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Y • Y A, A ter, _ ^ J _* r—� y � 7' .�•c.- r y y '�,- • t _ T . , S:••. �[" i ,' . s:.�• J A.- D O L A N C O'NVS,T WU C T I-U'N- LICENSEy #64S369.t ' Y FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL'SHEET r0 y -FROM: ' t t '.` COMPANY: DATE: ' FAX NUMBER TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER ` PHONE NUMBER y 1 r• SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER � l i RE �'• ` , i YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER 74 - I t A tjt l �t �r��!� L: (�, ar • '" 4 ' r .. M1. URGENT. �EVIEW ❑PLEASE COMMENT PLEASE REPLY ❑ PLEASE RECYCLE' - ' cam•;. - a«w ., - • �- �. 44 NOTESXOMMENTSe h' A_ * 4 _ � ". t ��CC,�G= �- (�—�'�{.�t-,(.,� ✓-' 1 •�'i.JC�. �� 1 6'��(-J'-•47Z-C s� 77 lz • S `' is .• . 'Y • , . • a {. a z • '! � '�' - a[ S _'+ '-•f . � r C. ` � _j �tZ • � � r. .; _ f • � - ; t. . � _ `, '` • . Fr. a �' ' 74-040 HIGHWAY II I SUITE L-207•.-PALM.DESERT, CA- 92260 - { - Y, ; , PHONE: (760) 340-0905'• FAX:, (760) 779-9546 + ~� +• ` - �. -Sent By: GAS CO; _. 766 7,73 9243, 17 Jan 03 3:59PM;Job:891-;Page 1 ,,x ;• ' 1 ))))�"f. i ;cam f 1'_ ''jj .r'i`'M4x•'r'11 � 14 kip O� " .75095 Mayfair Drive, Polai Desert; C A: 72 11-5102• -Fag- Cover Sheet DATE: January 17; 2003 YJOE 1 ,. - - Y 'TO: DOLAN FAX: (i60) T79=8546 FROfl9 'PAT DOANE i RHONEr. {764j346-4248 .. FAX: (760) 773.9243 Number,of pagoc including cover shee� , PLEASE SIGN AND PAX BACK-,- SEND PAYMENT TO MAYFAIR t XbDRESS • i. - i t to F t •+ r< • -�i- - - • } i • - � ~. .Y • h ` r - i' .M A ', `' '• -Thanks; PAT } U ` - �. a '� + ` •, - , • . ' ' • - ` ,. - -• i � - Y ' ' � • • , 1 , '• L, -Sent By GAS CO3' 760 773 9243; 17 Jan'03 4:OOPPA;Job 891;Page 2/8, .MAIN•_nuff. 5TM ra wa- . WmA"xJ�tl>:3'. ,_3955DM1 3 - , (JYl'F;kKY Mh'EW _NS MP-WS i r r :TYPE = MMPL 6' & WER•PLASTIC ` k' ' �'• ' Fti«F - :XCvuNP N-JM EP 34143036 aver cnfm. lX. ESTIMAM START ARTS 01/29/2003' . t> '' ,• �" 4 s _ .. LATE PREPARID " OlJll/03 r,.'biiC 1'1"1,E.78710•AJEt+iIGA NULr."•TRA ! • •' _ '. - ; �� : } - iACP NU `s.. 4 LCY;' NV. .lti7 LOCAL VTVIER.TM. S4ION. • 'RIC! WAY R�6rRr�, v�rIfl EIPM C)PLAINDIsPALM,�M. . . + CITY. - LA 902M mmm 17M 7n NttM M t ISM .D10. III 103 �'� Iv- S=CE OF svmll 104 =LL m! cisTtU'IERS NO. OF SER�IICL'9 1;-� rmiRFFtt'irxa tNMI.M.-l' t OF ISM' A YLASTIC'QU MAW, OWT Q LOT I AytiF 5' A'E: T Or W&W-r L#/Lm Or t= to cN AVamiL LTtlt:",TpA ; TTti' rW !,A UUINTA♦= - . -ALL EXCAVAT ;� !"1LL,CL2M-U&(S7MA0 ICN !I4i. T iG N="M) DY DCUR CONDT MCM. � _ t1 17 N, I. _ y • - - ,. - � _ __- _•. -•--�... , . mil. _ - ........ .. -. i ,•. MA 1 N MAI N MAIN x. WbRk Yt�F rNrxtJx` •SIZE/MATL/P^�ra, T1"i'E LENC'J1i 5tA►,/rintL/i+xi s TYPE Lmam 3,ZGAAZLimM 1 .----- a.--- -- -M .. ---------- - - - I. 1 llJl'AL•Ft7U;f" Uk' IWLN .' jljl I kIILE 20 Fvy'nedE ALLOQWXA .......... . ' •' �. J • r-. .lop ltwlx• :r:Kcm; x x M A R K 8 _ wIN9 91T1 9kR1:Cii S4I I MAIN, AI,T,..TRFNt14JM,'& HAC•KPILL"BY dlK6Fi. PJthkf4xEY1 BY: �: -- wrm PDOWC f<SVISWBC LS`r: — AYPRO�IiC LiY' nAll*t3 RPFRrri/FTJ v '�i hyVT C1R J Tf 141I� SERVICEF MANAriF3t ,' iL3TIIG�.L R a'"R 5 i F. � i. r., ; r_ - • .. - 'i40,s (AS CCWANv. Rir+l 2370 _ - '• _`-. _ ` ,. - .~ :. Sent By: GAS CO; 760 773 9243; 17 Jan 03 4:OOPM;Job 891;Page 3/6 Lino Ext*naion.Contraot w a Rafarance;a: Gds Company project. #: 00000052402 SelnpraE�t:tHye�a� E'rojcct Lonat.ihn: iH JO AVEN1'DA NUESTRA .,07 DOLAN '14040 HWY Ill PALM DESERT, CA y,!k60 Project scope: Residential, sinRlw tutaily, project locat-PA at 78710 Avenida Nuestra, in the CiLy of La Quinta, Cuurl.ty of Riirersimp. lastall Main, ,etvicQ/Meter to I1I p1mulyd dwelling unit(s), in App.lieaaL 17Y4ViC1P.d trench. Thtr ejIginePri.ng. regaiiL•eti. fur the installdLiull of the fAnol I i t.iera da deac:rilJed above in the ProlPc:t. SCUPer, based on the iafur;matie.n you have p'rovid4d u:�, hay been-comrjetpd. ThP AttAnhed I,Exhibit A" dated 01/17/2003 detail.., the! estimdted:costs and allowanrPS, and also 111djeatcs any advances acid contrihutiona, if L•eyuired'at thl.s timo. Please provide uj with an address lisL for the proper.t.y, if;appl.iQ"lu, including any internal dpdLLrllcnt or unit numbeLs or letters as quickly d�:pussiblc. This wa..11 A'ssiSt 11S in providing timely. irsLallation of the requested yds meters and/or rat'ltnds of your Letundable 6dVAncea. To arknuwle dgc you raraipL of l: Q JSxklibit A, confirmation of the scope of the_ Project, _........_...._ and vevoipt,.••asad agreement with the enoloaed t3en_aral Conditions, E 1 ,AIRA have this leiLLdr executed by your eiuLhorizod rerreslantative (a) (Owner or corpornte• otfil-er) anti return all parjPa to The Ga* company rw,presetlLdLivc listed below. Your i•eturii of the executed chpy of tnis 1edLtet plus any r*quired advance will cnnsti.tute yuui iequcst to The Gas Company to asche;dule the insta113Liora and your agreement Lu Exhibit A aiad the GPnAral_ Conditions. 'timely return of Lhis letter wil.1 ensure that your constr'unfion is nuL ddlaytad. A Copy of the 10tteL' Clop been provided for your records. Thank ynv for thin upportunity to provide you with natural oss to ervee yuur erlevgy rpelul rame?rity . W+ are r1pAaRed to have you as , G15 finmpany cvstome: area want to l�rovidr_ you with the: best po�Ri.hl'd. adLviCe. If you hAvo any que:iLiui'is, plcaze r_.ontarr..mp At. (L)t)L) 335-7629. ,,i nrerely, JON BLACK PRCjF(IT MANAGER /5095 MAYFAIR br. PALM DESERT, CA 92211 perm Rglly�G,_Effectivo July 2002 T,inw EALeneion Gartra<t N1 00000057407-1 Dne.ril: Ui/012003 L'aQe 1 Of 4 S: Sent By: GAS CO; 760 773 9243; 17 Jan 03 4:01PM;Job 691;Page 4/6 SOUTHERN.:. CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR LINE EXTENSIONS f ThasN tire the general conditions under which SuuLhezn California (;Am Cuitiptiny ("Thc Ciao t:orrrpdrly") will provide line extensions fur Applicants.. I. COSTS A, PAtimuLess and. DLWAt.i.on_ The Qnclosed Fxhlhit A eiiLlwatc is valid for 961 days arlcl.rnay he reviaod after that Lime if the instaildLioil of gas farili;ties. tor Lllti 171:,ujoct has not begun. Once Thee Utia Company hAgi.ns laird i4-4otallation, thA estirnaLed cost will remain in c•ffeat for 12 ruullths. If at the e:ild of the twelve noritho Lhe work is not., r.nmplAtA, The GaG Cotrlpaily reserves the riyJ'it to da.i,nnlato its c:ojt* for the work completed, le** rpplic:ablc' allowances, and issue a now pro jecL and Line Extansi on CoaLrdc:L for the remaining inst.allaLion woik. Tf Additiurlal Monies are clue, ApplivariL agrees to pay thern within 30 days ditcr invoi.rp. Applicant will be responsible far costs of engi.nepring, planning, surveying, right of way acquisition And other a3.00ciated r..osts. 0. A11Cwance$. ApplicanC(*) receivinq alluwailo<* as ,an oftsA:t. to the ation .costs arc responsible: for these costs and racy be billed suhjecL LV Lhc following: line extPnsiorr(s) wYlcre aa.lnwar;ces Yravr_ been rlrAnte!d to Lh Ftpplicant baFiRCi on future yes luau (s) musl'have the gas Llketcr(s) installed arlcl Lurncd on with:hnna fide load within six (6) 1lrurtt1z4* for mAi.n/main and servine(s) in!sLallations and twelves ' (12)- ruonths for servioe(s) . only installdLions.•Th.Psa time ttamcs Comnenr..A tr.om Lhd dat4 The Gat Company completed the: inSLallation of gas facilities: Tt'ApplicanL fail* to ro;mrl:y, the ApplictiriL will bu billed for the oitfereiic:e between estimtrted allowances and aUthorizeci alluwaric:v:,, a* ueocribed in Tariff Rules 20 and/or 21. The bill amount. will lnulude Income Tax Component Contrihution arld ndvanre.a (ITCC:A/ClAC) Tax. Applicant rtqueott�d temporary sArvinp(s) are folly Collectible. Refunds s1'rall be. made and ualc:ulaLed in, cr..ordanrp with Mules 22. AttornaYs •Ceea•...aird Offe.et. Tt The Ua3 Gampany is required:to bring an action to c:ollent. _.___.. monies.; due or Lo enfOrcr- any oLheL right or remedy,_Applioat.L agrees that The as Company is enLiticd to r.erovesr iLs •zcasonahlA attorneys' fec.: ,;,nd. c6st.s. Thp. GasCompdtly may withhold from .any payments duo. ApplicanL any amounts App I i nhnt owes The: Gu* C��mpany. IT.. INDEiMI TY A. c;enerA I . Applicant shall inderinify and hold The Gas Company hdrmld::L from and against. alJ Ii.rsbiliLy (cxclud.i.ng only l'rd-Existing Environmental Liobility) connected with or resultlriy atom injury to or death of persons, inriudiny bUL:: nCt limiter( to employees of The G45 -ompa.ny or Applicant, injury t.o propejrLy of, The Gas: Company, ApplicanL or I d Lhi.tu party, 41- violatiwl of local, state or federal laws or regu;lanicns (e:xQluding cnvironmAntal ldws air 3:0.1911IAtiollu) (i.iu;luding attrirnAyaI feba)' Ati.*ing out of .the performance of this C;nntracL, exc+apt only for iiabillLy to the _xtent i.t is nAilsrd by the negligellcc or wi I I tul, misconduct of The Gas Cuulpdity. Fu,.w 3m-u. &ftective 71,11Y ;Ow)1i Life Wxt6n3ian rontrpml. B: 0UU(;jUL44U2-1 Waited: 0111'7/20r2 r••yrrr ;!-or 4 Sent By: GAS CO; 760 773 9243; 17 Jan 03 4:02PM;Job agl;Page 5/8, B. Fnvi•ronmsriL•ai. ,Applicant shal 1. indegulify and hold The Gai Company harmlpss tram and apinst any cind.all liability (including, attornr:yz,' fees) ar.•ising 011t.of. or ill arty way connected With the violation or c;umplianco with of any lor.a l;, State, I)r federal envir.oivaenL'al law or rpgul.arion da a iccult of pre—exiAting-:C:rnditluIl:i aL Lhe P.,Q.joet site, releaoc or spill of any pre-existing hazardous materials or wdaLe, or out of the. n,dl',uyGinert and rli apnsal of any pry-exi st.i ng. (1Ontarninaled soils or groundwater, hazardous or nonhaz2rrinus, removed from the ground ad a re:)ult of The :Gas Comrany's work pPrtor.med ("Pre-Rxi.stiny l:ir'1vlrOnmental. T,iability"), ii,cluding, but not: .IITOt.ad to,, liability for the coaL3, Cxponses, and Ieyal liability for F°nvi.ronmentAl i.nvestiyaLivr,3, monit'oiing, curlLainmcnt, abatement, rtu,uval, repair., nloAnup, restoraLicur,, r<smedizil work, penalties, ,end fines ari.siny trout the violation of any local, state, or federal law.or regulation, attoxnRys' fees, disbursements, and uLher ce:;ponsc costs. A5 between Applicant and The Cana Culnpa,ly, Applicant agrees Lu AQ"pt full reAponsihi lAty:tor and beaL'.dll cusLs a3:,ociated with Pre--ExisLing EnvironmentAl T.,iebility. Applicant ogrocs that The Gas Company may, stop wutk, terminate it, raciesiqu Ule sac; facilities to a dittc?rpnt lor:Atton, or take otrl6*z action reasonahly nece:saary to complete *its wclrk without incurrilry ally 1're- R.Vi.stiliq EnvironmentAl T.inbiliL•y. c. withholds Rights. ill addition to any other riyhLs l.0 withhold, The Gar, Company may withhold frog, payments due Appl.icarrL such amounts 'as, in The (,PS Company's retiwutidble. opirliall, a.c ncceissry to provide :;eeurity against a I I 1.oRy,: ciamage, expenoc and liability covered by the fortgoing indemnity provisions. III. WARRANTY Tho Gas Company reyuirea that Applic:Ant werraiiL del .nlatariaj&; and workmanship pertoi,46en' by Applicant (diitttly.or thrnugh a conLri-iQ,WL other than The Gas Company) stiall be free ot'all UwLQt�te and fit for their intended purpose. A one=year wdrrduLy ull ally rnaCerialy a,ld a two-year wxrr.xnty un any installation work provided aid soquircd. If Applicant's work or materials fail to conform to the warranLy,. Applicant shall re.imhllrse ThR. GAS Company- for Ll,e total cost of repair dnu/or replacement oi• the C;ar, Company may givd Applicant Ule opportunity to fix within a reasonable timR si.2nh defect(d). Such L•61l,0auroements are non••refuli(Aablc and the amount of such reuubutstincr'cto may be withheld by The Gas Company dad off3ot against rAtundable agwuuL:; owr4d Applicant. IV, TARIFF RULER..( C( ICSSIM A, Thin tine EvLelrslon Contract ("Contract.") c:urlalsLj of and incorporates by reference.. the line exLen.+ion contract Letter, Exh"it:7 A, General Con�lit.ions and all of The Gaa Culnpuny'o applicehlA tariff achodules and rules as f'IAd frpm time Lu Liu,e will, Ll:e California Public Utiliticc Commission ("commicsdioll"), iivl14ding but not limited to, the preliminary atdlenlvnt and Rules 1, 2, 4, :, 13, 20, 21 and 22. Copies ff these.. rules may be obtained by visiting thA EoCalGdt�' Intornct site at www.Aor-A!gns.,corn or by.requedtittq ccpics from your NAg C:ompaily representative. B. ThiR contrduL is at all tiMel, Rllb.iect to dual, ul,ai►gcc. or nodificaticros .as the Commi5sioll play direct from time Lu Lime in the exercise of its jurisdiction. C. No agent of 'file Ga* Company has Authority Lo lugke any tCzmo or representatinns •not ran .Alned ill Uli7 Contrar,.t And the tariff :scr,udulcs and Applicant hereby waivRs them And dyt•dd:r ncithor The :;aG Company nor: Applicant shall. be. hound: by then,. Furm 3905=U, 999'ective July 11115 1,in" Extension QontxP:t 4: 00000052402-1 rmtlid!' (11/1'1/2MIM Peyc.'! ul 1 Sent By; GAS CO; 760 773 9243; 17 Jan 03 4:02PM;'Job 891,;Page 6/8 v . JOINT• , AND SmR]►L LIAEILITY c� • Where two or mUrc ;'.arties are Applicants for. Proje(.L, The :Car Company shA 1 I di rent all co=unicationb,' bills and rofuride to the de Aignat.pci FppliQatYt, .but_•all Ap iinantq. shall by jointly and'seve.rally 1i)ib1e: to comply w:th all Ldtmc and uondi.tinns herein. VI. nn ImEnlovs. ; !,tub 000t`J'arF rAfl)ncidble only to thP• AXte'I1L Lite allowance- :VPnprAttbd by bLub tXle'11�1OT1J exceed the main to meter insta.i )Ation uobL;o, and only fnr tqn. yearts. Crum the date -of the stub installaLio)z. Refunds will be mQdc withemt intpreat, artd 110 refund will be made in exr.Asn 01 LhC amourt• Acivultued. V 11. AVTMOkT Z D S I @IATURE If ApplivanL is a corpnr.Atiuii, Nurtnership, joint-venLute, or group 6t indivinuals,. the rsuuburibcr hereto .repr®aente. that ha has the auLllurity to hind said norpurtiLluu, p;irrncrS, Joint. venLure, or indivi.dudla as th(.•.case may bA: My 3ignsture .hplow L,dprescnts my agreeiner)L a11d 'CCQPtaftC-e of the. ProjeuL col:iri:•nlation; E Exhibit A and SuuLhern California Gttb Company's General Concitiun:�.F.ur Link Extension:. I ar-.knowledgr and agree that The Gdi Company'ss rn;t. and allowance: estimates for this Pr.njeuL wvxQ based on infut•uration provided by me or my auth6rized reprAsent.ative. i ' further.acknowlndge nrid agree. that my siyudLurC represents Thy/my company'::; uyreement and understanding thaL oubsegupnr.. changes in Project scope may affttL;L .Lhe inotallition price and further, that if•allowances have bean granted, an additional contribution may be required.if the future loads on which the allowances wvre.baeed do not materialize. APPLM By Ad(irp A CA / LA j Title:. TP.l.ephhnc: T)atF1 ;nnial; SecuriLy of Federal Tux IL No. 10, �A li(-_�ant. is -a: _herk one) y.3eluividtt2l:/��.Le F'rQPL•iCtor _Cnrporar.inn _(;en. L'�iLn_rcliiF, _ Ltd. ?Artnprship �hLC, FOL11t JSU5-V, gitoctive Ally '.I)02 i.L1Y6 Yxterffion .:ontzaot t: nniiwmu -,�4u2-•i Uaied01/17/2001 Page 4 of -4 >Cuxe) ! Sent By:. GAS CO; 766 713 9243; i7.:Jan 03 = 4:03PM;Job, 891;Page 7/e ''.n 4 - _a � �. i y 4 '.'., ••ice` � � J t.. __ - !.� f e ' �� •2 �• ' - The Gays Colinpany _ ' • • ` f y ' 7 01/17/2001 _ SOLTMERYCALIFORNIA GAS COARAN}, :i SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPLICANT, PROVIDED TRUNCH - Project Number: 52402 Job ID or, Work- Requc;atNumber: "1345904 Job Location: ; 78710 AVENIDA NUESTR A ; . •1 r ' Tract Nuntber•{s): Lot Nurrrbcr(s): 167 " It is understood by acceptance 'of this agreement that Sots em Califomia Gas Cuffipany (SoCalGas) requirements related to trenching end backf"illing ace to tx met in all insteu�ces. LAny deviati '_'from these requirements that i nut. approved by an authorized SioCalt:tas representative shall be'considirctl unu>. , for this ,agreement to to come void and releases SoU(vas from any obligation of part iciprttion,in sin applicant provided trench installation. A lit The Applicant. will ito'tify SoGalGas at lv�t ton days,in'advance of staninir work. SnCal0as inay coordinate 3 t the installation of main and strrvice piping With other operations. . � - ' ' � ~. . ` . ' • uhta`n tl►e•necessat tronchi ►ts,` k� • <.� .� _ • ' The Applicant ar his authorized .age rit shall, at no cost to SoCalGab, 1 y ng pE+rrn tin ray all. inspection fees. and satisfy any and all other retiuixcipents Pertaining to trenching, baekfilling. arult- ` compaction called for by authorized governing agericies; }f - ' It is, agreed that trenches sisal i he. of such size as to provides a minimum •vertical clearance of twelve inches ` ` •, ti from power conducmrs of any size and a minimum separation of six"inches froin all +:ether substructures: All '-gas main And service piping shall have.a minimumthiriy inches u�v.er below tinished grade. _.All trenches must �� be level and ft of dckria at the tittle gas lines are to tx installed. ,All joint trench uid 'gas-tm.ly to nth will he j •, bael�filled with sand to be a minitirttn;i of twelve inches of cover over all giis main ind,service pipe in noriniil . yi)il and n minim um of eight, en inches in rgck--y-- soil, M-pili.to he deteriniinO by a SoCalGas represe ntative. Applicant shall be responsible far repair or reltn:alicin costs of su:y'gas facility v~_hich hmFs been changed, altered, or riitxliFed inside the project limits, without SoGalGas authors than. ,11 er to the drawirW )dated 02/02/96 /L10 ears T; of a cross section of is ji7int trench (no scale) attachud hereto and incorporated by, refererice. t 'SoCalCias will reimbui-6u car credit Applicant for acceptable trench at'the:agreed to ratio of $ I.00''per foot,'. which will be iden(Mcd on EXHIBIT A or EXHIBIT A•2 ec Site Preparation = +f This agreement is subject to Sc.Galras Tariff Rules 20 andlor 2•l,'wIiMi.Arc incorporated by reference; and is subject to such changes or•..niodifrcations as the Cci"mir�is+ion Wray direct fiom time to time in the exercise of i4y3 _ jurisdiction- .. •; {•, - _ ' YAccepted By Appl ieant: Accepted By Southern California Oms Company: ' :Company Name: .� Signature Signalure: 'Print 1Jarnc: ��' t i 1 H 1�� 'tvj - - Print Name:PATRICK DOANE ..... _r.___ Print Title .iiZ _. PrintTide:FPA - 'Date;: ' I ((� G Date:-_O1/l�t?03 L��• .,' - ��� �•T -'. — _ - - . " ��� ` - .. •` a •4 _ �..` � � '- -^ _ , .5 l - Sent By: GAS_C0; 760 773 9243; :1-7'Jan 03 .4:04PM;Job 891;page 8/8 `.. _.4f y 41;- ' „ Project ID P00�00052402. ?, `r Exhibit' P,' ;; COST -ANV ALLOWANCE Cf�LCIIL.TaTION- (ESTIMn' LS) 't r v. t• M(x}'lirsc'lchin�j by Applic ant (-)-Truiic h;ag \hry Gnmpany () � glicant be�iyti, 0 .7nimt �'lrench - ;. _.(X� f;a�)Only,'1'itiCiOh :yhti UU _ y 1137.00 ProJect Cost * 91te 8rwparation A119walace Appliid r ' .r _ .:AjvanrQ RequlrcJ. (Refundable): r S r'I1/t�'i K k + At:lvsnre�R�quiiea- (Non tlm -Redabld) " x 0. I1'CCA (CtAC-Tax) � P.734. " i S f iFaymfdiit Kr,.gavwd:.. 'Y 0.00 Total. ° r~ pxovidAm trend! will be traatFr•I.y v� .. f Site'pxcl•aratinn" xeiulkru �cmFnt Y�r a��li�4rat.F ' T,+riff Rlilea .�:0 b 2i '8n.ci payiurilt ,' if any, w:i 1;,, be k aid •'4m .the,acraad upon �� T price pPr. ±ouC ^times the 'actual fvotaoe nt :the t_reach used;*^ •� ¢xcansion f•:m,il.rnail. fY: 000006524621, •= ' j: !b>m 3906-D, ffr.r l.we July 20L�� Lire r� 'r ..�, - `'-• ' - ueiicht Wid rCf.Jiil-Lille pDIS 3GT•tI i•Ch YOIIL P�ymc,rl•. - ' '- ,t-r•Y` '' • ^ Date Mai led .. - .. 4 � . '01/.1i/2003 THIS SILL IS NOW DUE AND PAYABLE' r7QF DOLRN w- _ ems' TH 7404'0 HWY 111• +` e{ soanptae w��+ PALM ;_DESERT, .CA 922C0 `a; �NBMS Pic,' e` t ID 00000052402-.1' RT,FASE PITY 'PHIS -AMOUNT. U2UUU052�1020100000000932�760000 792.. 000052402 6" I + •tii. N i�� l Z :. . + ,•. .I�• r r.M j... A-i /' t 'i S i.ra. !. - >t .. N0Y`E: '4 f �" With proper validation rt 2 this.form constitutes an " • encroachment permit : � CITY OF LA QUINTA � • APPLICATION "FOR PERMIT • { .,. , 8a PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) OF TIiB�wS For the construction of "public or' private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers,, water mains and; other like public works improvements in connection, with" MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS • Subdivision Improvement Permit..- Class -III DATE: February 4. 20,03 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 'Hideaway Estates. Jefferson Street verimeter between 52tad and 54th . (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOS.E•OF CONSTRUCTION To encase utility areas Sketch'(attach construction plans if appropriate) . . DESCRIPTION OF -CONSTRUCTION 6" slump block • with slurry. This permit allows for the encroachment into the City'$ right-of-way to place DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL :6x -15' i 6' (5) `retaioin8 structures around threo•aides utility boxers only. Retaining structure permit shall be issued by SIZE :OF"EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED• Foatirnsta.2' x 20" the,.City''s Building b Safety Dept.; . APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL"BEGIN February 5. 2003 air _ � 'APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION February 7. 2003 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ - 8500.00 to Stir,�O,4A-C-�""wo / (Inc►uding removal of:all obstruction, materials,. and debris; backfilling, com-.A 3, paction• and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) of"the granting of permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: In consi8e'r`ation Indemnify,,defend•and,save the City, its authorized agents, officers,".representatives"and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities. or loss resulting from claims or. court' action'and arising.out of.any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or, occurring as a proximate result of, any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to ehis,application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when Work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances; the terms'andconditions•.of the permit and all -applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to ,pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent 'Dan'Williams 81-100 'Avenue 53.. La Quinta " (760) "391-5072 . Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address, Telephone No.. H: Wasilk Masonry (Manuel Hernandez) 1091 N. Ramon. Ferris 92571' (909)" 2.43-2858 'Name of•Contractor and Job Foreman Business. Address Telephone No. 513544:` 687$ 'Contractor's License.No. City Business License No. ' ETkV4 ro=ent&l A. Casualty 1197EGO03858 Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class''I I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs 0 Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV: See attached schedule if f�39 Inspection Fee $ "' PERMIT VALIDATION ' -Permit Fee .L� aia PERMIT NO. 3839 Penalty DATE APPROVED February 4„ 2003 Cash, Deposit -Surety Bond " if required EXPIRATION DATE February -28. 2004 aa—S TOTAL: $ DATE ISSUED' Receipt No:'. By Received by Date /� Administrative Authority Victor Monz. Assistantgagooer T Recorded by Telephone: (760) 777-7075 NOtE: ;With proper vsl'idation this)form constitutes an encroachment permit V,y ° ! CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I III DATE: Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION s (�Ci�7 5�����1�OQ s . O i� C3� tiz C D4±rglmotor bint,='m 5Xt4d csntj 54t%t (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION '�o 0.`1CC- 2 522"yL7 24.20 2 DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION 0" LIEU) 0102tl 7.�Sizh DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL t Wmn r_,i4on, SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED %0 « IV' APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 4 Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) .i+%'�a` �'i,i"'rJ"r�G��`'#;;i ,`��u'As�`, d`f,.�.s�.�+/i7?� �"✓� . City°C�-gar Otructr1droo au�r� a3 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETIONGts"t_�-�,t sf„ y ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $'' (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com ��a�`� paction and 'placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) d In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend, and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all. penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules.and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. , Signature of Applicant or Agent ' Doan r,111to= €l-100 swan"o 53. 1.4) Q, AAtzto �%_5072 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 1I S Q GIIiG Contractor's License No. City Business License No.- r Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class I II Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor. Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ 4 Permit Fee' Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond s if required TOTAL: $ 460, r�r� ' tip ,c�a •�j ss Receipt No. Received by Date Recorded by ZI5 1p� PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 30-39 DATE APPROVED Voo rm y b, 2053 EXPIRATION DATE ":DATE ISSUED � f% By Administrative Authority Telephone: (760)•777-7075 NOTE: ' With proper validation s this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit E APPLICATION"FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) "For the constructioh of public or: private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS • 7 a , , Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class I I I X DATE: " '� Minor'lmprovement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 2 a' uQ — Z-CA_ k ie_rs o� fi r. 'l�e-i- e- �e-f �C-AIA� p�,J �Sr} "' 's (Street address or Descriptionof Location) .PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION T eiJt-c�sP v �r %+7�J Sketch (attach• construction plans`if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION ° IF DIMENSION , DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVA t'o�X . p�2rn SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED u� Z' �'� a�.c�OACss-ol7G-7VT wS • G�iTL/ S ' ice• D � !/l� '� P G�.�` ' APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL`BEGIN a .Sn2uGTU.2 G�f� APPROXIMATE" TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION.COST $ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com s�ytGG B. 1&SClF,t� 77YOW C1T paction and' placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of "this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:Aytlt�w`, Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and.against any and all' penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property ' happening or occurring as, a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. ' Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four. (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply .withall applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions ofLermall applicable rulesand'regulations of the City of. La. Quinta and to payfor any additional replacement necessary as the rek. Signature of Applicant or Agent 0 L_ _) 1 co ,4 c) ' . 7( o 3 V -, S072-- Name of Applicant (please print)" Business Address Telephone No. L'cccs aJPs cw 0 .(),Z, )o�Ja o' er .97- "Name. of Contractor and Job Forema, Business Address Telephone No.90t%-dY�j 2RSg Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit -Class III ry Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs A Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV: See attached schedule 9 J Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee PERMIT N0. Penalty Cash Deposit-Surety"Bond DATE APPROVED if required EXPIRATION DATE t TOTAL:" $ DATE ISSUED Receipt No. By Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by ' Telephone: (760) 777-7075 `'. ' � � rrAj Y " . . M .�•. Y; {'iH , . 'j� t''' YS' •]ty Y ` .. _ ♦ � _ z +�tl '.� .� ,fin{A TfJ PERMIT NO. 3839' s The Hideaway tZ In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1 Pursuant to Section 14.16.320 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1` (part), 1982);`All ,i.7 ' work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public p p r r Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer ; r. 1 y2 THE HIDEAWAY, hereinafter referred to as "Permittee", shall be responsible for , rovidin continuous p g dust and erosion control. r` ' 3 Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more , f .. ;1 frequently if required. h 4. Pursuant to Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 § 1,• 1982), throughout the work site, the Permittee shall comply with City regulated work hours. Operation and maintenance of "zJ ' equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time I: p periods: October 1 st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 .a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 .71 May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m. y $ Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. , Work shall -be prohibited on legal holidays and Sundays. 5, u Work performed within 500 feet of a signalized intersection is restricted between the hours Hof 9 a.-m t 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall ` contact the Riverside Country Traffic Signal Maintenance Department at (909).27576894 if„signal r operation at the intersection is to be altered in any way. 6. Pursuant to Section 14.16.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), ti `t Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any.public or private,street s , . and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. .7. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), `�. ''• ,.advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal �" ••a `Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). A traffic control. plan shall be prepared in accordance with the WATCH Manual and submitted to the City for a review and approval one (1) week prior to starting any construction. It shall be the Permittee's • responsibility to appropriately detour and barricade all construction sites. i Special Conditions PERMIT NO. 3839 Page I .of,5 t. " c 5