2018-11-08 SRR Joint Buyer & Seller Escrow Instructions Phase 1B 11-8 Final-1- 4849-2578-0090.1 JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTION LETTER Dated: November 8, 2018 Via E-Mail: smaestas@fnf.com;samanthamaestasteam@fnf.com Ms. Samantha Maestas, Commercial Escrow Officer Fidelity National Title, National Title Services 4370 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 240 San Diego, California, 92122 Re: Escrow No. 30019421 -005 SM1 (“Escrow”)with Fidelity National Title Insurance Company (“Escrow Holder”)and Amendment No. 3 to Purchase, Sale, and Development Agreement (November 7, 2018) (the “Amendment No. 3”) between the City of La Quinta, a California charter city and municipal corporation (“City”), and SilverRock Development Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“SRDC”). Dear Ms. Maestas: This letter constitutes the joint escrow instructions of City and SRDC and its affiliate, SilverRock Phase 1 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“SRP”) with respect to the Escrow and the documents and funds identified below (“Joint Instruction Letter”). Unless otherwise indicated below, all of the documents delivered to Escrow as referenced below are undated and are to be dated by Escrow Holder pursuant to the below instructions. I.Closing Documents. A.Documents Delivered to Escrow by City. City has previously deposited into Escrow or will deposit into Escrow the following documents: Non-Recordable Documents: 1.One (1)original Amendment No. 3 to Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement by and between City and SRDC (the “Amendment No. 3”) executed City. 2.One (1) original Agreement to Share Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue (Lifestyl e)(“TOT Revenue Share Agreement”)by and between City and SilverRock Phase I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“SRP”) executed by City. Recordable Documents: -2- 4849-2578-0090.1 3.One (1) original Declaration of Conditions and Reservation of Easements (“Reserved Easement”) by the City executed and acknowledged by the City. 4.One (1) original Amendment to Grant Deed (Phase 1A-PSDA Amendment No. 2)(the “Grant Deed Amendment”)by and between City and SRDC and executed and acknowledge by City. 5.One (1) original Amended and Restated Agreement Containing Covenants, Conditions, And Restrictions Affecting Real Property (Luxury Hotel) (“Amended and Restated TOT Covenant (Luxury Hotel)” by and between City and SRDC executed and acknowledged by City. 6.One (1) original Amendment to Memorandum of Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement (Phase 1A Property-PSDA Amendment No. 2) (“Amendment to Memo of PSDA”)by and between City and SRDC executed and acknowledged by City. 7.One (1) original Grant Deed (Phase 1B)(“Grant Deed (Phase 1B)”)by and between City and SRP executed and acknowledged by City. 8.One (1) original Memorandum of Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement (Phase 1B Property –PSDA Amendment No 3) (“Memo of PSDA (Phase 1B)”) by and between City and SRP executed and acknowledged by City. 9.One (1) original Option Agreement (Phase 1A Property & Phase 1B Property (excluding Planning Areas 7, 8, & 9))and Termination of Prior Phase 1A Option Agreement (“Option Agreement (Phase 1A/1B)”)by and between City and SRP executed and acknowledged by City. 10.One (1) original Option Agreement (Phase 1B Property -PA 7, 8, & 9) (“Option Agreement (PA 7, 8, 9)”) by and between City and SRP executed and acknowledged by City. 11.One (1) original Agreement Containing Covenants, Conditions, And Restrictions Affecting Real Property (Lifestyle Hotel) (“TOT Covenant (Lifestyle Hotel))” by and between City and SRP executed and acknowledged by City. 12.One (1) original Release of Covenant Affecting Real Property (Golf Course Use)(“Release”)by City and approved by SRP executed and acknowledged by City. -3- 4849-2578-0090.1 13.One (1) original Grant of Easement and Agreement (“Grant of Easement”) by and between SRP and City executed and acknowledged by City. 14.One (1) original Assignment and Assumption Agreement by and between SRDC and SRP (“Assignment and Assumption”) with Consent signed by City. B.Documents Delivered to Escrow by SRDC and SRP. SRDC and SRP have previously deposited into Escrow or will deposit into Escrow the following documents: Non-Recordable Documents: 1.One (1) original Amendment No. 3 executed SRDC. 2.One (1) original TOT Revenue Share Agreement executed by SRP. 3.One (1) original Guaranty of Completion made by The Robert Green Company, a California corporation, for the benefit of the City. Recordable Documents: 4.One (1) original Grant Deed Amendment executed and acknowledge by SRDC. 5.One (1) original Amended and Restated TOT Covenant (Luxury Hotel) executed and acknowledged by SRDC. 6.One (1)original Amendment to Memo of PSDA executed and acknowledged by SRDC. 7.One (1) original Assignment and Assumption executed and acknowledged by both SDRC and SRP. 8.One (1) Grant Deed by and between SRDC and SRP (“Grant Deed (SRDC Phase 1A)”)executed and acknowledged by both SRDC and SRP. 9.One (1) original Grant Deed (Phase 1B) executed and acknowledged by SRP. 10.One (1) original Memo of PSDA (Phase 1B)executed and acknowledged by SRP. 11.One (1) original Option Agreement (Phase 1A/1B)executed and acknowledged by SRP. -4- 4849-2578-0090.1 12.One (1) original Option Agreement (PA 7, 8, 9)executed and acknowledged by SRP. 13.One (1) original TOT Covenant (Lifestyle Hotel)executed and acknowledged by SRP. 14.One (1) original Release executed by SRP. 15.One (1) original Grant of Easement executed and acknowledged by SRP. II.Assembly and Dating of One Fully Executed Original of Each Document. For each of the above identified documents (collectively, the “Closing Documents”) from the Closing Documents deposited by or for City and the Closing Documents deposited by or for SRDC and/or SRP, other than the Completion Guaranty, assemble one fully executed, and where applicable, acknowledged, original for each Closing Document. When it is established that the Closing will occur, date all Closing Documents and blank date references in any of the Closing Documents the date of the Closing. Also, note that the Assignment and Assumption references the recording information of prior Recordable Documents which you are instructed to add to the Assignment and Assumption prior to its recording. III.Closing: Conditions of Closing. The close of Escrow (the “Closing”) shall consist of your causing the below Purchase Price to be paid to City from Escrow via Escrow Holder’s check and the following fully executed and acknowledged documents (the “Recordable Documents”)to be recorded in the Riverside County Recorder’s Office (the “Recorder”) in exactly the order presented below: 1.Reserved Easement. 2.Grant Deed Amendment. 3.Amended and Restated TOT Covenant (Luxury Hotel). 4.Amendment to Memo of PSDA. 5.Assignment and Assumption Agreement. 6.Grant Deed (SRDC Phase 1A). 7.Grant Deed (Phase 1B). 8.Memo of PSDA (Phase 1B). 9.Option Agreement (Phase 1A/1B). 10.Option Agreement (PA 7, 8, 9). -5- 4849-2578-0090.1 11.TOT Covenant (Lifestyle Hotel). 12.Release. 13.Grant of Easement. Promptly following the Closing you shall deliver to SRDC and/SRP (collectively referred to herein as “Developer”) as directed below and deliver to City as directed below a copy of each Recordable Document with recording information noted thereon, deliver to the City as directed below the fully executed original Amendment No, 3, and TOT Revenue Share Agreement and Completion Guaranty and deliver to Developer as directed below one copy of the fully executed original Amendment No, 3, and TOT Revenue Share Agreement and Completion Guaranty. Closing Documents to be delivered to Developer should be sent to Developer c/o Dana Schiffman, Esq., CGS3, 12750 High Bluff Drive, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92310. Closing Documents to be delivered to City should be sent to City c/o Monika Radeva, City Clerk, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. You may accomplish the Closing only upon fulfillment of all the following conditions: A.The deposit into Escrow by SRDC of six dollars ($6) as the “Purchase Price” for the transfer of land pursuant to Grant Deed (Phase 1B) , in good and sufficient funds, to be paid to City as described above. B.All conditions to the closing of the $212,250,000 construction loan (the “Loan”) from Mosaic SilverRock, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the “Lender”) to SilverRock Phase I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, SilverRock Lodging, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, SilverRock Luxury Residences, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, and SilverRock Lifestyle Residences, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company (individually and collectively, “Borrower”)set forth in the Lender’s instructions to Escrow Holder with respect to the Lo an and Borrower’s instructions to Escrow Holder with respect to the Loan (collectively, the “Loan Closing Instructions”) have been satisfied with the exception of the Closing hereunder. C.The Lo an Closing Instructions provide for the payment from Escrow of $257,240 to Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes, $187,540.23 to Contech and $351,069.51 to Granite Construction. D.Receipt from City of any other documents Escrow Holder may generally require from City to accomplish the Closing and receipt from Developer of any other documents Escrow Holder may generally require from Developer to accomplish the Closing. E.You hold funds from Developer and/or Lender sufficient to pay t he costs of Escrow, recordation of the Recordable Documents (if any)and all transfer taxes (if any). -6- 4849-2578-0090.1 F.You have had the Recordable Documents pre-screened by the Recorder to confirm they are in good form for recordation. If they are not, yo u will instruct the undersigned who will arrange for the City and SRDC and/or SRP to correct or cure any deficiency. G.You have dated all undated Closing Documents as directed above and completed any other blanks pursuant to mutual instructions of Developer Representative (as defined below) and City Representative (as defined below) and substituted all pages (if any provided)pursuant to mutual instructions of Developer’s Representative and City’s Representative. H.YOU HAVE RECEIVED VERBAL AUTHORIZATION BY TELEPHONE OR EMAIL AUTHORIZATION FROM A DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE AND A CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO CLOSE THE TRANSACTION. IV.Acknowledgement. Fidelity National Title Insurance Company acknowledges that the countersignature of this Joint Instruction Letter by its individual representative(s), transmitted to the undersigned via any means (including facsimile or scanned e-mail attachment), shall represent a valid and binding obligation. By signing and delivering a counterpart of this Joint Instruction Letter, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company is acknowledging and agreeing as follows: (i) Fidelity National Title Insurance Company has received all of the Closing Documents described in Section I of this Joint Instruction Letter; and (ii) Fidelity National Title Insurance Company shall fulfill all instructions directed to Fidelity National Title Insurance Company in this Joint Instruction Letter. V.Amendment, Modification or Revocation and Counterparts. This Joint Instruction Letter may be revoked, amended or modified in a writing executed by a ll parties hereto at any time prior to the Closing. Each of the following persons is a “Developer Representative” and each is authorized to sign any revocation, supplement, amendment or modification to this Joint Instruction Letter on Developer’s behalf: Dana Schiffman, Joseph von Meier or Craig Swanson (all Developer’s counsel) or Robert Green, Jr. Each of the following persons is a “City Representative”and each is authorized to sign any revocation, supplement, amendment or modification to this Joint Instruction Letter on City’s behalf: Frank J. Spevacek (City Manager), William Ihrke, Esq (City Attorney) and Jon McMillen. This Joint Instruction Letter may b e executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Please acknowledge your agreement to and acceptance of these instructions by signing the enclosed copy of this Joint Instruction Letter and returning it to Dana Schiffman, Esq., counsel for Developer, at: dschiffman@cgs3.com and to Robert Green at robert@therobertgreencompany.com and to Frank Spevecek at Fspevacek@laquintaca.gov. Jon McMillen at jon@tallmangroup.net and William Ihrke, Esq. at bihrke@rutan.com. If you are unable to comply with these instructions for any reason, please contact the representatives of the undersigned identified above as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance. -8- 4849-2578-0090.1 The undersigned acknowledges receipt of this Joint Instruction Letter and agrees to proceed in strict accordance therewith. B y f acilitating the Closing as described herein, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of this Joint Instruction Letter, whether or not a signed copy has been returned. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: Name: Its: Dated: ______________