4118rs_ NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an C CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the 'construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit --Class I II DATE: 3/17/04 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Palmilla Tract 298.55-1,2; SWC Jefferson & Avenue 50 (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION A flerrmc*nta h XAP A"d Agnh-Al t Aavirta . — DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Within Palmilla Subdivision Via Puente. Via Amante. Via Sin Cuidado. DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL67.,885 soft SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED NA APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 3/24/04 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 3/26/04 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 87.104.00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _ In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) Plan Set No. Indemnify, defend• and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to .this application.' Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or lsA ent RJT. Homea-Palmilla; LLC; 70-700 50t'h Ave 564-6555 (Chad Meyer) Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Zoltan Gradisi8 & Paving; 15050 Cholla Road, Whitewater 251-5113 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 764535 Contractor's License No. Sted Past Insurance Co. Applicant's Insurance Company FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor. Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ 29640000 Permit Fee 100.00 Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL Receipt No. Received by $ 2,710.00 Date 03857 City Business License No. SC03513604-03 Policy Number JU L MAR 19 2004 �� CITY OF LA QUINTA FINAN! CE DE� P_ T� til PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 4118 DATE APPROVED 3/18/04 EXPIRATION DATE 3/18/05 DATE ISSUED \Q Administrative Authority Recorded by 11 Telephone: (760) 777-7075 Location of Construction: Purpose of Construction: Description of Construction: -,�f eA k j�V_ Dimension of Installation or Removal: 6 2 or: Approximate Construction Start Date: 3� y Approximate Construction Completion Date: 3 . Estimated Construction Cost: Estimated Construction Cost shall include the removal of all obstructions, materials, and debris, back -filling, compaction and placing permanent resurfacing and or replacing improvements Contact Name:Phone Number: sS%- '103 I Name of Applicant:-yam,�'S' — SAL M/LLB LLC' Applicant Address: Applicant Telephone Number: Z�a' Q Name of Contractor: /v- (5ykk5�,Ie 4- 'At�1,i,G Contractor Address:. IS'OSO c�z," oqoAQ l t,10r4'kA�n� 0/0 Contractor Telephone Number: 9GU — S/ — " �3 Contractor State License Number: 7 4YS3 S Contractor City Business License Number: O3.dj� Y2 ► A COPY OF THE CURRENT INSURANCE CERTIFICATE MUST BE PROVIDED Applicant or Contractor General Liability Insurance Company: Applicant or Contractor General Liability Insurance Policy Number: • 5c.p3S .� ©�- 0 3 - Office Use Only: Inspection Fee: 6 Permit Fee: oo As -Built Deposit: Dust Control t Deposit: Credit - Amount: Amount: io( FEE DUE: j t Z17I0.J TOTAL Office Use Only: Assigned PermitNumber: Approval Date:. Expiration Date: ��.,�o� • Issue iL�6 Date: "Ad t tive A o MAR=15-2004 MON 04 `- 26 PM MAT I CH CORP.. ADM I N FAX N0. 909 382 0169 P. 02 CH PMATION SINCe 1918 , March 15, 2004 Zoltan Grading and Paving 15050 Cholla Road Whitewater,.CA 92282 Attn. Eric' pw; Mix Design Submit 91 for galmella,__ O—mQuin". CA , Matich Corporation is subvii(tting the following catalog mix design information relative to the asph� t concrete we intend to deliver to your project, Mix )Design GB. Type 3 B3 3/4" AR 4000 per Standard Specifications for Public Works The subject products are currently in use by various municipalities throughout Riverside and Sun Bernardino Counties, the California Departmcut of Transportation, Riverside County Transportation Deportment and the San Bernardino County Road Department. Thank you for the oppottuxlity to be of service to you. If you have any questions of if T cap be of further service, please contact me at (969) 849-3728. Res ctfull 'sub pe . Y 'William Graf Matich Corporation P.O. aox So,000 sAN eeRw ov*Ck CA 92412 • 15% MARRY SHMARD KVO, SAN WMARDINO • TMPHON6 l?") 342.74M • FAX (000) 382.0160 ' www.mdd<dcerp.eom . E'd I90S-T92 09L dBZ:TO �,0 91 JeW MAR-15-2004 MON 04:27 PM MATICH CORP. ADMEN FAX NO, 909 382 0169 P. 03, Aggregate Blend AC6R1ZGATE' BI•END - - MANUAL •1 .. ..-..map=rwwrrogxra=rRr...�-.r G8 TYPE3 D3 Z78 Blend iD GB TYpE3 B3 270 -- Specifi.cat,ionZD ---- ------ ---------------------- pass Ag9rega High ' --- -- - sieve-------_. Low ------ _te -------------100"0 BM CT2 SAND B * - 1 :--- - 100.0 BAN CT2 3/8 B 22.0 3/4 95.0 100.0 97.5 bA. 71.1 H CT2 �/2 A . 19.0 3/8 " 65.0 80.0 W N CT2 3/4 B + 51.2 14.0 4 45.0 60.0• •s 9.9 nArml ROCK OU ST 4.0 30 , 0 45 .0 t9.5. # 30 15.0 25.0 4.2 0 200 3.0 7 0 a�iatioo d G0 1VPE7 69 2TSI � . .....•...... Bin# 1 781-Lb3. ioo.o I�- Bimf 2 419 Lbs. '',��, , ....... .. 3isti! 3 362 Lbc. x na •+ -'' Bin# 4 267 Lbs. s so o .4:... ............... ~~� ' •. Duct 76 .Lbs. '��• oil_5% �W. S�t3�D1A. n ., . _95 '•qao An-4000 or 8000 o.o r in• W• e, n sieve AQOREGATE.GRADATIONS -- % PASS . _ rrr�a=as�arrrw.rc==�c=r�rrrrrr . p71N CT2 3/8 n Bm CT2 i/2 o BAN CT2 3/4 B BANN ROCK DUST -am CT2 SAND B Avg of Avg of a Avg of 1 Sieve AVq of Av of , ------------ 9 -------- ------------=------------- ------------------------ __-� 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 1+ » ioo.0 100.0 82.0 100.0 3/4 » 100 A 100. 0 2.3 24.0 100. 0 3/8 » 100.0. 96.7 1.1 1.0 100.0 11 100-. 0 26.8 i0.8 0.9 10o - o # a 85.5 2.8 0.4 0.3 100.0 # 30 37.3 o.S 0.1 0.1. 53.0. 41 200 5.0 0.1 mati.ch Quality Control ".- Osear Rande b °d 1909-192 09 dBz :'T0 b0 91 •3eW Mar 16 04 12:07p p 3 Mar 16 04 12:07p p'1 • �� Earth Systems 'tom Southwest r, 31 nn Country Club Di�u UmlluJa Dots. CA 1)2201 (760)345-15811 (800)974.701.) " • . - PAX (760) 345-731 S . 12/18/04 rile No.: 07516.01 02-02-725 A-1 Aggregates. P.U. Dux 567. Thousand Palms, Ca 92276 Attention: Mr. Tennis DUrch . ° Subject: Laboratory Test Results CruChcd Miscellaneous Base Project: A -I Aggregates Miseellateoas Tesyng This report presents the results of laboratory tests pc;rformed ou aggregatc base samples. 1'hc samples were obtained by our personnel Gvnt the Rio Del Sol project site tom - Per your request the following tests were performed: 1) Sieve Analysis (ASTM ('-136/ Cat Tust 202) A sununary o(' our laboratory test resulls is attached. We !rust !his meets your you have any questions or need' lurther assistance please contact.us. - current needs. If Respectfully Submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST d QPOfess/o, PSG Q,pnG S. G l cc` � zc Y ! '�`` 2 •l3•oL Marl: Houghton Craig S: CE 38234 . EXP. 03/31/0S m Materials and Testing Supci visor a CC3823 � » Distribution: 2/A-I Ag, -regates '1r C1Vil. ��P FOFCAUjo I /R .0 2/Bb ,a S'd. 190S-192 09L d62t10 b0 91 -JeW 10.5 M Mar 1G 04 12:08p. tR 19 100t 3:1tpM ESSW 0 1760) 345-7315 Meets and excess Caltrans spec//Juee below SECTION 26: ' AGGREGATE BASES 26-1.01 DESCRIPTION This wont shall consartt of furnishing, spreading and compacting anmgste bases as specified in these spc6ficaticAs and tic spcciaJ provisions. Aggregate bases arc dcsignatted 'as (;lass 2 and Class 3. 11c class of aggregate base will be shown on the plans or R=ified in the special provisions. 26-1.02 MATERIALS Aggregate for the various'LLScs of aggregate base at the time it is deposited an the roadbed shall conform to the following requirements: 26.1.02A CIAss 2 Aggregate Base Aggregate for Class. 2 499mgate base shall be free: from organic matter and other deleterious substances; and shall be of such nature that it can be compacted readily under watering and rolling to form a funs, stable base. , A c gate may include material proeessed from reclaimed asphalt concrete, Portland ccmerri . concrete lean concrete base ecrnent:treatmt asc or i c mmbin`ahoo o an o�tt r7cxc materials. a amount 01 rcelaamed maecri not excm pencmt u t e total volurno of the aggregate used. • Aggregate shall conform to the grading and quality re quiremcalts shown in the following tables. At the option of the Contractor, the grading for either the 37S-mm maximum or 19-mm maximum shall be used, except that once a "jag is selected the grading shalJ not be. changed without the. I:r1gineea's written approval, AG .RFr:ATFl.vanMTd--ern.\...:......... Patents c Pnsrsing, 37.5 Maximum 19-mm maximum operating Contract OP01ating Contract " Sicve sizes R e Corn liana Ran b (um liar)ee SO-mm 100 !00 37.5-mrn 9010o to -too _ 2S-mm 100 -t0 _ toD 87.IW 19-.rim SO.B 4, 4.73-221 2 -45 � 20-SO _ 6-29 35 !s0 3Q65 5-35 600 10.25 10-30 75 29 at2 _ 2-9. 0-12 OUALWY RP UIR>;MMrs / Oparattt� CODilfaOt ..7Cfit - Range torn ia»oc sisrs cc k-valu — 78 Min, Sand IF,cLvalcm 25 Min 2214lin 5wi lglity Index _ _" l4fia The tiggoegate shall not be treated with lime, ccrneot or other chemical material before the Durahility Index test is perfurm6d_ Untreated reclaimed.abphalt concrote 223 p.3 Z'd T909-T92 09L d0C:T0 s,0 91 Jew Avenue 50 29 28 17 16 .4 3 73 99 107 011 98 110111 112 30 27 18 15 5 6 74 100 106 2 97 105 1 75 a 0 113 116 .R J Q 31 26 19 1VIA P ENTE 6 1 76 96 102 104 108 101 1 14 1 15 10 32 25 20, 13 7 77 95 I 121 33 �1 24 21 12 8 94 93 92 91 90 122 O C� 11 9 10 L 123 126.27 34 23 124 4— 35 \` 22 79 125 12 �+— D`„ - 78 80 81 VIA SIN CUIDIDO 86 87 88 89 12 36 37 38 48 49 v 82 O 7 6 �l 84 85 130 5 39 47 50 57 83 72 141 } 4 2 . 58 71 140 131 3 1 40 46 51 59 65 66 139 132 10 11 52 = 56 60 `" 70 138 1i~.\ 133 8 9 12 41 64 67 "'' _ 13 v 4 53 54 55 61 62 63 68 69 1 135 34 18 17 16 15 14 I I I Permit. Fees Project Name: RJT Homes; Palmilla, LLC (Tract 29858-1) Plan Type/Plan Set Number: Base and Paving • - Total Fees • Inspection Fees r 1 rst Mill $87,104.06 $2,613.00 - 2nd Mill $0.00 $0.00 3rd Mill $0.00 . $0.00. Sum $87,104. 0 $2,613:00' , Permit Fee $100.00' [ f Deposits ; As -Built 0 plan $0.00 , PM=10 0 acres $0.00 Credits Plan Chek O'pages .$0.00 r $/PAGE Total Due: $2,710.00 s