2018 10 16 CC MinutesCONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Pena, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Spevacek requested the following changes to the agenda. • Add recognition of Planning Manager Perez for his commitment and service to the City, under Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the agenda; Mr. Perez is departing the City as of October 18, 2018. • Take up consideration and discussion of Business Session Item Nos. 5 and 6 jointly as both items are related to the SilverRock Resort development; motions for each item will be made separately; and amend motion for Business Session Item No. 6 to reflect that the resolution would approve a first-time extension of the project. • Continue Study Session Item No. 1 regarding the update on the Coachella Valley Multispecies Habitat Conservation Plan to a future meeting as Dr. Cameron Barrows would not be able to attend the meeting due to a conflicting engagement. Councilmember Radi said he would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item No. 2 regarding Annual Report on Active Development Agreements. Mayor Evans said she would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item No. 6 regarding Contract Services Agreement for on -call landscape architectural design services. Mayor Evans said she will announce the passing of former Palm Desert Councilmember Robert Spiegel during Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the agenda. Council concurred. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 NAME OF CASE: CITY OF LA QUINTA V. CHIN FAMILY PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ET AL., RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUP. CT. CASE NO. PSC1803284 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776- 150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060- 058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERTS. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3: 05 P. M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4: 00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sabby Jonathan, City of Palm Desert Mayor - asked the audience to join him in congratulating Councilmember Pena on his birthday; noted La Quinta's State of the City event held on October 12, 2018, was very successful; presented Mayor Evans with a "PD" personalized baseball cap in celebration of Palm Desert High School football team's win of the Victory Flag over La Quinta High School football team; and commended La Quinta's CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 exemplary leadership and collaboration with other agencies on local and regional matters. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mark Johnson, La Quinta - said he is a member of the Salton Sea Coalition and spoke about issues stemming from the receding waters of the Salton Sea; challenges with addressing these issues; asked the Council to make this matter a priority and to support 1) new Salton Sea management program leadership and organization, 2) a long-term solution that includes a comprehensive evaluation of the Ocean -to -Sea project, and 3) a comprehensive environmental health study in the Coachella and Imperial Counties; and to assign a member of the Council or Staff to work with the Salton Sea Coalition to ensure this matter is taken seriously. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Evans, on behalf of the Council, welcomed and thanked City of Indio Councilmember Elaine Holmes and City of Coachella Councilmember Steve Brown for attending the Council meeting. Mayor Evans asked Council and the audience to join her in a moment of silence to honor the passing of former City of Palm Desert Councilmember Robert (Bob) Spiegel, who dedicated more than 23 years to public service. Mayor Evans and Councilmembers expressed their gratitude and commended Planning Manager Perez for his commitment, professionalism, and can -do attitude; and wished him all the best in his new endeavor. Mr. Perez commended the City's exemplary leadership and expressed his gratitude to Council, City Manager, Executive Team, and Staff for their support, hard work, and dedication. City Manager Spevacek introduced new City Staff • Management Assistant Michael Calderon with the Community Resources Department. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION DATED OCTOBER 212018 2. RECEIVE AND FILE ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 3. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 28 AND OCTOBER 5, 2018 4. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED JUNE 30, 2018 5. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED JULY 31, 2018 6. APPROVE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC., DAVID VOLZ DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC., AND DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR ON -CALL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES 7. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 8 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BENGAL ENGINEERING, INC. FOR THE DUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2011-05) 8. ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO DECLARE A SHELTER CRISIS PURSUANT TO SENATE BILL 850 TO QUALIFY FOR FUNDING UNDER THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA HOMELESS EMERGENCY AID PROGRAM [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-049] CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 Councilmember Radi requested that Staff provide Council with a 90-day update on the Centre Pointe development agreement, which is currently "under review" status. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 Mayor Evans said the total annual contract amount for on -call landscape architectural design services approved under this Contract Services Agreements is not to exceed $200,000. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 Mayor Evans said adopting a resolution to declare a shelter crisis pursuant to Senate Bill 850 will allow the City to join efforts regionally with other cities and counties to seek funding under the State of California Homeless Emergency Aid Program to provide assistance to cities and counties that addresses the homeless crisis throughout the Coachella Valley. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 8 adopting Resolution No. 2018-049. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDER A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA) WITH EASTERN COACHELLA VALLEY AUTHORITY FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Michael Wilson, City of Indio Mayor - said the City of Indio approved joining the East Valley Coalition (EVC) IPA; asked Council to consider joining the IPA and become a partner with the other east valley agencies, to work together to improve economic development and promote the east valley; spoke about the benefits of joining the IPA and how it differentiates from the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); funding sources; expanding the IPA to include the unincorporated community of Chiriaco Summit; the executive document of the IPA mirrors the one of the Coachella Valley Bureau (CVB). Mr. Wilson introduced the JPA's partners present at the meeting. • EVC Manager Robert (Bob) Wright • City of Indio Councilmember Elaine Holmes • City of Coachella Councilmember Steve Brown • Empire Polo Club representative Robert Del Mas • Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Tribe representative Joey Acuna, Jr. Coachella Valley Unified School District Board Member • City of Indio Economic Development Director Carl Morgan • City of Coachella Staff • City of La Quinta Councilmember Pena Councilmember Pena spoke in support of joining the IPA; the JPA's goals and objectives regarding economic development; other agencies that have joined or expressed interest in joining, including Imperial Irrigation District; projects the EVC can regionally address on behalf of its members, including CV Link and law enforcement; the need for additional EVC staff to expand its efforts; and the benefits in addressing projects and issues collaboratively under the J PA. Discussion followed regarding the EVC's ability to pursue grants to subsidize the agency's staff and efforts; the EVC's three-year goals, including expansion of GIS technology, data, and bandwidth; providing the EVC with an opportunity to perform and benefit its members collaboratively; ability to opt - out of the IPA after a year; Riverside County has committed funding and staff CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 to the EVC; anticipated a total of 20 potential members with current annual contribution of $10,000 each; EVC members submitted an application with the International Economic Development Council and secured the 2022 annual International Economic Development Conference to be held at the La Quinta Hotel & Club; the EVC members' great diversity in economic development goals; La Quinta's on -going economic development projects and efforts; economic development definition; possibly increasing La Quinta's contribution to the CVB instead, or increasing La Quinta's economic development staff; some matters can be dealt with regionally, but others are better dealt with at the local level; "escalation of commitment" theory as it applies to business management and the EVC; duties and responsibilities of councilmembers to their local communities; economic development objectives for each community; past and current Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) regional efforts; advantage in waiting for the results of the undergoing regional economic development study funded by CVB before committing to join the EVC; ability of agencies to collaborate without a MOU or a JPA; and possible options to be a partner instead of a member to the JPA. MOTION - A motion was made by Councilmembers Pena to consider a Joint Powers Agreement with Eastern Coachella Valley Authority for regional economic development as recommended. Motion died due to the lack of a second. 2. APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS FOR MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FOR MADISON AND MONROE STREETS ADJACENT TO CORAL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT; CEQA: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 City Attorney Ihrke presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office, and noted the agreements authorize the owner of the Coral Mountain Development to assign its median maintenance obligations to the Andalusia at Coral Mountain Master Association for both Madison and Monroe Streets. Council inquired of any new development in negotiations have occurred since this item was published as part of the agenda packet. City Manager Spevacek said residents from the Trilogy community have raised concerns regarding the lack of final street, curb, gutter, and bike lane improvements along Avenue 60, and lack of landscaping along Avenue 60, between Monroe and Madison Streets; the City has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sunrise LQ, LLC. (Sunrise), who is in the process of purchasing the Andalusia development, obligating Sunrise to submit plans for the street and gutter improvements within 60 days from CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 the close of escrow, and to construct and complete these improvements within 12 months from obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from the City; Sunrise has also indicated, in recent communications with the City, that they are willing to complete the landscaping improvements within the same timeframe; the MOU will be amended to reflect this additional obligation of Sunrise; landscaping improvements might take a bit longer to complete due to the fact that currently there are no plans or even concepts of the landscaping improvements, and Sunrise is looking to develop desert scape plans that will be water efficient. Council commended Sunrise for its commitment to be a good neighbor and its willingness to work collaboratively with the City and its residents. City Attorney Ihrke clarified that the median maintenance agreements already exist, and they are simply being transferred to the new owners and do not address other street improvements, such as the curb -skirts at the corners of Avenue 60 with Monroe and Madison Streets; however, as the discussion by City Manager Spevacek noted, the MOU with Sunrise LQ, LLC, addresses street improvements on Avenue 60. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Pena to find and determine the proposed assignments are categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 - Existing Facilities of the CEQA guidelines. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve the Assignment and Assumption Agreements, substantially in the form attached, for the median maintenance of Madison and Monroe Streets adjacent to the Coral Mountain development; and, authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements and take actions necessary or proper to implement the approval of the agreements. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPROVE VETERAN NOMINATIONS FOR INCLUSION ON VETERANS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MONUMENT AT CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS Management Analyst Torres presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed the different social media platforms used to advertise the veterans acknowledgement nomination period this year; online versus paper submittals of applications; Councilmember Sanchez served at the United States Marine Corps in Iraq with one of the nominees, Sergeant Joseph CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 Whiteman; Staff sends out an email and letter invitations to past recipients inviting them to attend the Veterans Recognition Ceremony scheduled for November 11, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at La Quinta City Hall Courtyard. Council asked Staff to look into offering mobile transportation, such as golf - cart, to provide assistance to recipients and attendees getting from the courtyard to the sculpture displaying the veterans' names at the Civic Center Campus; possibly partnering with SunLine Transportation Agency to provide assistance to recipients who are unable to get to the ceremony, and explore other alternatives to ensure recipients are able to attend; the 11:00 a.m. Veterans Program at Old Town Artisan Studio, scheduled to be held outside at The Never -to -be -Forgotten Veterans Fountain at 78046 Calle Barcelona, is being advertised and promoted jointly with the City's celebration; implementing the display of flags throughout the City recognizing the veterans for their service and listing the five branches of the United States Military; exploring a program to allow people to sponsor and adopt a veteran's flag that would be personalized; partner with the La Quinta Museum to implement a veterans' exhibit where veterans can show memorabilia and share their stories; and inviting La Quinta's Gold Star Mother to attend the event. Councilmember Radi asked the public to help him and Staff locate and connect with veteran Steven Sanchez who served in the United States Army and lived in the La Quinta Cove for many years; both Mr. Radi and Staff have been unsuccessful in connecting with him; Mr. Radi would like to recognize and thank him for his service, and invite him to the City's Veterans Celebration. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve Veteran Nominations for Inclusion on Veterans Acknowledgement Sculpture at Civic Center Campus as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO ADD TWO FULL-TIME POSITIONS TO THE CITY'S CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-050] Community Resources Director Escobedo introduced Public Safety Manager Mendez who presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed the proposed position titles and how they illustrate the employees' roles and responsibilities as related to the department; and ability to change working titles should the need arise. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to add two full-time positions to the City's Classification Schedule and adopt Resolution No. 2018-050 as recommended: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND A SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR POSITIONS TO THE CITY'S CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE Motion passed unanimously. JOINT CONSIDERATION OF BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NOS. 5 AND 6 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR PLANNING AREAS 2, 3, AND 4 OF SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN; LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET; CEQA: REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014- 1003, NO FURTHER REVIEW IS REQUIRED [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-051] 6. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR A 200-KEY HOTEL, NEW GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, 10 GOLF VILLAS, AND A RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN PLANNING AREAS 5, 61 AND 10A OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN; LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET; CEQA: REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1003, NO FURTHER REVIEW IS REQUIRED [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-052] Planning Manager Perez presented the staff reports for both items, which are on file in the Clerk's Office. Planning Manager Perez asked Council to amend the motion for Business Session Item No. 6 approving first-time extension for SDP 2016-0009 to reflect that the resolution would approve a first-time extension of the project. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 5 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Radi to approve first time extension for Site Development Permit 2016-0005 to December 20, 2020, including site plan, architectural design and landscaping for Planning Areas 2, 3, and 4 of SilverRock Specific Plan and adopt Resolution No. 2018-051 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 140 ROOM HOTEL, SPA, 29 HOTEL -BRANDED RESIDENCES, A MEETING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER AND SHARED SERVICES FACILITY WITHIN THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 6 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Radi to approve first time extension for Site Development Permit 2016-0009 to January 3, 2021, including site plan, architectural design and landscaping for Planning Areas 5, 6, and 10A of SilverRock Specific Plan and adopt Resolution No. 2018-052 as amended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 200-KEY HOTEL, NEW GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, 10 GOLF VILLAS, AND A RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN PLANNING AREAS 5, 6, AND 10A OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION I. continued to a future meeting>>> UPDATE ON COACHELLA VALLEY MULTIPLE SPECIES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO A FUTURE DATE AS DR. CAMERON BARROWS WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING DUE TO A CONFLICTING ENGAGEMENT. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 6: 03 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:11 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. 1. SHUMWAY RANCH CARETAKER HOUSE UPDATE City Manager Spevacek presented the staff report. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 7. INVESTMENT POLICY CERTIFICATION Mayor Evans noted the certification recognizes that the City's policy adheres with the State of California Government Code and meets best practice guidelines in 18 different topic areas. The benefits of the certification include transparency to the public, confidence, and verification that the policy has been reviewed by a certified professional organization, demonstration of due diligence, and audit compliance. She commended Staff for yet another achievement on transparency. Mayor Evans requested that Staff provide an update on false alarms at a future meeting to evaluate if progress has been made since the changes implemented a year ago. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Councilmembers Pena and Sanchez attended the Victory Flag football game between Palm Desert High School and the La Quinta High School on October 12, 2018, and said the event had a great turn -out, it was extremely well organized, staff was very friendly, and there was a lot of energy and excitement from the teams and the crowd. Mayor Evans and Councilmembers commended Marketing Coordinator Graham for producing such high -quality videos and organizing the State of the City event. Council noted that the City and National Fitness Campaign will celebrate the opening of National Fitness Court on Saturday, October 20, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at La Quinta Park. Mayor Pro Tern Fitzpatrick and Councilmember Radi attended the performance of Giselle Wood and the Night Owls for the opening "GEN Z: This is Me" exhibit at the La Quinta Museum on September 27, 2018, "featuring the art and stories of up -an -coming artists ages 15-25." Councilmember Radi said October 3, 2018, was National Coffee With a Cop Day, and expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Council to Old Town Coffee Company for hosting the event. Councilmember Radi said he participated in a press conference with Caltrans Director Laurie Berman regarding the repaving work to rehabilitate nearly 150 lane miles of pavement on Interstate 10 and Highways 86 and 111, funded by SB-1, a $17 million project to improve the eastern part of the valley, which began in July and will be finalized by the beginning of 2019. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2018, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) La Quinta's representative for 2018, Councilmember Sanchez reported on his participation in the following organization's meeting: • RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 6:23 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, v � fI MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018