2018 11 27 PC MinutesCONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson McCune. PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. ABSENT: Commissioner Proctor STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Attorney Morgan Gallagher, Design and Development Director Danny Castro, City Engineer Bryan McKinney, Associate Planner Carlos Flores, Commission Secretary Wanda Wise -Latta and Administrative Assistant Mirta Lerma PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Quill led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 13, 2018 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Currie/Caldwell to approve the Consent Calendar with a correction to the spelling of Commissioner Proctor's name at the top of Page 3. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Proctor. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS DECLARATIONS REGARDING PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACTS - None to report. 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2018-0005, SUBMITTED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSING TO AMEND SEVERAL CHAPTERS OF TITLES 3,6,8,9,11 AND 13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE TO STREAMLINE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES AND STANDARDS. CEQA: EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER CEQA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061 (B)(3), REVIEW FOR EXEMPTIONS - GENERAL RULE. LOCATION: CITY- WIDE. [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-016] Associate Planner Carlos Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. He stated a handout related to certain changes proposed in the Municipal Code had been provided to the Planning Commission prior to the meeting. The Planning Commission discussed concerns regarding designating the City Manager or his/her designee as the decision -making authority on waivers for undergrounding of utilities and side yard setback exemptions for pool equipment; and hotel and motel definition consistency with reference to cooking facilities. Chairperson McCune declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:37 p.m. PUBLIC SPEAKER: None Chairperson McCune declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:37 p.m. Commission discussed the designation of the Planning Commission as the decision - making authority on waivers for undergrounding of utilities (Title 8 Section 8.03.020) and for approving exemptions of side yard setback for pool equipment (Title 9 Section 9.60.070(B)(2); and suggested making references to pool equipment consistent with ground mounted equipment. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Caldwell to adopt Resolution 2018-016 of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California finding the project exempt from the environmental review under CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3), Review for Exemptions - General Rule and recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2018-0005, approving amendments to Titles 3, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code with the following recommendations: • Establish Planning Commission as the decision -making authority for waivers of undergrounding utilities and side yard setback exemptions for pool equipment. • For consistency, designate Planning Commission as the decision -making authority for side yard setback exemptions for all other ground -mounted mechanical equipment, such as air-conditioning units. • Remove references to cooking facilities for motel definition, similar to hotel definition. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 NOVEMBER 27, 2018 AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Proctor. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS Commissioner Bettencourt suggested that staff provide an update on projects that may be coming before the Planning Commission in 2019. Chairperson McCune requested staff to check the placement of a sign located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 regarding the CVWD roadwork occurring on Washington Street. STAFF ITEMS Staff updated the Planning Commission regarding: • Holiday Open House on December 4, 2018; • City Hall and City Yard closures from December 24, 2018 through January 1, 2019; • Wellness Center closure December 25 through 28, 2018; • Cancellation of the December 25, 2018 Planning Commission meeting; and • March 6-8, 2019 League of California Cities Annual Planning Commission Academy being held in Long Beach. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Wright to adjourn this meeting at 6:51 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Wttk' -.11 - WANDA WISE-LATTA, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 NOVEMBER 27, 2018