "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is considering the referenced application at its hearing on April 12, 2000. As residents of the Coachella Valley and members of the business community, we wish to express our support for Coral ilountairt. As a project that has been on the drawing boards for the past 11 years, we are confident that Coral Mountain will be a «yell -conceived and welcomed addition to the area. We strongly urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, Mark A. Couch, Sr. ITEM 4.1 JAM ES FRANCO CONSTRUCTION 77-955 CALLS TAMPICO, SUITE B LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE (760) 771-0398 FAX (760) 771-3198 March 31, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission c/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attn.: Keith Gardner RE: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218/ "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is considering the referenced application at its hearing on April 12, 2000. As residents of the Coachella Valley and members of the business community. we wish to express our support for Coral Mountain. As a project that has been on the drawing boards for the past 11 years, we are confident that Coral Mountain will be a well -conceived and welcomed addition to the area. We strongly urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your kind consideration. f MES FRANCO - OWNER HIES FRANCO CONSTRUCTION ITEM,46 , L ui�c�e[�sonstr�ctivn .... April 3, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission c/o Riverside Cnunty Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9`h Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attn: Keith Gardner RE: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218/"Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is considering the referenced application at its hearing on April 12, 2000. As residents of the Coachella Valley and, members of the business community. we wish to express our support for Coral Mountain. As a project that has been on the drawing boards for the past 11 years, we are confident that Coral Mountain will be a well -conceived and welcomed addition to the area. We strongly urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely. Todd Tidwell. President 39-205 Leopard Street • Parr-, Desert. CA 922 11-1134 o Ph: (760) 772-2544 • Fax: (760) 772-2540 Eileen M. Sheehy 73-851 Ocotillo Court Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-340-1396 April 4, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission C/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9`b Floor Riverside, CA 92501 ATTN: Keith Gardner RE: Amendment No.1 to Specific Plan No. 218 "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: I understand that the Planning Commission will be hearing the Coral Mountain Amendment on April 12, 2000. As a 33-year resident of the Coachella Valley and a member of the business community, I wish to express my support for Coral Mountain. Over the years, I have watched our Valley grow, and I am always concerned with the quality of this growth. I consider Coral Mountain to be environmentally well conceived and I urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, en M. Sheehy ITLt4$.,, Building Empires" `One Yard At A Time" ARCHULETA Concrete Constructic Company 79-607 Country Club Dr. Surte 1 Bermuda Dunes, Calif, 92201 Phone (760) 345-8722 FaX (760) 345-8223 Archuleta.Concrete construction April 4, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission c/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9' Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Att: Keith Gardner RE: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218/ "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty Planning Commissioners: It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is considering w "referenced Application at its hearing on April 12, 2000. As residents of the Coachella Valley and Member of the business community, we wish to express our support for Coral Mountain. As a project that has been on the drawing boards for the past 11 years, we are confident that Coral Mountain will be a well -conceived and welcomed additoin to the area. We strongly urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your Kind consideration. Sincerely, �Jvan J, Aleman �F April 5, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Attention: Keith Gardner Riverside County Planning Commission C/o Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 0 Floor Riverside CA 92501 Re: Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218P'Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: It is my understanding that the Planning Commission is reviewing the referenced application at its hearing on April 12, 2000. As a permanent resident of the Coachella Valley for the last 19 years and a member of the business community, I wish to express my support for Coral Mountain. This project has been on the drawing boards for the past 11 years and I am confident that Coral Mountain will be a well -planned and positive addition to the area. I strongly urge the Commission to recommend approval of the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you for your kind consideration. ,Sincerely, _ - i t Marty Vistica Nineteen Year Resident Of the Coachella Valley WHITEWATER ROCK & SUPPLY Co. QUARRY STONE - MASONRY SUPPLIES April 7, 2000 Honorable Chairman & Planning Commissioners Riverside County Planning Commission C/o Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Keith Gardner 4080 Lemon Street, 9d' Floor Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Amendment No. I to Specific Plan No. 218 "Coral Mountain" Dear Chairman Petty and Planning Commissioners: We understand that on April 12, 2000 the Planning Commission is considering the above matter at its hearing. As residents and business owners in the Coachella Valley, we are expressing our support for Coral Mountain. This project has been on the drawing board for many years and we feel that Coral Mountain would be a welcomed addition the the area. We strongly urge the Commission to approve the Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Thank you. Sincerely, Al Bankus President Qo�,� 58645 OLD HIGHWAY 60. WHITEWATER. CALIFORNIA 92282 ���Rs PHONE PALM SPRINGS (760) 325-2747 FAX (760) 325-3666 e-mail- WWROCKCO@aol.com web site: www.whitewater-rock.ccm �.;. .+r,e-• -..e.eo oo:fd7 PMVJWS RANCHES 750 31073-44 *N./ .ENUS RANCHES, INC. P.O. BOX 1179 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92202 760 (J* 347.3579 April 10, 2000 Riverside County Planning Commission C/o Keith Gardner. Associate Planner 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, Calif. 92501 RE: Specific Plan No. 218 Amendment No. 1 (Coral mountain) Dear Planning Commissioners: We are the owners of 200 acres on the northwest corner of Avenue 60 and Monroe Street in the Thermal area immediately west of, and adjacent to, the proposed Coral Mountain project. we have had the land in date production for many decades. operating as Venus Ranches. Inc. we undersCand that the developers of Coral Mountain are proposing to amend"mhe specific plan approved by the courty`in 1988 a!nd that the Planning Commission is considering the proposal at its hearing on April 12. we would lice to express our support for the project as a next door neighbor. The area in the :vicinity of our property is in a transition from vacant and agricultural users to development such as PGA west to the north. we feel that Coral Mountain. which has been planned for many years, will be a Positive addition tc the area. Therefore, we urge approval of the amendment and thank you for thin opportunity to provide input. Sincerely, Brad Nussbaum President COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY TO: ❑ Office of Planning and Research (OPR) 1400 Tenth Street. Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 ® County Clerk County of Riverside NOTICE OF DETERMINATION FROM: Riverside County Planning Department ® 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor P. O. Box 1409 Riverside. CA 92502-1409 ❑ 82-675 Highway 111, 21 Floor Indio. CA 92201 Riverside County Transportation Department ❑ 4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor P. O. Box 1090 Riverside. CA 92502-1090 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21152 of the California Public Resources Code. ,.A_Number. 37465 Specific Plan No. 218 Amendment -No I/Chance of Zone No. 6454 Project Title: Case Numbers 87071302 Keith Gardner State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person 909 955-9076 Area Code&o./Ert. Coral Mountain Develo meat. LLC. 41-865 Boardwalk. Ste. I I I. Palm Desert CA 92211 Project Applicant/Property Owner and Address Located north of62' Street. Wttriy of Jefferson Street and westerly of Jackson Street Project Location Tc, Jify- land uses to decrease maximum number of residnetial units allowed/change name from Rancho La Ouinta to Cota1 Mountain/textual chanee in SpScific Plan zoning ordinance that would add Planning Areas 14 throuLTh, 53 to Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance and redefine Planning Areas I throush 13. Project Description This is to advise that the Riverside County Planning Commission has approved the above -referenced project on Aril 26.236.3000, and has made the following determinations regarding that project: I. The project ❑ will. ® will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. ® An Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 232 was prepared for this project and certified pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. ❑ A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. ❑ The proposed project is a (commercial/industrial/residential) project undertaken pursuant to and in confonuizkto Specific Plan No. ''' (??) for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. ??) has been prepared. therefore pursuant to Section 15182 of the CEQA Guidelines. the proposed project is exempt from CEQA. 3. Mitigation Measures 0 were. ❑ were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. Findings were made in accordance with Section 21081 of the California Public Resources Code. 5. A statement of Overriding Considerations ❑ , was. N was not adopted for this project. 6. A de minimis finding ❑ was. ® was not made for this project in accordance with Section 711.4 of the California Fish and Game Code. This is to certify that the Addendum to EIR NO. 2 32.. with comments. responses and record of project approval is available to the general public at: ® Riverside County Planning Department. 4080 Lemon Street. 9th Floor. Riverside. CA 92501 ❑ Riverside County Planning Department. 82-675 Highway 111. Room 209. Indio. CA 92201 ❑ Riverside County Transportation Department. 4080 Lemon Street. 9th Floor, Riverside. CA 92501 Signature Title )BE COMPLETED BY OPR FOR COUNTY CLERK'S USE ONLY Date Received for Filing and Posting at OPR: Date Please charge deposit fee case A EA #37465 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING INTENT TO CERTIFY AN ADDENDUM Tand OME ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REP _ ORT JBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING CON IISSION consider the project shown below: to SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218, AMENDMENT NO. 1, CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 6464, EA 37465/EIR 232, is an application submitted by Coral Mountain Development, LLC for property located in the Fourth Supervisorial District, Lower Coachella Valley Zoning District, and generally located south of 58`h Street, north of 62' Avenue, along designate Madison and Monroe Street; and, pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, Riverside County Land Use Ordinance, proposes to 1,280 +/- acres into 738 acres of residential uses. 371 acres of gold courses, 9 acres of commercial, 42 acres of parks and find appropriate. (Legislative) -of--way; Proposes to trails, 2 acres of community facilities, 10 acres of school site, and 108 acres of transportation rights change the zone from SP to SP (textual change is SP ordinance); or other such zones that the Planning Commission may fi TIME OF HEARING' 10:30 a.m., or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: APRIL 12, 2000 PLACE OF HEARING: CITY OF PALM DESERT COUNCIL CHAMBERS 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT UITH GARDNER, PROJECT PLANNER, AT (909) 955-9076. T!,- Riverside County Plarring Department has determined that the above named project may have a significant et. .on the environment, and has recommended the certification of an addendum to Environmental Impact Report. The Planning Commission will consider the proposed project and the addendum to the Environmental Impact Report at the public hearing. The case file for the proposed project, and the proposed addendum to the Environmental Impact Report, may be viewed Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Riverside County Planning Department located at the address below. Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project, or the addendum to the Environmental Impact Report, may do so in writing between the date of'this notice and the public hearing; or, may appear and be heard at the time and place noted above.. All comments received prior to the public hearing will be submitted to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project or the proposed addendum to the Environmental Impact Report. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project and/or the associated environmental document. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. Please send all written correspondence to: RTVERST.DE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P. O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 9_502-1409 First American Title Insurance Company 362514th Street Riverside, California 92502 Phone (909) 787-1700 Property Owners Certification I. LYSA S 0 BAMPO CERTIFY THAT ON 0 CT, 2 6 , 9 THE ATTACHED PROPERTY OWNERS LIST WAS PREPARED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE' INSURANCE COMPANY PURSUANT TO APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FURNISHED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. SAID LIST IS A COMPLETE AND TRUE COMPILATION OF THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALL OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 600' FEET (PERSONS OWNING MULTIPLE PROPERTIES SHALL ONLY BE COUNTED OUNCE) OF THE PROPERTY INVOLVED IN THE APPLICATION AND IS BASED UPON THE LATEST EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT ROLLS. 'NAME: LYSA SOBAMPO TITLE/REGISTRATION: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FILED IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I UNDFRSTANDTHATTHE INCORRECT OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION MAY BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OR DENIAL OF THE APPLICATION. SIGNATURE ,y�V \'A' C\ R ., z�F`r DATE: OCT.26 1CJ99 CASE NO.:SEE MAPS ATTACHED APN 7 53-070-010 APN 753-070-012 APN 753-070-014 753 USA 753 USA 753 USA US DEPT OF INTERIOR US DEPT OF INTERIOR US DEPT OF INTERIOR WAS94 NGTON DC 21401 WASHINGTON DC 21401 WASHINGTON DC 21401 1 APN 753-070-017 APN 753-070-018 APN 753-070-027 U S A 753 HOWARD B. KECK HOWARD B. KECK U S DEPT OF INTERIOR WASHINGTON DC 21401 APN 753-070-031 APN 761-090-009 APN 761-090-010 HOWARD B. KECK BERTHA L. & MAURICE L. RATTERREE DANNY RICHARD SWENSON 300 BEL AIR RD 80550 58TH AV 80600 58TH AV LOS ANGELES CA 90077-3813 LA QUINTA CA 92253-7661 LA QUINTA CA 92253-7662 APN 761-090-011 APN 761-090-012 APN 761-090-015 CHRISTOPHER L. SHAVER JON E. MCCLURE PHYLE COMMERCIAL R/E LLC PO BOX 716 PO BOX 137 7183 N MAIN ST PALM DESERT CA 92261-0716 OKOBOJI IA 51355-0137 CLARKSTON MI 48346-1570 APN 761-100-003 APN 761-100-004 APN 761-100-005 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN GHODS TRUST PT PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 426 N 44TH ST #375 2870 S HARBOR BLVD 426 N 44TH ST #3i5 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 " SANTA ANA CA 92704-5806 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-100-006 APN 761-100-007 APN 761-100-008 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN JOHN J. GOGIAN 761 USA 426 N 44TH ST #375 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 US DEPT OF THE INTERIOR PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 WASHINGTON DC 21401 APN 761-100-012 APN 761-110-001 APN 761-110-002 CHARLES H. SHAW PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 14081 MAGNOLIA ST SPC 73 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 WESTMINSTER CA 92683-4748 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-110-003 APN 761-110-004 APN 761-110-006 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN EFERN 3 LISA J. CASTRO 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 80800 60TH AV PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 LA QUINTA CA 92253-7645 APN 761-110-008 APN 761-110-010 APN 761-110-011 JAMES R. DODD HUMBERTO D. & GUADALUPE M. SANCHEZ 761 USA 59781 MADISON ST 56491 HWY 111 US DEPT OF THE INTERIOR THERMAL CA 92274-9137 THERMAL CA 92274-9602 WASHINGTON DC 21401 AP ) 761-110-012 APN 761-110-013 APN 761-110-014 761 USA BARBARA J. THURO BARBARA J. THURO US DEPT OF THE INTERIOR 1905 WARMLANDS AV 1905 WARMLANDS AV WASHINGTON DC 21401 VISTA CA 92084-3333 VISTA CA 92084-3333 ON " 761-170-039 RIELLY HOMES MADIS APN "161-120-010 APN 761-120-012 APN 761-120-016 KEVIN P. 3 KIMBERLY L. KELSEY TIMOTHY Y. KRAUSHAAR RAYMOND I. LINDQUIST PO BOX 1391 115 4TH ST 568 AVENIDA SEVILLA #B LA O'-tkNTA CA 92253-1391 SEAL BEACH CA 90740-6010 LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653-4075 I APN 761-120-026 APN 761-130-012 APN 761-170-037 761 USA 761 USA KSL DESERT RESORTS INC UNKNOWN 10-06-87 US DEPT OF THE INTERIOR 56140 PGA BL WASHINGTON DC 21401 LA QUINTA CA 92253-4600 APN 761-200-001 APN 761-200-001 APN 761-200-003 KATHERINE K. & HAR & ARTHUR M. KATHERINE K. 3 HAR 3 ARTHUR M. KATHERINE K. 8 HAR & ARTHUR M. 3625 W 39TH ST 3625 W 39TH ST 3625 W 39TH ST LOS ANGELES CA 90008-1814 LOS ANGELES CA 90008-1814 LOS ANGELES CA 90008-1814 APN 761-200-004 APN 761-200-006 APN 761-200-007 KATHERINE K. S HAR 3 ARTHUR M. JESUS BARAJAS PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 3625 W 39TH ST 58500 MADISON ST 426 N 44TH ST #375 LOS ANGELES CA 90008-1814 THERMAL CA 92274-9725 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-200-008 APN 761-210-002 APN 761-210-003 CVCWD PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PO BOX 1058 426 N 44TH ST 0375 426 N 44TH ST 0375 COACHELLA CA 92236-1058 " PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-210-004 APN 761-210-005 APN 761-210-006 VENUS RANCHES INC VERNON 8 DINETTE & BRAD NUSSBAUM HENRY 8 MARY CHRISTINE RANDAZZO 45701 MONROE ST #N PO BOX 1178 59650 MADISON ST INDIO CA 92201-3964 INDIO CA 92202-1178 THERMAL CA 92274 APN 761-210-007 APN 761-220-002 APN 761-220-003 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PKOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-220-004 APN 761-220-005 APN 761-220-006 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST STE 375 426 N 44TH ST #375 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-220-007 APN 761-220-008 APN 761-220-009 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 426 N 44TH ST STE 375 426 N 44TH ST STE 375 426 N 44TH ST #375 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 AP' 761-220-010 APN 761-220-011 APN 761-220-013 LILY M. OROURKE 761 USA CVCWD 12137 PALM CT US DEPT OF THE INTERIOR 85820 COACHELLA HEIGHTS GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5329 WASHINGTON DC 21401 COACHELLA CA 92236 API "761-220-018 APN 761-220-019 APN 761-220-020 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 426 N 44TH ST 0375 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-220-021 APN 761-230-001 APN 761-230-002 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN FRANK R. 6 LINDA H. SWINIUCH CVWD 426 N 44TH ST #375 133 COVENTRY RD PO BOX 1058 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 KENMORE NY 14217-1159 COACHELLA CA 92236.1058 APN 761-230-003 APN 761-230-004 APN 761-230-005 CVWD FRANK R. & LINDA H. SWINIUCH RICHARD J. MEYER PO BOX 1058 133 COVENTRY RD PO BOX 3046 COACHELLA CA 92236-1058 KENMORE NY 14217-1159 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92659-0590 APN 761-230-006 APN 761-230-008 APN 761-230-009 RICHARD J. & SUZANNE M. MEYER PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PO BOX 3046 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92659-0590 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-230-010 APN 761-230-011 APN 761-230-012 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN MOUNTAIN DEV LLC CORAL ?ALM SPRINGS MAG LAN 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 " PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 l APN 761-230-013 APN 761-230-014 APN 761-230-015 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN LILY M. OROURKE PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 426 N 44TH ST STE 375 12137 PALM CT 426 N 44TH ST STE 375 PHOENIX AZ 850084695 GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5329 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-230-016 APN 761-310-002 APN 761-310-009 761 USA 120 LA QUINTA PAUL S. WEINBERG US DEPT OF THE INTERIOR 1570 LINDA VISTA DR WASHINGTON DC 21401 SAN MARCOS CA 92069-3808 APN 761-310-013 APN 761-310-016 APN 761-330-003 WILLIAM J. 3 KIM M. HAMMER WILLIAM J. 3 KIM M. HAMMER PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PO BOX 278 PO BOX 278 426 N 44TH ST #375 PALM DESERT CA 92261-0278 PALM DESERT CA 92261-0278 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-330-004 APN 761-330-005 APN 761-330-006 PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PETER RABBIT FARMS INC 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 85810 GRAPEFRUIT BLVD PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 COACHELLA CA 92236-1831 AP' - ) 761-330-007 APN 761-330-008 APN 761-330-013 YSAAC ROSS PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PO BOX 4527 426 N 44TH ST #375 426 N 44TH ST #375 PALM SPRINGS CA 92263.4527 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 61-330-014 APN 761-340-001 APN 761-340-002 RECYC INC PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN PALM SPRINGS MAGELLAN 114 BUSINESS CENTER DR 426 N 44TH ST 0375 426 N 44TH ST #375 CO"n- NA CA 91720-1724 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 PHOENIX AZ 85008-7695 APN 761-340-003 APN 761-350-013 APN 761-350-014 NURSERIES COCOPAH CHARLES R. FAUSEL CAL SUNGOLD INC PO BOX 920 PO BOX 1540 LA QUINTA CA 92253-0920 INDIO CA 92202-1540 APN 761-350-015 APN 761440-003 APN 761-440-004 JEAN CHARLES INC GEORGIA DIRKS KUTNER LEDA DOCKSTADER 82449 61 ST AV PO BOX 1108 2240 S PALM CANYON DR #24 THERMAL CA 92274-8711 RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270-1108 PALM SPRINGS CA 92264-9358 APN 761-440-008 APN 761-440-011 APN 761-440-012 DONALD J. 3 KASNEA MARTIN LEONARD LUNING 43750 VIA PALMA J. PAUL THOMASSEN PALM DESERT CA 92211-8200 709 N WESTWOOD PL ANAHEIM CA 92805-2432 APN 761-440-015 APN 761-440-016 APN 761-440-017 ARCHINE V. N. FETTY MARCIALEE H. LAMBIEL ARCHINE V. N. FETTY 3304 SILVER OAK LN " 82194 WARING WAY 3304 SILVER OAK LN VISTA CA 92084-6614 INDIO CA 92201-7535 VISTA CA 9208"614 i APN 761-440-018 APN 761-440-019 APN 761-540-001 BONNESS PROP CO LEONARD LUNING JOHN J. GOGIAN 4334 ECHO GLEN DR DAILAS TX 75244-7421 41910 BOARDWALK #Al0 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 APN 761-540-002 APN 761-540-003 APN 761-540-004 JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211.9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 APN 761-540-013 APN 761-540-014 APN 761-540-015 JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN KENT M. 3 MARY E. CORNELL 41910 BOARDWALK #A70 41910 BOARDWALK #Al0 PO BOX 244 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 LA QUINTA CA 92253-0244 APN 761-540-016 APN 761-540-017 APN 761-540-018 JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALK #A70 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 AR ) 761-540-019 APN 761-540-020 APN 761-540-021 JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 41910 BOARDWALK #A10 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 APN "'761-540-022 it JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALK #A70 PAl DESERT CA 92211-9095 APN 761-540-027 JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALK NA10 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 APN 761-540-023 JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALK MA10 PALM DESERT CA 92211.9095 APN 761-540-026 JOHN J. GOGIAN 41910 BOARDWALKC #A10 PALM DESERT CA 92211-9095 y in ravid'Deed-S. Calif. Gas Co. Transmission Planning Asst. 'O Box 2300 �hatswnrth, CA 91313-2300 ,ity of Indio '.O. Box 1788 ndio, Ca. 92202 �oachella Valley %Ssociation of Governments 13 - 710 Fred Waring Drive N 200 Palm Desert, Ca. 92260 the Nature Conservancy !01 Mission Street, 4T" Floor Tan Francisco, Ca. 92260 fir. Enrique De Leon Imperial Irrigation District P.O. Box 1080 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Tierra Club - Tahquitz Group -tttn: Jeff Morgan 1485 E. Via Escuela Palm Spring, Ca. 92262, -kttn: Christian Ingnacio Mojave Desert Air Quality Mgmt. Dist. Planning Section 15428 Civic Drive, Ste 200 Victorville, Ca. 92392 - 2383 iouthern California Gas Company 13100 W. 14T" Blythe, Ca. 92225 Caltrans District 18 Department of Planning 464 W. 4T" Street San Bernardino, Ca. 92401 -1400 Coat 'Ecological Reserve Foundation PO Box 2821 Palm Desert, CA 92261 Southern California Gas Co. Attn: Richard T. Tyree 211 N. Sunrise Way General Telephone Company Palm Springs, Ca. 92262 83-793 Dr. Carreon Blvd. Indio, Ca. 92201 Attn. Peggie Reves U.S. Department of Interior Desert Sands Unified School District Bureau of Land Management 47 - 950 Dune Palm Road P.O. Box 1260 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 N. Palm Springs, Ca. 92258 California Department of Parks & Recreation Coachella Valley Preserve P.O. Box 2390 P.O. Box 188 1416 9T" Street, Room 1435 Thousand Palms, Ca. 92276 Sacramento, Ca. 95811 Attn. Joe Cook Southern California Gas Company Coachella Valley Water District 211 N. Sunrise Way P.O. Box 1058 Palm springs, Ca. 92262 Coavhella, Ca. 92236 San Bernardino County Museum Sierra Club - San Gorgonio Chapter 2024 Orange Tree Lane Attn: Joan Taylor Redlands, Ca. 92374 1800 S. Sunrise Way Palm Springs, Ca. 92264 Attn: Dan Silver California Native Plant Society Endangered Habitat League 1722 "J" Street, Suite 17 8424 "A" Santa Monica Blvd. #592 Sacramento, Ca. 95815 Los Angeles Ca. 90069 - 4210 Al McCandless Public Library California Regional Water Quality 200 Civic Center Mall Control Board - tl7 Indio, Ca. 92201 73 - 720 Fred Waring Drive #100 Palm Desert, Ca. 92260 Southern California Edison Company Southern California Edison Company 505 W. 14T" Street 36100 Cathedral Canyon Bl}the, Ca. 92225 Cathedral City, Ca. 92234 City of La Quinta City of Coachella P. O. Box 1504 1515 & Street La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 Coachella, CA 92236 Coachella Valley Preserve Southern Coachella Valley Advisory Committee PO Box 188 PO Box 302 Thousand Palms. CA 92276 Thermal, CA 92274 Coachella Valley Recreation & Parks Dist. 45-87i Clinton Street Indio, CA 92201 SP 218 (Coral Mountain) Y:1Lables\sp00218al.wpd Coachella Valley School District P.O. Box 847 Thermal, CA 92274 Mr. Alex Bowie Howie, Arnrson, Wiles & biannone 4920 Campus Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 ,, a I Planning Commission County of�de 2 RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF 3 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218 4 (CORAL MOUNTAIN, formerly RANCHO LA QUINTA) 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 65450 etet seg., a public 6 hearing was held before the Riverside County Planning Commission in Riverside, California on 7 April 12, 2000 and May 24, 2000 to consider Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218 (Coral 8 Mountain, formerly Rancho La Quinta), which specific plan was adopted by the Riverside County 9 Board of Supervisors pursuant to Resolution No. 88-483 (dated October 6, 1988); and, 10 WHEREAS, all the procedures of the California Environmental Quality Act and the 11 Riverside County Rules to Implement the Act have been met, and the Addendum to Environmental 12 Impact Report (EIR) No. 232, prepared in connection with Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 13 218 andrelated cases (referred to alternatively herein as "the project"), is sufficiently detailed'so that w 14 all the potentially significant effects of the project on the environment and measures necessary to 15 avoid or substantially lessen such effects have been evaluated in accordance with the above- 16 referenced Act and Rules; and, 17 WHEREAS, the matter was discussed fully with testimony and documentation presented 18 by the public and affected government agencies; now, therefore, 19 BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND, DETER.'�IINED, AND ORDERED by the Planning 20 Commission of the County of Riverside, in regular session assembled on June 21, 2000, that: 21 1. The proposed amendment would change the specific plan name from "Rancho La 22 Quinta" to "Coral Mountain". 23 2. The proposed amendment would do each of the following: reduce dwelling units to 24 a maximum of 2,740 by eliminating 1,522 previously proposed units, reduce 25 commercial acreage from thirty-five (35) to twenty-seven (27) acres, increase the 26 acreage of the golf courses from three hundred eighty (380) to five hundred fourty- 27 one (541), and improve on -site traffic circulation and area -wide access via a revised 28 street pattern. 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. More specifically, the community park would be eliminated from the specific plan; the former golf course clubhouse site would be converted to medium -density residential and commercial uses (Planning Areas 22 and 23); new golf course clubhouse sites and maintenance facilities would be designated as, Planning Areas 1, 7, 11, 13, 19, 30, 48, and 50; the golf courses would be redesigned and designated as Planning Areas 11, 19, and 50; Planning Areas 2 through 6, 8 through 10, 12, 14 through 18, 22, and 51 would be designated as medium density residential (2-5 du/ac); Planning Areas 23 through 29, 31, through 47, 49, and 53 would be designated as medium high density residential (5-8 du/ac); Planning Areas 21, 33, and 52 would be designated as commercial; overall the project would result in a decrease in dwelling units from 4,262 to 2,740. - 4. The proposed amendment would modify the design guidelines for the project. Plans and standards for streetscapes, entries, the park, open space paseos, a comprehensive w trail plan, sensitive riparian open space and community gardens would be updated. Product types, lot size minimums and development standards would remain the same, but product distribution and planning area configuration would be adjusted to add the new area. 5. The proposed amendment would update the Specific Plan Master Circulation Plan by downgrading Madison Street between 58" and 60`h Streets from an Urban Arterial Highway to an Arterial Highway to make it consistent with recent County -adopted amendments to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. 6. No potentially significant environmental impacts are associated with the proposed amendment and related cases other than those identified in EIR No.,232 and those impacts would be avoided or lessened (reduced to a level of insignificance) by the mitigation measures listed in Resolution No. 88-483 Adopting Specific Plan No. 218 (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference in its entirety). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Planning Commission that: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. The proposed amendment would be consistent with the intent, design and mitigation approved for Specific Plan No. 218. 2. The proposed amendment would be consistent with all elements and applicable policies of the Comprehensive General Plan, as amended by related Comprehensive General Plan Amendment No. 493. 3. The proposed amendment would not have a significant effect on the environment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Planning Commission that it has reviewed and considered EIR No. 232, Environmental Assessment No. 37465, and the Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 232 in evaluating the proposed amendment and that the Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 232 is an accurate and objective statement that complies with the California Environmental Quality Act and reflects the County's independent judgement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Planning Commission that it recommends CERTIFICATION of the Addendum to EIR No. 232 and ADOPTION of Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 218, subject to the conditions of approval as recommended. Y:\TM2\Keith\SPs\sp00218a 1 peres2.%%pd 3 -I - Ordinance No. 348. Amending Ordinance No. 348 Relating to Zoning The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside Ordains as Follows: Section 1. Section 4.41 of Ordinance No. 348, and Lower Coachella Valley Plan Map No. 41, as amended, are further amended by placing in effect the zone or zones as shown on the map entitled Change of Official Zoning Plan, Lower Coachella Valley District, Map No. 41.028, Change of Zone Case No.6464 which map is made part of this ordinance. Section 2. Article XVIIa of Ordinance No. 348 is amended by adding thereto a new Section 17.50 to read as follows: SECTION 17.50. SP ZONE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 218, AMENDED NO. 1. 1. Planning Areas 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, and 51. (1) The uses permitted in Planning Area 1 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended No. 1 shall be the same uses as those pennitted in Article VI, Section 6.1 and Article VIIId, Section 8.91 of Ordinance No. 348. In addition, the permitted uses identified under,section 8.91 shall include well sites. I (2) The development standards for Planning Areas 22,3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 11, 15, 16, 18, 22 and 51 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended Number 1 shall be the same as those standards identified in Article VI of Ordinance No. 348 except that the development standards set forth in Article VI, Sections 6.2(a), (b), (c), and (e)(2) and (3) shall be deleted and replaced by the following: A. Building height shall not exceed three (3) stories, with a maximum height of thirty-five feet (35'). B. Lot area shall be not less than six thousand fifty (6,050) square feet. The minimum lot area shall be determined by excluding that portion of lot that is used solely for access to the portion o f a lot used as a building site. C. The minimum average width of that portion of a lot to be -.used as a building site shall be fifty -fire feet (55') with a minimum average depth of one hundred ten feet (110'). That portion of a lot used for access on flag lots shall have a minimum width of thirty feet (30'). D. Side yards on interior and through lots shall be not less than five feet (5'). Side yards on corner and reversed corner lots shall be not less than fifteen feet (151) from the existing street Iine or from any future street line as shown on any Specific Plan of highways, whichever is nearer the proposed structure, upon which the main building sides, except that where the lot is less than sixty feet (60') wide, the yard need not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the width of the lot. E. The rear yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20'), except when the rear yard adjoins a golf course or open space, the rear yard shall be not less than fifteen feet (15'). \\TLivIA-PLAN\SYS\FILES\TiNv12`,Keith\SPs1sp00218a I czord2.doc -2- F. The garage or carport shall be set back from the back of the street improvements according to the followin table: Angle of the face of gara a from street: Minimum setback: 0 degree(parallel) to 29 degrees 20' 30 de rees to 44 degrees 17' 45 de ees to 59 de ees 14' greater than 60 degrees 10, F. In no case shall the garage or carport face be closer to the property line than ten feet (10'). (3) Except as provided above, all other zoning requirements shall be the same as those requirements identified in Article VI of Ordinance No. 348. 17. Planning Areas 1, 7, 11, 13, 19, 30, 48, and 50 (1) The uses permitted in Planning Areas 1, 7, 11, 13, 19, 30, 48, and 50 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended No. 1 shalI be the same as those uses permitted in Article VIIIe, Section 8.100 of Ordinance No. 348. In addition, the permitted uses identified under Section 8.100(a) shall also include undeveloped open space; hiking and equestrian trails and facilities; arboretums; golf maintenance facilities; and arboretums, and apiaries. Furthermore, the permitted uses identified under Section I 8.100(b) shall also include Country Club hotels. A,S3. ( j The development standards for Planning Area 1 7 11 13 19 30 48, and 50 ' 1 "' . '`, , of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended No. I shall be the same as those standards identi f ed in Article VIIIe, Section 8.101 of Ordinance No. 348. (3) Except as provided above, all other zoning requirements shall be the same as those requirements identified in Article VIlle of Ordinance No. 348. 20. Planning Areas 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, and 53 (1) The uses permitted in Planning Areas 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28. 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43.44, 45, 46, 47, 49,53 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended No. I shall be the same uses as those permitted in Article VI, Section 6.1 and Article VIIId, Section 8.91 of Ordinance No. 348. In addition, the permitted uses-Lidentified under section 6.11 shall include the well sites. (2) The development standards for Planning Areas 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37.38, 39.40. 41. 42. 43, and 53 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended No. 1 shall be the same as those standards identified in Article VI of Ordinance No. 348 except that the development standards set forth in Article VI, Sections 6.2(a), (b), (c), and (e)(2) and (3) shall be deleted and replaced by the following: A. Building height shall not exceed three (3) stories, with a maximum height of thirty-five feet (35'). B. Lot area shall be not less than five thousand square feet (5,000sf). The minimum lot area shall be determined by excluding that portion of a lot that is used solely for access to the portion of a lot used as a building site. C. The minimum average width of that portion of a lot to be used as a \\TL'vIA-PLAN,SYS\FILES\TM2\Keith\SPs\sp00218a 1 czord2.doc -3- building site shall be filly feet (50') with a minimum average depth of one hundred feet (100'). That portion of a lot used for access on flag lots shall have a minimum width of thirty feet (30'). D. Side yards on interior and through lots shall be not less than five feet (5'). Side yards on corner and reversed corner lots shall be not less than fifteen feet (15.) from the existing street line or from any future street line as shown on any Specific Plan of highways, whichever is nearer the proposed structure, upon which the main building sides, except that where the lot is less than sixty feet (60') wide, the yard need not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the width of the lot. E. The rear yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20'), except when the rear yard adjoins a golf course or open space, the rear yard shall be not less than fifteen feet (151). F. The garage or c ort shall be set back from the back of street improvements according to the follawin table: Angle of face of garage from street: Minimum setback: 0 de ree arallel to 29 degrees 20• 30 degrees to 44 degrees 17, 45 degrees to 59 degrees 14' greater than 60 degrees 10' F. In no case shall the garage or carport face be closer to the,property line than ten feet (10'). (3) Except as provided above, all other zoning requirements shall be the same as ,. those requirements identified in Article VI . ' of Ordinance No. 348. '.• 45A. Planning Areas 21, 33, 52 (1) The uses permitted in Planning Areas 21`22, and 52 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amendment No. 1 shall be the same as those uses permitted in IXb, Section 9.5 of Ordinance No. 348. In addition, the permitted uses identified under Section 9.50(a) shall also include health and exercise centers, private recreational facilities, office furniture and equipment sales, pharmacies, lumber yards, and construction materials sales. Furthermore, the pennitted uses identified under Section 9.50(b) shall also include well sites; bars and cocktail lounges; health and exercise centers; day care centers; congregate care residential facilities and active senior citizen facilities; private clubs, fraternal organizations or lodges; and seasonal sales of Christmas trees and Halloween pumpkins. (2) The development standards for Planning Areas 21, 33, and 52 of Specific Plan No. 218 Amended No. 1 shall be the same as those standards identified in Article IXb, Section 9.53 of Ordinance No. 348. (3) Except as provided above, all other zoning requirements shall be the same as those requirements identified in Article VIII and Article IXb of Ordinance No. 348. E. Planning Area 20 (1) The uses permitted in Planning Area 20 of Specific Plan 218. Amendment No. 1 shall be the same as those uses permitted in Article VIIIe, Section 8.100 of \\TLMA-PLA'lN'`SY'S\FILES\TM2\Keith\SPs'-Isp00218a 1 czord2.doc -4- Ordinance No. 348. In addition, the permitted uses identified under Section 8.10.0(a) shall also include. well sites, undeveloped open space hiking and equestrian trails and facilities, arboretums, golf maintenance facilities, apiaries, and community facilities. Furthermore, the 2ermitted uses identified under Section 8.100 b shall also include Country Club hotels. (2) The development standards for Planning Area 20 of Specific flan No. 218; Amendment No. 1 shall be the same as those standards identified in.Article VIIIe, Section 8.101 of Ordinance348. (3) Except as provided above, all other zoning ordinance requirements shall be the same as those requirements identified in Article VIIIe of Ordinance No. 348.' \\TLMA-PLAN\SYS\FILES\TM2\Keith\SPs\sp0021 Sa 1 uord2.doc