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NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment. permit CITY OF. LA .QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) '.s For the construction of public or private curbs, 'driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking, lots, sevvers, water mains and other like_ public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit = Class II I DATE:. 11/4/03 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Avenue 58 and Santa Roaaa Trail (Street address or Description of, Location) • PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION SMORly water to Project Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF -CONSTRUCTION 18". cxb9B.vith:'butterfly 'See attached special conditions* valves DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL AS needed SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED needed APPROXIMATE,TIME•WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN NOV.. -•2003 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION Doe. 2003 ESTIMATED.CONSTRUCTION COST $ 15,000600 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com= paction and. placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting bf this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend, and save the' City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, -harmless from and against any and all ,.penalties, liabilities or. loss resulting',from claims -or court action and arising out ofany accident, loss or'damage to persons or property ''.h'appening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under .the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four.(24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of, this work. /Signature of'Applicant•or Agent CV!W (Ca r.dl Pfautik dhe) P:O. sox'.1058, Co ch a, (CA92236 (760) 39 —2651 'Name:of•"Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No: Name of Contractor'and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City'Business.License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: 'Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III Public improvements:'3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of'estimated construction costs r Minor Improvement Permit — Cla'ss IV: See, attached schedule 1 4Q1 3 Inspection Fee $ PERMIT. VALIDATION Permit Fee PERMIT NO. 4013 Penalty DATE APPROVED 11/5/03 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required, EXPIRATION DATE 11/30/04 TOTAL: $ Wo Pee . • DATE ISSUED'* ' Receipt No. e By ' Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by ' Telephone: (760) 777-7075 NOTE: -With proper validation thh'form constittim an CITY OF LA QUINTA sitvoadlnlalt Dot - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ; PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) RECEIVE® For the eonsmwdon of public or~private subs. driveways, pavements, sklawalks, parlting lots, sevrgls, water mains NOV 0 4.1003 and other like puble world improvements in conrtecdoti with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS ���`.'�e®��� ermit - mass 111 • Subdivisias Improvement Permit DATE: Minor Improvement Permit Class IV r 5Wo LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION _5.Qe � s yl , - (Stress address of Description of Location) a PU POSE Qf CON R ION U %/� A'1 siatciit (attach constmCgla ri - land i appr DESCRIPT16NOYCONST UCTION a OI NSI OF I ALLATION OR REMOVAL �- SI E OF XCA AT ON, riEtEo.- r ^ RO IMAT�TIE L • - APPROXIMATE TIME O ESTIMATED CONSTRU del . (Including removal of all VET a,a d I s tg, conspaction and plating per rentnd/o r g Improvements)In consideration of the n it, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indartmify, deferhd a City. its authorized agents, offiears. represantstives and employees, harrnies from sad agairat any and all penalties, liabilities loss resulting from claims or twin action and aiising out of any accident. lop or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proshrota result of any work undertaken undo the permit granted pursuant to this sppllolien. Notify dre Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (241 hours In advance, of the time when work will be started. - - Comply with all apple City Ordinances. the terrns and conditions of the permit and all appllea" rules and, regulations of the Chi of Lg Ouinu end to pay for any additional replacement neramry as the new b wo Signature of Appliearrt Agent Name of Appliant`(please print) Business Address Telephone No. - Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address ; •., Telephone No. - Contractor's License No. City Business License No. - - Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number 1 2 e 'FEES:. Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III `Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs , Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit- Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ + PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee "'"�� PERMIT NO. , Penalty DATE APPROVED Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required EXPIRATION DATE , TOTAL: = Q {'�' DA i ED 5 O Receipt No. Y Received by, Date Administrative Authority ' Recorded by Telephone: (760) 777-7075 y _ ' i Foul r- j 1loo °'STRIC COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST RICT CAROLIV PFANKUCHE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICIAN P.O. BOX 1058, COACHELLA, CALIF. 9223, 5 TELEPHONE: (760) 398-265 1 _ � 1 I I t iNDio .: . e e ^ - C.eaecd Dishid Notes for I o 0 0 0 I 0 _ Demesne wat>tar , W s D 1. All materials and �nvetion shall conform to the Standard Specifications for the Construction of Domestic Water S Standard S of the Coachella V Water District CV WD . R Yew `To � EXIST.. POWER POLE T.C. TOP OF CUB p) 8�► i ) COACHELLA 0 FLOW LINE CI 1 ( Of :. EXIST. TEL POLE F.C. rLANS, , Unless modified the Standard S the of the American Water Works Association 4 by per. S Sha11 b materials and COnStritCtlOn methOde. GRADE BREAK �Y -o- EXIST. SIGN G.B. T 1 2 OF THE SW 1 4 OF THE SE ��.�, _W12OF THE LA QuiNTA / . z w XI T. PULL BOX RB AND GUTTER / ❑PB EXIST. C. �G CURB 2. All work shall be mspoeted by GV WD. The for shall be m ac�ooadawxe wuh charges inspection to a .. �+ BASIN CVWD s lie and Standard Specifications. EXIST. CATCH B SI CURB FACE 8 z . � z � C.F. F SEC TION� 21 T 6 S R 7 E SB B&M o ao _ o 9 R H RANT EXIST . YD 3. Work without �haU be acted. C.B. CATCH BASIN p inspection mJ I EXIST. WATER VALVE ASPHALT CONCRETE A.C. 4. The mmtmm�scover for water & tvAm 3 inches. Street AIRPORT BLVD. _ ptpdtsKa and app�uteosocea shall be ti MANH .. 0 EXIST ,TELEPHONE OLE shall be broughtto nub curb sewer metalled and and ivatalled beiae to tuetalkd. i . 8 p .: M 000 EXISTING ELEVATION PROJE CT 0 EXIST. SEWER MANHOLE All comocmons to S 6cuaawin>xmade ; �V WD at the owner's ;� 000 PROPOSED ELEV ATION + g by �►� 58th AVE. `EXIST. DRAIN MANHOLE NOTE 90 -notice rici EXIST. TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION ti. The between water and separation sewer fitctWtes shall be as in CV WD Standard EXIST. U NEW CONCRETE TE SIDEWALK Drawing Wl VIC INITY MAP p�-- ...:...c ...... ,,.:..v ,.Y':: CL-1 EXIST,: DRIVEWAY ;..�.... NEW C & G .. , . ;, . ,,; . 7.' Contractor shall contact CVWD'a Chief to ' NO SCALE .. Inspector Ott least 48 taus prwr to start of comarttctiat XI T. C & G TO REMAIN � a caafuznca S 4 P.S.I. C P 9 STATIC PRESSURE, HOMAS 1205. PAGE 5530 NEW DRIVEWAY i . RAILROAD SIGN GRID E6 2000 EDITION EXIST LRO -� � 8. An tool shall be the the of its assembly to • approved cleaom8 pulled thmug(u pipes � R'o� lY -0-- �0�� NEW C L FENCE remove dui, rocks or forrrga materials. C EXIST GAS UNE.. i WATER WORKS MATERIALS SHALL BE RATED FOR A MINIMUM --t- EXIST. TEL. LINE i , I . EXIST. SEWER LINE 9. No water or sewer lines shall be Wistalled under decorative curbs or sidewalks EXIST. WATER LINEE ALLOWANCE without prior approval bypCVWD. All in -tract s shall be with concrete pavement. w- t: S -x- EXIST.. C L FENCE 15� P.S.I. RATED WORKING PRESSURE PLUS A 1®0 P.S.I.P.S.I.. SURGE � EXST. DRAIN N E NEW STREET R 10. These plan: may be subjeact to ttview and/or rzvisioa by CV�VD if canatimctioa ties not be within %W 8m s • 1 months irnm o as 2 Date f in Blocks. shm>rq M.P.a ►N APProwv � PROPOSED 18 D .P. TER MA PR4P0 W POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT 11. Contractor shall submit to CV WD a list of materials to be used to the • per' pry conference. Onlymaterials on the approved tier may be used. Last shall uxhtde quantity, mamtfacturer, Ea0ST11MG 18" DUP. MA1FR Mai size and other ' model, data. •, P SEE AIS`1R/CT DNKrt NQ n40 12. Contractor shall schedule his construction activitie,*&y with CV WD's Chief Inspector between 3:30 xL and 4:30 xL for the following • p day. if CV WD >a unable to an or p owing �8 Y provide inspector Contractor shall reschedule its wade for anther time. PROPOSED 8 DIP.WATER IVlf11l V , f �`JI � V�7- If Contractor ducts to cancel scheduled wait without to CVVfID; Contractor shaII be charged one hour wl POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT of inspection time for each of oocaurar�. I Pear° day 1 5 I 13. Contractor shall call Service Alert at 1-800.422-4 33 two w des Y .. 1 at leant t0 U--Pam-... ^-7 J� i..�' • 5: 14 start of construction. L TF 16 I 0 3 5 12pipelines 4 7 r 1 D 11 l4. Glut a� shalt be m lace c r LOT D 1. 2 3 6 8 9 � p before any domestic water are constructed. I I w .1 • 1s , 17 17 18 19» - - 20 N00.13-2i'W 21 - 13 " 15 --�-- '- 12 Nom 23 W - - _ _.. �-- -. I r SSANTA ROSA TRAIL ��.. : to UJ t r 18 Z , W Z�6 25 24 13 _ 22 21 30 29 C� 33 32 31 211 27 'Q L T E 28 t O � - 19 LOT H O p i , P. WATER ILIA IND. 1. 8. . o is in _ Noy r stem in Tract ui that the design of the wale system 1► elxow auANnnt Arm Es71ttATtE ONLY coN7ttACtott to rERiF� ALL auANnnt Foes tm sue TrAu� I certify t a 9 r I NOTE. Y LssL Ions of the Coachella Volley Water with the water system expansion p rice Y accordance f , c I be OONSTRU ION NOTES AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE'S i lion sy stem will District and that the water service,` storage and distr bu Y constitute a guarantee PROJEC T MAP _ i mater service to such tract. This certification does not co g to prov de t ressures ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY O8" 1 DIP WATER MAIN W/ POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT L.F. 1 195 . O2 18" D.I. TEE EA. 1 3 O 8" D.I. G.V. (EPDXY LINED AND COATED) EA. .0 ® 18" D.I. B.V. (EPDXY LINED AND COATED) EA. fi Q FIRE HYDRANT ASSY. (WET BARREL) EA. 4 © 1" SERVICE EA. 35 :. 6" D.I. G.V. EA. 3 ® 8" x 6" REDUCER EA. 1 0 9 •-22 1 2- BEND _ __ T 8/ _ _ EA. - 1 10 18" DIP WATER MAIN W/ POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT L.F. 304 11 18" x 6" REDUCER EA. 3 1 6" B.O. ASSY. EA. 2 13 6" D.I.P. WATER MAIN L.F. 12 14 18" CROSS EA. 1 - t ; supply water to such tract at any specific quantities. flows or p SCALE 1 - 50 that it will s pP Y • • n other purpose. rotecbon or a P P for fire p Y r COACHELLA V EY WATER DISTRICT Date j _ EASTERLY G WESTERLY R 1, .... By: R/W Darnel L. Parks I R - Director of Engineering t 10 R.C.E. No. 29572 18.50 8.50 88 It 8.00 18.00 I LANDSCAPE i 12• 32• 32' PURPOSES 10 00 .50' 0.50 6' 0 L .i 20 STRIP OF A.0 ABOVE i • � VARIES - EXIST 18 D.I.P. PROPOSED. 18 D.I.P. WATER 6 CURB AND GUTTER ES 2.Z TO 20� MAX A.C. PVMT. WATER MAIN -, e ` . 2X 2X MIN. rlIlk 4!EAND. _R NG S. DEW L 4 AT FINAL GRADE R Gil R 3 AT FINAL GRADE _ EXIS A.C. FUTURE CU 13. TTE i PAV ENT AND, SIDEWALK VARIES FROM VARIES FROM QM - 0 8 00 TO 12.34 10 60 TO 13.28 CVWD DRAWING APPROVAL PROP. 18' D.I.P. I WATER MAIN Date 8 D.I.P. tt.00' 11.00 Q r WATER FAIN JAN. 21,2003 � 15.00 25.00 Ens ed: 8' vCP SEWER - I .I DWG. No. O' R E. Na 2�572 29340 �c 33g8b • - . t3enaa! M-ChiseEn near RQE. Na. 4' r CONSTRUCTION contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction practices. construction contractor will be required to assume sole e responsibility for job site conditions d the course of construction and complete r sp y j during of the project. including safety of all persons and property; that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours.CM and construction contractor further aggreea to defend. indemnity and hold design professional harmless from an and all liability, real or alleged. in connection with the performance of work on this project, excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of design professional. SANTA ROSA TRAIL �j/ %� / / PICAL LO�jA I ION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES N. T. S NO. 14614 DiPIREs 3-31-06 *1 L s - TYPICAL SECTION FOR 58TH AVENUE N. T••S Revision: Date: Appr E A L DI � �R� /'�•+�' +t Icy DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-227-2600 AY AT LEAST TWO DAYS �O RE YOU DIQ UCUOioM 88MM AUNT OF WUn�l GnLFa1NA BENCHMARK: MA_ �466 USBR (29TH ENGRS 1941 RlV. CO.) POST NOT A USBR DISC SET IN CONC. OS ( STAMPED) AT THE S. W CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND 58TH A VENUE. _ 4. t 500.00 435.045 ELEV. 6 955 John Hacker and Associates Co11Sllif/119 Cid Engineers a SUN@yy018 B8.487 E Pab CartyonDrira FMtans 760.324-0216 . Sine 44 Far 7ti0.32f4701 ca te" Coy, Ca I?713t PREPARED BY: DATE: 1 is 3 • F.�- -. -a w.l. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES &USES. The engineer preparing these plans. will not be re sponstble for.ors liable for. unauthorized changes to or uses eii these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be p t� approved by the parer of these plans. IN 7W CITY OF LA QUINT& CAUFORIiNA S H E E T 1 OF 2 SHEETS WATER IMPROVEMENT. PLAN,` _ :� �l'_`+i RO'i,, DEVELOP, 3iEl`.'i', LLC TRACT NO '3 0,487 W 1 /2 OF THE E 1 /2 OF THE SW 1 /4 OF THE SE 1 /4 OF SECTION 21, T 6 S. 7 E, SBB&M JOHN H. HACKER I R.C.E. NO. 14614 EXP. DATE- 3-31-OS APPROVED BY. DATE. DWG. NAME DRAWN WAP SCALE 1: a4o' Fil 34 DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D OATS DESIGNED WAP JOB NUMBER 01-1651 TIMOTHY R. JONNASON -CITY ENGINEER ! R.C.E. No. 45843 EXP. CAW: 12-31-02F FOR: SANTA ROSA DEVMOPMENTe LLC R E V I S i 0 N S CHECKM DATE MUARY 14. 2003 I