05-0340 (BLCK) (STRUCTURAL CALCS)YOUNG SERVICES - . 77804 Wildcat.Ar., Palm Dmon,-Ca. 92211 (76() 16()-5770 (760) 360.5719 a')Ott August 12, 2004 Tom Hartung Building Oficial City of La Quinta Re: RossLot52 Residence- 78-511 Tau inr Rock Turn,,La Oujnta, CA Dear Torn,. We have performed structural observiti.)n with. regards to the framing for the above referenced project and find it to be in general conformance with the approved structural plans. However the following items need to be addressed: • Need to shea$4e the gable end truss located at the garage front around the clerestory window. This needs to be sheathed'as per shear wall type `A'. • Need to provide blocking and coil strapping as per detail 6/S 1.3 for shear wall #20 located at the laundry room. • Need to verify that (5)-SMTC top plate connectors are used for SM36 panels (Shear walls #6, 7, 17, and 35). if SMTC top plate connectors are not present need to provide a minimum of (4)- LTP4 w/ (2)-SMTC top plate connectors. • . Need to finish roof sheathing fo:- area above the powder/office area and master bedroom. Need to provide V4" angle plate connection for trellis beam to trellis beam at outdoor living area as per detail 19/S5.6. • Need to provide 6x6 post at Outdoor living area 2. • Need to provide blocking and strapping as pet detail 3/85.2 at shear walls #15, 28, 37, 48, and 49. • Need to finish nailing strap at shear wall #1 as per detail 6/S5.6. This structural observation does not relit,ve the City in any way from performing their standard structural inspections nor is it in lieu of any code rriquired special inspections. The structural observation performed should not be construed as a detailed structural'inspection but as a structural observation for . general conformance as per. CBC 1702,220. If you have any questions please call_ Sincerely, Jeffrey B. 'Y'oung S.E. Pn Z0 39dd 3S 9NId33NI!)N3 9Nna 6TtS09E09t 60:EZ b00Z/ZZ/80 -F STRU�CTU�RALC�ALCULAT10NS FOR AL ROSS LLC. 78-511 TALKING ROCK TURN LA QUINTA, .CALIFORNIA ARCHITECT GORDONROSS BY YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES. January 12, 2004 CITY OF LA QUILT BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT /APPROVE NN DATE 2 6 ' B 0 Q�Ess,t 1 fi 7$-Sn Ta(RWg �«,K �uaN atI.fAr t.oi c&. r -F STRU�CTU�RALC�ALCULAT10NS FOR AL ROSS LLC. 78-511 TALKING ROCK TURN LA QUINTA, .CALIFORNIA ARCHITECT GORDONROSS BY YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES. January 12, 2004 CITY OF LA QUILT BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT /APPROVE NN DATE 2 6 ' B 0 Q�Ess,t 1 fi 7$-Sn Ta(RWg �«,K �uaN atI.fAr t.oi c&. YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SOB 77-804 Wildcat Dr, Suite C SHEET NO. OF Palm Desert, CA. CALCULATED BY 92211 CHECKED BY 760.360.5770 SCALE VERTICAL LOADS: ROOF: TYPICAL (PITCHED) TYPICAL (FLAT) DEAD LOAD: DEAD LOAD: 1/2"PLYWOOD 1.50 1/2"PLYWOOD 1.50 TILE 17.00 BUILT-UP ROOF 4.50 2X12 OR 2X TRUSSES @ 24" 2.10 2X12 @ 24" 3.20 5/8" DRYWALL 3.13 5/8" DRYWALL 3.13 INSULATION 1.00 INSULATION 1.00 MISC. 2.27 MISC. 1.67 TOTAL 27.00 P.S.F. TOTAL 15.00 P.S.F. ADD 10 P.S.F. FOR STUCCO SOFFITS LIVE LOAD: >4:12 <4:12 LESS THAN 200 S.F T.A 16.00 P.S.F. 20.00 P.S.F. - 201-600 S.F. T.A. 14.00 P.S.F. 16.00 P.S.F. GREATER THAN 600 S.F. T.A. 12.00 P.S.F. 12.00 P.S.F. WALL: . TYPICAL INTERIOR 2X4 DEAD LOAD: 2 LAYERS 5/8" DRYWALL 6.25 INSULATION 1.00 2X4 STUDS @ 16° o% 1.00 MISC. 1.75 TOTAL 10.00 P.S.F. TYPICAL INTERIOR 2X6 DEAD LOAD: 2 LAYERS 5/8" DRYWALL 6.25 INSULATION 1.00 2X6 STUDS @ 16" O/C 1.60 .MISC. 1.15 TOTAL 10.00 P.S.F. TYPICAL EXTERIOR 2X6 DEAD LOAD: STUCCO 10.00 1 LAYERS 5/8" DRYWALL 3.13 INSULATION 1.00 2X12 STUDS @ 16" O/C 1.60 MISC. 1.27 TOTAL 17.00 P.S.F. YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SOB 77.804 Wildcat Dr, Suite C SHEET NO. OF Palm Desert, CA. 'CALCULATED BY 92211 CHECKED BY 760.360.5770 SCALE LATERAL LOADS: WIND: 70 M.P.H. EXPOSURE C p=CeCgqsl=(1.06)(1.3)(12:6)(1.0)=17.36 P.S.F. 0-15' METHOD 2 p=CeCgqsl=(1.13)(1.3)(12.6)(1.0)=18.51 P.S.F. 15'-20' p=CeCgqsl=(1:19)(1.3)(12.6)(1.0)=19.49 P.S.F. 20'-25' SEISMIC: 1997 U.B.C. Na = 1.00 R = 4.50 1= 1.00 Nv = 1.10 hn 22.00 Z = 0.40 Ca= 0.44 Ct= 0.02 Cv= 0.71 T=Ct(hn)^.75= 0.20 BASE SHEAR: (30.4) V= (CVVRT)W = 0.777 W SHALL BE THIS EXCEPT (30-5) V= (2.5CaVR)W= 0.244 W NEED NOT EXCEED (30.6) V= (:11Cal)W = 0.048 W BUT NOT LESS THAN (30-7) V= (.8ZNVVR)W = 0.050 W BUT NOT LESS THAN IN ZONE 4 " YObNG ENGINEERING SERVICES CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB 77.804 Wildcat Dr, Suite•C - SHEET NO. OF Palm Desert, CA. CALCULATED BY 92211 CHECKED BY 760.360-5770 SCALE LOAD CASES: STRENGTH DESIGN: y (12.1) 1.41) (12-2) 1.26 + 1:61- +.5(Lr OR S) (12.3) 1.2D+1.6(Lr OR S)+(f1L OR _8W) (12-4), 1.2D+1.3W+f1L+.5(Lr OR S) (12.5) 1.2D+1.OE+(f1L+f2S) (12.6) .91) +/- (1.OE OR 1:3W) f1 =1.00 FOR LL> =100 & GARAGE. f1.=.5 OTHERS f2=.7 ROOF THAT DO NOT SHED SNOW f2=.2 OTHERS ALLOWABLE LOAD CASES (12-7) D (12-8) D+L+(Lr OR S) ' (12.9) D+(W OR E/1.4) ' (12-10) .91) +/- E/1.4 ' (12-11) D+.75[L+(Lr OR S)+(W OR E/1.4)] = MAY NOT USE 1/3 RD STRESS INCREASE ALTERNATE ALLOWABLE CASES: E=pEh+Ev (12-12) D+L+(Lr OR S) Em=OMEGA Eh " (12-13) D+L+(W OR E/1.4) (12-14) D + L+ W + S/2 p= 2.20/rMAX(Ab)^.5 (12-15) D + L + W + S/2 + W/2 1<p<1.5 (12-16) D+L+S+E/1.4 " = MAY USE 1/3 RD STRESS INCREASE ' YCrUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES JOB NO. 77-804 Wildcat Dr, Palm Desert, CA SHEET NO. PH 760-360-5770 CALCULATED BY FAX 760-360-5719 CHECKED BY VERTICAL LOAD DESIGN DESIGN DATA: LUMBER: NO. 2 DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH W.C.L.I.B. GRADING SIZE Fb psi Fbr psi Fv psi , Fc psi E psi SINGLE REPETITIVE 2X4 1313 1510 95 1495 1600000 2X6 1139 1310 95 1430 1600000 2X8 1052 1210 95. 1365 1600000 2X10 961 1105 95 1300 1600000 2X12 874 1005 95 1300 1600000 2X14 & WIDER 788 906 95 1300 1600000 4X4 1312 — 95 1495 1600000 4X6 1138 — 95 1430 - 1600000 4X8 1138 — 95 1365 1600000 4X10 1050 — 95• 1300 1600000 4X12 962 — 95 1300 1600000 4X14 & WIDER 875 — 95 1170 1600000 6X6 875 — 85 925 1600000 6X8 875 — 85 925 1600000 6X10 875 — 85 925 1600000 6X12 875 — 85 925 1600000 6X14 875 — 85 925' 1600000 ABOVE VALUES DO NOT INCLUDE LOAD DURATION FACTORS GLU-LAM BEAMS SIMPLE CANTILEVER MICROLAMS PARALLAMS 24F -V4 DF/DF 24F -V8 DF/DF TRUS JOIST TRUS JOIST Fb=2400 psi Fb=2400 psi Fb=2800 psi Fb=2900 psi Fv=165psi Fv=165psi Fv=285psi Fv=290psi E=1800000psi E=1800000psi E=2000000psi E=2000000psi POSTS: No. 2 DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH SIZE Fb psi 6X 750 CONCRETE: fc=2500 psi REINFORCING STEEL: GRADE 40 BARS 4 AND SMALLER Fv psi Fc psi E psi 85 700 1300000 GRADE 60 BARS 5 AND LARGER OF _11/3/2003 11/3/2003 ' YOKING ENGINEERING SERVICES JOB NO. 77-804 Wildcat Dr, Palm Desert, CA SHEET NO. OF PH 760-360-5770 CALCULATED BY 11/3/2003 FAX 760-360-5719 CHECKED BY 11/3/2003 VERTICAL LOAD DESIGN DESIGN DATA: LUMBER: NO. 1 DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH W.C.L.I.B. GRADING SIZE Fb psi Fbr'psi Fv psi Fc psi E psi SINGLE ' REPETITIVE 2X4 1500 1725 95 1495 1700000 2X6 1300 1495 95 1430 1700000 2X8 1200 1380 95 1365 1700000 2X10 1100 1265 95 1300 1700000 2X12 1000 1150 95 1300 1700000 2X14 & WIDER 900 1035 95 1300 1700000 4X4 1500, — 95 1495 1700000 4X6 1300 — 95 1430 - 1700000 4X8 1200 — 95 1365 1700000 4X10 1100 — 95 1300 1700000 4X12 1000 95 1300 1700000 4X14 & WIDER 900 - 95 1170 1700000 6X6 1300 - 85 925 1600000 6X8 1300 — 85 925 1600000 6X10 1300 — 85 925 1600000 6X12 1300 — 85 925 1600000 6X14 1300 — 85 925 1600000 ABOVE VALUES DO NOT INCLUDE LOAD DURATION FACTORS GLU-LAM BEAMS SIMPLE CANTILEVER MICROLAMS PARALLAMS 24F -V4 DF/DF 24F -V8 DF/DF TRUS JOIST TRUS JOIST Fb=2400 psi Fb=2400 psi r Fb=2800 psi Fb=2900 psi Fv=165psi Fv=165psi Fv=285psi Fv=290psi E=1800000psi E=1800000psi E=2000000psi E=2000000psi POSTS: No.1 DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH SIZE Fb psi Fv psi Fc psi E psi 6X 1200 85 1000 1600000 CONCRETE: REINFORCING STEEL: Pc=2500 psi GRADE 40 BARS 4 AND SMALLER GRADE 60 BARS 5 AND LARGER 5 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-$04 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert CA PH 760-360-5770 FAX 760-360-5719 RAFTER -JOIST TABLE SPACI 20 L.D.F.= 1.25 DL+LL DEFLECTION RATIO= .240 LL DEFLECTION RATIO= 480 PITCH _:12 4 DESCRIPTION: JOB NO. SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY 11/3/2003 CHECKED BY 11/3/2003 SIZE= WEIGHT(LB/FT')= GRADE 8 SPECIES= Fb(PSI)= Sx(IN^3)= Fv(PSI)= A(IN^2)= E(PSI)= I(IN^4)= DEPTH(IN.)= MAX SPAN(FT.)= 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 2X14 1.28 2.01 2.64 3.37 4.10 4.83 No.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L 1725 1495 1380 1265 1150 1035 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39 31.64 43.89 95 95 95 95 95 95 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16.88 19.88 1.70E + 06 1.70E + 06 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1..70E + 06 5.36 20.80 47.63 98.93 177.98 290.78 3.50 5.50 7.25 9.25. 11.50 13.25 6.40 10.14 13.33 16.95 19.79 21.89 BENDING SHEAR DL+LL<L/240 LL<L/480 7.55 11.18 14.10 17.15 19.79 21.89 11.50 18.48 24.18 30.58 36.91 43.02 6.40 10.14 13.33 16.95 20.55 24.13 7.24 11.38 15.00 19.14 23.27 27.41 SIZE= WEIGHT(LB/FT')= GRADE & SPECIES= Fb(PSI)= Sx(IN^3)= Fv(PSI)= A(IN^2)= E(PSI)= I(IN^4)= DEPTH(IN.)= MAX SPAN(FT.)= 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10. 2X12' 2X14 1.28 2.01 2.64 3.37 4.10 4.83 No.2 DF -L No.2 DF -L No.2 DF -L No:2 DF -L No.2 DF -L -No.2 DF -L 1510 1310 1210 1105 1005 906: 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39 31.64 43.89 95 95 95 95 95 95 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16.88 19.88 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 5.36 20.80 47.63 98.93 177.98 290.78 3.50 5.50 7.25 9.25 11.50 13.25 6.27 9.94 13.06 16.02 18.50 20.48 BENDING SHEAR DL+LL<U240 LL<L/480 7.06 10.47 13.21 16.02 18.50 20.48 11.50 18.48 24.18 30.58 36.91 43.02 6.27 9.94 13.06 16.61 20.14 23.65 7.10 11.15 14.70 18.75 22.81 26.86 �0 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77j804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert CA PH 760-360-5770 FAX 760-360-5719 RAFTER -JOIST TABLE SPACING (IN.)= 24 DL(PSF)= 35 LL(PSF)= 20 TL(PSF)= 55 L.D.F.= 1.25 DL+LL DEFLECTION RATIO= 240 LL DEFLECTION RATIO= 480 PITCH _:12 4 DESCRIPTION: 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16.88 JOB NO. SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY 11/3/2003 CHECKED BY 11/3/2003 SIZE= WEIGHT(LB/FT')= GRADE S SPECIES= Fb(PSI)= Sx(IN"3)= Fv(PSI)= A(IN"2)= E(PSI)= 1(IN^4)= DEPTH(IN.)= MAX SPAN(FT.)= 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 2X14 1.28 2.01 2.64 3.37 4.10 4.83 No.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L 1725 1495 1380 1265 1150 1035 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39 31.64 43.89 95 95 95 95 - 95 95 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16.88 19.88 1.70E + 06 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1.70E+_06 06 1.:70E+06 1.70E + 06 5.36 20.80 47.63 98.93. 177.98 290.78 3.50 5.50 7.25 9.25 11.50 13.25 5.60 8.89 11.58 14.10 16.30 18.06 BENDING SHEAR DL+LL<U240 LL<U480 6.18 9.17 11.58 14.10 16.30 18.06 7.95 12.81 16.80 21.31 25.82 30.16 5.60 8.89 11.69 14.88 18.06 21.23 6.33 9.94 13.10 16.72 20.33 23.95 SIZE= WEIGHT(LB/FT')= GRADE & SPECIES= Fb(PSI)= Sx(IN"3)= Fv(PSI)= A(IN"2)= E(PSI)= I(IN^4)= DEPTH(IN.)= MAX SPAN(FT.)= M. 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 2X14 1.28 2.01 2.64 3.37 4.10 4.83 N0.2 DF -L N0.2 DF -L N0.2 DF -L N0.2 DF -L N0.2 DF -L N0.2 DF -L 1510 1310 1210 1105 1005 906 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39 31.64 43.89 95 95 95 95 95 95 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16:88 19.88 1.60E + 0.6 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 5.36 20.80 47.63 98.93 177.98 290.78 3.50 5.50 7.25 9.25 11.50 13.25 5.49 8.58 10.85 13.18 15.24 16.89 BENDING SHEAR DL+LL<U240 LL<U480 5.78 8.58 10.85 13.18 15.24 16.89 7.95 12.81 16.80 21.31 25.82 30.16 5.49 8.71 11.46 14.59 17.70 20.80 6.20 9.74 12.84 16.38 19.92 23.47 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 7704 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert CA PH 760-360-5770 FAX 760-360-5719 RAFTER -JOIST TABLE SPACING (IN.)= 1 24 DL(PSF)= 1 '15 L.D.F.= 1.25 DL+LL DEFLECTION RATIO= 240 LL DEFLECTION RATIO= 480 PITCH :12 0.25 JOB NO. SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY 11/3/2003 CHECKED BY 11/3/2003 SIZE= WEIGHT(LB/FT')= GRADE & SPECIES= Fb(PSI)= Sx(IN"3)= Fv(PSI)= A(IN"2)= E(PSI)= I(IN"4)= DEPTH(IN.)= MAX SPAN(FT.)= 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 2X14 1.28 2.01 2.64 3.37 4.10 4.83 N0.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L N0.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L No.1 DF -L 1725 1495 1380 1265 1150 1035 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39 31.64 43.89 95 95 95 95 - 95 95 5.25 8.25 10.88 1.3.88 16.88 19.88 1.70E+66 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 5.36 20.80 47.63 98.93 177.98 290.78 3.50 5.50 7.25 9.25 11..50 13.25 6.33 9.94 13.10 16.72 20.23 22.37 BENDING SHEAR DL+LL<U240 LL<U480 7.86 11.44 14.42 17.53 20.23 22.37 12.39 19.29 25.22 31.88 38.46 44.81 6.57 10.30 13.53 17.21 20.86 24.49 6.33 9.94 13.10 16.72 20.33 23.95 SIZE= WEIGHT(LB/FT')= GRADE & SPECIES= Fb(PSI)= Sx(IN"3)= Fv(PSI)= A(IN"2)= E(PSI)= I(IN"4)= DEPTH(IN.)= MAX SPAN(FT.)= 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 2X14 1.28 2.01 2.64 3.37 4.10 4.83 No.2 DF -L No.2,DF-.L NO.2 DF -L No.2 DF -L No.2 Df.L N0.2 DF -L 1510 1310 1210 1105 1005. 906 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39. 31.64 43.89 95 95 95 95 95 95 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16.88- 19.88 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 1.60E + 06 5.36 20.80 1 47.63 1 98.93 1 177.98 290.78 3.50 5.50' 7.25 9.25 11.50 13.25 6.20 9.74 12.84 16.38 18.91 2093. BENDING SHEAR DL+LL<U240 LL<U480 7.35 10.71 13.51 16.38 18.91 20.93 12.39 19.29 25.22 31.88 38.46 44.81 6.44 10.09 13.26 16.86 20.44 24.00 6.20 9.74 12.84 16.38 19.92 23.47 �enaNumber: TJI OVER MASTER BEDROOM 00000 11 7/8" TJI@/Pro TM -350^ 16" o/c TJ -Beam T000000 � ' t�W User: 2 11/4/2003 11:20:25 AM Page 1 Engine Version: 1.6.44 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE. SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Member Slope: 0M2 Roof SlopeOM2 n 6 17' All dimensions are horizontal. Product Diagram is Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group -.Roof (pso: 20.0 Live at 125 % duration, 15.0 Dead SUPPORTS: " Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift(Total 1 Stud wall 3.50" 3.50" 2271/ 1701/ 0 /'397 End, TJI Blocking 1 Ply 11 7/8" TJI®/Pro(TM)-350 2 Stud wall 3.50" 3.50" 227 / 170 / 0 / 397 End, TJI Blocking 1 Ply 11 7/8" TJI®/Pro(TM)-350 DESIGN CONTROLS: -Deflection Criteria: STAN DAR D(LL:U360,TL:U240). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2'8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code NER analyzing the TJ Custom product listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: OPERATOR INFORMATION: ROSS LOT 52 BRONZ YOUNG. YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE #C PALM DESERT, CA, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 360-5770 Fax :(760)360-5719 SE4044@AOL Copyright 2003 ov Trus Joist, a Weyernaeuser Business TJI:, and Ti -Seam';. are registered trademarks of Trus Joist. --- Joista,Prol and 7J-?ro91 are trademarks of Trus Joist. C:\Documents and Settings\default\DesY.roo\(Ross Lot52(03-1432-01\Ca1cs\TJI OVER. MASTER 3ED.sms i Maximum Design Control Control Location Shear (Ibs) 387 -383 1775 Passed (22%) Rt. end Span 1 under Roof loading' Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 387 387 1775 Passed (22%) Bearing 2 under Roof loading Moment (Ft -Lbs) 1604 1604 6500 Passed (25%) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Live Load Defl (in) 0.131 0.553 Passed (U999+) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Total Load Defl (in) 0.230 0.829 Passed (U866) MID Span 1 under Roof loading -Deflection Criteria: STAN DAR D(LL:U360,TL:U240). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2'8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code NER analyzing the TJ Custom product listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: OPERATOR INFORMATION: ROSS LOT 52 BRONZ YOUNG. YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE #C PALM DESERT, CA, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 360-5770 Fax :(760)360-5719 SE4044@AOL Copyright 2003 ov Trus Joist, a Weyernaeuser Business TJI:, and Ti -Seam';. are registered trademarks of Trus Joist. --- Joista,Prol and 7J-?ro91 are trademarks of Trus Joist. C:\Documents and Settings\default\DesY.roo\(Ross Lot52(03-1432-01\Ca1cs\TJI OVER. MASTER 3ED.sms i �r TJI OVER MASTER BEDROOM �A Vvevcrhacuscr Nusinca} - - TJ-Beam(TM)6.06 Serial Number: 7000000000 11 7/8 n TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 16" o/c User.2 Engin VersiO3 on: 11:20:26 AM THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Page 2 Engine Version: 1.6.44 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Load Group: Primary Load Group 16' 7.00" ` Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 397 397, Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 227 227 Selected Bearing Length (in) 3.50(W) 3.50(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 Loading on all spans, LDF 1.25 Dead + Floor + Roof Design Shear (lbs) a 383 -383 Max Shear (lbs) 387 -387 Member Reaction A lbs) 387 387 Support Reaction (lbs) 397 397 •. Moment (Ft -Lbs) 1604 Live Deflection (in) 0.131 Total Deflection (in) 0.230 Loading on all spans, LDF 0.90 Dead Only ,-Design Shear (lbs) 164 -164 Max Shear (lbs) 166 -166 Member Reaction (lbs) 166 166 Support Reaction (lbs) 170 170 Moment (Ft -Lbs) 688 PROJECT INFORMATION: OPERATOR INFORMATION: ROSS LOT 52 + BRONZ YOUNG • YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE #C PALM DESERT, CA, CA 92211 Phone : (760) 360-5770 Fax :(760)360-5719 SE4044@AOL Copyright i 2003 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business_ TJIQ: and TJ -Beams are registered tractemarks of Trus Joist. e -i Joiscl, Pro" and TJ -Proms• are =rademarks of Trus�Joist. C:\Documents and settirgs\default\Des'r.too\(Ross LorS2)03-1432-01\Calcs\TJI OVER NASTEP. 6ED.sms YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 Wildcat Dr. SHEET OF ' Palrfi Desert, CA 92211 760-360-5770 PHONE 760-360-5719 FAX ROOF DL (a)= 27 ROOF LL (a)= 20 ROOF OL (b)= 15 ROOF LL (b) = 20 SOFFIT LOAD ( c)= 10 SAWN 1 = No. 1 DF -L FLOOR OL (d)= 20 FLOOR LL(0)= '40 FLOOR DL (e)= 20 FLOOR LL (e)= 100 SOFFIT LOAD (f)= 8 SIMPLE BEAM UNIFORMLY LOADED PSF ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION GRADE No. SIZE (a) ROOF TRIBUTARY AREA (b) ( c) PSF VDL WALL AREA (g) TVLL SAWN 1 = No. 1 DF -L REFER TO ALLOWABLE STRESS SHEETS IN CALCS V PSF 180 R II 240 SAWN 2= No. 2 DF -L REFER TO ALLOWABLE STRESS SHEETS IN CALCS BENDING STATUS PSF ; Fa SHEAR STATUS 'DL Fa Fb E STATUS PSF LDF 1 1.25 CAMBER BM WT E . R4 R4. ' RIS:. '. R7: • ' ' - R8 Rg,.' .... `'•"R17 -. .. R23. -.. R27 '. ;.. R28: <.. .. R29,.. R30 ? R31:• ' � � : R32;' R36 R40 '., " RA1.. . RAFT. AT GUEST FT 7' 8 15 7' 8 .15 ` 8_ .11 7 ;,:: 22 :.... .- 8: 11. 8 .. � 10• 10 . .' 9 . 15' - 6 22 = LVL = MICROLA M 285 2600 1900000 FT FT _ ' - _ .. ... . '' r :.. -: �: - _ ''' FT '5 2 "'- 5 �� 2 � ; '9'.5 FT 4 5' '.9' ' - :. 1 T: ' ��'� 11 '� • � 9� 9' ` 9:5. PSL= PARALLAM 290 2900 2000000 LH/FT 288 465 381 278 514 203 475 310 233 220 389 167 164 720 262 691 250 642 52 PSF LB' -IN 21170 44650 128493 20460 49347 68638 45571 56210 17103 159549 37315 30256 15747 108056 39356 63941 84501 34642 37789 LSL= TIMBER STRAND 2250 400 1500000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 PSF PSI 1625 3625 1561 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 2782 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 3250 GLB= GLUE LAM BEAM 165 2400 1800000 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ..OK OK OK PSF 2863 4961 1537 7275 1176 1429 9348 6402 4568 2864 1988 2598 1415 2675 1629 1172 1730 725 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK IN 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.07 0.08 01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.27 4009 3131 4315 43355 1343 2203 6549 6298 12220 7094 409.3 6298 8057 1983 14871 4294 1762 3819 979 PSF NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10 10 21 15 10 15 13 13 32 13 13 10 15 - 15 15 15 10 5 160000 Lo - 2000000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1800000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1900000 ' PSF WALL (g)= 17 PSF WALL (h)= 10 PSF ' BEAM NO. SPAN L GRADE No. SIZE (a) ROOF TRIBUTARY AREA (b) ( c) FLOOR TRIBUTARY AREA (d) (e) (f) WALL AREA (g) WALL MISC OL AREA (h) OL UNIFORM LOAD LL TL V M R dl R II R tl Cv or CcI fb LDF'.Cv'Fb LDF-Cd'Fb BENDING STATUS fa ; Fa SHEAR STATUS 'DL _ VOL STATUS DEFLECTION LL TVLL STATUS CAMBER BM WT E . R4 R4. ' RIS:. '. R7: • ' ' - R8 Rg,.' .... `'•"R17 -. .. R23. -.. R27 '. ;.. R28: <.. .. R29,.. R30 ? R31:• ' � � : R32;' R36 R40 '., " RA1.. . RAFT. AT GUEST FT 7' 8 15 7' 8 .15 ` 8_ .11 7 ;,:: 22 :.... .- 8: 11. 8 .. � 10• 10 . .' 9 . 15' - 6 22 SAWN 1- PSL SAWN 1 .SAWN 1 SAWN'I SAWN 1. SAWN:1 SAWN 1 SAWN1 . 'GLB SAWN'1 . .SAWN "I SAWN 4 SAWN9 SAWN -1 SAWN'I SAWN'.1 SAWN 1 LVL 6x8 3.5x1 1.87.5 .. 6x16 , ' 6x12 6x8 -6x/2 ... ..6X10' 6xlO:-' .. :6x10- 5.125X25. ... 6x10. :;i. 6XA0 ".: 6X8 6x12 6x12 6x92 ':6x14 6xB .. :75x11.67 FT - ' ' S. 2' 7 _ 4-: 5 ':..2.:; .. .4:, q... '8,;*!::. •.2. 2 2 9:5 5 10 1�- FT FT '•6 13 .. ..., .... 5 .... - .... _ .... ,. .:. :.: :- :, .. .: .. ., •..' . <.. ... . :' ' '' FT FT _ ' - _ .. ... . '' r :.. -: �: - _ ''' FT '5 2 "'- 5 �� 2 � ; '9'.5 FT 4 5' '.9' ' - :. 1 T: ' ��'� 11 '� • � 9� 9' ` 9:5. FT PLF �:- �� � _ '' � � �' 6 6:'.. - .. "' LF/FT 168 205 281 238 274 123 375 270 153 140 229 127 124 420 222 501' 150 442 32 LB/FT 120 260 100 40 240 80 100 40 80 80 160 40 40 300 40 190 100 200 20 LH/FT 288 465 381 278 514 203 475 310 233 220 389 167 164 720 262 691 250 642 52 LB 1008 1860 2855 974 2056 1525 1899 1703 814 2417 1555 917 656 3602 1312 3109 1878 1925 573 LB' -IN 21170 44650 128493 20460 49347 68638 45571 56210 17103 159549 37315 30256 15747 108056 39356 63941 84501 34642 37789 LB 588 820 2105 834 1096 925 1499 1483 534 1537 915 697 496 2102 1112 2254 1128 1325 353 LB .420 1040 750 140 960 600 400 220 280 880 640 220 160 1500 200 855 750 600 220 LB 1008 1860 2855 974 2056 1525 1iO3 814 2417 1555 917 656 3602 1312 3109 1878 1925 573 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 PSI 411 543 583 169 957 566 679 207 287 451 366 305 891 325 692 697 672 919 PSI 1625 3625 1561 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 2782 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 1625 3250 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK PSI 37 67 50 23 75 36 55 49 23 28 45 26 24 85 31 74 45 70 41 PSI 106 363 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 206 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 356 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ..OK OK OK IN 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.01 0.08 0.13 0.104 0.01 0.06 0.03 007 . 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.15 0.04 0.36 2863 4961 1537 7275 1176 1429 9348 6402 4568 2864 1988 2598 1415 2675 1629 1172 1730 725 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK IN 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.07 0.08 01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.27 4009 3131 4315 43355 1343 2203 6549 6298 12220 7094 409.3 6298 8057 1983 14871 4294 1762 3819 979 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK NA OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10 10 21 15 10 15 13 13 32 13 13 10 15 - 15 15 15 10 5 160000 Lo - 2000000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1800000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1900000 ' - NA .. .. NA .. ... - NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA n REFIEFREN G ww' 10 1711 Zo P.{ 21bOs USE .5 LL 2 I o0 L L.L,= Zloc� . � �J oma: • 35�Z'I2� = 350 �,� • . . U.,.0 12,2i SE1, STiL4�T. DLA LL -i3 a ~` 2. 1 USE �_NG- =N& NE=RING- FAX -bC-=6G—iii r YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 D t' PALM DESERT, CA 92211 escrrp ion . PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 L,l' ---- --- - -- ------ ------- --- User: Kw -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 GE TeBeam 1 f IiY1b enera 1c11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r:\a_ric\e_cV_ot52.ecw:calculations Description R2 General Information IDS lbs 0.000 ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements K IR.- - - -- - - Section Name 5.125x12.0 Center Span 8.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.125 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 12.000 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type GluLam Douglas Fir, 24F - V8 18.3 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 7.2 k Fb Base Allow 2,400.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 190.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 560.0 psi Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft E 1,800.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 188.00 #/ft LL 20.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft _ Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads Ucau wdu o,cUi.v IDS Live Load 2,100.0 lbs ...distance 4.000 ft IDS lbs 0.000 ft los IDs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Ills lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft )ummary Center Span... - Dead Load Total Load Beam Design OK Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width = 5.125in x Depth = 12.in, Ends are Pin -Pin Total Load Deflection -0.099 in Max Stress Ratio 0.594 : 1 0.000 in 0.000 in Maximum Moment 4.000 ft 18.3 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 7.2 k Allowable 740.22 30.7 k -ft Allowable 14.6 k Max. Positive Moment 18.28 k -ft at 4.000 ft Shear: @ Left 4.99 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 8.000 ft @ Right 4.99 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.149 in Max. M allow 30.75 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 1,783.22 psi fv 116.56 psi Left DL 3.86 k Max 4.99k Fb 3,000.00 psi Fv 237.50 psi Right DL 3.86 k Max 4.99 k Deflections Center Span... - Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.099 in -0.130 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 4.000 ft 4.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Defl 968.1 740.22 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.149 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right . 0.000 in YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C PALM DESERT, CA 92211 PHONE: (760) 360-5770 _FAX: (760) 3.6_0_-57.1_9 _ Rev: 560100 — user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 (01983-2002 ENERCALC Enoineerina Software Description R2 Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope : Genera! Timber Beam Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 19.865 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 123.000 in3 Area 61.500 in2 Cv 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Sxx Req'd Max Moment @ Center 18.28 k -ft @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft Shear Analysis @ Left Support Design Shear 7.17 k Area Required 30.184 in2 Fv: Allowable 237.50 psi Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 73.11 in3 3,000.00 psi 0.00 in3 3,000.00 psi 0.00 in3 3,000.00 psi @ Right Support Deflection 7.17 k 0.0000 in 30.184 in2 0.0000 in 237.50 psi 0.0000 in Page 2 Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 4.99 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.737 in Max. Right Reaction 4.99 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.737 in Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 4.99 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No. 1", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category ' Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu When 7" < beam depth — 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 * Lu YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 Nov 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 -....._ ' Rev: 560100 � ----"--"-"-"�"- user: KW0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 1' `(c)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software -_ _-- r:\eric\ec\lot52.ecw:Calc_ul_a_tio_n_s Description R3 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 12x24 Center Span 30.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 11.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 23.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Bm Wt. Added to Loads Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Wood Density 34.000pcf E 1,600.0ksi . Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 350.00 #/ft LL 140.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Span= 30.00ft, Beam Width = 11.500in x Depth = 23.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.381 1 Maximum Moment 62.3 k -ft Maximum Shear " 1. Allowable 163.7 k -ft Allowable Max. Positive Moment 62.30 k -ft at 15.000 ft Shear: Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft Max. M allow 163.72 Reactions... fb 706.34 psi fv 40.21 psi Left DL Fb 1,856.09 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL Deflections Beam Design OK 5 10.9 k 28.7 k @ Left 8.31 k @ Right 8.31 k @ Left 0.000 in @ Center 0.568 in @ Right 0.000 in 6.21 k Max 8.31 k 6.21 k Max 8.31 k Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... numm Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.379 in -0.507 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 15.000 ft 15.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 949.9 709.78 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center - 0.568 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs -- -- Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 1,058.479 in3 Area 270.250 int Cf 0.928 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 62.30 k -ft 402.81 in3 1,856.09 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,856.09 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,856.09 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 10.87 k 10.87 k Area Required 102.266 int 102.266 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 8.31 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.156 in Max. Right Reaction 8.31 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.156 in it; 6.21 k Max 8.31 k 6.21 k Max 8.31 k Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... numm Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.379 in -0.507 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 15.000 ft 15.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 949.9 709.78 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center - 0.568 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs -- -- Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 1,058.479 in3 Area 270.250 int Cf 0.928 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 62.30 k -ft 402.81 in3 1,856.09 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,856.09 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,856.09 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 10.87 k 10.87 k Area Required 102.266 int 102.266 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 8.31 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.156 in Max. Right Reaction 8.31 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.156 in it; it; YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 -- �----- — --- --- ---- user: KW -0601715: Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam _ Page 2 Ic11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering_ Software _ __ _ _ r:\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations Description R3 Query Values - M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment " Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 8.31 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 -NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS 8 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the "identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06' Lu _ When T' < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 " Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 " Lu W YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 I Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100------------------------------•----------------------------•--- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 'Genera Timber Beam Page 1 -Ic11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software_ _ r_:\e_ric_\_ecVot5_2._ec_w:Calc_ulation_s Description R5 General Information lbs lbs 0.000 ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x8 Center Span 4.50 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft .. ..Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 7.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 0.561 : 1 2.196 ft Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 2.5 k Allowable E 1,600.0 ksi i Full Length Uniform Loads _ - � Center DL 250.00 #/ft LL 120.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads Lead Load 820.0 lbs Live Load 1,040.0 lbs ...distance 2.000 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft Summary Center Span... - Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Beam Design OK Span= 4.50ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 7.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Deflection 0.000 in Max Stress Ratio 0.561 : 1 2.196 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 Maximum Moment ...Length/Dell 3,374.4 3.0 k -ft Maximum Shear ` 1.5 2.5 k Allowable 7.3 k -ft Allowable 0.000 in 4.4 k Max. Positive Moment 2.99 k -ft at 1.998 ft Shear: @ Left 1.87 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 4.500 ft @ Right 1.66 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.024in Max. M allow 7.25 Reactions... @ Right 0.000in fb 695.72 psi fv 59.61 psi Left DL 1.02 k Max 1.87k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.93 k Max 1.66 k Deflections Center Span... - Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.016 in -0.030 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 2.214 ft 2.196 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Dell 3,374.4 11774.80 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5' D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.024 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in V_� YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 –--.._..-------- -- — User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 2 Ic11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r:\eriC\eCVotS2.ecw:Calculations .a Description R5 Stress Calcs Ki Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 51.563 in3 Area 41.250 int Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 CI 0.000 Query Values Max Moment Sxx Read Allowable fb @ Center 2.99 k -ft 21.26 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Left Support .0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 2.46 k 2.15 k Area Required 23.144 int 20.227 int Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 1.87 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.543 in Max. Right Reaction 1.66 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.483 in Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 1.87 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 ' Lu When 7" < beam depth — 14.3", Le = 1.62 ' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 ' Lu Fi— ZNC E W4�% �i�z�il+ 1`►`4�t I1•ll�� = 316 Pr� f 0�--1$°I1'� Y , DL ,tibo.. 1@00 t' L�� LL \ \ � Pu FROG X11 10(1)' 11.2 ��a�e. (811 LAD SIG= I �XIZ J -jGa ivl L:Cn7 --7t.:JIi= - YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr. EAE Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 --- L,------- _ - ----- ------ user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Bealm Page 1 %' _k11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ r.\eric\ecVot52.ecw:calculations Description R10 General Information DL 346.00 #/ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements F` Section Name 6x12 Center Span 9.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft ...Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 11.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 , Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End.Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi lbs lbs E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 346.00 #/ft LL 20.00 #/ftOREM Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads Dead Load 1,897.0 lbs lbs lbs mii'Ibs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 1,275.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 4.500 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft Summary Beam Design OK Span= 9.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 11.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.645: 1 Maximum Moment 10.8 k -ft Maximum Shear ` 1.5 4.3 k Allowable 17.0 k -ft Allowable 6.7 k Max. Positive Moment 10.84 k -ft at 4.500 ft Shear: @ Left 3.23 k Max.. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 9.000.ft @ Right 3.23 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.136 in Max. M allow 17.05 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 1,073.28 psi fv 68.55 psi Left DL 2.51 k Max 3.23k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 2.51 k Max 3.23 k Deflectionsaim= ---- - Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.090 in -0.123 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location . 4.500 ft 4.500 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,194.3 877.47 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 * D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.136 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in all YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77 804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description: PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: _FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100---- -__. _-----•- ---- ----------------- - — — User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 2 (c11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ r:\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations i Description R10 Stress Calcs Max. Left Reaction 3.23 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.941 in ` Bending Analysis i Query Values Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 121.229 in3 Area 63.250 int Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 0.0000 in. Notes Max Moment Sxx Read Allowable fb @ Center 10.84 k -ft 77.10 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft X0.00 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 4.34 k 4.34 k Area Required 40.806 in2 40.806 int Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 3.23 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.941 in ` Max. Right Reaction 3.23 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.941 in i Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 3.23 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in. Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06' Lu When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3" , Le = 1.84 ' Lu 3A YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date:.11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 - ---- i User: KW0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct•2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 ;_Ic)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r\eric\ecVot52 ecwCalculations Description R11 '_G _en Information Dead Load Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements F4 Section Name 6x16 Max Stress Ratio Center Span 17.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 15.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 30.1 k -ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Allowable Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Wood Density 34.000 pcf E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 203.00 #/ft LL 150.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Summary Beam Design OK Span= 17.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 15.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Max Stress Ratio 0.450 : 1 -0.154 in -0.257 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Maximum Moment 8.500 ft 13.5 k -ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 4.1 k Allowable 794.51 Right Cantilever... 30.1 k -ft Allowable D.L. Defl ) ... 9.1 k Max. Positive Moment 13.48 k -ft at 8.500 ft Shear: @ Left 3.17 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 17.000 ft @ Right 3.17 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Stress Calcs Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.230 in Max. M allow, 30.10 85.250 in2 Reactions... Cf 0.972 @ Right 0.000 in fb 734.47 psi fv 47.77 psi Left DL 1.90 k Max 3.17 k Fb 1,640.19 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 1.90 k Max 3.17 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.154 in -0.257 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 8.500 ft 8.500 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,328.6 794.51 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center - 0.230 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs MENA Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 220.229 in3 Area 85.250 in2 Cf 0.972 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 13.48 k -ft 98.62 in3 1,640.19 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,640.19 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,640.19 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 4.07 k 4.07 k Area Required 38.328 in2 38.328 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 3.17 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.923 in Max. Right Reaction 3.17 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.923 in 3 i3 YOUNG ENGINEERING' SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 ` PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description - PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760),360-5719 '--Rev: 560100 L. User: KW0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-2002 General TIm- ber Beam -- Page 2 Ic119i33.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r:\eriC\eN0tS2.ecw:caicuiations Description- R11 i Query Values in-miniM, V, & D @ Specifie111�d Locations L Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 3.17 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in j Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2-Apr-1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS 8 1997 UBS values on 2-Apr-1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No. 1", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine_ Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth — 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu _ When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3" , Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14,3", Le = 1.84 * Lu S- a , , �� YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 IGeneral Timber Beam Page 1 1 G1983 2x002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ r:\eric\ecVot52 ecw Calculations p Description R12 General Information IDs lbs Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x12 lbs lbs Center Span 9.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft ..Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 11.500 in Right'Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 5.500in x Depth = 11.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 17.0 k -ft Allowable E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads --- Center DL 172.00 #/ft LL 40.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads ueao Loaa l,ify/.0 IDS IDs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 1,275.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 4.500 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft )ummary 6.7 k @ Left 2.54 k @ Right Span= 9.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 11.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.545 : 1 @ Right Maximum Moment 9.3 k -ft Maximum Shear ` 1. Allowable 17.0 k -ft Allowable Max. Positive Moment 9.28 k -ft at 4.500 ft Shear: Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 9.000 ft Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max. M allow fb 918.94 psi Fb 1,687.50 psi 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 17.05 fv 55.53 psi Fv 106.25 psi Reactions... Left DL Right DL Camber: 5 IDS IDS lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Center Span... - Dead Load Beam Design OK Left Cantilever... 3.5 k Total Load 6.7 k @ Left 2.54 k @ Right 2.54 k @ Left 0.000 in @ Center 0.101 in @ Right 0.000 in 1.72 k Max 2.54 k 1.72 k Max 2.54 k Deflections Center Span... - Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.067 in -0.103 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 4.500 ft 4.500 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,602.3 1,051.63 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.101 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in t. "A YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C PALM DESERT, CA 92211 PHONE: (760) 360-5770 FAX_: (7_60)_3_60-5_71.9_ Rev_: 560100 User: KW -0601715. Ver S.6.1. 2S -act -2002 Description R Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope: General Timber Beam Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 Page 2 'Stress Calcs — Bending Analysis Ck '24.972 Le 0.000 ft ,Sxx 121.229 in3 Area 63.250 in2 Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Sxx Req'd Max Moment @ Center 9.28 k -ft @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft Shear Analysis @ Left Support Design Shear . 3.51 k Area Required 33.057 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 66.02 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support Deflection 3.51 k 0.0000 in 33.057 in2 0.0000 in 106.25 psi 0.0000 in Bearing @ Supports Mm. Left Reaction 2.54 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.739 in Max. Right Reaction 2.54 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.739 in Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 2.54 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in j Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 ' Lu When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 ' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84'. Lu YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 ' Rev: 560100 --- .- user: KW -0601715. Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General �irnber Beam Page 1 10 Ic11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r_\eric\ec\Jot52.ecw:Calculations I Description R13 _General Information - Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 12x20 Dead Load Center Span 15.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 11.500 in Left Cantilever ft .. ..Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 19.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Bm Wt. Added to Loads 115.1 k -ft Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Wood Density 34.000pcf E 1,600.0ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 508.00 #/ft LL 174.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Beam Design OK Span= 15.00ft, Beam Width = 11.500in x Depth = 19.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... -Dead Load Max Stress Ratio 0272: 1 -0.056 in -0.074 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Maximum Moment 20.7 k -ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 6.5 k Allowable 115.1 k -ft 2,444.67 Right Cantilever... Allowable 23.8 k Max. Positive Moment 20.67 k -ft at 7.500 ft Shear: @ Left 5.51 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 15.000 ft @ Left @ Right 5.51 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right Camber: @ Left 0.000in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.084 in Max. M allow 115.09 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 340.34 psi fv 28.91 psi Left DL 4.21 k Max 5.51 k Fb 1,894.97 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 4.21 k Max 5.51 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... -Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.056 in -0.074 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 7.500 ft 7.500 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 3,203.0 2,444.67 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center - 0.084 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs - - k Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 728.813 in3 Area 224.250 int Cf 0.947 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 20.67 k -ft 130.90 in3 1,894.97 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,894.97 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,894.97 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 6.48 k 6.48 k Area Required 61.009 int 61.009 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 5.51 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.767 in Max. Right Reaction 5.51 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.767 in a-� YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date:' 11:39AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760)_3_6.0-5719_ - Rev: 560100 .User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam -- Page '2 p 1U1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r:\eric\ec\Iot52.ecw:Calculations Description R13 Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 5.51 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in; @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS 8 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. , "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by.the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 ' Lu _ When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 ' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 ' Lu YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 ... _ ... - -- -- --- ----- -- -- -- - --- ------ - User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Steel Beam Design Page 1 Ic11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r:\eric\ec\lot52 ecw:calculations : Description R14 ,,CE At'sA A.'AL1S.y fog 6"T s1CCL RAS. General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section : W10X88 k -ft Fy 50.00ksi Pinned -Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.25 Center Span 30.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together Shear @ Left 6.83 k Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu : Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Minor Axis Bending 6.83 rPoint Loads k Center Defl. -2.373 in #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7k Dead Load 8.414 Left Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 Live Load 2.610 0.000 0.000 in k Short Term Location 15.000 Using: W10X88 section, Span = 30.00ft, Fy = 50.Oksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = O.00ft, LDF = 1.250 Actual Allowable Moment 92.577 k -ft 108.987 k -ft fb : Bending Stress 31.854 ksi 37.500 ksi fb / Fb 0.849 : 1 Shear 6.832 k 406.494 k fv : Shear Stres: 0.336 ksi 20.000 ksi fv / Fv 0.017 :1 Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection -2.373 in Length/DL Defl 191.0: 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 151.7: 1 Force & Stress Summary <- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted ->> DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Maximum OnlvCenter Center Cants Cants Max. M + 92.58 k -ft 73.00 92.58 k -ft Max. M - k -ft Max. M @ Left k -ft Max. M @ Right k -ft Shear @ Left 6.83 k 5.53 6.83 k Shear @ Right 6.83 k 5.53 6.83 k Center Defl. -2.373 in -1.884 -2.373 -2.373 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query Defl @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction @ Left 6.83 5.53 6.83 6.83 k Reaction @ Rt 6.83 5.53 6.83 6.83 k Fa calc'd per Eq. E2-1, K'Ur < Cc I Beam, Minor Axis, Passes Table B5.1, Fb = 0.75 Fy per Eq. F2-1 Section Properties W10X88 Depth 10.840 in Weight 87.97 #/ft r-xx 4.541 in Width 10.265in I -XX 534.00 in4 r-yy 2.629 in Web Thick 0.605 in I-yy 179.00 in4 Rt 2.830 in Flange Thickness 0.990 in S-xx 98.524 in3 Area 25.90 int S-yy 34.876 in3 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 _-_- - ----------- --- - - ----- User: xW-0601715. Ver 5.61 2Z5.06t-2002Stee6 beam Deslgn Pag 11 e 1 1_ _983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software :\eric\ec\lot52.ecw:Calculations Description R15 General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section : TS8X6X1/2 5.512 Fy 36.00ksi k Pinned -Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.25 Center Span 13.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together #1 #2 # 3 #4 #5 Right Cant 0.00 ft 7.180 Live Load Lu : Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Short Term k -ft Distributed Loads 9.000 0.000 Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 DL 0.254 648.3 :1 k/ft LL 0.145 0.000 k/ft ST Reaction @ Left 5.12 k/ft Start Location 5.12 ft End Location Reaction @ Rt 6.13 ft Point Loads Using: TS8X6X1/2 section, Span = 13.00ft, Fy = 36.Oksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = O.00ft, LDF = 1.250 Actual Allowable Moment 28.170 k -ft 50.985 k -ft fb : Bending Stress 13.128 ksi 23.760 ksi fb / Fb 0.553 : 1 Shear 6.131 k 57.600 k fv : Shear StresE 0.766 ksi 14.400 ksi fv / Fv 0.053 :1 #6 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Dead Load 5.512 Live Load k Short Term k Location 9.000 Moments k #6 #1 #2 # 3 #4 #5 Dead Load 7.180 Live Load k -ft Short Term k -ft Location 9.000 Using: TS8X6X1/2 section, Span = 13.00ft, Fy = 36.Oksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = O.00ft, LDF = 1.250 Actual Allowable Moment 28.170 k -ft 50.985 k -ft fb : Bending Stress 13.128 ksi 23.760 ksi fb / Fb 0.553 : 1 Shear 6.131 k 57.600 k fv : Shear StresE 0.766 ksi 14.400 ksi fv / Fv 0.053 :1 #6 #7 5.12 k k Shear @ Right 6.13 k k 6.13 ft k #6 #7 -0.241 k -ft 0.000 k -ft Left Cant Defl 0.000 in k -ft 0.000 ft 0.000 Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection -0.241 in Length/DL Defl 744.6 : 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 648.3 :1 Force & Stress Summary «_ These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -» DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Maximum Only Center C5 Center Cants Cants Max. M + 28.17 k -ft 25.56 28.17 k -ft Max. M - k -ft Max. M @ Left k -ft Max. M @ Right k -ft Shear @ Left 5.12 k 4.17 5.12 k Shear @ Right 6.13 k 5.19 6.13 k Center Defl. -0.241 in -0.210 -0.241 -0.241 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query Defl @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction @ Left 5.12 4.17 5.12 5.12 k Reaction @ Rt 6.13 5.19 6.13 6.13 k Fa calc'd per Eq. E2-1, K'Ur < Cc YOUNG: ENGINEERING SERVICES - ." Title : LOT52 " Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (76_0) 360-5719 --Rev: 560100 ---------------- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 ---------- Steel Beam Design — --- --- — Page 2 Ic11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ — r.\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations ' - - - - Description R15 Section Properties TS8X6X1/2 Depth 8.000 in Weight 42.12 #/ft r-xx 2.882 in Width 6.000in I-xx • 103.00, in4 r`-yy 2.302 in -Thickness 0.500 in I-yy 65.70 in4 S-xx 25.750 in3 Area 12.40 in2 S-yy 21.900 in3 1. 1. ' A14 -viol Ir �. �- O. .. ..... .. I`�,5 " L , P,5 Eros SIS P�� : . . . U� lZ%�4 •. 5t, . RIS . � . � � II • . . Sd.5Ta YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 k -ft FAX: (760) 360-5719 Scope Rev: 560100 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1. 25 -Oct -2002 (U1983.2002 ENERCALC �---�-- Steel Beam Design - Page 1 Engineering Software 7..14 r:\eric\ecvot52.ecw:calculations's Description R16 k ' General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section : TS8X6X1/2 Fy 36.00ksi Pinned -Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.25 Center Span 13.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.Oksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu : Unbraced Length 0.00 ft `Distributed Loads #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 DL 0.254 #6 #7k/ft LL 0.145 k/ft ST Start Location k/ft ft End Location - ft Point Loads #1 #2 #3 # Dead Load 5.512 #4 #5 6 #7k Live Load Short Term k k Location 2.000 i moments - #1 #2 # Dead Load 7.180 3 #4 #5 #6 #7k -ft Live Load Short Term k -ft k -ft Location 2.000 ft Using: TS8X6X1/2 section, Span = 13.00ft, Fy = 36.Oksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = O.00ft, LDF = 1.250 Actual Allowable Moment 15.112 k -ft 50.985 k -ft fb : Bending Stress 7.042 ksi 23.760 ksi fb / Fb 0.296 : 1 Shear 8.084 k 57.600 k fv : Shear Stres: 1.010 ksi 14.400 ksi tv / Fv 0.070 :1 Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection -0.121 in Length/DL Defl 1,743.6: 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 1,293.6: 1 i Force & Stress Summary <- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted --» DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Maximum Only Center Center Cants Cants Max. M + 15.11 k -ft 13.53 15.11 k -ft Max. M - k -ft Max. M @ Left k -ft Max. M @ Right k -ft Shear @ Left 8.08 k 7..14 8.08 k Shear @ Right 3.16 k 2.22 3.16 k Center Defl. -0.121 in -0.089 -0.121 -0.121 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query Defl @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction @ Left 8.08 7.14 8.08 8.08 k Reaction @ Rt 3.16 2.22 3.16 3.16 k Fa calc'd per Eq. E2-1, K'Ur < Cc YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES ' . Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77`804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE -#C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 36_0-5719 Rev: 560100 ---------- ----- — ------ ---- user: KW -0601715. Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Stee( beam �eSlgn Page 2 _011983-2002 ENERCALc Engineering software r•\eric\ecVot52 ecwCalculations Description R16 Section Properties TS_8X6X1/2 Depth 8.000 in Weight 42.12 #/ft r-xx 2.882 in Width 6.000in I-xx 103.00 in4 r-yy 2.302 in Thickness 0.500 in I-yy' 65.70 in4 S-xx 25.750 in3 Area 12.40 in2 S-yy 21.900 in3 ;��A Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope: Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 1:44PM, 10 NOV 03 i Rev: 560100 - - User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct-2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 GCf _IU1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software c:\ec55\1ot52.ecw:Calculations �t Description R18 General Information Dead Load Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 12x14 Total Load Center Span 14.50 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 11.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft • Beam Depth 13.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural ...distance 6.750 ft 0.000 ft Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 0.000 in @ Center E 1,600.0 ksi Point Loads Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Dead Load 3,452.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 1,969.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 6.750 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft -0.000 ft 0.000ft Summary Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.150 in ...Length/Deft Beam Design OK Span= 14.50ft, Beam Width = 11.500in x Depth = 13.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.000 in Max Stress Ratio 0.339 : 1 @ Right 0.000 in Maximum Moment 19.5 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 4.3 k Allowable 57.5 k -ft Allowable Bending Analysis 16.5 k Max. Positive Moment 19.49 k -ft at 6.728 ft Shear: @ Left 2.90 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 2.52 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.150in Max. M allow 57.46 Reactions... @ Right 0.000in fb 669.68 psi fv 27.99 psi Left DL 1 1.85 k Max 2.90 k Fb 1,974.00 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 1.61 k Max 2.52 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.100 in -0.157 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 7.076 ft 7.076 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,743.7 1,110.35 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.150 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress; Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 349.313 in3 Area 155.250 in2 Cf 0.987 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 19.49 k -ft 118.50 in3 1,974.00 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,974.00 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,974.00 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 4.35'k 3.79 k Area Required 40.905 in2 35.627 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 2.90 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.403 in Max. Right Reaction 2.52 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.351 in Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 1:44PM, 10 NOV 03 Description Scope: Rev: 560100 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page, 2 I (c)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software --- ---- - ---€---.r—.c—r-s - c:\ec55Vot52.ecw:Calculations Description R18 I Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 2.90 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft t 0.00 k - 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 • Dsgnr: EAF Date: 1:44PM, 10 NOV 03 Description : Scope i Rev: 560100 a User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct-2002 MUItI-Span Timber Beam Page 1 (d1963-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software wc55Vot52 e�w Caic�ietic1 Description R19 General Information Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Fb : Basic Allow 1,600.0 psi . Elastic Modulus 1,600.0 ksi Spans Considered Continuous Over Support Fv : Basic Allow 85.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.000 Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements j Timber Member Information in -k 38.4 38.4 Description ftI SPAN 1 SPAN 2 Span ft in -k 10.50 10.50 Timber Section in -k 12x18 12x18 Beam Width in psi 11.500 11.500 Beam Depth in psi 17.500 17.500 End Fixity 4.41 Pin • Pin Pin • Pin Le: Unbraced Length ft k 0.00 0.00 Member Type k Sawn Sawn Loads psi 15.7 Live Load Used This Span ? i Yes Yes Dead Load #/ftl 263.00 263.00 Live Load #/ft j 150.00 150.00 Results Mmax @ Cntr in -k 38.4 38.4 @ X = ftI 3.92 6.58 Max @ Left End in -k 0.0 -68.3 Max @ Right End in -k -68.3 0.0 lb : Actual psi 116.4 116.4 Fb : Allowable psi 1,534.3 1,534.3 @X= ftl 4.41 Bending OK Bending OK Shear @ Left k 1.63 2.71 Shear @ Right k 2.71 1.63 fv : Actual psi 15.7 15.9 Fv : Allowable psi 85.0 85.0 Shear OK Shear OK j Reactions & Deflection ftI 0.00 DL @ Left ki 1.04 3.45 LL @ Left ki 0.59 1.97 Total @ Left kj 1.63 6.42 DL @ Right kj 3.45 1.04 LL @ Right kj 1.97 0.59 Total @ Right kl 5.42 1.63 Max. Deflection in l -0.006 -0.006 @X= ftl 4.41 6.09 Location ftI 0.00 0.00 Moment in -k 0.0 -68.3 Shear kj 1.6 2.7 Deflection in I 0.0000 0.0000 -,ZNC c 77 . . . . . . I Pin FRO— R`5 Se61 �ZrIHSfL.SlelcT• DL. �.., DLA , LL L z LL,,, . LL �`L -.20 (—►,s�L� , SSP'+ •. Q E; 2160 ly ?ysv� L w C" . z s (''°/-1 . I S O \ALl= 20(ia/L� `1_00 � Q ♦ sin. ?TJQ 4yT • �I I f.:Nc—='!G—iNC=-.I Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 1:55PM, 10 NOV 03 Description : Scope: Rev: 560100 User: KW -0601715, Ver S.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 101983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software cAec55Vot52.ecw:Calculations Description R20 General Information lbs lbs 0.000 ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 12x14 Total Load Center Span 15.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 11.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 13.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural ...Length/Deft Maximum Moment Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 0.000 in 16.5 k E . 1,600.0 ksi Point Loads Dead Load 1,040.0 lbs Live Load 590.0 lbs ...distance 7.500 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft summary Total Load Deflection -0.033 in Beam Design OK Span= 15.00ft, Beam Width = 11.500in x Depth = 13.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin ...Location 7.500 ft Max Stress Ratio 0.106 ; 1 0.0 ...Length/Deft Maximum Moment 3,428.89 Right Cantilever... 6.1 k -ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 1.2 k Allowable Deflection 57.5 k -ft Allowable 0.000 in 16.5 k Max. Positive Moment 6.11 k -ft at 7.500 ft Shear: @ Left 0.82 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 0.82 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.050 in Max. M allow 57.46 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 209.98 psi fv 7.87 psi Left DL 0.52 k Max 0,82 k Fb 1,974.00 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0:52 k Max 0.82 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.033 in -0.052 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 7.500 ft 7.500 ft ...Length/Dell 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 5,374.1 3,428.89 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.050 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left - 0.000 in, @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 349.313 in3 Area 155.250 int Cf 0.987 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 6.11 k -ft 37.16 in3 1,974.00 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,974.00 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,974.00 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 1.22 k 1.22 k Area Required 11.506 in2 11.506 int Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 0.82 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.113 in Max. Right Reaction 0.82 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.113 in Title : LOT52 Job # 03=1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 1:55PM, 10 NOV 03 Description Scope Page 2 Rev: 560100 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 L. General Timber Beam } W1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software c:\ec55Vot52.ecw:Calculations Description R20 Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection .@ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.82 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k .0.0000 in @ Left Cant., Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope : Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 1:55PM, 10 NOV 03 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Multi -Span Timber Beam Page 1 (01983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software c:\ec55Vot52.ecw:Calculations Description R21 General Information Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Fb : Basic Allow 1,600.0 psi Elastic Modulus 1,600.0 ksi Spans Considered Continuous Over Support Fv : Basic Allow 85.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.000 0.52 1.73 Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Timber Member Information 0.98 Description I SPAN 1 SPAN 2 Span ft 10.50 10.50 Timber Section 90x12 1Ox12 Beam Width in 9.500 9.500 Beam Depth in 11.500 11.500 End Fixity Pin - Pin Pin - Pin Le: Unbraced Length ft 0.00 0.00 Member Type Sawn Sawn Loads _ � Live Load Used This Span ? Yes Yes Dead Load #/ft 132.00 132.00 Live Load #/ft 75.00 75.00 Results Mmax @ Cntr in -k 19.3 19.3 @ X = ft 3.92 6.58 Max @ Left End in -k 0.0 -34.2 Max @ Right End in -k -34.2 0.0 fb : Actual psis 163.5 163.5 Fb : Allowable psi 1,600.0 1,600.0 Bending OK Bending OK Shear @ Left k 0.82 1.36 Shear @ Right k 1.36 0.82 fv : Actual psi 15.9 16.1 Fv : Allowable psi 85.0 85.0 Shear OK Shear OK Reactions & Deflection ftl 0.00 DL @ Left k 0.52 1.73 LL @ Left k 0.30 0.98 Total @ Left k 0.82 2.72 DL @ Right k 1.73 0.52 LL @ Right kl 0.98 0.30 Total @ Right k 2.72 0.82 Max. Deflection in -0.012 -0.012 @X= ftj 4.41 6.09 Values cation ftl 0.00 0.00 Moment in -k 0.0 -34.2 Shear ki 0.8 1.4 Deflection in I 0.0000 0.0000 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C PALM DESERT, CA 92211 PHONE: (760) 360-5770 FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 User: KbV-0601715, Ver 5.6.1. 25 -Oct -2002 Description R24 Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope : Genera{ Timber Beam Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 Page 1 General Information Dead Load Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Max Stress Ratio 0.451 : 1 Section Name 8x14 -0.193 in Deflection Center Span 14.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 7.500 in Left Cantilever ft ..Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 13.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural 37.5 k -ft Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Shear: @ Left E 1,600.0 ksi ` Full Length Uniform Loads � Center DL 350.00 #/ft LL 200.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft - Beam Design OK Span= 14.00ft, Beam Width = 7.500in x Depth = 13.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Max Stress Ratio 0.451 : 1 -0.123 in -0.193 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Maximum Moment 7.000 ft 13.5 k -ft Maximum Shear ` 1.5 4.9 k Allowable 869.49 Right Cantilever... 37.5 k -ft Allowable Defl ) ... 10.8 k Max. Positive Moment 13.47 k -ft at 7.000 ft Shear: @ Left 3.85 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 14.000 ft @ Right 3.85 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Stress Calc_s Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.184 in Max. M allow 37,48 101.250 int Reactions... Cf 0.987 Rb @ Right 0.000 in fb 709.79 psi fv 47.91 psi Left DL 2.45 k Max 3.85 k Fb 1,974.00 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 2.45 k Max 3.85 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.123 in -0.193 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 7.000 ft 7.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Defl 1,366.3 869.49 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.184 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calc_s Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 227.813 in3 Area 101.250 int Cf 0.987 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 13.47 k -ft 81.92 in3 1,974.00 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,974.00 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,974.00 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 4.85 k 4.85 k Area Required 45.656 int 45.656 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 3.85 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.821 in Max. Right Reaction 3.85 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.821 in 1_�a YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77=804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 ---- -- —--------- — —--------- -- - — User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 GeneralITimber Beam Page 2 1t: _Ic)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ r\eric\ecVot52 ecw Calculations Description R24 i Query Values ----- — M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center. Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 3.85 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth — 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu When 7' < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 * Lu Hie W� = 20 �-- �_..� ••ISM=_.: = -_'U{- _.:r,c- ',c-��e_=.i,ac==-'����_ • , .rG �.. L4 . U5� (o x 22 sem. see a LL" l3a LLo Soo 1 ��.�; 3a5o" ��n ao2o L -IC�.r FRoh R2S moOL , 3Sz� 3s(l��i 289 P'+ dt Wl� Z.t7 �( /il �• �los�Jf - P�� > 27704 •. .1 851 fe0� �C4i S•it'El Po�� 5,cr Ute' 1$ (4 as Le' ,qIo •► Pia FRah �I; Wo, = 35�'�z� + 27 �g�ZJ 'Ib"(�o) 213 Irl=•= i ��X+B SGl• STQ4cT �-- �_..� ••ISM=_.: = -_'U{- _.:r,c- ',c-��e_=.i,ac==-'����_ • , .rG �.. L4 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 - -- ----------- --- - ---- ------ user: KW -0601715. Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 G@Clergy) Timber Beam Page 1 Ic11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software_r:\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations --- - -- - - - --- -- ------ --- Descrlptlon R25 General Information - - - Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 10x22 Center Span 22.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 9.500 in Left Cantilever ft .. ..Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 21.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Bm Wt. Added to Loads = 9.500in x Depth = 21.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv. Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Wood Density 34.000pcf E 1,600.0ksi FullLength Uniform Loads Center DL 438.00 #/ft LL 250.00 4/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft ' Liv; Summary Beam Design OK Span= 22.00ft, Beam Width = 9.500in x Depth = 21.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.470 ; 1 Maximum Moment 44.5 k -ft Maximum Shear1.5 10.2 k Allowable 114.3 k -ft Allowable 21.7 k Max. Positive Moment 44.54 k -ft at 11.000 ft Shear: @ Left 8.10 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 8.10 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.305 in Max. M allow 114.33 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 730.29 psi fV 49.96 psi Left DL 5.35 k Max 8.10k Fb 1,874.52 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 5.35 k Max 8.10 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.204 in -0.308 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 11.000 ft 11.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,296.8 856.46 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 * D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center - 0.305 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 731.896 in3 Area 204.250 int Cf 0.937 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 44.54 k -ft 285.14 in3 1,874.52 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,874.52 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,874.52 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @-Right Support Design Shear 10.20 k 10.20 k Area Required 96.038 int 96.038 int Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 8.10 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.364 in Max. Right Reaction 8.10 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.364 in Liv; YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 7 404 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 — -- --------- — --- ----- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 2 0 Ic11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ __rNe_ri4f_\ecV_ot_52._e_cw:Galculations Description R25 Query Values_ --- M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 8.10 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in ;Notes '— — — ---- � Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d - When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 * Lu LA\19 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:44AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760)_ 360-5719_ Rev: 560100 ------- --- -------------------------- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Multi -Span Steel Beam Page 1 P -(c)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r\eric\ecVot52 ecw:calculations Description R25A General Information k 1 Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements F, Fy - Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.00 Spans Considered Continuous Over Supports 7.500 _Span Information k i - Description SPAN 1 SPAN 2 SPAN 3 Span ft i 4.50 11.50 7.00 Steel Section TS8X6X1/2 TS8X6X1/2 TS8XGX1/2 End Fixity i Pin -Pin Pin -Pin Pin -Pin Unbraced Length ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 i Loads 23,760.0 23,760.0 Live Load Used This Span ? i Yes Yes Yes Dead Load k/ft 0.289 0.289 0.289 Live Load k/ft i 0.165 0.165 0.165 - Point #1 DL k 1 5.348 LL k j 2.750 @ X ft i 7.500 Point #2 DL k i 5.600 LL k� -18.04 @ X ft 11.000 Moment DL k -ft j 7.180 LL k -ft 0.0 @ X ft ! 0.000 11.000 0.000 Results Mmax @ Cntr k-ftj 0.00 18.07 0.00 @ X = ft 0.00 7.51 7.00 Max @ Left End k-ftl 0.00 -13.04 -18.04 Max @ Right End k -ft) -13.04 • -18.04 0.00 fb : Actual psil 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fb : Allowable psi; 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 fv : Actual j Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK DL @ Right psi' 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fv : Allowable psi i 14,400.0 14,400.0 14,400.0 Total @ Right k Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Reactions & Deflections Shear @ Left k I 1.88 5.86 4.17 Shear @ Right k 3.92 13.06 0.99 Reactions... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL @ Left k; -1.38 6.69 13.20 LL @ Left k i -0.50 3.09 4.02 Total @ Left k: -1.88 9.78 17.22 DL @ Right k 6.69 13.20 -0.92 LL @ Right k 3.09 4.02 -0.07 Total @ Right k 9.78 17.22 -0.99 Max. Deflection in; 0.008 -0.091 0.025 @ X = ft j 2.67 6.44 2.75 Span/Deflection Ratio 6,395.7 1,520.7 3,373.2 Query Values Location ft i0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shear k c 1.88 5.86 4.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moment k -ft i 0.00 -13.04 -18.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Deflection in' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kA_1 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51 AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 __.------------------•------------__._ _.------- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam - Page 1 r - IU_ -983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r;\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations t Description R26 General Information lbs lbs 0.000 ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 12x18 iMmr- Summary Center Span 14.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 11.500 in Left Cantilever ft ...Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 17.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Allowable E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads - RIr ni-m .mow Center DL 243.00 #/ft LL 100.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads Dead Load 4,207.0 lbs Live Load 1,305.0 lbs ...distance 13.000 ft Famamstwamm lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft iMmr- Summary Beam Design OK Span= 14.00ft, Beam Width = 11.500in x Depth = 17.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.161 : 1 Maximum Moment 11.4 k -ft Maximum Shear " 1.5 3.4 k Allowable 93.8 k -ft Allowable 21.4 k Max. Positive Moment 11.39 k -ft at 8.1.20 ft Shear: @ Left 2.79 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 7.52 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.055in Max. M allow 93.81 Reactions... @ Right 0.000in fb 232.76 psi fv 17.11 psi Left DL 2.00 k Max 2.79 k Fb 1,917.89 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 5.61 k Max 7.52 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.036 in -0.050 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 7.280 ft 7.280 ft ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 4,615.8 3,341.86 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5' D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.055 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES 77.804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C PALM DESERT, CA 92211 PHONE: (760) 360-5770 FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 _(c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description R26 Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 Description : Scope: General Timber Beam Page 2 Stress Calcs _-�----------------- - - -- � . Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 586.979 in3 Area 201.250 int Cf 0.959 Rb 0.000 CI 0 000 Sxx Req'd Max Moment @Center 11.39 k -ft @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft Shear Analysis @ Left Support Design Shear 3.44 k Area Required 32.404 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 71.24 in3 1,917.89 psi 0.00 in3 1,917.89 psi 0.00 in3 1,917.89 psi @ Right Support Deflection 2.26 k 0.0000 in 21.288 in2 0.0000 in 106.25 psi 0.0000 in Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 2.79 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.389 in Max. Right Reaction 7.52 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.046 in - Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = ' 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 2.79 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in I Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999. To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress". entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth — 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 * Lu M1 R41.�{2 1 Py. al•p, _. 27 (30�.� y. t�/�D� - S�Sp �I � W IS at . I �� _ �114i� �lw= ZO(,�b/_)- ��jD Pel UeE L R 10 VL LL' b90 LLt� 1-2 P:{ U=c 130' �'Jo_ - X1(`11 r �Z�Y�•= 1�LPf �o,..' °131 ,....0 �.. - { -xa iviL�G..� �'Zi• -_JIB { - ti -bG-_bG �'�� F?ax -5G`bG =•iii YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 -----------------------------------_ __.---- User: KW -0601715. Ver 5.6. i, 25-Oct-2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 IU1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software ___ _ ____ r.\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations Description R33 i General Information Span= 5.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 9.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin - T Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x10 Center Span 5.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 9.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 #2 DL @ Left 373.00 #/ft LL @ Left Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft E 1,600.0 ksi Trapezoidal Loads Span= 5.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 9.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio #1 DL @ Left 575.00 #/ft LL @ Left 300.00 #/ft Start Loc 0.000 ft DL @ Right 575.00 #/ft LL @ Right 300.00 #/ft End Loc 2.000 ft #2 DL @ Left 373.00 #/ft LL @ Left 150.00 #/ft Start Loc 2.000 ft DL @ Right 373.00 #/ft LL @ Right 150.00 #/ft End Loc 5.000 ft Point Loads Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 5.000 ft @ Right 2.44 k Dead Load 1,418.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 1,050.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 2.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Beam Design OK TT\ Span= 5.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 9.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.721 : 1 Maximum Moment 5:0 k -ft Maximum Shear " 1.5 4.0 k Allowable 11.6 k -ft Allowable 5.6 k Max. Positive Moment 4.95 k -ft at 2.000 ft Shear: @ Left 3.35 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 5.000 ft @ Right 2.44 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.029 in Max. M allow 11.63 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 718.44 psi fv 76.62 psi Left DL 2.11 k Max 3.35 k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 1.58 k Max 2.44 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.020 in -0.031 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 2.400 ft 2.400 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 3,075.6 1,926.80 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 . D.L. Defi ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.029 in ...Length/Defi 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in TT\ YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 .lob # 03-1432-01 77=804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 -- __--------.._------------....--------------- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 2 I 1c11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r•\eric\ecVot52 ecw:Calculations Description R33 ^Stress Calcs ._------------------------- ---� Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 82.729 in3 Area 52.250 in2 Cf 1.000" Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Sxx Req'd Max Moment @ Center 4.95 k -ft @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft Shear Analysis @ Left Support Design Shear 4.00 k Area Required 37.680 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi ' Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 35.22 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support Deflection 3.04 k 0.0000 in 28.624 in2 0.0000 in 106.25 psi 0.0000 in Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 3.35 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.975 in Max. Right Reaction 2.44 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.709 in Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 3.35 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00R 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in I Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No. 1", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following -values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le =.2.06' Lu When 7" < beam depth — 14.3", Le = 1.62 ' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3" , Le = 1.84 ' Lu M YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 --- -- ---- --- -------------- ._.�_..------..� User: KVO' -0601715. Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct-2002 General limber Beam Page 1 It IG1983_2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software __ r:\eric\ecVot52.ecw:calculations i Description R34 General Information Span= 11.50ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 11.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x12 @ Center Center Span 11.50 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 11.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 4.7 k -ft Maximum Shear Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Allowable 19.229 in2 E 1,600.0 ksi Full Len th Uniform Loads Center DL 162.00 #/ft LL 120.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft _ Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Beam Design OK. Stress Calcs ---' Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 121.229 in3 Area 63.250 int Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Span= 11.50ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 11.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 4.66 k -ft Max Stress Ratio 0.304: 1 @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support Maximum Moment 0.00 in3 4.7 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 2.0 k Design Shear Allowable 2.04 k 17.0 k -ft Allowable 19.229 in2 6.7 k Fv: Allowable Max. Positive Moment 4.66 k -ft at 5.750 ft Shear: @ Left 1.62 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 1.62 k 1.62 k Bearing Length Req'd Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.086 in Max. M allow 17.05 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 461.45 psi fv 32.30 psi Left DL 0.93 k Max 1.62 k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.93 k Max 1.62 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.057 in -0.099 in Deflection 0.000 in • 0.000 in ...Location 5.750 ft 5.750 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 2,414.3 1,386.95 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5' D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.086 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs ---' Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 121.229 in3 Area 63.250 int Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 4.66 k -ft 33.15 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 2.04 k 2.04 k Area Required 19.229 in2 19.229 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 1.62 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.472 in Max. Right Reaction 1.62 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.472 in YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 ---- ---- User: KW-0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-2002 General Timber Beam — ---- Page 2 _(c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r-\eriC\edlotS2 ecw-Calculations Description R34 F Query Values - - M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft •1.62 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2-Apr-1999 Allowable stress databases have been updatedto1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2-Apr-1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar. typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth — 7", Le = 2.06 ' Lu _ When 7" < beam depth <= 143:, Le = 1.62Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 ' Lu , F i • t YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 -------- --- ------ - ------------ User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam - Page 1 I 1c119 8 3-2 002 ENERCALC Engineering SoFtware -� - - ---- ---- -- __ r.\eric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations Description R35 - General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements F Section Name 6x8 Max Stress Ratio Center Span MUNMSK 8.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft ..Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 7.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 7.3 k -ft 0.0 Allowable Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 0.00 k -ft at E 1,600.0 ksi F,_ ull Length Uniform Loads Center DL 116.00 #/ft LL #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft _ Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads Dead Load 931.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 690.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs __.distance 4.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft Beam Design OK Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 7.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.575 : 1 Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Maximum Moment -0.131 in 4.2 k -ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 1.8 k Allowable ...Length/Deft 7.3 k -ft 0.0 Allowable 732.10 4.4 k Max. Positive Moment 4.17 k -ft at 4.000 ft Shear: @ Left 1.27 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 8.000 ft 0.0 @ Right 1.27 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right 0.000 in Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.135in Max. M allow 7.25 Reactions... @ Right 0.000in fb 970.47 psi fV 43.78 psi Left DL 0.93 k Max 1.27k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.93 k Max 1.27 k ! Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.090 in -0.131 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 4.000 ft 4.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,066.4 732.10 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 . D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.135 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in 5c� YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 - - --- ----- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-2002General Timber Beam Page 2 _Ic)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software ' r�eric�ecVot52 ecw Calculation Description R35 Stress CalcsKim ----�� Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 51.563 in3 Area 41.250 int Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Sxx Req'd Max Moment - @ Center 4.17 k -ft @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft Shear Analysis @ Left Support Design Shear 1.81 k Area Required 16.997 int Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 29.65 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support Deflection 1.81 k 0.0000 in 16.997 in2 0.0000 in. 106.25 psi 0.0000 in Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 1.27 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.371 in Max. Right Reaction 1.27 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.371 in I Query Values M, V, D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 1.27 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in. @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 - To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress". entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu When 7" < beam depth — 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 * Lu 1:5\4 o C�=:oo�J• Oi..,, -„a p�...: 980; �� 10 Ps� i�ONSCICV A>1,9 UeE ST( WC r, Rag 4Ya� D4 y Ya LLL LLQq f = 55 p,4 • locff.)= ssP f CL •I Sea b 1. ty,�nAL P3b fKo.-.238 -I-,ile.= yYo' '20��41 / , 22oP.� �L.� 410' . !I I i ' rI T- ..JIT? _ YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 _ _ . _.. Rev:.560100 user: Kw -0601715. Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Multi -Span Timber Beam Page 1 It. _- R 1 1 --.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r\eric\ecVot52 ecw•Calculations Description R37 General Information k` 0.36 0.75 Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural Fb : Basic Allow 1,600.0 psi Elastic Modulus 1,600.0 ksi Spans Considered Continuous Over Support Fv : Basic Allow 85.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.000 0.0 @ X = Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Timber Member Information 4.69 6.45 2.00 Description SPAN 1 SPAN 2 SPAN 3 SPAN 4 Span ft! 2.00 10.50 11.00 2.00 Timber Section 12x14 12x14 12x14 12x14 Beam Width in 1 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 Beam Depth in 13.500 13.500 13.500 13.500 End Fixity I Pin - Pin Pin - Pin Pin - Pin Pin - Free Le: Unbraced Length ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Member Type Sawn Sawn Sawn Sawn Loads Live Load Used This Span ? i Yes Yes Yes Yes Dead Load #/ft! 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 Live Load #/ftj 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 Results k` 0.36 0.75 1.03 0.32 Mmax @ Cntr in-ki 0.0 8.7 16.1 0.0 @ X = ft; 0.00 4.69 6.45 2.00 Max @ Left End in-kI 0.0 -12.4 -23.8 -3.8 Max @ Right End in -k -12.4 -23.8 -3.8 0.0 fb : Actual psi 1.96 35.5 68.0 68.0 11.0 Fb : Allowable psi 0.004 1,579.2 1,579.2 1,579.2 1,579.2 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Shear @ Left k` 0.36 0.75 1.03 0.32 Shear @ Right k. 0.68 0.93 0.73 0.00 fv : Actual i psi1 5.2 7.1 8.3 1.8 Fv : Allowable psi' 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 0.00 I Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Reactions & Deflection DL @ Left k; -0.18 0.71 0.98 0.52 LL @ Left k! -0.18 0.71 0.98 0.52 Total @ Left kj -0.36 1.43 1.96 1.05 DL @ Right k� 0.71 0.98 0.52 0.00 LL @ Right kl 0.71 0.98 0.52 0.00 Total @ Right k 1 1.43 1.96 1.05 0.00 Max. Deflection in i 0.000 -0.002 -0.006 0.004 @ X = ft; 1.17 4.69 6.09 2.00 Values Location ft. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moment in -k:' 0.0 -12.4 -23.8 -3.8 Shear k! -0.4 0.7 1.0 0.3 Deflection in; 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Notes --- - - ----- - - - � Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth - 7", Le = 2.06 ' Lu When 7" < beam depth - 14.3", Le = 1.62 ' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 ' Lu ��a YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 - �--- User: M-0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 (c11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software _ ff'RCA.--._ - _ _ r:\eric\ec\lot52.ecw:Calculations Description. R38 General Information Dead Load Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements P Section Name 8x10 Max Stress Ratio Center Span 16.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 7.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 9.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, Select structural 1.5 1.2 k Fb Base Allow 1,600.0 psi Load Dura Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Max. Positive Moment 3.52 k -ft E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 55.00 #/ft LL 55.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Beam Design OK Span= 16.00ft, Beam Width = 7.500in x Depth = 9.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Max Stress Ratio 0.187 : 1 -0.095 in -0.189 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Maximum Moment 8.000 ft 3.5 k -ft Maximum Shear " 1.5 1.2 k Allowable 18.8 k -ft Camber ( using 1.5 • D.L. Allowable Deflection 7.6 k Max. Positive Moment 3.52 k -ft at 8.000 ft Shear: @ Left 0.88 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right @ Right 0.88 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Stress Calcs Camber: @ Left 0.000in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.142 in Max. M allow 18.80 Reactions... 0.000 @ Right 0.000 in lb 374.43 psi fv 16.75 psi Left DL 0.44 k Max 0.88 k Fb 2,000.00 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.44 k Max 0.88 k i Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.095 in -0.189 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 8.000 ft 8.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 2,029.8 1,014.91 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 • D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.142 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 22.939 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 112.813 in3 Area 71.250 in2 Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Read Allowable fb @ Center 3.52 k -ft 21.12 in3 2,000.00 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 2,000.00 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 2,000.00 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 1.19 k 1.19 k Area Required 11.231 in2 11.231 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 0.88 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.188 in Max. Right Reaction 0.88 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.188 in aml YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description: PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope FAX: (760) 360-5719 -{., - ---- User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25.6ct-2002 General Timber Beam -------- Page 2 fc11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software , �, ons Description R38 i Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft ` 0.88 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -- 0.0000 in --" Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS 8, 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 ' Lu _ When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d' When beam depth > 14.3" , Le ='1.84 " Lu YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51 AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770' Scope: FAX: (760) 360-5719 Rev: 560100 �------------------------------------------.... user KW 0601715 Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct-2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 P 1c11983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software rAeric\ecVot52.ecw:Calculations V; Description R39 i Gerteral Informatlorl 422.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements r. Section Name 6x8 Center Span 6.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 7.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 lbs lbs lbs Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 0.000 ft 0.000 ft E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 422.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL 220.00 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft - _ Point Loads Dead Load 440.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 440.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 2.500 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Summary IFBeam Design OK Span= 6.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 7.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.698 : 1 Maximum Moment 4.1 k -ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 3.1 k Allowable 7.3 k -ft Allowable 4.4 k Max. Positive Moment 4.09 k -ft at 2.520 ft Shear: @ Left 2.44 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 2.29 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.076 in Max. M allow 7.25 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 952.10 psi fv 74.14 psi Left DL 1.52 k Max 2.44 k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 1.45 k Max 2.29 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.050 in -0.082 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 2.976 ft 2.952 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Defl 1,428.4 880.45 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 . D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.076 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in H YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:51 AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope _FAX: (760) 360-5719 j Stress Calcs User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1. 25 -Oct -2002 (61983-2002 FNFR6Ai r Fnninoarinn Cnftwaro + General Timber BeamPage 2 Description R39 - j Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 51.563 in3 Area 41.250 int Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 ' Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 4.09 k -ft 29.09 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support' Design Shear 3.06 k 2.84 k Area Required 28.782 int 26.711 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 2.44 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.710 in Max. Right Reaction 2.29 k Bearing Length Req'd _ 0.667 in j Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 2.44 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant.'Location = 0.00 ft 0:00k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft ' 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 'Al lowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select"; "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth — 7", Le = 2.06 * Lu When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3", Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d. When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84 * Lu YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:56AM, 3 NOV 03 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Description PHONE: (760) 360-5770 Scope: FAX: (760)_ 360-5719 Rev: 560100 - ----- -- - - -- ---- -- - user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 1 tP, ,_(c)1983.2002_ENERCALC Engineering Software r\eric\ecVot52 ecw•Calculations k: Description CEILING JOIST AT CLOSETS General Information_ Span= 14.00ft, Beam Width = 1.500in x Depth = 7.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin _ Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 2x8 @ Center Center Span 14.00 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 1.500 in Left Cantilever ft ...Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 7.250 in -Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 0.5 k -ft Maximum Shear Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Allowable - 1.818 in2 E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads - Center DL 20.00 #/ft LL #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft _ Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Beam Design OK ` Stress C- alcs � Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 13.141 in3 Area 10.875 in2 Cf 1.200 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Span= 14.00ft, Beam Width = 1.500in x Depth = 7.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 0.49 k -ft Max Stress Ratio 0.221 : 1 @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 2,025.00 psi @ Right Support Maximum Moment 0.00 in3 0.5 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 0.2 k Design Shear Allowable 0.19 k 2.2 k -ft Allowable - 1.818 in2 1.2 k Fv: Allowable Max. Positive Moment 0.49 k -ft at 7.000 ft Shear: @ Left 0.14 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 0.14 k 0.14 k Bearing Length Req'd Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.340 in Max. M allow 2.22 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in fb 447.47 psi fv 17.77 psi Left DL 0.14 k Max 0.14k Fb 2,025.00 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.14 k Max 0.14 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.227 in -0.227 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 7.000 ft 7.000 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 740.7 740.70 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Def! ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.340 in ...Length/Dell 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in ` Stress C- alcs � Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 13.141 in3 Area 10.875 in2 Cf 1.200 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 t,P�A Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 0.49 k -ft 2.90 in3 2,025.00 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 2,025.00 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 2,025.00 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 0.19 k 0.19 k Area Required - 1.818 in2 1.818 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25 psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 0.14 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.149 in Max. Right Reaction 0.14 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.149 in t,P�A YOUNG ENGINEERING'SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:56AM, 3 NOV 03 Description PALM DESERT,. CA 92211 PHONE: (760) 360-5770 - Scope FAX: (760) 360-_5.719 Rev: 560100 -- — User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1. 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam Page 2 (01983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software r:\aric\ecVot5_2.ecw:Calculations Description CEILING JOIST AT CLOSETS Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.14 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in I Notes Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of 2 -Apr -1999 Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2 -Apr -1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le = 2.06 7 Lu _ When T < beam depth — 14.3",, Le = 1.62 ' Lu + 3d When beam depth > 14.3", Le = 1.84' Lu . \JIT Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 12:33PM, 12 JAN 04 Description : Scope : + Rev: 560100 Page 1 !$ User KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 General Timber Beam (01983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software cAec55Vot52.ecw:Ca1cu1ations Description R42 G ne eral Information Dead Load Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements I Section Name 8x10 Max Stress Ratio Center Span 11.75 ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 7.500 in Left Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 9.500 in Right Cantilever ft .....Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 15.9 k -ft Allowable Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi 0.00 k -ft at E 1,600.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 169.00 #/ft LL 125.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Beam Design OK Span= 11.75ft, Beam Width = 7.500in x Depth = 9.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load . Max Stress Ratio 0.320: 1 -0.085 in -0.147 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Maximum Moment 5.875 ft 5.1 k -ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 2.3 k Allowable 958.78 Right Cantilever... 15.9 k -ft Allowable D.L. Defl ) ... 7.6 k Max. Positive Moment 5.07 k -ft at 5.875 ft Shear: @ Left 1.73 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 1.73 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft [Stress Calcs Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft @ Center 0.127 in Max. M allow 15.86 71.250 in2 Reactions... Cf 1.000 @ Right 0.000in fb 539.71 psi fv 31.71 psi Left DL 0.99 k Max 1.73 k Fb 1,687.50 psi Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.99 k Max 1.73 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load . Total Load Deflection -0.085 in -0.147 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 5.875 ft 5.875 ft ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 1,667.9 958.78 Right Cantilever... Camber ( using 1.5 " D.L. Defl ) ... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.127 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in [Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 112.813 in3 Area 71.250 in2 Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 5.07 k -ft 36.08 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k -ft 0.00 in3 1,687.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 2.26 k' 2.26 k Area Required 21.263 in2 21.263 in2 Fv: Allowable 106.25.psi 106.25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 1.73 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.368 in Max. Right Reaction 1.73 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.368 in ` Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 12:33PM, 12 JAN 04 Description Scope: Page 2 ` 1 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct-2002General i - Timber Beam (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software . cAec55Vot52.ecw:Calculations Description R42 i Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 1.73 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in - Young Engineering Services EAF 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 November 3, 2003 12:05 PM BENT STEEL BEAM.R2D S Lae �aLC 2. u ,_, Young Engineering Services EAF -7 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 k4P 9 : November 3, 2003 12:05 PM BENT STEEL BEAM.R2D Company Young Engineering Services November 3, 2003 Designer EAF 12:04 PM Job Number 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 Checked By: Envelope Member ASD AISI 99 Code Checks Label Code Chk Loc Shear Chk Loc ASD Eqn. Message No Data to Print... Envelope Member ASD AISI 99 Code Details Label Pn Tn Mn Cb Cm Lc (k) (k) (k -ft) Envelope Alternate Shapes Section Member Suggested Alternate Shapes Set Label Replacement 1 st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Redesign Not Performed...----- Basic Load Case Data BLC No. Basic Load Case Category Category Gravity Load Type Totals Description Code Description_ _.__.x y Joint Point Direct Dist. Dead Load Lr. 'RLL Roof Live Load 3 L LL Live Load 7-77j F1 Pnrthrij mk-a I 5 W WL Wind Load _Sno_W'Load' 6 S SL Boundary Conditions Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation (k/ii (k/in) (k7fUrad).__ N 1 Reaction .. ... ., . .. Reaction e;a_ctio'n u N4 '- T,—I I I.=— . ..' N2 N3 N5 Reaction Reaction Rpnrtinn Steel Design / NDS Parameters Member Section Length Lb out Lb in L -comp -Acceleration of Gravity Cb Sway Label Set le out le in lebendK out K in CH Cm B out in R — ; __ - P)— ft) ft) Mi C15L, 1 1 .66 0. M2 15.286 T 07.- M3 BEAM 15.286 0. M4 COL1 T­F�­Tb­ Dvnamics Input -Number of Modes 3 7 Load Combination -Acceleration of Gravity 32.2 c,12) iConvergence Tolerance -0.001 Converge Work Vectors No RSA/Frequencies Response Spectra/Frequency _Results .'Available. .._____ RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C. -\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENT PffgFeE1_ BEAl\ -10 Company Young Engineering Services November 3, 2003 Designer EAF 12:04 PM Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 Checked By: Materials (General Material Label Young's Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson's Thermal Coef. Weight Density Yield Stress —._-- _ — (ksi) __ _-- -- _ (ksi). _ Ratio (pe( 10^5 F)(k/ft^3) (ksi) - -- _ STL 29000 _ 11154 .3 _ _.65 _ 49 _ _ _ 50 Global Steel Code_ ASD: AISC 9th, AIS_I 99 'Allowable Stress Increase Factor (ASIF) 1.250 ;Include Shear Deformation No_ _ No. of Sections for Member Calcs 5 ! !Redesign Sections No I P -Delta Analysis Tolerance 0.50% Joint Coordinates Joint Label X Coordinate Y Coordinate Joint Temperature ---(ft) --(ft) — (F) N1 0 -1.5 0 N2... 16.16 0 N314.5 21- 0 N4 ... a 29 I. :- 16.16 p. N5 29 13 0 j Envelope Joint Displacements Joint Label X Translate Y Translate Rotate --(in) _Lc (in) Lc (radiate Lc N1 max 0.000 24 • 0.000 24_ 5.491 a-3 10_: _- ----�--- i.. ... min ; 0:000 10 ! 0.000 ` i 10 2 795e-3 24 I N2__ max -.231 002 24 -2.326e-3 24 _24 F I min: j--.453 !.167,— 005 1.0 '-4.569e-3T1 0 N3 max -.137_ 24 : -.284 24 3.59e-5 10 , `r — -minim- 269 -' 101-- 558 i 10 1.827e=5:24 N4 max -.042 24. 0 24 4._492e_-3 . 10_: r min ,. -.083 10 , 0 ' . 10 2.287e=3 24 1 N5 max: 0.000 10 0.000 24 0 10 I I min I 0.000 � 240:000 � �_. � 10 ° T 0' � 24� Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Category: DL, BLC 1 : D Joint Label [L]oad,[M]ass,or, Direction Magnitude [Djisplacement Ck, k -ft, in, rad, k* / fq___1 __N3 -- L -- Y---- -- -8.414 --- Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Category: RLL BLC 2 • Lr Joint Label [L]oad,[M]ass,or, Direction Magnitude _[D]isplac-ement rad , s^2/ftp — (k_k_t in, k' N3------ -- -- –Y -- --2.61-- Envelope Reactions Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment N 1 max 351 10 5.44 10 0.000 10 min --.179--- 24 _ 2.769 T 24 0.000_---10� _ N5 max. _.179 24 5.58410 -3.653 24 _ – min -.351 10 2.843 :_24_____-T 24 -7.176 10 I Reaction Totals: max 0.000 11 11.024 1 10 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENT�Tfa BEAD -I0 Company Young Engineering Services Designer EAF Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 November 3, 2003 12:04 PM Checked By: Envelope Reactions, (continued) Joint Label X Force k) Lc min 1 0.000 1 10 1 Load Combinations Y Force k 5.612 124 Moment Lc (k -ft) Lc 1 Num Description Env WS PD SRSS CD . 1. _. _. D( BASIC) _ BLC Factor BLC- _ Factor _ BLC Factor _ BLC _ Factor 2 :Lr ROOF LIVE BASIC i .1 2 1 _L (FLOOR LIVE BASIC) 4 iE/1.4 (BASIC ELASTIC EQ... 1 4 1 i 5 E (USED FOR CHECKING... _ — 1 — 4 _� 1.4 6 IEm=OMEGA Em=2.8E (US..'! 1 4 3.92 I j 7 -W (WIND FOR CHECKING... 1 5 1 8 1 I 1 —9 ENVELOPE THE FOLLOW... 1 i 10 D+L+Lr 12-12 !_ 1 1 1 2 1 I 3 1 11 D+L+S-(12-1 ) y 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 12 i D+L+W 12-13 ! 1 1 i 1 3 1 5 1 i 13 D+L-X12=13)y y 1 1 1 3 1 5 -1 14 D+L+E/1.4 12-13 j y y 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1' 15 D+L-E/1.4_Ll2-13) y y 1 1 1 3 1 4 -1 16 D+L+W+S/2 12-14 ' 1 1 j 1 3 1 5 1 6 .5 I i I 17 D+L-W+S/2 X12-14)___y_Y_ 1 3 _ 1 _ 5 -1— —_6-- —.5 18 D+L+S+W/2 12-15 i , 1 1 1 3 1 5 .5 6 1 19_ _D+L+S-W/2 (12_15)_ -.5 6 1 20 D+L+S+E/1.4 12-16 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 __21 __ _D+L+S-E/1.4 (12:16 y`y1 _ 1 1 3 1 4 -1 6 1 22 .9D+E/1.4 (12-16-1 EQ ST... y y .9 4 1 -2.3—.9D-E/1-.4.02-1.6-1 EQ STA_..–y _y —_ — 1 .9 4 24 .667D+W (CBC 1621.1 WI...: y y 1 .667 5 1 25 .667D -W (CBC 1621.1 WIN_.. y y __— 1 1 .667 5 -1 26 1 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENTFB�TgFea BEAT Company Young Engineering Services Designer EAF Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 November 3, 2003 12:04 PM Checked By: Load Combinations (continued) Num Description Env WS PD SRSS 27 ENVELOPE THE FOLLOW... CD - 1 BLC Factor BLC _ Factor BLC ---- Factor BLC Factor - 28 ID+.7L+2.8E (CBC 2213.5.1.. 1 1 1 3 7 4 3.92 29 D+.7L-2.8E (CBC 2213.5.1__--- - --_-- 1 1 -- 1 3 - -- .7 4 -3.92 30 .85D+2.8E CBC 2213.5.1 C.., I 1 1 85 4 3.92 i SL .2 SLN ! .7 31 _85D -2.8E (CBC 2213_5.1 C._ _- --_ 1 - 1 :85 4 -3.92 1.2 .2 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENTFff�Ra BEAN i • _ 33 ENVELOPE THE FOLLOW... 1 34 iUBC 12-5 (a) -GRADE BEAMi 1 1 DL ! 1.2 EL i 1.4 ! LL 1 .5 LLS 1 SL .2 SLN ! .7 _35 ---- ,UBC 12-5 (b) GRADE BEAM -- - - -- 1 - DL SL 1.2 .2 EL SLN -1.4 .7 ------ LL .5 - ------ LLS 1 - --- 36 ;UBC. 12-6 (a) GRADE BEAMi j I 1 DL .9 EL i 1.4 1 t 1 37 UBC 12-6 (b) GRADE BEAM. 1 DL .9 EL -1.4 j 38 ACI 9-1 (a) GRADE BEAM j k i 1 DL 1.4 LL 1.7 1. i I 1 _ 39 • ACI 9_2 (a) GRADE BEAM 1 DL 1.05 LL 1.275 WL 1.275 _ ' 40 ACI 9-2 (b) GRADE BEAM i . , i. I 1 DL i 1.05 WL i. 1.2751 I i I I 41 :ACI 9-3 GRADE BEAM, 1 DL .9 WL 1.3 _. 42 1 ACI 9-2 (a) GRADE BEAM ; i 1 DL 1 1.05 LL 1 1.275 ' WL :-1.27511: ' I I .1 43 ACI 9-2 (b) GRADE BEAM 1 DL 1.05 WL •-1.275: 44 ;ACI 9-3 GRADE BEAM i 77 1 1 DL .9 WL 1.3 45 - 1 46 !ENVELOPE THE FOLLOW..! I I 1 47 OR FOR DESIGNING FRA... 1 48 11.2D+.5L+.2S+.4RE (CBC ... i i 1 1 1.2 3 i .5 I 6 .2 4 2.52 -49 1.21)+.51 -+.2S -A ( CBC ... _- _ 1 _ 1 _ _-1.2_- 3 .5 6 .2 4 -2.52 50 '1.2D+L+.2S+.4RE (CBC 22.., 1 1 1.2 3 i 1 6 2 4 2.52 i 51 1.2D+L+_2S _.4RE CBC 221_.._ 1 - - 1 1.2 - - 3 - - --- 1 ----._ 6 - - .2-- - -4 --- -2.52 - 52 .9D+.4RE (CBC 2214 7.2a (..: 1 1 .9 4 2.52 • � i _53.9D -ARE (CBC 2214 7.2a (... _- 1-- _- -,g - 4- - -2.52 54 UBC 12-1 1 DL 1.4 I 55_ _i UBC 12-2 (a� _ - _ 1 _ __ DL -- 1.2___ LL ___ 1.6 LLS 1.6 RLL .5 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENTFff�Ra BEAN ' Company Young Engineering Services Designer EAF Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 November 3, 2003 12:04 PM Checked By: Load Combinations (continued) Num 56 - Description _ - Env WS PD SRSS-, UBC 12-2 b CD- 1 BLC DL Factor 1.2 _ BLC LL Factor 1.6 _ BLC ! LLS* Factor 1.6 _ BLC SL Factor 5 SLN .5 57 UBC 12-2 (c) _ _ 1 DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 58 UBC 12-3 a i 1 DL 1.2 RLL + 1.6 LL .5 LLS 1 5.9 UBC 12-3_LbL------= 1-- DL-- . _�_�-..__RLL . 1.6 ----WL - .8 60 UBC 12-3 c 1 DL 1.2 RLL 1.6 WL -.8 _61_ U_BC_12-3 (d, - - 1 DL LLS 1.2 1 -- SL --- 1.6 SLN ---- 1.6 - - - LL - --- --. .5 62 i UBC 12-3 e i 1 i. 1 DL 1.2 SL i 1.6 SLN 1.6 ! WL .8 63 UBC 12-3 (D 1 -_DL 1.2 _ SL 1.6 _1.6 SLN_ 1.6-- WL -.8_ 64 UBC 12-3 j 1 DL 1.2 RLL ! 1:6 i _ I _65 UBC 12-3 (h) 1 DL 1.2 SL 1.6 SLN 1.6 _ 66 I'L UBC 1'2-4 a G ! 1 DL 1.2WL 1 1.3 1 LL 5 i LLS 1 RLL i. .5 i I I. ! 67 UBC 124 (b) i - 1 _ DL RLL _-1.2 .5 WL -1.3 LL --- .5 LLS ---- 1 - i 68 UBC 12-4 (c)': 1 DL ' 1.2 ! WL i 1.3" LL .5 .. LLS 1 SL .5 SLN .5 I t 69 UBC 124 (d) ! 1 DL 1.2 -1.3 LL_ .5 LLS 1 SL .5 _WL SLN .5 ; _ _ 4 70 i UBC 12-4 e ; i 11 DL t 1.2. WL 1:3 i LL 5 LLS 1 71 UBC 12-4.(f).. 1 DL 1.2_ WL -1.3 LL .5 LLS 1 1 72 ! UBC 12-4 . I I 1 DL 1.2 WL -1.3 1: RLL .5 1 ! ! 73 UBC 12-4 (h) 1 DL 1.2 WL -1.3 RLL .5 i 74 1 UBC 12-4 i. r k i 1 DL 1.2 WL ! 1.3 1 SL 5 I SLN 5 75 - UBC 124-0 1 DL 1.2 WL -1.3 SL 5 SLN 5 76 i UBC 12-5 (a). i 1 DL 1.2 EL 1.4 i LL .5 1 LLS 1 SL .2 SLN 1 .7 1 77 - UBC 12-5 (b) _ ------- 1 _ DL_ SL 1.2 ---2 EL SLN-- -1.4 ----- LL ----------- .5 LLS 1 78 i UBC 12-5 c 1 DL 1.2 EL 1.4 LL .5 LLS 1 _79 UBC 12-5_L)- 1 _ _ DL- 1.2 EL _1.4 - LL _ _5_ LLS 1 80 UBC 12-5 (e)1 DL 1.2 EL 1.4 SL ! .2 SLN .7 81 --_UBCJ1 -5 U 1 _ DL_ _ 1.2 - _ EL -1.4 SL _- .2 _ SLN _ - .7 _ 82 UBC 12-5 1 DL 1.2 EL 1.4 83 UBC 12-5-(b)__ _ 1 _ DL - 1.2_-- 84 ' UBC 12-6 a 1 DL .9 EL 1.4 ! RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENT iRJT�Fba BEAI -T-A ' Company Young Engineering Services Shape November 3, 2003 Designer EAF Length Weight 12:04 PM Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 Checked By: Load Combinations (continued) _Num_ - Description _._ Env_ WS PD SRSS CD_ BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor _ 85 UBC 12-6 (b)-- ---- _-- ...._1_- .. DL .9 . _.. EL 1.4 86 1 UBC 12-6 (c)1 DL 9 WL 1.3 I i STL Totals: X87 UBC_12-6 (d)--- -- ----- 1 DL .9 WL� -1.3 3.287 Material Takeoff Material Shape Length Weight STL --- --- -_ W1OX88 30.5732.694 - TU5X5X8 T ---i _ . -- 20.82 STL Totals: ___- 51.393 3.287 _ Envelope Member Deflections Member Label Section x -Translate Lc y -Translate Lc (n) Uy Ratio Lc _ (in)____ _ I M1 1 ;_max. 10. 0 _ 10 -NC i min ' _0 0 10: 0 10 NC _ 2 max. 0 24 : .28 10_1272.417 10� min I -.001 10 .142 24 2499.426 24 3 max : -.0_01 24 . .493 10 10 min -.002 10 ' .251 _795.26 24 1562.141 24 4 :_max -.002 24 : .573 10_ 10 min -.004 10, .292 _9_08.869 24 1785.304 24 ; 5 max: -.00_2_ 24 : .453 10 NC min ' -.005 10 ' .231 _ 24 NC M2':::,.1:`:, . max 1. -.219 : 24 ; 139 ± 10 NC _.:. min. ' ....-.431' i 1&]: .071 ! 24:1 NC I ° 2 maxi :. -.221, ! 24 1 : -:036 i' 24 1:5677.1947 '24: min-`-'' -.431: 10'1 -:07 110. 2890.167` 10' 1 max -.22 24 i . -.132. i 24 13412:549-: 24-1 ;min... -.431 1 10.1 -.258 1 10 1.737.273 ' 10 I 4 , max.1 -.22" 124 ; -.2 _ i 24 3796.352 : 24 min i -.432 1 10 1 -.394' . ;.10'' 1932.661, 10 5 max i, -.22 , 241-.226 ! 24 1 NC 'min -.432 10 i, -.445 ! 10'' NC i M3 1 max, .079 10 .027 10 NC min .04 24 .014 24 NC 2 max: .07810 .235 10 3032.532. 10 min .04 24 .119 24 5956.844 24 3 max __078 10.42.3_ 10. 1795.168_10 min .04 24 .215 24 3526.273 24 4 max. .078_- 10 .561 10 1976.992 10J min .04 24 _ .285 24 3883.432- 24 5 max .078 .615_ 10 NC min .04 _10 24- .313 24 NC _ F M4 1 max' 0 10 ; -.042 24 895.936 24 ' min : 0 24 -.083 10 ! 456.106 10 2 max 0 10, -.024 24 1612.516 24 j i min 0 24 -.046 10 820.906 10 3 max, 0 10 ' -.01 24 3673.692 24 ! min 0 24, -.02 10 1870.217 10 4 max 0 10 ! -.003 24 NC min 0 24 -.005 10 7575.941 10 I 5 max 0 10 0 10 NC i min _ 0 10 0 10 NC RISA -21D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENT PMFEa BEAN �1� Company Young Engineering Services November 3, 2003 Designer EAF 12:04 PM Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 Checked By: Envelope Member Section Forces Member Label Section Axial Lc Shear Lc Moment Lc - _..---... --- (k) -- -- _... (k) -- - --- (k)_____ 1 max 5.44 10 -.179 24 0 10 min 2.769 24 -.351 10 0 10 max._. 5.44---. 10__. -.179-1.1- 24___ 1.549_ 10 min 2.769 24 -.351 10 .788 24 3 max 5.44.­ 10 -.179__ 3.097---. 10_ min 2.769 _ 24 -.351 10 _24_ 1.577 24 4_ max 5.44 10 -.179 24 4.646 10 min 2.769 24 -.351 10 2.365 24 5_ max . 5.44 10 -.179 24 6.195_ 10 min 2.769 _ 24 -.351 _ 10 3.154 24� M2 ! � 1 max, 2.055 ; 10 5.049 10 6.195 10J min ; 1.046 ; 24 1 2.57 24 ' 3.154 24 � i 2 max! 2.055 10 ; 5.049 10 ; -6.669 241 I min ! 1.046 1 24 1 2.57 24 i -13.101 10 1 3: max , 2.055:. ? 1'0 ! '5.049 1.0 ; -16.492 24: min . 1.046' 24'! 2.57 ! 24 1 -32.396 10 I 4 ; max ? 2.055 i 10`1 5.049 10 : -26.315 . 24' min ; 1.046 ' 24;1 2.57 ; 24 -51.691 10 ` 5 max 2.055' ! 10:. 5.049 10.1 -36:138 < 24 min : 1.046 ''- 24 1 2.57 7 24 ' -70.987 10` M3 1 max, 2.101 10 ; -2.64 24 -4.217 241 min ' 1.069. 24 -5.186 10 -8.284 10 2 max: 2.101 10 -2.64 _ 24 : 11.534 10 min 1.069 24 -5.186 10 5.872 24 _3 max. 2.101 10 -2.6.4 24 10 ". min ; 1.069 24 i -5.186 _3_1.351 10 15.96 24 l 4 max 2.101 10 . -2.64 24i 51.169 10 min 1.069 24 -5.186 10 26.049 24 5 max, 2.10110 _-2.64 24 70.987 10 ! min : 1.069_ 24 -5.186 10 36.138 241 i max:j. 5.584• .1 101 .351. .:.10 i 8.284 10. min 1. 2843. 24:i 1 7197L 1 24.i 4.217 24° L 2 max, 5:584,: 110',j .351 i 10 i :8:007 1.0. !.;:m in:: 2.843: 24'I .179- 124 1 4.076 24 3 .; max I 5.584 10 i ..351 1 10,1 7.73 10` 2:843 ; 24 1 .179 . ' 24 3.935 24- 4 i max 5.584 10 i. .351 ; 10 1 7.453 10:' min ; 2.843 1 24 1 .179 -1.351 24 i 3.794 24 5 maxi 5.584` 10 10 ; 7.176 10 I ' min 1 2.843 ; 24 ! .179 24 1 3.653 24 Envelope Member Stresses Member Label Section Axial Shear Bending top Bending bot (ksi) _ _Lc . _(ksi) Lc _(ksi) Lc M1 1 max _ .651 10 _-.043 10 _(ksi)-_Lc 0 10_! min .331 _2_4 24 -.084 10- _0 0 10___ '0 10 2 max :651 _ 10 ;.043 24 -.876 24 1.721 10 min .331 24 -.084 10 _ -1.721 10 .876 24 3 max _ .651 _ 10 -.043 24 -1.752 24 3.44_1 10 min .331 24 X084 10 -3.441 10 1.752 24 4 max_ .651 10 -.043 2_4 -2.628 24 5.162 10 min .331 _ 24 -.084 10 _ -5.162 10 2.628 24 _5 ^ max `.331 .651 _ 10 _-.043 24 -3.504 10 _ min 24 -_ 084 10 _24 _6.883 -6.883 10 3.504 24 M2 1 max .079 10 .924 10 ; -.384 24: .754 i 10 min .04 - 24 .47 24! -.754 10; .384 :24 RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENT FRItvL BEAD ' Company Designer Job Number Young Engineering Services EAF : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 ! 1'0 I November 3, 2003 12:04 PM Checked By: Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) 1 " min ! .34 241' ;043`,. 124.1 -8.28:1 110 1 Member Label Section Axial 110 1 Shear Bending top Bending bot 7.973:- 1 10 min , .34 ___(ksi) _ Lc 4':059 l 24 Lc (ksi) Lc(ksi) _ Lc, Envelope Plate Corner Forces 2� max 079 10 _(ksi) 924 10 1.596 10 ; -.812 24' Envelope Plate/Shell Forces min .04 24. .47 .24 .812 24 -1.596 i 10 ! 3 max .079 10 .924 10 3.946 10 -2.009 241 min .04 241 .47 24 2.009 24 _-_3_.9_46___10 4 max, .079 10 .924 10 6.296 10 -3.205 • 24 i min , .04 24 .47 24 3.205 24, -6.296 ' 10 5 max, .079 - 10 ; .924 1 10; 8.646 10 -4.402 :24 i min ` .04 24 .47 :24: 4.402 24 -8.646 ' 10 i M_3 1 _ max .081 10 -.483 24 1.009__ 10 min _ 041 24 -.949 10 .514 24 _-.514__._24_ -1.009 10 2 max .081 10 -.483 24 _ -.715 24 _1.405 10 min 041 24 -.949 10 -1.405 10: .715 24 _ 3i max .081_10 -.483_24 24 3.819_ 10 ; min 041 24 .949 _-1.944_ 10 -3.819 10_ 1.944 24 4 - ' max .081 _ 10_-.483 _ 24 -3.173_ 24 6.232 10_: min . .041 24 -.949 10 -6.232 10 3.173 24 5 : max .081 10 _-.483_24 -4.40224_8.6_46_ 10 min . .041 24 -.949 10 ' -8.646 10 4.402 24 I M4 i 1 i max ; .668 1 10.1 .084 10: -4.686 i 24 1 9.205 i 10 l !min 34 ! 24•1 .043 24 ! - 4.686. 124, i 2 I max 1. .668 1:10 1 .084 .110 1. -4.529 124 1 8.897 11& min. Y .34 124:1., .043. 1241 -8.897` 1;0-i 4.529 1.24 I 3 I max I -1m .668 ' 10! .084 ' 10 i -4.372 124 1 8.589 s 10: G . in ( .34 i.24( .043. 124 i -8.589 t 10:! 4.372 ! 24 r 4 1 maxi . .tjtjti ! 1'0 I .084 ; 10 f -4.216 1 24 1 8.281 ' 10 1 " min ! .34 241' ;043`,. 124.1 -8.28:1 110 1 4.216. .5 ! max ; .668: 110 1 084 10-i -4.059 i 24 1: 7.973:- 1 10 min , .34 ! 241 .043 24 -7.973 i 10" 4':059 l 24 Member Data Shape / Material Phys End Releases End Offsets Inactive Member Label I Joint J Joint Rotate Section Set Memb I -End J -End I -End J -End Code Length (de reesZ_.. Set TOM AVM AVM (in) (in) (N i M1 N1___ N2 COL1 STL Y i ! i . 17.66 M2 t N2 N3 'BEAM'- -STL ` ' Y`- I. --- X15 286 M3 N4 N3 BEAM STL : Y I I , 15.286 _ M4 1 N4 N5-�- -T-COL1 _ -S I -STL YT 3.16 Mode Shapes Joint Label _ _ X Translation_ Y Translation_ Rotation - _No Mode Shape Results Available..___ _ Envelope Plate Corner Forces Plate Joint X Force Y Force No Data to Print.. Envelope Plate/Shell Forces Plate Label Fx Lc Fy Lc Fxy Lc ---(k/ft)------ No Data to Print... RISA -2D Version 5.5 [C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENTiMqFEa BEA Company :. Young Engineering Services November 3, 2003 , Designer EAF 12:04 PM Job Number : 03-1432-01 BENT STEEL BEAM R14 Checked By: Envelope Plate/Shell Principal Stresses Plate Label Sigma1 Sigma2 Tau Maxr Angle Von Mises . Lc (ksi_Lc (radians) - Lc __(ksi Lc No Data to Print... Plate/Shell Elements Plate Label A Joint B Joint C Joint D Joint Material Set Thickness Stress Location Inactive? -- 1 Redesign Criteria Section Set Max Depth Min Depth Max Width Min Width Max Code Check Min Code Check No Data to Print . Sections Section Database Material Area SA SA 1(90,270) 1(0,180) T/C Label Shape_ Label (in) 2 (0,180) (90,270) (ink (in ^4) Only COLI TU5_X5X8 ! STL 8:36 12 12 1 27 1 27- BEAIUt ?.= STL. :25 9 �: ; -1 2.�; 1 2 �� 179 .:�; , E 534',tyrs<-xli 1 Envelope Member A/SC ASD 9th Code Checks Member Label Code Chk Loc Shear Chk Loc ASD Eqn. Message (ft) • Lc ft Lc r M 1 1 .251 1 17.66 1 10 1 .004 0 10 i H1-2 ! f +._.:..M2 = c .: :291, ,N;; :1'5286 I =10, 'x,046 �0'.� � '1,0 EH1 I� M3 291 i 15.286 10 047 0 10 H1-2 0.::-4 ti1 Envelope Member A/SC ASD 9th Code Details r Member Label' Lc Fa Ft FbI Cb Cm. (ksi (ksi) (ksi) M1 10 ' 10.739 I 30 ; 30 1 1 1 .6 f W: .6 "^;z 1:0 I`:> 20:9798 ` 30: ,•,} ;: '��30''., ;" ." . M310 2_0979 1 30 I 30 i 1 I .6 Envelope Drift Report Story -X Direction Number Joint Label Drift Lc % of Ht. (in !-- No Stories Defined... I , RISA -2D Version 5.5 (C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\(Ross Lot52)03-1432-01\Calcs\BENTi gia BEAM. v Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 ' Dsgnr: EAF Date: 11:01AM, 12 NOV 03 Description Scope User:KW06°1715• Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Steel Column Base Plate LIc11983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software c:\ECS5Vot52.ecw:CMculations .Description BASE PLATE FOR BENT STEEL BEAM General information � Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Loads Steel Section TS5x5x1/2 Axial Load 6.00 k Section Length 5.000 in X -X Axis Moment 0.00 k -ft Section Width 5.000 inFlange Thickness 0.500 in Plate Dimensions Web Thickness 0.500 in Plate Length 12.000 in Allowable Stresses Plate Width 12.000 in Concrete f 3,000.0 psi Plate Thickness 0.750 in Base Plate Fy 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Support Pier Size Pier Length 36.000 in Anchor Bolt Data Pier Width 36.000 in . Dist. from Plate Edge 2.000 in Bolt Count per Side _ 2 Tension Capacity 8.840 k Bolt Area 0.442 int SUM Mal)/ Baseplate OK Concrete Bearing Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual Bearing Stress 41.7 psi Allow per ACI318-95, A3.1 Full Bearing : No Bolt Tension = 0.3' ft * Sgrt(A2/A1)LDF 2,394.0 psi Allow per AISC J9 2,793.0 psi Plate Bending Stress Thickness OK Actual fb 2,673.4 psi Max Allow Plate Fb 35,910.0 psi Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 0.000 k Allowable 8.840 k e M YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760_) 36_0_-5770 Rev: 510300 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.1.3. 22•Jun•1999. Win32 IW 198399 ENERCALC Description F3 PAF_F NG Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope: Square Footing Design Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 10:22AM, 4 NOV 03 Page 1 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load 12.000 k Footing Dimension 3.000 ft Live Load 0.000 k Thickness 12.00 in ShortTerm Load 0.000 k # of Bars 4 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 5 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf fc 2,500.0 psi LL & ST Loads Combine Fy 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Column Dimension 0.00 in Allowable Soil Bearing 1,500.00 psf Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 8.438 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.142 in2 200/Fy 0.0033 Total As Req'd 0.425 in2 As Req'd by Analysis 0.0006 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0014% 3.00ft square x 12.Oin thick with 4- #5 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure 1,478.33 psf Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,500.00 psf Footing OK Vu: Actual One -Way 16.29 psi Vn*Phi : Allow One -Way 85.00 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,478.33 psf Vu : Actual Two -Way Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 1,995.00 psf Vn*Phi : Allow Two -Way Alternate Rebar Selections... Mu :Actual 2.33 k -ft 3 # 4's 2 # 5's Mn * Phi : Capacity -14.79 k -ft 1 # 7's 1 # 8's q0 61.82 psi 170.00 psi 1 # 6's 1 # 9's 1 # 10's YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: EAF Date: 10:22AM, 4 NOV 03 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Description PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Scope _ (760) 360-5_7.70_ Rev: 510300 V User: KW0601715, Ver 5.1.3. 22 -Jun -1999, Win32 Square Footing Design - Page 1 1[11983.99 ENERCALC Description . F4 PAD FOOTING General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements F Dead Load 21.500 k Footing Dimension 4.000 ft Live Load 0.000 k Thickness 12.00 in ShortTerm Load 0.000 k # of Bars 4 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 5 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf fc 2,500.0 psi LL & ST Loads Combine Mu :Actual Fy 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor_ 1.330 11.26 k -ft 3 # 4's 2 # 5's Column Dimension 0.00 in Allowable Soil Bearing 1,500.00 psf Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 8.438 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.148 in2 200/Fy 0.0033 Total As Req'd 0.593 in2 As Req'd by Analysis 0.0011 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0015 % Summary Footing OK 4.00ft square x 12.Oin thick with 4- #5 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure 1,488.75 psf Vu : Actual One -Way 26.70 psi Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,500.00 psf Vn*Phi : Allow One -Way 85.00 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,488.75 psf Vu: Actual Two -Way 113.49 psi Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 1',995.00 psf Vn*Phi : Allow Two -Way 170.00 psi Mu :Actual 4.17 k -ft Alternate Rebar Selections... Mn *Phi :Capacity 11.26 k -ft 3 # 4's 2 # 5's 2 # 6's 1 # 7's 1 # 8's 1 # 9's 1 # 10's g` YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: EAF Date: 10:22AM, 4 NOV 03 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Description PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Scope (7_60) 360-5770 `Rev: 510300 User:KW.0601715.Ver6.1.3,22-Jun-1999,Win32 Square Footing Design Page 1 [tl 1963_99 ENERCALC ___ rIC\eS�LOt:SZ QCW'calcUlat Ons Description F5 PAD FOOTING General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load 31.500 k Footing Dimension 5.000 ft Live Load 0.000 k Thickness 12.00 in Short Term Load 0.000 k # of Bars 5 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 5 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00_ pcf fc 2,500.0 psi LL & ST Loads Combine Fy 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Column Dimension 0.00 in Allowable Soil Bearing 1,500.00 psf 'Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar' d" depth used 8.438 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.220 int 200/Fy 0.0033 Total As Req'd 1.102 int As Req'd by Analysis 0.0016 int Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0022 % 5.00ft square x 12.Oin thick with 5- #5 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu :Actual Mn * Phi: Capacity Footing OK 1,405.00 psf Vu: Actual One -Way 34.91 psi 1,500.00 psf Vn*Phi Allow One -Way 85.00 psi 1,405.00 psf Vu: Actual Two -Way 1,995.00 psf Vn*Phi : Allow Two -Way Alternate Rebar Selections... 6.15 k -ft 6 # 4's 4 # 5's 11.26 k -ft 2 # 7's 2 # 8's 169.27 psi 170.00 psi 3 # 6's 2 # 9's 1 # 10's . YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 .lob # 03-1432-01 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: EAF Date: 10:22AM, 4 NOV 03 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Description 0.000 k PALM DESERT, CA 92211 18.00 in Short Term Load 0.000 k Scope: 5 (760) 360-5770 4 Bar Size Rev: 510300 (d198.99 EN715•Ver 5.1.3, 22 Jun•1999, Win32 IU 198399 ENERCALC Square Footing Design — Page 1 Rebar Cover 3.250 e[IC\2_C�Ot:_52:e W'Ca�CU-tatI0Il5 Description F6 PAD FOOTING fc 2,500.0 psi General Information 1,467.50 psf Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load 45.000 k Footing Dimension 6.000 ft Live Load 0.000 k Thickness 18.00 in Short Term Load 0.000 k # of Bars 5 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 5 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf fc 2,500.0 psi LL & ST Loads Combine Fy 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Column Dimension 0.00 in Allowable Soil Bearing 1,500.00 psf Reinforcing N Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 14.438 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.243 in2 200/Fy 0.0033 Total As Req'd 1.455 in2 As Req'd by Analysis 0.0008 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0014 % Footing OK 6.00ft square x 18.Oin thick with 5- #5 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure 1,467.50 psf Vu: Actual One -Way 21.31 psi Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,500.00 psf Vn"Phi : Allow One -Way 85.00 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,467.50 psf Vu: Actual Two -Way 85.14 psi Allow Short'Term Soil Pressure 1,995.00 psf Vn'Phi : Allow Two -Way 170.00 psi Mu :Actual 9.25 k -ft Alternate Rebar Selections... Mn 'Phi :Capacity 16.43 k -ft g # 4's 5 # 5's 4 # 6's 3 # 7's 2 # 8's 2 # 9's 2 # 10's 22-, .7 Active Fault Near -Source. Zones 0-34 This map is intended to be used in conjunction with the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Tables 16-S and 16-T Q-34 California Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology LEGEND See expanded legend and index map Shaded zones are within 2 km of known seismic sources. A fault B fault Contours of closest horizontal distance to known seismic sources. ----------------- 5 RM ........................... 10 km - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 km 5 10 Kilometers 1/4" is approximately equal to 1 km August, 1997 Iy BScRIg-T S - gt-\SM.( 5` bl3i:K -r J CCi;'IZ'QNIN4; �y:43g'f co . f W„toISopf. -7 W.1=2otp{ -sn u5' 903P { "IJ=17e�,f � w vJy � �•3p•f iqj W f � D' �4' f zsi6 j J16- ^i - - oil o r' • . — jI U �I s XI ko-5�96 _...-....-,. — w t I 4 ^q lY - 3 -. _...'.. .�.._ ...... w _ .__.. _- .. S C C _ r 7 M. FOD `t w,J r31Spf . �blV3,llh�7, JS_��6e,fWSe,S� 63) . 4 572 i3 I jlgw^I:ISI i16v1� Ij? 1_7 tl J c 2ilp T JJ '' Ws0 LI C71310 "i� o.l j1PI ZJ !11.wd.2o1',yri.��139 ; Young Engineering Services • 77804 WILDCAT DR. PALM DESERT, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By 11/4/2003 DEFINITIONS & FORMULAS FOR DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATION SHEETS: LEVEL= LEVEL UNDER CONSIDERATION DL (a)= DEAD LOAD OF ROOF/FLOOR FOR LOAD TYPE (a) DL (b)= DEAD LOAD OF ROOF/FLOOR FOR LOAD TYPE (b) DL EXTERIOR WALL= DEAD LOAD OF EXTERIOR WALL DL PARTITION WALL= DEAD LOAD OF PARTITION WALL BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT= COEFF. FROM CBC EQ. 30.4 THRU 30.7 OR 30.11 AS APPLICABLE SEISMIC COEFFICIENT= RHO X BASE SHEAR COEFF/1.4 FOR WORKING STRESS DESIGN (RHO)= REDUNDANCY FACTOR STORY %F= PERCENTAGE OF STORY FORCE DISTRIBUTED TO THIS LEVEL SEISMIC COEFF.X %F= RHO X BASE SHEAR/1.4 X %F /100 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR= TOGGLE Y/N IF SIMPLIFIED METHOD IS USED NOTE THAT IF USED %F=100 R=VALUE FRONT TABLE 16-N - WIND PRESSURE =' WIND VALUE APPLIED TO STRUCTURE FOR WIND CASE LINE= LINE OF RESISTANCE TO SEISMIC OR WIND LOADS JOINT= SUPPORT TYPE AT LINE OF RESISTANCE. Y INDICATES PINNED SUPPORT VALUES FROM LEFT AND RIGHT ADD C INDICATES CANTILEVERED ALL SHEAR GOES TO THIS SUPPORT WITH FAR END SHEAR 0 N INDICATES INTERNAL PIN AT SUPPORT VALUES DO NOT ADD TO LEFT OR RIGHT OFLINE L/W = DIAPHRAGM LENGTH DIVIDED BY WIDTH FOR CHECKING L/W<4.0 Hd= HEIGHT OF DIAPHRAGM BETWEEN LINES Hr =HEIGHT OF ROOF ABOVE Hd BETWEEN LINES Lr (a)= LENGTH OF ROOF FOR ROOF LOAD TYPE (a) IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP Lr (b)= LENGTH OF ROOF FOR ROOF LOAD TYPE (b) IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP No. ext. =NUMBER OF EXTERIOR WALL IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP No. ext. = NUMBER OF INTERIOR WALL IN THIS DIAPHRAGM STRIP H ext. =HEIGHT OF EXTERIOR WALLS H Int. = HEIGHT OF EXTERIOR WALLS L= LENGTH OF DIAPHRAGM BETWEEN LINES OF RESISTANCE Ldr=LENGTH OF DIAPHRAGM JUST RIGHT OF LINE OF RESISTANCE Ldi=LENGTH OF DIAPHRAGM JUST LEFT OF LINE OF RESISTANCE Ps=WEIGHT OF SEISMIC POINT LOAD IN DIAPHRAGM - WEIGHT IS MULTIPLIED BY SEISMIC COEFFICIENT X %F X= LOCATION OF SEISMIC POINT LOAD IN DIAPHRAGM FROM LEFT LINE OF RESISTANE Was= ADDITIONAL WEIGHT TO BE ADDED TO DIAPHRAGM SEISMIC STRIP LOAD FOR VENEER ETC. WEIGHT IS MULTIPLIED BY SEISMIC COEFF. X %F Ws= SEISMIC STRIP LOAD WW= WIND STRIP LOAD vrw= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO WIND=Vrw/Ldr vlw= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO WIND=Viw/Ldl vrs= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC=Vrs/Ldr VIS= DIAPHRAGM UNIT SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC=VIS/Ldl Vrw= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO WIND i VIw= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO WIND Vrs= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR RIGHT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC VIS= DIAPHRAGM TOTAL SHEAR LEFT OF LINE DUE TO SEISMIC Vw= TOTAL WIND LOAD ON LINE =VrW+VIW ' Vs= TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD ON LINE =Vrs+Vis (T=C)w=CHORD FORCE DUE TO WINE) =WW(L2)/8Ldr IF SIMPLE, WW(L2)/8Ldr IF CANT (T=C)s=CHORD FORCE DUE TO SEISMIC= Ws(L2)/8Ldr IF SIMPLE,Ww(L2)/8Ldr IF CANT 1 - LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services • 77804 WILDCAT DR.. PALM DESERT, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 DEFINITIONS 8 FORMULAS Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By .11/4/2003 FOR SHEAR WALL SHEETS: z h = SHEAR WALL HEIGHT b= SHEAR WALL WIDTH 1P= ONE POUR FOUNDATION SYSTEM. EFFECTS LENGTH OF HARDWARE AND ALLOWABLE STRAP VALUES 2P= TWO POUR FOUNDATION SYSTEM. EFFECTS LENGTH OF HARDWARE AND ALLOWABLE STRAP VALUES C= CORNER- WHEN ENTERED ALLOWABLE VALUES FOR HOLDOWN STRAPS AT CORNERS ARE USED 1= INTERIOR- WHEN ENTERED ALLOWABLE VALUES FOR HOLDOWN STRAPS AT NON -CORNER CONDITION ARE USED X =LOCATION OF QUERY DRAG LOAD DOO= DRAG FORCE AT LOCATION X PER ABOVE DI =DRAG LOAD AT LEFT OF WALL Dr=DRAG LOAD AT RIGHT OF WALL IT = C)w = UPLIFT VALUE FROM WIND CASE AT TOP OF WALL FROM SHEAR WALL ABOVE IT=C)S=UPLIFT VALUE FROM SEISMIC CASE AT TOP OF WALL FROM SHEAR WALL ABOVE S=REFERS TO SEISMIC CASE W =REFERS TO WIND CASE Vs =ADDITIONAL SEISMIC LOAD APPLIED TO LINE FROM ANTHER DIAPHRAGM OR FROM WALLS ABOVE Vw=ADDITIONAL WIND LOAD APPLIED TO LINE FROM ANTHER DIAPHRAGM OR FROM WALLS ABOVE Vmax=MAX SHEAR (SEISMIC IF S -WIND IF W) ALONG LINE DUE TO DIAPHRAGM LOADS Vmin = MIN SHEAR (OPPOSITE CASE TO VmaX) ALONG LINE DUE TO DIAPHRAGM LOADS LINE CASE= WIND OR SEISMIC CASE FOR DIAPHRAGM LOADS ONLY GOV CASE = WIND OR SEISMIC GOVERNING CASE FOR ALL LOADS APPLIED TO THE LINE VgOV = MAX SHEAR ON LINE USED FOR DESIGN OF SHEAR WALLS h/b= HEIGTH TO WIDTH RATIOTOR SHEAR PANEL VU= WALL UNIT SHEAR= MAX OF WIND OR SEISMIC Vgov/ b tot , NOTE THAT FOR SEISMIC CASE WALL SELF WEIGHT X SEISMIC COEFF X %F IS USED FOR BOTH SEISMIC UNIT SHEAR AND OVERTURNING (T=C) GOV= MAX OF WIND OR SEISMIC UPLIFT GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING: (T = CIS = (Mots•.9Mdl)/b IT = C)w = (Motw•.667 MtlD/b A.B. SPACING IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE FOR SHEAR WALLS ON GRADE WITH A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 4 FT. FOUNDATION BCCI TA A.B. SIZE FULL CAP. FULL CAP. 2X 3X 0.625 973 1109 1 1557 2838 ALL A.B. SPACINGS ARE.PREDICATED ON THE PANEL.CAPACITY NOT ACTUAL SHEAR IN THE WALL 0 LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 WILDCAT DR. PALM DESERT, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 WIND: WIND SEISMIC: Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By 11/4/2003 LATERAL LOADS and. LOAD CASES SPED= : (12-1) TO: MPH EXPOSURE C: METHOD `2 (12-4) Ce Cq gs I .9D +/- MOE OR 1.3W) (30-4) q= 1.06 1.30 12.6 1.00 = 17.4 0-15 q= 1.131 1.30 12.6 1.00 = 18.5 20 q= 1.19. 1.30 12.6 1.00 = 19.5 25 q = 1.23 1.30 12.6 1.00 1 20.11 130 q= 1.31 1.30 12.61 1.00 1 1 21.5 40 (12-1) 1.4D (12-2) 1.2D+1.6L+.5(Lr OR S) (12-3) 1.2D+1.6(Lr OR S)+(f1 L OR .8W) (12-4) 1.2D+1.3W+f1 L+.5(Lr OR S) (12-5) BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT: (12-6) .9D +/- MOE OR 1.3W) (30-4) V= (Cvl/RT)W= 0.777 W SHALL BE THIS EXCEPT (30-5) V= (2.5Cal/R)W= 0.244 W NEED NOT EXCEED (30-6) V= (.11 Cal)W=' 0.048 W BUT NOT LESS THAN (30-7) V= (.8ZNvl/R)W= 0.050 W BUT NOT LESS THAN IN ZONE 4 (30-11) V= (3Ca/R)W= 0.293 SIMPLIFIED STATIC (IF USED) LOAD CASES-' D+L+(Lr OR S)'' Em=OMEGA Eh "* (12-13) D+L+(W OR E/1.4) STRENGTH DESIGN: D+L+W+S/2 p= 2-20/rMAX(Ab)^.5 ** (12-15).- (12-1) 1.4D (12-2) 1.2D+1.6L+.5(Lr OR S) (12-3) 1.2D+1.6(Lr OR S)+(f1 L OR .8W) (12-4) 1.2D+1.3W+f1 L+.5(Lr OR S) (12-5) 1.2D+1.OE+(f1 L+f2S) (12-6) .9D +/- MOE OR 1.3W) f1=1.00 FOR LL>=100 & GARAGE f1=.5 OTHERS f2=.7 ROOF THAT DO NOT SHED SNOW' f2=.2 OTHERS ALLOWABLE LOAD CASES (12-7) D (12-8) D+L+(Lr OR S) - (12-9) D+(W ORE/1.4) (12-10) .9D +/- E/1.4 (12-11) D+.75[L+(Lr OR S)+(W OR E/1.4)] `= MAY NOT USE, 1/3 RD STRESS INCREASE ALTERNATE ALLOWABLE CASES: E=pEh+Ev (12-12) D+L+(Lr OR S)'' Em=OMEGA Eh "* (12-13) D+L+(W OR E/1.4) (12-14) D+L+W+S/2 p= 2-20/rMAX(Ab)^.5 ** (12-15).- D+L+W+S/2+W/2 1<p<1.5 (12-16) D+L+S+E/1.4 "= MAY USE 1/3 RD STRESS'INCREASE 1 ^�" LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE: 760-360-5770 DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS NO. OF LEVELS = 1 STORY AMPLIFICATION %A - 100 FY= 40000 THIS LEVEL = ROOF DL PARTITION WALL PSF - 70;. f'C= q 2500 DL (a) PSF = 27 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR 3 SBP= 1500 DL Ibl PSF - 15. WIND PRESSURE PSF AREA 6 ST INCREASE= :33 DL EXTERIOR WALL PSF BASE SHEAR COEFF. SEISMIC COEFF.=IpVV1.4 SEISMIC COEFF. x %A = 17 ` = 0.244 = 0.175 =1 0.175 FOUNDATION SYSTEM p (RHO) R - ;",;:;1.000`'4: - 4•S 5 LNV 1 0.55 (1) - Diaphragm Loads Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date O Al Ak - FROM 1 TO 2 FROM 2TO 3 FROM 3TO 4 FROM 4TO 5 LINE 1' 1R 2L 2 2R 3L 3 3R 4L 4 4R 5L 5 JOINT N AREA 6 Y AREA "?;. _' .' 6 :'.. ' .Y AREA 7 Y AREA 5 LNV 1 0.55 Hd 1-2 10 3.20 Hd 2-3 10 0.79 Hd 3.4 12 1.00 Hd 4.5 8L OK Hr 1-2 2 OK Hr 2-32 :..: OK Hr 3-4 5 OK Hr 4.5 5 Lr (a) 1.2 ".'6 AREA �•r: .. ..:.: Lr la) 23 V::.' Lr (a) 3.4 30 , Lr (a) 4-5 AREA Lr (b) 1-2 Lr (b) 2-3 9':r�=';= 27 Lr (b) 3.4 Lr (b) 4-5 No. exit. 1-2 No. exit. 2 ' i` .::I`, :''`"`i'; No. exit. 3-4 2 No. exit. 4.5 No. int. 1.2 No. int. 2-3 1' r:; s"ri;;i'..` No. Int. 3.4 No. Int. 4.5 H exit. 1-2 10 H exit. 2-3 ::::_ : +. ;:": 12 H exit. 3-4 17 H exit. 4.5 H int. 1-2 H Int. 2.3 - : %'10 H int. 3-4 Hint. 4-5 L 1-2 6 L 2.3 '32L 3-4 21 L 4.5 10 L1dr 10 L2dr 26 L3dr 0 L4dr L2dl #VALUEII L3dl 31 L4dl 26 L5dl 0 P51 PSI t:i . T", , _ .. P51 : P51 X1 x1 xi xi Ps2 Ps2 P52 P52 X2 x2 xz xz Psi Ps3 P53 Psi X3 x3 :.: X3 X3 Was Was Was 238 Was Pwl Pwl Pwl Pwl X1 X1 X1 x1 Pw2 Pw2 Pw2 Pw2 ' X2 X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 1.2 Ww 1-2 Ws 2-3 Ww 2-3 Ws 3-4 Ww 3-4 Ws 4.5 Ww 4.5 43 130 97 130 232 201 0 vlrw v21w v2rw v31w v3rw v4lw v4rw v51W 36 207 67 79 79 0 0 v1rs v21s v2rs v31s v3rs v41s v4rs v51s 12 155 50 92 92 Was V1rw V21w V2rw V31W V3rw V41w V4rw V51w 356 356 2072 2072 2062 2062 0 0 V1rs V215 V2rs V31s V3rs V41s V4rs V51s 119 119 1546 1546 2381 2381 X2 Vw= 1 356 Pw3 2428 Pw3 4134 X3 2062 X3 X3 Vs= W00'Ps1 1664----F-3926 Ws 7-8 Ww 7.8 Ws 8.9 Ww 8.9 83 217 2381 0 28 37 Vgov= WOO -Psi 2428 v7rw V81w 4134 358 358 2381 0 0 40338 40338 IT=C)W= 49 1 1 1658 v8rs v91S 406 20 20 0 30381 30381 IT=CIS = 16 V6rw V71w 1236 V8rw V91W 469 534 534 0 0 403 403 Y' AE - O FROM 5 TO 6 FROM 6TO 7 FROM 7TO 8 FROM 8TO 9 LINE 5 51? 6L 6 6R 7L 7 71? 8L 8 8R 9L 9 JOINT Y AREA 5 Y AREA 8 V::.' AREA Y AREA 3 L/W 3.30 Hd 5.6 12 0.33 Hd 6-7 :.;9 1.00 Hd 7-8 2175.00 Hd 8.9 OK Hr 5.6 6 OK Hr 6-7 3 OK Hr 7.8 NG Hr 8.9 2 Lr (a) 5-6 13 Lr lal 6.7 i.::. ;:;'' ; :; .: `26, Lr (a) 7-8 Lr lal 8.9 Lr (b) 5-6 Lr (b) 6-7 Lr Ib) 7.8 Lr (b) B-9 No. exit. 5.6 No. exit. 6 ff.: No. eX1t. 7-8 No. exit. B-9 No. int. 5.6 ; 2 No. Int. 6.7 r' _ i;; :`: No. int. 7-8 No. Int. 8-9 H exit. 5-6 ". H exit. 6-7 H exit. 7-8 H exit. 8.9 H int. 5.6 12H int. 6-7 H int. 7-8 Hint. 8.9 L 5.6 53 L 6-7 ' 8 L 7-8 "' L 8-9 22 16 L5dr 25 L6dr 0 L7drl 0 L8dr L6dl 16 L7dl 25 L8dl 0 L9dl 0 Ps1Psi PSI - P51 - X1 x1 X1 X1 Ps2 Ps2 P52 Ps2 .. ... X2 Ps3 Ps3 Ps3 P53 X3 X3 X3 X3 Was i _. . Was x Was Was 160 Pwl Pwl Pw1 Pwl X1 x1 X1 X1 Pw2 Pw2 °`'{^, Pw2 Pw2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 PW3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 5-6 Ww 5.6 Ws 6-7 Ww 6-7 Ws 7-8 Ww 7.8 Ws 8.9 Ww 8.9 83 217 120 130 0 28 37 v5rw v61w v6rw v71w v7rw V81w v8rw v91w 358 358 21 21 0 0 40338 40338 v5rs v61s v6rs v71s v7rs V81S v8rs v91S 136 136 20 20 30381 30381 V5rw V61w V6rw V71w V7rw, V81w V8rw V91W 5733 534 534 0 0 403 403 V61s P2177ql V6rs V71s V7rs V81s V8rs V91S 2177 496 496 304 304 Vw = 5733 6267 534 403 Vs= 2177 2673 496 304 Vgov=l 5733 6267 534 403 IT=CIw= 4725 44 0 219338 (T=C)S= 1794 1 41 165196 Young Engineering Services Job No. 77804 Wildcat Dr. Sheet No. Of Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Calculated By PHONE:760-360-5770 Date (2) - Diaphragm Loads DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS O I FROM 13 TO 14 O I FROM 15TO 16 y FROM 16TO 17 T 13R 14L 14 14R 151. 15 15R 16L 16 16R 17L 17 �LINE T Y AREA Y ; :: AREA ,: 9 AREA Y AREA ]2 1.00 Hd 13.14 FROM 9 TO 10 Hd 14-15 13 FROM 10TO 11 Hd 15.16 FROM 11TO 12 Hd 16.17 10 FROM 12TO 13 OK LINE 9 9R 10L 10 10R 11L 11 11R 12L 12 12R 13L 13 E jJ00.3 Y AREA ",' .:.::: 4 :.".,Y.':":' AREA "' ' Y ";.: AREA No. eX1t. 15-16 Y AREA 2 No. int. 15-16 No. int. 16.17 H exit. 13-14 Hd 9.10 r.9 1.00 Hd 10-11 k?; 1.28 Hd 11-12 10 0.45 Hd 12-1310 L 16.17 18 0 L13dr, 16 L14dr K Hr 9.10 ". 4 OK Hr 10.11 L17d1 26 OK Hr 11.12 7 OK Hr 12-13 7 X1 X1 P52 Lr lal 9.10 8 Ps2 Lr (a) 10-11 `: xz Lr (a) 11-12 10 Ps3 +'':;a; ,"i?.;-.:' Lr (a) 12.13 39 K3 Lr Ibl 9-10 Lr Ib) 10-11 '' r' i Lr (b) 11-12 Lr Ib) 12-13 No. eX1t. 9-1 :; : '' No. exit. 1 No. eX1t. 11-12 "` ; : 2 No. exit. 12-13 2 No. int. 9.10 " No. Int. 10• ::;+,i;:"::::.:;; r''°°.;_ No. Int. 11-12 No. int. 12-13 H eX1t. 9.10 9 H eX1t. 10- H exit. 11.12 10 H exit. 12-13 H Int. 9.10 9 H int. 10-1 "1 ' ;,•;:,.^:'i ' H Int. 11-12 H in[. 12-13 L 9.10 27 L 10-11 L11-12 1 3 L 12.13 18 9 L9dr 0 Liodr 10 L11dr 40 L12dr L10dl 8 L11d1 0 L12d1 10 L13d1 40 Ws 14-15 Ww 14.15. Ws 15-16 Ww 15-16 Psi Psi X1 - X1 X1 - Xi Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 P52 X2 X2 ° X2 X2 Ps3 Psi Ps3 J. Ps3 X3 . .. X3 '; a:. ,::.:,, ,...:... X3 .::•:,...... X3 Was Was 1' ;; ,ti;:; Was Was 156 Pwl Pw1 Pw1 Pw1 X1 .. xi i -ii.: X1 X1 .. . Pw2 Pw2 Pw2 PW2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 9.10 Ww 9-10 Ws 10.11 Ww 10.11 Ws 11-12 Ww 11-12 Ws 12- Ww 12- 60 157 0 76 224 211 224 v9rw v101W v10rw v111w v11rw v12lw v12rw vlw 238 268 0 0 144 140 50 50 v9rs viols v10rs v1115 v11rs v121s v12rs vls 91 102 45 48 . 47 47 47 V9rw V101w Viorw V111w V11rw V121w V12rw V131w 2143 2143 0 0 1402 1402 2019 2019 V9rs V101s V10rs V111s V11rs V121s V12rs V131s 819 819 473 473 1900 1900 Vw = 2546 2143 1402 3421 Vs= 1123 819 473 2373 Vgov=l 2546 2143 1402 3421 (T=C)W= (T=C)s= O FROM 13 TO 14 FROM 14TO 15 FROM 15TO 16 FROM 16TO 17 13 13R 14L 14 14R 151. 15 15R 16L 16 16R 17L 17 �LINE T Y AREA Y ; :: AREA ,: 9 AREA Y AREA ]2 1.00 Hd 13.14 1.16 Hd 14-15 13 1.00 Hd 15.16 0.32 Hd 16.17 10 OK Hr 13-14 OK Hr 14-15 !!;::-.:,:11 OK Hr 15-16 ". :. OK Hr 16.17 3 Lr lal 13.14 Lr (a) 14-15 %'15 Lr (a) 15-16 Lr la) 16.17 25 Lr Ibl 13.14 Lr Ib) 14.15 Lr Ib) 15-16 Lr Ibl 16.17 No. exit. 13- : No. eX1t. 1 ',2 No. eX1t. 15-16 No. exit. 16-17 No. int. 13.1 No. Int. 14 '''a is" ;' No. int. 15-16 No. int. 16.17 H exit. 13-14 H eX1t. 14- - ' '• ' L `; 23 H eX1t. 15-16 H eX1t. 16-17 10 H int. 13.14H int. 14-1':' = H Int. 15-16 Hint. 16.17 L 13.14 L 14.15~•19 L 15.16 L 16.17 18 0 L13dr, 16 L14dr 0 L15dr 26 L16dr L14d1 0 L15d1 16 L16d1 0 L17d1 26 P51 P51 Psi :;: P51 X1 X1 X1 X1 P52 :.: P52 P52 Ps2 xz xz xz xz Ps3 Ps3 +'':;a; ,"i?.;-.:' Ps3 Psi K3 X3 a" X3 X3 Was Was Was Was Pw1 Pw1s". Pw1 Pw1 X1 xi 'i.:ii^ i :'. X1 X1 Pw2 Pw2 x- Pw2 1Pw2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 - ` X3 X3 Ws 13.14 Ww 13-14 Ws 14-15 Ww 14.15. Ws 15-16 Ww 15-16 Ws 16.17 Ww 16-17 0 151 315 0 116 139 v13rw v141w v14rw v15lw v15rw v161w v16rw v171w 0 0 182 182 0 0 22 22 vi3rs v141s v14rs v151s v15rs v161s v16rs v171s 87 87 18 18 V13rw V141w V14rw V151W V15rw V161w V16rw V171w 0 0 2909 2909 0 0 572 572 V13rs V141s V14rs V151s V15rs V161s V16rs V171s 1397 1397 476 476 Vw = 2019 1 2909 1 2909 572 Vs= 1900 1 1397 1397 476 Vgov=l 2019 2909 2909 572 IT= 0w 0 841 0 45 IT = C)s = 1404 38 LATERAL 1-40.xls D 1 Young Engineering services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE: 760-360-5770 (3) - Diaphragm Loads Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS I O AIL FROM 17 TO 18 TO 22 FROM 18TO 19 22TO 23 FROM 19TO 20 FROM FROM 2070 21 LINE 17 17R 18L 21 18 18R 19L 19 19R 20L 20 20R 21L 21 Z [�y 25 AREA Y 10 ":`Y AREA 11 ,: Y. AREA AREA Y AREA 18 13 38 Hd 17-18 Hd 21-22 15 0.70 Hd 18-19 ',"°;<:;.''. 1.00 Hd 19-20 9 1.69 Hd 20-21 9 K Hr 17-18 4 6 OK Hr 18-19 ^k 5 OK Hr 19-20 OK OK Hr 20.21 q Lr (a) 21.22 Lr lal 17-18 ': <; : 29 Lr (a) 22-23 Lr lal 18.19 .;.. ,.,: , `;...:: 23 Lr lal 19.20 Lr lal 24.25 22 Lr (a) 20-21 12 Lr Ibl 22-23 :' : Lr (b) 17-18 Lr Ibl 18-19 : '':" :. '`:_':._' Lr Ibl 19-20 Lr Ib) 20.21 No. eX1t. 17 - No. eX1t. 1 .: No. eX1[. 19-20 No. eX1t. 20.21 .2 No. int. 17-1E No. Int. No. int. 19-20 No. Int. 20.21 H eX1t. 17.18 15 H eX1t. 18- H eX1t. 19-20 H eX1t. 20.21 9 H int. 17.18 15 H Int. 18.1 Hint. 19-20 H in[. 20.21 g L 17.18 44 L 18-19 i ;r?'!:16 L 19-20 L 20.21 14 32 L17dr 22 L18dr 0 L19dr 8 L20dr L18d1 32 L19d1 22 L20d1 0 L21d1 12 Psi Psi P51 Psi X1 X1 6s` Xi X1 Ps2 _ Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 X2 X2 X2 X2 - P53Ps3 P53 Psi P53 X3 X3 tr`:E:::,;o.. X3 X3 Was :: 310 Was 230 Was Was Pw1 Pw1 " `i';:' =.1; Pw1 Pw1 xi xi . xi xi Pw2 Pw2 _. Pw2 Pw2 X2 ? X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 17.18 Ww 17.18 Ws 18-19 Ww 18-19 Ws 19-20 Ww 19.20 Ws 20-21 Ww 20.21 226 250 150 93 0 90 157 v17rw I V181w v18rw V191W v19rw v201w v20rw v211w 172 172 33 33 0 0 133 88 v17rs v181s v18rs V1915 v19rs v201s v2Ors v211s 156 156 53 53 V21rw V221w 76 50 V17rw V181W V18rw V191w V19rw V201w V20rw V211w 5495 5495 718 718 0 0 1061 1061 V17rs V181s V18rs V1915 V19rs V201s V20rs V211s 4976 4976 1159 1159 = 605 605 Vw = 6067 5034 6212 1 718 1061 [Vw Vs= 1034 Vs= 1 5453 3597 6135 2033 1159 605 1887 Vgov= 6067 5277 6212 4003 1159 IT=C)W= 1061 181 IT=CIw= 1889 138 126 1 0 1 94 448 943 (T=C)s= 1711 1 1 204 1255 I O FROM 21 TO 22 FROM 22TO 23 FROM 23TO 24 FROM 24TO 25 LINE 21 21R 22L 22 22R 23L 23 23R 24L 24 24R 25L 25 JOINT Y AREA 18 Y . AREA 17 Y':..' AREA 15 Y AREA 13 L/W 0.88 Hd 21-22 9 1.17 Hd 22.23 11 0.52 Hd 23-24 9 1.12 Hd 24-25 9 OK Hr 21-22 4 OK Hr 22-23 8 OK Hr 23-24 10 OK Hr 24.25 g Lr (a) 21.22 12 Lr (a) 22-23 - '; :30Lr lal 23-24 17 Lr lal 24.25 22 Lr Ib) 21.22 Lr Ibl 22-23 :' : Lr Ibl 23-24 Lr Ib) 24-25 No. eX1t. 21-2 No. eX1t. 2 ''?';"' ;` 2 No. eX1t. 23-24 No. eX1t. 24.25 No. int. 21-2 No. Int. 22- No. int. 23.24 No. int. 24.25 9 H eX1t. 21.22 9 H eX1t. 22- ; 15 H eX1t. 23.24 H eX1t. 2425 H int. 21.22 H int. 22-2 H Int. 23-24 9 H Int. 24.25 L 21.22 11 L 22-23 '135 L 23-24 8 L 24-25 24 12 L21dr 30 L22dr 16 L23dr 21 L24dr L22d1 12 L23d1 30 L24d1 16 L25d1 0 Ps1Psi Psi Psi X1 X1 X1 X1 Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 X2 X2 " X2 X2 Psi Psi ; .'r ,:,.:: Ps3 P53 X3 X3 X3 X3 Was Was. Was - Was 220 Pw1 Pw1Pw1 ;...: Pw1 X1 X1 - X1 X1 Pw2 Pw2 a,-. Pw2 Pw2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Pw3 - Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 21.22 Ww 21.22 Ws 22.23 Ww 22-23 Ws 23-24 Ww 23-24 Ws 24.25 Ww 24-25 82 157 185 241 88 259 142 250 v21rw V221W v22rw v23Iw v23rw v241w v24rw v251w 69 69 140 140 1 67 67 140 293456 v21rs v221s v22rs v231s v23rs v2415 v24rs v251s 36 36 108 108 23 23 80 166999 V21rw V221w V22rw V231w V23rw V241w V24rw V251w 826 826 4209 4209 1068 1068 2935 2935 V21rs V221s V22rs V231s V23rs V241s V24rs V251s 429 429 3234 3234 363 1 363 1670 1670 = 1887 5034 5277 4003 [Vw Vs= 1034 3663 3597 2033 gov=1 1887 5034 5277 4003 IT=C)W= 181 1228 138 821 IT=CIS = 94 943 47 467 Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date O Ak FROM 25 TO 26 FROM 26TO 27 FROM 27TO 28 FROM 28TO 29 LINE 25 25R 26L 26 26R 27L 27 27R 28L 28 28R 29L 29 JOINT TEL AREA '" Y 5:.:' AREA ')16 5 '"Y AREA 14 Y AREA L/W 1.00 Hd 25.26 1100.00 Hd 26.27 10 1.08 Hd 27-28 10 1.00 Hd 28.29 OK Hr 25-26 NG Hr 26.27 ?'^' "`='': 6 OK Hr 27-28 3 OK Hr 28.29 Lr (a) 25.26 Lr (a) 26.2716 Lr lal 27-28 Lr lal 28.29 Lr Ibl 25-26Lr Ib) 26-27 :.::,' _ ;' •;`°: Lr (b) 27-28 13 Lr Ibl 28.29 No. eX1t. 25 -:No. eX1t. 2 "= No. eX1t. 27-28 No. eX1t. 28.29 No. Int. 25-2E No. Int. 26• •':';' : ', No. int. 27-28 No. Int. 28-29 H eX1t. 25.26 H eX1t. 26- ' 10 H eX1t. 27.28 13 H eX1t. 28.29 H int. 25-26 H Int. 26-27 H Int. 27.2810 H Int. 28-29 L 25.26 L 26.27 ' ,.;> L 27-28 13 L 28.29 0 L25dr 0 L26dr 12 L27dr 0 L28dr L26d1 16 L27d1 16 L28d1 12 L29d1 0 P51 P51 P51 P51 X1 X1 X1 X1 Ps2 Ps2 .. Ps2 P52 X2 X2 X2 X2 Ps3 Ps3 ?`'s"' `:i` Ps3 Ps3 X3 X3 -, :. . X3 X3 Was Was Gi40w;. Was Was Pw1 Pw1 Pw1 Pw1 _. X1 X1 X1 X1 Pw2 1Pw2 :•E -i" °;' ' Pw2 Pw2 X2 X2 ^:i ': `s.:r X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 25-26 Ww 25-26 Ws 26.27 Ww 26-27 Ws 27.28 Ww 27-28 Ws 28-29 Ww 28-29 0 89 204 60 139 0 v25rw v261w v26rw v271w v27rw v281w v28rw v291w 0 0 111925 70 75 75 0 0 v25rs v261s v26rs v271s v27rs v281s v28rs v291s 30730 30730 49000 31 33 33 V25rw V261w V26rw V271w V27rw V281w V28rw V291w 0 0 1119 1119 902 902 0 0 V25rs V261s V26rs V271s V27rs V281s V28rs V291s 307 307 490 490 390 390 2935 1119 2021 902 1670 kEk2 490 880 390 935 1119 2021 902 (T=C)w= 0 307794 1 244 0 (T = C)s = I 1134751 106 1� ? ? I - FROM 29 TO 30 FROM 30TO 31 FROM 31TO 32 FROM 32TO 33 LINE 29 29R 30L 30 3OR 31L 31 31R 32L 32 32R 33L 33 JOINT Y AREA 3 '" Y 5:.:' AREA Y. AREA 18 Y AREA L/W 1600.00 Hd 29.301.00 Hd 30-31 0.49 Hd 31.32 9 1.00 Hd 32-33 NG Hr 29.30 2 OK Hr 30.31 OK Hr 31-32 4 OK Hr 32-33 Lr lal 29.30 Lr (a) 30.31 Lr (a) 31.32 14 Lr lal 32.33 Lr Ibl 29.30 Lr Ib) 30-31 Lr Ibl 31-32 Lr Ibl 3233 No. eX1t. 29- No. eX1t. 3 No. eX1t. 31-32 No. eX1[. 32.33 No. int. 29-3 No. Int. 30- '._1.. '' ' `' =, No. int. 31.32 No. (n[. 32-33 H eX1t. 2930 H eX1t. 30- .= H eX1t. 31-32 9 H eX1t. 32-33 H int. 29.30 H Int. 30.3 Hint. 31-32 9 Hint. 32-33 L 29.30 --'16 L 30-31 L 31.32 - 12 L 32-33 - 0 L29dr 0 L30dr 24 L31dr 0 L32dr L30dl 0 L31d1 0 L32d1 15 L33d1 0 1351 13s1 c:-:. •:: P51 P51 X1 X1 i s:? i.; S;t.`" X1 X1 Ps2 Ps2 - Ps2 P52 X2 X2 X2 X2 Psi Ps3 Ps3 Ps3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Was 220 Was Was Was Pw1 Pw1 ?:'.:`s'!°; Pw1 Pw1 X1 X1 X1 X1 Pw2 Pw2: ;;;H;- Pw2 Pw2 X2 _.. X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 `r Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 ? , X3 X3 Ws 29.30 Ww 29-30 Ws 30-31 Ww 30-31 Ws 31-32 Ww 31-32 Ws 32-33 Ww 32-33 38 37 0 85 157 p v29rw v301w v30rw v311w v31rw v321w v32rw v331w 29600 29600 0 0 38 61 0 1 0 v29rs v301s v30rs v3115 v31rs v321s v32rs v331s 30730 30730 21 33 V29rw V301w V30rw V311w V31rw V321w V32rw V331w 296 296 0 0 918 918 0 0 V29rs V301s V30rs V31 Is V31rs V321s V32rs V331s 307 307 495 495 Vw = 296 296 918 918 Vs= 307 307 495 495 Vgov= 307 307 918 918 (T=C)w= 118400 0 112 0 (T=C)s= 122921 60 (4) - Diaphragm Loads Young Eng ineering'Seruices Job No.- , 77804 Wildcat Dr. w Sheet No. Of Palm Desert, CA' 92211 Calculated By PHONE -.760-360-5770 Date • DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS - - i r �t r -.(7), , A ..d... - r _ t ' FROM 33 TO 34 FROM 3470 35 FROM 3570 36 FROM 36TO 37 LINE 33, 33R 34L 34 34R 35L 35 " 35R 36L' 36 36R 37L 37 JOINT Y AREA Y AREA: Y ;:' AREA 4 Y '' AREA . 5 UW 0.61 Hd 33-34 } 10 1.00 Hd 34-35 zi= >,: 0.31 Hd35.36, `r..._'_''' 9 0.25 Hd36.37 12 OK Hr 33.34 , * .7 OK Hr 34-35 s i � :. OK Hr 35.36 . 4 OK Hr 36-37 6 • • Lr lar 33-34 13 t d. . • t + e. ' ` Lr (a) 34.35 ^ " t 3" • { Lr lar 35-36 27 ,- Lr lar 36.37 53 " Lr (b) 33-34 Lr Ibl 34.35 >n^ Lr (b) 35-36 Lr Ibl 36-37 , No. eX1t. 33- � No: eX1t 3 No, eX1t. 35.36 No. eX1t. 36-37 No. Int. 33-34 No. Int. 34 No. int. 35.36 a', No. Int. 36.37 3 H eX1t: 3334 "' ? :=' '' 10 H eX1t. 34- "- =.r: "' �" H eX1t. 35-36;'. "' H eX1t. 36.37 12 H int. 33.34 H Int. 34.3 t' H Int. 35-36 ;... Hint. 3637 12 L 33.34"10 L 34-35 + 1: L 35-36 =_ _ g L 36-37 13 16 L33dr 0 L34dr 27 L35dr 52 L3613 dr L34d1 -16 L35dl 0 L36d1 27 L37d1 44 Psi P51 .. x• ;: P51 Psi' X1 ..: X1 X1. X1 Ps2 Ps2. ^ Ps2 i su : P52 X2 X2j X2 X2 Ps3 Psi Ps3 r F Psi X3 X3 Nx. X3 a: X3 Was r ._.yr- WascrL �, Was .' a a �::=i, Was- Pwl Pwl Pwl :: m Pwl X1` X1 Xi X1 Pw2 Pw2 _ _s.: Pw2 Pw2 X2 X2 X2 • X2' Pw3 * r Pw3 r. 'e Pw3 Pw3 , X3 „ ...,.... . ,... a, X3 G.rx€.,..,. ..�.,. X3 - X3 Ws 33.34 Ww 33.34 Ws 34-35 Ww 34.35 Ws 35.36 Ww 35.36 Ws 36-37 Ww 36.37 74 224 0 128• 1157 296 217 v33rw v341w v34rw v351w v35rw v361w v36rw v371w 68 68 0 0 24 24 28 33 v33rs v341s v34rs v351s v35rs v361s ., v36rs v371s 23 23 _ 20 20 38' 45 V33rw V341w - V34rw V351w V35rw V361w V36rw V371w . 1094 1094 0 0 649 6491 1440 1440 V33rs V341s V34rs V351s V35rs V361s V36rs V371s 361 361 r 530 530 1960 1960 Vw = 1094. 1094 i 649 2089 Vs= 1 361 361 530 2490 Vgov= . 1094 1094 649 r 2490 (T=C)W= 167 0 S0 - 92 ` IT=Cls= 55 •• I- + 40 125 ' FROM 37 TO 38 , FROM 3870 39 - FROM 39TO 40 FROM 4070 41 37 37R ' 38L 7 38 38R 39L 39 39R 40L 40 40R 41L 41 �INE NT Y AREA t : ` 6 Y. i.. AREA AREA 2 Y .. AREA 0.84 Hd 37-38 5; 4:: sC10 1.00 Hd 3839 "``. ::. 2.17 Hd 39.40 10 1.00 Hd 40.41 OK Hr 37-38 _ 3.2 OKHr 38-39 OK Hr 39-40 7 OK Hr 40-41 _ f ' • Lr lar 37-38Lr t d. . • t + e. ' ` (a) 3839 ;7 i'.j ;i<iy " • . • f Lr lar 39-40 18 " ^ Lr lar 40.41 " Lr Ib) 37-38 "" ' ;,'.38 Lr Ib) 38.39 , . '' Lr lb) 39.40 Lr Ib) 40-41 No. eX1t. 37• No. eX1t. 3 No. eX1t. 39.40 _ 2 No. eX1t. 40-41 No. Int. 37-319 ' No. Int. 38> No. Int. 39.40 i. No. Int. 40.41 H eX1t. 37-38 12 H eX1t. 38- H eX1t. 39.40 > 14 H eX1t. 40.41 H Int. 37-38 10 H int. 38.3 Hint. 39.40 Hint. 40.41 L 37.38 • '.: 27 L38-39 ,-» k L 39.40 39 ' L 40.41 32 L37dr 0 - L38dr 18•• L39dr 0 L40dr L38d1 10 L39dl 0 L40d1 18 L41d1 0 Psi ? , _,. Psi P51 t: p Psi X1 X1 ' .5:. X1X1 Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 X2 X2 �� y X2 X2 Ps3 Ps3 Ps3 Psi' X3:.-ct+ X3 u., .( :: X3 X3 Was r. ,: Was s} Was " 72 Was Pwl Pwl mow; .r+ Pwl Pw1f. X1 ._ X1 ' X1 • X1 Pw2 . } s•:.. e.,1 Pw2 ; :3; .: Pw2 Pw2! - c' X2 E X2 X2 X2 Pw3, �. Pw3 �'a Pw3 Pw3 , X3 r X3 x ;t X3 +' X3 Ws 37.38 Ww 37-38: Ws 38-39 Ww 38-39 Ws 39-40 Ww 39-40 Ws 40-41, • Ww 40.41 126 130 - 0 138 224. 0 v37rw v381w v38rw v391w v39rw v401w v40rw v411w 54 173 0 0 243 .243 0- 0 v37rs v381s v38rs v391s v39rs v401s .v40rs v411s 53 169 _ 149 149 - V37rw V381w V36rw V391w V39rw V401w V40rw' • V411w 1732' 1732 04374 4374 0 0 V37rs . V381s V38rs V391s V39rs V401s V40rs V411s 1686 1686 2681• 2681 Vw = 3172 1732 4374 _ 4374 Vs= 3646 1686 2681 2681 Vgov= 3646 1732 4374 4374 IT=GW= 362,• ' 0 2369 .' 0 ` IT= CIS -352 + 1452 Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert,CA.92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 DIAPHRAGM RESULTS Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By. 11/4/2003 LINE vw vs vgov WA LINE vw vs vgov W/S 10R 0 0 W 10L 268 102 268 W 11R 144 48 144 W 11L 0 0 W 12R 0 0 0 W 12L 140 47 140 W 13R 0 0 W 13L 0 0 0 W 14R 182 87 182 W 14L 0 0 W 15R 0 0 W 15L 182 87 182 W 16R 22 18 22 W 16L 0 0 W 17R 172 '156 172 W 17L 22 18 22 W 18R 33 53 53 S 18L 172 156 172 W 19R 0 0 W 19L 33 53 53 S 1R 36 12 36 . W 20L 0 0 W 20R 133 76 133 W 21L 88 SO 88 W 21R 69 36 69 W ' 22L 69 36 69 W 22R 140 108 140 W 23L 140 108 140 - W 23R 67 23 67 W 24L 67 23 67 W 24R 140 80 140 W 25L 293456 166999 293456 W 25R 0 0 W 26L 0 0 W 26R 111925 49000 111925 W 27L 70 31 70 W 27R 75 33 75 W 28L 75 33 75 W 28R 0 0 W 29L 0 0 W 29R 29600 30730 30730 S 2L 2R 207 155 207 W 30L 29600 30730 30730 S 30R 0 0 W 31L 0 0 W 31R 38 21 38 W 32L 61 33 61 W 32R 0 0 W 33L 0 0 W 33R 68 23 68 W 34L 68 23 68 W 34R 0 0 W 35L 0 0 W 35R 24 20 24 W 36L 24 20 24 W 36R 28 38 38 S 37L 33 45 45 S 37R 54 53 54 W 38L 173 169 173 W 38R 0 0 W 39L 0• 0 W 39R 243 149 243 W 3L 67 50 67 W 3R _ 79 92 92 S 40L 243 149 243 W 40R 0 0 W 41L 0 0 W 41R 0 0 W 42L 0 0 W 42R 0 0 W 43L 0 0 W 43R 0 0 W 44L 0 0 W 44R 0 0 W 45L 0 0 W 45R 0 0 W 46L 0 0 W 46R 0 0 W 47L 0 0 W 47R 0 0 W 48L 0 0 W 48R 0 0 W 49L 0 0 W 4R ,'0 0 W 4L 79 92 92 S SR 358 136 356 W SL 0 0 W 61? 21 20 21 W 6L 358 136 358 W 7R 0 0 W 7L 21' 20 21 W 8R 40338 30381 40338 W 8L - 0 0 W 9R 238 91 238 W 9L 40338 30381 40338 W IL 5 MAX V= :, LATERAL 1-40.x1s Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert,CA.92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By 11/4/2003 LINE VALUES FEE] vw line Vwa line + V Vs line VSa Ilne + v val ov eiais nii✓� ann rano 1 356 356 W00VS1 356 S 2 2428 2428 1664 1664 2428 W 3 4134 4134 3926 3926 4134 W 4 2062 2062 2381 2381 2381 S 5 5733 5733 2177 2177 1 5733 W 6 6267 6267 2673 819 3492 6267 W 7 534 534 496 496 534 W 8 403 403 304 304 403 W 9 2546 ' 2546 1123 1123 2546 W 10 2143 2143 819 819 2143 W 11 1402 1402 473 473 1402 W 12 1403 1403 474 474 1403 W 13 1 1 1 1 1 W 14 2909 2909 1397 1397 2909 W 15 2909 2909 1397 1397 2909 W 16 572 572 476 476 572 W 17 6067 6067 5453 5453 6067 W 18 6212 6212 6135 6135 6212 W 19 718 718 1159 1159 1159 9 20 1061 1061 605 605 1061 W 21 1887 1887 1034 1034 1887 W 22 5034 5034 3663 3663 5034 W 23 5277 5277 3597 476 4073 5277 W 24 4003 4003 2033 5453 7486 4003 W 25 2935 2935 1670 1670 2935 w- 26 1119 1119 490 490 1119 W 27 2021 2021 880 880 2021 W 28 902 902 390 390 902 W 29 296 296 307 307 307 5 30 296 296 307 307 307 5 31 918 918 495 495 918 W 32 918 918 495 495 918 W 33 _1094 1094 361 361 1094 W 34 1094 1094 361 361 1094 W 35 649 649 530 530 649 W 36 2089 2089 2490 307 2797 2490 5 37 3172 3172 3646 3646 3646 S 38 1732 1732 1686 1686 1732 W 39, 4374 4374 2681 2681 4374 W 40 4374 4374 2681 2681 4374 W 41 0 0 0 w 42 0 0 0 W 43 0 0 0 w 44 0 0 0 w 45 0 0 0 w 46 0 0 0 W 47 0 0 0 W 48 0 0 0 w I MAX I 6267 I 2 LATERAL 1-40.xls Young Engineering Services . t s •� , . �~ • 77804 Wildcat Dr.Job - .S " • • _ - T - - . - • - - Palm Desert, CA. 92211 ' t N a PHONE:760-360-5770 . Sheet No., of x • - 1 Calculated By Date 11/12/2003 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL "L • . LJRE= -2 - DIAPNRAGM DATA - - SNEAK WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD. ALT. PORTAL. CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS' AREA , 6: UNE VCASE vMAX sta %entl Ltl WALL No. b n' EXTANT. w- Pty STANDARD .A.S.'- SILL WALL ABOVE -2SIDES 'HOLDOWN FORCES HD -,'PHO LTT/MTT/Hrr " - v STRAP. V MAX= _ 2, 2L - 20. #### 3 1050 12.00 'E' X1- P2. X2 +, . +Wt. h/b 17 1.14 vu 1 SIDEWALL '• 1 230 - SPACING PLATE R=OW Ir -Qs IT=C)W R=Cls IT=C)GOV. HOEDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. '. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN - V MIN= 1664 2R 207 207 90: :20 10. ... .. ..-,. E "„ , , _ •. ••'.( �. -.. .: 17 - A AA L SAI' a[ 30 2% -- . �' — • 2048 1143 2048 HD2A 122X.4%1557820 • PHD212.2X1557824 LTT731 122%.4X1557820 I STHDB R�2X.4XI C STHDB 122X.4%I - LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS ' 'I' E. - - 17, 9 V9ov= 242e Vsa= - '"t VWa= E'-' _ '1 +17 "- I. I'� s• • , _ Vs VW E: • y 17 ., • 1664 2428 .. , E- 1 17- - i• _ _ GOV CASE= W • ' • TOTAL 10.55 r 'I'.✓. �.� - L.i . • • ,r No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 ••-• + COMMENTS ALL PLYWOOD PANELS EE RATIO A MEET -- - �- CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS •_STRONG WALL. _- , LINE 3 DIAPNRAGM -. DATA SHEAR WALL DATA w - r r• - CONVENTIONAL SHEAF WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS - • - AREA 7. :! e.Z+ ":I. LINE CASE ' _ D - DLYWD ALT. • PORTAL STANDARD A.B. Slll 'WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD PHD LHO v v MAX s[a X end LCI WALL No. b n EXTANT. w P1 %1 D2 `X2 Wt.' h/b vu ILS OE" 2SIDES" WALL C SPACING PLATE IT=C1w -STRAP 4134 3L 67 67 ' 31' 31 9. 18:50 -12.25. I - 280 w - 10 0.66 - 223 _ •fi. Cls R=C)w R=Cls (r=CIGOV. HO DOWN HOEDOWN DOWN LCONO.-NOIDOWN HOEDOWN ' ` VMIN= 3926 ';R _ _ 79 92 _5:: - - ""' � � A NA _ _ 5/B• at 30 2% � - 248 •627 .248 HD2A 122%.41U 557820 PHD212.2X1 SSTB24 LTT1912.2X,4X1557820 .�' I' �-' STHDB 12.2%.4XI I -'= STHD8122%.4XI - LINE CASE= W. ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS' _ .,yE .S: •'•� 17 17 -7 -- - r:':•'1=-" 1' 1•,:,y:- V9ov= 4134 Vsa= 1:'p::' Vwa= a .: ,i..: .... ,.: .. E .,' .• ,. • Vs VW r . - - L . . 'i -.�. - ...�. E :'I.•. - :._. '. i *u. 17 -.1 :: - , .• 3926 4�14 , ' •, ." .. .riiF :'e .. .:- ar.L- - 17 7- ' 1 -- GOV CASE= TOTAL 18.55 r ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET hAi RATIO ... t_... .. - ' .T ,•- I- _ No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 - COMMENTS: - t •- .. i t� • - • , + • -' - • STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS cE'Po' • ` LINE= - 4 .DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA'•.. _ p 'CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS • AREA ": " 7"+�: -.' LINE v CASE v MA% Sta X PORTAL STANDARD I A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE ORCES FIT=CIG Ho PHO LHOLDOWN V MAX. 2381 OL entl 92 92 :':'' .: 26+ Ltl 26 WALL No. b n EXTANT. '' 8 4.83' "8.00 E W P1 X1 P2 X2 _. ,,; W[. IVb " vu 1LS DE 2 SIDES WALL ' SDACING PLATE R C)W R Qs � IT=C)w 17 CISDOWN V HOLDOWN , HOEDOWN _ LCOND. HOEDOWN `' RSCOND' HOEDOWN:' t V MIN= 2062 4R .. 0 r: "' 0;' 0 . .280 ' •' _ 17 1.66 512 C AA NA 5/8' at 30 3X . 27ttOL 3094 3090 HDSA 122XI 557820 PHD2 (2.2X7 557824 HTT1612-2X.4X1 SST820 .: C.'�'. STHD14122X.4XI '^•,1 STNDB 12Q%.4%1 17 _ .".+ LINE CASE= S ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17 f �. V9ov= 2381. Vsa= _'•'.Vwa= _ . -: .. , ,: '.: ... ::....; ;:-E -: ..; •.'.' ..', - •. a. ` le. - 1+. ' . Vs 2381 VW - _ ' - ._i. -.. r - 2062 GOV CASE= 5 TOTAL 4.88 - ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET" RATIO - a• ! I _": , ,. ♦ - i No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 '� ° COMMENTS:i..:. - 'T" '.IS�c— — ' _ - -1- ., k f r (1) - Shear Walls*' ! ' _ •► • - • - ! . ' - r 1 • : - - - LATERAL .1-40.xis Younq Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. , Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PFLDNE:760-360-5770 LINE= RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS UPLIFT LINE= 2 Vgov WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WINO 11 SEISMIC • WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT 'Mr MIN MR=CIWH MR=CIS H VWH VSH MotW MO[S Mot W2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnetgov. R=CIW IT=CIS 3 2417 11246 11246 11246 28999 22120 28999 22120 21502 11999 21502 2048 1143 LINE= 3 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND . NET MOMENTS - SEISMIC WIND I SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT C)w H - M(T=C)S H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S MOL W-ZaMd Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. --IT. c). rr=CIS 9 4123 68878 68878 68878 50507 50391 50507 50391 4589 -11599 4589 248 -627 LINE= 4 RESISTING MOMENT - OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION - DIRECT . WINO SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MRaC)w H MIT =CIS H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S Mot W -2/3M MOt S-.9Mr Mnet gov. rr.C)w (T=CIS 8 2471 -4852 4852 4852 16328 19309 16328 19309 13093 14942 14942 2711 3094 (2) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. O{ ' Calculated By r Date- 11/12/2003 y.u-q EngineQRTLO S -i,: 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 • PHONE:760-360-5770 (3) - Shear Walls Job No, Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL UNE- 7 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 6 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS DIAPHRAGM DATA A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE LINE= 5 PLYWD PLYWD I ALT. PORTAL ISTANDARO DIAPHRAGM DATA HOLDOWN FORCES SHEAR WALL DATA PHD LTT/MTT/H7T STRAP ' PLYWD PLYWO ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. I SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES WALL No. b h jExTANT. w P1 PHO LTT/MTT/HTT SPACING PLATE IT=C)w IT CIS IT-aw IT=Cls IT=CI GOV. AREA 5 LINE vCASE I VMA% stad Xentl Ltl WALL No. b 11 EXTANT. W Pt X1 P2 %2 wt. II/b VU- 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT=Clw O=CIS R=CIW R=CIS (T=C)GOV, HD PHOS 12.2%1 SSTB24 MTT28612w2XAXI SSTB24 I HPAH022.2P 14X1 '- I HPAHD22-2P 14X1 STRAP 2673 V MAX= 5733 SL 0 0 1 1 6.75 12.00 E 534 Vsa-= ' .''.[ vwa= :,:.., LINE CASE= W HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. I HOLDOWN RCOND. I HOLDOWN - E. ."_- .. TOTAL 8.15 No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 17 .-... .. 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET 11/11 RATIO -'-"'''"':-;:" " '" "='" '"''_ . I - 1 Vgov= 6267 17 1.78 322 B AA L 5/8' at 30 2X 3408 1063 3408HDSA 122%I 557820 PH02 122X155T824 HTT1612.2X,4X1 SSTB20 I - STHDt0l27X.4X1 1 STHD1012m2X,4%1 V MIN= 2177 5R 358 358 16 16 47 11.00 12.00 E 17 1.09 322 B AA L SB' at 30 2% 3119 67? 3119 ., HTT1612.2%4X1 TOTAL 38 13. No. PANELS IN UNE--- 1 -COMMENTS: LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS � E 17 HDSA 12.2X1 SST820 � PHD2 (2.7XI SST824 SSTB20 I STHD812-2X.4X1 I C I STHD14 12-2X AXI Vgov= 5733 Vsa I Ivwa= E 17 I 1 Vs VW E 17 I 1 2177 5 73 3 E t7 GOV CASE= W TOTAL 17.79 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET 11/10 RATIO No. PANELS IN LINE= 2 COMMENTS: (3) - Shear Walls Job No, Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS UNE- 7 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 6 DIAPHRAGM DATA A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE SHEAR WALL DATA PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP PLYWD PLYWD I ALT. PORTAL ISTANDARO A.B. SILL i WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/H7T STRAP ' AREA 5,8 I LINE JvCASEJVMAXkStaXencl LO WALL No. b h jExTANT. w P1 Xt P2 X2 Wt. 11/b VU 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT=C)w IT CIS IT-aw IT=Cls IT=CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN VMAX = 6267 6L 1 358 1 358 1-'1 16 12 13.33 11.50 I 108 10 0.86 468 C AA NA 5/e' at 30 3X 4396 1779 4396 HOSA 14X1 SSTB34 PHOS 12.2%1 SSTB24 MTT28612w2XAXI SSTB24 I HPAH022.2P 14X1 '- I HPAHD22-2P 14X1 V MIN= 2673 6R 1 27 1 21 25- 25 E 17 .. Vgov= 534 Vsa-= ' .''.[ vwa= :,:.., LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS ,.. ..... .: 17 COMMENTS: E. 17 - E. ."_- .. TOTAL 8.15 No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 17 .-... .. 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET 11/11 RATIO -'-"'''"':-;:" " '" "='" '"''_ . I - 1 Vgov= 6267 Vsa= I 819: jVw3. 17 1 -1 Vs 3492 Vw•E 6267 .... E.. ... -. :,.;• 17 ` .. 17 GOV CASE= W ., TOTAL 38 13. No. PANELS IN UNE--- 1 -COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET 11/10 RATIO ' ' �" - -"""" (3) - Shear Walls Job No, Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis • CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS UNE- 7 DIAPHRAGM DATA DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLOOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA 8 LINE vCASE VMAX s[a Xentl LO WALL No, b h EXTANT, w D1 X1 P2 X2 W[. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT=Clw IT -CIS R=CIW IT=Cls R=CIGOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN V MAX- S34 7L 21 21 :'25+ 25 11 .1-10'9.00' "E 108 17 1.11 66 A AA K S/8' at 30 i2X •115 -284 NA NA NA NA = I NA I NA VMIN= 496 7R 0 0 r .: 0' 0 .. .. .: '.!+: -:' :E' '.!. �•� 17 W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - I I. LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS ''"- ' ''"'_ .:E":` .- . " •�" 17 Vsa= ...... . Vwa= .. Vgov= 534 Vsa-= ' .''.[ vwa= :,:.., .. .E _ .. _,... 77 _:- .-,: 77 .. E. .. .: .c'•;. :, .:., TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE= NA ,.. ..... .: 17 COMMENTS: I Vs 496 .C7CI VW W - E. ."_- .. TOTAL 8.15 No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 17 .-... .. 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET 11/11 RATIO -'-"'''"':-;:" " '" "='" '"''_ . I A (3) - Shear Walls Job No, Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis • CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 8 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HO PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA :.:-::3- -:.: LINE vCASE VMAX sta Xentl LO WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 Xt P2 %2 W[. h/b vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=Clw R=Cls R=CIW rr=cls rr=c1 GOV. HOEDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN VMAX= 403 8L 0 0... -,.0. 0 ,..: .. `...E .,, .: .. .. ': •:-. - :' 17 ✓.. C.: 1': V MIN= 304 8R 40338 40338_ ".' '.'.0 i 0 •�: ,'... .; `. ....E ...•'.. ".. - ',• .. ; '. ., ;. 17 ...: .I:_... I: . UNE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS .... .' .. Vgov= 403 Vsa= ...... . Vwa= I' 1 304 GOV CASE= 403 W .. E. .. .: .c'•;. :, .:., TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE= NA ,.. ..... .: 17 COMMENTS: .. ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET 11/10 RATIO ISEE CANT. COLUMN CALLS. - - ..:I : •..I.-..� (3) - Shear Walls Job No, Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 LINE- 6 RESISTING MOMENT RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN NET MOMENTS VWH .UPLIFT Mot S' MOL W2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mner gov. " LINE= 5 19812 19812 19812 8562 B562 8562 WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC " WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=C)W.)1 MIT =C)S H VwH VSH Mot W .Mot S MOt W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. R=CIW (Te CIS 1 2175 4647 4647 4647 26104 11355 26104- 11355 23006 7172 23006 3408 1063 47 3545 12342 12342 12342 42540 18505 42540 18505 34312 '"7397 ,34312 3119 672 LINE- 6 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS - WALLABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC - UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T-C)W H Mf -CIS H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S' MOL W2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mner gov. (T=CIW R=CIS 12 6244 19812 19812 19812 8562 B562 8562 71806 -41547 71806 41547 '58598 23716 58598 "4396 1779 UNE- 7 RESISTING MOMENT "., OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND -SEISMIC WALL N0. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T=C)W H M(T=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S Mot W2/3M MOt S-.9Mr Mnet gov. (T=CIW (T=CIS 11 531 8562 B562 8562 _ - 4778 5409 4778 5409 •930 2297 930 -115 -284 1 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT UNE- 8 WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC " WIND NET MOMENTS UPLIFT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T=C)W H MR=C)S H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S MOt W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. f .C)w fT=OS ' Youno Enaineerina Services " r s Job No. ' 77804 Wildcat Dr. •, - `,' Sheet No. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 • . LINE= 11 DIAPHRAGM DATA 1' PHONE:760-360.5770' _ _ CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - - Date 1/12/2004 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS - • - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL LINE- 9 DIAPHRAGM DATA A.B. - SHEAR WALL DATA _ •- PLYWD 'PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. LTT/MTTMTT AREA 3.4 LINE V CASE VMA% Star Xen,1l Ltl WALL No. 0 h - EXTANT. W P1 %1 P2 - X2 WE. h/b vU • 1 SIDE 2 SIDES h EXTANT. w D7 . V MAX. 2546 9L 40338 40338 0 1 0 - "' i" - E. • ` 17 WALL , - SDgCIN VMIN- ^1123 91? 238 238 9 1 9" E 1402 17 0 0" +` 0:� 0 .. 43-� - .3175' -6.00 • LINE CASE= - W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E-' - 17 ReClw R Cls CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS - Vgov= 2546 -Vsa= VWa- L C E. WALL ABOVE 17 _ PHO LTT/MTT/HTT Vs VW r • t I E - 17 HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN CCOND 1 HOLDOWN 1123 2546 - - E PHD2 2l2% SST824 17 _ • GOV CASE= W 11R TOTAL , fi'00' E -.. .: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO 17 7.60 - - -- - - - - - No. PANA. ICOMMENTSZ I SEE CANT. COLUMN CALCS:' - • - . '- - ' + - I STHDB 2HOLD027(gXi • LINE CASE= W 'STRONG ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - - I E- 74,'7- .I • 17 - ' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS WALL ' 2% LINE- 10 DIAPHRAGM DATA � SHEAR WALL DATA • - -PLYWD PLYWD AIT. -PORTAL' STANDARD A.B. t• AREA 4. LINE vCASE vMAX 5ta Xentl Ltl WALL No. D h EXTANT. w' P1. X1 'P2 %2 Wt. h/b. vU 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACIN, V MAX- _ 2143 • 110E 1 268 268 " 8^ 8 - -E' - 17 _ V MIN= 819 '. 1OR 0 0 !0 0 .M _ E • 17 _ 17 LINE CASE. W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS . - :':i '--E:' 17 ' Vgov= +2143 V$a. ,'vwa-17 _ _', 1402 - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLOOWN OPTIONS VSVw 17 E - HOLDOWN FORCES 17 - L. STRAP 819 - 2143 ' � E' - f;..' 17 - - HOLOOWN 1 LCOND. 'HOEDOWN RCOND. GOVCASE= W ' ,• TOTAL ! ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO ' C. - ` No. PANELS IN LINE=. NA COMMENTS: - ' 4 No. PANELS IN LINE. -2 - COMMENTS: :'.:,^v . _:'k -.., .. :. ._ .... _ _ 1111._. .'. _1111 ..- , 1111. _ _ • ' - " r Job No. •, _, `,' Sheet No. of LINE= 11 DIAPHRAGM DATA 1' Calculated By _ _ CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - - Date 1/12/2004 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS - ^: PLYWD_ PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDARD * A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD _ PHDy LTT/MTTMTT ,. -- - AREA " , •1'^�'::' LINE v CASE V MAX sta X entl , Ld WALL No. b h EXTANT. w D7 •X1 D2 %2 W[. h/b vu 1LSIDE 2 SIDES WAII ' - SPACING PLATE STRAP - - V MAX. 1402 _ 11 L 0 0" +` 0:� 0 .. 43-� - .3175' -6.00 E ..-..- i . .. _ :._.. :. ' • - ReClw R Cls CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS - -' ♦ L C WN WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHO LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP 1 ; _ IT CIw IT=Cls R=CIW rt=05 R=CIGOV, HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN CCOND 1 HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLOOWN. - ND2A 2.2%.4X1 SST820 PHD2 2l2% SST824 CND _ - C - I ♦'. 473 11R 144 14q '-•? . 10' 10 .' qq - - 3 75. fi'00' E -.. .: - : •, , 17 7.60 18fi A AA L I STHDB 2HOLD027(gXi • LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - - I E- 74,'7- .I • 17 - _ _ -_ 5/8' at 30 2% _ 3' -. HD2A (2.2%•4X1 SST820 � .. . •! . ' ^� I-+"`' STHDB (2.2%.4X1 =Vgov. 1402 it i . _ Vs I 17 473 _', 1402 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLOOWN OPTIONS 17 WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES - HO PHO LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP R=C)W IT as R=CIW R=OS R=CIGOV. HOEDOWN HOEDOWN HOLOOWN 1 LCOND. 'HOEDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN ' ,• C. - No. PANELS IN LINE. -2 - COMMENTS: :'.:,^v . _:'k -.., .. :. ._ .... _ _ 1111._. .'. _1111 ..- , 1111. _ _ • ' ' ! • , . • - " LINE= 11 DIAPHRAGM DATA 1' SHEAR WALL DATA _ CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS - ^: PLYWD_ PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDARD * A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD _ PHDy LTT/MTTMTT ,. -- - AREA " , •1'^�'::' LINE v CASE V MAX sta X entl , Ld WALL No. b h EXTANT. w D7 •X1 D2 %2 W[. h/b vu 1LSIDE 2 SIDES WAII ' - SPACING PLATE STRAP - - V MAX. 1402 _ 11 L 0 0" +` 0:� 0 .. 43-� - .3175' -6.00 E ..-..- i . .. _ :._.. :. ' - ReClw R Cls R=Clw rt C)s R=CI GOY. H L C WN R COND. ( _ m' 17 1 60 186 A AA l 5/8' at 30 2% i - 988 258 988 ND2A 2.2%.4X1 SST820 PHD2 2l2% SST824 CND V MIN. 473 11R 144 14q '-•? . 10' 10 .' qq - - 3 75. fi'00' E -.. .: - : •, , 17 7.60 18fi A AA L L7719 202%4X1 SSTS20 STHDB 2HOLD027(gXi STHDB 102%,4X) LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - - I E- 74,'7- � 17 - _ _ -_ 5/8' at 30 2% 988 258 988 HD2A (2.2%•4X1 SST820 PH02 12.2X1 SST824' LTT19 (2.2%.4X1 SST820 + :1 : STHD8 12.2%.4X1 ^� I-+"`' STHDB (2.2%.4X1 =Vgov. 1402 Vsa. s' -:..�' Vwa r.,: s _ Vs I 17 473 _', 1402 a. :__._-. 17 ,r GOVCASE:l TOTAL 7.54 ALL DLT WOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - No. PANELS IN LINE. -2 - COMMENTS: :'.:,^v . _:'k -.., .. :. ._ .... _ _ 1111._. .'. _1111 ..- , 1111. _ _ • ' ' ! • , . • T T • (5) - Shear Walls • `� �a d - ' •a 1111 - .. - • - , • roe LATERAL 1-40.x1s RESISTING MOMENT TIMMMM, �,� _ RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT UNE- 10 - WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS UPLIFT SEISMIC- WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T-C)WH MR=OsH VWH VSH MotW Mots -Mot W -2/3M MOt S-.9Mr MnetgoV. IT. CIW IT CIS SEISMIC UPLIFT- SEISMIC NET MOMENTS WIND. SEISMIC UPLIFT LINE= _ 11 MR.CIWH MTT=CIS H VWH VSH MotW WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND .SEISMIC OVERTURNING MOMENTS WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV _ RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT UNE- 10 - WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS UPLIFT SEISMIC- WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T-C)WH MR=OsH VWH VSH MotW Mots -Mot W -2/3M MOt S-.9Mr MnetgoV. IT. CIW IT CIS SEISMIC UPLIFT- SEISMIC NET MOMENTS WIND. SEISMIC UPLIFT LINE= _ 11 MR.CIWH MTT=CIS H VWH VSH MotW WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND (6) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.x1s RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS SEISMIC UPLIFT- SEISMIC NET MOMENTS WIND. SEISMIC UPLIFT LINE= _ 11 MR.CIWH MTT=CIS H VWH VSH MotW WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND .SEISMIC OVERTURNING MOMENTS WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MrT.C)W H MLT=CIs H VWH - VSH Mot W MOT S Mot W -2/3M MOt s-.9Mr Mnet goV. fT. C)W rT.C)S 43 697 717 717 717 4184 1611 4184 1611 - 3705 966 3705 988 258 44 697 .717 717 717 4184 1611 4184 1611 3705 -966 3705 988 2S8 (6) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.x1s SEISMIC UPLIFT- SEISMIC WIND. SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR.CIWH MTT=CIS H VWH VSH MotW Mots Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr MnetgoV. R=CIW, (T.C)S RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS 10063 10063 10063 NET MOMENTS 12063 9199. . WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRER 9199 1379 451 .41 1852 LINE= 12 18889 14324 18889 WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMICWIND- 9430 1554 9430 - (6) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.x1s SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND. SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR.CIWH MTT=CIS H VWH VSH MotW Mots Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr MnetgoV. R=CIW, (T.C)S 40 1560 10063 10063 10063 15908 12063 15908 12063 9199. 3006 9199 1379 451 .41 1852 14189 14189 14189 18889 14324 18889 14324 9430 1554 9430 1191 196 (6) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.x1s Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. o. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Job PHONE: 760-360-5770 . Sheett N No. of Calculated By Date 11/12/2003 LINE= AREA V MAX.IN2019 V MIN= UNE CASE= 13 2 1900 W LINE 13L 13R DIAPHRAGM DATA V CASE V MAX sta %entl Ltl 50 50 40 40 0 0 0 0 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS WALL NO. -48 49 b 5.00 5.67 SHEAR WAIL DATA h EXTANT. w Pt 8.60 E .279 8.60 E 279 E X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b 17 1.72 17 1.52, 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS PLYWD PLYWD vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES 188 A AA 188 A qA STRONG WALL ALT. PORTAL STANDARD WALL L L A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE SPACING PLATE (T.CIw (i=Cls 5/B' at 30 2% 5/8• at 30 2X HOEDOWN FORCES (f.Clw R=Cls R=C)GOV. 912 679 912 817 SSO 817 Hp HOLDOWN HD2p 12.2%.4X1 SSTS20 HD2A 123X,4X) SSTB20 PHD HOLDOWN PHD2 (23X1 557824 PHD2 123X1 SST824 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LTT/MTTMTT STRAP HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN LTT19123X.4XI SST820 I STHD8 123%•4X1 I. STHD812.2%4XI LTT19123X.4XI SSTS20 I STH08 (23%•4X1 I STHD812.2%.4XI Vgbv. 2019 Vsa I I -a- .E W CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS E. 17 LINE 2909 Vsa. w P1 X1 P2 PORTAL STANDARD VW I 1 Vs Vw 572 2909 0 0 - -0.. .. E 17 LING PLATE R=Clw R CIS R.C1W R=Cls R. CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN TOTAL 3.09 .+ - I 1 1900 2019 113 A AA K 5/B' a[ 30 2X "i 765 LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN 15 E 17 22 22 'i 26. SMEAR WALL DATA 777 LINEv CASE v MA% sta X entl Ltl WALL NO. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 2909 GOV CASE.1 W 16 I TOTAL 1SR0 0 ::.::-. Di 0 :..�i r ........ . ... .. ..... .: .:JE-:::_. ,.: ,..... _.a ..� , ..:. W ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS 572 Vsa--. 2909 Vsa. 1 17 VW NO. PANELS N LINE= ELS I 2 COMMENTS: 2909 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO ' -'• : - - W 77-7 14 DIAPHRAGM DATA CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS SHEAR WALL DATA 9: E V MAX sta %entl VL LO WALL NO. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 2909 14LIN 0CASE 0 0 1 0 'S2 I :3.00,11i.70 1397 14R 1 182 1 182 1`116:1 16 .E W CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS ':h LINE 2909 Vsa. w P1 X1 P2 PORTAL STANDARD VW HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTTMTT STRAP V MAX- 572 2909 0 0 - -0.. 0 • W LING PLATE R=Clw R CIS R.C1W R=Cls R. CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN TOTAL 3.09 .+ - NO. PANELS IN LINE. 1 FORCE PER PANEL. 17 1.80 113 A AA K 5/B' a[ 30 2X "i 765 LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN 15 476 DIAPHRAGM DATA 22 22 'i 26. SMEAR WALL DATA 777 LINEv CASE v MA% sta X entl Ltl WALL NO. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 2909 15L 182 182 ' '1116:`1 16 -.54' .' .'3=1112.70-;—:j.!,1......: ..:.'. e":' :•': '. - : 1397 1SR0 0 ::.::-. Di 0 :..�i r ........ . ... .. ..... .: .:JE-:::_. ,.: ,..... _.a ..� , ..:. W ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS 572 Vsa--. 2909 Vsa. Vwa= 17 VW .. Vs VW 2909 m -i -'• : - - W 77-7 rnre: x nc NO. PANELS IN LINE = 1 FORCE PER PANEL- 2909 ONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL VD PLYWD I ALT. PORTAL STANI DE 2 SIDES WALL USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL )NAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL to I PLYWD I ALT. PORTAL I STANC USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS HD PHD LTT/MTT/Hrr STRAP HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN TYPE 81.25'1e=36' NA NAC' NA :'I•+'" NA CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT I STRAP fT=CIS fT=Clw R=CIS IT=CI GOV. 11898 5765 11898 HOLDOWN OA) I6XI TYPE 81.25' 1e. 36-1 HOLDOWN NA : HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN NA , C I NA I. - NA CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS HD PHD LTT/MTT/Hrr STRAP HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN TYPE 81.25'1e=36' NA NAC' NA :'I•+'" NA (7) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xis l0-�, CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL UNE- 16 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WAIL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS AREA ':h LINE v CASE v MA% sta Xentl ltl w P1 X1 P2 PORTAL STANDARD A.B. I SILL I WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTTMTT STRAP V MAX- 572 16L 0 0 - -0.. 0 X2 Wt. hb vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL LING PLATE R=Clw R CIS R.C1W R=Cls R. CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN .+ - 17 1.80 113 A AA K 5/B' a[ 30 2X "i 765 LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN V MIN. 476 16R 22 22 'i 26. 26.: . : '-: ,,, 625 765 HD2A 123%,470557820 PHD2 R3%I SST824 LTT19 Q3%.4b 557820:-C': ': STHD812.2X.4%1"1'+_• STHDB 123%.4X1 UNE CASE. W ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS ,"- '. ;'' 17 Vgbv= 572 Vsa--. IVa .'.; 17 .... ..:. ' .. Vs VW m -i 17 77-7 476 572 0 'r' ... .i .. 'r :• 17 .. - ...... GOV CASE= W Soso ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RAT10 No. PANELS IN UNE. 1 COMMENTS: ,- -" """' ' 'r+- 6 -. ":-- , w. (7) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xis l0-�, Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr.- ' Job No. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 " Sheet No. of PHONE:760-360-5770 Calculated By • _ - Date 11/12/2003 UNE- 13 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC 14 UPLIFT WINO. SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT -Mr MIN Mrr-C)w H Mrra C)s H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet goV. '(T.C)w IT -C)S " 48 942 5315 5315- 5315 11898 5765 8105 8177 8105 8177 4562 3393 4562 912 679 49 1069 6835 6835 6835 9192 .9272 9192 9272 4635 3121 4535 817 550 LINE- 15 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS UPLIFT LINE= 14 VgoV WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN Mrr-C)w H Mrr-C)s H VwH VSH Mot W Mot S MOt W�nkl Mot S-.9Mr Mnet goV. IT. ow. rr-US 52 2861 972 972 972 3$693 17295 35693 36340 18170 36340 18170, 35693 17295 35693 11898 5765 LINE- 15 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION - DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND - SEISMIC NET MOMENTS WIND SEISMIC - UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR-C)W H .MIT-C)s H VWH VSH Mot W MOt S Mot W2/3M Mot S•.9Mr Mnet goV. IT=C)W " R -OS 54 - 2861 972 972 - 972 - 36340 18170 36340 18170 3$693 17295 35693 11898 5765' UNE- 16 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND ,NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=C)w H MR -[ISH VWH VSH Mot W Mot S Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet goV. , (T-C)w IT -C15 25 - 567. 1913 1913"1913 5100 4847. 5100 4847 3825 3125 3825 765 625 - ' 1. • - 1 • • r • 4. - ' Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 t2 4 (9) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL I CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLOOWN OPTIONS LINE= 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS DIAPHRAGM DATA LINE= SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT.. PORTAL ISTANDARO A.B. SILL I WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA 12.10 UNE vCASE VMAX sta Xentl LO WALL No. b n EXTANT, w Pt X1 P2 X2 Wt. .rVb vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WgLL SPACING PLATE R=Clw R=CIS R=Clw R=Cls Rog GOV. HOLOOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOIDOWN R[OND. HOEDOWN V MAX = 6067 17L 22 22 26w 26 E 17 SPACING C I V MIN= 5453 17R 172 172 32 32 18L 17 15 4'.83. 8.25 E 105 LINE CASE= W 5/8' at 12 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 10107. 9940 10107 E 17 ' - 6135 Vgov= 6067 Vsa= I jVWa. - 17 E 17 W Vs V. LINE CASE= W t 'E'' E. 17 E . 17 5453 6067 Vsa= I ;.. Vwa= -17 TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE = NA E. 17 6212 1 1 GOV [ASE= W E" 17 TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE= NA - COMMENTS ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - - - - 4 (9) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE = 19 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 18 PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD DIAPHRAGM DATA PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP SHEAR WALL DATA `1.1 ". PLYWD PLYWO ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTTSTRAP AREA 10.11 LINE VCASE VMA% sta Xentl Ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. W Pt X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=Clw IT CIS R=Clw R=Cls R=C)GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLOOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN V MAX. 6212 18L 172 172 - 32 32 15 4'.83. 8.25 E 105 17 1.71 1273 NA OD NA 5/8' at 12 3% - 10107. 9940 10107 OA) 14%)TYPE A 1.25' le -36m NA NA I NA —I NA V MIN= 6135 18R 33 53 '22 22 Vsa E" - - 17 17 LINECASE= W Vs I 1159 1 I LINE CASE= W t 'E'' ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E . 17 GOV CASE= S Vsa= I ;.. Vwa= -17 TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE = NA COMMENTS: V90V= 6212 Vsa= VWa= '" E" 17 .. - E 17 Vs 6135 Vw 6212 1 1 E E 17 17 ,..-.......:.. _. .-. TOTAL 7.55 No. PANELS IN LINE.— 1 -, COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET hA7 RATIO . I 1 I I GOV CASE= W I 4 TOTAL 4.88 No. PANELS IN UNE= 1 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - - 4 (9) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL • CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE = 19 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALLABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA `1.1 ". HOLDOWN FORCES CASE VMA% sLa Xentl Ltl WAIL No. b n EXTANT. W P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=CIW IT CIS R=C)W R=Cls R=C)GOV. HOLOOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN V MA%= 1159 #IiL� 53 53 '.....::22' 22 .. • ..- E17 R=Clw R=as R=C)GOV. HOLDOWNHOEDOWN ZX ..., : ..VMIN= C I.- V MAX= 718 20L O -. '.'.' -E'`<'.. 17 141 A AA K S/8' at 30 i7X 1. 1'. UNE CASE= S LTT19 12-2%.4X1 SM20 'C STHDB 12-2X.4X) I' STHD812.2%.4X1 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E. -' 17 133 133 >.: ` ':.8.r:: 8 '-'` ' '-' ` : -'". ':.! E'' :-. _ 17 V9ov= 1159 Vsa - -.E:, 17 LINECASE= W Vs I 1159 VW "' 17 t 'E'' 17 . GOV CASE= S Vsa= I ;.. Vwa= -17 TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE = NA COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO ISEE CANT. -COLUMN CALCS:' 4 (9) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 20 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA I PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL I WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA .':181.-- LINE VCASE IVMAX sta Keno Ltl WALL No, b h EXTANT. W Pt X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL, SPACING PLATEI R=Clw IT CIS R=Clw R=as R=C)GOV. HOLDOWNHOEDOWN HOLOOWN LCOND. - HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN V MAX= 1061 20L 1 0 1 0 "` Oe- 0 38 .• :750 9.20 E. '169` - 17 1.23 141 A AA K S/8' at 30 i7X 1. 480 -236 480 / HD2A 12.2%.4X1 SSTS20 PH0212.2XI SST824 LTT19 12-2%.4X1 SM20 'C STHDB 12-2X.4X) I' STHD812.2%.4X1 V MIN= 605 20R 133 133 >.: ` ':.8.r:: 8 '-'` ' '-' ` : -'". ':.! E'' :-. _ 17 - LINECASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS ".' `4E ^' ": '; '' "' 17 :... ... - I....• .. -I. Vgov= 1061 Vsa= I ;.. Vwa= -17 .. - E 17 1 1 605 GOV CASE.17 1061 W ,..-.......:.. _. .-. TOTAL 7.55 No. PANELS IN LINE.— 1 -, COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET hA7 RATIO I 4 4 (9) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Job No. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 _ Sheet No. of PHONE:760-360-5770 Calculated By_ Date -11/4/2003 LINE= NET MOMENTS RESISTING MOMENT .. .OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND .SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT . WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT' Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=CIw H MIT- CIS H VWH VSH . Mot W Mot S MOtw.2/3M4 MOt S.9Mr Mnet gov. rr=Clw fT=CIS 15 6148 2861 2861 2861 480 -236 LINE= 18 RESISTING MOMENT .. .OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND .SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT . WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT' Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=CIw H MIT- CIS H VWH VSH . Mot W Mot S MOtw.2/3M4 MOt S.9Mr Mnet gov. rr=Clw fT=CIS 15 6148 2861 2861 2861 480 -236 S072S 50585. 50725 .SOSBS 48818 48010 48818 10107 9940 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS 20-. -RESISTING MOMENT - WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION - NETMOMENTS SEISMIC WIND . SEISMIC. - UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN. MR=CIWH MfT=CIS H VWH VSH Mot Mot Mot W2/3M MOTS•.9Mr Mnetgov. rreCIW (T -CIS 38 1054 9152 9152 "- 9152. 9701 6469 9701 6469 3599 1768 3599 480 -236 - LINE=' 20-. -RESISTING MOMENT - OVERTURNING MOMENTS" WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT' WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND - NETMOMENTS SEISMIC WIND . SEISMIC. - UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN. MR=CIWH MfT=CIS H VWH VSH Mot Mot Mot W2/3M MOTS•.9Mr Mnetgov. rreCIW (T -CIS 38 1054 9152 9152 "- 9152. 9701 6469 9701 6469 3599 1768 3599 480 -236 l Young Enaineerina Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Job No. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 Sheet No. -Of - PHONE: 760-360-5770 o.OfPHONE:760-360-5770 r, Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LINE= AREA VMA%= V MIN= 23 - 22 1);18 5034 3663 LINE 12L 22R DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE V MAX zta %entl LO 69 69 . 72 12 140 140 -30: 30 SMEAR WALL DATA WALL NO. b w Pt 32' 20.75 ' %1 P2 %2 Wt. h/b 17 0.48 17LINE CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL PLYWD PLYWD I ALT. PORTAL STANDARD vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL 241 A AA E CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL HOEDOWN FORCES r7=CIW rr=CIfR=CI GOY. 12dS 322 1245 HD HOEDOWN HD2A 122%,4%I 557810 - - CASE= LINE= 21 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS DIAPHRAGM DATA 17 SNEAK WALL DATA . PLYWD ,..;. 15;13- I I V9ov= CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS AREA 16 LINE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD .LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHO LTTA47T/Hrr SPACING PLATE IT =Ow IT=C7z .,. ..... .. .. 17.. vCASE VMA% 3[a %entl LO WAII NO. b n E%TANT. w D1 %t D2 X2. Wt. h/b vu t SIDE 25IDE5 WALL SPACING rr=CIW 5034 STRAP V MA%= 1687 21( BB 98 12 t2 36 11.00 13.67 I 223. '':: :. .: _ •... I I, PLATE RaClw fT=CIs R=CTs R=C)GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOEDOWN ICOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN VMIN= 103C 21R .69 69 12 12 E' t0 1.24 17 771 A AA II S/8' at 30 2X 1016 -338 1016 HD2A 12.2X.4%I SSTS20 PH0212.2%1 SST824 LTT19 R-2%AXI SST820 I STHD812 2XA%1 I 57HD812.2X.4XI LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL' LINE LOADS E' 17 '. All PLYWOOD DANELS MEET 1/1 RATIO .. 'I. I;..... 7466 Vsa= 1 1 V9ov= Vs 1887 VW V52= I lvwa- - E 17 - NO. PANELS IN LINE = 2 COMMENTS: `<: +ri' .: .,.• :.�:'. .' .......—."...... E - .. .... : E.. ...,_.... - - 17 .. 1034 1887 9S, E 17 TOTAL 14.72 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET tvb RATIO I I GOV CASE= W TOTAL COMMENTS: - NO. PANELS IN LINE 1COMMENTS I- ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - LINE= AREA VMA%= V MIN= 23 - 22 1);18 5034 3663 LINE 12L 22R DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE V MAX zta %entl LO 69 69 . 72 12 140 140 -30: 30 SMEAR WALL DATA WALL NO. b w Pt 32' 20.75 ' %1 P2 %2 Wt. h/b 17 0.48 17LINE CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL PLYWD PLYWD I ALT. PORTAL STANDARD vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL 241 A AA E A.B. SPACINGri=Cls 5/e' at 30 HOEDOWN FORCES r7=CIW rr=CIfR=CI GOY. 12dS 322 1245 HD HOEDOWN HD2A 122%,4%I 557810 PHD HOEDOWN DH02 (22X1 557624 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LTT/MTTMTT STRAP HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN R COND. HOEDOWN LTTZOB R3XA%I 557820 C STHD6122%.4%1 I STHDB 12.2%4%1 CASE= W CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LHOLOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RSTRAP COND.HOEDOWN 122%4X1 SST824'; C' STHD14 12.2%.4X1 I'. MTT268 12.1X,4%1557824 ' I I HPAHD222P 14%11 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS MEEXTANT.1 17 ia76.. Vwa= ,L. . NWALLABOVE ,..;. 15;13- I I V9ov= 5034 Vsa. Vwa= ...171Vs HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD .LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP ..)VW - WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 VW Vu 1 S1DE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT =Ow IT=C7z .,. ..... .. .. 17.. E 17 4003 24L - 67 67 '-'" 16: t6 1 1 3663 5034 rr.C)W r7=Os rr=C)GOV. - - 17 HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN 2033 5277 '':: :. .: _ •... I I, GOV CASE= W . - ..... ..; : 17- TOTAL 20.80 HTT22 22X,4%1 SST824 —: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET rW RATIO 24R 140 140 :''. _: ':21:' 21 ::: E. .. .. ._.... ,. 1 is NO. PANELS IN UNE- 1 COMMENTS: ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 11.49 .. 17,157 5277 W LINE 23L 23R DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE vMA% zta Xentl 140 140 ' 30' 67 67 � '16'. ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS:'"'^"• Ltl 30 16 WALL NO. 26 - 28' SHEAR WALL DATA D h EXMT.w Pt 5:70 :900• - "5.75' -9.00 i..: ' - X1 PZ %2 W[. - •: '- 10 'i - '• 10 17 I7/b 1.58 t57 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS PLYWO PLYWD vu t SIDE 25IDE5 459 C AA 459 C AA STRONG WALL ALT. PORTAL STANDARD WALL NA3597 NA5/e A.B. I SILL I WALL ABOVE SDgCING DLATE R=Ciw R=C75 at 30 3X SAI' a[ 30 3X -':::v HOLDOWN FORCES R.CIw (T=CIs IT=CI GOV. 3963 3030 3963 3961 3028 3961 HD HOEDOWN HDSA la%1 SS7B20 HOSA 14X1 557820 PHD HOEDOWN PHDS12Z%1 557824MT728B PHDS R•IXI SST824 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LHOLOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RSTRAP COND.HOEDOWN 122%4X1 SST824'; C' STHD14 12.2%.4X1 I'. MTT268 12.1X,4%1557824 ' I I HPAHD222P 14%11 HPAHD222D IaXI HPAHD222P 14%1 5277 Vsa. ia76.. Vwa= ,L. . .... .:_;. ,..;. 15;13- .._:..17 VCASE vMAX PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALLABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD .LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP ..)VW zta Xentl Ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b. Vu 1 S1DE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT =Ow IT=C7z E 17 4003 24L - 67 67 '-'" 16: t6 `' .27' X16:67 14:20 I �: 1228' 10 rr.C)W r7=Os rr=C)GOV. HOEDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN 2033 5277 '':: :. .: _ •... 0.97 r'. ::..:: . - ..... ..; : 17- DHD6 12 2X1 SST834 HTT22 22X,4%1 SST824 —: 24R 140 140 :''. _: ':21:' 21 ::: E. .. .. ._.... ,. is W W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS TOTAL 11.49 .. '. All PLYWOOD DANELS MEET 1/1 RATIO .. 'I. I;..... 7466 Vsa= Sd53. Vwa. ....: - ...: :'. ::.` .E -• ' ''I ' "' - - NO. PANELS IN LINE = 2 COMMENTS: `<: +ri' .: .,.• :.�:'. .' .......—."...... I.` - .. .... : E.. ...,_.... - - 17 .. 9S, TOTAL 14.72 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET tvb RATIO (11) - Shear Walls _ LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL Z4 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS 15;13- LINE VCASE vMAX PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALLABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD .LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP zta Xentl Ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b. Vu 1 S1DE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT =Ow IT=C7z 4003 24L - 67 67 '-'" 16: t6 `' .27' X16:67 14:20 I �: 1228' 10 rr.C)W r7=Os rr=C)GOV. HOEDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN 2033 '':: :. .: _ •... 0.97 533 C AA NA SB' at 30 3X -'•- 2052 4953 4955 HD6A 14X1 SST834 DHD6 12 2X1 SST834 HTT22 22X,4%1 SST824 —: 24R 140 140 :''. _: ':21:' 21 ::: E. .. .. ._.... ,. I STHD14 12.2XA%i I:. STH014 12.2%.4X1 W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E; ., . ...: .:. �. .; :. .. 77 .. '. .. 'I. I;..... 7466 Vsa= Sd53. Vwa. ....: - ...: :'. ::.` .E - - 17 - - VW 17 I.` .. .... : E.. ...,_.... - - 17 .. 9S, TOTAL 14.72 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET tvb RATIO No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 COMMENTS: (11) - Shear Walls _ LATERAL 1-40.xis Young Engineering Services - 22 77804 Wildcat Dr. Job Palm Desert, CA. 92211 - Sheet Nor of PHONE:760-360-5770 Calculated By 21 Date 11/4/2003 . LINE= - 22 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS - SEISMIC NET MOMENTS UPLIFT LINE- 21 Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND 'DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHTMr MIN MIT -C)w H MfT-C)S H VWH VSH MOT W mots MOL W2/3M Mot 5-.9Mr Mnet gov.. R=C)w rT=cis 36 1878 21762 21762 21762 18586 25679 15863 25679 15863 11171 3723 11171 1016 338 3963 3030 28 2641 1488 1488 1488 23768 18749 .23768 18749 22776 17410 22776 3961 3028 . LINE= - 22 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION 'DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND • - SEISMIC NET MOMENTS WIND SEISMIC' UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL N0. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT=C)w H MrT=C)s H VwH VSH Mot W M0tS.M0tW-2/3M1 Mot S..9Mr Mnet gov. (T-C)w - rT=C)s A2 S022 36598- 36598 36598 MnetgoV. 50222' 39618 50222' 39618 25824 .6680 25824 „ .1245 322 - 23561 18586 23561 18586 22586 17270 - 22586 3963 3030 28 2641 1488 1488 1488 23768 18749 .23768 18749 22776 17410 22776 3961 3028 LINE= 23- _ RESISTING MOMENT - - - - OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL A86VE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC UNE- UPLIFT - WIND. SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT 'Mr RIGHT Mr MIN - MrT=C)wH MrT=CISH VWH VSH Mot MOtS Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr. MnetgoV. (TeOW IT=cis 26 2618, 1462 1462 1462 - 23561 18586 23561 18586 22586 17270 - 22586 3963 3030 28 2641 1488 1488 1488 23768 18749 .23768 18749 22776 17410 22776 3961 3028 - RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS UPLIFT UNE- - 24 WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC ` WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT- CIw H MR -Cis H' VWH VsH - Mot W Mot S MOT W -2/3M Mot S-:9Mr MnetgoV. rT-CIW IT -Cls 27 7824 39814 39814 39814 56649 108522 56649 108522 30106 72690 72690 2052 4955 Young Engineering Servicesr•' • .. 77804 Wildcat Dr. Job No. Palm Desert: CA. 92211 Sheet No. of PHONE:760-360-5770 a Calculated By ` , Date 1/12/2004 • •, • - . '• 1•• ` - ^ ' - •, a f.. •• � r a ,, , r 1 L' M . a -I �i ' _ ` .. .. • - • , , • I ,1^ • " - - - - - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - = - LINE. CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS •t LINE= 25 SHEAR WALL DATA DIAPHRAGM+ DATA ' SHEAR WALL '• DATA . '.b _ PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL ISTANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLOOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTTMTT STRAP AREA 13 LINE., VCASE VMAX sta Xentl Ltl WALL No. - n - EXTANT. w P1 Xt - P2 X2- Wt. Wt, vU 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL ^ SPACING PLATE R.CIw R=CIf R=C)w R=Cls R=CIGOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN _ • HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCONO. HOLDOWN V MA%= .2935 25L 293456 IkYYM - 0" 0 17 3.00 8.00 E: 'E ♦ _ 17 2.67 962 TOO HIGH SW48XB 3% .7561 4292 '" 7561 _ HDBA 16X1 SSTS34 - NA NA C . NA - 1 ., NA • MIN= 1670 25R 0 0 0 0 M 19 • ' Vsa. VWa= .E LINE CASE. W _ ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - M1I E :' 17 W.ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS'v `` E -,17 I I •• r Vgov.-• 2935, Vsa. I-, jVwa= E. 17 - : 28R Vgov= 2021 Vsa= ... .. VWa= E 17.. s LINE CASE. W I _ . 16702935 VW a . - E - _ 17 - - GOV CASE= w Vsa t TOTAL 3.05 • < - ' 'USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL - -. d -• = , - - ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO x_ R•.-!VCOMM No. PANELSINLINE= A._ --FORCE PER PANEL= 2935 •. COMMENTS ISEESHEARMAXCALCS. ^_+-. _- ]-• •- -- - _ _ -- ! - - •- - - - T,•••- ^_ _ c--4,-•,- 390- _ _ _ ._- - • • - -" ' - - • - Y -•< - - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOl00WN OPTIONS 'I -MHOLDOWN LINE. 26 - - DIAPHRAGM .� DATA ., SHEAR WALL DATA , PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B.. SILL WALL ABOVE " `HOLDOWN FORCES _ HD PHO LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA 16 UNE VCASE VMAX Sta %and Ltl WALL No. b h. EXTANT. w P1 X1 't '- P7 X2 Wt. - IVb vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=C)w R. CIS R=CIW R=CIS R=CICOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN • HOLDOWN R GOND. V MAX= 1119' 25L 293456 #CIA# - - 16•. - 16 $ . .E - --+ - _17 ;'`•-;16,14 ?`n' - ) VMIN a 490 25R. 0 0 :0,• 0 - •'E— - 17 _ '4. '- - 1 LINE CASE= W HOEDOWN LCOND. - HOEDOWN RCOND. ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - :E.: -17 A - - ' M . Vgov= ' 1119 ' Vsa. VWa= .E 17 - _ _. F •, _ PHD2122X1557824 - LTT20B 122%.4X1 SSTB20 ': :C`=STHDB 12-2X4%1STH0812-2%,4X) e, a. '17 W.ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS'v `` E -,17 490E. GOV CASE. W " H02A 12.2X.4%1 SST820 .• - .; _.- TOTAL _ • _ No. PANELS IN LINE NA 1• - - COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD IVb - A OOD PANELS MEET RATIO- :.''-. ,_• :-="^ "'.:,, �(':' .• i':,..f: "' •' ' •} - - Tl f 1 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS ^ . STRONG WALL - - - . - - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS , LINE. 27 • - DIAPHRAGM .. "DATA - SHEAR WALL DATA ' - - PLYWD PLYWD ALT. '' PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL I WALLABOVE • HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD t LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA AREA ;'`•-;16,14 ?`n' LINE VCASE VMAX sta Xentl ,: LtlNVEX"rh EXTANT. w •P1 X1 P2 %2 Wt. h/b Vu t SIDE 2SIDES _ WALL '- SPACING PLATE IT.C)w R.C)s R.C)W R=C)s IT. C)GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. - HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN - VMAX= V MIN= _ •2021 880 .. 27L 27R 70 70 '- i''16 75 75 :. :^72'! 165:.10.00 I."G .. +.- 12- E: . +. ....•.. ^:- `.: 'r7. 10 0.89 17. 179 A AA NA S/B' at 30 2X '� ' -' =; . ' ' 1414 360' � 1414 � HD2A 122%.4X1557820 PHD2122X1557824 - LTT20B 122%.4X1 SSTB20 ': :C`=STHDB 12-2X4%1STH0812-2%,4X) e, a. LINE CASE= W.ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS'v `` E -,17 S/8' at 30 2X 1059 235 1059 H02A 12.2X.4%1 SST820 SST824 '. LTT1912-2%,4X1 SST820 STH08 R 2XpXl - ♦ I .:. .+ STHDB 12.2%.4X1 VMIN= 390 28R Vgov= 2021 Vsa= ... .. VWa= E 17.. LINE CASE. W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS VW 17 - - ._ ,- ••s- ,;,, ( ;f :i, 17 - - Vgov= 902 Vsa I :<.....•Vwa= ,... ,. . , ., ., E I. t .. 880 GOVCASE .2021 = - E . '� - • t .:.S .x 17Vs ENTS'- ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO x_ R•.-!VCOMM - , ` « 17 •} - - Tl f 1 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - - - . _ " - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS - , ' LINE= 29 • 'DIAPHRAGM. DATA ` ". .• - SHEARWALL •. DATA , V PLYWD PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDARDHOLDOWN y A.B. ABrr FORCES 's -HO ,' PHDr LTT/NITT/HTT . STRAP AREA ' '14.: <•a LINE VCASE VMAX sta %entl LCI WALL No. b -h EXTANT. W T P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt.E17.71 vU 1' SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE rr owL Cl S R.CIw R.C)s R=CI GOV. � HOEDOWN - ' HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. a * Y •_' 1 V MAX- 902' 28L 75 75 ' " ':'1 2.. 1': r ' ` " -'HOLDOWN 220•.-. 12.00 E e.: :_ +:'. > 17 129 w _, .. r 0 .'i-: .Y� . HOEDOWN yPH0212-2X1 RCONO •.. y i. +r • e, a. . .7:00: _ -;.:.' A .. AA ,` K S/8' at 30 2X 1059 235 1059 H02A 12.2X.4%1 SST820 SST824 '. LTT1912-2%,4X1 SST820 STH08 R 2XpXl - ♦ I .:. .+ STHDB 12.2%.4X1 VMIN= 390 28R 0 0 ';: .+..'.0:- 0 :.... ,.:- .I .r ::.. :..: tE' ^- l... 17 - -. r LINE CASE. W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS .s: :... 17 - - ._ ,- ••s- ,;,, ( ;f :i, - - Vgov= 902 Vsa I :<.....•Vwa= ,... ,. . , ., ., E I. t .. „ . 17. VS VW 17 390- (13) - Shear Walls s - • 17 -' - - e -' GOVCASE= . W - •TOTAL 7.05 -: ; = 10 .- ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO .. '' .. 4 No. PANELS IN UNE.' 1 COMMENTS:.;. v++. ' ::.: t • •. . ♦ _ �` - .. f :Aa _ �. •} � Tl f 1 1�` ' .,• .•. , t• - - >• wT 11 •+` e - ••, Sy..Y, .•�• �• - i ;• rs - t I ' • j .• ' , `s� i , `3 '. _S- •� •} � Tl • )� ' .*, ' 1�` ' .,• .•. , t• - - >• wT 11 •+` e - ••, Sy..Y, .•�• �• - i ;• rs - t I ' ' .• ' , `s� , `3 '. _S- •� a * Y •_' 1 e r -C a•a • - - •1 - t y f - a t-, .,..,,. .a -, • •- _ t _ _, .. r 0 .'i-: .Y� . ,• _ ., .. :*_ t ..� .. - , - :. - _ Z, C • •'- •.. y i. +r • e, a. 1 t_ _ .. s� ` •. , r• v. • r^ ! ' r Y `r � t• I . a .. - , • sY �l ' •`• � a = I t 4. (13) - Shear Walls s - • -' - - e -' l_ATERAL.1-40.x1s . 10 Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 RESISTING MOMENT RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS - UPLIFT UNE- ' SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND. SEISMIC - WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFr Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=C)W H MR=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W MOt S MoT W.7/3M Mat S-.9Mr Mnet gov. (t=C)w fT=C)5 17 2886, 612 612 -612 9745 20122 23092' 13426 '23092 13426 . 22684 12876 22684 7561 4292 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET -MOMENTS UPLIFT ' LINE= 25 WAIL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND ' SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MfT=CIW H Mrr=05 H VWH VSH Mat W mots of W -2/3M MOt S-.9Mr Mnet gov. fT=C)w R=C)5 VSH Mot W MOt 5 of W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. R=C)w (T=C)5 22 2072 6328 6328 6328 10746 20122 9745 20122 9745 15903.. 4049 15903 1414 360 LINE= 27 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WINO SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC - NET MOMENTS. WIND SEISMIC. UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. V90V Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=Qw H MfT=C)S H VWH VSH Mot W MOt 5 of W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. R=C)w (T=C)5 22 2072 6328 6328 6328 10746 20122 9745 20122 9745 15903.. 4049 15903 1414 360 UNE- ` 28 RESISTING MOMENT _ OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC - UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T=CIW H M(T=05 H VWH VSH Mot W Mot $ MOT W -2/3M MOt S•.9Mr Mnet gov. rr.C)w rr=05 20 895 4998 4998 4998 - 10746 6744. 10746 -6144 7414 1646 7414 1059 235 (14) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xis �` Q Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Job No. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 - Sheet No. of PHCINE:760-360-5770 ` Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 (15) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xls ' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 29 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD eALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHO LTT/MTTA(TT AREA 3 LINE V CASE V MAX Sta X entl No. b h w Pt Xt P2 X2 Wt. h/b vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=C)W IT=CIS tT=CIW rT=C)s IT Cl COV, HOLDOWN STRAP HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. V MAX= 307 29L qLOWALL 0 0 Vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL HOLDOWN R COND.HOEDOWN V MIN= 296 30R . 0 0 0 VMAX= 17 NL C 1V MIN= 296 29R 30730 30730 0 17 - - I I LINE CASE= S Vsa= ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS P.E 17 32R I .I V9ov= 307 Vsa= Vwa= TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE= NA - 17Vs ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - - ' "- :•.E -�.. '' VW W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17 .._.. . . - 17 307 296 Vsa-.._";' Vwa= "' 17 I 1 - IGOVCASE-1 S "`' "' TOTAL I VW W ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET IW RATIO ..;.A...E. TOTAL 4.25 NO. PANELS INUNE=. 1 .: 17 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO .;;,. ,.._...:•1:,":'i,:; •;,..... ,,..'. ..,....... .. .. - No. PANELS IN LINE= NA - COMMENTS SEE CANT. COLUMN CALCS. - _ (15) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xls _ CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 30 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA 31 PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PND LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP --AREA '3 LINE V: -:i VMAX sta Xentl LO WALL No. b h EXTANT. W I P7 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h(b Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL - SPACING PLATE IT aw rr Cls IT=CiW R=Qs(T=C1Gov. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLOOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN V MAX. 307 30L 30730 30730 0: 0 E. I 1 17 Vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE rT=CIw IT cis V MIN= 296 30R . 0 0 0 VMAX= 918 NL 0 0 F '.0" 0 LINE CASE= 5 216 A AA ( ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS '•E 17 - - I I V9ov= 307 Vsa= :. Vwa= .- :: :, , E ,,.., ': - '... 17 32R ., Vs 307 GOV CASE= VW 296 S 17, TOTAL No. PANELS IN LINE= NA COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - - (15) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xls _ CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 31 32 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT.PORTAL STANDARD A.B. I SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/NTT STRAP AREA; .18=: - LINE V CASE V MAX Sta X entl to WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE rT=CIw IT cis R=OW (T-C)s (T=C) COV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN L COND. HOLDOWN R COND. HOLDOWN VMAX= 918 NL 0 0 F '.0" 0 .37- '4:20- 800E- �.:: 17 1.90 216 A AA ( 5/8' at 30 2% 1537 770 1537 2X%I 557620 H02A 12,4 PH02124XI 557824 1r720812.2XgXI 557820 [ STHD8(24%4X1.P `' STHD8122X,4X1 V MIN= '495 31R 38 3B :. 24.c 24 .- :: :, , E ,,.., ': - '... 17 32R ., 0 ':-'E 17, LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS t ' "- :•.E -�.. '' "" ^'' ' ' - 17 W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS '- 'E- .. .._.. . . - 17 V9ov= 918 Vsa-.._";' Vwa= "' 17 V9ov= 918 Vsa= """ Vwa= "`' "' Vs - 4GOV C95:...E' ASE= VW W ..;.A...E. TOTAL 4.25 NO. PANELS INUNE=. 1 .: 17 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO .;;,. ,.._...:•1:,":'i,:; •;,..... ,,..'. ..,....... .. .. V - Vw - (15) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xls CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 32 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD 'LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP ' AREA18'.' "' LINE VCASE VMAX sta %entl ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b VD 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE rT=c)w rr=Cls rr=C)w (T=Os (T=OGOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCONO. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN VMAX. 918 32l 6161 ,'%-. 't_75.: 15 - 35`' .. .:4.00' %9:75 .. E' . .. �'.• .' •,: '" ..'% 17 2.31 227 - 2X 1866 975 1886 H02A R 2X.4XI 557820 PHD212 2X1 557824 ,RCOND. LTT131122X,4%I 557820 �. C:> STHD812-2X,4X) I' STHD812-2X.4X1 V MIN= 495 32R 0 0 - _: 0:. 0 ':-'E 17, LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS '- 'E- .. .._.. . . - 17 V9ov= 918 Vsa= """ Vwa= "`' "' 17 I: I Vs Vw 495 918 E GOV CASE= W TOTAL 4.05 No. PANELS IN LINE= 1 - FORCE PER PANEL= 918 COMMENTS: USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL ISEE SHEARMAX CALLS: ' (15) - Shear Walls LATERAL 1-40.xls Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. ' ml Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE: 760-360-5770 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS' - . NET MOMENTS UPLIFT WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT LINE= 30 WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT=CIw H M(r-C)5 H VWHVSH Mat W Mot S Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. (i=C)W IT CIS Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN Mrr=CIW H M(T=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W - Mot S MotW.Z/3Mi Mot S..9Mr Mnet gov. (T=Clw IT=CIS 37 907 1200 1200 1200 VSH Mot 7254 4313. 7254 4313" 6454, 3234 6454 1537 770 8383 LINE- ' ' 31. RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS - WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND,. SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC' WIND SEISMIC - NET MOMENTS - WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN Mrr=CIW H M(T=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W - Mot S MotW.Z/3Mi Mot S..9Mr Mnet gov. (T=Clw IT=CIS 37 907 1200 1200 1200 VSH Mot 7254 4313. 7254 4313" 6454, 3234 6454 1537 770 8383 5031 8383 5031 7544, 3899 7544 1886 975 - RESISTING MOMENT, OVERTURNING MOMENTS - NET MOMENTS UPLIFT LINE= 32 WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC - WINO ' - "SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC - WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MCr=C)wH MIT =CISH VWH VSH Mot Mot Mot W�2/31M.Mot So.9Mr Mneigov. R=Clw R=CIS. - 35' 906 1258 1258 1258 8383 5031 8383 5031 7544, 3899 7544 1886 975 Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 LINE= AREA V MAX= V MIN= t 1 1094 361 LINE 33L 33R DIAPHRAGM DATA uCASE VMA% sta %entl Ltl 0 0 0 0 68 1 68 16' 16 SHEAR WALL DATA WALL No. b h EXTANT. W P1 42 . 8.20 10.00 E 54 E X1 P2 X2 Wt. hA1 17 1.22 - 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD VU 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL 133 A AA K A.B. SILL SPACING PLATE 5/8' at 30 2% WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES R=CIW IT CIS R=CIW R=CIs R=CIGOV. : 713 240 713 --- HD HOLDOWN HD2A 12.2%.4X1 SSTS20 PHD HOLDOWN PHD212-2X1 SSTB24 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP HOLOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN LTT1912-2%.4%I SSTS20 - C STH0812-2XAXI I STH0812.2%.4XI LINE CASE= W 5 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E 17 .E 17 , Vgov= 1094 Vsa= I - jVwa= E 17 PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDAR D I AIwL ABIT=cis ES FITRCCI HD PHD I I Vz vw LINE V CASE v MAX 3La X entl E tI Vu 1LSIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPA[ NG OBLATE R CILL HwIR -HOLDOWN 1 361 1094 35L a E 17 rt=COVE CSDOWN GOV. .-_ .. .. .. ^..... _. HOLDOWN 1 I GOV CASE= W •'.,.i27. TOTAL ' 8.25 - ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO 2% ..: .. .. - HD2A 122X.4X155TB20 PHD2 (2.2%1 SSTB24 1.77208122%,4X1557820':'[ STH08122X.4%i '1 STHD812.2X.4%i V MIN= 530 35R 24 24 •. No. PANELS IN LINE = t COMMENTS ': ""• "" •'_' •'^ " - '• .-' • No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 LINE= AREA VMA%= V MIN= 34 1 - 1094 " 361 " LINE 34L 34R DIAPHRAGM DATA V CASE v MAX sta X entl Ltl '68 68 16 0 0 0 016 SHEAR WALL DATA WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 ; 45 . . 8.33 10.00 E 54 E X1 P2 %2 - Wt. h/b - 17 1.20 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD VU 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL- 130 A AA K A.B. SILL -WALL ABOVE PLATE IT IT=Cls SA1' at 30 2% '- HOLDOWN FORCES IT=Clw 77[75 R=CI GOV. 683 -260 683 HD HOEDOWN HD2A 12.2%A%1 SST820 PHD HOEDOWN PHD212.2X7 SSTB24 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP HOEDOWN L GOND. HOLDOWN R GOND. HOEDOWN LTT1912.2X.4%I SSTS20 .. C STHD812 2%,4X1 1 STHDB 12 2%,4X1 LINE CASE= W 5 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E" 17 .E 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLOOWN OPTIONS Vgova 1094 Vsa= lvwa.:E':: Vsa= 17 PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDAR D I AIwL ABIT=cis ES FITRCCI HD PHD TRAP LHOEDOWN VS 'VW LINE V CASE v MAX 3La X entl - :-.:.:.. .E .. ': ....' 17 Vu 1LSIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPA[ NG OBLATE R CILL HwIR -HOLDOWN 1..: 361 1094 35L a E. , _ 17 rt=COVE CSDOWN GOV. .-_ .. .. .. ^..... _. HOLDOWN L CONO. HOLDOWN RSCOND. HOLDOWN GOV [ASE= W •'.,.i27. TOTAL 8.38 17 2.67 _ ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET rVb RATIO 2% ..: .. .. - HD2A 122X.4X155TB20 PHD2 (2.2%1 SSTB24 1.77208122%,4X1557820':'[ STH08122X.4%i '1 STHD812.2X.4%i V MIN= 530 35R 24 24 •. No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 COMMENTS: ': ""• "" •'_' •'^ " - '• .-' • No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 LINE= AREA V MAX= V MIN- 36 4.5''" '':, 2490 2089 LINE 361. 36R DIAPHRAGM DATA v CASE v MAX 322 X entl 20 24 :` ! .;27 i 38 38 .... ^52'- Ltl 27 52 SHEAR WALL DATA WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 %: 50": f `11:50' .17:56 :.E::' :203- " Y ". .';. 1. ._: ':'r �'. .: ....:E, .. ••:'::. . CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL P YWD PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDAR vU ISIDE 52 SIDES HEAR ALES WALL D 294 B AA L SPACING PLATE SAi' at 30 2% (TCpwL ABOVE R=Clwlrt C sFITRCC) GOV. - .`'.' � ` � 1246 2102 2102 HO HOLDOWN H02A 122%,4X1557820 PHD HOLDOWN PHD2 !23%1557824 LINE= 35 5 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA .E 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLOOWN OPTIONS `4.'`;. '" Vgov= 2797 Vsa= '307 JVW3='""'' PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDAR D I AIwL ABIT=cis ES FITRCCI HD PHD TRAP LHOEDOWN AREA LINE V CASE v MAX 3La X entl Ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. w Pt %1 P2 X2 Wt. nb Vu 1LSIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPA[ NG OBLATE R CILL HwIR -HOLDOWN VMAX= 649 35L 0 0 ..: :;'0 `� 0 `....51' 8.00. .:...E ', rt=COVE CSDOWN GOV. .-_ .. .. .. ^..... _. HOLDOWN L CONO. HOLDOWN RSCOND. HOLDOWN •'.,.i27. ..'3.00: 17 2.67 213 SW16X8 SW78%8 2% ..: .. .. 1565 ,1301 1565 HD2A 122X.4X155TB20 PHD2 (2.2%1 SSTB24 1.77208122%,4X1557820':'[ STH08122X.4%i '1 STHD812.2X.4%i V MIN= 530 35R 24 24 •. 27 .. ...:'.':.... ,':. .•: ;.E .: ;,:.:.. ,. ... F ,.,. 17 •. • No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 UNE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS :- "` '` ' `"' ` '•' "' ;•E ""-' _ 17 -1'` ":I`,..' Vgov= 649' Vsa :. Vwa= •i::.; ....:. ... E .', .: ... " I . Vs VW E. 530 649 _7'"i` E. ..::...3 .: .. . - - ..c GOV CASE= W TOTAL 3.05 USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 FORCE PER PANEL= 649 COMMENTS: SEEISHEARMAX CALL`; '•-T":'dr-!'"'�"^:` LINE= AREA V MAX= V MIN- 36 4.5''" '':, 2490 2089 LINE 361. 36R DIAPHRAGM DATA v CASE v MAX 322 X entl 20 24 :` ! .;27 i 38 38 .... ^52'- Ltl 27 52 SHEAR WALL DATA WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 %: 50": f `11:50' .17:56 :.E::' :203- " Y ". .';. 1. ._: ':'r �'. .: ....:E, .. ••:'::. . X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b 17 1.52 ... .. :. . 1 CONVENTIONAL P YWD PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDAR vU ISIDE 52 SIDES HEAR ALES WALL D 294 B AA L SPACING PLATE SAi' at 30 2% (TCpwL ABOVE R=Clwlrt C sFITRCC) GOV. - .`'.' � ` � 1246 2102 2102 HO HOLDOWN H02A 122%,4X1557820 PHD HOLDOWN PHD2 !23%1557824 CONVENTIONAL TIONALSH HOLDOW S L HOLDOWN ? R LL LCOND, N OPTIONS STRAP OWN R GOND. HOEDOWN LTT13112-2XAX1 557820 '^': �: 1": `'. STH08 f2•2X,4%1 "'-1�: ' STHD8123X.4%I LINE CASE= 5 ADDITIONAL LINE LOA05 .E 17 Vgov= 2797 Vsa= '307 JVW3='""'' -'' ^` '"E. 17- - 27972089 .-_ .. .. .. ^..... _. .. 17 GOV CAS E= 5 TOTAL' 11.55 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET" RATIO • No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 (17) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 1-40.xis 4�i - Young Engineering Services - - , ' Job No.' 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 .• Sheet No. Of Calculated By .PHONE:760-360-5770 Date 11/4/2003 + a • RESISTING MOMENT UPLIFT • - OVERTURNING MOMENTS- NET MOMENTS • WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT LINE= 33 WIND :SEISMIC ' WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND -SEISMIC WIND - SEISMIC - WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MrT=CIWH .Mrr-CISH VWH VSH Mot MOtS Mot W.2/3M Mot S-69Mr Mnetgov, (T=CIW IT=CIS 42 1087 7531 7531 7531 10869 4809 10869 4809 5848 -1968-• ,5848 713 -240 _ RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS UPLIFT - WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTIONDIRECT - • S LINE= 34 WIND SEISMIC WIND• SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC. WIND SEISMIC .. , WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T=C)WH M(T=C)SH VwH VSH ,Mot •Mot Mot W-2/3Mi Mot S..9Mr Mnet gOV. IT=CIW "IT=CIS a 45 1087 7772 7772 7772 10870 4829 10870 4829 5689 -2165 5689 683 -260 UPLIFT - - - RESISTING MOMENT' OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT LINE- 35 WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC' WALL NO. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT-GW H M(T=C)S H V.H VSX Mot W Mot S MOtW.2/3Mr MO[ S.9Mr Meet gOV. rT-CIW IT=C)S S1 638 612 612 612 5104 4455 5104 4455 4696 3904 4696 1565 1301 - • 1 UPLIFT w' RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS' ' WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT - LINE- 36 ' WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WINO SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC' WALL No. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T=CIW M M(i=CISH VwH VSX Mot W Mot 5 Mot W-Z/3M MOt 5-.9Mr Mnet gov. R=Clw R-C)s - ' 50 3382 33096 33096 33096 36395 53963 36395 53963 14331 24177 24177 1246 2102 Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 (19) - Shear Walls kkA Job No Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL I i CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE. 37 75:6 38 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. I SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP LINE VCASE vMAX sta XenO Ltl WALLNO, b h EXTANT. w PI X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE (T.C)w rT.C" rr.C)w 7. 7C, rr=C)GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN ItCOND. HOLDOWN V MAX. 3646 37L 45 a5 44 44 ''32 2 24.00 10.00 I '278 10 0.42 169 A AA II 5/B' a[ 30 2X 1705 2479 NA NA NA NA C NA -I NA V MIN. 3172 37R 53 54 32 E 17 38R 0 0 '0..: 0 E' 17 39R LINE CASE= S •i _: .. 17 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E - 17 W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS .... E; •: -• - ' , ' 17 Vgov. 3646 Vsa I - lVwa= E 17 Vgov= 1732 Vsa= -. Vwa= I 1 VsVw 3646 GOV CASE= 3q12 4374 E E TOTAL 24.05 Nb. PANELS IN LINE= 1 - 17 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - -"' - -- -- Vs 1fi86 - 1 I' ' (19) - Shear Walls kkA Job No Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - i CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 38 39 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA 6 LINE VCASE V MAXs[a X end ltl WALL NO. b n EXTANT.w Pt X1 P2 %2 W[. hq1 Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE rT=C)W (T -CIS R=CIW (T=ps rT=CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWNL COND. HOLDOWN R COND. HOLDOWN V MAX= 1732 38L 173 173 10^ 10 ' 5 '"6.20 10.00 E 195 - 17 1.61 277 A AA L 5/8' at 30 2X 2017 1828 2017 H02A 12-2XAXI SSTS20 PHD212.2X1 SSTB24 LTT131 12.2%.4X) SSTS20 : C STHDB 12-2%.4X1 I STHD812.2XAX1 V MIN= 1686 38R 0 0 '0..: 0 E' 17 39R 243 243. .. _? `'1811 18 -•�' :- 'E-, ^.. ='.' •i _: .. 17 F LINE CASE= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS .... E; •: -• - ' , ' 17 W - ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS - �'' : :'� S : c'E.' . •.: ` . ;:.- ; "' 17 I I Vgov= 1732 Vsa= -. Vwa= • `E 17 VEov. 4374 Vsa I:h.'. c:.Vwa= 5 I • 17 Vs 1fi86 VW 1732 "" �• 17 All PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/2- RATIO 2681 GOV CASE. 4374 WTOAL � • .... :. , -. =., •::.:E �": .u:' ... (' TOTAL" No. PANELS IN LINE = 1 GOV CASE= W TOTAL 6.2511 No. PANELS IN UNE -'2 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO I (19) - Shear Walls kkA Job No Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - i CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= -'::2. LINE= 39 DIAPHRAGM DATA DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWO PLYWO ALT. PORTAL STANDARD PLYWO PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL I WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA ""-,;.2t LINE VCASE VMA% sta X entl Ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. W Pt X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE (T.C)W IT as (T=C)w R=C)s rr.CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN L GOND. HOEDOWN R COND. HOEDOWN V MAX = 4374 39L 0 0 :ti. .:0"' 0 .39W.- -:'8.42 .10.20:.E':--- : '' -• c.: ''-.:,.. 17 1.21' 516 C AA NA 5/8' at 30 3X 4781 2726 4781 HD6A 14X1557834 PHD612.2XI 557834 H7T22122X.4%1 SST824 v. t`". NA ? 1'-," STHD16122X.4%1 V MIN= 2681 39R 243 243. .. _? `'1811 18 -•�' :- 'E-, ^.. ='.' •i _: .. 17 F UNE CASE= W _ '..h: LINE CASE= W - ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS - �'' : :'� S : c'E.' . •.: ` . ;:.- ; "' 17 ." 4374E - 17_ VEov. 4374 Vsa I:h.'. c:.Vwa= 5 I • 17 VS I .0V2 CASE= Al ;.: .: :�• . .: „.,. � .� .. � --� ::„..... � TOTAL 6.97 o. PANELS IN LINE. 1 � _ 17 COMMENTS: All PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/2- RATIO 2681 GOV CASE. 4374 WTOAL � • .... :. , -. =., •::.:E �": .u:' ... (' TOTAL" No. PANELS IN LINE = 1 17 ` ., w is ^. ;: 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/2- RATIO '`.: -','_:r. <IK::.::'., .a.l�s'.•.:. .. ..._... _..::•;., :_: I'' I (19) - Shear Walls kkA Job No Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.xis CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL i CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= -'::2. 40 DIAPHRAGM DATA SMEAR WALL DATA PLYWO PLYWO ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PND LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA ''' UNE VCASE VMA% Sia Xentl LO WALL No. b h EXTANT. W P1 XL P2 X2 Wt. h/b vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE (T=C)W IT. CIS rr.C)W IT=Qs IT=OGOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LGONG. HOLDOWN RGONG. HOLDOWN V MAX- 4374 40L 243 243 _ ".18' 18 46 --' 4692' 10:20 -E: .:<' ;, _.', 17 1.47 628 0 Be NA 5/8'at20 3X 6001 3538 6001 HD8A 122X1 SST834 PHD8122X155T834 NA -:: C' .• NA .<: I- - NA V MIN= 2681 40 1 0 1 0 1 0 - •' :• F UNE CASE= W _ ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS::. 17.' - Vgov. 4374E 17_ VS I .0V2 CASE= VW 4374 W'• ;.: .: :�• . .: „.,. � .� .. � --� ::„..... � TOTAL 6.97 o. PANELS IN LINE. 1 � _ 17 COMMENTS: All PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/2- RATIO ...':1- I"•: •' (19) - Shear Walls kkA Job No Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LATERAL 1-40.xis Young Engineering Services R 77804 Wildcat Dr. o. Palm Desert, CA. 92211. r Job Sheet No. ` of - PHQNE:760-360-5770 _ - Calculated By Date 1/12/2004 LINE= 37 -RESISTING MOMENT • . OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT . WIND + SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND _ NET MOMENTS SEISMIC - WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC' WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MrT=CIW H S MIT -CIS H VwH VSH Mot W Mots Mo!WtZ/3Mi Mot Sm.9Mr Mnet gov. (T-C)w (T -CIS 2 4058 108864, 108864 108864 17182 31656 38481 31656 38481 .40920- •59496 40920 •1705 .2479 t • UNE= 38 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL A86VE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT - WIND SEISMIC WIND' SEISMIC WIND NET. MOMENTS 7 • - SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MrT=C)W H MIT =CIS H ' VwH VSM Mot W MOt 5 Mot W2/3M Mot S•.9Mr MnetgoV. rr-CIW IT -CIS 5 1718 7015 7015 7015 4348 17182 17646 17182 17646 12505 11332 12505 2017 1828 4781 2726 28221 '41528 24484 . 41528 6001 3538 t _UNE = .39 RESISTING MOMENT _ - I OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION I DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC ' WINO SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MrT=C)w H MrT=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W. MOL S Mot W -7/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. R=C)W (T=CIS 39 4348 6147 6147 6147 4152 4152 4152 44352 28487' 44352 28487 40255 22955 40255 4781 2726 28221 '41528 24484 . 41528 6001 3538 t LINE- _ 40WIND RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT F SEISMIC .WIND SEISMIC WIND. NET MOMENTS - SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MrT=CIw H MrT=C)s H VwH VSH Mot W Mot S Mot W2/3M MOt S-.9Mr MnetgoV. IT-C)w rT=CIS 46 4343. 4152 4152 4152 44296 28221 44296 28221 '41528 24484 . 41528 6001 3538 t • t Young Engineering Services Job No. 77804 WildcatDr.- Sheet No. of Palm Desert,CA. 92211 Calculated By_ 11/4/2003 CALC WALLS LEVEL ROOF WEIGHT LINE WALL No. V s 10Aw - ri B B Lo AREA (a) = 6496 175392 LINE 1 _ r AREA (b) '750. 11250 EXT. WALL LENGTH? 498: 52912.5 ; EXT. WALL AVG. HT. — 12.5 — 21907.5 ` t o - • ' INT. WALL LENGTH 381 INT. WAIL AVG. HT. 11.5 • FOOT PRINT AREA Ab 8626 LINE 2 3 1656 1.03 0.037 10 TOTAL WEIGHT 261462Vs 1664 i+ ! r MAX SHEAR WALLS 0.183 - - rMAX FRAMES - r MAX BRACED FRAME r - t r MAX CANT. COLS. 10y r MAX INPUT 0.183 LINE 3 9 3916 0.046 19 (PW7,4)W=Vr 45652 Vs 3926 p CALC — 0.823 _ " P USED 1.000 19 e " LINE 4 8 2356 2.07 0.107 5 " " Vs 2381 5 ' LINE 5 B 826 1.48 0.027 7 ' Vs 217) 1346 0.027 11 L r • to , - LINE 6 12 3479 0.057 13 - , • � Vs 3492 ' s 13 • LINE 7 11 493 ,•123 0.013 B Vs 496 8 , LINE B 4 • MAX. 0.107 CAL C WALLS " r LINE WALL No. Vs 10AW rl 8 B Lo . • - ' LINE - 9 _ • ' • LINE 10 ' LINE 11 10 43.44 470 '1.05 0.011 • Vs 473 LINE 12 40 216 1.50 0.007 7 - • Vs .474 41 257 1.26 0.007 8 - 15 LINE ti .48 2.00 0.000 5 ' 49 1.76 0.000 6 - 11 • LINE 14 52 1374 3.33 0.100 3 r LINE 15 54 1374 3.33 0.100 3 - 3 ' Vs • 476 I .. - • 4 LATERAL 1-40 As . o Youngngineering S ruwes 77804 Wildcal Dr. ®®®e®tee ' r Job No. Palm Desert,CA. 92211 Sheet No. of PHONE: 760-360-5770 Calculated By , 11/4/2003 ' CAL C WALLS LINE WALL NO V s 104w rl 8 8 to - - - LINE 17 - -� . Vs 5453 + - LINE 0.275 5 1• .- , 18, 15 6072 2.07 - Vs 6135 - k - . UNE 5 - - 19 ®eee■��e Vs- 1159 i • i LINE 0.018 8 ' 20 38 601 1.33 t ' VS 605 - 8 ` • LINE 21 36 1029 0.020 11 • Vs 1034 • - LINE `22 • 32 3654 0.039 21 21 IINE 23 26 2020 1.75 0.078 6 + Vs 4073 28 2038 1.74 0.078 6 + a ^ s LINE 24 27 7461 - 0.111 15 ` ' • VS 7486 t ' 15 - - MAX 0.275 • 4 LATERAL 1-40 As . o ®®®e®tee ®eee■��e • 4 LATERAL 1-40 As . o • 4 LATERAL 1-40 As 4 LATERAL 1-40 As Young AnOneering Services MAX 3 Job No. 77801 Wildcat Dr. Sheet No. of Palm Desert,CA. 92211 Calculated By PHONE:760 360 5770 ■■sem■ 11/4/2003 CAL C WALLS ' LINE WALL No V s 10AW ri 0 6 LO LINE 33 42 359 1.22 0.010 8 Vs 361 ' 8 n - - LINE 34 45 359'- 1.20 0.009 8 ' Vs 3fi1 • • ' • 8 s . - IINE 35 51 521 L 3.33 0.038 3 • s - • i 3 �` • LINE VS 36 30 2785 0.053 . 12 -'' 2797 12 � • IINE 37 , 2 3639 60.033 24 t ' 24 s IINE Vs 38 5 1670 -1.96 0.072 5 s - � 7686 5 IINE Vs 39 39 2665 1.19 0.069 8 *` i - • • 2691 LINE 7 - 40 46 2662 1.45 0.084 - Vs 2681 MAX 0.084 - MAX 3 ■■sem■ ®tea=s®■� MAX 3 y 778V4Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 pMONE:760'360'5770 DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS NO. OF LEVELS 1 STORY AMPLIFICATION %A 100 FY= 460do THIS LEVEL ROOF DL PARTITION WALL PSF PC= DL (a) PSF 27 SIMPLIFIED BASE SHEAR N SBP= DL 1b) PSF 15 WIND PRESSURE PSF Ak DL EXTERIOR WALL PSF BASE SHEAR COEFF. 17' 0.244 FOUNDATION SYSTEM p (RHO) 2P.— Job ` Sheet Calculated By Date (1) Diaphragm Loads /^n=o^/ Al ="u. Ak FROM 45 TO 46 FROM 41 TO 42 46TO 47 FRO 42TO 43 FROM 43TO 44 LIN ET45 FROM 44TO 45 45R 46L 46 46R 47L 47 47R 48L 48 48R 49L 49 JOINT Y AREA 12 Y: Y AREA 17 Y — AREA Z -*.y AREA 16 Y AREA is H eXlt. 45-4E 231 H int. 45-46 Hint. 48 10 L 45-46 H eXlt. 43-44 Jo H eXlt. 44-45 H Int. 42 -42 30 16 L 44-45 17 PSI PSI PSI P X1 PSI PSI PSI PSI X1 X1 X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 X3 Ps3 :C Was X3 X3 X3 Was Was Was Was PWI PWI X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 WS 45-46 Ww 45-46 Ws 46-47 Ww 46-47 Ws 47-48 Ww 47-48 Ws 48-49 Ww 48-49 X3 X3 60 130 Ws 41-42 Ww 41-42 Ws 42-43 Ww 42-43 Ws 43-44 Ww 43-44 Ws 44-45 Ww 44-4S 189 241 0 82 204 47 259 143 176 105 105 0 146 146 275 275 83 1700 1700 58 58 50 50 2993 2993 3577 0 0 1603 1603 2202 2202 1788 1788 Vw= 3901 2805 4058 642 642 397 397 Vw= 3577 4644 Vs = — 1734 1917 Vs = 2805 2555 2805 ov=l 1 642 — 4058 1040 4010 — ov= 1 3577 3577 1301 447 1603 1 491 240 3804 1053 489 1060 633 783 574 1170 (1) Diaphragm Loads /^n=o^/ Al ="u. FROM 45 TO 46 FRO 46TO 47 FROM 47TO 48 FROM 48TO 49 LIN ET45 45R 46L 46 46R 47L 47 47R 48L 48 48R 49L 49 JOINT Y AREA 12 Y: AREA H eXlt. 45-4E 231 H int. 45-46 Hint. 48 10 L 45-46 L 46-47 PSI PSI PSI P X1 X1 q. X2 X2 X2 X3 X3 X3 Was Was Was Was PWI X1 X1 X1 X2 X2 X2 WS 45-46 Ww 45-46 Ws 46-47 Ww 46-47 Ws 47-48 Ww 47-48 Ws 48-49 Ww 48-49 48 139 153 315 60 130 120 201 212 212 131 131 165 165 143 176 1700 1700 2359 2359 1651 1651 2993 2993 583 583 1151 1151 766 766 1788 1788 Vw= 3901 4058 4010 4644 Vs = 981 -3901 1734 1917 2555 ov=l 4058 4010 — 4644 (T=C)W= (T = CIS 1301 447 1 491 240 1053 489 1060 633 (1) Diaphragm Loads /^n=o^/ Al ="u. Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE -.760-360-5770 (2) - Diaphragm Loads Job No. Sheet No. Of Calculated By Date O . AL FROM 49 TO 50 FROM SOTO 51 FROM 51TO 52 FROM 52TO 53 LINELy9 49R SOL 50 50R 51L 51 51R 52L 52 52R 53L 53 JOINT AREA Y `;;' AREAAREA NAREA 14 L/W 00 Htl 49-50 `:: ' 1.66 Hd 50-51 ' 1.00 Hd 51-52 0.36 Hd 52.53 10 K Hr 49.50 OK Hr 5051 5 OK Hr 51-52 OK Hr 52.53 3 53R 54L Lr (a) 49-50 54 Lr lar 50-51 15 55L Lr (a) 51.52 55R Lr lar 52-53 Lr Ib) 49.50 Lr Ib) 50-51 jiLr (b) 51-52 Lr (b) 52.53 13 No. eX1t. 49 -!No. eX1t. 5' "' :;:>;:i:::;`n'.: No. eX1t. 51-52 =' No. eX1t. 52.53 No. int. 49-5C No. Int. 50- No. int. 51-52 No. Int. 52.53 H eX1t. 49-50 .: H eX1t. 50 .. ' H eX1t. 51.52H eX1t. 52.53 13 H int. 49.50 H int. 50-5 - H in[. 51-52 Hint. 52.53 L 49-50 L 50-51 "^ ;';"23 L 51.52 L 52-53 3 0 L49dr, 14 L50dr 0 L51dr 8 L52dr LSOdI 0 L51d1 14 L52d1 0 L53d1 8 PS1 Ps1 Ps1 Ps1 xi _xi :,xi Hr 53-54 Ps2 Ps2 Ps2 -- " : Ps2 X2 X2 rr .,; :.i. X2 X2 Psi Psi Ps3 Ps3 X3 .. X3X3 Lr lar 53-54 X3 Was .. . :, "'::r:." Was 124 Was - Was Pw1 Pw1 Pw1 Pw1 X1 X1 X1 X1 Pw2 Pw2 Pw2Pw2 No. eX1t. 53 - . :. ...: L�.X2,_ ....., .... No. eX1t. 5637 X2 Pw3 ..._...,,.: :. Pw3 - :.:..::. Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 49-50 Ww 49-50 Ws 50-51 Ww 50-51 Ws 51.52 Ww 51-52 Ws 52- Ww 52- 0 95 93 0 53 139 v49rw v501wv50rw V511w v51rw v521w v52rw vlw 0 0 77 77 0 0 26 26 v49rs v501s v50rs v511S v51rs v5215 v52rs vls L57d1 79 78 Ps1 - 10 10 V49rw V501w V50rw V511w V51rw V521w V52rw V531w 0 0 1076 1076 0 0 208 208 V49rs V501S VSOrs V511s V51rs V521s V52rs V531s 1101 1101 ::,.......:..... . 79 79 Vw= 2993 1076 Ps3 1076 Ps3 X3 .: :..: , :.:.....::..:... X3 Vs= 1788 1 1101 Was 1101 Was 352 Was Vgov=l 2993 Pwl 1101 1101 X1 X1 X1 IT= C)w= Pw2 YPw2 Pw2 X2 X2 X2 X2 (T= C)S= Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 LATERAL 41-56.xis O FROM 53 TO 54 FROM 54TO 55 FROM 55TO 56 FROM 56TO 57 LINE 53 53R 54L 54 54R 55L 55 55R 56L 56 56R 57L 57 JOINT Y AREA .14 V , AREA-.$:'.=. AREA 10 Y AREA L/W 0.68 Hd 53.54 " ' 10 0.85 Hd 54-55 ; s; `_:' ' '; 9 0.66 Hd 55.56 15 1.00 Hd 56.57 OK Hr 53-54 3 OK Hr 54-55 ; 9OK Hr 55.56 6 OK Hr 56-57 Lr lar 53-54 Lr la) 54.55 ? 3Q Lr lar 55.56 44 Lr lar 56.57 Lr (b) 53.54 .13 Lr Ib) 54-55 . ' : ", -;'. .. Lr (b) 55-56 Lr Ibl 56-57 No. eX1t. 53 - No. eX1t. 5 `'"_ _ _ - No. eX1t. 55.56 No. eX1t. 5637 No. Int. 53-5 No. Int. 54- ::. '`r ;" No. Int. 55-56 No. Int. 56-57 H eX1t. 53-54 13 H eX1t. 54- H eX1[. 55-56 18 H eX1t. 56-57 H int. 5334 10 H int. 54-5 =_:,:';-.'_, g Hint. 55.56 H Int. 5637 L 5334 10 L 54.55 L 55-56 29 L 56-57 14 L53dr 26 L54dr 44 L55dr 0 L56dr L54d1 16 LSSdI 32 LS6dI 44 L57d1 0 Ps1 - P51 ,...... ....... Ps1 X1 ..... , :. ,. :.. ' X1 is _ - X1 X1 .. Ps2 Ps2 -: _. Ps2 Ps2 X2, .. ::,.......:..... . X2 Ps3 Ps3 Ps3 X3 .: :..: , :.:.....::..:... X3 X3 Was Was '268 Was 352 Was Pwl Pwl Pw1 X1 X1 X1 X1 Pw2 Pw2 YPw2 Pw2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 Pw3 X3 X3 X3 X3 Ws 53.54 Ww 53-54 Ws 54.55 Ww 54-55 Ws 55-56 Ww 55-56 Ws 56.57 Ww 56.57 61 139 226 250 296 250 0 v53rw v541w v54rw v551w v55rw v561w v56rw v571w 47 41 106 86 82 82 0 0 v53rs v541s v54rs v551s v55rs v561s v56rs v571s 21 18 96 78 97 97 V53rw V541w V54rw V551w V55rw V561w V56rw V571w 659 659 2747 2747 3621 3621 0 , 0 V53rs V541s V54rs V5515 V55rs V561s V56rs V571s 291 291 2485 2485 4286 4286 867 3406 6369 3621 kVUs=j ]370 2777 6772 4286 67 3406 6772 4286 (T=CIw= (T=C)s= 112 49 1 581 526 597 706 0 LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert,CA.92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 DIAPHRAGM RESULTS Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By 11/4/2003 LINE vw vs vgOv W/5 LINE vw vs vgOv W/5 SOR 77. 79 79 5 SOL 0 0 w 51R 0 .. 0 w 51L 77 79 79 5 52R 26 10 26 W, 52L 0 0 W 53R 47 21 1 47 W 53L26 10 26 w 54R 106 96 106 W 54L 41 18 41 W 55R 82, 97 97 5 - 55L 86 78 86 w 56R 0 0 W 56L 82 97 97 5 57R 0 0• W 57L 0 0 W 58R 0 0 w 58L 0 0 w 59R 0 0 W 59L 0 0 W 41R 105 83 105 W 60L 0 0 W 60R 0 0 W 61L 0 0 W 61R 0 0- W 62L 0 0 W 62R 0 0 W 63L 0 0 -w 63R 0 0 w 64L 0 0 W 64R 0 0 W 65L 0 0 w 65R 0 0 w 66L 0 0 W 66R 0 0 W 67L 0 0 W 67R 0 0 W 68L 0 0 W 68R 0 0 W 69L 0 ' 0 W 69R 0 , 0 W 42L 105 83 105 W 42R 70L 0 0 W 70R 0 0 W 71L 0 0 W 71R 0 0 W 72L 0 0 W 72R 0 0 w 73L 0 0 W 73R 0 0 W 74L 0 0 W 74R 0 0 W 75L 0 0 w 75R 0 0 - W 76L 0 0 W 76R 0 0 W 77L 0 0 W 77R 0 0 W 78L 0 0 W 78R 0 0 W 79L 0 0 W 79R 0 0 W 43L 0 0 W 43R - 146 58 146 W 80L 0 0 W 80R 0 0 W 81L 0 0 W 81R 0 0 W 82L 0 0 W 82R 0 0 W 83L 0 0 W 83R 0 0 w 84L 0 0 W 84R 0 0 W 85L 0 0 W 85R 0 0 W 86L 0 0 W 86R 0 0 w 87L 0 0 W 87R 0 0 W 88L 0 0 W 88R 0 0 W 49L 0 0 W 44R 275 50 275 W 44L 146 58 1 146 W 45R 212 73 212 w 45L 275 50 275 W 46R 131 64 131 W 46L 212 73 212 W 47R 165 77 165 W 47L 131 64 131 W 48R 143 85 143 W 48L 165 77 165 W 49R 0 0 W 49L 176 105 176 W IL 5 MAX v= LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert,CA.92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 LINE VALUES LINE VALUES Vw line Vwa w line + VM Vs line Vsa line + V V90v dig /5 0iaph case 41 3577 3577 2805 2805 3577 W 42 3577 3577 2805- 981 3786 3577 W 43 1603 1603 642 642 1603 W 44 3804 3804 1040 1040 3804 W 45 3901 3901 981 981 3901 W 46 4058 4058 1734 1734 4058 W 47 4010 4010 1917 1917 4010 W 48 4644 4644 2555- 2555 4644 W 49 2993 2993 1788 1788 2993 W 50 1076 1076 1101 1101 1101 S 51 1076 1076 1101 1101 1101 S 52 S 53 867 867 370 370 867 W 54 3406 3406 2777 2777 3406 W 55 6369 6369 6772 6772 6772 S 56 3621 3621 4286 4286 4286 S 57 0 0 0 W 58 0 0 0 W 59 0 0 0 W 60 0 0 0 W 61 0 p 0 W 62 0 0 0 W 63 0 0 0 W 64 0 0 0 W 65 0 0 0 W 66 0 0 0 W 67 0 0 0 W 68 0 0 0 W 69 0 0 0 W 70 0 0 0 W 71 0 0 0 W 72 0 0 0 W 73 0 0 0 W 74 0 0 0 W. 75 0 0 0 W 76 0 0 0 W 77 0 0 0 w 78 0 0 0 W 79 0 0 0 w 80 0 0 0 W 81 0 0 0 W 82 0 0 0 w 83 0 0 0 W 84 0 0 0 W 85 0 0 0 W 86 0 0 0 W 87 0 0 0 W 88 0 0 0 W I MAX I 6772 ' Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By. 11/4/2003 LATERAL 41-56.xls Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 . PHONE:760-360-5770 ( A Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By , - - i Date 11/4/2003 - r _ • z ' VS + `' - -' WT. •h/b �.vu 10 0.97 - - , CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL s LINE CASE= •- '+ �- - LINE= 41 LINE= AREA V MA%= V MIN= CASE= - DIAPHRAGM LINE 42L 42R DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE VMA% sTa Xentl 34• _ . : .' ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - Ltl 'WALL No. 34 33 • "34' SHEAR WALL DATA b. h EXTANT. W Pt 6.50 8.00 E' 216 9.00 . 8.00 E. 405-. - •- '+.: E -17 X1 P2 X2 Wt. . 17 17 IVb 0.94 0.89 PLYWD Vu t SIDE 240 q 240 A PLYWD 2SIDES AA + AA • ALT. PORTAL STANDARD WALL 1- L 'LLINE A. S. SILL SPACING PLATE 5/e' at 30 2% WALL ABOVE rr-CIW IT=CIS - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS - LTT/MTT/HTT HOIDOWN LCOND. LTTt9 12 2%.4%I 557820 C' + •HOEDOWN STHDB 12 2%,4X1 STRAP- STRAP ' I"' STHDB 'HOEDg4X.' DATA 3786 Vila. SNEAK Wpll. DATA •,:E .�� •PLYWO PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A. B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD PHO LTT/MTT/HTT OOV CASE= W - AREA 17 LINE IVCASEIVMAX s[a Xentl Ltl WALL No. b h I EXTANT. w P1 X1 D2 X2 Wt. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE rr-ow R.CIS IT. C)w IT•Os r.CI STRAP. V MAX= 3577 41R 0 29 2.00 8.75 E Gov. HOLDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN V MIN 2805 17 4.38 593 S 3x '5092' 4050 5092 H06A 14X1 SST834 PHD612.2X1 SST834 HTT22(2.2X,4X) SST824 C NA I STHD1412-2%.4X1 ! = LINE CASE= 01R - 34 34 30 2.00 8.75 E _ ' 17 4.38 593 - ;x 5092 4050 5092 HDSA 14X1 SST834 PH D6122%I 557834 HTT22122X 4%I SST824 I _- STH014122%,4X1 _. 1' STHDiG R•2% 4%I V9ov= W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS •' - 37 2.00' 8.75 E 17 -4.38 593 - 3X • • 5092 4050 5092 •' HD6A 14X1 SST834 PH0612-2XI SST834 HT72212-2%AXI SSTB24 • I STHD1412-2XAXl I STHD1412.2X.4%I 3577 Vsa= VWa. - E 17 _ - 1 Vs VW ... E 17 • ' 2605 3577 •• . E 17 ' , 1 1 . GOV CASE= .' W • .f TOTAL - 6.03 USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL _ - - ""' - _ -+- -+•'•• .- - - - �� =-•• 'No. DANELS IN LINE= 3'y+' -.FORCE PER PANEL ="1192-- COMMEMS. . SEE SHEARMA%CALLS. NAL SH EAR WALLS STRONG WALL ` - 4 - ; •' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS` � 4T C • ' t D PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD .'PHD LTT/MTTAITT STRAP - • ' VS + `' - -' WT. •h/b �.vu 10 0.97 •• • - •. , CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL s LINE CASE= •- '+ �- - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS - +' LINE= AREA V MA%= V MIN= CASE= 42 17 3577 2805 W LINE 42L 42R DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE VMA% sTa Xentl 34• _ . : .' ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - Ltl 'WALL No. 34 33 • "34' SHEAR WALL DATA b. h EXTANT. W Pt 6.50 8.00 E' 216 9.00 . 8.00 E. 405-. - •- '+.: E -17 X1 P2 X2 Wt. . 17 17 IVb 0.94 0.89 PLYWD Vu t SIDE 240 q 240 A PLYWD 2SIDES AA + AA • ALT. PORTAL STANDARD WALL 1- L 'LLINE A. S. SILL SPACING PLATE 5/e' at 30 2% WALL ABOVE rr-CIW IT=CIS - 1 HOLDOWN FORCES (i=Clw CISfi=O GOV. 634 --475 634 HD HOEDOWN HD2A 12 2%.4X1 557820 PHD HOEDOWN PHD2 12.2X1 SST824 LTT/MTT/HTT HOIDOWN LCOND. LTTt9 12 2%.4%I 557820 C' + •HOEDOWN STHDB 12 2%,4X1 STRAP- STRAP ' I"' STHDB 'HOEDg4X.' V9ov= 3786 Vila. ' 981 Vwa= •,:E .�� 17Vs OOV CASE= W - •' _ • ' . *• TOTAL 4.04 No. PANELS IN LINE T 2 .FORCE ' PER PANEL= BOt COMMENTS: VW ` ' • �. , :E.: .17••E_'GOV CASE= S TOTAL 1754 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET Ivb RATIO UNE-' 2 COMMENTS: NAL SH EAR WALLS STRONG WALL ` - 4 - ; •' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS` � 4T C • ' t D PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD .'PHD LTT/MTTAITT STRAP - • ' VS VW ` - •' -' WT. •h/b �.vu 10 0.97 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL '" .PLYWD- PLYWD'- ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL 1 SIDE 2SIDES. '. WALL SPACING PLATE - - _ 366'' B AA NA 5/8' at 30 3% - - •. , - CONVENTIONAL s LINE CASE= NAL SH EAR WALLS STRONG WALL ` - 4 - ; •' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS` � 4T C • ' t D PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD .'PHD LTT/MTTAITT STRAP - • ' LINE- !• 44 AREA '-15,16 -. `; V MAX= ' 3804. VMIN= 1040. VS VW ` - •' -' WT. •h/b �.vu 10 0.97 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL '" .PLYWD- PLYWD'- ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL 1 SIDE 2SIDES. '. WALL SPACING PLATE - - _ 366'' B AA NA 5/8' at 30 3% - - •. - • HOLDOWN FORCES J IT=C)W rT=CIS fi=[I GOV. 1833 -1!84 1 - CONVENTIONAL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WAIL HOEDOWN OPTIONS +LTT/MTTMTT - w• STRAP, L"'• • '1' .HOEDOWN LCONO. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOIDOWN . LTT131 122%.q%I 557620 I STHD BR2XAXI 1"I '+ $THD8122X.4X1 LINE CASE= W - - ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17 L• �••-E:'- ¢. .• _ .' ^:.• : - ;.: 17 . - f LINE= AREA VMA%= V MIN= LINE CASE= _ V9ov= 43 ':x :' 16" 1603 642 1.. W - 1- 1603 ">' LINE 43L 43R .Vsa. DIAPHRAGM DATA • VCASE VMA% Sta XentlffLdF.WALL "0 1.'.2.00: 1'I-''2.00:..8:75 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS - - .Vwa= ; SNEAK WALL DATA .b h EXTANT, w Pt X1 P2 X2 8.75 E" T t " •" ..,E ....i' �' + - E E--• - PLYWD Wt. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL 17 4.36 3973X t7 - 4.38 397 17 - - -- - - SPACING PLATE IT 0W IT CM IT=C)w R=CIS rT=C)GOV. -' % " .' 3372 1370 ' .3372 -r 3X '<7' ' 3372 1370 3372 - :.'?--, HOEDOWN -. HDSA 12.2X1 S57820 HDSA 12-2%1 SST820 HOLOOWN PHD2 122X1 SST824 : PHD212.2%1 SST824 '' •- 'HOLDOWN LCOND. '. HOLDOWN HTT1612-2X.4Xl SSTS20 • C -" • STHD1412-2X,4YJ HTT1612-2XgXI SSTS20' :02 STHD10(2a2X,4X) -. I.•. - - _ - RCON D. : 'I "I :--' ,�I' x" '`HOLDOWN STHD10 12.2%.4X) STHD1012.2X.4X1 .. 642.: E' VS 2 17 OOV CASE= W - •' _ • ' . *• TOTAL 4.04 No. PANELS IN LINE T 2 .FORCE ' PER PANEL= BOt COMMENTS: - - - USE SIM PSON STRONG WALL SEESHEARMAX CALLS:• -r -x �'! ` .. • �. , LINE- !• 44 AREA '-15,16 -. `; V MAX= ' 3804. VMIN= 1040. VS VW SNEAK WALL :-. DATA b 'h EXTANT w P1 %1 P2 %2 ;10.33 10:00 '-%' 1 432 G-� .�., -•: -' WT. •h/b �.vu 10 0.97 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL '" .PLYWD- PLYWD'- ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL 1 SIDE 2SIDES. '. WALL SPACING PLATE - - _ 366'' B AA NA 5/8' at 30 3% - - WALL ABOVE rT=C)w rT=Cls _ - • HOLDOWN FORCES J IT=C)W rT=CIS fi=[I GOV. 1833 -1!84 1 HD HOEDOWN HD2A 122%.4X1 557820 DHD HOl00WN• PHD2 122%1 SST824 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WAIL HOEDOWN OPTIONS +LTT/MTTMTT - w• STRAP, L"'• • '1' .HOEDOWN LCONO. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOIDOWN . LTT131 122%.q%I 557620 I STHD BR2XAXI 1"I '+ $THD8122X.4X1 LINE CASE= W - - ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17 L• �••-E:'- ¢. .• _ .' ^:.• : - ;.: 17 . - f .• - _ _+ , n , V9ov= • 3804 Vsa= Vwa= . ,i,... ;. `I! c .. ' -'E VS Vw, LINE- !• 44 AREA '-15,16 -. `; V MAX= ' 3804. VMIN= 1040. - DIAPHRAGM. DATA UNE VCASE VMAX 5ta Xentl 44L '- F 11 ; 44R.s"` Ltl WALL NO. 11 ' :.22A SNEAK WALL :-. DATA b 'h EXTANT w P1 %1 P2 %2 ;10.33 10:00 '-%' 1 432 G-� .�., -•: -' WT. •h/b �.vu 10 0.97 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL '" .PLYWD- PLYWD'- ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL 1 SIDE 2SIDES. '. WALL SPACING PLATE - - _ 366'' B AA NA 5/8' at 30 3% - - WALL ABOVE rT=C)w rT=Cls _ - • HOLDOWN FORCES J IT=C)W rT=CIS fi=[I GOV. 1833 -1!84 1 HD HOEDOWN HD2A 122%.4X1 557820 DHD HOl00WN• PHD2 122%1 SST824 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WAIL HOEDOWN OPTIONS +LTT/MTTMTT - w• STRAP, L"'• • '1' .HOEDOWN LCONO. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOIDOWN . LTT131 122%.q%I 557620 I STHD BR2XAXI 1"I '+ $THD8122X.4X1 LINE CASE= W - - ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS L• �••-E:'- ¢. .• _ .' ^:.• : - ;.: 17 . - f .• - _ _+ , n , V9ov= • 3804 Vsa= Vwa= . ,i,... ;. `I! c .. ' -'E VS Vw, 1040 OOVCASE= • - 3804 W •' _ • ' . ..• ... TOTAL 10.38 - No. PANELS IN LINE 1 . - . COMMENTS: a - - I ALL PLYWOOD DANELS MEET n/b RATIO 1 'u ;,.. .... �.._., .," ,-...} : .. .::... ,.' " -.": ..I •y,q ` .. • �. , ~•. R y 1 ,, Y r. } .� A. b + ' (1) - Shear Walls ' ` + t. • '` r L. ' R. «. r • + LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. , Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Job Sheett No. of PHONE:760-360-5770 Calculated By ` µ' 4Date- 11/4/2003 LINE= 41 RESISTING MOMENT ' OVERTURNING MOMENTSV WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC - UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT mrRIGHT1 Mr IN ma-aw H MIT=C)S H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S M0tW-2/3Mi Mot S..9Mr Mnet gov. R=C)w IT=CIS 29 1187 298 298 298 - -10382 8368 10382 8368 10184 8100 .10184 5092 4050 30 1187 298 '' 298 298 3372 1370 10382 8368 10382 8368 10184 8100 10184 5092 4050 31 1187 298 298 298 10382 8368. 10382 8368 10184 8100 , 10184 5092 4050 ' MOMENTS UPLIFT t SMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC 43 RESISTING MOMENT ' OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC RESISTING MOMENT • - OVERTURNING MOMENTSNET V90V UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. • WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT Mot W LINE= 42 Mot S-sMr Mnet gov. WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEI 33 WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=C)W H M(T=Cls H VWH LINE= 43 RESISTING MOMENT ' OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC - WIND NET MOMENTS -SEISMIC V90V UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov VSH Mot W Mot S Mot W.2/3M Mot S-sMr Mnet gov. Ir=CIw IT=CIS 33 2037 12716 12716 12716 13869 15485 13869 1S485 5392 4041 5392 634 475 34 2156 21911 21911 21911- 14685 16396 14685 16396 78 •3323 78 9 •369 298 298 .298 6942 3009 6942 3009 6743 2741 6743 3372 1370 LINE= 43 RESISTING MOMENT ' OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC - WIND NET MOMENTS -SEISMIC V90V UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT-CIWH MR=CIS H VWH VSH Mot IN Mots Mot W -2/3M Mot S.sMr Mnetgov. rr-aw IT=C)S 23793 298 298 298 _ 6942 3009 6942' 3009 6743 2741 6743 3372 1370 24 793 298 298 .298 6942 3009 6942 3009 6743 2741 6743 3372 1370 _ LINE= 44 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC - WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT ' WIND SEISMIC WALL No. V90V Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIr=CIw H MIT =CIS H VWH VSH Mot W mots Mot W -2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. (T=C)w IT=CIS 22A 3786 28385 28385 28385 37857 11247 37857 11247 18934 -14299 18934 1833 .1384 x • 1 r, • 1 YoungEngineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. , Palm Desert, CA. 92211 PHONE: 760-360-5770 �• Job No. - - - ' ' •- • _ - . Sheet No. of _ i -- - • Calculated By 2 Date 11/4/2003 " ` - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS $ STRONG WALL - - - ' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 45 DIAPHRAGM •' DATA DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. _ PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE . HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD - LTT/MTTMTT -� STRAP- . 9,12',. AREA 12,15 LINE V CASE VMA% S[a X enO Ltl WALL NO.. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 ' _ X2 Wt. .n/b �. vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES - WALL' ' � ` SDACING PLATE R=CIW IT Cis sT-=CIW TT=CIS fT. CI GOV. • HOLDOW ry HOLDOWN HOEDOWN !GONG. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN - �• Job No. - - - ' ' •- • _ - . Sheet No. of _ i -- - • Calculated By 2 Date 11/4/2003 " ` - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS $ STRONG WALL - - - ' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 45 DIAPHRAGM •' DATA DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. _ PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE . HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD - LTT/MTTMTT -� STRAP- . 9,12',. AREA 12,15 LINE V CASE VMA% S[a X enO Ltl WALL NO.. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 ' _ X2 Wt. .n/b �. vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES - WALL' ' � ` SDACING PLATE R=CIW IT Cis sT-=CIW TT=CIS fT. CI GOV. • HOLDOW ry HOLDOWN HOEDOWN !GONG. HOLDOWN 46L 8 8 V MAX- . 3901 45L 8 8 - E " 17. x H772212.2%.4X1 SST824 C NA . I STH01412-2%.4X1 V MIN= 1734 46R 78 78 a 17 V MIN= 981 45R 8 8. -' t7 LINE CASE= 1 700 HIGH ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS._ E' I I NA UNE CASE = a W _ Et-. : ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E 17 Vsa= Vwa=� E:- 77 ' • -V9ov= Vsa - V90v= 3901 Vsa= VWa= E '"' I i :� NA : E 17 4 17 S - .E r •- :.�L 4010 W _' -' -" -" - Vs 981 GOV CASE= .. VW 3901 W 17 COMMENTS' •a `• k E TOTAL "• No. PANELS IN LINE= r•NA- 17 '- ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO ' ' e - - - - .. - . ,! . ! - • x Vsa= - t-. -Ivwa= ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO r •r �. .. _ - _ - w .R _ - - , _ - _ - _x_ • - .t _ _ _ _ _- _ __ _ - _ _ _ ._ ,-_ - - •' COMMENTS - , ♦ P - ` le . • :• - ,. - is !. A _ ' .i• - .. . • .. . .. -• _ •�` ►. [ It lq 46 d * (3) - Shear Walls . .. 4 a . - ♦ , ' ♦• ' r LATERAL 41-56.xis ` - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL- - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 46 47 DIAPHRAGM •' DATA SHEAR WALL DATA 48 PLYWD PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDARD A.B.SILL 'WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD 4 't PHD. + LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP, _ AREA .. . 9,12',. .LINE VCASE VMA% s[a XenO LO- WALL No.: b h EXTANT, w P7 Xt P2 -X2- Wt. h/b VU 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=CIW IT Cis /T=OW R=cis R=C)GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN - HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN 1 V MAX = 4058 46L 8 8 53 - . 6.25 8.00 I+.: = 95 - _ 1 10 1.28 644 D *. BE NA 5/80 at 201 3X 4789 1766 - 4789. HD6A 14X) SST834 PH06 (2.2X1 SST834 H772212.2%.4X1 SST824 C NA . I STH01412-2%.4X1 V MIN= 1734 46R 78 78 a 17 47R ' looj 10 .''E;; % "♦ -' LINE CASE= W 700 HIGH ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS._ E' 17 r . NA - F. _ Et-. : 1. V90v= 'a058' Vsa= Vwa=� E:- 77 ' • -V9ov= Vsa - '' 3X • 7280 4027 •` 7280 - -=1 Vs 1734 Vw •V1. 4058 . '"' I i :� NA : E 17 4 17 S - .E r •- :.�L 4010 W _' -' -" -" - -17 - OOVCASE- W ' 17 COMMENTS' t' TOTAL 6.30 � UNE- t .- - � . COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO ' ' e - - - - .. - . ,! 1. i. ! - • x le . • :• - ,. - is !. A _ ' .i• - .. . • .. . .. -• _ •�` ►. [ It lq 46 d * (3) - Shear Walls . .. 4 a . - ♦ , ' ♦• ' r LATERAL 41-56.xis ` - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL- - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS ^. - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ' LINE= 47 DIAPHRAGM 'DATA 48 SHEAR WALL DATA DIAPHRAGM DATA I PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL " STANDARD - A.B. SILK WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PND i LTT/Mrr/HTT STRAP AREA -'1e:9 .TT • ..UNE VCASE VMAX sta Xentl Ltl WALL No. b h EXTANT. W P1 X1 P2 X2 WE. h/b- VU' 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL -� s SPACING PLATE IT CIW IT R=C)W IT=CIs R=CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN` RCOND. - HOLDOWN' VMAX= 4070 47l ti -.18' 18 '-:73'6:20::.8.00 ' I. ' 99 - .' -_' 10 1.29 642 D 'BB • NA ^ - 5/8' at 20 -' 3% :..��'" 4771 2700 4771 HD6A !4X1557834 PHD612.2XI SST834 HTT2212.2X.4X1557824 C NA 1'- " STHD1412.2X.4%1 V MIN= 1917 47R ' looj 10 .''E;; % "♦ -' 171 2.67 - 921 700 HIGH SW32X8 3%' 7235 3966 7235 LINE CASE= W- NA ' ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS F. _ Et-. : •C.V ' 17 'y -''''21 ". 2t :I_ "I OA '•2:00'.:8.00 '- E''_' - "'' ; - " 17 -V9ov= 4010 Vsa I°530',;Vw•3=' : '' 3X • 7280 4027 •` 7280 - .. _.. .e. .: u"i .. -..-'E NA 17 I NA '"' I i :� NA LINE CASE= -. W 2447 GOV CASE= 4010 W _' -' -" -" - -17 TOTAL 6.25 No.PANELSINUNE= 1 17 COMMENTS' - - `" '. - ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO • '"' •_„''.`._.,_'....,_' ":: ” a _ M. t: - - .♦ - - - - .. - . le . • :• - ,. - is !. A _ ' .i• - .. . • .. . .. -• _ •�` ►. [ It lq 46 d * (3) - Shear Walls . .. 4 a . - ♦ , ' ♦• ' r LATERAL 41-56.xis ` - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS r UNE- 48 DIAPHRAGM DATA •SHEAR WALL DATA - PLYWD PLYWD ALT. -PORTAL STANDARD A.B. •SILL, WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES .HD PHO -HOLOOWN• LTT/MTT/HTT '- STRAP AREA '`.7;8'-:^ •. LINE V CASE v MAX Sta X entl Ltl WALL No. b" h EXTANT. W Pi . X1 P2 X2 Wt. .Wt, VU 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE (T=C)W IT=Os A=C)W IT=OS IT=CI GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN '� LCOND. . HOLOOWN R COND. HOLDOWN VMAX= 4644 48L p... .: ''.10-'• 10 'x'':70" :3.00'x:8.00 ".'F.E�'`� 17 2.67 - 921 700 HIGH SW32X8 3%' 7235 3966 7235 HDBA !4X1557834- NA NA :..'C NA "-I"" NA - - V MIN= 2555 48R 'y -''''21 ". 2t :I_ "I OA '•2:00'.:8.00 '- E''_' - "'' ; - " 17 4.00 921 - ' • TOO HIGH SW32X8 - '' 3X • 7280 4027 •` 7280 - HD8A (4X5 SSTB34 NA - NA I NA '"' I i :� NA LINE CASE= -. W ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS _' -' -" -" - -17 I. 7 • r! sr I' • 1. i. Vgov= 4644 Vsa= - t-. -Ivwa= .r .. .. ._. ', .:. ''"... E., _:..'�' :: .T 17 . e' - - . I :. r. I ••' Vs 2555 GOV CASE= VW w x644 W - ... ♦ - .... _- -.. ..... - ..._....:... ., T _ TOTAL 5.04 ' _ No. PANELS IN UNE- 2 . . . ,. - z FORCE PER PANEL= 2322 17 17 COMMENTS: a , ' USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL SSE SHEARMAX CALCS.:� -w ) - - 'x ` • _ . . { » •. - • -- -� , le . • :• - ,. - is !. A _ ' .i• - .. . • .. . .. -• _ •�` ►. [ It lq 46 d * (3) - Shear Walls . .. 4 a . - ♦ , ' ♦• ' r LATERAL 41-56.xis _ j r le . • :• - ,. - is !. A _ ' .i• - .. . • .. . .. -• _ •�` ►. [ It lq 46 d * (3) - Shear Walls . .. 4 a . - ♦ , ' ♦• ' r LATERAL 41-56.xis Young Engineering Services Job No. 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Sheet ND. of PHONE:760.360-5770 Calculated By • - Date 11/4/2003 LINE= RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS ®_ SEISMIC NET MOMENTS 'UPLIFT LINE= 46 • WALL A60VE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC • WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. VgoV Mr LEFT 'Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT =C)w H MIT- cps H. VwH VSH Mot W Mot'S MOtW.213MI Moi S-.9Mr Mnet goV. R=Clw IT=CIS . 53 4026 3418 3418 3418 31822 32210 14115 32210 14115 29931 11039 29931 4789 1766• 3966 .-10A LINE= • RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS SEISMIC NET MOMENTS 'UPLIFT LINE= 46 • WALL A60VE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC • WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. VgoV Mr LEFT 'Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT =C)w H MIT- cps H. VwH VSH Mot W Mot'S MOtW.213MI Moi S-.9Mr Mnet goV. R=Clw IT=CIS . 53 4026 3418 3418 3418 31822 32210 14115 32210 14115 29931 11039 29931 4789 1766• 3966 .-10A 1843- 272 272 272 14742 8300 14742 8300 14561 8055 14561 7280 4027 LINE= 48 - RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS SEISMIC NET MOMENTS UPLIFT, LINE= 47 ' WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND ' SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. Vgov, Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN Mrr=CIW H MIT=CIS H VWH" VSH Mot W MOTS Mot Wm2/3M MOt S•.9Mr Mnet goV. R=C)w IT=CIS 13 3978 3364 3364 3364 12449 31822 19769 31822 19769 .29580 16742 29580 4771 2700' 7235 3966 .-10A 1843- 272 272 272 14742 8300 14742 8300 14561 8055 14561 7280 4027 LINE= 48 - RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND' NET MOMENTS . SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL NO. VgoV Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(r=Clw H MIT=C)s H VWH VSH Mot W MOTS Mot W -2/3M MOt S-.9Mr Mnet goV. IT=Clw IT=CIs 10 2764 612 612 - 612 22113 12449 22113 12449 -21705 11899 21705 7235 3966 .-10A 1843- 272 272 272 14742 8300 14742 8300 14561 8055 14561 7280 4027 (4) - Shear Walls Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. _ Palm Desert. CA. 92211 " a PHONE:760-360-5770 LINE= AREA V MAX= V MIN- LINE CASE= 49 .7 299; 1788 W LINE q9L 49R " DIAPNRAGM, DATA VCASE VMA% sta Xeno Ltl 17 17 0 01, ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS WALL No. 6 7 b '3.00 3.00 SHEAR WAIL DATA h EXTANT. w Pt X1 P2 8.00 E 8.00 E E X2 Wt. 17 17 17 IVb 2.67 2.67 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS PLYWD PLYWD ALT. VU 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL 495 49S STRONG PORTAL SW22X8 SW22X8 WALL STANDARD SW24X8 SW24X8 A.B. SILL WALLABOVE SPACING PLATE (r=C)W Er os- 3X 3%3828 HOLDOWN FORCES IT.o (T=Cls IT. C)Gov. 3828 2280 3828 2280 3828 HD HOLDOWN HOSA 14XI SSTS20 HDSA 14XI SST820 PHD HOEDOWN PH0512-2XI SST824 PHDS 122X1 SSTB24 CONVENTIONAL SHEAF WALL HOEDOWN LTT/MTT/HTT HOEDOWN LCOND. MTT28812.2X.4XI SST824 C M7728812.2X•4Xi SST824 I OPTIONS - STRAP HOLDOWN RCOND. STHD1412-2XAXI 11 HPAHD22-2P 14XI I HOLDOWN HPAH022-2P 14X1 HPAHD22-2P (4Xi. V9ov= 2993 Vsa= f IV..= PHD L T TRAP V9ov= E. 17 Vwa= E 17 - - Vs VW S1R I I I 17 7788 C. 1701 1076 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17 - 1. I....'. . S Vsa= .t:'—Vwa=.4_. TOTAL ... .--' 17 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO 1. I Vs Vw 2 993 No. PANELS IN LINE = NA COMMENTS: SEE CANT: COLUMN CALCI E 17 1076 " 'a'' •: "' ':. _.L7 .:. GOY CASE= S N0. PANELS IN LINE = NA GOV CASE= W ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET" RATIO , -TOTAL 6.04 - USE SIMPSON STRONG WALL " No. PANELS IN UNE= 2 FORCE PER PANEL= 1496 ICOMMENTS ISEE SHEARMAX CALCS. LINE= AREA VMAX= 50 -11: 1101 LINE SOL DIAPHRAGM DATA 'v CASE VMAX sta Xentl Ltl 0 :'0 0 SXEAR WALL WALL No. b h EXTANT, _ E-' DATA w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h1b 17 CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOEDOWN FORCES HD VU 1 S1DE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE R=C)W rt=Cls (T=C)W (T.C)s rt=C)GOV. HOEDOWN CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS PHD lTT/MTTMTT STRAP HOEDOWN HOEDOWN LCOND. HOEDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN V MIN= 1076 SOR 1 14 14 +• "' E "' - .. ' 17 _. - C1 UNE CASE= S LINE ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS E'" 17 vY ISIDE SIDES WALL PHD L T TRAP V9ov= 1101 Vsa= Vwa= E 17 - 1 1' Vs VW S1R 0 : ':' '`0-4. 0�'...'.: E: 17 :. C. 1701 1076 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17 - 1. I....'. GOV CASE= S Vsa= .t:'—Vwa=.4_. TOTAL ... .--' 17 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO ..a Vs Vw No. PANELS IN LINE = NA COMMENTS: SEE CANT: COLUMN CALCI LINE. AREA ":'_". ' V MAX= 52 ;14'�:;;i �,, LINE 52L DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE VMAX sta %entl 0 .::: ..;;:0.::; SHEAR WALL ltl WALL NO. b h EXTANT. p ... ::' .'.: ;..: ` � ',...:.� :.:-:. E;:: :.:.. DATA W P1 X1 P2 • iy.'. ':...,':'.." - CONVENTIONAL 52 HEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SH HOLDOW S R WA OPTI LL N OPTIONS LINE= 51 V MIN= DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA P YWD PLYWD ALT PORTAL STANDARD ABOVEHD AREA :�:. 11'x, =:, LINE V CASE VMA% sta X entl Ltl WALL No. • b h EXTANT. w Pt XI P2" %2 Wt. h/b vY ISIDE SIDES WALL PHD L T TRAP VMA%= 1101 5tL 79 J9 • -]4:. 14 ""'"--"" SPACING PLATE fT CAwL rt=CHwL(T C)sFRRCCI GOV. HOEDOWN - HOEDOWN HOLDOWN L GOND, RSCOND. HOEDOWN V MIN= 1076 S1R 0 : ':' '`0-4. 0�'...'.: ._ :. " .;:: E... - ._., -.. 17 :. C. LINE CASE= S ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 17' •.. .••,., _„ ,• 1. I....'. V9ov= 1101 Vsa= .t:'—Vwa=.4_. .... .... .._. .. :: _.t ..E, ... .--' 17 ..a Vs Vw - E `. 17 . 1101 1076 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO 'a'' •: "' ':. _.L7 .:. GOY CASE= S N0. PANELS IN LINE = NA TOTAL . ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET" RATIO , NO. PANELS IN UNE- NA]COMMENTS: ISEE CANT: COLUMN:CALC: LINE. AREA ":'_". ' V MAX= 52 ;14'�:;;i �,, LINE 52L DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE VMAX sta %entl 0 .::: ..;;:0.::; SHEAR WALL ltl WALL NO. b h EXTANT. p ... ::' .'.: ;..: ` � ',...:.� :.:-:. E;:: :.:.. DATA W P1 X1 P2 • iy.'. ':...,':'.." - " X2 Wt. h/b 17 • CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS .STRONG WALL PLYWD PLYWO ALT. Al STANDAR DOWN FORCES No VU 1LSIDE 251 ES WALL D SPACING PSLATE rt C)W I rTVEC)S IT CHwLrt C)SI IT C)GOV. HOLDOWN CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOEDOWN OPTIONS PHD LHOL OWN LCOND. HOEDOWN HOLDOWN RSTRAP COND. HOEDOWN V MIN= 52R 10 26 :..::; '.'' 8•.;.1 6 UNE CASE= 5 ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS a77 .: E': '.:.'4� �. :ter"�...: ::`'.� I V9ov= Vs VW Vsa. I ."l VWa. 77 I 1 ) 17 j.OVCASE-1 ...., .... .. .: ,.... I TOTAL ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO P....,,:I ...:.. _.L7 .:. N0. PANELS IN LINE = NA COMMENTS: -. Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 • a (5) - Shear Walls LATERAL 41-56.xls young Engineering Services .. 77804 Wildcat Dr: Palm Desert. CA. 92211 • PHONE: 760-360-5770 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT -LINE= SO WIND SEISMIC. WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS UPLIFT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC RESISTING MOMENT - OVERTURNING MOMENTS MOL S 0t W -2/3M Mot S•.9Mr Mnetgov. R.CIw IT CIS NET MOMENTS UPLIFT UNE. 49 WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION WIND SEISMIC WIND DIRECT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND "SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN M(T=C)W H M(T=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W Mot S MocWm?J3Mi Mot S..9Mr Mnetgov. R=C)w R.CIs 6 1486 612 612 612 11891 7390 11891 7390 11483 6840 11483 3828 2280 7 1486 - 612 612 612 11891 7390 11891 7390 11483 6840 11483 3828 2280 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT -LINE= SO WIND SEISMIC. WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS UPLIFT SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN' M(T=C)WH MIT CISH VWH VSH Mot Mot Mot W7/3M Mot S•.9Mr Mnetgov. R=CIW R=CIS MOL S 0t W -2/3M Mot S•.9Mr Mnetgov. R.CIw IT CIS ' RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION ..DIRECT LINE= 52 - WIND ' SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND , SEISMIC ®_ WALL N0. Vgov Mr LEFT 'Mr RIGHT Mr MIN Mrr=C)w H MR=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W MOL S 0t W -2/3M Mot S•.9Mr Mnetgov. R.CIw IT CIS ' RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION ..DIRECT LINE= 52 - WIND ' SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC WIND , SEISMIC UPLIFT " WIND SEISMIC WALL N0. Vgov Mr LEFT 'Mr RIGHT Mr MIN Mrr=C)w H MR=CIS H VWH VSH Mot W MOL S 0t W -2/3M Mot S•.9Mr Mnetgov. R.CIw IT CIS Job No. Sheet No.-Of- Calculated o.ofCalculated By • - Date 11/4/2003 (6) - Shear Walls LATERAL 41-56.xls Young Engineering Services 77604 Wildcat Dr. ' Palm Desert. CA. 92211 • PHONE:760-360-5770 I Y (7) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By • Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 41-56.xls I� - - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS LINE= 'AREA 53 14 LINE DIAPHRAGM DATA VCASE VMA% sta XenO Ld SHEAR WALL DATA WALL No. b w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/b PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD Vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE SDACING DLATE R.CIw O=CIS HOLDOWN FORCES IT=C)w (T=CIS IT=C) Gov. HD HOLDOWN PHD HOEDOWN LTT/MTT/HTT HOLDOWN LCOND HOLDOWN STRAP RCOND. HOLDOWN V MA%= 867 53L 26 26 8 8 #1EXTANT. 21 6.GO E 75 17 1.67 143 A AA K 5/8' a[ 30 2% 943 99 943 H02A (23%,4X1 557820 PHD2 f23%1 SSTB24 LTT19 i23%.4%I 557820 I STH08 123%.4X1 C. STH08123%4%I V MIN= 370 S3R 47 a7 14 14 E 17 b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/o vu 1 SIDE I I LINE CASE= W HOLDOWN ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS •'E 17 HOLDOWN V MAX= 3406 54l 1 41 41 16 1 I I V9ov= 867 V,. I 1vwa-E 100 A 17 5/8' at 30 2% 136 328 136 HD2A 123%.4%1 557820 PHD2 l23%1 557824 1 1 V5 VW V MIN= 2777 E. 17. 26 18 8:50 11.83 E 17 I I 370 GOV CASE= 867 W - - 2X ' 614 403 614 E I TOTAL 1 6.05 N0. PANELS IN LINE= 1 - 77 _ COMMENTS 1 ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET Nb RATIO STHD8 123%,4X1 - STHDB 12.2X.4%i LINE CASE= I - - I - I Y (7) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By • Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 41-56.xls I� - CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS 56 LINE= 55 ".tO:ti CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ' SHEAR WALL DATA LINE= 54 PLYWD DIAPHRAGM DATA A.B. SILL .WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES SHEAR WALL DATA LTT/MTT/HTT PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARDI A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT 2SIDES WALL STRAP SPACING PLATE IT. C)W IT CIS AREA 13:14 LINE VCASE vMAX Sta --t10 LO WALL No. b h EXTANT. w P1 X1 P2 X2 Wt. h/o vu 1 SIDE 2SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT=C)W (T.CIS R=Clw (T=C)s R=OGOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN RCOND. HOLDOWN V MAX= 3406 54l 1 41 41 16 1 16 19 25.50 -9.00 1 10 0.35 100 A AA FF 5/8' at 30 2% 136 328 136 HD2A 123%.4%1 557820 PHD2 l23%1 557824 LTT19 123%AXI 557820 C STHD8 123%.4%1 C STH08 12.2%.4X1 V MIN= 2777 54R 106 t06 26 26 18 8:50 11.83 E 17 1.39 100 A AA K 5/8' at 30 2X ' 614 403 614 HD2A 123%,4X1 SSTS20 PHD2 (23X) SSTS24 LTT19 12.2X.4%1 SST820 I.. STHD8 123%,4X1 1 STHDB 12.2X.4%i LINE CASE= W •I �".. ADDITIONAL LINE LOADS 'E 17 I 1 6772 GOV CASE= 6369 S V9ov= 3406 Vsa I jVwa= .E:' 17 , vs VW E 17 2777 13406 ',E- 17- - 1• I:' GOV CASE= W TOTAL 34.04 No. PANELS IN LINE= 2 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS ME ET h/b RATIO '.;'::.-'•::.': _ I Y (7) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By • Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 41-56.xls I� CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ' CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS 56 LINE= 55 ".tO:ti DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE PLYWD PLYWD -ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL .WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA : UNE` VCASE VMA% sta Xend LO WALL NO. b n EXTANT. w P1 Xt P2 X2 Wt. r b Vu t 510E 2SIDES WALL 4286 SPACING PLATE IT. C)W IT CIS (T=C)w R=OS 1T=OGOV, HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND, HOLDOWN RCOND. HOEDOWN V MAX. 6772 SSL 78 86 , 32 32 •16-.. -21:75 15.00 I�' 245- : -.: 10 0.69 337 B •AA NA s SA' at 30 2X � 1518 990 1518 HD2A 12-2X.4XI SSTS20 PHD212.2XI SST824 LTT20B 12-2XAX1 SSTS20 I STHD8 (23X,4)) . 'C STHD8 (23%,4X1 V MIN= 6369 SSR 97 97 ', 44. 1 44 :. '- E .' '•.'' - "E-' `' ;.' : 17 } - V9Ov. 4286 LINE CASE= S ADDITIONAL UNE LOADSE 17 ' -"` - "' ''� 17 .:• ..- .:y - VW 3621 T .... _.. ... ..-...._ :..::.. :,,. :� TOTAL 7.55 NO. PANELS IN LINE= 1 V90v= 6772 Vsa.- ' . ;:-Vwa= .. .... , . __.'... •..E... ..... ': ':.. ' •' ' t7 I: I - :. :::cam... .I ' •I �".. - 17 I 1 6772 GOV CASE= 6369 S '' ""' TOTAL 21.80 No. PANELS IN UNE- 1 -"' COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET IVb RATIO , I Y (7) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By • Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 41-56.xls I� CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALLS STRONG WALL CONVENTIONAL SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN OPTIONS ' .LINE= 56 DIAPHRAGM DATA SHEAR WALL DATA PLYWD PLYWD ALT. PORTAL STANDARD A.B. SILL WALL ABOVE HOLDOWN FORCES HD .PHD LTT/MTT/HTT STRAP AREA LINE jVCASEjVMAXSta X end LG WALL No. b .. h EXTANT. W P1 -- X1 P2, . X2 Wt. h/b Vu 1 SIDE 2 SIDES WALL SPACING PLATE IT.C)w 1 (T.OS R=C)w R=OS R=C) GOV. HOLDOWN HOLDOWN HOLDOWN LCOND. HOLDOWN R COND. HOLDOWN V MAX- 4286 SSL 97 97X44.1 44 ' .:14 L` 750- 15:00 ' E '` ':245' '' '•I ,' -^ 77 2.00 612 D 68 NA 5/8' at 20 3X - 5945 7162 7162 HD8A 14X) SSTS34 NA NA '.•C. NA I 1 NA VMIN= 3621 SEE 0 0'.. 0 ..,.E: .. ;,.:. ... 17 UNE CASE= S ADDITIONAL UNE LOADS .' '•.'' - "E-' `' ;.' : 17 } - V9Ov. 4286 Vsa= ..: Vwa= -..-.. ....: ; .. - ..... E:. - .�. .. 17 V5 4286 GOV LATE= VW 3621 T .... _.. ... ..-...._ :..::.. :,,. :� TOTAL 7.55 NO. PANELS IN LINE= 1 .... _ 17 COMMENTS: ALL PLYWOOD PANELS MEET h/b RATIO - I: I - I Y (7) - Shear Walls Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By • Date 11/4/2003 LATERAL 41-56.xls I� Young Engineering Services 77804 Wildcat Dr. Palm Desert. CA. 92211 PHONE:760-360-5770 LINE= 53 " RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND .NET MOMENTS ' "' SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC UPLIFT WIND SEISMIC WALL No. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIT=C)w H MIT CIS H VWH VSH Mot W Mot 5 Mai Wa2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov: (ff=Clw R=CIS 21 8604410 4410 4410 Mot S-.9Mr Nfnet gov. 8660 4562 8600- 4562 5660 593 5660 943 99 29261 29261 29261 1518 990 22966 20523 22966 20523 3458SB12 3458 136 -228 18 851 7265 7265 7265 10052 9968 10062 9968 5219 3429 5219 614 403 --UNE = 54 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS . - WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC .UPLIFT WIND - SEISMIC WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=C)w H — MrT=CISH VWH VSH Mot W Mot S MOL W.2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Nfnet gov. R=CIw IT=CIS 19 2552 29261 29261 29261 1518 990 22966 20523 22966 20523 3458SB12 3458 136 -228 18 851 7265 7265 7265 10052 9968 10062 9968 5219 3429 5219 614 403 LINE= 56 RESISTING MOMENT OVERTURNING MOMENTS NET MOMENTS UPLIFT LINE= 55 Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND. SEISMIC - WINO SEISMIC WALL NO. Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MR=Clw H MIT=CIS H VWH VSH Mot -W Mot 5 of W2/3M Mot'S-.9Mr Mnet gov. IT=CIw IT=CIS 16 .7326 93430 93430 93430 95310 105613 95310 105613 33024 21526 33024 1518 990 LINE= 56 RESISTING MOMENT- OVERTURNING MOMENTS WALL ABOVE CONTRIBUTION -DIRECT WIND SEISMIC WIND SEISMIC WIND NET MOMENTS SEISMIC - WIND SEISMIC- UPLIFT WIND- SEISMIC WALL No: Vgov Mr LEFT Mr RIGHT Mr MIN MIr=C)W H MIT Cis H VWH VSH MO[ W Mot S Mot W&2/3M Mot S-.9Mr Mnet gov. IT=Clw, ITgCIs 14 -4592 14063 14063 14063 .53961 66372 53961 66372 44586 53716 53716 5945 7162 Job No. Sheet No. of Calculated By Date 11/4/2003 v (8) - Shear Walls „ LATERAL 41-56.x1s LEVEL ROOF: WEIGHT LINE `. WALL No - V s - - 1071wr rl B 8 to AREA (a) 6496 175392 LINE 41 - 29 930 .5.00 0.102 2 AREA Ib1- 750 11250 Vs 2805 '30. -930 5.00 0.102 - 2 EXT. WALL LENGTH �' 498 `' 52912.5 - 31 930 5.00 0.102 2 EXT. WALL AVG. HT. 12.5-` 21907.5 INT. WALL LENGTH 381- " INT. WALL AVG. HT. 11.5 - - '6 FOOT PRINT AREA Ab 8626 LINE 42 33 1835 1.18 0.047 9 TOTAL WEIGHT 261462 Vs 3786 34" 1943 1.11 0.047. 9 - - - r MAX SHEAR WALLS 0.183 r MAX FRAMES ,r MAX BRACED FRAM - r MAX CANT: COLS. _ 18 r MAX INPUT 0.183 IINE 43 23 • '318 - 5.00 _ 0.035 2 ,. IpV/1.41W-Vr 45652 Vs 642 24 318 5.00 0.035 2 - - - - p CALC 0.826 .. P USED 1.000 ',} LINE 44 22A 1034 0.022, 10 .. LINE 45 ,22A _ — - LINE 6 46 53 - 1721 1.60 ° 0.060 6 -LINE 47 13 - 1902 1.61 0.067 6 Vs 1917 fi .. IINE 48 10 2513 3.33 0.183 ,3 - Vs 2555 3 .MAX 0.183 ., CAL C WALLS - LINE WALL NP Vs 104w rl 8 B Lo - - - LINE 49- 6 888 3.33 0.065 • 3 - Vs 1788 7 888 3.33 0.065 .3• LINE 51 ' Vs 1101 ' -LINE 6 .. 53 21 367 1.67 0.013 - 6 - - 19 2771 0.024 26- ' Vs 2777 - 26 . - LINE 55 16 6756 0.068 22 • - - . 22 X.�¢ - LINE 56 14 . 4258 1.33 0.124 8 - MAX 0.124 1 LATERAL 41-56.xis 3 Young Engineering Services 77304 Wildcai Dr. Palm Desert,CA. 92211 PHONE: 760-360-5770 LATERAL 41-56.xis . REFERENCE gNAt-I,>,., o'f Kc1�P6��OAK Cl FActoic (�RtA e) (2-x t �2SXPi� �o. 06r°I7ro). (13xje)+(YYylo ( ar<�017 = �44z Nk,<.A b) - L(5x lb> i i'�xly�+ �lox3.>��� Zr.� t �bKlo�� £ TT wA ewc.rl1= L lob a y�r I"1 + ZI 204 22;r'�(01 �] . q8]. 498-x+ E167 wA�L, fix\t.M ' (Ist 12.5+ 10_r t 1�.5+ +12��o+l0.' 9 �l0>23*`l�/12 12S(t '+ Y4 `yl � l 0 0 t Slot 22.4 3, IN r vn HYl4r17 = �q r �0 l0,; .1,1 t. 1'0 1 r 10/-7 �4� . . 1.00 7=S_ .R' SA. ?_-II -lea--360-57-10 FAX Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 12:35PM, 12 NOV 03 Description : Scope : i Rev: 560100 plywood Shear Wall & Footing User: K0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Page 1 LKW-0601715,Ic)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software CAec55Vot52 ecw:Calculations Description PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS FOR WALL15 General Information 0.00 ft, to 0.00 ft Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements # Plywood Layers 2 Wall Length 4.830 ft End Post Dimension 5.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 8.000 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 17.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 3.00 Thickness 3/8" Ht / Length 1.656 Stud Spacing 16.00 in Loads 0.00 lbs Vertical Loads... 0.00 ft-# Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at ft Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft, to 0.00 ft Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing..... Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft HD9, Capacity = 10395lbs 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft _ Lateral Loads... HD15, Capacity = 13380lbs HD14A, Capacity = 13380lbs HD14A, Capacity = 13380lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 1,287.00 #/ft 4.830 ft = 6,216.21 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft ' 4.830 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing Past Left Edge of Wall 13.000 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 4.830 ft Rebar Cover 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 10.000 ft fc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 27.830 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 1.50 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 36.00 in Design OK Wall Summary... Using 3/8" Thick Structural I on 2 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 2 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear= 1,310.8#/ft, Capacity =,1,460.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 50;189.5ft-#, Resisting Moment = 1,586.4ft-#, End Uplift = 10,062.76lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left = 802.9psf, @ Right = 813.1 psf Sill Bolting: 1/2" Bolts @ 7.73in, 5/8" Bolts @ 12.11 in, 3/4" Bolts @ 17.41 in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 7.44psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK 3+s 7-g Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.83in2, @ Right = 0.83in2 f Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 3.770: 1 Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing..... HD9, Capacity = 10395lbs HD9, Capacity = 10395lbs HD12, Capacity = 13120lbs HD12, Capacity = 13120lbs HD15, Capacity = 13380lbs HD15, Capacity = 13380lbs HD14A, Capacity = 13380lbs HD14A, Capacity = 13380lbs l;XP Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 12:35PM, 12 NOV 03 Description Scope: ; User: KW0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 wood Shear Wall & Footing W - Plywood • Use06 i (c11983-2002 Page 2 ENERCALC Engineering Software CAec55Vot52.ecw:Ca1cu1ations Description PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS FOR WALL15 (Footing Analysis Lateral Forces Acting in Direction Soil Pressures... To Left.... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 1624 ft 3.729 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 802.95 psf 88.35 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 98.52 psf 813.12 psf Moments... - • • ' Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 34,371.58 ft-# 27,042.76 ftp# ' Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 30,130.03 ft-# ' 31,115.86 ft-# Shears..., vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 7.438 psi 6.682 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 5.286 psi 6.111 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning... - Overturning Moment 69,182.99 ft-# 69,182.99 ft-# Resisting Moment 262,809.33 ftp# 260,838.69 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 3.799 :1 3.770 :1 Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 12:38PM, 12 NOV 03 Description : Scope: Rev: 560100 User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Page 1 11 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software CAec55V0t52.ecw:Ca1cu1at1ons Description PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS FOR WALL 54 WE- LGeneral Information Sri YArot1. Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements # Plywood Layers 2 Wall Length 3.000 ft End Post Dimension 3.50 in Plywood Grade Structural I Wall Height 12.580 ft Seismic Factor 0.175 Nail Size 8d Wall Weight 10.000 psf Nominal Sill Thick. 2.00 Thickness 15/32" Ht / Length 4.193 Stud Spacing 16.00 in i Loads 0.00 lbs Vertical Loads... 0.00 ft-# Point Load # 1 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 2 0.00 lbs at 0.00 ft Point Load # 3 0.00 lbs at ft Uniform Load # 1 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft Uniform Load # 2 0.00 #/ft 0.00 ft to 0.00 ft _ Lateral Loads..., Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 970.00 #/ft 3.000 ft = 2,910.00 lbs Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall 0.00 #/ft 3.000 ft = 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 lbs Moment Applied @ Top of Wall 0.00 ft-# Footing Past Left Edge of Wall 6.000 ft Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wall Length 3.000 ft Rebar Cover 1 3.00 in Past Right Edge of Wall 6.000 ft pc 2,500.00 psi Footing Length 15.000 ft Fy 60,000.00 psi Footing Width 2.00 ft Min. Steel As % 0.00140 Footing Thickness 24.00 in .""""""' IN Design OK Wall Summary... Using 15/32" Thick Structural I on 2 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 3 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear= 992.0#/ft, Capacity= 1,100.000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 37,023.2ft-#, Resisting Moment = 566.1ft-#, End Uplift = 12,152.37lbs Max. Soil Pressures: @ Left= 1,094.1 psf, @ Right= 1,094.1 psf Sill Bolting: 1/2" -Bolts @ 10.22in, 5/8" Bolts @ 15.93in, 3/4" Bolts @ 22.52in Footing Summary... Max. Footing Shear = 10.24psi, Allowable = 100.00psi -> OK USE ads T- $ Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0.71in2, @ Right = 0.71in2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 1.584: 1 i Simpson Hold Down Options Choices for LEFT Side of Wall to Footing..... Choices for RIGHT Side of Wall to Footing All Hold Downs for Post Size & Force Inadequa All Hold Downs for Post Size & Force Inadequa ,2'1� Title : LOT52 Dsgnr: EAF Description Scope: Job # 03-1432-01 Date: 12:38PM, 12 NOV 03 j Rev: 560100 user: Kw-0601715, Ver 5.6.1. 25-Oct-2002Plywood I 101983.2002 Shear Wall & Footing Page 2 ENERCALC Engineering Software CAec55Vot52 ecw Calculations e Description PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS FOR WALL 54 Footing Analysis x Lateral Forces Acting in Direction Soil Pressures:.. To Left... To Right... Ecc. of Resultant @ Footing Centerline 4.734 ft 4.734 ft Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing 1,094.05 psf 0.00 psf Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing 0.00 psf 1,094.05 psf Moments... Actual Mu @ Left Wall Edge 20,424.53 ft-# 20,424.53 ft-# Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge 10,962.00 ft-# 10,962.00 ft-# Shears... vu/.85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge 10.236 psi 5.331 psi vu/.85 @ 'd' from Right Wall Edge 5.331 psi 10.236 psi Allowable Vn 100.000 psi 100.000 psi Overturning... - Overturning Moment 42,975.31. ft-# 42,975.31 ft-# Resisting Moment 68,080.50 ft-# 68,080.50 ft-# Overturning Stability Ratio 1.584 :1 1.584 :1 Young Engineering Services, r Job No.. 77,804 Wildcat Dr. Sheet of Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 Calces By 760-360-5770 Phone. Checked By • . .760-360-5719 Fax , CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN PII Fw or Fs ,1 t LINE NO. "g COLUMNS PER LINE F WIND IN LINE 403 H ' F SEISMIC IN LINE , 304 COLUMN HEIGHT - H (FT.) x;:.9:375 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.)= AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= - 980 W ` F WIND IN LINE Fw(LB.)= 403 F SEISMIC IN LINE Fs(LB.) _. 304 UNAMPLIFIED • t . kyr Young Engineerinq Services 77-804 Wildcat Dr Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 760-360.577OPhone 760-360-5719Fax COLUMN HEIGHT R VALUE STRUCTURE AXIAL OL AXIAL LL F WIND F SEISMIC F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN H (FT.)= R - P01 (LB.) _ PII (LB.)- FW(LB.)- Fs(LB.) Fs(LB.) _ ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.)=.00SH = ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.)=.025H = I wind req'd IW(IN4)= Iseismic req'd Is(IN4)- I REO'D- POI(KI= 0.98 Ky=1.0 PCI+11W 1.96 Kx=2.1 Mw (K -IN.) = 45.34 Cb =1.0 Ms(K-IN.)= 69.95 _ Cm -.85 9.375 4.5 980 980 403 304 UNAMPLIFIED 622 AMPLIFIED FOR W.2 0.56 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS 2.81 BASED ON DELTAS . DELTA M= .7R(DELTAS) 11.73 7.80 11.73 Job No. Sheet of Calced By Checked By 11/4/2003 SECTION FY (KSI) KXVRX KVVRV KVr max fa dl fa dI+II fb w fb S Cc Fa Fb 11:1TSBXBXI/2 �•�46''�°".. 77.97 37.13 77.97 0.07 0.14 1.38 2.13 111.55 18.43 30.36 24.56 VERTICAL INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS H1.1 H1-2 H1.3 MAX STATUS TSBX8x1R ,' #.:EGI-i7h :_ ,aA?�' d0 X14 ^i£tFi .e�K'+ $, K' ?'�' + ss :: - .'.'kti6 CzIK s' "s Y.: i ';^cvk'.•c i � 'r�' ?'" a, ttlINA.fe7Fa:<`15NA,fa/Ea<D6'�"�?;007'G' , ,,.�et0.07';, af:§ai OKar..` lye Youn_a Engineering Services Job No. 77-804 Wildcat Dr , Sheet Of. Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 C21Ced By 760-360-57me 760-360-571919 Fax PAD DESIGN Checked B • Y Y _ 11/4/2003 COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.) = 9.375 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 4.5 AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.)= 980 AXIAL LL _ PII (LB.) = 980 F WIND Fw(LB.)= 403 F SEISMIC Fs(LB.1= 304 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED Fs(LB. 622 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 Pdl (K)= - 0.98 PdI+II (K)= 1.96 Mw (K -FT.) = 3.78 Ms (K -FT.) = 5.83 Vw (K) = 0.40 .f Vs (K) = 0.62 ' MAX SBP DL+LL (KSF)- 1`.50 MAX SBP DL+LAT (KSF) "i:3t00 PAD SIZE WIDTH -DEPTH (FT.) 5:00 THICKNESS (FT.) 1:00 STABILITY W -DL (K -FT.) - 4.73 Mr -DL (K -FT.) = 11.83 Mot -w (K -FT.) = 4.18 Mots (K -FT.) = 6.45 FSOT-w (K -FT.) = 2.83 OK> 1.5 FSOT-s (K -FT.) _ 1.83 OK> 1.11 BEARING PRESSURE DL+LAT Xw = 1.62 Xs = 1.14 ew = 0.88 OUT OF MIDDLE 1/3RD es = 1.36 OUT OF MIDDLE 1/3RD SBP -W MAX (KSF1 = 0.39 OK SBP -W MIM (KSF) - = 0.00 OK SBP -S MAX (KSF) = 0.56 OK SBP -S MIM (KSF) = 0.00 OK DL+LL SBP (KSF) = 0.23 FOOTING DESIGN LOAD FACTOR = 1:4 CIC YC (PSI) = 2000 b = 12.00 Fy (PSI) = 60000 d = 8.50 M net (K -FT.) - 2.02 a = 0.90 Mu (K -IN.) = 33.94 Mur = 133.34 BAR SIZE _ 5 SPACING = • 12 - USE #5at12 in o/c As = 0.31 Young Engineering Services Job No. 77-804 Wildcat Dr. • Sheet of Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 Calces By 760-360-5770 Phone Checked By 760-360-5719 Fax CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN Pdl PH Fw or Fs LINE N0. <":.:. „ 9 COLUMNS PER LINE F WIND IN LINE I'i F SEISMIC IN LINE COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.) = =`; 10 . R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 4:5 AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.) AXIAL LL PII (LB.) 'z':;;r ;} ;=i960 F WIND IN LINE FW(LB.)= 2546 F SEISMIC IN LINE Fs(LBJ= 1123 UNAMPLIFIED ►qq Young Engineerinq Services 77.804 Wildcat Dr Pala Desert, Ca. 92211 760-360-577OPhone 760-360-5719Fax COLUMN HEIGHT R VALUE STRUCTURE AXIAL DL AXIAL LL F WIND F SEISMIC F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN H WT.) = R= Pdl (LB.) Pit (LB.) _ Fw(LB.) _ Fs(LB.) _ Fs(LB.) - ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.)=.GOSH = ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC ON.1=.0251-1 = I wind req'd lw(IN41= Iseismic req'd Is(IN4)= I REO'D- PCI (K1= 0.98 Ky=1.0 Pdl+11(KI = 1.96 Kx=2.1 Mw IK -IN.)= 305.52 Cb=1.0 Ms(K-IN.)= 275.65 Cm =.8S 10 4.S 980 980 2546 1123 UNAMPLIFIED 2297 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 0.60 BASED ONALLOWABLE LOADS 3.00 BASED ON DELTA S DELTA M- .7R(DELTAS) 84.28 32.78 84.28 Job No. Sheet of Calced By Checked By 11/4/2003 SECTION FV WSI) Kxt/Rx KVVRy KVr max fa dl fa dl+ll fb w fb s Cc Fa Fb F'e TS8x8x1/2 :. 46: 83.17 39.60 83.17 0.07 0.14 9.29 8.38 111.55 17.53 30.36 21.59 VERTICAL INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS H1-1 H1.2 H1-3 MAX STATUS 758x8x1R`atll l;5j tY'�,'�-„-`,-."��`e ,;+'".0.1A:?t �':"0�ir�.,t' 3&,vi 1i�j�.�n`ii; `,»''"! ;' 4irr..� 1, 1\4;'1 Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Ddgnr: EAF Date: 8:01AM, 12 NOV 03 Description : Scope : L User: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25.Oct-2002 General Footing Analysis & Design Page 1 (c11983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software CAec55Vot52.ecw:Ca1cu1ations Description GRADE BEAM FOR LINE 9 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing 1,500.0 psf Dimensions... Short Term Increase 1.330 Width along X -X Axis 2.000 ft Seismic Zone 4 Length along Y -Y Axis 11.583 ft Live & Short Term Combined Footing Thickness 24.00 in Col Dim. Along X -X Axis 8.00 in fc 2,500.0 psi Col Dim. Along Y -Y Axis 8.00 in Fy 60,000.0 psi Base Pedestal Height 0.000 in Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf 4.969 in Overburden Weight 0.00 psf Min Steel % 0.0014 Rebar Center To Edge Distance 3.50 in Loads Applied Vertical Load... ACI 9-1 - Dead Load 0.980 k ...ecc along X -X Axis 0.000 in Live Load 0.980 k ...ecc along Y -Y Axis 22.000 in Short Term Load k Creates Rotation about Y -Y Axis Creates Rotation about X -X Axis Applied Moments... (pressures @ left & right) (pressures @ top & bot) Dead Load k -ft k -ft Live Load k -ft k -ft Short Term k -ft 25.500 k -ft Creates Rotation about Y -Y Axis Creates Rotation about X -X Axis Applied Shears... (pressures @ left & right) (pressures @ top & bot) Dead Load k k Live Load k k Short Term k k A111111431Y Caution: Y(short)ecc>Widt 2.00ft x 11.58ft Footing, 24.Oin Thick, w/ Column Support 8.00 x 8.00in x O.Oin high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X -X Min. Stability Ratio Y -Y Min. Stability Ratio Shear Forces Two -Way Shear One -Way Shears... Vu @ Left Vu @ Right Vu @ Top Vu @ Bottom Moments Mu@Left Mu @ Right Mu @ Top Mu @ Bottom DL+LL• DL+LL+ST 455.0 1,186.0 psf 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf 0.000 in 0.000 in 4.969 in 40.230 in 1.830 1.500 :1 No Overturning ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 1.05 psi 1.01 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 1.82 psi 1.44 psi ACI 9-1 0.03 k -ft 0.03 k -ft 1.47 k -ft 1.66 k -ft 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 8.36 psi -8.52 psi ACI 9-2 0.03 k -ft 0.03 k -ft 6.60 k -ft -9.76 k -ft Actual Allowable Max Mu 9.763 k -ft per ft / `2 r *3 Required Steel Area 0.344 int per ft 05= b2,^1 Shear Stresses.... Vu Vn * Phi 1 -Way 8.525 85.000 psi 2 -Way 1.052 170.000 psi 9-3 Vn * Phi 0.34 psi 170.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 4.54 psi -5.53 psi ACI 9-3 0.01 k -ft 0.01 k -ft 3.57 k -ft -6.35 k -ft ti L41'0 85.00 psi 85.00 psi 85.00 psi 85.00 psi Ru / Phi 0.1 psi 0.1 psi 17.5 psi 25.8 psi As Req'd 0.34 in2 per ft 0.34 in2 per ft 0.34 in2 per ft -0.34 in2 per ft • . Title: LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 Dsgnr: EAF Date: 8:01AM, 12 NOV 03 Description Scope: i Rev: 560100 t user: KW -0601715, Ver 5.6.1, 25 -Oct -2002 (c)1983.2002 ENERCALC Page 2 General Footing Analysis & Design I Engineering Software c:\ec55V0t52.ecw:Ca1cu1ations Description GRADE BEAM FOR LINE 9 - Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right Top Bottom DL + LL 374.61 374.61 454.96 294.26 psf DL + LL + ST 374.61 374.61 1,186.02 0.00 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 537.14 537.14 652.35 421.93 psf " ACI Eq: 9-2 524.45 .524.45 1,660.42 0.00 psf ACI Eq. 9-3 299.07 299.07 ' 946.87 0.00 psf ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900, UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300- .300....seismic .... seismic= ST' : 1.100 r t r �. YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Title : LOT52 Job # 03-1432-01 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL-ENGINEERS Dsgnr: EAF Date: 10:32AM, 4 NOV 03 77-804 WILDCAT DRIVE SUITE #C Description PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Scope: (7_60_) 3_60-5770 --------- -Rev: 510300 �+ User:KW-0601715, Ver•Jun•1999,Win32 Steel COIUrt'111 Base Plate " -- Page 1 Ic11983.99 ENERCALC R'Frir'�Ff�l(]tS9 arinrl'alnllatinnc Description BASE PLATE FOR LINE 9, WORST CASE LOADING FOR ALL CANT. COLUMNS L General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Loads Steel Section . TS8x8x1/2 Axial Load 1.96 k Section Length 8.000 in X-X Axis Moment 25.50 k-ft Section Width 8.000 in Flange Thickness 0.500 in Plate Dimensions Web Thickness 0.500 in Plate Length 14.000 in Allowable Stresses Plate Width 14.000 in Concrete f 2,500.0 psi' Plate Thickness 1.000 in Base Plate Fy 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Support Pier Size Pier Length 36.000 in Anchor Bolt Data Pier Width 36.000 in Dist. from Plate Edge 2.000 in Bolt Count per Side 2 Tension Capacity 15.700 k Bolt Area 0.785 in2 Summary Concrete Bearing Stress Thickness OK Actual Bearing Stress 808.0 psi Allow per ACI 10.15 2,975.0 psi Partial Bearing : Bolts in Tension Allow per AISC J9 2,327.5 psi Plate Bending Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual fb - 22,317.0 psi Max Allow Plate Fb 35,910.0 psi Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 10.663 k Allowable 15.700 k, 1y� Young Engineering Services Job No. 77404 Wildcat Dr. Sheet of Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 Calces By 760-360-5770 Phone Checked By 760-360-5719 Fax . CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN Pdl . PH Fw or Fs LINE N0. 19 COLUMNS PER LINE '.; '.2 F WIND IN LINE 718 H F SEISMIC IN LINE 1159 COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= :' 9 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= ';_: •:,;°``4t5 AXIAL DL PdI (LB.)= :.:: a''•';._". 800 AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= `` '='"' '; 400. ` F WIND IN LINE FW(LB.)= 359 F SEISMIC IN LINE FS(LB.)= 579.5 UNAMPLIFIED Youn-q Engineering Services 77-804 Wildcat or PalVesert, Ca. 92211 760-360-577OPhone 760-360-5719Fax Job No Sheet -of Calced By Checked By 11/4/2003 SECTION LOAD CASE CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN TS8X8X1/2 1W COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= 9 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 4.S AXIAL DL PCII (LB.)- Boo AXIAL LL Pit 118.) 400 F WIND FwILB.)- 359 F SEISMIC Fs(LB.) - 579.5 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED Fs(LB.) - 1185 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.) -.00SH '0.54 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.) -.025H 1 2.701 BASED ON DELTAS DELTA M .7RIDELTA S) I wind req'd lw(IN4)- Iseismic req'cl Is(IN4) - I REO'D- - WIND SEISMIC . SECTION I A Sx RX Ry' DELTA STATUS DELTA DELTA S DELTA M STATUS 758x8x1/2! 131 14.4 32.9 3.03 3.03 0.040 OK 0.064 0.183 0.282 OK PdI (10 - 0.80 Ky - 1.0 Pdl + 1100 - 1.20 KX - 2.1 Mw IK -IN.)- 38.77 Cb - 1.0 Ms IK -IN.)- 128.02 Cm -.85 SECTION Fy (KS9 KXVRX KVVRV Kl/r max fa dl fa dl + 11 fb W. fb s Cc Fa Fb TS8x8x1/2 :46 f,:. 74.85 35.64 74.85 0.06 0.08 1.18 3.89 111.55 18.95 30.36 -26.65 VERTICAL INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS 1-11.1 H1.2 HI -3 MAX STATUS TS8X8X1/2 1W C;10 Young Engineering Services Job No. 77*804 Wildcat Dr Sheet of Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 CalCed By 760-360-5770 Phone 760-360-5719 Fax PAD DESIGN Checked By 11/4/2003 COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= 9 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 4.5 AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.) = 800 AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= 400 F WIND Fw(LB.)= 359 - F SEISMIC Fs(LB.)= 579.5 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED F5(LB.)= 1185 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 PdI (K)= 0.80 PdI+II (K)= 1.20 Mw (K-FTJ= 3.23 Ms (K -FT.) = 10.67 Vw (K) = 0.36 Vs (K)= 1.19 MAX SBP DL+LL (KSF) 1:50 MAX SBP DL+LAT (KSF) ri :;.'r- k 3iOd PAD SIZE „ WIDTH -DEPTH (FT.) 6400 THICKNESS (FTJ = r. -..I so STABILITY W -DL (K -FT.) = 8.90 ' Mr -DL (K -FT.) a = 26.70 Mot -w (K-FTJ = 3.77 Mot -s (K -FT.) = 12.45 FSOT-w (K -FT.) = 7.08 OK>1.5` FSOT-s(K-FT.) = 2.15 OK>1.11 BEARING PRESSURE DL+LAT, Xw = 2.58. Xs = 1.60 ew = 0.42 IN MIDDLE 1/3RD es = 1.40 OUT OF MIDDLE 1/3RD SBP -W MAX (KSF) _. 0.35 OK SBP -W MIM (KSF) = 0.14 OK SBP -S MAX (KSF) = 0.62 OK SBP -S MIM (KSF) = 0.00 OK DL+LL SBP (KSF) = 0.26 ' FOOTING DESIGN LOAD FACTOR = dc = 3:50 1.4 PC (PSI) = 2000 b = - 12.00 FY (PSI) = 60000 d = 14.50 M net (K -FT.) = 2.02 a = 0.90 Mu (K -IN.) 33.94 Mur = 232.75 BAR SIZE _ 5 SPACING = 12 . , . USE5at12 in o/c As = 0.31 't� Young Engineering Services Job No. • 77-804 Wildcat Dr. Sheet of Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 Calces By 760-360-5770 Phone Checked-By 760-360-5719 Fax CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN - { Pdl PII Fw or Fs 00 LINE NO. 50 JQbRST f'oR Lowe$ 01g), COLUMNS PER LINE 1 11 oNTOo�(i! F WIND IN LINE :'3 :;`1076 LIV��1R Z H. F SEISMIC IN LINE ',x` ,�;:... :.,:.1:10,1: COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= R VALUE STRUCTURE R= '4:5 AXIAL DL Pdl (LB.) AXIAL LL PII (LB.) _ r': "'';400 F WIND IN LINE Fw(LB.)= 1076 F SEISMIC IN LINE FS(LB.)= 1101 UNAMPLIFIED 't� Young Enaineerinp•Services Job No. 77-804 Wildcat Dr Sheet of Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 760-360-5770 Phone Calved By 760-360-5719 Fax PAD DESIGN Checked By 11/4/2003 COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.) = 9 R VALUE STRUCTURE R= 4.5 AXIAL DL Pdl (LBJ = 800 AXIAL LL PII (LB.)= 400 F WIND Fw(LB.)= 1076 FSEISMIC Fs(LB.)= 1101 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED Fs(LB.)= 2252 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 Pdl (K)= 0.80 PdI+lI (K)= 1.20 Mw (K -FT.) = 9.68 Ms (K -FT.) 20.27 Vw (K) = 1.08 Vs (K)= 2.25 MAX SBP DL+LL (KSF) 1'.50 MAX SBP DL+LAT (KSF) PAD SIZE - WIDTH -DEPTH (FT.) _ 6:00 THICKNESS (FT.) _ r 1i50 STABILITY ' W -DL (K -FT.) = 8.90 Mr -DL (K -FT.) = 26.70 Mot -w (K -FT.) = 11.30, Mot -s (K -FT.) = 23.65 , FSOT-w (K-FTJ = 2.36 OK> 1.5 FSOT-s (K -FT.) = 1.13 OK> 1.11 BEARING PRESSURE DL + LAT Xw = 1.73 XS = 0.34 ' ew. = 1.27 OUT OF MIDDLE 1/3RD es = 2.66 OUT OF MIDDLE 1/3RD SBP -W MAX (KSF) = 0.57 OK ' SBP -W MIM (KSF) = 0.00 OK SBP -S MAX (KSF) = 2.88 OK SBP -S MIM (KSF) = 0.00 OK DL+LL SBP (KSF) = 0.26 FOOTING DESIGN LOAD FACTOR =, 1.4 do f'c (PSI) = 2000 b = 12.00 Fy (PSI) = 60000 d = 14.50 M net (K -FT.) _ 2.02 a = 0.90 Mu (K -IN.) = 33.94 Mur = 232.75 BAR SIZE = 5 SPACING = 12 USE #Sat12 in o/c As = 0.31 Young Engineering Services STATUS HI.1 HI -2 H1-3 MAX STATUS Job No. Wildcat Or dI+,MAx LA >T1 -m -N. -N RIIFN Em'n'g�- itmokum NA lNFc£ .77-804 Patm Desert, Ca. 92211 Sheet of 760-360-577OPhone Calced By 760-360-5719Fax Checked By 11/4/2003 CANTILEVERED COLUMN DESIGN COLUMN HEIGHT H (FT.)= 9 R VALUE STRUCTURE R - AXIAL DL PdI (LB.) - 800 AXIAL LL Pit (La.) - 400 F WIND Fw(LB.) = 1076 F SEISMIC Fs(LB.)- 1101 UNAMPLIFIED F SEISMIC AMPLIFIED Fs(LB.)- 2252 AMPLIFIED FOR R/2.2 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION WIND (IN.) =.00SH 1 0.541 BASED ON ALLOWABLE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION SEISMIC (IN.)-.02SH = 2.701 BASED ON DELTAS DELTA M .7R(DELTA S) I wind reqlcl - Iseismic req'd :W(;.4) sIIN4)- • I REO'D - • WIND SEISMIC SECTION I A Sx RX RV DELTA STATUS DELTA DELTAS -1 DELTA M STATUS TS8X8x1/2 131 14.4 32.9 3.03 3.03 0.119 OK 0.122 0.348 0.537 OK Pdl (K)= 0.80 Ky - 1.0 PCII + 11 (K) 1.20 KX = 2.1 Mw IK -IN.) - 116.21 Cb - 1.0 Ms (K -IN.) 243.22 Cm -85 SECTION Fv (KS0 KXVRX KVI/Ry W max fa dl fa c1I+II fb w fb S CC Fa Fb •LT58x8x1/2 74.85 35.64 74.85 0.06 0.08 3.53 7.39 111.SS 18-95 30.36 26.65 VERTICAL INTERACTION SECTION LOAD CASE STATUS HI.1 HI -2 H1-3 MAX STATUS TS8X8x1/2 dI+,MAx LA >T1 -m -N. -N RIIFN Em'n'g�- itmokum NA lNFc£ q RE==FENr- E LKYgRrIA f �AP*"� AN AIYS�S / LiJE ti T .sr�.I%.- -IL PRo4;Ah aMtPN-r IS VC-4YGON5VeVA./C tSS.o -13 z��a�tz.58� 211i�. Jv+ Flo =• 11.3b (1521 + IB,S�='�z i • 19,5z) + 20.1(2, 1 = 2il 2 plf 2 -1'7 c L4 5►n 3b- il�',7"� C4S�oh .. Issd(331/�a)��rg.of�� vP�,.t�S-9 c SM 36'J"� [4STo�, Vft- - 220 7 t�iq4SE. Llowe %J v � ��/ - IS�o �2i�Izi (era. �5�, = y 4,0°' � 3� : "7yyo" > 3s��.� 1 / A NES •2 L�STOl-, �. FRE F=JENr- E SNt9-:1Ay PA"L AN41,%5I5 LONT 1 A -Y��) - 5 2 1- W� Y "i c "i", %J49v LSA,,1 Sr�3t,.(� VwaJ `Iloi`I t�n+gc�RJATpIE •0-If �w.y20k i Jr,Je s 11 9��� 11,31, (:•s� - 122 p'f ��5•s/i> _ IS l;6 `5`1. Lto Vic So-, 2b Sb* +'1120°' a lojoS> '15y6" at-7 AN9 > 25i3 �S� �a� SM�y'.11)c�sro o4L•^7__5R7. GA. �s�il TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 @ The Traditions) 78-511 Talking Rock Turn La Quinta,. CA 92253 Project Designer: Gordon Ross 42-829 Cook Street, Suite #104 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 568-1712 r Report Prepared By: { C.J. McFadden BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 346-0855 . i t i CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING Px SAFETY DEPT. ' JAdz 4. s WED Job Number: FOR LONA' -RU 'TION f 0036.002 310 DATE DY f Date: .1/19/2004 "The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: 0036.00 User Number. 3665 W&V laic, i;etit ctv.ca.r Zeal r IV Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -1 R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (,U-) The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Wood Date 78-511 Talking Rock Turn La Quinta 0.057 Project Address n/a Building Permit # BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING (760) 346-0855 Plan Check/ Date Documentation Author Telephone Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Computer Performance 15 Field Check / Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION a ❑ Total Conditioned Floor Area: 4,822 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 12.5 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 4,822 ft2 0.38 Building Type: Bug Screen ❑ (check one or more) ❑ X❑ X❑ Single Family Detached ❑ Addition 123.0 ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building Bug Screen ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition ❑ Front Orientation: (Northwest) 315 deg Floor Construction Type: ® Slab Floor Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 0.38 Number of Stories: 1 ❑ Raised Floor • Component _ Type R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) (W-2) Slab On Grade Slab On Grade Solid Wood Door FENESTRATION Frame Type - Const. Assembly U -Value Location/Comments (attic, garage, typical, etc.) Wood 0.028 Exterior Roof Wood 0.057 Exterior Wall Wood 0.057 Exterior Wall n/a 0.756 Exposed Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation n/a 0.756 Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Wood 0.387 Exterior Door Shadina Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Skylight 18.8 0.80 0.43 None ❑ a ❑ a Left (Northeast) 4.0 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Rear (Southeast) 123.0 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ Q Right (Southwest) 134.0 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Right (Southwest) 168.0 0.39 0.28 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Front (Northwest) 96.0 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Left (Northeast) 79.8 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ Left (Northeast) 80.0 0.39 0.28 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑X❑ Rear (Southeast) 204.0 0.72 J 0.60 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Rear (Southeast) 136.6 0.85 0.59 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Right (Southwest) 56.0 0.39 0.28 Bug Screen X❑ ❑ ❑ X❑ Right (Southwest) 98.0 • 0.72 0.60 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Run Initiation Time: 01/19/04 09:22:32 Run Code: 1074532952 Ener Pro 3.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Pa e:3 of 31 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -1 R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 cD_ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 • Project Title Overhang Side Fins Date _ 78-511 Talking Rock Turn La Quinta SF U -Factor Project Address Shading Building Permit # BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING (760) 346-0855 Plan Check / Date Documentation Author Telephone 0.30 Computer Performance 15 Field Check / Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen GENERAL INFORMATION ❑ X❑ Front • • Total Conditioned Floor Area: 4,822 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 12.5 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 4,822 ft2 Building Type: (check one or more) X❑ Single Family Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: (Northwest) 315 de - Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 Floor Construction Type: ® Slab Floor ❑ Raised Floor BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Const. Component Frame Assembly Location/Comments Type Type U -Value (attic, garage, typical, etc.) FENESTRATION Shadina Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Right (Southwest) 6.0 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen ❑ F ❑ X❑ Rear (Southeast) 6.0 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Front (Northwest) 56.0 0.39 0.28 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Front (Northwest) 48.0 0.39 0.28 Bug Screen Q ❑ ❑X❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Run Initiation Time: 0111910409:22:32 Run Code: 1074532952 Ener Pro 3.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:4 of 31 Certificate of Compliance: Residential .(Part 2 of 2) CF -1 R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 _ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 • Project Title Date HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Input Hydronic or Combined Hydron'ic data under Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF) (ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnar•.e 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 (Master Suite central Furnace 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 42 Setback HVAC -2A & 2B (Living_ Are Central Furnace 80% AFUE . Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall) Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 42 Setback HVAC -1 (Master Suite) Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 42 Sethack HVAC -2A P. 213 (1 iving•Are Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -3 (S;st. Rm/Office/Hall) WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated 1 Tank Energy Fact! 1 External Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value Rheem HE -119-130 Largo Gas Recircfrime+Temp 1 130,000 130 0.94 0.0000 0.0 • 1 For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS • 1) HVAC 2 IS ONE ZONE SERVICED BY TWO SEPERATE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. THE SYSTEMS ARE IDENTIFIED AS HVAC 2A & 2B. SEE PAGE 20 FOR ENGINEERING CHECK. 2) WATER HEATING FOR THE GUEST CASITA (SEE PGA IN BACK FOR FURTHER REMARKS) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement.them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognize that compliance using duct sealing and TXV's requires installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer o Owner(per Business & Professions Code) Documentation'Author Name: 017VI Name: C.J. McFadden Title/Firm: Gor on Ross Title/Firm: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING Address: 42-929 Coo Street Suite #104 Address: 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE Palm Dese , CA 92260 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Telephone: (760) 568-1712 Telephone: (760) 346-0855 Lic. #: , (signature) Enforcement Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: (date) 19 (sign re) (date) (signature/stamp) (date) CodesRun Initiation Timee '01/19/04 O9m22a32 Run EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:5 of 31 s • • Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (g7 The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. I Plan I Field The HVAC System "HVAC -1 (Master Suite)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 132 sqft Tile in Mortar Interior Mass, 0.75" thick at Master Suite HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 132 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Master Suite HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 1185 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Master Suite The HVAC System "HVAC -2A & 213 (Living Area)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 2237 sqft Tile in Mortar Interior Mass, 0.75" thick at Living Area HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 2237 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Living Area HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 250 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Living Area The HVAC System "HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential ManualHIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 718 sqft Tile in Mortar Interior Mass, 0.75" thick at Guest Room/Office/Hallway HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 718 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Guest Room/Office/Hallway HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 300 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Guest Room/Office/Hallway HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. i he HERS rater must document the TIM venncation and diagnostic testing of tnese measures on a torm cF-61R. Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -1 (Master Suite)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -1 (Master Suite)" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -2A & 2B (Living Area)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -2A & 2B (Living Area)" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rate must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall)" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. Run Initiation Time: 01/19/04 09:22:32 Run Code: 1074532952 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number. 0036.00 Page:6 of 31 • • • Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 1 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter N/A if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures ❑X 1150(.): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. ❑ §150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. "§ 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). ❑'§150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed Floors or equivalent. ❑§150(1): Slab edge insulation -water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. a§118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards: Indicate type and form. ® §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. § 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. § 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures § 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASH RAE, SMACNA or ACCA. §150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. §1506): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees F. insulated. 6. Piping insulating between heating source and indirect hot water tank. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:7 of 31 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into • the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. E DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter N/A if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) X❑ '§ 150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603, 604 and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181 B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such a tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilation systems serving conditioned space have eitherautomatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. ❑ § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment } 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. 2. System is installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar, cover for outdoor pools or spas. a. At least 36" of pipe between filter, and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. §115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) ❑ §118 (f): Cool Roof material meet specified criteria Lighting Measures a§150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting contfol panel at an entrance to the kitchen. §150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternative to this requirement allowed in Section 150(k)2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:8 of 31 Computer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R -Al-R ss-LLC-Res.idence-(Loi 5 V ThP Traditions) Type Hgt. 1/1912004 gft Project Title 7-8-5cklum—La_Quinta —n/a —Setback— _2 Date Project Address —n/a Location / Comments Building Permit # BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING (760) 346-0855 Documentation Author Telephone Plan Check/Date Computer�erformance 15 1 Field Check/Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtulsf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating 4.05 2.33 1.72 Space Cooling 37.69 41.96 -4.27 Domestic Hot Water 5.91 3.30 2.60 Totals 47.65 47.59 0.06 Total Conditioned Floor Area: 4,822 ft2 Floor Construction Type: ❑ Raised Floor ❑X Slab Floor Building Type: Single Fam Detached Building Front Orientation: (Northwest) 315 deg Total Fenestration Area: 27.3% Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Total Conditioned Volume: 60,278 ft 3 Number of Stories: 1 Total Conditioned Slab Area: 4,822 ft 2 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name EVA- C--MMaste .y -VA—& 2B-(Li.vingArea) I LVA_ G3(_Gst.BmLQf Jce/tiall.) OPAQUE SURFACES Act. Type Area U -Fac. Azm. Tilt is # of Floor Area Volume Units 1317 —L4.487 —0-27- 248 _3.3,5.7-4 —0-52- 1,018 12.2] 6 _0..2L Zone Type —Conditioned— Cmditioned_ Conditioned_ Solar Gains Y / N Form 3 Reference Thermostat Vent Type Hgt. Area —Setback— 2 —n/a —Setback— _2 —n/a _Setback— —n/a Location / Comments Comouter Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 a- The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date FENESTRATION SURFACES U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments _L Skylight-Emnt (Xotth) -62 _O-8QO_ 0-43_ _34.5_ 0. Wistolite-qk, a ±LVAC=1 2 Skylight Front (North) 6.2 0.800 0.43 345 0 Bristolite Skylite HVAC -1 3 Skvlight Front North 6.2 0.800 0.43 345 0 Bristolite Skvlite HVAC -1 4 Window Left (Northeast) 4.0 0.380 0.30 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 5 Window Rear (Southeast) 52.0 0.350 0.38 135 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 6 Window Rear Southeast) 3.0 0.350 0.38 135 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 2 Window Rear (Southeast) 20.0 0.350 0.38 135 9Q Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 8 Window Rear (Southeast) 8.0 0.350 0.38 135 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 3 Window Rigg(Sout(Southwest) 28,0 0.350 0.38 225 9Q Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 1Q Window Right (Southwest) 56.0 0,390 0 28 225 9Q Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 11 Window Riaht (Southwest) 28.0 0.350 0.38 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 12 Window Front (Northwest) 28.0 0.350 0.38 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -1 13 Window -Left oLodbeast) --Z&Q- 0-350 0-3$ ---A5_ 90. Sierra-l?ac&c_C1ad-(Lo/E) JiVAC-2A & 2B 14 Window Left Northeast) 56.0 0.390 0.28 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 15 Window Left (Northeast) 28.0 0.350 0.38 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 16 Window Left (Northeast) 19.8 0.350 0.38 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 17 Window Rear (Southeast) 102.0 0.720 0.60 135 90 Default Double Metal Tinted HVAC -2A & 2B 18 Window Rear (Southeast) 68.3 0.850 0.59 135 90 Default Double Metal Tinted HVAC -2A & 2B 19 Window Rear uth st) 102.0 0.720 0.60 135 9Q Default Double Metal Tinted HVAC -2A & 2B 20 Window Rear (Southeast) 68.3 0.850 0.59 135 90 Default Double Metal Tinted HVAC -2A & 2B 21 Window Ri hg t (Southwest) 56.0 0.390 0.28 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B .22 Window Right (Southwest) 8.0 0.350 0.38 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 23 Window Right (Southwest) 98.0 0.720 0.60 225 90 Default Double Metal Tinted HVAC -2A & 2B 24 Window Right (Southwest) 56.0 0.390 0.28 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 25 Window Right (Southwest) 6.0 0.380 0.30 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 26 Window Right(Southwest) 14.0 0.350 0.38 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -2A & 2B 27 Window Left (Northeast) 4.0 0.350 0.38 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 Window Left (Northeast) 24.0 0.390 0.28 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 •28 29 Window Rear (Southeast) 6.0 0.380 0.30 135 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. REA Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 None 1.00 2 None 1.00 3 None 1.00 4 Bug Screen 0.76 5 Bug Screen 0.76 6 Bug Screen 0.76 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8 Bug Screen 0.76 9 Bug Screen 0.76 10 Bug Screen 0.76 11 Bug Screen 0.76 12 Bug Screen 0.76 13 Bug Screen 0.76 14 Bug Screen 0.76 15 Bug Screen 0.76 16 Bug Screen 0.76 17 Bug Screen 0.76 18 Bug Screen 0.76 19 Bug Screen 0.76 20 Bug Screen 0.76 21 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 7.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 22 Bug Screen 0.76 23 Bug Screen 0.76 24 Bug Screen 0.76 25 Bug Screen 0.76 26 Bug Screen -dug 0.76 27 Screen 0.76 Bug Screen 0.76 Ig28 29 Bug Screen 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 01/19/0409:22:32 Run Code: 1074532952 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 10 of 31 Computer Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (cD- The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Allk Project Title Date lqw FENESTRATION SURFACES U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments _3.Q Win.dow0igbt_(Southwest) --28-.0 0.-35D 0_3.8_ _22.5_ _9.0 S.ierra-Eaci5.c_Clad-(Lo/E) HVAC -3 31 Window Right (Southwest) 56.0 0.390 0.28 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 32 Window Right (Southwest) 28.0 0.350 0.38 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 33 Window Front (Northwest) 28.0 0.350 0.38 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 34 Window Front (Northwest) 56.0 0.390 0.28 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 35 Window Front Northwest) 28.0 0.350 0.38 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 3E Window Front (Northwest) 48.0 0,390 0.28 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 37 Window Front (Northwest) 4.0 0.350 0.38 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 38 Window Front (Northwest) 4.0 0.350 0.38 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 39 Window Front (Northwest) 4.0 0.350 0.38 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -3 • INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LEA REA. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 30 Bug Screen 0.76 Ti Bug Screen 0.76 32 Bug Screen 0.76 33 Bug Screen 0.76 34 Bug Screen 0.76 35 Bug Screen 0.76 36 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 37 Bug Screen 0.76 38 Bug Screen 0.76 39 Bug Screen 0.76 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Paae:11 of 31 1 Computer Method Summary Length (Part 3 of 3) C -2R Insulation R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Sla-� Perim ter Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (@_ The Traditions) 0.0 1/19/2004 -Project Title Slabperimete- 86 Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN 0 IiVAC 1 Slab Perimeter Area Thick. Heat 0.76 Inside Location Type (so (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments Tile in Mortar 132 _0_Z5 _2.4_ 0_67- n/a 0 1iVAC--ILlnterio[_Mass Concrete. Heavyweight 132 4_00 28 0_98 n/a 0 HVAC -1 / Slab on Grade Concrete. Heavyweight 1,185 490 8 0.98 n/a 2 HVAC -1 / Slab on Grade Tile in Mortar 2,237 0_75 24 0_67 n/a 0 HVAC -2A & 2B / Interior Mass Con.ctete, Heavyweight 2,237 4.00 28 0.98 n/a 0 HVAC -2A & 2B / Slab on Grade PERIMETER LOSSES Type Length F2 Factor Insulation R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Sla-� Perim ter 45 0.76 0.0 0 HVAC -1 Slabperimete- 86 -U6 —0-0 0 IiVAC 1 Slab Perimeter 210 0.76 0.0 0 HVAC -2A & 2B SJ.ab-geometer 0.0 076 —0-0 0 fiVAC2A & 2B _Slabperimeter �7 0.76 0.0 0 HVAC -3 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (air conditioner, Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct . Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 80%AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 (Master Suite) Central Furnace 80%AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -2A & 2B (Living Area) Central Furnace 80%AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall) WATER HEATING SYSTEMS l Ratedl Tank Energy Fact! 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater �Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 (Master Suite) Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -2A & 213 (Living Area) Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall) WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank Energy Fact! 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) Ext. Rheem HE -119-130 Large Gas Recirc/Time+Temp 1 130,000 130 0.94 0.0000 0.0 1 For small gas storage (rated input <= 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency: (PAGE 20 FOR ENGINEERING CHECK. 2) WATER HEATING FOR THE GUEST CASITA (SEE PGA IN BACK FOR FURTHER REMARKS) Computer Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot.#52 @ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Adk Project Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 27 0.76 0.0 0 HVAC -3 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic,.etc.)- R -Value Type Comments �Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. • Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank Energy Fact! 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) Ext. 1 For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS 1) HVAC 2 IS ONE ZONE SERVICED BY TWO SEPERATE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS..THE SYSTEMS ARE IDENTIFIED AS HVAC 2A & 2B. SEE PAGE 20 FOR ENGINEERING CHECK. WATER HEATING FOR THE GUEST CASITA (SEE PGA IN BACK FOR FURTHER REMARKS) Run Initiation Time: 01119104 09:22:32 Run Code: 1074532952 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 13 of 31 Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments C .ncrete Heavyweight —25D 4.00 _28. 0 9.8. n/a EVAC-2A & 26 / S1ab-Qn G:ade Tile in Mortar 718 0.75 24 0.67 n/a 0 HVAC -3 / Interior Mass concrete Heavyweight 718 4.00 28 0.98 n/a 0 HVAC -3 / Slab on Grade Concrete, Heavyweight 300 4_00 28 0_98 n/a 2 HVAC -3 / Slab on Grade PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 27 0.76 0.0 0 HVAC -3 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic,.etc.)- R -Value Type Comments �Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. • Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank Energy Fact! 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) Ext. 1 For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS 1) HVAC 2 IS ONE ZONE SERVICED BY TWO SEPERATE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS..THE SYSTEMS ARE IDENTIFIED AS HVAC 2A & 2B. SEE PAGE 20 FOR ENGINEERING CHECK. WATER HEATING FOR THE GUEST CASITA (SEE PGA IN BACK FOR FURTHER REMARKS) Run Initiation Time: 01119104 09:22:32 Run Code: 1074532952 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 13 of 31 Computer Method Summary (Addendum) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (d)- The Traditions) 1/19/2004 • Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. I Plan Field is • The HVAC System "HVAC -1 (Master Suite)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 132 sqft Tile in Mortar Interior Mass, 0.75" thick at Master Suite HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 132 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Master Suite HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 1185 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Master Suite The HVAC System "HVAC -2A & 26 (Living Area)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Maim 1. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 2237 sqft Tile in Mortar Interior Mass, 0.75' thick at Living Area HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 2237 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Living Area HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 250 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Living Area The HVAC System "HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential 1waywalHIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 718 sqft Tile in Mortar Interior Mass, 0.75' thick at Guest Room/Office/Hallway HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 718 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Guest Room/Office/Hallway HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 300 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Guest Room/Office/Hallway HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. I Plan I Field The HVAC System "HVAC -1 (Master Suite)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -1 (Master Suite)" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -2A & 2B (Living Area)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -2A & 2B (Living Area)" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rate must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -3 (Gst. Rm/Office/Hall)" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:14 of 31 1 Is PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 @ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 4MING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 2 Stucco Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 3 Plywood 4 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 5 Gypsum or Plaster Board 6 ASSEMBLY NAME R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 0.31 8 0.37 9 N ASSEMBLY Floor 0.6801 0.680 23.11 TYPE (check one) Wall LU LU 0 W Ceiling /Roof 14.8 FRAMING MATERIAL Wood p FRAMING % 15% Framing % 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION 4MING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 2 Stucco Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 3 Plywood 4 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 5 Gypsum or Plaster Board 6 0.562 7 0.31 8 0.37 9 N 0.26 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM SUBTOTAI R -VALUE THICK- NESS (in.) ' 4MING ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ El El El 0.170 0.875 0.010 0.375 5.500 0.625 0.465 21.000 5.445 0.562 0.562 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.175 0.175 0.060 0.060 0.465 0.465 21.000 5.445 0.562 0.562 0.31 2.63 0.37 0.98 N 0.26 0.68 0.6801 0.680 23.11 7.56 KC KT 'HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) [ 0.0433 X 0.85 ] 8.46 0.20 1.69 0.06 0.35 0.02 1.06 0.29 0.31 2.63 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 14.8 TOTAL HC 3 7 "NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. [ 0.0433 X 0.85 ] + [ 0.1323 X 0.15 ] 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr-/. /100) 1 / Rf Fr°/a / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:15 of 31 I PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 PROJECT NAME • Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 @ The Traditions DATE 1/19/2004 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 4MING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 ASSEMBLY NAME R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 -2 0.68 7 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 8 ASSEMBLY Floor INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 0.680 22.98 TYPE (check one) Wall lL 0 W Ceiling / Roof NFRAMING MATERIAL Wood p Z FRAMING % 15% Framing % 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) • SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION 4MING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 2.60 6 0.68 7 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 8 9 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM SUBTOTAI R -VALUE THICK- NESS (in.) 4MING ❑ © ❑ El El El El El 0.170 0.625 5.500 0.625 5.445 0.562 0.562 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.562 0.562 21.000 5.445 0.562 0.562 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 0.6801 0.680 22.98 7.42 Kc Kr USW *HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) [ 0.0435 X 0.85 ] 2.60 0.26 0.68 2.63 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 7.81 TOTAL HC 2 3 *NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. [ 0.0435 X 0.85 ] + [ 0.1348 X L 0.15 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% / 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 16 of 31 1 1HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -1 Master Suite 1,317 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 89,400 Total Output (Btuh) 89,400 Output (Btuh/sgft) 67.9 Cooling System Output per System 58,500 Total Output (Btuh) 58,500 Total Output (Tons) 4.9 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 44.4 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 270.2 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 2,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.52 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 410.3 Outside Air (%) 4.9 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.08 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK I COIL HTG. PEAK CFM ISensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 39,179 4,009 27,968 HS26-060/G40UH60C-110 (5) 47,172 4,392 89,400 Total Adjusted System Output 47,172 4,392 89,400 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26.0 OF 67.4 OF 109.1 OF 109.1 OF 0 Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 99 cfm Heating Coil Supply Fan 108.6 of 2000 cfm ROOMS 69.5 of 70.0 of le Return Air Ducts I DOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 115.0 / 78.4 of 80.5 / 65.4 of 58.5 / 57.2 of 58.5 / 57.2 of O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 99 cfm Cooling Coil Supply Fan 59.3 / 57.5 of 2000 cfm 48.2% R.H. ROOMS 78.7/64.7 of 78.0 / 64.4 of .I f O Return Air Ducts I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 17 of 31 1 1HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -2A & 2B(Living Area 2,487 ENGINEERING CHECKS 11SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 89,400 Total Output (Btuh) 178,800 Output (Btuh/sqft) 71.9 Cooling System Output per System 58,500 Total Output (Btuh) 117,000 Total Output (Tons) 9.8 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 47.0 Total Output (sgft/ron) 255.1 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 4,000 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.61 Airflow (cfm/ron) 410.3 Outside Air (%) 4.7 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.07 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply I Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM ISensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 95,532 8,124 HS26-060/G40UH60C-110 (5) 94,346 8,904 178,800 Total Adjusted System Output 94 346 8,904 178,800 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26.0 OF 67.4 OF 109.0 °F 109.0 OF O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 187 cfm 108.4 °F Heating Coil Supply Fan 4000 cfm ROOMS 70.0 OF 69.4 OF 15.0 / 78.4 OF Outside Air 187 cfm 78.9/64.8 °F �% Return Air Ducts 4 80.6 / 65.5 OF 58.6 / 57.3 OF Cooling Coil 0 Supply Fa 4000 cfm 58.6 / 57.3 of Supply Air Ducts Fan • 0 t Return Air Ducts 59.6/57 . 6 OF 48.4% R.H. ROOMS 78.0 / 64.5 of EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Paae:18 of 31 1 1HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -3 Gst. Rm/Office/Hall 1,018 ENGINEERING CHECKS 11SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 72,100 Total Output (Btuh) 72,100 Output (Btuh/sgft) 70.8 Cooling System Output per System 48,000 Total Output (Btuh) 48,000 Total Output (Tons) 4.0 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 47.2 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 254.5 Air System CFM per System 1,600 Airflow (cfm) 1,600 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.57 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 4.8 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.07 Note: values above given at ARI conditions JEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS 26.0 of 67.4 of Outside Air 76 cfm OGLING S 115.0 / 78.4 of Outside Air 76 cfm 78.8/64.0 of •< Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK I COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensiblel Latent I CFM I Sensible 31,373 3 36 22,960 HS26-048/G40UH48B-090X (4) 39,669 2,201 72,100 Total Adjusted System Output 39,669 2,201 72,100 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am yam Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak) 109.4 of 109.4 of Heating Coil Supply Fan 1600 cfm k Return Air Ducts 4 80.5 / 64.8 of 57.4 / 56.0 of Cooling Coil of Cool Supply Fa 1600 cfm Supply Air Ducts 108.9 of ROOMS 70.0 of 57.4 / 56.0 of Supply Air Ducts Fan 58.1 / 56.3 of 46.0% R.H. ROOMS 78.0 / 63.8 of )% Return Air Ducts `i EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 19 of 31 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:20 of 31 PROJECT NAME Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions DATE 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -1 Master Suite FLOOR AREA 1,317 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE HVAC -1 Master Suite 1 1,602 32,129 2,698 1,602 32,129 2,698 514 21,237 . PAGE TOTAL 1 1,602 32,129 2,698 514 21,237 TOTAL 1 1,602 32,129 2,698 514 21,237 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:20 of 31 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions DATE 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -2A & 2B(Living Area FLOOR AREA 2,487 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE HVAC -2A & 2B Living Area 1 4,060 80,295 5,687 4,060 80,295 5,687 1,295 53,348 . PAGE TOTAL 1 4,0601 80,295 5,687 1,295 53,348 TOTAL 1 4,060 80,295 5,687 1,295 1 53,348 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:21 of 31 FROOM LOAD SUMMARY EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:22 of 31 PROJECT NAME Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions DATE 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -3 Gst. Rm/Office/Hall FLOOR AREA 1,018 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE HVAC -3 Guest Room/Office/Hallway 1 1,211 25,825 2,182 1,211 25,825 2,182 423 17,637 rTOTAL PAGE TOTAL 1 11211 25,825 2,182 1 1,211 25,825 2,182 423 17,637 423 17,637 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:22 of 31 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date . Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 @ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Room Information Desian Conditions Room Name Master Suite Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,317 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F 3,109 Conduction i • I Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr 1298.2 x X X x X x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0.0280 X x X x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = _ = = 1,600 18.8 0.8000 44.0 660 1,248.0 0.0566 44.0 3,109 4.0 0.3800 44.0 67 51.0 0.0572 44.0 128 207.0 0.3500 44.0 3,188 56.0 0.3900 44.0 961 perimeter = 131.0 44.5 5,830 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. J Page Total: 15 543 Infiltration: [ 1.001X 1.072 x 1 317 x 11.00 x 0.50 / 60] x ® = 5 695 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH OT Fraction • TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 21,237 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 23 of 31 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (cb- The Traditions) 11/19/2004 Room Information Desi n Conditions Room Name Living Area Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 2,487 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 40,150 Infiltration: L 1.001 x Sensible x 2 487 x 13.50 x 60] x AT = 13 198 Schedule Air Sensible - Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction • TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 53,348 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:24 of 31 2,487.0 X X X X x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x X x X X X x 0.0280 x x X X X x x X X x x x x x x x x_ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X x x x X 44.0 = = = = = = = = — = = = = = = = _ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3,064 2,109.6 0.0566 44.0 5,256 97.8 0.3500 44.0 1,506 168.0 0.3900 44.0 2,883 87.0 0.3872 44.0 1,482 323.0 0.0572 44.0 813 302.0 0.7200 44.0 9,567 136.6 0.8500 44.0 5,109 6.0 0.3800 44.0 100 perimeter= 233.0. 10,368 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 40,150 Infiltration: L 1.001 x Sensible x 2 487 x 13.50 x 60] x AT = 13 198 Schedule Air Sensible - Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction • TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 53,348 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:24 of 31 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Al Ross LLC. Residence Lot #52 @ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Room Information Desicin Conditions Room Name Guest Room/Office/Hallway Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,018 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF ' Conduction Area U -Value AT OF Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 12,835 Infiltration: �Sonedu e0 x Air Sensible x Area018 x. Ceiling Height ACH .50 / 60] X W 44 = 4 802 Fraction • TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 17,637 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 25 of31 1018.0 X X x X x x X x X X X x x x X x x X x X x X X X x X X X x X x X X X X X x X x 0.0280 X X X X X x x x X X x X X X x X X X x X X x x x X X X X X X x X x X X X x x X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = _ = = 1,254 674.0 0.0566 44.0 1,679 128.0 0.3500 44.0 1,971 184.0 0.3900 44.0 3,157 6.0 0.3800 44.0 100 perimeter = 105.0 44.5 4,672 v Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 12,835 Infiltration: �Sonedu e0 x Air Sensible x Area018 x. Ceiling Height ACH .50 / 60] X W 44 = 4 802 Fraction • TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 17,637 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 25 of31 • 9 0 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (a) The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction Area U -Value X Master Suite 780E 1160F 380F DETD1 X 55.0 X 38.0 X 34.6 X 38.0 X 34.6 X 38.0 X 38.0 X X Btu/hr 2,000 570 2,445 58 101 2,753 830 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 8 756 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr Bristolite Sk I�ht (Skylight) B.dstolite_Skyligh. (Skylight) Bristolite Skylight (Skylight) CsmntWdw W18 (Northeast) FxdGlsWdw (W19) (Southeast) FxdGIsWdW 17 (Southeast) FxdGlsWdw W15 _(Southeast) FXdGISWdW (HW16) (Southeast FxdGlsWdw W14 (Southwest) FrnchDr 11 Southwest ( 0.0 X X x x X x x x x X 1 + + + + + + + + + + 6.2 X X X X x X X X X x 152 ) X )x x x x x x x 0.494 = = = = = = = = = = 470 ( 0.0 1 6.2 152 0.494 470 ( 0.0 1 6.2 152) 0.494 470 ( 0.0 1 4.0 48) 0.334 64 ( 0.0 1 52.0 62) 0.423 1,364 ( 0.0 1 3.0 62)X 0.423 79 ( 0.0 1 60.0 62) 0.423 1,574 ( 0.0 1 8.0 62)X 0.423 210 ( 0.0 1 28.0 62) 0.423 734 ( 0-01 1 56.0 62) L 0.312 1_,082 Sched Page Total 1 6,5151 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Lights 1.00 x 1,317 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 2,247 Occupants 1.00 X 1,317 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. - 1,646 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,317 x 1.500 Wafts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 6,742 Process 1.00 x 1,317 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 00 x1"072 x E=:�2 x0.0 x 0..5.0 /6o] E=381 = Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH nsT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 32129 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 1 317 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sqft/occ. = 1 317 Receptacle 1.00 X 1 317 x 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh[Watt = 0 Process I� 1.00 x 1 317 x 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: I 1.00 x 4806 x 1 31 x Heigh x 60] 0.00238 = 1 381 -Schedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH pyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,698 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 26 of 31 0 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ' Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (a) The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Master Suite 780F 116°F 38DF Conduction Area U -Value DETDBtu/hr 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr FxdGlsWdw(W13) (Southwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 28.0 x 62)x 0.423= 734 F-cdG1 (Northwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 28.0 x 48) x 0.423 = 569 ( x + x )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + X )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + X )x = Sched. Page Total 1,3031 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Lights 1.00 X 1,317 x 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 2,247 Occupants 1.00 X 1,317 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1,646 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,317 X 1.500 Wafts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Waft = 6,742 Process 1.00 x 1,317 x�. 0000 Watts�/sgfttx 3.41 BtuhlWatt = 0 Infiltration: LQO x 1.072 x 1 317 x E:=o0� x F=;J / 60] E=318 = Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH L\T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 32,1291 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 1 317 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1 317 Receptacle 1.00 x 1 317 x 0.000 Wafts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Process 1.00 x 1 317 x 0.000 Wafts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 1 31 x Heigh x 60] 0.00238 = 1 381 chedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH LAW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,698 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 27 of 31 0 0 • RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (cS The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Living Area 780F .116°F 380F Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr X X X X X X X x x 0.0280 X X X X X X X X X 55.0 = = = = = = = = _ 3,831 0.0566 34.6 4,133 0.3500 38.0 1,301 0.3900 38.0 2,490 0.3872 34.6 1,166 0.0572 34.6 639 0.7200 38.0 8 263 0.8500 38.0 4 412 n 402 ( 0.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total 26 321 Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr FxdGlsWdw 33 X x X x X x x x x X Ern.cb FxdGISWdw (W34) _(Northeast) (Northeast) (Northeast) FxdGlsWdw (HW37) (Northeast) FxdGISWdw (9) (Southeast) Swn GIsDr.9 (Southeast) FxdGlsWdw 8 (Southeast) SwngGlsDr 8 (Southeast) FrnchDr 7 (Southwest) FxdGlsWdw (HW5) I (Southwest ( 0.0 X x X x X x x x x X 1 + + + + + + + + + +F-8- 28.0 x x x X X X X X x x 48 ) X ) x X 0.312 x 0.423 = = = = = = = = = 569 ( 0.0 1 56.0 48 0.312 838 ( 0.0 1 28.0 48)X 0.423 569 ( 0.0 1 19.8 48)x 0.423 402 ( 0.0 1 102.0 62))c 0.668 4,224 ( 0.0 1 68.3 62)X 0.657 2,781 ( 0.0 1 102.0 62)X 0.668 4,224 ( 0.0 1 68.3 62) 0.657 2,781 ( 56.0 1 0.0 62)- 262 ( 0.0 1 _ 0 62) 1 0.4231 210 Sched. Page Total 16 859 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 x 2,487 x 0.500 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 4,244 Occupants 1.00 X 2,487 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 3,109 Receptacle 1.00 x 2,487 x 1.500 Wafts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhMatt = 12,732 Process 1.00 x 2,487 x ��0.0��00 Wafts��/sgftt�x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration:=00 x 1.072 x �87 x E1.3.59� x 1 0.501 / 60] =398 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH Z -\T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 80,295 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 2 487 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 2 487 Receptacle 1.00 X 2 487 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Process 1.00 x 2 487 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: [ 1.00 x 4 806 x 2 48 x 13.50 x 0.50 / 60] 0.00238 = 3200 Schedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH pyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 5,687 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 28 of 31 • 0 E RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY . Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 _ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Living Area 780F 116°F 380F Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr X X X X X X X x X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 01 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation. Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr FxdGlsWdw 4 Southwest ( 0.0 x 1 + 98.0 x 62)X 0.668 = 4,058 F1nchDt(6.) (Southwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 56.0 X 62) x 0.312 = 1,082 CsmntWdw W3 (Southwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 6.0 X 62)X 0.334 = 124 FxdGlsWdw W2 (Southwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 14.0 x 62)x 0.423 = 367 ( x + x )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + x )x = ( X + x )X = Sched. Page Total 5,6321 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 x 2,487 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 41244 Occupants 1.00 X 2,487 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 3,109 Receptacle 1.00 x 2,487 X 1.500 Wafts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Waft — 12,732 Process 1.00 x 2,487 X 0.000 Wafts�/sgftx 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: � 1-00 x � x �2 7 x I�Aaao x I -o t / 60] Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH DT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 80,295 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 2 487 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sqft/occ. = 2 487 Receptacle 1.00 X 2 487 x 0.000 Wafts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Process r1.00 x 2 as7 x 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.a1 Btuh/Waft = o Infiltration: I 1.00 x 4 806 x 2 48 x 13.50 x 0.50 / 60] 0.00238 = 3 200 Schedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH pyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 5,687 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 29 of 31 0 • • RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 (a7 The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction Area U -Value Guest Room/Office/Hallway 780F 116°F 380E DETD 1 X 55.0 X 34.6 X 38.0 X 38.0 X 38.0 X X X X Btu/hr 1,568 1,321 1,702 2,727 87 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total 7 404 Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr FxdGlsWdw 22 (Northeast) ch.nr (90) (Northeast) CsmntWdw 21 (Southeast) FxdGlsWdw W11 (Southwest) FrnchDr'(10). FxdGlsWdw 10 (Southwest) (Southwest) FxdGlsWdw W38 (Northwest) FrnchDr 18 (Northwest) FxdGlsWdw (W39) (Northwest) FrnchDr U Northwest ( 0.0 X1 X x x X X x x x + + + + + + + + + + 4.0 x x X x X x x X X 48 ) X X X X x 0.423 = = = = = = = = = 81 ( 0.0 1 24.0 48)x 0.312 359 ( 0.0 1 6.0 62) 0.334 124 ( 0.0 1 28.0 62)x 0.423 734 ( 0.0 1 56.0 62)x 0.312 1,082 ( 0.0 1 28.0 62) 0.423 734 ( 0.0 1 28.0 48) 0.423 569 ( 0.0 1 56.0 48)X 0.312 838 ( 0.0 1 28.0 48) 0.423 569 ( 0.0x 1 48.Ox 48)X 0.312= 718 Sched. Page Total 5 Bos Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 X 1,018 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhlWatt = 1,737 Occupants 1.00 X 1,018 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1,272 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,018 x 1.500 Watts/sgft x 3.413 BtuhlVVatt - 5,212 Process ��1.000x�x 1,018 x ��0��000 Watts��/sgftt�x 3.41 Bt��uhfWatt = 0 Infiltration: =Q0x 1 721 x 018 x E:2op1 x EL -q / 60] = 4,147 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH LST Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 25,8251 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 1 018 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1 018 Receptacle 1.00 X 1 018 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhlWatt = o Process 1.00 X 1 018 X 0.000 Wafts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: 1 1.00 X 4 806 X 1 01 X 12.00 X 0.50 / 60] 1 0.00238 = 1 164 chedule AIr Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH n1W Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,182 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 30 of 31 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Al Ross LLC. Residence (Lot #52 The Traditions) 1/19/2004 • Project Title Date Room Name Guest Room/Office/Hallway Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 780F Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 1160 F Design Temperature Difference: 380F i Conduction Area U -Value X Btu/hr 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 0 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF Sc Btu/hr FXdGISWdW (HW42) (Northwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 4.0 x 48)X 0.423 = 81 dGj (Northwest) ( 0.0 X 1 + 4.0 X, 48 ) x 0.423 = 81 FxdGlsWdw HW40 (Northwest) ( 0.0 x 1 + 4.0 X 48)X 0.423 = 81 ( X + X -)x ( X + X )X ( x + X )x ( x + X )X = ( X + X )x = ( X + x )X S h d Page Total 2aa c e . Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Lights 1.00 x 1,018 x 0.500 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 1,737 Occupants 1.00 X 1,018 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1,272 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,018 x 1.500 Wafts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 5,212 Process 1.00 x I 1018 xI 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.412Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1 072 x os x 12.00 x 7o-5 / 60] E 38 = Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH DT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 25,8251 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 1 018 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sqft/occ. = 1 018 Receptacle 1.00 x 1 018 x 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Process f . 1.00 X 1 018 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: I 1.00 x 4 806 x 1 01 x 12.00 x 0.50 / 60] 0.00238 = 1 164 chedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH pyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,182 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 31 of 31 TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for.., Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 @ -The Traditions) 78-511 Talking Rock Turn La Quinta, CA 92253 Project. Designer: Gordon Ross 42-829 Cook Street, Suite #104 Palm Desert, CA 92260 - (760J568-1712 - Report Prepared By: C.J. McFadden BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92211- (760) 346-0855 Job Number: 0036.00 Date: 1/19/2004 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the,Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 3.1. By EnergySoft Job Number: 0036.00 - User Number: 3665 0 • Certificate of Comaliance: Residential, (Part.1 of 2) • CFA R Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 CcD- The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date 78-511 Talking Rock Turn. La Quinta Project Address Building Permit # BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING (760) 346-0855 Plan Check/Date Documentation Author Telephone Computer Performance. 15 Field Check / Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: 866 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 11.5 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 866 ft2 Building Type: (check one or more) 0 Single Family Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: (Southwest) 225 deg Floor Construction Type: ® Slab Floor Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number -of Stories: 1 BUILDING SHELL INSULATION ❑ Raised Floor Component Type Frame Type Const. Assembly U -Value Location/Comments (attic, garage, typical, etc.) R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) Wood 0.028 Exterior Roof R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Wood 0.057 Exterior Wall R-21 Wall (W.21.24.16) (W-2) Wood 0.057 Exterior Wall Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 Exposed Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation FENESTRATION Shadinq Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Rear (Northeast) 35.0 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ Rear (Northeast) 17.5 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Right (Southeast) 6.0 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ Right (Southeast) 10.0 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Front (Southwest) 112.0 0.39 0.28. Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Front (Southwest) 16.0 0.35 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Left (Northwest) 19.0 0.38 0.30 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ 'X❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Run Initiation Time: 01119/0409:29:03 Run Code: 1074533343 Ener Pro 3.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 3 of 18 GUEST CASITA WILL OBTAIN HOT WATER FROM THE 130 GAL. WATER HEATER. A STANDARD 50 GAL GAS WATER HEATER IS ONLY BEING USED AS A PLACE HOLDER FOR THE WATER HEATING BUDGET. NO CREDITS ARE BEING TAKEN FOR THIS APPLICATION. GUMNLIANGt 51 A 1 tMtN 1 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognize that compliance using duct sealing and TXV's requires installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Title/Firm: Gordon Ross Address: 42-829 Cook Street, Suite #104 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 568-1712 Lic. #: (signature) (date) Enforcement Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: Name: C.J. McFadden Title/Firm: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING Address: 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Telephone: (760) 346-0855 t9 aq (signatur (date) EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 ' Job Number: 0036.00 Page:4 of 18 1 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of 2) CFA R Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 a- The Traditions) 1/19/2004 • Project Title Date HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Input Hydronic or Combined Hydronic data under Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF) (ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments r:Pntral Furnace 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -4 (Guest Suite Cooling, Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -4 (('uPst Suite) WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated 1 Tank Energy Facts 1 External Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value Standard Gas 50 gal or Less Small Gas Standard 1_. 40,000 0.59 n/a n/a • _50 _ 1 For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS GUEST CASITA WILL OBTAIN HOT WATER FROM THE 130 GAL. WATER HEATER. A STANDARD 50 GAL GAS WATER HEATER IS ONLY BEING USED AS A PLACE HOLDER FOR THE WATER HEATING BUDGET. NO CREDITS ARE BEING TAKEN FOR THIS APPLICATION. GUMNLIANGt 51 A 1 tMtN 1 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognize that compliance using duct sealing and TXV's requires installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Title/Firm: Gordon Ross Address: 42-829 Cook Street, Suite #104 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 568-1712 Lic. #: (signature) (date) Enforcement Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: Name: C.J. McFadden Title/Firm: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING Address: 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Telephone: (760) 346-0855 t9 aq (signatur (date) EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 ' Job Number: 0036.00 Page:4 of 18 1 E • Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 Cad The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The HVAC Svstem "HVAC -4 (Guest Suite)' includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HER5 rater must document the tield veritication and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form GF -6R. Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -4 (Guest Suite)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. i EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 I Job Number: 0036.00 Page:5 of 18 • i Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential" (Page 1 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter N/A if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures 4150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. ❑ § 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. §150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does ❑X not apply to exterior mass walls). ❑'§150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent. ❑§150(1): Slab edge insulation -Water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. ❑X §118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. ® §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified LI -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. § 150(g):. Vapor barriers mandatory in,Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. § 150(0: Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. - ❑X §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures §110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. E] § 150(i):. Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. § 1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. , 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/extemal insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees F. insulated. 6. Piping insulating between heating source and indirect hot.water tank. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:6 of 18 0 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter N/A if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) nI150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603, 604 and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such a tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilation systems serving conditioned space have eitherautomatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. ❑ § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. 2. System is installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar, cover for outdoor pools or spas. a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. X❑ §115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) ❑ §118 (f): Cool Roof material meet specified criteria Lighting Measures X❑ §150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. a§150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternative to this requirement allowed in Section 150(k)2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:? of 18 Computer Method Summary 866 ft2 Floor Construction Type: ❑ (Part 1 of 3) C -2R A I- oss-LLCG_ues.t-Rou.se_(Lot_#52_ a�T_he_Tladitions) Single Fam Detached 1/1 9a0_04 Title Building Front Orientation: (Southwest) 225 deg Date WProject Z8-5_11_T_alkingick Turn I a Quiata Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Total Conditioned Volume: Project Address Number of Stories: 1 Building Permit # BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION (760) 346-0855 # of Thermostat Vent Documentation Author Floor Area Volume Telephone Plan Check/Date CompUfer�elformance A66 —9,9.5.9 15 Field Check/Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating 5.72 5.49 0.23 Space Cooling 55.77 55.86 -0.08 Domestic Hot water 23.75 20.64 3.11 Totals 85.25 81.99 3.26 Total Conditioned Floor Area: 866 ft2 Floor Construction Type: ❑ Raised Floor X❑ Slab Floor Building Type: Single Fam Detached R-21 WaIL(1N:.2L?YR 16) R-2_'Ma1L(Vy_21.2x6 ]6) ( 112) R-21 Wall (W 21.2x616) Building Front Orientation: (Southwest) 225 deg Total Fenestration Area: 24.9% Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Total Conditioned Volume: 9,959 ft 3 Number of Stories: 1 Total Conditioned Slab Area: 866 ft 2 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION # of Thermostat Vent Zone Name Floor Area Volume Units Zone Type Type Hgt. Area -H-VA- A66 —9,9.5.9 —1_0.0_ Conditioned— —Setback— 2 —n/a Solar OPAQUE SURFACES Act. Gains Type Area U -Fac. Azm. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Root_ 866 Q_028- 345 —0 Wall— ___4Z8_ 00.57 4.5 90_ Wall_ _2.4.3_ 0 0.57 1-35 9.0_ Wall_ 04 —O -Q57- 1-35 _90 X Wall_ _35.3 0 057 —22-5-- go. Wall_ ____60. __0_05Z —225 —90 Wall_ x.36 —0-057 315 9aO 1X X IN x ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ F-1 F-1 F-1 ❑❑ F-1 F F-1 F-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ F-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ FI F-1 F-1 F-1 ❑ F-1 F-1 R35Boof fR.3,8_2x1416) R21_10La11(W 212x616.) R2UNaIL(1N.2]_.2x616) _R-21 1LILalL(W 21.2x6.16�_(y1L2) R-21 WaIL(1N:.2L?YR 16) R-2_'Ma1L(Vy_21.2x6 ]6) ( 112) R-21 Wall (W 21.2x616) HVAC -4 IiVAC-4 hVAC-4 IiVAr,-4 HVAC -4 HVAC -4 HVAC -4 Location / Comments EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number. 0036.00 Page:8 of 18 1 Comauter Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 0) The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 Bug Screen 0.76 Date Bug Screen FENESTRATION SURFACES 9 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Bug Screen 0.76 5 Bug Screen . 0.76 6 Bug Screen U-. 7 Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type 9 Bug Screen Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments -I_ Window_Rear (Northeast) 175 - URO- 0_3Q ---A5_ _9.0. Sie ARacific-Clad 11 n1F) HVAC -4 2 Window Rear (Northeast) 17.5 0.380 0.30 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 3 Window Rear (Northeast) 10.0 0.350 0.38 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 4 Window Rear (Northeast) 7.5 0.350 0.38 45 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 5 Window Right (Southeast) 6.0 0.380 0.30 135 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 6 Window Right (Southeast) 10.0 0.350 0.38 135 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 L W-insl_ow Front (Southwest) 56.0 0.390 0.28 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 8 Window Front (Southwest) 8.0 0.350 0.38 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 6 Window Front (Southwest) 56.0 0.390 0.28 225 -90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 10 Window Front (Southwest) 8.0 0,350 0.38 225 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 11 Window Left (Northwest) 6.0 0.380 0.30 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 12 Window Left (Northwest) 6.0 0.380 0.30 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 13 Wiad0 Left (L1oAhw-est) 3-0 --0..3$Q 0.30 215 90 Sierra Pacdc Qad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 14 Window Left (Northwest) 4.0 0.380 0.30 315 90 Sierra Pacific Clad (Lo/E) HVAC -4 LJ INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang . Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 Bug Screen 0.76 2 Bug Screen 0.76 9 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Bug Screen 0.76 5 Bug Screen . 0.76 6 Bug Screen 0.76 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8 Bug Screen 0.76 9 Bug Screen 0.76 10 Bug Screen 0.76 Ti Bug Screen 0.76 12 Bug Screen 0.76 13 Bug Screen 0.76 14 Bug Screen 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 01/1910409:29:03 Run Code: 1074533343 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:9 of 18 v Computer Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (sq (in.) Cap. Cond. ' Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 25 0.76 0.0 0 SJ.ab_Eelimeter _137 A.7S —0,0 0 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiencyy and Location Duct Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -4 (Guest Suite) Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -4 (Guest Suitg) WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated Tank Energy Factl 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss (°/a) Ext. Standard Gas 50 gal or Less Small Gas Standard 1 40.000 50 0.59 n/a n/a 1 For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. I GASITA WILL OBTAIN HOT WATER FROM THE 130 GAL. WATER HEATER. A STANDARD 50 GAL GAS WATER HEATER IS ONLY BEING AS A PLACE HOLDER FOR THE WATER HEATING BUDGET. NO CREDITS ARE BEING TAKEN FOR THIS APPLICATION. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Paae:10 of 18 1 • • Computer Method Summary (Addendum) C -2R Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement anenry determines the adanuar_v of the iustifiratinn- and may reier_t a huildina nr desinn that otherwise rmmnlies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -4 (Guest Suite)" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the suaervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -4 (Guest Suite)" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 11 of 18 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 ;T NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 @ The Traditions) 1/19/200 INENT DESCRIPTION THICK-' NESS (in.) 0.875 0.010 0.375 5.500 0.625 SUBTOTA R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) DESCRIPTION ASSEMBLY NAME ASSEMBLY , R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 Floor 1 Stucco 0.0601 2 Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt TYPE (check one) X Wall Plywood 0.562 W 0 W 2.631 Ceiling /Roof Gypsum or Plaster Board 2.60 6 NFRAMING MATERIAL Wood 0.680 23.11 a 9 p Z ° FRAMING /° 15 �o Do Framing 14.8 TOTAL HC 3.7 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) THICK-' NESS (in.) 0.875 0.010 0.375 5.500 0.625 SUBTOTA R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 0.170 1 Stucco 0.0601 2 Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 0.465 3 Plywood 0.562 4 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 2.631 5 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2.60 6 0.68 7 0.680 23.11 a 9 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM THICK-' NESS (in.) 0.875 0.010 0.375 5.500 0.625 SUBTOTA R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.175 0.175 0.0601 0.060 0.465 0.465 21.000 5.445 0.562 0.562 0.31 2.631 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 0.680 0.680 23.11 7.56 Rc Rf FA -1 *HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT' (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) 8.46 0.20 1.69 0.06 0.35 0.02 1.06 0.29 0.31 2.631 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 14.8 TOTAL HC 3.7 "NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. [ 0.0433 X 0.85 ] + [ 0.13231- X L 0.15 1 / Rc 1 ,- (Fr-/. / 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Paoe:12 of 18 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 PROJECT NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Guest House Lot #52 A The Traditions 1/19/2004 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 ASSEMBLY NAME R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 -2 0.68 7 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 8 ASSEMBLY Floor INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 0.680 22.98 TYPE (check one) x Wall 0 III Ceiling /.Roof aFRAMING MATERIAL Wood p Z FRAMING % 15 % Framing 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) THICK- NESS (in.) 0.625 5.500 0.625 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 2.60 6 0.68 7 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 8 9 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM THICK- NESS (in.) 0.625 5.500 0.625 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.5621 0.562 21.000 5.445 0.562 0.562 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 0.6801 0.680 22.98 7.42 KC KT *HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) [ 0.0435 X 0.85 ] 2.60 0.26 0.68 2.63 0.37 0.98 2.60 0.26 0.68 Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE 7 8 TOTAL HC 2 3 *NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. [ 0.0435 X 0.85 ] + [ 0.1348 X 0.15 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% 1100) 1 / Rf c Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Paae:13 of 18 1 K] HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Al Ross LLC. Guest House Lot #52 @ The Traditions 1/19/2004 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -4 Guest Suite 866 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 72,100 Total Output (Btuh) 72,100 Output (Btuh/sqft) 83.3 Cooling System Output per System 48,000 Total Output (Btuh) 48,000 Total Output (Tons) 4.0 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 55.4 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 216.5 Air System CFM per System 1,600 Airflow (cfm) 1,600 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.85 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 4.1 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.07 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of )0 Outside Air 65 cfm 69.4 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK ICOIL HTG. PEAK CFM ISensiblel Latent I CFM I Sensible 26,830 2,888 HS26-048/G40UH48B-090X (4) 39,890 1,667 72,100 Total Adjusted System Output 39,890 1,667 72,100 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am 67.7 of ® 109.70 Heating Coil Supply Fan 1600 cfm 109.7 of —310Supply Air Ducts 109.1 of ROOMS 70.0 of o..a..... A:_ M.. 4— (COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak) I 15.0 / 78.4 of — 0 Outside Air 65 cfm 78.6 / 63.7 of 80.1'/64.30F M 56.9/55.50F Cooling Coil Supply Fa 1600 cfm 56.9/55.50 Supply Air Ducts Fan 57.5/55 . 7 of 44.9% R.H. ROOMS 78.0 / 63.4 of EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 14 of 18 ON ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Al Ross LLC. Guest House Lot #52 @ The Traditions SYSTEM NAME HVAC -4 (Guest Suite) DATE 1/19/2004 FLOOR AREA 866 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE HVAC -4 Guest Suite 1 1,006 22,091 1,815 1,006 22,091 1,815 470 19,711 PAGE TOTAL 1 1,006 22,091 1,815 11 470 19,711 TOTAL 1,006 22,091 1,815 470 19,711 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 15 of 18 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 (i) The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name Guest Suite Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 866 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total Infiltration: C 1.00 x 1.072 x 866 x 11.50 x x &T Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH DT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 1,067 3,512 = 1,003 670 413 1,922 7,209 15 796 = 3 915 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 16 of 18 711 866.0 x x X x x x x x x x X x x X x x x x x X x x X x x x x X X x X x x x x X x x X 0.0280 x X x x x x x x X x x X X x x x x X X x X x x x x x x X x x X. X x x x x x X X 44.0 1409.5 0.0566 44.0 60.0 0.3800 44.0 43.5 0.3500 44.0 164.0 0.0572 44.0 112.0 0.3900 44.0 perimeter =162.0 44.5 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total Infiltration: C 1.00 x 1.072 x 866 x 11.50 x x &T Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH DT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 1,067 3,512 = 1,003 670 413 1,922 7,209 15 796 = 3 915 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 16 of 18 711 u RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 0 The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Guest Suite 78°F 116°F 380F Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X 55.0 = = = = = = 1,334 34.6 2,762 38.0 866 38.0 579 34.6 325 38.0 1,660 X X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 7,525 Items shown with an asterisk (')denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr CsmntWdw 28 (Northeast) CsmntlNduv (W27) (Northeast) FxdGISWdW 25 (Northeast) FxdGlsWdw 24 (Northeast) CsmntWdw (W23) (Southeast) FxdGlsWdw W43 (Southeast) FrnchDr 21 (Southwest) FxdGlsWdw (HW51) (Southwest FrnchDr (22) (Southwest) FXdGISWdW (HW52) I (Southwest ( 0.0 x1 X x x X x x x X , X + + + + + ,+ + + + + 17.5 x X X X X X X X X x 48 )X ) X X X x X X x 0.334 = = = = = = = = = = 281 ( 0.0 1 17.5 48 0.334 281 ( 0.0 1 10.0 48) 0.423 203 ( 0.0 1 7.5 .48)x 0.423 152 ( 0.0 1 6.0 62)x 0.334 124 ( 0.0 1 10.0 62) 0.423 262 ( 0.0 1 56.0 62) 0.312 1,082 ( 0.0 1 8.0 62) 0.423 210 ( 0.0 1 56.0 62) 0.312 1,082 ( 0.0 1 8.0 62) 0423 210 Sched. Page Total 3 887 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 X 866 X 0.500 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh[Watt = 1,478 Occupants 1.00 X 866 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1,082 Receptacle 1.00 x 866 x 1.500 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Waft = 4,433 Process 1.00 x 866 x �0.0�00 Watts/sgft x 3.41Btuhh[Watt = 0 Infiltration: [ Qo x E1.072 x x I 11.50) x 60] 3�38J = 3,38 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH LST Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE -HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22,0911 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occu ants[AX x 866 x 200 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 866 Receptacle X 866 x 0.000.Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 866 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 BtuhlWatt = 0 Infiltration: C 1.00 x 4 806 X 86 x Heigh x 60] 0.00238 = 949 Schedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH pyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,815 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page: 17 of 18 • • • RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Al Ross LLC. Guest House (Lot #52 _ The Traditions) 1/19/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Guest Suite 780E 116DF 38°F Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr CsmntWdw 31 JNorthwest) C.smniV�Ldw pQC30a (Northwest) CsmntWdw (W29) (Northwest) CsmntWdw W26 (Northwest) 0.334 = = = = = = = = = = l ( 0.0 1 6.0 48 0.334 96 ( 0.0 1 3.0 ( 0.0 x X x x x X x x X x 1 + + + + + + + + + + 6.0 x X X X x X X X X x 48)X )x x x )x )X )x )X )X )X 0.334 = = = = = = = = = = 96 ( 0.0 1 6.0 48 0.334 96 ( 0.0 1 3.0 48) 0.334 48 ( 0.0 1 4.0 48) 0.334 64 ( ( ( ( ( ( Sched. Page Total 305 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat'Gain - Btu/hr Lights 1.00 x 866 x 0.500 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 1,478 Occupants 1.00 X 866 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. = 1,082 Receptacle 1.00 x 866 x 1.500 Wafts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt — 4,433 Process 1.00 x X866 x 0.000 Wafts/sgftt x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 � x X86-6 x X11 -o x �O�oj / 60] _ jW Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH LST Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22,0911 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 866 x 200 Btuh/occ. sgft/occ. = 866 Receptacle 1.00 x 866 x 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 866 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 86 x 11.50 x 0.50 / 60] 0.00238 = 949 chedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH n1W Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,815 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: 0036.00 Page:18 of 18 XJ GAS FURNACES ENGINEERING DATA DESIGN sp SP� CE—ED �FRiIFlED EFGItlENLT Pages 11-15 ama Page 4 Dimensions REGISTERED Model Number Identification QUALITY Features SYSTEMS Horizontal Configuration Duralok Aluminize Heat Exc Up -Flow / Horizontal AFUE - 80.0% Input - 44,000 to 154,000 Btuh (12.9 to 45.1 kW) Add-on Cooling - 2 to 5 Tons (7.0 to 17.6 M) Bulletin No. 210278 Pluso•, June 2002 #�,-...-��._.�;.-� d Steel ,�_ •. Supersedes \ .:f,w"�Apri12001 Primary Limit Contro Factory installer Field Wiring Make -Up Box can be installed on either side Tool -Less - Entry SureLightO Patented Hot Surface Ignition System with Diagnostic LED's anc Low Voltage Circuit Bre; Blower speed changes at control board Terminals for Accessc Connections (electronic air cleane and humidifiers) Iressure Switch Imbustion r Inducer 3s and electrical connections ,om either side of cabinet Combination Gas Control Valve Aluminized Steel Inshot Burners Direct Drive Slide -Out Blower vy-Duty sformer Blower Data Pages 11-15 Installation Clearances Page 4 Dimensions Pages 7-10 Model Number Identification Page 1 Features Pages 1-3 Optional Accessories Page 3 Filter Air Resistance Page 4 Specifications Pages 4-5 High Altitude Information Page 4 G40UH Unit Type G - Gas Furnace Series 40 - Merit 80% Configuration UH - Up-Flow/Horizontal Nominal Add -On Cooling Capacity 24 - 2 tons (7.0 kW) 36 - 3 tons (10.6 kW) 48 - 4 tons (14.1 kW) 60 - 5 Tons (17.6 kW) X L Low NO, - Units meet California Nitrogen Oxides standards CI]Cabinet Width A - 14-1/2 in. (363 mm) B - 17-1/2 in. (445 mm) C - 21 in. (533 mm) D - 24-1/2 in. (622 mm) ) Evaporator coils with the same letter designation will physically match the furnace. •FEATURES Nominal Gas Heat Input 045 - 44,000 Btuh (12.9 kW) 070 - 66,000 Btuh (19.3 kW) 090 - 88,000 Btuh (25.8 kW) 110 - 110,000 Btuh (32.2 kW) 135 - 132,000 Btuh (38.7 kW) 155 - 154,000 Btuh (45.1 kW) Equipment Warranty - Duralok' Aluminized Steel Heat Exchangers — twenty year limited warranty. - SureLight® ignition control system - three year limited warranty (residential applications) - one year (non-residential applications). - All other covered components — one year limited warranty. - Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certificate included with equipment for details. NOTE - Due to Lennox' ongoing committment to quality, Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without incurring liability. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage or personal injury. G40UH / Page 2 No. CONTI i Applications - Input capacities of 44,000, 66,000, 88,000, 110,000, 132,000 and 154,000 Btuh (12.9, 19.3, 25.8, 32.2, 38.7 and 45.1 kW). - Energy efficiency (AFUE) of 80.0%. - G50UH24A-70 and G50UH36C-110 models are available only in Canada. - Utility room, alcove, closet, crawl space or attic installation. - Lennox add-on evaporator coils, electronic air cleaners and humidifiers can easily be added to furnace. - Shipped factory assembled with all controls installed and wired. - - Ready for installation in up-flow or horizontal left or right hand position without any modifications. Removeable bottom seal panel shipped in place for side return air is easily removed for bottom/end return air applications. - Each unit factory test operated to ensure proper operation. Approvals - Units certified by CSA International (formerly AGA/CGA) and ratings are certified by GAMA. - Units tested and rated according to US DOE test procedures and FTC labeling regulations. - Approved by California Energy Commission and meet California Seasonal Efficiency requirements and California Nitrogen Oxides (NO,) Standards. - "X" models meet California Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Standards. - Blower data from unit tests conducted in Lennox Laboratory air test chamber. - Manufactured in, accordance with ISO 9002 quality standards. Lennox Duralok- Aluminized Steel Heat Exchanger - Heavy gauge aluminized steel heat exchanger. - Crimped seam clamshell type design. - Designed for normal expansion and contraction without metal fatigue. - Minimum resistance to air flow. - Heat exchanger has been laboratory life cycle tested. Inshot Burners - Aluminized steel inshot burners. - Burner venturi mixes air and gas in correct proportion for proper combustion. - Burner box assembly is removeable from the unit as a single component for servicing. SureLightO Hot Surface Ignition - Tough, reliable, long-life, trouble-free performance. - Tungsten heater element sandwiched between two plates of silicon nitride. - Cemented to steatite block for protection against current leakage. - Ignition leads constructed of nickel plated copper enclosed in high temperature Teflon insulation for dependable operation. - No electrical noise. SureLightO Integrated Furnace Control Board Solid-state board contains all necessary controls and relays to operate furnace. •- - Induced draft blower is controlled by board. Prior to ignition, a pre-purge cycle for 15 seconds is initiated. After the main burners are turned off, a post-purge cycle for 5 seconds is run. - Adaptive technology of ignition control board continuously monitors and adjusts the ignitor voltage to operate at minimum ignitor temperature required for ignition, prolonging ignitor life. - Electronic flame sensor control assures safe and reliable operation. - Should loss of flame occur, flame sensor controls will initiate 5 attempts at re-ignition before locking out unit operation for 60 minutes. - Watchguard type circuit automatically resets ignition controls after one hour of continuous thermostat demand after unit lockout, eliminating nuisance calls for service. - Fan control consists of adjustable blower timed-off delay (60, 90; 120, 180 seconds - factory setting 90 seconds) and fixed blower timed-on delay (45 seconds). - For air-conditioning applications, blower is automatically energized on thermostat demand for cooling. - Two accessory terminals furnished for additional power supply requirements for 120 volt (less than 1 amp) power humidifiers and electronic air cleaners. - Ignition control has two LED's to indicate status and as an aid in troubleshooting. Gas Control Valve - 24 volt redundant combination gas control valve combines manual shut off valve (On-Off), automatic electric valve (dual) and gas pressure regulation into a compact combination control. Combustion Air Inducer - Shaded pole heavy duty blower prepurges heat exchanger and safely vents flue products. - Pressure switch proves blower operation before allowing gas valve to open. - Operates only during heating cycle. - Direct access allows inducer assembly to be rotated 90° clockwise or counterclockwise to facilitate easy vent attachment in horizontal applications. Limit Controls - Automatic reset, primary and secondary limits are accurately located. - Primary limit factory installed on vestibule panel on all units, secondary limit(s) (all units except G40UH-24A-045) factory installed on blower housing. Flame Rollout Switches (2) - Manual reset switches are factory installed on burner box. - Switches provide protection from abnormal operating conditions. 24 Volt Transformer - Furnished and factory installed in control box. - 40VA transformer has fuse wired in series. MP'Field Wiring Make-up Box - Furnished for line voltage wiring. - Factory installed internally on left side of furnace. - Box may be installed internally or externally on either side of furnace. G40UH / Page 2 No. • Cabinet - Low profile, narrow width cabinet allows easy installation. - Heavy gauge cold rolled steel constructed. - Pre -painted cabinet finish. - Flue outlet on top of cabinet for up -flow applications, can be relocated to either side of cabinet for horizontal applications. - Flanges provided on supply air opening for ease of plenum connection or alignment with evaporator coil. - Return Air Entry: - Bottom/end entry for up-flow/horizontal applications - remove furnished bottom seal panel from cabinet. - Side return air entry for up -flow applications - corners are marked on either side of cabinet for return air cut-outs. See dimension drawings. NOTE - 60C and 60D size units that require air volumes over 1800 cfm (850 L/s) must have one of the following: 1. Single side return air with transition, to accommodate 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) cleanable air filter. Required to maintain proper air velocity. 2. Single side return air with optional RAB Return Air Base 3. Bottom return air. 4. Return air from both sides. 5. Bottom and one side return air. See Blower Performance Tables for additional information. - Insulated cabinet with foil faced insulation on sides and back of heating compartment. - Complete service access. - Safety interlock switch automatically shuts off power to unit when blower compartment access door is removed. - Gas piping and electrical inlets are provided in both sides of cabinet. Blower - Multi -speed direct drive blower. - Statically and dynamically balanced. - Resiliently mounted. - Blower assembly easily removed for servicing - Blower speeds are easily changed on the integrated furnace control board. See blower performance tables. Coil Match -Up - All furnaces exactly match C33 cased up -flow and CH33 cased horizontal evaporator coils with same letter designation in model no. No adaptor required. Engaging holes furnished on cabinet for alignment. See specifications table and dimension drawings. - C33 uncased coils match furnaces without any overhang but require an optional adaptor base or field fabricated transition to match furnace opening. See C33 coil bulletin for additional information. Filter (Not Furnished) - Filter and provisions for external mounting must be field provided. kOPT10NAL ACCESSORIE5 = MUST BEORDERED EXTRA`_1 's+SF ` i _} :'_•r _ R-� •_ Air Filter and Rack Kit for Horizontal Return Air (End) Applications - r r. . - Washable or vacuum cleanable polyurethane frame type filter and external end return air rack available for field installation. - See Specifications table for order number. - Rack has filter door for easy filter servicing. - Flanges on rack allow easy duct connection. - See dimension drawing. Air Filter and Rack Kit for Up -Flow Side Return Air Applications - Not for use with RAB Return Air Base - Washable or vacuum cleanable polyurethane frame type filter and external side return air rack available for Feld installation. - Available in single and ten pack kits. - See Specifications table for order number. - Rack has filter door for easy filter servicing. - Flanges on rack allow easy duct connection. - Field installs on either side of unit cabinet. See dimension drawing. EZ Filter Base for Up -Flow Bottom Return Air Applications - Hinged door with thumbscrew for easy filter access. - Uses standard size filters (field provided). - See Specifications table for order number. Furnace Twinning Kit - Field installed kit (15L38) is required to operate two furnaces simultaneously. - Kit consists of twinning control and two fan sensors. High Altitude Orifice Kit - Natural Gas Only - Required for all natural gas models for proper unit operation at altitudes of 7501 to 10,000 feet (2286 to 3048 m). - See Specifications table for applications and catalog numbers. High Altitude Pressure Switch Kit - Required on certain units for proper unit operation on installations above 4,500 ft. (1372 m). - See Specifications table for applications and catalog numbers. Horizontal Support Frame Kit - Provides support of unit in horizontal applications. - Consists of (2) 1 x 1-1/2 x 32-5/8 in. (25 x 38 x 829 mm) and (2) 1 x 3 x 53-7/8 in. (25 x 76 x 1368 mm) painted heavy gauge cold rolled steel support channels with assembly and suspending holes. - Bolts and nuts furnished for field assembly. - Suspending rods must be field provided. - See Specifications table for catalog number. LPG/Propane Conversion Kit - Required for field changeover from natural gas. - See Specifications table for catalog number. RAB Return Air Base - For 60C and 60D models with air volumes over 1800 cfm (850 L/s) in up -flow applications when only one side return is required. - Cabinet is pre -painted steel to match the furnace. - See Dimension Drawing. - See Specifications table for order number. Thermostat - See Thermostats bulletin in Thermostats and Controls section and Lennox Price Book for a complete list of thermostats. U4uuh i rage 3 ► FILTER'AIRRES19TANCE c L/s in. w.g. Pa 0 0 0.00 0 200 95 0.01 0 400 190 0.03 5 600 285 0.04 10 800 380 0.06 15 1000 470 0.09 20 1200 565 0.12 30 1400 660 0.15 35 1600 755 0.19 45 1800 850 0.23 55 2000 945 0.27 65 2200 1040 0.33 80 2400., 1130 0.38 95 2600 1225 0.44 110 .Vly 1V aUtuaunent Is necessary. All models use the factory installed pressure switch from 0-4500 feet (0-1370 m). All models require a High Altitude Pressure Switch Kit if installed at altitudes above 4500 feet (1372 m). All natural gas models require a High Altitude Orifice Kit at altitudes of 7500-10,000 feet (2286-3048 m). See Specifications table for orderT information. SPECIFICATIONS All models - Pressure regulator adjustment may be required de- pending on altitude. See below for proper pressure regulator setting. Manifold Pressure (Outlet) in. w.g. (kPa) Gas Model No. ALTITUDE ft. (m) FUEL 0-4500 4501-5500 5501-6500 6501-7500 .... (0-1372) (1373-1676) (1677-1981) (1982-2286) Natural Gas 3.5 (.87) 3.3 (.82) 3.2 (.80) 3.1 (.77) LPG/Propane 10.0 (2.49) .Vly 1V aUtuaunent Is necessary. All models use the factory installed pressure switch from 0-4500 feet (0-1370 m). All models require a High Altitude Pressure Switch Kit if installed at altitudes above 4500 feet (1372 m). All natural gas models require a High Altitude Orifice Kit at altitudes of 7500-10,000 feet (2286-3048 m). See Specifications table for orderT information. SPECIFICATIONS Gas Model No. G40UH-24A-045 AIG40UH-24A-070 G40UH-36A-070 G40UH-4813-070 Heating Low NOx Model No. Pertormance G40UH-24A-045X .... G40UH-36A-070X - - - - Input Btuh (kW) 44,000 (12.9) 66,000 (19.3) 66,000 (19.3) 66,000 (19.3) Output - Btuh (kW) 36,000 (10.5) 54,100 (15.8) 54,100 (15.8) 54,000 (15.8) -AAFUE 80.0% 80.0%, 80.0% 80.0% California Seasonal Efficiency 74.2% 74.8% 74.8% 72.9% High static (AGA/CGA) - in. w.g. (Pa) .50(124) .50(124) .50(124) .50(124) Flue connection - in. (mm) round 4 (102) 4 (102) 4 (102) 4 (102) Gas pipe size IPS - in. (mm) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) Temperature rise range - °F (°C) 35 - 65 (19 - 36) 40 - 70 (22 - 39) 40 - 70 (22 - 39) 25 - 55 (15 - 33) door Wheel nominal diameter x width - in. ower (mm) 10 x 7 (254 x 178) 10 x 7 (254 x 178) 10 x 8 (254 x 203) 10 x 10 (254 x 254) Motor output - hp (W) 1/5(149) 1/5(149) 1/3(249) 1/2(373) Tons (kW) of add-on cooling 2(7.0) 2(7.0) 2 - 3 (7.0 - 10.6) 2 - 4 (7.0 - 14.1) Shipping weight -1 package 121 lbs. (55 kg) 127 lbs. (58 kg) 132 lbs. (60 kg) 139 lbs. (63 kg) Matching Coils [!]Up -flow cased C33 -18A -2F, C33 -24A -2F, C33 -30A -2F, C33 -36A -2F, C33 -248-2F, C33 -30B -2F, C33 -38A -2F C33 -36B -2F, C33 -38B -2F, C33-4213-217, C33 -4813-2F CH33-3613-2F, Horizontal CH33-18A-2F, CH33-24/30A-2F, CH33-36A-2F CH33-42B-2F, CH33-44/48B-2F Electrical characteristics 120 volts - 60 hertz - 1 phase (less than 12 amps) OPTIONALACCESSORIES; ;MUST BE`ORDERED'EMRA > t x5 -• ® Air Filter and Rack Kit 871-96 - 1 " Number & size of filters Horizontal (end) 871-95 - (1) 14 x 25 x 1 in. (356 x 635 x 25 mm) () 18 x 25 x 1 in. (457 x 635 x 25 mm) Side Return Single (44.122) or Ten Pack (66K63) - (1) 16 x 25 x 1 in. (406 x 635 x 25 mm) EZ Filter Catalog Number - Shipping Weight Base 73P55 - 6 lbs. (3 kg) 73P56 - 7 lbs. (3 kg) Dimensions - H x W x D 4 x 14-1/4 x 28-5/8 in. (102 x 362 x 727 mm) 4 x 17-5/8 x 28-5/8 in. (102 x 448 x 727 mm) Number and size of filter (field provided) 14 x 25 x 1 in. (356 x 635 x 25 mm) 16 x 25 x 1 in. (406 x 635 x 25 mm) I@ High Altitude Orifice Kit - Natural Gas Only 30M45 30M45 30M45 30M45 ® High Altitude 4501-7500 ft. (1372-2286 m) 56L32 561-32 56L32 561-32 Pressure:Switch Kit 7501-10,000 ft. (2286-3048 m) 56L32 56L32 561-32 561-32 Horizontal Support Frame Kit - Ship. Weight - lbs. (kg) 56.118 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) LPG/Propane Kit 0-7500 ft. (0-2286 m) 45L60 451-60 451-60 451-60 7501-10,000 ft. (2286-3048 m) 30M43 30M43 30M43 30M43 inning Kit rn ,tel C„el I IAI:...ti.... Gm-:__-. �___.__ n,�r• .__. _ ___�.. 15L38 .. __ . 15L38 15L38 151-38 �• • w H -u- al lu aw fumy ro r. I �, laoenng regwauons. Isolateo comousuon system rating for non -weatherized tumaces. OTE - Filters and provisions for mounting are not fumished and must be field provided. (DThe same C33 uncased models match the furnaces shown but require an optional adaptor base or field fabricated transition. See C33 coil bulletin for additional information. ®Required for proper operation at altitudes over 4500 ft. (1370 m). ®Cleanable polyurethane frame type filter. ©Canada Only. ®Required for proper operation at altitudes from 7501 to 10,000 ft. (2286 to 3048 m). G40UH / Page 4 0o. 0 • xrv.num rues uuncauon onGenty uaseu on uu,-, test pro, ures ano accora,ng to c moeung regulations. Isolated combustion system rating for non -weatherized furnaces. NOTE - Filters and provisions for mounting are not furnished and must be field provided: pt The same C33 uncased models match the furnaces shown but require an optional adaptor base or field fabricated transition. See C33 coil bulletin for additional information. ®Required for proper operation at altitudes over 4500 ft. (1370 m). ®Cleanable polyurethane frame type filter. ®Canada Only. pRequired for proper operation at altitudes from 7501 to 10,000 ft. (2286 to 3048 m). G40UH / Page 5 jo� Gas Model No. G40UH-36B-090 G40UH-48B-090 ®G40UH-36C-110 G40UH-48C-110 Heating Low NOx Model No. - - - - G40UH-48B-090X .... ... . Performance Input - Btuh (kW) 88,000 (25.8) 88,000 (25.8) 110,000 (32.2) 110,000 (32.2) Output- Btuh (kW) 72,100 (21.1) 72,100 (21.1) 90,200 (26.4) 88,500 (25.9) *AFUE 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% California Seasonal Efficiency 75.7% 75.3% 75.7% 75.0% High static (AGA/CGA) - in. w.g. (Pa) .50(124) .50(124) .50(124) .50(124) Flue connection - in. (mm) round 4 (102) 4 (102) 4 (102) 4 (102) Gas pipe size IPS - in. (mm) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) 1/2 (12:7) Temperature rise range - °F (°C) 40 - 70 (22 - 39) 40 - 70 (22 - 39) 50 - 80 (28 - 44) 40 - 70 (22 - 39) Indoor Wheel nominal diameter x width - in. (mm) Blower 10 x 8 (254 x 203) 10 x 10 (254 x 254) 10 x 8 (254 x 203) 10 x 10 (254 x 254) Motor output - hp (W) 1/3(249) 1/2(373) 1/3(249) 1/2(373) Tons (kW) of add-on cooling 2 - 3 (7.0 - 10.6) 2 - 4 (7.0. 14.1) 2 - 3 (7.0 - 10.6) 2 - 4 (7.0 - 14.1) Shipping weight -1 package 146 lbs. (66 kg) 153 lbs (69 kg) 166 lbs. (75 kg) 169 lbs. (77 kg) Matching Coils 1]Up-flow cased C33 -2413-2F, C33 -3013-2F, C33 -3613-2F, C33-3813-217, C33 -42B -2F, •C33 -48B -2F C33 -36C -2F, C33 -48C -2F, C33 -50/60C -2F, Horizontal CH33-368-217, CH33-42B-2F, CH33-36C-2F, CH33-48C-2F, CH33-44/486-2F CH33-50/60C-2F Electrical characteristics 120 volts - 60 hertz -"l phase (less than 12 amps) ;OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES-`MUSTBE ORDERED EXTRAS ® Air Filter & Rack Kit Horizontal (end) 871_96 - (1) 18 x 25 x 1 in. (457 x 635 x 25 mm) 87L97 - (1) 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) Number & size of filters Side Return Single 44.122 or Ten Pack (66K63) - (1) 16 x 25 x 1 in. (406 x 635 x 25 mm) EZ Filter Catalog Number - Shipping Weight 73P56 - 7 lbs. (3 kg) 73P57 - 8 lbs. (4 kg) Base Dimensions - H x W x D 4 x 17-5/8 x 28-5/8 in. (102 x 448 x 727 mm) 4 x 21-5/8 x 28-5/8 in. (102 x 549 x 727 mm) Number and size of field provided filter 16 x 25 x 1 in. (406 x 635 x 25 mm) 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) ® High Altitude Orifice Kit - Natural Gas 30M45 30M45 30M45 30M45 p High Altitude 4501-7500 ft. (1372-2286 m) 49L90 49L90 491_90 49L90 Pressure Switch Kit 7501-10,000 ft. (2286-3048 m) 15M22 15M22 15M22 15M22 Horizontal Support Frame Kit - Ship. Weight - lbs. (kg) 56J18 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) LPG/Propane Kit 0-7500 ft. (0-2286 m) 45L60 45L60 45L60 45L60 7501-10,000 ft. (2286-3048 m) 30M43 30M43 30M43 30M43 Twinning Kit 15L38 15L38 151-38 151_38 • xrv.num rues uuncauon onGenty uaseu on uu,-, test pro, ures ano accora,ng to c moeung regulations. Isolated combustion system rating for non -weatherized furnaces. NOTE - Filters and provisions for mounting are not furnished and must be field provided: pt The same C33 uncased models match the furnaces shown but require an optional adaptor base or field fabricated transition. See C33 coil bulletin for additional information. ®Required for proper operation at altitudes over 4500 ft. (1370 m). ®Cleanable polyurethane frame type filter. ®Canada Only. pRequired for proper operation at altitudes from 7501 to 10,000 ft. (2286 to 3048 m). G40UH / Page 5 jo� SPECIFICATIONS Vent Type Type "B1" Type "C" Sides 0 inches (0 mm) 1❑0 inches (0 mm) Gas Model No. G40UH-60C-110 G40UH-48C-135 G40UH-60D-135 G40UH-60D-155 Heating Input - Btuh (kW) Performance 110,000 (32.2) 132,000 (38.7) 132,000 (38.7) 154,000 (45.1) Output - Btuh (kW) 89,400 (26.2) 106,900 (31.3) 106,900 (31.3) 124,700 (36.5) *AFUE 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% California Seasonal Efficiency 73.9% 76.0% 75.0% 75.6% High static (AGA/CGA) - in. w.g. (Pa) .50(124) .50(124) .50(124) .50(124) Flue connection - in. (mm) round 4 (102) ®4 (102) ®4 (102) ®4 (102) Gas pipe size IPS - in. (mm) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) 1/2(12.7) Temperature rise range - °F (°C) 30 - 60 (18 - 36) 50 - 80 (28 - 44) 45 - 75 (25 - 42) 50 - 80 (28 - 44) Indoor Wheel nominal diameter xwidth - in. (mm) 11-1/2 x 10 (292 x 254) 10 x 10 (254 x 254) 11-1/2 x 10 (292 x 254) 11-1/2 x 10 (292 x 254) Blower Motor output - hp (W) 1 (746) 1/2(373) 1 (746) 1 (746) Tons (kW) of add-on cooling 5(17.6) 2 - 4 (7.0 - 14.1) 5(17.6) 5(17.6) Shipping weight -1 package 175 lbs. (79 kg) 178 lbs. (81 kg) 195 lbs. (88 kg) 1 204 lbs. (93 kg) Matching Coils [!)Up -flow cased C33 -36C -2F, C33 -48C -2F, C33 -50/60C -2F, C33 -60D -2F, C33 -62D -2F Horizontal CH33-36C-2F, CH33-48C-2F, CH33-60D-2F, CH33-62D-2F CH33-50/60C-2F Electrical characteristics 120 volts - 60 hertz - 1 phase (less than 12 amps) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES - MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA p Air Filter and Rack Kit Horizontal (end) 87L97 (1) 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) 871-98 (1) 25 x 25 x 1 in. (635 x 635 x 25 mm) Number 8. size of filters Side Return pSingle 44.122 or Ten Pack (66K63) - (1) 16 x 25 x 1 (406 x 635 x 25) EZ Filter Catalog Number - Shipping Weight 73P57 - 8 lbs. (4 kg) 731358 - 10 lbs. (5 kg) Base Dimensions - H x W x D 4 x 21-5/8 x 28-5/8 in. (102 x 549 x 727 mm) 4 x 24-5/8 x 28-5/8 in. (102 x 625 x 727 mm) Number and size of field provided filter 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) 24 x 24 x 1 in. (610 x 610 x 25 mm) ❑7 High Altitude Orifice Kit - Natural Gas Only 30M45 30M45 30M45 30M45 © High Altitude 4501-7500 ft. (1372-2286 m) 49L90 49L90 49L90 49L90 Pressure Switch Kit 7501-10,000 ft. (2286-3048m) 18M61 18M61 18M61 18M61 orizontal Support Frame Kit - Ship. Weight - lbs. (kg) 56J18 - 18 (8) 56.118 - 18 (8) 56J18 - 18 (8) 56J18 - 18 (8) RAB Return Air Base RAB60C (12M71) - - - - RAB60D (12M72) RAB600 (12M72) LPG/Propane Kit 0-7500 ft. (0-2286 m) 451_60 451L60 45L60 45L60 7501-10,000ft. (2286-3048m) 30M43 30M43 30M43 30M43 Twinning Kit I15L38 15L38 15L38 15L38 sYAnnual Fuel Utilization Efficiency based on DOE test procedures and according to FTC labeling regulations. Isolated combustion system rating for non -weatherized furnaces. NOTE - Filters and provisions for mounting are not furnished and must be field provided. ❑Q The same C33 uncased models match the furnaces shown but require an optional adaptor base or field fabricated transition. See C33 coil bulletin for additional information. m Required for proper operation at altitudes over 4500 ft. (1370 m). ® Cleanable polyurethane frame type filter. p Flue connection on the unit is 4 in. (102 mm) diameter. Most applications will require 5 in. (127 mm) venting and field supplied 4 x 5 in. (102 x 127 mm) adaptor. See Venting Tables in the Installation Instructions for detailed information. ® Not for use with RAB Return Air Base or with 60C and 60D size units with air flow requirements of 1800 cfm (850 LJs) or greater. See Blower Performance tables for additional information. M Required for proper operation at altitudes from 7501 to 10,000 ft. (2286 to 3048 m). 1 -11111 1 UP -FLOW POSITION Vent Type Type "B1" Type "C" Sides 0 inches (0 mm) 1❑0 inches (0 mm) Rear 0 inches (0 mm) 0 inches (0 mm) Top 1 inch (25 mm) 1 inch (25 mm) Front 3 inches (76 mm) 3 inches (76 mm) Front (service/alcove) 24 inches (610 mm) 24 inches (610 mm) Floor Combustible Combustible Flue 1 inch (25 mm) 6 inch (152 mm) NOTE -Air for combustion and supply air ventilation must conform to the methods outlined in American National Standard (ANSI -2213.1) National Fuel Gas Code or National Standard of Canada CAN/CGA-149.1, 8 CAN/CGA-149.2 "Installation Code for Gas Buming Appliances". TE -In the U.S. flue sizing must conform to the methods outlined in current GAMA/A.G.A. venting tables, American National Standard (ANSI -2223.1) National Fuel Gas Code or applicable provisions of local building codes. In Canada flue sizing must conform to the methods outlined in National Standard of Canada CAN/CGA-149.1 and .2. pp Left side requires 4 in. (102 mm) if single wall vent is used on 14-1/2 in. (368 mm) cabinets, 2 in. (76 mm) on 17-1/2 in. (980 mm) cabinets. G40UH / Page 6 lo. HORIZONTAL POSITION Vent Type Type "B1" Type "C" ❑t Ends p2 inches (51 mm) E12 inches (51 mm) Rear 0 inches (0 mm) 0 inches (0 mm) QQ Top p0 inches (0 mm) ❑1 0 inches (0 mm) Front 3 inches (76 mm) 3 inches (76 mm) Front (service) 24 inches (610 mm) 24 inches (610 mm) Floor 0 inches (0 mm) 0 inches (0 mm) Flue 1 inch (25 mm) 6 inch (152 mm) NOTE -Air for combustion and supply air ventilation must conform to the methods outlined in American National Standard (ANSI -2223.1) National Fuel Gas Code or National Standard of Canada CAN/CGA-149.1, 8 CAN/CGA-149.2 "Installation Code for Gas Burning Appliances". NOTE -In the U.S. flue sizing must conform to the methods outlined in current GAMA/A.GA, venting tables, American National Standard (ANSI -Z223.1) National Fuel Gas Code or applicable provisions of local building codes. In Canada flue sizing must conform to the methods outlined in National Standard of Canada CAN/CGA-149.1 and .2. ❑p Line contact installation permissible between jacket top or sides and building joists. • '.DIMENSIONS -INCHES (MNI),UPFLOW. POSITION• ,.- # ,�SY y`k_ktit� �'.t `�{', �r *NOTE - 60C and 60D size units that require air volumes over 1800 cfm (850.L/s) must have one of the following: 1. Single side return air with transition, to accommodate 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) cleanable air filter. Required to maintain proper air velocity. 2. Single side return air with optional RAB Return Air Base 3. Bottom return air. 4. Return air from both sides. 5. Bottom and one side return air. See Blower Performance Tables for additional information. 3-3/4(95) D FLUE OUTLET OV�1000 i]OV�1Vf 111OPTIONAL EXTERNAL **Flue outlet may be horizontal but furnace must be SIDE RETURN vented vertically AIR FILTER KIT ❑1 Optional External Side Return Air Filter Kit is not for (Either Side) use with the optional RAB Return Air'Base. A B 111-� 9/16 (14) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O A AIR FLOW [!)OPTIONAL EXTERNAL SIDE RETURN AIR FILTER KIT (Either Side) 14-3/4 (375) 16 (406) 1 40 (1016) �� �� 518(16) 3/4 (19) C 3/4(19) *Bottom Return Air Opening FRONT VIEW Y. SUPPLY AIR OPENING 23-314 (603) ►I 25 (635) TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 3-1/4 (83) Right . 28-1/2 8-118 (206) Left 3-3/4 (724) 9/16 (95) 1(494) (14) (494) 4-7/8 (124) Right 2-1/4 (57) Left j ELECTRICAL INLET (Either Side) 4 �_ 23 (102 (584) *OPTIONAL 14 • RETURN CUTOUT (356) (Either Side) L--------�. 1-15/16 (491 1-0 1 (59) ' (597) 4-1/4 *Bottom Return (108) Air Opening ` . SIDE VIEW **FLUE OUTLET (Either Side) 14 (356) Right ELECTRICAL INLET 13-1/4(3 37) Left / (Either Side) ' GAS PIPING INLET n (Either Side) 4-7/8 (124) Right 2-1/4 (57) Left j ELECTRICAL INLET (Either Side) 4 �_ 23 (102 (584) *OPTIONAL 14 • RETURN CUTOUT (356) (Either Side) L--------�. 1-15/16 (491 1-0 1 (59) ' (597) 4-1/4 *Bottom Return (108) Air Opening ` . SIDE VIEW 6 G40UH / Page 7 jo. A B C D Model No. in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm G40UH-24A-045 G40UH-24A-070 14-1/2 368 13-3/8 340 13 330 4-1/2 114 G40UH-36A-070 G40UH-36B-090 G40UH-486-070 17-1/2 446 16-3/8 416 16 406 6 152 G40UH-48B-090 G40UH-36C-110 G40UH-48C-110 G40UH-48C-135 21 533 19-7/8 454 19-1/2 495 7-3/4 197 G40UH-60C-110 G40UH-60D-135 G40UH-60D-155 24-1/2 622 23-3/8 546 23 584 9-1/2 241 6 G40UH / Page 7 jo. DIMENSIONS CINCHES (INNI)'- HORIZONTAL POSITION`' T F LEFT-HAND AIR DISCHARGE *Flue outlet may be from end but furnace must be vented vertically FLUE OUTLET (Top) r i GAS PIPING INLET (Top or Bottom) 3-114(83) AIR FLOW 3-3/4 (95) o \ o J 28-1/2 *FLUE (724) OUTLET 9/16 ZI (End) -47 (141 x--19-7/16 DD��DDDD (494) SUPPLY B AIR OPENING 1 • END VIEW 28-1/2 (724) ELECTRICAL INLET (Top or.Bottom) 14 (356) Top ", 4-7/8 (124) Top 13-1/4 (337) 2-1/4 (57) Bottom Bottom . TOP VIEW - 40 28-'1/2 (1016)� (724) 3/4 19 DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD (10 23-1/2 DDDDDDDD 0 'DDDDDDDD o �,. A C (5R'TURN DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD AIR AIR DDDDDDDD KIM FLOW OPENING 3-3/.4(95) FRONT VIEW ELECTRICAL INLET (Top or Bottom) RIGHT-HAND AIR DISCHARGE r AIR GAS PIPING INLET FLOW (Top or Bottom), 8-1/8 (206) J ° r END VIEW *Flue outlet may be horizontal but furnace must be vented vertically FLUE OUTLET (Top) L—_ ° %I-'�/ 1 3-3/4(95) 2-1/4 (57) Top 13-1/4 (337) Top \ 4-7/8 (124) Bottom 14 (356) Bottom r- 23-1/2 A.. .13 (597) C D RETURN C in. 4-1/4 (108) A AIR OPENING mm in. mm in. 3 3/4 (19) END VIEW G40UH / Page 8 No. TOP VIEW *FLUE OUTLET 28-1/2 ON 40 (End) (724) (1016) \*_110 3-3/4.(95) AIR FLOW DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD D .4 . o DDDDDDDD HIM1 HIM KIM (494) DDDDDDDD B (494) (14) DDDDDDDD minDDDDDDDD SUPPLY AI OPENING 9/145(14 ) FRONT VIEW END VIEW Model No. A.. .13 C D in. rrim in. mm in. mm in. mm G40UH-24A-045, G40UH-24A-070 G40U H -36A-070 14-1/2 368 13-3/8 340 13 3301 4-1/2 114 G40UH-36B-090, G40UH-48B-070, G40UH-488-090 17_1/2 446 16-3/8 416 16 406 6 152 G40UH-36C-110, G40UH-48C-110, G40UH-48C-135, G40UH-60C-110 21 533 19-7/8 454 19-1/2 495 7-3/4 197 G40UH-60D-135, G40UH-60D-155 24-1/2 622 1 23-3/8 546 23 584 9-1/2 241 p.rl• HORIZONTAL FFLTER;: KIT a Y ; �_, 5 > (629) 5/8 (629) 24-3/4 14 (32 (16) 5/8 n (16) B RETURN I A AIR I I OPENING AIRFLOW I I 23-1/2 I I 5/8 (597) mom (16) r - AIR FILTER U 5/8 (Furnished) (16) SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW IPTIONAL RETURN AIR BASE SIDE RETURN Catalog Number A inch mm B inch mm LB -98934A (871-95) 14 356 12-3/4 324 LB-98934B(87L96) 18 457 16-3/4 425 LB -98934C (871-97) 21 533 18-3/4 476 LB -98334D (871-98) 25 635 f 23-3/4 603 p r--------- --� I I 4 *23 Overall 02)I (584)- 114 *Unit Opening (356) I *18-1/2 (470) 1 I Overall AIR OPENINGS --------1—_I (Either Side) ~ 3-1/4(83) *Base Opening 21 (533) RAB60C3/4 24-1/2 (622) RAB60D 7/8r -20-1/2 (521). (19) FRONT VIEW (22) 27-5/8 (702) SIDE VIEW *NOTE -Both return air openings must be covered by a single plenum. Overall opening dimensions: 23 (584) W X 18-1/2 (470) H. Optional Side Return Air Filter Kits are not for use with RAB Return Air Base. G40UH / Paae 9 No. G .BLOWER/WATTSfDATA 1 #, ``•., � i�r-` ,'''� �,: � �" ` �'�` � ..f r a f . � �. �y -.;F r ! f 4r .t Xa,• ,.•.; r. �k. �r, �- � 1:r?�i, r : �k h 1: � J%,• r t y G40UH-24A-045 PERFORMANCE External Static External Static Air Volume / Watts at Various Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds Pressure Air Volume / Watts at Various Pressure High Medium Medium Low High Low cfm in. w.g. Pa cfm . Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts 0.00 0 1090 515 460 905 425 390 290 725 340 300 0.05 12 1080 510 450 900 425 390 0.10 25 720 340 300 0.10 25 1065 505 445 895 420 385 1060 710 335 295 0.15 37 1050 495 435 895 420 380 500 700 330 290 0.20 50 1030 485 425 890 420 375 425 690 325 290 0.25 62 1015 480 415 875 415 370 875 680 320 285 0.30 75 995 470 410 860 405 365 405 665 315 280 0.40 100 960 455 395 840 395 350 340 650 305 270 0.50 125 910 430 380 795 375 335 640 610 290 260 0.60 150 840 395 355 750 355 315 285 540 255 .245 0.70 175 770 365 340 665 315 295 ,225 490 230 235 0.80 200 660 310 315 555 260 275 0.60 150 420 200 225 0.90 225 560 265 295 480 225 260 310 355 170 210 1 r w - Yvr du udrd rs medsureu external to unit wrrn i in. ILo mm) cteanaole niter (not Turnisneo - neia proviaea) in place. Also see Filter Air Resistance table. Air volume based on bottom air return air. Actual air volume may vary on side return air applications. G40UH-24A-070 PERFORMANCE External Static Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds Pressure Air Volume / Watts at Various High Medium Pressure Low High in. w.g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts 0.00 0 1075 505 445 905 425 375 730 345 290 0.05 12 1070 505 445 900 425 375 725 340 290 0.10 25 1065 505 440 895 420 370 720 340 285 0.15 37 1060 500- 435 890 420 365 715 335 285 0.20 50 1055 500 430 885 420 360 710 335 280 0.25 62 . 1045 495 425 880 415 360 700 330 280 0.30 75 1030 485 415 875 415 355 690 325 270 0.40 100 1010 475 400 860 405 350 675 320 270 0.50 125 975 460 390 840 395 340 660 310 265 0.60 150 940 445 375 805 380 325 640 300 255 0.70 175 890• 420 360 755 355 305 605 285 240 0.80 200 830 390 340 700 330 285 565 265 ,225 0.90 225 765 360 305 640 300 265 515 245 205 .0 I �Q - wr dr uard rs rttedsurea external to unit with T in. (25 mm) aeanaoie niter (not Tumisnea -tiela proviaea) in place. Also see Filter Air Resistance table. Air volume based on bottom air return air. Actual air volume may vary on side retum air applications. 'G40UH-36A-070 PERFORMANCE External Static Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds Pressure High Medium -High Medium -Low Low in. w.g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts 0.00 0 1500 710 705 1290 610 565 985 465 455 830 390 375 0.05 12 1475 695 695 1275 600 555 980 465 445 820 385 365 0.10 25 1450 685 680 1255 590 545 970 460 440 810 380 360 0.15 37 1425 675 670 1240 585 535 965 455 430 805 380 355 0.20 50 140b 660 655 1225 580 525 955 450 425 795 375 350 0.25 62 1370 645 645 1205 570 510 945 445 415 790 375 345 0.30 75 1340 630 630 1180 555 500 930 440 405 780 370 335 0.40 100 1285 605 610 1140 540 475 900 425 .390 745 350 325 0.50 125 1215 575 580 1080 510 450 865 410 375 705 335 310 0.60 150 1150 545 560 1015 480 430 810 380 355 655 310 290 0.70 175 1060 500 535 940 445 405 730 345 330 585 275 270 0.80 200 955 450 515 .800 375 370 655 310 305 480' 225 260 0.90 225 785 370 475 605 285 325 585 275 270 410 195 255 --- �o� a.. -. . wm 1 u,. tcu nun) uednduie niter (nat rumisnea - neia provlaeo) in place. Also see Filter Air Resistance table. Air volume based on bottom air return u. air. Actual air volume may vary on side return air applications. G40UH / Page 11 )o- 10. G40UH-48B-090 PERFORMANCE Low cfm Us Watts 1340 630 565 External Static 630 555 1325 625 Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds 530 Pressure 625 High 1310 620 Medium -High 9 1295 610 Medium -Low 1260 595 in. w•g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts 905 0.00 0 1970 930 790 1810 855 735 1585 750 670 525 0.05 12 1940 915 780 1785 840 715 1580 745 650 640 0.10 25 1915 905 765 1760 830 695 1570 740 630 745 0.15 37 1880 885 745 1730 815 660 1560 735 615 825 0.20 50 1840 870 730 1700 800 620 1545 .730 600 525 0.25 62 1805 850 715 1670 790 625 1520 715 585 615 0.30 75 1765 835 695 1640 775 625 1490 705 565 695 0.40 100 1695 800 670 1570 740 595 1440 680 540 765 0.50 125 1600 755 635 1490 705 560 1360 640 505 515 0.60 150 1505 710 600 1400 660 530 1285 605 480 560 0.70 175 1395 660 565 1265 595 485 1170 550 440 600 0.80 200 1250 590 520 1100 520 445 975 460 390 650 0.90 225 1 1005 475 460 870 410 385 900 425 365 0.70 175 NOTES - All air data is measured external to unit with 1 in. (25 mm) cleanable filter (not famished - field provided) in place. Also see Filter Air R Air volume based on bottom air return air. Actual air volume may vary on side 695 610 1310 620 .515 1165 return air applications. 1015 480 415 G40UH-48C-110 PERFORMANCE 1350 635 560 1210 570 485 1080 G40UH / Page 13 Poo, External Static Low cfm Us Watts 1340 630 565 1335 630 555 1325 625 540 1325 625 530 1320 625 520 1310 620 510 1295 610 500 1260 595 480 1195 565 450 1140 540 425 990 465 380 905 425 " 355 810 380 325 G40UH / Page 13 Poo, External Static Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds Pressure High Medium -High 9 Medium -Low Low in. w.g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts 0.00 0 2015 950 895 1620 765 780 1340 630 640 1150 545 525 0.05 12 1990 940 870 1615 760 760 1340 630 640 1150 545 525 0.10 25 1965 925 850 1610 760 745 1340 630 640 1150 545 525 0.15 37 1930 910 825 1605 755 725 1335 630 630 1150 545 525 {': • `•. 0.20 50 1895 895 805 1600 755 710 1335 630 615 1150 545 525 `� 0.25 62 1860 880 785 1590 750 695 1330 630 605 1150 545 520 0.30 75 1820 860 765 1580 -745675 1330 630 590 1145 540 515 0.40 100 1740 820 725 1530 720 635 1320 625 560 1140 540 490 0.50 125 1665 785 695 1475 695 600 1285 605 525 1120 530 0.60 150 1575 745 650 1405 665 555 1230 580 490 1075 505 470 445 0.70 175 1475 695 610 1310 620 .515 1165 550 470 1015 480 415 0.80 200 1350 635 560 1210 570 485 1080 510 430 930 440-- 380 0.90 225 1 1210 570 520 1070 NOTES - All air data is measured external to unit with 1 in. (25 505 430 870 410 365 740 350 1325 Air volume based on bottom air return air. mm) cleanable filter (not furnished - field provided) in Actual air volume may place. Also see Filter Air Resistance table. vary on side return air applications. G40UH-48C-135 PERFORMANCE External Static Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds Pressure High Medium -High 9 Medium -Low in. w•g• Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Low Us Watts 0.00 0 2075980 820 1800 850 710 1425 675 570 1115 525 435 0.05 12 2035 960 805 1785 840 695' 1425 670 560 1120 530 435 0.10 25 1990 940 790 1765 835 675 1420 670 545 1125 530 430 0.15 37 1950 920 765 1740 '820660 1410 665 535 1125 530 425 0.20 50 1905 900 745 1715 810 645 1405 665 525 1120 530 420 0.25 62 1865 880 730 1680 795 625 1390 655 515 1115 525 410 0.30 75 1825 860 715 1650 780 610 1375 650 505 1105 520 405 0.40 100 1740 820 680 ' 1585 745 580 1355 640 485 1090 515 390 0.50 125 1640 775 645 1495 705 545 1300 615 455 1050 495 370 •0.60 150 1540 730 615 1420 670 515 1225 580 430 1000 470 355 0.70 175 1420 670 575 1310 615 475 1140 535 400 935 440 330 --- 0.80 200 1260 595 520 1155 545 425 1025 485 365 865 410 315 0.90 225 1125 530 495 1 1010 475 385 880 415 330 750 355 285 NOTES - All air data is measured external to unit with 1 in. (25 mm) cleanable filter (not furnished - field provided) in Also Filter Air volume based on bottom air return air. Actual air volume may vary on side return air applications. place. see Air Resistance table. G40UH / Page 13 Poo, G40UH-60C-110 PERFORMANCE modate 20 x 25 x - Bottom Return Air, Side Return Air with Optional RAB Return Air Base, Return Air from Both Sides or Return Air from Bottom and One Side. Air Volume / Watts at Different Blower Speeds External Static External Static High Air Volume / Watts at Different Air Volume / Watts at Different Blower Speeds Medium -Low Pressure High High Medium -High Medium -High cfm Us Medium -Low cfm Us Low cfm in. w.g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts .00 0 2655 1250 1407 2370 1120 1063 2085 985 894 1665 785 679 .10 25 2580 1215 1376 2350 1110 1043 2065 975 875 1650 780 667 .20 50 2500 1180 1346 2305 1085 1012 2045 965 849 1645 775 662 .30 75 2410 1135 1305 2230 1050 978 2010 950 820 1640 775 649 .40 100 2320 1095 1270 2165 1020 947 1940 915 786 1625 765 634 .50 125 2225 1050 1235 2090 985 914 1895 895 763 1610 760 622 .60 150 2130 1005 1205 2000 945 880 1840 870 740 1570 740 603' .70 175 2030 955 1155 1915 905 851 1760 830 709 1535 725 590 .80 200 1925 910 1123 1820 860 823 1670 790 681 1475 695 566 .90 225 1 1795 845 1078 1 1690 795 788 1560 735 655 1395 660 537 NOTE - All air data is measured external to unit with 1 in. (L5 mm) cleanable niter (not tumisnea - neia provided) in piece. Rso see muter wr mesistance taoie. G40UH-60C-110 PERFORMANCE - Single Side Return Air - Air volumes in bold require field fabricated transition to accom- modate 20 x 25 x 1 in. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) cleanable air -.filter. in order to maintain..proper air velocity. or Return Air from Bottom and One Side. External Static Air Volume / Watts at Different Blower Speeds External Static Pressure High Air Volume / Watts at Different Blower Speeds Medium -High Medium -Low High Low Medium -High in. w.g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts .00 0 2430 1145 1309 2245 1060 1006 1910 900 843 1635 770 686 .10 25 2355 1110 1277 2190 1035 978 1905 900 817 1620 765 677 . .20 50 2280 1075 1242 2140 1010 950 1885 890 797 1610 760 667 .30 75 2205 1040 1218 2075, 980 924 1860 875 782 1605 755 655 .40 100 2130 1005 1189 2005 945 905 1815 855 752 1595 750 636 .50 125 2045 965 1159 1920 905 864 1750 825 726 1565 740 619 .60 150 1955 920 1132 1850 875 840 1700 800 705 1525 720 605 .70 175 1860 875 1105 1760 830 817 1610 760 674 1475 700 582 .80 200 1755 830 1067 1670 790 789 1540 725 654 1395 660 560 .90 225 1645 775 1033 1575 745 763 1445 680 627 1325 625 540 NOTE - All air data is measured external to unit with 1 in. (25 mm) cleanable neer (not tumisnea - held prowaeo) in place. wso see rater rur Kesistance mote. G40UH-60D-135 PERFORMANCE - Bottom Return Air, Side Return Air with Optional RAB Return Air Base, Return Air from Both Sides or Return Air from Bottom and One Side. External Static Air Volume / Watts at Different Blower Speeds Pressure High Medium -High Medium -Low Low' in. w.g. Pa cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts cfm Us Watts .00 0 2715 1280 1407 2255 1065 1070 1910 900 a50 1660 785 674 .10 25 2640 1245 1403 2250 1060 1030 1900 895 834 1645 775 668 .20 50 2540 1200 1355 2245 1060 1006 1890 890 821 1630 770 665 .30 75 2480 1170 1319 2200 1040 975 1890 890 781 1625 765 656 .40 100 2390 1125 1282 2155 1015 940 1885 890 775 1615 760 642 .50 125 2320 1095 1251 2085 985 904 1860 875 758 1605 755 631 .60 150 2205 1040 1210 2020 955 876 1815 855._ 731 1595 750 611 .70 175 2080 980 1161 1935 915 839 1760 830 707 1545 730 588 . .80 200 2010 950 1122 1855 875 810 1690 795 679 1495 705 568 .90 225 1880 885 1071 1755 830 781 1585 745 646 1430 675 545 NOTE - All air data is measured external to unit with 1 in. (25 mm) cleanable fitter (not furnished - held provided) in place. wso see niter Air Kesistance table. • G40UH / Page 14 ► 0 CONDENSING H S26 ENGINEERING DATA ELITE® SERIES 1.5to5Ton SEER -11.70 to 14.20 U�� Cooling Capacity - 18,500 to 60,000 Btuh (5.4 to 17.6 M) Hea®� y duty Bulletin No. 210020 8 L PVC coated oated February 2002 Heavy gauge Fan Guard Supersedes April 2001 LISTED LISTED CUMFICATION APPUES ONLY steel cabinet with WHEN THE COMPLETE powder paint finish SYSTEM Is USrED WrrH AN Timed -Off Control Typical Application HushTone' Cabinet Design reduces operating sound levels Copeland Scroll® Compressor High Pressure Switch Support feet raise unit off ground Low Press Switch Quiet Direct �-- Drive Fan I Lanced ? Aluminum Fins I Copper Tube Outdoor Coil Enhanced PVC Dated Coil Guard Brass Service Valves MODEL NUMBER t 1 H S 26 - 036-1 Y Unit Type Voltage HS = High Side Condensing Unit P = 208230v-1 phase-60hz Series Y = 208230v-3 phase-60hz G = 460v-3 phase-60hz Cooling Capacity Tons (kW) J = 575v-3 phase-60hz 018 = 1.5 (5.3) Minor Revision Number 024 = 2 (7.0) 030 = 2.5 (8.8) 036 = 3 (10.6) 042=3.5(12.3) 048 = 4 (14.1) 060 = 5 (17.6) FEATURES Application - SEER's of up to 14.20. - 1.5 through 5 ton (5.3 through 17.6 kW). - Single and three phase power supply. - Vertical air discharge allows concealment behind shrubs at grade level or out of sight on a roof. - Matching blower powered or add-on furnace evaporator units provide a wide range of cooling capacities and applications. See ARI Ratings table. - Units shipped completely factory assembled, piped and wired. Each unit is test operated at the factory insuring proper operation. - Installer must set condensing unit, connect refrigerant lines and make electrical connections to complete job. Approvals - Certified in accordance with USE certification program which is based on ARI Standard 210/240-94. - Sound rated in Lennox reverberant sound test room in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270-95. - Tested in the Lennox Research Laboratory environmental test room. - Rated according to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedures. - Condensing units and components within bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by UL and CEC. - Units are UL and ULC listed. - Manufactured in accordance with ISO 9002 quality standards. Equipment Warranty - Compressor — limited warranty for ten years in residential applications and five years in non-residential applications. - All other covered components — five years in residential applications and one year in non-residential applications. - Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certificate included with unit for specific details. NOTE - Due to Lennox' ongoing committment to quality, Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without incurring liability. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage or personal injury. Installation and service must he nerrnrmeri by n nii=rnoq a 1 e..--. 1., FEATURES Copeland Scroll" Compressor - Compressor features high efficiency with uniform suction flow, constant discharge flow and high volumetric efficiency and quiet operation. - Compressor consists of two involute spiral scrolls matched together to generate a series of crescent shaped gas pockets between them. During compression, one scroll remains stationary while the other scroll orbits around it. - Gas is drawn into the outer pocket, the pocket is sealed as the scroll rotates. - As the spiral movement continues, gas pockets are pushed to the center of the scrolls. Volume between the pockets is simultaneously reduced. - When pocket reaches the center, gas is now at high pressure and is forced out of a port located in the center of the fixed scrolls. - During compression, several pockets are compressed simultaneously resulting in a smooth continuous compression cycle. - Continuous flank contact, maintained by centrifugal force, minimizes gas leakage and maximizes efficiency. - Scroll compressor is tolerant to the effects of slugging and contaminants. If this occurs, scrolls separate, allowing liquid or contaminants to to be worked toward the center and discharged. - Low gas pulses during compression reduces operational sound levels. - Compressor motor is internally protected from excessive current and temperature. - Compressor is installed in the unit on resilient rubber mounts for vibration free operation. Cabinet - Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet with five station metal wash process. - Powder paint finish provides superior rust and corrosion protection. - Painted base section. - Compressor and control box located in a separate compartment insulated with thick fiberglass insulation. Compartment provides protection from the weather and keeps sound transmission. at a minimum - Control box is conveniently located with' all controls factory wired. - Large removable panel provides service access. - Drainage holes are provided in base section for moisture removal. - High density polyethylene feet raise the unit off of the mounting surface away from damaging moisture. - Non -corrosive PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire condenser coil guard is furnished. Condenser Fan - Direct drive fan moves large air volumes uniformly through entire condenser coil for high refrigerant cooling capacity. - Vertical air discharge minimizes operating sounds and eliminates damage to lawn and shrubs. - Fan motor is inherently protected. - Motor totally enclosed for maximum protection from weather, dust and corrosion. - Rain shield on motor provides additional protection from moisture. Corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire fan guard is furnished as standard: - Fan service access accomplished by removal of fan guard. Copper Tube/Enhanced Fin Coil - Lennox designed and fabricated coil. - Ripple -edged aluminum fins. - Copper tube construction. - Wrap around "U" shaped configuration provides extra large surface area with low air resistance. - Lanced fins provide maximum exposure of fin surface to air stream resulting in excellent heat transfer. - Fin collars grip tubing for maximum contact area. - Flared shoulder tubing connections/silver soldering construction. Coil is factory tested under high pressure to insure leakproof construction. - Entire coil is accessible for cleaning. - PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire coil guard furnished as standard. Hi -Capacity Drier - Traps moisture or dirt that could contaminate refrigerant system. - Furnished as standard for field installation. High Pressure Switch - Shuts off unit if abnormal operating conditions cause the discharge pressure to rise above setting. - Protects compressor from excessive condensing pressure. - Manual reset. Low Pressure Switch - Shuts off unit if suction pressure falls below setting. - Provides loss of charge and freeze-up protection. - Automatic reset. Timed -Off Control - Prevents compressor short -cycling and allows time for suction and discharge pressure to equalize, permitting the compressor to start in an unloaded condition. - Automatic reset control provides a five minute time delay between compressor shutoff and start-up. Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets and Service Valves - Suction and liquid lines are located inside of the cabinet and are made with sweat connections. See dimension drawing. - Fully serviceable brass service valves prevent corrosion and provide access to refrigerant system. Suction valve can be fully shut off, while liquid valve may be front seated to manage refrigerant charge while servicing system. - Suction and liquid line service valves and gauge ports are located inside the cabinet. - Refrigerant line connections and field wiring inlets are located in one central area of the cabinet. See dimension drawing. HS26 / Page 2 jo� • OPTLONAL-°ACCESSO.RIES - MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA_..,. Thermostat - Thermostat is not furnished with the unit and must be ordered extra. - See Thermostats and Controls section and Lennox Price Book. Expansion Valve Kit - Field installed on some matching evaporator units. - See ARI Ratings table. Refrigerant Line Kits Refrigerant lines (suction & liquid) are shipped refrigeration clean. Lines are cleaned, dried, pressurized and sealed at factory. - Suction line fully insulated. - L15 lines are stubbed at both ends. - See Refrigerant Line Kit table for selection. - Kit is not available for HS26-060 model and must be field fabricated. Low Ambient Kit - Condensing units will operate satisfactorily down to 45°F (7°C) outdoor air temperature without any additional controls. - Kit LB-57113BC (24H77) can be added in the field enabling unit to operate properly down to 30°F (-1 aC). Mounting Base - Provides permanent foundation for condensing units. - High density polyethylene structural material is lightweight, sturdy, sound absorbing and will withstand the rigors of the sun, heat, cold, moisture, oil and refrigerant. Will not mildew or rot. - Can be shipped singly or in packages of 6 to a carton. - HS26-018 model uses MB2-S (69J06), 22-1/4 x 22-1/4 x 3 in. (565 x 565 x 76 mm), shipping weight 6 lbs. (3 kg) each. - HS26-024 thru -060 models use MB2-L (69J07), 32 x 34 x 3 in. (813 x 864 x 76 mm), shipping weight 15 lbs. (7 kg) each. FIELD WIRING r•.DISCONNECT:1 r'' * -,, r DISCONNECTs1 `SwiT:CH•,'':y' THERMOSTAT; SWITCH' x (By:Others)' ?i _I L (OPtional) A - Two or Three Wire Power (not furnished) B - Two or Three Wire Power (not furnished) - See Electrical Data C - Two Wire Low Voltage (not furnished) -18 ga. minimum D - Four Wire Low Voltage (not furnished) - 18 ga. minimum All wiring must conform to NEC or CEC and local electrical codes. \I SPECIFICATIONS General Model No. HS26-018 HS26-024 HS26-030 HS26-036 HS26-042 HS26-048 HS26-060 Data Nominal Tonnage 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 Connections Liquid line (o.d.) - in. (mm) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) (sweat) Suction line (o.d.) - in. (mm) 5/8(16) 3/4(19) 3/4(19) 3/4(19) 7/8(22.2) 7/8(22.2) 1.1/8 (28.6) Refrigerant 'HCFC -22 charge 3 lbs. 14 oz. 3 lbs. 14 oz. 4 lbs. 14 oz. 5 lbs. 10 oz. 6 lbs. 8 oz. 7 lbs. 2 oz. 10 lbs. 5 oz. furnished (1.76 kg) (1.75 kg) (2.21 kg) (2.55 kg) (2.95 kg) (3.23 kg) (4.68 kg) Condenser Net face area Outer coil 11.9(l.11) 11.9(l.11) 16.0 (1.59) 16.0 (1.59) 16.0 (1.59) 18.2(l.69) 21.6 (2.01) Coil - sq. ft. (m2) Inner coil 5.5 (0.51) 5.5 (0.51) 5.6 (0.52) 13.3(l.24) 13.3 (1.24) 13.3(l.24) 20.8(l.93) Tube diameter - in. (mm) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) Number of rows 1.48 1.48 1.36 1.86 1.86 1.75 2 Fins per inch (m) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) Condenser Diameter - in. (mm) 20 (508) 20 (508) 24 (610) 24 (610) 24 (610) 24 (610) 24 (610) Fan Number of blades 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 Motor hp (W) - 208/230v 1/10(75) 1/6(124) 1/6(124) 1/6(124) 1/6(124) 1/4(187) 1/4(187) 460v 1/4(124) 1/4(124) 1/4(187) 1/4(187) Cfm (L/s) - 208/230v 2500 (1180) 2450 (1155) 3150 (1485) 3150 (1485) 3000 (1415) 3900 (1840) 4200 (1980) 460v 3900(1840) 3900(1840) 3900(1840) 4200(1980) Rpm 825 825 825 825 825 820 820 Watts - 208/230v 160 210 225 225 230 310 350 460v 310 310 310 350 Shipping Data (1 package) lbs. (kg) 177 (80) 1 185(84)- 192 (87) 221 (100) 231 (105) 274 (124) 308 (140) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES - MUST. BE ORDERED EXTRA - Low Ambient Kit LB-57113BC LB-57113BC LB-57113BC LB-57113BC LB-57113BC LB-57113BC LB-57113BC (241-177) (24H77) (24H77) (241-177) (241-177) (241-177) (24H77) Mounting Base - Net Weight MB2-S MB2-L MB2-L MB2-L MB2-L MB2-L MB2-L (69.106) (69.107) (69.107) (69.107) (69.107) (69.107) (69.107) 6 lbs. (3 kg) '15 lbs. (7 kg) 15 lbs. (7 kg) 15 lbs. (7 kg) 15 lbs. (7 kg) 15 lbs. (7 kg) 15 lbs. (7 kg) HS26 / Pace 3 ► El n A neral Model No. HS26-018 HS26-024 HS26-030 7Size*ARI Cooling Capacity Efficiency Total HS26-036 Number Unit Btuh kW SEER EER Watts ta Line voltage data - 60hz Up -Flow 208/230v-1 ph 208/230v-1ph 208/230v-1ph 208/230v-1ph 1740 208/230v-3ph 460v-3ph 26K34 (LB -85663J) ;ompressor Rec. maximum size (amps) 15 20 30 1740 35 20 (74 dB) 10 *Minimum circuit ampacity 13 14 18 21.3 19,000 14 12.10 7.5 1740 Rated load amps 8.4 10.3 13.5 16.0 10.3 10.90 1740 5.1 26K34 (LB -85663J) Locked rotor amps 47 56 72.5 10.95 88 77 26K34 (LB -85663J) 39 5.6 12.20 Power factor 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 19,300 0.82 12.30 11.05 0.82 Condenser Full load amps 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1750 lIC26-31 1.1 Fan Motor Locked rotor amps 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 26K34 (LB -85663J) 18,500 2.0 11.85 *Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. CR26-18N-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) Down -Flow Coils 19,700 NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. 11.25 1750 CR26-30N-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 20,400 6.0 13.00 11.55 1765 CR26-36NfW-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 18,500 5.4 11.80 General Model No. HS26-042 HS26-048 Horizontal Coils HS26-060 5.4 11.80 Data Line voltage data - 60hz 208/230v-1 ph 208/230v-3ph 460v-3ph 208/230v-1 ph 208/230v-3ph 460v-3ph 208/230v-1 ph 208/230v-3ph 460v-3ph 12.00 Rec. maximum size (amps) 40 25 10 45 30 15 60 40 5.5 20 10.75 *Minimum circuit ampacity 23.6 16.4 8.3 31.4 18.6 10.4 37.7 23.5 12.60 12.4 Compressor Rated load amps 18.0 12.5 5.6 23.7 13.5 7.4 28.8 17.4 9.0 Locked rotor amps 104 88 44 129 120 49.5 169 123 62 13.00 Power factor -0.94 0.82 0.82 .97 .87 .87 .97 .85 .85 Condenser Full load amps 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.1 Fan Motor. Locked rotor amps 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.1 3.1 2.2 3.1 3.1 2.2 *Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. Standard 210/240 Ratings odel No. 7Size*ARI Cooling Capacity Efficiency Total Number Unit Btuh kW SEER EER Watts Indoor Unit Model No. -Expansion Valve Kit Up -Flow 18,900 5.5 12.10 10.85 1740 C33 -18A 26K34 (LB -85663J) Coils 18,900 5.5 12.10 10.85 1740 C26-21 *Factory Installed (74 dB) 19,000 5.6 12.10 10.90 1740 C33-24A/B 261<34 (LB -85663J) 19,000 5.6 12.10 10.90 1740 C23-26 26K34 (LB -85663J) 19,100 5.6 12.20 10.95 1740 C33-30A/B 26K34 (LB -85663J) 19,100 5.6 12.20 10.95 1740 C23-31 261<34 (LB -85663J) 19,300 5.7 12.30 11.05 1745 C26-26 •Factory Installed 20,000 5.9 13.00 11.40 1750 lIC26-31 •Factory Installed 20,000 5.9 13.00 11.40 1750 C33-38A/B 26K34 (LB -85663J) 18,500 5.4 11.85 10.65 1735 CR26-18N-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) Down -Flow Coils 19,700 5.8 12.55 11.25 1750 CR26-30N-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 20,400 6.0 13.00 11.55 1765 CR26-36NfW-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 18,500 5.4 11.80 10.65 1735 CH33-18A-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) Horizontal Coils 18,500 5.4 11.80 10.65 1735 CH23-21 26K34 (LB -85663J) 18,700 5.5 12.00 10.75 1740 CH33-24/30A-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 18,700 5.5 12.00 10.75 1740 CH23-31 26K34 (LB -05663J) 19,600 5.7 12.60 11.15 1760 CH33-36A/B-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 19,600 5.7 12.60 11.15 1760 CH23-41 26K34 (LB -85663J) 20,200 5.9 13.00 11.45 1765 CH33-44/486-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) 20,2005.9 13.00 11.45 1765 CH23-51 26K34 (LB 85663J) 18,900 5.5 12.15 10.90 1735 CB29M-21/26 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed Blower Coil Units 20,200 5.9 12.85 11.55 1750 C630M-21/26 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 20,200 5.9 12.85 11.55 1750 C830U-21/26 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 20,800 6.1 13.35 12.00 1735 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) .Factory Installed 20,800 6.1 13.35 12.00 1735 CB30U-31 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 19,000 1 5.6 12.00 1 10.70 1775 1 ®CVP10-26/EC10C3 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed rvu i c - maungs Tor an cas cons mcwae oom cases ano uncasea cous. ertified in accordance with USE certification program which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95*F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80*F (27°C) db / 67*F (19°C) wb entering porator air with 20 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. ound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. *Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. •Fumished as standard with coil. QQ Most popular evaporator coil. ®Canada Only HS26 / Page 4 VA Outdoor Unit Model No. *ARI Standard 210/240 Ratings Unit Size Cooling Capacity Efficiency Total 'Sound Rating Number Btuh kW SEER I EER Unit Watts Indoor Unit Model No. "Expansion Valve Kit HS26-024 Up -Flow 22,600 6.6 12.10 10.70 2115 C26-21 *FactoryInstalled 2 Ton Coils (74 dB) 23,400 6.9 12.10 10.75 2180 C33-24A/B 26K34 (LB -85663J) 23,400 6.9 12.10 10.75 2180 C23-26 261<34 (LB -85663J) 23,800 7.0 12.25 10.90 2185 C33-30A/B 26K34 (LB -85663J) 23,800 7.0 12.25 10.90 2185 C23-31 26K34 (LB -85663J) 24,000 7.0 12.35 11.00 2185 C33-36A/B/C 26K34 (LB -85663J) 24,000 7.0 12.35 11.00 2185 C23-41 26K34 (LB -85663J) 24,000 7.0 12.35 11.00 2185 C26-26 •Factory Installed 25,200 7.4 12.85 11.40 2205 C26-31 *Factory Installed 25,200 7.4 13.10 11.40 2205 C33-38A/B 26K34 (LB -85663J) 25,200 7.4 13.10 11.40 2205 I)C26-41 *Factory Installed Down -Flow 22,200 6.5 11.70 10.40 2135 CR26-18N-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) Coils 24,400 7.1 12.60 11.15 2190 CR26-30N-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 25,000 7.3 13.00 11.40 2190 CR26-36N/W-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) Horizontal 22,400 6.6 11.80 10.50 2135 CH23-21 26K34 (LB -85663J) Coils 23,200 6.8 12.00 10.65 2180 CH33-24/30A-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 23,200 6.8 12.00 10.65 2180 CH23-31 26K34 (LB -85663J) 24,200 7.1 12.55 11.00 2200 CH33-36A/B/C-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 24,200 7.1 12.55 11.00 2200 CH23-41 26K34 (LB -85663J) 25,200 7.4 13.00 11.40 2210 CH33-44/486-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 25,200 7.4 13.00 11.40 2210 CH23-51 26K34 (LB -85663J) Blower Coil 23,000 6.7 12.05 10.75 2145 C1329M-21/26 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed Units 23,600 6.9 12.20 10.85 2175 C629M-31 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 24,800 7.3 12.80 11.30 2190 CB30M-21/26 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 24,800 7.3 12.80 11.30 2190 C6301-1-21/26 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 25,600 7.5 13.55 12.10 2115 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 25,600 7.5 13.55 12.10 2115 CB30U-31 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 25,800 7.6 14.00 12.50 2060 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 23,200 6.8 11.85 10.55 2195 ®CVP10-26/EC10Q3 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed HS26-030 Up -Flow 28,200 8.3 12.15 10.65 2645 C23-26 26K34 (LB -85663J) 2.5 Ton Coils (76 dB) 29,400 8.6 12.50 10.90 2695 C26-26 *Factory Installed 29,400 8.6 12.50 10.90 2695 C33-30A/B 261<34 (LB -85663J) 29,400 8.6 12.40 10.85 2710 C23-31 26K34 (LB -85663J). 29,600 8.7 12.50 10.90 2715 C33-36A/B/C 26K34 (LB -85663J) 29,600 8.7 12.50 10.90 2715 C23-41 26K34 (LB -85663,J) 31,000 9.1 13.05 11.35 2725 C26-31 *Factory Installed 31,200 9.1 13.15 11.45 2725 C33 -38A/13 26K34 (LB -85663J) 31,200 9.1 13.15 11.45 2725 EIC26-41 •Factory Installed 31,600 9.3 13.10 1 11.40 2770 C26-46 *Factory Installed Down -Flow 30,400 8.9 12.80 11.20 2715 CR26-30N-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) Coils 31,200 9.1 13.05 11.45 2725 CR26-36N/W-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 31,200 9.1 13.00 11.30 2765 CR26-48N/W-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) Horizontal 28,600 8.4 12.05 10.55 2705 CH23-21 26K34 (LB -85663J) Coils 29,000 8.5 12.20 10.70 2705 CH33-24/30A-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 29,000 8.5 12.20 10.70 2705 CH23-31 26K34 (LB -85663J) 30,200 8.8 12.75 11.10 2720 CH33-36A/B/C-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 30,200 8.8 12.75 11.10 2720 CH23-41 26K34 (LB -85663J) Blower Coil 27,600 8.1 11.75 10.30 2675 CB29M-21/26 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed Units 29,200 8.6 12.40 10.90 2685 C1329M-31 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 29,800 8.7 12.50 10.90 2730 C829M-41(Multi-Position) *Factory Installed 30,200 8.8 12.95 11.30 2670 CB30M-21/26 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 30,200 8.8 12.95 11.30 2670 C630U-21/26 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 31,600 9.3 13.70 12.00 2630 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 31,600 9.3 13.70 12.00 2630 C830U-31 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 31,600 9.3 13.50 11.80 2675 C830M-41 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 31,600 9.3 13.50 11.80 2675 C6301-1-41/46 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 32,000 9.4 13.60 11.90 2685 C630M-46 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 32,000 9.4 14.05 12.45 2575 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 29,600 8.7 12.40 10.85 2730 p2 CVP10-31/EC10Q3 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed NOTF - Ratin fn .II r11 ...,iii ;....i 30,000 a., ti�.. 8.8- 12_65 11.00 2730 1 ®CVP1041/EC10Q3 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed *Certified in accordance with USE certcationprogram which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95°F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80°F (27°C) db / 67°F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 20 ft. (6.1 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. 'Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. - "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. •Fumished as standard with coil. ❑Q Most popular evaporator coil. ®Canada Only MRSA / pnnc S h, ,o,,, ..... ,a„.„� c ivtcy�, ao r tap t,i uutuuur air temperature, nu -r (2/-C) db / 67°F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 20 ft. (6.1 m) of connecting re ngerant lines. NOTE - Ratings for all C33 coils include both cased and uncased coils. Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARr Standard 270. "'Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. *Furnished as standard with coil. QQ Most popular evaporator coil. ®Canada Only HS26 / Page 6 Pop, tdoor Unit Model No. *ARI Standard 210/240 Ratings Size Cooling Capacity Efficiency Total ;Unit ound Rating Number Btuh kW SEER EER Unit Watts Indoor Unit Model No. '*Ex ansion Valve Kit 26-036 Up -Flow 33,400 9.8 12.35 10.75 3110 C23-31 26K34 (LB -85663J) on Coils 34,600 10.1 12.50 10.85 3190 C33-36A/B/C 26K34 (LB -85663J) dB) 34,600 10.1 12.50 10.85 3190 C2341 261<34 (LB -85663J) 35,000 10.3 13.10 11.30 3100 C26-31 *Factory Installed 35,000 10.3 12.80 11.10 3160 C33 -42B 261<34 (LB -85663J) 35,000 10.3 12.80 11.10 3160 C23-46 261<34 (LB -85663J) 36,000 10.5 13.20 11.35 3165 C33-38A/B 26K34 (LB -85663J) 36,000 10.5 13.20 11.35 3165 t❑C26-41 *Factory Installed 36,200 10.6 13.15 11.45 3165 C33 -44C 261<34 (LB -85663J) 36,200 10.6 13.15 11.45 3165 C26-46 •Factory Installed 36,400 10.7 13.30 11.50 3170 C33 -48C 26K34 (LB -85663J) 36,400 10.7 13.30 11.50 3170 C23-51 261<34 (LB -85663J) 37,000 10.8 13.45 11.65 3170 C33 -50/60C 26K34 (LB -85663J) 37,000 10.8 13.45 11.65 3170 C26-51/65 *Factory Installed 37,200 10.9 13.50 1 11.70 3175 C23-51/65 261<34 (LB -85663J) Down -Flow 34,400 10.1 12.80 11.10 3095 CR26-30N-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) Coils 36,000 10.5 13.10 11.35 3165 CR26-36N/W-F 26K34 (LB -85663J) 35,600 10.4 13.00 11.25 3165 CR26-48N/W-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) Horizontal 33,000 9.7 12.25 10.60 3110 CH23-31 26K34 (1_13-85663J) Coils 35,200 10.3 12.85 11.15 3160 CH33-36A/B/C-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) 35,200 10.3 12.85 11.15 3160 CH23-41 26K34 (LB -85663J) 36,200 10.6 13.20 11.45 3165 CH33-48C-F 261<34 (LB -85663J) 36,200 10.6 13.20 11.45 3165 CH23-51 261<34 (LB -85663J) a Blower Coil 33,000 9.7 12.20 10.60 3105 CB29M-31 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed Units 34,400 10.1 12.50 10.80 3185 CB29M-41 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 35,600 10.4 13.50 11.70 3045 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 35,600 10.4 13.50 11.70 3045 C630U-31 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 36,000 10.5 13.10 11.40 3165 CB29M-46 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 36,400 10.7 13.50 11.65 3125 CB30M-41 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 36,400 10.7 13.50 11.65 3125 CB30U-41/46 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 37,000 10.8 14.00 12.20 3040 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 36,600 10.7 13.80 11.95 3065 CB30M-46 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 35,000 1 10.3 12.70 1 11.00 3180 ®CVP10-41/EC10Q3 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 26-042 Up -Flow 39,000 11.4 12.15 10.55 3695 C23-41 261<35 (LB -85663K) .5 Ton Coils 40,500 11.9 12.45 10.75 3775 C33 -42B 26K35 (LB -85663K) (76 dB) 40,500 11.9 12.45 10.75 3775 C2346 261<35 (LB -85663K) 42,000 12.3 12.75 11.00 3810 C26-41 •Factory Installed 42,000 12.3 12.70. 11.05., 3805 C33 -44C 261<35 (LB -85663K).. 42,000 12.3 12.70 11.05 3805 C23-51 26K35 (LB -85663K) 42,000 12.3 12.80 11.00 3810 C26-46 *Factory Installed 43,000 12.6 13.15 11.25 3820 C33-48B/C 261<35 (LB -85663K) 43,000 12.6 13.15 11.25 3820 1❑C26-51/65 •Factory Installed 43,500 12.7 13.20 11.35 3830 C33 -50/60C 26K35 (LB -85663K) 43,500 12.7 13.20 11.35 3830 C23-51/65 26K35 (LB -85663K) 44,000 12.9 13.30 1 11.50 3835 C26-65EAP •Factory Installed Down -Flow 40,500 11.9 12.75 10.90 3720 CR26-36N/W-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Coils 42,000 12.3 12.75 11.05 3810 CR26-48NMl-F 261<35 (LB -85663K) 43,500 12.7 13.10 11.35 3825 CR26-60NM-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Horizontal 40,500 11.9 12.60 10.85 3735 CH23-41 26K35 (LB -85663K) Coils 40,500 11.9 12.60 10.85 3735 CH33-42B-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) 42,500 12.5 12.85 11.15 3810 CH33-48C-F 261<35 (LB -85663K) 42,500 12.5 12.85 11.15 3810 CH23-51 261<35 (LB -85663K) 43,000 12.6 13.00 11.25 3820 CH23-65 26K35 (LB -85663K) 44,000 12.9 13.25 11.50 3835 CH33-50/60C-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) 44,000 12.9 13.25 11.50 3835 CH23-68 26K35 (LB -85663K) Blower Coil 40,000 11.7 12.10 10.50 3805 CB29M-41 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed Units 42,000 12.3 12.80 11.05 3795 C829M-46 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 42,000 12.3 12.50 10.75 3915 CB29M-51 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 42,000 12.3 13.25 11.35 3710 CB30M-41 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 42,500 12.5 13.30 11.45 3710 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 42,500 12.5 13.30 11.45 3710 C630M-46 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 42,500 12.5 13.30 11.45 3710 CB30U-41/46 (Up -Flow) .Factory Installed 43,500 12.7 13.50 11.65 3735 CB30M-51 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 43,500 12.7 13.50 11.65 3735 C830U-51 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 44,000 12.9 13.55 11.65 3775 CB30M-65 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 44,000 12.9 13.55 11.65 3775 CB30U-65 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 44,000 12.9 14.00 12.10 3635 C631MV-51 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 44,500 13.0 14.20 12.20 3640 CB31MV-65 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 41,500 1 12.2 12.65 1 10.95 1 3790 1 ®CVP10-46/EC10Q4 (Up -Flow) eFactory Installed ,o,,, ..... ,a„.„� c ivtcy�, ao r tap t,i uutuuur air temperature, nu -r (2/-C) db / 67°F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 20 ft. (6.1 m) of connecting re ngerant lines. NOTE - Ratings for all C33 coils include both cased and uncased coils. Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARr Standard 270. "'Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. *Furnished as standard with coil. QQ Most popular evaporator coil. ®Canada Only HS26 / Page 6 Pop, 10, COS II IUI UUC UULII U bJ U di IU UI IUd5t:U (:0115. icCertified in accordance with USE certification program which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95°F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80°F (27°C) db / 671F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 20 ft. (6.1 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. 'Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. •Furnished as standard with coil. pp Most popular evaporator coil. MCanada Only HS26 / Facie 7 ► Outdoor Unit Model No. *ARI Standard 210/240 Ratings Unit Size Cooling Capacity Efficiency Total *Sound Rating Number Btuh kW SEER EER Unit Watts Indoor Unit Model No. **Ex ansion Valve Kit HS26-048 - Up -Flow 45,500 13.3 12.00 10.40 4365 C23-46 26K35 (LB -85663K) 4 Ton Coils 45,500 13.3 12.20 10.60 4300 C26-41. •Factory Installed (76 dB) 47,500 13.9 12.50 10.65 4450 C33 -44C 26K35 (LB -85663K) 47,500 13.9 12.50 10.65 4450 C26-46 •Factory Installed 47,500 13.9 12.50 10.65 4455 C33 -486/C 26K35 (LB -85663K) 47,500 13.9 12.50 10.65 4455 C23-51 26K35 (LB -85663K) 49,000 14.4 13.00 10.95 4475 C33 -50/60C 26K35 (LB -85663K) 49,000 14.4 13.00 10.95 4475 C23-51/65 26K35 (LB -85663K) 49,000 14.4 13.00 10.95 4475 C26-51/65 •Factory Installed 50,000 14.7 13.10 11.10 4500 C33 -62D 26K35 (LB -85663K) 50,000 14.7 13.10 11.10 4500 EC26-65FAP •Factory Installed Down -Flow 47,000 13.8 12.50 10.55 4450 CR26-48NNV-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Coils 48,500 14.2 13.00 11.00 4415 CR26-60NNV-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Horizontal 47,500 13.9 12.50 10.70 4445 CH33-48C-F 26K35 (L9785663K) Coils 47,500 13.9 12.50 10.70 4445 CH23-51 26K35 (LB -85663K) 48,000 14.1 12.60 10.75 4455 CH33-60D-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) 48,000 14.1 12.60 10.75 4455 CH23-65 26K35 (LB -85663K) 50,000, 14.7 13.10 11.10 4505 CH33-50/60C-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) 50,000 14.7 13.10 11.10 4505 CH23-68 26K35 (LB -85663K) Blower Coil 46,500 13.6 12.50 10.95 4245 CB30M-41 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed Units 46,500 13.6 12.50 10.90 4270 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 46,500 13.6 12.20 10.30 4505 C1329M-46 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 47,000 13.8 12.50 10.85 4330 C630M-46 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 47,000 13.8 12.50 10.85 4330 CB30U-41/46 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 47,000 13.8 12.00 10.20 4600 CB29M-51 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 47,500 13.9 12.30 10.55 4500 C1329M-65 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 49,000 14.4 13.00 11.10 4405 CB30M-51 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 49,000 14.4 13.00 11.10 4405 C1330U-51 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 49,000 14.4 13.50 11.35 4310 CB31 MV -51 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 49,000 14.4 13.00 11.15 4400 CB30M-65 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 49,000- 14.4 13.00 11.15 4400 CB30U-65 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 49,500 14.5 13.50 11.45 4325 CB31MV-65 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 46,000 13.5 12.50 10.60 4330 0CVP10-51/EC10Q4 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 47,500 13.9 12.25 10.40 4565 ©CVP10-65/EC10Q5 (Up -Flow) . *Factory Installed HS26-060 Up -Flow 55,500 16.3 12.15 10.45 5300 C26-46 *Factory Installed 5 Ton Coils (76 dB) 56,000 16.4 12.20 10.50 5330 C23-51 26K35 (LB -85663K) 57,000 16.7 12.40 10.60 5370 C33 -50/60C 26K35 (LB -85663K) 57,000 16.7 12.40 10.60 5370 C26-51/65 *Factory Installed 58,500 17.1 12.30 10.65 5505 C23-51/65 26K35 (LB -85663K) 58,500 17.1 12.30. 10.65 5505 C33 -60D 26K35 (LB -85663K) 60,000 17.6 13.00 11.00 5455 C33 -62D 26K35 (LB -85663K) 60,000 17.6 13.00 11.00 5455 EIC26-65EAP *Factory Installed Down -Flow 54,500--- 16.0 12.00 10.30 5295 CR26-48NNV-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Coils 56,500 16.6 12.40 10.60 5330 CR26-60N/W-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Horizontal 156,500 16.6 12.20 10.45 5410 CH33-50/60C-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) Coils 56,500 16.6 12.20 10.45 5410 CH23-51 26K35 (LB -85663K) 57,000 16.7 12.30 10.55 5410 CH33-60D-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) 57,000 16.7 12.30 10.55 5410 CH23-65 26K35 (LB -85663K) 60,000 17.6 13.00 11.00 5455 CH33-62D-F 26K35 (LB -85663K) 60,000 17.6 13.00 1 11.00 5455 CH23-68 26K35 (LB -85663K) Blower Coil 55,500 16.3 11.75 10.15 5475 CB29M-51 (Multi -Position) Factory Installed Units 56,000 16.4 12.05 10.40 5390 CB29M-65 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 57,500 16.9 12.65 10.85 5290 CB30M-51 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 57,500 16.9 12.65 10.85 5290 C1330U-51 (Up -Flow) •Factory Installed 57,500 16.9 13.00 11.10 5170 CB31 MV -51 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 60,000 17.6 13.00 11.10 5410 CB30M-65 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 60,000 17.6 13.00 11.10 5410 C630U-65 (Up -Flow) *Factory Installed 60,000 17.6 13.30 11.40 5260 CB31MV-65 (Multi -Position) *Factory Installed 56,000 16.4 12.30 10.50 5345 T1CVP10-65/EC10Q5 (Up -Flow) 1 •Factory Installed COS II IUI UUC UULII U bJ U di IU UI IUd5t:U (:0115. icCertified in accordance with USE certification program which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95°F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80°F (27°C) db / 671F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 20 ft. (6.1 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. 'Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. •Furnished as standard with coil. pp Most popular evaporator coil. MCanada Only HS26 / Facie 7 ► 1LLATION'CLEARANCES^,-`IN. (MM) 'J v•I L15-65-30 30 9 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 r//////// � HS26-042 L15-65-40 40 12 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 HS26-048 *One side of unit may bye 12 in. (305 mm) L15-65-50 50 15 3/8 9.57/8 22.2 ' One of the remaining sides may be 6 in. (152 mm) HS26-060 Field Fabricate 3/8 9.5 1-1/8 22.2 NOTE - 48 in (1219 mm) clearance required on top of unit NOTE - 24 in. (610 mm ) required between two units -DIMENSIONS-- INCHES'll(MMY INLET AIR INLET '. COMPRESSOR , i AIR . , INLETQ' AIR ELECTRICAL TOP VIEW ' B •` INLETS C Rs - SUCTION LINE DISCHARGE =* AIR # 4 INLET - �< 4-1/2(114) I, r y a. ns r w LIQUID ' LINE INLET e 1. 3-1/8 3-1/ 3-1/8 2-3/4 70 74�T (79) � (79) I� (79) ( ) 4 — • F 4 1-3/8 (102) (102) 6-1116 H G H (35) E (154) ACCESS VIEW SIDE VIEW - Model No. A B C D E F Length of Liquid Suction Condensing Line Suction & Line Line Unit Set Liquid Lines (o. d.) (o.d.) Model No. Model No. mm 708 657 759 318 ft. m in.. mm in. mm 46 L15-26-20 20 6 3/8 9.5 5/8 15.9 26-5/8 L15-26-25 25 8 3/8 9.5 5/8 15.9- HS26-018 HS26-042 L15-26-35 35 11 3/8 9.5 5/8 15.9 702 L15-26-50 50 15 3/8 9.5 ' 5/8 15.9 14 L15-41-20 20 : 6 3/8 9.5 3/4 19 HS26-024 L15-41-30 30 9 3/8 9.5 3/4 19 HS26-030 - in. 40-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 20 26-5/8 HS26-036 1-15-41-40 40 12 3/8 9.5 3/4 19 865 L15-41-50 50 15 3/8 9.5 3/4 19 1LLATION'CLEARANCES^,-`IN. (MM) 'J v•I L15-65-30 30 9 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 r//////// � HS26-042 L15-65-40 40 12 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 HS26-048 *One side of unit may bye 12 in. (305 mm) L15-65-50 50 15 3/8 9.57/8 22.2 ' One of the remaining sides may be 6 in. (152 mm) HS26-060 Field Fabricate 3/8 9.5 1-1/8 22.2 NOTE - 48 in (1219 mm) clearance required on top of unit NOTE - 24 in. (610 mm ) required between two units -DIMENSIONS-- INCHES'll(MMY INLET AIR INLET '. COMPRESSOR , i AIR . , INLETQ' AIR ELECTRICAL TOP VIEW ' B •` INLETS C Rs - SUCTION LINE DISCHARGE =* AIR # 4 INLET - �< 4-1/2(114) I, r y a. ns r w LIQUID ' LINE INLET e 1. 3-1/8 3-1/ 3-1/8 2-3/4 70 74�T (79) � (79) I� (79) ( ) 4 — • F 4 1-3/8 (102) (102) 6-1116 H G H (35) E (154) ACCESS VIEW SIDE VIEW - Model No. A B C D E F G H 1 J HS26-018 in. 27-7/8 25-7/8 29-7/8 .12-1/2 22-7/16 14-7/16 2.2-1/4 1-13/16 6-7/16 HS26-024 mm 708 657 759 318 570 367 565 46 164 S26-030 in. 30-7/8 32-1/8' 34-1/16 13 26-5/8 18-5/8 27-5/8 2-1/4 9-1/8 S26-036 HS26-042 mm 784 816 865. 330676 4 473 702 57 232 HS26-048 in. 34-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 14 26-5/8 18-5/8 27-5/8 2-1/4 9-1/8 mm 886 816 865 356 676 473 702 57 232 in. 40-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 20 26-5/8 18-5/8 27-5/8 2-1/4 9-1/8 HS26-060 mm 1038 816 865 508 676 473 702 57 232 HS26 / Page 8 jo- & 'L/JA THERMOSTATS I EuIIetin =210126 t�lovember 1996 Supersedes �a?,C053 September 1953 INNOVATOR"" PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS. L21 SERIES 24 HOUR THERMOSTATS For Conventional Heating/Cooling Systems Only (Non -Heat Pump Systems) L21 SERIES 7 DAY THERMOSTATS For Conventional Heating/Cooling Systems Only (Non -Heat Pump Systems) Model No. Description Catalog No. Model No. Description Catalog No. L211201CS ......... 1 Heat/1Cool 24 Hour ........ 691-125 L211407CS .......... 1 Heat/1Cool 7 -Day ......... 751-119 L212201CS ......... 1 Heat/2 Cool 24 Hour ........ 691-126 L212407CS .......... 1 Heat/2 Cool 7 -Day ......... 751-12O A2000 -ROS ..... Outdoor Temperature Sensor .... 691-127 A2000 -ROS ..... Outdoor Temperature Sensor .... 691-127 •Automatic Or Manual Changeover *Built-in Time Delays • Large Easy -to -read LCD Readout *Actual Time And Temperature in 'F or 'C for alternating inside and outside temperature readout (with optional outdoor temperature sensor) •Two Stage Cooling Model features low or high speed cooling operation indicators *Check Filter Indicator flashes at preset interval *System Selector Switch (Off -Heat -Cool -Auto) *Fan Switch (On -Auto) *Indicator Lights (",amber" light indicates system operating, "Green" light indicates night period energy savings) •Solid-state Electronic Technology eliminates battery back-up and maintains thermostat settings during powerfailure for up to 24 hours *Two Separate (Day & Night) time and temperature settings per day *individual Slide Switches set day and night heat and cool temperatures and nighttime beginning and ending time periods • "Cancel Night" button overrides night temperature settings • "+" and "-" buttons set time of day •Pressing front cover reviews thermostat settings Optional Outdoor Temperature Sensor A2000 -80S With optional sensor, thermostat will give a readout of present,out- door temperature and lowest and highest outdoor temperatures of the day and times at which they occurred. See next page. (`TOTE — Specifications. Ratings and Dimensions subiect to change withow notice. *Full Independent Seven-day Programming *AutomaticOr Manual Changeover *Built-in Time Delays *Large Easy -to -read LCD Readout *Actual Time And Temperature in 'F or 'C for alternating inside and outside temperature readout (with optional outdoor temperature sensor) •Two Stage Cooling Model features low or high speed cooling operation indicator •Check Filter Indicator flashes at preset interval •System Selector Switch (Off -Heat -Cool -Auto) *Fan Switch (On -Auto) •Indicator Lights show "Amber" indicating system is operating in manual mode or (flashing) 3 hour override, "Green" light indicates system demand •Solid-state Electronic Technology eliminates battery back-up and maintains thermostat settings during power failure for up to 24 hours *Four Separate lime And Temperature Settings Per Day •Individual Slide Switches set time begin and meat and cool temperatures • "+" and "-" buttons set time of day • "Day" button sets day of week and reviews daily programs *"Review" button displays programmed time period setpoints • "Manual" button allows manual control of temperature • "Clear" button erases programmed setpoints when re -programming • "Enter" button enters time of day and temperature setpoints into memory • Monitors compressor run times and heating times in hours and cycles • Pressing front cover reviews thermostat settings Optional Outdoor Temperature Sensor A2000 -80S With optional sensor, thermostat will give a readout of present out- door temperature and lowest and highest outdoor temperatures of the day and times at which,they occurred See next page. 1996 Lennox Industries Inc.