RFP - Banking Services 2018-08-30
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
Banking and Merchant Services
City of La Quinta
BID ISSUED DATE August 30, 2018
Title: Finance Director
Contact: Karla Campos
Email: kcampos@laquintaca.gov
Phone Number: 760-777-7073
Date: Friday, October 5, 2018, 5:00PM
Mail Address and Bid Opening Location: City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Sealed written responses must be received by the City Clerk no later than the date, time, and location
indicated above for the Bid Opening. Late submission of responses shall not be considered. Submittal of
response by email or fax are not acceptable.
Section I - Purpose of Request for Proposal and General Terms and Conditions
Section II - Introduction
Section III - Schedule of Events
Section IV - Proposer Qualifications
Section V - Evaluation and Award Criteria
Section VI - Proposal Instructions and Scope of Work
Section VII - Bid Form
Appendix A - Consultant Agreement Sample
Appendix B - Reference Submittal Form
Appendix C - Local Business Preference and Certification Request
Note: This bid does not constitute an order for the goods or services specified.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
The City of La Quinta (“the City”), Finance Department is currently seeking proposals from qualified
financial institutions for Banking and Merchant Services for its bank accounts and related cash
management services. The primary objective of this proposal is to obtain the most efficient, high
quality services at the most reasonable cost.
Any questions, interpretations, or clarifications, either administrative or technical, about this RFP
must be requested via email prior to the date indicated in Section III. All pertinent questions will be
answered and conveyed to all Proposers. Oral statements concerning the meaning or intent of the
contents of this RFP by any person is unauthorized and invalid. All questions either technical,
commercial, or contractual in nature shall be directed to: Karla Campos, Finance Director,
If a Proposer discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in the RFP or
any of its attachments, he/she shall immediately notify the City of such error in writing and request
modification or clarification of the document. Modifications will be made by addenda. Clarifications
will be given by written notice to all parties who have been furnished or who have requested an RFP
for proposing purposes, without divulging the source of the request for same.
If a Proposer fails to notify the City prior to the date fixed for submission of proposals of an error in
the RFP known to him/her, or an error that reasonably should have been known to him/her, he/she
shall bid at his/her own risk, and if he/she is awarded the contract, he/she shall not be entitled to
additional compensation or time by reason of the error or its later correction.
The City may modify this RFP, any of its key action dates, or any of its attachments, prior to the bid
submittal date. Addenda will be numbered consecutively as a suffix to the RFP Reference Number.
It is the Proposer’s responsibility to ensure they have incorporated all addenda. Failure to
acknowledge and incorporate addenda will not relieve the Proposer of the responsibility to meet all
terms and conditions of the RFP and any subsequent addenda.
Proposals will be accepted on or before the date and time indicated in the Schedule of Events, Section
III, in accordance with Section VI, Proposal Instructions and Format.
Costs for developing proposals are entirely the responsibility of the Proposer and shall not be
chargeable to the City of La Quinta.
If a Bidder takes exception to any part of these specifications as written, or as amended by any
addenda subsequently issued, or the Agreement, they must do so in writing. Said exceptions must
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
be submitted with the proposal. Failure to do so will be construed as acceptance of all items of the
specification and the Agreement.
Proposals submitted by mail should be postmarked sufficiently in advance of the bid opening to ensure
delivery to the City Clerk, City of La Quinta, prior to the specified opening time. The City assumes no
responsibility for delay in delivery of the proposal by U.S. Mail or any other service. LATE PROPOSALS
Proposals become the property of the City and information contained therein shall become public
property subject to disclosure laws after Notice of Intent to Award. The City reserves the right to
make use of any information or ideas contained in the proposal.
Proposer must notify City in advance of any proprietary or confidential material contained in the
proposal and provide justification for not making such material public. City shall have sole discretion
to disclose or not disclose such material subject to any protective order which Proposer may obtain.
City may reject any or all proposals and may waive any immaterial deviation in a proposal. City of
La Quinta's waiver of an immaterial defect shall in no way modify the RFP documents or excuse the
Proposer from full compliance with the specifications if he/she is awarded the contract. Proposals
referring to terms and conditions other than City of La Quinta’s terms and conditions may be rejected
as being non-responsive.
The City may make investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the Proposer to
perform the work, and the Proposer shall furnish to City of La Quinta all such information and data
for this purpose as requested by the City. The City reserves the right to reject any proposal if the
evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Proposer fails to satisfy the City that such Proposer
is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work specified.
This solicitation does not obligate the City to enter into an agreement. City of La Quinta retains the
right to cancel this RFP at any time, should the project be canceled, City of La Quinta loses the
required funding, or it is deemed in the best interest of the City. No obligation, either expressed or
implied, exists on the part of the City to make an award or to pay any cost incurred in the preparation
or submission of a proposal.
The City requires a certificate of insurance prior to commencement of any work. An underwriter’s
endorsement is also required with additional insured verbiage and must be an admitted surety in the
State of California. Insurance requirements are outlined in the Contract Service Agreement (Exhibit
Local vendors are encouraged but not required. For purposes of this section, a “local” shall be defined
as an individual, partnership or corporation which regularly maintains a place of business within the
corporate limits of the City.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
The City encourages Proposers to resolve issues regarding the requirements or the procurement
process through written correspondence and discussions during the period in which clarifying
addenda may be issued. The City wishes to foster cooperative relationships and to reach a fair
agreement in a timely manner. Formal proposals for major professional and technical services shall
be governed by the City’s Purchasing Policy (Exhibit B).
Award, if any, will be to the Proposer whose proposal best complies with all of the requirements of
the RFP documents and any addenda. Evaluation methodology and basis for award are described in
Section V – Evaluation and Award Criteria.
The period of services shall be five years with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods.
Annual renewals shall be automatic and based on satisfactory performance of service and unless
terminated by either party with thirty (30) days written notice prior to the expiration of each renewal.
In the event of a conflict between documents the following order of precedence shall apply:
1. City of La Quinta Contract Services Agreement
2. City of La Quinta Request for Proposal
3. Proposer's Proposal
Upon approval by the City Council, the contract shall be signed by the Proposer and returned, along
with the required attachments to the City of La Quinta within ten (10) working days. The period for
execution may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. Contracts are not effective until
approved by the appropriate City of La Quinta officials. Any work performed prior to receipt of a fully
executed contract shall be at Proposer's own risk.
Failure to execute the contract within the time frame identified above shall be sufficient cause for
voiding the award. Failure to comply with other requirements within the set time shall constitute
failure to execute the contract. If the successful Proposer refuses or fails to execute the contract,
the City may award the contract to the next qualified highest ranked Proposer.
If a proposal is accepted, the Proposer shall not issue any news releases or other statements
pertaining to the award or servicing of the agreement which state or imply the City endorsement of
Proposer’s services.
The City requires a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) to be filed by any proposer who is
involved in the making, of the decisions which may have a foreseeable material effect on any City
financial interest [reference Government Code § 82019].
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
The City is requesting proposals from qualified financial institutions for Banking and Merchant
Services for its bank accounts and related cash management services. The primary objective
of this proposal is to obtain the most efficient, high quality services at the most reasonable
The City of La Quinta is located 120 miles east of Los Angeles in the eastern portion of
Riverside County known as the Coachella Valley. The City is governed by a five-member City
Council under the Council/Manager form of government. The City was originally incorporated
in 1982 as a general law City and became a charter city in November 1996.
The City provides a range of services, which include construction and maintenance of streets
and other infrastructure; community development and planning; construction and code
compliance; recreational and cultural activities; and general municipal services.
The City contracts with other government agencies and organizations for specific services,
including police and fire protection, library and museum services, water and sewer service,
electricity service, refuse collection, public transit, and street sweeping.
The City is also financially accountable for a legally separate Successor Agency for the former
Redevelopment Agency, a Financing Authority, and a Housing Authority
The City will endeavor to administer the proposal process in accordance with the terms and
dates outlined in this RFP, however, the City reserves the right to modify the activities, time
line, or any other aspect of the process at any time, as deemed necessary by City staff. By
requesting the proposals, the City is in no way obligated to award a contract or pay the
expenses of proposing banks in connection with the preparation or submission of a proposal.
The awarding of any contract shall be contingent on the availability of the funds and the
requisite staff and Council approvals. The decision to award any contract to a particular bank
will be based on a variety of factors as listed in the RFP. It is in the City’s interest to do
business with banking professionals who are dedicated to the government market. No single
factor will determine the final award decision.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
Advertisement August 30, 2018
Release of Request for Proposal August 30, 2018
Last Day for Submission of Questions September 21, 2018
City Response to Questions submitted via
September 28, 2018
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals October 5, 2018 at 5:00PM
Evaluation October 19, 2018
Optional Interview if Required Week of November 5, 2018
Tentative Contract Award Date December 4, 2018
*NOTE: The dates subsequent to receipt of proposal may be adjusted without further notice.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
4.0 In addition to meeting all other requirements of this RFP, all responding Proposers
shall furnish verifiable evidence that their firm and personnel, at a minimum, meet the
following qualifications.
a. Be a Federal or State of California chartered institution.
b. Be a member of the Federal Reserve System and have access to all services.
c. Be a qualified State depository for public funds.
d. Be a full-service bank in good standing among other comparable banks.
e. Be capable of providing the services sought by the City, to include a wide range of
electronic payment and deposit services.
f. Agree to assign experienced and dedicated staff committed and capable of servicing
the City’s accounts.
g. Be in compliance and good standing with the Community Reinvestment Act.
h. Be sufficiently capitalized to accommodate the City’s cash management needs and
ensure collateralization of funds.
i. Banking institution shall provide their current ICD rating.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
The selection of the bank to provide banking and merchant services to the City will be based on a
comprehensive review of the bank’s qualifications as presented in this proposal, overall price and
cost to the City, the experience and success of the bank in providing banking services to similar
clients, the firm’s ability to provide the services outlined in the RFP and an evaluation of the bank’s
ability to be a good business partner with the City.
Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by an evaluation committee comprised of City of La Quinta
Finance personnel and two Financial Advisory Commission members (La Quinta residents, appointed by
City Council). Award will be made in the best interest of the City of La Quinta.
The proposals will be evaluated and ranked in accordance with the evaluation criteria described
• Bank financial strength and ability to protect and collateralize City deposits.
• Overall cost to City and ability to guarantee pricing for contract period.
• Revenue sharing and/or cost reduction opportunities offered by the bank.
• Ability to meet minimum required service levels and offer required bank products.
• Quality references and overall experience with public agencies.
• Qualifications and strength of the relationship management team.
• Ability to offer product and service enhancements.
• Location of bank offices.
• Other qualitative characteristics as may be presented in the RFP.
Discussions may be conducted with the most qualified bidders for the purpose of clarification
to assure the full understanding of, and conformance to, the solicitation requirements.
Revisions may be permitted after submissions, and prior to award, for the purpose of
obtaining best and final offer.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
To be considered responsive to this RFP, Proposer must submit proposals in the format identified in this
section. All requirements and questions in the RFP must be addressed and all requested data must be
supplied. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to request additional information that, in the City’s
opinion, is necessary to assure that the Proposer’s competence, number of qualified employees, business
organization, and financial resources are adequate to perform according to contract. The City also reserves
the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any non-material irregularities or informalities, and to
accept or reject any item or combination of items. This RFP and the bank’s response, including all
promises, warranties, commitments, and representations made in the successful proposal, will become
binding contractual obligations. Proposed services and related pricing and warranties contained in the
proposal must be valid for a period of 120 days after the submission of the proposal . Any questions
concerning the RFP must be submitted via email to kcampos@laquintaca.gov. All banks wishing to
participate in this selection process are to provide an email address by September 14, 2018 to ensure the
City can respond to questions via email to all proposing parties, thus ensuring all participating parties have
access to the same information.
The Proposer shall provide a minimum of one (1) original and five (5) duplicates of the proposal
containing section tabs with responses following the same order as the RFP. Each question of the
RFP should be repeated with the bank’s response following. Please refrain from including extraneous
or marketing information. If a service requirement or section of the proposal cannot be met by a
proposer, then “No Proposal” should be indicated on the Bid Form and the relevant section of the
proposal. An alternate equivalent service may be offered. All copies of the proposal must be delivered
sealed. One copy of the proposal must be clearly marked “Master Copy”.
a. Address/Deliver proposals to: City Clerk,
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
b. Proposals must be received by the City Clerk, no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, October
5, 2018. Late submissions, including fax or email delivery, will not be accepted.
Proposals should be prepared in such a way as to provide a straightforward, concise delineation of
capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of
content. Bank personnel signing the cover letter, or any other related forms submitted must be authorized
signers with the requisite authority to represent the bank and to enter into binding contracts with clients.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
To assist the City to adequately compare and evaluate each bank’s qualifications objectively, all
proposals must be submitted in the prescribed format.
Cover Letter
It should include the name of the proposing bank, its principle business address where the relationship
will be managed, and the branch address that can meet the daily banking needs of the City and its
Table of Contents
Tab A – Transmittal Letter: The letter should address the bank’s willingness and
commitment, if selected to provide the service, and why the bank believes it should be
selected. The letter should contain a statement that the bank has read and will comply with
all the terms and conditions of the RFP. The letter should be addressed to Karla Campos,
Finance Director, and signed by an individual authorized to bind the bank.
Tab B – Bank and Personnel File: Please respond to the following:
Bank Overview – Provide a general overview of the bank’s operations, fundamental
management, and customer service philosophy, and financial strength. Identify the primary
office or branch that the City will be assigned to and where the City will conduct its primary
banking business.
Experience – Describe the bank’s direct experience in servicing public sector clients. Please
include the information such as the number of nationwide and California public agency clients,
the dollar amount of public funds on deposit for each of these categories, and the bank’s
knowledge of and adherence to the California Government Code and other applicable laws.
Relationship Management – Identify the size and scope of your California-based public
banking unit, banking officers responsible for the City’s accounts, what each person’s role and
responsibilities will be, and the relevant credentials and experience of each person on the
relationship management team.
Customer Service – Describe how the bank handles problem resolution, customer service,
day-to-day contact, and ongoing maintenance for governmental entities. Specify whom the
City will be calling for day-to-day banking and treasury management issues. Explain the
process for elevating an issue to a higher level to obtain a quick resolution when the day-to-
day contact is not responsive.
Compliance and Exceptions – Include a statement to confirm the bank’s compliance to specific
minimum qualifications, listing any exceptions to required services.
Responsible Banking Description – Describe the bank’s responsible banking policies and
practices. Discuss any current efforts, or those that may be implemented in the City of La
Quinta, if the bank were awarded the City banking contract. Lastly, describe any other
efforts/contributions the bank has made/would make relative to investment in the local
community (such as fraud prevention seminars hosted at the City’s multi-generational
Wellness Center.)
Tab C – References: Please provide three (3) references. References should include other
California cities of similar size and scope of service utilization as the City of La Quinta. Select
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
both long standing and recent customers. Include the following information for each
• Contact name and title
• Name of agency
• Telephone number and email address
• Services provided
Tab D – Demand Deposit Accounts: The City currently uses three (3) demand deposit
accounts (DDAs). One is a Zero Balance Accounts with the Deposit Account serving as the
Parent ZBA. Checks are issued using the Accounts Payable Account and Payroll Account.
1. How many days after month-end will the City receive its bank statements?
2. Are the bank statements available on-line?
3. Does the bank offer Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA’s)? If so, please describe the service.
Are the transfers to or from the Parent Account automatic?
4. Does the bank offer ACH blocks or filters? If so, please explain.
5. Does the option exist to create sub-accounts under the primary account?
Tab E – Collateralization of Deposits: The bank is required to collateralize public funds
deposits under the California Government Code, Sections 53651 and 53652. Copies of the
reports filed with the State of California shall be made available to the City upon request.
Please detail the bank’s procedures for collateralizing public funds deposits.
1. What types of securities are used as collateral?
2. Which bank department is responsible for tracking deposits and monitoring collateral?
3. What is the bank’s current level ($ amount) of California public funds deposits and the
related collateral?
4. What is the frequency of reporting to the State Treasurer’s Office?
5. Please include a copy of the Bank’s Contract for Deposit of Moneys in this section.
Tab F – Bank Compensation: The City has historically paid for bank services with a
combination of hard-dollar fees and compensating balances. Please indicate the following in
this section:
1. Can the City compensate the bank for services with fees, balances, or a combination
of the two at its own election? Please describe any differences in related costs to the
City with either option.
2. Can the City choose between paying for analysis deficiencies by check, auto debit, or
ACH credit?
3. What is the bank’s Earning Credit Rate (ECR) based on, and how is it calculated each
4. List the bank’s average ECR for each of the last eight months (January – August,
5. Using the ECR for the month of August 2018, please calculate the level of
compensating balances (after float and reserves) needed to offset one dollar of the
bank services. ($1 in services = $ _______ in compensating balances.)
6. Please explain in detail, how and when the FDIC assessment is computed and charged.
7. What is the bank’s settlement period for account analysis and billing purposes –
monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually? How long can any excess balances be
carried forward to apply to charges in future billing periods?
8. How long will the bank’s pricing, as indicated in this proposal and the Banking Services
Bid Form, be fixed?
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
9. Please detail which types of items and services can be applied against the account
analysis in addition to the standard bank services, such as merchant bankcard
processing, messenger service, armored carrier, check stock, supplies, custody
services, etc. Is there a markup for any of the items? If so, how much?
10. How does the bank charge for overdrafts? Does the bank charge for the use of
uncollected funds? If so, how is the charge calculated?
11. Please state the negative collected balance charge that the City will pay and, in detail,
explain how this charge is computed. Is the rate quoted in this proposal good for the
term of the contract?
12. Are Account Analysis Reports available on-line? If so, specify the cost.
13. What procedure is used to make any adjustments to the Account Analysis statements
and how long does it take for adjustments to take effect?
Tab G – Deposit Activity: The City currently utilizes a variety of methods to process daily
deposits. The City requires weekly deposit pick-up from City Hall.
Total monthly deposits consist of approximately 600 to 800 un-encoded checks and
approximately $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 in coin and currency. Deposited items should be
automatically re-cleared once. Checks that are returned are mailed to the City. The City
requires the ability to use the branch to make branch deposits, to get change, to allow
employees to cash payroll checks, and for other miscellaneous activities.
1. Please identify your branch locations within the City of La Quinta. Do all locations
provide night depository services?
2. Please describe the bank’s deposit requirements. How should the coin and currency
deposits be prepared? How should un-encoded check deposits be prepared?
3. How would the City order cash vault supplies? How is payment made for such supplies?
4. Please describe in detail the bank’s procedures for handling deposit adjustments. What
documentation on discrepancies does the bank provide?
5. Is the deposit adjustment documentation different from cash deposits and check
deposits? What is the minimum adjustment amount? How soon would support
documentation of a deposit discrepancy be provided to the City?
6. Please describe the bank’s returned item handling and notification procedures. Is an
automatic re-clear option available? How long does it take for returned items to be
sent to the City? Include any online tools available for this purpose.
7. What are the cut-off times for deposits at the bank’s local branch and at the bank’s
Processing Center to ensure same day credit? Where is the Processing Center/Cash
Vault located? Will the City deal directly with the Cash Vault on deposit adjustments
or with a local representative?
Tab H – Bill Concentration Service:
1. Does the bank have the capability to provide a bill concentration service? If so, please
describe the service and any costs associated.
Tab I – Wire Transfers: The City currently transacts wire transfers on-line, initiating
approximately five (5) wires and book transfers a month and receiving approximately two (2)
incoming wires per month.
1. Please describe the bank’s on-line wire transfer capabilities. What is the deadline for
initiating wire transfers?
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
2. What safeguards and security measures does the bank have in place to protect the
Tab J – Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements
ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll: The City utilizes direct deposit services for bi-weekly payroll
for the City. Approximately 95% of the 110 City’s employees take advantage of the direct
deposit service. Please address the following:
1. Describe the bank’s direct deposit services, including the software requirements and
transmission options available.
2. Discuss screening measures that the bank uses to minimize errors on files sent to the
bank. Describe the process and timing available for file/error correction.
3. Indicate the transmission deadlines for direct deposit ACH files, including date and
time when the bank needs the file from the City and when the funds are debited from
the City’s account.
4. Discuss any employee benefit programs for City employees and indicate if the bank
would be able to participate in City-hosted employee benefits presentations.
5. Is there direct support for file testing?
ACH Vendor Payments: The City would like to make payments electronically. Describe the
program used by the bank to facilitate these payments. The City currently uses Tyler Incode
10 for its financial software.
ACH Auto Debit: The bank must have the capability to accommodate an online bill collection
Tab K – Payroll Tax Processing: Please describe the bank’s payroll tax withholding services
and its related costs. The City requires the ability to report and pay state and federal tax
withholdings automatically online or by telephone.
Tab L – State Activity/LAIF Transfers: The City transacts State of California Local Agency
Investment Fund (LAIF) transfers on a regular basis and receives State electronic payments.
1. Please describe the LAIF transfer process. Are the transfers done by telephone, email,
fax, wire transfer, etc.? How is the accuracy of transfers assured?
2. What is the charge per transfer to LAIF? From LAIF?
3. Does the bank have an office in Sacramento that maintains a direct DDA banking
relationship with the State Treasurer’s office and the State Controller’s office?
4. Is the bank an approved State of California depository?
5. What is the charge for the deposit of State electronic payments? State warrants?
6. What is the bank’s position on past issuance of IOU’s by the State of CA? Does the
bank accept IOU’s for deposit?
Tab M – On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting: The City currently utilizes
a web-based on-line system to perform a variety of processes, such as placing stop payments
and accessing online balance reporting information for all accounts.
1. Please describe the banks on-line banking and information reporting system(s)
including a list of all services provided.
2. What are the current computer hardware and software specifications for most
effectively utilizing the bank’s on-line system?
3. At what time (Pacific Standard Time) is prior day information available?
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
4. Is the per item fee for prior day reporting based on the number of items reported or
5. Can the reports be customized? Exported to Excel?
6. What types of security measures are in place? How is the assignment of user I.D.’s
and passwords managed?
7. What is the bank’s contingency plan for providing this information in the event of an
unexpected bank system problem or natural disaster?
8. Does the bank offer electronic delivery of statements, reports, and notices?
Tab N – Account Reconcilement: The City currently issues approximately 400 Accounts
Payable and Payroll checks monthly and utilizes Full Account Reconcilement with Positive Pay
services for its disbursement accounts.
1. Does the bank offer Full Account Reconcilement Services with Positive Pay? If so,
please describe the service including accepted methods for receiving the Positive Pay
data and the format specifications for that data.
2. Does the bank offer Teller Positive Pay and Payee Positive Pay?
3. How are the exception items under the Positive Pay reported to the City? What is the
procedure and timeline for paying or returning exception items?
4. How are manual checks issued by the City sent to the bank for inclusion in Positive
5. Does the bank provide on-line check imaging for exception items?
6. Describe the bank’s check truncation service. Is on-line check imaging available for
paid items? Deposit slips? Bank correction advices?
7. Does the bank offer a CD-ROM imaging service? If so, please describe the service and
associated costs.
8. Describe the bank’s on-line stop payment, void, and cancellation services and features.
How long is a stop payment effective via any method available?
9. Describe how long online images are available for display and what type of images are
Tab O – Daylight Overdraft Protection: The City currently requires daylight overdraft
1. Describe any issues, concerns, and charges associated with the use of daylight
overdraft facility.
2. Will the bank guarantee payment of all the items even if it results in the account being
overdrawn temporarily for the day?
Tab P – Merchant Bankcard: The City currently accepts Visa and MasterCard credit card
payments approximating $62,000.00 in collections per month, with transactions averaging at
approximately 500 per month. The City currently has three (3) merchant locations or I.D.s
accepting payment for the City for services. The City prefers a single point of contact for
technical issues, configuration changes, upgrades, maintenance, and troubleshooting for any
merchant bankcard issues.
1. Please describe the bank’s Merchant Bankcard and Point-of-Sale processing
2. Please describe your reporting methodology and how adjustments and charge backs
and other debit adjustments are netted from daily proceeds or debited from daily
proceeds or debited separately? Is the discount fee refunded when a charge back or
refund occurs? What is the rebuttal process?
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
3. When and how will the City receive funds for each day’s transactions? Is the settlement
by ACH or Fed wire? Are settlement amounts listed separately on the bank statement
or will they appear in one lump sum? Will the bank break out settlement amounts by
merchant location?
4. What is the cutoff time for card transactions?
5. The City has three (3) credit card terminals with third party vendor settlements
(Ingenico brand with chip reader technology). Can the bank supply the City with
additional terminals if needed? Does the bank have a preferred credit card third party
vendor for daily settlements?
6. Is the bankcard relationship managed by a separate unit of the bank, or by the Account
Relationship Manager? Please briefly describe the structure of this area.
7. When and how are the discount rate fees charged to the City? Can this fee be paid
through analysis? Is tiered pricing available?
8. Is reporting information available online? What is the fee associated with this service?
Is a “corporate level” view available to see all the merchant accounts?
9. What network will be used for front-end and back-end operations?
10. Please explain your rate increase policies. Can the rates be fixed for any period of time
during the City’s contract?
11. What payment gateway platforms are accepted or provided?
12. The following pertains to the associated discount rate and other applicable charges.
Please provide the following:
a. Visa Authorization Fee
b. MasterCard Authorization Fee
c. Monthly Service Fee
d. Monthly Statement Fee
e. Please list any and all other applicable fees that the City would be charged.
f. List any other credit cards accepted (Discover, American Express, etc.) and provide
information answering the questions in this section for such other services.
Tab Q – Purchasing Card: The City currently has a purchasing card program in place for
employees to make various types of purchases and incur expenses for City-related business.
1. Does the bank offer a purchasing card service? If so, please describe the service.
2. Please detail all of the fees associated with the service and/or any rebate available
with the program.
3. How often are the statements and reports remitted to the City? Is the reporting
available on line?
4. Is there an interface available to download cardholder purchase information, either in
an Excel format or directly to the City’s accounting system?
5. Do you provide an online application to review/approve procurement card transactions
and to manage other aspects of the program?
6. Identify how fraud protection is identified, prevented, and monitored.
7. Describe if credit cards can be managed online? Including requesting additional cards,
editing purchasing limits, editing availability of vendors for each card, making online
payments, and any other online services available for the management of credit cards.
Tab R – City Disaster Preparedness Program:
1. Please describe any processes in place to assist the City in the event of a natural
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
Tab S – Implementation Plan: As part of any conversion, the City requires an efficient
transition to the new bank or to enhanced services with its existing bank.
1. Please describe the overall plan the bank would coordinate to ensure such a
2. Please detail all costs and the responsible party (bank or City) associated with the
conversion of all new services.
3. What size conversion allowance will the bank provide to the City? Please state a specific
dollar amount or identify those supplies, products, or services included.
4. Will the bank provide on-site training for City personnel for all the services selected?
How is the training typically structured?
5. The target implementation date is July 1, 2019.
Tab T – Service Enhancements: Based on the information provided in the RFP and your
firm’s knowledge of the public sector, please describe any services or technological
enhancements, not previously mentioned, that should be considered for further improving
effectiveness of the City’s treasury management operations.
Exhibits for Banking Services Submittals:
Tab U – Banking Services Bid Form: Complete the Bid Form with pricing information.
Tab V – Sample Account Analysis Statement and Users Guide:
Tab W – Relevant Cash Management Agreements:
Tab X – Financial Statements and Ratings: Provide the most recent audited financial
statements or annual report for the bank (a reference to electronic availability will suffice).
Also include the bank’s most current Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s, and/or Fitch credit ratings,
where available. A current IDC rating should also be provided.
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
BID FORM- utilize AFP codes when applicable?
Tab U – Banking Services Bid Form: Please complete all items on this attachment. If the
bank does not or cannot provide the specific requested service, please indicate “no proposal”
and if appropriate, recommend an alternative service and include as a specified attachment.
Per unit cost x Estimated Monthly Unit Volume = Total Monthly Cost x 12 = Estimated Total
Annual Cost. Where fees vary for this formula, please indicate and provide an estimate of the
total annual cost. Volumes indicated represent average monthly activity.
Bank Name: ___________________________________________
Item Per
Monthly Unit
Annual Cost
Balance & Compensation
Information Services
Deposit Insurance-Bank Assessment
General Account Services
Account Maintenance
ZBA Depository + Master Maint
ZBA Subsidiary Account Maint
Debits Posted-Other
Credits Posted-Other
Paper Deposit Statement Mailed
Depository Services
Banking Center Deposit-CA
Vault Deposit-CA
Dep Conditioning-Surchg-Vault
Curr/Coin Dep/$100 Vault-CA
Vault Deposit-Extended Hours-CA
CKS Dep Un-Encoded Items
3rd Party Courier-Vault
Mail Notification-Receipt-Vault
Deposit Correction-Cash
Deposit Correction-Non Cash
Paper Disbursement Services
ARP PPay Maint-No Recon
General Checks Paid Truncated
NSF Items Paid/Returned
Payee Positive Pay Maint
Payee Positive Pay-Issue Match
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
Banking Services Bid Form
Bank Name: __________________________________________
Item Per
Unit Volume
Paper Disbursement Services
Positive Pay Exceptions
Stop Pay Automated-12 months
ARP PPay No Recon Input Item
CD Rom Maintenance
Image Maintenance
Image Retrieval CPO
On Line Image Retrieval CPO
CD Rom Disk
CD Rom per Image
ARP Positive Pay Notif
ARP Issue Posted Notif
ARP Issue Recd Notif
ARP PPay Input File Trans
Paper Disb Recon Services
ARP Void Cancel Items
General ACH Services
ACH Monthly Maintenance (w)
ACH Corporate On Us Credits
ACH Corporate Off Us Credits
Consumer Credit On Us Credits (w)
Consumer Credit Off Us Credits (w)
PC Tax Payment
ACH Blocks Auth Instructions
ACH Blocks Auth Maintenance
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
Banking Services Bid Form
Bank Name: _______________________________________
Item Per
Unit Volume
General ACH Services (Con’t.)
ACH Blocks Auth Add-Change
ACH Debit Received Item (w)
ACH Credit Received Item (w)
ACH Return Item (w)
ACH Input-Transmission (w)
ACH Delete/Reversal (w)
ACH Notif of Change (NOC)
ACH Optional Reports-Electronic
ACH Optional Reports-Fax (w)
ACH Optional Reports-Mail (w)
ACH Standard Reports-Mail (w)
ACH Standard Reports-Electronic
ACH Standard Reports-Fax (w)
Wire & Other Funds Transfer Svc
GP Mthly Maint Basic
Electronic Wire Out-Domestic
Book Credit
Outgoing Wire Confirm Notif
Wire Payee Advising
GPS Confirms
Pend Wire Approval Notif
Incoming Wire Notif-Email
GP Cust Mant Temp Storage
City of La Quinta
RFP Banking and Merchant Services
Banking Service Bid Form
Bank Name: ____________________________________
Item Per
Monthly Unit
Wire & Other Funds Trans Svc
Incoming Domestic Wire
Wire Advice-Phone
On Line Information Services
Previous Day Account Fee
Previous Day Standard Item
Previous Day Maintenance
Email Notification Schedule
Online Subscription
Per Image Access
Service Enhancements/Other
Remote Deposit Services
Image Cash Letter Deposits
Totals – Monthly and Annual Fees
Other Information
Earnings Credit Rate for August 2018
Uncollected Funds Rate (%)015
Overdraft Rate (%)
Fixed Pricing Guarantee (# of Years)
Bank Information
Name of Contact Bank Officer
Signature of Authorized Bank Officer
Bank Officer’s Telephone Number
Bank Officer’s E-mail Address