2018 11 20 CC CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 NOVEMBER 20, 2018 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2018 3:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 NAME OF CASE: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BY AND THROUGH, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA V. RICHARD BOZEK RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. INM1802766 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 NOVEMBER 20, 2018 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF LA QUINTA ACADEMY 1.0 PROJECTS 2. UPDATE ON COACHELLA VALLEY MULTIPLE SPECIES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2018 7 2. APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 6, 2018 19 3. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37574 LOCATED WITHIN THE MADISON CLUB DEVELOPMENT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 54 [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-056] 33 4. EXCUSE ABSENCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER QUILL FROM THE NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 41 5. RECEIVE AND FILE FIRST QUARTER 2018/19 TREASURY REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER 2018 43 6. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 79 7. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED NOVEMBER 2 AND 9, 2018 85 8. AUTHORIZE CONTRACTING WITH BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION FOR UP TO $100,000 OF WORK FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19, WHEN BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION IS THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER 105 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 NOVEMBER 20, 2018 9. ADOPT RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF IMPERIAL AND RIVERSIDE CONCERNING UNIFIED SUPPORT FOR THE SALTON SEA [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-057] 107 BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE CANCELLATION OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 1, 2019 113 2. APPROVE CLOSING CITY HALL AND THE WELLNESS CENTER IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S HOLIDAYS 115 3. RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 GENERAL FUND YEAR- END BUDGET REPORT AND APPROVE THE AMENDED CARRYOVERS 117 STUDY SESSION – NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS – (after 5:00 p.m.) For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed “Request to Speak” form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CITY’S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES, AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, AND EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-058] 135 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 NOVEMBER 20, 2018 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT – MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER 2018 145 6. FACILITIES – MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER 2018 149 7. FINANCE MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Radi) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick and Radi) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 12. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 14. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 15. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 16. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. EAST VALLEY COALITION (Peña) 18. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (Peña) 20. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 21. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (Radi) 22. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 24. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 25. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi and Sanchez) 26. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 27. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 28. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES/TRANSPORTATION & LABOR POLICY (Sanchez) 29. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) ADJOURNMENT ********************************* CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 NOVEMBER 20, 2018 The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on December 4, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on November 16, 2018. DATED: November 16, 2018 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Spevacek requested the following changes to the agenda. Add recognition of Planning Manager Perez for his commitment and service to the City, under Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the agenda; Mr. Perez is departing the City as of October 18, 2018. Take up consideration and discussion of Business Session Item Nos. 5 and 6 jointly as both items are related to the SilverRock Resort development; motions for each item will be made separately; and amend motion for Business Session Item No. 6 to reflect that the resolution would approve a first-time extension of the project. Continue Study Session Item No. 1 regarding the update on the Coachella Valley Multispecies Habitat Conservation Plan to a future meeting as Dr. Cameron Barrows would not be able to attend the meeting due to a conflicting engagement. Councilmember Radi said he would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item No. 2 regarding Annual Report on Active Development Agreements. Mayor Evans said she would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item No. 6 regarding Contract Services Agreement for on-call landscape architectural design services. Mayor Evans said she will announce the passing of former Palm Desert Councilmember Robert Spiegel during Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the agenda. Council concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 NAME OF CASE: CITY OF LA QUINTA V. CHIN FAMILY PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ET AL., RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUP. CT. CASE NO. PSC1803284 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776- 150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060- 058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:05 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sabby Jonathan, City of Palm Desert Mayor – asked the audience to join him in congratulating Councilmember Peña on his birthday; noted La Quinta’s State of the City event held on October 12, 2018, was very successful; presented Mayor Evans with a “PD” personalized baseball cap in celebration of Palm Desert High School football team’s win of the Victory Flag over La Quinta High School football team; and commended La Quinta’s 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 exemplary leadership and collaboration with other agencies on local and regional matters. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mark Johnson, La Quinta – said he is a member of the Salton Sea Coalition and spoke about issues stemming from the receding waters of the Salton Sea; challenges with addressing these issues; asked the Council to make this matter a priority and to support 1) new Salton Sea management program leadership and organization, 2) a long-term solution that includes a comprehensive evaluation of the Ocean-to-Sea project, and 3) a comprehensive environmental health study in the Coachella and Imperial Counties; and to assign a member of the Council or Staff to work with the Salton Sea Coalition to ensure this matter is taken seriously. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Evans, on behalf of the Council, welcomed and thanked City of Indio Councilmember Elaine Holmes and City of Coachella Councilmember Steve Brown for attending the Council meeting. Mayor Evans asked Council and the audience to join her in a moment of silence to honor the passing of former City of Palm Desert Councilmember Robert (Bob) Spiegel, who dedicated more than 23 years to public service. Mayor Evans and Councilmembers expressed their gratitude and commended Planning Manager Perez for his commitment, professionalism, and can-do attitude; and wished him all the best in his new endeavor. Mr. Perez commended the City’s exemplary leadership and expressed his gratitude to Council, City Manager, Executive Team, and Staff for their support, hard work, and dedication. City Manager Spevacek introduced new City Staff  Management Assistant Michael Calderon with the Community Resources Department. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION DATED OCTOBER 2, 2018 2. RECEIVE AND FILE ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 3. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 28 AND OCTOBER 5, 2018 4. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED JUNE 30, 2018 5. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED JULY 31, 2018 6. APPROVE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC., DAVID VOLZ DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC., AND DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR ON-CALL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES 7. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 8 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BENGAL ENGINEERING, INC. FOR THE DUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2011-05) 8. ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO DECLARE A SHELTER CRISIS PURSUANT TO SENATE BILL 850 TO QUALIFY FOR FUNDING UNDER THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA HOMELESS EMERGENCY AID PROGRAM [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-049] CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 Councilmember Radi requested that Staff provide Council with a 90-day update on the Centre Pointe development agreement, which is currently “under review” status. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 Mayor Evans said the total annual contract amount for on-call landscape architectural design services approved under this Contract Services Agreements is not to exceed $200,000. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 Mayor Evans said adopting a resolution to declare a shelter crisis pursuant to Senate Bill 850 will allow the City to join efforts regionally with other cities and counties to seek funding under the State of California Homeless Emergency Aid Program to provide assistance to cities and counties that addresses the homeless crisis throughout the Coachella Valley. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Fitzpatrick to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 8 adopting Resolution No. 2018-049. Motion passed unanimously. 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDER A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA) WITH EASTERN COACHELLA VALLEY AUTHORITY FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Michael Wilson, City of Indio Mayor – said the City of Indio approved joining the East Valley Coalition (EVC) JPA; asked Council to consider joining the JPA and become a partner with the other east valley agencies, to work together to improve economic development and promote the east valley; spoke about the benefits of joining the JPA and how it differentiates from the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); funding sources; expanding the JPA to include the unincorporated community of Chiriaco Summit; the executive document of the JPA mirrors the one of the Coachella Valley Bureau (CVB). Mr. Wilson introduced the JPA’s partners present at the meeting.  EVC Manager Robert (Bob) Wright  City of Indio Councilmember Elaine Holmes  City of Coachella Councilmember Steve Brown  Empire Polo Club representative Robert Del Mas  Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Tribe representative Joey Acuna, Jr. Coachella Valley Unified School District Board Member  City of Indio Economic Development Director Carl Morgan  City of Coachella Staff  City of La Quinta Councilmember Peña Councilmember Peña spoke in support of joining the JPA; the JPA’s goals and objectives regarding economic development; other agencies that have joined or expressed interest in joining, including Imperial Irrigation District; projects the EVC can regionally address on behalf of its members, including CV Link and law enforcement; the need for additional EVC staff to expand its efforts; and the benefits in addressing projects and issues collaboratively under the JPA. Discussion followed regarding the EVC’s ability to pursue grants to subsidize the agency’s staff and efforts; the EVC’s three-year goals, including expansion of GIS technology, data, and bandwidth; providing the EVC with an opportunity to perform and benefit its members collaboratively; ability to opt- out of the JPA after a year; Riverside County has committed funding and staff 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 to the EVC; anticipated a total of 20 potential members with current annual contribution of $10,000 each; EVC members submitted an application with the International Economic Development Council and secured the 2022 annual International Economic Development Conference to be held at the La Quinta Hotel & Club; the EVC members’ great diversity in economic development goals; La Quinta’s on-going economic development projects and efforts; economic development definition; possibly increasing La Quinta’s contribution to the CVB instead, or increasing La Quinta’s economic development staff; some matters can be dealt with regionally, but others are better dealt with at the local level; “escalation of commitment” theory as it applies to business management and the EVC; duties and responsibilities of councilmembers to their local communities; economic development objectives for each community; past and current Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) regional efforts; advantage in waiting for the results of the undergoing regional economic development study funded by CVB before committing to join the EVC; ability of agencies to collaborate without a MOU or a JPA; and possible options to be a partner instead of a member to the JPA. MOTION – A motion was made by Councilmembers Peña to consider a Joint Powers Agreement with Eastern Coachella Valley Authority for regional economic development as recommended. Motion died due to the lack of a second. 2. APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS FOR MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FOR MADISON AND MONROE STREETS ADJACENT TO CORAL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT; CEQA: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 City Attorney Ihrke presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office, and noted the agreements authorize the owner of the Coral Mountain Development to assign its median maintenance obligations to the Andalusia at Coral Mountain Master Association for both Madison and Monroe Streets. Council inquired of any new development in negotiations have occurred since this item was published as part of the agenda packet. City Manager Spevacek said residents from the Trilogy community have raised concerns regarding the lack of final street, curb, gutter, and bike lane improvements along Avenue 60, and lack of landscaping along Avenue 60, between Monroe and Madison Streets; the City has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sunrise LQ, LLC. (Sunrise), who is in the process of purchasing the Andalusia development, obligating Sunrise to submit plans for the street and gutter improvements within 60 days from 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 the close of escrow, and to construct and complete these improvements within 12 months from obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from the City; Sunrise has also indicated, in recent communications with the City, that they are willing to complete the landscaping improvements within the same timeframe; the MOU will be amended to reflect this additional obligation of Sunrise; landscaping improvements might take a bit longer to complete due to the fact that currently there are no plans or even concepts of the landscaping improvements, and Sunrise is looking to develop desert scape plans that will be water efficient. Council commended Sunrise for its commitment to be a good neighbor and its willingness to work collaboratively with the City and its residents. City Attorney Ihrke clarified that the median maintenance agreements already exist, and they are simply being transferred to the new owners and do not address other street improvements, such as the curb-skirts at the corners of Avenue 60 with Monroe and Madison Streets; however, as the discussion by City Manager Spevacek noted, the MOU with Sunrise LQ, LLC, addresses street improvements on Avenue 60.  MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to find and determine the proposed assignments are categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 – Existing Facilities of the CEQA guidelines. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve the Assignment and Assumption Agreements, substantially in the form attached, for the median maintenance of Madison and Monroe Streets adjacent to the Coral Mountain development; and, authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements and take actions necessary or proper to implement the approval of the agreements. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPROVE VETERAN NOMINATIONS FOR INCLUSION ON VETERANS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MONUMENT AT CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS Management Analyst Torres presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the different social media platforms used to advertise the veterans acknowledgement nomination period this year; online versus paper submittals of applications; Councilmember Sanchez served at the United States Marine Corps in Iraq with one of the nominees, Sergeant Joseph 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 Whiteman; Staff sends out an email and letter invitations to past recipients inviting them to attend the Veterans Recognition Ceremony scheduled for November 11, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at La Quinta City Hall Courtyard. Council asked Staff to look into offering mobile transportation, such as golf- cart, to provide assistance to recipients and attendees getting from the courtyard to the sculpture displaying the veterans’ names at the Civic Center Campus; possibly partnering with SunLine Transportation Agency to provide assistance to recipients who are unable to get to the ceremony, and explore other alternatives to ensure recipients are able to attend; the 11:00 a.m. Veterans Program at Old Town Artisan Studio, scheduled to be held outside at The Never-to-be-Forgotten Veterans Fountain at 78046 Calle Barcelona, is being advertised and promoted jointly with the City’s celebration; implementing the display of flags throughout the City recognizing the veterans for their service and listing the five branches of the United States Military; exploring a program to allow people to sponsor and adopt a veteran’s flag that would be personalized; partner with the La Quinta Museum to implement a veterans’ exhibit where veterans can show memorabilia and share their stories; and inviting La Quinta’s Gold Star Mother to attend the event. Councilmember Radi asked the public to help him and Staff locate and connect with veteran Steven Sanchez who served in the United States Army and lived in the La Quinta Cove for many years; both Mr. Radi and Staff have been unsuccessful in connecting with him; Mr. Radi would like to recognize and thank him for his service, and invite him to the City’s Veterans Celebration. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve Veteran Nominations for Inclusion on Veterans Acknowledgement Sculpture at Civic Center Campus as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO ADD TWO FULL-TIME POSITIONS TO THE CITY’S CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-050] Community Resources Director Escobedo introduced Public Safety Manager Mendez who presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the proposed position titles and how they illustrate the employees’ roles and responsibilities as related to the department; and ability to change working titles should the need arise. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to add two full-time positions to the City’s Classification Schedule and adopt Resolution No. 2018-050 as recommended: 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND A SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR POSITIONS TO THE CITY’S CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE Motion passed unanimously. JOINT CONSIDERATION OF BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NOS. 5 AND 6 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR PLANNING AREAS 2, 3, AND 4 OF SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN; LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET; CEQA: REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014- 1003, NO FURTHER REVIEW IS REQUIRED [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-051] 6. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR A 200-KEY HOTEL, NEW GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, 10 GOLF VILLAS, AND A RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN PLANNING AREAS 5, 6, AND 10A OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN; LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET; CEQA: REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1003, NO FURTHER REVIEW IS REQUIRED [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-052] Planning Manager Perez presented the staff reports for both items, which are on file in the Clerk’s Office. Planning Manager Perez asked Council to amend the motion for Business Session Item No. 6 approving first-time extension for SDP 2016-0009 to reflect that the resolution would approve a first-time extension of the project. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 5 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to approve first time extension for Site Development Permit 2016-0005 to December 20, 2020, including site plan, architectural design and landscaping for Planning Areas 2, 3, and 4 of SilverRock Specific Plan and adopt Resolution No. 2018-051 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 140 ROOM HOTEL, SPA, 29 HOTEL-BRANDED RESIDENCES, A MEETING 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER AND SHARED SERVICES FACILITY WITHIN THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 6 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to approve first time extension for Site Development Permit 2016-0009 to January 3, 2021, including site plan, architectural design and landscaping for Planning Areas 5, 6, and 10A of SilverRock Specific Plan and adopt Resolution No. 2018-052 as amended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FIRST TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 200-KEY HOTEL, NEW GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, 10 GOLF VILLAS, AND A RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN PLANNING AREAS 5, 6, AND 10A OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1. continued to a future meeting>>> UPDATE ON COACHELLA VALLEY MULTIPLE SPECIES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO A FUTURE DATE AS DR. CAMERON BARROWS WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING DUE TO A CONFLICTING ENGAGEMENT. PUBLIC HEARINGS – None MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 6:03 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:11 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. 1. SHUMWAY RANCH CARETAKER HOUSE UPDATE City Manager Spevacek presented the staff report. 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 7. INVESTMENT POLICY CERTIFICATION Mayor Evans noted the certification recognizes that the City’s policy adheres with the State of California Government Code and meets best practice guidelines in 18 different topic areas. The benefits of the certification include transparency to the public, confidence, and verification that the policy has been reviewed by a certified professional organization, demonstration of due diligence, and audit compliance. She commended Staff for yet another achievement on transparency. Mayor Evans requested that Staff provide an update on false alarms at a future meeting to evaluate if progress has been made since the changes implemented a year ago. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Councilmembers Peña and Sanchez attended the Victory Flag football game between Palm Desert High School and the La Quinta High School on October 12, 2018, and said the event had a great turn-out, it was extremely well organized, staff was very friendly, and there was a lot of energy and excitement from the teams and the crowd. Mayor Evans and Councilmembers commended Marketing Coordinator Graham for producing such high-quality videos and organizing the State of the City event. Council noted that the City and National Fitness Campaign will celebrate the opening of National Fitness Court on Saturday, October 20, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at La Quinta Park. Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick and Councilmember Radi attended the performance of Giselle Wood and the Night Owls for the opening “GEN Z: This is Me” exhibit at the La Quinta Museum on September 27, 2018, “featuring the art and stories of up-an-coming artists ages 15-25.” Councilmember Radi said October 3, 2018, was National Coffee With a Cop Day, and expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Council to Old Town Coffee Company for hosting the event. Councilmember Radi said he participated in a press conference with Caltrans Director Laurie Berman regarding the repaving work to rehabilitate nearly 150 lane miles of pavement on Interstate 10 and Highways 86 and 111, funded by SB-1, a $17 million project to improve the eastern part of the valley, which began in July and will be finalized by the beginning of 2019. 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 12 OCTOBER 16, 2018 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization’s meeting:  RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Sanchez reported on his participation in the following organization’s meeting:  RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 6:23 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 2) 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776- 150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060- 058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-01 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:01 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following:  Closed Session Item No. 1 – no actions were taken that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act); and  Closed Session Item No. 2 – negotiations related to Amendment No. 3 to the Purchase, Sale, and Development Agreement with Silverrock Development Company have concluded and the matter is under consideration on tonight’s agenda as Business Session Item No. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Mayor Evans provided the audience with an update of events related to Hispanic Heritage Celebration event held at the Riverside County Library – La Quinta branch on September 15, 2018 – she said following the press conference she held at the City on October 30, 2018, the City was contacted by County of Riverside (County) Supervisor V. Manuel Perez and his staff requesting a joint meeting, which was held on October 31, 2018, between representatives from the City, Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD), Library Systems & Services (LSS), County’s Economic Development and Library Services, and Supervisor Perez’s Office; Supervisor Perez announced in an article that he was interested in providing a comprehensive investigation regarding the incident and the City submitted a letter of support of such investigation prior to the October 31, 2018, joint meeting. Councilmember Sanchez said the purpose of the joint meeting was to have an informal and transparent discussion about the events that occurred and to work collectively towards finding a solution; on Friday, November 2, 2018, Supervisor Perez announced that he will be calling for a comprehensive investigation into the incident; the City stated its support for an investigation in its October 29 letter to Superintendent Gomez; and the City is ready to provide anything in its power, resources, and staff to aid the Supervisor’s Office in conducting an independent investigation; the objective is to find out what happened, what went wrong, and how we can make it right. Mayor Evans said everyone recognizes that the situation was most unfortunate for the kids; extended apologies to the youth and their families for having to endure this type of incident; said the City will continue to work with the County and County library staff to prevent incidents like this from 20 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 happening again; and thanked La Quinta and valley-wide residents who have provided their support in the City’s representation of all cultures in the La Quinta community and how much this diversity is valued and it is what makes La Quinta the Gem of the Desert. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jessica Enders, Director for Education Centers at College of the Desert (COD) for the east valley – reaffirmed COD’s ongoing commitment to serving students across the Coachella Valley and provided an update on COD’s programs, achievements, partnerships and collaborative efforts with donors and other agencies such as SunLine Transit Agency; invited Council to attend COD’s inaugural “Noche de Familia” (family night) on Thursday, December 6, 2018, at 5:30 p.m.; and thanked the City for its support and partnership. The following PUBLIC SPEAKERS provided comments related to Hispanic Heritage Celebration event held at the Riverside County Public Library – La Quinta Branch on September 15, 2018:  Jeffrey Smith, La Quinta  Lorraine Salas, Coachella Valley resident  Lisandro Rivera, La Quinta  Briana DeAzatlan, La Quinta  Kathy Kronemeyer, La Quinta  VJ Sleight, La Quinta  Tizoc DeAzatlan, La Quinta  Carlos Pineda, Palm Desert  Edward Holzhauer, Palm Desert  Edward Armendarez, La Quinta  Terry Appleqito, Cathedral City  Rosa Rapan, Indio  Armando Rodriguez, Palm Desert  Kay Wolff, La Quinta  Ernesto Nevarez, Morongo (arrived late and spoke regarding this matter during Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the agenda) PUBLIC SPEAKERS: Derrick Armendarez, Account Technician with the Finance Department and Gil Villalpando, Assistant to the City Manager with the City of La Quinta, spoke on behalf of City employees who joined them at lectern. Mr. Armendarez commended the City Council for its exemplary leadership, for the exceptional employee development programs and opportunities the City offers to its staff, and for the stellar organization the Council has built and continues to develop. Mr. Villalpando said City employees felt compelled to express their support to Council and the organization; La Quinta Staff is very diverse, believes in La Quinta’s values, 21 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 which were misrepresented in this unfortunate incident, and together, stands behind the City’s leadership and organization. Councilmember Peña said he is a long-time La Quinta resident and the La Quinta community as represented in the papers over the last week is not the community we know, value, and appreciate. La Quinta is a diverse, welcoming, and friendly community; Mr. Peña is proud to be a resident of La Quinta, has been supported by the community for many years; and thanked Staff for stepping up to affirm that they are diverse and representative of the community and the Coachella Valley. Mr. Peña noted that the Council would not tolerate any discrimination and steps are being taken to learn from what has occurred and work collaboratively to ensure it does not happen again. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. AFFIRMATION OF LA QUINTA VALUES Community Resources Director Chris Escobedo said at times like this we are reminded of our humanity, decency, and the values that guide the City, which were established in 2014 by La Quinta residents during their participation at community workshops and meetings. La Quinta’s values are  Vibrant and Safe Community  Health and Wellness  Visually beautiful City  High quality aesthetics  Cultural Diversity Mr. Escobedo invited the community to participate at the City’s annual Community Workshop scheduled for Saturday, January 12, 2019; said the City tailors its programs and services to better serve and continuously meet community needs by adding Creation Station, La Quinta’s MakerSpace at the library and turning it into a hub of learning and culture; adding murals on walls across the City; built the La Quinta Museum to honor the City’s history, but to also offer programs that facilitate sharing and telling stories, and is currently featuring “GEN Z: This is Me” exhibit “featuring the art and stories of an up-an-coming artists ages 15-25,” and provides opportunities for cultural appreciation and exchange; transformed the former Senior Center into a prominent Wellness Center to better serve the community and promote inclusivity; Staff, Commissioners, and the community, under the guidance of Council, is working on creating an event site at SilverRock to provide lifestyle and cultural experiences and events for the community; 22 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Council’s guidance to build the X-park was to provide facilities to the community’s youth, it was inspired by public comments, and guided by youth input every step of the way; National Fitness Court was recently opened to provide the community opportunities for health and wellness; and events and programs have been up leveled, to mention a few – rocket events, stem and steam programs, block parties, craft beer festival, etc. Mr. Escobedo spoke about the organization’s employee leadership and development programs and opportunities, diverse demographics, and noted the City received the Helen Putnam Award for Leadership and Development Excellence from the League of California Cities. Mayor Evans and Councilmember invited and encouraged the community to attend and participate at the upcoming Community Workshop scheduled for Saturday, January 12, 2019. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED OCTOBER 12, 19, AND 26, 2018 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO RECLASSIFY THE BUILDINGS WORKER CLASSIFICATION TO MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-053] 3. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TIME EXTENSION TO COMPLETE OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PIAZZA SERENA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (TRACT MAP NO. 30092) LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 58 [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-054] 4. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED AUGUST 31, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item Nos. 2 and 3 adopting Resolution Nos. 2018-053 and 2018-054, respectively. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 AND RELATED DOCUMENTS TO PURCHASE, SALE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (PSDA) 23 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 WITH SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC (SDC) FOR SILVERROCK RESORT City Economist McMillen and City Attorney Ihrke presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick clarified that the only outstanding claim to be paid as part of the close of escrow was to Urban Habitat related to the golf course realignment. City Manager Spevacek said to date the City has invested approximately $88 million dollars into the SilverRock development through the land purchase as well as improvements to the golf course and utilities to support these uses; this is part of $97 million dollar tax-exempt bond proceeds issued by the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA), meaning the bonds were issued at a lower interest rate because of its municipal status and the interest income received by the bond holders is exempt from federal and state income taxes; due to these added benefits, the par value of the bonds is subject to IRS regulations that limit the City’s ability to capitalize on the bonds only up to 10% or $9.7 million in private payments, which is enforceable until the bonds are retired in 2033; private payments are defined as non-traditional revenue (traditional revenue entails property, sales and transient occupancy taxes (TOT)) or improvements funded by a private entity; although the RDA has been dissolved and now the City owns the property, the IRS recognizes that the RDA was an agency of the City and thus the IRS restrictions on the bonds remain in place; the current property value is not $97 million dollars because it does not have the infrastructure necessary for development; there is limited infrastructure that is in place serves only the operations of the Ahmanson Clubhouse, golf course, restrooms, and related facilities; developing a master site infrastructure would require an investment of approximately $30 million dollars by the City; the bonds are paid off/retired from property tax increment revenue that flowed to the RDA, which now flows through the City’s Successor Agency (SA) to the bond holders in order to retire this debt in 2033. City Attorney Ihrke explained the IRS implications related to the tax-exempt status of the bonds should the City exceed the 10% cap rule on revenues received from this development; the bonds would become taxable and the bond holders would be liable to pay taxes on all interest income received from the inception of the bonds. City Manager Spevacek said the annual bonds debt service payment is paid with property tax increment revenue the City receives from the state and there is no financial impact on the City’s General Fund; when the bonds were 24 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 issued the RDA’s debt obligation did not constitute a debt obligation of the City, and this protection transferred over to the SA; approximately two years ago the City settled its final Recognized Obligation Payments completing any remaining redevelopment dealings. Councilmember Radi inquired about the additional costs and size increase regarding the conference and shared service facility. PUBLIC SPEAKER: DEVELOPER – Robert Green, President of SDC – said originally the facility was designed to be approximately 62,000 sq. ft.; the Pendry Lifestyle Residential units are being designed as two- and three- bedroom for-sale units with lock-offs; the design also includes 10 golf villas with four lock-offs; this generates the equivalent of 130 additional suites and standard guestrooms for the Pendry Lifestyle Residences and 40 additional guestrooms for the golf villas; the entire development will be functioning as a 500-key hotel; whenever the private residences are rented out through the hotel operations, any generated transient occupancy tax (TOT) revenue would go directly to the City because it is not subject to the TOT Sharing Agreement which only applies to the Lifestyle and Luxury Hotels; the ballroom was increased from 8,000 to 10,000 sq. ft., the jr. ballroom was increased from 5,000 to 6,500 sq. ft, and other ancillary improvements increasing the total size of the conference and shared service facility from approximately 62,000 to 72,000 sq. ft.; the decision to move forward with both hotels simultaneously has significantly changed the economics of the deal and increased the risk profile; building this many hotel rooms at the same time has added a lot of cost related to debt service and construction period interest which was difficult to secure; the size of the guestrooms has been increased; based on evaluation and economic analysis the additional improvements are in the best interest of the project. Councilmember Radi asked about the ownership structure of Amendment No. 3 to the PSDA. Mr. Green said the ownership structure consists of four subsidiaries to the SDC – SilverRock Lodging, SilverRock Land, SilverRock Luxury Residences, and SilverRock Lifestyle Residence; with a residential component comes a homeowners association (HOA) and inevitably litigation, thus, to protect the investors and insulate the operating asset, being the hotels, golf courses, etc., from litigation by the HOAs, the ownership structure is separated so that the ownership of the operating asset is completely separate from the developer, owner, or seller of the residential real estate; in this instance, there are two residential components the Pendry Lifestyle and Montage Luxury, the SilverRock Land addresses the investment on the master site infrastructure, and the lodging addresses the real estate component in 25 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Planning Areas 7, 8, and 9; this ownership structure protects the operating asset long-term, which is cumbersome in terms of documentation and legal work, but it is standard practice and a straight forward process. Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick noted all documentation related to Amendment No. 3 to the PSDA is available on the City’s website, and the staff report clearly explains and outlines the history of the development, the tax-exempt status of the bonds, and the path going forward. Councilmember Radi said Amendment No. 3 was very well done, it clearly outlines the terms, and the staff report captures all of the major aspects of the agreement. Mayor Evans said a lot of stringent components were put in place to protect the City and to ensure the City had control over the development. Councilmember Peña commended Landmark Golf Management, LLP (Landmark) for doing a terrific job in managing the SilverRock Resort; and said Mosaic were instrumental over the last several months in getting this development to move forward. Mayor Evans inquired about the anticipated on-site development activity and timing should Amendment No. 3 to the PSDA be approved. Mr. Green said SDC has already bid-out competitively the mass grading for the site, and the construction agreement with the top bidder is ready to be signed following approval of Amendment No. 3 and the close of escrow, which will be followed by a notice to proceed allowing the contractor to begin work; a lot of work needs to be done on Planning Area No. 3 for the development of the temporary club house onsite, the grading plan for which is ready to go, and the intent is to mobilize the selected contractor within the next week or two; the temporary clubhouse activity must be coordinated with Landmark, the sprung structure housing the golf carts must also be moved, there is ongoing discussion whether or not the pro shop will be housed in the “Alongi Ebenisterie” modular structure the City acquired versus a trailer; and SDC has made conditional commitments to hire new staff to work under the direction of Project Executive John Gamlin pending Council approval of Amendment No. 3. Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick thanked Montage representatives and Mr. Gamlin for their collaboration with Staff on developing the design of the SilverRock Event Site, which will be integral in creating a synergy between the resort and the City in hosting multi-cultural events and festivals. 26 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Councilmember Radi asked the City Attorney Ihrke to explain the City’s ability to repurchase the property as outlined under the option process and the Option Agreement on page 187 of the agenda packet. City Attorney Ihrke said the original PSDA gave the City options to repurchase the land and/or some of the improvements completed on the land up until that point, and this protection mechanism is carried forward in Amendment No. 3 as one of the remedies available to the City; the options are in addition to other remedies available to the City -- (1) enforce Amendment No. 3 to the PSDA which carries several remedies from the original PSDA, (2) land use covenants that run with the land to ensure the various projects are used as originally intended when the property was turned over, and (3) there is an option procedure, which is tied to four different stages and a catch-all option. The four different stages of when an option may be triggered are tied to when a default occurs as follows: (I) If the master site infrastructure (MSI) does not start on-time; (II) If the MSI started on time but failed to finish on time or was delayed continuously; (III) If a project component or components (defined as vertical improvements on the different project areas, such as the luxury hotel, etc.) does not start on time; and (IV) If a project component or components started on time but failed to finish on time or was delayed continuously. The “catch-all” option (Option V) could be triggered if an unauthorized transfer or other identified default occurred. Under the option procedure, depending on the time and type of default, the City would issue a notice of default, SDC or appropriate subsidiary would have the right to cure within 30 to 60 days, and if it is not cured and the MSI is not started, it would give rise to City’s the option to repurchase the property, and the City will have 60 days to decide whether to repurchase with the improvements in place, or assign the property to a different developer who may be able to continue the project from that stage and complete it; the purchase price is determined based upon when the options are exercised and what has actually been spent to date by the developer or subsidiary in terms of improvements, or if assigned to a different developer the same conditions would apply. City Attorney Ihrke explained that this option process was from the original PSDA, where there was a more separated approach with the MSI and project components in what was then Phase 1 and Phase 2, which separated the Luxury Hotel component in Phase 1 and Lifestyle Hotel component in Phase 2; there is much more integration under the Third Amendment to the PSDA because the hotels and MSI are being constructed all as one phase now, but the option remedy and general process was carried over to the Third Amendment. 27 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Fitzpatrick to approve Amendment No. 3 and related documents to Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement with Silverrock Development Company, LLC. for Silverrock Resort as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPOINT ONE COUNCILMEMBER TO SERVE AS CITY REPRESENTATIVE ON THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR A FOUR- YEAR TERM ENDING DECEMBER 2022 Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Peña to appoint Councilmember Sanchez to serve as City representative on the Imperial Irrigation District Energy Consumers Advisory Committee for a four-year term ending December 2022 as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET REPORT AND APPROVE THE RECOMMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Finance Director Campos presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed current pension obligations and allocating savings to pay the Tier 2 and PEPRA tier obligations in full; investing additional $200,000 in landscape improvements throughout the City; the City’s investment in information technology (IT) infrastructure in 2013/14; current IT upgrade needs related to 20 end-of-life servers, 10 of which are for telephones, additional firewall support which is at 80% capacity, update existing wireless capability and increase the number of wireless access points throughout City facilities; implement an IT disaster recovery plan; increase the City’s electronic document repository storage from 1TB to 5TB and enhance security and retention; replace the traffic management software and infrastructure developed in 1992 which has been at end-of-life for 10 years; procure a new traffic asset management tracking software, which can be used not only by the Traffic Division, but also by the Facilities Department and other departments throughout the City; these investments would enhance the delivery of City services. Council also discussed the delays in the remittance of sales tax revenue. 28 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to receive and file Fiscal Year 2018/19 First Quarter Budget Report and approve the recommended budget adjustments. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION – None. MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 6:20 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:32 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT PUBLIC HEARINGS – After 5:00 p.m. 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0008 (SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003-787, AMENDMENT NO. 1) TO MODIFY PLAN 25 BY INCREASING THE SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR LOT 191 WITHIN THE ANDALUSIA DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW FOR CUSTOM BUILDING MODIFICATIONS; LOCATION: 59895 SEVILLE; CEQA: PREVIOUSLY ANALYZED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2003-483, NO FURTHER REVIEW IS REQUIRED [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-055] Senior Planner Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Officer. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:35 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: None. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:35 P.M. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to adopt Resolution No. 2018-055 as recommended, and find the project consistent with Environmental Assessment 2003-483 and no further review is required: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003-787 FOR MODIFICATION TO PLAN 25 ON LOT 191 WITHIN THE ANDALUSIA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO INCREASE THE SQUARE FOOTAGE FROM 4,301 TO 6,228 SQUARE FEET, TO ALLOW FOR CUSTOM BUILDING MODIFICATIONS 29 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0008 (SDP 2003- 787 AMENDMENT NO. 1) APPLICANT: T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT, L.P. Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. City Manager Spevacek introduced Deputy City Clerk Rachel Rathbone. City Manager Spevacek said The Desert Sun published that the Riverside County Board of Supervisor issued a statement this afternoon that County counsel will work with a legal firm to conduct an inquiry of the event that occurred at the County Library – La Quinta Branch, which will be coordinated through the City Attorney; the statement also indicated that the County would like to complete the inquiry within a month. 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES – FALSE ALARM PROGRAM REPORT Council discussed whether the increase in false alarm fines has had a positive impact in dealing with the issue; Staff’s proactive communication with business owners and alarm companies to train employees who usually trigger the false alarms inadvertently; challenges with vacant second homes and the owners are not receiving the notifications because they are out of the area; consider requiring alarm permits which would provide the City with the owners’ contact information; costs associated with Staff trying to locate these owners; and a cost-benefit analysis to identify if it is cost effective to continue to try to notify owners for whom the City does not have current contact information. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Councilmembers commended Staff for their statement during Public Comment, and said it was incredibly moving. Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick attended the “Master Craftsmen’s Expo” this past weekend at the Civic Center Park, held by West Coast Artists and displaying handmade crafts from approximately 100 Master Craftsmen; Mrs. Fitzpatrick said the event was very well organized for a first-time event. Mayor Evans said the City’s Veterans Recognition Ceremony will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2018, at 9:00 a.m., at the City Hall Courtyard; followed by the Veterans Program at Old Town Artisan Studio at 11:00 a.m. 30 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 13 of 13 NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Mayor Evans said “Sunset Hours” event at SilverRock Resort will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2018, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., and will feature live music, fire performances, games, and art activities for kids sponsored by the Old Town Artisan Studio. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Peña reported on his participation in the following organization’s meeting:  EAST VALLEY COALITION La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Radi reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meetings:  CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE  SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Sanchez reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meetings:  IID ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE  RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 6:51 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 31 32 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37574 LOCATED WITHIN THE MADISON CLUB DEVELOPMENT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 54 RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving Final Parcel Map 37574. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The owner of a vacant residential lot within the Madison Club is subdividing the property into three lots. •All conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 37574 have been completed and the owner has requested approval of the Final Parcel Map. •Approving the final map is a ministerial action that is required after the conditions of approval have been satisfied. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City. No off-site improvements were required with this Final Parcel Map. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The project is located within the Madison Club at the northwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 54 (Attachment 1). The owner is Thermal 51, LLC. The property previously consisted of three vacant residential lots that were merged in 2017. Tentative Parcel Map 37574 to re-subdivide the property back into its original three lots was approved by Director’s decision on September 4, 2018. Final Parcel Map 37574 (Attachment 2) has passed technical review by the City Surveyor and has been signed by the property owner; Staff recommends approval of the final map. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative action. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 33 Prepared by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Parcel Map 37574 34 RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37574 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 37574 was approved by Director’s decision on September 4, 2018, as permitted under the Subdivision Map Act, subject to conditions of approval; and WHEREAS, the developer has completed the conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, that the City Council does hereby grant approval of Final Parcel Map No. 37574, as referenced in the title of this Resolution, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of November 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _______________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: ________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) 35 Resolution No. 2018- Parcel Map No. 37574 Adopted: November 20, 2018 Page 2 of 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 36 V I C I N I T Y M A P NOT TO SCALE ATTACHMENT 1 PARCEL MAP NO. 37574 37 38 ATTACHMENT 2 39 40 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: EXCUSE ABSENCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER QUILL FROM THE NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION Excuse absence for Planning Commissioner Paul Quill from the November 13, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Commissioner Quill requested to be excused from the November 13, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. He was out of town and returned too late to attend. Commissioner Quill has one excused absence for fiscal year 2018/19. FISCAL IMPACT No meeting attendance compensation is paid to absent members. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Municipal Code states: “If any member of a board, commission or committee absents him/herself from two consecutive regular meetings or absents him/herself from a total of three regular meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board, commission or committee member may request advance permission from the city council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after-the-fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the city council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above-stated limitations on absences.” ALTERNATIVES Council may deny this request, which would result in the absence being counted toward the commissioner’s limitation on absences as noted above. Prepared by: Nichole Romane, Management Assistant Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 41 42 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FIRST QUARTER 2018/19 TREASURY REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER 2018 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the first quarter 2018/19 Treasury Reports for July, August, and September 2018. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Commentary and Summary of Significant Activity The portfolio decreased $20.04 million, from $149.91 million at the end of June to $129.87 million at the end of September. The decrease reflects debt service obligations ($12.3 million) and expenditures for the Washington Street Apartments construction project ($7.7 million). Any remaining variance reflects revenue, expenditure, and investment activities during the quarter. The market continued to react to the political climate and economic news, and Staff worked with the City’s broker to capitalize on market conditions. The Investment Type July August September Max Allowed Bank Accounts 3.45% 1.82% 0.54% 85% Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Housing 13.86% 12.39% 12.36% (1)(2) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) City 41.62% 34.23% 38.21% (1) Federal Agency Coupons 14.41% 14.95% 16.69% 30% Treasury Coupons 11.88% 12.34% 13.77% 100% Certificates of Deposit (CD's)11.46% 11.89% 13.28% 30% Corporate Notes 2.31% 2.40% 2.68% 10% Money Market Pool Accounts-CAMP (new)0.00% 0.00% 0.77% 20% Money Market with Fiscal Agent 0.00% 8.93% 0.52% (2) Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1.01% 1.05% 1.19% (3) Total 100% 100% 100% (2) Funds held by fiscal agent and the LAIF Housing funds are governed by bond indentures and not subject to City Investment Policy (3) OPEB trust is a fiduciary account and not subject to City Investment Policy Portfolio Allocations Percent of Portfolio (1) LAIF is subject to maximum dollar amount not a percentage of the portfolio CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 43 fiscal year annual effective rate of return is 1.75% as of September, a 44 basis point increase over fiscal 2017/18. During this quarter, two CDs matured for a total PAR value of $480,000. This money, along with an additional $499,000, was used to purchase four new investments, which are summarized in the table below and in the attached reports. The City also opened a local government investment pool account with the California Asset Management Program (CAMP) and deposited $1,000,000. Other Notes Money market funds with the fiscal agent are bond proceeds subject to bond indentures, not the City’s investment policy. Successor Agency (SA) funds cannot be invested long-term; therefore SA funds are only invested in LAIF. Looking Ahead The Treasurer follows a “buy and hold” Investment Policy, unless it is fiscally advantageous to actively trade outside of maturity dates. In the short term, the Treasurer will invest in CAMP and LAIF as needed. Longer term investments may include Government Sponsored Enterprise (agencies) securities, U.S. Treasuries, Corporate Notes, and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits. All investments recognize both immediate and long-term cash flow needs, and there is sufficient liquidity in the portfolio to meet expenditure requirements for the next six months. ALTERNATIVES - None Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director/City Treasurer Attachment: 1. Treasurer’s Report for July 1 to September 30, 2018 Total Earnings Average Days to Maturity Effective Rate of Return YTD July 232,493.91$ 339 1.73% August 220,502.97$ 340 1.78% September 207,313.13$ 366 1.75% Quarter 660,310.01$ 348 1.75% Issuer Type Par Value Purchase Date Coupon Rate Maturity YTM First National Bank of America CD 245,000$ 7/20/2018 3.15 7/20/2023 3.15 Eagle Bank CD 245,000$ 7/20/2018 2.85 1/20/2021 2.85 Bank of New England CD 249,000$ 7/31/2018 3.25 7/31/2023 3.25 GE Credit Union CD 240,000$ 8/15/2018 3.10 8/16/2021 3.10 California Asset Management Program (CAMP)Pool 1,000,000$ 9/26/2018 Investments by Purchase Date 44 Attachment 1ATTACHMENT 145 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management July 31, 2018 City of La Quinta - Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days to MaturityTerm YTM 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 5,189,602.57 13.45 0.00015,189,602.575,189,602.57 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 20,853,317.92 113.86 1.944120,808,848.5420,853,317.92 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 62,617,395.42 141.62 1.944162,524,894.4762,617,395.42 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 21,678,425.00 1,43814.41 1.87898121,218,555.0021,750,000.00 Treasury Coupon Securities 17,882,540.00 1,19011.88 1.46967317,533,545.0018,000,000.00 Certificate of Deposits 17,240,000.00 1,44211.46 2.14893516,975,494.1417,240,000.00 Corporate Notes 3,482,700.00 8242.31 1.5544203,451,690.003,500,000.00 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 3,033.07 10.00 0.00013,033.073,033.07 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1,521,278.48 11.01 0.00011,521,278.481,521,278.48 150,468,292.46 100.00%Investments 149,226,941.27150,674,627.46 534 339 1.806 Current Year July 31 232,493.91 Fiscal Year To Date 232,493.91 Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 157,971,811.96 133,769,319.37 0.16%1.73% Total Earnings Month Ending I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in comformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank monthly statement, and First Empire monthly custodian reports to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Karla Campos, Finance Director Portfolio CITY CP Reporting period 07/01/2018-07/31/2018 Run Date: 10/26/2018 - 16:01 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1City Petty Cash1059 3,000.00 3,000.0007/01/2016 3,000.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1First Empire Bank1060 0.00 0.0007/01/2016 0.00 1SYS1060 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 229,777.45 229,777.4507/01/2016 229,777.45 1SYS1062 0.000 1Wells Fargo1057 4,956,825.12 4,956,825.1207/01/2016 4,956,825.12 14159282482 0.000 1Washington St Apt La Quinta1061 0.00 0.0007/01/2016 0.00 1SYS1061 0.000 5,189,602.57 15,189,602.575,189,602.5715,211,922.11Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 20,853,317.92 20,853,317.92 1.94410/31/2017 20,808,848.54 125-33-005 1.944 20,853,317.92 120,808,848.5420,853,317.9223,067,776.77Subtotal and Average 1 1.944 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 62,617,395.42 62,617,395.42 1.94462,524,894.47 198-33-434 1.944 62,617,395.42 162,524,894.4762,617,395.4258,333,139.23Subtotal and Average 1 1.944 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 345Federal Farm Credit Bank1092 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 07/12/20191.08007/10/2017 985,930.00 7323133EGLC7 1.456 1,127Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 964,970.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 323Federal Farm Credit Bank1141 500,000.00 494,750.00 06/20/20191.21005/31/2018 494,335.00 3853133EGFU4 2.224 646Federal Farm Credit Bank1142 500,000.00 491,750.00 05/08/20201.55005/31/2018 490,395.00 7083133EHJA2 2.427 1,001Federal Home Loan Bank1053 2,500,000.00 2,491,250.00 04/28/20211.35004/28/2016 2,397,700.00 1,8263130A7QZ1 1.423 817Federal Home Loan Bank1064 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10/26/20201.37510/26/2016 2,421,325.00 1,4613130A9UQ2 1.375 772Federal Home Loan Bank1104 1,000,000.00 996,800.00 09/11/20201.62511/09/2017 976,790.00 1,0373130A66T9 1.741 1,672Federal Home Loan Bank1121 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/28/20232.37504/02/2018 993,850.00 1,7933130ADMF6 3.111 1,001Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1054 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 04/28/20211.50004/28/2016 2,453,200.00 1,8263134G8Y37 1.400 1,336Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1073 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 03/29/20222.00003/29/2017 1,932,700.00 1,8263134GBAE2 2.106 1,246Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1084 1,000,000.00 999,500.00 12/29/20212.00007/06/2017 967,760.00 1,6373134GBXF4 2.012 1,456Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1090 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 07/27/20222.15007/27/2017 966,610.00 1,8263134GBWG3 2.150 1,643Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1116 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 01/30/20232.55001/30/2018 980,410.00 1,8263134GSCD5 2.550 1,667Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1122 750,000.00 746,625.00 02/23/20232.75004/02/2018 737,250.00 1,7883134GSCQ6 2.849 257Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1129 500,000.00 495,250.00 04/15/20191.12505/10/2018 495,700.00 3403137EADZ9 2.161 544Federal National Mtg Assn1072 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 01/27/20201.70003/27/2017 1,971,720.00 1,0363135G0S53 1.700 407Federal National Mtg Assn1139 500,000.00 496,700.00 09/12/20191.75005/31/2018 495,760.00 4693135G0ZG1 2.275 366Federal National Mtg Assn1140 500,000.00 492,000.00 08/02/20190.87505/31/2018 492,150.00 4283135G0N33 2.269 21,678,425.00 1,43821,218,555.0021,750,000.0021,678,425.00Subtotal and Average 981 1.878 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 10/26/2018 - 16:01 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 47 Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,064U.S. Treasury1045 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 06/30/20211.12507/18/2016 4,771,700.00 1,808912828S27 1.125 75U.S. Treasury1063 2,500,000.00 2,502,250.00 10/15/20180.87510/24/2016 2,494,175.00 721912828L81 0.829 608U.S. Treasury1068 2,500,000.00 2,483,250.00 03/31/20201.37503/20/2017 2,448,925.00 1,107912828J84 1.602 501U.S. Treasury1069 2,500,000.00 2,490,750.00 12/15/20191.37503/20/2017 2,459,775.00 1,000912828U73 1.513 1,187U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 1,904,920.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 106U.S. Treasury1103 500,000.00 498,840.00 11/15/20181.25011/09/2017 498,835.00 371912828M64 1.481 745U.S. Treasury1117 1,000,000.00 985,800.00 08/15/20201.50001/22/2018 976,760.00 9369128282Q2 2.071 303U.S. Treasury1130 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 05/31/20191.50005/10/2018 992,730.00 386912828WL0 2.211 121U.S. Treasury1131 500,000.00 498,000.00 11/30/20181.25005/10/2018 498,635.00 204912828A34 1.974 638U.S. Treasury1138 500,000.00 488,250.00 04/30/20201.12505/31/2018 487,090.00 700912828VA5 2.387 17,882,540.00 1,19017,533,545.0018,000,000.0017,882,540.00Subtotal and Average 673 1.469 Certificate of Deposits 292First Business Bank1019 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/20/2014 239,066.40 1,82631938QH72 1.751 477First Farmers Bank &Trust Co.1091 240,000.00 240,000.00 11/21/20191.65007/21/2017 237,309.60 853320165HX4 1.653 90First Merchants Bank1020 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/30/20181.50004/30/2014 239,892.00 1,64432082BDF3 1.501 1,814First National Bank of America1147 245,000.00 245,000.00 07/20/20233.15007/20/2018 243,316.85 1,82632110YLK9 3.152 810First Tech Federal Credit Unio1124 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20202.70004/18/2018 244,272.35 91533715LBJ8 2.623 1,279Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 240,398.90 1,46288413QBY3 2.502 1,412Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 244,794.20 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 1,534Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 236,138.35 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 145Ally Bank Midvale1001 240,000.00 240,000.00 12/24/20181.70012/24/2015 239,628.00 1,09602006LWX7 1.702 992Amex Centurion1077 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/19/20212.25004/19/2017 234,787.20 1,46102587DP85 2.252 1,489American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 231,033.60 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 1,694Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 240,310.70 1,826034577AH9 2.802 1,546Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 231,676.80 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 1,209Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 237,757.80 1,462080515CD9 2.101 1,303BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 232,932.00 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 897Bankers Bank1086 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/14/20211.80007/14/2017 233,832.00 1,28006610RAP4 1.804 1,041Capital One Natl Assn FDIC42971082 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/07/20212.25006/07/2017 235,334.40 1,46114042RGD7 2.252 679Capital One USA FDIC339541006 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/10/20201.90006/10/2015 241,496.50 1,827140420RX0 1.902 936Comenity Capital Bank1009 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/22/20211.70002/22/2016 232,862.40 1,82720033APG5 1.702 13CIT Bank UT1008 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/14/20181.90008/14/2013 240,007.20 1,82617284CKN3 1.901 1,714Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 241,227.00 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 296City National Bank of Florida1132 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/24/20192.20005/24/2018 239,896.80 36517801DDT0 2.200 1,078Central State Bank1085 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20211.85007/14/2017 232,310.40 1,46115523RBJ4 1.851 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 10/26/2018 - 16:01 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 48 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 308Connect One1011 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20191.50006/05/2015 246,685.60 1,46120786ABD6 1.501 1,570CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 235,249.00 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 1,280Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 233,522.40 1,8262546722U1 2.251 538Douglas National Bank1093 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/21/20201.65007/19/2017 236,745.60 916259744DS6 1.655 903Eagle Bank1146 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/20/20212.85007/20/2018 244,774.60 91527002YDV5 2.858 1,731EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 236,700.00 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 1,580Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 234,658.55 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 272Ephrata Bank1016 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20191.65004/30/2014 239,659.20 1,826294209AQ4 1.651 674EverBank1017248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20201.70006/05/2015 243,392.16 1,82729976DXX3 1.702 188Farmers & Merch1018 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/05/20191.25006/05/2015 246,968.32 1,341307814DC4 1.252 1,367Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 237,420.00 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 874Freedom Credit Union1111 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/22/20202.05012/22/2017 240,352.35 1,09635638BAA9 2.052 292Gulf Coast Bank1024 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/19/2014 239,071.20 1,827402194EB6 1.724 1,364Goldman Sachs1078 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/26/20222.40004/26/2017 234,079.20 1,82638148PJK4 2.401 712First Bank of Highland1094 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/13/20201.75007/13/2017 235,332.00 1,096319141GT8 1.752 1,443HSBC Bank USA, National Associ1088 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20222.30007/14/2017 232,600.80 1,82640434YLE5 2.301 650Jefferson Bank & Trust1100 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/12/20201.75011/09/2017 240,923.20 915472376AC6 1.751 1,385Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 236,135.90 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 1,611Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 236,848.85 1,826499724AB8 2.401 706Mercantile Bank of Michigan1087 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/07/20201.75007/07/2017 235,399.20 1,09658740XZL7 1.752 212Metabank Sioux Falls1133 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/01/20192.05005/15/2018 244,928.95 29059101LDR5 2.057 681Bank Midwest1002 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20201.65006/12/2015 243,077.20 1,827063615AVO 1.652 474Morgan Stanley Bank1109 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.80011/16/2017 242,748.45 73261747MA92 1.800 133Morton Community1030 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/12/20181.25006/12/2015 247,481.68 1,279619165GE7 1.251 474Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1108 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.75011/16/2017 242,591.65 73261760AEP0 1.750 1,560Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 236,334.35 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 1,182Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 237,571.20 1,279666613GV0 2.703 1,825Bank of New England1151 249,000.00 249,000.00 07/31/20233.25007/31/2018 248,370.03 1,82606426KAN8 3.252 208New York Community Bank1137 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/25/20192.05005/25/2018 244,926.50 276649447RL5 2.050 1,267The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 230,822.40 1,645677721CN0 1.903 1,407PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,929.35 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 300Peapack-Gladstone Bank1031 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/28/20191.80005/28/2014 239,500.80 1,826704692AL6 1.801 1,029PrivateBank & Trust1032 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/26/20211.50005/26/2016 231,208.80 1,82674267GVG9 1.501 1,784RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 243,488.35 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 845First Bank Richmond1081 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/23/20201.80006/21/2017 239,205.75 1,251319267GC8 1.802 400Riverwood1034248,000.00 248,000.00 09/05/20191.40006/05/2015 246,068.08 1,55376951DAL4 1.402 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 10/26/2018 - 16:01 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 49 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,420Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1083 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/21/20222.35006/21/2017 233,215.20 1,826795450A70 2.351 307Solomon State1035 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/04/20191.40006/04/2015 246,695.52 1,46183427LAX2 1.401 629Stearnes Bank, N.A.1076 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/21/20201.60004/21/2017 235,610.40 1,096857894TC3 1.588 1,401Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 233,798.40 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 1,003Towne Bank1128 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20212.80004/30/2018 239,092.80 1,09689214PBL2 2.800 1,468Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,654.95 1,52289269CBX9 3.002 288Union BankNA1136 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/16/20192.20005/16/2018 239,932.80 36590521AQW1 2.200 958Unity Bank1120 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/16/20212.55003/16/2018 242,716.60 1,09691330ABN6 2.552 1,748University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 237,655.20 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 265Webster Bank1042 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/23/20191.80004/23/2014 239,673.60 1,82694768NJQ8 1.801 209Wells Fargo1043 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/26/20191.20002/26/2016 239,378.40 1,0969497483N5 1.201 684Wex Bank1145 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/15/20202.75006/13/2018 245,017.15 73392937CHG6 2.754 17,240,000.00 1,44216,975,494.1417,240,000.0016,791,000.00Subtotal and Average 935 2.148 Corporate Notes 1,099Apple Inc1079 500,000.00 493,050.00 08/04/20211.55006/12/2017 479,535.00 1,514037833CC2 1.900 212Johnson and Johnson Corp1075 2,000,000.00 1,993,200.00 03/01/20191.12503/29/2017 1,985,380.00 702478160BR4 1.305 554Microsoft Corporation1118 500,000.00 497,700.00 02/06/20201.85001/22/2018 493,715.00 745594918BV5 2.081 443Toyota Motor Credit Corp1098 500,000.00 498,750.00 10/18/20191.55011/07/2017 493,060.00 71089236TDH5 1.681 3,482,700.00 8243,451,690.003,500,000.003,482,700.00Subtotal and Average 420 1.554 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 3,033.07 3,033.0707/01/2016 3,033.07 1SYS1058 0.000 3,033.07 13,033.073,033.073,030.38Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 1,521,278.48 1,521,278.4812/18/2017 1,521,278.48 1SYS1114 0.000 1,521,278.48 11,521,278.481,521,278.481,521,278.48Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 534157,971,811.96 150,674,627.46 339 1.806149,226,941.27 150,468,292.46Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 10/26/2018 - 16:01 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 50 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 2,000,000.0010722,000,000.00 1.700FNMA 2,833.34 0.00 2,833.341.6681012,000,000.003135G0S53 0.00 492,000.001140500,000.00 0.875FNMA 364.59 0.00 364.590.873101492,000.003135G0N33 0.00 496,700.001139500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.16 0.00 729.161.728101496,700.003135G0ZG1 0.00 746,625.001122750,000.00 2.750FHLMC 1,718.75 0.00 1,718.752.710101746,625.003134GSCQ6 0.00 495,250.001129500,000.00 1.125FHLMC 468.75 0.00 468.751.114101495,250.003137EADZ9 0.00 2,500,000.0010542,500,000.00 1.500FHLMC 3,125.00 0.00 3,125.001.4721012,500,000.003134G8Y37 0.00 1,000,000.0010901,000,000.00 2.150FHLMC 1,791.67 0.00 1,791.672.1101011,000,000.003134GBWG3 0.00 1,000,000.0011161,000,000.00 2.550FHLMC 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.002.5021011,000,000.003134GSCD5 0.00 999,500.0010841,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 1,666.66 0.00 1,666.661.963101999,500.003134GBXF4 0.00 1,990,000.0010732,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 3,333.34 0.00 3,333.341.9721011,990,000.003134GBAE2 0.00 491,750.001142500,000.00 1.550FFCB 645.84 0.00 645.841.546101491,750.003133EHJA2 0.00 494,750.001141500,000.00 1.210FFCB 504.17 0.00 504.171.200101494,750.003133EGFU4 0.00 992,600.0010921,000,000.00 1.080FFCB 900.00 0.00 900.001.068101992,600.003133EGLC7 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.66 0.00 1,416.661.681101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 2,500,000.0010642,500,000.00 1.375FHLB 2,864.58 0.00 2,864.581.3491012,500,000.003130A9UQ2 0.00 2,491,250.0010532,500,000.00 1.350FHLB 2,812.50 0.00 2,812.501.3291012,491,250.003130A7QZ1 0.00 996,800.0011041,000,000.00 1.625FHLB 1,354.16 0.00 1,354.161.600101996,800.003130A66T9 0.00 999,000.0011211,000,000.00 2.375FHLB 1,979.17 0.00 1,979.172.333101999,000.003130ADMF6 0.00 498,000.001131500,000.00 1.250USTR 529.37 0.00 529.371.252101498,000.00912828A34 0.00 2,502,250.0010632,500,000.00 0.875USTR 1,852.80 0.00 1,852.800.8721012,502,250.00912828L81 0.00 2,483,250.0010682,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,911.54 0.00 2,911.541.3801012,483,250.00912828J84 0.00 488,250.001138500,000.00 1.125USTR 473.85 0.00 473.851.143101488,250.00912828VA5 0.00 2,490,750.0010692,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,911.55 0.00 2,911.551.3761012,490,750.00912828U73 0.00 992,600.0011301,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,270.49 0.00 1,270.491.507101992,600.00912828WL0 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,105.97 0.00 2,105.971.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 5,000,000.0010455,000,000.00 1.125USTR 4,738.45 0.00 4,738.451.1161015,000,000.00912828S27 0.00 985,800.0011171,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,284.53 0.00 1,284.531.534101985,800.009128282Q2 0.00 498,840.001103500,000.00 1.250USTR 526.50 0.00 526.501.243101498,840.00912828M64 0.00 240,000.001043240,000.00 1.200WELLS 244.60 0.00 244.601.200101240,000.009497483N5 0.00 4,956,825.1210574,956,825.12WELLS 0.01 0.00 0.0110115,172,389.624159282482 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:44 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001078240,000.00 2.400GLDMAN 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0038148PJK4 0.00 240,000.001077240,000.00 2.250AMEX 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.0002587DP85 0.00 240,000.001008240,000.00 1.900CITI 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.0017284CKN3 0.00 240,000.001042240,000.00 1.800WEB 366.91 0.00 366.911.800101240,000.0094768NJQ8 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 520.21 0.00 520.212.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 240,000.001020240,000.00 1.5001STMER 305.75 0.00 305.751.500101240,000.0032082BDF3 0.00 240,000.001016240,000.00 1.650EPHRAT 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00294209AQ4 0.00 0.0010330.00 1.400REGAL 138.08 0.00 138.081.400101240,000.0075874TAH4 0.00 240,000.001019240,000.00 1.7501STBUS 356.72 0.00 356.721.750101240,000.0031938QH72 0.00 240,000.001024240,000.00 1.750GCB 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.00402194EB6 0.00 240,000.001031240,000.00 1.800PEAPAC 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101240,000.00704692AL6 0.00 240,000.001128240,000.00 2.800TOWNE 569.18 0.00 569.182.792101240,000.0089214PBL2 0.00 248,000.001030248,000.00 1.250MORTN 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.00619165GE7 0.00 248,000.001018248,000.00 1.250FARMER 263.28 0.00 263.281.250101248,000.00307814DC4 0.00 248,000.001035248,000.00 1.400SOLOM 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.0083427LAX2 0.00 248,000.001011248,000.00 1.500CONNEC 315.94 0.00 315.941.500101248,000.0020786ABD6 0.00 248,000.001034248,000.00 1.400RVRW 294.89 0.00 294.891.400101248,000.0076951DAL4 0.00 248,000.001017248,000.00 1.700EVRBA 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0029976DXX3 0.00 245,000.001006245,000.00 1.900CAPONE 395.35 0.00 395.351.900101245,000.00140420RX0 0.00 248,000.001002248,000.00 1.650MIDWES 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.00063615AVO 0.00 240,000.001001240,000.00 1.700ALLY 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101240,000.0002006LWX7 0.00 240,000.001009240,000.00 1.700CCBA 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101240,000.0020033APG5 0.00 240,000.001032240,000.00 1.500PRVTBA 305.75 0.00 305.751.500101240,000.0074267GVG9 0.00 62,617,395.42105562,617,395.42 1.944LAIF 106,862.39 0.00 106,862.392.15710149,383,066.9298-33-434 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 1,993,200.0010752,000,000.00 1.125J&J 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.001.1081011,993,200.00478160BR4 0.00 240,000.001076240,000.00 1.600STRNS 326.14 0.00 326.141.600101240,000.00857894TC3 0.00 493,050.001079500,000.00 1.550APPL 645.84 0.00 645.841.542101493,050.00037833CC2 0.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 245,000.001081245,000.00 1.800RICHMN 374.55 0.00 374.551.800101245,000.00319267GC8 0.00 240,000.001082240,000.00 2.250CAP1NA 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.0014042RGD7 0.00 240,000.001083240,000.00 2.350SALMAE 479.01 0.00 479.012.350101240,000.00795450A70 0.00 240,000.001085240,000.00 1.850CNTRL 377.10 0.00 377.101.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001086240,000.00 1.800BNKRS 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101240,000.0006610RAP4 0.00 240,000.001087240,000.00 1.750MERCTL 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.0058740XZL7 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:44 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001088240,000.00 2.300HSBC 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0040434YLE5 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 240,000.001091240,000.00 1.6501STFRM 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00320165HX4 0.00 240,000.001093240,000.00 1.650DOUGLS 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00259744DS6 0.00 240,000.001094240,000.00 1.750HIGHLD 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.00319141GT8 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 468.18 0.00 468.182.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 498,750.001098500,000.00 1.550TOYOTA 645.83 0.00 645.831.525101498,750.0089236TDH5 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 478.58 0.00 478.582.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001100245,000.00 1.750JFFRSN 364.14 0.00 364.141.750101245,000.00472376AC6 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 457.78 0.00 457.782.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001108245,000.00 1.750MSPRIV 364.15 0.00 364.151.750101245,000.0061760AEP0 0.00 245,000.001109245,000.00 1.800MORGST 374.55 0.00 374.551.800101245,000.0061747MA92 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001111245,000.00 2.050FREECU 426.57 0.00 426.572.050101245,000.0035638BAA9 0.00 3,000.0010593,000.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,000.00SYS1059 0.00 1,521,278.4811141,521,278.48CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001010.00SYS1114 0.00 497,700.001118500,000.00 1.850MCRSFT 770.84 0.00 770.841.824101497,700.00594918BV5 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 582.63 0.00 582.632.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001120245,000.00 2.550UNITY 530.61 0.00 530.612.550101245,000.0091330ABN6 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 603.43 0.00 603.432.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 245,000.001124245,000.00 2.7001STTCH 561.82 0.00 561.822.700101245,000.0033715LBJ8 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 601.32 0.00 601.322.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 570.74 0.00 570.742.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 550.36 0.00 550.362.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001132240,000.00 2.200CNBF 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0017801DDT0 0.00 245,000.001133245,000.00 2.050METASF 426.57 0.00 426.572.050101245,000.0059101LDR5 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 621.69 0.00 621.693.050101240,000.0091435LAG2 0.00 245,000.001137245,000.00 2.050NYCMBK 426.57 0.00 426.572.050101245,000.00649447RL5 0.00 240,000.001136240,000.00 2.200UNION 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0090521AQW1 0.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 645.05 0.00 645.053.100101245,000.0001748DBE5 0.00 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001145245,000.00 2.750WEX 572.23 0.00 572.232.750101245,000.0092937CHG6 0.00 245,000.001146245,000.00 2.850EAGLE 210.43 0.00 210.432.8501010.0027002YDV5 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:44 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001147245,000.00 3.1501STNBA 232.58 0.00 232.583.1501010.0032110YLK9 0.00 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0089269CBX9 0.00 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0069324MAD7 0.00 249,000.001151249,000.00 3.250NWENGL 0.00 0.00 0.001010.0006426KAN8 0.00 129,588,499.02Subtotal 129,382,164.02 1.664 190,137.220.00190,137.22124,343,121.54 0.00 Fund: 1st Empire Securities Cash Bal 0.0010600.00EMPIRE 95.29 0.00 95.290.84010270,067.00SYS1060 0.00 0.00Subtotal 0.00 0.840 95.290.0095.2970,067.00 0.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 3,033.0710583,033.07USBANK 2.78 0.00 2.781.0802313,030.29SYS1058 0.00 3,033.07Subtotal 3,033.07 1.080 2.780.002.783,030.29 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 229,777.451062229,777.45LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241232,576.82SYS1062 0.00 229,777.45Subtotal 229,777.45,576.82 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 20,853,317.92111320,853,317.92 1.944LAIF 42,258.62 0.00 42,258.622.15724923,740,669.9525-33-005 0.00 20,853,317.92Subtotal 20,853,317.92 2.157 42,258.620.0042,258.6223,740,669.95 0.00 150,674,627.46Total 150,468,292.46 1.733 232,493.910.00232,493.91148,389,465.60 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:44 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 55 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management August 31, 2018 City of La Quinta - Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days to MaturityTerm YTM 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 2,635,713.94 11.82 0.00012,635,713.942,635,713.94 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 17,953,317.92 112.39 1.998117,908,848.5417,953,317.92 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 49,617,395.42 134.23 1.998149,524,894.4749,617,395.42 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 21,678,425.00 1,43814.95 1.87895021,266,672.5021,750,000.00 Treasury Coupon Securities 17,882,540.00 1,19012.34 1.46964217,572,765.0018,000,000.00 Certificate of Deposits 17,240,000.00 1,43211.89 2.16591916,990,862.2417,240,000.00 Corporate Notes 3,482,700.00 8242.40 1.5543893,457,415.003,500,000.00 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 12,947,879.13 18.93 0.000112,947,879.1312,947,879.13 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1,521,278.48 11.05 0.00011,521,278.481,521,278.48 144,959,249.89 100.00%Investments 143,826,329.30145,165,584.89 553 340 1.688 Current Year August 31 220,502.97 Fiscal Year To Date 452,996.88 Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 145,993,618.66 151,982,715.31 1.75%1.78% Total Earnings Month Ending I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in comformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank monthly statement, and First Empire monthly custodian reports to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Karla Campos, Finance Director Portfolio CITY CP Reporting period 08/01/2018-08/31/2018 Run Date: 11/08/2018 - 15:43 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1City Petty Cash1059 3,000.00 3,000.0007/01/2016 3,000.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1First Empire Bank1060 0.00 0.0007/01/2016 0.00 1SYS1060 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 242,097.45 242,097.4507/01/2016 242,097.45 1SYS1062 0.000 1Wells Fargo1057 2,390,616.49 2,390,616.4907/01/2016 2,390,616.49 14159282482 0.000 2,635,713.94 12,635,713.942,635,713.945,114,989.46Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 17,953,317.92 17,953,317.92 1.99817,908,848.54 125-33-005 1.998 17,953,317.92 117,908,848.5417,953,317.9220,385,575.98Subtotal and Average 1 1.998 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 49,617,395.42 49,617,395.42 1.99849,524,894.47 198-33-434 1.998 49,617,395.42 149,524,894.4749,617,395.4253,681,911.55Subtotal and Average 1 1.998 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 314Federal Farm Credit Bank1092 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 07/12/20191.08007/10/2017 988,370.00 7323133EGLC7 1.456 1,096Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 968,960.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 292Federal Farm Credit Bank1141 500,000.00 494,750.00 06/20/20191.21005/31/2018 495,180.00 3853133EGFU4 2.224 615Federal Farm Credit Bank1142 500,000.00 491,750.00 05/08/20201.55005/31/2018 490,880.00 7083133EHJA2 2.427 970Federal Home Loan Bank1053 2,500,000.00 2,491,250.00 04/28/20211.35004/28/2016 2,405,925.00 1,8263130A7QZ1 1.423 786Federal Home Loan Bank1064 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10/26/20201.37510/26/2016 2,427,650.00 1,4613130A9UQ2 1.375 741Federal Home Loan Bank1104 1,000,000.00 996,800.00 09/11/20201.62511/09/2017 979,610.00 1,0373130A66T9 1.741 1,641Federal Home Loan Bank1121 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/28/20232.37504/02/2018 995,840.00 1,7933130ADMF6 3.111 970Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1054 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 04/28/20211.50004/28/2016 2,459,125.00 1,8263134G8Y37 1.400 1,305Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1073 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 03/29/20222.00003/29/2017 1,941,300.00 1,8263134GBAE2 2.106 1,215Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1084 1,000,000.00 999,500.00 12/29/20212.00007/06/2017 971,100.00 1,6373134GBXF4 2.012 1,425Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1090 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 07/27/20222.15007/27/2017 971,120.00 1,8263134GBWG3 2.150 1,612Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1116 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 01/30/20232.55001/30/2018 970,820.00 1,8263134GSCD5 2.550 1,636Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1122 750,000.00 746,625.00 02/23/20232.75004/02/2018 740,767.50 1,7883134GSCQ6 2.849 226Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1129 500,000.00 495,250.00 04/15/20191.12505/10/2018 496,270.00 3403137EADZ9 2.161 513Federal National Mtg Assn1072 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 01/27/20201.70003/27/2017 1,974,700.00 1,0363135G0S53 1.700 376Federal National Mtg Assn1139 500,000.00 496,700.00 09/12/20191.75005/31/2018 496,240.00 4693135G0ZG1 2.275 335Federal National Mtg Assn1140 500,000.00 492,000.00 08/02/20190.87505/31/2018 492,815.00 4283135G0N33 2.269 21,678,425.00 1,43821,266,672.5021,750,000.0021,678,425.00Subtotal and Average 950 1.878 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/08/2018 - 15:43 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 57 Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,033U.S. Treasury1045 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 06/30/20211.12507/18/2016 4,788,850.00 1,808912828S27 1.125 44U.S. Treasury1063 2,500,000.00 2,502,250.00 10/15/20180.87510/24/2016 2,496,800.00 721912828L81 0.829 577U.S. Treasury1068 2,500,000.00 2,483,250.00 03/31/20201.37503/20/2017 2,453,125.00 1,107912828J84 1.602 470U.S. Treasury1069 2,500,000.00 2,490,750.00 12/15/20191.37503/20/2017 2,463,175.00 1,000912828U73 1.513 1,156U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 1,912,420.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 75U.S. Treasury1103 500,000.00 498,840.00 11/15/20181.25011/09/2017 499,195.00 371912828M64 1.481 714U.S. Treasury1117 1,000,000.00 985,800.00 08/15/20201.50001/22/2018 978,630.00 9369128282Q2 2.071 272U.S. Treasury1130 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 05/31/20191.50005/10/2018 993,520.00 386912828WL0 2.211 90U.S. Treasury1131 500,000.00 498,000.00 11/30/20181.25005/10/2018 498,965.00 204912828A34 1.974 607U.S. Treasury1138 500,000.00 488,250.00 04/30/20201.12505/31/2018 488,085.00 700912828VA5 2.387 17,882,540.00 1,19017,572,765.0018,000,000.0017,882,540.00Subtotal and Average 642 1.469 Certificate of Deposits 261First Business Bank1019 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/20/2014 239,304.00 1,82631938QH72 1.751 446First Farmers Bank &Trust Co.1091 240,000.00 240,000.00 11/21/20191.65007/21/2017 237,523.20 853320165HX4 1.653 59First Merchants Bank1020 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/30/20181.50004/30/2014 239,968.80 1,64432082BDF3 1.501 1,783First National Bank of America1147 245,000.00 245,000.00 07/20/20233.15007/20/2018 243,373.20 1,82632110YLK9 3.152 779First Tech Federal Credit Unio1124 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20202.70004/18/2018 244,326.25 91533715LBJ8 2.623 1,248Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 240,587.55 1,46288413QBY3 2.502 1,381Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 244,965.70 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 1,503Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 236,518.10 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 114Ally Bank Midvale1001 240,000.00 240,000.00 12/24/20181.70012/24/2015 239,757.60 1,09602006LWX7 1.702 961Amex Centurion1077 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/19/20212.25004/19/2017 234,976.80 1,46102587DP85 2.252 1,458American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 231,268.80 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 1,663Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 240,509.15 1,826034577AH9 2.802 1,515Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 232,034.40 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 1,178Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 237,975.85 1,462080515CD9 2.101 1,272BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 233,169.60 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 866Bankers Bank1086 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/14/20211.80007/14/2017 234,064.80 1,28006610RAP4 1.804 1,010Capital One Natl Assn FDIC42971082 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/07/20212.25006/07/2017 235,500.00 1,46114042RGD7 2.252 648Capital One USA FDIC339541006 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/10/20201.90006/10/2015 241,739.05 1,827140420RX0 1.902 905Comenity Capital Bank1009 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/22/20211.70002/22/2016 233,116.80 1,82720033APG5 1.702 1,683Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 241,396.05 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 265City National Bank of Florida1132 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/24/20192.20005/24/2018 240,045.60 36517801DDT0 2.200 1,047Central State Bank1085 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20211.85007/14/2017 232,550.40 1,46115523RBJ4 1.851 277Connect One1011 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20191.50006/05/2015 246,968.32 1,46120786ABD6 1.501 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/08/2018 - 15:43 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 58 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,539CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 235,616.50 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 1,249Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 233,733.60 1,8262546722U1 2.251 507Douglas National Bank1093 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/21/20201.65007/19/2017 236,980.80 916259744DS6 1.655 872Eagle Bank1146 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/20/20212.85007/20/2018 244,811.35 91527002YDV5 2.858 1,700EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 236,846.40 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 1,549Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 235,030.95 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 241Ephrata Bank1016 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20191.65004/30/2014 239,810.40 1,826294209AQ4 1.651 643EverBank1017248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20201.70006/05/2015 243,684.80 1,82729976DXX3 1.702 157Farmers & Merch1018 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/05/20191.25006/05/2015 247,213.84 1,341307814DC4 1.252 1,336Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 237,612.00 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 843Freedom Credit Union1111 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/22/20202.05012/22/2017 240,543.45 1,09635638BAA9 2.052 261Gulf Coast Bank1024 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/19/2014 239,306.40 1,827402194EB6 1.724 1,080General Electric Credit Union1150 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/16/20213.10008/15/2018 240,700.80 1,097369674AV8 3.100 1,333Goldman Sachs1078 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/26/20222.40004/26/2017 234,340.80 1,82638148PJK4 2.401 681First Bank of Highland1094 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/13/20201.75007/13/2017 235,622.40 1,096319141GT8 1.752 1,412HSBC Bank USA, National Associ1088 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20222.30007/14/2017 232,932.00 1,82640434YLE5 2.301 619Jefferson Bank & Trust1100 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/12/20201.75011/09/2017 241,182.90 915472376AC6 1.751 1,354Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 236,469.10 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 1,580Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 237,160.00 1,826499724AB8 2.401 675Mercantile Bank of Michigan1087 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/07/20201.75007/07/2017 235,687.20 1,09658740XZL7 1.752 181Metabank Sioux Falls1133 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/01/20192.05005/15/2018 245,044.10 29059101LDR5 2.057 650Bank Midwest1002 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20201.65006/12/2015 243,379.76 1,827063615AVO 1.652 443Morgan Stanley Bank1109 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.80011/16/2017 242,939.55 73261747MA92 1.800 102Morton Community1030 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/12/20181.25006/12/2015 247,650.32 1,279619165GE7 1.251 443Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1108 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.75011/16/2017 242,792.55 73261760AEP0 1.750 1,529Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 236,689.60 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 1,151Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 237,662.40 1,279666613GV0 2.703 1,794Bank of New England1151 249,000.00 249,000.00 07/31/20233.25007/31/2018 248,402.40 1,82606426KAN8 3.252 177New York Community Bank1137 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/25/20192.05005/25/2018 245,036.75 276649447RL5 2.050 1,236The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 231,105.60 1,645677721CN0 1.903 1,376PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 244,118.00 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 269Peapack-Gladstone Bank1031 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/28/20191.80005/28/2014 239,702.40 1,826704692AL6 1.801 998PrivateBank & Trust1032 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/26/20211.50005/26/2016 231,496.80 1,82674267GVG9 1.501 1,753RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 243,566.75 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 814First Bank Richmond1081 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/23/20201.80006/21/2017 239,440.95 1,251319267GC8 1.802 369Riverwood1034248,000.00 248,000.00 09/05/20191.40006/05/2015 246,246.64 1,55376951DAL4 1.402 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/08/2018 - 15:43 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 59 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,389Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1083 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/21/20222.35006/21/2017 233,522.40 1,826795450A70 2.351 276Solomon State1035 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/04/20191.40006/04/2015 246,975.76 1,46183427LAX2 1.401 598Stearnes Bank, N.A.1076 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/21/20201.60004/21/2017 235,891.20 1,096857894TC3 1.588 1,370Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 234,084.00 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 972Towne Bank1128 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20212.80004/30/2018 239,150.40 1,09689214PBL2 2.800 1,437Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,892.60 1,52289269CBX9 3.002 257Union BankNA1136 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/16/20192.20005/16/2018 240,067.20 36590521AQW1 2.200 927Unity Bank1120 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/16/20212.55003/16/2018 242,819.50 1,09691330ABN6 2.552 1,717University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 237,770.40 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 234Webster Bank1042 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/23/20191.80004/23/2014 239,817.60 1,82694768NJQ8 1.801 178Wells Fargo1043 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/26/20191.20002/26/2016 239,568.00 1,0969497483N5 1.201 653Wex Bank1145 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/15/20202.75006/13/2018 245,102.90 73392937CHG6 2.754 17,240,000.00 1,43216,990,862.2417,240,000.0017,232,258.06Subtotal and Average 919 2.165 Corporate Notes 1,068Apple Inc1079 500,000.00 493,050.00 08/04/20211.55006/12/2017 480,970.00 1,514037833CC2 1.900 181Johnson and Johnson Corp1075 2,000,000.00 1,993,200.00 03/01/20191.12503/29/2017 1,988,200.00 702478160BR4 1.305 523Microsoft Corporation1118 500,000.00 497,700.00 02/06/20201.85001/22/2018 494,575.00 745594918BV5 2.081 412Toyota Motor Credit Corp1098 500,000.00 498,750.00 10/18/20191.55011/07/2017 493,670.00 71089236TDH5 1.681 3,482,700.00 8243,457,415.003,500,000.003,482,700.00Subtotal and Average 389 1.554 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 12,947,879.13 12,947,879.1307/01/2016 12,947,879.13 1SYS1058 0.000 12,947,879.13 112,947,879.1312,947,879.135,013,940.12Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 1,521,278.48 1,521,278.4807/01/2018 1,521,278.48 1SYS1114 0.000 1,521,278.48 11,521,278.481,521,278.481,521,278.48Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 553145,993,618.66 145,165,584.89 340 1.688143,826,329.30 144,959,249.89Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/08/2018 - 15:43 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 60 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund August 1, 2018 - August 31, 2018 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 2,000,000.0010722,000,000.00 1.700FNMA 2,833.33 0.00 2,833.331.6681012,000,000.003135G0S53 0.00 492,000.001140500,000.00 0.875FNMA 364.58 0.00 364.580.872101492,000.003135G0N33 0.00 496,700.001139500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.17 0.00 729.171.728101496,700.003135G0ZG1 0.00 746,625.001122750,000.00 2.750FHLMC 1,718.75 0.00 1,718.752.710101746,625.003134GSCQ6 0.00 495,250.001129500,000.00 1.125FHLMC 468.75 0.00 468.751.114101495,250.003137EADZ9 0.00 2,500,000.0010542,500,000.00 1.500FHLMC 3,125.00 0.00 3,125.001.4721012,500,000.003134G8Y37 0.00 1,000,000.0010901,000,000.00 2.150FHLMC 1,791.67 0.00 1,791.672.1101011,000,000.003134GBWG3 0.00 1,000,000.0011161,000,000.00 2.550FHLMC 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.002.5021011,000,000.003134GSCD5 0.00 999,500.0010841,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 1,666.67 0.00 1,666.671.963101999,500.003134GBXF4 0.00 1,990,000.0010732,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 3,333.33 0.00 3,333.331.9721011,990,000.003134GBAE2 0.00 491,750.001142500,000.00 1.550FFCB 645.83 0.00 645.831.546101491,750.003133EHJA2 0.00 494,750.001141500,000.00 1.210FFCB 504.16 0.00 504.161.200101494,750.003133EGFU4 0.00 992,600.0010921,000,000.00 1.080FFCB 900.00 0.00 900.001.068101992,600.003133EGLC7 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.681101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 2,500,000.0010642,500,000.00 1.375FHLB 2,864.58 0.00 2,864.581.3491012,500,000.003130A9UQ2 0.00 2,491,250.0010532,500,000.00 1.350FHLB 2,812.50 0.00 2,812.501.3291012,491,250.003130A7QZ1 0.00 996,800.0011041,000,000.00 1.625FHLB 1,354.17 0.00 1,354.171.600101996,800.003130A66T9 0.00 999,000.0011211,000,000.00 2.375FHLB 1,979.17 0.00 1,979.172.333101999,000.003130ADMF6 0.00 498,000.001131500,000.00 1.250USTR 529.37 0.00 529.371.252101498,000.00912828A34 0.00 2,502,250.0010632,500,000.00 0.875USTR 1,852.80 0.00 1,852.800.8721012,502,250.00912828L81 0.00 2,483,250.0010682,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,911.55 0.00 2,911.551.3801012,483,250.00912828J84 0.00 488,250.001138500,000.00 1.125USTR 473.84 0.00 473.841.143101488,250.00912828VA5 0.00 2,490,750.0010692,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,911.54 0.00 2,911.541.3761012,490,750.00912828U73 0.00 992,600.0011301,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,270.50 0.00 1,270.501.507101992,600.00912828WL0 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,105.98 0.00 2,105.981.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 5,000,000.0010455,000,000.00 1.125USTR 4,738.46 0.00 4,738.461.1161015,000,000.00912828S27 0.00 985,800.0011171,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,273.04 0.00 1,273.041.520101985,800.009128282Q2 0.00 498,840.001103500,000.00 1.250USTR 526.49 0.00 526.491.243101498,840.00912828M64 0.00 240,000.001043240,000.00 1.200WELLS 244.61 0.00 244.611.200101240,000.009497483N5 0.00 2,390,616.4910572,390,616.49WELLS 0.01 0.00 0.011014,956,825.124159282482 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:46 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2018 - August 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001078240,000.00 2.400GLDMAN 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0038148PJK4 0.00 240,000.001077240,000.00 2.250AMEX 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.0002587DP85 0.00 0.0010080.00 1.900CITI 162.41 0.00 162.411.900101240,000.0017284CKN3 0.00 240,000.001042240,000.00 1.800WEB 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101240,000.0094768NJQ8 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 520.21 0.00 520.212.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 240,000.001020240,000.00 1.5001STMER 305.76 0.00 305.761.500101240,000.0032082BDF3 0.00 240,000.001016240,000.00 1.650EPHRAT 336.32 0.00 336.321.650101240,000.00294209AQ4 0.00 240,000.001019240,000.00 1.7501STBUS 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.0031938QH72 0.00 240,000.001024240,000.00 1.750GCB 356.72 0.00 356.721.750101240,000.00402194EB6 0.00 240,000.001031240,000.00 1.800PEAPAC 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101240,000.00704692AL6 0.00 240,000.001128240,000.00 2.800TOWNE 569.18 0.00 569.182.792101240,000.0089214PBL2 0.00 248,000.001030248,000.00 1.250MORTN 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.00619165GE7 0.00 248,000.001018248,000.00 1.250FARMER 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.00307814DC4 0.00 248,000.001035248,000.00 1.400SOLOM 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.0083427LAX2 0.00 248,000.001011248,000.00 1.500CONNEC 315.95 0.00 315.951.500101248,000.0020786ABD6 0.00 248,000.001034248,000.00 1.400RVRW 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.0076951DAL4 0.00 248,000.001017248,000.00 1.700EVRBA 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0029976DXX3 0.00 245,000.001006245,000.00 1.900CAPONE 395.36 0.00 395.361.900101245,000.00140420RX0 0.00 248,000.001002248,000.00 1.650MIDWES 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.00063615AVO 0.00 240,000.001001240,000.00 1.700ALLY 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101240,000.0002006LWX7 0.00 240,000.001009240,000.00 1.700CCBA 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101240,000.0020033APG5 0.00 240,000.001032240,000.00 1.500PRVTBA 305.76 0.00 305.761.500101240,000.0074267GVG9 0.00 49,617,395.42105549,617,395.42 1.998LAIF 98,341.66 0.00 98,341.662.15710162,617,395.4298-33-434 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 1,993,200.0010752,000,000.00 1.125J&J 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.001.1081011,993,200.00478160BR4 0.00 240,000.001076240,000.00 1.600STRNS 326.13 0.00 326.131.600101240,000.00857894TC3 0.00 493,050.001079500,000.00 1.550APPL 645.83 0.00 645.831.542101493,050.00037833CC2 0.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 489.20 0.00 489.202.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 245,000.001081245,000.00 1.800RICHMN 374.55 0.00 374.551.800101245,000.00319267GC8 0.00 240,000.001082240,000.00 2.250CAP1NA 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.0014042RGD7 0.00 240,000.001083240,000.00 2.350SALMAE 479.02 0.00 479.022.350101240,000.00795450A70 0.00 240,000.001085240,000.00 1.850CNTRL 377.09 0.00 377.091.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001086240,000.00 1.800BNKRS 366.91 0.00 366.911.800101240,000.0006610RAP4 0.00 240,000.001087240,000.00 1.750MERCTL 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.0058740XZL7 0.00 240,000.001088240,000.00 2.300HSBC 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0040434YLE5 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:46 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2018 - August 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 240,000.001091240,000.00 1.6501STFRM 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00320165HX4 0.00 240,000.001093240,000.00 1.650DOUGLS 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00259744DS6 0.00 240,000.001094240,000.00 1.750HIGHLD 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.00319141GT8 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 468.18 0.00 468.182.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 489.20 0.00 489.202.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 498,750.001098500,000.00 1.550TOYOTA 645.83 0.00 645.831.525101498,750.0089236TDH5 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 478.59 0.00 478.592.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001100245,000.00 1.750JFFRSN 364.15 0.00 364.151.750101245,000.00472376AC6 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 436.98 0.00 436.982.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 457.78 0.00 457.782.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001108245,000.00 1.750MSPRIV 364.14 0.00 364.141.750101245,000.0061760AEP0 0.00 245,000.001109245,000.00 1.800MORGST 374.54 0.00 374.541.800101245,000.0061747MA92 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001111245,000.00 2.050FREECU 426.57 0.00 426.572.050101245,000.0035638BAA9 0.00 3,000.0010593,000.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,000.00SYS1059 0.00 1,521,278.4811141,521,278.48CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001011,521,278.48SYS1114 0.00 497,700.001118500,000.00 1.850MCRSFT 770.83 0.00 770.831.824101497,700.00594918BV5 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 582.63 0.00 582.632.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001120245,000.00 2.550UNITY 530.61 0.00 530.612.550101245,000.0091330ABN6 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 603.44 0.00 603.442.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 245,000.001124245,000.00 2.7001STTCH 561.82 0.00 561.822.700101245,000.0033715LBJ8 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 601.31 0.00 601.312.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 570.74 0.00 570.742.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 550.35 0.00 550.352.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001132240,000.00 2.200CNBF 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0017801DDT0 0.00 245,000.001133245,000.00 2.050METASF 426.57 0.00 426.572.050101245,000.0059101LDR5 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 621.70 0.00 621.703.050101240,000.0091435LAG2 0.00 245,000.001137245,000.00 2.050NYCMBK 426.57 0.00 426.572.050101245,000.00649447RL5 0.00 240,000.001136240,000.00 2.200UNION 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0090521AQW1 0.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 645.06 0.00 645.063.100101245,000.0001748DBE5 0.00 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001145245,000.00 2.750WEX 572.22 0.00 572.222.750101245,000.0092937CHG6 0.00 245,000.001146245,000.00 2.850EAGLE 593.04 0.00 593.042.850101245,000.0027002YDV5 0.00 245,000.001147245,000.00 3.1501STNBA 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0032110YLK9 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:46 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2018 - August 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0089269CBX9 0.00 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0069324MAD7 0.00 240,000.001150240,000.00 3.100GECRUN 346.52 0.00 346.523.1001010.00369674AV8 0.00 249,000.001151249,000.00 3.250NWENGL 687.31 0.00 687.313.250101249,000.0006426KAN8 0.00 114,022,290.39Subtotal 113,815,955.39 1.791 183,081.360.00183,081.36129,382,164.02 0.00 Fund: 1st Empire Securities Cash Bal 0.0010600.00EMPIRE 73.51 0.00 73.5111.1391020.00SYS1060 0.00 0.00Subtotal 0.00 11.139 73.510.0073.510.00 0.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 12,947,879.13105812,947,879.13USBANK 3.10 0.00 3.100.0012313,033.07SYS1058 0.00 12,947,879.13Subtotal 12,947,879.13 0.001,033.07 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 242,097.451062242,097.45LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241229,777.45SYS1062 0.00 242,097.45Subtotal 242,097.45,777.45 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 17,953,317.92111317,953,317.92 1.998LAIF 37,345.00 0.00 37,345.002.15724920,853,317.9225-33-005 0.00 17,953,317.92Subtotal 17,953,317.92 2.157 37,345.000.0037,345.0020,853,317.92 0.00 145,165,584.89Total 144,959,249.89 1.778 220,502.970.00220,502.97150,468,292.46 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:46 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 65 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management September 30, 2018 City of La Quinta - Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days to MaturityTerm YTM 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 698,126.17 10.54 0.0001698,126.17698,126.17 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 16,053,317.92 112.36 2.063116,008,848.5416,053,317.92 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 49,617,395.42 138.21 2.063149,524,894.4749,617,395.42 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 21,678,425.00 1,43816.69 1.87892021,211,607.5021,750,000.00 Treasury Coupon Securities 17,882,540.00 1,19013.77 1.46961217,538,095.0018,000,000.00 Certificate of Deposits 17,240,000.00 1,43213.28 2.16588916,973,141.9817,240,000.00 Corporate Notes 3,482,700.00 8242.68 1.5543593,456,165.003,500,000.00 Money Market Accounts 1,000,301.29 10.77 0.00011,000,301.291,000,301.29 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 672,562.86 10.52 0.0001672,562.86672,562.86 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1,541,740.25 11.19 0.00011,541,740.251,541,740.25 129,867,108.91 100.00%Investments 128,625,483.06130,073,443.91 617 366 1.888 Current Year September 30 207,313.13 Fiscal Year To Date 660,310.01 Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 144,336,348.41 149,489,334.80 1.75%1.75% Total Earnings Month Ending I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in comformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank monthly statement, and First Empire monthly custodian reports to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Karla Campos, Finance Director Portfolio CITY CP Reporting period 09/01/2018-09/30/2018 Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 14:14 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1City Petty Cash1059 3,300.00 3,300.0007/01/2016 3,300.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1First Empire Bank1060 52,810.58 52,810.5807/01/2016 52,810.58 1SYS1060 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 242,792.85 242,792.8507/01/2016 242,792.85 1SYS1062 0.000 1Wells Fargo1057 399,222.74 399,222.7407/01/2016 399,222.74 14159282482 0.000 698,126.17 1698,126.17698,126.172,571,297.56Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 16,053,317.92 16,053,317.92 2.06316,008,848.54 125-33-005 2.063 16,053,317.92 116,008,848.5416,053,317.9217,636,651.25Subtotal and Average 1 2.063 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 49,617,395.42 49,617,395.42 2.06349,524,894.47 198-33-434 2.063 49,617,395.42 149,524,894.4749,617,395.4249,617,395.42Subtotal and Average 1 2.063 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 284Federal Farm Credit Bank1092 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 07/12/20191.08007/10/2017 988,750.00 7323133EGLC7 1.456 1,066Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 966,020.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 262Federal Farm Credit Bank1141 500,000.00 494,750.00 06/20/20191.21005/31/2018 495,340.00 3853133EGFU4 2.224 585Federal Farm Credit Bank1142 500,000.00 491,750.00 05/08/20201.55005/31/2018 490,235.00 7083133EHJA2 2.427 940Federal Home Loan Bank1053 2,500,000.00 2,491,250.00 04/28/20211.35004/28/2016 2,405,250.00 1,8263130A7QZ1 1.423 756Federal Home Loan Bank1064 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10/26/20201.37510/26/2016 2,425,300.00 1,4613130A9UQ2 1.375 711Federal Home Loan Bank1104 1,000,000.00 996,800.00 09/11/20201.62511/09/2017 977,120.00 1,0373130A66T9 1.741 1,611Federal Home Loan Bank1121 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/28/20232.37504/02/2018 993,240.00 1,7933130ADMF6 3.111 940Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1054 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 04/28/20211.50004/28/2016 2,454,425.00 1,8263134G8Y37 1.400 1,275Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1073 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 03/29/20222.00003/29/2017 1,929,680.00 1,8263134GBAE2 2.106 1,185Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1084 1,000,000.00 999,500.00 12/29/20212.00007/06/2017 966,300.00 1,6373134GBXF4 2.012 1,395Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1090 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 07/27/20222.15007/27/2017 964,670.00 1,8263134GBWG3 2.150 1,582Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1116 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 01/30/20232.55001/30/2018 963,510.00 1,8263134GSCD5 2.550 1,606Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1122 750,000.00 746,625.00 02/23/20232.75004/02/2018 734,917.50 1,7883134GSCQ6 2.849 196Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1129 500,000.00 495,250.00 04/15/20191.12505/10/2018 496,465.00 3403137EADZ9 2.161 483Federal National Mtg Assn1072 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 01/27/20201.70003/27/2017 1,971,520.00 1,0363135G0S53 1.700 346Federal National Mtg Assn1139 500,000.00 496,700.00 09/12/20191.75005/31/2018 495,880.00 4693135G0ZG1 2.275 305Federal National Mtg Assn1140 500,000.00 492,000.00 08/02/20190.87505/31/2018 492,985.00 4283135G0N33 2.269 21,678,425.00 1,43821,211,607.5021,750,000.0021,678,425.00Subtotal and Average 920 1.878 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 14:14 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 67 Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,003U.S. Treasury1045 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 06/30/20211.12507/18/2016 4,769,900.00 1,808912828S27 1.125 14U.S. Treasury1063 2,500,000.00 2,502,250.00 10/15/20180.87510/24/2016 2,498,900.00 721912828L81 0.829 547U.S. Treasury1068 2,500,000.00 2,483,250.00 03/31/20201.37503/20/2017 2,449,225.00 1,107912828J84 1.602 440U.S. Treasury1069 2,500,000.00 2,490,750.00 12/15/20191.37503/20/2017 2,460,750.00 1,000912828U73 1.513 1,126U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 1,903,680.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 45U.S. Treasury1103 500,000.00 498,840.00 11/15/20181.25011/09/2017 499,475.00 371912828M64 1.481 684U.S. Treasury1117 1,000,000.00 985,800.00 08/15/20201.50001/22/2018 976,250.00 9369128282Q2 2.071 242U.S. Treasury1130 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 05/31/20191.50005/10/2018 993,400.00 386912828WL0 2.211 60U.S. Treasury1131 500,000.00 498,000.00 11/30/20181.25005/10/2018 499,250.00 204912828A34 1.974 577U.S. Treasury1138 500,000.00 488,250.00 04/30/20201.12505/31/2018 487,265.00 700912828VA5 2.387 17,882,540.00 1,19017,538,095.0018,000,000.0017,882,540.00Subtotal and Average 612 1.469 Certificate of Deposits 231First Business Bank1019 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/20/2014 239,212.80 1,82631938QH72 1.751 416First Farmers Bank &Trust Co.1091 240,000.00 240,000.00 11/21/20191.65007/21/2017 237,494.40 853320165HX4 1.653 29First Merchants Bank1020 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/30/20181.50004/30/2014 239,976.00 1,64432082BDF3 1.501 1,753First National Bank of America1147 245,000.00 245,000.00 07/20/20233.15007/20/2018 243,172.30 1,82632110YLK9 3.152 749First Tech Federal Credit Unio1124 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20202.70004/18/2018 243,941.60 91533715LBJ8 2.623 1,218Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 240,146.55 1,46288413QBY3 2.502 1,351Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 244,380.15 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 1,473Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 236,116.30 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 84Ally Bank Midvale1001 240,000.00 240,000.00 12/24/20181.70012/24/2015 239,738.40 1,09602006LWX7 1.702 931Amex Centurion1077 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/19/20212.25004/19/2017 234,696.00 1,46102587DP85 2.252 1,428American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 230,896.80 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 1,633Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 240,198.00 1,826034577AH9 2.802 1,485Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 231,645.60 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 1,148Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 237,630.40 1,462080515CD9 2.101 1,242BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 232,783.20 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 836Bankers Bank1086 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/14/20211.80007/14/2017 233,836.80 1,28006610RAP4 1.804 980Capital One Natl Assn FDIC42971082 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/07/20212.25006/07/2017 235,188.00 1,46114042RGD7 2.252 618Capital One USA FDIC339541006 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/10/20201.90006/10/2015 241,599.40 1,827140420RX0 1.902 875Comenity Capital Bank1009 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/22/20211.70002/22/2016 232,905.60 1,82720033APG5 1.702 1,653Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 241,097.15 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 235City National Bank of Florida1132 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/24/20192.20005/24/2018 239,870.40 36517801DDT0 2.200 1,017Central State Bank1085 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20211.85007/14/2017 232,308.00 1,46115523RBJ4 1.851 247Connect One1011 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20191.50006/05/2015 246,918.72 1,46120786ABD6 1.501 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 14:14 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 68 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,509CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 235,256.35 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 1,219Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 233,347.20 1,8262546722U1 2.251 477Douglas National Bank1093 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/21/20201.65007/19/2017 236,937.60 916259744DS6 1.655 842Eagle Bank1146 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/20/20212.85007/20/2018 244,389.95 91527002YDV5 2.858 1,670EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 236,563.20 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 1,519Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 234,690.40 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 211Ephrata Bank1016 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20191.65004/30/2014 239,666.40 1,826294209AQ4 1.651 613EverBank1017248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20201.70006/05/2015 243,593.04 1,82729976DXX3 1.702 127Farmers & Merch1018 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/05/20191.25006/05/2015 247,226.24 1,341307814DC4 1.252 1,306Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 237,100.80 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 813Freedom Credit Union1111 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/22/20202.05012/22/2017 240,269.05 1,09635638BAA9 2.052 231Gulf Coast Bank1024 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/19/2014 239,215.20 1,827402194EB6 1.724 1,050General Electric Credit Union1150 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/16/20213.10008/15/2018 240,240.00 1,097369674AV8 3.100 1,303Goldman Sachs1078 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/26/20222.40004/26/2017 233,906.40 1,82638148PJK4 2.401 651First Bank of Highland1094 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/13/20201.75007/13/2017 235,509.60 1,096319141GT8 1.752 1,382HSBC Bank USA, National Associ1088 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20222.30007/14/2017 232,485.60 1,82640434YLE5 2.301 589Jefferson Bank & Trust1100 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/12/20201.75011/09/2017 241,087.35 915472376AC6 1.751 1,324Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 236,067.30 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 1,550Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 236,812.10 1,826499724AB8 2.401 645Mercantile Bank of Michigan1087 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/07/20201.75007/07/2017 235,576.80 1,09658740XZL7 1.752 151Metabank Sioux Falls1133 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/01/20192.05005/15/2018 244,879.95 29059101LDR5 2.057 620Bank Midwest1002 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20201.65006/12/2015 243,290.48 1,827063615AVO 1.652 413Morgan Stanley Bank1109 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.80011/16/2017 242,885.65 73261747MA92 1.800 72Morton Community1030 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/12/20181.25006/12/2015 247,692.48 1,279619165GE7 1.251 413Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1108 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.75011/16/2017 242,748.45 73261760AEP0 1.750 1,499Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 236,300.05 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 1,121Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 237,223.20 1,279666613GV0 2.703 1,764Bank of New England1151 249,000.00 249,000.00 07/31/20233.25007/31/2018 248,200.71 1,82606426KAN8 3.252 147New York Community Bank1137 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/25/20192.05005/25/2018 244,870.15 276649447RL5 2.050 1,206The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 230,784.00 1,645677721CN0 1.903 1,346PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,547.15 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 239Peapack-Gladstone Bank1031 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/28/20191.80005/28/2014 239,570.40 1,826704692AL6 1.801 968PrivateBank & Trust1032 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/26/20211.50005/26/2016 231,302.40 1,82674267GVG9 1.501 1,723RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 243,321.75 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 784First Bank Richmond1081 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/23/20201.80006/21/2017 239,215.55 1,251319267GC8 1.802 339Riverwood1034248,000.00 248,000.00 09/05/20191.40006/05/2015 246,288.80 1,55376951DAL4 1.402 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 14:14 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 69 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,359Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1083 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/21/20222.35006/21/2017 233,078.40 1,826795450A70 2.351 246Solomon State1035 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/04/20191.40006/04/2015 246,926.16 1,46183427LAX2 1.401 568Stearnes Bank, N.A.1076 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/21/20201.60004/21/2017 235,831.20 1,096857894TC3 1.588 1,340Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 233,637.60 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 942Towne Bank1128 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20212.80004/30/2018 238,744.80 1,09689214PBL2 2.800 1,407Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,304.60 1,52289269CBX9 3.002 227Union BankNA1136 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/16/20192.20005/16/2018 239,887.20 36590521AQW1 2.200 897Unity Bank1120 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/16/20212.55003/16/2018 242,447.10 1,09691330ABN6 2.552 1,687University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 237,494.40 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 204Webster Bank1042 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/23/20191.80004/23/2014 239,676.00 1,82694768NJQ8 1.801 148Wells Fargo1043 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/26/20191.20002/26/2016 239,486.40 1,0969497483N5 1.201 623Wex Bank1145 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/15/20202.75006/13/2018 244,813.80 73392937CHG6 2.754 17,240,000.00 1,43216,973,141.9817,240,000.0017,240,000.00Subtotal and Average 889 2.165 Corporate Notes 1,038Apple Inc1079 500,000.00 493,050.00 08/04/20211.55006/12/2017 479,630.00 1,514037833CC2 1.900 151Johnson and Johnson Corp1075 2,000,000.00 1,993,200.00 03/01/20191.12503/29/2017 1,989,220.00 702478160BR4 1.305 493Microsoft Corporation1118 500,000.00 497,700.00 02/06/20201.85001/22/2018 493,935.00 745594918BV5 2.081 382Toyota Motor Credit Corp1098 500,000.00 498,750.00 10/18/20191.55011/07/2017 493,380.00 71089236TDH5 1.681 3,482,700.00 8243,456,165.003,500,000.003,482,700.00Subtotal and Average 359 1.554 Money Market Accounts 1California Asset Management Pr1153 1,000,301.29 1,000,301.2909/26/2018 1,000,301.29 1SYS1153 0.000 1,000,301.29 11,000,301.291,000,301.29166,676.71Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 672,562.86 672,562.8607/01/2016 672,562.86 1SYS1058 0.000 672,562.86 1672,562.86672,562.8612,538,701.92Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 1,541,740.25 1,541,740.2507/01/2018 1,541,740.25 1SYS1114 0.000 1,541,740.25 11,541,740.251,541,740.251,521,960.54Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 14:14 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 70 Days to Maturity Page 5 Par Value Book Value Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date 617144,336,348.41 130,073,443.91 366 1.888128,625,483.06 129,867,108.91Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 14:14 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 71 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund September 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 2,000,000.0010722,000,000.00 1.700FNMA 2,833.33 0.00 2,833.331.7241012,000,000.003135G0S53 0.00 492,000.001140500,000.00 0.875FNMA 364.58 0.00 364.580.902101492,000.003135G0N33 0.00 496,700.001139500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.17 0.00 729.171.786101496,700.003135G0ZG1 0.00 746,625.001122750,000.00 2.750FHLMC 1,718.75 0.00 1,718.752.801101746,625.003134GSCQ6 0.00 495,250.001129500,000.00 1.125FHLMC 468.75 0.00 468.751.152101495,250.003137EADZ9 0.00 2,500,000.0010542,500,000.00 1.500FHLMC 3,125.00 0.00 3,125.001.5211012,500,000.003134G8Y37 0.00 1,000,000.0010901,000,000.00 2.150FHLMC 1,791.66 0.00 1,791.662.1801011,000,000.003134GBWG3 0.00 1,000,000.0011161,000,000.00 2.550FHLMC 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.002.5851011,000,000.003134GSCD5 0.00 999,500.0010841,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 1,666.67 0.00 1,666.672.029101999,500.003134GBXF4 0.00 1,990,000.0010732,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 3,333.33 0.00 3,333.332.0381011,990,000.003134GBAE2 0.00 491,750.001142500,000.00 1.550FFCB 645.83 0.00 645.831.598101491,750.003133EHJA2 0.00 494,750.001141500,000.00 1.210FFCB 504.17 0.00 504.171.240101494,750.003133EGFU4 0.00 992,600.0010921,000,000.00 1.080FFCB 900.00 0.00 900.001.103101992,600.003133EGLC7 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.737101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 2,500,000.0010642,500,000.00 1.375FHLB 2,864.59 0.00 2,864.591.3941012,500,000.003130A9UQ2 0.00 2,491,250.0010532,500,000.00 1.350FHLB 2,812.50 0.00 2,812.501.3741012,491,250.003130A7QZ1 0.00 996,800.0011041,000,000.00 1.625FHLB 1,354.17 0.00 1,354.171.653101996,800.003130A66T9 0.00 999,000.0011211,000,000.00 2.375FHLB 1,979.16 0.00 1,979.162.410101999,000.003130ADMF6 0.00 498,000.001131500,000.00 1.250USTR 512.30 0.00 512.301.252101498,000.00912828A34 0.00 2,502,250.0010632,500,000.00 0.875USTR 1,793.03 0.00 1,793.030.8721012,502,250.00912828L81 0.00 2,483,250.0010682,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,818.14 0.00 2,818.141.3811012,483,250.00912828J84 0.00 488,250.001138500,000.00 1.125USTR 458.56 0.00 458.561.143101488,250.00912828VA5 0.00 2,490,750.0010692,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,817.62 0.00 2,817.621.3761012,490,750.00912828U73 0.00 992,600.0011301,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,229.50 0.00 1,229.501.507101992,600.00912828WL0 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,038.05 0.00 2,038.051.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 5,000,000.0010455,000,000.00 1.125USTR 4,585.59 0.00 4,585.591.1161015,000,000.00912828S27 0.00 985,800.0011171,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,222.83 0.00 1,222.831.509101985,800.009128282Q2 0.00 498,840.001103500,000.00 1.250USTR 509.51 0.00 509.511.243101498,840.00912828M64 0.00 240,000.001043240,000.00 1.200WELLS 236.71 0.00 236.711.200101240,000.009497483N5 0.00 399,222.741057399,222.74WELLS 0.01 0.00 0.011012,390,616.494159282482 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:47 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001078240,000.00 2.400GLDMAN 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0038148PJK4 0.00 240,000.001077240,000.00 2.250AMEX 443.84 0.00 443.842.250101240,000.0002587DP85 0.00 240,000.001042240,000.00 1.800WEB 355.07 0.00 355.071.800101240,000.0094768NJQ8 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 503.42 0.00 503.422.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 240,000.001020240,000.00 1.5001STMER 295.89 0.00 295.891.500101240,000.0032082BDF3 0.00 240,000.001016240,000.00 1.650EPHRAT 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00294209AQ4 0.00 240,000.001019240,000.00 1.7501STBUS 345.20 0.00 345.201.750101240,000.0031938QH72 0.00 240,000.001024240,000.00 1.750GCB 345.20 0.00 345.201.750101240,000.00402194EB6 0.00 240,000.001031240,000.00 1.800PEAPAC 355.07 0.00 355.071.800101240,000.00704692AL6 0.00 240,000.001128240,000.00 2.800TOWNE 550.82 0.00 550.822.792101240,000.0089214PBL2 0.00 248,000.001030248,000.00 1.250MORTN 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.00619165GE7 0.00 248,000.001018248,000.00 1.250FARMER 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.00307814DC4 0.00 248,000.001035248,000.00 1.400SOLOM 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.0083427LAX2 0.00 248,000.001011248,000.00 1.500CONNEC 305.75 0.00 305.751.500101248,000.0020786ABD6 0.00 248,000.001034248,000.00 1.400RVRW 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.0076951DAL4 0.00 248,000.001017248,000.00 1.700EVRBA 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101248,000.0029976DXX3 0.00 245,000.001006245,000.00 1.900CAPONE 382.60 0.00 382.601.900101245,000.00140420RX0 0.00 248,000.001002248,000.00 1.650MIDWES 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.00063615AVO 0.00 240,000.001001240,000.00 1.700ALLY 335.34 0.00 335.341.700101240,000.0002006LWX7 0.00 240,000.001009240,000.00 1.700CCBA 335.34 0.00 335.341.700101240,000.0020033APG5 0.00 240,000.001032240,000.00 1.500PRVTBA 295.89 0.00 295.891.500101240,000.0074267GVG9 0.00 49,617,395.42105549,617,395.42 2.063LAIF 87,963.62 0.00 87,963.622.15710149,617,395.4298-33-434 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 443.83 0.00 443.832.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 1,993,200.0010752,000,000.00 1.125J&J 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.001.1451011,993,200.00478160BR4 0.00 240,000.001076240,000.00 1.600STRNS 315.62 0.00 315.621.600101240,000.00857894TC3 0.00 493,050.001079500,000.00 1.550APPL 645.83 0.00 645.831.594101493,050.00037833CC2 0.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 473.43 0.00 473.432.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 245,000.001081245,000.00 1.800RICHMN 362.46 0.00 362.461.800101245,000.00319267GC8 0.00 240,000.001082240,000.00 2.250CAP1NA 443.83 0.00 443.832.250101240,000.0014042RGD7 0.00 240,000.001083240,000.00 2.350SALMAE 463.56 0.00 463.562.350101240,000.00795450A70 0.00 240,000.001085240,000.00 1.850CNTRL 364.94 0.00 364.941.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001086240,000.00 1.800BNKRS 355.06 0.00 355.061.800101240,000.0006610RAP4 0.00 240,000.001087240,000.00 1.750MERCTL 345.21 0.00 345.211.750101240,000.0058740XZL7 0.00 240,000.001088240,000.00 2.300HSBC 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0040434YLE5 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 374.79 0.00 374.791.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:47 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001091240,000.00 1.6501STFRM 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00320165HX4 0.00 240,000.001093240,000.00 1.650DOUGLS 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00259744DS6 0.00 240,000.001094240,000.00 1.750HIGHLD 345.21 0.00 345.211.750101240,000.00319141GT8 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 453.09 0.00 453.092.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 473.43 0.00 473.432.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 498,750.001098500,000.00 1.550TOYOTA 645.84 0.00 645.841.575101498,750.0089236TDH5 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 463.15 0.00 463.152.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001100245,000.00 1.750JFFRSN 352.39 0.00 352.391.750101245,000.00472376AC6 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 422.88 0.00 422.882.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 422.87 0.00 422.872.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 443.02 0.00 443.022.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 432.94 0.00 432.942.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001108245,000.00 1.750MSPRIV 352.40 0.00 352.401.750101245,000.0061760AEP0 0.00 245,000.001109245,000.00 1.800MORGST 362.47 0.00 362.471.800101245,000.0061747MA92 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 483.29 0.00 483.292.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001111245,000.00 2.050FREECU 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.0035638BAA9 0.00 3,300.0010593,300.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,000.00SYS1059 0.00 1,541,740.2511141,541,740.25CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001011,521,278.48SYS1114 0.00 497,700.001118500,000.00 1.850MCRSFT 770.83 0.00 770.831.884101497,700.00594918BV5 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 563.83 0.00 563.832.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001120245,000.00 2.550UNITY 513.49 0.00 513.492.550101245,000.0091330ABN6 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 583.98 0.00 583.982.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 245,000.001124245,000.00 2.7001STTCH 543.70 0.00 543.702.700101245,000.0033715LBJ8 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 581.92 0.00 581.922.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 552.33 0.00 552.332.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 532.61 0.00 532.612.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001132240,000.00 2.200CNBF 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0017801DDT0 0.00 245,000.001133245,000.00 2.050METASF 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.0059101LDR5 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 601.65 0.00 601.653.050101240,000.0091435LAG2 0.00 245,000.001137245,000.00 2.050NYCMBK 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.00649447RL5 0.00 240,000.001136240,000.00 2.200UNION 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0090521AQW1 0.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 624.24 0.00 624.243.100101245,000.0001748DBE5 0.00 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 634.31 0.00 634.313.150101245,000.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001145245,000.00 2.750WEX 553.77 0.00 553.772.750101245,000.0092937CHG6 0.00 245,000.001146245,000.00 2.850EAGLE 573.90 0.00 573.902.850101245,000.0027002YDV5 0.00 245,000.001147245,000.00 3.1501STNBA 634.32 0.00 634.323.150101245,000.0032110YLK9 0.00 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 604.11 0.00 604.113.000101245,000.0089269CBX9 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:47 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 604.11 0.00 604.113.000101245,000.0069324MAD7 0.00 240,000.001150240,000.00 3.100GECRUN 611.51 0.00 611.513.100101240,000.00369674AV8 0.00 249,000.001151249,000.00 3.250NWENGL 665.14 0.00 665.143.250101249,000.0006426KAN8 0.00 1,000,301.2911531,000,301.29CAMP 301.29 0.00 301.292.1991010.00SYS1153 0.00 113,051,959.70Subtotal 112,845,624.70 1.832 171,496.580.00171,496.58113,815,955.39 0.00 Fund: 1st Empire Securities Cash Bal 52,810.58106052,810.58EMPIRE 26.95 0.00 26.9518.5231020.00SYS1060 0.00 52,810.58Subtotal 52,810.58 18.523 26.950.0026.950.00 0.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 672,562.861058672,562.86USBANK 4,522.67 0.00 4,522.670.43923112,947,879.13SYS1058 0.00 672,562.86Subtotal 672,562.86 0.439 4,522.670.004,522.6712,947,879.13 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 242,792.851062242,792.85LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241242,097.45SYS1062 0.00 242,792.85Subtotal 242,792.85,097.45 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 16,053,317.92111316,053,317.92 2.063LAIF 31,266.93 0.00 31,266.932.15724917,953,317.9225-33-005 0.00 16,053,317.92Subtotal 16,053,317.92 2.157 31,266.930.0031,266.9317,953,317.92 0.00 130,073,443.91Total 129,867,108.91 1.748 207,313.130.00207,313.13144,959,249.89 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:47 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Maturity Report Sorted by Maturity Date Received or due during July 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018 Rate at MaturityPar Value Sec. TypeFund Maturity Date Maturity ProceedsInterest Income Net CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchase Date Book Value at Maturity 240,000.00 1.400 240,276.16276.1605/16/2014REGAL103375874TAH4MC110107/16/2018 276.16240,000.00 240,000.00 1.900 242,261.262,261.2608/14/2013CITI100817284CKN3MC110108/14/2018 2,261.26240,000.00 482,537.42Total Maturities 480,000.00 2,537.42480,000.00 2,537.42 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/07/2018 - 15:42 MA (PRF_MA) 7.1.1 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Purchases Report Sorted by Fund - Fund July 2, 2018 - September 30, 2018 Original Par Value Ending Book Value Sec. TypeFund Maturity YTM Accrued Interest at PurchasePayment Periods DateCUSIPInvestment #Issuer Purchase Date Principal Purchased Rate at Purchase General Fund 245,000.00 3.150 07/20/2023 245,000.00245,000.0007/20/2018 3.15208/20 - Monthly1STNBA114732110YLK9MC1101 245,000.00 2.850 01/20/2021 245,000.00245,000.0007/20/2018 2.85808/20 - MonthlyEAGLE114627002YDV5MC1101 249,000.00 3.250 07/31/2023 249,000.00249,000.0007/31/2018 3.25208/31 - MonthlyNWENGL115106426KAN8MC1101 240,000.00 3.100 08/16/2021 240,000.00240,000.0008/15/2018 3.10009/01 - MonthlyGECRUN1150369674AV8MC1101 1,000,000.00 1,000,301.291,000,000.0009/26/2018 / - MonthlyCAMP1153SYS1153RR3101 Subtotal 1,979,301.291,979,000.00 0.001,979,000.00 1,979,000.00Total Purchases 1,979,000.00 0.00 1,979,301.29 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 11/06/2018 - 13:28 PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. US Treasury Rates https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/Pages/TextView.aspx?data=yieldYear&year=2018 Commercial Paper Rates https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/cp/rates.htm 78 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure reports dated September 30, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The report summarizes the City’s year-to-date (YTD) and period revenues and expenditures for September 2018 (Attachment 1). •Revenue and expenditure reports are also reviewed by the Finance Advisory Commission (FAC). FISCAL IMPACT – None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget – represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2018 for fiscal year 2018/19. Current Total Budget – represents original adopted budgets plus any carryovers (typically associated with long-term Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) from the prior fiscal year) and any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year. Period Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used – represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 79 September Revenues MTD YTD YTD Percent of Budget General Fund $ 2,096,243 $ 2,822,432 5.40% All Funds $ 3,500,978 $ 5,253,455 4.25% September Expenditures MTD YTD YTD Percent of Budget General Fund $ 1,670,404 $ 4,248,771 7.53% Payroll - General Fund $ 615,450 $ 2,426,250 23.93% All Funds $ 18,463,314 $ 28,200,657 20.04% Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for September General Fund Non-General Fund Measure G Sales Tax $545,218 County Government Revenue - Library/Museum $ 878,574 Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax $522,966 SilverRock Greens Fees $ 120,360 Sales Tax $484,962 Housing Authority Deed Repayments $ 90,530 Property Tax $264,442 Gas Tax $ 65,113 Franchise Tax- Burrtec $ 36,807 County Sales Tax (Measure A) $ 57,154 Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for September General Fund Non-General Fund Sheriff Contract (July) $729,989 Successor Agency Debt Service(1) $12,947,699 Community Experiences $ 45,958 Housing Construction(2) $1,900,469 Marketing and Tourism Promotions $ 39,177 Capital Improvement Program- Construction(3) $ 799,161 TOT Resort Rebate Program $ 37,500 Capital Improvement Program- Design(4) $ 367,857 Parks Landscape Maintenance $ 35,851 Capital Improvement Program- Land(5) $ 170,474 (1)Interest and principal payments for redevelopment bonds, funded by dedicated Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) revenue. (2)Housing construction expenses are from the Washington Street Apartments project, a low/moderate income housing project funded by bonds dedicated to housing uses. (3)CIP Construction: Pavement Management Plan (PMP), La Quinta High ADA improvements, Adams retention basin (4)CIP Design: Village Complete Streets, SilverRock event site, Dune Palms projects (5)CIP Land: Acquisitions related to Dune Palms projects The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, 80 Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City’s cash flow reserve. The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. All funds are generally on target or under budget regarding expenditures. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director Attachment 1: Revenue and Expenditure Report for September 30, 2018 81 82 For Fiscal: 2018/19 Period Ending: 09/30/2018 11/7/2018 6:25:59 PM Page 2 of 2 Fund Summary-Revenue Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 2,822,4322,096,24352,297,400 52,297,400 -49,474,968 5.40 % 201 - GAS TAX FUND 247,86565,1131,965,500 1,965,500 -1,717,635 12.61 % 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 878,574878,5742,333,000 2,333,000 -1,454,426 37.66 % 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G)00200,000 200,000 -200,000 0.00 % 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0072,000 72,000 -72,000 0.00 % 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 00100,100 100,100 -100,100 0.00 % 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 001,586,100 1,586,100 -1,586,100 0.00 % 220 - QUIMBY FUND 00367,000 367,000 -367,000 0.00 % 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 2,7622,76263,700 63,700 -60,938 4.34 % 223 - MEASURE A FUND 57,15457,154971,708 971,708 -914,554 5.88 % 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 00100100 -100 0.00 % 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4,1741,2914,000 4,000 174 104.35 % 231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 4,5284,52200 4,528 0.00 % 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 0051,500 51,500 -51,500 0.00 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 236,89890,608315,000 315,000 -78,102 75.21 % 243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund 008,000 8,000 -8,000 0.00 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)0030,000 30,000 -30,000 0.00 % 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 153,03622,736369,000 369,000 -215,964 41.47 % 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 135,16816,384508,200 508,200 -373,032 26.60 % 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 42,1637,390110,000 110,000 -67,837 38.33 % 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 22,7042,75230,000 30,000 -7,296 75.68 % 254 - COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 8,5141,03215,400 15,400 -6,886 55.29 % 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 6,23892815,000 15,000 -8,762 41.59 % 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 2,6403204,000 4,000 -1,360 66.00 % 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 19,4023,39740,000 40,000 -20,598 48.50 % 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 23,2462,07088,500 88,500 -65,254 26.27 % 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 002,100 2,100 -2,100 0.00 % 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 204,19153,11200 204,191 0.00 % 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 10671,600 671,600 -671,599 0.00 % 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 32,02932,02911,955,941 53,199,568 -53,167,539 0.06 % 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 00923,700 923,700 -923,700 0.00 % 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4,8891,3151,189,800 1,484,800 -1,479,911 0.33 % 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 00675,000 675,000 -675,000 0.00 % 504 - INSURANCE FUND 00923,600 923,600 -923,600 0.00 % 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 324,387140,7854,092,800 4,092,800 -3,768,413 7.93 % 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 0070,000 70,000 -70,000 0.00 % 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 20,46220,46200 20,462 0.00 % Report Total:3,500,978 5,253,45582,049,749 123,588,376 -118,334,921 4.25 % City of La Quinta ATTACHMENT 1 83 For Fiscal: 2018/19 Period Ending: 09/30/2018 11/7/2018 6:24:27 PM Page 2 of 2 Fund Summary-Expenditures Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 4,248,7711,670,40451,153,413 56,449,928 52,201,157 7.53 % 201 - GAS TAX FUND 173,93661,4831,959,900 2,010,829 1,836,894 8.65 % 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 77,09328,7631,628,200 1,628,200 1,551,107 4.73 % 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0072,000 72,000 72,000 0.00 % 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 00100,000 100,000 100,000 0.00 % 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 253,38293,0541,582,700 1,785,400 1,532,018 14.19 % 217 - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 32032067,000 67,000 66,680 0.48 % 220 - QUIMBY FUND 003,956,000 7,298,488 7,298,488 0.00 % 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 3,3243,32435,000 35,000 31,676 9.50 % 223 - MEASURE A FUND 00961,708 4,733,403 4,733,403 0.00 % 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 00022,618 22,618 0.00 % 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 004,000 4,000 4,000 0.00 % 231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 12,947,69912,947,69900 -12,947,699 0.00 % 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 167054,000 54,000 53,833 0.31 % 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 1,650000 -1,650 0.00 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 67,66012,569604,000 602,500 534,840 11.23 % 243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund 00250,000 250,000 250,000 0.00 % 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)751,28727,09600 -751,287 0.00 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)6,161,3591,900,46900 -6,161,359 0.00 % 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 00400,000 2,551,507 2,551,507 0.00 % 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 00110,000 110,000 110,000 0.00 % 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 0030,000 30,000 30,000 0.00 % 254 - COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 000101,639 101,639 0.00 % 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 0015,000 15,000 15,000 0.00 % 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 004,000 4,000 4,000 0.00 % 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 0040,000 40,000 40,000 0.00 % 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 15,3218,025322,000 522,000 506,679 2.94 % 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 00671,600 671,600 671,600 0.00 % 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 1,637,0221,402,08411,955,941 53,210,575 51,573,553 3.08 % 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT -36,501-91,052923,700 1,005,784 1,042,284 -3.63 % 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 180,86952,9131,090,700 1,574,200 1,393,331 11.49 % 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 80,2609,489705,000 705,000 624,741 11.38 % 504 - INSURANCE FUND 716,2954,329921,100 918,500 202,205 77.99 % 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 907,911332,3444,090,800 4,091,000 3,183,089 22.19 % 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 0050,200 50,200 50,200 0.00 % 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 12,833000 -12,833 0.00 % Report Total:18,463,314 28,200,65783,757,962 140,714,371 112,513,714 20.04 % 84 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED NOVEMBER 2 AND 9, 2018 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated November 2 and 9, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 1,204,574.69$ Successor Agency of RDA 42,800.92$ Housing Authority 5,570.11$ 1,252,945.72$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for November 2, and 9, 2018. Warrants Issued: 120412-120489 319,051.80$ 120490-120584 391,870.46$ Wire Transfers 346,100.31$ Void (4,550.00)$ Payroll Tax transfers -$ Payroll Chks 37369-37370 & Direct Dep 200,473.15$ 1,252,945.72$ In the amounts listed above, two checks were voided and reissued due to checks being lost in the mail because of address change. Two other checks were voided due to a Washington street apartment tenant’s change in relocation benefits. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 85 The most significant expenditures on the demand registers are: Account Name Amount Conserve Landcare Landscape Contract 86,155.77$ Landscaping Services Burrtec Waste &Due to Waste 62,033.18$ Waste Services Recycling Management American Asphalt Construction 55,100.00$ Slurry Seal & Striping INC Ark Connects LLC Marketing & Tourism 42,500.00$ City IOS Application Bengal Engineering Design 39,901.38$ Dune Palms Bridge Design Services Imperial Irrigation Various 39,063.35$ Utility Services District PurposeVendor Wire Transfers: Six transfers totaled $346,100. Of this amount, $224,781 was for Landmark, $103,274 for PERS Health and $15,000 for appraisal services. (See Attachment 2 for a full listing). ALTERNATIVES Council may approve, partially approve, or reject the demand registers. Prepared by: Derrick Armendariz, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2.Wire Transfers 86 11/1/2018 5:18:38 PM Page 1 of 5 City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01791 - DA 11/02/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 420.00Maintenance/Services10/16/18- FS#93 CARPET CLEANING120412ACE CARPET CLEANING 101-2002-60691 190.35Operating Supplies10/11-10/25/18- WC JANITORIAL SERVICE120415AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 -19.28Sales Taxes Payable10/12/18- SAFETY GEAR TAX120416ATCO MANUFACTURING COM…101-0000-20304 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE120421CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE P…101-0000-20949 3,048.06Utilities - Water - Civic Center …10/29/18- WATER SERVICE120424COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61202 8,377.18Utilities - Water -Community P…10/29/18- WATER SERVICE120424COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 125.00PM 10 - Dust Control10/29/18- WATER SERVICE120424COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 1,624.75Utilities - Water -Fritz Burns pa…10/29/18- WATER SERVICE120424COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 534.79Utilities - Water10/29/18- WATER SERVICE120424COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 58.80Instructors10/25/18- CARDIO STRENTH120425COHEN, ANN MARIE 101-3002-60107 319.68Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/24/18- CITYWIDE COFFEE SUPPLIES120426DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 2,500.00Community Experiences11/10/18- SRR SUN SET HOURS PRODUCT…120428DOOZY MEDIA LLC 101-3003-60149 2,812.50Plan ChecksFY 18/19 ON CALL BUILDING PLAN CHECK…120432ESGIL CORPORATION 101-6003-60118 2,914.94Postage10/12/18- FREIGHT CHARGES120434FEDEX 101-1007-60470 144.95Maintenance/Services10/08/18- FS#93 MATERIALS120435FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-2002-60691 141.72Materials/Supplies10/10/18- LQ PARK SECURITY ENCLOSURE120439GRAINGER 101-3008-60431 600.00Subscriptions & Publications11/01-04/30/19- HR CONSULTING120440GUARDIAN HR 101-1004-60352 1,403.93Utilities - Electricity10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 1,694.26Utilities - Electric - Civic Center…10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 1,161.09Utilities - Electric - Fritz Burns …10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 2,899.16Utilities - Electric - Sports Com…10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61106 11,444.91Utilities - Electricity10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 1,125.83Utilities - Electricity10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 12.34Utilities - Electric - Monticello …10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61102 585.12Utilities - Electric - Colonel Pai…10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61108 4,105.18Utilities - Electric - Community…10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61109 27.23Utilities - Electric - Adams Park10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61110 13.37Utilities - Electric - Velasco Park10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61111 21.51Utilities - Electric - Eisenhower…10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61113 13.14Utilities - Electric - Desert Pride10/03/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61114 265.00Membership Dues09/27/18- CHAPTER 57 DUES - A FERREIRA120443INTERNATIONAL RIGHT OF WA…101-1002-60351 31.84HVAC10/09/18- CITY HALL FILTER120444JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-3008-60667 224.00Instructors10/25/18- PERSONAL TRAINER120445KEPLER, KRISTOFFER 101-3002-60107 7,056.46Employee Recognition Awards11/08/18- 2018 EMPLOYEE RECOG DINNER120447LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB 101-1004-60340 2,083.25Community Experiences9/11 CANDLELIGHT VIGIL120448LH PRODUCTIONS 101-3003-60149 15.04Office Supplies10/23/18- RE KEY MAINT YARD GATE120449LOCK SHOP INC, THE 101-7003-60400 700.00Employee Recognition Awards10/26/18- 2018 EMP RECOGNITION ENTE…120451MACIAS, DAVID 101-1004-60340 129.30Community Experiences11/12/18- VETERANS DAY BALLOONS120452MAMI'S FLORAL BOUTIQUE 101-3003-60149 107.38Tools/Equipment10/22/18- TRASH PUMP REPAIR120456MOWERS PLUS INC 101-7003-60432 136.24Forms10/15/18- 8 1/2X11 COPY PAPER120457OFFICE DEPOT 101-1007-60402 43.63Postage09/29/18- OVERNIGHT MAIL120458ONTRAC 101-1007-60470 -28.33Sales Taxes Payable10/19/18- POCKET LIGHT TAX120460PACWEST TOOL AND SAFETY 101-0000-20304 1,755.00Map/Plan Checking10/16/18 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVI…120465RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 1,560.00Map/Plan Checking10/17/18 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVI…120465RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT120466RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF C…101-0000-20985 81.20Travel & Training10/03/18- MILEAGE REIMB FOR TRAINING120467RODRIGUEZ, MIKE 101-1002-60320 575.05Instructors10/25/18- TAEKWONDO120468ROJAS, MIGUEL ANGEL 101-3002-60107 201.60Instructors10/25/18- FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE120470SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 265.00Sales Taxes Payable07/2018-09/2018- QUARTERLY SALES/USE…120471SILVERROCK RESORT 101-0000-20304 39.16Materials/Supplies10/11/18- VALVE BOXES LQ FITNESS CENT…120472SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 61.97Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/08/18- CITYWIDE SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 27.71Office Supplies10/08/18- CITYWIDE SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 73.01Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/12/18- CITYWIDE MTG SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 ATTACHMENT 1 Demand Register 87 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01791 - DA 11/02/2018 11/1/2018 5:18:38 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 190.63Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/15/18- INK FOR PLOTTER120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 107.65Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/15/18- PLOTTER PAPER120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 271.07Office Supplies10/15/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 60.31Office Supplies10/19/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3005-60400 135.93Office Supplies10/19/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3001-60400 18.52Office Supplies10/22/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1005-60400 123.95Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/22/18- CITYWIDE MTG SUPPLIES120476STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 22,683.00Attorney10/30/14- ACTIVITY BOND TEST120478STRADLING YOCCA CARLSON &…101-1003-60153 78.00Pest Control09/17/18- CITY HALL PEST CONTROL120484TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 70.00Pest Control10/05/18- FS#32 PEST CONTROL120484TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION120485UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 320.25Instructors10/25/18- GENTLE YOGA120486VIELHARBER, KAREN 101-3002-60107 50.46Maintenance/Services10/10/18- FS#93 MATERIALS120487WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…101-2002-60691 109.62Maintenance/Services10/16/18- FS#93 MATERIALS120487WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…101-2002-60691 18,130.00Contract Traffic Engineer9/28/18 ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING …120488WILLDAN 101-7006-60144 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:106,491.46 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 910.97Utilities - Electricity10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 82.22Traffic Control Signs10/17/18- NO U TURN SIGNS120480TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 220.33Traffic Control Signs10/17/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS120480TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:1,213.52 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 165.00Security & Alarm10/01/18- LUMBER YARD MONITORING120413ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3006-60123 189.62Security & Alarm10/10/18- LIBRARY ALARM SVC120413ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3004-60123 4,356.32Utilities - Electricity10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3004-61101 1,020.44Utilities - Electricity10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 49.00Pest Control09/14/18- MUSEUM PEST CONTROL120484TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3006-60116 74.00Pest Control10/05/18- LIBRARY PEST CONTROL120484TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3004-60116 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:5,854.38 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 239.63Safety Gear10/12/18- SAFETY GEAR120416ATCO MANUFACTURING COM…215-7004-60427 15,649.65Utilities - Water - Medians10/29/18- WATER SERVICE120424COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 38.22Utilities - Electric10/10-11/09/18- FRONTIER SERVICE120436FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 2,333.57Utilities - Electric10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 1,367.38Utilities - Electric - Medians10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 2,940.14Utilities - Electric10/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 1,487.13Utilities - Electric - Medians10/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 2,040.00Maintenance/Services10/22/18- ELECTRICAL ON ESTADO120446KRIBBS, BRUCE 215-7004-60691 400.00Maintenance/Services10/22/18- ELECTRICAL CONTROLLER ON E…120446KRIBBS, BRUCE 215-7004-60691 765.00Maintenance/Services10/22/18- DAMAGED ELECTRICAL ON EST…120446KRIBBS, BRUCE 215-7004-60691 352.13Materials/Supplies10/19/18- POCKET LIGHT120460PACWEST TOOL AND SAFETY 215-7004-60431 3,800.00Maintenance/Services10/26/18- LANDSCAPE ROCK120462PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 106.41Materials/Supplies10/10/18- IRRIGATION MATERIALS120472SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 64.78Materials/Supplies10/12/18- IRRIGATION MATERIALS120472SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 346.51Materials/Supplies10/16/18- CALIFORNIA GOLD ROCK120474SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 371.44Materials/Supplies10/17/18- CALIFORNIA GOLD FINES ROCK120474SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 245.65Materials/Supplies10/18/18- CALIFORNIA GOLD FINES ROCK120474SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 1,839.27Materials/Supplies10/25/18- COBBLE/D.G MATERIAL120474SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 1,511.63Materials/Supplies10/25/18- DG MATERIAL120474SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 913.35Materials/Supplies10/26/18- COBBLE/D.G MATERIAL120474SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 293.64Materials/Supplies10/15/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL120487WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 404.42Materials/Supplies10/15/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL120487WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 222.54Materials/Supplies10/15/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL120487WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 39.58Materials/Supplies10/23/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL120487WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:37,772.07 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 3,897.56AB 939 Recycling Solutions10/22/18- AB 939 RECYCLED NOTEBOOKS120461PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 221-0000-60127 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total:3,897.56 88 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01791 - DA 11/02/2018 11/1/2018 5:18:38 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 140.33Utilities - Electricity10/25/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE120442IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 235-0000-61101 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total:140.33 Fund: 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 500.00Consultants10/26/18- 2013 SERIES BOND ARBITRAGE …120489WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 237-9001-60104 500.00Consultants10/26/18- 2014 SERIES BOND ARBITRAGE …120489WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 237-9001-60104 Fund 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN Total:1,000.00 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 280.10Operating Supplies10/11/18- DESK CHAIR - REYNA120457OFFICE DEPOT 241-9101-60420 273.66Operating Supplies10/15/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120457OFFICE DEPOT 241-9101-60420 10.10Operating Supplies10/16/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120457OFFICE DEPOT 241-9101-60420 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:563.86 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 100.00Relocation Benefits10/30/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120420BISANO, MARK 248-9102-60159 1,751.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120422CAMPOS, FRANCISCA 248-9102-60159 1,751.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120423CARRENO, HELADIA 248-9102-60159 959.82Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120427DAVIDSON, GWENDOLYN 248-9102-60159 100.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120429DORF, MARYANN 248-9102-60159 100.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120430DUMAS, MARY 248-9102-60159 1,751.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120433ESPINOZA, BLANCA 248-9102-60159 2,987.00Relocation Benefits10/30/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120437GARZA, MARIA 248-9102-60159 26.30Relocation Benefits08/24-09/24/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEF…120438GAS COMPANY, THE 248-9102-60159 3,090.00Relocation Benefits10/30/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120441HILDEBRAND, PATRICIA 248-9102-60159 3,090.00Relocation Benefits10/30/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120450LOPEZ, MARIA 248-9102-60159 100.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120453MEZA, PENNY 248-9102-60159 2,987.00Relocation Benefits10/30/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120455MOLINA, MARIA 248-9102-60159 100.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120459ORTIZ, ADELAIDA 248-9102-60159 1,100.97Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120463RAMIREZ, JOSE 248-9102-60159 1,751.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120464RANGEL, ELENA 248-9102-60159 3,090.00Relocation Benefits10/30/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120469RUIZ, ROY 248-9102-60159 1,072.74Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120473SOTO, OLGA 248-9102-60159 100.00Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120475SPINDOLA, TERESA 248-9102-60159 7,507.50Relocation Benefits08/2018 WASHINGTON ST APT REHAB PR…120479TALL MAN GROUP INC 248-9102-60159 2,805.00Design/ConstructionWASHINGTON ST APT REHAB PROJECT120479TALL MAN GROUP INC 248-9102-60185 1,072.74Relocation Benefits10/29/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS120482TRAN, NGOC 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:37,393.07 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 2,675.00APP Maintenance10/30/18- VETERANS MONUMENTS120419BETTER BUILDING COMPANY 270-0000-60683 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total:2,675.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS -2,900.00Retention PayablePO 1819-20 RETENTION PAYMENT 2120414AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH I…401-0000-20600 58,000.00ConstructionPYMT 2 PMP - ZONE 2 - SLURRY SEAL & S…120414AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH I…401-0000-60188 3,180.00Design09/18 DUNE PALMS WIDENING PRJ 09100…120418BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 36,721.38Design9/18 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE LOW WATER C…120418BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 10,795.00Design09/2018 SRR PHASE II INFRASTRUCTURE P…120454MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIO…401-0000-60185 9,651.32Retention Payable08/31/18- FINAL RETENTION120483TRI-STAR CONTRACTING, INC.401-0000-20600 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:115,447.70 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 12.59Vehicle Repair & Maintenance10/23/18- GREASE TUBES120417AUTOZONE 501-0000-60676 100.75Vehicle Repair & Maintenance10/23/18- DURANGO TRUCK SMOG TEST120477STONE'S, CAM AUTOMOTIVE I…501-0000-60676 2,489.51Fuel & Oil10/01-10/15/18- UNLEAD/DIESEL FUEL120481TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:2,602.85 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4,000.00Maintenance Agreements10/01/18-09/30/19 INVESTMENT PORTFO…120431EMPHASYS 502-0000-60300 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:4,000.00 Grand Total:319,051.80 89 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01791 - DA 11/02/2018 11/1/2018 5:18:38 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 106,491.46 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,213.52 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 5,854.38 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 37,772.07 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 3,897.56 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 140.33 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 1,000.00 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 563.86 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)37,393.07 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 2,675.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 115,447.70 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 2,602.85 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4,000.00 Grand Total:319,051.80 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable 217.39 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 42.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 200.00 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 81.20 101-1002-60351 Membership Dues 265.00 101-1003-60153 Attorney 22,683.00 101-1004-60340 Employee Recognition Aw…7,756.46 101-1004-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…600.00 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 271.07 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 18.52 101-1007-60402 Forms 136.24 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…876.89 101-1007-60470 Postage 2,958.57 101-2002-60116 Pest Control 70.00 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 725.03 101-2002-61101 Utilities - Electricity 2,529.76 101-3001-60400 Office Supplies 135.93 101-3002-60107 Instructors 1,379.70 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 190.35 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 4,712.55 101-3005-60400 Office Supplies 60.31 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 39.16 101-3005-61102 Utilities - Electric - Montic…12.34 101-3005-61103 Utilities - Electric - Civic C…1,694.26 101-3005-61105 Utilities - Electric - Fritz Bu…1,161.09 101-3005-61106 Utilities - Electric - Sports …2,899.16 101-3005-61108 Utilities - Electric - Colonel…585.12 101-3005-61109 Utilities - Electric - Comm…4,105.18 101-3005-61110 Utilities - Electric - Adams…27.23 101-3005-61111 Utilities - Electric - Velasco…13.37 101-3005-61113 Utilities - Electric - Eisenh…21.51 101-3005-61114 Utilities - Electric - Desert …13.14 101-3005-61202 Utilities - Water - Civic Ce…3,048.06 101-3005-61204 Utilities - Water -Fritz Bur…1,624.75 101-3005-61209 Utilities - Water -Commun…8,377.18 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 78.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 141.72 101-3008-60667 HVAC 31.84 101-3008-61101 Utilities - Electricity 11,444.91 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 534.79 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 27.71 90 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01791 - DA 11/02/2018 11/1/2018 5:18:38 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 2,812.50 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 3,315.00 101-7003-60400 Office Supplies 15.04 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 107.38 101-7006-60144 Contract Traffic Engineer 18,130.00 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 125.00 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 302.55 201-7003-61101 Utilities - Electricity 910.97 202-3004-60116 Pest Control 74.00 202-3004-60123 Security & Alarm 189.62 202-3004-61101 Utilities - Electricity 4,356.32 202-3006-60116 Pest Control 49.00 202-3006-60123 Security & Alarm 165.00 202-3006-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,020.44 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 239.63 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 6,711.35 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 7,005.00 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 5,311.93 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…2,854.51 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 15,649.65 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutions 3,897.56 235-0000-61101 Utilities - Electricity 140.33 237-9001-60104 Consultants 1,000.00 241-9101-60420 Operating Supplies 563.86 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 34,588.07 248-9102-60185 Design/Construction 2,805.00 270-0000-60683 APP Maintenance 2,675.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable 6,751.32 401-0000-60185 Design 50,696.38 401-0000-60188 Construction 58,000.00 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 2,489.51 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…113.34 502-0000-60300 Maintenance Agreements 4,000.00 Grand Total:319,051.80 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**161,459.32 091004D 3,180.00 111205D 36,721.38 1819PMPCT 58,000.00 1819PMPRP -2,900.00 201608D 10,795.00 201705RP 9,651.32 201725E 39.16 9/11E 2,083.25 999901CT 27,080.57 999901D 2,805.00 999901T 7,507.50 SUNE 2,500.00 VETSE 129.30 Grand Total:319,051.80 91 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 1 of 8 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Number Account Name Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND -26.53101-0000-2030410/25/18- WC GYM WIPES TAX1204902XL CORPORATION Sales Taxes Payable 439.20101-3002-6042010/25/18- WC GYM WIPES1204902XL CORPORATION Operating Supplies 95.00101-3008-6012310/18/18- CITY HALL ALARM S…120491ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…Security & Alarm 450.00101-3005-6011711/02/18- CC LAKE EXTRA SER…120492ALL VALLEY BBQ, SPA & PATIO…Civic Center Lake Maintenance 1,101.00101-3003-6014911/06/18- BREW IN LQ INSUR…120493ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES …Community Experiences 418.74101-3002-6042010/29/18- WC FITPASS CARD S…120494ALPHA CARD Operating Supplies 50.00101-1004-6032010/31/18- BILINGUAL TESTING …120495ALTA LANGUAGE SERVICES INC Travel & Training 80.00101-2001-6017409/15/18- ALCOHOL ANALYSIS120496AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …Blood/Alcohol Testing 220.00101-2001-6017409/30/18- BLOOD ALCOHOL A…120496AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …Blood/Alcohol Testing 521.25101-7006-6014608/2018-10/28/18- PM 10 AN…120497ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTERS…PM 10 - Dust Control 20,000.00101-3007-60461PYMT 1 MUNICIPAL IOS APPLI…120498ARK CONNECTS LLC Marketing & Tourism Promoti… 20,000.00101-3007-60461PYMT 2 MUNICIPAL IOS APPLI…120498ARK CONNECTS LLC Marketing & Tourism Promoti… 2,500.00101-6006-6042010/26/18- CLQ VISITORS GUIDE120498ARK CONNECTS LLC Operating Supplies 500.00101-0000-2283010/31/18- FACILITY RENTAL D…120499ARZAPALO, CATALINA Miscellaneous Deposits 198.00101-2001-6017409/14/18- BLOOD ANALYSIS120501BIO-TOX LABORATORIES Blood/Alcohol Testing 88.00101-2001-6017409/14/18- BLOOD ALCOHOL A…120501BIO-TOX LABORATORIES Blood/Alcohol Testing 69,389.28101-0000-2030711/07/18- PROPERTY TAX120503BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…Due to Waste Management -6,914.73101-0000-4150511/07/18- PROPERTY TAX120503BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…Franchise Taxes - Burrtec 1,755.00101-6003-6032009/10/18- 2018 CALBO ONTAR…120505CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICI…Travel & Training 195.00101-6006-6032009/13/18- 2018 CALBO TRAINI…120505CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICI…Travel & Training 195.00101-6006-6032009/13/18- 2018 CALBO TRAINI…120505CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICI…Travel & Training 195.00101-6006-6032009/13/18- 2018 CALBO TRAINI…120505CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICI…Travel & Training 5.00101-3002-6035111/01/18- MEMBERSHIP - CAL…120506CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…Membership Dues 150.00101-3002-6035111/01/18- MEMBERSHIP - DO…120506CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…Membership Dues 475.00101-3002-6035110/22/18- CITY MEMBERSHIP120506CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…Membership Dues 6,730.00101-7002-6010309/2018 FY 18/19 STORMWAT…120508CASC ENGINEERING & CONSU…Professional Services 1,019.51101-1007-6040510/22/18- MEDICAL KITS MAI…120510CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY Miscellaneous Supplies 4,941.90101-3005-6011710/26/18- CC CAMPUS NEW L…120511CLOUDBURST ENGINEERING, I…Civic Center Lake Maintenance 514.01101-3005-6120711/05/18- WATER SERVICE120512COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…Utilities - Water -Pioneer Park 16.96101-3008-6120011/05/18- WATER SERVICE120512COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…Utilities - Water 825.00101-3007-6045010/29/18- LQHS SPONSORSHIP120513COMMUNITY ALL-STARS, LLC Advertising 2,432.00101-2002-6011207/18 & 10/18 CITY LANDSCA…120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Landscape Contract 180.00101-3005-6069110/02/18- IRRIGATION CONTR…120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Maintenance/Services 35,851.00101-3005-6011211/2018 CONSERVE - PARKS …120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Landscape Contract 70.00101-2001-6017409/2018- BLOOD ALCOHOL A…120516DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Blood/Alcohol Testing 4,850.00101-3005-6055709/25/18- TREE MAINT120518DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…Tree Maintenance 78.80101-2002-6140010/22-11/21/18- EOC CABLE S…120519DISH NETWORK Utilities - Cable 140.00101-1004-6010411/01/18- PHYSICALS120522EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…Consultants 85.00101-1004-6012911/01/18- PHYSICALS120522EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…Recruiting/Pre-Employment 16,427.36101-3005-6018410/24/18- FB POOL YMCA OPE…120523FAMILY YMCA OF THE DESERT Fritz Burns Pool 202.84101-3008-6043110/22/18- FB PARK FAUCET120524FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC Materials/Supplies 254.89101-3005-6043110/22/18- WATER FOUNTAIN …120524FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC Materials/Supplies 231.21101-3008-6043110/22/18- MITCHELL PAIGE M…120524FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC Materials/Supplies 267.04101-3008-6043210/22/18- TOOLS120524FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC Tools/Equipment 146.76101-3008-6043110/25/18- MITCHELL PAIGE TO…120524FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC Materials/Supplies 35.12101-3005-6130010/28-11/27/18- SPORTS CO…120525FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…Utilities - Telephone 24.53101-2002-6110009/18-10/19/18- FS#32 GAS S…120526GAS COMPANY, THE Utilities - Gas 58.73101-3008-6110009/18-10/19/18- CITY HALL G…120526GAS COMPANY, THE Utilities - Gas 72.58101-3008-6110009/18-10/19/18- WC GAS SVC120526GAS COMPANY, THE Utilities - Gas 236.00101-1001-6032010/16/18- STATE OF CITY AW…120527GCVCC Travel & Training 59.00101-1002-6032010/16/18- STATE OF CITY AW…120527GCVCC Travel & Training 116.37101-3008-6043110/23/18- SOAP DISPENSER120528GRAINGER Materials/Supplies 864.57101-2002-6069110/25/18- FS#93 VANDAL RESI…120528GRAINGER Maintenance/Services 92 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 2 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Number Account Name 77.38101-7006-6032010/14-10/18/18- IMSA TRAINI…120529HANSEN, TREVER Travel & Training 4,025.00101-1004-6010310/2018 CONSULTING SVCS F…120530HENSON CONSULTING GROUP Professional Services 226.67101-2002-6069109/25-10/24- FS#93 LIGHT BU…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Maintenance/Services 92.92101-2002-6069109/25-10/24- FS#93 LIGHT BU…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Maintenance/Services 66.47101-2002-6069109/25-10/24- FS#32 MATERIA…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Maintenance/Services 18.62101-3008-6043109/25-10/24- CITY HALL MATE…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 14.21101-3008-6043109/25-10/24- CITY HALL MATE…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 12.35101-3008-6043109/25-10/24- MATERIALS120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 4.46101-7003-6042009/25-10/24- PAINT BRUSH120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Operating Supplies 11.56101-7003-6042009/25-10/24- ANT BAIT120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Operating Supplies 148.73101-7003-6042009/25-10/24- ELECTRICAL SUP…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Operating Supplies 45.68101-3005-6043110/26/18- MEMORIAL TREE PL…120538MCDOWELL AWARDS Materials/Supplies 86.86101-6006-6032010/22-10/25/18- CJPIA TRAINI…120539MENDOZA, MISSY Travel & Training 814.59101-3002-6042011/07/18- WC LUNCHEON120540MIMI'S CAFE Operating Supplies 280.78101-2001-6017510/16/18- TICKET WRITER PAP…120542MSA SYSTEMS INC Special Enforcement Funds 15.34101-1004-6032011/07/18- SUPPLIES REIMB120543NIETO, PAM Travel & Training 38.25101-1004-6032011/07/18- SUPPLIES REIMB120543NIETO, PAM Travel & Training 45.42101-1004-6034011/07/18- SUPPLIES REIMB120543NIETO, PAM Employee Recognition Awards 524.02101-1007-6040210/23/18- CITYWIDE COPY PA…120544OFFICE DEPOT Forms 77.61101-1006-6040010/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120544OFFICE DEPOT Office Supplies 949.20101-2002-6013910/19/18- FIRE TEMP120545OFFICE TEAM Fire Service Costs 949.20101-6006-6012510/26/18- HUB TEMP120545OFFICE TEAM Temporary Agency Services 949.20101-6006-6012511/02/18- HUB TEMP120545OFFICE TEAM Temporary Agency Services 1,138.50101-2002-6067111/25/18-11/24/19- ONE CALL…120546ONE CALL NOW Repair & Maintenance - EOC 200.00101-6003-6042509/17/18- SAFETY BOOTS REI…120547ORTEGA, AJ Supplies - Field 770.00101-0000-4140111/07/18- LIC 110776 PAST D…120548OSBORN, RICHARD TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals 562.98101-3007-6046111/05/18- CITY VEHICLE LICEN…120549PALMS TO PINES PRINTING Marketing & Tourism Promoti… 1,607.50101-3003-6014911/17/18- FURNITURE BREW I…120551PARTY PALS Community Experiences 730.00101-3003-6014911/18/18- BREW IN LQ FURNI…120552PARTY TIME RENTALS Community Experiences 940.00101-3003-6014911/17/18/- BREW IN LQ FURNI…120552PARTY TIME RENTALS Community Experiences 1,500.00101-1006-6013711/03/18- BUDGET VIDEO120553PETERSON, GREGORY E Community Special Events 540.00101-7002-60183FY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECK…120555RASA/ERIC NELSON Map/Plan Checking 975.00101-7002-60183FY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECK…120555RASA/ERIC NELSON Map/Plan Checking 975.00101-7002-60183FY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECK…120555RASA/ERIC NELSON Map/Plan Checking 1,500.00101-3003-6014911/07/18- PARKING FOR BREW…120557RESORT PARKING SERVICES Community Experiences 787.96101-2001-6042009/2018- POLICE RADIOS120558RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMAT…Operating Supplies 587.91101-2001-6017608/25/18-09/24/18- COPS MO…120559RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…Sheriff - Other 675.00101-3005-6069110/31/18- SEASONS DOG PARK…120560SAM'S FENCE COMPANY Maintenance/Services 1,120.00101-3003-6014911/17/18- SECURITY FOR BRE…120562SERNA & ASSOCIATES Community Experiences 295.00101-3005-6055411/18- LQ PARK WF SVC120563SHARK POOLS INC LQ Park Water Feature 112.00101-3005-6055409/29/18- LQ PARK WF CHLOR…120563SHARK POOLS INC LQ Park Water Feature 488.75101-3005-6018411/2018- FB POOL SERVICE120563SHARK POOLS INC Fritz Burns Pool 407.50101-3005-6018409/15/18- FB POOL CHLOR TA…120563SHARK POOLS INC Fritz Burns Pool 407.50101-3005-6018409/21/18- FB POOL CHLOR TA…120563SHARK POOLS INC Fritz Burns Pool 407.50101-3005-6018409/28/18- FB POOL CHLOR TA…120563SHARK POOLS INC Fritz Burns Pool 18.36101-2001-6010910/15/18- POLICE SHREDDING120564SHRED-IT USA - SAN BERNADI…LQ Police Volunteers 125.13101-3002-6042010/24/18- WC LUNCHEON SU…120565SMART & FINAL Operating Supplies 677.38101-3005-6043110/09/18- LQ PARK FITNESS IR…120566SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO Materials/Supplies 292.90101-0000-2094711/2018- LIFE INSURANCE120569STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…Life Insurance Pay 2,599.86101-0000-2095511/2018- LIFE INSURANCE STD…120569STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…Disability Insurance Pay 289.47101-0000-2094811/2018- ADDITIONAL LIFE INS120570STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…Add'l Life Insurance Pay 108.74101-3002-6040010/23/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120571STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 65.10101-6001-6040010/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120571STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 40.11101-6001-6040010/30/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120571STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 51.03101-7003-6040010/30/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES120571STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 90.14101-6001-6040010/25/18- INK FOR PLOTTER120571STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 2,027.00101-0000-2030510/2018- SUNLINE BUS PASSES120572SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Due to SunLine 95.18101-2002-6140010/24-11/23/18- FS#93 CABLE …120573TIME WARNER CABLE Utilities - Cable 59.99101-2002-6140011/03-12/02/18- FS#93 CABLE …120573TIME WARNER CABLE Utilities - Cable 59.99101-2002-6140010/29-11/18/18- FS#32 CABLE …120573TIME WARNER CABLE Utilities - Cable 93 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 3 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Number Account Name 44.44101-2001-6130009/11-10/10/18- POLICE TICKE…120576VERIZON WIRELESS Utilities - Telephone 49.01101-2002-6130409/14-10/13/18- EOC CELL PH…120576VERIZON WIRELESS Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 132.02101-3005-6043110/31/18- LED LIGHT RETROFIT120578WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…Materials/Supplies 384.00101-1004-6010410/2018 WELLNESS WORKS- …120579WELLNESS WORKS Consultants -14.78101-0000-2030410/22-11/01/18- WIRELESS H…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Sales Taxes Payable -1.75101-0000-2030410/22-11/01/18- WIRLESS BASE120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Sales Taxes Payable -0.97101-0000-2030410/22-11/01/18- ERGONOMIC …120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Sales Taxes Payable -7.66101-0000-2030410/22-11/01/18- BREW LETTER…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Sales Taxes Payable 50.00101-1004-5030010/22-11/01/18- HALLOWEEN…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Employee Recognition 37.08101-1004-6032010/22-11/01/18- LQ ACADEMY…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 198.99101-1004-6032010/22-11/01/18- LQ ACADEMY…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 370.00101-1006-6032010/22-11/01/18- CSMFO CONF…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 370.00101-1006-6032010/22-11/01/18- CSMFO CONF…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 370.00101-1006-6032010/22-11/01/18- CSMFO CONF…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 370.00101-1006-6032010/22-11/01/18- CSMFO CONF…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 225.00101-1006-6032010/22-11/01/18- CSMFO CONF…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 500.00101-3001-6035110/22-11/01/18- ELGL MEMB…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Membership Dues 95.44101-3003-6014910/22-11/01/18- LANTERNS120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Community Experiences -87.43101-3003-6014910/22-11/01/18- TENT LIGHTS…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Community Experiences 125.24101-3003-6014910/22-11/01/18- BREW LETTER…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Community Experiences 200.00101-3003-6035110/22-11/01/18- AMERICANS …120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Membership Dues 80.61101-6001-6032010/22-11/01/18- APWA LUNC…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 62.38101-6001-6040010/22-11/01/18-OFFICE SUPPL…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Office Supplies 429.57101-6001-6040010/22-11/01/18-VARIDESK120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Office Supplies -265.96101-6002-6032010/22-11/01/18- HOTEL CREDI…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 310.33101-6004-6042510/22-11/01/18- POLICE STOR…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Supplies - Field 107.48101-7006-6032010/22-11/01/18- APWA LUNC…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 1,510.53101-1001-6013710/03-11/01/18- OPEN HOUSE…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Community Special Events 215.65101-1001-6032010/03-11/01/18- JOINT CC/PC…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 1,425.00101-3005-6032010/03-11/01/18- CPRS MGMT …120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Travel & Training 122.72101-3007-6046110/03-11/01/18- CREATION S…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Marketing & Tourism Promoti… 614.38101-3007-6046110/03-11/01/18- CITY HALL RI…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Marketing & Tourism Promoti… 78.16101-3007-6041010/29/18- WORKSHOP POSTC…120583XPRESS GRAPHICS Printing Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:229,712.87 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 17.38201-7003-6043111/02/18- EXTENDER BAR120500AUTOZONE Materials/Supplies 100.10201-7003-6043109/25-10/24- CONSTRUCTION…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 38.69201-7003-6043109/25-10/24- CONCRETE/MAT…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 13.59201-7003-6043109/25-10/24- CLAMPS120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 54.55201-7003-6043111/01/18- DIG ALERT SVC 27120575UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT Materials/Supplies 915.61201-7003-6042910/25/18- STREET SIGNS120584ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC Traffic Control Signs Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:1,139.92 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 161.48202-3006-6120011/05/18- WATER SERVICE120512COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…Utilities - Water 2,086.00202-3004-6011211/2018 CONSERVE - PARKS …120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Landscape Contract 1,169.00202-3006-6011211/2018 CONSERVE - PARKS …120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Landscape Contract 127.44202-3006-6130010/13-11/12/18- MUSEUM120525FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…Utilities - Telephone 16.32202-3004-6110009/16-10/19/18- LIBRARY GAS…120526GAS COMPANY, THE Utilities - Gas 57.06202-3004-6069109/25-10/24- LIBRARY MATER…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Maintenance/Services 36.15202-3006-6069109/25-10/24- MUSEUM LED LI…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Maintenance/Services 17.53202-3006-6069109/25-10/24- MUSEUM120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Maintenance/Services 205.82202-3004-6069102/18/18- SRR KITCHEN DRAIN…120541MR ROOTER PLUMBING Maintenance/Services 2,130.00202-3006-6010510/2018 ARCHIVING SVC LQ HI…120550PARKOS-MARTINEZ, SHERRY A Museum Operations 156.32202-3004-6042010/22-11/01/18- MAKERSPACE…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Operating Supplies 412.75202-3004-6042010/22-11/01/18- PRINTER MA…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Operating Supplies 63.06202-3004-6042010/22-11/01/18- PET EXPO SU…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Operating Supplies 1,467.72202-3004-6042410/22-11/01/18- ELECTRONICS…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Materials- New Exhibits 85.23202-3004-6042410/22-11/01/18- PRINTER MA…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Materials- New Exhibits Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:8,191.88 94 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 4 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Number Account Name Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 230.87215-7004-6121111/05/18- WATER SERVICE120512COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…Utilities - Water - Medians 713.21215-7004-6121111/06/18- WATER SERVICE120512COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…Utilities - Water - Medians 40,622.77215-7004-6011210/2018 CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE…120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Landscape Contract 3,815.00215-7004-6011211/2018 CONSERVE - PARKS …120514CONSERVE LANDCARE Landscape Contract 6,434.69215-7004-6010408/2018 CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE…120533HORIZON LIGHTING Consultants 6,434.69215-7004-6010410/2018 CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE…120533HORIZON LIGHTING Consultants 2,040.00215-7004-6069110/31/18- ELECTRICAL ON LA …120535KRIBBS, BRUCE Maintenance/Services 1,360.00215-7004-6042310/31/18- ELECTRICAL VANDAL…120535KRIBBS, BRUCE Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism 2,040.00215-7004-6042310/31/18- ELECTRICAL VANDAL…120535KRIBBS, BRUCE Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism 1,360.00215-7004-6042310/31/18- ELECTRICAL VANDAL…120535KRIBBS, BRUCE Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism 1,190.00215-7004-6042310/31/18- VANDALISM ELECTR…120535KRIBBS, BRUCE Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism 595.00215-7004-6069110/31/18- ELECTRICAL SVC ON…120535KRIBBS, BRUCE Maintenance/Services 5,278.00215-7004-6014308/2018 FY 18/19 SRR PERIME…120536LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…SilverRock Way Landscape 5,478.00215-7004-6014309/2018FY 18/19 SRR PERIME…120536LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…SilverRock Way Landscape 33.09215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- OSHLICK REPAIR120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 5.85215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- INSECTICIDE120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 7.26215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- IRRIGATION MA…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 104.27215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- MATERIALS120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 14.45215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- MATERIALS120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 229.19215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- ESTADO/LA FON…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 37.98215-7004-6043109/25-10/24- OLD TOWN PED…120537LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…Materials/Supplies 160.87215-7004-6043110/25/18- COBBLE MATERIAL120567SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…Materials/Supplies 241.69215-7004-6043110/30/18- LANDSCAPE MATER…120567SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…Materials/Supplies 179.38215-7004-6043110/31/18- LANDSCAPE MATER…120567SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…Materials/Supplies 247.60215-7004-6043111/01/18- LANDSCAPE MATER…120567SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…Materials/Supplies 122.60215-7004-6042710/25/18- FIRST AID KIT120571STAPLES ADVANTAGE Safety Gear 238.45215-7004-6042010/22/18- LANDSCAPE PLANTS120577VINTAGE ASSOCIATES Operating Supplies 398.10215-7004-6042010/24/18- LANDSCAPE PLANTS120577VINTAGE ASSOCIATES Operating Supplies 181.97215-7004-6042010/25/18- LANDSCAPE PLANTS120577VINTAGE ASSOCIATES Operating Supplies 1,029.23215-7004-6043110/31/18- PLANTS120577VINTAGE ASSOCIATES Materials/Supplies 240.00215-7004-6043110/31/18- ELECTRICAL MATER…120578WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…Materials/Supplies 103.67215-7004-6043110/31/18- ELECTRICAL MATER…120578WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…Materials/Supplies 226.20215-7004-6043110/31/18- ELECTRICAL MATER…120578WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…Materials/Supplies 56.55215-7004-6043110/31/18- ELECTRICAL MATER…120578WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…Materials/Supplies 1,413.75215-7004-6043110/31/18- ELECTRICAL MATER…120578WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…Materials/Supplies Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:82,864.38 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -441.37221-0000-4150611/07/18- PROPERTY TAX120503BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…Burrtec AB 939 Fee Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total:-441.37 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 5,006.25241-9101-6010310/2018 HOUSING COMPLIAN…120504CAHA, BECKY Professional Services Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:5,006.25 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 184.85248-9102-6015909/20-10/18/18- WSA TEMP R…120534IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST Relocation Benefits 1,751.00248-9102-6015911/07/18- WSA RELOCATION …120561SANCHEZ, LEOVELDINA RAIGO…Relocation Benefits 2,472.00248-9102-6015911/07/18- WSA RELOCATION …120568SPINDOLA, TERESA Relocation Benefits Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:4,407.85 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 2,500.00270-0000-7480011/09/18- LIBRARY MURAL %5…120515CUEVAS, JOHN Art Purchases 431.59270-0000-6068310/03-11/01/18- DESERT POL…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD APP Maintenance Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total:2,931.59 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 100.00401-0000-6010811/07/18- RIGHT OF USE FOR S…120517DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIO…Technical 25,682.00401-0000-6018509/2018 CALLE TAMPICO DRA…120520DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC Design 1,135.00401-0000-6018510/31/18 ON-CALL PROF LAND…120531HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC Design 960.00401-0000-6018510/31/18 ON-CALL PROF LAND…120531HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC Design 332.50401-0000-6018510/31/18 ON-CALL PROF LAND…120531HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC Design 95 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 5 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Number Account Name 6,104.50401-0000-60185ON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE AR…120531HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC Design Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:34,314.00 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 18.83501-0000-6067501/09/17- VEHICLE PARTS120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies -18.83501-0000-6067501/09/17- RETURN120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies 176.08501-0000-6067503/12/18- TRUCK #71 PARTS120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies -18.00501-0000-6067503/12/18- RETURN120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies 10.37501-0000-6067503/30/18- VEHICLE PARTS120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies 91.08501-0000-6067506/19/18- VEHICLE PARTS120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies -54.35501-0000-6067506/19/18- RETURN120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies 93.50501-0000-6067506/19/18- TRAILER PARTS120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies -30.21501-0000-6067506/19/18- RETURN120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies 46.75501-0000-6067510/30/18- TRAILER PARTS120500AUTOZONE Parts & Maintenance Supplies 1,287.03501-0000-6067910/24/18- MOTOR 452 SERVICE120502BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIVE…Motorcycle Repair & Mainten… 152.97501-0000-6032010/31/18- VEHICLE RENTAL - M…120521EAN SERVICES, LLC Travel & Training 1,092.89501-0000-7102010/17/18- CITY HALL MOBILE …120528GRAINGER Furniture 326.25501-0000-6067910/22/18- SHERIFF MOTOR 45…120532HONDA YAMAHA OF REDLAN…Motorcycle Repair & Mainten… 456.00501-0000-6014808/25/18- VEHICLE WASHES120554RAN AUTO DETAIL Car Washes 498.00501-0000-6014811/03/18- VEHICLE WASHES120554RAN AUTO DETAIL Car Washes 25.00501-0000-6067510/25/18- EQ REGISTRATION120556RDO EQUIPMENT CO Parts & Maintenance Supplies 677.48501-0000-6067511/02/18- VEHICLE LOGOS - C…120574TOP OF THE LINE SIGNS Parts & Maintenance Supplies Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:4,830.84 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 736.30502-0000-6066210/20-11/19/18 CANON COPI…120507CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, …Copiers 961.92502-0000-6130110/18/18- IPHONE PROTECTO…120509CDW GOVERNMENT INC Cell/Mobile Phones 4,703.95502-0000-6030108/11/18-09/06/19- VM WARE…120509CDW GOVERNMENT INC Software Licenses 1,377.04502-0000-6130110/23/18- IPAD PROTECTORS120509CDW GOVERNMENT INC Cell/Mobile Phones 24.20502-0000-8010310/26/18- COMPUTER MICE120509CDW GOVERNMENT INC Computers 115.06502-0000-6042010/26/18- COMPUTER SPEAKE…120509CDW GOVERNMENT INC Operating Supplies 1,549.79502-0000-8010310/26/18- REPLACEMENT CO…120509CDW GOVERNMENT INC Computers 242.61502-0000-6140010/24-11/23/18- WC CABLE S…120573TIME WARNER CABLE Utilities - Cable 8.83502-0000-6140010/20-11/19/18- WC CABLE S…120573TIME WARNER CABLE Utilities - Cable 69.48502-0000-6030110/22-11/01/18- GOLF TOUR …120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Software Licenses 26.74502-0000-6130010/22-11/01/18- WIRLESS BASE120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Utilities - Telephone 183.78502-0000-6130010/22-11/01/18- WIRELESS H…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Utilities - Telephone 489.15502-0000-6130110/22-11/01/18- 15 TABLET C…120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Cell/Mobile Phones 209.66502-0000-8010310/22-11/01/18- ERGONOMIC …120580WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Computers 50.00502-0000-6030110/03-11/01/18- BASECAMP -…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Software Licenses 3,482.82502-0000-6130110/03-11/01/18- T-MOBILE E…120582WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD Cell/Mobile Phones Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:14,231.33 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 4,650.00503-0000-7106010/30/18- LQ FITNESS PARK L…120518DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…Parks Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:4,650.00 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 30.92504-1010-6040011/28/18- CALENDARS120544OFFICE DEPOT Office Supplies Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:30.92 Grand Total:391,870.46 96 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 6 of 8 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 229,712.87 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,139.92 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 8,191.88 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 82,864.38 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -441.37 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 5,006.25 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)4,407.85 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 2,931.59 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 34,314.00 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 4,830.84 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 14,231.33 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 4,650.00 504 - INSURANCE FUND 30.92 Grand Total:391,870.46 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -51.69 101-0000-20305 Due to SunLine 2,027.00 101-0000-20307 Due to Waste Manageme…69,389.28 101-0000-20947 Life Insurance Pay 292.90 101-0000-20948 Add'l Life Insurance Pay 289.47 101-0000-20955 Disability Insurance Pay 2,599.86 101-0000-22830 Miscellaneous Deposits 500.00 101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Ren…770.00 101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec -6,914.73 101-1001-60137 Community Special Events 1,510.53 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 451.65 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 59.00 101-1004-50300 Employee Recognition 50.00 101-1004-60103 Professional Services 4,025.00 101-1004-60104 Consultants 524.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…85.00 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 339.66 101-1004-60340 Employee Recognition Aw…45.42 101-1006-60137 Community Special Events 1,500.00 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 1,705.00 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 77.61 101-1007-60402 Forms 524.02 101-1007-60405 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,019.51 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 18.36 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 656.00 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 280.78 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 587.91 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 787.96 101-2001-61300 Utilities - Telephone 44.44 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 2,432.00 101-2002-60139 Fire Service Costs 949.20 101-2002-60671 Repair & Maintenance - E…1,138.50 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,250.63 101-2002-61100 Utilities - Gas 24.53 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell…49.01 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 293.96 101-3001-60351 Membership Dues 500.00 101-3002-60351 Membership Dues 630.00 101-3002-60400 Office Supplies 108.74 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 1,797.66 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 7,131.75 101-3003-60351 Membership Dues 200.00 97 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 7 of 8 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 35,851.00 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Mainten…5,391.90 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool 18,138.61 101-3005-60320 Travel & Training 1,425.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,109.97 101-3005-60554 LQ Park Water Feature 407.00 101-3005-60557 Tree Maintenance 4,850.00 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 855.00 101-3005-61207 Utilities - Water -Pioneer …514.01 101-3005-61300 Utilities - Telephone 35.12 101-3007-60410 Printing 78.16 101-3007-60450 Advertising 825.00 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…41,300.08 101-3008-60123 Security & Alarm 95.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 742.36 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 267.04 101-3008-61100 Utilities - Gas 131.31 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 16.96 101-6001-60320 Travel & Training 80.61 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 687.30 101-6002-60320 Travel & Training -265.96 101-6003-60320 Travel & Training 1,755.00 101-6003-60425 Supplies - Field 200.00 101-6004-60425 Supplies - Field 310.33 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…1,898.40 101-6006-60320 Travel & Training 671.86 101-6006-60420 Operating Supplies 2,500.00 101-7002-60103 Professional Services 6,730.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 2,490.00 101-7003-60400 Office Supplies 51.03 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 164.75 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 521.25 101-7006-60320 Travel & Training 184.86 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 915.61 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 224.31 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 2,086.00 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 632.13 202-3004-60424 Materials- New Exhibits 1,552.95 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 262.88 202-3004-61100 Utilities - Gas 16.32 202-3006-60105 Museum Operations 2,130.00 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 1,169.00 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 53.68 202-3006-61200 Utilities - Water 161.48 202-3006-61300 Utilities - Telephone 127.44 215-7004-60104 Consultants 12,869.38 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 44,437.77 215-7004-60143 SilverRock Way Landscape 10,756.00 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 818.52 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…5,950.00 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 122.60 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 4,331.03 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 2,635.00 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 944.08 221-0000-41506 Burrtec AB 939 Fee -441.37 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 5,006.25 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 4,407.85 270-0000-60683 APP Maintenance 431.59 98 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01799 - DA 11/09/2018 11/9/2018 5:43:30 PM Page 8 of 8 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 2,500.00 401-0000-60108 Technical 100.00 401-0000-60185 Design 34,214.00 501-0000-60148 Car Washes 954.00 501-0000-60320 Travel & Training 152.97 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…1,017.70 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main…1,613.28 501-0000-71020 Furniture 1,092.89 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 4,823.43 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 115.06 502-0000-60662 Copiers 736.30 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 210.52 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 6,310.93 502-0000-61400 Utilities - Cable 251.44 502-0000-80103 Computers 1,783.65 503-0000-71060 Parks 4,650.00 504-1010-60400 Office Supplies 30.92 Grand Total:391,870.46 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**330,392.50 141517T 100.00 151612D 25,682.00 201603D 8,532.00 201725E 4,650.00 999901CT 4,407.85 ARCHIVEE 2,130.00 BREWE 7,124.09 CSA152E 6,730.00 MAKERE 2,122.02 Grand Total:391,870.46 99 11/9/2018 3:09:08 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT01792 - DA 11/01/2018 Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNK - APBNK 09194 Vendor Number BISANO, MARK Total Vendor Amount -3,090.00 Vendor Name Check 120346 11/01/2018 -1,545.0010/26/2018 11/01/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 102518-R 10/26/201810/25/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS 1,545.0010/25/2018 Check 120347 11/01/2018 -1,545.0010/26/2018 11/01/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 102618-R 10/26/201810/26/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS 1,545.0010/26/2018 100 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT01792 - DA 11/01/2018 11/9/2018 3:09:08 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNK -3,090.00 0.00 -3,090.00 -3,090.00 0.00Report Total:-3,090.00 101 11/9/2018 3:10:50 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT01795 - DA 11/06/2018 Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNK - APBNK 08909 Vendor Number PARTY TIME RENTALS Total Vendor Amount -1,460.00 Vendor Name Check 120116 11/06/2018 -730.0010/05/2018 11/06/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 100318-R 10/05/201811/18/18- BREW IN LQ FURNITURE 730.0010/03/2018 Check 120380 11/06/2018 -730.0010/26/2018 11/06/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 102418-R 10/26/201811/12/18- FURNITURE FOR BREW 2ND PYMT 730.0010/24/2018 102 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT01795 - DA 11/06/2018 11/9/2018 3:10:50 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNK -1,460.00 0.00 -1,460.00 -1,460.00 0.00Report Total:-1,460.00 103 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 10/27/18 – 11/09/18 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfer from 10/27/18 – 11/09/18 Wire Transfers: 10/30/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - APPRAISAL SERVICE 15,000.00$ 11/05/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 603.29$ 11/06/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 1,116.63$ 11/06/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 224,781.16$ 11/08/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS HEALTH 103,274.23$ 11/08/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LAWYERS TITLE 1,325.00$ TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT 346,100.31$ ATTACHMENT 2 104 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE CONTRACTING WITH BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION FOR UP TO $100,000 OF WORK FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19, WHEN BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION IS THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER RECOMMENDATION Authorize contracting with Bruce Kribbs Construction, a General Contractor, for up to $100,000 of work for fiscal year 2018/19 when Bruce Kribbs is the qualified and/or low bidder. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Per the purchasing policy, amounts paid to vendors/contractors over $50,000 must be approved by Council. Bruce Kribbs Construction (Kribbs) is a general contractor and qualified to perform various types of work. Staff requests authority to contract for up to $100,000 of work with Kribbs, when they are the most qualified contractor and/or submit the lowest bid. FISCAL IMPACT Up to $100,000 would be expended in increments, as needed, during 2018/19. Costs will be charged to accounts associated with the work needed. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As a general contractor, Kribbs provides electrical, concrete, and general construction services. They have a history with the City of providing quality work at a reasonable price. The purchasing policy requires Council approval for all purchases and/or contracts over $50,000. Staff requests authorization to contract with Kribbs for up to $100,000 of work should they be the qualified and/or low bidder during 2018/19. Staff requests this authorization so that work can be performed in a timely manner without continually seeking Council authorization for each small contract. Many of the contracts are for jobs valued at less than $5,000. Without the requested authorization, each subsequent contract over $50,000 would require Council approval. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 105 ALTERNATIVES Council could approve future work awarded to Kribbs on a per project basis, however, this approach may delay work schedules. Prepared by: James Lindsey, Maintenance Manager Approved by: Steve Howlett, Facilities Director 106 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF IMPERIAL AND RIVERSIDE CONCERNING UNIFIED SUPPORT FOR THE SALTON SEA RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution in support of the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Imperial and the County of Riverside Concerning Unified Support for the Salton Sea. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In June 2018, the Counties of Imperial and Riverside entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the Salton Sea. •MOU support resolutions have been adopted by the Salton Sea Authority as well as other member agencies. •Salton Sea Authority has requested that the City Council adopt a resolution in support of this MOU. •The proposed resolution recognizes the importance of collaboration among stakeholders affected by the Salton Sea as vital to solve the complex challenges and promote economic development, public health, air quality and wildlife habitat. •The MOU’s intent is for Imperial and Riverside Counties to work together and with local agencies on agreed projects that would stabilize and restore the Salton Sea. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The MOU support resolution was adopted by the Salton Sea Authority and its member agencies (Riverside County, Imperial County, Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District), Imperial County cities involved with the Salton Sea, and Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). The member agencies requested that public agencies impacted by the declining Salton Sea adopt resolutions supporting this effort. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 107 Recognizing that cooperation among stakeholders affected by Salton Sea is paramount to solve its complex challenges, Riverside and Imperial Counties signed this MOU calling for joint planning to ensure smooth development of a multi-benefit project known as the Perimeter Lake. Both counties plan to work together with local agencies on agreed projects and financing mechanisms such as an Enhanced Infrastructure Finance District (EIFD) which would support projects and stimulate economic development around the Salton Sea. This would include creating recreational lakes, supporting geothermal resource development, mitigating air quality issues, and preserving vital habitat. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect to not adopt this resolution. Prepared by: Teresa Thompson, Management Specialist Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager 108 RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF IMPERIAL AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CONCERNING THE SALTON SEA WHEREAS, on June 26, 2018, the County of Imperial, a political subdivision of the State of California, and the County of Riverside, a political subdivision of the State of California (“Counties”) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding representing a mutual good faith commitment and common goals made in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration to benefit the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Counties to work together with other local agencies in a collaborative manner and support common goals to further Salton Sea restoration and management efforts as well as the development potential of the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, the Counties encourage outreach to the surrounding communities and seek supportive resolutions from all cities and other agencies. The Counties welcome cities and other agencies to join and assist them in efforts that are supportive of the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, the inflow of water to the Salton Sea has decreased and pursuant to the Quantification Settlement Agreement, mitigation water inflows ended on December 31, 2017, and without restoration or stabilization measures, the Salton Sea will rapidly decline; and WHEREAS, the State of California (“State”) has developed the Salton Sea Management Program (“SSMP”) through departments within the California Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Agencies and is obligated to pay for certain costs related to habitat, air and water quality issues at the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, the State has developed the 10-year SSMP plan and identified a phased series of projects, the State has not appropriated all the necessary SSMP funding. The Salton Sea is at substantial risk of irreversible damage and threatens wildlife and public health; and 109 Resolution No. 2018- Support of MOU between Counties of Imperial and Riverside – Unified Support for the Salton Sea Adopted: November 20, 2018 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Counties to take coordinated and cooperative action with other agencies to further stabilize the Salton Sea on such restoration efforts which would protect and improve public health, air quality, and wildlife habitat; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the Counties to work together with local agencies on agreed projects and financing mechanisms such as an Enhanced Infrastructure Finance District (“EIFD”) that would support projects and stimulate economic development around the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, the Counties recognize and support the immense value of working together with other local agencies to enhance opportunities for renewable energy and geothermal development to the region by providing reliable, affordable energy in furtherance of the State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard and Greenhouse Gas Reduction goals and could provide funding for Salton Sea infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the benefits of said integrated projects would include economic development, recreational activity, and reduction in air quality impacts, as well as optimize the potential opportunities at the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, California law requires the California Natural Resources Agency to develop a Salton Sea plan in cooperation and consultation with local agencies; and WHEREAS, the Salton Sea Authority supports the common goal of a locally managed and more efficient process to expedite projects at the Salton Sea to avert a further decline at the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, the Salton Sea Authority is in support of the North Lake vision which would complement the State’s SSMP plan by providing an in-sea barrier around the contours of the north shoreline with a deep lake and respectfully request the State’s support and recognition in the SSMP as an important integrated project; and WHEREAS, the Salton Sea Authority is supportive of the Perimeter Lake concept which would also include a South Lake component and resemble a flowing river with a system of low-profile levees bordering the Salton Sea shoreline. The Counties respectfully request to have the Perimeter Lake incorporated into the State’s SSMP long-term plan; and 110 Resolution No. 2018- Support of MOU between Counties of Imperial and Riverside – Unified Support for the Salton Sea Adopted: November 20, 2018 Page 3 of 4 WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Salton Sea Authority to improve the public health, economic opportunity and overall quality of life of the disadvantaged communities around the Salton Sea; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Salton Sea Authority to support public- private partnerships and will assist private entities to define and develop projects around the Salton Sea. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council declares support of the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Imperial and the County of Riverside concerning unified support on the Salton Sea. SECTION 2. The City Council shall certify support and adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of November, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 111 Resolution No. 2018- Support of MOU between Counties of Imperial and Riverside – Unified Support for the Salton Sea Adopted: November 20, 2018 Page 4 of 4 ATTEST: _____________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 112 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE CANCELLATION OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 1, 2019 RECOMMENDATION Approve cancellation of the regular City Council meeting of January 1, 2019. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The regular City Council meeting of January 1, 2019, falls on New Year’s Day which is a designated holiday per the Personnel Policies. The City Manager and Executive Team have reviewed pending items and determined that there is no need to hold the January 1, 2019, City Council meeting. Advance notice of cancelled meetings allows Councilmembers, Staff, and the public to properly plan for deadlines and workflow. FISCAL IMPACT There would be cost savings consisting of the time and materials associated with production and delivery of one agenda packet. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The regular City Council meeting of January 1, 2019, falls on New Year’s Day which is a designated holiday per the Personnel Policies. The City Manager and the Executive Team have reviewed the items requiring Council consideration, and all matters that require Council review have been scheduled for the two Council meetings in December 2018. Thus, there is no need to reschedule the Council meeting of January 1, 2019, and instead, schedule the next Council meetings for the January 12, 2019, Council/Community Workshop and the regular January 15, 2019, meeting. The recommended December/January meeting schedule is: December 4, 2018 regular meeting December 18, 2018 regular meeting January 1, 2019 CANCEL January 12, 2019 Council/Community Workshop January 15, 2019 regular meeting BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 113 A special meeting would be called should a matter requiring council direction or action be needed before the next regular meeting. ALTERNATIVES Council may select an alternate date in lieu of the cancelled meeting or cancel no meetings. Prepared by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager 114 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE CLOSING CITY HALL AND THE WELLNESS CENTER IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S HOLIDAYS RECOMMENDATION Approve closing City Hall from December 24, 2018 through January 1, 2019 and Wellness Center from December 25, 2018 through December 28, 2018, in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, and authorize an additional 24 hours Holiday Pay to full time employees. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fall on a Monday, and per the Personnel Policies, City facilities will be closed on Monday, December 24, Tuesday, December 25, Monday December 31, and Tuesday January 1. Per the City’s 9/80 work schedule, 40% of Staff will have Friday, December 28 off. A survey of Staff vacation requests indicates that 41% plan to take vacation time on December 26 and 27; when combined with those who are not scheduled to work on December 28, more than 60% of Staff may be off on December 28. The City Manager requests observing three additional paid holidays (December 26, 27, and 28, 2018). FISCAL IMPACT The full-time salary costs for this time is $73,800; this cost is currently budgeted in full-time salaries and would be expended regardless of this action. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS It has been a long-standing practice to close City Hall to observe approved holidays. Section 14.10.1 of the City’s Personnel Policies states in part: “*Christmas Eve (December 24) and New Year’s Eve (December 31) in the event those days fall on a weekday are considered paid BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 115 holidays, and all employees shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday pay for each.” Both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fall on a Monday and per the Personnel Policies, City Hall will be closed on December 24, 25, 31, 2018 and January 1, 2019. The City has an Alternate Work Week Schedule wherein employees work nine 10-hour days and have alternate Fridays off; 40% of Staff will be off on Friday, December 28, 2018. A survey has found that 41% of Staff plan to take vacation time on December 26 and 27. Combined, up to 60% of Staff may be off on Friday, December 28. Recognizing that there will be minimal Staff at City facilities during this period, the City Manager requests that City Hall be closed on December 24, 2018 through January 1, 2019 and the Wellness Center be closed on December 25 through December 28, and full-time employees be granted three paid holidays. Contracted public safety personnel would not be granted this time off, and emergency service personnel (public works, emergency operations center) would be on standby status if an event occurs. Wellness Center patrons would be afforded the opportunity to use the Desert Recreation District facilities at the La Quinta Community Fitness Center. If approved, this schedule would be advertised so that the public has knowledge of the modified work week. ALTERNATIVE Council may elect to close City Hall only on Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve Day, and New Year’s Day (December 24-25, 2018 and December 31, 2018 – January 1, 2019), or provide staff with alternative direction. Prepared by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager 116 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 GENERAL FUND YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT AND APPROVE THE AMENDED BUDGET CARRYOVERS RECOMMENDATION Receive and file 2017/18 General Fund Year-End Budget Report and approve the amended budget carryovers from 2017/18 to 2018/19. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •After closing the prior fiscal year, Finance presents a year-end summary that compares the final budget to actual transactions. •Revenue was $3,985,757 higher than budgeted. •Expenditures (including approved carryovers from 2016/17 appropriations into 2017/18) were $12.2 million under budget. Of these savings, $7.18 million was carried over to 2018/19 for capital improvements, land acquisition, building improvements, and operations. FISCAL IMPACT Amended budget carryovers from 17/18 to 18/19 total $7,183,315 and are funded with budgetary savings from 17/18. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Revenues were over budget by $3.9 million; mostly due to tax revenues. Overall, 87% of department expenditures were under budget with total savings of slightly over $12 million. Of these savings, $7.18 million was carried over to 2018/19 for multi-year capital projects, land acquisition, building improvements, and operations. The net savings (net of carryovers) were $5 million. Revenues, expenditures, carryover, and reserve balances are discussed in the FY 2017/18 General Fund Year-End Budget Report (Attachment 1). ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are applicable. Prepared by: Karla Campos, Finance Director Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachment: 1. FY 2017/18 General Fund Year-End Budget Report BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 117 118 FY 2017/18 GENERAL FUND YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT OVERVIEW The City oversees multiple funds which will be reported in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) issued prior to December 30th of each year and presented at a future public meeting shortly thereafter. This fiscal year-end budget report focuses on the General Fund and summarizes the overall financial activities and position through June 30, 2018. Final revenues and expenditure budgets include approved budget adjustments presented throughout the fiscal year and carryovers from 16/17 to 17/18. The General Fund is healthy; with strong reserves, revenues exceeding budgeted projections, and expenditure savings. The report provides an explanation of major variances from the final budget, carryovers from 17/18 to 18/19, and a summary of reserve balances. REVENUE VARIANCES As depicted in Exhibit A, most General Fund revenue categories experienced positive variances from the final budget. A summary by revenue category is provided below. Continued economic prosperity provided higher property values, stimulated property sales, supported the purchase of goods and services, and tourism; which increased tax revenues. Intergovernmental revenues include the fire service tax credit which is derived from property taxes. These funds are designated for fire services and unexpended revenues are recognized in assigned reserves. Miscellaneous revenues include TOT mitigation measure payments, which included two payments from Legacy Villas totaling $173,407 for 16/17 received in 17/18. Burrtec Administration reimbursements included an additional payment totaling $52,668. General Fund Revenues Final Budget Actual Variance % Variance Tax Revenue 41,264,100 44,116,003 2,851,903 7% Licenses & Permits 1,347,700 1,394,820 47,120 3% Intergovernmental 7,265,000 7,467,752 202,752 3% Charges for Services 1,312,100 1,279,869 (32,231) -2% Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 266,000 375,390 109,390 41% Use of Money & Property 400,000 643,171 243,171 61% Miscellaneous/Transfers In 508,200 1,071,852 563,652 111% Total Revenues 52,363,100 56,348,857 3,985,757 8% General Fund Final Budget Actual % Revenues 52,363,100 56,348,857 108% Unassigned Reserves 2,000,000 2,000,000 100% OPEB Trust Reserves 1,523,400 1,523,400 100% Measure G Reserves 750,000 750,000 100% Total Revenues 56,636,500 60,622,257 107% Expenditures 57,118,663 44,887,050 79% Capital Carryovers 4,996,815 Land Acquisition Carryover 1,600,000 Building Carryover 400,000 Operational Carryovers 186,500 Total Expenditures 57,118,663 52,070,365 91% 119 Although 17/18 provided strong revenues, the economy continues to experience pressures from international trade wars, the threat of inflation, increasing interest rates, and increased regulatory and oversight requirements. Economic prosperity will inevitably slow down, therefore, the City follows a prudent Reserve Policy to support continuity in essential operational needs when resources are reduced. Reserve balances as of June 30, 2018 are discussed in the Reserves section of this Report. EXPENDITURE VARIANCES Most departmental expenditures remained within budget. Savings were achieved from vacant positions, workflow efficiencies, and prudent contract management for multiple functions such as police, fire, animal shelter, engineering, marketing, short-term vacation rental compliance, planning, plan checks, and legal services. Two departments experienced significant budgetary savings; police services and Design and Development Administration. Savings from contracted Policed Services totaled $795,735 and were primarily derived from the County of Riverside adopting a lower than expected rate increase. In particular, the patrol overtime rate was lower than originally reported. To ensure funds were available for this critical service, the City budget incorporated the rates originally disclosed by the County. Design and Development Administration savings of $420,509 was attributed to payroll savings from vacancies of a Director and Analyst position and the short-term vacation rental contract. The Parks Maintenance department was over budget due to multiple cooper thefts at La Quinta Park, the removal and replacement of several aging trees, and utility costs. Public Buildings was overbudget due to unforeseen HVAC repairs, maintenance services, and an increase in utility costs. Street related expenses are primarily paid from the restricted Gas Tax Funds except for operating supplies, travel and training, and small tools which can be used for multiple purposes. The overage is due to minor increases in these areas. Centralized Services represents the largest savings ($9.5 million), however, most of these savings ($7,086,815) are being carried over to 18/19. Carryovers from this department include capital projects, land acquisition, building improvements, and the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Incentive Program (Program). The Program allows hotel operators who collect TOT on resort fees to apply for funding up to $50,000 to help bring new tourism to La Quinta. Unexpended funds for this Program are carried over at year-end. A summary by department expenses is provided on the next page and details by department and expense category are located in Exhibit B. 120 CARRYOVERS FROM 17/18 TO 18/19 Annually, the budget provides an estimate of projected CIP and operational carryovers with budget adoption, however, final carryovers are verified during the annual audit and an update is provided with the year-end report. Carryovers are detailed in Exhibit C. The General Fund operational budget confirms the original projected carryovers of $156,500; plus $30,000 for marketing and promotional services, for a total of $186,500 from 17/18 to 18/19. Carryovers also add $2 million for the combined land acquisition and building improvement budget. This addition was not included in the initial carryovers General Fund Expenditures Final Budget Actual Variance City Council 324,000 259,964 (64,036) City Manager 807,460 783,671 (23,789) City Attorney 460,000 420,511 (39,489) Human Resources 516,590 474,561 (42,029) City Clerk 583,340 527,550 (55,790) Finance 1,159,860 1,033,895 (125,965) Centralized Services 17,791,833 8,217,796 (9,574,038) Police 15,879,100 15,083,365 (795,735) Fire 6,730,000 6,531,244 (198,756) Community Resources Admin. 728,650 631,998 (96,652) Wellness Center Operations 661,420 581,478 (79,942) Recreational Programs & Events 366,640 310,586 (56,054) Parks Maintenance 1,635,700 1,732,772 97,072 Marketing & Community Relations 1,173,350 1,074,172 (99,178) Public Buildings 1,613,650 1,639,767 26,117 Design & Development Admin.1,206,870 786,361 (420,509) Planning 554,760 482,189 (72,571) Building 925,650 686,220 (239,430) Code Compliance/Animal Control 1,143,080 1,018,033 (125,047) The Hub 809,160 766,425 (42,735) Public Works Dev. Services 628,330 493,811 (134,519) Streets 8,600 10,459 1,859 Engineering Services 1,410,620 1,340,222 (70,398) Total Expenditures 57,118,663 44,887,050 (12,231,613) Capital Improvement Carryovers 4,996,815 Operational Carryovers 186,500 Land Acquisition Carryover 1,600,000 Building Improvements Carryover 400,000 Total Expenditures After Carryovers 57,118,663 52,070,365 (5,048,298) 121 because the item was taken to Council the same night the budget was adopted. On June 20, 2018 Council provided direction to include these funds as carryovers. Capital improvement projects (CIP) have multiple funding sources and often require several years to complete. CIP revenue carryovers funded from the General Fund totaled $4,996,815 (a decrease of $1,200,000 from original projections of $6,200,000). CIP revenue commitments are reflected in assigned reserves and operational carryovers are noted in committed reserves, both discussed next. RESERVES A Reserve Policy (Policy) which included new reserve categories and targets was adopted in May 2018. The chart below depicts reserve balances by category and the value changes from June 30, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Reserve balances reflect the financial health of the City at fiscal year-end. Reserve categories eliminated with the new Policy show a zero balance on June 30, 2018; while new categories show a zero balance on June 30, 2017. The change in non-spendable reserves was primarily due to the Last and Final Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) approved in November 2017, which resulted in an interest Reserve/Fund Balance As of June 30, 2017 As of June 30, 2018 Change in Value Non-Spendable Prepaid Costs 10,578 90,657 80,079 Land Held for Resale 8,320,000 8,320,000 - Advances to Other Funds 15,022,660 14,954,085 (68,575) Due from Other Governments 29,154,040 29,611,707 457,667 Total Non-Spendable 52,507,278 52,976,449 469,171 Committed Working Capital Reserve (10%)4,134,000 - (4,134,000) Emergency Reserve (40%) 16,534,000 - (16,534,000) Post Retirement Health Benefits 1,523,400 - (1,523,400) Carryovers 120,000 2,186,500 2,066,500 Cash Flow Reserve - 5,000,000 5,000,000 Natural Disaster Reserve - 7,400,000 7,400,000 Economic Disaster - 8,140,000 8,140,000 Capital Replacement Reserve - 5,000,000 5,000,000 Pension Trust Benefits - 2,000,000 2,000,000 Total Committed 22,311,400 29,726,500 7,415,100 Assigned Public Safety Fire Services 9,371,699 9,754,327 382,628 Measure G Sales Tax 1,462,650 5,169,970 3,707,320 Capital Projects 4,859,920 4,996,815 136,895 Total Assigned 15,694,269 19,921,112 4,226,843 Unassigned 16,949,526 19,199,505 2,249,979 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 107,462,473 121,823,566 14,361,093 122 rate increase from 3% to 4% since the inception of the Redevelopment Agency loan repayment. The due from other governments ($29,611,707) represents the principal ($20,693,057) and interest ($8,918,650) owed to the General Fund (80% of loan repayments). An additional 20% or $7,402,927 is recognized in the Housing Authority Fund. The total outstanding loan balance as of June 30, 2018 is $37,014,634. Non-spendable reserves cannot be used for operational expenses and primarily represent commitments due to General Fund. Committed reserves increased by $7.3 million due to: a.) an increase in cash flow reserve of $866,000 (previously working capital reserve), b.) the establishment of a new capital replacement reserve with initial funding of $5 million ($1 million from former Emergency Reserves), c.) an increase in carryovers of $2 million. In addition, a Post-Retirement Health Benefit Trust was established and funded with $1,523,400 and a new commitment of $2 million was made to establish a Pension Trust during 18/19. New commitments were funded with unassigned reserves. An increase of $4.2 million in assigned reserves was primarily due to Measure G sales tax revenue ($3,707,320) and fire services trust ($382,628). Additional revenue, expenditures savings, and the RDA loan repayment for 17/18 ($2,441,620) are reflected in the increase of $2.3 million to unassigned reserves. This increase was offset by additional funding to committed reserves as outlined above. During the mid-year budget report in February 2019, staff will provide funding options for Council to consider placing a portion of unassigned reserves into approved reserve categories which are not fully funded. 123 124 2016/17 Actual Revenues 2017/18 Original Budget 2017/18 Final Budget 2017/18 Actual Revenues Variance w/ Final Budget 101 - GENERAL FUND 0000 - Undesignated 310 - Tax Revenues 2,186,077.61 2,222,100.00 2,222,100.00 2,317,101.40 95,001.40101-0000-40310 Property Tax Revenue 4,969,009.81 4,419,000.00 4,419,000.00 4,522,611.59 103,611.59101-0000-40311 No-Low City Property Tax 2,082,693.73 1,938,000.00 1,938,000.00 1,995,222.27 57,222.27101-0000-40315 RPTTF Pass Through 8,597,655.49 8,776,100.00 8,776,100.00 8,989,328.13 213,228.13101-0000-41320 State Sales Tax 1,462,649.75 5,700,000.00 9,600,000.00 9,967,656.65 367,656.65101-0000-41326 Measure G Sales Tax 585,333.35 531,000.00 531,000.00 718,472.37 187,472.37101-0000-41327 Document Transfer Tax 6,426,594.01 6,046,900.00 6,046,900.00 6,588,185.28 541,285.28101-0000-41400 TOT - Hotels 2,383,229.26 2,065,000.00 2,065,000.00 2,804,647.08 739,647.08101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals 123,360.49 45,000.00 45,000.00 105,132.73 60,132.73101-0000-41402 TOT - Bed and Breakfast 0.00 360,000.00 360,000.00 345,290.90 (14,709.10)101-0000-41416 TOT - Resort Fees 663,060.76 644,000.00 644,000.00 817,032.32 173,032.32101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec 38,801.620. Burrtec AB 939 Fee 120,634.61 129,000.00 129,000.00 125,843.10 (3,156.90)101-0000-41508 Southern California Gas 602,052.47 580,000.00 580,000.00 632,794.16 52,794.16101-0000-41509 Cable Television Franchise Fee 340,102.70 200,000.00 200,000.00 245,337.20 45,337.20101-0000-41510 Communications Franchise Fees 3,813,213.14 3,708,000.00 3,708,000.00 3,941,347.77 233,347.77101-0000-41800 Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 310 - Tax Revenues Totals:34,394,468.80 37,364,100.00 41,264,100.00 44,116,002.95 2,851,902.95 320 - Licenses & Permits 80,102.00 63,000.00 107,000.00 119,129.84 12,129.84101-0000-41415 STVR Registration Fee 358,943.44 320,000.00 320,000.00 333,941.78 13,941.78101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 1,368.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,560.00 560.00101-0000-41601 Cannabis Delivery License 1,095.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,220.00 1,220.00101-0000-41610 Film Permits 104,776.28 165,600.00 165,600.00 145,194.40 (20,405.60)101-0000-42400 Building Permits 51,407.11 103,500.00 103,500.00 68,615.03 (34,884.97)101-0000-42401 Plumbing Permits 80,867.16 121,200.00 121,200.00 88,755.88 (32,444.12)101-0000-42402 Mechanical Permits 47,294.38 89,700.00 89,700.00 60,833.35 (28,866.65)101-0000-42403 Electrical Permits 151,603.31 152,000.00 152,000.00 185,642.12 33,642.12101-0000-42404 Miscellaneous Permits 10,090.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 9,170.00 (830.00)101-0000-42405 Garage Sale Permits 160.00 200.00 200.00 240.00 40.00101-0000-42406 Golf Cart Permits 8,675.67 9,600.00 9,600.00 14,200.92 4,600.92101-0000-42408 Grading Permits 3,354.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,826.00 3,326.00101-0000-42410 Driveway Permits 660.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 320.00 (680.00)101-0000-42414 Massage Permits 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 48,538.28 34,538.28101-0000-42420 Fire Plan Review Fee 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 24,930.00 19,930.00101-0000-42421 Fire Inspection Fee 1,300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,446.00 446.00101-0000-42430 Transportation Permits 24,914.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 23,937.60 12,237.60101-0000-42431 Conditional Use Permits 1,600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,799.00 1,299.00101-0000-42433 Minor Use Permit 20,546.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 17,094.00 4,594.00101-0000-42434 Sign Permit 64,278.00 32,400.00 32,400.00 58,055.16 25,655.16101-0000-42435 Site Development Permit 14,589.00 1,500.00 24,500.00 25,276.00 776.00101-0000-42436 Final Landscaping Plans 1,394.25 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.00 (2,800.00)101-0000-42437 Development Agreement 8,757.50 4,000.00 4,000.00 8,219.00 4,219.00101-0000-42439 Temporary Use Permit 81,137.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 144,875.60 (5,124.40)101-0000-43632 Public Works Permits 320 - Licenses & Permits Totals:1,118,912.10 1,257,700.00 1,347,700.00 1,394,819.96 47,119.96 330 - Intergovernmental 14,609,875.58 6,726,000.00 6,726,000.00 7,052,079.68 326,079.68101-0000-42500 Fire Service Credit 0.00 239,000.00 289,000.00 290,672.61 1,672.61101-0000-43633 CSA 152 Assessments 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 125,000.00 (125,000.00)101-0000-43650 Contributions from Other Agencies 330 - Intergovernmental Totals:14,859,875.58 7,215,000.00 7,265,000.00 7,467,752.29 202,752.29 340 - Charges for Services 57,857.54 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,269.30 269.30101-0000-42200 Leisure Enrichment 8,585.85 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,520.54 520.54101-0000-42202 Gift Shop 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00101-0000-42208 Coffee/Cards-Senior Center 45,079.70 45,500.00 45,500.00 42,085.60 (3,414.40)101-0000-42210 Youth Sports 4,589.28 5,000.00 5,000.00 7,200.00 2,200.00101-0000-42211 Adult Sports 41,902.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 34,033.00 (5,967.00)101-0000-42212 Facility Rental 1,086.30 14,000.00 14,000.00 21,337.90 7,337.90101-0000-42213 Special Event 54,625.85 45,000.00 45,000.00 55,248.45 10,248.45101-0000-42214 Wellness Center Leisure Enrichment 2,186,077.61 2,222,100.00 2,222,100.00 2,317,101.40 95,001.40 4,969,009.81 4,419,000.00 4,419,000.00 4,522,611.59 103,611.59 2,082,693.73 1,938,000.00 1,938,000.00 1,995,222.27 57,222.27 8,597,655.49 8,776,100.00 8,776,100.00 8,989,328.13 213,228.13 1,462,649.75 5,700,000.00 9,600,000.00 9,967,656.65 367,656.65 585,333.35 531,000.00 531,000.00 718,472.37 187,472.37 6,426,594.01 6,046,900.00 6,046,900.00 6,588,185.28 541,285.28 2,383,229.26 2,065,000.00 2,065,000.00 2,804,647.08 739,647.08 123,360.49 45,000.00 45,000.00 105,132.73 60,132.73 0.00 360,000.00 360,000.00 345,290.90 (14,709.10) 663,060.76 644,000.00 644,000.00 817,032.32 173,032.32 38,801.620. 120,634.61 129,000.00 129,000.00 125,843.10 (3,156.90) 602,052.47 580,000.00 580,000.00 632,794.16 52,794.16 340,102.70 200,000.00 200,000.00 245,337.20 45,337.20 3,813,213.14 3,708,000.00 3,708,000.00 3,941,347.77 233,347.77 34,394,468.80 37,364,100.00 41,264,100.00 44,116,002.95 2,851,902.95 80,102.00 63,000.00 107,000.00 119,129.84 12,129.84 358,943.44 320,000.00 320,000.00 333,941.78 13,941.78 1,368.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,560.00 560.00 1,095.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,220.00 1,220.00 104,776.28 165,600.00 165,600.00 145,194.40 (20,405.60) 51,407.11 103,500.00 103,500.00 68,615.03 (34,884.97) 80,867.16 121,200.00 121,200.00 88,755.88 (32,444.12) 47,294.38 89,700.00 89,700.00 60,833.35 (28,866.65) 151,603.31 152,000.00 152,000.00 185,642.12 33,642.12 10,090.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 9,170.00 (830.00) 160.00 200.00 200.00 240.00 40.00 8,675.67 9,600.00 9,600.00 14,200.92 4,600.92 3,354.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,826.00 3,326.00 660.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 320.00 (680.00) 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 48,538.28 34,538.28 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 24,930.00 19,930.00 1,300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,446.00 446.00 24,914.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 23,937.60 12,237.60 1,600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,799.00 1,299.00 20,546.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 17,094.00 4,594.00 64,278.00 32,400.00 32,400.00 58,055.16 25,655.16 14,589.00 1,500.00 24,500.00 25,276.00 776.00 1,394.25 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.00 (2,800.00) 8,757.50 4,000.00 4,000.00 8,219.00 4,219.00 81,137.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 144,875.60 (5,124.40) 1,118,912.10 1,257,700.00 1,347,700.00 1,394,819.96 47,119.96 14,609,875.58 6,726,000.00 6,726,000.00 7,052,079.68 326,079.68 0.00 239,000.00 289,000.00 290,672.61 1,672.61 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 125,000.00 (125,000.00) 14,859,875.58 7,215,000.00 7,265,000.00 7,467,752.29 202,752.29 57,857.54 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,269.30 269.30 8,585.85 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,520.54 520.54 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,079.70 45,500.00 45,500.00 42,085.60 (3,414.40) 4,589.28 5,000.00 5,000.00 7,200.00 2,200.00 41,902.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 34,033.00 (5,967.00) 1,086.30 14,000.00 14,000.00 21,337.90 7,337.90 54,625.85 45,000.00 45,000.00 55,248.45 10,248.45 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT EXHIBIT A 125 2016/17 Actual Revenues 2017/18 Original Budget 2017/18 Final Budget 2017/18 Actual Revenues Variance w/ Final Budget 0.00 34,100.00 34,100.00 0.00 (34,100.00)101-0000-42215 City Facilities Rental Fee 2,152.00 0.00 0.00 2,465.02 2,465.02101-0000-42216 Senior Center Special Events 125,867.51 85,000.00 105,000.00 131,147.26 26,147.26101-0000-42218 Wellness Center Memberships (38.90) Cash Over/Short 33,220.09 25,000.00 25,000.00 72,528.39 47,528.39101-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 350.00 200.00 200.00 360.00 160.00101-0000-42303 NSF Charges 8,484.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00101-0000-42411 Village Use Permit 1,796.00 0.00 0.00 4,013.00 4,013.00101-0000-42412 Minor Adjustment, Plan Checks 13,338.00 7,600.00 17,600.00 32,733.00 15,133.00101-0000-42415 Tentative Tract Map 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 14,347.00 10,347.00101-0000-42416 Digitization/Records Management 2,100.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,168.00 968.00101-0000-42417 Modification by Applicant 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00101-0000-42440 Appeals - Planning Commission 4,068.00 8,700.00 18,700.00 19,514.28 814.28101-0000-42443 Zone Change 5,629.00 3,700.00 3,700.00 3,696.00 (4.00)101-0000-42445 Environmental Assessment 0.00 9,700.00 19,700.00 19,456.00 (244.00)101-0000-42446 General Plan Amendment 4,480.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,365.00 3,365.00101-0000-42447 Home Occupations 12,333.00 13,400.00 13,400.00 10,848.20 (2,551.80)101-0000-42448 Parcel Map 13,310.30 10,000.00 10,000.00 13,343.00 3,343.00101-0000-42451 Specific Plan 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00)101-0000-42453 Zoning Letters 438,638.13 552,000.00 552,000.00 564,556.02 12,556.02101-0000-42600 Building Plan Check Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 574.58 574.58101-0000-42610 SMIP Fees 181.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00101-0000-42615 CBSC Administrative Fees 139,392.83 300,000.00 300,000.00 167,174.00 (132,826.00)101-0000-42810 Public Works Dev. Plan Check Fee 767.83 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,380.74 380.74101-0000-43631 CVMSHCP Admin Fee 340 - Charges for Services Totals:1,021,296.11 1,258,200.00 1,312,100.00 1,279,869.10 (32,230.90) 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 17,334.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 26,661.40 8,661.40101-0000-42700 Administrative Citations 37,849.13 9,000.00 9,000.00 48,790.40 39,790.40101-0000-42701 Lot Abatement 19,779.55 35,000.00 35,000.00 42,267.72 7,267.72101-0000-42702 Vehicle Abatement 86,997.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 72,403.00 2,403.00101-0000-42703 Vehicle Impound Fee 123,257.44 70,000.00 70,000.00 110,065.76 40,065.76101-0000-42705 Motor Vehicle Code Fines 46,086.02 40,000.00 40,000.00 35,507.00 (4,493.00)101-0000-42706 Parking Violations 10,064.56 4,000.00 24,000.00 24,562.51 562.51101-0000-42707 Misc Fines 6,977.00 0.00 0.00 7,542.00 7,542.00101-0000-42708 Graffiti Removal 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,590.00 7,590.00101-0000-42709 False Alarm Fees - Police 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements Totals:348,344.70 246,000.00 266,000.00 375,389.79 109,389.79 360 - Use of Money & Property 143,436.65 250,000.00 250,000.00 353,784.00 103,784.00101-0000-41900 Allocated Interest (8,850.00)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00101-0000-41910 Gain or Loss 112,476.96 50,000.00 50,000.00 177,071.42 127,071.42101-0000-41915 Non-Allocated Interest 9,600.00 140,000.00 10,000.00 2,553.73 (7,446.27)101-0000-42111 Rental Income 103,404.34 90,000.00 90,000.00 109,761.50 19,761.50101-0000-42120 Lease Revenue 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:360,067.95 530,000.00 400,000.00 643,170.65 243,170.65 370 - Miscellaneous 420,684.94 365,000.00 365,000.00 790,402.06 425,402.06101-0000-41410 TOT - Mitigation Measures 17,411.69 8,000.00 8,000.00 21,999.47 13,999.47101-0000-41504 AMR Compliance 50,837.50 103,000.00 103,000.00 156,172.80 53,172.80101-0000-41507 Burrtec Admin Cost Reimbursement 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00101-0000-41920 Memorial Tree Revenue 948.62 0.00 0.00 4,861.11 4,861.11101-0000-42000 Insurance Recoveries 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00101-0000-42100 Advertising Co-Op Revenue 4,109.10 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,842.67 3,842.67101-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 147.80 200.00 200.00 60.95 (139.05)101-0000-42140 Sales of Publications & Materials 69,991.43 0.00 20,000.00 47,466.31 27,466.31101-0000-42305 Miscellaneous Reimbursements 6,004.35 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,219.36 (3,780.64)101-0000-43505 Credit Card Fee Revenue (39.75)0.00 0.00 779.04 779.04101-0000-45000 Sale of Other Assets 370 - Miscellaneous Totals:570,595.68 490,200.00 508,200.00 1,033,803.77 525,603.77 0.00 34,100.00 34,100.00 0.00 (34,100.00) 2,152.00 0.00 0.00 2,465.02 2,465.02 125,867.51 85,000.00 105,000.00 131,147.26 26,147.26 (38.90) 33,220.09 25,000.00 25,000.00 72,528.39 47,528.39 350.00 200.00 200.00 360.00 160.00 8,484.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,796.00 0.00 0.00 4,013.00 4,013.00 13,338.00 7,600.00 17,600.00 32,733.00 15,133.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 14,347.00 10,347.00 2,100.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,168.00 968.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 4,068.00 8,700.00 18,700.00 19,514.28 814.28 5,629.00 3,700.00 3,700.00 3,696.00 (4.00) 0.00 9,700.00 19,700.00 19,456.00 (244.00) 4,480.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,365.00 3,365.00 12,333.00 13,400.00 13,400.00 10,848.20 (2,551.80) 13,310.30 10,000.00 10,000.00 13,343.00 3,343.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 438,638.13 552,000.00 552,000.00 564,556.02 12,556.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 574.58 574.58 181.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139,392.83 300,000.00 300,000.00 167,174.00 (132,826.00) 767.83 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,380.74 380.74 1,021,296.11 1,258,200.00 1,312,100.00 1,279,869.10 (32,230.90) 17,334.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 26,661.40 8,661.40 37,849.13 9,000.00 9,000.00 48,790.40 39,790.40 19,779.55 35,000.00 35,000.00 42,267.72 7,267.72 86,997.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 72,403.00 2,403.00 123,257.44 70,000.00 70,000.00 110,065.76 40,065.76 46,086.02 40,000.00 40,000.00 35,507.00 (4,493.00) 10,064.56 4,000.00 24,000.00 24,562.51 562.51 6,977.00 0.00 0.00 7,542.00 7,542.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,590.00 7,590.00 348,344.70 246,000.00 266,000.00 375,389.79 109,389.79 143,436.65 250,000.00 250,000.00 353,784.00 103,784.00 (8,850.00)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112,476.96 50,000.00 50,000.00 177,071.42 127,071.42 9,600.00 140,000.00 10,000.00 2,553.73 (7,446.27) 103,404.34 90,000.00 90,000.00 109,761.50 19,761.50 360,067.95 530,000.00 400,000.00 643,170.65 243,170.65 420,684.94 365,000.00 365,000.00 790,402.06 425,402.06 17,411.69 8,000.00 8,000.00 21,999.47 13,999.47 50,837.50 103,000.00 103,000.00 156,172.80 53,172.80 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 948.62 0.00 0.00 4,861.11 4,861.11 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,109.10 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,842.67 3,842.67 147.80 200.00 200.00 60.95 (139.05) 69,991.43 0.00 20,000.00 47,466.31 27,466.31 6,004.35 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,219.36 (3,780.64) (39.75)0.00 0.00 779.04 779.04 570,595.68 490,200.00 508,200.00 1,033,803.77 525,603.77 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT 126 2016/17 Actual Revenues 2017/18 Original Budget 2017/18 Final Budget 2017/18 Actual Revenues Variance w/ Final Budget 380 - Transfers In 9,502.95 190,400.00 0.00 38,048.28 38,048.28101-0000-49500 Transfers In 380 - Transfers In Totals:9,502.95 190,400.00 0.00 38,048.28 38,048.28 0000 - Undesignated Totals:52,683,063.87 48,551,600.00 52,363,100.00 56,348,856.79 3,985,756.79 101 - GENERAL FUND Totals:52,683,063.87 48,551,600.00 52,363,100.00 56,348,856.79 3,985,756.79 9,502.95 190,400.00 0.00 38,048.28 38,048.28 9,502.95 190,400.00 0.00 38,048.28 38,048.28 52,683,063.87 48,551,600.00 52,363,100.00 56,348,856.79 3,985,756.79 52,683,063.87 48,551,600.00 52,363,100.00 56,348,856.79 3,985,756.79 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT 127 128 2016/17 Actual Expenses 2017/18 Original Budget 2017/18 Final Budget 2017/18 Actual Expenses Variance w/ Final Budget 1001 - City Council 272,268.06 324,000.00 324,000.00 259,964.08 (64,035.92) Salaries and Benefits 245,309.03 279,400.00 279,400.00 242,278.42 (37,121.58) Maintenance & Operations 26,959.03 44,600.00 44,600.00 17,685.66 (26,914.34) 1002 - City Manager 845,572.30 769,000.00 807,460.00 783,671.01 (23,788.99) Salaries and Benefits 507,337.29 541,400.00 550,960.00 597,073.72 46,113.72 Contract Services 225,658.68 117,000.00 145,900.00 77,624.20 (68,275.80) Maintenance & Operations 81,176.33 81,200.00 81,200.00 79,573.09 (1,626.91) Internal Service Charges 31,400.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 0.00 1003 - City Attorney 410,886.97 460,000.00 460,000.00 420,511.03 (39,488.97) Contract Services 410,886.97 460,000.00 460,000.00 420,511.03 (39,488.97) 1004 - Human Resources 407,779.18 462,900.00 516,590.00 474,560.77 (42,029.23) Salaries and Benefits 236,680.86 263,400.00 294,990.00 254,899.20 (40,090.80) Contract Services 96,965.02 99,800.00 101,900.00 115,281.54 13,381.54 Maintenance & Operations 55,333.30 82,900.00 102,900.00 87,580.03 (15,319.97) Internal Service Charges 18,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 0.00 1005 - City Clerk 528,439.58 552,200.00 583,340.00 527,550.46 (55,789.54) Salaries and Benefits 365,570.45 430,500.00 436,740.00 399,776.03 (36,963.97) Contract Services 121,051.57 80,100.00 101,000.00 85,544.24 (15,455.76) Maintenance & Operations 11,317.56 12,200.00 16,200.00 12,830.19 (3,369.81) Internal Service Charges 30,500.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 0.00 1006 - Finance 1,018,008.84 1,123,200.00 1,159,860.00 1,033,894.66 (125,965.34) Salaries and Benefits 684,806.55 866,500.00 898,160.00 830,963.21 (67,196.79) Contract Services 163,073.74 162,000.00 167,000.00 106,426.34 (60,573.66) Maintenance & Operations 23,228.55 27,600.00 27,600.00 29,405.11 1,805.11 Internal Service Charges 146,900.00 67,100.00 67,100.00 67,100.00 0.00 1007 - Central Services 6,173,386.27 9,307,300.00 17,791,833.29 8,217,795.53 (9,574,037.76) Salaries and Benefits 168,954.95 436,000.00 1,719,080.00 1,646,000.75 (73,079.25) Maintenance & Operations 382,755.46 195,300.00 195,300.00 112,227.50 (83,072.50) Utilities 6,367.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Expenses 2,254,676.03 0.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 (2,000,000.00) Internal Service Charges 332,000.00 635,000.00 635,000.00 635,000.00 0.00 Transfers Out 3,028,632.48 8,041,000.00 13,242,453.29 5,824,567.28 (7,417,886.01) 2001 - Police 14,451,363.86 15,879,100.00 15,879,100.00 15,083,365.44 (795,734.56) Contract Services 14,417,358.37 15,830,400.00 15,830,400.00 15,039,387.90 (791,012.10) Maintenance & Operations 1,401.40 9,700.00 9,700.00 6,533.30 (3,166.70) Utilities 2,504.09 14,000.00 14,000.00 12,444.24 (1,555.76) Internal Service Charges 30,100.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 2002 - Fire 5,816,590.43 6,730,000.00 6,730,000.00 6,531,243.88 (198,756.12) Contract Services 5,643,879.97 6,485,500.00 6,485,500.00 6,336,243.05 (149,256.95) Maintenance & Operations 64,526.13 101,500.00 76,500.00 38,265.16 (38,234.84) Insurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,515.07 5,515.07 Repair & Maintenance 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 31,772.30 6,772.30 Utilities 52,804.50 72,000.00 72,000.00 63,448.30 (8,551.70) Capital Expenses 3,379.83 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 (15,000.00) Internal Service Charges 52,000.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 0.00 3001 - Community Resources Administration 783,381.65 703,500.00 728,650.00 631,998.47 (96,651.53) Salaries and Benefits 469,592.03 467,700.00 480,450.00 475,455.57 (4,994.43) Contract Services 48,360.00 60,000.00 73,500.00 52,460.00 (21,040.00) Maintenance & Operations 190,429.62 127,500.00 126,400.00 55,782.90 (70,617.10) Internal Service Charges 75,000.00 48,300.00 48,300.00 48,300.00 0.00 3002 - Wellness Center Operations 522,038.55 679,300.00 661,420.00 581,478.31 (79,941.69) Salaries and Benefits 361,513.86 513,300.00 495,420.00 439,880.37 (55,539.63) Contract Services 88,593.37 87,300.00 87,300.00 78,169.37 (9,130.63) Maintenance & Operations 30,080.32 61,900.00 61,900.00 46,300.98 (15,599.02) 272,268.06 324,000.00 324,000.00 259,964.08 (64,035.92) 245,309.03 279,400.00 279,400.00 242,278.42 (37,121.58) 26,959.03 44,600.00 44,600.00 17,685.66 (26,914.34) 845,572.30 769,000.00 807,460.00 783,671.01 (23,788.99) 507,337.29 541,400.00 550,960.00 597,073.72 46,113.72 225,658.68 117,000.00 145,900.00 77,624.20 (68,275.80) 81,176.33 81,200.00 81,200.00 79,573.09 (1,626.91) 31,400.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 0.00 410,886.97 460,000.00 460,000.00 420,511.03 (39,488.97) 410,886.97 460,000.00 460,000.00 420,511.03 (39,488.97) 407,779.18 462,900.00 516,590.00 474,560.77 (42,029.23) 236,680.86 263,400.00 294,990.00 254,899.20 (40,090.80) 96,965.02 99,800.00 101,900.00 115,281.54 13,381.54 55,333.30 82,900.00 102,900.00 87,580.03 (15,319.97) 18,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 0.00 528,439.58 552,200.00 583,340.00 527,550.46 (55,789.54) 365,570.45 430,500.00 436,740.00 399,776.03 (36,963.97) 121,051.57 80,100.00 101,000.00 85,544.24 (15,455.76) 11,317.56 12,200.00 16,200.00 12,830.19 (3,369.81) 30,500.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 29,400.00 0.00 1,018,008.84 1,123,200.00 1,159,860.00 1,033,894.66 (125,965.34) 684,806.55 866,500.00 898,160.00 830,963.21 (67,196.79) 163,073.74 162,000.00 167,000.00 106,426.34 (60,573.66) 23,228.55 27,600.00 27,600.00 29,405.11 1,805.11 146,900.00 67,100.00 67,100.00 67,100.00 0.00 6,173,386.27 9,307,300.00 17,791,833.29 8,217,795.53 (9,574,037.76) 168,954.95 436,000.00 1,719,080.00 1,646,000.75 (73,079.25) 382,755.46 195,300.00 195,300.00 112,227.50 (83,072.50) 6,367.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,254,676.03 0.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 (2,000,000.00) 332,000.00 635,000.00 635,000.00 635,000.00 0.00 3,028,632.48 8,041,000.00 13,242,453.29 5,824,567.28 (7,417,886.01) 14,451,363.86 15,879,100.00 15,879,100.00 15,083,365.44 (795,734.56) 14,417,358.37 15,830,400.00 15,830,400.00 15,039,387.90 (791,012.10) 1,401.40 9,700.00 9,700.00 6,533.30 (3,166.70) 2,504.09 14,000.00 14,000.00 12,444.24 (1,555.76) 30,100.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 5,816,590.43 6,730,000.00 6,730,000.00 6,531,243.88 (198,756.12) 5,643,879.97 6,485,500.00 6,485,500.00 6,336,243.05 (149,256.95) 64,526.13 101,500.00 76,500.00 38,265.16 (38,234.84) 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,515.07 5,515.07 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 31,772.30 6,772.30 52,804.50 72,000.00 72,000.00 63,448.30 (8,551.70) 3,379.83 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 (15,000.00) 52,000.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 0.00 783,381.65 703,500.00 728,650.00 631,998.47 (96,651.53) 469,592.03 467,700.00 480,450.00 475,455.57 (4,994.43) 48,360.00 60,000.00 73,500.00 52,460.00 (21,040.00) 190,429.62 127,500.00 126,400.00 55,782.90 (70,617.10) 75,000.00 48,300.00 48,300.00 48,300.00 0.00 522,038.55 679,300.00 661,420.00 581,478.31 (79,941.69) 361,513.86 513,300.00 495,420.00 439,880.37 (55,539.63) 88,593.37 87,300.00 87,300.00 78,169.37 (9,130.63) 30,080.32 61,900.00 61,900.00 46,300.98 (15,599.02) CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT EXHIBIT B 129 2016/17 Actual Expenses 2017/18 Original Budget 2017/18 Final Budget 2017/18 Actual Expenses Variance w/ Final Budget Utilities 1,851.00 0.00 0.00 327.59 327.59 Internal Service Charges 40,000.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 0.00 3003 - Recreation Programs & Special Events 129,864.59 365,000.00 366,640.00 310,586.24 (56,053.76) Salaries and Benefits 59,721.27 119,900.00 121,540.00 129,940.85 8,400.85 Contract Services 373.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Maintenance & Operations 36,769.86 208,300.00 208,300.00 143,845.39 (64,454.61) Internal Service Charges 33,000.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 0.00 3005 - Parks Maintenance 1,708,800.97 1,582,300.00 1,635,700.00 1,732,772.30 97,072.30 Salaries and Benefits 358,327.61 426,400.00 444,800.00 446,734.77 1,934.77 Contract Services 365,284.91 427,000.00 422,000.00 400,594.15 (21,405.85) Maintenance & Operations 128,412.80 137,600.00 177,600.00 252,697.68 75,097.68 Utilities 292,875.65 223,100.00 223,100.00 264,545.70 41,445.70 Internal Service Charges 563,900.00 368,200.00 368,200.00 368,200.00 0.00 3007 - Marketing & Community Relations 830,897.63 1,170,400.00 1,173,350.00 1,074,172.08 (99,177.92) Salaries and Benefits 170,937.27 91,800.00 94,750.00 93,047.09 (1,702.91) Contract Services 282,830.83 272,500.00 272,500.00 278,050.00 5,550.00 Maintenance & Operations 360,629.53 797,700.00 797,700.00 694,674.99 (103,025.01) Internal Service Charges 16,500.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 0.00 3008 - Public Buildings 1,376,354.84 1,601,100.00 1,613,650.00 1,639,766.76 26,116.76 Salaries and Benefits 298,172.55 400,800.00 413,350.00 422,341.20 8,991.20 Contract Services 93,031.41 118,000.00 95,000.00 96,674.79 1,674.79 Office Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.67 4.67 Maintenance & Operations 775,079.98 759,900.00 782,900.00 788,234.89 5,334.89 Utilities 135,824.59 129,000.00 129,000.00 139,111.21 10,111.21 Capital Expenses 22,746.310. Internal Service Charges 51,500.00 193,400.00 193,400.00 193,400.00 0.00 6001 - Design & Development Administration 1,003,341.29 1,205,500.00 1,206,870.00 786,360.88 (420,509.12) Salaries and Benefits 778,504.07 922,900.00 929,270.00 571,441.69 (357,828.31) Contract Services 111,944.22 155,000.00 140,000.00 77,233.95 (62,766.05) Maintenance & Operations 33,293.00 26,900.00 36,900.00 36,985.24 85.24 Internal Service Charges 79,600.00 100,700.00 100,700.00 100,700.00 0.00 6002 - Planning 504,010.65 524,700.00 554,760.00 482,188.83 (72,571.17) Salaries and Benefits 338,110.10 363,700.00 374,760.00 351,819.69 (22,940.31) Contract Services 95,534.54 96,000.00 108,000.00 70,527.34 (37,472.66) Maintenance & Operations 17,866.01 28,200.00 35,200.00 23,041.80 (12,158.20) Internal Service Charges 52,500.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 0.00 6003 - Building 695,619.70 917,200.00 925,650.00 686,219.79 (239,430.21) Salaries and Benefits 433,369.42 527,600.00 536,050.00 475,630.95 (60,419.05) Contract Services 191,036.17 324,000.00 324,000.00 150,295.18 (173,704.82) Maintenance & Operations 8,614.11 8,900.00 8,900.00 3,593.66 (5,306.34) Internal Service Charges 62,600.00 56,700.00 56,700.00 56,700.00 0.00 6004 - Code Compliance/Animal Control 911,979.40 1,134,500.00 1,143,080.00 1,018,032.76 (125,047.24) Salaries and Benefits 568,625.32 731,700.00 735,280.00 675,867.02 (59,412.98) Contract Services 213,371.01 246,000.00 246,000.00 196,759.30 (49,240.70) Maintenance & Operations 22,083.07 25,700.00 30,700.00 14,306.44 (16,393.56) Internal Service Charges 107,900.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 0.00 6006 - The Hub 638,565.28 786,300.00 809,160.00 766,424.83 (42,735.17) Salaries and Benefits 507,741.50 715,600.00 733,460.00 700,920.19 (32,539.81) Contract Services 48,067.44 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,198.71 (1,801.29) Maintenance & Operations 3,356.34 14,600.00 19,600.00 11,205.93 (8,394.07) Internal Service Charges 79,400.00 46,100.00 46,100.00 46,100.00 0.00 7002 - Public Works Development Services 436,843.46 595,200.00 628,330.00 493,810.75 (134,519.25) Salaries and Benefits 313,261.27 334,100.00 337,230.00 335,958.97 (1,271.03) Contract Services 79,082.50 215,000.00 245,000.00 116,838.02 (128,161.98) 1,851.00 0.00 0.00 327.59 327.59 40,000.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 0.00 129,864.59 365,000.00 366,640.00 310,586.24 (56,053.76) 59,721.27 119,900.00 121,540.00 129,940.85 8,400.85 373.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,769.86 208,300.00 208,300.00 143,845.39 (64,454.61) 33,000.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 0.00 1,708,800.97 1,582,300.00 1,635,700.00 1,732,772.30 97,072.30 358,327.61 426,400.00 444,800.00 446,734.77 1,934.77 365,284.91 427,000.00 422,000.00 400,594.15 (21,405.85) 128,412.80 137,600.00 177,600.00 252,697.68 75,097.68 292,875.65 223,100.00 223,100.00 264,545.70 41,445.70 563,900.00 368,200.00 368,200.00 368,200.00 0.00 830,897.63 1,170,400.00 1,173,350.00 1,074,172.08 (99,177.92) 170,937.27 91,800.00 94,750.00 93,047.09 (1,702.91) 282,830.83 272,500.00 272,500.00 278,050.00 5,550.00 360,629.53 797,700.00 797,700.00 694,674.99 (103,025.01) 16,500.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 0.00 1,376,354.84 1,601,100.00 1,613,650.00 1,639,766.76 26,116.76 298,172.55 400,800.00 413,350.00 422,341.20 8,991.20 93,031.41 118,000.00 95,000.00 96,674.79 1,674.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.67 4.67 775,079.98 759,900.00 782,900.00 788,234.89 5,334.89 135,824.59 129,000.00 129,000.00 139,111.21 10,111.21 22,746.310. 51,500.00 193,400.00 193,400.00 193,400.00 0.00 1,003,341.29 1,205,500.00 1,206,870.00 786,360.88 (420,509.12) 778,504.07 922,900.00 929,270.00 571,441.69 (357,828.31) 111,944.22 155,000.00 140,000.00 77,233.95 (62,766.05) 33,293.00 26,900.00 36,900.00 36,985.24 85.24 79,600.00 100,700.00 100,700.00 100,700.00 0.00 504,010.65 524,700.00 554,760.00 482,188.83 (72,571.17) 338,110.10 363,700.00 374,760.00 351,819.69 (22,940.31) 95,534.54 96,000.00 108,000.00 70,527.34 (37,472.66) 17,866.01 28,200.00 35,200.00 23,041.80 (12,158.20) 52,500.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 36,800.00 0.00 695,619.70 917,200.00 925,650.00 686,219.79 (239,430.21) 433,369.42 527,600.00 536,050.00 475,630.95 (60,419.05) 191,036.17 324,000.00 324,000.00 150,295.18 (173,704.82) 8,614.11 8,900.00 8,900.00 3,593.66 (5,306.34) 62,600.00 56,700.00 56,700.00 56,700.00 0.00 911,979.40 1,134,500.00 1,143,080.00 1,018,032.76 (125,047.24) 568,625.32 731,700.00 735,280.00 675,867.02 (59,412.98) 213,371.01 246,000.00 246,000.00 196,759.30 (49,240.70) 22,083.07 25,700.00 30,700.00 14,306.44 (16,393.56) 107,900.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 0.00 638,565.28 786,300.00 809,160.00 766,424.83 (42,735.17) 507,741.50 715,600.00 733,460.00 700,920.19 (32,539.81) 48,067.44 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,198.71 (1,801.29) 3,356.34 14,600.00 19,600.00 11,205.93 (8,394.07) 79,400.00 46,100.00 46,100.00 46,100.00 0.00 436,843.46 595,200.00 628,330.00 493,810.75 (134,519.25) 313,261.27 334,100.00 337,230.00 335,958.97 (1,271.03) 79,082.50 215,000.00 245,000.00 116,838.02 (128,161.98) CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT 130 2016/17 Actual Expenses 2017/18 Original Budget 2017/18 Final Budget 2017/18 Actual Expenses Variance w/ Final Budget Maintenance & Operations 1,499.69 6,200.00 6,200.00 1,113.76 (5,086.24) Internal Service Charges 43,000.00 39,900.00 39,900.00 39,900.00 0.00 7003 - Streets 10,754.70 8,600.00 8,600.00 10,459.04 1,859.04 Maintenance & Operations 10,754.70 8,600.00 8,600.00 10,459.04 1,859.04 7006 - Engineering Services 1,858,330.76 1,299,400.00 1,410,620.00 1,340,222.36 (70,397.64) Salaries and Benefits 569,216.48 661,400.00 672,620.00 634,688.31 (37,931.69) Contract Services 1,185,944.77 569,500.00 669,500.00 641,816.19 (27,683.81) Maintenance & Operations 8,669.51 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,217.86 (4,782.14) Internal Service Charges 94,500.00 53,500.00 53,500.00 53,500.00 0.00 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 41,335,078.96 48,180,700.00 57,118,663.29 44,887,050.26 (12,231,613.03) 1,499.69 6,200.00 6,200.00 1,113.76 (5,086.24) 43,000.00 39,900.00 39,900.00 39,900.00 0.00 10,754.70 8,600.00 8,600.00 10,459.04 1,859.04 10,754.70 8,600.00 8,600.00 10,459.04 1,859.04 1,858,330.76 1,299,400.00 1,410,620.00 1,340,222.36 (70,397.64) 569,216.48 661,400.00 672,620.00 634,688.31 (37,931.69) 1,185,944.77 569,500.00 669,500.00 641,816.19 (27,683.81) 8,669.51 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,217.86 (4,782.14) 94,500.00 53,500.00 53,500.00 53,500.00 0.00 41,335,078.96 48,180,700.00 57,118,663.29 44,887,050.26 (12,231,613.03) CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT 131 132 Vendor/Program Account Number Description Original Amended GENERAL FUND OPERATIONAL CARRYOVERS TOT Rebate Program 101-1007-60536 Ironman Event & Unassigned 90,000$ 90,000$ Ironman Event 101-3003-60149 December 2018 Contribution 37,500 37,500 Accounting and Auditing Services 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 29,000 29,000 Marketing and Tourism Promotions 101-3007-60461 Marketing and Tourism Promotions - 30,000 General Fund Operational Carryovers 156,500$ 186,500$ Various Multi-Year Capital Projects 101-1007-99900 Transfers Out for CIP Projects 6,356,500$ 4,996,815$ Land Acquisition 101-1007-74010 Land Acquisiton with Approval -$ 1,600,000$ Building Improvements 101-1007-71050 Improvements with Approval -$ 400,000$ General Fund Capital Carryovers 6,356,500$ 6,996,815$ Total General Fund Carryovers 6,513,000$ 7,183,315$ Continuing Appropriations/Carryovers from 2017/18 to 2018/19 CAPITAL PROJECTS & CAPITAL EXPENSES CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND AMENDED CARRYOVERS 2017/18 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT EXHIBIT C 133 134 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CITY’S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES, AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, AND EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to approve the City’s community development priorities, authorize the City Manager to submit applications to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency for Community Development Block Grant funds, execute the Supplemental Agreements for Fiscal Year 2019/20; and allocate $18,216 to the Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley Fee Waiver/Reduction Program and $103,227 to the City of La Quinta Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements Project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The County of Riverside (County) is currently preparing the 2019/24 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan, as required by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDBG funds programs that revitalize neighborhoods, promote economic development, and improve community facilities and services. The City is eligible to receive approximately $121,443 in CDBG funds in 2019/20; 15% can be used for public service projects and 85% for public improvement or housing services. City-approved grant applications must be sent to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency (County EDA) no later than December 14, 2018. The exact amount of CDBG funding will be confirmed in the second quarter of 2019. FISCAL IMPACT Upon approval by the HUD and the County, the City will receive an estimated $121,443 in CDBG funds. The final 2019/20 funding allocation will be based upon actual funds received. Revenues and expenses will be incorporated in the 2019/20 Budget and tracked in a special revenue fund (210). PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 135 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City is a cooperating city of the County’s CDBG program and has participated since 1983. HUD oversees the County’s program and the County distributes annual funding to cooperating cities. The CDBG program requires that each project/activity meets one of the three national objectives: benefit low and moderate-income individuals; aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or meet a need having a particular urgency. The County is currently preparing the 2019/24 CDBG Consolidated Plan (Plan). The Plan is required by HUD as a condition of receiving federal funding. As part of the Plan update process, the City is required to conduct a Community Needs Assessment Survey (Survey). The Survey assists in identification of community, housing, and social needs where future CDBG funding may be of assistance. As of November 6, 2018, 19 surveys were completed. Based on the Survey, the community development needs/CDBG funding priorities are public service needs including youth and senior citizen services, housing, accessibility, and infrastructure improvements. The Survey information will be provided to the County to be included in the 2019/24 CDBG Plan. Public Services CDBG funding can be used for public services, such as childcare, recreation and education programs; however, only 15% of the awarded annual allocation may be designated for public services. The County EDA has a minimum funding requirement of $10,000. A maximum of $18,216 is anticipated for public services in 2019/20. Public Improvements CDBG funding can be used for public improvements, which include construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and accessibility improvements. Public improvement funds can be used for facilities and improvements that are publicly owned or owned by a non-profit agency open to the public. These funds must be used for improvements that benefit low- and moderate-income individuals or neighborhoods. A maximum of $103,227 is anticipated for capital improvements in 2019/20. CDBG Applications The City received four applications for CDBG funding (Attachment 1) – the Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley, the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission submitted public service funding requests; and the City’s Engineering Services Division submitted a public improvement- funding request. 136 Staff recommends awarding the anticipated public service funds of $18,216 to the Boys and Girls Club and $103,227 to the City’s Engineering Services division. The Boys and Girls Club funding will benefit 231 children who attend; the public improvement request will fund ADA improvements at City facilities that benefit individuals with disabilities and those who have low and moderate income. Agency and Public Review A request for applications and notice of funding availability was posted to the City’s website on August 15, 2018. A public notice was published in The Desert Sun on November 9, 2018, announcing the availability of funds and the public hearing date. ALTERNATIVES Council may allocate funds to an alternate single applicant in each category, or an alternate combination of applicants and funding amounts in each category. Council could elect to not approve the recommended community development needs/CDBG funding priorities or modify the proposed needs/funding priorities list. Prepared by: Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachment: 1. Fiscal Year 2019/20 CDBG Summary of Applications 137 138 RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY’S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020, AND ALLOCATE FUNDING FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY FEE WAIVER/ REDUCTION PROGRAM AND THE CITY’S AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, The City of La Quinta (City) is a participating jurisdiction in the Riverside County Economic Development Agency Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City and County of Riverside (County) cooperatively administer the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program under the provision of the Cooperative Agreement executed between the City and County, and under applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development rules; and WHEREAS, the identified La Quinta CDBG funding priorities will be included in the County’s 2019-2024 Consolidated Plan; and WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 9, 2018, announcing the availability of funds, public hearing dates, and requesting proposals; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said agreement, the City Council held a public hearing on November 20, 2018, to consider CDBG funding priorities, and to consider public comments on community needs and the use of such funds; and WHEREAS, the CDBG funding priorities were openly discussed and considered; and WHEREAS, the CDBG funds for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 is estimated to be approximately $121,443 to begin July 1, 2019; and 139 Resolution No. 2018- CDBG Funds and Priorities Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Adopted: November 20, 2018 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, the City must submit project applications to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency; and WHEREAS, merits of all proposals were openly discussed and considered; and WHEREAS, by a majority vote of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, the following proposal(s), or reprogramming(s), were selected: PROJECT NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT Miscellaneous ADA Improvements City of La Quinta $103,227 Fee Waiver/Reduction Program Coachella Valley Boys and Girls Club La Quinta Unit $ 18,216 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the City of La Quinta hereby selects the above-named projects, for use of CDBG funds. SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby directs the City Manager to prepare and submit the designated applications to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency in a timely manner proposing the named use of funds. SECTION 3. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to approve and execute the 2019/20 Supplemental Agreement between the Riverside County Economic Development Agency and the City. SECTION 4. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents and other agreements to consummate all activities in this resolution. SECTION 5. If there is shortfall in funding, the City Council directs the City Manager to request the County to increase the City’s public service cap in order to fully fund public service approved applications. SECTION 6. That the City of La Quinta does hereby identify the following funding priorities for the Riverside County 2019-2024 Consolidated Plan: public service needs including youth services and senior citizen services, housing needs, accessibility needs, and infrastructure improvements. 140 Resolution No. 2018- CDBG Funds and Priorities Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Adopted: November 20, 2018 Page 3 of 3 SECTION 7. The identified funding priorities and the Riverside County 2019- 2024 Consolidated Plan shall provide guidance and assist City Council when considering future CDBG project and program funding. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of November 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: __________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 141 142 1 | P a g e CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 2019/2020 SUMMARY OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Public Service Applications THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY - LA QUINTA UNIT: •The Boys and Girls Club of the Coachella Valley was founded in 1966. •After school program has been provided in the City of La Quinta since 1994. •The fee waiver/reduction program has been funded by the City of La Quinta with CDBG funds for the past 18 years. Funds Requested/Service Provided: ▪Requesting $30,000 for fee waiver/reduction program to provide scholarships benefiting extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate-income children. ▪Program served 1,188 members in 2014, of which 115 were provided scholarships with CDBG funds. ▪$30,000 will enable 231 qualifying children to take advantage of the Club’s services and programs. ___________________________________ COACHELLA VALLEY RESCUE MISSION: •Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM) was founded in 1971. •CVRM provides emergency shelter services to homeless individuals and families; services include food, shelter, and clothing. •5th year Community Development Block Grant applicant with the City of La Quinta. Funds Requested/Service Provided: ▪Requesting $100,000 in CDBG funding to be used towards staff salaries for evening support services to 32 men, women, and children stay at the shelter and emergency shelter building utilities. ▪CVRM will provide 75 men, women, and children with a shower, clothing, 3 meals, and overnight shelter. ___________________________________ COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION: •Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC) was founded in 1982. •CVHC provides afterschool programs for children and youth. •1st year Community Development Block Grant applicant with the City of La Quinta. Funds Requested/Service Provided: ▪Requesting $10,000 in CDBG funding to be used towards staff salaries, program facilitators, program supplies, snacks and refreshments. ▪The afterschool program at CVHC’s La Quinta housing site represents 1 of 10 CVHC housing communities in Coachella Valley. ▪Children and youth, ages 5 to 18, who reside on the property have access to a myriad of educational, cultural, and recreational programming which serve to enrich their daily academic and personal growth. ATTACHMENT 1 143 2 | P a g e Public Improvement Applications CITY OF LA QUINTA: Project Summary: • The City of La Quinta Public Works Department submitted an application requesting $103,227 of CDBG funding for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements at various City owned public parks and public facilities. • Project will correct ADA deficiencies at various City owned public parks and facilities throughout the City of La Quinta. • The ADA improvements at various City owned facilities throughout the City will promote easier accessibility for individuals with disabilities. • The improvements are based upon an ADA Transition Plan Report previously completed by the City. • Funding will allow for design, construction, inspection, and testing costs associated with ADA improvements. 144 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T T H E D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P R E S E N T S O N E O F S I X C I T Y D E P A R T M E N T S , A N D C O N S I S T S O F S I X D I V I S I O N S : T H E H U B , P L A N N I N G , B U I L D I N G , P U B L I C W O R K S D E V E L O P M E N T , E N G I N E E R I N G S E R V I C E S , A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N .     Design and Development Department the HUB The Hub serves as a one-stop shop for La Quinta patrons.  It is the central location for obtaining permits for planning, building, engineering, garage sales, and special events.  The Hub assists customers through the permitting process from initial questions and pre-application meetings through inspections and final certificate of occupancy.  Below are some October 2018 metrics: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Permit and Project Fees Collected $202,515 $382,840 STVRP Permits 70 232 9961,126 73 308 Business Licenses Phone Calls Received Total Customers Served Total Issued Permits  Total  E-TRAKiT Permits TOT Collected In June 2016, The Hub launched a survey to measure the satisfaction of its customers.  The  survey  uses a one to five star rating system, with “Five Stars” being excellent. The Hub Customer Satisfaction survey results for the month of October 2018 were stellar! 0 25 50 75 100 Wait TimeHelpfulnessQualityDEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5145 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T Design and Development Department PLANNING ACTIVITY BUILDING The Building Division administers all building permit applications and plans for compliance with requirements established in the entitlement process, La Quinta Municipal Code, and all currently applicable California Building Standards Codes.   Includes sign applications, temporary use permits, minor use permits, final landscaping plans, etc. Planning Permits 2018 2017 October Year Year to Date 1,266 9,542 883 7,138 2018 2017 October Year Year to Date 10 78 5 80 Building Permits Issued 20172018 32 1,440 111131 22 1,732 Year October October E-TRAKiT Year to Date 20172018 122 43 1,538 118 31 1,798 Year October October E-TRAKiT Year to Date Building Permits Submitted Building Inspections Building Permits Submitted Submitted Applications Building Permits Issued The Planning Division works with residential and commercial property/business owners and developers to ensure development in the City is constructed consistent with the City’s goals and policies. 146 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T Design and Development Department TRAFFIC & CIP SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL THE PROGRAM The Short Term Vacation Rental Program, Vacation LQ,  continues to grow, as new properties register each month. During the month of October 2018, the following permits were issued and TOT collected:   The Development Division provides engineering assistance with a variety of permits. During the month of October 2018, the following number of permits and applications were processed:   The Engineering Services Division provides engineering design and construction oversight and traffic support on a variety of infrastructure projects that help keep La Quinta safe and beautiful.  Highlighted below are some activities for October 2018:     ENGINEERING SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT CIP PROJECTS IN PROGRESS TRAFFIC The contractor for the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Pavement Management Plan - Zone 2 - Slurry Seal and Striping Improvements project continues to install signs and refresh striping throughout the City. The contractor for the La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvements project has completed the Quinterra basins bottom turf and is installing walking path at Adams Park Basin. On-site construction continues at private development projects including Andalusia, Griffin Ranch, Monterra, Codorniz, Washington Street Apartments and The Citrus.   22 requests for service were recorded in City’s GORequest system in October 2018, including: · Operational checks of crosswalks, warning beacons, and flashing stop signs · Repair of safety and street sign lighting · Light fixtures throughout the City   STVRP TOT Collected Permits Issued in October 2017 2016Year January $109,867.25 $75,323.58 Currently Active Permits 70 867April$405,334.02 $221,904.07 2017Year 2016 20172018Year October Year to Date 10 110 10 89 20172018Year October Year to Date 19 45 244243 STVRP Permits Project Reviews Completed Permits Issued STVRP TOT Collected Year October 2018 2017 $382,840 $65,802 $2,964,200 $1,921,277Year to Date 147 148 The Facilities Department is comprised of three Divisions; Public Works Maintenance, Parks, and Buildings. FACILITIES DEPARTMENT October 2018 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES •Public Works $14,944 •Parks $15,055 •Buildings $13,196 •Total Expenditures: $43,195 •Total Task Hours: 1,017 For the month of October, 299 requests were received from residents and staff. Request topics are listed on Attachments 1, 2,and 3. Maintenance expenditures and task hours are recorded in GoRequest. Top Requests in October:  Public Works - Street Signs  Public Works—Debris/Litter Removal  Parks– Inspection Maintenance  Parks - Seminars/Training  Buildings - Personnel Requests  Buildings - Facilities Maintenance ATTACHMENTS: 1.Public Works Maintenance Expenditures by Task for October. 2.Parks Maintenance Expenditures by Task for October. 3. Building Maintenance Expenditures by Task for October. 4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Details for October. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 6 149 150 Graffiti $643.74 Tree Issues $110.96 Flood Control $991.88 Street Sweeping $129.28 Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt $1,635.53 Seminars/Training $391.98 Debris/Litter Removal $2,473.17 PW Yard Building Maint $162.42 Concrete/Sidewalk Repairs $891.14 Channel Maint $1,539.12 Vehicle Equipment $84.17 Storm Drain Maint $1,084.66 Office Work $92.04 Street Signs $4,714.39 Graffiti Tree Issues Flood Control Street Sweeping Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt Seminars/Training Debris/Litter Removal PW Yard Building Maint Concrete/Sidewalk Repairs Channel Maint Vehicle Equipment Storm Drain Maint Office Work Street Signs Total Monthly Maintenance: $14,944 Public Works Monthly Expenditures by Task for October 2018 ATTACHMENT 1 151 152 waterfeatures $219.53 Athletic Field Inspection $505.02 Park Maintenance $443.84 Fencing/Wall Repairs $538.00 Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming $724.55 Meeting $354.89 Inspection Maintenance $5,748.65 Lighting/Electrical $691.57 Painting $336.68 Sign Maintenance $772.30 Debris/Litter Removal $237.74 Trail Maintenance $757.53 Seminars/Training $2,191.86 Playground Equipment Insp. $977.06 Graffiti $219.53 Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control $336.68 waterfeatures Athletic Field Inspection Park Maintenance Fencing/Wall Repairs Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming Meeting Inspection Maintenance Lighting/Electrical Painting Sign Maintenance Debris/Litter Removal Trail Maintenance Seminars/Training Playground Equipment Insp. Graffiti Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control Total Monthly Maintenance: $15,055 Parks Monthly Expenditures by Task for October 2018 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 2153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Training $131.66 Plumbing $1,236.61 Pest Control $51.67 Facilities Maint $2,366.56 Electrical $332.94 General Repairs $932.80 Preventative Maint $226.28 Janitorial $708.08 Personnel Requests $2,953.69 Carpentry & Hardware $201.28 Painting $789.96 HVAC $535.03 Security/Fobs/Alarms $298.90 Fire Stations $1,629.33 Library $370.45 Museum $430.57 Training Plumbing Pest Control Facilities Maint Electrical General Repairs Preventative Maint Janitorial Personnel Requests Carpentry & Hardware Painting HVAC Security/Fobs/Alarms Fire Stations Library MuseumTotalMonthly Maintenance: $13,196 Buildings Monthly Maintenance Expenditure by Task for October 2018 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3163 164 BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER BEFORE AFTER AFTER BEFOREBEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER 165 166 BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER BEFORE AFTER AFTER BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER 167 168 Customer Satisfaction Survey Details 10/21/2018 to 10/27/2018 Request: 32125 Survey Entered: 10-23-2018 Request Entered: 02/16/2018 Closed: 10/16/2018 Days Open: 241 Topic: Park Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: t v Description: the NO SMOKING in parks law went into effect a/b 2 yrs ago, but there isn't any signage at this park at any on the walkway entrances..especially at the west walkway entrance, adjacent to the parking lot, near the benches and trellis where "transients" often congregate at the benches and smoke..i see many signs here a/b dogs/leashes{good} and bike/skateboards, but NOT A SINGLE sign re" NO SMOKING....how come?? Reason Closed: Done. NO SMOKING signs were installed at the northeast corner of the Campus park (facing north City Hall parking lot) and the west side of the Campus (between the Wellness Center and the Library). How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met Request: 33206 Survey Entered: 10-25-2018 Request Entered: 05/02/2018 Closed: 10/18/2018 Days Open: 169 Topic: Parks/Sign Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: t v Description: per code : 6.18.060 Posting of signs. A. Smoking or No Smoking signs, whichever are appropriate, with letters of not less than one inch in height or the international No Smoking symbol (consisting of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a red bar across it) shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted in every building or other place where smoking is regulated by this chapter, by the owner, operator, manager or other person having control of such building or other place no such signage is located here at Adams Park plz respond, have been unable to get ahold of code compliance via phone for a long time Reason Closed: Done. Installed two NO SMOKING signs. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 4 169 Request: 33207 Survey Entered: 10-24-2018 Request Entered: 05/02/2018 Closed: 10/17/2018 Days Open: 168 Topic: Parks/Sign Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: t v Description: per code : 6.18.060 Posting of signs. A. Smoking or No Smoking signs, whichever are appropriate, with letters of not less than one inch in height or the international No Smoking symbol (consisting of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a red bar across it) shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted in every building or other place where smoking is regulated by this chapter, by the owner, operator, manager or other person having control of such building or other place also. no signage at this location..this law has been on the books for years,. Reason Closed: Done. Installed signs in the following locations: by the entrance close to the playground equipment, on the park building by the men's restroom, and by the baseball fields. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met Request: 34996 Survey Entered: 10-24-2018 Request Entered: 09/13/2018 Closed: 10/17/2018 Days Open: 34 Topic: Parks/Sign Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: TOM BOLTI Description: Description: per code : 6.18.060 Posting of signs. A. Smoking or No Smoking signs, whichever are appropriate, with letters of not less than one inch in height or the international No Smoking symbol (consisting of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a red bar across it) shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted in every building or other place where smoking is regulated by this chapter, by the owner, operator, manager or other person having control of such building or other place no signage at this location..this law has been on the books for years,. Reason Closed: Done. Installed signs in the following locations: by the entrance close to the playground equipment, on the park building by the men's restroom, and by the baseball fields. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met 170 Request: 35263 Survey Entered: 10-25-2018 Request Entered: 10/03/2018 Closed: 10/18/2018 Days Open: 15 Topic: Parks/Trail Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Lesliedaniel1@hotmail.com Description: Dead!! Reason Closed: Done. Contractor removed dead tree. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met Request: 35264 Survey Entered: 10-25-2018 Request Entered: 10/03/2018 Closed: 10/18/2018 Days Open: 15 Topic: Parks/Trail Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Lesliedaniel1@hotmail.com Description: Another dead one - three in this area Reason Closed: Done. Contractor removed dead tree. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met Request: 35371 Survey Entered: 10-24-2018 Request Entered: 10/12/2018 Closed: 10/17/2018 Days Open: 5 Topic: Sidewalk Repair/Concrete C&G- 1007 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Jovie Schrager Description: There is a patch of concrete on the sidewalk that is raised and I have tripped over multiple times. Please fix it. Reason Closed: Grind down lifted concrete area and patched with concrete filler. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Below How can the City improve?: The attempt to get the problem fix was good but unfortunately I don't think the solution fixed the problem. The uneven sidewalk still exists therefore the possibility of someone getting hurt still exists. Request: 35427 Survey Entered: 10-25-2018 Request Entered: 10/17/2018 Closed: 10/18/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Tree Issues 171 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Vanessa Description: I see homeless people camping out behind this tree Bush here at night. And in the morning when I take my morning walk I see trash left behind. Thinking maybe you should cut it!! Reason Closed: Finished, completed, cut tree How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met How can the City improve?: I like the fact that I can find something and report it and the city is pretty good about it. Just like this issue. Request: 35447 Survey Entered: 10-26-2018 Request Entered: 10/18/2018 Closed: 10/19/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: FM/Plumbing Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: C Barron Description: Just a thank you for responding to the water emergency on Saturday at the fields. Employee showed up, shut off the water and told me about someone coming on Monday to do clean up in both restrooms. Mop the floors and wipe down the baseboards. Walked in on Wednesday and looked and smelled nice and clean. So thank you very much. Reason Closed: Work is done. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded Request: 35459 Survey Entered: 10-25-2018 Request Entered: 10/20/2018 Closed: 10/25/2018 Days Open: 5 Topic: FM/Janitorial Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: C Barron Description: Soap dispenser is missing. Reason Closed: Work is done. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: No answer In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded 172 HAND OUTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 2018 November 7, 2018 Vicki Rosson 79850 Parkway Esplanade South La Quinta, CA 92253 Cheri Flores, La Quinta Design & Development: CLFORES@LAQUINTA.GOV Danny Castro, La Quinta Design & Development:DCASTRO@LAQUINTACA.GOV LINDA EVANS, MAYOR levans@la-guinta.org KATHLEEN FITZPATRICK, MAYOR PRO TEM: kfitzpatrick@la-guinta.org JOHN PENA, COUNCIL MEMBER: jpena@la-quinta.org ROBERT RADI, COUNCIL MEMBER: rradi@la-quinta.org STEVESANCHEZ, COUNCIL MEMBER: ssanchex@la-quinta.org Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Please be advised that I am "strongly opposed" the project of a 3 story 141-160 hotel rooms backed up to the park and homes in a bedroom community. Many neighbors have concerns this hotel will be a nuisance for the following reasons: •The property is not zoned for hotels because "Neighborhood Commercial" is supposed to be used for businesses neighbors could use every day. •Temporary use permits for hotel events and parties could means any noise complaint to the police would be met with a response of, "Live with it. They have a permit from the City" .. •At 3 stories, it would be the biggest building arounc;i and not consistent with surrounding single-story businesses and single-story neighborhoods. •The hotel could be a drain on public resources with increased police nuisances calls for noise, park disturbances, and traffic in a neighborhood. •The project looks like and will function like a LGBT party hotel suited for Palm Springs not a bedroom community •Trees and gates will not block noise and there is no way to fix it •It is a bad project, too tall, too industrial, and looks like a prison in its design •Design and function is NOT appropriate to the neighborhood We strongly oppose and urge the City Council to REJECT the Jefferson Square Hotel! Si� Vicki Rosson Esplanade Community COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 20, 2018 - HANDOUT BY VICKI ROSSON PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA SUBJECT: PROPOSED HOTEL DEVELOPMENT AT JEFFERSON SQUARE (SDP 2018-0001) POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 2018 11/20/2018 1 City Council Meeting November 20, 2018 City Council Meeting November 20, 2018 P1 - La Quinta Academy Presentations 11/20/2018 2 EXPLORE LA QUINTA  VISITORS  GUIDE Ubaldo Ayon Missy Mendoza Luis Magallanez Marcie Graham – Sponsor 11/20/2018 3 PROJECT PURPOSE ➤Expand on the PlayInLaQuinta.com website  into a tangible collateral piece for visitors  and the community alike.  ➤Showcase the many amenities and  attractions in La Quinta bringing tourism  and revenue to the City.  ➤Creating a resource guide for visitors to  stay and explore the different facets of La  Quinta.  GUIDE CONTENT 11/20/2018 4 ATTRACTIONS HISTORIC SITES ➤Art in Public Places ➤Art on Main Street ➤BMW Raceway Experience ➤Century Theaters La Quinta ➤Creation Station ➤Farmer’s Market in Old Town La  Quinta ➤La Quinta Library ➤La Quinta Museum ➤Vale La Quinta ➤The Village ➤Cove Casitas ➤Bear Creek Canyon ➤Desert Club ➤Rancho Xochimilco ➤Ancient Lake Cahuilla ➤Brandshaw Trail/Point Happy ➤La Quinta Hotel  CLQ EVENTS COACHELLA VALLEY EVENTS ➤Brew in LQ ➤Christmas Tree Lighting ➤City Picnic & Birthday ➤Desert Youth Olympics ➤Fly Over La Quinta ➤Summer Golf Tour ➤La Quinta Egg Hunt ➤Mission LQ: Rocket Launch ➤Moonlight Hikes ➤Pillars of the Community ➤September 11 Candlelight Vigil ➤Street Food Cinema ➤Toast to LQ ➤Veteran’s Day Ceremony ➤CareerBuilder Challenge ➤BNP Paribas Open ➤Coachella Music Festival ➤IronMan 70.3 Indian Wells La Quinta ➤La Quinta Arts Festival ➤Stagecoach Music Festival 11/20/2018 5 PARKS FITNESS ➤Basketball Courts (La Quinta Park) ➤Biking Trails ➤Community Pool (Fritz Burns Park) ➤Desert Recreation District  ➤La Quinta Wellness Center  ➤La Quinta Park NFC ➤Open Gym (Gerald Ford La Quinta Boys &  Girls Club ➤Pickle Ball (Fritz Burns Park) ➤Tennis Courts (Fritz Burns Park) ➤Adams Park ➤Civic Center Campus ➤Cove Oasis  ➤Desert Pride Park ➤Eisenhower Park  ➤Fred Wolff Nature Preserve ➤Fritz Burns Park/Dog Park  ➤Lake Cahuilla Regional Park  (County) ➤La Quinta Park/La Quinta  Community Park ➤Monticello Park  ➤Pioneer Park/Dog Park  ➤Saguaro Park ➤Seasons Park/Dog Park ➤Velasco Park  GOLF HIKING/TRAILS ➤La Quinta Resort – Dunes Course ➤La Quinta Resort – Mountain Course ➤PGA West – Greg Norman Course ➤PGA West – Nicklaus Tournament Course ➤PGA West – Stadium Course ➤SilverRock Golf Course ➤The Golf Club of La Quinta ➤The Palm Royale Country Club ➤Bear Creek Trail ➤Boo Hoff Trail ➤Cove to Lake Trailhead 11/20/2018 6 SHOPPING DINING ➤American ➤Italian ➤French ➤Mexican ➤Japanese ➤Thai ➤Vietnamese ➤Vegan ➤Highway 111 ➤The Village HOTELS VACATION RENTALS ➤La Quinta Resort & Club ➤Embassy Suites La Quinta ➤Homewood Suites La Quinta ➤The Chateau at Lake La Quinta  11/20/2018 7 11/20/2018 8 COACHELLA VALLEY MAP DISTRIBUTION ➤City Hall ➤Wellness Center ➤Museum ➤Library ➤Hotels ➤Short Term Vacation Rental Welcome Packets ➤City Partners ➤Farmer’s Market ➤City Websites (Electronically) 11/20/2018 9 11/20/2018 10 THANK YOU LQ Academy 1.0 November 20, 2018 BUDGET VIDEO 11/20/2018 11 Background •Team: Carlos, Michael, Beto, Dianne •Objective: Produce a Budget Video Art in Public Places Park Amenities Fleet Vehicles Highlights 11/20/2018 12 City Services •Parks •Events  •City Hall •Roadways   •Street Maintenance Filming •Pictures & Video •Editing •Locations •Collaboration 11/20/2018 13 Final Product 11/20/2018 14 ASSESSMENT TEAM LA QUINTAACADEMY 2018 LA QUINTA CORPORATE YARD TEAM STEVE HOWLETT-SPONSOR CARLA TRIPLETT KEVIN MEREDITH ALFRED BERUMEN DERRICK ARMENDARIZ CLAUDIA MARTINEZ 11/20/2018 15 PURPOSE City Hall, 1982 City Hall, 2018 PURPOSE City Yard, 1982 City Yard, 2018 11/20/2018 16 GOAL DETERMINE THE BEST LOCATION AND NEED FOR A NEW CORPORATE YARD PROCESS EVALUATE EXPLORE RECOMMEND CURRENT SITE LOCATION & FACILITY ASSESS OPTIONS LOCATION & BUILDING NEEDS 11/20/2018 17 FINAL SITE 11/20/2018 18 WORKSHOP AREAS CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED CURRENT OFFICE SPACE 11/20/2018 19 STORAGE CURRENT PROPOSED ATION WASH AREA/FUELING STATION CURRENT PROPOSED 11/20/2018 20 CITYWIDE BENEFITS STORAGE TRAINING & CONFERENCE ROOM EXPANSION WORKSHOP AREAS NEXT STEPS DEVELOP DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS DEVELOP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ISSUE RFP & EVALUATE RESPONSES FY 2020/21 CIP PROJECT 11/20/2018 21 LA QUINTA ACADEMY 2018 THANK YOU! City Council Meeting November 20, 2018 P2 – Update - Multi Species Conservation Habitat Plan 11/20/2018 22 More than three Decades of  Conservation in the Coachella Valley Cameron Barrows, PhD cbarrows@ucr.edu 11/20/2018 23 11/20/2018 24 “The Lizard Club” 11/20/2018 25 11/20/2018 26 11/20/2018 27 11/20/2018 28 11/20/2018 29 Benefits of Conservation Planning •Creates a blueprint for planning future development •Fast tracks developments once they are approved by local jurisdictions •Eliminates threats of law suits from environmental watchdog organizations •Ensures “healthy communities” with access to open space •Maintains a landscape that residents and vacationers want to visit •Reduces heat island effects of urban concrete and asphalt landscapes •Protects permeable surfaces for water infiltration and aquifer re‐charge “A conservationist is one who is humbly aware that with each  stroke [of the axe] he is writing his signature on the face of the land.”  “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity,  stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”  Aldo Leopold 11/20/2018 30 City Council Meeting November 20, 2018 B3 –Fiscal Year-End 2017/18 General Fund Budget Report 11/20/2018 31 Budget Summary General Fund Final Budget Actual % Revenues 52,363,100 56,348,857 108% Unassigned Reserves 2,000,000 2,000,000 100% OPEB Trust Reserves 1,523,400 1,523,400 100% Measure G Reserves 750,000 750,000 100% Total Revenues 56,636,500 60,622,257 107% Expenditures 57,118,663 44,887,050 79% Capital Carryovers 4,996,815 Land Acquisition Carryover 1,600,000 Building Carryover 400,000 Operational Carryovers 156,500 Total Expenditures 57,118,663 52,040,365 91% Top Revenue Sources Classification Total Revenue Measure G Sales Tax 9,967,566$ Transient Occupancy Taxes (Hotels, STVR, Resort Fees) 9,843,256 Bradley Burns Sales Tax 8,989,328 Propety Taxes 8,834,935 Fire Service Credit 7,052,080 Total for Top 5 Revenues 44,687,165$ 11/20/2018 32 General Fund  Expenses •87% under budget •Carryovers total $7,183,315 •Top 3 expenses were: General Fund Expenditures Final Budget Actual Variance City Council 324,000 259,964 (64,036) City Manager 807,460 783,671 (23,789) City Attorney 460,000 420,511 (39,489) Human Resources 516,590 474,561 (42,029) City Clerk 583,340 527,550 (55,790) Finance 1,159,860 1,033,895 (125,965) Centralized Services 17,791,833 8,217,796 (9,574,038) Police 15,879,100 15,083,365 (795,735) Fire 6,730,000 6,531,244 (198,756) Community Resources Admin. 728,650 631,998 (96,652) Wellness Center Operations 661,420 581,478 (79,942) Recreational Programs & Events 366,640 310,586 (56,054) Parks Maintenance 1,635,700 1,732,772 97,072 Marketing & Community Relations 1,173,350 1,074,172 (99,178) Public Buildings 1,613,650 1,639,767 26,117 Design & Development Admin. 1,206,870 786,361 (420,509) Planning 554,760 482,189 (72,571) Building 925,650 686,220 (239,430) Code Compliance/Animal Control 1,143,080 1,018,033 (125,047) The Hub 809,160 766,425 (42,735) Public Works Dev. Services 628,330 493,811 (134,519) Streets 8,600 10,459 1,859 Engineering Services 1,410,620 1,340,222 (70,398) Total Expenditures 57,118,663 44,887,050 (12,231,613) Capital Improvement Carryovers 4,996,815 Operational Carryovers 156,500 Land Acquisition Carryover 1,600,000 Building Improvements Carryover 400,000 Total Expenditures After Carryovers 57,118,663 52,040,365 (5,078,298) Department Expense Police Services 15,083,365$ Centralized Services 8,217,796 Fire Services 6,531,244 Total Top 3 29,832,405$ Amended Carryovers Vendor/Program Account Number Description Original Amended GENERAL FUND OPERATIONAL CARRYOVERS TOT Rebate Program 101-1007-60536 Ironman Event & Unassigned 90,000$ 90,000$ Ironman Event 101-3003-60149 December 2018 Contribution 37,500 37,500 Accounting and Auditing Services 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 29,000 29,000 Marketing and Tourism Promotions 101-3007-60461 Marketing and Tourism Promotions - 30,000 General Fund Operational Carryovers 156,500$ 186,500$ Various Multi-Year Capital Projects 101-1007-99900 Transfers Out for CIP Projects 6,356,500$ 4,996,815$ Land Acquisition 101-1007-74010 Land Acquisiton with Approval -$ 1,600,000$ Building Improvements 101-1007-71050 Improvements with Approval -$ 400,000$ General Fund Capital Carryovers 6,356,500$ 6,996,815$ Total General Fund Carryovers 6,513,000$ 7,183,315$ Continuing Appropriations/Carryovers from 2017/18 to 2018/19 CAPITAL PROJECTS & CAPITAL EXPENSES 11/20/2018 33 Fund  Balance •New Reserve  Policy •Reported at  Year‐End  •Adjusted at  Mid‐Year Reserve/Fund Balance As of June 30, 2018 Target Non-Spendable Prepaid Costs 90,657 Land Held for Resale 8,320,000 Advances to Other Funds 14,954,085 Due from Other Governments 29,611,707 Total Non-S pendable 52 ,976,449 Committed Carryovers 2,186,500 Cash Flow Reserve 5,000,000 5,000,000 Natural Disaster Reserve 7,400,000 10,000,000 Economic Disaster 8,140,000 11,000,000 Capital Re placement Reserve 5,000,000 10,000,000 Pension Trust Benefits 2,000,000 10,000,000 Total Committed 29 ,726,500 Assigned Public Safety Fire Services 9,754,327 Measure G Sales Tax 5,169,970 Capital Pro jects 4,996,815 Total Assigned 19 ,921,112 Unassigned 19,199,505 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 121,823,566 Discussion & Questions 11/20/2018 34 City Council Meeting November 20, 2018 PH1 – Community Development Block Grant 2019-20 & 2019-24 Consolidated Plan 11/20/2018 35 Community Development Block Grant 2019-20 Background •County of Riverside EDA CDBG Program –Federal Program overseen by HUD –Administered by County •City of La Quinta –Cooperating City under County CDBG Program –Program participant since 1983 11/20/2018 36 Program Overview •Annual process to allocate CDBG funds •Estimated 2019‐20 allocation ‐$121,443 •Public Services –15% threshold •Public facilities and improvements –85% Program Overview What can be funded •Public facilities & improvements •Special economic development activities •Affordable housing •Public services Who can be funded •Non‐profit  organizations •Local governments •Public Housing  Authorities 11/20/2018 37 Public Service Applications •Boys and Girls Club, La Quinta Unit: Fee waiver/reduction program –$30,000 •Coachella Valley Rescue Mission: Emergency Food and Shelter Program –$100,000 •Coachella Valley Housing Coalition: Afterschool Program -$10,000 Public Improvement Applications •City of La Quinta: –ADA improvements at City‐owned facilities ‐$103,227 11/20/2018 38 2019-24 CDBG Consolidated Plan •Consolidated plan required by HUD •City required to conduct community needs survey Funding Priorities •Public service needs •Housing needs •Accessibility needs •Infrastructure improvements 11/20/2018 39 Questions?