003561 (SFD) (STRUCTURAL CALCS)®r Buena Engineers, Inc. LIAR Q9'; AN EARTH SYSTEMS, INC. COMPANY QTY OF LFA W '; ,. 79-811 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, SUITE #4 • BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 March -1, 1988 B7 -0367-P 1 88-03-703 P.Q. Box 457ff In erprises ECII Idyllwild, CA 92349 ;,AR 14 1988 Project: 53-945, 53-955 Avenida Navarro CITU OF LA QUINTA La Quinta, California PLAWNG & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Subject: Report of Field Densities Single Family Residence On January 14, 1988 a representative of our firm performed density tests on two (2) house pads at the above referenced project. Test were performed at random locations, in accordance with ASTM D 2922-81 and ASTM D 3017- 78 Nuclear Density Test Procedure, Tests were performed as per authorization of Mr. Straff in. The estimated locations of the tests are presented on the attached plan with their results being summarized on the attached test report sheet. A total of -four (4) density tests were performed. Test results indicate that a minimum of ninety (90) percent relative compaction has been )btained Within the areas tested.. . The maximum density -optimum moisture were determined in the layoratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A or C. Test results are as follows: Soil Description Dark grey brown medium to coarse sand with traces of gravel USCS Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture Mus VENTURA (805) 642-6727 BAKERSFIELD SANTA BARBARA (805) 327-5150 (805) 966-9912 128.5 pcf 9.0 Fa LANCASTER (805) 948-7538 BERMUDA DUNES SAN LUIS OBISPO (619) 345-1588 (805) 544-6187 Narch 1, 1988 1. The project is located on the west side.of Avenida Navarro in the City of La Quinta, California. 2 Prior to our arrival at the site, all filling, moisture, conditioningand: compaction had been completed. 3. The purpose of testing was to observe compliance with the.minimum requirements of the Cityiof La Quinta, California. Limitations This firm did not perform a soils, investigation, did not conduct any tests to determine the general condition, adequacy or stability of soil on the property, nor did it observe the backfilling or compacting operations which were already completed at the time our personnel were called to the site. The only services performed were the specific moisture and dens1ty tests summarizedin this report. These test results provide only limited information about the surface materials observed at the. locations and depths tested and cannot be relied upon for information about -subsurface conditions or compaction, or to determine the appropriateness of any design or construction of improvements on the site. No'inspection was made of the contractor's work and no guarantee or warranty of that work in b-ickfil-ling or compaction of the soils on the site is made or implied. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, pFESS/p QR N9� BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Reviewed ander r4 A,DOZr F, F2 � c fOp - p FS No. C 041210 . Exp. P 3l- t l Douglas F.-Spielmann Joseph R. Ven civ« �Q Field Technican Civil Engineer sl9l F OF CA��F DFS/JRV/p j Copies: 4 - Straffin Enterprises 2 - City of La Quinta 1 P.S. file 1 - VTA file BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. .Buena Engineers, Inc. , AN EARTH SYSTEMS, INC. COMPANY REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS = ,lob' No. 137-0367—P1 CONTRACTOR: DATE: March 1, 1988 Report No. ..88-03-703 ADDRESS: JOB & LOCATION: La Quinta, CA TEST NO. DATE DESCRIPTION % MOISTURE DRY DELISITY RELATIVE MAXIMUM TESTED53-955 Ave. Navarro- IN PLACE IN PLFCE COMPACTION DENSITY 1 01-14-88 Per Plan FSG 9,7 115.4 90.:' 128.5 2 01-14-88' Per Plan FSG 11.6 126.9 99 128.5 53-945 Ave, Navarro 3 01-14-88 Per Plan FSG 8,5 115.990- 128.5 2- 4 01-14-88 Per Plan FSG 7.5 11.1' '94 128.5 FSG = Finish Subgrade WE CERTIFY THAT THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH COPIES: BUENA ENGINEERS, INC.- • 53-945 1 T fir/'ToximRTE �— a ,"C3ric /LD/NCS /�j41���G� ' ,3ou N A'1P/mss Q l O 0 I , O � .lam s3-gss ' OI A-? oXIMA-T6 ie -sr LvcAi,oN