Prepared By:
18233 Hoover Street
Gardena, CA 90248
Isaac Chung
Document Scanning and
Quality Control Services
July 7th, 2017
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
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Monika Radeva 07‐07‐2017
Deputy City Clerk
City of La Quinta
Dear Monika Radeva,
I would like to thank the City of La Quinta (City) for giving ViaTRON the
opportunity to bid on this data conversion project. Our project management and
systems analyst team have carefully reviewed the scope of work and addendums.
ViaTRON accepts all terms and performance obligations set forth in this RFP. The
City will receive a high quality and accurately finished product.
ViaTRON is a leading document conversion services provider who specializes in
working with government entities. ViaTRON is a company that thrives on
customer service. Having great customer services leads in to fast response time
with all our clients as well as multiple levels of quality control to ensure that our
clients receives the best possible experience in working with ViaTRON.
ViaTRON has the best and most experienced management and production staff in
the industry. We have completed several very large and complex conversion
projects for the State and Federal government. You will find our services to be
very professional but also flexible to meet your changing needs. ViaTRON has
also worked on highly sensitive and confidential documents including personnel
files and criminal and death penalty case files. If we are chosen for this project,
you can expect ViaTRON to work hard to exceed your project expectations.
Thank you,
Kala Devan
President and C.E.O.
ViaTRON Systems, Inc.
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Table of Content
ViaTRON – Company Profile ..................................................................................... 5
ViaTRON’s Expertise, Experience and Capacity ........................................................ 6
Project Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................... 8
Client References/Related Experience ................................................................... 10
Scope of Work/Terms Acknowledgement ............................................................. 11
Project Production Methodology ........................................................................... 12
Pricing .................................................................................................................... 18
Non Collusion Affadavit ......................................................................................... 19
Security and Internal Control ................................................................................. 20
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Contact Information
Monika Radeva
Deputy City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
My name is Isaac Chung. I will be your contact person for your conversion
project. Please contact me if you have questions regarding this proposal. I will
also have 8 other key management staff working with me on this project.
Isaac Chung
Imaging Consultant/Account Manager
18233 S Hoover St
Los Angeles, CA 90248
310‐756‐0604 (t)
310‐756‐0609 (f)
Kala Devan
President and CEO
18233 S Hoover St
Los Angeles, CA 90248
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ViaTRON – Company Profile
ViaTRON SYSTEMS, INC. was established in 1990, to design and install Enterprise
Content Management (ECM) solutions into large corporations, state and federal
government in the United States. This process also involved the conversion‐
scanning of large volumes of Paper, Microfilm, Microfiche and large format files
into digital format. During the past 27 years, ViaTRON has evolved into a high‐
tech company that provides vital business and technology solutions to hundreds
of companies, states and federal government. We started with one goal in mind:
the process of providing content management solutions, but with our success, we
found ourselves very quickly expanding into web based solutions, document
capture, records management, compliance applications, eForms, and workflow
solutions in order to provide the ever growing technology demands of our clients.
We have successfully scanned and converted billions of records for our
government clients.
ViaTRON’s headquarters is based in Los Angeles, California. We also have
operations in Las Vegas and Hawaii. ViaTRON takes pride in our employees who
are highly skilled in their respective fields. We have a professional team to
address every area of business solutions: document management analysis,
systems design, systems development, application programming, systems
integration, document conversion services, training and 24/7 support.
Today, we offer a broad range of document management services including
regular paper, large format drawings and microfilm and microfiche conversion.
Our technical capabilities and experience enables us to customize document
management solutions for our clients’ specific needs.
ViaTRON Systems Inc.
18233 S Hoover St
Los Angeles, CA 90248
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ViaTRON’s Expertise, Experience and Capacity
ViaTRON’s Production Facility
ViaTRON has 30,000 sq. ft. state‐of‐the‐art data conversion/production facility in
Los Angeles. The facility has a high security monitoring system in place. The
facility is monitored 24 hours a day. All activities are recorded by security
cameras. Employees are not allowed to bring in or out of the facility any paper or
computer related devices. Employees have restricted entry into the facility.
Visitors are only allowed in with prior notice. All visitors are escorted while in the
facility. The entire building including the parking areas are gated and monitored
24 hours by video cameras. ViaTRON takes the security of the facility and our
clients’ data very seriously.
ViaTRON Equipment
ViaTRON has invested heavily in technology. Some of our equipment includes:
• 30 High‐Speed Production Scanners
• 65 workstations for indexing and quality assurance
• ViaTRON’s advance image control software
ViaTRON has invested over $3.5 million in our production/data conversion
Process Over One Million Pages per Day
ViaTRON has the capacity to process over one million pages per day. We can
process regular format paper, large format maps, microfiche, microfilm, digital
files, OCR and file compression simultaneously. The combined hardware and
software available at ViaTRON can easily handle this capacity.
Real‐Time Online Quality Assurance and Status Reporting
ViaTRON has developed custom online software that will allow our clients to
monitor the progress of the project in real‐time.
ViaTRON has also developed an easy and efficient method where our clients can
perform testing, approving and QA review via the internet. Testing and QA
review Reports can also be generated from this system.
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ViaTRON recognizes the importance of having the most experienced management
team for this document conversion project. The requirements for a successful
completion of the data conversion project require that the best staff be employed
to handle this project. ViaTRON has assembled a strong management team with
over 75 years of experience combined to successfully and confidently complete
this project.
The Project Manager for this project will be Kala Devan. Kala Devan has over 27
years of experience in the Data Conversion‐Scanning industry and has managed
over 300 large government projects.
ViaTRON has implemented the highest possible security to protect our client’s
documents. ViaTRON’s standards surpasses SSAE 16 and HIPAA. The City is
welcome to visit ViaTRON’s Production Center to view firsthand all the security
measures implemented to safeguards City of La Quinta’ documents.
ViaTRON will perform all of the work for this project at our data conversion center
in Los Angeles. ViaTRON does not subcontract any of its work to a third party
contractor. ViaTRON has full “chain of custody” control form the time the files
are being placed into boxes, delivered to our facility and until the client would like
their documents delivered back or shredded. ViaTRON does provide free
complimentary shredding and will provide a certificate of destruction for all the
boxes destroyed.
Quality Control
ViaTRON has implemented a very strong quality control process. We have 24
check points in the production process. Many of these key check points are
double checked. We send all images through a 3 step quality control process
including viewing each image individually.
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Project Key Management Team
The following staff will be assigned to the City Project.
Lead & Project Manager – Kala Devan
27 Years of Experience in Data Conversion/Scanning Services
System Analysis and Systems Design
Electronic Data and Information Management Design
Electronic Workflow Design and Implementation
Prior Experience: Personal Computer Center, Inc. ($60 Million Privately Held
Corporation, Calif.), Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer.
Education: BSc. Accounting & Business Administration & MBA Finance
Employed at ViaTRON: 27 Years
Assistance Project Manager – Romulo Torralba
Experience: 7 Years of Experience in Data Conversion/Scanning Services
Education: BSc. Business Administration
Employed at ViaTRON: 7 Years
Account Manager/Client Services – Isaac Chung
Experience: 6 Years of Experience in Data Conversion/Scanning Services
Education: BSc. Business Administration
Employed at ViaTRON: 6 Years
Systems Engineer/System Design – Albert Fader
Experience: 18 Years of Experience in Data Conversion/Scanning Services
Education: BSc. Psychobiology
Employed at ViaTRON: 18 Years
Sr. Systems Engineer – Thomas Omari
Experience: 20 Years of Experience in Data Conversion/Scanning Services
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Education: BSc. Aerospace
Employed at ViaTRON: 20 Years
Production Manager – Luis Acevedo
Experience: 8 Years of Experience in Data Conversion/Scanning Services
Education: BSc. Science
Employed at ViaTRON: 8 Years
Project Roles and Responsibilities
Project Manager (PM)
Kala Devan
PM shall be the primary contact between ViaTRON and City.
Chief designer of operations.
Fully responsible for all activities at ViaTRON
Assistant Project Manager
Romulo Torralba
Assist PM with all activities.
Backup contact for the City in the event of emergency.
Account Manager/Client
Services, Isaac Chung
Assist PM with all Client Service matters.
Systems Engineer/ Systems
Albert Fader
Assigned to design the production equipment and software.
Design the step‐by‐step technical quality assurance process.
Sr. Systems Engineer
Thomas Omari
Day‐to‐day management of all technical operations.
Production Manager
Luis Acevedo
Responsible for day‐to‐day City Production.
Quality Assurance Manager
Edgar Cisneros
Head of Quality Assurance
Scan on Demand Manager
Alex De La Rosa
Assigned to handle City’s Scan‐On‐Demand Request.
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Client References
City of Fresno
Contact: Brian Leong Department: Building and Safety
Position: Building Official Email:
Telephone: 559.621.8094 Project Size: Ongoing scanning since 2013 over 3
million pages of small and large format
City of Fontana
Contact: Carla Purcell Department: Building and Planning
Position: Project Manager Email: mradeva@la‐
Telephone: 909.350.6712 Project Size: Ongoing Scanning for Building and
Planning since 2011. Over 5 million images
County of Butte
Contact: Will Mansfield Department: Community Development
Position: Information Systems Email:
Telephone: 530.538.7601 Project Size: Over 5 million images com dev files
ViaTRON Related Project Experience
City of Carlsbad – Scan over 500k large format drawings for building
City of Bakersfield – Ongoing scanning project since 2010 for building and
City of Del Mar – City wide ongoing scanning project since 2014
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Scope of Work
ViaTRON has developed an extensive “Project Plan and Methodology” that
outlines in detail on how ViaTRON will handle the project. ViaTRON has
thoroughly read the project scope and questions and answers portions of this RFP
and agrees to all requirements.
ViaTRON takes security very seriously and can also offer recommendations for
security procedures and best practices. We also recommend that the City of La
Quinta come visit our secured document scanning facility located in Gardena, CA.
This will provide a peace of mind that the city’s documents are being handled and
processed in a secure way. We also follow the FERPA, HIPPA and other
compliance guidelines and currently scan for many hospitals and medical offices
in our Los Angeles facility.
ViaTRON has completed every single project without fail. ViaTRON has never had
an early termination of a contract, criminal litigation or an investigation pending.
Acceptance of Terms
ViaTRON accepts all the terms made by the City and has no exceptions to the
ViaTRON will provide minimum insurance coverage and indemnification noted in
Exhibit E of the City’s Professional Service Agreement if selected.
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City of La Quinta ‐ Project Methodology Overview
Project Preparation
City Test Acceptance
Go Live/Full Production
Freight – Pickup
File Packing
Document Inventory Report
Pickup – ViaTRON Certified Employees
ViaTRON Receiving
Box Tracking & Audit Report
Document Preparation
Paper Preparation
Document Preparation Quality Assurance
Image Quality Assurance
Double Blind Key Indexing
Indexing Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Scan On Demand
Client Document Request
Data Delivery
Hard drive Data Delivery
Client Review
Quality Check By City
City Delivery Acceptance
Freight – Delivery
Shredding (Optional)
Delivery – ViaTRON Certified Employees
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Project Production Methodology
Freight – Pickup
Document Transmittal
Prior to picking up boxes, ViaTRON will send a project technician to the City’s
locations to do the following task.
Estimate the number of boxes
Create barcode labels for the boxes
ViaTRON uses computerized tracking software to track the boxes before they
leave CITY. A unique barcode is attached to each box. The barcode tracks several
pieces of key information. An automatic tracking report is generated that
includes the following information: box unique ID code, date of pickup, location
of pickup, all persons involved in the pickup transaction and travel log number.
ViaTRON’s barcode tracking number will match the number the CITY provides on
the boxes to keep the information consistent.
Pickup – ViaTRON Certified Employees
ViaTRON only uses ViaTRON employees to pick up boxes. ViaTRON has strict rules
regarding the chain‐of‐custody regarding client documents.
ViaTRON does not outsource any freight services
All pickup and deliveries are performed by ViaTRON trained employees
The trucks are scheduled to only make one pickup at a time to prevent
cross contamination of documents
Drivers keep a detailed security log for each trip. The security log keeps
track of departure time, pickup/delivery start, pickup/delivery end, and
return to ViaTRON Storage Center
A standby driver/team are in place to immediately assist in case of
mechanical problems
ViaTRON – Receiving
ViaTRON uses a double check system to verify all data. This procedure is used in
receiving boxes from City
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When the truck arrives at ViaTRON Storage Center, the boxes are moved to
a holding area
A barcode reader is used to verify the barcodes
The verification is done by two managers
The separate information is uploaded into the tracking software
The software verifies the original data with the two manager scanned data
The managers also check the boxes for damage and report it
Any discrepancy is logged into the master quality control report
Security issues if any will be resolved within 1 hour and City will be notified
Box Tracking & Audit Report
Every employee enters project work progress into the tracking report
Every employee also enters quality control and monitoring info in quality
control report
The tracking report and quality control report are reviewed by the project
manager several times throughout the day
In addition, the supervisors immediately bring QC matters to the attention
of the project manager
ViaTRON has a rule that all QC matters are resolved within 1 hour
Status of work and QC matters are updated in real time/immediately
Document Preparation
Paper Preparation
ViaTRON has a team of employees to perform the DocPrep work.
ViaTRON will test 5 boxes for each class/category of documents to establish
the PSR (Project Specific Rules). The test is to determine the most accurate
and efficient method to prepare the folder to be scanned.
All DocPrep employees will be trained on the PSR
Each DocPrep employee will be assigned one box at a time and tested for
PSR accuracy
Document Preparation
o Removing paperclips and staples
o Fixing tears and dog‐ears
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o Smoothing pages for clean feed
o Photos and color documents will be tagged for special handling
o Taking documents out of envelopes
Document Preparation – Quality Assurance
The DocPrep supervisor checks all boxes prepared by the DocPrep
The quality control report is updated if problems are found. Problems are
resolved within 1 hour
The supervisor either accepts or send the work back for reprocessing
The tracking report is updated releasing the boxes to move to the next
Reverse Preparation
If the City chooses this option, Doc Prep staff will insert different colored
bright papers to show which documents need to be placed back in folders,
be re‐stapled and placed back in envelopes.
The scanners have the capability to scan from business card to large format
drawings including microfilm/microfiche
All scanning is done with an operator standing next to the scanner to make
sure all pages are scanned accurately and to check for double feed errors.
ViaTRON’s scanner software can output the image to all major file formats
Special image enhancement software shall be used: de‐speckling, de‐
skewing, image rotation, background suppression, adaptive threshold, edge
enhancement, and gray tone filtering
ViaTRON’s scanner technicians will monitor the size, resolution and format
of each document scanned using the tags/markers placed by the DocPrep
The files will always be kept together. This will ensure the documents are
always in the same order
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Standard documents will be scanned in PDF/A at 300 dpi, large format
documents at 300 dpi, and for documents that have been reduced will be
scanned at 400 dpi. Documents containing color will be scanned in color at
300 dpi.
ViaTRON will work with City to develop optimum results
Image Quality Assurance
ViaTRON employees review every image for accuracy
Review the quality of images
Image contrast, blank page deletion, auto rotate, borders
Image quality will be checked at three levels
Either accept or send the work back to be reprocessed
Unacceptable images will be scanned within 24 hours
Drawings will be cropped to the outside borders to the correct image scale. All
documents are to be reviewed for possible rescans
ViaTRON’s employee will manually index one document from one box at a
Metadata will consist Permit, Project, Case or other document number
Street Address (address files), Parcel (apn) number (geologic and some
address files), or street segment or intersection (encroachment permits)
ViaTRON will provide a excel spreadsheet that includes all file name and
folder name with all metadata to the City as well.
Indexing naming convention was provided by City in the Q&A.
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Indexing Quality Assurance
The system engineer will use the cross reference to verify accuracy of index
Scan On Demand
ViaTRON Systems understands that the files are live and the client may
need access to files before the project is completed.
If City request a document, ViaTRON will locate the file and provide client
with the scanned digital copy through our secured FTP site or email.
This request will be free of charge unless City needs ViaTRON to deliver
physical document. This price can be negotiable.
Data Delivery
ViaTRON has multiple approaches to data delivery. According to the City request,
Shredding Services (Complimentary)
ViaTRON also provides document shredding services. ViaTRON can store
documents for a minimum of 6 months before shredding the documents.
ViaTRON will need to obtain approval from the City before destroying of any
documents. ViaTRON can also return the boxes back to client.
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Security and Internal Control
ViaTRON has implemented the highest possible security to protect our client’s
documents. ViaTRON surpasses the SSAE 16and HIPAA standards. The City is
welcome to visit ViaTRON’s production center to view firsthand all the security
measures implemented to safeguard City documents. The following are a few of
the internal security controls related to the City project.
Confidentiality Agreement
ViaTRON has a confidentially non‐disclosures security agreement with all ViaTRON
employees. In the confidentially agreement, the employees confirms that
employee does not have any direct or indirect personal connection to the
information the employee will be receiving on the project. Employee also agrees
to keep all information absolutely confidential. Employees are not allowed to
bring any kind of bag, CDs, DVDs, cameras, USB sticks, or mobile devices into the
production facility.
Employee Background Check
ViaTRON performs a complete background check and drug test based on all
confidential projects.
High Security Facility
ViaTRON is a high security facility. Our facility has the most up to date security
system set up with surveillance cameras and security alarm systems. Every
persons and items moving in or out of ViaTRON’s facility are closely monitored.
Employees are only allowed to enter the office through a single entrance.
ViaTRON has restricted areas once employee is inside the facility. ViaTRON stores
all physical and electronic data in a secured area within the production facility.
This information is kept locked in a separate location away from employees.
Workstation Security
Each employee has an individual login password. ViaTRON has removed access to
the internet on the workstations.
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Security Cameras
ViaTRON has security cameras monitoring all work areas. There are also cameras
monitoring all entrances and exits into the building including parking structure.
Access Card/Badge
ViaTRON has a secured access system for entry into our production facility.
Employees use an access card to enter and exit the building. Visitors are allowed
access once approved with our GM and will be given a temporary access badge.
ViaTRON maintains a detail report of all access into the production facility.
Transporting Data
Any data moving in or out of the company on paper, hard drive, CD, DVD,
memory stick, tape or optical disc are recorded on the “Product Entry/Work
Order”. Data on media are encrypted and password protected. ViaTRON
deletes/scrubs all data from ViaTRON’s server once permission is granted by City.
Pickup/Delivery Security
ViaTRON only uses ViaTRON employees and ViaTRON trucks to pickup and deliver
City documents. ViaTRON does not use outside/third part companies for
transportation. ViaTRON does not break the chain‐of‐custody. ViaTRON takes full
responsibility once ViaTRON picks up the data.