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1 r 4 JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES seld.Hrnson en JN CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Per T. Lin 647 N. Main Street • Suite 4-B Riverside • CA • 92501 • (909) 686-5122 • FAX (909) 686-6752 Lonnie P. Mount Steen T. Thomsen Los ANGELES RIVERSIDE IRVINE lacksonK.Wu August 18, 1999 J & N Job No. 24-201 James Cioffi Architect 2121 E. Tahquitz Canyon* Way Suite_3 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Attn: James Cioffi Project: Kaplan Residence Talking Rock Turn The Traditions Country Club La Quinta, CA. Subject: Limited Structural Observation k , Dear Sirs, On various days throughout construction, a representative of our firm visited the site and performed walk.through observations of the above referenced project. We reviewed the foundation anchorage and framing -for -conformity to the approved plans. Structural deficiencies were brought to the attention of the contractor and were resolved. Based upon our observations at the site, it is, the opinion of Johnson -& Nielsen Associates, that the structure is in general conformance with the approved plans. If you have further questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Joseph R. Venuti, P.E. Project Engineer QRp 'ESS1pN P MOG� h `9 N0: 3834 2 Fn w UP:3-31- �� EAWPOOMMISCURSLLI WSTRU.DOC JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CarlB. Johnson Svend H. Nielsen JN CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Per IRon Wen Y. Lim 647 N. Main Street • Suite 4-B Riverside • CA • 92501 • (909) 686-51.22 • FAXI(909) Lonnie P. Mount909) 686-6752 Steen T. Thomsen Los ANGELES RIVQPS�0F �_� �?k.9QNS.TA IRVINE Jackson K. Wu DEC 14 RECD I3lJIL09i�u1 rii��,Y December 11, 1998 J & N Job No. 24-201 City -of -La 'Quinta ., 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Department of Building and Safety Re: Kaplan Residence Lot 45; Talking Rock Turn La Quinta; CA Subject: Truss Calcs Dear Sirs, We have been provided with Truss Calcs by Trus Joist MacMillan to be used for referenced project. We have reviewed calcs and find them to be in agreement with the design intent for this project. Sincerely, Lonnie Mount, S.E. Vice President C: \ W PD005\M1SC LTR5\24-201 TR.CTY NJOHNSON & N I ELSEN . ASSOCIATES Carl B. ;.N;�e� , CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS We�.Yo� '. 641 Louise Drive Suite 15 • Palm Springs • CA • 92262 (760) 322-0583 • FAX (760) 322-0593: Lonnie F Mount Steen T. Thomsen LOS ANGELES • RIVERSIDE • IRVINE • PALM -SPRINGS lecksonK.Wu February 25, '1999 James Cioffi Architect 2121. E: Tahquitz Canyon Way Suite 3 Palm Springs, CA 92262 J & N Job No. 24-201 Attn: James Cioffi Project: "Kaplan Residence Lot 45; Talking Rock Turn The Traditions Country Club La Quinta, CA.". Subject: Review of Plan' Revisions Dear Mr. Cioffi We have received the latest revisions to the above referenced project. New beams have -been. placed on plans and a shear wall has been shortened by one foot. The new beams have spans and loading similar to or, less than that of..exisiting beams.. These minor alterations do not effect the results derived;'from the structural calculations. Based upon our review of the Plans no additional. Structural Engineering Analysis needed to be performed. The calculations as previously submitted. are correct and current for this project. If you have any questions, please contact. the undersigned. Sincerely, JOHNSON & NIEL EN ASSOCIATES JosHphR�enuti, P.E. Projneer' - C M&N-0F-I %1ETTERS@4-201 kREVISION. WPD John Hacker & Associates AA 7K SCPWATIC CROSS SEC �^ I A virm raR . ,�■ �oia row MR. St MRS. Me KAPLAN wr • N mmm GOOV4 u awry, eaaawaw� 5' Conc w/ #4 @ 6.in o/c -- 6C'7 * 66�� r5 • 1.25 . 2 5 ciw e akar ror m Iml DESIGN SUMMARY Total Bearing Load JOHN_H HACKER PE1 5,005 lbs Summary of Stem Section Designs.... Title DR. MILLIGAN = 68487 HWY 1 11 Soil Pressure @ Toe = Job # RANCHO MDsgnr: JOHN H HDate: AUG 4,1999 SUITE 44 578 < = Description.... ACI Factored Press @ Toe CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIF 92234 67 psf ACI Factored Press @ Heel = (760) 3240-0216L Footing Shear @ Toe = 18.0 < = 93.1 psi Footing Shear @ Heel = CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN Page r of 2 GENERAL J rSOIL DATA ' Retained Height = 3.50 ft Allow Soil Bearing = 1,333.Opsf Wall height above retained soil = 0.50 ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 : 1 Active Soil Pressure - Heel Side = 30.0 psf Height of Soil over Toe = 3.00 in Active Soil Pressure - Toe Side = 30.0 pcf Passive Pressure = 300:0 pcf Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Water table height over heel = 3.5 ft FOOTING DATA SLIDING DATA Toe Width = 6.00 ft Friction Factor @ Footing & Soil 0.400 Heel Width = 10.00 ....neglect ht. for passive = 4.00in Total Footing Width 1E.00 Footing Thickness = 6.00 in Lateral Sliding Force = 612.1 less Passive Pressure Force = - 7.3 lbs KEY DATA less Friction Force _ _ - 2,002.0 lbs Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Added Restraint Force Required = 0.0 lbs Width = 0.00 in Depth = 0.00 in ADDED LATERAL LOAD ON STEM ADJACENT FOOTING DATA Lateral Load= s Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lbs ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft Footing Width = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Wind on Stem = 20.Opsf Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall = 0.0 ft FOOTING DESIGN RESULTS Vc = 3,000 psi .,..,.Minimum Footing Rebar Options...... Fy = 60,000 psi Minimum As % 0.0000 Toe Side...... Heel Side.... Rebar Cover @ Top = 2.00 in # 4.@ 25.00 in # 4 @ 25.00 in Rebar Cover @ Bottom = . 2.00 in # 5 @ 38.75 in # 5 @ 38.75 in #6@48.25 in #6@48.25 in' Toe Heel # 7 @ 48.25 in # 7 @ 48.25 in ACI Factored Soil Pressure = 67 809 psf # 8 @ 48.25 in # 8 @ 48.25 in Mu' : From Upward Loads = 0 0 ft-# # 9 @ 48.25 in # 9 @ 48.25 in Mu' : From Downward Loads = 0 0 ft-# # 10 @ 48.25 in # 10 @ 48.25 in Mu: Used For Design = 1,119 1,119 ft-# Key Reinforcement: Not Req'd = Mu<S'Fr Actual One-Way Shear = 18.02 12.48 psi Allowable One-Way Shear 93.1 1' 93.11 psi DESIGN SUMMARY Total Bearing Load = 5,005 lbs Summary of Stem Section Designs.... ...resultant ecc. = 27.14 in Top: 6 in Conc, #4@ 6.00 in@Cntr, From 4.0 ft to 0.2 ft Soil Pressure @ Toe = 48 <= 1,333 psf Soil Pressure @ Heel = 578 < = 1,333 psf ACI Factored Press @ Toe = 67 psf ACI Factored Press @ Heel = 809 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 18.0 < = 93.1 psi Footing Shear @ Heel = 12.5 < = 93.1 psi WALL STABILITY RATIOS Overturning Stability Ratio = 61.67 Sliding Ratio Ratio = 3.26 RetainPro V4.Oa (c) 1989-96 ENERCALC JOHN,H HACKER PE\ Title DR. MILLIGAN 68487 HWY 111 Job # : RANCHO MDsgnr: JOHN H HDate:AUG 4,1999 SUITE 44 Description.... CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIF 92234 POOL (76013240-0216 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN Paye 2 of SUMMARY OF OVERTURNING & RESISTING FORCES & MOMENTS ...:OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 603.1 1.33 804.1 Soil Over Heel 3,657.5 11.25 41,146.9 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Toe Active Pressure = -0.9 0.08 -0.1 Soil Over Toe -165.0 3.00 -495.0 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 312.5 6.25 1,953.1 Earth @Stem Transitions = a Footing Weight = 1,200.0 --8.00 9,599.9 Key Weight = Vert. Component = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = 10.0 4.25 42.5 TOTALS = 612.1 O.T.M.' = 846.5 5,005.0 R. M. = 52,204.9 Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure Toe Surcharge Used To Resist Overturning Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 61.67 Heel Surcharge Used To Resist Overturning STEM CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN Top Stem Stem OK Design at this height above ftg = ' 0.1 7ft Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete Not Used Thickness = 6.00 in 8.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 6.00 in Rebar Placed at = Cente Design Data fb/FB + .fa/Fa = 0.239 Total Force @ Section = 878.4lbs lbs Moment.... Actual = 1,119.5 ft-# Moment..... Allowable = . .4,692.Oft-# Shear..... Actual = 24.40 lbs - Shear..... Allowable = 93.11 psi Bar Embed ABOVE Ht #####.##in 20.psf Bar Embed BELOW Ht. = 6.00in Wall Weight = 75.0psf Rebar Depth 'd' = 3.00 in Masonry Data = . f' m27 Fs _ Solid Grouting = Pp=-7.2�Si7# 47.535psf 603.( Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = 578.09psf Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Concrete Data Vc = 3,000 psi 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi . 60,000 psi RetainPro V4.Oa (c) 1989-96 ENERCALC 6x6 RIS BOLTED TO BEAM hxro HDR BOLTED TO RAFT EA END — 6r,6 f?R A 24"or- I I . rox6 KING PO5T 6x12 BEAM Iii rox6 RR . 14 I` L x� �D OUT co Cp�,jN PS pEFt �ORAFT EA roxro RR BOLA cr BEAM PARTIAL FfRlAm IG, A CUOTON NORE • THS TRADITM IF01b MR.. R. Mm KAPLAN LOT a 48 TRACT 28470-2 LA STA, CALRIOMM G 1/4"=1'-0 JAMES C I O FFI ' ARCHITECT A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION n 2121 nw� t rz i567 FAX >�r�ez SM s � Ta�+foHE �eQ-�- FAX 7e0--327-rt1 wo DAM ✓ IL" JO® !qi 980ILl SHEET 1 or vagell 12 �1=4fRT 1,4L, 5E CT I ON A CUBTON K=M O TM TRAM= FOS MR. & MRS, M. KAPLAN LOT • TRACT 864T" CALF mu 1/411^11_/1111 -6x12 BEAM 6xr, RR s 24"oc 6x6 POST JAMES CIOFFI'rARCHITECT A O A L I F O c0 R► O R A T 1 011 212l SUM 3 r1 22282 la E "m 77�� 7 -x214 M%W-. 8.18.90 JO® N0:9s08.1 SHEET 2 01 1199TS z ry 3, 25" 1 -NK STEEL PLA'T'E BG PAKET o ° HOLES FOR 3/4"DIA M.B. (2) TO BEAM ° 8 (2) TO RAFT 6 `S 12 TYP SPAGED 5HT'G 6xro RAFT UJ/ 4-3/4" DIA — M.B. S THRU EXISTING BM 6 x6 HDR d STEEL BRACKETS BOLTED TO FRAFT EA END - , It[i� A CUBT00 HOME a TIS TRAMT10H MM MR. & MRS■ Me KAPLAN Uff a" -TMCT MN -2 U QWUA. C DAM, 8.1099 J09 "m 0000.1 JAMES C 10 FFI ARCHITECT S H E E T A O A L 1► O R R$ A O O R ,F O NATI ON C 212MAY 92M 3 1 3 �� ToEplom 76m-aw-i F11X 700-327-9214 or $69910 TYP RAFT TAILS TYP CLAY TILE ROOF 6x12 B/S BM 6x6 POST ' G1-14MFERE r I=AfRT I AL ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0 A CUlT N H0= o 7M TWAUMN FOR, MR, a ■ API WT a 4r3 TMOr M70-2 LA STA. Om" O lE:.., 8.18.9! job ft NMI JAMES C I O FFI ARCHITECT A O.A L 1 1 0 0 p 1 A 0 0 0 I 0 N A T 1 0 2121 LCANYON WAY -�St M 3 Fkr\\ MMJOI 7W-, Z0 Illy -3 U-8214 � J SHEET 01 >I�l�T>I e r TYP RAFT TAILS TYP CLAY TILE ROOF 6x12 B/S BM 6x6 POST ' G1-14MFERE r I=AfRT I AL ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0 A CUlT N H0= o 7M TWAUMN FOR, MR, a ■ API WT a 4r3 TMOr M70-2 LA STA. Om" O lE:.., 8.18.9! job ft NMI JAMES C I O FFI ARCHITECT A O.A L 1 1 0 0 p 1 A 0 0 0 I 0 N A T 1 0 2121 LCANYON WAY -�St M 3 Fkr\\ MMJOI 7W-, Z0 Illy -3 U-8214 � J SHEET 01 >I�l�T>I 1 PARTIAL F®®F PLAN 114"=V-011 JAMES CI O FFI ARCHITECT C A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 2121 LTNgIpgM�TpZgCIhMWAY -SMs FMACAUFOOM R2212 r� h1EpHoW 77A0-325-1 7W-3327-8214 DATE -c, t 5.18 9a J08 H0: 8805.1 SHEET 5 of sogavo _ STOOLS TO DE VERIFIED W/ TO c;ON RA T R PRIOR Z--- �l 8 DN l2 � U . L'I f=AfRT I AL FOUNLD AT I Oil A CUBTON HOW s TM TRADII WN RIM MR. & MRS. I M. KAPL AN LOT • 40 TRA`T X490.4 LA MITA. OA1.2FOmu 1/411=1'-O" JAMES C 14 FFI ARCHITECT C A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 4SUITE 3 Alm Fkm\ �,�I�7-0214 DAM LIL94 " JO® 1'10: >➢80d.1 SHEET 6 r COL. SEE PLAN- I.- 1 1" THICK x 11" x 1" 'PL. I_ I W/4-1" DIA. BOLTS . 3/817 I 4-1" DIA. A.B. W/DBL. NUTS I 1 FOR LEVELING BASE PLATE FIN. FL.--- L . 313 TIES - - 4-#5 EA. WAY V& 12 12' r� V - -#3 TIES ` - 4-#5 EA. WAY 3„ A CWTM HOW TIS TRAMW TRAMF®10. Re MRS. M. KAPLAN LAT. o 48 TRACT 1 "M-2 LA, STA, CALAFOMM we 8.18.89 im P9p: 9=1 JAMES C I O FFI ARCHITECT " A Y A I. 1/ O R p I A Y 0 R p 0 R A T11 0 R X121 E NAX SUIE 3- .. 1Et 9%7- 214 0 ► >f 11 i r • -6x (o POST f - EMBEDED IN TUBE 2-3/4" DIA. M.B.'S. N — — CID .�–TS 6x6,x1/4 x x x QIf III W d W 4 -ILL -L -SEE A ammm mm.o Tm TRADTim For. .S. M. KAPLAN LOT • 45 TRACT 0+070-8 LA GU TTA. CALWORMA o . 8.1 8.80 ice to'�608.t JAMES C 10 FFI ARCHITECT s F1 E E T NA 0 A 1. I O IR R 1 A 0 0 R 1 0 R A T r 0 R 2121E T CAt1YWi WAY - ppSppiJ��1fE 3 �, 7CAUFORM ��J27-8214 o ► s n i ITS Johnson & Nielsen Associates SveNiend1{°°�°n Per T. Ron Consulting Structural Engineers Wen Y. Lin 647 North Main Street • Suite 4-13 • Riverside • CA • 92501 • (909) 686-5122 `• FAX (909) 686-6752 Lonnie P. MountFAX ' Los Angeles' • Riverside . Irvine Jackson teen T Wuen Structural Calculations for Kaplan Residence Patio Lot No. 45, Tract 28470-2 78-651 Talkl g TiuTurn it La Quinta, CA J&N Job #R24-214 October 2001 - 5 �`� uea James Cioffi Architect CITY O LA QUINTA J BUILDING A/� �j ® e P T� R O V E �OQPOF FOR CONSTRUCT N wv N0.3834. m t2 EXP.3-31-2004 x DA FE H B gy u'� PAr d' 9UCTUP �Q Table of Contents: Page Number Design Criteria Title page: T1 Code: 1997 Uniform Building Code STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: WIND: Roof Framing 1 Plywood Diaphragm with 70 M.P.1-1. Lateral Analysis 2 thru 3 Plywood shear walls; R= 5 Exposure "C" & Foundations Seismic Zone 4; Z= 0.4 ;qtr , BEAMS New Patio Beam JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Patio beaml Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 11-2-98 Span = 13.00 ft. Job # 24-214 104 sq. ft. mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. 647 North Main St. Suite 4B L.L. = 20.0 psf > > 78-651 Talking Rock Turn: The Tradition 3380 by JV 1352 4394 Extra = 20 #/ft > > Riverside, California 92501 423 La Ouinta. CA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date 10/11/2001 2522 8197 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 James Cioffi Architect Sheet ( of > ver. 3-28-99 Machine: Palm Springs Retrieve/Save drive = C: work dir = > wk4 Filespec: CAJ&NCALC\WORK\24-214\VERT.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec =. .24-214 vert -loads Loadings 8-1-00 Vertocal Flat Roof Flat Roof Sloped Roof Sloped Roof Sloped Roof Sloped Roof Floor Floor RF1 Roofing/flooring 6.0 psf RF2 0.0 psf RF3 RF4 16.0 psf 14.0 psf RF5 16.0 psf RF6 16.0 psf FLt 10.0 psf FL2 0.0 Sheathing 1.8 0.0 1.8 2.2 1.8 3.0 145.0 0.0 Rafters/Beams . 3.5 0.0 3.5 3.8 2.8 4.0 0.0 0.0 Ceiling 2.8 Misc. 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 1.9 0.0 1.4 0.0 5.0 0.0 Dead Load 17.0 psf-rfldl 0.0 psf-rf2dl 26.0'psf-rf3dl 20.0 psf-fl2dl 22.0 psf-rfIdl 23.0 psf-rf2dl 160.0 psf-fl 1dl 0.0 Live Load 20.0 psf-rf111 0.0 psf-rf211 20.0 psf-rf311 20.0 psf-f1211 20.0 psf-rf111 20.0 psf-rf2ll 40.0 psf-fl111 0.0 BEAMS New Patio Beam sawnpro size grade area sect beaml Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 11-2-98 Span = 13.00 ft. T.A. = 104 sq. ft. mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. L.L. = 20.0 psf > > 1040 3380 D. L. = 26.0 psf > > 1352 4394 Extra = 20 #/ft > > 130 423 (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Totals > 2522 8197 >,> sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > Try» 6x12#1 (df#1) 63.25 121.23 697.1 5.50 11.50 1350 675 CID) = 1.00 fvh = 51 psi fb 811 psi pa= 0 psi Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1350 psi Pa = 2608.5 psi Deflections > > LL = 0.09 in.. = L / 1692 combined stress Number of DL = " 0.13 in. = L / 1187 0.601 % pieces 1 TL = 0.22 in. = L / 698 USE 6x12#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 0.73 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Patio 647 North Main St. Suite 4B Job_ # 24-214 78-651 Talkine Rock Turn: The Tradition by JV Riverside, California 92501 La Ouinta. CA Date 10/11/2001 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 James Cioffi Architect ` Sheet Z of 3 > ver. 11-13-00 Retrieve/Save drive =_= W-== work dir= 24-214 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\24-214\POLE&FTG.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = ccolftgl - V 0.204 x Area x weight Area = 42 feet x 8 feet 336 sq. ft. weight 18 psf Therefore: V = 1234 lbs. 4 Columns P = 67.9 lbs./col. Grid Una Patio Column cant -col Cantilevered Column Design Wind input Wind Load 36 sq. ft. V wind= 625 # x ht 5000 ft. # 8.00 ft Speed 70 mph -- 12.6 psf m Applied Load 1 679 Lbs. x Height 8.00 ft. = 5429 ft. # Ht. 10.00 Applied Load 2 0 Lbs. x Height 7.00 ft. = 1 ft. # Exposure[BCD) C -- Ce = 1.06 Column width = 2 ft. V col = 278 # x ht 1 1 1 1 ft. # Pressure % = 1.3 - Cq -====== = = = = = _===Importance = 1.0 V total 956 OTM= 6541 Gross Pressure = 17.4 psf Leeward pressure = 6.7 psf Center or pressure = OTM/ V total = 6.84 ft. Windward pressure = 10.7 psf = Upward pressure 9.3 psf Cantilevered steel column - Cant (ft. 1 2 Cant = 8 7.00 React. Momn't. Delta size Fy area Sxx I xx r xx S yy lyy r yy VI = 679 # 679 5429 ' 0.408 Try > > TS5x5x 42 4.59 6.8 16.9 16.90, 6.8 16.9 1.92 V 2 = 0 # > - 0 1 0.000 CID) = 1.33 K = 2.1 fb= 24.3 ksi pa= 0.1 ksi 0.009 Extra = 278 #/ft > > 278 1111 0.063 Axis = xx Fb = 33.5 ksi Pa = 6.3 ksi 0.725 = = = = ---- ---- -- = = = = - = = = _ = Deflections > > V 1 0.41 in. = L/ 235 combined stress Axial = 250 # 957 6541 0.471 < totals V 2 0.00 in. = L / • • • • •• 0.734 OK Extra . 0.06 in. = L/ 1531 Total = 0.47 in. = L/ 204 USE TS5x5x0.25 Fy = 42 ksi Base plate welding fb = 24.3 ksi = 6.1 kips / inch weld on 1 sides = 6.1 kips / inch / side ( tubes and pipes and only be fillet welded on 1 side 1 - Fy ( base metal 36 ksi Fy (filler ) = 60 ksi fillet sizes capacity = filler base min. Partial penetration - 45 degree ( t - 1/8 ) 3/16 = 0.19 2.4 2.7 2.4 No Good 2.7 Need thicker wall/flan e 1/4 = 0.25 3.2 3.6 3.2 too big 5/16 = 0.31 4.0 4.5 4.0 too big 3/8 = 0.38 4.8 5.4 4.8 too big wswu Base Plate mm Axial load= 0.3 kips Material properties: - Max. concrete bearing stress: 12.11.98 O.T.M.= 6.5 k -ft. Fy= 36 ksi d+l fbrg.= 0.0017 ksi <Fbrg.O.K' Reaction= 9.9 kips F'c= 2000 psi d+l+s fbrg.= 0.276 ksi <1.33Fbrg. O.K Baseplate dimensions Allowable stresses: Max. plate bending stress: Width= 12 in. Fb= 27 ksi fb= 0.2269 ksi <Fb O.K length= 12 in. F'brg.= 600 psi fb= 19.874 ksi <1.33FbO.K thk.= 0.75 in. Spit= : 1.125 in'3 bolt edge dist. = 2 in. col. widt 5 USE:j 0.75 in. thick Baseplate 12 wide 12 Iona bolt spacing= 8 in. enbotc Anchor bolts (Empirical) mm Bolt forces: Special inspection = N F'c = 2000 psi 12/11198 Shear= 679 # Duration factor= 1.33 Edge distance= 6 in. O.K. Tension 4969 # Try: 1 in. dia. bolt Bolt Spacing= 7 < min.for fulll value No. of bolts resisting force Allow. shear= 1900 # Min. Edge Dist. = 3 in. Shear= 4 Allow. Tension= 3791 # Min. Spacing= 6 in. Tension 2 Check Combined Tension & Shear: design force= (Ps/Pt)'5/3+(Vs/Vt)'5/3 0.0403 <1.00 O.K. Shear= 169.7 # Tension 2484 # Use: 1 in. dia. boles Anchor bolts (Ultimate) Bolt forces on entrire group: Try: 1 in. dia. bolts Ab= 0.606 in -2 Shear= 679 # 12 in. embedment As= 200 in -2 Tension 4969 # phi = 0.65 ' At= 0 No. of bolts resisting force Pu= 13912 # Pss= 32724 # Shear= 4 PC= 25044 # - Tension 2 Vu= 1900.6 # Vss= 27270 # Design force for each bolt = " VC= 40442 # Shear= ' 169.7 kips Tension 2484 kips Check Combined Tension & Shear: . fc= 2000 psi 1 /phi '(Pu/Pc)= 0.8546 <1.00O.K. 1 /phi •I(Pu/P0 2+(Vu/Vc) 21= 0.4747 <1.00O.K. fs= 60000 psi 1/phi•(Vu/Vc)= 0.0181 <1.000.K. (Pu/Pss) 2+(Vu/Vss)-2= 0.0003 <1.00O.K. Special Inspection? (Y,N) N Edge Dist. = 6 in. Use: 1 in. die. bolts w/ 12 in. embedment Total number of bars = 12 Bar number = 6 Num. of bars in tension = 6 Use 2.50 ft. Diameter x 5.75 ft. deep footing 12 - #6 vertical bars and # 3 ties @ 1 2" JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Patio Job # 24-214 As = '2.64 sq. in. 647 North Main St. Suite 4B 78-651 Talking Rock Tum: The Tradition by JV Overturning moment M = Riverside, California 92501 La Ouinta, CA Area of steel req. As = Date 10/11/2001 • Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 James Ctoffi Architect Sheet 3 of %j > ver. I1-13-00 rEEq5 Retrieve/Save drive - W: work dir = 24-214 > vvk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\24-214\POLE&FTG.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = ccolftgl Grid Line A & D As = 1.55 sq. in. Constrained UBC POLE FOOTING Circular poleftg Shear 1, P = Shear 2, P = 679 # h1 F 8-50-1 ft. # h2 1 7.00 ft. Shear calculations: V 1 = 678.7 # Moment calculations: x ht 1 5429.5 ft. # 0 Extra W = 278 # h2 1 4.00 ft. V2 = 0.1 # x ht 2 0.7 ft. # Circular Footing (Dia.) 2.50 ft. Extra = 277.8 # x ht 1/2 1111.2 ft. # Square Footing (Dim.) 4.00 ft. All. tat. soil bear. Fsoil = 150.0 psf V total 678.8:# OTM = 5430.2 ft. # Depth of embedment d = ft. (estimated) 12' max. Unconstrained d = A/2s(1+(1+4.36ih/A)"0.5) Constrained d"2 = (4.25*P*h)/(S3*b) Circular Square Circular Square Footing Diameter 2.50 ft. 2.50 ft. t Square Footing Diagional 5.66 ft. 5.66 ft. Footing. Depth 5.75 ft. 4.25 ft. 4.00 ft. 3.00 ft. All. soil bear. pros. S1 = 287.5 212.5 = (Fsoil)•d/3 S3 = 600 450 = (Fsoil)•d A = (2.34•P)/(S1 •b) 2.210 1.321' Circular Footing d = 5.63 ft. (calculated) O.K. d = 3.92 ft. (calculated) O.K. Square Footing d = 4.12 ft. (calculated) O.K. d = 3.01 ft. (calculated) O.K. Unconstrained Circular Overturning moment M = 5854 ft. # = OTM+Vtotalsd/4 Area of steel req. As = 1.626 sq. in. = M/(1.44•d)- ti Total number of bars = 12 Bar number = 6 Num. of bars in tension = 6 Use 2.50 ft. Diameter x 5.75 ft. deep footing 12 - #6 vertical bars and # 3 ties @ 1 2" Actual area of steel = 2.64 sq. in. O.K. with 3 - #3 ties at 3"o.c. at anchor bolts As = '2.64 sq. in. Square Overturning moment M = 6390 ft. # = OTM+Vtotal•d/4 Area of steel req. As = 0.784 sq. in. = M/(1.44•d) - Total number of bars Bar number = rEEq5 Num. of bars in tension = Use 4.00 ft. square x 4.25 ft. deep footing with 5 - #5 bars each, way top & bottom Actual area of steel = 1.55 sq. in. O.K. with 3 - #3 ties at 3"o.c. at anchor bolts As = 1.55 sq. in. Constrained Circular Overturning moment M = 5854 ft. # = OTM+Vtotal•d/4 Area of steel req. As = 1.626 sq. in. = M/(1.44•d) ' Total number of bars = - Bar number = 5 Num. of be in tension = 6 Use 2.50 ft. Diameter x 4.00 ft. deep footing 6 - #5 vertical bars and # 3 ties @ 12 " Actual area of steel = 1.86 sq. in. O.K. with 3 - #3 ties at 3"o.c. at anchor bolts (As = 1.86 sq. in.). Square Overturning moment M = 5430 ft. # = OTM+Vtotal*d/4 ' Area of steel req. As = 0.667 sq. in. = M/(1.44•d) Total number of bars Bar number = rEEA3 Num. of bars in tension = Use 4 ft. square x 3.00 ft. deep footing with 3 - #5 bars each way top & bottom Actual area of steel = 0.93 sq. in. O.K. with 3 - #3 ties at 3"o.c. at anchor bolts (As = 0.93 u in.) r - Johnson & Nielsen Associates e �ndH.hnson . Nielsen Consulting Structural Engineers Wen Y. Lin 647 North Main Street • Suite 4-B • Riverside • CA • 92501 • (909) 686-5122 • FAX (909) 686-6752 Lonnie P. Mount Steen T Thomsen Los Angeles • Riverside • Irvine Jackson K. Wu Structural Calculations For A CUSTOM RESIDENCE FOR MR. & MRS. M.KAPLAN LOT #45, TRACT 28470-2 ' LA QUINTA,CALIF. • JAMES CIOFFI ARCHITECT 2121 E. TAHQUITZ CANYON WAY- SUITE 3 PALM SPRINGS, CALIF .92262 P-FEssloNq� 'pmote F2G,2 3 tg),3g34 ap: 3.31-200 . * �,l QQ �Q• sS+jq RU C���pQ� , FOF CPQ f - Contents Page .Framing Y F1 thru F22 - Columns C1 thru C3 Foundation FN1,ttiru FN4 Lateral L1 thru ,J2-�L-3:5 " Key Plan K1 thru K2 i, .i CA.%VPWIMWPDOCSUN lPG32.WPD • October 16. 1998 • R -Wan 2.0 iS " JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES . CUSTOM HOME FOR MR: & MRS. KAPLAN Job # 25-643 ;P 647 North Main St. Suite 4B JAMES CIOFFI - ARCHITECT by MDF Riverside, California 92501, Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet Ft of > ver: 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir - 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25=643\25-643F1.WK4 filespec = 25-643f loading FLAT ROOF TILE ROOF Roof loading input Roof loading' input Roofing 5 psf Roofing 15 psf sht'g 1.5 sht'g 1.5 Rafters/Beams 4 Rafters/Beams 4 clg 3 clg 3 misc 1.5 misc 1.5 Dead Load 15 psf Dead Load ' 25 psf Live Load 20 psf Live Load 16 psf RR1 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 15.00 ft. T.A. = 19.95 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 1.33 ft. . React. Momn't. Try > > 2x12#2 (df #2) 16.88 31.64 178.0 1.50 11.25 875 575 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 159.6 598.5 CID) 1.25 fvh = 32 psi fb 582'psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 249.38 935.16 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 2343.8 psi -.. Extra = 0 #/ft > > - 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.09 in. = L / 2115 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.13 in. = L / 1353 0.532 % Totals > 408.98 1533.7 pieces 1 TL = 0.22 in. = L / 825 USE 2x12#2 (df #2) mina bearing= 0.44 inches RR2 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. T.A. = 11.97 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 1.33 ft. React. Momn't. Try >> 2x12#2 (df'#2) 16.88 31.64 178.0 1.50 11.25 875 575 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 95.76 215.46 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 17 psi fb 209 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 149.63 336.66Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 6510.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 9790 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 6266 0.191 % Totals > 245.39 552.12 pieces 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L / 3821 USE 2x12#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.26 inches RR3 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. 'T.A. = 11.97 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 1.33 ft. React.. Momn't. Try > > 2x12#2 (df #2) 16.88 31.64 178.0 1.50 11.25 875 575 L.L. = 16.0 psf->> 95.76 215.46 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 17 psi fb 209 psi pa= - 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 149.63 336.66 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 6510.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 9790 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 6266 0.191 % Totals > 245.39 552.12 pieces. 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L / 3821 RR4 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. T.A. = 11.97 sq. ft. mount trib = 1.33 ft. React. Momn't. L.L. = 16.0 psf > > 95.76 215.46 D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 149.63 336.66 Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > > LL = Totals > 245.39 552.12 USE 2x12#2 •(df #2) min. bearing= 0.26 inches r > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i _ Ft > Try > > 2x8#2 (df #2) - 10.88 13.14 47.6 . 1.50 7.25 1050 690 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 29 psi fb 504 psi pa= 0 psi Ch = 1.25 Fvh 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa = 2703.8 psi Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 2620 combined stress Number DL = 0.06 in. = L / 1677 0.384 % pieces 1 TL = 0.11 in. = L / 1023 USE 2x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.26 inches JOB. NO. JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES 'D�4ME5 UOQ/ BY mAo CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 DATE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SHS OF t 110 vsF- _ 55124" ¢.r¢�B,Z �R ZXI71 Morax, -5�a- VMAX > r7 4-- JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CUSTOM HOME FOR MR. & MRS..KAPLAN .: Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B JAMES'CIOFFI - ARCHITECT by MDF Riverside, California 92501. Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet F3 of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY " • work dir = 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F2.WK4 filespec = 25-6431` loading FLAT ROOF TILE ROOF Roof loading input Roof loading input Roofing 5 psf • Roofing 15 psf sht'g 1.5 sht'g 1.5 Rafters/Beams 4 Rafters/Beams 4 clg 3 clg 3 misc 1.5 misc 1.5 Dead Load 15 'psf Dead Load 25 psf Live Load 20 psf Live Load 16 psf RB1 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 14.00 ft. T.A. = 126 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x14#1 (df #1) 46.38 102.41 678.5 3.50 13.25 1000 608 L.L. _ •16.0 psf > > 1008 3528 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 70 psi fb 1059' psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 1575 5512.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1250 psi Pa= 3965.5 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.11 in. = L / 1557 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.17 in. = L / 996 0.847 % Totals > 2583 9040.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.28 in..-= L / 608 USE 4x14#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 1.18 inches RB2 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel = 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. T.A. = 63 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade - area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 111.1 3.50 7.25 =1050 690 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 504 882 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 63 psi fb 885 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 787.5 1378.1 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa= 4469.6 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 1920 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.07. in. = L / 1229 0.674 % Totals > 1291.5 2260.1 . pieces 1 TL = 0.11 in. = L / 749 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.59 inches RB3 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: "sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.00 ft. T.A. = 40 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 4.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x14#2 (df #2) 46.38 102.41 678.5 3.50 13.25 875 518 , L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 320 800 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 78 psi fb 907 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 500 1250 Ch = 1.25 Fvh, = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 7315.1 psi Extra = 455 #/ft > > 2275 5687.5 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 9046 combined stress (dead line load) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.12 in. = L / 1043 0.829 % Totals > 3095 7737.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.13 in. = L / 935 USE 4x14#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 1.41 inches RB5 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn - >-> options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 4.00 ft.' T.A. --, 40 so. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 10.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x6#2 (df #2) 19.25 17.65 48.5 3.50 5.50 1138 748 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 400 400 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 42 psi fb 476 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf >> 300 300 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1422 psi Pa = 7877.6 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 3235 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.01 in. = L / 4313 0.335 % Totals > 700 700 pieces 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L / 1.849 USE 4x6#2 Of #2) min. bearing= 0.32 inches RB6 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel - 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. T.A. = 63 sq. ft.. sawnpro ' size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 111.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 504 1134 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 66 psi fb 1137 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 787.5 1771.9 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa= 2703.8 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.09 in. = L / 1162 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0:15 in. = L / 743 0.866 % Totals > 1291.5 2905.9 pieces 1 TL = 0.24 in. = L / 453 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.59 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CUSTOM HOME FOR MR. & MRS..KAPLAN .: Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B JAMES CIOFFI - ARCHITECT by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet F4- of - > ver. ---- ---- 11/9/97-•. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Machine:SPANKY ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- - work dir = - - '25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F2.WK4 filespec = 25-643f RB7 Beam - two uniform loads seperated by a point load sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. a 2.5 ft. v=0 2.5 ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > Mount loads > wt P w2 Try > > 4x6#2 . (df #2) 19.25 17.65 48.5 3.50 5.50 1138 748 L.L. = 100.0 100 100 #/ft or # CID) = 1.25 fvh = 36 psi fb 459 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 50.0 200 50 #/ft or # Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1422 psi Pa= 5041.7 psi R1 Momn't. R2 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L / 2510 combined stress L.L. = 300 437.5 300 # or ft.# Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 2906 0.323 % D.L. = 225 406.25 225 # or ft.# pieces 1 TL = 0.04 in. = L / 1347 Totals 525 843.75 525 # or ft.# USE 4x6#2 (df.#2) min. bearing= 0.10 inches R88 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T.A. = 96 sq. ft sawnpro size grade area sect" Inertia width depth Fb'> i Ft > mount trib = 16.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 1 1 1.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 960 1440 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 93 psi fb 1162 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf >> 720 1080 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb' 1313 psi Pa= 6083.6 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 300 450 Deflections > > LL = 0.05 in. = L / 1372 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.06 in. = L / 1291 0.886 % Totals > 1980 2970 pieces 1 TL = 0.11 in. = L / 665 USE • 4x8#2 ' (df #2) min. bearing= 0.91 inches RB10 Uniformly loaded simple span joist; rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. T.A. =. 14 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 2.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try >.> 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 111.1 3.50 " 7.25 1050 690 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 140 245 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 29 psi fb 408 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf > > 105 183.75 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa = 4469.6 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 350 612.5 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 6913 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.04 in. = L / 2127 0.310 % Totals > 595 1041.3 pieces 1 TL = 0.05 in. = L / 1627 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.27 inches RB11 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 12.00 ft. T.A. = 96 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x10#2 (df #2) 32.38 49.91 230.8 3.50 9.25 963 633 L.L. = 10.0 psf >> 480 1440 .' CID) _' 1.25 fvh = 51 psi fb 909 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 10.0 psf > > 480 1440 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1203 psi Pa = 2475.8 psi Extra = 50 #/ft > > 300 900 Deflections > > LL = 0.10 in. = L / 1425 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.16 in. = L /• 877 0.755 % Totals > 1260 3780 pieces 1 TL = 0.27 in. = L / 543 USE 4x10#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.58 inches . RB12 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam .> > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.50 ft. T'.A: = 63 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth ' ' Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 6.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try >> 4x10#2 (df #2) 32.38 49.91 230.8 3.50 9.25 963 633 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 504 1323 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 51 psi fb 815 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 787.5 2067.2 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1203 psi Pa= 3233.7 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > O 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.07 in. = L / 1773 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.11 in. = L / 1134 0.677 % Totals > 1291.5 3390.2 pieces 1 TL = 0.18 in. = L / 692 USE 4x10#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.59 inches RB13 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 14.00 ft. T.A. = 91 sq. ft. sawnpro • size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 6.50 ft. React. Momn't. Try >> 6x10#2 (df #2) 52.25 82.73 393.0 5.50 9.50 875 425 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 728 2548 C(D) _ 1.25 fvh = 47 psi fb 947 psi pa= - 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 1137.5 3981.3 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 1558.8 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.18 in. = L / ' 955 combined stress (dead line load) ` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0:27 in. = L / 611 0.866 % Totals > 1865.5 6529.3 pieces 1 TL = 0.45 in. = L / 373 USE 6x10#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.54 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CUSTOM HOME FOR MR. & MRS.'KAPLAN .: Job # 25-643 North Main St. Suite 4B JAMES CIOFFI -ARCHITECT by MDF Ift647 Riverside; California 92501 Date 10/09/98 - Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir = 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F2.WK4 filespec = 25-643f RB15 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.00 ft. T.A. = 35 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 3.50 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 111.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L.L. = 10.0 psf > > 175. 437.5 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 18 psi fb 342 psi pa = 0 psi D.L. = 10.0 psf >> 175 437.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa= 2190.1 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 2710 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ = = _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.04 in. = L / 2710 0.261 % Totals > 350 875 pieces 1• TL = 0.09 in. = L / 1355 USE 4x8#2 . (df #2) min. bearing= 0.16 inches RB16 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. T.A. = 45.5 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia' width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 6.50 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 111.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L.L. = 16.0 psf » 364 637 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 46 psi fb 639 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >.> 568.75 995.31 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa=` 4469.6 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.03 in. = L / 2659 combined stress (dead line load) . _ _ _ _ _ = = = = = Number DL = 0.05 in. = L / 1702 0.487 % Totals > 932.75 1632.3 pieces 1 TL = 0.08 in.,- L / 1038 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.43 inches RB17. Uniformly- loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel* 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. T.A. = 24.5 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 3.50 ft. React. . Momn't. Try > > 4x6#2 (df #2) 19.25 17:65 48.5 3.50 5.50 -1138 748 L.L. = 10.0 psf >> 122.5 214.38 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 17 psi fb 292 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 10.0 psf > > 122.5 214.38 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119, psi Fb 1422 psi Pa = 2572.3 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L / 3449 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 3449 0.205 % Totals > 245 428.75 pieces 1 TL = 0.05 in. = L / 1725 USE 4x6#2 (df #21 min. bearing= 0.11 inches RB18 Beam - two uniform loads separated by a point load sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. a 4.50 ft. v=0 4.50 ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > Mount loads > w1 P w2 Try > > 4x10#2 (df #2) 32.38 49.91 230.8 3.50 9.25 963 633 L.L. = 50.0 573 50:0 #/ft or # C(D) = 1.25 fvh.= 53 psi fb 858 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 50.0 960 50.0 #/ft or # Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1203 psi Pa= 4401.4 psi R1 Momn't. R2 Deflections > > LL = 0.06 in. = L / 1779 combined stress L.L. = 512 1796 512 # or ft.# Number DL = 0.09 in. = L / 1225 0.713 % D.L. = 705 2666 -------------- 705 # or ft.# pieces 1 -TL = 0.15 in. = L / 725 Totals 1217 4462 1217 # or ft.# USE 4x10#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.32 inches RB19 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 -ft. T.A. = 63 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect - Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x6#2 (df #2) 19.25 17.65 48.5 3.50 5.50 1138 748 L.L. = 10.0 psf >> 315 708.75 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 44 psi fb 964 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 10.0 psf >> 315 708.75 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1422 psi Pa= 1556.1 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.13 in. = L / 811 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL =. 0.13 in. = L / 811 0.678 % Totals > 630 1417.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.27 in. = L / 406 USE 4x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.29 inches RB20 Beam - two uniform loads separated by a point load sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = ' 9.00 ft. a 3.00 ft. v=0 3.00 ft. sawnpro ' size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > 1 Ft > Mount loads > w1 P w2 Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L.L. = 50.0 573 50.0 #/ft or # C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 51 psi fb 738 psi pa= ? 0 psi D.L. = 50.0 960 50.0 #/ft or # Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 2351 'psi R1 Momn't. R2 Deflections > > LL = 0.08 in. = L / 1345 combined stress L.L. = 607 1596 416 # or ft.# Number DL = 0.11 in. = L / 941 0.675 % D.L. = 865 2370 545 # or ft.# pieces 1 TL = 0.20 in. = L / 554 Totals 1472 3966 961 # or ft.# USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.16 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CUSTOM HOME FOR MR. & MRS..KAPLAN Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 413 JAMES CIOFFI - ARCHITECT by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/16/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet FCo of > ver.. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY-:. work dir = 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F2.WK4 filespec = 25-643f RB21 Beam - two uniform loads separated by a• point load sawn >.> options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.00 ft. a 9.00 ft. v=0 5.31 ft. sawnpro • size grade area Isect Inertia width . depth Fb > i Ft > Mount loads > w1 P w2 Try > > 4x12#2 (df #2) .39.38 73.83 415.3 3:50 11.25 875 575 L.L. = 140.0 416 80.0 #/ft or # C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 79 psi fb 540 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 155.0 545 110.0 #/ft or # Ch = 1.25 Fvh =, 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 5273.4 psi R1 Momn't. R2 Deflections > > LL = 0.05 in. = L / 2239 combined stress L.L. = 739 1948 1017 # or ft.# Number DL = 0.06 in. = L / 1972 0.494 % D.L. = 827 2207 1223 # or ft.# pieces 1 TL = 0.11 in. = L / 1048 Totals 1566 4156 2240 # or ft.# USE 402#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.56 inches RB22 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. ' T.A. = 36 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > ' mount trib = 4.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 111.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L.L. = 16.0 psf » 288 648 C(D) = 1.25 fvh.= 38 psi fb 650 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 450 1012.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313: psi Pa= 2703.8 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.05 in. = L / 2033 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ = = = = = Number DL = 0.08 in. = L / 1301 0.495 % Totals > 738 1660.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.14 in.,= L/ 793 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.34 inches :~ RB24 Beam--- twouniform loads separated by a point load sawn > > options: sawn`glli; tji, lams or steel ? 8-1-98 Span = 19.00, ft. a 11.00 ft. v=0 11.00 ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > , Mount loads > w1 P w2 Try > > 6x16#1 (df #1) 85.25 220.23 1706.8 5.50 15.50 :1312 675 L.L. = 236.0 1675 180.0 #/ft or # C(D) = 1.25 fvh' = 102 psi fb'° 1599 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 355.0 1072 300.0 #/ft or # Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1640 psi Pa=' 2773 psi R1 Momn't. R2 Deflections > > LL = 0.38 in. = L / 605 combined stress _ L.L. = 2853 17104 2858 # or ft.# Number DL = 0.45 in. = L / 504 0.975 % D.L. = 3731 19566 3646 # or ft.# pieces 1 TL = 0.83 in. = L / 275 Totals 6584 36671 6504 # or ft.# USE 6x16#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 1.06 inches RB25 Uniformly loadedsimple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 12.00 ft. T.A. = 96 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try >> 602#1 (df #1) 63.25 121.23 697.1 5.50 11.50 1350 675 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 768 2304 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 39 psi fb 584 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 1200 3600 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1688 psi Pa= 3826.7 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.05 in. = L / 2689 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.08 in. = L / 1721 0.346 % Totals > 1968 5904 pieces 1 TL = 0.14 in. = L / 1049 USE 602#1 Of #1) min. bearing= 0.57 inches RB26 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98•- Span =" 10.00 'ft. T.A. = 80 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try» 6x12#1 (df #1) 63.25 121.23 697.1 5.50 11.50 1350 675 L.L. = 16.0 psf > > 640 1600 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 31 psi fb 406 psi pa = 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 1000 2500 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1688 psi Pa= 5510.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.03 in. = L / 4647 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.04 in. = L / 2974 0.240 % Totals > 1640 4100 pieces 1 TL = 0.07 in. = L / 1814 USE 6x12#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 0.48 inches RB27 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 14.00 ft. T.A. = 112 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try >> 6x12#1 (df #1) 63.25 121.23 697.1 5.50 11.50 1350 675 L.L. _ ..16.0 ;psf >>. ,; 896 3136 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 47 psi fb 795 psi pa = 1 0 psi ' D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 1400 4900 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1688 psi Pa= 2811.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.10 in. = L / 1694 combined stress (deadline load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Number DL = 0.15 in. = L / 1084 0.471 % Totals > 2296 8036 pieces .1 TL = 0.25 in. = L / 661 USE 6x12#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 0.67 inches - ., �1R630_ •--.:Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or,beam 8-1-98 Span = JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CUSTOM HOME FOR MR. & MRS. KAPLAN Job # 25-643 mount trib = 5.00 ft. React. 647 North Main St. Suite 4B JAMES CIOFFI - ARCHITECT 320 by MDF D.L. = 25.0 psf > > . 500 Riverside, California 92501 0 #/ft >> 0 Date 10/09/98 (dead line load) = = = = Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Totals .> 820 Sheet F-7 of 22032 > ver. 11/9/97 _ Machine:SPANKY DL = work dir = 25-643 > wk4 pieces 1 TL = Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F2.WK4 filespec = 25-643f RB28 Beam - two uniform loads separated by a point load sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel inches 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. . a 3.50 ft. v=0 3.50 ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > Mount loads > w1 P w2 Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 675 L.L. _, 48.0 896 48.0 #/ft or # CID) 1.25 fvh = 59 psi fb 940 psi pa= 0 psi Ch = 1.25 Fvh = D.L. = 120.0 1400 120.0 #/ft or # Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 3886.3 psi 725 combined stress R1 Momn't. R2 Deflections > > LL = 0.05 in. = L / 1546 combined stress pieces L.L. = 616 1862 616 # or ft.# Number DL = 0.09 in. = L / 888 0.859 % 604#1 (df #1) min. bearing= D.L. = 1120 3185 1120 # or ft.# pieces 1 TL = 0.15 in. = L / 564 sawnpro Totals 1736 5047 1736 # or ft.# USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.33 inches 6x12#2 (df #2) RB29 Uniformly loaded simple spari joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 1.25 fvh = 72 psi fb 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. T.A. = 42 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 6.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 0.08 in. = L / L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 336 588 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 36 psi fb 493 psi pa= 0 psi 921 D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 525 918.75 Ch . = 1.25" Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa = 3886.3 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 350 '612.5 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L/ 4071 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL _ 0.05 in. = L/ 1563 0.451 % Totals > 1211 2119.3 pieces 1 TL = 0.07 in. = L/ 1130 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.35 inches - ., �1R630_ •--.:Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or,beam 8-1-98 Span = 8.00 ft. T.A. = . 40 sq. ft. . mount trib = 5.00 ft. React. Momn't. L.L. = 16.0 psf > > 320 640 D.L. = 25.0 psf > > . 500 1000 Extra = 0 #/ft >> 0 0 (dead line load) = = = = = = = = = = 2130 Totals .> 820 1640 RB31 Uniformly loaded. simple span joist, rafter or beam 8-1,-98 Span = 24.00 ft. T.A. = 144 sq. ft. mount trib = 6.00 ft. React. . Momn't. L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 1152 6912 D.L. = 35.0 psf > > 2520 " 15120 Extra = . 0 #/ft > > 0 0 (dead line load) D.L. = 2130 5940 Totals > 3672 22032 RB7'A Beam - two uniform loads separated by a point load 8 -1 -98, -Span =' .9.00 ft. a 3 ft. v=0 3 ft. Mount loads > w1 P w2 L.L. = 64.0 1152 64 #/ft or'# D.L. = 100.0 2520 100 #/ft or # 675 R1 Momn't. R2 L.L. = 1056 2880 672 # or ft.#. D.L. = 2130 5940 1290 # or ft.# Totals 3186 8820 1962 # or ft.# > > sawn >,> options: sawn; glb; tji, lams or -steel .. - sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width - depth Fb > i Ft > .Try > > 6x12#1 (df #1) 63.25 121.23 - 697.1 5.50 11.50 1350 675 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 15 psi fb 162 psi pa= 0 psi Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1688 psi Pa= 8610 psi Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 14522 combined stress Number DL = 0.01 in. = L / 9294 0.096 % pieces 1 TL = 0.02 in. = L / 5667 USE 6x12#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 0.24 inches > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > Try» 6x14#1 (df#1) 74.25 167.06 1127.7 5.50 13.50 1332 675 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 67 psi fb 1583 psi pa=' 0 psi Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi .Fb 1666 psi Pa= 1318.4 psi Deflections > > LL = 0.40 in. = L / 725 combined stress Number DL = 0.87 in. = L / 331 > L/480 0.950 % pieces 1 _TL = 1.27 in. = L / 227 USE 604#1 (df #1) min. bearing= 1.07 inches sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > Try > > 6x12#2 (df #2) 63.25 121.23 697.1 5.50 11.50 875 425 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 72 psi fb 698 psi pa= 0 psi Ch = 1.25 Fvh 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 5527.4 psi Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 2780 combined stress Number DL = 0.08 in. = L / 1377 0.639 % pieces 1 TL = 0.12 in. = L / 921 USE 6x12#2. (df #2) min. bearing= 0.38 inches AL k/}"R: 01 REs/D iLIGL�. JOB. N0. JOHNSON ANDNIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS '�'� �OFi� BY �✓D� 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 DATE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SH F8 OF 47 I� T910 AR6A /7 5 l!o PSF. Z40CI4- SLopf_r� PW15,,5- 67/T /9sp 94,91 , (Io7,r) AOR 4x/(o! Vguo 1. 2l C33 _ �22T > 3G ¢o M cow - /� �,`� ,t'/, Z > �FLCGTIO,u '2 3 J y172,54, = k4s�s's.Y¢C5f) /o - 5- + 3ts•S1) (7X""/0�) 1vL/ rld �0(00 4a'14 34 1) - �b �t!5<S) 5•S 2 �3IJ-1 ' /726 7x/vim a3� ' t-00'5) /2"n- # f l,�B(�') (��5%l r) = rs87 # 057 440 19�hv 4X1 N 2 !VI �"tcor�l 7�8 (I, ?, ) > 4,6 /,T K,4P4,f v 'ESiDFNc r ADB. NO. 26-a44 JOHNSON AND- NIELSEN ASSOCIATESy4mis - BY ti1GF CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE,-4w!3.-9'DATE /D g ' RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SH OF Rb7 Txio, AR6. - /7 ,183 M=. /A( /)_.7JlD�j 3 7) = 3a7/ > 3/o t d = , D/30¢ WL3 = •Di3o¢ (4&4-1)1-13 1728 f ¢T L l.-7X106(1o72�.S) /rg9 �77�7-1 4:: PG 3 41, d'e lox/2-d/ 519832)5/728 4- 4- 0022b) Z 2y o0vctb� �i� �'ui, fav) Flo Ul ,f , WIZ x 4'0 . eA-M13XA . / a 857'`735" 2 /i.- -22 JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 RIVERSIDE, .CALIFORNIA 92501 - t� 909-686-5122' • FAX 909-686-6752 M, KA)0zflu �7/�MES JOB. N0. 2= BY ~DATE &— 9 —9,F SH— OF ��/4GTfc9jJ . "Fle,m�'v1 . T2ldSS " J IV, T (/d , 7T/ 2,r) �- �?-��86� CD2 4uf� "2 M't = c1�j92 >76,5- �� = 33.oa (iz�-) �xAle IfT' asF a' P do yy i 74 " ��' LOMFtrti �i� Pie �-il JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 4-B RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 • FAX 909-686-6752 JOB. NO. BY - DATE SHS_ OF p, .;ft . w o= 0�¢+ 74¢ # �� - is ?J�r RTL S711� ! ., lf82/ I -. I WA p Aq 21, d p QPGf . �F� COM��tTF,Q. �/tLGULA.7/a1v PL 7 = pyo 2,y �2g) Pi 0, pS< _ loo p"c JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 : FAX 909-686-6752 M A/ REs�06i✓ ' ✓.4MES /OFF/ JOB. NO. Z= BY DATE /= SH Fit OF Voo . w vJ = ►� C2s �< < �Z> " lam'" I = 1XB3 (4I"o)70 E `072 l �xto�� P L AS To sp GUi L �(/61) PSf-t % (01O) v 1072 4r ka7s +t (SES x'823 , '54-=9 4t*ApuTF-,L a4LeULAT gAQS • P • 4 140) 7J7- Q9 A= PO T,ey W Oxl2 = 320 L �r;Z �6(29��) 53,,8 ' �� .• r JOHNSON AND NIELSEN AS. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS/DE�CE F/ JOB. NO. 2 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-8 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 _ BY N% - 909-686-5122 r FAX 909-686-6752 DATE 4 . SHS OF T---7 27GP� 3 wP Z A, 12 be P49 17 --� 75S �y� 44)el-4- Y a JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES M. Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by. MDF Riverside, California 92501 31.5 sq. ft. Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Inertia -width Sheet of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY 7.00 ft. React. work dir = 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F3.WK4 30.25 27.73 filespec = 25-643f loading FLAT ROOF TILE ROOF L.L. = Roof loading input Roof loading input CID) = 1.25 fvh = . Roofing 5 psf Roofing 15 psf- 0 psi sht'g 1.5 sht'g 1.5 25.0 psf >> 393.75 442.97 Rafters/Beams 4 Rafters/Beams 4 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= clg 3 big 3 Extra = mist 1.5 mist 1.5 Deflections ,,> > LL = 0.01 in. = L/ Dead Load 15 psf Dead Load 25 psf Live Load 20 psf Live Load 16 psf _ - -_ _ = Number HEADERS H1 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 4.50 ft. T. A., _, 31.5 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia -width depth Fb >" i Ft,> mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 . 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 252 283.5 CID) = 1.25 fvh = . 25 psi fb 314 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 393.75 442.97 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 5057.2 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections ,,> > LL = 0.01 in. = L/ 5180 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ - -_ _ = Number DL = " 0.02 in. = L / 3315 0.335 Totals > 645.75 726.47 pieces 1 TL =:• 0.03 in. = L-/ 2022 USE 6x6#2 Of #2) min. bearing= 0.1879 inches H2 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 8.00 ft. T. A. = 56 sq. ft. sawnpro " size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try >> 6x8#2 ;(df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 448 896 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 35 psi fb 534 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 700 1400 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 2975.5 psi Extra = 0; #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 2338 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.06 in. = L / 1496 0.489 % Totals > 1148 2296 pieces 1 TL = 0.11 in. = L / 912 USE 6x8#2 (df #211 min. bearing= 0.334 inches H3 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 2.50 ft. T. A., = 20 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x4#2 " (df #2) -19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 160 100 CID) = 1:25 fvh = 24 psi fb, 274 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf ">> 250 156.25 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 6635.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.00 in. = L "/ 6812 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.01 in. ="L / 4360 0.292 % Totals > 410 256.25 pieces 1 TL = '0.01 in. = L / 2658 . USE 6x4#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.1193 inches H4 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn; glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 3.00 ft. T. A. = 24 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x4#2 (df #2) 12.25 7.15 12.5 3.50 3.50 1313 863 L.L. 16.0 psf >> 192 144 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 49 psi fb 620 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 300 225 Ch = 1.25 Fvh 119 psi Fb 1641 psi Pa= 5671.3 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L/ 3088 combined stress (dead line load) Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 1976 0.378 Totals > 492 369' pieces 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L/ 1205 USE 4x4#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.2249 inches H5 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 4.00 ft. T.A. = 24 sq. ft. sawnpro size , grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 6.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 16.0 psf. >> 192 192 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 19 psi fb 213 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0, psf '>> 300 300 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 6400.6 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 8605 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ = = = = = Number DL = 0.01 in. = L / 5507 0.227 % Totals > 492 492 pieces 1 TL = 0.01 in. = L / 3358 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.1431 inches & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES M. Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 46 James Cioffi Architect by MDF jj,6JOHNSON Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet t:j + of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir = 25-643 > wk4 , Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F3.WK4 filespec = 25-643f H6 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 8.00 ft. T. A. = 72 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L. L. = 16.0 psf > > 576 1152 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 45 psi fb 687 psi pa = 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf > > 900 1800 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 2975.5 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.05 in. = L % 1818 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.08 in. = L / 1 164 0.628 % Totals > 1476 2952 pieces 1 TL = 0.14 in. = L / 710 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.4294 inches` -. H7 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. T. A. = 50 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount .trib = 10.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L. L. = 20.0 psf >> 500 625 C(D) = 1.25 fvh 35 psi fb 473 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf >> 375 468.75 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 4096.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.03 in. = L / 2115 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 2820 0.505 % Totals > 875 1093.8 pieces 1 TL = 0.05 in. = L / 1208 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.2545 inches H8 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 2.00 ft. T. A. = 18 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i, Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't.` Try >> 6x4#2 (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 144 72 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 20 psi fb 197 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 225 112.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 1.0368 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.00 in. = L / 11827 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.00 in. = L / . 7569 0.210 % Totals > 369 184.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.01 in. = L / 4615 USE 6x4#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.1073 inches H9 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T. A. = 42 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 • 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 336 504 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 36 psi fb 559 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf > > 525 • 787.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 2844.7 psi Extra = 0 #/ft >> 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.03 in. = L / 2185 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.05 in. = L / 1399 0.596 % Totals > 861 1291.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.08 in. = L / 853 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.2505 inches H10 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam >'> sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. T. A. = 20 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 4.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x4#2 (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 160 200 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 28 psi fb 548 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 250 312.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 1658.9 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 1703 combined stress (dead line load) - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.06 in. = L / 1090 0.584 % Totals > 410 512:5 pieces 1 TL = 0.09 in. = L / 665 USE 6x4#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.1193 inches H11 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji,,lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 7.00 ft. T. A. = 56 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React.' Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 448 784 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 49 psi fb 869 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 700 1225' Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 2090 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.07 in. = L / 1204 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - Number DL = 0.11 in. = L / 771 0.927 % Totals > 1 148 2009 pieces 1 TL = 0.18 in. = L / 470 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.334 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES M. Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by. MDF. Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet F -/t of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir = 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F3.WK4 filespec = 25-643f H12 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 9.00 ft. - T. A. = 112.5 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 12.50 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x10#2 (df #2) 52.25 82.73 393.0 5.50 9.50 875 425 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 900 2025 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 55 psi fb 753 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 1406.3 3164.1 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 3772 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL '= 0.06 in. = L / 1869 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = - _ _ _ = _ = Number DL = 0.09 in. = L / 1 196 0.688 % Totals > 2306.3 5189.1 pieces 1 TL = 0.15 in. = L / 729 USE 6x10#2 (df #2) - min. bearing= 0.6709 inches H13 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 2.00 ft. T. A. = 4 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 2.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > >. 6x4#2 ' (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 ' 5.50 3.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 32 16 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 5 psi fb 44 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. 25.0 psf > > 50 25 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa = 10368 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.00 in. = L / 53222 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = . 0.00 in. = L / 34062 0.047 % Totals > 82 41 pieces 1 TL = 0.00 in. = L / 20769 USE 6x4#2' (df #2) min. bearing= 0.0239 inches H14 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. T. A. = 35 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 280 350 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 29 psi fb 388 psi pa=. 0 psi b. L. 25.0 psf > > 437.5 546.88 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa = 4096.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL =. 0.02 in. = L / 3776 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = ' 0.02 in. = L / 2417 0.414 % Totals > 717.5 896.88 pieces 1 TL = 0.04 in. = L / 1474 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.2087 inches H15 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T. A. = 154 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 432 648 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 32 psi fb 386 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 675 1012.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 5289.7 psi Extra = 0#/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL' = 0.02 in. = L / 4310 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = = = Number DL = 0.03 in. = L / 2758 0.353 % Totals > 1107 1660.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.04 in. = L / 1682 USE 6x8#2 (df,#2) min. bearing= 0.322 inches H16 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.00 ft. T.A. = 160 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 6.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L. L. = 16.0 psf > > 480 1200 C(D). = 1.25 fvh = 39 psi fb 716 psi pa = 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf > > 750 1875 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 'psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 1904.3 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.09 in. = L / 1396 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.13 in. = L / 894 0.654 % Totals > 1230 3075 pieces 1 TL = 0.22 in. = L / 545 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.3578 inches H17 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T. A. = 36 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount . trib = 6.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 . 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L. L. _ '16.0 psf >> 288 432 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 21 psi fb 258 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 25.0 psf >> 450 675 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi .Fb 1094 psi Pa= 5289.7 psi Extra = 0 #/ft >> 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 6465 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0:02 in. = L / 4138 0.236 % Totals > 738 1107 pieces 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L / 2523 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.2147 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES • M. Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF - Riverside, California 92501 Date Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 }•1�0/09/98 Sheet PI& of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir = '25-643 > wk4 - Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25 643F3.WK4 filespec = 25-643f H18 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.00 ft. T. A. = 80 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 8.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L.L. = 16.0 psf • > > 640 1600 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 52 psi fb 954 psi pa = 0 psi D.L: = 25.0 psf > > 1000 2500 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa = 1904.3 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.11 in. = L / 1047 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = = = Number DL = 0.18 in. = L / 670 0.872 % Totals > 1640 4100 pieces 1 TL = 0.29 in. = L / 409 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.4771 inches H19 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. T. A. = 35 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 . 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf > > 350 437.5 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 25 psi fb 331 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 15.0 psf >> , 262.5 328.13 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 4096.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L / 3021 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ = = = = = Number DL = 0.01 in. = L / 4028 0.353 % Totals > 612.5 765.63 pieces 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L / 1726 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.1782 inches H2O Uniformly loaded simple span, joist; rafter,or•beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 3.50 ft. T. A. = 24.5 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia, width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try >,> 6x4#2 (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 245 214.38 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 28 psi fb 401 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 15.0 psf >> 183.75 160.78 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 3385.4 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L / 2270 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = _ = Number DL = 0.01 in. = L / 3026 0.428 % Totals >. 428.75 375.16 pieces 1 TL = 0.03 in. = L / 1297 USE ' 6x4#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.1247 inches H21 Uniformly loaded. simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 2.00 ft. T.A. = 10 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 5.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x4#2 (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 100 50 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 10 psi fb 94 psi pa= 0 psi D. L. = 15.0 psf >> 75 37.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 10368 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.00 in. = L / 17031 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = _ = Number DL = 0.00 in. = L / 22708 0.100 % Totals > 175 87.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.00 in. = L / 9732 USE 6x4#2 (df #211 min. bearing= 0.0509 inches H22 Uniformly loaded simple.span joist, rafter or' beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 10.00 ft. . T. A. = 70 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 1& #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L.L. = 20.0 psf > > 700 1750 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 39 psi fb 7.13 psi pa = 0 psi D. L. = 15.0 psf >> 525 1312.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 1904.3 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.13 in. = L / 958 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.09 in. = L / 1277 0.652 % Totals > 1225 3062.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.22 in. = L / 547- 47-USE USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.3564 inches H23 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T. A. = 42 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf > > 420 630 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 43 psi fb 672 psi pa = 0 psi D. L. = 15.0 psf > > 315 472.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa = 2844.7 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 300 450 Deflections > > LL = 0.04 in. = L / 1748 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = = = Number DL = 0.06 in: = L / 1194 0.717 % Totals > 1035 1552.5 pieces 1 TL = 0:10 in. = L / 709 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing = 0.3011 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES M. Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 North Main St. Suite 48 James Cioffi Architect by MDF ft647 Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686.5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet Fj-7 of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir = 25.643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F3.WK4 filespec = 25-643f H24 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam >> sawn •,> > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T.A. = 42 sq.. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27:73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 336 504 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 36 psi fb 559 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 525 787.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa = 2844.7 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.03 in. = L / 2185 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Number DL = 0.05 in. = L / 1399 0.596 % Totals > 861 1291.5 pieces . 1 TL = 0.08 in. = L / 853 USE 6x6#2 (df #2)' min. bearing= 0.2505 inches H25 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T.A. = 42 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth . Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 7.00 ft. - React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 . 30.66 1 11.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> " 336 504 CID) _ 1.25 fvh = 41 psi fb 505 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf » 525 787.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa= 6083.6 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L / 3921 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ = = = = = = _ = Number DL = 0.03 in. = L / 2509 0.385 % Totals >. 861 1291.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.05 in. = L / 1530 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.3936 inches H26 .. Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or, beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams. or steel .. 8-1-98 Span = 3.00 'ft. T.A. = 36 sq. ft. -sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia ' width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 12.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x4#2 (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 288 1 216 CID) = 1.25 fvh'= . 46 psi fb 591 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf »' 450 337.5 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 4607.9 psi Extra = 0 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 2628 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.02 in. = L / 1682 0.631 % Totals > 738 553.5 pieces 1 TL = 0.04 in. = L / 1026 USE 6x4#2 W. #2) min. bearing= 0.2147 inches H27 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams,or steel 8-1-98 Span = 6.00 ft. T.A. = 72 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade - area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 12.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 576 864 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 42 psi fb 515 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 900 1350 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 5289.7 psi Extra = 6 #/ft > > 0 0 Deflections > > LL = 0.02 in. = L / 3233 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = _ = = = _ = Number DL = 0.03 in. = L / 2069 0.471 % Totals > 1476 2214 pieces 1 TL = 0.06 in. = L / 1262 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.4294 inches H28 Uniformly loaded, simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. T.A. = 45 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > : i Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 4x8#2 (df #2) 25.38 30.66 1 1 1.1 3.50 7.25 1050 690 L. L. = 16.0 psf >> 360 450 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 96 psi fb 1053 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf >> 562.5 703.13 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1313 psi Pa= 8760.4 psi Extra = 492 #/ft > > 1230 1537.5 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L/ 5269 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = _ = Number DL = 0.06 in. .'= L / 1058 0.802 % Totals > 2152.5 2690.6 pieces 1 TL = 0.07 in. = L / 881 USE 4x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.984 inches H29 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 4.00 ft. T.A. = 36 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 9.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 360 360 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 32 psi fb 359 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. _ 15.0 psf >> 270 270 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 6400.6 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 200 200 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 4589 ' combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.01 in. = L/ ' 3515 0.383 % Totals > 830 830 pieces 1 TL = 0.02 in. = L/ 1991 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing = 0.2415 inches JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES M. Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SheetFIS of > ver. 11/9/97 ---- - --- - - -- - - -- - - -- Machine:SPANKY - - -- - - -- ---- ---- ---- ----- work dir = 25-643 > ,, . wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643F3.WK4 filespec = 25-643f H30 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 3.00 ft. T.A. = 6 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade - area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 2.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 1& #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 60 45 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 9 psi fb 83 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf >> 45 33.75 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psiFb 938 psi Pa= 11379 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 150 112.5 Deflections >.> LL = 0.00 in. = L / 48954 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.00 in. = L / 15063 0.088 % Totals > 255 191.25 pieces 1 TL = 0.00 in. = L / 11519 USE 6x6#2 .. (df #2) min. bearing= 0.0742 inches H31 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter-or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 8.00 ft. T.A. = 8 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect . Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 1.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x8#2 '(df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> 64 128 CID) = 1.25 fvh'= 17 psi fb 263 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf > > 100 200 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 2975.5 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 400 800 Deflections > > 'LL = 0.01 in. = L / 16365 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ = = _ = = = = = Number DL = 0.05 in. = L / 2095 0.240 % Totals > 564 1128 pieces 1 TL = 0.05 in. = L / 1857 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing = 0.1641 inches H32 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 3.00 ft. , T.A. = 6 sq. ft. sawnpro size'' grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib = 2.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf > > 60 45 C(D) 1.25, fvh = 9 psi fb 83 psi pa = 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf >> 45 33.75 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 11379 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 150 112.5 Deflections > > LL = 0.00 in. = L / 48954 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.00 in. = L / 15063 0.088 % Totals > 255 191.25 pieces 1 TL = 0.00 in. = L / 11519 USE 6x6#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.0742 .inches H33 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options: sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 5.00 ft. T.A. = 25 sq. ft. sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i. Ft > mount trib = 5.00 ft. React. Momn't. Try > > 6x4#2 (df #2) 19.25 11.23 19.7 5.50 3.50 750 475 L.L. = 20.0 psf >> 250 312.5 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 47 psi fb 918 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 15.0 psf >> 187:5 234.38 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 938 psi Pa= 1658.9 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 250 312.5 Deflections > > LL = 0.06 in. = L / 1090 combined stress (dead line load) = = = = = = = = = = Number DL = 0.10 in. = L / 623 0.980 % Totals > 687.5 859.38 pieces 1 TL = 0.15. in. = L/ 396 USE 6x4#2 (df #2) min. bearing= 0.2 inches H31 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam > > sawn > > options:, sawn, glb, tji, lams or steel 8-1-98 Span = 8.00 ft. T.A. = 16 sq. ft: sawnpro. size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > i Ft > mount trib 2.00 ft. React. MomrN. Try >>.6x8#2 (df #2) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 875 425 L.L. = 16.0 psf >> .128 256 CID) = 1.25 fvh = 22 psi fb 339 psi pa= 0 psi D.L. = 25.0 psf »" 200 400 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 119 psi Fb 1094 psi Pa= 2975.5 psi Extra = 100 #/ft > > 400 800 Deflections > > LL = 0.01 in. = L / 8183 combined stress (dead line load) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Number DL = 0.05 in. = L / 1746 0.310 % Totals > 728 1456 pieces 1 TL = 0.07 in. = L / 1439 USE 6x8#2 (df #2) min. bearing = 0.2118 inches 'JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES STRAND -2D -(V3.2) Page 1 IZTI DATE: NO.'OF NODES -. 6 NO. OF SUPPORTS = 2 NO. OF BEAMS = 7 NO. OF MATERIALS = 2 3 , NO. OF SECTIONS = 2 NO. OF LOAD CASES = 1 NO. OF LOAD SETS = 1 - 2 NO. OF -LOAD COMB. = 0 NO. OF SPRINGS -61, NO. OF'OFFSETS = 0 NODAL COORDINATES (feet) NODE X COORD. Y COORD. -FLOOR SPRNG NO. .1 0.0000 .00000 0 0 2 15.500.00 .00000 0 0 3 2.5000.0~ .83000 0 0 4 7.75000 :83000 0 0 5 13.50000 .83000 0 0 6 7.75000 2.58300 0 0 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS,( -1 for fixed, 0 for free) NODE DISP.' DISP. ROTAT. NO. X Y Z 1 =1 -1 0 2 0 -1 0 MATERIAL PROPERTIES MATL. MATERIAL MOD. OF POISSON YIELD WEIGHT TEMP. EXP. - NO. NAME' ELASTICITY RATIO -.,STRESS DENSITY COEFF. 1 STEEL, 29000.0 .30. 36:00 .49 .000000 2 WOOD 16000.0 .25 1:80 .04 000000 ' SECTION PROPERTIES SECT. SECTION SECTION AREA IX IY SHEAR NO. NAME,. TYPE in**2 in**4 in**4 AREA 1 6x8 RECT 39.875 174.661 100.518 .000 2 6x6 RECT 30.•250 76.255 76.255 .000 JOHNSON & NIELSEN'ASSOCIATES STRAND-2D (V3.2) Page 2' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE: MEMBER CONNECTIVITY MEMB. NODE NODE MATL. SECT. RELEASE MEMB. . DESIGN PARAMETERS OFFST NO. I J NO. NO. CODE DIR. <-------------------------- > 1 11' 3 .2 1 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 6 2 1 2 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6. 5 2 1 1, .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 5 2 2 1 .0 .0 0 0l 0 0 0 0 5 3 4 2 1 1 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 6 4 5 2 1 2 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 4, 6 2 2 1 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MEMBER LOAD SETS SET NAME ITYP IRAT'ISYS VALUEI VALUE2 VALUES VALUE4 VALUE5''VALUE6 .UNIFORM 12 1. 2 -1.000 90.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 INPUT INFORMATION FOR FIRST LOAD CASE LOADED NODES = 0 LOADED MEMBERS = 4 MEMBER LOAD SET MULTIPLIERS MEMB. SET MULTIPLIER NO. NO. 1 1 .200 2 1 .200 3 1 :200 4 1 .200 F'2( 'JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES., STRAND -2D (V3.2) Page 3. ` NODAL DISPLACEMENTS AND 'ROTATIONS NODE LOAD X DISP. 'Y DISP. Z ROT. - NO. CASE 1 1 -0000 .0000 - ..0006 2 1 .0112 .0000. .0006 3 1 .0053 -.0161 -.0004 4 1 .0056 -.0166. -.0000 5 1 .0060 -.01-26 0004 6. 1 .0051 =.0166 .0000 SUPPORT REACTIONS (Kip'Ft) ' NODE LOAD X FORCE Y FORCE .MOMENT NO. CASE 1 1 .013 '1.554 .000 2 1 .000 1.549 .000 MEMBER FORCES (Kip -Ft) ' MEMB LOAD AXIAL SHEAR -MOMENT_ AXIAL SHEAR MOMENT NO. CASE FORCE I_ FORCE I END I FORCE J FORCE'J END J 11 1 -.502 1.471 .000 1-.345 -.997 3'.250 2 1 -3.391 -.089 -3:250 -3.058 1.085 .000 3 .1 -3.071 .999 .-000 73.407 .101 2.700 4 1 -.438 -1.062 -2.700 -.592 1.432 .000 5 1 3.206 .067 .000 3.206 -.067 .352 6 1 3.245. 7.061 -.352 3.245 .061 .000 7 1 -.132 .000 .000 -:132 .000 .000 p(Q `Fop Cd OM Gx$ • �'_ 4,2.. (o z �= 3,3.9 r ih .5,514 � , oho e ,' q73 ti ftti . 7 Ug� � (vXo PMDCD 7jIP 1 15%� . �CAf LA"IU 7�FS/�W�+1. JOB. NO. JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS By 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 DATE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686=5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SH—,e^/ OF Gp1,Udvr�1 S GI SNI �_a >4,�K G2 Gvy. � :7L . �}�;r . �,�.3 � • 12" %2 3720) --/Wo # Usti •- 3 � ST,�. �iP� co� : �g • GSL, � 8/� • . R� 2 � 714 3 • d4T /oo f 7 -Ry TS 2xax/ ;�L;T- div/,;3 .. lCG ;. l�=/2.20 ht i6 12,120 d' PLa s dyD /oI 3 172 P - 2. S3 �l,gtcow 3�• 3�2axlv'�l 3rl(p 200 JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Arciitect by' MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet G2 of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANK- work dir = > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&hCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643C.WK4 filespec = C-3 ht = 13 ft P(II) = "1584 #/ft Tributary width= 0ft P(dI)= 2475 #/ft " Lateral load =„ 5 #/s.f. Duration factor= 1.33 Floor/roof factor 0 --(1 if LL to be included with lateral loading otherwise 0 ) Column parameters: Kce = 0.3 C = 0.8 le/d' max 28 O.K.. Assumes cont. blocking @ 4' o.c. Fc' = 931 psi Fce= 485 psi fb= 0 psi Cp = 0.448 < 1.0 Fb' = 998 psi F'c= 417 psi No. of members 1 sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > Ft > Fv FcT Fc II E Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 95 625 700 1E+06 STRESSES: Check D.L.+L.L.: fa(d+l) 134 psi O.K. fa(dI) 82 psi O.K. Check Combined Stresses:(fa/F'c)-2+fb/(F'b(.1-(fa/Fce)))<1.00 0.0385 0 = 0.0385 O.K. Use: 1 6x6#2,post C-4 ht = 10 ft P(II) = 1920 #/ft Tributary width= 0 ft P(dl) = 3000 #/ft Lateral load = 5 #/s.f. Duration factor= 1.33 Floor/roof factor 0 --(1 if LL to be included with lateral loading otherwise 0 1 Column parameters: Kce = 0.3 ' C= 0.8 le/d max 22 O.K. Fc' = 931 psi Fce = 819 psi Cp = 0.6453 < 1.0 Pc = 601 psi No. of members 1 sawnpro size grade Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) STRESSES: Check D.L.+L.L.:. Check Combined Stresses: Assumes cont. blocking @ 4' o.c. . fb= 0 psi Fb' = 998 psi area sect Inertia width depth Fb > Ft > Fv FcT Fc II E 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 95 625 700 1E+06 fa(d+l) 163 psi O.K. fa(dl) 99 psi O.K. (fa/F'c) - 2 +fb/(F'b(1-(fa/Fce))) < 1.00 0.0273 0 0.0273 O.K. Use: 1 6x6#2 post C-5 ht = 10 ft P(II) = 1232 #/ft Tributary width= 0 ft P(dl) = 1925 #/ft Lateral load = 5 #/s.f.. Duration factor= - 1.33 Floor/roof factor 0 --(1 if LL to be included with lateral loading otherwise:0 ) Column parameters: Kce = 0.3 C = 0.8 le/d max 34 O.K. Fc' = 1988 psi Fce = 408 psi Cp= 0.1958 <1.0 , F.'c= 389 psi No. of members 1 sawnpro- size grade Try > > 4x4#2 (df #2) STRESSES: Check D.L.+L. L.: Check Combined Stresses: Assumes cont. blocking @ 4' o.c. fb 0 psi Fb' = 1746 psi area sect Inertia width depth Fb > Ft > Fv FcT Fc II E 12.25 7.15 12.5 3.50 3.50 1313 863 • 95 625 1495 2E+06 fa(d+l) 258 psi O.K. fa(dl) 157 psi O.K. (fa/F'c) - 2 +fb/(F'b(1-(fa/Fce))) < 1.00 0.1629 0 = 0.1629 O.K. Use: 1 4x4#2 post .IUHNDUN & NItLStN A55UGIA I t5 Kaplan Residence• Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Arciitect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 . Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet C = �j of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANK`; work dir = > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25-643C.WK4 filespec = C-6 ht-" : = 10 ft PIII) _ 1536 #/ft Tributary width= 0 ft P(dl) = 3360 #/ft Lateral load = 5 #/s.f. Duration factor= " 1.33 Floor/roof factor 0 --0 if LL to. be included with lateral loading otherwise:0 ) Column parameters: Kce = 0.3 C = 0.8 le/d max 22 O.K. Assumes cont. blocking @ 4' o.c. Fc' = 931 psi Fce = 819 psi fb = 0 psi Cp = 0.6453 < 1.0 Fb' = 998 psi F'c= 601 psi No. of members 1 sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > Ft > Fv FcT Fc II E Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 .5.50 750• 475 95 625 700 1E+06 STRESSES: Check D.L.+L.L.: fa(d+0 _ 162 psi O.K. fa(dl) 111 psi O.K. Check Combined Stresses:(fa/F'c)-2+fb/(F'b(1-(fa/Fce)))<1.00 0.0342 0 = 0.0342 O.K. Use: 1 6x6#2 post C-7 ht = 13 ft P(If1 = 1220 #/ft Tributary width= 0 ft P(dl) = 1175 #/ft Lateral load = 5 #/s.f. Duration factor= 1.33 Floor/roof factor .0 -70 if, LL to be included with lateral loading otherwise 0 1 Column parameters: Kce = 0.3 C= 0.8 le/d max 45 O.K. Assumes cont. blocking @ 4' o.c. Fc' = 1988 psi Fce = 242 psi fb = 0 psi Cp = 0.1183 < 1.0 Fb' = 1746 psi F'c= 235 psi No. of members 1 sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > Ft > Fv FcT Fc II E Try > > 4x4#2 (df #2) 12.25' 7.15 12.5 3.50 3.50 1313 863 95 - 625 1495 2E+06 STRESSES: Check D.L.+LL.: fa(d+I) 196 psi O.K. fa(dl) 96 psi O.K. Check Combined Stresses:(fa/F'c)'2+fb/(F'b(1-(fa/Fce)))<1.00 0.1662 0 = 0.1662 O.K. Use: 1 4x4#2 post C-8 ht = 8 ft P(II) = 2320 #/ft Tributary width= 0 ft P(dI) = 3650 #/ft Lateral load = 5 #/s.f. Duration factor= 1.33 Floor/roof factor 0 0 if LL to be included with lateral loading otherwise ) Column parameters: Kce = 0.3 C= 0:8 le/d max. 17 O.K. Assumes cont. blocking @ 4' o.c. Fc' = 931 psi Fce = 1280 psi fb = . 0 psi Cp = 0.7882 < 1.0 Fb' = 998 psi F'c= 734 psi No. of members 1 sawnpro size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb > Ft > Fv FcT Fc II E Try > > 6x6#2 (df #2) 30.25 27.73 76.3 5.50 5.50 750 475 95 625 700 1E+06 STRESSES: Check D.L.+L.L.: fa(d+1) 197 psi O.K. fa(d1) 121 psi 0.-K.. Check Combined Stresses:(fa/F'c)-2+fb/(F'b(1-(fa/Fce)))<1.00 0.027 0 = 0.027 O.K. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi by MDF n647 Riverside, California 92501 . Date 10/16/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909=686-6752ji Sheet of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY work dir = 25-643 > wk4; _ Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\WORK\25-643\25.643FN.WK4 filespec = 25-643f PAD FOOTINGS FDN-1 Tributary area 63 sq.ft. FDN-5 Tributary area 120 sq.ft. Unit load = 41 psf Uni- load = 41 psf Extra = 0 # Extr-a = 0 # P = 2.583 kips> > area = 1.72 i P = . 4.92 kips> > area = 3.28 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0.646 ksf OK Fa -oil. 1.500 ksf 1.230 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. Foa_ing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. thicknes 12 in. > > 8.5 in. thicines 12 in. > > 8.5 in. Column 4 in. square Colamn 4 in. square Fv.punc .,.0.175 ksi ;:0.004 ksi OK 576 sq. in. . Fv punt 0.175. ksi -•-0.009 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv shear -01055 ksi 0.003 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Fv shear .0.055 ksi - "" 0.066 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Moment 0.6 ft. kips Moment 1.2 ft. kips As = 0.04 sq. in. E. W. As = •, 0.09 sq. in. E. W. FDN-2 Tributary area 99 sq.ft. FDN-6 Tribitary area= 60 sq.ft. Unit load= 41 psf Unit load = 41 psf Extra = 0 # Extra = 200 # P = '4.059 kips>>area= 2.71 s.f. P = 2.66 kips>>area= 1.77 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 1.015' ksf OK Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0.665 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. -thicknes ` " 12 in. >> 8.5 in. 'thicmes :--1-2-in: >'> 8.5 in. Column 4 in. square Colvxnn 4 in. square Fv punt 0.175 ksi 0.007 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv punc 0.175 ksi 0.005 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.005 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.003 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Moment 1.0 ft. kips Moment 0.7 ft. kips As = 0.07 sq. in. E. W. As = 0.05 sq. in. E. W. FDN-3 Tributary area= 36 sq.ft. FDN-7 Tributary area= 176 sq.ft. Unit load= 41 psf Unit load= 41 psf Extra= 0 # Extra= 1440 # P = 1.476 kips> area= 0.98 s.f. P = 8.656 kips>>area= 5.77 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi F'c = 2.500' ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0.369 ksf OK Fa soil 1.500 ksf 1.104 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. Foo-iing 2.8 ft/side 0.9 ft. thicknes 12 in. > > 8.5 in. thicknes 12 in. > > 8.5 in. , Column 4 in. square ColLmn 4 in. square Fv punc 0.175 ksi - 0.003 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv punc 0.175 ksi 0.015 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.002 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Fv siear 0.055 ksi 0.009 ksi OK 302.4 sq. in. Moment 0.4 ft. kips Monent 3.0 ft. kips As = 0.03 sq. in. E. W. As = 0.21 sq. in. E. W. FDN-4 Tributary area 77 sq.ft. FDN-8 Tributary area= 0 sq.ft. Unit load= 41 psf Unit:load = _ 0 psf Extra = 0 # Extr a = 5620 #' P = 3.157 kips> area= 2.10 s.f. P = 5.62 kips> area= .3.75 s.f. F'c = 2.500, ksi F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000" ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0.789 ksf OK Fa soil 1.500 ksf 1.405 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. Foorang 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. thicknes 12 in. > > 8:5 in. thicg.nes 12 in. > > 8.5 in. Column 4 in. square Column 4 in. square Fv punc 0.175 ksi 0.005 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv punc 0.175 ksi 0.010 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.004 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Fv smear 0.055 ksi 0.007 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Moment 0.8 ft. kips Moment 1.4 ft. kips As = 0.05 sq. in. E. W. As = 0.10 sq. in. E. W. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 48 James Cioffi by MDF ' Riverside, California 92501 Date 11/25/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet of > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY " work dir = 25-643 zj> �,-wk4 _ Filespec: C:\J&NCAL•--\WORK\25-643\25-643FN.WK4 filespec 25-643f FDN-9 Tributary area= 130 sq.ft. Unit load= 35. psf Extra = 300 # P = 4.85 kips> > area = 3.23 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 1.213 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. thicknes 12 in. > > '8.5 in. Column 4 in. square Fv punt 0.175 ksi 0.008 ksi OK.. 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.006 ksi OK. 216 sq. in. Moment 1.2 ft. kips As = 0.08 sq. in. E. W. FDN-10 Tributary area = 30 sq.ft. Unit load = 41 psf Extra = 0 # P = 1.23 kips>>area= 0.82 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0.308 ksf OK, Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. thicknes 12 in. > > 8.5 in. Column 4 in. square -- u Fv punc 0.175 ksi 0.002 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.001 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Moment 0.3 ft. kips As = 0.02 sq. in. E. W. FDN-11 Tributary area 56 sq.ft. Unit load = 41 psf Extra = 0 #' P = 2.296 kips>>area= 1.53 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0.574 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5 ft. thicknes 12 in. > > 8.5 in. Column 4 in. square Fv punc 0.175 ksi 0.004 ksi OK 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.003 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Moment 0.6 ft. kips As = 0.04 sq. in. E. W. FDN-12 Tributary area= 48 sq.ft. Unit load = 35 psf Extra = 2300 # P = 3.98 kips> > area = 2.65 s.f. F'c = 2.500 ksi Fs = 24.000 ksi Fa soil 1.500 ksf 0:995 ksf OK Footing 2 ft/side 0.5' ft. thicknes 12 in. > > . 8.5 in. " Column 4 in. square Fv punc 0.175'ksi 0.007 ksi OK. 576 sq. in. Fv shear 0.055 ksi 0.005 ksi OK 216 sq. in. Moment 1.0 ft. kips As = 0.07 sq. in. E. W. I JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES M. Kaplan Residence ?^ Job # •25-643 647 North Main'St. Suite 4B - James Cioffi Architect. ' by MDF Riverside, California 92501 F Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 f Sheet FN' .3 of > ver. -7700-.1-98 0 Retrieve/Save drive = C: work dir = 25-643 x > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC\256430TG.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = '25-643f 1 wallftg Max. AIIowSoil Pressure = 1500 psf , Wall 0 line 13 Wall ran line A.9.&G. ortion lunit wt.( sf) trib. len th( ft.) IIIoad/.ft. (plf) roof wall 35 15 5 10 175 150 total w JZ!) pit Footing width 0.2167 .ft ' Use: 1-0 wide cont: footing _ Wall /an H.. 11 d portion Junit wt.( sf) trib.' length( ft.) load/ ft. (plf) roof wall 35 1 15 9 13 315 1 195 total w b1U pit Footing width= 0.34 ft Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing Wall ran fins 1n' ortion- I unit- wt. ('t sf)"° "'']lribr len th('-ft.) load/ ft. (plf) roof wall 35 1 15 15 10 525 1 150 total w b/b pit Footing width= 0.45 ft Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing Wall (an line P&N ortion junit wt.( sf) Itrib. length( ft.) - load/ ft. (If) roof wall 35 1 15 - 3 14 1 105 210 total w 315 plf . Footing width= 0.21 ft Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing Wall 0 line 10&12 ortion junit wt.( sf) Itrib. length( ft.) load/ ft. (plf) roof wall 25 1 15 11 13 1 275 195 total w 470 plf Footing width=. , 0.3133 ft Use: 1-0 wide cont footing - Wan n Ilan 11 d n Siffinn ortion junit wt.( sfl Itrib. length( ft.) load/ ft. (If) roof wall 25 6 10- 10 250 60 ., total w 310 pit Footing width= 0.2067 ft . Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing Wall raj line 14 portion unit wt.( sf) itrib. length( ft.) load/ ft. (If) roof wall 35 9315 15, 10 150 total w 4bb pit Footing width= 0.31 ft Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing ortion ° junit wt.( sf) itrib. length( ft.) load/ ft: (plf) roof wale 35 15 12420 10 • 150 total w b /0 pit FooYtYing width= 0.38 ft t Use: 170 wide cont footing e 4 Wall n line r . n' unit wt.( sf) trib. len th( ft.) load/ ft. (lf) ralfl 35 15' 9 13 315 195 i' total w, b10 pit Footing width= , 0.34 ft Use: • = 1-0 wide cont. footing % t ' Wall raj line 1 ortion junit wt.( sf) trib.'len th('ft.)-- .. load/.,fti':( lf) roof, wall': 35 7 15 13 245 195 total w 44U pit Footing width= 0.2933 ft I Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing Wall @ line 1,2 & 4.9 ortion junit wt.( sf► trib. length( ft.) load/ ft. (If) roof] wall, 35 15 7245 14 210 total w 455 plf. Footing 525 150 width= 0.3033.ft`° Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing Wall @ line 4 & 7 ortion unit wt.( sf) trib. length( ft.) [ total w 675 plf Foot ing I width • 0.45 ft I t Use: 1-0 wide cont. footing= l F t load/ ft. (If) roof}} wall] 35 15 15 10 525 150 JOB NO. JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS �jl_ d�I I'1'la� • re a I n 1 it wa . BY MJF 1650 IOWAAVENUE,'SUITE 110' DATE- 5-G- 22 /y�3 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92507 714-686-5122 SH OF IilI�11= �1=u1111 8�� coN� • �IIII�IIII���= �LOGI� WALL III�� GRa,t SoliD G ------------ ►%11TJ. /2 �� � • • W ER, FLUID PR�UZE (FFF) _ PAY. ALLOW, 5oIL DEARi►Je. sst!e� �50� PAF P4Sgly EARTH PRES51J2E = 350 PsF/FT. COF-FF. CF FFic-TI oN. i a fix, W A U P.T ( H) ccs . r me WALL foESIGt�I 2�k = 7• SD T FoDT.G D�SIGI.I �5 - 7. ?0 QCs i 3 VERTURNIuG PIoH�_g1__-(Er MH _ K(1,5 -./ I- 115 (5 ¢ /(., " 4 L lco 4 REG6M.J( Hoq> gT ., kgA,P F �rr,% MOMPn W,6 -LL 3 m V Z5 z /, d a5 -z- < SOIL ,5/�0�3) '/so /,5b' z�7 Ftp • /)(7,53)(lSD) = 273 42 x= � cf P �_� 1G4 ��- L-3tx-c�: l -3z 60, 6�arih rPs s urs P _ _ 2(7�7� - =II7 P5 i' /goo /P a� . . I • JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Wind speed = 70 mph Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Fault type = A Sheet of woodlatl ERR Soil type = S(E) work dir = 25-643 9-1-98 Filespec: C:\J&NCALGWORK\25-643\25-643L.WK4 Cq = 1.3 filespec = kaplanL LOADS Governing code (UBC or CBC 1 UBC ( 1997 UBC or 1995 PC ) UBC (30-11 1 = 0.312 W (UBC default) qs = 12.6 psf Seismic Roof DiaphraglmLoading "Y"direction roof loadings Wind loading Seismic Zone = 4 Z = 0.400 15.00 ft. Wind speed = 70 mph Distance to fault = 15 'km T = 0.133 (method A) V = Exposure = C Fault type = A C(a) = 0.36 UBC (30-4) = 1.313 W Ce = 1.13 Soil type = S(E) C(v) = 0.96 UBC (30-5) _ 0.164 W ( max.) Cq = 1.3 Importance = 1.00 N(a) = 1.0 UBC (30-11 1 = 0.312 W (UBC default) qs = 12.6 psf R (table 16-N, item 1.1.a.) 5.5 N(v) = 1.0 UBC (30-7) _. 0.058 W (min. - zone 4) q = 18.5 psf Use 0 ( UBC (30-11) = 1, UBC (30-4,5,6,7) 0) UBC (30-6) _. 0.040 W ( min.) 0 # total V = UBC (30-6) = 0.183 W ( min.) 1548 # = 97 # /ft. ROOF DIAPHGRAM. 1 USE 3heating with 10d nails v diaphragm= Roof Diaphragm Loading ` Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 32.00 ft. Sheathing "Y"direction roof loadings nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 30.00 ft. nails Total wind = 5552.8 # = 185 # /ft. Sill to top plate height = 1 10.00 ft.' Total seismic = 6593.1 # = 220 # / ft. govenrs Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 5.00 ft. 6" EN- 12" FN Avg. number of interior walls = 2 "X" direction ioof loadings Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 24000 # total Total wind = 5923 # = 185 # /ft. Avg, ext. wall dl 12.8 psf = - 7936 # total Total seismic = 6593.1 # = 206 # /ft. govenrs Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 4092 # total _ _ _ _ _ - TABLE 510 Sheathing type B 36028 # total USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 220 #/ft block"g required v allowable= 320 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 879 Fy= 773 # -nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 2 Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = Plan dimensions in "X" direction = Sill to top plate height = Roof rise (plate to ridge) _ Avg. number of interior walls = Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = Chord Force:Fx=, 367 Fy= ROOF DIAPHGRAM 3 Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = Plan dimensions in "X" direction = Sill to top plate height = Roof rise (plate to ridge) _ Avg. number of interior walls = Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = Chord Force:Fx= 465 Fy= ROOF DIAPHGRAM 4 Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = Plan dimensions in "X" direction = Sill to top plate height = Roof rise (plate to ridge) _ Avg. number of interior walls = Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 37.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 2 11100 # total 3136 # total 3234 # total 17470 # total Chord Force:Fx= 3431 Fy= 130 # Roof Diaphragm Loading Roof DiaphraglmLoading "Y"direction roof loadings 30.00 ft. 16.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings 2887.5 # = 15.00 ft. Total wind = 0 # = 21.00 ft. Totallwind = 0 # = 0 # / ft. 124 # /ft. 14.00 ft. Totallseismic = 1548 # = 74 # / ft. govenrs 6.00 ft. "X" direction roof loadings 6750 # total 2 "X•' direction roof loadings 0 # total Total seismic = 1860.3 #, = 5040 # total Total wind = 3850 # = 241 # / ft. governs 0 # total Total seismic = 1548 # = 97 # /ft. 3418.8 # total USE 3heating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 124 #/ft 15/8" blockg not required TABLE 510 Sheathing type B nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 8458.8 # total USE 8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 241 #/ft ocleg required Eiling: v allowable= 320 #/ft 254 # 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN 37.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 2 11100 # total 3136 # total 3234 # total 17470 # total Chord Force:Fx= 3431 Fy= 130 # Roof Diaphragm Loading Roof Diaphragm Loading . "Y"direction roof loadings 30.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings Total wind = 2887.5 # = 15.00 ft. Total wind = 0 # = 0 # / ft. 266 # / ft. govenrs 11.50 ft. Total :seismic = 1860.3 # = 124 # /ft. govenrs 0.00 ft. 241 # / ft. governs Total seismic = 3197 # = 2 "X" direction roof loadings 6750 # total Total wind = 0 # = 0 # /ft. 0 # total Total seismic = 1860.3 #, = 62 # / ft. govenrs 3415.5 # total TABLE 510 Sheathing type A 10166 # total USE 3heating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 124 #/ft 15/8" blockg not required v allowable= 215 #/ft 116 # nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN 37.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 2 11100 # total 3136 # total 3234 # total 17470 # total Chord Force:Fx= 3431 Fy= 130 # Roof Diaphragm Loading "Y"direction roof loadings Total wind = 2887.5 # = 241 # / ft. Total seismic = 3197 # = 266 # / ft. govenrs "X" direction roof loadings Total wind = 8903 # = 241 # / ft. governs Total seismic = 3197 # = 86 # / ft. TABLE 510 Sheathing type B USE EEI" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 266 #/ft ock;g required v allowable= 320 #/ft ilin : 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet LI of woodlatt ERR -work dir 25-643 ' 9-1-98 Filespec: C:\J&NCALC.,WORK\25-643\25-643L.WK4 filespec = kaplanl ROOF DIAPHGRAM 5 Roof Diaphragm Loading. Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 19.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 38.00 ft. Total wind = 8440.3 # = 222 # / ft. governs Sill to top plate height = 10.00 ft. Total seismic = 5326.8 # = 140 # / ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 7.00 ft. , Avg. number of interior walls = 2 "X" direction roof loadings Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 18050 # total Total wind = 4220.1 # = 222 # / ft. Avg. ext. wall dl 12.8 psf = 7296 # total Total. seismic = 5326.8 # = 280 # / ft. govenrs Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 3762 #_total TABLE 510 Sheathing type B 29108 # total USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 280 #/ft - blocleg required v allowable= 320 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 333 Fy= 2110 # nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 6 Roof Diaphragrn Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 'Plan 18.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings dimensions in "X" direction = 9.00 ft. Total wind = 957.86 # =1 / ft. governs Sill to top plate height = 11.50 ft. Total'seismic = 879 # = 98 # / ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 0.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = -2 "X" direction roof loadings Roof dead load = 17.0 psf = 2754 # total Total wind = 1915.7 # = 106 # /ft. governs Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = 0 # total Total seismic = 879 # = 49 # / ft. Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 2049:3 # total TABLE 510 Sheathing type A 4803.3 # total USE 8" Sheating with 10d nails• v diaphragm= 106 #/ft ocleg not required Eiling: v allowable= 215 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 479 Fy= 60 # 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 7 Roof Diaphragm Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 14.00 ft. "Y"direction rcof loadings O Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 9.00 ft. Total wind = 2082.3 # ft. governs Sill to top plate height = 15.00 ft. Total seismic = 993.14 # = `11`0 # / ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 5.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls ,= 2 "X" direction roof loadings Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 3150 # total Total wind = 3239.1 # = 231 # / ft. governs Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = 0 # total Total seismic = 993.14 # = 71 # / ft. Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 2277 # total TABLE 510 Sheathing type B 5427 # total USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 231 #/ft blockg required �nailinq: v allowable= 320 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 630 Fy= 167 # 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 8 Roof,Diaphragn Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 38.00 ft. _.__ "Y"direction roof loadings Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 36.00 ft. Total wind = 9328.7 # = 259 # / ft. Sill to top plate height = 12.00 ft. Total seismic = 11199 # = 311 # /ft. govenrs Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 8.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 3 "X" direction roof loadings Roof dead load = 30.0 psf = 41040 # total Total wind = 0 # = 0 # / ft. Avg. ext. wall dl 12.8 psf = 11366 # total Total seismic = 11199 # = 295 # / ft. govenrs Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 8791.2 # total TABLE 510 Sheathing type B 61198 # total USE 5/8" Sheating with 1 Od nails v diaphragm= 311 #/ft block�g required Aallowable= 320 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 1478 Fy= 1326 # nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES. Project M.Kaplan Residence Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = Job # 25-643 647• North Main St. Suite 4B Sill to top plate height = James Cioffi Architect Roof rise (plate to ridge) = by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Roof -dead load = 25.0 psf = 11600 # total Avg. ext. wall dl - 6.4 psf = Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 3234 # total Sheet L3 of ---- ---- ---- ---- woodlatl ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ERR USE 5/8". Sheating with 10d nails -- ----- ----- work dir = 25-643 9-l-98:-.',1 5/_: v allowable= Filespec: C:\J&NCALC"WORK\25-643f25-643L.WK4 ': 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- filespec kaplanL ROOF DIAPHGRAM 9 Roof Diaphragm Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 16.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 29.00 ft. Totallwind = 4294.2 # = 148 # / ft. governs Sill to top plate height = 10.00 ft. Total'seismic = 2649.8 # = 91 # / ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 3.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 0 "X" direction roof loadings Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 11600 # total Total wind = 2369.2 # = 148 # / ft. Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = 2880 # total Total seismic = . 2649.8 # = 166 # / ft. govenrs - Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 0 # total 14480 # total Chord Force:Fx = 183 Fy= T 973 # ROOF DIAPHGRAM 10 226 # Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 16.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 29.00 ft. Sill to top plate height = 10.00 ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 3.00 ft. Avg. number -of interior walls = 1 Roof -dead load = 25.0 psf = 11600 # total Avg. ext. wall dl - 6.4 psf = 2880 # total Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 1485 # total Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 3234 # total 183•4 / ft. govenrs 15965 # total Chord Force:Fx = 201 Fy= 973 # ROOF DIAPHGRAM 11 226 # Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 27.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 22.00 ft. Sill to top plate height = 10.00 ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 4.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 2 Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = 8910 # total Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = 0 # total Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 3234 # total 12144 # total Chord Force:Fx= 690 Fy= 226 # ROOF DIAPHGRAM 12 13.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 11.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 24.00 ft. Sill to top plate height* = " .-14.00 ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 2.50 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 2 Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = 3960 # total Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = 0 # total Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 3234 # total 7194 # total Chord Force:Fx= 111 Fy= 359 # ROOF DIAPHGRAM 13 Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 13.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 13.00 ft. Sill to top plate height = 14.00 ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 2.50 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 2 Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = 2535 # total Avg. ext. wall dl 0.0 psf = 0 # total Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 2402.4 # total 4937.4 # total Chord Force:Fx= 286 Fy= 113 # TABLE 510 9Sheathing type A USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm = 166 #/ft blocleg not required v allowable= 215 #/ft: inailin.j: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN Roof Diaphragm Loading "Y"direction roof loadings Total -wind = 4294.2 # = 148 # / ft. governs Total seismic = 2921.6 # = 101 # /ft. "X" direction rbof loadings Total wind = 2369.2 #. = 148 # /ft. Total:seismic = 2921.6 # = 183•4 / ft. govenrs TABLE 510 Sheathing ;t a -- =.A„<..- - USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 183 #/ft block'g not required v allowable= 215 #/ft nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN Roof Diaphragm Loading "Y"direction roof loadings Total wind = 0 # = 0 #'/ ft. Total seismic = 2222.44 = 101 # /ft. govenrs "X" direction roof loadings Total wind = 4497.8 # = 1.67 # /ft. governs Total seismic = 2222.4 # = 82 # / ft. TABLE 510 Sheathing type A USE E8" -3heating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 167 #/ft ock •g not required v allowable= 215 #/ft iling: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN Roof Diaphragm Loading "Y"direction rcaf loadings Total wind = 0 # = 0 #1 ft. Total seismic = 1316.5 # = 55 #-/ ft. govenrs "X" direction roof loadings Total wind = 1934.2 # = 176 # / ft. governs Total seismic = 1316.5 # = 120 # / ft. TABLE 510 Sheathing type A USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 176 #/ft block'R not required v allowable= 215 #/ft nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN Roof Diaphragm Loading "Y"direction roof loadings Total wind = 0 # _ • 0 # /ft. Total seismic = 903.54 # . = 70 # / ft. govenrs "X" direction roof loadings Total wind = 2285.9 # = 176 # /ft. governs Total seismic = 903.54 # = 70 # / ft. TABLi= 510 Sheathing type A USE 5/8". Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm = 176 #/ft block'g not required Enailin v allowable= 215 #/ft ': 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Total wind = 1018 # = Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 0 # / ft. Sheet 14 of . woodlatl ERR 63 # / ft. work dir = 25-643 9-1-98 Filespec: C:\J&NCALCiWORK\25-643\25-643L.WK4 filespec = kaplanL ROOF DIAPHGRAM 14 Roof Diaphragm Loading Roof Diaphracm Loading 6.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 9.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings 10.00 ft. Total wind = 1018 # = Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 17.00 ft. Total wind = 0 # = 0 # / ft. 42 # / ft. Sill to top plate height = 14.00 ft. Total seismic = 1066.1 # = 63 # / ft. govenrs Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 2.50 ft. 900 # total Avg. number of interior walls = 1 "X" direction roof loadings 921.6 # total Total seismic = 420.31 # = Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = 2295 # total Total wind = 1582.6 # = 176 # /ft. governs Avg. ext..wall dl 6.4 psf = 2329.6 # total Total seismic = 1066.1 , , _ . !R,- 118 # / ft. - Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 1201.2 #,total v diaphragm= 102 #/ft 15/8" block' -g not required =.= = = = = TABaE 510 Sheathingtype A nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6".E1NI- 12" FN 5825.8 # total USE 8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 176 #/ft ocWg not required Eiling: v allowable= 215 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 105 Fy= 252 # 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 15 Roof Diaphragrn Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 26.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings " Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 15.00 ft. Total wind = 2221.1 # = 148 # [ft: Sill to top plate height = 1 10.00 ft. Total seismic = 2512 # = 167 # / ft. govenrs Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 3.00 ft. .,. .. Avg. number of interior walls = 1 "X" direction roof loadings :• t. i Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 9750 # total Total] wind = 3850 # = 148 # /ft. governs Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = 2624 # total Totall seismic = 2512 # = 97 # / ft. Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 1353 # total TABLIE 510 Sheathing type A 13727 # total USE 5/8" Sheating with 1 O nails v diaphragm= 167 #/ft • block'g not required Inailing: v allowable= 215 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 834 Fy= 181 # 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 16 Roof Diaphragm Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 12.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 13.00 ft. Total wind = 0 # = 0 # / ft. Sill to top plate height = 9.00 ft. Total seismic = 827.62 # = 64 # / ft. govenrs Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 3.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 1 _ "X" direction roof loadings Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = 2340 # total Total wind = 1665.8 # = 139 # /ft. governs Avg, ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = 1440 # total Total:seismic = 827.62 # = 69 # / ft. Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 742.5 # total TABLE 510 Sheathing type A 4522.5 # total USE 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails v diaphragm= 139 #/ft bloc 'g not required v allowable=' 215 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 192. Fy= 112 # nailing : 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 17 Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = Plan dimensions in "X" direction = Sill to top plate height = Roof rise (plate to ridge) _ Avg. number of interior walls = Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = Chord Force:Fx= 46 Fy= Roof Diaphragm Loading 6.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings 10.00 ft. Total wind = 1018 # = 102 # /ft. governs 9.00 ft. Total seismic = 420.31 # = 42 # / ft. 1.00 ft. 1 ` "X" direction roof loadings 900 # total Total wind = 610.81 # = 102 # /ft. governs 921.6 # total Total seismic = 420.31 # = 70 # / ft. 475.2 # total _ = = = = = TABL 510 Sheathing type A 2296.8 # total USE -Sheating with 1 Od nails v diaphragm= 102 #/ft 15/8" block' -g not required v allowable= 215 #/ft 212 # nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6".E1NI- 12" FN JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 24.00 ft. 647 North Main St. Suite 46 12.00 ft. James Cioffi Architect. by MDF 1 Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = Riverside, California 92501 Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = 3379.2 # total Date 10/09/98 USE 5/8" Sheating with 1Od nails Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909.686-6752 117 #/ft Sheet -g of woodlatl v allowable= ERR ---- ---- ----- ----- work dir = 25-643 9-1-98 12" FN Filespec: C:\J&NCALCaWORK\25-643\25-643L.WK4 filespec = kaplanL ROOF DIAPHGRAM 18 Roof Diaphracm Loading Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 32.00 ft. "Y"direction roof loadings Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 26.00 ft. Total wind = 3850 # = 148 # / ft. Sill to top plate height = 10.00 ft. Total seismic = 5165 # = 1991# / ft. govenrs Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 3.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 0 "X" direction eoof loadings Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 20800 # total Total wind = 4738.4 # = 148 # / ft. Avg. ext. wall dl 12.8 psf = 7424 # total Total seismic = 5165 # = 161 # / ft. govenrs Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf = 0 # total _ _ _ _ _ _. TABLE 510 Sheathing type A 28224 # total USE Sheating with 1Od nails v diaphragm= 199 #/ft " 15/8" block"g not required v allowable= . 215 #/ft Chord Force:Fx= 795 Fy= 525 # naili . : 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN ROOF DIAPHGRAM 19 Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = Plan dimensions in "X" direction = Sill to top plate height = Roof rise (plate to ridge) _ Avg. number of interior walls = Roof dead load = 15.0 psf = Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = Avg. int. wall dl 6.6 psf Chord Force:Fx= 67 Fy= 10.00 ft. 22.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 1..00 ft. 1 3300 # total 2048 # total 1.056 # total.._._.,� r 6404 # total 672 # ROOF DIAPHGRAM 20 111 # / ft. Plan dimensions in "Y" direction = 20.00 ft. Plan dimensions in "X" direction = 24.00 ft. Sill to top plate height = 12.00 ft. Roof rise (plate to ridge) = 4.00 ft. Avg. number of interior walls = 1 Roof dead load = 25.0 psf = 12000 # total Avg. ext. wall dl 6.4 psf = 3379.2 # total Avg, int: wall dl 6.6 psf = 1742.4 # total 17122 # total Chord Force:Fx= 386 Fy= 666 # Roof Diaphragm Loading "Y"direction roof loadings Total wind = 2443.2 # = 111 # / ft. governs Total seismic = 1171.9 # = 53 # / ft. "X" direction roof loadings Total wind = 1110.6 # = 1 1 1 # / ft. Total, seismic = 1 171.9 # = 117 # /ft. govenrs TAKE 510 Sheathing type A USE 5/8" Sheating with 1Od nails v diaphragm= 117 #/ft blocWg not required v allowable= 215 #/ft naili : 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN Roof Diaphragm Loading" "Y"direction rcof loadings Total wind = 4442.3 # = 185 # /ft. governs Total seismic = 3133.3 # _ 131 # /ft. "X" direction not loadings Total -wind = 3701.9 # = 185 # /ft. governs Total seismic = 3133.3 # = 157 # / ft. TABLE 510 Sheathing type A USE 15/8" 3heating with 1Od nails v diaphragm= 185 #/ft block:g not required v allowable= 215 #/ft nailing: 6" BN/CPE- 6" EN- 12" FN JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ! Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # . 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi' Architect • by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet of ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- — ----- woodlatl ERR work dir = '25-643 " 9-1-98 Filespec: C:\J&NCALCAWORK\25-643\25-643L.WK4 filespec 'kaplanL cdxwall SHEAR PANEL TABLES UBC Table 23 -I -K-0 or' 2) Allowable shear for wind or seismic forces for UBC Table 25-1 Allowable shear for wind or seismic forces for CD -X Plywood or 2 -M -W Particle board with 2x (or 3x) studs at 16"o.c. vertical diaphragms of lath and plaster or gypsum board assemblies • Zone 4 ( 1/2 values indicated) 3/8", sheathing with 8d nails table38 Wall. type Allowable load per foot Sheathing Fastening Default bolt spacing;..: I, 1/2" sheathing with 8d nails 1/2" sheathing with 10d nails tablel8 tablel l Wall type Allowable load per foot Sheathing Fastening Default bolt spacing A B C D E F. 62.5 90 260 380 .490 640 1/2" /8" stu 1/2" ply 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" ply 6d coole 11 or 1 6" edge 4" edge 3" ed a 2" edge 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. A B C D E F 62.5 901 310 460 600 770 1/2" /8" stu 1/2 I 1/2" 1 1/2" I w' 1/2" I w'. 6d coole 11 or 1_F67 —edge 4" edge' 3" ed es, 1 2" edges, 8"o.c. 8"o.c. . 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. ROOF DIAPHRAGM TABLES UBC Table 23-1-J-1 Allowable shear for horizontal diaphragms for CD -X «, plywood or 2 -M -W particle board with 2x framing. - 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails table 51 0 215 425 . 640 640 730 Diaphragm type Allowable load per foot blocking Fastening B.N.-C_.P.E. Fastening E.N. , ' A B C D E 215 320 425 640 730 not re u required required required required 6" BN/C 6" BN/C 4" BN/C 2-1/27 B 2" BN/C 6" EN- 6" EN- 6" EN- 4" EN- 3" EN- r sillbolt Min stud 4z, in 8" mil. stem 4x, in 8" mi -i. stem 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 6x 6x Sill Bolts Default bolt 5/8" 1.33 x 0.82 x 2x sill 905 #/bolt B C D E F.-90 7/8" y 260 380 .490 640 Wcoole stu 3/8" I 3/8" I 3/8" 1 3/8" 1 r 1 6" edge 4" ed a 3" edge 2" ed e 8"o.c. 8'.' 1/2" sheathing with 8d nails 1/2" sheathing with 10d nails tablel8 tablel l Wall type Allowable load per foot Sheathing Fastening Default bolt spacing A B C D E F. 62.5 90 260 380 .490 640 1/2" /8" stu 1/2" ply 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" ply 6d coole 11 or 1 6" edge 4" edge 3" ed a 2" edge 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. A B C D E F 62.5 901 310 460 600 770 1/2" /8" stu 1/2 I 1/2" 1 1/2" I w' 1/2" I w'. 6d coole 11 or 1_F67 —edge 4" edge' 3" ed es, 1 2" edges, 8"o.c. 8"o.c. . 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. 8"o.c. ROOF DIAPHRAGM TABLES UBC Table 23-1-J-1 Allowable shear for horizontal diaphragms for CD -X «, plywood or 2 -M -W particle board with 2x framing. - 5/8" Sheating with 10d nails table 51 0 215 425 . 640 640 730 Diaphragm type Allowable load per foot blocking Fastening B.N.-C_.P.E. Fastening E.N. , ' A B C D E 215 320 425 640 730 not re u required required required required 6" BN/C 6" BN/C 4" BN/C 2-1/27 B 2" BN/C 6" EN- 6" EN- 6" EN- 4" EN- 3" EN- r sillbolt Min stud 4z, in 8" mil. stem 4x, in 8" mi -i. stem 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 6x 6x Sill Bolts Default bolt 5/8" 1.33 x 0.82 x 2x sill 905 #/bolt Bolt size 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" Bolt values in pounds 7/8" y 1" Single bolt in 2000 psi concrete ( 2x4 sill 1 625 1630 1300 1280 1230 Single bolt in 2000 psi concrete ( 2x6 sill 1 1140 2020 1800 1750 1720 Sin le"bolt in 1500 psi masonry- 850 1330 1780 1920 2050 Sin le cantilevered sill bolt in 2x sill plate 580 830 1140 1515 1930 Minimum value from table above 580 830 1140 1280 1250 Table based on pressure treated Hem -Fir sill plates r JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98' Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet 1-7 of ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- woodlatl _ work dir 25-643 9-1-98>,f filespec kaplanL "X" shear wall - Line P Diaphragm no.= 1 Trib. width = 16.00 ft. adj.% TABLE 38 1 Use wall type D "X" Wind F(x) = 2962,# 1 ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 2962 # One side v wall = -.- - - - - 300 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 3297 # / ft. x 1.000 4" edges, 12" field 380 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 3297 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 32 " o.c. 414 # /ft. Total wall length 11.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift _ 5.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 1 .12.00 ft. 300 #/ft. 3596 # Roof dead load = 25 #/ft. 25 #/ft. 25 #/ft. Wall dead load 75 #/ft. 155 #/ft. 75 #/ft. left right Uplift 3596 3596 min. stud thickness = 1.2 ins. Jamb -dead load -700 # -450 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -4296 # -4046 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 3001 # 3214 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf HPAHD22 - HD5A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.13 sq.ins. 0.15 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0:07 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line N Diaphragm no. = 1+2 Trib. width (1) = 16.00 Trib. width (2) = 8.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type F "X" Wind F(x) = 4886 # / ft. x , 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 4886 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 543 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 4071 # / ft. x 1.000 2" edges, 12" field 640 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 4071 # 5/8" bolts @ 16 " o.c. 828 # / ft. Total wall length 9.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft.- 9.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 543 #/ft. 6515 # Roof dead load = 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 6515 6515 min. stud thickness = 2.1 ins. Jamb dead load -585 # -585 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -7100 # -7100 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 6018 # 6018 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf HD8A HD8A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.53 sq.ins. 0.53 sq.ins. depth 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.18 sq.ins. 0.18 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line'J Diaphragm no. 2+3+4 Trib. width (2) = 8.00 Trib. width (3) = 15.00 Trib. width (4) = 18.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1. Use wall type F "X" Wind F(x) = 6376 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 6376 # governs One side v wall = - - - 531 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 3303 # / ft. x. 1.000 2" edges, 12" field 640 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 3303 # 5/8"' bolts @ 16 " o.c. 828 # / ft. Total wall length 12.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 531 #/ft. 6376 # Roof dead load = 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 6376 6376 min, stud thickness = 2.1 ins. Jamb dead load -780 # -780 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -7156 # -7156 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 5713 # 5713 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf HD8A HD8A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.48 sq.ins. 0.48 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar 0.18 sq.ins. 0.18 sq.ins. eff. depth 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 413 James Cioffi Architect by MDF KiRiverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet L i> of ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- - ----- woodlatl work dir. 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL" "X" shear wall -Line E Diaphragm no. 3+4+5+6 Trib': width (3) = 8.00 Trib. width (4) = 15.00 Trib. width (5) = 18.50 Trib. width (6) = 9.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type F "X" Wind F(x) = 8676 # / ft. x 0.850 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = I # = total "X" wind = 7375 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 618 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 7418 # / ft. x 1.000 2" edges, 12" field 640 # /,ft. added seismic. _ # = total "X" seismic = 7418 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 16 " o:c'. 828 4 /ft.' Total wall length 12.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 618 #/ft. 7418 # Roof dead load = 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. , 40 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 7418 7418 min. stud thickness = 2.4 ins. Jamb dead load -780 #' -780 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -8198 # --8198 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 6755 # 6755 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf HD8A HD8A width = 1.00 ft. -Top rebar = ": -0.67 sq.ins. 0.67 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. ` Bott. rebar = 0:24 sq.ins. 0.24 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line A Diaphragm no.= 5 Trib. width = 9.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type D "X" Wind F(x) = 2110 # / ft. x 0.800 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # =, total "X" wind = 1688 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 355 #/ ft.' "X"seismic F(x) = 2663 # / ft. x 1.000 4" edges, 12" field 380 # /ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 2663 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 32." o.c. 414 # / ft. Total wall length 7.50 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. <> Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v. wall = Uplift 5.00 ft. 7.50 ft. OAO ft. 10.00 ft. 355 #/ft. 3551 # Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 175 #/ft: 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 120 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 3551 3551 min. stud thickness = 1.4 ins. Jamb dead load -1731 # -1106 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added download 0 # 0 # Nei down load -5282 #. -4657 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85.x dl = 2080 # 2611 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 HD2A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.10 sq.inv. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.10 sq.ins. 0.08 sq.inz. eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line D Diaphragm no. = 8 Trib. width = 19.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 2 Use wall type F. "X" Wind F(x) = 0 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 0 # Both sides v wall = - - - - - - 1018 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 5600 # / ft. x 1.000 2" edges, 12" field 1280 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 5600 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 8 " o. c. 1656 # /ft. Total wall length 5.50, ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. <> Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht' v wall = Uplift 9.00 ft. 5.50 ft. 12.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 1018 #/ft. 12217 # Roof dead load = 375 #/ft. 375 #/ft. 375 #/ft. Wall dead load 50 #/ft. 150 #/ft. 50 #/ft. left right Uplift 12217 12217 min. stud thickness = 4.6 ins. Jamb dead load -3356 # -3994 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -15574 # -16211 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 9364 # 8823 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HD1 AA HD10A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 1.28 sq.ins. 1.13 sq.ins. depth = '.1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.86 sq.ins. 0.94 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M•Kaplan Residence Job #. 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet 9 of woodlatl' work dir : 25-643 9-1-98 v filespec kaplanL shear wall - Lineot. Diaphragm no'. = 9+10+11 Trib. width (8) = 19.00 Trib. width (9) _ . 8.00 Trib. width (10) 8.00 Trib. width (11) 13.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 2 Use wall type E "X" Wind F(x) = 4618 # / ft. x' .1.000 USE plyw'd (CD-X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 4618 # sides v wall = - - - F3"edges, - . 863 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 9496 # / ft. x - 1.000 12" field 980 # / ft.added seismic = -1 •#= total "X" seismic = 9496 # governs bolts @ 8 " o. c. 1'656 # / ft. Total wall length 11.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft: 4.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 863 #/ft. 10360 # Roof dead load = 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 10360 10360 min. stud thickness = 3.1 ins. Jamb dead load -260 # -260 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -10620 # -10620 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 10139 # 10139 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf ., HD14A HD14A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 1.50 sq.ins. 1.50 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.40 sq.ins. 0.40 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v I-- Uplift 0 ft. 5.50 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 863 #/ft. 10360 # Roof dead load = 4 t. 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 10360 0360 min. stud thickness = 3.1 ins. Jamb dead load -358 # # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 Net down load -1071 -10717 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 56 # 10056 # a) soil = 1000 psf HD14A HD14A widt 1.00 ft. Top r = 1.47 sq.ins. 1.47 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Ott. rebar = 0.41 sq.ins. 0.41 sq.ins. eff. depth =. 14 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 7.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 863 #/ft. 10360 # Roof dead load = 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. ' Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 10360 10360 min.-stud thickness = 3.2 ins. Jamb dead load -455 # -455 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -10815 # -10815 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 9973 # -.9973 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HD14A HD14A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar 11.45 sq.ins. 1.45 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.42 sq.ins. 0.42 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON &-NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # - 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686.6752 Sheet (, p of woodlatl vvork dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec, kaplanL. "X" shear wall - Line J Diaphragm no. 8+7 Trib. width (7) = 7.00 Trib. width (8) = 19.00 ft. adj. "X" Wind F(x) = 1620 # / ft. x 1.000 added wind = # = total"X" wind = 1620 # "X"seismic Rx) = 6096 # / ft. x 1.000 added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 6096 # governs Total wall length 13.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. <> no good use frame "X" shear wall - Line G.3 Diaphragm no. = 10+11+12+15 Trib. width (10) 4.00 Trib. width (11) 13.50 Trib. width 112) 5.50 " Trib. width (15) 20.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type F "X" Wind F(x) = 6770 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 6770 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 521 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 4432 # / ft. x 1.000 2" edges, 12" field 640 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 4432 # 5/8" bolts @ 16 " o.c. 828 # / ft. Total wall length " 13.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 13.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 14.00 ft. 521 #/ft. 7291 # Roof dead load = 30 #/ft. 30 #/ft. 30 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 7291 7291 min. stud thickness = 2.4 ins. Jamb dead load -780 # -780 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -8071 # -8071 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x" dl = 6628 # 6628 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HDBA HD8A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.64 sq.ins. 0.64 sq.ins. depth '= 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.23 sq.ins.' 0.23 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line H Diaphragm no.= 12+ 13 Trib. width (12) 5.50 Trib. width (13) 6.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 2110 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind`= 2110 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 192 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 1110 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 1110 # 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # ! ft. Total wall length 11.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall "length Right lintel, Wall.ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 11.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 14.00 ft. 192 #/ft. 2686 # " Roof dead load = 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 2686 2686 min. stud thickness = 1.0 ins. Jamb dead load -715 # • -715 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -3401 # -3401 .# Footing data - Net uplift - 0.85 x df = 2078 # 2078 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HD2A HD2A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet (� ( of ---- ---- - - -- - - -- ---- - _____ woodlatl work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL "X" shear wall'- Line H Diaphragm no.= . 15+16 Trib. width 05) 5.50 Trib. width 0 6) 6.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) 2022 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 2022 # governs One side v wall ='- - - - - - 184 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 1075 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 1075 # 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # / ft. Total wall length 11.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel 0.00 ft. 11.00 ft: 0.00 ft. Roof dead load= 40 #/ft. 40 #/ft. .40 #/ft Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 90 #/ft. 0 mt left right Uplift 2574 2574 Jamb dead load -715 # -715 # added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -3289 # -3289 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1966 # 1966 # HPAHD22 HPAHD22 Top rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. "X" shear wall - Line K Diaphragm no. = 16+17 Trib. width (16) 6.00 Trib. width (17) 3.00 ft. adj. % "X" Wind F(x) = 719 # / ft. x 1.000 added wind = • # = total "X" wind = "X"seismic F(x) = 210 # / ft. x 1.000 added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = Total wall length 6.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Wall ht v wall = Uplift 14.00 ft. 184 #/ft. 2574 # min. stud thickness = 1.0 ins. (based on T to grain bearing ) Footing data Fla) soil = 1000 psf width = 1.00 ft. depth = 1.50 ft. eff. depth = 14 in. TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails 719 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 120 #/ ft. 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. ' 210 # 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # /ft. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 6.00 ft. - 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 120 #/ft. 959 # Roof dead load = 30 #/ft. 30 #/ft. 30 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 75 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 959 959 min. stud thickness = 0.4 ins. .Jamb dead load -315 # -315 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 04 Net down load -1274 # -1274 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 691 # 691 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0:01 sq.ins: 0.01 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line K.7 Diaphragm no. = 17 TFib. width. = 3.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 b Use wall type A "X" Wind F(x) = 305 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 1/2" gypsum wallboard added wind # = total "X" wind = 305 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 31 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 210 # / ft. x 1.000 6d cooler nails @ 4" o.c. 62.5 # / ft. added seismic = " # = total "X" seismic = 21.0 # 5/8" bolts @ 208 " o.c. 64 # / ft. Total wall length 10.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht `v wall. = Uplift 0.00, ft. 10.00 ft. 0.0.0 ft. 8.00 ft. 31 #/ft. 244 # Roofdead load = 0 #/ft. 15 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 150 #/ft. 0 #/ft. ' left right Uplift 244 244 min. stud thickness = 0:3 ins. Jamb dead load -825 # -825 # (based on T to grain bearing )` added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -1069 # -1069 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = -457 # -457 # F(a) soil = _ • 1000 psf not re 'd. not re 'd. width = 1 .00 ft. Top rebar = 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Jab # 25.643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Sheet (�jZ , of ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- woodlatl work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL "X" shear wall - Line K. , Diaphragm no. = 13+14 Trib. width (13) 6.50 Trib. width (14) 4.50 ft. adj.% TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 906 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 906 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 129 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 315 # % ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field - 260 # / ft. ' added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 315 # 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # /ft. Total wall length 7.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift . : 0.00 ft. 7.00 ft. _ 0.00 ft. _ . 14.00 ft. 129_ .#/ft..::.: 1813 # " Roof dead load = 30 #/ft. 30 .#/ft. 30 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 75 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left' -right Uplift 1813 1813 min. stud thickness = 0.6 ins. Jamb dead load -368 # -368 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -2180 # -2180 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1500 # 1500 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HPAHD22 HPAHD22 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. -eff. depth = 14 in. "X" shear wall - Line M Diaphragm no.= . 14+18 Trib. width (14) 4.50 Trib. width (18) 21.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type D "X" Wind F(x) = 3901 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 3901 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 357 #/ ft. "X"seismic Fix) = 3923 # / ft. x 1.000 4" edges, 12" field 380 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 3923 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 32 " o.c. 414 # / ft.. Total wall length 11.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 11.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 14.00 ft. 357 #/ft. 4992 # Roof dead load = 30 #/ft. 30 #/ft. 30 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 75 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 4992 4992 min. stud thickness = 1.6 ins. Jamb dead load -578 # -578 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -5570 # -5570 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 4502 # 4502 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HD6A HD6A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.30 sq.ins. 0.30 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.11 sq.ins. 0.11 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. Diaphragm no. _ "X" shear wall - Line Q 19&18 Trib. width(18) _ " 12.00 Trib. widthO9) 10.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind Fix) = 1122 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 1122 # One sidev wall = - - - - - - 234 #/ ft. "X"seismic Fix) = 1172, # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 1 172 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # /ft. Total wall length 5.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 5.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 234.#/ft. 2344 # Roof dead load = 75 #/ft. 75 #/ft. 75 #/ft. Wall dead load 50 #/ft. 150 #/ft: 50 #/ft. left right Uplift 2344 2344 min. stud thickness = 0.9 ins. Jamb dead load -8754 -875 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -3219 # -3219 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1600 # 1600 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf FRA HD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04. sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. OHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by, MDF Riverside; California 92501 Date 10/09/98 • Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet of woodlat'l work dir 25-643 9-1-98 _ filespec kaplanL "Y" shear wall - Line 13 Diaphragm no. = 1 - Trib. width = 15.00 ft. adj.% TABLE 38 1 Use wall type D "Y" Wind FNI = 2776 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "Y" wind = 2776 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 330 #/ ft. "Y"seismic F(x) = 3297 # / ft. x 1.000 4" edges, 12" field 380 # / ft. 15/8" addes seismic = # = total "Y" seismic =. 3297 # governs bolts @ 32 " o.c. 414 # /ft. Total wall length 10.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 7.50 ft. 5.00 ft. 2.50 ft. 10.00 ft. 330 #/ft. 3297 # Roof dead load = 375 #/ft. 375 #/ft. - Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 25 #/ft. , left right Uplift 3297 3297 min. stud thickness = 1.5 ins. Jamb dead load -2750 # -1750 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -6047 # -5047 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 959 # 1809 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf . PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.05 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.13 sq.ins. 0.09 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in.' "Y" shear wall - Line 10 Diaphragm no.= . 1 Trib. width = 15.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 2 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 2776, # / ft. x . 1.000 USE plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 2776 # sides v wall = - - - - - - 471 #/ ft. F6"edges, "X"seismic F(x) = 3297 # /ft. x 1.000 12" field 520 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 3297 # governs bolts @ 24 " o.c. 552 # / ft. Total wall length 7.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. . Left lintel Wall length • Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 5.00 ft. 7.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 471 #/ft. 4709 # Roof dead load = 75 #/ft: 75 #/ft. 75 #/ft. Wall dead load 50 #/ft. 150 #/ft. 50 #/ft. left right Uplift 4709 4709 min. stud thickness = 1.7 ins. Jamb dead load -1100 # -1100 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -5809 # -5809 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 3774 # 3774 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HDSA HDSA width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar" = 0.21 sq.ins. 0.21 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.12 sq.ins. 0.12 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 10 Diaphragm no.= 2 Trib. width = 10.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 0 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 0 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 155 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 774 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 774 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # /ft. Total wall length 5.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 4.50 ft. 13.00 ft. 155 #/ft. 2012 # Roof dead load = 150 #/ft. 150 #/ft. 150 #/ft.' Wall dead load 100 #/ft. 200 #/ft. 100 #/ft. left right Uplift 2012 2012 min. stud thickness = 0.8 ins. Jamb dead load -875 # -1438 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -2887 # -3450 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1269 # 790 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HPAHD22 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott.•rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M•Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside; California 92501 Date 10/16/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet 4- of woodlatl - work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanl- "Y" shear wall - Line 12 Diaphragm no.= 2+3+4 Trib. width (2) = 10.50 Trib. width (3) = 7.50 Trib. width (4)= 6.00 ft. - adj. % "X" Wind Fix) = 1444 # / ft. x 1.000 added wind = # = total "X" wind = 1444 # "X"seismic Fix) = 3303 # / ft. x 1.000 added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 3303 # governs Total wall length 19.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C USE 218" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails 1 Cne side v wall = - - - - - - 174 #/ ft. E" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. 1103.9 518" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # / ft. G> 4+5 Left lintel : ':-:_Wall length -.. Right lintel 0.00 ft. 9.00 ft. 10.00 ft. Roof dead load 210 #/ft. 210 #/ft. 210 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 85 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 2260 2260 Jamb dead load -1328 # -2378 # added down load 945 # 0 # Net down load -2642 # -4637 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1935 # 239 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 254 #/ ft. HPAHD22 PAHD42 Top rebar = 0.05 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. . Bott. rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.08 sq.ins. # = total "X"seismic = 3680 # governs Left lintel Wall length Right lintel 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 0.00 ft.. Roof dead load 0 #/ft. 0 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 210 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 2260 2260 - Jamb dead load -1050 # -1050 # added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -3310 # -3310 # Net uplift -'0.85 x dl = 1367 # 1367 # 10.00 ft. 254 #/ft. ., 2538 # HPAHD22 HPAHD22 Top•rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. "Y" shear wall - Line 14 Null ht v wall =` Uplift 13.00 ft. 174 #/ft. 2260 # rain. stud thickness = . 0.8 ins (based on T to grain bearing 1 Rioting data Fa) soil = 1000 psf. width = 1.00 ft. dbpth = 1.50 ft. eff, depth 14 in. Nall ht v wall = Uplift 13.00 ft. 174 #/ft. 2260 # n:in. stud thickness = 1.0 ins. (lased on T to grain bearing ► F')oting data FEa) soil = 1000 psf width = 1.00 ft. depth = 1.50 ft. ePf. depth = 14 in. Diaphragm no. = 4+5 Trib. width (4) = 7.50 Trib. width 15)= 6.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind Fix) = 3137 # / ft.'x 1.000 USE 3?8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 3137 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 254 #/ ft. "X"seismic Fix) = 3680 # [ft. x 1.000 6:" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X"seismic = 3680 # governs 5'8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # /'ft. Total wall length 14.50 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel (fall ht v wall = Uplift 8.00 ft. 4.50 ft. 4.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 254 #/ft. ., 2538 # Roof dead load 175 #/ft. 175 #/ft. 175 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 25 #/ft. left right Uplift 2538 2538 rain. stud thickness = 1.1 ins. Jamb dead load -1475 # -1075 # (torsed on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -4013 # -3613 # Footing data. Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1284 # 1624 # F:a) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. d-apth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.05 sq.ins. e_f. depth =. 14 in. 5.5 5.5 L/2 = M= A(s) _ L/2 = M= A(s) _ 5.5 5.5 10 L/2 = M= A(s) _ L/2 = M= A(s) _ 5.5 1 1103.9 5.5 5.5 14.5 L/2 = M= A(s) _ L/2 -- M= /2=M= A(s) _ 5.5 "Y" shear wall - Line 9 &10 Diaphragm no.= 5+6+7+8 OHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M•Kaplan Residence 19.00 )(.Igo " Job # 25-643 Trib: width (6) = 4.50 Jj J•j -f 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect 4.50 7/ by MDF Trib. width (8) = a TABLE 38 2 Use wall type E Riverside, California 92501 9104 # / ft. x 1.000 USE Date 10/16/98 added wind = # = total "X" wind = 9104 # Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 ----------- Sheet �I of ---- ----- woodlatl added seismic = work dir 25-643 9-1-98 Total wall length filespec kaplanL Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft: 0.00, ft. 10.00 ft. 254 #/ft. 2538 # Roof dead load = 175 #/ft. 175 #/ft. 175 #/ft. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. 2.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 4.00 ft. left right Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. Uplift 2538 2538 min. stud thickness = 1.2 ins. Jamb dead load -1500 # -1500 # (based on T to grain bearing ) left right added down load 0 # 0 # Uplift 8064 8064 Net down load -4038 # -4038 # Footing data Jamb dead load -1125 # , -1375 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1263 # 1263 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf added down load 0 # 0 # HPAHD22 HPAHD22 width = 1.00 ft. Net down load -9189 # -9439 # Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0:02 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Net uplift - 0.85 x dl =' 7108 # 6895 # Bott. reb•ar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. eff..depth..== ` • : . , : •14 in. HDBA HDBA "Y" shear wall - Line 11.4 Top rebar = 0.74 sq.ins. 0.69 sq.ins. Diaphragm no. 3+6+7 Bott. rebar = 0.30 sq.ins. 0.32 sq.ins. Trib. width (3) = 7.50 Trib. width (6) = 4.50 Trib. width (7) = 4.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind Rx) = 479 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = . # = total "X" wind 479 # One side v wall' _ - - - - - - 201 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 2411 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 2411 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # / ft. Total wall length 12.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 201 #/ft. 2009 # Roof dead load = 150' #/ft. 150 #/ft. 150 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 65 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 2009 2009 min. stud thickness = 1.2 ins. Jamb dead load -1290 # -2040 # (based on T to grain bearing added down load -945 # 0 # 'Net down load -4244 # -4049 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl =" ' 109 # 275 # F(a) soil 1000 psf PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 9 &10 Diaphragm no.= 5+6+7+8 Trib. width (5) = 19.00 )(.Igo " Trib: width (6) = 4.50 Jj J•j -f Trib. width (7) = 4.50 7/ Trib. width (8) = 17.00 ft. adj. % y0l = TABLE 38 2 Use wall type E "X" Wind F(x) = 9104 # / ft. x 1.000 USE " plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 9104 # h sides v wall = - - - 806 #/ ft. F3" "X"seismic F(x) = 12096 # /ft. x 1.000, edges, 12" field 980 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 12096 # governs " bolts @ 8 " o. C. 1656 # /ft. Total wall length 15.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 2.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 4.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 806 #/ft. 8064 # Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 25 #/ft. left right Uplift 8064 8064 min. stud thickness = 2.7 ins. Jamb dead load -1125 # , -1375 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -9189 # -9439 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl =' 7108 # 6895 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HDBA HDBA width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.74 sq.ins. 0.69 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.30 sq.ins. 0.32 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. OHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/16/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet wf0 of woodlatl work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL <> Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 806 #/ft. 8064 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 65 #/ft. 0 #/ft. ' Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 65 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 8064 8064 min. stud thickness = 2.6 ins. Jamb dead load -650 # -650 # (based on T to grain bearing I added down load -945 # 0 # Net down load -9659 # -8714 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 6708 # 7511 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf HD8A HD10A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.66 sq.ins..f::>,'+'_; 0.82: sq.ins. '= depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar0.33 sq.ins. 0.27 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 6 Diaphragm no. 8+9+10+11+12+13+14+20 Trib. width (8) = 12.00 Trib. width (9) = 12.00 Trib. width (10) 0.00 Trib. width 01►= 10.00 Trib. width 0 2) 12.00 Trib. width 0 3) 6.00 Trib. width 04) 7.50 Trib. width (20) = 12.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type F "X" Wind F(x) = 7108 # / ft.-x -x,1.000-USE 3/8" plyw'd ICD-XI sheathing with 8d nails" U• added wind = # = total "X" wind = 7108 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 542 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) _' 8124 # / ft. x 1.000 2" edges, 12" field 640 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X". seismic = 8124 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 16 " o. c. 828 # / ft. Total wall length 15.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall Uplift 2.00 ft. 15.00 ft. 4.00 ft. 16.00 ft. 542 #/ft." • 8666 # Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. .225 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 25 #/ft. left right Uplift 8666 8666 min. stud thickness = 3.4 ins. Jamb dead load -2875 # -3125 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -11541 # -11791 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 6222 # 6009 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf HD8A HD8A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.56 sq.ins. 0.53 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.47 sq.ins. 0.50 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel 6.00 ft. 10.00 ft. - 0.00 ft. Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 Mt. 0,#A. left right Uplift 2370' 2370 Jamb dead load -2500 # -1750 # ' added down load 10 # 0 # Net down load -4870 # -4120 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl 245 # 883 # PAHD42 PAHD42 Top rebar 10.00 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.08 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. Wall ht v wall = Uplift 10.00 ft. 237 #/ft. 2370 # min. stud thickness = 1.2 ins. (based on T to grain bearing ) Footing data Fla) soil = 1000 psf width = 1.00 ft. depth = 1.50 ft. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 48 James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 ----------------- Sheet 1.17 of woodlatl ---- --- - - ---- --- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL "Y" shear wall - Line.D-5.5 Diaphragm no. = 9+19+111 Trib. width•(9) = 16.00 Trib-.width 00) 10.00 Trib. width 1111= 10.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 2 Use wall tie E "X" Wind'F(x) = 41284 / ft. x 1.414 USE - " plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind =. # = total "X" wind = 5836 # h sides v wall = - - - - - 887 #/ ft. FY "X"seismic F(x) _ 6899 # / ft. x 1.414 edges, 12" field 980 #./ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 9755 # governs " bolts @ 8 " o.c. 1656 # /ft. Total wall length 11.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. ' Left lintel, Wall length Right lintel =Wall ht _ v wall = Uplift_ 9.00 ft. 7.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 887 #/ft. 10641 # Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 150 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 65 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 1064.1 10641 min. stud thickness = 3.3 ins:• , Jamb dead load -1878 # -753 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 WettbdoWoddad -12519 # -11399 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl• = 9046 # 10002 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf HD10A HD14A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 1.19 sq.ins. 1.46 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.56 sq.ins. 0.46 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. <> Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht •• v wall = Uplift 6.00 ft. 4.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 887 #/ft. 10641 # - Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 65 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 10641 10641 min. stud thickness = 3.3 ins. Jamb dead load -1330 #. -580 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -11971' # -11221 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl 1 9511 # 10148 N F(a) soil = 1000 psf HD1 AA HD14A width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 1.32 sq.ins. 1.50 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.51 sq.ins. 0.45 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 3 Diaphragm no. = 10+12+15 Trib. width (10) 13.00 Trib. width 0 2) 12.00 Trib. width (15)= 7.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 2 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 3555 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 3555 # governs Both sides v wall = - - - - - - 237 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 705 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 520 # / ft. added seismic I# = total "X" seismic = 705 # 5/8" bolts @ 24 " o.c. 552 #7 ft. Total wall length 15.00 ft. - Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel 6.00 ft. 10.00 ft. - 0.00 ft. Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 Mt. 0,#A. left right Uplift 2370' 2370 Jamb dead load -2500 # -1750 # ' added down load 10 # 0 # Net down load -4870 # -4120 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl 245 # 883 # PAHD42 PAHD42 Top rebar 10.00 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.08 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. Wall ht v wall = Uplift 10.00 ft. 237 #/ft. 2370 # min. stud thickness = 1.2 ins. (based on T to grain bearing ) Footing data Fla) soil = 1000 psf width = 1.00 ft. depth = 1.50 ft. eff. depth = 14 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel 0.00 ft. 4.00 ft. 6.00 ft. OHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence 0 #/ft. 50 #/ft. 175 #/ft. Job # 25-643 0 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 35 #/ft. 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect Uplift by MDF Jamb dead load -350 # -980' # Riverside, California, 92501 0 # , 0 # Date 10/09/98 -1653 # -2283 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet i.i $ of woodlatl 0.01 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. work dir 25-643 9-1-98 _; .- filespec kaplanL, Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 12.00 ft. 237 #/ft. 2844 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 355 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 65 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 2844 2844 min. stud thickness = 1.1 ins. Jamb dead load -1050 # -1050 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -3894 # -3894 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1952 # 1952 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. • Top rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.06 sgJns. " depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.05 sq.ins. 0.05 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 1 - Diaphragm no. = 15 Trib. width (15) = 7.00 ft. adi. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 1037 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 1037 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 130 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 1 172 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 1.172 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # / ft. Total wall length 9.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel 0.00 ft. 4.00 ft. 6.00 ft. Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 50 #/ft. 175 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 35 #/ft. left right Uplift 1303 1303 Jamb dead load -350 # -980' # added down load 0 # , 0 # Net down load -1653 # -2283 # Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1005 # 470 # PAHD42 PAHD42 Top rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. Wall ht v wall = Uplift 10.00 ft. 130 Mt. 1303 # min. stud thickness = 0.5 ins. (based on T to grain bearing Footing data F(a) soil = 1000 psf. width = 1.00 ft. depth = 1.50 ft. eff. depth 14 in. JITIOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 - Date 10/09/98, Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet L19 of woodlatl work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL "Y" shear wall - Line 1 Diaphragm no. = 16 Trib. width 0 6) = 6.50 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type B "X" Wind F(x) = 0 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 7/8" stucco with woven wire lath added wind = # = total "X" wind = 0 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 69 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 414 # / ft. x 1.000 11 or 16 gage staples @ 6" O.C. 90 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 414 # governs 5/8" bolts @ 144 " o.c. 92 # / ft. Total wall length 6.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 6.00 ft. 5.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 69 #/ft. 552 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 95 #/ft. 95 #/ft Wall dead load 0 vit. 125 #/ft. 20 #/ft. left right Uplift 552 552 min. stud thickness = 0.4 ins. Jamb dead load -660 # -948 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -1212 # -1499 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = -9 # -254 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf Fn re 'd. not re 'd. width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar =' 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins, eff: depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 2 - Diaphragm no.= 16 - Trib. width (8) = 7.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type D "X" Wind F(x) 1037 # / ft. x 1.000 USE .. 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 1037 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 261 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) =, 1172 # /ft. x 1.000 4" edges, 12" field 15/8" 380 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 1172 # governs bolts @ 32 " o.c., 414 # / ft. Total wall length 4.50 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 3.00 ft. 4.50 ft. 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. 261 #/ft. 2084 # Roof dead load = 95 #/ft. 95 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 20 #/ft: 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift 2084 2084 min. stud thickness = 0.8 ins. Jamb dead load -668 # -495 # (based on T to grain bearing ) added down load. 0 # 0 # Net down load -2752 # -2579 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1517 # 1663 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 HPAHD22 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.03 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 1 Diaphragm no. = 17 Trib. width 0 7) = 5.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C. "X" Wind F(x) = 509 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 509 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 145 #/ ft. ")("seismic Rx) = 210 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 260 # /ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 210 # 5/8'' bolts @ 48 " o.c. 276 # /ft. Total wall length' 3.50 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 2.00 ft. 3.50 ft. 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 145 #/ft. 1454 # Roof dead load = 75 #/ft. 75 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 20 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left - right Uplift - 1454 1454 min. stud thickness = 0.5 ins.. Jamb dead load -445 # -350 # (based on T to grain bearing added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -1899 # -1804# Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1076 # 1157 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 HPAHD22 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth•= 14 in. OHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence 14+18+;19 Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect 9.00 by MDF Riverside, California 92501 JJ_ 11.00 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 - - - - - - 11.00 ft. adj. % Sheet of ------ - woodlatl 2850 # / ft. x 1.000 USE -------- ----- work dir 25-643 9-1-98 # = total "X" wind = 2850 # filespec kaplanL "Y" shear wall - Line 2= 2926 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 1 260 # / ft. Diaphragm no.= 17 ' # = total "X" seismic = 2926 # governs 5/8" bolts @' 48 " o. c. 276 # / ft. Trib. width (17)= 5.00 ft. - adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type B "X" Wind Rx) = 509 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 7/8" stucco with woven wire lath added wind = # = total "X" wind = 509 # governs One side v wall = - - - - - - 85 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 210 # / ft. x 1.000 11 or 16 gage staples @ 6" o.c. 90 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic = 210 # 5/8" bolts @ 144 " o. c. 92 # / ft. Total wall length 6.00 ft. Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right y r Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 6.00 ft. 0:00 ft. 10.00 ft.85 #/ft. 848 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 75 #/ft. 0 #/ft. added down load 0 # 0 # _ Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Net down load -3530 # -2780 # Footing data left right Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1009 # 1647 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf Uplift 848 848 min. stud thickness = 0.4 ins. Jamb dead load -600 # -600 # (based on T to grain bearing ) depth = 1.50 ft. added down load 0 # :0 # Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. Net down load -1448 # -1448 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 338 # 338 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf Wall ht v wall = Uplift PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. 7.00 ft. 217 #/ft. 1517 # Top rebar = 0.00 sq.ins. 0.00 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 4 Diaphragm no.= 14+18+;19 Trib. width (14) 9.00 Trib. width (18) 11.00 Trib. width (19)= 11.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type C "X" Wind F(x) = 2850 # / ft. x 1.000 USE 3/8" plyw'd (CD -X) sheathing.with 8d nails added wind = # = total "X" wind = 2850 # One side v wall = - - - - - - 217 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 2926 # / ft. x 1.000 6" edges, 12" field 1 260 # / ft. added seismic = ' # = total "X" seismic = 2926 # governs 5/8" bolts @' 48 " o. c. 276 # / ft. Total wall length 13.50 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 6.00 ft. 3.50 ft. 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 217 #/ft. 2167 # Roof dead load = 225 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 25 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right y Uplift 2167 2167• min. stud thickness = 0.8 ins. Jamb dead load -1363 # -613 # (based on T to grain bearing ). added down load 0 # 0 # _ Net down load -3530 # -2780 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1009 # 1647 # Fla) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.04 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.04 sq.ins. 0.03 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift 8.00 ft. 2.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 7.00 ft. 217 #/ft. 1517 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 275 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 100 #/ft. 0 #/ft. . left right Uplift 1517 1517 min. stud thickness = 0.6 ins. Jamb dead load -375 # -375 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -1892 # -1892 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1 198 # 1198 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf PAHD42 • PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft.. Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft., Bott. rebar = 0.01 sq.ins. 0.01 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Project M.Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi Architect by MDF Riverside, California 92501 Date 10/09/98 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686.6752 Sheet L2 j of woodlatl work dir 25-643 9-1-98 filespec kaplanL Left lintel Wall length '=' Right lintel Wall ht v wall = Uplift." 8.00 ft. 2.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 7.00 ft. 217 #/ft. 1517 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 165 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 100 #/ft. 0 #/ft. left right Uplift ' 1517 1517 min. stud thickness = 0.5 ins. Jamb dead load -265 # -265 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -1782 # -1782 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = 1292 # 1292 # Fla) soil _ 1000 psf ' PAHD42 PAHD42 width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.02 sq.ins. 0.02 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar.= 0.01 sq.ins. - -0.01 sq.ins.. eff. depth = 14 in. "Y" shear wall - Line 7 Diaphragm no. = 18+19 Trib. width (18) 11.00 Trib. width (19)= 11.00 ft. adj. % TABLE 38 1 Use wall type " B "X" Wind F(x) = 2850 # / ft. x 1.000 USE " stucco with woven wire lath added wind = # = total "X" wind = 2850 # governs e side v wall = - - - - - - F5/8" 68 #/ ft. "X"seismic F(x) = 2361 # / ft. x 1.000 or 16 gage staples @ 6" o.c. 90 # / ft. added seismic = # = total "X" seismic 2361 # bolts @ 144 " o.c. 92 # /ft.____ Total wall length 42.00 ft. Stud depth = 5.5 in. Left lintel Wall length Right lintel Wall ht ' v wall = Uplift 0.00 ft. 42.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 10.00 ft. 68 #/ft. 679 # Roof dead load = 0 #/ft. 225 #/ft. 0 #/ft. Wall dead load 0 #/ft. 125 #/ft. 0 #/ft. ' left right Uplift 679 679 min. stud thickness = 2.4 ins. Jamb dead load -7350 # -7350 # (based on T to grain bearing 1 added down load 0 # 0 # Net down load -8029 # -8029 # Footing data Net uplift - 0.85 x dl = -5569 # -5569 # F(a) soil = 1000 psf not re 'd. not re 'd. width = 1.00 ft. Top rebar = 0.45 sq.ins. 0.45 sq.ins. depth = 1.50 ft. Bott. rebar = 0.23 sq.ins. 0.23 sq.ins. eff. depth = 14 in. ELSEN JOHNSON NGUsTRIUC URALASSOCIATES CONSUL 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-B RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 aur-ri99 • FAX 909-686-6752 JOB. N0. DATE SH ! OF y St`<<�wIL 49094p s� pq To 8A Pr-A-,:;7/DN It Gr7if` OF ' Zx,12 t3,9rz =• Lda/� V (3RAG = -� : 4: r 70 17, d,3 r lc S i• � .� -: Ion 3% lo, 9.3 - 1,07 �nZ GV E Lb BF �RAo� G0�1 u �.G TrBn/ S . V"r. PooCk lvR 'L7.S pmar.= Avk 1w. v4-64 RMA X, /1, mi (1,70) JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES STRAND -2D (V3.2) Page 1 DATE: NO. OF NODES = ---------------- 6 NO. OF SUPPORTS = 2 NO. OF BEAMS = 8 NO. OF MATERIALS = .1 I I NO. OF SECTIONS = 2 ti G NO. OF LOAD CASES = 1 NO. OF LOAD SETS = 1 NO. OF LOAD COMB. = 0 NO. OF SPRINGS = O h G NO. OF OFFSETS = 0 S o -r NODAL COORDINATES (feet)_ NODE X COORD Y COORD. FLOOR SFRNG NO. 1 .00000 .00000. 0 O I ¢ 2 3.50000 00000....._.._0. C 3 7.00000 0 C: .00000 4 • 3.50000 7.00000 0 C r 5 .00000 14.00000 0 C 6 3.50000 14.00000 .0 C BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (-1 for fixed; 0 for free) �n NODE DISP DISP ROTAT. NO. X Y Z 1 -1 -1 0 2 -1 -1 0 MATERIAL PROPERTIES MATL. MATERIAL MOD. OF POISSON "IELD WEIGHT TEMP. EXP. COEFF. NO. NAME ELASTICITY RATIO S'.RESS DENSITY 1 STEEL 2'9000.0 :30 3-3.00 .49 .000000 SECTION PROPERTIES SECT SECTION SECTION AREA in**2 EX in4*4 IY SHEAR in**4 AREA NO. NAME TYPE 1 ST -P3 PIPE 2.228 3..018 3.018 .000 2 ST -P2 PIPE 1.075 ..666 .666 .000: MEMBER CONNECTIVITY MEMB NODE NODE MATL. SECT. RELEASE MEMS.DESIGN PARAMETERS OFFST ._ NO. I J NO. NO. CODE DIR- <-------------------------- JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES STRAND -2D (V3.2) Page 2 ------------------ DATE: .MEMBER CONNECTIVITY MEMB. NODE NODE. MATL. SECT. RELEASE MEMB. DESIGN PARAMETERS OFFST NO. I J:-- NO. NO. CODE DIR- <-------------------------- > 1 1 3 l 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 _3 5 1 1 -0 E) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 6 1 1 3. 0 0 0 0-•- 0 0 0 4 -2 4 1 -1 0 0_ 0 0 0,. 0 0 0,, 5 4 6 1 1 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 6 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3, 4 1 2 3 0. 0 0 +0 0 0 0 8 1 :.4. 1 2 3 .q 0 0 0 0 0, 0 INPUT INFORMATION FOR FIRST LOAD CASE -------------------- LOADED NODES = 1 LOADED MEMBERS = 0 NODAL FORCES `(-kps,...feet) NODE FORCE FORCE MOMENT NO., X DIR. Y DIR. ABOUT Z 5 3.100 .000 .000 LZ c' JOHNSON.& NIELSEN ASSOCIATES 'STRAND -2D (V3.2) Page 3 -------------------------- ------------------------------ DATE: NODAL DISPLACEMENTS AND ROTATIONS (in.) NODE LOAD X DISP. Y DISP. Z ROT. NO. CASE 1 1 .0000 .0000 -.0009 2 1 ..0000 .0000 7..0008 3 1 .0833 .0080 -.0012 4 - -1 . 0792 -.0161 -.-0012 -` 5 1 .1961 .0080 -.0014.' 6 1 .1941 -.0241 -.0015 SUPPORT~ REACTIONS (Kip -Ft) NODE.LOAD X FORCE Y FORCE MOMENT NO. CASE 1 1 -3.-108 -12.403 .000 2 1 .008 12.400 .000 .MEMBER FORCES (Kip -Ft) MEMB LOAD AXIAL SHEAR MOMENT °AXIAL SHEAR MOMENT 'NO. CASE FORCE I FORCE I END I FORCE J FORCE J END J. 1` 1 6.174 -.00.7 .000 6.174 .007 -.046 2 1 .000 .007 .046. .000 -.007 .000 3 1 -3.093 .000 .000 -3:093 .000 .000 4 1 -12.400 -.008 .000 -12.400 .008 -.056 5 1 -6.174 .008 .056 -6.174 -.008 000 6 1 6.899 .000 .000- 6.899 .000 .000 7 1 -3.098 .000 .000 -3.098 .000 .000 8 1 6.965 .000 .000 6.965 .000 .000 Johnson & Nielsen Associates Consulting Structural Engineers 647 North Main Street, Suite.413 Riverside, CA 92501 Date: 10107198 BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION G2� Page: Kaplan Residence grade Beam CT 3 ` --'0111111111 BEAM DATA MATERIAL DATA LOAD COMBINATIONS_ Beam Depth = 24.00.,in kGross = 1152.0 in4 Load Combination: Dead+Short Term .. Beam Width 1.00 in Beta `Length 4.77 OL Mult. = 1.00 Beam Span 43.50 ft Elastic Modulus = 3122.00 psi LL Mult. = 1.00 End Fixities Subgrade Modulus = 100.00 pci Short Term Mult. 1.00 Left Fixity Free Overall = 1.00 Right Fixity Free - APPLIED LOADS . Uniform #1: DL= 0.735, LL= 0.000, ST= 0.000 klft from 0.00ft -> 43.50ft Point #1: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= 12.200 k at 9.00ft Point #2: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= -12.200 k at 12.50ft Point #3: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= 12.200 k at 23.00ft Point #4: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= -12.200 k at 26.50ft SUMMARY Max V+ = 3.30 k ` at •15.14 ft -Y = Left Reaction = 0.00 k Max V- _ -9.58 k at 26.45 ft Right Reaction = 0.00 k Max M+ = 15.56 k -ft at 22.97 ft Moment @ Left End = 0.00 k -ft Max M- =-18.23 k -ft at 12.53 ft Moment @ Right End = 0.00 k -ft Max Theta+ = 0.00 at 10.44 ft Theta @ Left End = 0.00 Max Theta- _ -0.00 at 43.50 ft Theta @ Right End = -0.00 Max Oefl+ = 0.00 in at 0.00 ft Defl. @ Left End = -0.93 in Max Defl- _ -0.93 in at 0.00 ft Oefl. @ Right End -0.60 in Max Soil Pressure = 13423 psf at 0.00 ft 15 55 - 7.1 Mme. - 15.55ft-k � 22.96 ft Mmin - -18.23 fl -k ¢ 12.52 ft Vmex - 3.29 kip* � 15.13 ft Vmin - -9.58 klpa ! 26.44 ft Dmex - 0.00 in 0 0.00 ft D m i n-- 0.93 in G- 0.00 ft 1 ---,'� i2. 4-6,01 M --'0111111111 4,111111 -18.23 3.29 -9.58 0.00-, r -0.93 ftl I I I I• 1 1 0.0 7.1 14.4 21.7 29.0 36.3 43.` 735 � : IB,Z3 ki , 1405 !n? • 12.1(20 % V4.49; (c) 1983.95 ENERCALC Johnson and Nielsen Associates, KWO6069S Johnson & Nielsen Associate's Consulting Structural Engineers - 647 North Main Street, Suite 413 Riverside, CA 92501 BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION Kaplan Residence grade Beam Gr 13 g Date: 10107198 Page: BEAM DATA MATERIAL DATA' LOAD COMBINATIONS =Beam Depth 24.00 in LGioss 1152.0 in4 Load Combination: Dead +Short Term Beam Width 1.00 in Beta "Length = 4.77 OL Mult. Beam Span = 43.50 ft Elastic Modulus = .3122.00.psi . LL Mult. = 1.00 End Fixities Subgrade Modulus = 100.00 pci Short Term Mult. 1.00 Left Fixity Free Overall = 1.00 Right Fixity Free APPLIED LOADS Uniform N1: OL= 0.735, LL= 0.000, ST= 0.000 klft from O.00ft -> 43.50ft Point a1: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= -12.200 k at' 9.00ft Point #2: OL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= 12.200 k at 12.50ft Paint N3: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= ;12.200 k at 23.00ft Point N4: DL= 0.000, LL= 0.000, ST= 12.200 k at 26.50ft SUMMARY. Max V+ • _ 9.58 k at 26.45 ft . Left Reaction _ - 0.00 k Max V- _ -3.30 k ' . at 15.14 ft Right Reaction = 0.00 k Max M+ = 18.23 k -ft at 12.53 ft Moment @ Left End = 0.00 k -ft Max M- =-15.56 k -ft at 22.97 ft ' Moment @ Right End = 0.00 k -ft, Max Theta+, = 0.00 at 43.50 ft Theta @ Left End = -0.00 Max Theta- _ -0.00 at ,10.44 ft Theta @ Right End = 0.00' Max Defl+ = 0.00 in at 0.00 It Defl. @Left End = -0.29 in Max Defl- _ -0.80 in at 29.93 ft Defl. @ Right End _ -0.63 in ' Max Soil Pressure = 11522 psf at 29.93 ft i y ' - 18.23 . Ah Mm = 18.23ft-k O 12.52 ft. - ' Mmtn = -15.55 ft -k IP 22.96 ft M • . 9.58 r + • _ 1 - Vm- = 9.50 kip. ® 26.44 ft , Vntln=-3.29 kip30,15.13 ft V 1111"'I ' -3.29 ' Dmex = 0.00 to O 0.00 ft ' ft 0.00 1-i"111111 ' - .. D -in - -0.861n a 29.92 f _ - nl i• - i 1 1 1 1 0.0 7.1 14.4 _ 21.7 29.0 36.3 43.° • y M • F V4.46 Ic► 1983.95 ENERCALC t i Johnson and Nielsen Associates, KW06069S slp'd roof - 25 4 150 7 1050 wall 6.6 14 1293.6 7 9055.2 parapet 15 4 60 - 7 420 footing 150 1.5 6300 7 44100 total: 9423.6 65965 Resisting moment= (.85 •Wxcm) = 56070 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=1.67•Wxcm)= 44197 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm 5.01 e= 1.99 <L/6 q= 832 O.K. Footing @ line 10 Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 7 ft Footing Length= 12 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= 39564 Ib -ft seismic 33312 lb -ft wind Rpaistinn Forr-ps• ` ortion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 25 10 1750 6 10500 wall 12.8 10 1536 6 9216 footing 150 2 7200 6 43200 total: 10486 62916 Resisting moment =(.85•Wxcm)= 53479 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=(.67•Wxcm)= 42154 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm = 2.23 e = 3.77 > L/6 q= 1570 O.K. Footing @ line E Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 12 ft Footing Length= 20 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= -89500 Ib -ft seismic' 88500 lb -ft wind. Resisting Forces: portion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 15 1 180 10 1800 wall 6.6 10 1320 10 13200 footing 150 2 12000 10 120000 beam 560 10 5600 beam 1675 6 10050 total: 1 b /3b - 150650 Resisting moment= (.85•Wxcm)= 128053 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment =(.67•Wxcm)= 100936 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure:. Xcm = 3.89' e = 6.11 >L/6 q= 1350 O.K. - onion flat.roof 15. 9 1620 7 11340 unit wt. trib widt xcm I - roo- JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES flan Residence Job 11 25-643 36450 647 North Main St. Suite 4B 6.6 James Cioffi by MDF 9240 Riverside, California 92501 V 150 2 Date 10/09/98 120000 Phone 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 Sheet of > ver. 11/9/97 _ Machine:SPANKY work dir = 25-643 >i,. wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCAL.�\WORK\25=643\25-643G.WK4 filespec = 25-643g ftgotm ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE= 1500 psf Footing @ line 12 (@ mstr. bath) s Foc•ting @ line P Overturning on continuous footing Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 12 ft Wail length= 27 ft Footing Length= 14 ft Focting Length= 27 ft Footing width= 1.5 ft Footing width= 1 ft .Overturning Moment= 18775 Ib -ft seismic Overturning Moment= 44430 Ib -ft seismic 8208 Ib -ft wind 49455 Ib -ft wind Resisting Forces: Resisting Forces: portion unit wt. trib widt weight slp'd roof - 25 4 150 7 1050 wall 6.6 14 1293.6 7 9055.2 parapet 15 4 60 - 7 420 footing 150 1.5 6300 7 44100 total: 9423.6 65965 Resisting moment= (.85 •Wxcm) = 56070 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=1.67•Wxcm)= 44197 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm 5.01 e= 1.99 <L/6 q= 832 O.K. Footing @ line 10 Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 7 ft Footing Length= 12 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= 39564 Ib -ft seismic 33312 lb -ft wind Rpaistinn Forr-ps• ` ortion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 25 10 1750 6 10500 wall 12.8 10 1536 6 9216 footing 150 2 7200 6 43200 total: 10486 62916 Resisting moment =(.85•Wxcm)= 53479 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=(.67•Wxcm)= 42154 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm = 2.23 e = 3.77 > L/6 q= 1570 O.K. Footing @ line E Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 12 ft Footing Length= 20 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= -89500 Ib -ft seismic' 88500 lb -ft wind. Resisting Forces: portion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 15 1 180 10 1800 wall 6.6 10 1320 10 13200 footing 150 2 12000 10 120000 beam 560 10 5600 beam 1675 6 10050 total: 1 b /3b - 150650 Resisting moment= (.85•Wxcm)= 128053 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment =(.67•Wxcm)= 100936 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure:. Xcm = 3.89' e = 6.11 >L/6 q= 1350 O.K. - onion flat.roof 15. 9 1620 7 11340 unit wt. trib widt xcm Wxcm roo- 25 4 2700 :>13.5 36450 wall] 6.6 10 1320 7 9240 footng 150 2 12000 10 120000 total: 9423.6 65965 Resisting moment= (.85 •Wxcm) = 56070 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=1.67•Wxcm)= 44197 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm 5.01 e= 1.99 <L/6 q= 832 O.K. Footing @ line 10 Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 7 ft Footing Length= 12 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= 39564 Ib -ft seismic 33312 lb -ft wind Rpaistinn Forr-ps• ` ortion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 25 10 1750 6 10500 wall 12.8 10 1536 6 9216 footing 150 2 7200 6 43200 total: 10486 62916 Resisting moment =(.85•Wxcm)= 53479 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=(.67•Wxcm)= 42154 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm = 2.23 e = 3.77 > L/6 q= 1570 O.K. Footing @ line E Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 12 ft Footing Length= 20 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= -89500 Ib -ft seismic' 88500 lb -ft wind. Resisting Forces: portion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 15 1 180 10 1800 wall 6.6 10 1320 10 13200 footing 150 2 12000 10 120000 beam 560 10 5600 beam 1675 6 10050 total: 1 b /3b - 150650 Resisting moment= (.85•Wxcm)= 128053 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment =(.67•Wxcm)= 100936 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure:. Xcm = 3.89' e = 6.11 >L/6 q= 1350 O.K. - onion flat.roof 15. 9 1620 7 11340 unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roo- 25 4 2700 :>13.5 36450 wall] 6.6 10 1320 7 9240 footng 150 2 12000 10 120000 total: 10486 62916 Resisting moment =(.85•Wxcm)= 53479 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=(.67•Wxcm)= 42154 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm = 2.23 e = 3.77 > L/6 q= 1570 O.K. Footing @ line E Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 12 ft Footing Length= 20 ft Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= -89500 Ib -ft seismic' 88500 lb -ft wind. Resisting Forces: portion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof 15 1 180 10 1800 wall 6.6 10 1320 10 13200 footing 150 2 12000 10 120000 beam 560 10 5600 beam 1675 6 10050 total: 1 b /3b - 150650 Resisting moment= (.85•Wxcm)= 128053 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment =(.67•Wxcm)= 100936 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure:. Xcm = 3.89' e = 6.11 >L/6 q= 1350 O.K. - onion flat.roof 15. 9 1620 7 11340 unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roo- 25 4 2700 :>13.5 36450 wall] 6.6 10 1320 7 9240 footng 150 2 12000 10 120000 total: 1 b /3b - 150650 Resisting moment= (.85•Wxcm)= 128053 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment =(.67•Wxcm)= 100936 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure:. Xcm = 3.89' e = 6.11 >L/6 q= 1350 O.K. - onion flat.roof 15. 9 1620 7 11340 unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roo- 25 4 2700 :>13.5 36450 wall] 6.6 10 1320 7 9240 footng 150 2 12000 10 120000 totsl: 14256 192456 Re=_sting moment= (.85•Wxcm)= 163588 Seismic O.K. Res sting moment= (.67•Wxcm)= 128946 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcn= 10.03 e= 3.47 <L/6 q= 935 O.K. Footing @ line J Overturning on continuous footing Wal; length=- 13 ft Footing Length= 20 ft, Footing width= 2 ft Overturning Moment= 39636 Ib -ft seismic 76512 lb -ft wind Rp�tinn Fnrrps- onion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm root 15 2 390 7 2730 wall] 6.6 10 1320 7 9240 footng 150 2 12000 10 120000 totEl: 13 / 10 131970 Ressting moment= 1.85•Wxcm►= 112175 Seismic O.K. Resstingmoment= (.67'Wxcm)= 88420 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcrt, = 4.05 a 5.95 > L/6 q = 1130 O.K. shear to right . q = 953 O.K. shear to left Footing @ line 12 (@ office) Overturning on continuous footing Wali length= 16 ft Foo-ing Length= 16 ft Fowing width= 1 ft Overturning Moment= 20861 Ib -ft seismic 9120 lb -ft wind Rp.SF11nn Fnrrp C' porton unit wt. trib widt weight xcm Wxcm roof .15 10.5 2520 8 20160 wall 12.8 14 2867.2 8 22938 footi-Ig 150 1 4800 8 38400 total: 10187 81498 Resisting moment =(.85•Wxcm)== 69273 Seismic O.K. Resibtingmoment= (•67•Wxcm)= 54603 Wind O.K. ' Soil Pressure: Xcm= 5.95 e= 2.05 <L/6 q= 1126 O.K. S portion unit M. trib widt weight ' •JOHNSON & NIELSEN ASSOCIATES Kaplan Residence Job # 25-643 647 North Main St. Suite 4B James Cioffi by MDF ` •" 'Riverside, California 92501 12.8 Date 10/09/98 Phone"909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 50176 Sheet of ; > ver. 11/9/97 Machine:SPANKY 14 work dir = 25-643 > wk4 Filespec: C:\J&NCAL:;\WORK\25-643\25-643G.WK4 2 filespec = 25-643g Footing @ line 10 Footing @ line G.3 Foiling @ line 3 (@ Bath) Overturning on continuous footing Overturning on continuous footing Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 28 ft Wal length= 14 ft Wal length= 10 ft _ Footing Length= 28 ft Focting Length= 20 ft Footing Length= 10 ft Footing width= " 1 ft Fording width= 2 ft Footing width= 1.5 ft Overturning Moment= 100356 Ib -ft seismic. Overturning Moment= 53184 Ib -ft seismic Ib -ft seismic 71940 Ib -ft . wind 81240 Ib -ft wind , Resisting Forces: Resisting Forces: junit wt. trib widt portion unit M. trib widt weight xcm W•xcm roof 15 4 1680 14 23520 wall 12.8 10 ' 3584 14 50176 footing 150 1 8400 14 117600 onion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm W•xcm room 25 2 700 10 7000 wal - 6.6 10 1320 10 13200 fool'ng 150 2 12000 10 120000 Footing @ line 8 25 2 50 Overturning on continuous footing 450 total: 13664 1.91296 totdl: _ 14020 .140200 Resisting moment=(.85'Wxcm)= 162602 Seismic O.K. Res sting moment= (.85'Wxcm)= 119170 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=(.67•Wxcm)= 128168 Wind O.K. Ressting moment= (.67•Wxcm)= 93934 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: 6.6 Soil Pressure: - 1188 Xcm = 6.66 e = 7.34 > L/6 Xcrn = 4.21 e = 5.79 > L/6 q= 1369 O.K. 13500 q= •1111 O.K. , Footing @ line 8 25 2 50 Overturning on continuous footing 450 Foiling @ line 3 (@ Bath) Wall length= 18 ft Overturning on continuous footing Footing Length= 18 ft Wal length= 10 ft _ Footing width= 2 ft Footing Length= 10 ft Overturning Moment= 87104 Ib -ft seismic Footing width= 1.5 ft 72560 Ib -ft wind Overturning Moment= 20108 Ib -ft seismic Resistin Forces: 2820 lb -ft wind portion junit wt. trib widt weight xcm W•xcm Resstin Forces: roof 25 2 900 9 . 8100 portion unit wt. trib widt I weight xcm W`xcm wall 6.6 10 1188 9 10692 roof 15 12 1800 5 9000. footing 150 2 10800 9' 97200 wall' 6.6 10 660 5 3300 footiig 150 1.5 4500 5 22500 beam 1400 2 2800 ' total: 12888 115992 tota: 8360 37600 Resisting moment=(.85'Wxcm)= 98593 Seismic O.K. , Resisting moment=(.67'Wxcm)= 77715 Wind O.K. Resisting moment= (.85`Wxcm)= 31960 Seismic O.K. Soil Pressure: Resisting moment= (.67•Wxcm)= 25192 Wind O.K. Xcm= 2.24 e= 6.76 >L/6 Soil Pressure: - q = 1917 O.K. Xcrr = 2.09 e = 2.91 > L/6 q= 1776 O.K. Footing @ line 6 Overturning on continuous footing Wall length= 18 ft Footing Length= 18 ft Footing width= 2.5 ft Overturning Moment= 97488 Ib -ft seismic 85296 lb -ft wind Resisting Forces: ' portion unit wt. trib widt weight xcm W'xcm roof 15 10 2700 9 24300 wall 6.6 10 1188 9 10692 footing 150 2.5 13500 9 121500 roof 25 2 50 9 450 total: 17438. 156942 - Resisting moment =(.85•Wxcm)= 133401 Seismic O.K. Resisting moment=(.67•Wxcm)'= 105151 Wind O.K. Soil Pressure: Xcm= 3.41 a=• 5.59 >L/6 q= 1364 O.K. J04NSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING 'STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 • FAX 909-686-6752 ,APL,A►4 JOB. NO. ALJ 'G d 3 BY mar-- DATE ar--DATE SH L 30 OF 4►� G�. Fn�-r'�Iv� 7JU!" 70 10V�"oC TuieN'iAJa - 3140 6213)4 = X37a 2 (4-), _ 1878. 2 =187b(4/3)z>4 2 21,-7bZ #' I q7o k-5 2 7 KF -In Z 4-0 . x 24 x Ia�-OnL. n4vt . ' tN� 3 rnn. 4.' 4 =q3q �sf C►it�GIC �GiTftNd�` Fad D���'7a•I�NI�r� .. 300 lo1) - 77, As z . 77.33 l.72 ►�� b 10 too KA PLAN Ff:5t L* -,q- JOB. N0. "IT 4/o 0'3 JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS BY 647 N. MAIN STREET -SUITE 4-13 DATE 10-t�:- �1� RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 3 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SH - OF CH�r r�rru� 't7uF' To ovERRTuRNrti-� . RI = 153 C7) x.3335 N� = ������>� ": ►�1�3�, 2. 3 Ma l6? y = 3740#I z 3 +37�/0� ��,70& ,953 �I9t�y_'Z0,7PS{. } , G1y� u✓„c a 4 x 2'p MIA), 1667= Z 3 ` R�= 7(31 = 1271 0)=717V 12, t�3 12-7i) 92�a 204 44 JQWSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES JOB. NO. • CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS BY 440 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 DATE, 1''- t5 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SHL 32 - OF l)Z 656 3 4S(/6%. 4 X103 /2/3: /0 � 7 /d'(/'F) 11(le') a Lw , It A4:7 "'fm A41 WS /0,'Z 744 19,00 131,034 122 00 ./o &671 076 '�?olvj'�- kv 23'':lo'ipao A 0,9 //350 //3 ... evo bAl 15,00 551 &to 41-40,19n1lAj� MOXI ,-,v /2aD 4J'1"Ir2 pool -i 144- V, 7 I(A 4S- IICFJ0j- 11,477 4.1? 0910 6300 x( a, �oe I � // 33 161' 33 > 121 ok, 0 JOB. NO. ;JOHNSON AND NIELSEN ASSOCIATES BY Mho • CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 647 N. MAIN STREET, SUITE 4-13 DATE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 909-686-5122 FAX 909-686-6752 SH L33 OF %2 U 42 43, z IJ -3 j. II II l /132) �lTp" f &�Xrd) 26- t W 'PIP 2 = /83 72Z/ t /S 't/io> 4 �s� j = IV 6 \ �e , BGALEVa•. t' JC ftrk JAM6 CIOFFl ARCHiiECT ¢F�'t -DILE —i --- FRAMING SCHEDULE -------------- pp a ... • .. aow�or. r•oo I , { ---- ----- ----- -- -- f aAoxex Ar r•eo I I I I - — - � a �s o• rAr'om ratixr .rte w•'ew •oer I { { �{( I a j Qaaowowarfom.r•: I I. i I�� A I -- fww.aum me rAaaie. I -{I6 ( L•Jta�e®aa.nxr.rm .m rw aHE \ ' ❑' eor°C�r c'-�°rm 'rte �' 1 j - I - - - - \\ I ® fr un br. r• ee+rax err..a,e• I I I � \ I ❑° a. an.sr • r• oarwf :a..vo - -�- -LT _ I m7- --I--- z LIVING O - � O n,snnar.r•m+uxera.f.ra-.• LTJ I +._._._._.._ _ IIID - p j 01 rTINGrr,' TRf II le U A TSI it I' = Q b< HER W.I. I I I I` z LL - I 1 a A II a HE 5 i , ue a otoawn O V+ + rz_ I I. ENTRY • o -- --1- .L L-IF«awa-20 O I I H I -� •� e I �A I I I I ar wr /moi a G •3 II I I AL a It_ e A e I'I I I BATH flCOVERED o I �� G REVISION 2pjTERRACE I °i t IL �I� i II I FT1 ` I II �II I A III — 91 II I i 11 Iq III I N-'-•- - - Ifl III GUST III I I I I 1 DRAWN: if CHECK: I Aaaaovl=D: _1111. BATH III DATE: - �Z' J 1 SCALE: JOS NO: 9808 —C� SHEEP FR.aMING PLAN_ w / / I Ms fRcr.+ma as w raw. n>R xaitcr.a� I --- -"_—_— n fcu^ser'^ -,ALE. S-3 L•4•.I'-`�' v V C01 fx[ft1 —0 - - - — - - — - - - I F TIT I> t4h, LI EF 7c LD 70Z Vu 7 I � I. — \z 70 W.I. I I > I I�'I•��APAFb ' of o I I I^ \�I\ � �/�Yir ih� � I -A ITT tI lb------------ ----- ---- IF lit c:3 A) 6" In 7- u 8_1 — — — — — — — .II . _ I' —.— lid'—I---- — — — — — — — — ------- GE 2u < 7w. mI O u, ii II I i i!rRID t-joe-e-, Q, LIU II i Tjj4_. -in I . i 11 II III All Z_ IT tin-( C -i (P ITT F! rr M. A CUSTOM HOME v THE TRADITION FOR. MR. & MRS. M. KAPLAN LOT a 45 TRACT 28470-2 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA > i!rRID t-joe-e-, Q, LIU II i Tjj4_. -in I . i 11 II III All Z_ IT tin-( C -i (P ITT F! rr M. A CUSTOM HOME v THE TRADITION FOR. MR. & MRS. M. KAPLAN LOT a 45 TRACT 28470-2 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA kJ<. -L -Gu �wI Roof Type A , .TJSurnq^' v520 SeralNu:nber 606000:68 12.0"(end)118.0"(end) TJI0I1-45P,TAPERED JOIST @ 16.0" o/c pWSTaIzN 51001 i0rM98 3 50 40 PM ' Page 1 of 1 autld Code. 071 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED - top Chord S.1ope:.251112 _.___.—....._ . �J DESIGN CONTROLS: MAXIMUM DESIGN CONTROL CONTROL LOCATION Shear(lb) 638 638 1250 Pessed(51 %) LT. end Span 1 under Roof loading 12 r Bearing 1 under Roof loading Moment(" -Ib) 3813 3775 7140 Passed(53%) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Y4.6" -- - _........ Total Defl.(in) 0.847 1.594 Passed(U339) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. Product Diagram Is Conceplual. LOADS: Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20 Live at 125% duration, 20 Dead SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(lbs.) WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATION LIVEIDEAD/TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 ParallamO PSL, PPCB 3.50" 1.75" Left Face 327 1 327 1 653 2 Parallam® PSL, PPCB 3.50" 1.75" Right Face 327 1 327 1 653 HANGERS: REVERSE T. F. T. F. NAILING MODEL SLOPE SKEW FLANGES OFFSET SLOPE FACE TOP MEMBER - Left Face NONE FOUND No No NIA N/A Right Face NONE FOUND No No NIA N/A DESIGN CONTROLS: MAXIMUM DESIGN CONTROL CONTROL LOCATION Shear(lb) 638 638 1250 Pessed(51 %) LT. end Span 1 under Roof loading Reaction(lb) 638 638 1188 Passed(54%) Bearing 1 under Roof loading Moment(" -Ib) 3813 3775 7140 Passed(53%) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Live Defl.(in) 0.423 1.196 Passed(U678) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Total Defl.(in) 0.847 1.594 Passed(U339) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U240, TL:U180). be braced at 3' 3" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve Inembor stability. ADDITIONAL NOTES: - IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus.Joist MacMlllan(TJM). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJM materials and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads and stated dimensions have been provided by others ( ), have not been checked for conformance with the design drawings of the building, and have not been reviewed by TJM Engineering. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. - Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code NER analyzing tho TJM Commercial product listod above. OPp,OfLSS/O (. PROJECT INFORMATION OPERATOR INFORMATION: Q� ��P/NCY F\ Kaplan Res. Trus Joist MacMillan Enrique Lima C50979. m 2141 West Orangewood cc (p-2(-9� x Orange, CA. 92868 * EXP. 09-1 -01 909 797-9565 909-797-7322 CN1\- - Copynght O 1908 by T/ue Joist MacMillan, a limited partnefshlp. aolsa• Idaho. USA TJ•siting'" is a trademark of Trus Joist MacMillan TJ16 and Parellem4p aro regmlered tademaks of Trus Joist Mac Millen OF C A`-•, O I IFICT ?(4 19gR 11;:21 1 PAGE. 02 Jar -12-99 09:44P JOHNSON&NIELSEN ASSOCIATE 909 686 6752 P.02 Johnson & Nielsen Associates �nro Consulting Structural Engineers 647 North Main Street, Suite 4B Riverside, CA 92501 _ - - __--- -- Date: 011' 2199 Page: BEAM ON_ ELASTIC FOUNDATION - Kaplan Residence grade Beam BEAM, DATA MATERIAL DATA - LOAD COMBINATIONS Beam Depth - 24.00 in I:Gross - 13824.0 in4 Load Combination: Dead+Short Term Beam Width - 12.00 in Beta ' Length - 4.69 DL N ult. - 1.00 Beam Span - 36.00 ft Elastic Modulus - - 3122.00 psi LL Mult, - 1.00 End Fixities Subgrade Modulus - 200.00 pci Shor: Term Mult. - 1.00 Left Fixity Free Over ill - 1.00 flight Fixity Free APPLIED LOADS ---------•--- _- Uniform t11: DL- 0.735, LL- 0.000, ST- 0.000 klft from O.00ft •> 36.00ft Point #1: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, ST- -12.200 k at 9.00ft Point N2: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, ST- 12.200 k at 12.50ft Point $3: DL- 0.000, LL- O.00D, ST- -12.200 k at 23.00ft Point N4: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, ST- 12.200 k at 26.50ft - - - ----__ -- ---- SUMMARY --- -- - --- - ------ - - Max V+ - 9.31 k at 26.50 It Left Reaction - 0.00 k Max V- - -3.38 k at 13.39 ft Right Reaction - 0.00 k Max M+ - 17.57 k -ft at 12.53 ft Mom3nt @ Left End - 0.00 k -ft Max M- --17.07 k -ft at 22.90 It Mom int @ Right End 0.00 k -ft Max Theta+ - 0.00 at 17.71 It Theta @ Left End - -0.00 Max Theta- - -0.00 at 10.51 ft Theta @ Right End 0.00 Max Defl+ - 0.00 in at 0.00 ft Defl. @ Left End - -0.01 in Max Defl- - -0.04 in at 31.82 ft Defl. @ Right End - -0.04 in Max Soil Pressure •• 1057 psf at 31.82 It 17.aI 17.57ft-k Y 12.52 ft Mmin -17.06 ft -k s 22.88 ft It -17.06 9.30 I Vmox - 9.30 klpe a 26.49 ft VMtn - -3.37k toy 0-13.39 ft V D -e - 0.00 1. a 0.00 rt -3.37 mim D m 1 n-- 0 n3 t o w 3182 ft U.UO ------ --_ 0.0 S.9 11.9 18.0 2,;.0 30.0 36 C R, K -; -x-- -_�77- --- ._... .. n3 o f - FI �f�25.jv'+ f4�15)�'sl+ 375 FEZ 736 V4 4R 10 1991=9K FNFRf.AI H. �'F-iNGORGEti1E•t-IT '- A*, = 17,57 ,3tiv� 1>ti 4 X 1 p-QD, Z'M ..--...-_ . BTM Johnson & Nielsen Associates - Consulting Structural Engineers 647 North Main Street, Suite 413 Riverside, CA 92501 BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION Kaplan Residence grade Beam ` BEAM DATA - Beam Depth - 24.00 in Beam Width - 12.00 in Beam Sp,an - 36.00 ft End Fixities DL Mult. - Left Fixity Free Right Fixity Free Date: 0 111219 `�27 Page: MATERIAL DATA - - - LOAD COMBINATIONS I:Gross - 13824.0 in4 Loac Combination: Dead+Short Term Beta a Length - 4.69 - DL Mult. - 1.00 Elastic Modulus - '3122.00 psi LL N ult. -1.00 Subgrade Modulus - 200.00 pci Short Term Mult. -. 1.00 Overall - 1,00 -- -- -- APPLIED LOADS-----�- Uniform N1: DL 0.735, LL- 0.000, ST- 0.000 klft from 0.00ft -> 36.00ft Point #1: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, ST- 12.200 k at 9.00ft Point q2: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, ST= •12.200 k at 12.50ft Point k3: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, ST- 12.200 k at 23.00ft Point N4: DL- 0.000, LL- 0.000, S7- -12.200 k at 26.50ft -- -- -- -- SUMMARY --- - -- - - - - -- Max V+ - 3.38 V- at 13.39 ft Left leaction 0.00 k Max T - •9.31 k' at 26.49 ft Right Reaction - 0.00 k Max M+ - 17.07 k•ft at 22.90 ft Moment @ Left End 0.00 k -ft Max M- - •17.57 k•ft at 12.53 ft Moment @ Right End 0.00 k ft . Max Theta+ - 0.00 at 10.51 ft Theta @ Left End - 0.00 Max Theta- - -0.00 at 17.71 ft Thet:r @ Right End -0.00 Max Def I+ - 0.00 in at 0.00 ft Oefl. @ Left End a -0.04 in Max Defl• - •0.04 in at 0.00 ft Defl. @ Right End - •0.01 in Max Soil Pressure - 1089 psf at 0.00 ft 1 7.0 6 Hmex - 17.06ft-k • 22.09 ft MMI n.-17.57 ft_ka12.52 f1 H -17.57 S37 Vmex 3.57 kip*,* 13.39 ft V -in - -9.30 kips s 26.49 ft V I Dmex - 0.00 v in O -9.30 00 Tt D.nln a -0.63 In o• U DO ft 0.00 0000 U.U4 U.O 5.9 11.9 15.0 2. .0 50.0 36.c -V-4--4B 101983 95 ENERCALC• - Johnson and Nielsen Associates, KWO60695 ............................................................. 43 4 N A 0 cn X A CUSTOM HOME 0 THE TRADITION FOR, MR. & MRS.' M. KAPLAN LOT 9 45 TRACT 28470-2 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA �g�-Nly,- 5-rLJD MIA I -L-5