3892lSa A+ ram. Ff ' „ .�t.� `'b_ .e •,1'a <' •Event Services, Inc. j s. 1728 Greenwood Ave., City of LaQuinta Torrance, CA. 90503 Attu: Hector Guzman' ' `•P.O:-Box '1504' -4 "-.I . 78-495 Calle Tampico } - La Quinta, CA. 92253 t" • _ - ' i- Re: City of LaQuinta, Application Permit Request Subject: Coachella Music &Arts Festival, dated April-26, &.27, 2003: • , . n + �+ j Comments: t • -t Enclosed is an application for a permit for thepurpose to accommodate the 4S * 4 .vehicular traffic anticipated.to.Arrive_ at the,Coachella Music &•Arts Festival concert scheduled for 4/26 & 4/27/03 on the grounds of the EinpirePolo Field in r -Indio, California. The event will be promoted and produced by Goldenvoice Concerts West ;'a leader in Southern California concerts promotions. w . W. • ' `�` Start To Finish.Event Services Inc. will implement the enclosed traffic plan -by r. �"': i` .Y`• .using "4" Changeable Message Boards and extensive signage along the arterial-' leading to the event site. Additionally, event parking will be free, wpich will reduce; ' if not eliminateparking in unauthorized areas. < In the City'of LaQuinta the following signs are in the Traffic &.Parking Plan i Location/Sign posted on 41Type III Barricades 48'Avenue/ before Washington+St/ Interstate 10 Freeway Righ't'Turn`. 52 Avenue/ before Washington St/ Interstate 10•Freeway Right, Tuin. - -w _ , 50 Avenue/•before Washington St/ Interstate lO:Freeway Right,Turn _ r.r'; ` --.. _r•�•- . tit W The following items are submitted in compliance with the permit application: { �• �� *Application Fee: .Che'ck#3857 $115.00 i.s *Certificate of Insurance: -$5,000,000.00'mailed & faxed-to'City of LaQuinta ' ' *City ,of Indio City Council ApprovalJdated, March 5, 2003. , , " *Traffic' &Parking Plan, dated- 4/08/03. r + • ,. t` ' On behalf of Goldenvoice- Concerts and' Start To -Finish Event Services, Inc., ` s we thank you.in advance for your consideration• regarding our request.. Should you ♦ Y• Q need further. information, please+contact me at (310) 782=7586 or cell # ' (310) 780-3637. F _ _ r -Respectfully, • " da S. Easter -Habash; Owner' Start To Finish Event Services, Inc. Office#. (310)_ 782-7586 ' Fax # (310) 782-7868 Email: stfem Ohotmail, com , • EENT MANAGEMENT ENTV8SVICES T 0 AN ii I LYNDA S. EASTER - HABASH 1728 GREENWOOD AVE • TORRANCE, CA. 90503-7216 (310) 782-7586 FAX (310) 782-7868 _ .. T� '�` -' -k .. • `'L! *� Y - YA, - ! ,, r � tw. •_ ! 4 J9' • �. j.. .:Y'�5 With proper'validation l this form constitutes an' ' CITY OF LA QUINTA { �• encroachment permit r *` = ", t fi APPLICATION. FOR PERMIT r = I ; T• s PUBLIC, WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT)' r OFTF��ws�4 �+ driveways, pavements, sidewalks,- parking, lots, sewers, water mains For; the construction of public or private curbs, • . • LL.:. and other like public works improvements in'connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS A Subdivision improvement Permit — Class ill. DATE: °+ Minor Improvement Permit Class IV ^ LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION - See Traf f is 1 Parking Plan dated 4108101, (Street address or Description of Location) - ` 'PURPOSE OF OF CONSTRUCTION I- . Sketch (attach constructio lans i appr r ate,- fraffi n •to 'Empire Po o Club, t` DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Placement :4 . DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL -SIZE OF EXCAVATION; E ED APPROXIMATE TIME EN W L a 0 APPROXIMATE TIME O ETI 3 . 0 0 p . m 'r. ESTIMATED CONSTRU O •, (Including removal of all r o ; ma r Is, a d deb i , e g, com• •. '� paction and placing per anent r s rfaci nd/o re g improvements) In consideration of the r n f this mit, the applicant hereby.agrees to: ' Indemnify, defend sav a City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all •• +• ' ' penalties, liabilities r loss resulting from -,claims or court action and arising out of arty accident, loss or damage to persons or property" 7 . ._ _happening or occurring as a proximate'result of 'any work undertaken under the'permit 'granted pursuant to this application. Notify.the Administrative Authority at least -twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be stinted. .. `• - - Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the per and all applicabl rules a ulati ns of the it ofr�- La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the resu s work - �� _.- .. t _ S - Easter- t ' Signatu of Applicant or Agent. Lynda-S.Easter=Habash 1728 Greenwood Ave.' Torrance, CA%190.503 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Tel hone No." ` 310�80-3637,,��� ' Start To Finish Event Services, Inca 310-782-7589 or' _ 9 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman ! Business Address L Telephone No. A. t t Contractor's License No. _ _. :.. _ City Business License No. M;rgh. •iTSA, Tn _ Tnsurance Certificate on. firle . LOS-00.034067.6-0.:1 - Applicant's Insurance Company - 'Policy Number _ FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111" Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs t "Private improvements: 3%of estimated construction costs - r Minor Improvement Permit — Class -IV: See'attached schedule . + t Y Inspection Fee $ r, PERMIT VALIDATION w Permit Fee PERMIT NO. { Penalty c Cash Deposit- Surety Bond.- DATE -APPROVED. if required. f ` EXPIRATION DATE ' TOTAL: $ , t _ DATE ISSUED Receipt No. Received by' Date j' 8Y Administrative :.Authority,*.,' Recorded by r _ I Telephone: (760);777-7075.r } APR-14--2003 16:19 P.03/05 ;X;`•' 7T' ii r';°: �CffZTiFtCATE`' -CEAT1FiCA7E�lUMBE{t ItiSURAN6E� LOS-000340646.04 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NORIGMT9 UPON Tkt CERTIFICATE MOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE POLICY, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGe AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. PRODUCER -Marsh-'Risk , 1insufanoe-SETVICeS 777 South Figueroa Street CA License #0437153 tos: Kathryn Do "90Q1"7 Attn: Kathryn Dorton 213 3a6 5003 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ..-- ._.-. _ _ COMPANY 94461-Gt/1-ALL-03-04 ... ....... .--- A St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company INSURED --..._... — ..... •.. COMPANY Ansehufi Entertainrnenlrroup Concerts West, LLC B American Home Assurance Company ---- COMPANY 5750 Wilshire Blvd., #501 L-os Angales, CA'90036 C COMPANY..... _. _..__.._._... �._ ,. �'c.� ... d,>tl,:•:,,.:a:..,.. ;,,c ._.; :••<•.;�'.••e 11'.'y F'H;11'rr•}�. y�y�('i'.1'y �p :dryd' ,., .�f.. a; ::,4;,,, .. i¢. i= - 'THIS"IS•TU CGR7IFY'THAT"POLICIES' OF-INSURANCE"OESCRf9WREREIN HAVE -BEEN ISSUED TO TI1C INSURED NAMED HEREIN rOn THC POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITMSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITI•I RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 18 SUBJECT TO ALL TIIC TCRMS. CONDITIONS AND CXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE '-LIM1TS-SHOWN MAV HAVE BEENREQUCEOgY PA1D•CL'Aff4.` CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR' TYPE,UF.INSURANIE :. . ,. POUCYNUMBeR --'OATEIRIIH/D OATE11RMrdD/V1r1 JyNITS A OENERALUABIUTY CK04508613 04113/03 04/13/04 RENFRAI•ACGHE(iATE $ 2,000,000 X COMMERCIALOENERALLIABILITY CLAIM MADE X OCCUR PRUIIUCTS-COMP/OPAGG S 1,000,000 `. $ 1,000,000 PCR NAL . ADV INJURY S 1,00D,0011 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE~ $ 50,000 .._,.,�,_ FIRE DAMAGC (Anr•one tiro) $ MED EXP lAny one ion A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CK04508813 - 04/13/03 04/13/04 ' f:AMRINEO SINGLE LIMIT $ 1.000.000 ANY AUTO $ ALL OWNED AUTOS $125,ODO Per Veh. BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS - Belt. lowafton 10",twoonl' X X HIRED A(.ITOS NON-0wNE0 AUTOS $2.500 min./$7,500 max. DOOILY INJURY X iied Auto Phoital Damage PROPERTY DAMAGE $ UABILJTrAUTO ONIr . EAACCIDENT $ AUTO ff"I DYHER T61AN AUT6 ONLY: _ '•:i�'�. � •�� • J,` EACH ACCIDENT $ __,_,_� _ - •, .._. AGGREGATE EXCESS LIABILITY FACI-I OCCURRENCE $ _ fiGGRCGATi -T UMBRCCLA-FORIvI' ' — — OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM $- a B MPENSATIONAND.,. . , .. EMPLOYERS' UABNTY wC7Zob358.(CA) oB/o1�Oz WC7206359 (AOS) 08101/02 ' os/o1�o-svVC OB/01/03 � TORYTATUiI T EI, FArH ACCIDENT .'�IZi.—I:l }li' f{I :t it. I �,,,� � � � -• $ 1.000,000 . . w . THE P.ROPRIFTORI . .• -NyCL PARTNERSrEXECLJTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL . .. . ..' El UtSEASE•1POL'1CYiiMIT . . S' ... 1',000,400 EL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE $ 1.000.000 D&MR)MON OF OPERATIONSILOCAT10NS?VENICtAV3PECIAL ITEMS THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAItAED'AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AS=RESPECTS-THE OPERATIONS OF THE NAMEE)r INSURED', COACtfELIA VALLEY MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL. TE:.HOt—D.E`it . ..ia:.. ..`'T.S NJih41l::::.,:A� 1 ,.a1'(. 1(5:9dd1t4g `'UL�M '�:a•:rtF�'a�. !CY"iI tcP;<y ''t';..I{...31rt.!3a.'kJi::.:.�w.._.b:i(i.:.?F:.:�L'' i> , "' 1�': SJ,, 5MOULD ANY OF THE POUCJES OESCRIBEO MFRF,N 111• CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION GATE TMERCOC, CITY OF. LAQUINTA - ATTN: HECTOR GUZMAN THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WLL FNOCAVOH TO MAIL 1Q DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE GeRTIFICATE HOLDER -NAMED HL•R . BUT FAILV141: 10 MAt 5UCi1 NOTICE GRALLTMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR' PO BOX 1504 78-495 CALLETAMPICO LA7OUINTA,CA 02253-1504 LtASIUTV OF ANY KIND VPON Tel INWRCR AFFORDIN%l COVERAGE. ITS AceNTe OR RUME52111TATTVES. OR THE ,eeaEROF'THr. eaAr,tATE: • ' MARSH USA INC. BY: Julie Umphries '� � t14y4,— �� n.. I� .tl!• I • �i lGs�C I�'ika�-:�/'r ''I'' t' %♦V1M1.f 23; 1 _ -1 VALID AS OF?04111/03.. T •:F P ilk, rr'f .; I �J �Ij"...''.!Ii:I,; ���ci'fGM"?Jioi-���.e'ri:ii:.ur� ,0.3 26/0.3 J7:J4 FAX 7603474317 r' INDTO POLTCE DEPT. 002', , •'•ate«;+=' 'r - 4 _ a� r . • t .sr, ... r � +• :. -. - rr M... ,j ° 1 ,ice S Yr . t=+ �' •+ • � ,2r .1 • C `` ,k . ,, � . • .ram - • , t t - ' ., •.� .• •.1 ti• - t . ` CITY OF-- INDIO CITY COUNCIL MEETING" M4RCH-5; 2003. t .* ;,r 1 ` , ,.r,•. /, MINUTES _ ;' c r . •.r . Mayor Michael Wilson called•the.regular meeting of the City ouncil of•theCity of'Indio� to order at 6:00 p.m: in the Council Cambers, at 150 Civic'center,Mall, Indio, California: ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Michael Wilson , 'Ma yor Pro TerriJacqueline Bethel Councilmember Melanie Fesmire • . - ` 4 �► �y Councilmember. Gene Gilbert ;:' M .1 n,{?AV ` ,Councilmember Ben,Godfrey •` Staff'Present: Ken Weller, Assistant to C.ity,.Manager,-Cynthia Hernandez, •Deputy'City,:.: : x '. Clerk, 'Gary` Werner,~Community Development/Building &� Safety Services Director, ' Terry' Hagen; Public Works. Director, Jerry.. C_ arter; Finance .Director, Rudy Acosta, -� f ;' Redevelopment Agency Director, Brad Ramos; Police Chief,'Mark Braley,,Fire Marshal., ,•,` ' '- r ' 4 -i Edward Kotkin,:CityAttorney,-Elliott V Nahmias, Deputy City Attorneys f •,•, ! - ', ;.. • • ,. { • - f +tom X 1 w _-.l i~r , I+t {• �s'• i ;{ ' REPORT ON ACTION:TAKEN IN- CLOSED SESSION,T Edward Kotkin; City Attorney, reported. the City Council received in, Closed, Session"' l =�° abbreviated information from,fhe,Assistant to City IVlanager regarding<twomatters as'` noticed on -the agenda of pending litigation.* The Deputy':City Attorney` advised the . Council, with respect to three matters of anticipated, litigation;arid•• the discussion of initiation,of litigation,. was withdrawn from,the agenda. CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND INFORMATION' x ` T a. Report on traffic issues on Hjortli Street • Y Brad Ramos, Police Chief, indicated due to computer software 'problems at the PoliceOK • . - station, he was not prepared to give this, presentation. =He indicated f e,yv6uld'report at . r , the next meeting: r ., . ;r CITY COUNCIL a Reports and information. b. Appointment to fhe,l ' io Water;Authority to fill the unexpired,term through June,,2004' 1 as created by a resignation , , `" •`� F 'Mayor Wilson Wilson_reported there .were -no nominations from Council„for . an appointment ° With the Counci, s concurrence; Staff was advised. to. advertise 'the vacancy`'of` a Commissioner of the Indio Water Authority for'thirty ,days. r T '•03/26/03 '171.4 FAX 760347431i INDiO POLICE DEPT.= (J003 ^ • `' 4 • { � � • . • - ` �. • it .. .. ,. _ • ♦ t- `• . • � .i city ofind;� .. Cit} Council AgeJuln , Y a :. F i,=^i;. Mar S, 2003 caminuerl ter` t. • ,,� ',k • . L . +.�yx� rw �• { PUBLIC COMMENT 'The following persons spoke under public comment .to -include Lana Hall who thanked • s. `. the City Council on their recent actions to deny general plan amendments; Frank Socci ,complained of the failure of the ,Code Enforcement ^Division of the City to 'respond to',," ',. violations he has complained of his neighbors running a business out of,their`home ands r having excessive°vehicles and storing of pool chemicals; Jim Col lins;complained-about t� $ ^the excessive amount of pigeons•in the city, the damage they are causing and the°need•,,.. to do something to get rid of them; John Gentry commented on iraffic..on Highway 111:~ ; `• and .the synchronization of the traffic signals;. the pigeons.in his neighborhood, and the, accessibility to handicapped persons at the closure of Tournament Way. ' - 1. CONSENT_CALENDAR `' •� ';;' a. Waive reading of text of ordinances after the reading of the title b. Approve Minutes; February 10, 2003 F, c. Approve Minutes, February 19, 2003 ` d. Approve Warrants', • fr e .Adopt resolution amending the City's`classification plan"� Accept the donation of a monument sign•honoring,Dr.,.June McCarroll ,.• ` It was moved 'by Mayor_Pro-Tem' Bethel, seconded by Councilmember, Gilbert- and . 3, • unanimously carried _to ADOPT. the Consent, Calendar` as submitted, and ADOPT ; , • ."-, ' ''" Re'solvtion N6:.6602,"•by title, only, .to read as.followi. - M �. • - RESOLUTION OF, THE `CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF INDIO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY'S- CLASSIFICATION, PLAN AND, THE SALARY SCHEDULE' ' 'PERTAINING +TO THE POSl1"IONS OF,. -COMPUTER `OP,ERATOR, DATA ENTRY r '` .. TECHNICIAN,• ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. SPECIALIST AND SENIOR..ECONOMIC.• DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST - . - _ , f. 2:.`CDACHELLA IyAL`L'EY;ilIf1JSTC_AND`ARTS FESTIVAL TO BE HELD ON APRIL 26 s AND,APRIL 27,-2003,AT.THE-EMPIRE' POLO GROUNDS t Brad Ramos, Police Chief,. reported a request has been made to'hold the Coachella; ValleyMusic and Arts Festival on April 26 and 27,,2003..The event will.be hosted at the ,:'I; Empire'Polo Grounds. with this, year's attendance being estimated' at approximately " 44,0;000 people a bay., They are proposing onsite'`camping .in,two ,areas, One urea is Y f designated as the Forum and balls,for 2250 camping sites, 14x14 foot wide and each Will bold 4people. je l ~ The sponsors are 'req uesti ng that the concert be approved in -concept and additionally,.: 'l ' ` -• `tt = kie. allowed to ;provide onsite, camping at, the facility for some .10,000 people. Onsite ,,, camping will,.require a I w•enforcement•presence 24 hours `a day'fer two and,.one.: haJ#., 4 r ; 4• days. The promoter has agreed to_ 'absorb all law enforcement salary and any additional 1aC costa associated wit+ -the orisite camping r �', '- 03/26/03, 17: 15' FAX .76034743.17 JNDTO POLTCE Di'PT. �004 - _ Ciry Council Agenda ♦•r 1' t , fnrcls 5, 2003 chiuinned ",After discussion, it was moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Bethel seconded by,Councilme'mber LFesmire_ and unanimously carried to APPROVE' a rconcertiin - concept, with tentative approval of the onsite camping 'pending additional logistical information..from• the' i romoters to'be reviewed and approved by the City'Manager. - 3. OCTOBER "ROCK AND ROLL WESTERN CONCERT,, AT THE EMPIRE POLO. r _ CLUB OCTOBER 11-12, 2003 Brad Ramos, Police Chief, reported a request has been made byfGolden•Voice' for, , permission and approval for. an .October Rock and Roll and Western Concert., "The r concert would basically,•be,the. same set up-as'the- Coachella rVall6y Music and Arts Festival, with "fewer stages and possibly`up.to 50% more attendance with the anticipated. " average age of 30-60 years of age. -They ♦are requesting camping be allowed;during this,, event. a.- After •discussion; it was -moved by Mayor Pro-Tem ,Bethel, seconded by Councilmember - ";' }5` aFesmire and unanimously carried; to APPROVE a. concert in 'concept, with -tentative approval of 'the . onsite camping pending additional' logistical information from' th.e ., ;" r promoters to be reviewed and approved by the City Manager,and Police Chief. _ s 4. SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 1330, APPROVING A CHANGE',OF ZONE 02-7-606' _ Itwas moved- by Mayor Pro-Tem Bethel, seconded by Councilmember Gilbert and unanimously carried,to ADOPT Ordinance No. 1-330, as,second reading; by title only, to ,x tread as follows: ORDINANCE 'OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF ,THE CITY OF •INDIO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CHANGE OF i ZONE 02-7.-606 FROM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM/ s MOBILE HOME PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO RESIDENTIAL LOW "FOR A •r, r : -+ PORTION WITHIN,RPD-3 PLANNING SUB -AREA ` 5. SECOND READING :'ORDINANCENO. .1331 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO � 't _PROJECT MASTER PLAN (PMP 002-14) SHADOW HILLS LLC' -_ 'Gary Werner,'Community Development/Building & Safety Service's Director ^reported " - y:Staff recommends the adoption'of Ordinance No. 1331. Edward Kotkin,'City .Attorney, confirmed for the record,+the addition.of orie'condition, "'No.'.36, as approved, by, the City Council at the introduction. of the ordinance., The _+ .;'condition shalI"read "36. The applicant shall sign an acknowledgement and assumption 1 r of,financi6l responsibility prepared by the•City,Attorney as to a technical violationtof the - ,� California Environmental Quality Act associatedwith'this project". Mr. Kotkin indicated - " -m Michael Grant,..legal counsel,to-the. applicant,, has agreed to this condition. 03/26%03 17:16 FAX 760347431.7 i\D10' POLICE DEPT. '` , (�005' '�� '`�• sA -` 3 .. Y + _ ' • `T 4 •. ' ,, ` .• � ,mil = /� cio of Indio - Giry, C0141161 g ndn 'r •. r ' L ' "Ofnrch 5, 2003 cmr/unced • F . ;A on, it was�moved.by'Couneilmember.:61bert, seconded by Councilmember `x `Godfrey �and unanimously'carried to ADOPT Ordinance No. 1331, as, amended,,•as 4_ second readings by title only, to read as follows: - + : ORDINANCE' OFTHE, CITY: COUNCIL; OF­THE- CITY•OF INDIO, CALIFORNIA, ,APPROVING AN ANJENDMENT_TO•PROJECT MASTER PLAN (PMP 002-14) FOR. APPROXIMATELY`145 ACRES''OF VACANT LAND L-OCATED NORTH'OP AVENUE .. 42; EAST ,SIDE.`OF -JACKSON, STREET, -SHADOW HILLS .LLC BY" CENTURY; CROWELL COMMUNITIES, ' 6. 'SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NU 1332 APPROVING A CHANGE•OF'ZONE 02=10-607 GENERATIONS DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC ':' �; fi• -,x it- Was moved.iby -Mayor Pro -Tern Bethel, seconded by `CouncilmemberGilbert • -' . unanimdusly carried to -ADOPT Ordinance No.'1332, as second reading; by title only, to t = 4 k read'as.follows:, ORDINANCE OF THE `CITY. COUNCIL,. OF THE CITY +OF INDIO, CALIFORNIA, ' APPROVING A, CHANGE` OF•ZONE, 02-10-60Z FOR TEN. ACRES(10),ACRES :OF ,`' A }, VACANT LAND LOCATED AT . THE NORTHWEST • CORNER OF AVENUE 42 AND �5 JACKSON STREET, GENERATIONS DEVELOPMENT .GROUP, LLC z 7.''SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 1333 APPROVING' PROJECT MASTER = T - PLAN 02-10-23 , Gary Werner,, -Community Development/Building & Safety Services Director, reporfed on 'one typographical error on:Finding No.;2, third line should be corrected to read "RPD-3". ` It'was moved by `Councilmember Godfrey,' seconded by -Mayor Pro-Tem Bethel and 4; unanimously carried. to ADOPT Ordinance No. 1333, as amended,, as second reading,' r. by title only; to read'as follows: - ORDINANCE OF ,THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF INDIO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROJECT•MASTER, PLAN 02-10-23, FOR 53 ACRES'OF VACANT -" `F 1' ' • LAND .LOCATED AT- `THE . 'NORTHWEST CORNER • OF AVENUE 42T AND ¢'• - "�" •'JACKSON STREET, GENERATIONS"DEVELOPMENT GROUP LLC- RELOCATION' OF THE MILES,AVENUE SKATE PARK TOTHECOACHELLA x • VALLEY RECREATION.& PARK• D.ISTIICTPROPERTY ON CLINTON STREETr Ken Weller," Assistant to City Manager, reported Staff is recommending the relocation ofI the Miles Avenue Skate Park to the Coachella..Valley .Recreation & Park` District i" .. property K on-Clinton"Street. The Indio -Park 'and. Recreation C.ommission°has acted'on rec�tyCi.relocation:.tdmd.t, the 'oi- rti. , 4„ • a :fir � , — •. - - ...r • �. , • v +r. �+ �. .. -'F t 03/26�03 '17:.I6' RAX 760347431.7 INDIO ;POLICE ;DEFT.17 ' t buy Of lndeo cJty�eouljc l Ageirdn„ _ .a `. i •, r'.r rAlnrch 5, 1003 cori(inued �' x .1 a r ` •r 1 Y rR r f' ��~(Councilmember- Fesmire )' re ueMed''to 'know.. what recreational facilities ,would be r q a {' ..available at Miles Park? She stated there are a'lot of'children�in that neighborhood that do not have any place to,play and if there were supervision _of tie park; ihere'would be' ' w more children `playing there. She stated we should not have such a thing as a passive. y �, .=Park: She feels it is vital to iriM,01ho agate park aY Miles'. Avenue, and to keep,it there.. :�, � 1v . park-definitel needs to -.be -• planned, for the, use• of `children. She. commented. K" putting other activities vwould,attract,people to. the -park Mayor Wilson commented at.'some future date-, he feels ,that is still a vision for this coirlr'rlunity. ..He stated he.believes:in .today'sAate.it is premature to put,a,skate park at ` °Mile s -Park. `He commented the, City is having a! hard time;funding for. a youth coordinator for this project: f y' After discussion, it.was moved by •Mayor Pro-Tem Betheli seconded .by, Councilmember Gilbert and unanimously carried to'APPROVE'the relocation of the Miles,,Avenue Skate.,; t, Park to the Coachella /alley. Recreation -and Park District property on Clintpn'. Street,: by, , the following vote: AYES: Bethel,. Gilbert, Godfrey, Wilson � ; � �� ' • � f <. NOES: Fesmire } ADJOURN There being; no further business :to ,discuss, ,it was moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Bethel,` t+ 1 -seconded `by. Councilmember Gilbert and unanimously carried •to ADJOURN.. Meeting r,.,-adjourned at 7.24 p.m. ` y 'C Y#T441A-HERNANDtZ DEPUTY CITY CLERK, CMC ,- r r , ... "i - � - .a• .4 • � '• a ''' .. 71 � _ �• r• a= �. l •. - ...�.' ' i ry ' -`j.. .. S A'kt Yr - �,,fv ♦ a t j •r • a • f } , . • ; L •• - •• a �' .. ••,, ,Y. _ � • t • r: - J- � I V ' r 'a ` . ' - 1 ' , - .. r- • .... - . Nc ,) - 'Y J' + ,^ •'r. � r 't _ ♦ 1 .` i V ,. Y iF-+� f l.1 n M i• / •� - .F'1 L •,. ' ♦ -+ ., ��� '! Y ° i 4. > Coachella Valley Music & Arts -Festival y. v -Empire Polo'Club , Venue_ Traffic &Parking Plan ' • ++ a r, (dated + April 8; 2003) • r"y . ` The purpose of,this plan is_to+outline the best scenario to accommodate the vehicular'. . ' `traffic that will be coming to the Empire Polo'Club to attend the Coach"ella Valley Music' t .•, i j., A &' Arts Festival. "To..create the maximum number of.vehicles using the parking` lots at the best possible pace, Goldenvoice, has secured lots to accommodate the'vehicles.' `'• Y anticipated to attend this'event•at'no cost to event attendees. We anticipate approximately 85 /o of,the traffic to come via the_' 10 Freeway eastbound• - This plan will define the off -ramps,• streets, 'signs and p'rocedures.that will be. put in place to move vehicular traffic at the optimum pace. We estimate the'majority of the vehicular'' traffic arriving between 10:00 a.m.'`and 4 p.m.t •" " This scenario•is based upon dividing up the vehicular Traffic into'using•Lndio 'Blvd..- , Off -ramp from the 10 Freeway Eastbound as follows: r ,,,"Exit Indio Blvd. turn right on Jefferson and proceed southbound•and/or Exit Indio .Blvd and proceed to Hoover turn right to Monroe:St. turn right and proceed ,= ' southbound and/or Exit Indio°Blvd and proceed to Civic Center turn. right and•turn left 'on Jackson St. turn right and proceed southbound. ` Yehicular.traffic using Jackson off -ramp from the;10 Freeway Westbound as follows: .. • Exit Jackson St and proceed.southbound:. �M , : "y «: •4 +•a , .` � ..�, �• .. ,. � as -• �•Fs The Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival website will-de"scribe-in detail the 10 Freeway -Off-ramps and street routes to. get to Empire Polo Club. Additional phone operators, • :..'as well as the.Ticketmaster will also provide route directions. •. °° :. " •s ' - , * 410 i r + rCOACHELLA VALLEY MUSIC`&.ARTS FESTIVAL Traffic Plan dated 4/03/2002 . �. � . 4 � _ .� — • .' . z. • : �. mod. � , .y. ^ft IF..� L - q �a.t •. t., ... ' ''.- t sir :lR .Quantity:. (4) CHANGEABLE MESSAGE'BOARDS aS f011ows:.. , #1: 'Location:°East of Washington St. —'Off ramp on Interstate "10 Freeway, Eastbou_ nd MUSIC & EXIT ONLY FREE ARTS INDIO; r EVENT FESTIVAL, BLVD PARKING r ,, ,.y� `.�Y . • n • ,i. l..r _ ' 1 .. . . #2: Location: West of Indio Blvd.- Off!amp on Interstate,10 Freeway Eastbound ' r. �. .,#2• y r iR•• #3 •s. � •. - •I b /t..i •' y � •' • MUSIC & EXIT,ONLY FREE �s• ARTS _*., INblO EVENT �, FESTIVAL, BLVD. PARKING ` #3:,Location: On Indio Blvd. Approximately 1000 ft.'east of, Jefferson' , #1 #2 ` #3 i - ! ALL' I :PROCEED 'FREE' x r FESTIVAL:." TO . . EVENT 'r TRAFFIC • HOOVER PARKING. 16 r 1 •` rarn :on Interstate 10,Freeway Westbound ) .' _,#4:"Location: East of Jackson` Blvd: —Off p , EXIT ONLY FREE T ALL MUSIC FESTIVAL JACKSON EVENT TRAFFIC. ,.. PARKING Page-2- Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival -Traffic Signage Requirements(, dated March 12, 2003) Location Sign Description Direction Cones Barricades Delineator westbound on 50 Avenue & Monroe Road Closed Ahead 1 6 eastbound on 50 Avenue & Monroe Road Closed Ahead 1 6 eastbound on 50 Avenue & Monroe Residential Access Only 1 1 westbound on 50 Avenue & Monroe Residential Access Only 1 1 on'Monroe before 51 Avenue westbound Staff Parking 1-Right 1 on Monroe before 51 Avenue westbound Event Free Parking 1-Right 50 1 INDIO BLVDlMONROE Proceeds to JACKSON on Indio Blvd. before Rubidoux Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Indio Blvd before Oasis. Event Free.Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion Indio Blvd before Fargo. Event Free Parking 1- Straight . 1 on Civic Center Drive before Jackson . Event Free Parking 1-Left 1 JACKSON OFF RAMP East of Jackson Off ramp north side Changeable Message Board 20 on Jackson before Kenner Event Free Parking . 1-Straight 1 on Jackson before 44th Ave Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 On Jackson before Market Ave Event Free Parking. f-Straight 1 Ion Jackson before the Bridge Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Jackson before Requa Ave Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Jackson before Route 111 Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Jackson before Dr. Carreon Event Free Parking 1-Straight .1 on Jackson before 48 Avenue Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Jackson before Odium Drive Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Jackson before 50 Avenue Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 westbound on'50 Avenue & Jackson Road Closed Ahead 1 6 westbound on 50 Avenue & Jackson Residential Access Only. 1 1 on Jackson before 52 Avenue Event Free Parking-. 1-Right 1 on 52 Avenue before Monroe Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on 52 Avenue before Madison Event Free Parking 1-Right 1 on Madison Lot 2 Entrance before.51 Avenue Event Free Parking 1-Right 50 1 Coachella Valley Music & Art Festival -Traffic Si nage Requirements (dated March 12, 2003 Location Sign Description Direction Cones Barricades Delineator INDIO OFF RAMP. West of Washington Off -ramp south side Changeable Message Board 20 West of Indio Blvd Off -ramp south side Changeable Message Board. 20 INDIO BLVD./JEFFERSON West of Southbound Jefferson Event Free Parking 1-Right 1 on Jefferson before Country Club Dr. Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion Jefferson before Fred Waring Drive Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Jefferson before Miles Ave. Event free Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion Jefferson before. Westward Ho Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion Jefferson before Vista Grande Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion: Jefferson before Route 111 Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion Jefferson before 48 Avenue Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 Ion Jefferson before 50 Avenue Event Free Parking 1-Left 1 Ion, 50 Avenue & Madison Event Free Parking 1-Right 1 on 51 Avenue & Madison Event Free Parking 1-Left 50 1 eastbound on 50 Avenue & Madison Road Closed Ahead 1 6 eastbound on 50 Avenue & Madison Residential Access Oniy. 1 1 INDIO BLVD Proceeds to MONROE east of Jefferson on .Indio Blvd. Changeable Message Board 20 on. lndo Blvd. Before Madison Event Free Parking 1-Straight , Ion Indo:Blvd before Clinton Event Free Parking 1-Straight on.lndio Blvd.before Hoover Blvd- Event Free Parking 1-Right 1 on Hoover Blvd Before Armata Event Free Parking 1-Straighton. [.,on Hoover Blvd.before Monroe Event Free Parking 1-Right 1 Fred Waring &Hoover Blvd -westbound ' Road Closed AheadFred Waring &Hoover Blvd=eastbound Road Closed Ahead 1 •10 Hoover Blvd.before Monroe Event Free Parking 1-Right 1 -Ion Monroe before Crown Way. Event Free Parking. 1-Straight 1 on Monroe before Miles Event Free Parking . 1-Straight 1 Ion Monroe before Shadow Palms Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 westbound on 46th Ave & Jackson Road Closed Ahead 1 1 westbound on Avenida Del Mar & Jackson Road Closed Ahead 1 : 1 Ion Monroe before Route 111 Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Monroe before Dr. Carreon Event,Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Monroe before 48 Avenue. Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Monroe before Country Club Drive Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 on Monroe before 50 Avenue Event Free Parking 1-Straight 1 . c r . ��r•_k `� .� � .d! � - l• ^yF' ,� .T as .x.�.� ! _. dtt.' � �'y, ¢Z^ p 1y r} -' * r r t. h - ',r a � �� �� 4K{ �� -• fv x t� ~� .s � 3','� i � �Y t f':T .. a-3•. +.,. .. �:�. '4 , } NOTE:' ' With proper validation .this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QU.INTA' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS- CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the ,construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED. SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class II I -DATE: 4`21-03- Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Av6aida Bermudas Avenida Bermudas Street Closure for Soap Box.Derby .(Street address or'Description of Location) Street Cloauri-far PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Sketch (attach construction plans if.appropriate) .Soap Box. Derby DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Close Avenida Bermudae See attached conditions for Soap Box Derby race an 4-26-03 DIMENSION'OF'INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED- APPROXIMATE- TIME WHEN WORK WILL.BEGIN 5t00 AM APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION . 7:09 PM ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST.$ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In:copsideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify,.defend and save the City, its. authorized agents; officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and -against any and all .penalties, ,liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any .accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result.of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least 'twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable. City Ordinances,=.the terms and. conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the.City of La Quinta and to pay for - any additional replacement necessary as the result o�his work. S6nat6re of Applicant or Age.pt Dora Berry Me"rial Greater Coachella Valley Soap Box Derby (760) 347- 12 Name of -Applicant (please print) -Business Address Telephone No. Loia , Xoran (760) 805-160.3 Name of Contractor and Job .Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's• License No: City Business License No. All American City lifted as additional insured Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES:. Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor. Improvement Permit —Class IV: See attached schedule'892 Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee Penalty i. Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: $ Receipt No. is Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 3892 DATE APPROVED 4-21,•03 EXPIRATION DATE 4-27-03 DATE I>SS ED 4-21-03 • 0 Administrative Authority Telephone: (760).777-7075 f=,•i�� jai p 1 • �""y._ .. • _ , - {,-,� i r � ,, � ,, i r `¢ GENERAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO.3892 A �. L Y. ' f �l�'3 ^ r --GREATER COACHELLA VALLEY SOAP BOX DERBY-- � s �;rJ�, +. , •,r ,� ' � , r -} yam. - .3tt5'";ti.� t' .:•-This permit authorizes special event activities to be accomplished within City of La Quanta, <, + right-of-way ONLY. Whenever the special event -activities extend into private property, it is. . the responsibility• r of the applicant, or their agents, to secure 'Permission from abutting ProPerty w owners. Such authorization must be secured by the applicant prior to staring the special event • activities. �1.-,"The applicant Lucia Moran, shall be available during the event by cellular phone 4t.805-1603 T pager 836-6135 or a message can be left at 3474412. j v - , µ L 2 The necessary traffic control signage, barricades, and cones identified `on the approved traffic, ..' control plans will be provided and set up by the City. The applicant{shall notify the City rn 6 ' immediately if replacement equipment is needed. 3 - The .applicant shall be responsible to have volunteers at the intersection of,Bermudas & ' Nogales at all times during the event to allow residents living on Avenida Bermudas within . the event area, their guests, mail carriers, and companies delivering to, them, access to the •J '` ' ' •• southbound one-way fire lane provided on the traffic control plans. y: t 4 The, applicant* shall also assign volunteers to regularly monitor` the intersections of 1) Bermudas & Chihuahua, 2) Bermudas & Monterey, 3) Bermudas & Colima, and 4). Bermudas }& Arroba. w ' r . `". : ` , .tom ' ,'y.e,•, ,g :? J� 4, ) ,, f J : .'„ • - :Y. r :y .: 1, - ., ,. j `irk .. .,, e t '•s' y '� fie•. jr rf37 4`� t 1nt a R+ Soap Box Derby General Conditions & Provisions - Permit No. 3892 .. Page 1 of l t" r