2018-19 Riverside County - CDBG SupplementalRevised May 2017  M E M O R A N D U M TO: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager FROM: Monika Radeva, City Clerk DATE: August 9, 2018 RE: Supplemental Agreement for the 2018/19 CDBG Program which covers: (1) City of LQ Misc. ADA Improvements ($46,226); and (2) Boys & Girls Club – Coachella Valley ($18,217) for a Total of $64,443 in CDBG Funds Attached for your signature. Please sign the attached 2 agreements and return to the City Clerk for processing and distribution. Requesting department shall check and attach the items below as appropriate: X Contract payments will be charged to account number: Special Revenue Fund 210 X Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: N/A A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) is attached with _____ no reportable interests in LQ or ____ reportable interests N/A A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests is not required because this Consultant does not meet the definition in FPPC regulation 18701(2). Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: X Approved by the City Council on OCTOBER 3, 2017 (CC Resolution No. 2017-052) N/A City Manager’s signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2018-014 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. This expenditure is $____________and authorized by _________[Council, Director, etc] N/A Initial to certify that 3 written informal bids or proposals were received and considered in selection The following required documents are attached to the agreement: N/A Insurance certificates as required by the agreement (approved by Risk Manager on _____________ date) N/A Performance bonds as required by the agreement (originals) N/A City of La Quinta Business License number ________________________ N/A A requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (amounts over $5,000) N/A A copy of this Cover Memo has been emailed to Finance (Sandra) CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROTECTION CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY has complied with the requirements of the Director of Industrial Relations under the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code of the State of California. The employees, governing body, and other legally authorized or appointed committees or commissions of City of La Quinta are covered in accordance with California Labor Law and the provisions of the California JPIA Memorandum of Coverage of the Primary Workers' Compensation Program for the period of July 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019. CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY Jonathan R. Shull, Chief Executive Officer August 9, 2018 John Thurman County of Riverside P.O. Box 1180, Riverside, CA 92502 Member Name: City of La Quinta Activity: Supplemental agreement for the use of 2018-2019 Community Development Block Grant Funds Coverage Period: From 12:01 AM on 7/1/2018 to 11:59 PM on 6/30/2019 The City of La Quinta (Member) along with other California public agencies, is a member of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (California JPIA), and participates in the following self-insurance and commercial insurance program that is administered by the California JPIA for its members: Primary Liability Program, Including Automobile Liability Coverage Limit: $1,000,000 per occurrence Annual Aggregate Limit: $1,000,000 Workers' Compensation Program Coverage Limits Statutory Employers Liability $1,000,000 Coverage is subject to all the terms, Definitions, Exclusions, Conditions and Responsibilities of the Memorandum of Coverage - Primary Liability Program and the Limits of Coverage stated above. Sincerely, Jim Thyden Insurance Programs Manager cc: Pam Nieto, La Quinta, pnieto@laquintaca.gov August9,2018JohnThurmanCountyofRiversideEDAP.O.Box1180Riverside,CA92502MemberName:CityofLaQuintaAdditionalProtectedParty:CountyofRiversideActivity:SupplementalAgreementfortheUseof2018-2019CommunityDevelopmentBlockGrantfundsCoveragePeriod:From12:01AMon9/1/2018to11:59PMon6/30/2019TheCityofLaQuinta(Member)alongwithotherCaliforniapublicagencies,isamemberoftheCaliforniaJointPowersInsuranceAuthority(CaliforniaJPIA),andparticipatesinthefollowingself-insuranceandcommercialinsuranceprogramthatisadministeredbytheCaliforniaJPIAforitsmembers:PrimaryLiabilityProgram,IncludingAutomobileLiabilityCoverageLimit:$1,000,000peroccurrenceAnnualAggregateLimit:$1,000,000WorkersCompensationProgramCoverageLimitStatutoryEmployersLiability$1,000,000OnbehalfoftheMember,theCaliforniaJPIAagreestoincludetheabove-namedadditionalProtectedPartyasaProtectedPartyundertheMemorandumofCoverage-PrimaryLiabilityProgram,subjecttotheabove-statedlimits,butonlyfor‘Occurrences’arisingoutofthedescribedactivity,duringthedescribedCoveragePeriod,andwhererequiredunderthetermsofawrittenagreementbetweentheMemberandtheadditionalProtectedParty.TheCaliforniaJPIAwillendeavortoprovideatleastthirty(30)daysnoticeofanychangeintheforegoinginformation.Ifthewrittenagreementrequires,coverageshallbeprimary.Ifthewrittenagreementrequires,subrogationiswaived.Coverageissubjecttoalltheterms,Definitions,Exclusions,ConditionsandResponsibilitiesoftheMemorandumofCoverage-PrimaryLiabilityProgramandtheLimitsofCoveragestatedabove.AnyinjuryordamagecausedbythesolenegligenceoftheadditionalProtectedPartynamedaboveisnotcovered.Sincerely,JimThydenInsuranceProgramsManagercc:PamNieto,LaQuinta,pnieto@laquintaca.govCALlFOR.NIA]‘P’I’ACALIFORNIAJOINTPOWERSiNSURANCEAUTHORITY8081MOODYSTREET,LAPALMA,CA90623TEL(562)467-8700FAX(562)860-4992