Michael Baker InternationalIII �r i BakerA Michael I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Professional Engineering Services La Quinta Village Complete Streets A Road Diet Project Project No. 2015-03 Submitted to The City of La Quinta +• _ a - � 4 . � � - •-fit: ',. :' i; Our Mission Make the world a better place through the application of the principle of sustainable development by providing professional design services that enhance the quality of life and the environment. Provide development, infrastructure, planning and environmental services to private and public sector clients in local, regional and global markets. Lead as professionals specializing in planning,design and construction. Look forward to the future with a commitment to building opportunitiesand value for our clients and ourselves. _ f s 46 .a i" INTERNATIONAL I� March 17, 2017 JN: 158812 Mr. Edward J. Wimmer, P.E. Principal Engineer City of La Quinta, Public Works Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: PROPOSAL I Professional Engineering Services La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project City Project No. 2015-03 Dear Mr. Wimmer and Selection Committee Members: Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker) is excited to share our qualifications for professional engineering services in support of the La Quinta Village Complete Streets project. The City of La Quinta's (City's) goal for the project is to convert La Quinta Village into a complete streets atmosphere that is conducive to motorists, while simultaneously being inviting to bicyclists and pedestrians. Our goal is to develop a streetscape atmosphere that is simple, cost effective, and seamlessly interfaces with the existing desert environment. Improving walkability within the La Quinta Village, including additional on -street parking and incorporating the use of the La Quinta Village "Desert Oasis" plant palette, will ( result in a project that by any measure will be regarded a success. We understand that the community is very supportive i of this project, and we look forward to working in partnership with the City to bring this exciting project to life. Benefits of selecting the Michael Baker team include: An Experienced Leader ) Mr. Michael (Mike) Bruz, P.E., Michael Baker's Project Manager, has more than 36 years of experience delivering significant, high -profile transportation projects throughout Southern California. He has worked in the desert for over 25 years and his projects in La Quinta, Palm Springs, and Cathedral City provide valuable local context for understanding the needs of the La Quinta Village. Mr. Bruz's experience with complete streets, roundabouts and downtown streetscape projects makes him the ideal Project Manager for this important project, and the perfect choice to manage this project due to his ability to seamlessly join innovative transportation engineering with multi -modal friendly roadways. He has hand -selected a team that not only knows his work style through years of collaboration, but thoroughly understands the desert communities as well. National Roundabout Expertise Combined with Local Community Knowledge I Supporting the Michael Baker team in the design of the roundabout improvements is Mr. Brian Ray, P.E. of Kittelson and Associates (KAI). KAI wrote FHWA's Roundabout Guidelines and is actively involved with research and training about their use. Michael Baker's teaming relationship with Mr. Ray and KAI extends over 15 years, with the planning and design of roundabouts in Goleta, the Rancho California Roundabout Corridor in Temecula, and the I-5/La Novia Roundabout in San Juan Capistrano. In addition, we have teamed with C Below (utility potholing), Cogstone Resource Management, Inc. (cultural studies), Overland Pacific & Cutler (right-of-way), and Petra Geoscience (geotechnical) for their relevant experience in and extensive knowledge of the Coachella Valley. Regional Complete Streets Experience combined with Proven Local Results I Mr. Jeremy Franzini, PLA, Michael Baker's Landscape Architect, has 21 years of experience delivering complete streets projects throughout Southern California including in the desert and in particular, the Coachella Valley. His experience with the Coachella Downtown Improvements Project and the Rancho Las Flores Park Master Plan gives Mr. Franzini a unique perspective into what can be achieved using a simple desert plant palette in combination with rock and boulders to create a sense of place that is aesthetically interesting and inviting to all users. In -House Planning, Design, and Construction Support Services that Result in Efficiencies I Michael Baker has all of the needed planning, design, and construction support services in-house with nearly 500 staff resources available in our Southern California offices. This enables our team to bring together local experts (transportation planners and engineers) MBAKERINTL.COM 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 949.472.3505 1 Fax: 949.472.8373 INTERNATIQNAL for this important project. This approach provides the City and our team the flexibility to address any issue that may arise during the project and will result in efficient, cost-effective preparation of the construction documents. With our team's roundabout and complete streets expertise, combined with our local community knowledge, we know the City will have confidence in the Michael Baker team's ability to deliver! The following pages of our Proposal describe our team's qualifications, relevant experience, understanding and approach, scope of work, project schedule, and team member resumes and experience. Our Cost Proposal is provided in a separate envelope. We are prepared to accept the City's terms and conditions without exception and are prepared to fulfill insurance requirements at the time of the project start date. We acknowledge receipt of Addenda 1, 2 and 3. Mr. Bruz will serve as the main point of contact for Michael Baker for the remainder of the selection process and can be reached directly at 949.855.3640 or at michael.bruz@mbakerintl.com should the City have any questions or require any additional information. We appreciate the opportunity to assist the City of La Quinta in the planning and design of the La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project and look forward to hearing from you. f� { Respectfully, Michae5BaInt ional, Inc. Michae Mike Sutton, PE Projectnsportation Project Principal I Palm Desert Office Manager 949.855.3640 1 michael.bruz@mbakerintl.com 760.341.6112 1 MSutton@mbakerintl.com TABLE OF CONTENTS WORK PROPOSAL CoverLetter............................................................................................................... ..............................1 Table of Contents .......................... .. ....................................................................................................... 2 . Statement of Qualifications..................................................................................................................... 3 ProposedPersonnel...................................................................................................................... 3 Related Experience and References............................................................................................. 7 Project Understanding and Approach................................................................................................... 11 Exhibits......................................................................................................................................................16 Scopeof Work Program................................................................................................................ .... 19 ProjectSchedule.................................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix Team Resumes COST PROPOSAL.................................................................................. Separate sealed envelope PAGE 2 INTERNATIONAL Statement of Qualifications Ir tee• .•- ' _ P„-I-H,@��'» ... ., . � t4. as .ray-S.�p��ya�L-�v.'A1�=.C'---•-� ���. ..rya. �-^�-�-'-��=�'�..�i.:N �iJ Z Professional (_ngineering Services for La QWinta Village Complete Streets A -Road Diet Project 2015-03 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Proposed Personnel The following section contains firm profiles for Michael Baker International Inc. (Michael Baker), C Below, Cogstone Resource Management Inc. (Cogstone) Kittelson and Associates (KAI), Overland Pacific & Cutler (OPC) and Petra Geoscience (Petra). Also included are abbreviated biographies for key members of our team. Detailed resumes are provided in the Appendix. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. I PRIME CONSULTANT Michael Baker is a full -service consulting firm providing planning, engineering, surveying, and related professional services with staff in our Palm Desert office serving the communities of the Coachella Valley since 1986. Michael Baker has been a trusted partner to local agencies throughout California since 1944, with a staff of nearly 500 professionals in Southern California offices and over 6,000 globally. We have expertise in transportation planning and engineering; traffic planning and design; civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering; water and wastewater engineering; survey and mapping; Geographic Information Technology (GIT); land development; architecture, environmental planning; land use planning, urban design, and landscape architecture; as well as construction management. Michael Baker staff member have delivered numerous infrastructure projects for the City of La Quinta (City), including: • Adams Street Bridge Construction • Adams Street Signal and Street Improvements • Dune Palms Road Improvements • Highway 111 Improvements at Washington Street, Jefferson Street, & Other Locations ■ Jefferson Street Widening • Jefferson Street Bridge Replacement • Eisenhower Drive improvements Michael Baker understands how to incorporate elements of active transportation, complete streets, and road diet roadway design into a cohesive project. Some examples of projects that Michael Baker has completed that exhibit these components include: • FIT Cities Initiative (Orange County, CA) • Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan (Laguna Beach, CA) • Individual Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety and Circulation Plans for 8 Public Schools (Mission Viejo, CA) • City of Irvine Bicycle Transportation Plan (Irvine, CA) • Edison Right -of -Way Bikeway (Anaheim, CA) • Laguna Canyon Road Corridor Assessment (Laguna Beach, CA) • Son Bernardino County Community Plans Continuum (San Bernardino, CA) • Linda Vista Comprehensive Active Transportation Plan (San Diego, CA) • Western Avenue Improvements and Streetscaping (Avondale, AZ) In addition, Michael Baker has designed several roundabouts in the state of California, including four roundabouts along Rancho California Road in Temecula; two multi -lane roundabouts at the SR-2 17/Hol lister Road Interchange in Goleta, and a roundabout at the La Novia/1-5 Interchange in San Juan Capistrano. The latter roundabout was the first in Caltrans District 12 to be approved through the Caltrans Roundabout Fact Sheet process. Our subconsultant partners, listed below, have been specifically chosen to supplement our extensive in-house services. C BELOW I SUBCONSULTANT (UTILITY POTHOLING eBELOW C Below offers professional locating and mapping services throughout Southern California. v Their highly experienced technicians utilize the most advanced equipment in the industry to 1 SuMURFACENAG140 locate horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities including water, gas power, waste, communications, and cable/TV. They use both traditional and innovate utility finding methods such as GPR (ground penetrating radar), CCTV, utility locators, electromagnetic locators, and potholing. C Below understands that accurate information is vital in project planning and can prevent costly delays from damages caused by cutting, coring, drilling, or digging in areas congested by unseen hazards in concrete, masonry, and underground. Information can be provided in the form of pull box or electrical reports, potholing reports, underground mapping, 3D modeling, CAD drawings or simply marking surfaces. C Below has been Michael Baker's trusted geotechnical partner on countless projects. PAGE 13 1 NT F R N AT 1 0N RI Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets A Road Diet Project 2015-03 COGSTONE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC. I SUBCONSULTANT (CULTURAL STUDIES) 1' 3 c oto 1e, Cogstone Resource Management Inc. (Cogstone) specializes in paleontology, archaeology ] and history. Relevant services include conducting studies and preparing technical reports rntcokiu�acr �Rn=Aeo4oa� I,�,auaT in support of project -related environmental documents. Cogstone has assisted municipalities and Caltrans to determine the final project Area of Potential Effect (APE) and evaluate cultural resources for intersection improvement projects. Their staff are experts in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Paleontological Resources Preservation Act (PRPA), and more. They offer technical knowledge, innovative scoping, quality control procedures, and responsiveness to assist clients in meeting project 0 compliance requirements in adherence to federal, state and local law and regulations. Sherri Gust of Cogstone served as 0 principal archaeologist for the Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening and is well -versed in the area's CEQA and NEPA standards. KITTELSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I SUBCONSULTANT (ROUNDABOUT DESIGN) KITTF.- SON Kittelson and Associates, Inc. (KAI) is a leading transportation planning and traffic AS"") `-t,- :ry engineering firm. Since its inception in 1985, KAI has completed hundreds of corridor safety, operations, and design evaluations for a variety of projects including objectively considering thousands of intersection control variations from stop or signalized, to roundabout control. KAI has been supporting Michael Baker staff for over 15 years on a wide range of roundabout operations, design, and peer review projects. KAI continues to be a leader in corridor and intersection planning, operations, design, and safety evaluations. KAI operates from comprehensive research and documentation for U.S. roundabouts. Some of KAI's most recent efforts l include national research in evaluating rural roundabout corridors (NCHRP Project 3-100). This national research in evaluating rural roundabout corridors gives KAI unparalleled experience in the operations and analysis of rural roundabouts in corridors. KAI was part of the peer -to -peer review team helping Caltrans develop its Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) policy. The firm has been applying ICE evaluations across California. KAI was an independent reviewer of fc) Caltrans Highway Design Manual sections on roundabouts. For over 20 years, KAI staff has been involved in the peer review, feasibility study, and/or final design of over 600 roundabouts throughout the United States and Canada. Brian Ray ( and Joey Bansen of KAI have worked with the Michael Baker team on many projects with similar roundabout and complete f streets elements as what is outlined in this RFP, including the Rancho California Road Roundabout Corridor in Temecula. OVERLAND PACIFIC & CUTLER I SUBCONSULTANT (RIGHT-OF-WAY) Established in 1980 as a California Corporation, Overland, Pacific & Cutler (OPC) provides comprehensive management and implementation of all types of public and private projects using a wide array of funding sources. In the transportation arena, OPC is recognized by state transportation agencies as the leading right-of-way (ROW) practitioner and often leads industry expert panels on project delivery and techniques for ROW in the design -build context. OPC is one of the largest ROW services firms in the state of California providing an integrated ROW function including ROW Program Management and Certification, ROW Appraisal and Appraisal Review, Acquisition, Relocation Assistance, Utility Coordination, Cost Estimating and ROW data sheets, Property Management, and Property Maintenance. OPC and Michael Baker have worked on hundreds of projects together in the past 30 years. OPC has had the privilege to work with the City of La Quinta on numerous projects, including the Jefferson Street Improvements project - Phases 1 & 2, the Dune Palms Bridge project, and the Madison Street project. In addition to the City of La Quinta, OPC has worked with surrounding cities within the Coachella Valley including the Indio Ave 44 Bridge project and the North Indio Flood Control Channel project. PETRA GEOSCIENCES I SUBCONSULTANT (GEOTECHNICAL) Petra Geoscience (Petra) is a geotechnical and environmental consultingfirm founded in 1975 as PETRA Earth Research Associates, and incorporated in 1988 as Petra. Their workforce consists of an interdisciplinary group of professionals including licensed engineers, geologists, environmental scientists, hydrogeologists, technicians, and administrative support staff. Their current geographical focus is throughout southern California. Petra has four offices serving the counties of Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and the Desert Region. Petra has been serving the Coachella Valley with permanent presence since 2006 and has been helping development projects solve the unique challenges associated with the Coachella Valley. Petra's projects in the Coachella Valley have ranged from; single lot, roads and pipelines, a boutique resort, energy, and geohazards evaluations and geotechnical design for projects up to 2400 acres in size. CX= PAGE 14 1 NT E A N A T 10 N Al + ' +' �• Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 Team Organization Chart 1 City of La Quinta PROIECT PRINCIPAL/ Michael Sutton, PE QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT MANAGEMichael Bruz, PE Pd EPA/En vi ro o m e n to 1 Alan Ashimine Cultural Stvche-f (As Needed) Sherri Gust, RPA f�1 Signing/Striping & Lighting/Electricol Fred Wismer, PE 131 Marc Violett, PE Subconsultants (1) C-Below, Inc. (2) Cogstone Resource Management, Inc. (3) Kittelson & Associates, Inc. (4) Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. (5) Petra Geoscience, Inc. Roundabout Design Roadway Design Brian Ray, PE (OR) (3) Dan Koravos, PE Joey Bansen, PE (OR) 131 Brendan Dugan, PE Droinoge Brad Losey, PE Landscape Architecture & Design Jeremy Franzini, PLA 6'e0technicai Alan Pace, PG, CEG (5) Community Outreoch Support Jenna Tourje, AICP ROW AppraisallAcquisitian John Cutler, PLS (4) Survey/mapping Christopher Alberts, PLS Utility Coordination'm lAgrerents 9, Utility Potholing Pete Castelan (4) Mike Parker I4� Chris Loera 111 l 4 MICHAELJ. BRUZ, PE I PROJECT MANAGER Over the past 36 years, Mr. Bruz has successfully delivered significant, innovative and high -profile transportation projects throughout California and Arizona. He has the right combination of technical and managerial skills needed to successfully deliver this project for the City and his relevant experience includes complete streets, roundabouts and road diet projects for a variety of clients. He is well versed in all project phases including environmental planning, preliminary engineering l (PA/ED), PS&E preparation, construction management, value analysis and dispute resolution. Mr. Bruz has managed numerous multi -discipline teams and has worked in the Coachella Valley since 1992. In addition, he led the design of the Jefferson Street / Avenue 52 roundabout as well as other roundabouts in Arizona. He is an experienced leader who is L. known as a pro -active, client service oriented manager who fosters effective partnering relationships with his clients. t Relevant Project Experience: 4 ■ Western Avenue Complete Streets and Road Diet, Avondale, AZ * Uptown Sedona Streetscape and Roundabout Project, Sedona, AZ ( ■ Bay Road Complete Streets and Road Diet, East Palo Alto, CA ■ McCulloch Boulevard Complete Streets, Lake Havasu City, AZ Date Palm Drive Bridge and Roadway Improvements, Cathedral City, CA 4 ��--- • PAGE 5 {� INTERNATIONAL 1 . YI Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 - I BRIAN RAY, PE I ROUNDABOUT DESIGN I KITTELSON AND ASSOCIATES Mr. Ray has 30 years of industry experience including multimodal transportation planning, traffic engineering, and contextual roadway design. He has performed location design and engineering evaluations for numerous corridor studies across the US. He has also completed a variety of planning projects for rural and urban roadways that have included location studies and long-range transportation system plans. Mr. Ray is involved in research for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program to evaluate corridors with roundabouts: NCHRP Report 772. Relevant Project Experience: ■ La Novia/1-5 Roundabout, San Juan Capistrano, CA ■ Cabrillo / Hot Springs Roundabout, Santa Barbara, CA • Rancho California Road Roundabout Corridor, San Juan Capistrano, CA ■ Las Positas Road/Cliff Drive Intersection, Santa Barbara, CA DANIEL KORAVOS, PE I ROADWAY LEAD Mr. Koravos possesses a diverse civil engineering background with roadway and land development experience acquired over 36 years of work. Mr. I(oravos resides in Michael Baker's Palm Desert office, and has recently served as Project Manager for the SilverRock Resort project in the City of La Quinta. Through this role and through other experiences working with the desert communities on large scale projects, Mr. Koravos is very knowledgeable about all aspects of civil engineering standards in the desert including engineered conceptual layout, roadway layout and design, grading, earthwork analysis, storm drainage design, project QA/QC control, and regulatory processing. Relevant Project Experience: • SilverRock Resort, La Quinta, California • Terra Lago Four Seasons Project, Indio, California ■ Hilldale Avenue Roadway Improvement Project, Haverhill, Massachusetts ■ Essex Street Sidewalk Design Project, Middleton, Massachusetts JEREMY FRANZINI, PLA I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Mr. Franzini has prepared conceptual designs and final construction documents for historic downtowns, major roadways, golf cart, bicycle, and pedestrian trails, and state-of-the-art irrigation systems. He has experience working in the Coachella Valley, and has worked on some of the desert community's major downtown landscape/streetscape plans. Mr. Franzini has a reputation for creating a strong sense of place with his work, and for bringing innovative landscaping to life. He has teamed with Mike Bruz on countless projects, which translates to a seamless work effort and shared vision. Relevant Project Experience: ■ La Entrada Specific Plan, Coachella, California ■ Rancho Las Flores Park Master Plan, Coachella, California ■ Coachella Downtown Improvements, Coachella, California ■ Alessandro Boulevard Median (Indian Street to Perris Boulevard), Moreno Valley, California ALAN ASHIMINE I NEPA ENVIRONMENTAL t Mr. Ashimine prepares environmental and planning studies for public and private sector clients under the California ( Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) with a focus on environmental documentation for local and regional transportation projects. He has managed a range of highly technical CEQA/NEPA studies for locally -funded roadways, Federally -funded roadways through Caltrans Local Assistance, and projects on the i State Highway System. His work includes a range of projects in the Coachella Valley, and has established successful working relationships with environmental planning staff at Caltrans District 8. Relevant Project Experience: ■ State Route 86/Avenue 50 Interchange Improvements, Coachella, California ■ Folsom Boulevard Complete Street Rehabilitation Project, Sacramento, California ■ Ball Road Sidewalk and Bike Lane Project, Anaheim, California - • 20th Street/Walnut Avenue/Alamitos Avenue Intersection Improvements — NEPA Compliance, Long Beach, California PAGE 16 �■Teun►rinxa� M! Professional Engineering Services for La 4 pinta_Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 Related Experience and References The following projects demonstrate the Michael Baker team's relevant experience in the successful execution of roundabouts, road diets, complete streets, and local Coachella Valley work, and each project includes client references. We invite you to contact our references to better understand our qualifications. DOWNTOWN INDIO INFRASTRUCTURE - PHASE 1 CIVIL IMPROVEMENTS - DESIGN SERVICES I INDIO, CA Michael Baker provided engineering, planning, landscaping, and construction management services for the Downtown Redevelopment Plan in the City to promote new business growth and revitilization. Michael Baker also prepared environmental studies for the full Downtown Redevelopment area, a Categorical Exemption (CE) for the .10 Phase 1 improvement project, and Parking and Traffic Studies. The street concept plan reconfigured Miles Avenue from a one-way street back to a two-way street, closed the vehicle alley ways, and provided intersection bulb outs on both Miles Avenue and Towne Street as well as maximized the ADA compliant sidewalk area. The landscape concept outlined the proposed urban street design elements outside of the proposed street configuration, which included planting schemes, locations of benches, drinking fountains, trash receptacles, enhanced sidewalks, enhanced crosswalk pavements, and seat walls. Phase 1 civil improvements included street reconstruction, traffic signal modification, landscaping, landscape lighting, hardscape improvements, alleyway conversion to pedestrian and landscape corridor, and dry utility relocations. Civil Engineering Project Improvement of the Year Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011. Project of Merit Award - Street and Transportation - Urban Renewal Category, American Public Works Association, 2010. Team Members and Responsibilities: Christopher Alberts, Surveyor Client Reference: Mr. Mariano Aguirre I Indio Redevelopment Agency 1 760/391-4120 PUEBLO VIEJO REVITALIZATION PLAN I COACHELLA, CA Michael Baker landscape architects partnered with City staff, downtown business owners and residents to implement the vision for the Pueblo Viejo area in downtown Coachella. The improvements for this area were a continuation of the work prepared by Michael Baker's Urban Design Studio and approved by the City Council in March 2010. The concept plan and final construction plans were developed based on the Pueblo Viejo Revitalization Plan. The improvements included narrowing of the traffic lanes along Sixth Street, widening the sidewalks, construction of traffic calming features and decorative sidewalks at the intersections, construction of public courtyard installation of street trees, new decorative street and pedestrian lighting, fountain, public art and street furniture. Client Reference: Mr. Jonathan Hoyt City of Coachella 1 760/895-7092 Michael Baker PAGE 17 rofessional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 ,.r OSO CREEK MULTI -USE TRAIL I LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA Michael Baker provided preliminary and final engineering design and landscape architecture services for the Gateway Specific Plan Area. Michael Baker was also responsible for preparation of final PS&E for the multi -use trail along the western edge of Forbes Road. The project consisted of adding a bicycle/maintenance access trail with an adjacent pedestrian/equestrian trail between Forbes Road and the f existing Oso Creek Channel. The project included extensive pedestrian i amenities and beautiful landscape improvements, such as way -finding signs, bike racks, decorative pedestrian lighting, native and California- n 'r friendly landscaping, and a state-of-the-art AB 1881 compliant automatic irrigation system. The Oso Creek Trail provides access from the future planned developments on Forbes Road, and eventually connect neighborhoods north of the project to the coast. Additional improvements to Forbes Road included a road diet, which consisted of reducing the curb to curb width from 64' to 32' on Forbes Road north of Crown Valley to accommodate the Oso Creek Trail. Michael Baker coordinated the improvements with the Orange County Flood Control District. Engineering Project Achievement Award, Orange County Engineering Council (OCEQ, 2016. Team Members and Responsibilities: ■ Brad Losey, Engineer Client Reference: Ms. Nancy Palmer I City of Laguna Niguel 1 949/362-4384 -5/1-A NOVIA AVENUE AND VALLE ROAD INTERCHANGE I SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA Michael Baker designed this roundabout to address existing and forecast operation deficiencies at the existing offset stop sign controlled intersection. Subsequent to the preparation and approval of a Caltrans Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE), Michael Baker processed the proposed roundabout improvements with the City of San Juan Capistrano. This process included public presentations including VISSIM traffic flow animations to the Planning Commission, community workshops and City Council who unanimously supported the project as the recommended project for environmental clearance under CEQA. Michael Baker prepared the Initial Study and supporting environmental technical studies that resulted in a Mitigated Negative Declaration as well as final PS&E. The four -legged roundabout was designed to have an inscribed circle diameter of 150 feet, a landscaped central island, a traversable truck apron, single lane approaches, and raised splitter islands. This is the first roundabout on the state highway system in Caltrans District 12. Team Members and Responsibilities: M Brian Ray, Roundabout Peer Review ■ Jenna Tourje, Public Involvement Coordinator ■ Brad Losey, Drainage Manager ■ Alan Ashimine, Environmental Documentation Client Reference: Mr. George Alvarez I City of San Juan Capistrano 1 949/443-6351 Mlicl�ael baker PAGEI$ Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD ROUNDABOUT CORRIDOR PROJECT I RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA Through the development of the "Temecula Valley Wine Country Community Plan," the County of Riverside identified locations for four f (4) new roundabouts on Rancho California Road, between Butterfield Stage Road and Glenoaks Road. In conjunction with Kittelson and Associates (KAI), Michael Baker is currently developing a 4-mile roundabout corridor along Rancho California Road that will incorporate roundabouts at the following locations: La Serena Way, Calle Contento, Monte de Oro, and Glen Oaks Road. f'r Rancho California Road is currently classified as a two-lane Mountain Arterial Highway and, as such, the rural characteristics of Wine r Country are being strategically incorporated into each of the roundabout's designs. Ultimately, the roundabouts will accommodate build -out traffic at intersections, improve traffic operations, as well as enhance safety and emergency access along Rancho California Road. They will also provide a traffic calming effect for the corridor while maintaining the area's rural wine country character. The project also aims to increase pedestrian safety by considering the network of trails planned for the Wine Country region to provide pedestrians, visitors, equestrians, and bicyclists with alternative modes of travel while providing attractive recreational opportunities. Team Members and Responsibilities: ■ Brian Ray, Kittelson and Associates, Roundabout Planning and Design Support ■ Brad Losey, Drainage Client Reference: Ms. Cathy Wampler I Riverside County Transportation Department 1 951/955-6803 UPTOWN SEDONA ENHANCEMENT PROJECT I SEDONA, ARIZONA Michael Baker provided design services for this major facelift of the public infrastructure within the Uptown Area. The project included extensive public participation (3 community charrettes and numerous face to face meetings with local residents) and close coordination with City Staff and City Council. The project also included a traffic analysis, Design Concept Report, streetscape plan and final plans, specifications and estimates including: removals, grading, paving and drainage plans (including a roundabout), lighting/electrical, signing/striping, landscape/irrigation plans, traffic signal modifications and construction cost estimates. Close coordination with Arizona Department of Transportation and the State Route 179 Project was also a key component to keeping this project on schedule. Team Members and Responsibilities: ■ Michael Bruz, Project Manager Client Reference: Mr. John O'Brien I City of Sedona 1 928/282-1154 }Michael Baker PAGE I '3 OL A ��•" ' rotiession�) �ngineeringS�rvices for La QfairlXa_Village Complete Streets - XRoad Diet Project 2015-03 -A HOLMAN HIGHWAY/S.R. 68/HIGHWAY 1 INTERSECTION CONTROL EVALUATION I MONTEREY, CA KAI conducted an ICE for the City of Monterey and the Pebble Beach Company in support of proposed corridor improvements on State Route 68 (Holman Highway) and intersection control improvements at southbound Highway 1 ramp terminals with Holman Highway and the Pebble Beach Gate at 17 Mile Drive. The purpose of the ICE was to objectively evaluate the implementation of either signal control or circular yield (modern roundabout) control at the Holman Highway / Highway 1 / 17-Mile Drive interchange. The ICE compared safety, operations, life -cycle costs, and other key performance measures to determine a preferred form of intersection control. Prior to the ICE, a roundabout feasibility study was prepared to ti determine the project footprint, concept layout, operations, and estimated construction cost. The ICE included three workshops between City of Monterey and Caltrans operations and design functional units. The workshops provided a forum to reach common ground through an ` objective analysis that allowed stakeholders to make investment �+ MnA decisions based on the optimal interchange configuration, traffic control, ia�1 no w c-r - safety, and operational strategy for the design life of the interchange. The ICE and feasibility analysis were 100% funded through the AB 2766 program administered by the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District. The feasibility analysis included calculations for the cost effectiveness of applying AB 2766 funding dollars to the roundabout concept in reducing pollutant emissions. Team Members and Responsibilities: Joey Bansen, Roundabout Design Client Reference: Ms. Elizabeth Caraker I City of Monterey 1 831/646-1739 HOT SPRINGS / CABRILLO ROUNDABOUT I SANTA BARBARA, CA KAI conducted a peer review of a proposed roundabout near US 101 in Santa Barbara, California at the junction of Cabrillo Boulevard, Old Coast Highway, Coast Village Highway, and Hot Springs Road. The proposed roundabout replaced an existing pair of unsignalized 'T' intersections. KAI evaluated intersection operations; horizontal and vertical alignments; design speed; speed consistency; pedestrian, bicycle, and transit treatments; and basic channelization. Based on KAI's initial review, SBCAG and the City of Santa Barbara determined it was necessary to redesign the roundabout. KAI developed a revised conceptual design based on the operational analysis, established ROW constraints, and project goals. KAI then assisted the project team with the successful development of a revised final design. Team Members and Responsibilities: Brian Ray, Roundabout Design Client Reference: Mr. Frank Luna I SBCAG 1 805/961-8926 Ntiehael Baker PAGE 110 Project Understanding and Approach Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH The La Quinta Village is the core of La Quinta. Adjacent to City Hall and the Civic Center Park, it is home to a number of restaurants and shops in addition to the La Quinta Community Park. This project will place a focus on active transportation by prioritizing a multi -modal solution that gives equal status to motorists, transit, bicyclists and pedestrians. Construction of five (5) roundabouts will slow traffic, provide additional on -street parking for visitors, and improve the overall accessibility of the Village. The City has already constructed roundabouts at the Calle Sinaloa/Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Montezuma/Avenida Bermudas intersections that have been well received by the local community. This project will build upon that success by constructing additional roundabouts and bringing a complete streets concept to the Village. We will work with the City to create a complete sense of place in the La Quinta Village that is safe for both pedestrians and motorists, that conforms to and enhances the area's naturally beautiful desert landscape. Our understanding and approach to the design of the project is as follows Road Diet & Roundabout Concept Development Michael Baker has extensive experience delivering high -profile complete streets projects throughout California and Arizona. We will utilize our post successes to help inform our approach to the City's project for La Quinta Village. Some of our past work includes: • Laguna Gateway (Laguna Beach, CA) • Western Avenue Improvements and Streetscape (Avondale, AZ) • Date Palm Drive (Cathedral City, CA) • Rodeo Drive Improvements (Beverly Hills, CA) • Uptown Sedona Enhancements (Sedona, AZ) • McCulloch Boulevard Streetscape Project (Lake Havasu City, AZ) • Jefferson Street Widening (La Quinta and Indio, CA) Our approach to the design of this important and exciting project will be to build upon the significant work completed to date by the City and to refine the conceptual design provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The preliminary concepts provide a solid framework for the overall scope, scale, and vision the City sees in transforming the La Quinta Village area into a safe and inviting multi -modal environment. We will begin the design development by adapting the work completed to -date to a topographic survey in order to more accurately define the scope and impacts of the project. The RFP concepts present a comprehensive approach to adapting the identified network segments and intersections to a slower, more inviting street system that better serves the full range of potential users. The concepts were completed in sufficient detail to help make project recommendations; however, there are opportunities to enhance and refine the concept details to maximize the expected benefits of the City's investment in the project. For example, there are locations where we can reduce driveway/bicycle conflicts and/or enhance the bicycle treatments to reduce the traffic level of stress. In other cases, the roundabouts could be adapted and adjusted to fit the unique context at each intersection. We recommend using the early stages of the project to draw upon our team's collective knowledge of "complete streets" concepts together with our roundabout expertise to perform a "concept validation" exercise to explore opportunities for further refining the concepts prior to beginning the PS&E design process in earnest. Some of the opportunities that we see for further exploration or evaluation include: a. Road Diet Cross -Sections: Based on relatively high posted speeds (45 mph) and the presence of parking lanes on the project roadways, buffered or separated bicycle/neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) lanes may be appropriate to provide for a higher level of comfort for non -motorized users. One suggested approach (working within the existing roadway envelope) would be to re -allocate the 18-feet of space for the proposed parking lane and bike/NEV lane to provide an 8-ft parking lane, 2-ft striped buffer, 6-ft bike/NEV lane, and 2-ft striped buffer. Guidance in the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide suggests the following benefits of buffered bike lanes: Provides greater shy distance between motor vehicles and bicyclists. Provides space for bicyclists to pass one another without encroaching into the adjacent motor vehicle lane. PAGE 111 INTERNATIONAL Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 III. Encourages bicyclists to ride outside the "door zone" by providing a striped buffer between parking and bicycle/NEV lane. IV. Provides a greater space for bicyclists without making the bike lane appear so wide that it might be mistaken for a travel lane or a parking lane. V. Appeals to a wider cross-section of bicycle users and abilities. b. Midblock Pedestrian Crossings: Our team sees potential opportunities for refining and/or identifying alternative treatments for the proposed mid -block pedestrian crossings on Calle Tampico; including reversing the orientation of the "z" median treatments so that pedestrians face approaching traffic. There are other locations where curb modifications could reduce pedestrian crossing distances, such as: c i Crossing west of Desert Club Drive: a) Extend the curb out into roadway to eliminate parking and provide for shorter crossing distance. b) Reverse the orientation of the median "z" cut -through to orient pedestrians to face approaching traffic as they traverse the cut -through. 11. Crossing at Civic Center Park: a) Reverse the orientation of the median "z" cut -through to orient pedestrians to face approaching traffic as they traverse the cut -through. b) Move the pedestrian crossing east to be centered more "mid -block". This would place the crossing closer to the transit stop, and would help address the conflict with the proposed westbound right -turn lane drop at Seasons Way. c) If the multi -lane cross-section is maintained, consider a pedestrian activated red crossing signal (pedestrian hybrid beacon) or other traffic control devices using guidance from NCHRP Report 562 "Improving Pedestrian Safety at Unsignalized Intersections". d) Alternatively, extend the road diet cross-section to the pedestrian crossing location to reduce the number of vehicle -pedestrian conflict points and eliminate the "double -threat" potential for pedestrians crossing two lanes of traffic in the same direction. e) Provide curb extensions into the parking lane to reduce the overall pedestrian crossing distance. Roundabouts: We will consider the unique project context and develop roundabout concepts that integrate the design, operations, and safety principles outlined in NCHRP Report 672 Roundabouts: An Informational Guide (FHWA Roundabout Guide). Our partner, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., a F (KAI) authored this document and is especially qualified to understand design objectives and identify and share the range of tradeoffs to guide project decisions. We will apply the iterative process outlined in Chapter 6 of NCHRP Report 672 At to optimize the roundabout performance while adapting to l the specific needs of the La Quinta Village. This includes avoiding impacts to residential properties, maintaining property access, and addressing lane reduction needs. The approved concepts provided in the RFP will be brought forward and adapted to the topographic survey. We see several opportunities within this concept refinement stage, as follows: I. The roundabout approach geometry shown in the concepts for all locations generally appear to reflect a multi- lane roundabout design, with significant "offset left" horizontal deflection and short to moderate -length tangent sections at the roundabout entries that direct vehicles into the circulatory roadway versus creating a deflected path. In effect, the configurations reflect entry design principles for multi -lane designs that are not applicable in La Quinta. Exhibit 6-14 of the FHWA Roundabout Guide clearly depicts desired deflection for single lane approaches. L. I N 7 E E N PAGE 1 12 .:;� 't•_� "tip �i,, Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 II. Modify the approach geometry at some locations where a very narrow splitter island is shown (such as the east leg of the Calle Sinaloa & Avenida Bermudas intersection). As shown, the widths create constructability and maintenance issues. The roundabout performance objectives of speed reduction and design vehicle accommodation can be met with wider islands while providing less deflection and sharp curvature into the roundabout. 9 III. Extend the splitter islands to the desired 100' length or a minimum of 50' where constraints exist I IV. Refine the splitter island design to reflect the standard AASHTO guidelines for island design. These include the "offsetting" "blunting" channelization principles of and the raised splitter islands for visibility and to create a "funneling" effect for approaching vehicles. These principles of splitter island design are reflected in Exhibit 6- .. 12 of the FHWA Roundabout Guide. V. Provide less abrupt and better defined bike lane transitions into the shared -use paths at the roundabout entries, consistent with Exhibit 6-67 and 6-68 of the FHWA Roundabout Guide. VI. Consider minor modifications to Avenida Martinez where it intersects with Eisenhower Drive north of Avenida Montezuma. Squaring up the intersection would reduce the length of the pedestrian crossing, reduce the vehicle/bicycle conflict area, and more clearly define the intersection. VII. Eliminate (to the extent possible), conflicts at the interface between driveways and bike lanes/shared-use path. Vill. Consider a standard apron -style driveway at the west leg of the Calle Tampico & Eisenhower Drive roundabout to reinforce that this is a minor traffic movement and provide a well-defined circulatory roadway. Exhibits 1 through 3 (on the following pages) have been prepared to summarize and depict the potential modifications (described above) to the preliminary geometrics contained within the RFP. These proposed modifications have been developed to enhance the mobility for all modes of travel and to improve the aesthetics of the roadway corridors. Our team, and KAI in particular, is especially suited to conduct this focused "concept validation" exercise before moving into the PS&E design process. By working as partners, our collaborative approach will allow our team to understand the City's priorities and share with you the benefits of our extensive roundabout design experience. Complete Streets and Landscape Architecture Opportunities Landscape architecture and urban design are essential components of project success. When complete, the landscaping will create a beautiful and tranquil environment for the enjoyment of both residents and visitors. The landscape design will reinforce, expand, and enhance the Village atmosphere, offering shady pedestrian and bicycle corridors, desert gardens that will include seating, and shade for gathering, people watching, conversation, rest, relaxation, reading, enjoying nature, and display of public art, etc. The landscaping will complement the existing landscape and architecture of the Village and adjacent neighborhoods, and accentuate the organizational structure of the project into an intuitive and user friendly sequence of unique and useable street crossings, corridors, and outdoor spaces. These newly created public spaces will incorporate a system of way finding signage, decorative street and pedestrian lighting, transit stops, bicycle parking, and street furnishings that are durable, high value, and compatible with the character of the existing Village signage, lighting, and furnishings. PAGE 1 13 1 NT C RN At 1 tl N A! Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 The landscape design will utilize a unique landscape palette of low maintenance, drought friendly - desert shade trees, shrubs, and accent plants that are complimentary with the existing plant palette of the Village, surrounding neighborhood, and local climate. Plants will be strategically placed to maximize aesthetic impact, avoid overplanting, and installation and maintenance costs. I The hardscape design will incorporate carefully arranged natural desert boulders, {� cobble, crushed rock, and decomposed granite in artful combinations and patterns. The design of the landscape and hardscape improvements will be mindful of the t conservation of natural resources, the costs to construct, and long-term maintenance. All landscaping and irrigation equipment will be selected, designed, and installed with input from City maintenance managers and staff, in accordance with all applicable codes, regulations, and water conservation ordinances. Right -of -Way Considerations and Approach to Acquisition One of the most important aspects of any project is to determine whether additional right-of-way will be needed to build the project as envisioned during the planning stages. For this project, it is our understanding that the City has developed the preliminary horizontal alignment to lie within existing right-of-way except for the northwest quadrant of the Calle Tampico / Eisenhower Drive intersection (the La Quinta Resort Mountain Golf Course). One of our goals during the ^A concept validation effort (as described above) will be to develop alternatives to realign or modify the roundabout (and shared use path) geometry at this location to minimize or potentially eliminate the additional right-of-way needs. Based on the preliminary information provided by the City, it appears that the shared use path is the primary cause of the additional right-of-way need. The alternatives that we will develop will include a "best -fit" analysis to determine the ideal ( balance between roundabout and shared use path modifications and additional right-of-way needs. However, if it is determined that an acceptable alignment is not feasible without the need for additional right-of-way, our approach to securing the needed right-of-way is as follows: ( ( Pre -Acquisition Activities: During the environmental approval phase, OPC (Michael Baker's right-of-way consultant) will assist the City and the Design Team in determining the precise right of way requirements and preparing a right of way ( cost estimate of all probable capital and services costs. This will also include preparation of the Right of Way Data Sheet A utilizing Caltrans Form 17-EX-21. Shortly after project environmental approval, OPC will initiate pre -acquisition activities consisting of a comprehensive review of all title reports and underlying record documents, issuance of statutory appraisal letters, and review of engineering plans, legal descriptions, right of way maps and other information relevant to the project. John Cutler, OPC's Project Manager, will coordinate with our appraiser on title issues, property inspections, and clarification of engineering design elements. Upon completion of the appraisal reports, OPC will conduct an independent review for adequacy and compliance with USPAP and applicable regulations. If necessary, OPC will participate in Council meetings and assist the City in preparing exhibits and/or reports necessary to establish the amount of just compensation. This initial stage will also include preparation of written offers of just compensation, documents, deeds, and right of way agreements in accordance with applicable requirements, to submit to the for approval. Property Negotiations: Following the Council's approval of just compensation, OPC will present the City's written purchase offer to the owner and/or owner's representative. Negotiations will involve an interactive, face-to-face discussion with the property owner about his/her property; explanation of the project and its impacts to the property; explanation of the appraisal process and how the value was concluded; and answer any questions or concerns the owners may have. All of our agents are licensed with the DRE and trained to utilize a non -coercive, integrative negotiation style to overcome all hurdles in reaching a settlement in the most efficient manner possible. Our agents will negotiate in good faith, with an open mind for creative solutions that would be mutually beneficial to all parties involved. PAGE 1 14 1 NT E R N AT I O N A _ i 0 c Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 L . In the event a counter proposal is made, OPC will evaluate its merits and make recommendations if it is felt that an administrative adjustment or settlement is warranted based on the facts. OPC consults with its in-house real estate appraisal staff to provide supplemental research and analysis of property owner presented reports or theories. Michael Baker is committed to the City's goal of bringing vibrant design and functional engineering to Lo Quinta Village. We are looking forward to creating a sense of place that extends beyond simply roundabout engineering, and positively impacts the community by providing a safe and enjoyable corridor. Supplemental negotiations may also include addressing any objection or question concerning the project the owner has by conferring with the City's Project Manager. Once an agreement is reached, OPC will submit the appropriate executed documents to the City for approval; including letters of recommendation with supporting documentation if an administrative settlement is being recommended. Post Negotiations: Upon the City's approval of the appropriate documents, escrow will be opened by submitting an instruction letter providing the purchase contract, title insurance coverage, and notarized Deed to escrow agent. OPC will assist with any due diligence requirements and resolve adverse title conditions preceding the close of escrow and will coordinate payment of just compensation. The City will be furnished with copies of the recorded Deeds and title insurance policies following the close of escrow. In the event that the property cannot be acquired by good -faith negotiations, OPC will assist the City with condemnation support by coordinating updated litigation guarantees, coordinating with the attorney, and any other tasks necessary to take possession. { Once all right of way has been acquired for the project, either by closed escrow or Order of Pre -judgment Possession issued by the court, OPC will prepare and submit the Right of Way Certification package to Caltrans District office for ( approval. The certification package will consist of all necessary documentation including property transaction deeds, ( court judgments, utility notices and agreements, cooperative agreements, encroachment permits, project mapping and final engineering design. i During the course of the acquisition process, OPC will maintain a complete acquisition file of all correspondence, offers, and contacts with each property owner and the City; provide the City with written status reports at the prescribed interval and confer with the City's Project Manager as needed; maintain a current Acquisition Checklist showing each successfully negotiated parcel; and outline any special terms agreed to with a recommendation for City action. Supplemental Environmental Documentation Michael Baker understands that the City has acquired Federal funds for the proposed project, requiring compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). As such, the project will require processing and approval from the Caltrans District 8 Division of Local Assistance, with Caltrans also serving as NEPA lead agency. Michael Baker's extensive resume with Local Assistance NEPA projects will assist the City in expedited project delivery, utilizing the local experience and relationships developed with Caltrans District 8 Environmental Planning staff. We have worked directly with their environmental generalist and technical reviewers, gaining a distinct understanding of the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER) and District 8-specific methodologies and requirements. Based on our comprehensive understanding of the project, the site, and the surrounding area, Michael Baker anticipates that the project will qualify as a Categorical Exclusion (CatEx) under NEPA. The CatEx will be supported by a range of technical studies as required under the SER. The use of a CatEx would result in significant time and cost savings under the environmental process, as compared to an Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Based on input from City Staff, Michael Baker has reviewed the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) for the Village Build -Out Plan, which considers the proposed complete streets improvements as part of a larger project. Any technical documentation prepared as part of our work program will be shared with the City's consultant, Tierra Nova, to assist with preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation that may be required for the project. Michael Baker will utilize information from the Village Build -Out Plan EIR as applicable as part of our work program, and will ensure consistency between the CEQA and NEPA documentation for the project. PAGE 1 15 1 N7 F N N AT I O N AL Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project 2015-03 z_ 100 0 100 I Ki NORTH 1 I � ++� � ✓� - ( IN FEET) 1 I 4r ' 1 inch = 100 ft. _, , 'z j' , r: `... 49 1 kit '! .� (� C.1 .`K� i it �� •, I �- •r-'� BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ; ~ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL V - � ' -< _ Reverse the orientation • cut Through. Pedestrians should � W t': face oncoming traffic. Uli Z J CALLE TAMPICO H — 1ts411 c - V7 � i r}e]+ n 1 � H -v 7 OC s49 o z l m Ek UJ - - z e w 4 _, •' .. 1. �s —Consider: ;r• r,= i { i ,F.. -Extending two-lane section �� m ., i f�.UL,�, ,�;-ilf �/s .::ilti Consider extendin curbs to 1 through pedestrian crossing to O - f = y W Z_ J CALLE TAMPICO U Q Z> yN Modify splitter islands with appropriate offsets and corner radii per NCHRP 672 - Exhibit 6.12 (shown below). Typical all roundabouts. Q __J--_1 R•1L ] R•,Rl1 ml W M 0r390 w m.nnlePi•0 •`� R_INP9mr R•1Np]ip • - d— 10 A�blll ]"p 0 �11 _ 11 limit parking in advance of t Q' 1 [ reduce number of conflict points. pedestrian crossing & -Provide curb extensions to - p g iiI t.1 EKE �111"Y1 reduce crossing width. :a oii I h��`C% ';�„ , _ r' reduce crossing widths. t :+' i — �- -Pedestrian hybrid beacon r ! Reverse the orientation of N P1, �a:U, � 1)?) � � �'�` ?� z" cut through. BUSINESS/RETAIL �` control if 4-lane section remains. " CENTER Reverse the orientation of "z" a W 1 ' cut through. Pedestrians should I7 4 i face oncoming traffic. --- � � •I � W 2 ! IG fMy0(:f�1�:iN :. _ -;, W A LIJ •. l W -. CALLE TAMPICO-� {� -• O J CALLE TAMPICO = �� f .'. ,�� � � � irl-� T �;•.�. i���,4�.%1��1�`�:_.f�}��- 11. g PJ', iiiAl'J C 'Y") cc - - - `.� l C o F'NP `"1I1:) CIVIC CENTER 9'.ai' �• _..� P��I!%i�I�:='1J PARK BUSINESS/RETAIL ''` J � " -'•A — j�� CENTER �:C�[� �1' cv ��II I✓�1��t •L �,, I o Modify entry designs to be more consistent with single -lane s 1'-� • entry geometry per NCHRP 672 - Exhibit 6.14 (shown below). ao.rrb orltrr NNNIa F.nry wldtl 0UWft W" 1WkM I t r .rdw A ROAD DIET PROJECT - CALLE TAMPICO L - "' I ' EXHIBIT 1 I N T[R N A T 10 N]L PAGE 1 16 k cc to 0 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project 2015-03 ,I !t I ,r •fl I 1~1 r ` y e r v r m t - 'y W EISENHOWER DR �� : W FJSENHOWER DR • _— me - - '— W Z .i.f. � � I it 11, �- 7�m,* f @ I I�•• � ,I ¢ d+I.I IoP1]i 0 UO 1 1� {. 1 001 � Aw �14.4 im 'I-{�f e-7]y ` j —' "� Mti 1r.., y ( IN FEET ) nsider retaining the internal park circulation connection •_ = L' ` #- `{ If �. Ir MI 1 inch — — 100 ft. support one-way operations (shown below), SEE SHEET 1 ,i • Z 41 i Extend splitter island to 50-f1 minimum i . r + rururrlry roundabout and shared use path to �ilVl�� f I �� _ f• o +E (100-It preferred). Provide 6-ft minimum f minimize of eliminate right-of-way needs 7 r4width island refuge area. Typical several g C TK �` CANYON II?AIL 1 � ' +�,� zo � 1 locations. m _ Coneld yfor this 4. oo —T-- s I driveway for this access ' Y dill V P W PihN t ° r y n�. :y, ..ems i.l ' - .._—••, .� -- _�_ -- - ,• —. �-- — .-�- — -= • VFA • ``': � � f h!fi' ',I 1tJ � `� �'` � + r' ,�',��',? It ! MWr 4, Ill l - f 61N �[ �� -' 1� II =1.� :31 . �y EISENHOWER DR _i • + r i � i�• ji,�j � + �• - �'' .� ���` '` � � pr ' 'T� '' i f:I�JI�' `� ll;: /� � � � •� sty I• � �.•"� LA QUINTA RESORT MOUNTAIN COURSE Lft Cil OV VX.Af ION _...----•----••--- `.." .................EISENHOWER DR ..1° 'Square up" Ihis intersection N" r' , r Ir u 1 U(rr �KIf11JGi 1.l+l:{,AI W. Reduce horizontal deflection of approach & increase splitter island t, -Q� l' r r—�} � LA QUINTA �/� ," COMMUNITY PARK 'f� I�1 ICI �1� 1 1 width. Possible constructibility issue (typical for several locations)- �;.{, �f���l MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 A ROAD DIET PROJECT - EISENHOWER DRIVE I N 7 E R N A r 1 0 N AL EXHIBIT 2 PAGE 1 17 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete StreAts—A,Road Diet Project 2015-03 ��;.���'�;-•.its t '��,�•`_, ;.' - -•�,. r>. _ _ ll; � g P 3 N _ �� ^ _... t l.�G�Nn (TV. Al SNC;M) a p P UN-Svk rT I'APKING _, :; F m 5Up SNAP�G OF pATN LLI W r CALLS SINALOA IAVENUE 62 w _ Cf) f � IM d M� LAND/ WGNPCII?NUUP FL�CT ONIC VNCL� MV) PAVW NT MA M(A w LI.I Z Z 1'IGNf-0� -WAY J —�— v � v J My - r' V�CfAGULAF PAPIP FLASHING fEACUN FF(TCf FXIANG LANV� CAS 4 _- STAMp�n CUNCF'�T i ANP MWIAN IN FLACL fU - • . _. _ , _ ' I AK ARIA COMPLIANT CU, FAMP _ LAND nt?Op LOCATION . w �NCJ 51JP, CLL AMIGO r ti r 'y sr'rf� � 1•.. 4 , _ � - {�� i _ .-r � 0 4� ry. ' dx �� _} ARIA CUMF'LIANf CUr'V 1J�' AND AMC2F61N 51NGLF LCOMPOt? r* wi l I �Nn 51 (BEGIN Sly' fl .. w CALLE SINALOA IAVENUE 82MY m. }Ucc ' �� i Cvn�iJer oxlnndiixy �' E�fj� �IJp �I Q Curl] $ rostrir_linfi t harkinga An Mc c ` ■ .r e• ' G•5 } x FNP 5UP { Lu x qtLW t I s� > c(TAN(:s tK) VAM FLAB liJ ,t OFA(.(IN �c.. PRITZ BLIMM -. PARK ENC15lJ� •P � Pkxhica hohZontni Belk cLon of "a approach A increase sputter island h 1 width. Possihla conslniclibiiity (ssu❑ r Ityptcat for aevernl local ion ay, r . !✓I'(1i{_f EiLl51 il�}ls LI1N1l (:I��i IN PIrAf.r(jYF i - , J" - ' K +M(A)IF CV ML WINL 1)117) 100 0 100 • �-`�� NC7R7H r [ I N FEET A ROAD DIET PROJECT - CALLE SINALOA / AVENUE 52 EXHIBIT 3 1.79.N,,1 PAGE 118 � fl Scope of Work Program 44� Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 g� g g P 1 SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM The scope of work program to accomplish this project consists of defining the project goals of the City and then establishing the appropriate work tasks. Our understanding of the project is based on information obtained from the RFP, discussions with the City, and review of the referenced materials. The following table outlines the anticipated work plan required to complete this project. TASK 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 1.1 Pre -Design Meeting This task includes participation in the pre -design meeting.. 1.2 Coordination Meetings This task includes participation in up to twelve (12) project coordination/PDT meetings. Attend one (1) City Council meeting. Meetings will be led by Michael Baker and interface with agencies and other firms as appropriate to facilitate project delivery. This task includes a total of thirteen (13) project meetings. 1.3 Project Management and This task includes coordination with the City to assure completion of the Coordination project on time and on budget. Also included as a part of this task is quality Deliverables: control as well as meeting attendance and documentation when appropriate. • Project Management • Meeting Attendance Administrative tasks that include schedule updates and monthly progress • Project Scheduling reports (progress to date, activities performed, problems encountered and • QA/QC resolution, work products completed and distributed, anticipated work in the upcoming month and meetings held) are also included as a part of this task. 1.4 Public Outreach Plan and host three (3) public outreach meetings in a location specified by the City. The Michael Baker team will describe the roles and responsibilities for the outreach efforts, materials, and logistics of the programs/events. The Michael Baker team will identify the materials needed for the programs or activities, including worksheets, and handouts (if needed). TASK 2.0 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2.1 Base Data Compilation and This task includes a site review; collection and review of relevant Review documents including previous record drawings, traffic studies, utility maps, and other record information. Perform a site visit to assess the street and Deliverables: traffic signals and communication, utilities, drainage, ADA access, driveway • Field Review access, signage and striping and landscaping. • Reference Documents 2.2 Design Surveys Aerial Topographic Mapping Provide topographic mapping of Eisenhower Road, Calle Tampico, and Calle Deliverables: Sinaloa including the intersections of Eisenhower Drive at Avenida • AutoCad Files of planimetric Montezuma, and at Calle Tampico; the intersections of Calle Tampico at features and contours Avenida Bermudas, and at Desert Club Drive; and the intersections of Calle • Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Sinaloa at Avenida Bermudas, and at Desert Club Drive in the City of La • Color digital ortho-rectified Quinta. Topographic mapping will be compiled from aerial imagery in geotiff format. photogrammetry for plotting at a scale of 1"=20' with one foot interval • Project Base Map contours. Topographic mapping will conform to the FGDC Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards, PART 4: Standards for A/E/C and Facility Management, and references the ASPRS Accuracy Standards for Large- Mic��ael Rake; PAGE 119 + Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015 03 2.3 Environmental Documentation Deliverables: • Environmental Study Form • Technical Studies o Phase I Initial Site Assessment o Natural Environmental Study o Historic Property Survey o Section 4Technical Memo • Categorical Exemption Michael Baker Scale Maps, with sufficient detail to support assessment of the project sites relative to drainage, improvements and utilities. Delivery of photogrammetric mapping will be approximately 5 weeks from the Notice to Proceed. Unless otherwise directed by the City, the basis of horizontal control will be California Coordinate System of 1983 (CCS 83), Zone 6, Epoch 2011. Coordinates will be expressed as grid values in terms of the U.S. survey foot. Vertical control will be in terms of the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Coordinates and elevations will be based on the published values from National Geodetic Survey (NGS). Conventional Topographic Mapping Provide detailed conventional topographic mapping of the project site to identify and plot existing conditions of those areas obscured from aerial photography, such as bare ground and utilities, which are located under tree canopies, and to provide street cross -sections throughout the project area. Topographic mapping shall be plotted at 1"=20' with one foot interval contours. Topography shall include obtaining locations, elevations and descriptions of: • Contours at one -foot intervals • Spot elevations on hardscape features • Existing building and structure footprints • Curb and gutters, sidewalks and driveways, and handicap ramps • Pavement areas including the roadway surface and flow line of gutter • Storm drain and sewer manholes • Power poles, streetlights and traffic signals, and major signs • Trees and major specimen plants, with trunk diameters greater than 4" • Above ground utilities including valves, pull -boxes, meters, and vaults • Exposed mechanical utilities such as chilled water and steam pipelines • All major surface features that define the shape of the terrain, such as tops and toes of slopes, grade breaks and natural ground Michael Baker will prepare environmental documentation to satisfy the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the proposed project, to be processed through Caltrans District 8. Based on the City's RFP, this scope of work excludes the preparation of CEQA documentation. Through consultation with City Staff and our knowledge of the project, this scope of work assumes that the appropriate form of NEPA documentation will be a Categorical Exclusion (CatEx) with supporting technical studies, utilizing the CatEx under 23 CFR 771.117(c) for the construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths, and facilities. This task assumes that the Lead Agency will be the Caltrans (District 8) Division of Local Assistance, and specifically excludes preparation of an Environmental PAGE 120 �y`��...#$ Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015 03 - . �.. • Environmental Commitments Record Michael Baker Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement. A detailed description of the work program is provided below. Preliminary Environmental Study Form Michael Baker will prepare a Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form in accordance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual environmental reporting criteria. This approach will allow for early consultation with Caltrans staff to identify key environmental constraints and study areas. The PIES Form will provide a preliminary analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the project, including cultural resources, hazardous materials, water quality, temporary and long- term effects, and construction -related effects. Technical Studies Michael Baker anticipates that special studies will be required to support the conclusions within the CatEx that no unusual circumstances of significant environmental effects would occur as part of the project. Since the project would not increase vehicular capacity or substantially realign the roadway, it is not anticipated that an Air Quality Assessment or Noise Study Report will be required. The technical studies will be prepared in accordance with Caltrans requirements, as described below. All studies assume two rounds of Caltrans comments, with two associated rounds of revisions to each study. ■ Phase I Initial Site Assessment (ISA): Michael Baker will prepare a Phase I Initial Site Assessment ISA in accordance with the ASTM International (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-13 and the California Department of Transportation's (Caltrans) SER. The Phase I ISA will consist of four components: Records Review; Site Reconnaissance; Interviews; and Report Preparation. Current site conditions will be documented by an on -site inspection of the project area. A review of the commercial database summaries, provided by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), regarding public agency records will be included. The report will include a summary of the report findings and a discussion of our opinions and conclusions regarding the absence or presence of RECs in connection with the subject site. • Natural Environment Study — Minimal Impacts (NES-MI): Michael Baker will prepare a NES-MI report following Caltrans SER. The document will provide maps of the project site and a detailed map of the vegetation communities/land uses and their respective acreages, including the locations of special -status resources (if any) occurring on -site. The report will include a discussion of impacts to biological resources, a brief analysis of anticipated impacts to jurisdictional features, recommendations for further studies that may be needed prior to development, and suggested mitigation measures to avoid and/or minimize impacts, as necessary. • Historic Property Survey Report, Archaeological Survey Report, Historic Resources Evaluation Report (HPSR/ASR/HRER): Michael Baker has retained Cogstone for preparation of the PAGE 121 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 2.4 Utility Coordination Deliverables: • Utility Notification • Utility Pothole Investigation Miehael Baker HPSR/ASR/HRER in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The primary components associated with the work program include preparation of an Area of Potential Effects (APE) map, literature records search, Native American consultation, a pedestrian survey of the project site, and preparation of the HPSR/ASR/HRER in compliance with the SER. It is assumed that five (5) built resources will require updating on California DPR Series 523 forms. • Section 4(f) Technical Memorandum: Due to access improvements at and adjacent to La Quinta Community Park and Civic Center Park, it is anticipated that impacts to existing publicly - owned, publicly accessible recreational facilities will be required. This technical memorandum will examine potential short-term construction and long-term operational effects on these recreational facilities, and it is assumed that no "use" or a "de minimis use" will occur. • Location Hydraulic Study/Summary Floodplain Evaluation Report: Because of the proximity of the proposed improvements at the Eisenhower Dr. and Calle Tampico roundabout to the mapped Zone A floodplain a Location Hydraulic Study memorandum will be needed, and it is assumed that no floodplain encroachment will occur. Categorical Exclusion On behalf of the City, Michael Baker will forward all supporting NEPA special studies and preliminary engineering documentation demonstrating that significant environmental effects will not result with project implementation. This submittal will consist of a draft CatEx and technical study package with formal request to Caltrans for approval. Environmental Commitments Record In compliance with the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER), Michael Baker will prepare an Environmental Commitments Record (ECR) to track and document the completion of environmental commitments through the project delivery process. The ECR will combine relevant environmental compliance information together in a single place, making it easier to track progress and easier for project team members to identify implementing actions. Michael Baker will consult with Caltrans staff to determine the preferred format and outline of the ECR. Utility Coordination • Primary point of contact with utility owners for identifying and verifying all utility facilities lying within existing and proposed rights of way of planned construction. • Actively participate on Project Development Team (est. 12 meetings). • Forward a letter of introduction to the utility owners (est. 5 utility owners). • Request "as -built" utility information from all utility owners within the project and provide this information to the Design Team for plotting. PAGE 122 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 APPROACHTASK DELIVERABLE(S) • Verify with utility owners that all utilities plotted on utility plans are accurate. • Coordinate, plan and meet with the Design Team and Utility Owners to determine what facilities require potholing. • Coordinate all phases of the positive location of utilities (potholing contractor and Survey Team provided by MBI). • Review and verify with the Design Team the conflicting utility facilities based on the results of the potholing (est. 5 utility owners). • Coordinate and plan with the utility owners and their designers as needed to discuss project design, potential conflicts, relocation alternatives, and resolution to conflicts(est. 15 meetings including field meetings). • Determine liability for each utility company that is impacted by the project. Clearly document this information in a Report of Investigation (est. 5 ROl's). • Obtain detailed scopes of work from the utility companies for relocation, estimated start and completion dates, and proposed cost to perform and complete the job. • Issue Notice to Owner to relocate utilities (est. 5 NTO's). ■ Work with the project manager and utility owner to ensure the Utility Relocation Plan is compatible with permit requirements. • Prepare utility agreements as needed for any utility owner who has prior rights and conflicts with the project or who would like the awarded road contractor to perform utility relocation work regardless of determined liability (est. 2 utility agreements). 2.5 Geotechnical Investigation The objective of our geotechnical/geologic investigation is to characterize the site from a geologic/geotechnical perspective to identify and evaluate Deliverables: the impact of site geotechnical conditions on site development. • Draft/ Final Geotechnical Report • Pavement Design To achieve these objectives we are proposing the following scope of work: • Collect and review readily available reports and literature concerning soil and geologic conditions within and adjacent to the site. ■ Coordinate with local underground utilities locating service (Underground Service Alert) to obtain an underground utility clearance prior to commencement of the subsurface investigation.. It should be noted that this service does not locate private utilities within properties. Therefore, the current Owner would be responsible for informing Petra Geoscience of the presence of any such onsite utilities (for example water lines) and/or repair and relocation of such. • Obtain an encroachment permit from the City of La Quinta. ■ Prepare a traffic control plan. ■ Core 10 locations then hand auger below the pavement to a depth on the order of 3 feet to collect samples for laboratory testing. • Perform laboratory testing on representative soil samples. Laboratory tests that will be performed will include but not PAGE 123 1 N T F N N A T 10 N AL Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 necessarily limited to R-Value, Maximum Density and Optimum Moisture determination, In -situ Moisture and Density, Grain Size Analysis. • Prepare a geotechnical report presenting the results of our investigation. This report will include our evaluation of geotechnical conditions associated with site improvements including but not limited to information on site work, embankments, geology, soil erosion, roadbed preparation, fill placement, over -excavation, groundwater, and roadway structural section design. 2.6 Geometric Approval Drawing Our team's approach will be to build on the significant work completed by the City to -date in refining the approved conceptual design provided with Deliverable: the RFP. The objective of the Geometric Approval Drawing task is to refine • Finalized GAD for final design the roundabout concepts to complete the following scope of work: • Landscape Concept Plan Prepare 15% horizontal alignment designs in AutoCAD working from the preferred alternatives identified by the City. KAI will prepare the 15% horizontal alignment over the approved and provided base mapping as well as prepare exhibits for fast paths, truck turns, and ISD/SSD. In preparing the 15% horizontal alignment designs, KAI will consider the following for the roundabout: Michael Baker Entry geometry to achieve estimated vehicle entry speeds as close as possible to desired entry speeds of 25 mph or slower. • Design vehicle turning movement needs and corresponding adjustments to the roundabout geometry. I. Identify the design vehicles per movement at the intersections. II. Conduct the truck turning analysis that will confirm the 15% horizontal alignment. • Confirm the design and location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities approaching, and through the proposed roundabouts. • Identify intersection sight distance and stopping sight distance needs to then identify locations where low vs. higher vegetation consistent with the "Desert Oasis Pallet" is desired at the roundabouts. • Prepare preliminary signing and striping concepts. Signing and striping will be consistent with the 2014 CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. KAI will note the basis of potential variations in signing and striping concepts. Prior to completing the final plans, a Landscape Concept Plan will be prepared based on the roadway and profile plans, site opportunities and constraints, and project design goals and objectives. The Landscape Concept Plan will identify the location and extent of all landscape architecture and related features including bus shelters, pedestrian lighting, way -finding and street signage, site furnishings such as benches, waste and recycling containers and bike racks, decorative pedestrian PAGE 124 r1. Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 pavement, boulders, cobble, crushed rock, decomposed granite, trees, shrubs and accent planting and irrigation equipment. The plan will include manufacturer information and cut sheets and photographs and drawings as necessary to describe the materials and methods of construction to be used. The Landscape Concept Plan and estimate of probable construction '+ costs will be presented to the City project manager for preliminary review, comment and approval. Plan review comments will be incorporated into the construction plans. 2.7 Right of Way Acquisition (One j Right of Way Oversight Parcel) • Preparation of a comprehensive project planning worksheet designed to ensure all project elements are considered and the work plan and client's policies are clearly understood. • Comprehensive initial project planning, including policy and budget analysis, and participation in informational meetings with the public and official representatives. • Tracking and managing all budgetary -related aspects of the project associated with OPC's Scope of Work. • Assisting with the development of administrative policies, procedures, and forms necessary to carry out the initial program. • Ongoing general consultation and project coordination with the client, governmental entities, and project team members. • Preparation of tracking reports that monitor the completion of project milestones of the various disciplines involved on the project. • Preparation and presentation of a monthly status report based on the agreed -upon guidelines on information to be provided. Confer with client verbally on general status, problem areas, and progress. • Coordinate with federal and state oversight agencies such as Caltrans and FHWA. • Subcontracting for and managing any necessary disciplines needed for the project. Right of Way Cost Estimate (Environmental Phase) • Take an inventory of the affected properties for each selected option. • Using public Assessor's Roll information, investigate the ownership, lot size, and building size of each affected property. • Visually inspect each property (exterior street view) and evaluate effects of proposed acquisition. List all businesses on each property and the approximate space they occupy. • Sort each property into product types to determine the universe of real estate data sets to research and create valuation data sets for each product type. • Prepare an estimate of the probable cost of each full property acquisition or the cost of each partial acquisition (plus damages) using the data sets created and utilizing our various real estate value data bases. • Prepare an estimate of the immoveable fixtures and equipment associated with each business property. PAGE 125 1 NT F R N AT I O N AL Professional Engineering Services for La quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 y R7 EI ER� C. • Prepare an estimate of the total probable loss of business goodwill attributable to each operating business. ■ Prepare an estimate of the total services and incidental costs associated with each real estate acquisition program (appraisals, acquisition and relocation agents, title/escrow, and legal services). • Prepare Caltrans Right of Way Data Sheets utilizing Form 17-EX- 21 from the Caltrans Right of Way Manual. Appraisal Services • OPC will mail a notification letter and acquisition policies brochure to the property owner requesting permission to conduct an on -site inspection of the property, advising them of their right to accompany the appraiser at the time of the inspection, and requesting information regarding the property appraised which could influence the appraised value. • Appraiser will review title information pertaining to respective ownerships and will review drawings and other pertinent information relative to the parcel. • Appraiser will inspect each property personally with the owner (if possible) and document the inspection with photographs for use in the report. Appraiser will inventory all improvements affected by the proposed taking, including notes on their manner of disposition (i.e., pay -for and remove vs. move back). • Appraiser will perform market research to support the selected appraisal methodologies and will document and confirm comparable sales information. • Appraiser will prepare a narrative appraisal report that conforms to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The appraisal study and report are intended to serve as an acquisition appraisal and will be prepared in a summary format consistent with the specifications for narrative appraisal reports. Appraisal Review • Appraisal review work will be performed under the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the Code of Ethics of the Appraisal Institute. • Gather relevant data regarding the appraisal review assignment, such as project plans. Read the appraisal report under review thoroughly. Gather any outside information necessary to complete the review process. • In the case of a field review, conduct an inspection of the property and comparable data used in the appraisal assignment. Collect any pertinent backup data that may shed light on the market data used. Check the appraisal report for mathematical correctness. • Conduct a review of the appropriateness of the methodology, the accuracy of the data and the application of the approaches to value used in the appraisal. Make reference to the correct edition PAGE 126 (A Ky• •w.•a. ! , Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 Miuh ael Bakei of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the Caltrans Right of Way Manual, as applicable. • Interface with the real property appraiser regarding any concerns and/or request corrections that may be necessary to insure report compliance. • Complete the appraisal review report and review certificate. Proofread and check for mathematical correctness. Administrative staff generates report copies and transmits them to client. • Additional days may be necessary for complex assignments involving severance damages and/ or unique property types. Delivery timing is highly dependent on a quick turnaround for any comments to the appraiser, with 48 hours anticipated in the above schedule. Right of Way Acquisition • Establish and maintain complete and current ownership files in a form acceptable to the client. • Receive and analyze title information, approved appraisal reports, and legal descriptions in sufficient detail to negotiate with property owners and other parties. • Prepare all offer letters, summary statements, and lists of compensable items of fixtures and equipment, in accordance with state or federal regulations and approval of client. • Present written purchase offers to owners or their representatives in person, when possible. Secure receipt of delivery of offer as practical and present and secure tenant information statements, as applicable. • Notify relocation agent of initiation of negotiations within 2 business days and provide appraisal information, occupant contact information, and tenant information as necessary. • Follow-up and negotiate with each property owner, as necessary; prepare and submit recommended settlement justifications to client for review and approval; review any independent appraisal secured by property owner; and coordinate reimbursement of appraisal fees (up to $5,000) with client. Ongoing negotiations and settlement discussions will continue for 8 weeks after the initial offer or if settlement or impasse is reached sooner. • Prepare and assemble acquisition contracts, deeds, and related acquisition documents required for the acquisition of necessary property interests. Legal descriptions to accompany easements or to accompany partial acquisition deeds are not included in this Scope of Work. • Maintain a diary report of all contacts made with property owners or representatives and a summary of the status of negotiations indicating attitude of owners, problem areas, and other pertinent information. Copies of all applicable written correspondence will be maintained in files. • Prepare an impasse letter for any parcel where, after diligent attempts to settle by negotiation, it appears eminent domain will be needed or prudent to acquire the needed interest. PAGE 127 �+ 9*-Profess'iona,l Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete •Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 � Transmit executed acquisition documents to client. Each transmittal package shall include a fully executed and properly [ ; notarized deed(s), fully executed acquisition contract with attachments and a brief settlement memorandum which summarizes the pertinent data relative to the transaction. If by Negotiated Settlement: Assist the escrow/title company in the following: • Open escrow and coordinate execution of closing instructions providing for title insurance coverage at the settlement amount. • Provide escrow officer with fully executed acquisition contract and notarized deed. • Review settlement statement for accuracy. • Coordinate deposit of acquisition price and estimated closing costs with escrow. • After the closing, review the title insurance policy for accuracy. • Prepare and mail a letter to County Assessor requesting cancellation of taxes if appropriate. C) If Settlement by Eminent Domain: Assist eminent domain 1. counsel with the following: ( • Prepare a letter for the client signature, to eminent domain counsel requesting proceeding to condemnation. • Provide eminent domain counsel with available right of way t maps and legal descriptions, preliminary title reports and title review documents, and information on how to contact each owner or interest holder. t • Provide eminent domain counsel with a duplicate copy of the parcel file, together with a copy of the appraisal, offer to purchase, correspondence, acquisition contract, and deed as f presented. ■ Convert preliminary title reports to litigation guarantees for ( eminent domain counsels' use. Title company fees (based on the value of the interest required) are additional. Right of Way Certification • Attend certification planning meeting with client's Right of Way Local Assistance Coordinator and Project Team. • Prepare real estate components of right of way data sheet and provide current and escalated costs for acquisition and relocation; incorporate engineers' construction and utility information as provided to OPC. Verify appraisal maps/right of way maps and legal descriptions are all properly identified and prepared in conformance with approved right of way numbering system. • Prepared utility relocation sections as required for completion of certification form including compiling utility notices and submittal ! of hi -low risk utility sheet prepared by engineers for Right of Way Local Assistance Coordinator review. PAGE 128 1 NT E NN IT 1 0 N•l Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 • Ensure that all interests necessary for the project have been secured and all relocation activities have been performed in compliance with applicable law and regulations. • Prepare certification forms in coordination with engineer and client to include the compilation of all necessary back-up documents required including; deed, final order of condemnation, access easements, cooperative agreements, permits, right of entries, etc. �j • Attend and coordinate pre and post -audit submittal meetings. 1" 2.8 Mapping and Legal Exhibit Michael Baker will provide right-of-way mapping services in support of the Right of Way Acquisition and Appraisal services. The following tasks will be performed: • One (1) plat and legal description describing permanent parcel acquisition of said property will be prepared TASK 3.0 DESIGN PHASE 3.1 Final Design Drawings All plan types shall be completed in conformance with City standards. Plans will be submitted to the City for review and approval for each specified Deliverables: milestone (percent complete) submittal. The following plans are 65% PS&E anticipated to be included: • 90% PS&E • 100% PS&E ■ Title Sheet; 1 { • Final Signed PS&E • Typical Cross -Sections; ' • Construction Details, • Roundabout Civil Plan; • Drainage Plan; r Signing and Striping Plan; ( ■ Landscape Planting and Irrigation; r • Electrical / Lighting Plan. ( It is assumed that the SWPPP and any traffic control, stage construction and/or detail plans will be prepared by the Contractor for review and approval by the City. Each submittal shall include updated cost estimate and special provisions. Plans will be prepared at scale 1"=20' (unless otherwise noted) 3.2 Existing Utility and Removal Plan Existing utilities identified from our research and coordination effort will be incorporated into the plan set and labeled by size, type, and material (as t provided by the record information). Removal items, limits of work, and L items to be protected in -place will also be identified on these set of plans. { 3.3 Roadway Plan and Profile Roadway Plan and Profile will be prepared incorporating survey information defining the limits of work, design of curb and gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, pavement improvements, roundabout layout, utility adjustments, right-of-way, and median improvements. I; 3.4 Signing and Striping Plan Signage and striping plans will be prepared based on the approval GAD s alignment study. Plans will be prepare double -loaded and in compliance with State traffic standards. PAGE 29 I Ni E R N AT 10 N AL (0 Ah C_) t t _4X Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 1APPROACH 3.5 Traffic Signal Modification Traffic Signal Modification plans will be prepared to address lane configuration changes at the signalized intersection to remain at Calle Tampico & Washington Street. It is anticipated that loop detectors, crosswalks, and pedestrian controls will be adjusted to conform to the proposed improvements. Traffic signal removal plans will be prepared for the four (4) intersections proposed to be converted from traffic signals to roundabouts. 3.6 Storm Drain and Plan and Profile Michael Baker will perform Hydraulic and Hydrological calculations to properly size the proposed drainage inlets, required to intercept surface stormwater flow for this project. The drainage study will be prepared in correlation with the final design documents. For purposes of this proposal, it is anticipated that changes to the existing inlet structures at the five proposed roundabouts will be required. New lateral connections and inlets will be installed. The plans will include storm drain plan and profile, and details related to the proposed facilities. Street Lighting improvements for this project will consists of safety lighting 3.7 Street Lighting required at the proposed roundabouts. Light pole layouts will be determined through a photometric analysis and confirmed with the City prior to detailed design. It is anticipated that no additional street light facilities will be required outside of the roundabout influence areas. Michael Baker will prepare Landscape Planting and Irrigation plans. The 3.8 Landscape and Irrigation Plans planting plans will indicate the species, quantity, and size of plant material to be used as well as the median hardscape paving. Plants and hardscape will be selected to blend with the existing landscaping, comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, and meet City standards. A planting legend and planting details will be included as part of this task. The irrigation plans will indicate the type of irrigation equipment to be used, such as the backflow preventer, master valve, irrigation controllers, pipe, valves, quick -couplers, and bubblers or dripline. The irrigation design will utilize low water use and water efficient application techniques to be compliant with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. TASK 4.0 BIDDING PHASE 4.1 Pre -Bid Meeting Provide bid support services by addressing RFI's; attending the pre -bid meeting; prepare a single bid addendum; review contractor bids. Deliverables: • Attend Pre -Bid Meeting • RFI Response(s) TASK 5.0 CONSTRUCTION PHASE 5.1 Respond to Request for Provide construction support services including attending the pre - Information construction and periodic construction meetings; address RFI's; review revisions. Deliverables: • RFI Response(s) • Record Drawings Michael Baker PAGE 130 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project 2015-03 PROJECT SCHEDULE City of La Quintal La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project Project No. 2015-03 10 8 Task 'Mode WBS ;Task Name Duration SG7rt Finish May 1 hunt, 21 August 11 Ortobcr 1 Novo. mbrr 21 1a1Miary 11 Maich 1 April 71 h ''I ''�, 1 ® 0 NOTICE TO PROCEED 0 days Mon 5/15/17 Mon 5/15/17 4/16 5/7 5/28 6/18 719 7/.30 8/20, 9/10 10/1 10122 4/8 4/29 5/70 ', 6/10 ♦ 5/15 71/17 12/3 17/74 1/14 2/4 7/75 3/18 2 1 MEETINGS AND COORDINATION 263 days Mon 5/15/17 Wed 5/16/18 3 or.1.1 Pre -Design Meeting 0 days Wed 5/17/17 Wed 5/17/17 ♦ 5/17 4 2.2 Coordination Meetings 241 days Wed 6/14/17 Wed 5/16/19 15 - 1.3 Project Management and Coordination 225 days Mon 5/15/17 Fri 3/23/18 16 2.4 Public Meeting No. 1 0 days Wed 7/12/17 Wed 7/12/17 ♦ 7/12 17 E% 2.5 Publlic Meeting No. 2 0 days Wed 11/1/17 Wed 11/1/17 ♦ 11/i 18 MP 1.4 Public Meeting No. 3 0 days Wed 3/14/18 Wed 3/14/18 ♦ 3/14 19 EP# 2 ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT PHASE 240 days Mon 5/15/17 Fri 4/13/18 20 =4 2.1 Base Data Compilation and Review 1S days Mon 5/1S/17 Fri 6/2/17 21 w4 2.2 Design Surveys 15 days Thu 5/18/17 Wed 6/7/17 1� 22 Ir. 2.3 Environmental Documentation 180 days Mon 7/10/17 Fri 3/16/18 2.1 ® op. 2.4 Utility Coordination 240 days Mon 5/15/17 Fri 4/13/18 24 n 2.5 Geotechnical Investigation 60 days Mon 5/22/17 Fri 8/11/17 25 2.6 Geometric Approval Drawing (GAD) 20 days Mon 6/12/17 Fri 7/7/17 26 E�n 2.7 City Review and Approve GAD 5 days Mon 7/10/17 Fri 7/14/17 27 W. 2.8 Right -of -Way Acquisition 120 days Mon 10/23/17 Fri 4/6/18 28 99 111111% 2.9 Mapping and Legal Exhibit 15 days Mon 10/2/17 Fri 10/20/17 29 6 3 DESIGN PHASE 195 days Mon 7117/17 Fri 4/23/18 30 r 3.1 Final Design Drawings - 65% Check Plans 60 days Mon 7/17/17 Fri 10/6/17 31 W. 3.1 Title Sheet 10 days Man 9/18/17 Fri 9/29/17 32 11111% 3.2 Construction Detail Sheets 20 days Mon 9/4/17 Fri 9/29/17 33 or, 3.2 Existing Utility and Removal Plans 40 days Mon 8/7/17 Fri 9/29/17 34 9% 3.3 Roadway Plan and Profile 60 days Mon 7/17/17 Fri 10/6/17 35 Mr. 3.4 Signing and Striping Plan 25 days Mon 8/28/17 Fri 9/29/17 36 0% 3.5 Traffic Signal Modification 20 days Mon 9/4/17 Fri 9/29/17 7 3.6 Storm Drain and Plan and Profile 30 days Mon 8/21/17 Fri 9/29/17 38 ',� 3.7 Street Lighting 24 days Tue 8/29/17 Fri 9/29/17 r 39 .!. 3.8 Landscape and Irrigation Plan 45 days Mon 7/31/17 Fri 9/29/17 40 4.2 Submit 65% Plans and Estimate 0 days Fri 9/29/17 Fri 9/29/17 ♦ 9/29 41 3.1a City Review 65% Plans and Cost Estimate 20 days Mon 1012117 Fri 10/27/17 42 4.4 65% Comment Resolution Meeting 0 days Fri 10/27/17 Fri 10/27/17 ♦ 10/27 43 3.9 Prepare 90% PS&E 60 days Mon 10/30/17 Fri 1/19/18 44 4.6 Submit 90% PS&E 0 days Fri 1/19/18 Fri 1/19/18 ♦ 1/19 45 3.9a City Review 90% PS&E 15 days Mon 1/22/18 Fri 2/9/18 46 4.8 90%Cam ment Resolution Meeting 0 days Fri 2/9/18 Fri 2/9/18 ♦ 2/9 47 3.10 Prepare 100% PS&E 20 days Mon 2/12/18 Fri 3/9/18 48 04 4.10 Submit 100% PS&E 0 days Fri 9/9/18 Fri 3/9/18 ♦ 3/9 49 a i 3.10a City Review 10 days Mon 3/12/18 Fri 3/23/18 50 3.11 Final Design PS&E 10 days Mon 3/26/18 Fri 4/6/18 51 S 3.11a City Review and Approval 5 days Mon 4/9/18 Fri 4/13/18 w Project: La Quinta Village Date: Mon 3/13/17 Complete Streets Task ` Milestone ♦ Summary Project Summary p I Coordination Meetings Micha� PAGE 131 11.3 Appendix -A .0 �` :. „VIA 11 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 MICHAEL BRUZ, PE I PROJECT MANAGER Mr. Bruz has 36 years of successful experience in delivering significant and Years of Experience: 36 innovative transportation planning and design projects. Representative projects include freeway widenings and interchanges, arterial roadways, Degrees local street improvements, complete streets, streetscape improvements, bicycle facilities and utilities (water and sewer). He is well -versed in the B.S., Civil and Environmental standards and procedures often implemented in the desert communities, Engineering, Michigan State having worked in the desert for over 25 years. He has participated high- University profile projects such as the Date Palm Drive Improvements, through which he has become extremely knowledgeable about the desert's issues and Licenses/Certifications needs. Mr. Bruz has managed numerous multi -discipline teams on important Professional Civil Engineer, CA complete streets projects that are markers of the communities in which they are constructed. Examples of such successes include the Uptown Sedona 36198 Enhancements (Sedona, AZ) and Rodeo Drive Improvements (Beverly Hills, CA). Ultimately, he has the ability to combine successful transportation engineering approaches with the "bigger picture" of community revitalization and enhancement, making him the ideal Project Manager for the La Quinta Village Project. Jefferson Street Widening/Reconstruction Project, La Quinta and Indio, California. Project Manager. Responsible for the preparation of preliminary engineering (PA/ED) documents and final PS&E for approximately six miles of Jefferson Street. Initially, the project consisted of developing alternatives to widen Jefferson Street from two to four or six lanes from Avenue 54 to Indio Boulevard (and eventually to 1-10). The project was developed in phases with the preliminary engineering and environment document phase of the work lasting approximately 18 months. Following approval and acceptance of the preliminary documents, work proceeded on preparing the final PS&E for the widening/reconstruction of Jefferson Street, which included the first roundabout in the Coachella Valley, the purchase and demolition of 13 residential properties and the retrofitting of the Jefferson Street Bridge at the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, the widening of the Jefferson Street Bridge over the Coachella Canal, and improvement plans for a low flow crossing over the Whitewater River. This project included extensive multi -agency coordination/approvals as well as an extensive community involvement process. Date Palm Drive Improvements, Cathedral City, California. City of Cathedral City. Project Engineer. Responsible for delivering roadway elements of the project. This multi -phase project included environmental documentation and final engineering for a 760-foot-long bridge over the Whitewater River Channel and associated roadway improvements approaching the bridge. The project widened the roadway and bridge from four lanes to six lanes, modified two intersections and access to five adjacent parcels, seismically retrofit the existing bridge, modified the channel slope lining, added improvements in the channel bottom to prevent scour, and improved pedestrian / bicycle facilities. Extensive coordination with adjacent property owners was necessary to acquire both temporary and permanent easements, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) who represented two allotees. Coordination with resource agencies including Riverside County Flood Control District, Coachella Valley Water District and numerous utility owners was also required. This Highway Bridge Replacement (HBR) project complied with Caltrans latest 2010 Amendments and Local Assistance Procedures Guidelines in District 8. Uptown Sedona Enhancement Project, Sedona, Arizona. Project Manager. Responsible forthis major facelift of the public infrastructure within the Uptown Area. The Project included extensive public participation (3 community charettes) and close coordination with City Staff and City Council. The Project also included a traffic analysis, Design Concept Report, Streetscape Plan and final plans, specifications and estimates including: removals, grading, paving and drainage plans (including a roundabout), lighting/electrical, signing/striping, landscape/irrigation plans, traffic signal modifications and construction cost estimates. Close coordination with ADOT and the S.R. 179 Project was also a key component of this project. Mid -Valley Parkway Bridge and Roadway Construction, Palm Springs, California. Project Manager. Responsible for the construction of two miles of arterial roadway. This fast track project included plans for a 1,049-foot bridge, street PAGE I A- 1 1 11 1 F A K A! 1 0 N A l �r!l ,i . P.-+�rr� ¢ : PrdfesFiQnal Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 µ improvements, grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls, sound walls, and traffic signals. Extensive coordination was required with several agencies having jurisdiction within the project limits. MacArthur Boulevard Widening (S.R. 73), Newport Beach, CA. City of Irvine. Project Manager. Responsible for the preparation of preliminary engineering (PA/ED) documents and final PS&E for the widening and realignment of approximately two miles of this key major arterial roadway in Newport Beach. Michael Baker prepared engineering documents and estimates to assist the City in obtaining relinquishment of the route from Caltrans. Concurrent with the relinquishment process, Led the development of the final PS&E. The project included stage construction/traffic handling plans and specifications were completed to minimize impacts to the motorizing public, the residents, ocean vistas and Fashion Island. Night work, weekend work and other work restrictions were included in the plans and specifications to accommodate holiday shoppers, beach traffic, noise and other special events. Substantial widening and grading (15' cuts) presented complex issues to be solved. Overall plans included street improvements, grading, drainage, retaining walls, a concrete box culvert under crossing (10' x 10'), sound walls, sewer, water and industrial waste line design and relocation, and extensive coordination with four agencies having concurrent projects within the project limits. Rodeo Drive Improvements, Beverly Hills, California. City of Beverly Hills. Project Manager. Responsible for the reconstruction of landscaped median islands and pavement for a three -block reach along what is commonly considered to be the most famous stretch of roadway in the world. The project was designed and constructed on a very tight schedule in order to be complete prior to the 1994 World Cup Soccer Tournament. The project included extensive coordination with the Rodeo Drive Merchants Association and special construction requirements were included in the contract to minimize disruption to business. 43rd Avenue Intersection Improvements, Glendale, Arizona. Project Manager. Responsible for capacity enhancements at five intersections (Peoria Avenue, Olive Avenue, Northern Avenue, Glendale Avenue and Bethany Home Road) on one of the busiest north -south corridors in the City. The intersections are at one mile intervals and improvements included: additional turn lanes, bus bays, traffic signal modifications, raised medians, utility relocations and construction (water, sewer, irrigation, electrical, gas, telephone, cable television), landscaping and signing and striping. 16th Street Glendale Avenue Intersection Improvements Design Concept Report and Final Design. Project Manager. Responsible for the preparation of a Design Concept Report and final design for the improvements to add additional westbound left turn capacity on Glendale Avenue at the 16th Street Intersection. Extra lane capacity was needed to smooth the flow of traffic through the intersection due to turn lane traffic backing -up the through lanes during heavy volume periods. McCulloch Boulevard Streetscape Project, Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Uptown Lake Havasu / Main Street. Project Manager. Responsible for landscape architecture. Michael Baker provided design services for improvements to approximately two-thirds of a mile of McCulloch Boulevard, the "main street" of Lake Havasu City. The work included a review of existing conditions; development of a comprehensive streetscape enhancement program; and preparation of streetscape plans, street improvement plans, lighting and electrical plans, and landscape planting and irrigation plans. A unique aspect of the design was a street lighting system to provide pedestrian -level lighting and event -level lighting for the annual summertime car show. Lower Buckeye Road Paving Improvements, 35th Avenue to 43rd Avenue, City of Phoenix, Arizona. Principal -in -Charge. Mr. Bruz served as Principal -in -Charge responsible for the oversight of plans, special provisions and construction cost estimates for 1% miles of arterial roadway and storm drain improvements along Lower Buckeye Road from 35th Avenue to 43rd Avenue and along 43rd Avenue from Lower Buckeye Road to the RID Canal. The project consists of field topographic mapping, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and redesign, paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk infrastructure and drainage improvements. The project also includes coordination with adjacent property owners. Power Road Improvements, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Arizona. Principal -in -Charge. Responsible for providing professional consulting services to design improvement plans for MCDOT along Power Road from Baseline to a 1/4 mile south of Guadalupe Road. The work included 220 plan sheets, consisting of paving, street lighting, storm drain, traffic signal, bridge structural drawings, landscaping, and signing and striping. Coordination for this project involved several different stakeholders, City of Mesa, Town of Gilbert, MCDOT, and the various utility companies. PAGE I A- 2 I XTE RNATIONAL Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 � MICHAEL SUTTON, PE I PROJECT PRINCIPAL & QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW Mr. Sutton's vast, multi -faceted experience makes him an invaluable asset to Years of Experience: 23 the Michael Baker Palm Desert Management Team as well as the team for the La Quinta Village Complete Streets Project. Mr. Sutton's strengths are in Degrees on- and off -site planning and design, and street widening projects. As a Project Manager, he has worked on several public works improvement B.S., 1994, Civil Engineering, projects for agencies throughout the Coachella Valley, and is very California State Polytechnic knowledgeable about the infrastructure of the desert communities. Mr. University, Pomona Sutton has many years of experience working with the staff at the City of La Quinta and is currently assisting the city with the SilverRock Way Design for Licenses/Certifications I the SilverRock Project. Mr. Sutton will be responsible for ensuring that the City's expectations are met and exceeded during the duration of this project, Professional Engineer -Civil, and that Michael Baker's quality standards are upheld by internal and California, 1997, 57667 external team members, sub -consultant partners, and all individuals involved in the successful completion of this project. Eisenhower George and Julia Argyros Health Center, La Quinta, California. Eisenhower Medical Center. Project Director. Responsible for project oversight. Michael Baker provided engineering and design services for the Eisenhower George and Julia Argyros Health Center in La Quinta, California. The three story, 90,000-square-foot ambulatory care center is located on a 10.2-acre parcel and will serve the eastern Coachella Valley with convenient and much needed services, including an imaging center, physician offices, pharmacy, laboratory, and radiation oncology. Design services included the preparation of schematic studies, grading and drainage plans, utility plans, horizontal control plans, a PM-10 plan, and a stormwater prevention plan. The project required close coordination with all local agencies, including the City of La Quinta, the Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Riverside County Fire Department, Southern California Gas Company, and Verizon. Bob Hope Drive and Dinah Shore Drive Street Improvements, Rancho Mirage, California. Agua Coliente Band of Cahuilla. Project Manager. Served as Project Manager for the Bob Hope and Dinah Shore Widening Project. Michael Baker provided engineering services for the widening of Bob Hope Drive and Dinah Shore Drive. The project consisted of approximately 9,000 feet of roadway widening of the five -lane roadways to six lanes with a median. The project also included demolition and construction of left turn pockets at the intersection. Highway 111 from Plaza Way to San Marcos Avenue, Palm Desert, California. City of Palm Desert. Engineering Manager. Responsible for civil engineering. Michael Baker provided engineering services for the Highway 111 Plaza Way to San Marcos Widening Project, which involved street widening, utility relocation, and intersection improvements. The project consisted of approximately 2,600 feet of roadway widened to ultimate street width, the design of 1,100 feet of storm drain, and location and conflict resolution of multiple existing utilities. Because of the extensive history of Highway 111, many of the utilities within the street were undocumented, requiring extensive potholing. Michael Baker was responsible for surveying; preparation of plans, specifications, and probable cost estimates for street improvements; storm drain improvements; modification of two traffic signals; traffic signal interconnect system; signing and striping; and staged construction and traffic control. The project was contracted with the City of Palm Desert, but also required close coordination with Caltrans District 8, as Highway 111 is within Caltrans right-of-way. The plans were processed and reviewed by the City of Palm Desert and Caltrans. Much of the street fronted on commercial areas, which necessitated close coordination with local businesses. Highway 111 Widening San Marcos to Larkspur Way, Palm Desert, California. City of Palm Desert. Project Manager. The project consisted of approximately 2,200 feet of roadway widened to ultimate street width. The project was contracted with the City of Palm Desert, but also required close coordination with Caltrans due to Highway 111 being within Caltrans right-of-way. The plans were processed and reviewed by The City of Palm Desert and Cal Trans. Much of the street fronted on commercial areas causing the need for close coordination with local businesses. PACE I A- 3 1 NT 1 RN A T 1 0 N AI Profesgional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 JEREMY FRANZINI, PLA I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Mr. Franzini has been responsible for the design of numerous public works Years of Experience: 21 and transportation projects throughout California, including in the Coachella Valley. He has completed projects involving decorative architectural Degrees treatments as well as complex landscaping and irrigation systems. Projects have been for scenic highway corridors, freeway interchanges, parkways and M.L.A., 1996, Landscape medians for arterial and public streets, water quality basins and erosion Architecture, Texas A&M University control projects. He prepared the designs for important downtown streetscapes in the desert communities including Downtown Coachella. He is B.S., 1993, Environmental Studies, knowledgeable about preferred desert landscaping, and is exceptionally University of California at Santa qualified to design an aesthetically pleasing Desert Oasis environment while Barbara accommodating the functionality required of a road diet. Licenses/Certifications South Garfield Avenue Specific Plan and Streetscape Improvements, Monterey Park, California. City of Monterey Park, Landscape Architect Landscape Architect, California, responsible for the Streetscape Master Plan and final construction 2001, 4514 documents. Michael Baker provided pedestrian and bicycle planning, urban design guidelines, and parking and zoning analysis for preparation of a Specific Plan that addresses the future use and intensity of development along an urban village area. The area will be station location for the Gold Line LRT Extension. The plan addresses future+ mixed -use, parking, and densities to better prepare the area for embracing transit and benefiting from transit -oriented development opportunities. Immediate improvements include better aesthetics and place -making design as well as improvements to incorporate Complete Streets elements, including improved tree canopies, pedestrian connectivity, ("-1 sidewalk dining, and separated bicycle facilities. Rancho Las Flores Park Master Plan - Phase 1, Coachella, California. City of Coachella. Landscape Architect. Responsible for the Park Master Plan, park design, and final plans, specifications, and estimates. Michael Baker provided a comprehensive park master plan for a 29-acre undeveloped park site and final construction drawings to implement the first phase for 15 acres of the park in the City of Coachella. The park was designed to be unique to the City of Coachella and was influenced by the agricultural history of the region. Additionally, the park features many sustainable design elements, such as permeable pavers, low water use plant material, drip irrigation, rock mulches instead of groundcover plants, LED lighting, and site furnishings that used 80 percent recycled materials. The park was designed to appeal to as many of the recreational needs of the community as possible. Creating new soccer fields was the priority, but the amenities included new baseball fields, a football field, an amphitheater, a playground, a splash pad water play area, basketball courts, a sand volleyball court, a walking trail, exercise stations, group picnic areas with barbecues, drinking fountains, rest room and concession buildings, and a new Community Center. La Entrada Specific Plan, Coachella, California. PSAV, LLC. Landscape Architect. Responsibilities included landscape architecture. Michael Baker prepared the Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters for the 2,200-acre La Entrada Specific Plan Project, located in the City of Coachella, California. The La Entrada Specific Plan consists of a master planned residential community will include three village areas with mixed -use community cores, significant sustainability elements, and a robust parks and open space plan. Alessandro Boulevard Median (Indian Street to Perris Boulevard), Moreno Valley, California. City of Moreno Valley. Landscape Architect. Responsibilities included landscape architecture. Michael Baker provided environmental clearance, final design, and construction support services for Alessandro Boulevard Median improvements. The project was funded under federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) as a Local Assistance project overseen by Caltrans. The safety improvement project addressed traffic and pedestrian safety issues. Work items included design of raised median, turn pockets, traffic signal modifications, striping and signage, landscaping, new lane configurations, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, and environmental CEQA and NEPA documents. PAGE I A-4 INTERNATIONAL / yr Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 . g� g g p 1 'd ALAN ASHIMINE I NEPA / ENVIRONMENTAL Mr. Ashimine prepares environmental and planning studies for public and Years of Experience: 17 private sector clients under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) ti and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Mr. Ashimine utilizes his Degrees experience to manage and author environmental documentation, often incorporating the results of complex technical documentation to B.A., 2000, Environmental Analysis substantiate conclusions within the document. Mr. Ashimine has also and Design, University of California successfully prepared environmental documentation for a range of highly at Irvine controversial projects subject to scrutiny by the general public, environmental organizations, and public agencies. Mr. Ashimine focuses on environmental documentation for local and regional transportation projects. He has managed a range of highly technical CEQA/NEPA studies for locally -funded roadways, Federally -funded roadways through Caltrans Local Assistance, and projects on the State Highway System. His work includes a range of projects in the Coachella Valley, and has established successful working relationships with environmental planning staff at Caltrans District 8. C-) State Route 86/Avenue 50 Interchange Improvements, Coachella, California. TranSystems. Project Manager. Managing preparation of the environmental document. As a subconsultant to TranSystems, Michael Baker is currently assisting the City of Coachella with preparation of environmental documentation for the SR-86/Avenue 50 Interchange Improvements. C' The effort includes preparation of a joint Initial Study/Environmental Assessment (IS/EA), with Caltrans District 8 serving -_ as the CEQA/NEPA lead agency. Michael Baker's scope of work includes preparation of a full range of technical studies, including air quality, noise, biology, hydraulics, community impacts, and cultural resources, among others. Folsom Boulevard Complete Street Rehabilitation Project, Sacramento, California. City of Sacramento. Project Manager. Michael Baker assisted the City of Sacramento with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) clearance for the Folsom Boulevard Complete Street Rehabilitation Project. The project proposed a road diet along Folsom Boulevard, between 65th Street and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), and to the north of United States Route 50 (US-50), to accommodate new sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and a reduction in the number of vehicular travel lanes. Due to Federal funding utilized for the project, NEPA clearance was required through the Caltrans District 3 Division of Local Assistance. Michael Baker prepared a Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form supported by a range of various technical studies, including a Phase I Initial Site Assessment, Visual Impact Assessment Memorandum, and Natural Environment Study - Minimal Impacts. Ball Road Sidewalk and Bike Lane Project, Anaheim, California. City of Anaheim. Environmental Specialist. Managed the preparation of the environmental document. Michael Baker assisted the City of Anaheim with preparation of a Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form and Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the Ball Road Sidewalk and Bike Lane Project. Funding through the Federal Safe Routes to School Program, the project included improvements to an approximately 0.5-mile segment of Ball Road, within the western portion of the City. Proposed improvements included the construction of a sidewalk within a portion of the site and bike lanes along both sides of Ball Road along the entire alignment. Michael Baker processed NEPA environmental clearance documentation (including a Phase I Initial Site Assessment) through Caltrans District 12 Local Assistance on an expedited schedule to allow for project construction. 20th Street/Walnut Avenue/Alamitos Avenue Intersection Improvements — NEPA Compliance, Long Beach, California. City of Long Beach. Project Manager. Responsible for project management. Michael Baker assisted with preparation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance documentation for the 20th Street/Walnut Avenue/Alamitos Avenue Intersection Improvement Project, in the southern/central portion of the city. A small portion also extended into the southern portion of the City of Signal Hill. It involved construction of a new four-way signalized intersection, which included the realignment of Alamitos Avenue, removal of a diagonal portion of East 20th Street, and realignment of East Wesley Drive. In consultation with city staff, Michael Baker processed NEPA clearance documentation through Caltrans District 7, including the preparation of several technical studies for a categorical exclusion (CE) document. PAGE I A- 5 1 4� I a N A T 1 0 k a, Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015 03 j DAN KORAVOS, PE I ROADWAY DESIGN LEAD Mr. Koravos possesses a diverse civil engineering background obtained by Years of Experience: 36 36 years of experience. He was responsible for all civil engineering aspects of a given project including engineered conceptual layout, grading, earthwork Degrees analysis, storm drainage design, sewer design, roadway layout and design, septic system design, project QA/QC control, project management, B.S., Applied Science & Technology, regulatory processing and client representation. He has been involved in the Thomas Edison State College design of numerous residential and commercial projects in the states of California, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Mr. Koravos has performed Licenses/Certifications public works and plan review services for various towns and cities in California, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. As Director of Subdivision Professional Engineer -Civil, Engineering at Michael Baker in Irvine, CA, he was responsible for all aspects California, 1983, 36718 of design, permitting and construction coordination on large residential Professional Engineer -Civil, subdivisions. Massachusetts, 1994, 37752 SilverRock Resort, La Quinta, California. City of La Quinta. Project Professional Engineer - Civil, New Manager. Serves as the project manager for the entitlement and design of Hampshire, 1991, 08795 the. 5ilverRock Resort. The project consists of over 744 residential units, 140 unit luxury hotel, 200 unit lifestyle hotel, a Conference and Shared Service Facility and the golf clubhouse facility, all surrounded by the SilverRock Resort golf course. Work efforts included preparation of the final construction documents including street, sewer, water and storm drain improvement plans; quantity and cost estimates; plot plans; rough and precise grading plans; PM-10 Fugitive Dust Plans; Notice of Intent (NO]); Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); Water Quality Management Plan; hydrology and hydraulics; lot exhibits; and final subdivision maps for the project. Terra Lago Four Seasons Project, Indio, California. K. Hovnanian Companies of California. Project Manager. Serves as the project manager for the entitlement and design of the Terra Lago Project in Indio, California. The project consists of over 820 new active adult residential units and a large 22,000 square foot recreation center. Work efforts included preparation of the final construction documents including street, sewer, water and storm drain improvement plans; quantity and cost estimates; plot plans; rough and precise grading plans; PM-10 Fugitive Dust Plans; Notice of Intent (NOI); Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); Water Quality Management Plan; hydrology and hydraulics; lot exhibits; and final subdivision maps for the project. CarMax Superstore Due Diligence and Site Investigation, Palm Desert, California, Centerpoint Integrated Solutions. Mr. Koravos serves as manager of the project which included due diligence research; site investigation and evaluation; meetings with local jurisdictions; review of conceptual site layout, grading, drainage, and utility plans, review of conceptual landscape plan, other services necessary including any extraordinary requirements and costs associated with development of the site to complete the due diligence and investigation phase of the project. The purpose of these services is to identify and quantify any and all of the development and site entitlement requirements and criteria, site conditions and constraints, on -site and off -site improvements and schedule for Client to prepare a detailed site feasibility analysis for submittal to Owner. Owner will use this analysis and other considerations to determine whether or not to proceed with the project. Hilldale Avenue Roadway Improvement Project, Haverhill, Massachusetts. Responsible for project management, design and processing through the City of Haverhill and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. The project consisted of the widening, realignment and reconstruction of approximately 7,200 linear feet of roadway and included roadway design, construction plan preparation, specifications, drainage and utility design. PAGE I A- 6 1 NT F R N A T 10 N AL Profesgionai Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 BRENDAN DUGAN, PE I ROADWAY DESIGN Mr. Dugan is experienced in civil and transportation engineering. He has Years of Experience: 11 (� worked extensively with Caltrans, Orange County Public Works, LA County Sanitation District, and various municipalities on numerous projects Degrees throughout Southern California. Mr. Dugan's experience includes horizontal and vertical geometrics, ADA compliance, pavement rehabilitation, B.S., 2007, Civil Engineering, intersection widening, field reviews, project coordination and management, California State University at agency coordination, project specification document preparation, and Fullerton development of construction cost estimates. Mr. Dugan is efficient in MicroStation, MicroStation InRoads, Bentley Descartes, AutoCad Civil 31), Licenses/Certifications and AutoTURN. Professional Engineer - Civil, 15th Street Corridor Bicycle Boulevard, Long Beach, California. City of Long California, 2011, 79075 Beach. Project Engineer. Responsible for working with the Traffic Group to develop civil engineering improvements to the intersections along 15th Street in the City of Long Beach in order to upgrade the bicycle usage elements of the roadway facility. A series of traffic signals and ADA curb ramps were developed to facilitate the city's need for a "bicycle boulevard." Michael Baker provided preliminary engineering services, community outreach, and final engineering services for a citywide network of bicycle boulevard projects on local neighborhood roadways. The city's vision was to be the most bicycle friendly urban city in the nation by providing an environment and culture where cycling is a safe, viable, and a preferred mode of transportation in their community. The network of bicycle boulevards forms the backbone of the city's bicycle master plan. The 15th Street Corridor Bicycle Boulevard is a 3.3-mile corridor that travels [ from Magnolia Avenue at 14th Street; easterly on 14th Street to Long Beach Boulevard; northerly to 15th Street; and easterly to Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). The project consisted of Class II and Class III bicycle facilities, traffic circles, ( roadway rehabilitation, signage and striping improvements, and traffic signal improvements with bicycle detection. Los Angeles Avenue Roadway Widening, Moorpark, California. Los Angeles Avenue, LLC. Project Engineer. Tasked with developing the Geometric Approval Drawing for the widening of Los Angeles Avenue in the City of Moorpark, California. Significant coordination was required between the City of Moorpark, Caltrans District 7, and Moorpark Studios LLC. to complete an alignment that met the requirements of the "condition of approval" for the construction of the new movie studio adjacent to the project site. Improvements included widening the existing two lane facility to a four lane facility, construction of a new intersection, utility relocations and modifications, ADA compliance, and right -of -Way acquisition. Michael Baker is preparing the final engineering documents for the road widening and landscape median along Los Angeles Avenue (State Route 118) in the City of Moorpark. Technology Drive Extension PS&E. Irvine Community Development Company. Project Engineer. Tasked with the completion of the design and cost estimates for the Technology Drive Extension Project in the City of Irvine. Coordination between Caltrans, Metrolink, OCTA, multiple utility companies and the City was invaluable to keep the project moving. Responsibilities included roadway design, grading, ADA compliance, utility coordination, vertical and horizontal geometrics, agency and sub consultant coordination. The project was completed and approved plans were issued in early 2015. Imperial Highway (S.R. 90) "Smart Street" Project, La Habra, Brea, and Placentia, California. Engineer. Responsible for coordinating modifications to the existing roadway features on Imperial Highway with both Caltrans and multiple local municipalities. The project required extensive feasibility studies and utility relocations. Tasks included lane capacity calculations, lane configurations, roadway profiles, utility coordination and relocation, feasibility studies, and various construction cost estimates. Design elements included lane delineation, curb and gutter layouts and profiles, lane tapers, lane capacity capabilities, curb ramp modifications, storm drain system design, catch basin inlets, traffic phasing, and traffic signal modification. �'-i PAGE I A- 7 1 N 7 E R N A T 10 N AL a� Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 MARC VIOLETT, PE I SIGNING & STRIPING / LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL Mr. Violett has performed traffic engineering projects throughout various Years of Experience: 12 cities in the desert communities, and has a deep knowledge of how to work with the peak and low seasons to best accommodate traffic issues. With Degrees extensive knowledge of multiple municipalities' design standards, Mr. Violett has prepared plans, specifications, and estimates, traffic analyses and traffic B.S., 2004, Civil Engineering, studies for local agencies within the Coachella Valley as well as throughout University of Arizona Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego Counties. Mr. Violett has the ability to prioritize project schedules and understand project goals through Licenses/Certifications his excellent communication skills. Professional Engineer - Civil, Dune Palms Road and Vista Coralina Lane and Traffic Signal Improvements. California, 2008, 73486 La Quinta, California. City of La Quints. Senior Design Engineer. Responsible for preparation of PS&E for signing and striping and the traffic signal design at the intersection of Dune Palm's Road and Vista Coralina Lane. The project provided a new roadway alignment that provides access to both an existing Desert Sands Unified School District facility and a new Redevelopment Agency residential and commercial development. The project included traffic data collection +� and signal warrant analysis, utility coordination, design survey, concept plan development, legal and plat preparation for right-of-way and temporary construction easements, and preparation of final PS&E. The improvements at the intersection provided a new 8-phase traffic signal, a bus turn out, catch basin relocation and drainage improvements, and extended ' and modified raised medians. Support services were provided to the City during the bid and construction phases. Gerald Ford Drive and Frank Sinatra Drive Traffic Signal. Palm Desert, California. City of Palm Desert. Senior Design Engineer. Responsible for a traffic signal design, signing and striping, and related improvements at the Frank Sinatra Drive and Gerald Ford Drive intersection in the City of Palm Desert, California. Services included utility and electrical service point coordination, recommendations for traffic signal operation, signal interconnect improvements, median modification and access ramp improvements, and preparation of final plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E). City of Coachella Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Master Plan. Coachella, California. City of Coachella. Project Traffic Engineer. Responsible for field investigations and inventories at more than 20 intersections within Coachella. Prior to the field investigation, developed an inventory worksheet to standardize inventories. Documented all existing traffic signal field elements and infrastructure through photographs and notes. The City of Coachella ITS Master Plan evaluated the City's existing and recommend future traffic signal, signal communication, and ITS field elements infrastructure needs. It will serve as guidelines for the development, design, and deployment of the City's Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). The comprehensive ITS Master Plan will be developed on a performance -based, customer -focused approach to satisfy the capacity desired, and will identify and deploy the most cost-effective and maintainable ITS infrastructure that will meet local and regional needs. The ITS Master Plan will be a report that will specify the methodology, analysis, and recommendation of the City's ATMS. Oso Creek Trails, Laguna Niguel, California. City of Laguna Niguel. Traffic Engineer. Designed traffic signal modification plan, in -pavement warning lights crosswalk plan, and signing and striping plans related to a multiuse trail adjacent to the Oso Creek channel and Laguna Niguel train station is accessible to pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians. Designed project specific way -finding signage along the trail. Michael Baker was retained to prepare improvement plans for the multiuse trails along Oso Creek Channel and roadway improvements to Forbes Road in Laguna Niguel. Alternatives included concept designs for grade separated crossings at Crown Valley Parkway and various methods of implementing water quality treatment facilities on site. Port of Long Beach Signing and Striping, Long Beach, California. Port of Long Beach. Project Manager. Designed signing and striping plans, specifications and estimates for 26 centerline miles of roadway in POLB. Performed field investigation gathering existing lane widths, striping types, pocket lengths, and signage. Guided engineering staff to implement proper striping and signage per the CA MUTCD. Enhanced safety along applicable roadway segments. Managed project throughout, including sub -consultant, client meetings, and invoicing. PAGE I A- 8 I MTERNITIRN 1l Professigna.l Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 CHRISTOPHER ALBERTS, PLS I SURVEY/MAPPING Mr. Alberts has 21 years of combined experience in field surveying and office Years of Experience: 21 mapping. As Project Surveyor, he is responsible for survey support, calculations, coordination, and supervision of all field and office operations. Degrees His experience includes ALTA Surveys, boundary, topographic, subdivision, control, monitoring, 3D modeling and construction surveys. Mr. Alberts is Coursework, San Jacinto College experienced in using various types of surveying equipment including GPS, reflectorless total stations, lasers, CAD programs, and surveying and Coursework, General Studies, South construction and grading software on various platforms. Mr. Alberts sits in Dakota State University Michael Baker's Palm Desert office, and has provided top-notch survey services for some of La Quinta's premier projects such as SilverRock Resort. Licenses/Certifications SilverRock Resort Canal Realignment Improvements, La Quinta, California. Professional Land Surveyor, Skanska USA Civil. Surveyor. Michael Baker was responsible for canal California, 2008, 8508 improvements including design surveys and base mapping for road crossings consisting of box culverts, canal lining, and diversion channels to maintain continuous flows in the canal. The project involved construction layout for 4,800 If of canal, the associated structures and roadway improvements. Adams Street Bridge, La Quinta, California. City of La Quinta. Surveyor. Michael Baker provided environmental clearance and oversight of the bridge and roadway improvements for a 440-foot bridge project over the Coachella Valley R Stormwater Channel. The project replaced the existing low-water crossing with a bridge to provide the city with a more reliable arterial roadway during inclement weather for the general public and emergency personnel. The project provided a four -lane roadway and bridge with raised median north of Highway 111 to Westward Ho Drive. Interstate 10/Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements, Indio, California. Riverside Co. Transportation Dept. Mapping Specialist. Responsible for mapping. Michael Baker performed environmental and engineering services for the preparation of the project report (PR), modified access report (MAR), and PS&E for this project. This project will balance several complex geometric constraints to eliminate the discontinuity of the arterial street through movements within the interchange. The interchange is included in the 1-10 Corridor Plan, prepared by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), which requires specific architectural and landscape treatments to the improved or new interchanges located within the plan. The modifications included replacement and relocation of the Jefferson Street/1-10 overcrossing, additional loop on -ramps, and realignment of Varner Road and Jefferson Street. Michael Baker was responsible for alternatives analysis and design, environmental investigations, roadway design, traffic studies, drainage studies, and structure advance -planning studies. Working closely with Caltrans and the City of Indio, Michael Baker provided a wide range of environmental consulting services. Michael Baker prepared the following studies in support of a joint initial study -environmental assessment (IS/EA): Visual impact analysis (VIA); noise impact report, per TNAP; initial site assessment; natural environment study; report -biological assessment, HPSR/ASR/AER; air quality report and CO hotspot analysis; Section 7 consultation; and Section 106 compliance. In addition, Michael Baker developed the final plans, specifications, and estimates. Preparation of construction plans included roadway layouts and profiles, bridge plans, retaining walls, grading, drainage, signing and striping, traffic signal, lighting, and staged construction. Downtown Indio Infrastructure - Phase 1 Civil Improvements - Design Services, Indio, California. Indio Redevelopment Agency. Surveyor. Responsible for surveying and construction staking activities. Michael Baker provided full engineering, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, and construction management services for the revitalization of downtown Indio. Michael Baker provided a landscape concept plan; final construction plans, specifications, and estimates; and construction management services. The project included removal of an existing one way street; angled parking, curbs, and sidewalks; and construction of new traffic calming elements, decorative cross walks, decorative concrete sidewalks, two alleys with pedestrian alleys, decorative pedestrian lights, street trees, street furniture, landscaping, and irrigation. Michael Baker also provided traffic and parking studies for the anticipated land use plan and circulation analysis for a Transportation Center planned for the downtown area. P- ` PAGE I A- 9 INTERNATIONAL i Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 JENNA TOME, AICP, IAP2 I OUTREACH SUPPORT Ms. Tourje is a native of the City of La Quinta who has experience in Years of Experience: 10 overseeing, coordinating, and directing public outreach for both nonprofit and public -sector clients. Throughout her career, she has worked in Southern Degrees California to facilitate community visioning and planning processes at a neighborhood and city level. As a planner, Ms. Tourje is skilled in a number M.U.R.P., 2011, Urban and of public outreach and facilitation techniques, and is committed to Regional Planning, University of empowering communities towards meaningful change. Ms. Tourje is California at Irvine certified by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2). With her close ties to the Coachella Valley, Ms. Tourje is familiar with the issues B.A., 2007, International and needs of the desert communities, and will use her first-hand knowledge Development, University of to color her public outreach approach for this project. California at Irvine 15th Street Corridor Bicycle Boulevard, Long Beach, California. City of Long Licenses/Certifications Beach. Public Involvement Coordinator. Responsible for coordinating and facilitating outreach and engagement activities throughout the life of the Licensed IAP2 Public Participation project. Michael Baker provided preliminary engineering services, Trainer, 2014 community outreach, and Final engineering services for a citywide network American Institute of Certified of bicycle boulevard projects on local neighborhood roadways. The city's Planners, 2014, 027398 vision was to be the most bicycle friendly urban city in the nation by providing an environment and culture where cycling is a safe, viable, and a preferred mode of transportation in their community. The network of bicycle boulevards forms the backbone of the city's bicycle master plan. The 15th Street Corridor Bicycle Boulevard is a 3.3-mile corridor. The project consisted of Class II and Class III bicycle facilities, traffic circles, roadway rehabilitation, signage and striping improvements, and traffic signal improvements with bicycle detection. Community Plans Continuum Project, San Bernardino County, California. San Bernardino, County of. Program Manager. As Group Project Manager, responsible for managing six community plans in San Bernardino County as part of the larger community planning effort. In addition, responsible for leading the Health Technical Team. As part of the countywide planning process for the largest county in the U.S., Michael Baker is guiding the development of community plans for 26 unincorporated communities. Communities range from the San Bernardino Mountains to the Mojave Desert. The project includes intensive immersion weeks where multiple facilitations teams are immersed in each community conducting collaborative public workshops. Six group project managers are assigned a number of the 26 plans and are responsible for utilizing Technical Team experts to facilitate community capacity building, infrastructure and transportation, land use and urban design, environmental and resiliency, housing, and finance to help develop goals, objectives, and action plans to address the issues and needs of each community. Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan, Laguna Beach, California. City of Laguna Beach. Planner. Provided writing support and plan structure for the final product. Michael Baker prepared a Complete Streets transition plan that will provide the policy framework for the city to implement physical and operational changes to the roadway network to improve conditions for all users including bicycles, pedestrians, transit, and motor vehicles. As part of the project, Michael Baker conducted an extensive analysis of the existing facilities in Laguna Beach that support or hinder mobility, including sidewalk locations, street grades, and speed limits. Extensive community outreach, including an online survey, walk audit, and bike audit, resulted in community identification of issues and opportunities. The final plan included recommendations to improve mobility citywide. Village Entrance Project, Laguna Beach, California. City of Laguna Beach. Planner. Responsible for coordinating the project communication and meetings as well as coordinating public outreach activities. Improvements will include additional landscaping, a pedestrian/bicycle pathway and an exterior renovation of the historic sewer digester facility. Michael Baker is providing architectural and engineering services for the planning, design, and construction of the Village Entrance Project. Michael Baker's services include architecture, landscape architecture, civil and structural engineering, environmental services, and related professional services. PACE I A-10 INTERNATIONAL t " Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 ALAN PACE, P.G., C.E.G. I GEOTECHNICAL Mr. Pace's experience comprises over 27 years of performing and managing geotechnical and environmental investigations for proposed development of roads, pipelines and tunnels, landfill improvements, residential/industrial projects, including groundwater monitoring, well installation and soil and groundwater sampling for analytical testing. These investigations addressed the potential effects of adverse geologic conditions (e.g., active faulting, landslides, slope stability, suitability of fill/foundation materials, depth to bedrock and groundwater). Mr. Pace has also performed geotechnical construction management of large earthwork projects involving several million cubic yards of compacted fills and numerous other types of civil construction materials. In addition, he has supported geotechnical engineering staff in performing slope stability analysis, evaluating settlement of engineered fills and native materials, and evaluating results of geomechanical testing of rock and soil samples. Madison Square Project, City of La Quinta, Project Geologist for Geotechnical Investigation for 9.5 acre project at northwest corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. Years of Experience: 27 Degrees B.S. Geologic Engineering, 1987, Colorado State University Licenses/Certifications Certified Engineering Geologist, California, CEG 1952 Professional Geologist, California, PG 6229 PETRA Enterprise Way Extension, City of Coachella, Geotechnical Investigation, Project geologist for the design -level geotechnical investigation for the extension of the Enterprise way between Avenue 54 and Industrial way includes installation of a new water distribution pipeline, a new sewer collection pipeline, and construction of a new public -access street in order to provide services and access to an important portion of the City's industrial park. Jack Nicklaus Drive, City of La Quinta, Project Geologist for roadway distress investigation in PGA West development. La Entrada — 2200-Acre Master Planned Community, City of Coachella, Active Fault/EIR Support/Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Project geologist for the Active Fault/Preliminarygeotechnical investigation forthe La Entrada Project including the Extension of Ave 50 through Coachella from Fillmore Street to interstate 10 Desert Lakes EIR — 2400 — Master Planned Community, City of Coachella, Active Fault/EIR Support, Project geologist for the Active Fault investigation for the Desert Lakes College of the Desert -East Valley Campus, Community of Mecca, Riverside County -Preliminary Geotechnical investigation, Project Geologist for a 95-acre new campus for the College of the Desert in Mecca. Critical project elements included liquefaction from strong motion from nearby San Andreas Fault and corrosive and expansive soils. • Suncal Adkison Project — Highway 62 Turn Pocket Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation • Lomas Del Sol EIR — 2400-Acre Master Planned Community, Coachella California • Orange County Gateway, City of Placentia, Placentia and Anaheim, CA • Traffic Diversion Tunnel, City of Coronado, Coronado, CA • X-Park, City of La Quinta, Selected to part of Design Team for Proposed X-Parc Project. • Planning Area 52 North Geologic Monitoring During Grading, Mission Viejo Company, Aliso Viejo, California ■ Foothill Transit Maintenance Facility, Geotechnical Study, Foothill Transit District, Irwindale, California • Blixseth Properties EIR - 640-Acre Private Residence, Riverside County • Mastercraft Homes-Calimesa Springs, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and grading observation and testing. • Imperial Irrigation District -Substation Expansion — El Centro and Dixieland — Imperial County Nflch7le $alter PAGE I A-11 Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 BRIAN RAY, PE I ROUNDABOUT DESIGN LEAD Mr. Ray has 31 years of experience in multimodal transportation planning, Years of Experience: 31 traffic engineering, and contextual roadway design. He has performed location design and engineering evaluations for a variety of corridor studies across the Degrees U.S. He has also completed a variety of planning projects for rural and urban roadways that have included location studies and long-range transportation B.S. Civil Engineering, Portland system plans. Mr. Ray specializes in applying a systems approach in developing State University transportation solutions. Recently, Mr. Ray led a basic and advanced Roundabout design training session for four Caltrans Districts across the state Licenses/Certifications of California. Mr. Ray has been involved in research for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program to evaluate the performance of Professional Engineer*, AL, AZ, corridors with roundabouts: NCHRP Report 772. In addition, he has CO, FL, GA, IA, ID, KY, LA, MD, participated in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Recommended MN, MS, MT, NM, OH, OR, TX, UT, Practice Review Panel for "Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A WA, WI, WY* Context Sensitive Approach," RP-30A, approved in 2010. K I TT E L S O N Las Positas Road/Cliff Drive Intersection, City of Santa Barbara, CA. Brian & AS S O C I A H- S provided long term support to the City of Santa Barbara, CA to consider intersection control options at the stop controlled, T-intersection of Las Positas Road and Cliff Drive. Brian provided design support and senior review of an initial evaluation considering signal and roundabout control strategies. A roundabout was identified as a promising solution and the City and Caltrans, ultimately, negotiated a jurisdictional transfer of the roadway to the City and the project advanced to final design. Brian provided senior review and identified modifications during 30% plan review to optimize the roundabout configuration while meeting storm water quantity and quality requirements. The roundabout geometrics were advanced through 60% and 100% design and the intersection is scheduled to open in mid-2017. Cabrillo / Hot Springs Roundabout. Santa Barbara, CA. SBCAG. Brian provided senior oversight for a roundabout peer review near Highway 101 in Santa Barbara, CA at the junction of Cabrillo Boulevard, Old Coast Highway, Coast Village Highway, and Hot Springs Road. Brian led the redesign of the original roundabout concept at the direction of SBCAG and City staff. He led the KAI team in developing a revised conceptual design based on the operational analysis and within established right-of-way constraints. Brian and the KAI team assisted the Project Team through the revised final design. Sheldon/Bradshaw Intersection Roundabout Support. Elk Grove, CA. City of Elk Grove. Brian provided project direction during the preliminary roundabout design phase of the rural Sheldon/Bradshaw intersection project in Elk Grove California. Brian oversaw work that expanded upon intersection control evaluations and roundabout geometric layouts KAI prepared as part of the City of Elk Grove: Roundabout Services project. This work was conducted in support of an on- going environmental evaluation and included developing design sketches for an interim and full build -out roundabout configuration. Brian developed a phasing scheme for roundabout construction, including strategies and concept sketches illustrating how traffic flow can be maintained through the intersection during construction. Key design elements included addressing speed transition needs in advance of the roundabout. Intersection Control Evaluations, Elk Grove, CA. City of Elk Grove. Brian provided overall project direction to conduct intersection control evaluations for the Rural Intersections at Bader Road /Bond Road, Sheldon Road / Bradshaw Road, and Sheldon Road / Waterman Road for the City of Elk Grove, California. He oversaw the traffic signal and roundabout intersection traffic operations analyses and conceptual design efforts. Jepson Parkway Roundabout Evaluation. Vacaville, CA. Brian led a team of KAI staff in providing a feasibility study and roundabout concept design for on the Jepson Parkway. The review effort considered the near term implementation needs while focusing on an ultimate configuration based on future changes to the arterial network. The roundabout feasibility evaluation helped validate the feasibility of a roundabout and helped the City advance the roundabout for construction and implementation. PAGE I A-12 I N7ERNATION AL - Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 JOEY BANSEN, PE ROUNDABOUT DESIGN Mr. Bansen is active in a variety of transportation planning, evaluation, and Years of Experience: 11 design projects throughout the country, with a focus in preliminary and final design. His transportation planning and preliminary design experience Degrees includes roundabout feasibility and preliminary design studies, corridor preliminary design and concept evaluations, corridor safety and operations B.S., Civil Engineering, University analysis, interchange functional design studies, and traffic impact analyses. of Portland Mr. Bansen's final design experience includes leading and preparing plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for roundabouts, traffic signals, Licenses/Certifications permanent signing and pavement markings, and construction traffic control plans. He has been involved with multiple roundabout feasibility studies and Professional Engineer, Oregon* Inspector - preliminary designs and is comfortable employing sound functional design ODOT Certified Signal Inspector principles to produce single -lane and multi -lane roundabout designs both by Oregon hand sketching and CADD layout. He has also performed a number of K TTELSON roundabout peer reviews for various public agencies. R S /\SOCl/\ I F_ S) Holman Highway / S.R. 68 / Highway 1 Intersection Control Evaluation, Monterey, CA. City of Monterey and the Pebble Beach Company. KAI conducted an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) in support of proposed corridor improvements on S.R. 68 (Holman Highway) and intersection control improvements at southbound Highway 1 ramp terminals with Holman Highway and the Pebble Beach Gate at 17 Mile Drive. The purpose of the ICE was to objectively evaluate the implementation of either signal control or circular yield (modern roundabout) control at the Holman Highway / Highway 1 / 17-Mile Drive { interchange. Mr. Bansen supported the Project Team by performing traffic operations analysis for the signalized and roundabout alternatives, developing roundabout concept designs for interim and ultimate build -out scenarios for both alternatives, and assisting in the final ICE documentation for the project. Walnut Lane Circle, Philadelphia, PA. Pennsylvoni Department of Transportation (PennDOT). Mr. Bansen led the design effort through KAI's on -call roundabout support contract with PennDOT. This task order consisted of the rebuilding of a single -lane traffic circle in Philadelphia to a more modern roundabout form, and the project will be included as part of the reconstruction of the historic Walnut Lane Bridge. Improvements include new splitter islands, a regraded central island, new pedestrian and bicycle features and new signing, lighting and pavement markings. The design incorporated temporary traffic control staging to maintain traffic in the existing circle during the reconstruction. The final design effort led by Mr. Bansen included preparing construction plans, specifications, and estimates for all aspects of the improvements named above, as well as storm drainage modifications and minor water main relocations. TAMC Regional Intersection / Interchange Control Evaluations, Monterey County, CA. Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC). KAI is currently working with TAMC on the preparation of ICE. The project includes ICE studies for 26 intersections, including three interchanges in Monterey County. KAI conducted operational analyses for each of the 26 study intersections to compare a roundabout against other traditional alternatives (a traffic signal for most of the study intersections). Mr. Bansen led the preparation of conceptual designs for roundabout and traditional intersection alternatives for approximately half of the project intersections. Designs for each location were prepared over aerial photography to gauge impacts to private property and environmental features adjacent to the intersections and provide further intersection benefit/cost and life -cycle cost comparisons for the evaluations. Roundabout Feasibility Studies. FDOT Districts 1 and 5, Florida. Florida Department of Transportation. Mr. Bansen has been involved in numerous roundabout feasibility and preliminary design studies for FDOT as part of on -call consulting contracts through FDOT District 1 and District 5. Mr. Bansen has primarily supported these projects as an analyst and design lead, performing the traffic operations analysis, developing intersection concept designs, preliminary construction cost estimates, and assisting in documentation of the roundabout feasibility studies. The design concepts produced are typically performed over an aerial base or field survey, and provide adequate design detail to effectively determine impacts to properties, environmental features, utilities, and drainage facilities. The preliminary construction cost estimates are based on FDOT standard bid items and historical unit costs. PAGE I A-13 1 N7 F R N A T 10N AL f 'i Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 FRED WISMER, PE I SIGNING & STRIPING / LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL Fred has a proven ability to determine the most efficient design to satisfy the Years of Experience: 12 public and agency needs for a project. Throughout his 12year career, he has capably assessed project alternatives, created conceptual layouts, facilitated Degrees public involvement, and coordinated all permitting requirements. His experience includes preparing final roadway construction plans, special B.S., George Fox University, 2004 provisions, quantity take -offs, and engineering estimates. For multidisciplinary projects, he integrates all aspects of design; leads coordination efforts; and Licenses/Certifications provides construction engineering support. His collaborative approach has helped deliver millions of dollars' worth of road improvements. Professional Engineer, CA Cliff Drive -Las Positas Roundabout Design; Santa Barbara, CA. Fred provided Professional Engineer, OR final design services to prepare the construction plans, specifications, and Professional Engineer, WA estimates for the intersections of Las Positas Road and Cliff Drive in Santa Barbara, CA. The design efforts involved coordinating between the 1< drain agel TT E LSD N and landscape consultants, completing quantity take -offs, and construction & ASSOCIATES estimates. Fred modified the roundabout conceptual layout for this former stop controlled tee intersection and led the design team through the Architectural Board of Review approval and project permit documentation. Design drawings included the full horizontal and vertical design, signing & striping, layout, and illumination design. In addition, he provided support through the bidding process and will provide on -going construction engineering support. Bradshaw Road/Sheldon Road Roundabout Evaluation and Preliminary Design; Elk Grove, CA. For the roundabout at the intersection of Sheldon Road and Bradshaw Road in Elk Grove, CA, Fred led the design of the geometric layout and design approval. The approval process included multiple iterations of the roundabout layout based on public involvement and feedback, the direction from the City of Elk Grove, and coordination with the environment and hydraulic engineers because there is a creek running underneath the intersection. Additionally, Fred led the team through the signing & striping design and layout, construction plan development, specifications, and estimate. Baseline Road Complete Street Improvements; Hillsboro, OR. Baseline Road improvements included adding travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks, and illumination. Fred was lead engineer responsible for designing the roadway, retaining walls, waterline, sewer relocation, traffic signals, striping layout, and storm drainage conveyance. The project also included river hydraulics, wetland fill permit, design and construction survey, a land use application, specifications, and construction cost estimates. This project was one of the first to be permitted under the 2013 SLOPES V (Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species) biological opinion. NW 185th and Springville Improvements; Washington County, OR. The 185' Avenue and Springville Road intersection improvements project included widening two roadways to the ultimate road cross-section of five lanes per the Washington County Transportation System Plan. Fred led and coordinated the design effort for signing & striping design, illumination design, traffic signal design, construction plans, specifications, and construction cost estimates. NE 28th Ave Complete Street Improvements; Hillsboro, OR. Fred worked with Washington County, the City of Hillsboro, and TriMet to improve traffic operations along NE 28th Avenue between E. Main Street and 25th Avenue in Hillsboro, OR. Improvements to the corridor will provide safer pedestrian facilities; bike lanes; a new lighting system and traffic signal; improved horizontal geometry; upgrade the existing storm water system and maximize water quality treatment for the entire basin; and widen an existing TriMet light rail crossing to allow for maximum queuing for a future traffic signal at the next intersection. PACE I A- 14 1 NT E N N I T 10 N AL 0 rr x Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets —A Road Diet Project 2015-03 JOHN CUTLER I RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION An expert in right-of-way program management, project management, and project implementation functions, Mr. Cutler has served public and private agencies since 1968. His experience includes large and small scale right-of- way projects in all aspects of right-of-way. These services have been provided to an exclusive list of over 250 agencies, including transportation agencies, public works departments, counties, cities, redevelopment agencies, school districts, and numerous other public and private entities. All services have been provided both as an Agent and a former employee with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). During the past 7 years, Mr. Cutler has focused his project endeavors in the Coachella Valley and has worked with nearly every municipal entity on street improvement, bridge, and utility projects that have recently been implemented throughout the valley. Dune Palms Bridge Project, La Quinta, CA. City of La Quinta, Provided project management for this street improvement project that eliminated 5 mobile homes and minor landscaping from a church property. Included appraisal services and acquisition services. Years of Experience: 35 Degrees B.A., Science in Business/Real Estate, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA Licenses/Certifications Real Estate License, California, No. 00372712 Jefferson Street Improvement Projects- Phases 1 & 2, La Quinta, CA. City of La Quinta. Provided acquisition and relocation assistance services for the extension of a regional arterial highway through the City of La Quinta & the City of Indio. Cathedral Canyon/Whitewater Bridge Project, Cathedral City, CA. City of Cathedral City, Provided project management for this project that involves the appraisal and acquisition of permanent and temporary easements from approximately ten parcels of property from both individual and BIA controlled properties. The project also involved title analysis, right of entry, an initial right-of-way cost analysis, and right-of-way analysis of the project planning activities. Avenue 44 Bridge Project, Indio, CA. City of Indio, Provided project management for the initial cost estimate for preliminary design and ordering of title reports. As a result of the proposed new bridge structure and necessary roadway improvements, a number of properties will require property acquisition of various interests that may include fee simple and permanent slope and/or temporary easements. Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvement Project. Provided project management for the appraisal, acquisition, and escrow coordination services for this project that involves the improvement of the Jefferson Street and Varner Road intersection along with the intersection improvements near the entrance to Sun City. The project required the acquisition of street easements, along with a slope easement, for the subject improvements from three large properties in various stages of development. Avenue 52/Grapefruit Road Grade Separation Project, Coachella, CA. City of Coachella, Provided project management and implementation for this project which included the relinquishment of access to a major thoroughfare for numerous business properties. 7th Standard Road Grade Separation Project, Kern County, CA. County of Kern, Acted as Project Manager to provide oversight and implementation of a road widening and grade separation; a Caltrans oversight project implemented by County of Kern, designed/engineered by LAN Engineering. PACE I A- 15 1 N7 F R N A T 1 0 N Al Professionai Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 MIKE PARKER I UTILITY COORDINATION / AGREEMENTS Mr. Parker has significant knowledge in effectively communicating technical information with skills in improving processes, calculating risk management, and delivering projects on -time while creating solid strategic business relationships. With over 12 years of Caltrans ROW and Utility Coordination experience, he has developed strong business relationships with many of the larger utility companies, many of which currently have license agreements/easements within railroad right of way. Mr. Parker has built trusting relationships with utility owners as he "speaks their language". Mr. Parker recently developed and presented a day -long utility coordination seminar for the IRWA in central California. He is also well -versed with recent Buy America legislation. Date Palm Drive Improvement Project, Cathedral City, CA. Utility Manager. Mr. Parker was the primary point of contact with the utility owners and successfully managed the coordination effort between the utility owners and the Design Team with regards to the project design, potential conflicts, relocation alternatives, and resolution to conflicts. Mr. Parker oversaw all Years of Experience: 25 Degrees B.A., Science in Business Administration (Marketing Emphasis) Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA. Associate of Arts, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA reports and plans, including the Right of Way Data Sheets, cost estimates, Report of Investigation, Relocation Claim Letters and Notice to Owners to relocate utilities. Mr. Parker also assisted in obtaining permits, licenses, and ensured all easement and property rights were properly conveyed to the utility owners. Palm Avenue and Laurel Street Projects, San Bernardino, CA. San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), Acted as Utility Manager for two grade separation projects in San Bernardino County. Prepared notices, coordinated with utility companies, developed status reports, identified property rights issues, and developed utility portion of the R/W certification documents. 1-215 Central Widening, Riverside County, CA. Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTQ, As Utility Project Manager, arranged to have utilities relocated prior to or during construction. Prepared Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Federal Authorization forms, Reports of Investigation, and utility portion of the R/W Certification. Identified property rights issues and coordinated R/W mapping, appraisal, and acquisition of utility or temporary construction areas to accommodate utility relocation. Determined costs related to the relocation of utilities and identified what portion of the costs would be borne by the Utility Owner, or the Project, or both. San Bernardino and East Bay BRT, San Bernardino, CA. AC -Transit, As Utility Project Manager, arranged to have utilities relocated prior to (and/or during) the construction of project. Prepared Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Federal Authorization forms, Reports of Investigation, and the utility portion of the R/W certification. Coordinated meetings with utility owners and Design Team to identify conflicts, create relocation plans and resolve liability issues. 1-15/1-215 Devore Interchange Project, Devore, CA. San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG). The project adds one lane and truck -bypass lanes in both directions. As Utility Manager, intimately involved from the on -set of the project. Developed a cost estimates based on several different design alternatives. Organized meetings and worked closely with Caltrans and SANBAG to develop potholing plans. Coordinated potholing effort and identified each utility potholed. Coordinated the right of way mapping, appraisal, and acquisition of required utility and/or temporary construction areas to accommodate the relocation of utilities. Prepared Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Joint Use Agreements, easement language related to utilities, Reports of Investigation, and the utility portion of the R/W certification. Currently managing the relocation of utilities during the construction phase of this design -build project. 1-215 Bi-County HOV Project. This project added carpool lanes in both directions and interchange improvements. As Utility Project Manager, arranged to have all utilities relocated. Tasks included Preparing Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Federal Authorization forms, Reports of Investigation, easement documents, Joint Use Agreements, authorization and payment from utility owners and the utility portion of the R/W certification. PAGE I A-16 1 NT f ON AS 1 0 H A{ Professional Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 PETE CASTELAN I UTILITY COORDINATION / AGREEMENTS Mr. Castelan is a Senior Utility Coordinator with almost 15 years of experience. Years of Experience: 28 On past projects he has coordinated utility designs, relocations, contracts, easements and installations. Mr. Castelan has prepared utility and site Degrees improvement cost estimates and prepared conceptual utility designs in coordination with large utility companies. With a strong background in diverse B.A., Business, California State utilities, Mr. Castelan brings a wealth of technical and practical experience to University, Fullerton the table. He works successfully with property owners and public agency representatives to provide workable solutions on their projects. Date Palm Bridge Widening over the Whitewater Channel Project, Cathedral City, California. Cathedral City/Michael Baker. This project required working P with utility owners within the project area to coordinate relocation designs, replacement installation rights, utility agreements, notice to owners, and other documents required for project certification purposes. Utilities owners included: Edison, Verizon, Time Warner, Coachella Valley Water district, and the Desert Water Agency. The City of ( Cathedral City intends to widen the bridge on Date Palm Drive in addition to street improvements, retaining walls, and other miscellaneous utility work. i• ( Laurel Street Grade Separation project. Coordinated Utility Agreements between SANBAG and Utilities for Rule 20 and existing underground relocations. Utilities included Edison, AT&T, City of Colton Electric, Sprint, Next G, and Time Warner. { This project involves the construction of a bridge to separate vehicles and pedestrians on Laurel Street from rail traffic along the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad tracks. i Barton Road Bridge Project, San Bernardino County, California. San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG). Coordinate utility as-builts. Work with Caltrans to identify utility conflicts and coordinate associated pothole work to verify conflicts. Work with utility companies and Caltrans to produce relocation designs. Work on right of way issues associated with parcel acquisition and utility relocation work. Initiate utility agreements and liability determination and Coordinate utility information associated with Caltrans certification. Devore Interchange Improvement Project. Coordinated meter and cable removals for project acquired properties. The project proposes to add one lane and truck -bypass lanes in both directions, reduce unsafe traffic movements, and improve local connectivity, using the design -build delivery method. Oso Parkway Bridge Project, Mission Viejo, California. The Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency/CalTrans/County of Orange. Coordinate relocation claim letters and liability determination. Coordinate relocation designs and utility agreements. 1-405 Widening Project, Orange County, California. Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). Providing research for existing utilities prior rights and cost liabilities. Coordinating with project utilities and research Caltrans files. OCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans, is proposing to widen the 1-405 between SR-73 and the 1-605 through a design -build delivery method. 1-215 Central Widening Project, Perris, California. Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). Provided utility relocation coordination for freeway widening from 4-6 lanes from Scott Road to Nuevo Road. Arranged to have utilities relocated prior to or during the construction of project. Prepared Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Federal Authorization forms, Reports of Investigation and the utility portion of the Right of Way Certification. Coordinated meetings with utility owners and Caltrans Design Team to identify conflicts, create relocation plans and resolve liability issues. Identified property rights issues and coordinated right of way mapping, appraisal and acquisition of required utility or temporary construction areas to accommodate the relocation of utilities. Determined costs related to the relocation of utilities and identified what portion of those costs would be borne by the Utility Owner or the Project or both. Utilities include Edison, Sunesys, Gas Company, Time Warner, Verizon and Southwest Water and Sewer Co. PRIM RIM PAGE I A- 17 INTERNATIONAL PrgfesSignal Engineering Services for La Quinta Village Complete Streets — A Road Diet Project 2015-03 SHERRI GUST, RPA I CULTURAL STUDIES (AS -NEEDED) Ms. Gust has expertise in conducting technical studies and preparing project - related Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR), Archaeological Survey Report (ASR), Historical Resources Evaluation Report (HRER), Paleontological Identification Report (PIR), Paleontological Evaluation Report (PER), and mitigation planning documents. She has performed this type of work on a variety of projects throughout the Coachella Valley area including on the Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening. She is knowledgeable of the processes and procedures required to obtain NEPA, NHPA Section 106 and CEQA environmental approvals through Caltrans. She is accepted as a principal investigator for both prehistoric and historical archaeology by the State Office of Historic Preservation's Information Centers. She has special expertise in the identification and analysis of fossil bone. I-S/La Novia Avenue/Valle Road Intersection Improvements Project, San Juan Capistrano, California. Caltrans District 12/City of San Juan Capistrano. Principal Investigator. Background research, Cultural Resources Technical Report, Initial Study Cultural Resources Section. Sub to Michael Baker. Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening, Cathedral City, Riverside County, CA. Caltrans District 8. Principal Archaeologist. Conducted cultural studies, including survey, and completed an ASR and a narrative HPSR. Sub to Michael Baker. Years of Experience: 36 Degrees MS, Anatomy (Evolutionary Morphology), University of Southern California, Los Angeles BS, Anthropology (Physical), University of California, Davis Licenses/Certifications 110 Register of Professional Archaeologists Orange County -certified Archaeologist and Paleontologist 0 cotore CA r, PALEONTOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY HISTORY Palm Springs Signal, Palm Springs, Riverside County. Caltrans District 8. Principal Archaeologist. Performed archaeological and historical resources assessment, submitted an ASR and HPSR for 34 proposed traffic signal improvement locations. Sub to Michael Baker. Gene Autry Way Rehabilitation, Anaheim, Orange County, CA. Caltrans District 12. Principal Paleontologist. Provided paleontological resources sensitivity training, mitigation monitoring, and reporting for the westward expansion of Gene Autry Way. Sub to C.C. Meyers. High Desert Corridor/ SR-138 Widening, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, CA. Caltrans District 7/La Metro. Principal Investigator. This project proposed by Caltrans and Metro involves construction of a new, approximately 63-mile long, east -west freeway/expressway and rail line between SR-14 in Los Angeles County and SR-18 in San Bernardino County. Managed intensive -level pedestrian survey, prepared a Historic Property Survey Report, Historical Resources Evaluation Report, Archaeological Survey Report, Extended Phase I Testing Report, and Finding of Effect and a combined Paleontological Identification and Evaluation Report. Cogstone conducted Phase II/III testing and data recovery at the three sites that will be directly impacted by the project. A previous consultant performed record searches and surveys and prepared draft documents which were rejected by Caltrans headquarters. Cogstone revised the documents and conduct supplemental work. This required supplemental record searches, site revisits, research (particularly for built environment resources). The work requested SHPO concurrence with determinations for 46 buildings, 19 historical archaeology sites, seven prehistoric sites and four multicomponent resources. SHPO concurred that three prehistoric resources and one multicomponent linear resource were eligible for listing on the NRHP and that 51 resources were not eligible. Caltrans and SHPO agreed to phased determinations of eligibility for 20 resources and one proposed new National Register District. Compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and CEQA are required. 1-15/La Mesa/Nisqualli Road Interchange Improvement Project, Victorville, San Bernardino County, CA. Caltrans District 8. Project Manager and Principal Archaeologist. Oversaw Phase I archaeological survey, record search, and Native American consultation; prepared supplemental Archaeological Survey Report (ASR), and Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR). Sub to Parsons Brinckerhoff. PAGE I A-18 I N7E RNATION AL I N T 9 R N A T k 0 H A L 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 472-3505 mhakerintl.com p�y —?d